Las Vegas, NV
August 31
Relationship Status
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
I'm a middle school teacher and part time yoga instructor. I'm a tarot card reader and intuitive medium. I am descended from the Star People, and have been learning about the Pleidians. I am about to begin my reiki training. I am on a healing path and each time I think I've learned a lot I realize that I know very little LOL. *Update: I have completed Usui I, Violet Flame, St Michael, & Metatron statements. My growth is speeding along now. Whoa!
What brought you here?
I was looking for Akashic Records attunement and it led me to your website. I am amazed by all the offerings! It's also exciting to see so many spiritual people. Sometimes it feels like no one understands my gifts, so I keep to myself. This stops my growth! I need to be part of a community where you can have an open, respectful discussion about metaphysical things.
What can you contribute?
I am a messenger. People connect with me and then messages come forth for them. I am called when they need me & I reach out to them and offer to read their tarot cards or offer a book or website reference. I will draw cards for someone, and as we speak, the invisible tarot appear in my mind. Their spread changes as their attitude changes. I would do this for any online friends who need me (free).
Hmmn, I am self-taught. Books started coming to me as a pre-teen. I learned to toss dimes and read them before I could read tarot. Then palmistry books came, and I became versed in the science of chiromancy, but paired with my intuition. I have yet to have a formal "teacher."
Seriously, I have a giant shelf full of titles. Currently I am reading about Kundalini energy and trauma, folktales of the Sky People, & crystal grids/sacred geometry.
I just went to see Despicable Me 3 with my husband and children. Loved it.
I'm a classic rock person, for the most part. I listen to 'The Bridge' station on Sirius Satellite Radio a lot.
My goal is to heal myself, then help others on their path to health & peaceful environments. To attain this, I will: - Learn Kundalini Reiki - Learn to read the Akashic Records - Learn more about Elementals & how to interact w/them
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Infinite Blessings of Love & Abundance,