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Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
I am a seeker of divine knowledge. I love learning to learn, and now that I have spent years "learning" from different sources I don't know what to do with the knowledge/wisdom I've gained. I want to know more about how to let go of the negative shadows still causing me to fear expressing the I AM THAT I AM.
What brought you here?
Reading Mahatma I&2
What can you contribute?
My own experience of how I broke free from a controlling family environment and have not regretted it, but I struggle with expressing myself when there is no one in my immediate surroundings with whom I can relate to.
Robert Schwartz, Dolores Cannon, Jane Roberts (Seth), Rasha, Eileen Day McKusic, Gary Zukav, Rudhyar, Edgar Cayce, Bashar, Lee Harris, Helen Greaves, "The Law of One" (Books 1-5), David Wilcock, Lee Carroll (Kryon series), and many many more.
The Kryon series, The Law of One series, Between Death and Life, The Convoluted Universe, The Custodians, The Ascensions Mysteries, Awakening in The Dream, Seat of The Soul, Set Speaks, The Nature of Personal Reality, The RA Material, Mahatma I & II, Autobiography of a Yogi, and many many more.
I watch GAIA a lot where I learn so much about ET's, channeling, our spiritual starseeds, and so much more.
Mark Stanton Welch mostly (he has a lot of powerful song mantras). I pretty much like anything with a spiritual "message", as well as some good ole country/western and oldies but goodies (of my generation).
To become more of the I AM presence that I AM where I can live in and enjoy peace of mind, body and spirit. A total breaking away of old habits, fears, and thoughts of persecution that still haunt me when I try to live the way of Source and the Christ Consciousness.
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