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Anger Management for Teens

Anger Management for Teens

Now that you're a teen, you probably hear a lot about teen hormones, teen mood swings, and teen problems (as if you weren't living through them)! It's enough to make anyone mad, but here's the thing - teenage anger is a normal part of growing. Besides, anger is a normal emotion for everybody - little kids, teens, and adults. While anger often gets a bad rap, it isn't bad to get angry.

Anger is just another emotion like love, hate, joy, and sorrow. The trick to anger management, like any other emotion, is how you express it. If something makes you happy, depending on what it is and who did it, you might express your happiness with a smile, a hug, or a kiss. Expressing anger is the same. Anger works for you when you choose how to express it. Choosing how to express your anger is anger management.

Anger is a signal that something's not right. It actually can help you get through a dangerous situation or give you courage to stand up for your rights when you've been wronged. The problem with anger is that it's fueled with adrenaline and it's easy to let that rush take control, making you feel overwhelmed, powerless, and out of control.

Many things in life can stir up your anger. You can get angry over a lost game, a cancelled concert, or people (classmates, teachers, parents - even your best friend) may do things that don't "sit right" with you. At times, you've probably even been angry with yourself for wearing the wrong thing, saying the wrong thing, or doing the wrong thing. Even just growing can make you angry. ("I hate being so short, so fat so thin, so tall...!")


Temper Tools

Although anger is a normal, healthy emotion it's also a powerful emotion that can get in the way of what you want. Learning to channel your anger helps you to get from point "A" to point "B" without destroying everything in your path. It takes both time and practice to develop good anger management skills. By the time you're a teen, you have the tools you need to manage your anger. The challenge is learning how to use them to get the best results.

The most valuable tool you have for managing anger is self-control. Fortunately, it's a tool that you've been sharpening for years. Self-control keeps you from telling your Mom that her roast beef is crummy or your best friend that her new bedroom wallpaper looks stupid. It keeps you from cutting class just because you forgot about the test.

Luckily, when you begin to get angry, your body gives you physical signals. You begin to feel warm and flushed, your heart starts to pound, and your skin feels "tight" or tingly. It's time to step back, take a deep breath, and put the self-control in gear.

Using self-control when you're angry can keep you from saying or doing something that makes you look foolish. It can make the difference between stumbling over a chair, kicking it and really hurting your foot or just moving the chair out of your way. It can make the difference between saying or doing something now that you'll need to apologize for later or even worse, something that an apology won't fix.

One way to imprint the benefits of anger management is to look at the ways you react to anger. How do you feel after you've vented your anger? We rarely are rewarded for reacting to anger; instead, we usually end up paying the consequences.

Look at past situations and examine what you could have done differently to arrive at a better outcome. Would a better response to anger have earned you more respect from others or more self-respect? Did your actions result in positive change, negative change, or no change at all?
Managing Anger


1.Tune in to your feelings. Note what makes you angry and why. Don't settle for pat explanations like "It's not fair." Ask yourself why you feel it's not fair, what needs to be done to make it fair, and what the best way is to bring about that change.

2.Step back and think when you begin to feel angry. Turn on the self-control. Take a minute to define what's making you angry and what you can do to solve the problem.

3.Practice damage control. Choose the solution that gives you the most benefit with the least damage.

4.Although anger often makes mountains out of molehills, sometimes the mountains are really mountains. Some problems are just too big for anyone to handle alone. When that's the case, seek help from a parent, counselor, or other trusted adult to help you find the resolution to your anger.



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Just a few more days to go!

As July 24th dawns we will have united our energetic fields, over these last two days, at 9.30 pm London Time in the Olympic Stadium – and we still have another two such periods in which to unify, in readiness for our collective gathering at 20.12 pm on 27th July (London Time)

If you need more information about this do check on Peter's link

Proposal to Join Together within the

London Centre Stadium for the Activation

From 22nd to the 27th July! Day 5 through Day Zero.




As mentioned by Sue we now entering the final days before we all come together for the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympic Games in London and the  Activation of the Cosmic Earth Star Portal of Love and Light that shall be anchored there.

From Day 5 – 22nd July to Day 1 – 26th July inclusive we now move closer into the  unification of our consciousness’ so that we may integrate our individual energies on a much deeper level than we have so far.

We are now requesting that everyone create the intention to come together for the next 4 days in real time as we will do on the Opening Night of the Event.

What Time And For How Long Over the 4 Days!

At  precisely 21.30 hours (9:30 pm) London BST for only 15 minutes or so on each night.  This will assist to align our personal energies with our intentions through our Unified Light Bodies and to allow our bodies, our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies to make any final adjustments that may be required.

What Time And For How Long on the Night of the 27th July!

At precisely 20:00 hours (8:00 pm) London BST for the full duration of the Opening Ceremony of the Games.  The Games officially begins at 20:12 Hours (Funny That!)

Here is a link to find out what your local time will be. 

What to do in coming together in the Centre Stadium.

On each occasion we meet, you are asked to physically and consciousnessly make the connection with your own Light Body and request Him/Her to go to the Centre Stadium and sit in Circle around the grounds of the Stadium.  The circle formed shall be the maximum diameter that is practically possible.  Don’t worry about specifics, Our Higher Selves will do this automatically.  They are All already aware of our intentions, again so don’t worry about any of that!

Please feel free to invite any of your Higher Families of Light to join you in a welcoming Invocation in your own words.

While the connections are being made and the Light Bodies are doing Their Work, you, at home, will be asked to simply be mindful of your own energy field sitting in the circle in the stadium.  We are also going to ask that the Light Bodies actually sit with their legs embedded into the Earth as if They are sitting on a chair.  They are asked to face the centre of the cirlce.  We are asking this for a very specific reason -  for grounding this Energy linked directly to the physical.  It will help each of you personally stay grounded while the activation takes place.  So please be mindful of this at all times.

You are being asked to simply watch the Games on television in real time and at the same time see yourself sitting in Circle in the Stadium.  If it is not possible, due to time factors in your area, or you have other obligations, don’t worry.  Do what you have to do with integrity and simply be mindful that you are doing two things at once.

I do strongly advise that one does not drive or operate any mechanical devices during this time for safety reasons.

Be as still and silent as you can.


1) Connect to your heart in love and appreciation
2) Call forth your full alignment with your I AM Presence and Christ Self and call in any ascended masters or angels, Christed ET's or any other allies you work with.
3) Connect with the Great Central Sun. See a laser beam of Platinum Gold and Silver Cosmic Light descending through the Central Sun, our Sun, into your body and into the crystalline core of Mother Earth Lady Gaia.
4) Expand that crystalline light beam to be 44 feet in diameter
5) Call into the center of that beam the Rose Pink Flame of the Divine Mother and the Violet Flame of transmutation
6) Infuse this beam of light with the Love of your own heart and send it forth (as above) from your heart, third eye and hands to the Tor--see the Tor completely surrounded and infused with this Rose Pink Flame of the Mother and blazing with the Violet Flame of Transmutation and the gold and silver Platinum Cosmic Light
7) Then send it forth to greater London, all transportation systems and airports, all Olympic venues,(especially the opening venue and stage) and Big Ben. (as above)
8) Hold this focus for 3, 6 or 9 minutes or more visualizing complete harmony, peace, order, grace and ease and loving encounters for all in the true spirit of the Law of the One--brotherly love and Sacred Oneness.
9) Place golden 3 dimensional flower of life thought forms around all these areas and then spin them past the speed of light with sound.
10) Seal your visualizations and energies and ask that they might continue to flow as long as is necessary to complete the perfect work and thank all beings of the light who have assisted you!



After the Program

 When the Ceremony and Activation is complete simply see the Energies that have been created spread out around the world through the consciousness of all the people who have tuned in.  See all the Olympians and all those who support them being surrounded in the Love and Light of God.  See Planet Earth radiating with this New Energy and pulsating with it from that time forward.  Hold this vision as you go about your personal lives over the duration of the Games until the last day, 12th August, when we will join together again in the Closing Ceremony to Seal the Activation.


There are unlimited potentials for experience here and so it will be a time to enjoy the experiences and to make notes if you wish of any visions, feelings or other sensations that you may receive.  Remember this is not to be taken too seriously, it should be fun! So enjoy the games, cheer the team players on, one and all, give them all your Love and Support!

Important Note

Even though we may continue to go about our personal lives, we ask that the Higher Selves remain in Their positions for the duration of the Games.  Again this is important to maintain the stability, balance and cohesion throughout the whole event, all over the country, regardless of what may or may not transpire to initiate the changes coming!

We thank each of you so much for your Generosity and Love to create this event and indeed make it possible!

If anyone has any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Remember to share your experiences, it will be an amazing time!


As you know at the start of this 'Spiral of Consciousness'  back in March I was guided to connect the Fibonacci Days with the Mayan Day Count.  As it has unfolded, each Maya Day has been pertinent in marking the stages of our inner spiral towards Day Zero - focussing us on where, collectively, we are on the spiral.

So here we are, just 3 days away, so we are being given gentle Galacted Nudge from Being of Light to "hold No Doubts."

The 24th of July, from the Mayan Day Count, finds 10 Oc flowing through the Galaxy.

