Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
Thank you all :-)
I AM that I AM. If a category is needed to describe me than i think the word mage describes me good.
I often working in behalf of Archangel Michael and the cosmic hierarchy.
What brought you here?
I´ve found an attunement in Full Spectrum Healing on you tube where this place is mentioned.
What can you contribute?
I can contribute many of attunements. I co-created some attunments and courses and as soon as the manuals of this courses are translated to English i will share them with you.
Well not meet them in 3D but learned alot from them:
Mariah Windsong Couture, Ole Gabrielsen, Djwhal Kuhl, St. Germain, Dr. Stone, Nikola Tesla and many others.
I spend also some 'time' in experiencing the perspective of Archangels and other Lightbeings, and thank them all!
Then there are the many people i met and learned from. I thank them, too.
Attune to Divinity,
Akasha Chronics :-) ....
To bring peace, love, joy and harmony to the entire earth. To reminde humankind on there divinity. To awaken the divinity within in as many as possible and anchor it, so ascension of earth can be smooth.
The City of Shamballa is a place of peace, love, oneness and spiritual growth. Spam, scams, deception, personal attacks, and harassment of others either publicly or privately will not be tolerated and are grounds for removal from this network. Do you agree to the Terms of Service of this network?
Happy Birthday! Thank you for being you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
Happy belated birthday
Happy Birthday Bernd! Thank you for being you! We appreciate you! May abundant blessings be upon you always. Love and Light
Thank you very much :)!
Thank you for the friend request :D
Lieber Bernd,
vielen Dank für Deine Anfrage. ich sehe Dich und antworte gerne.
Ich erlaube mir, dies in Deutsch zu schreiben, weil die Erde diese Sprache wählte, als ich sie befragte, ob ich mich mit Dir verbinden solle.( Nicht weil ich elitär bin, habe ich dies überprüft, sondern weil ich sehr zuückhaltend sein musste in den letzten Jahren). Sie sagte: Drei Kornkammern muss er füllen. Möge Dir diese Auskunft dienlich sein. In Freude, Heike