Chris Comish left a comment for Leanna Lewis
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
2 hours ago
Chris Comish posted a video
3 hours ago
Chris Comish commented on Chris Comish's event Metatron Initiations
"Yes, you can receive once or as many times as you wish for a recharge. You are protected after once. "
Chris Comish commented on Chris Comish's event Metatron Initiations
"Rajesh, The two are consciousness and protection attunements. The information about Metatron is in the Lightworkers Metatron Initations document. These attune you to the frequencies and protection of Metatron. Blessings"
Chris Comish left a comment for Elissia O Connor
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
Feb 25
Chris Comish left a comment for Chris Hall
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
Feb 25
Chris Comish left a comment for Bill
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
Feb 24
Chris Comish commented on Chris Comish's blog post Free Will Choice
"I have absolute faith that when each recipient intends to receive they shall recieve perfectly in alignment with each recipient's free will."
Feb 22
Chris Comish posted a blog post
When it comes to receiving attunements, empowerments, and healing sessions it comes down to free will choice. Free Will choice is the theme of Earth life. If you want to receive you shall receive, if you don't then that is your free will choice too.…
Feb 22
Chris Comish replied to sophia alice lucie's discussion Overweight
"Those drugs cause you to gain weight. But in my perspective if you need the drugs then follow a course of eating much fruits and vegetables, low carbs and get exercise each day. "
Feb 22
Chris Comish posted a photo
Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven
Feb 21
Chris Comish left a comment for Jenn Jackson
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
Feb 16
Chris Comish left a comment for Saki/ Sandra Lipowski
"Welcome to Our Community! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! Blessings of Love and Light"
Feb 16
Chris Comish posted videos
Feb 15
Chris Comish posted a video
The Divine will rescue you.
Feb 13
Chris Comish commented on Chris Comish's article Store
"Updated to add more recommended reading."
Feb 11

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  • Hello, thank you for your long lasting activity. I feel blessed to be here with you.

    • I feel the same. I appreciate you. Eternally grateful. 

  • Bodhisattva vow

    The unrescued I will rescue.
    The unliberated I will liberate.
    The uncomforted I will comfort.
    Those who have not attained nirvana, I will cause them to attain nirvana.

  • Hello, dear teacher. I have a question. I have a patient to whom I am sending energy. There is a lady who has a disordered menstrual cycle and her female hormones are messed up. I wanted to get your advice for her treatment.

    • Greetings. I answered your question in a message. Namaste.

  • Hi Chris! I'am not sure I deserve this honor of being the member of the month and I'am almost speechless but there was a site where I enjoyed that honor unfortunately I'am not a member there anymore.Thank you for your recognition of me my friend and goodbye!

  • You are light who guides many. May your path be strengthened by the presence of love through those whom you are bonded to and share a journey with.

    In wisdom, those who are special, will rise to know why they have been respected as such. May many blessings be with you and all ways lead to your abundance in well being.

  • Thank you, Chris!  Namaste!

  • Thank you so much, Chris. Not sure you can tell, it's my bday. Most of my attunements came from your book with the 43 systems. Green Tara is my favorite. I'm forever grateful for you, Master.
  • Thank You! Love and Light!
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