The energies of Oc speak of Group Commitment ~Souls who are  in the Service of Destiny ~ Companions of the Heart ~ those who share a Sacred Trust.

The resonance of 10 is the Ray of Manifestation.   

The key to manifestation in all Realms is through clear intention and the embodiment of Divine Essence.  When you are in resonance with the Universe, manifestation is a natural by-product.   Two Worlds combine.

                                                                                                      I Am Oc - Dream Weave
                                                   I weave together energies and dreams of like vibration

I embody the mythic recognition, joyfully bringing together

 those who share the same vision and purpose.

I Am the Sacred Trust realized in the words 

'This we shall do'

 I Am the Divine Oneness of my Soul

I Am the complete integration of my Monad

I Am the loving vibration of the Creator

I Am the keys codes and pattern of the Creator's Love

I Am Love and I magnify the Love of the Earth


All Love Blessings and Joy

Sue and Peter


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Watch these items that might  give you a clue as to what is happening and what wil possible happen...

According to Kabbalists, the nine day of the Moon of Leo, which they call Av, also clled as Tisha b'av, days where both the Temples were destroyed in Jerusalem and where the final solution was signed by Hitler in Germany and

all kind of calamities always occur...

And here is this explanation as to why we are all feeling so strange...

and this one

And finally, there is this long video that is also telling us what we can do, if we would...

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Duality and the Triune Force

A Hathor Planetary Message Through Tom Kenyon

You live in a dualistic universe. This is its very nature. It manifests as the principle of opposites in that forces tend to have equal and opposite reactions. This applies to the physics of your universe and to the very nature of dualistic consciousness itself.
This dualistic nature of your universe is being affected by the Time Acceleration that you are going through. One net result of this is an increase in duality or the polarization of human consciousness.
Polarized conflicts between nations, communities, religions and persons are on the rise. This unfortunate state of affairs is to be expected as planetary and galactic energetics increase.
Our message deals with a strategy for navigating through the difficulties of increased polarization. Indeed you may have already discovered that in some of your social circles there is a type of hostility and polarized views of situations.
The strategy we suggest is called the Triune Force.
It is an attribute of spiritual mastery and will allow you to move through polarization with greater efficiency and a greater likelihood of manifesting what you desire as opposed to being “caught up” in the dramas of polarization and conflict.
The principle is simple. As a human being you tend to be attracted to persons or situations, or you are repulsed by them.  This tendency to fall into attraction or repulsion is, for the most part, an unconscious act.
You may encounter someone and feel drawn to him or her, and the depth or intensity of the attraction may cause you to delete other information about the person. Likewise as situations arise around you, whether they be social, political or religious, you may likewise find yourself drawn to these situations without other information that would be helpful in determining if a given situation was “right” for you or not.
The same holds true for repulsion. You may find yourself repulsed by someone, or a situation, and likewise, identify with the repulsion, thereby cutting yourself off from other information that might be helpful.
The Triune Force
If you were to imagine a triangle and on the left corner of the triangle was attraction and on the right side of the triangle was repulsion, then the point above these two extremes is the Triune Force.
It is a mental perspective that has spiritual attributes. It allows you to float above the situation and view it from multiple perspectives.
If, for instance, you are attracted to a person and surrender to that attraction without allowing access to signs and information about that person then you have put yourself in a precarious position.
But by not identifying with the attraction you “float up” to the Triune Force and are free to observe behaviors that may signal the inappropriateness or dangerous nature of a relationship with that person.
Likewise, if you are repulsed by a person or situation the Triune Force allows you to “float above” and dis-identify with the repulsion, and while you are in this dis-identification you are free to see other levels involved. It could be that this person or situation is toxic to you, or it could be that this person or situation is a mirror reflecting back to you something you do not like in yourself.
By momentarily suspending your identification with either attraction or repulsion you are able to see more clearly and access information about the person or situation from an expanded perspective.
Knowledge is power, and the Triune Force gives you access to the innate powers of clarity.  So our suggestion in this time of increased human polarization and Time Acceleration is to watch yourself. When you fall into attraction, pause for a moment. Step away from your identification with the attraction. Float up above it, as it were, and engage the Triune Force. You do this so that you enter the relationship, whether it be with a person or a situation, with open eyes.
If you are repulsed by a person or a situation, pause for a moment and dis-identify with your distaste for the person or situation. Float above the situation or person, as it were, and engage the Triune Force to see more deeply—to sense with greater clarity—if this person or situation is toxic, or if it is a mirror for something in yourself that you need to transform.
As you enter more deeply into the polarization phase of planetary assent, the Triune Force can greatly assist you as you pass through this difficult period of increased personal, interpersonal and collective conflict.
The Hathors
July 1, 2012

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Losing a Piece of the Self versus Wholeness

As we develop love within and learn the truly fine art of self forgiveness and self love, we glow with ever more Light. As our Light shines from within us, straight from the heart, we literally illuminate the space around us. On more subtle levels our high frequency vibrations extend their reach throughout the world, and out into the Universe. They affect, through resonance, all who encounter them. I am sure we would be truly astounded to learn just how far our personal reach of Light is.

With this in mind, it makes so perfect sense to embark on a personal healing pathway without delay, one which includes methods that support the release of our issues - no matter where or how deeply they are squirrelled away. It just makes absolutely no sense to hold onto anything which is of a lowered resonance, because this hampers our progress into other realms. Resonance with these realms allows us to have actual reality experiences, or lives, which are so much more pleasant than anything we have known, yet are everything we have ever dreamed about. 

In support of this process of healing, or maybe as a result of it, I would like to comment on something that made a profound impression on me. I (and others) heard some more truly amazing wisdom tonight - again - from ENKI. He discussed the concept of non-judgement (and other so-called negative tendencies such as anger and criticism) at length, and included in this discussion the reasons why it would be helpful for everybody to practice maintaining themselves in a state of balance, with love.

He basically reminded us that whenever we criticise, judge or get angry - and this includes directing these emotions, thoughts or behaviours towards ourselves - we lose a piece of ourself. When we stay balanced, we maintain our Wholeness.

Personally, that is enough to give me pause for thought.

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Perceiving the Higher Perspective of Every Situation

Dear Ascending Ones,

Please KNOW that there will be NO accidents from this point on. At this point in your ascension process everything that happens in your life is YOUR creation. Because your consciousness is now resonating to the threshold to the fifth dimension, every random thought and emotion will become manifest. Because you still hold a physical form, your manifestations will still appear to be bound by time. However, the energy patterns of your consciousness will serve to either connect you to New Earth (or beyond) or confine you to the third/fourth dimensional version of Earth.

Because we can observe your thoughts and emotions, we can see the shifting energy patterns of your auras as you shift in and out of your Multidimensional SELF. Therefore, we wish to assist you in leaning to perceive, and attend to, the higher perspective of every situation. As you are well aware, fear-based emotions lower your energy field. In order to rise above the fear, it is best to refuse to participate in any thought, emotion or situation that lowers your consciousness to the third/fourth dimensional concept of fear.

From the perspective of the fifth dimension and beyond, third dimensional Earth is a holographic projection, a virtual reality game. However, the copies of your Multidimensional SELF that logged into the 3D Matrix to assist Gaia, have become trapped in the appearance of what they have learned to believe is real. Therefore, in order to log out of this Matrix, you will need to:

Realize that the third dimension is NOT real.
Remember your Multidimensional SELF.
Download your Multidimensional SELF into your earth vessel.
Allow the Galactic Light to activate
your Multidimensional Operating System.
Connect and integrate that multidimensional system
into your physical computer brain.
Allow your Multidimensional SELF to take control
of the helm of your earth vessel.

Your new "Captain," who is your SELF, is newly arrived from the higher frequencies of reality. Therefore, this YOU cannot be trapped by the 3D illusions because that YOU is not separated, limited or indoctrinations of myriad third dimensional incarnations. This expression of your SELF is new to the 3D Game. Therefore, ALL of your multidimensional abilities are 100% operational.

At first, the integration of the multidimensional light, unity consciousness and unconditional love into your 3D brain, which has been limping along at 3-5% efficiency, causes great fatigue and confusion. But gradually, or suddenly, you are a different person, with different desires, choices, thoughts and emotions. Of course, this integration has been going on for quite some "time" for our ascending ones. However, with the Eclipse, the Venus Transit, the many Solar Flares and the latest full moon, more and more of you are completing, or have completed, your integration process.

With this process completed, your multidimensional consciousness will no longer accept the obvious lies and illusions that were "normal" for your third dimensional consciousness. You still have periods of falling into your 3D consciousness, which usually occur when your earth vessel has become fatigued. Fortunately, once the "habit" of being third dimensional is replaced by the habit of being multidimensional, the fatigue will greatly diminish.

When being multidimensional is normal, inter-dimensional communication is normal, inter-dimensional travel is normal and inter-dimensional thoughts and emotions are normal. Hence, perceiving reality from a higher perspective can become natural. One of the first things that occur when your multidimensional consciousness takes command is that you can instantly differentiate between fear-based and love-based energy patterns. These energy patterns can be within, or emanating from, yourself or others. You will, also, able to perceive the many energy patterns that are scattered about your reality.

