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Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
I am Saki (original soul name) meaning light of the creator. I am a soul healer and bringer of light. My consciousnesses mission here on earth is to anchor ⚓️ and hold light frequency.
What brought you here?
Found while searching the internet
What can you contribute?
I can contribute knowledge. I am a reader and healer of soul contracts. I see the new coding coming in now as the planet continues to raise its vibration. I have certificates in many healing modalities but my biggest gift is to remove trauma codes to allow souls to upgrade to their new divine blueprints.
Life, my own consciousness and light beings from Andromeda, the Blue Avians, the Gaurdians, Lyrans, Pleiadians, Dragons..
The Gene Codes, Conversations With God, Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and many many more.
Interstellar, The Shack, The Matrix Alien Code, what Dreams May Come.
Rife Frequencies, Blinded By The Light, Time For me To Fly, Come Sail Away, The Final Countdown.
To Be The Example for The Light
The City of Shamballa is a place of peace, love, oneness and spiritual growth. Spam, scams, deception, personal attacks, and harassment of others either publicly or privately will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from this network. Do you agree to the Terms of Service of this network?
Hello! Its nice to see and meet you here.Welcome to the website!
Thank you, I'm glad to have found this place 💕
Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light
I'm honored to be here. Thank you very much for accepting me into the group. :)