Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.

Sunday, November 27, 2022 (171)

Nov 27, 2022
July 26, 2022
  • Inner Freedom Reiki

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

    I want to present to you one of my energy systems: Inner Freedom Reiki.

    Inner Freedom Reiki strengthens your inner freedom and frees you from limitations and negative beliefs. It frees you from negative influences from y

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Business CARE

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Dear beloved Brothers and Sisters

    Today I present to you an energy system im founded: Business CARE

    Business CARE creates, repairs and maintains the energetic structures which
    are the highest joyful good for you and your business. Business Care helps

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • Reflection

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Worldwide
  • Description:


    'Reflect', this is what most times the answer from the teachers and coaches be it Life coaching, NLP, spirituality or most other modalities.


    Everyone does it in their own way. I too developed my version. Its the most common Both boring and for mo

  • Created by: Beyond Placebo
  • Tags: reflection
  • Flame of Truth

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Earth and beyond
  • Description:

    Beloved brothers and sisters

    I was guided to day to share one of my attunements with you.

    The Flame of Truth combines the powers and energies of Archangel Michael, Lord Shiva and Saint Germain.

    It is an Energy of the divine masculin.

    From the Manual:

  • Created by: Bernd Zimmermann
  • Tags: attunement
  • The Cycle of Bliss

  • Jul 26, 2022 to Jul 25, 2099
  • Location: Worldwide
  • Description:


    When was the last you felt that Bliss"?!

    Do you know what it feels like?!


    There was a entire theory i must have written in past. but off-course I am always on hit and trial experiments.


    This too a try and find out for yourself' thing.


    Bliss a

  • Created by: Beyond Placebo
  • Tags: initiation