The perception of these energy patterns will most likely be initially experienced via your clairsentience. Therefore, traveling through your world will be similar to swimming in the ocean or a lake, in that some areas will feel cold and uncomfortable and others will feel warm and cozy. At first, you may not be able to interact with or transmute these energy patterns. However, you will be conscious of these patterns, and very conscious of ALL your own thoughts and emotions. With your higher SELF in control, you can no longer hide in "its not my fault."

Of course, it is not your fault, as "fault" is a third dimensional concept. However, it is your choice. Hence, it is vital that you remember to love and forgive yourself unconditionally. You are making a huge perceptual shift within a very short amount of your "time." Never underestimate the power of habit. For myriad lifetimes you have judged and reprimanded yourself very harshly because that is what you learned from your family and your society.

It is very important that you are kind to your newly developing SELF. You are similar to a small chick just out of its shell. However, your "mother" is invisible to your 3D perceptions. Thus, the first part of your new SELF that you want to fully activate is your multidimensional perceptions:
With your clairaudience, you can easily hear your/our (we are all ONE) voice.
With your clairvoyance, you can see your/our multidimensional forms and worlds.
With your clairsentience, you sense when you are being over-lit and guided.
With your telekinesis you are learning to manipulate your reality with your mind.
With your telepathy, you are communicating with your thoughts and emotions.

You are, also, releasing your attachment to time and the separation/limitation that time creates. Hence, your higher senses are revealing the many possible and probable realities that float through your multidimensional world. Which of these realities will you choose to perceive? Would you like to choose the highest frequency of each possible reality? Or do you feel your Mission still lies with ascending Earth? In fact, because you are now multidimensional, you can do both.

You can actively participate in the ascension process, which feels much like "going to work," and go Home to the higher frequencies of reality when you are complete with that experience. In other words, you can serve the process of ascension and simultaneously BE ascended.

The problem that many of you are having is that you get stuck in the habit of third dimensional thought while you are choosing to participate in the physical, ascending reality. You are forgetting that you are no longer trapped in that world. You are not a victim to that world in any way, except habit. If you always put your left shoe on first, then suddenly had to put your right shoe on first, you would constantly start with your left foot, then have to change that habit.

For myriad incarnation you have been suffering what "they" did to you. You were correct, as they did do many horrible things. In fact, you all have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from the myriad "past" life memories. Of course, these lives are only in the past in your time-bound third dimensional world. However, as time is collapsing into the NOW, all the many memories of being third dimensional are coming into this NOW. Fortunately, your higher expression of your SELF, who is now in charge of your life on planet Earth, is here to heal and release these old memories.

Also, since you are all just learning your new operating system, you may not yet be able to always be conscious of your every thought and emotion. However, once you have rested, eaten, meditated, exercised, seen a friend, and/or had some hugs and kisses to regenerate, you will be able to clearly understand why you were using your old 3D Operating System. Unfortunately, if your behavior stems from your unconscious, you cannot change it, as you don't know the source of that behavior.

On the other hand, your Multidimensional SELF is not fooled by the illusions and lies of the 3D Game. Once these illusions are lifted from your conscious and unconscious mind, you can decide to step out of the illusion and into the Truth. This is where your attachment to 3D dramas becomes apparent. Since you volunteered to stay with the Star Ship Earth as She takes Her maiden voyage to her fifth dimensional Home, you will remain in the world of illusions while they are transformed into Truths.

Fortunately, your SELF is guiding your way. Just as your multidimensional SELF can perceive the third dimensional reality through the perceptions of your earth vessel, you can perceive the third dimensional world through the perceptions of your Multidimensional SELF. It is through this higher perception that you become an Ascended Master visiting the reality that you have volunteered to assist with the process of Planetary Ascension. One of the ways that you will assist will be to refuse to feed the illusions and lies with your attention and, especially, with your fear.

Those who have ruled your world are not of our Ancestry. We, your Galactic and Celestial Family, have long ascended beyond the need to dominate others. However, the clones that are the Soul-less ones of those were created them, only have the power that you give them. They derive actual substance and sustenance from your fear and from all fear-based energy patterns. On the other hand, they starve under the power of your unconditional love. When you perceive the actions of these ones from the perspective of your physical self, it is almost impossible to not react in an angry, fearful or sorrowful manner.

However, when you perceive these ones as we see them, you see dark astral parasites that can only survive by the fear-based energy that you send them. We recommend that you only perceive them in this fashion from your fifth dimensional perspective, as their energy patterns are quite disruptive to your earth vessel. Therefore, please protect your earth vessel from this perception by engaging in this vision only from your higher perspective. Furthermore, your Multidimensional SELF holds no judgment or fear towards these lost ones. Also, they see them not as an enemy, but as an empty shell that is filled only by the fear of others.

Through the perspective of your SELF, you can think of your visit to this physical life as a final chapter in your journey into third/fourth dimensional form. Your thoughts are based, not on fear or being a victim, but on the multidimensional love that you have gained during your amazing experience of life on Earth. You are grateful for the many lessons you have learned and experiences you have had while you played this Game. When your thoughts are free of judgment towards yourself, others, or even the lost ones, your memory of your myriad multidimensional lives returns.

Then you will have dreams, visions and experiences of other lives on other frequencies of realities and other worlds. These experiences become stronger and stronger, as you become more and more emotionally content with your daily life. Eventually you begin to feel like you are living in two, or more, world within the NOW of your Being. At this point, an important choice must be made. If you engage too much of your attention on your Multidimensional SELF, you will lift off and ascend Home. In other words, you will log out of the 3D Game. Some of you will happily make this choice.

On the other hand, some of you want to remain on ascending Gaia for the photo finish. If you make that choice will have to carefully balance your multidimensional experiences/perceptions with your third dimensional experiences/perceptions, so that you do no lift-off and go Home-yet. Some of you want to assist Gaia in preparing for the "final act" of Planetary Ascension by raising your frequency and contributing that expansion of SELF to your Mother Earth. This is also a choice.

In fact, many of the grounded expressions of our Galactic and Celestial Family have made that choice. We, your Family, have chosen to inhabit an earth vessel specifically to help our dear sister Gaia "cross the finish line" with ALL of Her inhabitants. We see that She has long served many galactic civilizations that once came to Her schoolroom Earth. Now, we wish to serve Her in return. That is a choice too.

We, your Galactic and Celestial Families support you in whatever choice you make.

Lets work as ONE Being, Person and Planet,
To perceiver Gaia as fifth-dimensional New Earth!

Please enjoy our newest website addition

How can you assist Gaia with Her transition?
Be a part of Creating New Earth ...

Read about 4 For Gaia (click here) visioning.

Connect with others interested in working in teams
and doing 4 for Gaia work on our NEW Facebook

[Note: You will be required to sign into Facebook
in order to see the group. Once signed in, you may join the group; all ware welcomed.]

A postscript note from Suzan
Dear Internet friends.

I will be on retreat until the first week in August. I am going on a Quest, so to speak. We are going into the Lemurian lands from Mt Shasta and into Washington.

In the form of a true Quest, we have made no reservations and do no know exactly where we are going. In other words, we (my husband an myself) are going into Nature to BE with the Mother. We will simply BE where we ARE and follow the NOW of where we are going.

Much like our ascension process, we will only know what to do next by tuning in to what we are doing right NOW. We will only DO what we LOVE to DO and stay where it is beautiful and filled with love. At least that is our plan. As you all know by now, ascension is also filled with many surprises. We will meet those surprised within the NOW.

In closing my brief message (as you know, brief messages from me are very rare), I will now share a message I got from the Arcturians on 7-6-12:

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Beloved Arcturians,

Thank you for assisting me. I am honored to be led by you, and at the same time, I am hearing that I am leading WITH you. Can you assist me to understand that message?

Dear Suzille,

We are here with "in" you NOW. We realize what a leap of faith it is for our ascending ones to believe that we are real. At the same time, we realize that many of you have ALWAYS known that we are real, but are comforted to find whatever serves you as proof.

Fortunately, now there are so many ascending ones receiving and sharing our messages that are saying similar things at the same "time." This, also, serves as proof. You all know that you got your information, not from another, but from within.

Furthermore, so many of you do no not know each other and have very little in common except that you are all receiving the same messages. This synchronicity is because you are all connection with the ONE. Therefore, the hearts of your messages are the same, but the manners in which the messages are presented have myriad versions.

Glorious Gaia has given refuge to many different signature frequencies of human expression. And, just as Gaia has many different expression of Nature on Her Earth body, humans have many different expressions of creativity within the ONE of humanity.

We congratulate our humans for finding and developing such a vast array of personal, familial, social and planetary creative expression.

As you continue to understand and express your creative force, you will connect with your Elohim Ancestry. Elohim are the builders and holders of form. As Elohim, such as we Arcturians are, you will manage the process of creating your new reality by the "chain of materialization" of:

Elohim - Deva-Elemental-Elements-Etheric Form-Thoughts/Emotions

The Elohim collects the Divine Ideal from the ONE
And sends it to a Deva who maintains the Divine Blueprint
For the Elementals to pass on to
The four elements to create the
Etheric Format upon which your
Thoughts and Emotions are adhered to
Create form within the reality of your choice

It does not matter what others know, say or teach. What is important is your own ability to go inside to hear and listen to the Voice of the ONE. This Voice is beyond words, tones or even sound. The Voice of the ONE is the pure potential that offers you the ability to open the 2-way Portal of communication with the ONE.

As you return into the higher expressions of your SELF, your Multidimensional SELF extends more and more of its beingness into the higher dimensions that were formerly lost to you in the illusions of time and space.

The time of your Return is NOW
The space from which you will Return is HERE

If you can calibrate your thoughts and emotions into the NOW...
If you can connect with the Earth HERE...
You will step out of time and into the NOW
where everything happens at ONCE
Without sequence
Without hierarchy
Without polarity
Without fear
This HERE and NOW is to be created in the light of day for all to see!

That, which is important is not ruled by "others" or even by your self.
Unconditional LOVE is that which is important and LOVE has NO ruler.

The Arcturians

I will post blogs and answer emails when I have Internet, and it is in the NOW!

Happy Ascension to you ALL,

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Energy of New age is currently composed of ten different galaxies, but it will continue to complement and upgrade. This energy is bringing prosperity, peace and love to Earth and its purpose is to establish a righteous system based on love.Let’s cleanse our emotions, because clear inner feelings give us the power of inner courage, which enriches us on the path of dealing with daily problems and opens the door of well-being and inner peace. As long as we suffer inside, we burden our essence, our soul and body and therefore we aren’t able to accept inner decisions that lead our lives into the right direction. Our mind can hinder us if we don’t use it conservatively in a sense of inner confidence that serves our well-being. Let’s occupy it in a way, so it will work for our highest good, thus give it tasks that strengthen our inner peace. This means accepting ourselves as the highest ideal of society. Let us become aware of our inner strength as a foundation of our self-confidence. Let us accept ourselves in a God’s image that opens all the doors of intellect and enriches us on our way towards inner strength and self-confidence.Sai Baba sends his love into every home, where there is a desire for change, inner peace and harmonic relationships. Christ sends his love and supervises all the astral, mental and causal connections that restrict us, and he cuts the connections, which are essential for our evolution in all aspects of our lives. He also helps us at tasks we can’t handle alone and we need help and support to change inside and in our essence. Hillarion directs us on the God’s path and gives us shelter when we’re afraid.Hercules gives us strength to the Assumption of our potentials and offers us his shelter when we’re disappointed and poor. Mother Teresa has risen high on the hierarchical ladder due to her honest humanitarian work and now she helps the poor to find the path to their hearts, gives them strength and courage to get back on their feet. In that way, she continues her mission. Above mentioned Sanat Kumara also protects the poor people and gives them strength to survive in the most difficult circumstances. When we’re closing ourselves, the prosperity of good relationships shuts down as well. Anger and hate set us apart from God. They put us into more and more difficult situation, and at the same time attaining good relations becomes increasingly heavier. We close the doors ourselves, arrogance seduces us additionally, inner strength decreases and in the end we start to feel sorry for ourselves. So we should be the first ones in the row, when somebody needs our help, and we should find strength for own survival in charity work. Because we can open to inner beauty of life, only if we’re beneficial, and that makes us happy on the outside also.When we open ourselves to purity and love, we start to open to inner sense, which dissolves patters that hold us back and get us away from our path. Inner sense makes us closer to the path of perceptions, which helps us realize about God’s existence of our essence in every little part of our existence. Krishna protects us on our path of changing and perceptions for our highest good, supports us on the way into ourselves and directs our strength into moments of our lives that are essential for our evolution and self-realization.Spiritual help always comes from spiritual world and we can’t find it in old temples, sacred objects, etc., because the energy of those has faded a long time ago. Furthermore, spiritual gifts can’t be found in old scriptures and sacred objects, such as the Holy Grail, Golden Fleece, etc., but they return to God after death and stay there until somebody else comes, who deserves them.God has determined in sacred records before we were born, which spiritual gifts are meant for us in particular lives. They start to open up at the right time, when we have deserved it by working on ourselves and when we’re able to use them correctly. The most powerful, above described Angels, Gods, Masters, etc., help us at using those gifts. Of course, they decide, when we deserve their help, and they help us on our subconscious levels. Thus, we can’t receive their help when we wish to, but when they estimate that we deserve their help.Therefore, we should always address our spiritual guidance to receive spiritual help on our level. We can access the spiritual energies, which God has determined for us in the records, with our thoughts to receive daily help, support and protection. These energies are quite high, so our thoughts usually can’t reach them or they dilute if we want to access them by ourselves. But when somebody deserves their permanent help, God determines that in his/her spiritual records and enables him/her to receive their help.So, we should work on ourselves, settle our physical lives – physicals steps should be followed by the spiritual and vice versa – and in that way we will establish balance and harmony in ourselves. Soon, we’ll be surprised, how after having worked on ourselves we are getting increasingly higher spiritual help and eventually we can also achieve a state, when these energies become a part of our spiritual guidance and start to direct us consciously.Sandi," src="" width="403" height="403" />
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The Angelic Kingdom has its own hierarchy that works in different ways. Seraphs guard God’s throne and Cherubs teach us about the secrets of life and give us God’s power that we deserve.Thrones in the connection with God’s consciousness open doors for us, when we don’t need to take care of ourselves anymore, but we can surrender to God’s will inside of ourselves. Dominions give us shelter every single day and protect us on our way until we establish the perfect relationships.Authorities give us strength and courage for everything we need to be able to open to God’s will inside of ourselves. Powers direct us on the path of mind towards inner peace and give us strength and courage to look inside when that’s necessary. Principalities help us reach inner contentment and calm us down in difficult moments. Archangels are our protectors and they direct us on the God’s path, when we go astray resulting from our own fault, and when we don’t turn inside when necessary. Angels protect us in our daily activities and bring us God’s messages about how we have to change inside to find a way to inner love and peace.Don’t be scared of inner changes, as they are necessary to find the correct answer in the given moment. Don’t be afraid of changes, which you don’t perceive as necessary, because God’s power is omnipresent in every moment of your lives. When you close the doors of arrogance, God opens other doors for you, which you didn’t even dream about. Arrogance separates you from your inner essence and closes the doors of your evolution, because when we care only for ourselves, we lose the blessing of good relationships with everybody, who tries to help us, when they perceive our inner struggle.The correct path is the path of courage, which gives us the abundance of inner strength and opens the door of evolution wide open, so we can find in ourselves all the necessary to gain inner peace, which brings us to revelation of God’s love in ourselves.Fear happens when we don’t open to our inner strength and when we don’t believe in ourselves and in our capability of removing all the obstacles that get on our way.Gods express God’s will and offer us a support when we need them the most. They help us reach inner peace, harmony and inner strength by uniting us into a whole on the astral, mental and causal levels. This helps us find the path of richness, in which we accept ourselves internally. Goddesses protect us and guide us on the way, which is vital for us to accomplish changes that enrich us day by day, giving us the power and strength for surmounting daily difficulties. They personify God’s power and give us that part of themselves, which helps us change inside.Deities protect us and direct us towards the path, which opens all the doors of inner well-being and blissful relationships. They are a part of God’s sense and give us all that is necessary for us to get on the right path. Zeus gives us inner strength for self-acceptance, self-knowing and feeling of blissfulness. Aphrodite shows us the way to beauty. Hera teaches us about love, patience and self-acceptance. Aengus teaches us about God’s regiment of inner consciousness and acceptance. Poseidon gives us everything we need to discover our inner potentials.When we defeat our astral patterns, we open the door of the path, which upgrades our changes on the levels, where there is a need of wisdom to reach a certain goal. When we defeat our mental patterns, we open the door of an insight into the wider picture of our essence and the core of our existence.To be continued…Sandi," src="" width="403" height="403" />
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Spiritual help educates us through tests and temptations and helps us when we deserve its help. Michael, Raphael and Uriel described me, how several different energies work and affect our lives.Jesus brings love to earth and enlightens our souls and bodies. Mary is omnipresent in women’s hearts and gives them inner strength and courage to change internally. Mary Magdalene sends emotional impulses into our hearts and helps us reestablish our energy balance, harmony and inner peace, and she also helps us in emotional distresses. Maitreya helps us find a way into our heart and supports us in critical moments of our lives. He sends us strength, that is needed to look inside and be able to eliminate all emotional blockages, which disturb our inner peace and self-confidence.Sanat Kumara sends us all the love the world can accept, and purifies our hearts of all the burdens we carry with ourselves. Buddha shows us the right path and gives us that little part, which is needed to recognize ourselves as Divine beings. Michael is God’s Caesar and gives us strength and courage in attaining every day changes and stands by our side when we’re afraid of something. Raphael is a very courageous man and he supports us, when our will power has declined and offers us courage and support, when everybody has left us. Gabriel is a true admirer of beauty, he protects nature and directs us into trials when it’s time for us to progress.Uriel is God’s right-hand man, he gives us strength to cope with changes we don’t like, but are necessary for our development. Azrael protects our strength and our back when we’re in danger. Saint Joseph offers us a support in difficult moments of our lives and loads us with karma, when this is necessary. Ariel protects our property from everything that is harmful and shows us the right way to material strength. Metatron is a God’s disciple and offers us full support in our self-confidence and leads us towards the final goal without any big losses.Try to find your inner power and God’s image will be close to you, beautifying you on the path into yourselves. It will help you in difficult moments, when you need self-confidence to achieve inner changes and inner peace, which will free you from everything you don’t want to have in your lives. Try to find the right path, which will hold you in shape and in inner balance.King Solomon stands by your side when you need wisdom, which inspires you to change your mentality that hinders you from making inside decisions and changes, necessary for going on the correct path and reaching a certain goal.Try to be courageous spiritually as well and don’t be afraid of changes, which you don’t understand immediately. Inner power lies in changes that make you rich on your way of personal growth and give you the strength, when it’s needed.St. Germain teaches us obedience and gives us strength for inner changes, which are needed to accept ourselves in God’s image, to change and to put ourselves first in regaining our consciousness. Koot Hoomi helps us realize our inner courage and directs us on the right path. Merlin is an Ascended Master, who hands over his wisdom to the most courageous ones, who can follow him with an unconditional faith in themselves.Yogananda is an Ascended Master, who shows us the way to our inner peace. He leaves you alone, so you can find the way yourselves, but if you don’t succeed, he surprises you with his persistence and opens all the doors, which were closed until that moment. Zadkiel carries God’s light and enlightens all the courageous people and brings changes into our lives, which lead us on the right path. A path of mind in connection with inner love, that brings us to richness of inner sensations of our love.To be continued…Sandi," src="" width="403" height="403" />
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Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape                     

by Selacia



Living during this cycle of history comes with a unique set of challenges no previous generation faced. This is true in general, and it's even more applicable during the amplified energetic cycles of 2012.

The cycle that started last weekend - with a three-week Mercury retrograde and other discordant planetary aspects - is adding intensity to your interactions and activities. If you have felt more stress than normal, these erratic energetic cycles could be one factor. Mercury retrogrades happen every year, of course, but this year they are joined by a plethora of milestone energies that are catalyzing revolutionary changes across the planet and within each person. As you may have noticed, almost as soon as you assimilate one energetic level, the next one arrives!

Tips for Navigating the Ever-Changing Landscape

Be mindful as you go about making plans, interacting with people, and starting new projects. Take extra care, as many things may not go according to plan. You don't need to understand astrology to be impacted by cycles of harsh or erratic planetary aspects. Knowing a bit about energy shifts like those occurring now, however, helps you to be better prepared. With more awareness of cycles, you can more skillfully respond to the ups-and-downs of your own moods, other people's erratic behavior, and the chaos that comes with sudden shifting and unknowns.

Monitor your thoughts, catching yourself if you succumb to negative thinking and worry about what might happen next. Make the effort to stay positive. Remind yourself that you are experiencing a temporary fluctuation, and that the sun indeed shines just beyond the gloom-and-doom picture now appearing to be real.

Develop more patience. Whatever level of patience you have developed to date is likely to be tested more now. Even if you are the most patient person on your block, you will have moments of angst when the world around you seems turned upside down. Some challenges you recently viewed as relatively minor, or at least manageable, may feel like a big deal now. They aren't - not really - so remember to apply patience and a higher perspective.

Everyone is impacted in your interconnected world. Discordant planetary aspects of this cycle are impacting humanity at large. This includes you and everyone you meet. You may be having a wonderful day, feeling inspired and confident about whatever is on your plate to handle. Other people, however, may be having a much different kind of day. An encounter with a stressed customer service representative can leave you out of sorts, unless you stay mindful of the bigger picture. Remember that not everyone is consciously awake. Also, even people with an awakened consciousness can have a bad day. Therefore, make the effort to be kind and allowing, teaching others through your own kindness a more gentle way to be.

Know yourself, know the territory. To successfully navigate the current radical cycles of energy affecting humanity, it's helpful to understand how those cycles impact you personally. Having an awareness of your own planetary influences will help you know what times are likely to be challenging, why, and what remedies you can apply to smooth the ride. When you can apply antidotes in the moment when you are challenged, your life becomes more manageable. After all, you are a divine changemaker, learning to move into your true power to create. You are not a victim of circumstances - planetary or otherwise.

Self-inquiry during stressful moments is a powerful remedy. When you feel anxious, angry, or fearful, the first place you want to go is within. When others around you seem stressed, the first place you want to go is within. The answers you want are there, but they don't come automatically - you must inquire. Only by cultivating your inner resource of wisdom can you respond in the highest way. When you access your inner wisdom, you save yourself needless heartache and missed opportunities. The more you cultivate this priceless tool, the more benefits you will receive - including a more peaceful way to respond to all kinds of situations.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia - http://Selacia.com

(Note:  for more information about your role as a divine changemaker, please visit You are most welcome to publish these articles on your website, blog, and social media - as long as you provide the source - Selacia -, Thank you for sharing these articles and for your connection and feedback over the years. May you walk your path with love and blessings!)  



Earth Lines

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I arise today 
     Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
     Through belief in the Threeness,
     Through confession of the Oneness
       of the Creator of creation.

I arise today
     Through the strength of Christ's birth with His baptism,
     Through the strength of His crucifixion with His burial,
     Through the strength of His resurrection with His ascension,
Through the strength of His descent for the judgment of doom.

I arise today
     Through the strength of the love of cherubim,
     In the obedience of angels,
     In the service of archangels,
     In the hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
     In the prayers of patriarchs,
     In the predictions of prophets,
     In the preaching of apostles,
     In the faith of confessors,
     In the innocence of holy virgins,
     In the deeds of righteous men.

I arise today, through
     The strength of heaven,
     The light of the sun,
     The radiance of the moon,
     The splendor of fire,
     The speed of lightning,
     The swiftness of wind,
     The depth of the sea,
     The stability of the earth,
     The firmness of rock.

I arise today, through
     God's strength to pilot me,
     God's might to uphold me,
     God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
     God's ear to hear me,
     God's word to speak for me,
     God's hand to guard me,
     God's shield to protect me,
     God's host to save me
       From snares of devils,
       From temptation of vices,
       From everyone who shall wish me ill,
         afar and near.

I summon today
     All these powers between me and those evils,
       Against every cruel and merciless power
         that may oppose my body and soul,
       Against incantations of false prophets,
       Against black laws of pagandom,
       Against false laws of heretics,
       Against craft of idolatry,
       Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
       Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul;
     Christ to shield me today
       Against poison, against burning,
       Against drowning, against wounding,
       So that there may come to me an abundance of reward.

Christ with me,
          Christ before me,
          Christ behind me,
          Christ in me,
Christ beneath me,
          Christ above me,
Christ on my right,
          Christ on my left,
          Christ when I lie down,
          Christ when I sit down,
          Christ when I arise,
          Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
          Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
          Christ in every eye that sees me,
          Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today
     Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
     Through belief in the Threeness,
     Through confession of the Oneness
       of the Creator of creation.

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The Light Beings have stated something that they rarely do: that this is a time of emergency on Earth. As such, it is important that as many people as possible work at visualising peace on our planet. We need to be aware that each and every single person who visualises peace, love, harmony and happiness existing between all the people of Earth contributes significantly to the manifestation of exactly that.

It is imperative that we concentrate our visualisation orientated peace efforts on the entirety of the Middle East at this time, as well as elsewhere and within ourselves. The Light Beings have commented that Earth is extremely delicately balanced right now, and that our ability to visualise peace is sufficient to support the dissipation of the looming crises in this area. Conflict in the Middle East is nothing new, as it has been an area of strife and stress since ancient times. These ancient patterns of behaviour have continued to be recreated again and again, and this is the reason that the regional unrest continues in our modern day.

Nevertheless, it is now time for all these ancient, and very negative, patterns to finish. There is no need for people to continue repeating them. We are in an Ascension process, as humanity and Earth, and we have the perfect opportunity to finalise all the pain and suffering that has predominated on Earth since the fall of man and of the Angelic Being ENLIL. This process is supported by ENLIL'S own rapid advances into the Light of redemption at this time.

We can take the opportunity that ENLIL'S Light recovery process offers us and use it to further our own progress. Knowing that this is happening - that the Fallen Angel is recoving from his fall - means we that we too can shift as dramatically. Therefore, there is no need for any human being to feel insecure while that which previously underpinned darkness shifts. The energy of archetypical darkness has changed, and has become Light. Nevertheless, it is bound to happen that people feel unsettled at this time, especially those whose intentions concentrate on power over others and greed.

The deserts of the Middle East area came about as a direct result of the nuclear war in ancient times. The fact that these areas were previously lush and abundant with life and that they are no longer, is testament to the devastation that the Middle East and North Africa have suffered. These desert regions are the result of nuclear warhead detonations, and we, as modern man, are in danger of repeating those ancient catastrophes. The human anger that creates this is as unnecessary and as it is unproductive.

Earth cannot tolerate any more unnecessary upsets, and certainly nothing as energetically and physically devastating as a nuclear war. Under such circumstances, the energy unleased would damage the whole globe. We would be naive to imagine that only the Middle East would suffer. The climate of the entire globe would be negatively affected, and every human being would suffer, including you and I. Hunger would prevail and crops would fail. We don't need any more of that. It is, therefore, highly beneficial to help to create peace and harmony amongst apparently opposing peoples - for the good of all.

Let us use this opportunity to not only visualise all the world at peace, but ourselves at peace too, while intensely concentrating our efforts on the Middle East,.

Let us visualise our families, work places, and suburban neighbourhoods at peace.

Let us visualise an abundance of food for everybody on Earth.

Let us visualise blind anger being replaced by love in the hearts of the people of troubled lands.

Let us visualise everybody's hearts, including our own, glowing with the Light of love.

Let us visualise the Ascension Chakra (just above the base of the skull) of every single person glowing with the Light of Ascension.

Let us visualise leaders of Light, whose hearts sing with love.

Let us visualise people who desire peace.

Let us visualise soldiers who prefer peace.

Let us visualise previously warring people raising their hands with the classic ''V sign as a greeting of peace.

Let us visualise all people of the Middle East, and then of the entire world, looking at each other with love on their faces; love which reflects the love in their hearts.

Let us visualise the happy result of this peace, as we live in Bliss on Earth.

And So It Is.

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EARTH: Property of the GODHEAD

"...... Earth is the consciousness and the property of the Godhead."


channelled by Jacqui Gilbert

Reading this short quote from the ancient Being known as DUMUZI, we are given more than just these words to consider. We have heard so many times, from the Light Beings of the GODHEAD, that Earth is so much more important than we could imagine. In addition to this, the work we do on ourselves - individually and as a collective consciousness - has such far reaching consequences that it impacts way beyond Earth.

DUMUZI is the beloved of INANNA, who gave up his GOD BEING state and took on physicality. He did this in order to support humanity to find their way back to the Light and out of the lowered dimensional experience of reality. As such, he has been a valuable wayfarer for all of us, waiting until this time of humanity's awakening consciousness to begin communicating with us again. Without his sacrifice we might have remained in a difficult state of blinded consciousness for far longer than we have done already.

By meditating on Dumuzi's quote we begin to glean the depths of what he has said to us. Some of this is as follows:

  • Nobody owns Earth.
  • Nobody owns the resources of Earth.
  • Collectively, as creations of the GODHEAD ourselves, we may participate and partake of the riches of Earth.

In discussion on this topic, DUMUZI commented that, while it is perfectly acceptable to own a patch of land upon the Earth, it is not reasonable to suggest that the riches within the Earth belong to any one country, or any one person. Earth's resources are for the use of all the Beings of the GODHEAD and their creations. It was never intended that any one person, or corporation, or nation, enrich themselves at the expense of any others by mining or otherwise extracting the riches from the Earth.

If we had to bear this in mind, these simple facts would make nonsense of the so-called reasons for war on our planet.

Were all of humanity to act as ONE, in the collective, we would happily spread the riches around. We would do this in order to advance the whole species which is human, alive on Earth now and forevermore. By holding onto the riches of the Earth, we simply perpetuate the concept of separation and all the greed and power control issues which go along with it. Behaviours of this nature are not tenable if we want to birth the Golden Age on Earth, and live in Bliss.

Let us reclaim our birthright as creations - Hu-man - creations of the GODHEAD, and live together in peace, love and harmony. ONENESS is the only way forward.

With this in mind, we easily see others around us in peace, and forgive them because they are not only our friends, but part of ourselves. From this we develop volumes of love within our hearts and easily love ourselves as we love others. Unconditional love is a short step from this, as is the Ascended state of living in a higher dimension of reality.

So, in conclusion, let each one of us visualise people all over the world smiling at each other with joy, love and tolerance in their hearts. Let us see the global 'V' symbol of peace being waved around, and hearts glowing with the Light of love. Most especially, let us all concentrate these visuals on the people and the leaders of Middle East at this time, so that we may tilt the delicately balanced energy of that area in the direction of Light and love. Let us all participate in manifesting the world we want, with love. Let us do this immediately and each day onwards, until we create what we want. And, after that, we simply create more!

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Emotions, Resonance and Living Ascension

Ideas about the lofty heights of Ascension are bandied around fairly easily in the various literature, blogs, seminars and websites. However, as much as we might know that humanity and Earth are moving forwards at a rapid rate and developing an awakened state of consciousness, many of our human issues still remain to plague us. The balancing act, therefore, revolves around managing the human emotional state and the ability to continue to work our way upwards in consciousness. Negative emotions, such as anger or fear, are defined as being fallen states, and so the existence of a negative emotion is clearly contrary to the Ascension process.

Understanding that Ascension means that we live our lives at the higher level – or heart-centred – of functioning, supports us to find tools to work out how to deal with negative emotions when they arise. This is important, because it is the lower types of emotion which create a lowered resonance state within us. Anything which is of a low resonance is, by definition, contrary to the raised resonance state of Ascension.

Ascension is defined as a shift into an alternative, higher and/or more expanded state of reality. When in this state of consciousness all of our abilities are enhanced. It is because of this that we become perceptually more competent so as to be referred to as psychic, and easily relate to each other telepathically. Ascension amounts to a dimensional shift, which we are able to do at this time while remaining physically alive on the planet. The big deal about the end of this Great Cycle of Time that is coming to an end on 21 December 2012, and which is detailed by the Mayan Calendar, is that we have the stellar opportunity to shift consciousness to such an significant extent that our experience of reality literally changes.

Achieving a dimension shift while alive on Earth, or Living in Ascension, is essentially related to raising our resonance. The ways that different people choose to do this are many and varied, but always revolve around a few essentials:

  • Healing ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally to release whatever no longer serves us on our pathway forwards.
  • Re-programming ourselves emotionally, physically and mentally so as to ensure we consciously decide what we want and how we feel and react.

Without the two aforementioned aspects of growth, we are unlikely to make the rapid progress that is required at this time in order to resonate with a higher dimension of reality, in Ascension. If we do choose to go through what are often the arduous processes of detoxification - which involve acknowledging our issues, feeling them and then releasing them - we progress in the following ways:

  • The ability to forgive the self and others. It is impossible to forgive any other person until such time as we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of self love. It is impossible to love the self until we forgive ourselves.
  • The development of unconditional love for all in existence. This is a natural extension from forgiveness and self love.

In conjunction with these processes which help us to develop the ability for unconditional love, any positive shift within will create a shift in resonance, and this is what affects our DNA. Human beings all have dormant DNA. Although these parts of the DNA was de-activated so long ago, it still has the capacity to respond to the higher frequency vibrations which are responsible for raising resonance. Therefore, we re-activate our DNA by raising our resonance. Re-activated DNA results in an expanded, awakened and shifted state of consciousness.

Each and every single one of us is able to progressively enLighten ourselves and move towards the ultimate state of the expansion of consciousness, which is Omnipresence. Although we can certainly acknowledge that most people are a fairly long way off from being All-aware of All That Is, we are nevertheless genetically engineered to be able to be in this state, because Divinity resides within our DNA. Omnipresence is the consciousness of Bliss which is called Oneness. The most natural of all human drives supports progression is in this direction of expansion, and this is the reason why so many people seek the truth, yearn for meaning as to their Soul Purpose, and choose to develop themselves spiritually. We hanker after that which we know we lack, and that is the feeling and the experience of the state of Oneness.

With this in mind, we consider that the processes which are involved in continuously working on ourselves make perfect sense, because it is only by clearing and releasing our issues that we are able to find the peace, forgiveness and love within ourselves that enable us to live in Ascension. In turn, clearing and releasing our issues reduces the chances of falling into the low energy fields of negative emotional states. After working extensively on ourselves so as to raise our resonance, it becomes eminently easier to recover our position should we fall into feeling negative emotions, and/or acting out the associated behaviours. This is very different to what happens when living the reality experiences of a lower resonance. In lower dimensional states we tend to get stuck in the issues which are governed by emotions, and endlessly justify our behaviour in terms of the way other situations or people ‘make’ us feel.

We cannot ignore the fact that we, as human beings, remain susceptible to all sorts of emotions, regardless of our state of consciousness. However, when in a raised state of resonance we recover from them far quicker and, with continued practice, we may even avoid slipping into them for longer than a split instant. It is important to bear in mind that we cannot develop raised resonance, which is necessary prerequisite for the heart-centred Ascension experience of reality, if we continue to either suppress our issues or allow them to persist within us. Therefore, healing of all kinds should be attended to with the utmost urgency, if we want to continue to live on Earth in the future, in a higher dimension of reality.

Knowing that raising resonance is the key progress into the new and more pleasant realities of alternative dimensions, we more readily accept the fact that we are individually responsible for birthing the Golden Age on Earth, simply by doing whatever it takes to raise our resonance.

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From: Mahala Gayle []
Sent: Tuesday, July 17, 2012 2:21 PM

Subject: Happy Mayan Dreamspell New Year

YEAR - July 26, 2012""> email:

On July 12, 2012, I was awakened from dreamtime by the voice of Jose
Arguelles saying to look up the alignment for July 24, 2012. He said this is
a very important day. I immediately knew that was the ending of the
Dreamspell calendar for this year. I looked up the meaning of the glyph for
that day, and it is the Red Overtone Earth, which is guided by life force.

Then I looked in a book I have had for years called It's About Time by Nell
Arnaud. This is what it says about the Red Overtone Earth, which is called
Caban. " Caban is the glyph of the red earth and is the access point to your
natural alignment with Earth force. It is the point-of-perfect centeredness
in the eternal present from which all alignment and magic manifest. Your
center, the Earth center is the secret of gravity's magnetizing force. From
the center point within self, you align with this galactic center. "

It goes on to say "Caban is a symbol of the Earth Keeper, the keeper of the
garden, the shaman-healer who, through reverence for all life, heals and
sanctifies the Earth. As you bring light to yourself, you bring light into
matter. Caban also has a staff that is both connected to the cosmic
consciousness of the stars and firmly planted in the Earth. Caban holds the
ascension of Earth and all humanity."

After reading the meaning of this glyph I understood what is so important
about this day. It is a day when we need to do ceremony, or meditate, to
initiate another consciousness shift to push us totally into a new reality.
If enough of us can bring in the light we can cause a big difference in the
world. It would be kind of like the Harmonic Convergence that happened in
August of 1987 which pushed us into a new timeline. The Harmonic Convergence
was instigated by Jose Arguelles. He has been nudging me to get this
information out there so we can gather in consciousness and move into the
energy of love, joy, and magic.

The tone for Caban is called Overtone and is the number five. This is the
number of the year we are in. The number 2012 equals five. The Goddess Star
is a five-pointed star and represents the planet Venus and the Pleiadian
system. This is what the Mayan Calendar is based on.

The meaning for this Overtone is about radiance and the vibration of center,
empowerment and taking command. Radiance is the quality of radiating out
from center, expanding one's essence and energy so that it is felt,
perceived, and seen at a distance. Use this Overtone to empower your
radiance by committing to your center. Your center is the most stable, wise,
calm, joyous, and powerful part of you.

Being centered means to be self-validated, self-assured and aligned with the
present moment. When you are this intimately connected to yourself and
aligned with the present moment, you are an unstoppable force, able to take
command and be resourceful. All the energy and intention to this point has
been gathered up to empower and intensify the intention of your creation and
to facilitate the next phase of creation. See why July 24 is such a
powerful day? July 24th is the last day of the calendar, and July 25 is a
day out of time and also a time for celebration. It is New Year's Eve for
the Dreamspell.

I think it is very important to pay attention to those days and connect with
this energy. It's time to move out of pain, suffering, and all of that old
third-dimension stuff we don't need anymore. This Dreamspell calendar is
lined up and starts with the star Sirius rising over Egypt and the Pyramids.
Sirius was a very important star for the ancients. It was also very
important for the United States because our government was set up on July 4,
1776, which lines up with 13 degrees Cancer and that is where Sirius is
located in the heavens.

The glyph for July 26, or this upcoming year, is the Blue Resonant Storm and
is ruled by the planet Pluto, which is a very powerful planet. This glyph is
called Cauac and is the initiation by fire, the lightning path, and the
arrival of the thunderbeings who bring the final transformation. To the
Maya, Cauac represents the storm, the thundercloud full of purifying rain,
and the lightning that shatters any false structuring of reality. Pluto
rules Scorpio, and Saturn will be moving into that sign in October of this
year. The moon's node will move into Scorpio by the end of August so look
for the shattering of false reality.

This is why it is so important to release all of your fears, worries, and
negative thinking now so you can move into this new energy and start
manifesting happiness. Live in the NOW! Yesterday is gone; tomorrow is not
here yet, so what is there to worry about? Worry is just an illusion anyway,
so why stress out worrying about what may happen? Create from the energy of
your heart. All is well in my world. Blue storm will open a gateway to new

The tone for the Blue storm is called Cosmic. This tone will last from July
26, 2012 to July 26, 2013. Cosmic, the final and thirteenth tone of creation
is the Cosmic Tone of presence and the vibration of endurance,
transcendence, and magic flight. Presence is the connecting thread among all
of life. The presence of life is what we all share.the universal life force
that underlies and unifies all things.the presence of spirit, the presence
of love, the presence of your cosmic self.

Use the Cosmic Tone to bring your full presence into the world and express
your spiritual consciousness. Be present in each and every moment. Rejoice
in your ability to transcend all limitations and to endure the waves of
life. Be fully present to the waves of life for their entire duration. This
tone represents the final stage of completion. Be flexible and allow for
change and new viewpoints. Expect dramatic transformation this year.

The Olympics are starting on July 27, 2012, and it is in England this year.
England has been one of the main powerhouses for the banking system and
control of the world. The reason for this is that the energy from the great
central sun that holds 27 galaxies in place focuses into Stonehenge and the
dark took control of that area. .If we focus our energy on this area at the
opening ceremony of the Olympics, and send lots of love and light and good
thoughts to that area we can change the energy from one of control to one of
love. Please check out this video: Vortex Energy part 29 - 2012 Olympics,
Crop Circles, The Olympians and the Consciousness of Humanity"" watch?v="t_0g0Oh94jQ&feature=em-share_video_user"> ."" watch?v="t_0g0Oh94jQ&feature=em-share_video_user">

If the information in this article resonates with you, please find time to
do some kind of ceremony on July 24 so we can all join in consciousness to
bring more light to Mother Earth. Then on July 27th, we could all focus on
England. We are powerful beings. We are the ones we have been waiting for,
and it is time to take back our power. We are God's perfect children and
It's time for us to manifest the power of Love.

So Be It!

Written in love and light! *****Mahala Gayle *****

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Channelled through Natalie Glasson- 15-07-12
Beloved light beings upon the Earth I send to you my blessings and greetings of love as I surround you in my truth and the vibration of my soul. I am Lord Melchizedek, overseer of the Universal level of the Creator's universe. My purpose of connecting with you today is to share some insights and practices which are available to assist your spiritual evolution and ascension on the Earth. Within the Universal levels of the Creator's Universe represented by a golden colour of light there are many masters and angelic beings that can be of assistance to you that you may call upon to assist you in any way that you feel is appropriate. Simply hold the thought of connecting with a guide from the universal level and how you wish for them to help you. Then sit in meditation to receive and manifest their energy, wisdom and assistance into your reality.
It is most essential at this time that you adopt a greater experience of peace within your mind. With so many shifts occurring on the Earth and within your being there is a need to create and discover a greater space of stillness and contentment within your mind and thoughts. Peace within your mind can be like a gateway that opens up greater wisdom, understanding and enlightenment. With change so evident upon the Earth and many people worrying over the forth coming event of magnification on the Earth by the Creator, peace is needed as a support and strength. If you are able to adopt a mind-set that expresses and experiences the vibration of peace then you will energise and encourage others to let go of doubt, fear and worry, embracing love and truth on the Earth. The magnification process in December 2012 allows for us to enhance and amplify all loving qualities of the Creator that exist within our beings. We are all being asked by the Creator to release the habits of fear, worry and doubt replacing them with an inner knowing, love and empowerment. The magnification process is an experience of empowerment but in order to truly experience empowerment there is a need to accept yourself and let go of unneeded energies that no longer serve you. When you adopt a greater sense of peace within your mind this will imprint upon the minds of others, we are all one united consciousness after all whether we exist close or far away, on the Earth or on the inner planes.
During meditation you may call upon my energies, Lord Melchizedek, asking me to surround you in my high vibrational consciousness and truth. Imagine you are breathing my energy into every pore of your being. Let the light fill your entire being as if it is elevating your energy vibration allowing you to exist at quicker dimensions of light.
Then ask for eight Angels of Peace to surround you in a circle of light. I will stand behind you acting as the central focus for the peaceful energy of the Angels. As they connect their light into my being I will place my hands at the base of your neck, drawing the light of the Creator and my being existing within your heart chakra into your neck and head.
Imagine, sense or acknowledge a gentle explosion of light seeping into your mind through your neck area.
I will move my hands from your neck to the top of your head, beginning to expand your crown chakra with the light of peace as it flows from my energetic hands. The light of peace will flow into your mind where it will rest, gradually seeping through the many levels of your mind and mental body.
Imagine as you breathe deeply the light of peace is flowing from your mind creating a pyramid of peace around your entire being with the point extending from your crown chakra down below your feet.
To focus on peace you may wish to say, 'I am peace,' or you may wish to imagine all the thoughts of negativity, worry, fear and doubt being washed away as my light flows through your crown chakra and bathes you in the peace of my being and the eight Angels of Peace.
I hope you find this of great benefit,with improved peace your mind will hold a greater clarity therefore you will be able to acknowledge your intuition and inspired thoughts of guidance from your soul with greater ease. It is essential at this time that you allow yourself to follow the divine guidance and intuition that flows from within your being as a river of wisdom. Every person on the Earth has a role to fulfil at this time whether small or large by remaining in constant communication with your intuition and inner guidance you are able to ensure you achieve your purpose at this time.
When you are peaceful on the inner planes you are able to listen, sense and understand all that is the Creator. It is truly as if a door is opened to you and you are able to explore with great ease. The same can be achieved on the Earth, if you stop for a moment and listen allowing your mind to become peaceful through the process of focusing on your breathing or allowing your mind to shift to accept light into your being, then wisdom will flow to offer guidance. It is my feeling that many people on the Earth whether focused upon the Creator and their spiritual paths or not, they are searching for guidance. Many become so involved in their search for guidance it overwhelms their entire reality. It is my belief if every single person on the Earth allowed themselves to be at peace or silent within their minds then guidance will flow. There are always times when chaos, pain, fear or negativity arises whether it is in your reality or the realities of others. In these moments if you allow yourself to be peaceful, maybe even adopting the pyramid of peace extending from your mind, then you would begin to see the truth of all situations rather than the expression or creation of the situation. With peace and connection with the Creator you can follow your inner guidance being of service in all areas of your life and the lives of others. Guidance is always present within you and channels through you from the Creator; there is simply a need to create a space for your intuition to flow in all circumstances. You will then be given the most divine and sacred tools to assist and be of service in all situations whether you are directly involved or not.
In order to create a mind of peace you do not need to retreat from your situation or experience, you can remain in the present, it is only your mind that takes a break becoming peaceful and aligned so that wisdom may flow.
Can you imagine if every person on the Earth stopped to take a deep breath focusing upon creating peace within their own minds? Not only would this allow for the consciousness of humanity to rise significantly but each person will begin to see beyond the veil and illusions of the Earth, understanding the simple truth around and within them. It is most likely they would wish to make changes or to simplify their reality experiencing a great release. Many people are already valuing the peace of their minds and realising that when they allow their mind to be peaceful they connect with other souls and people achieving the same. The most divine vibration of united consciousness of humanity and each soul on the Earth is the most sacred space as it allows you to think and exist without limits. The united consciousness I speak of is akin to your soul or soul group consciousness, an existence that expands your mind beyond any understanding on the Earth.
You may call upon the Masters of the Universal Level Ashram to draw close to you bringing with them energetic crystals of intense universal vibration and cleansing.
Simply ask the Masters to assist in the release of all blockages which may be hindering your use and understanding of your intuition.
Imagine the Masters place the crystals in a circle close around your body within your aura. Simply focus upon breathing the energy and light of the crystals into the centre of your soul so all blockages may be released.
Imagine from the centre of your chest, from your soul a river of intuition, inner guidance and wisdom flows, flooding into your entire being. The energy of your intuition connects with your mind allowing you to receive and understand your intuition with greater ease from this moment forth.
Sit and experience this release and connection process of your intuition for as long as you wish.
With the abilities of achieving peace within your mind even if only for a moment and a connection with your intuition, you will find you are able to be of service to yourself and others while also expanding your mind, being, energy and consciousness to receive greater understanding and perspective of your reality on the Earth.
Focus upon peace is just as powerful as peace itself.
I also wish to say that if you focus upon peace within your mind at times of joy, excitement or happiness, your experiences will be heightened tremendously allowing you to collect and absorb these beautiful vibrations as an aspect of your being.
Your current purpose is to focus upon peace within your being and mind, this will allow for peace to manifest more fully as an energy of support and stability for all at this time of ascension.
With Love,
I am Lord Melchizedek
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through the Ascended Masters Mystery School
Many of you are becoming increasingly aware of your choice to be here during the Great Shift in the Ages. This "shift" is moving the consciousness within and around your planet and your body into a much greater alignment with The Presence you share with all of life. As you move into the unlimited 5th dimensional domains of your consciousness, you will find that the Love and Light of Source can move through you with increasing ease and grace. You will be embodying a greater sense of freedom within your daily lives and within all your relationships. You will move into the kind of profound peace that comes from living in harmony with your True Self and following the guidance of your Presence. You now have the opportunity of using the remainder of this year to let yourself surrender ever more deeply into the ascension frequencies that will lift you into the freedom of a new Golden Age.
~ Ascended Masters Saint Germain and Lady Portia

Shifting Realities ~~ Part 2
When you choose to move into the freedom that is natural on the 5th dimension, you are presented with the ultimate opportunity of living and loving from the consciousness of your Presence. As you move into more and more of your Master Self, you begin to live in the true joy and inner peace that can only come from ascending out of the past and into the fullness of what each unfolding moment is presenting to you.
You are literally within such a magnificent period in your spiritual evolution that you can now ask to be breathed by Spirit into more wholeness. This can happen naturally the more you are willing to accept who you truly are and to live from and as your Master Self. Life will then start living you rather than you trying to control your life according to your ego's pre-determined plans. As you let the Love and Light of Source guide you, through your own Presence, then the new ascension frequencies will be able to flow into your spiritual centers, into your DNA and into the cells and atoms of your body with much greater ease.
The ascension is a clarion call going out to all of life with the intention of magnetizing everyone more fully into their own Presence or God Self. Its frequencies are surrounding and penetrating the whole of your being so you can be fully enveloped and empowered by the Love and Light of Source. These energies are currently moving through the world you were part of creating, and now you have the opportunity of being part of creating and ascending into a new world! You have not been invited to be a part of creating the foundations for a new world since the last Golden Age in Atlantis.

During the ascension everything within and around you, including all other life forms, will be moving into more of the Love and Light of Source. Animals and people that were once enemies will become great friends and war will become an impossibility. You have already actualized your desire, precious hearts, to be a conscious part of this great ascension. As you look around, you might start seeing that there are others who have also agreed to remember why they are here and what they have come to create from the consciousness of their Presence ~ a Presence whose potential is totally unlimited and unconfined by the past.
The ideas that humanity has held as the truth for thousands upon thousands of years are now starting to collapse as you move deeper into the consciousness of your Presence. The actual pressure of holding on to the past or the future is being removed as the present is being accepted as holding the only true power and from there, all can be created with the spontaneity of children as well as the overall awareness and consideration for everyone involved.
When humanity starts living in the present as the Love and Light of Source, all relationships around the world between people and nations will become honest and spiritually connected. Priorities will start shifting away from the material world and into your spiritual inheritance, and with that your day-to-day lives will start stimulating your ancient memories of how to live in a Golden Age. As the illusions that have kept you in the mouse maze of your limited 3rd dimension continue to dissolve, your very atmosphere will start pulsing with more stability, joy, peace and divine, unconditional love. Then you will know what all enlightened beings have discovered down through the ages ~ nothing really brings you greater satisfaction than being in complete harmonic resonance with your Presence.
Founders of Ascended Masters Mystery School:
Kamala Everett and Sharon Rose

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The meditation that I would like to share with you is very simple. And due to it's simplicity it can be practiced in many places at any time . There is no right or wrong, this time or that time for this meditation and It can take a few moments. its very easy. So I would like you to just take a few moments to practice this.

What you do is, if possible, if you are not driving or if you are not doing something where you need to have your eyes open, close your eyes, just because by closing your eyes what happens is that the senses relax a little bit more. Good to sit up, good to have your back straight so that you're really focused on the conscious aspect of this meditation.

So as you sit up and close your eyes, taking a few moments to breathe in, the in breath is very important. So don't just breathe in, in an automatic way, in a mechanical way. This is part of our attention moving always to the external aspects, even the breath then becomes external to you. So when you breathe in, what you are doing is you are bringing everything around you a little bit closer to you. So basically you are saying to yourself ”I allow my heart to feel more intimate with life. I allow my heart to be more vulnerable to the waves that come and go, that life is always creating around me, with no fear.”

So as you breathe in, its impossible to feel fear. If you take a deep in-breath what you are doing is allowing the fear to move out of that space that occupies feelings. If you breathe in deeply what you are breathing in is a life force that is very vibrant. Breathe in deeply and then just simply, as you breathe out, let go, breathe out, let go, and imagine that all those aspects of life that are swirling around in your mind, or that are occupying the space of the heart or that are occupying you, or stressing or creating tension for you, imagine, imagination is very powerful, imagine that through the out-breath, is moving out from your body, out from you feelings, out from your mind. It requires a little bit of discipline to do this because it's so easy to drift back into another thought, another feeling, another situation, another idea, another dream.

Rather than do this, just have the intention so clear that all that will happen now is that you are letting go and becoming a channel. Becoming an open vessel for the divine aspect that is inside of your heart. So let go of the mundane, no matter how important it is, no matter how practical those issues are that need to be dealt with.

Give your heart a moment to deeply relax, to really come back to itself so that you are doing nothing, all you are doing is breathing in deeply again.

And as you breathe in deeply, not trying to change anything, not trying to change the thoughts or the feelings. Simply allowing the vibrancy of the in-breath to fill your body. See when you do this as you are doing now, what is happening is that you are helping the body move to a higher vibration, to a higher state of being. And this is the only possible way to change any situation around you. That is to move beyond it, not to be attached, not to be caught up, not to be stuck or limited by whatever life is throwing at you. But rather to completely let go as you breathe in, to completely let go of everything except the gratitude of being alive, because that's all that counts, is this moment. And this moment is your in breath. As you breathe in, everything else is of no importance because after the in breath there is a moment between the in breath and the out breath where you can be still. And in that stillness there is an open space, there is a feeling that goes beyond human feelings. There is a deep, divine feeling that begins to bubble up from the depths into this wonderful being that is you. The human aspect that is you. And you begin to feel better. This is how transformation happens.

You transform through joy and happiness. So as this beautiful vibrancy begins to become more your reality, then things begin to shift, begin to change. And wisdom comes to you in a very strong way then those other senses, those more subtle senses are open. This is how we open the other senses. And they begin to allow the energy of the divine to flow through all the glands of the body, all the organs of the body, including the mind and the heart and allow those aspects of yourself, to realize, as you are feeling this gratitude and aliveness in this moment, to realize what is really important and what is simply karma, what is simply an action that takes you nowhere.

When we know that time is precious, when we know that life is precious, we utilize this gift in a very special way. We don't waste it, we don't create limitations around it. And that is the out breath. We let go of whatever stops this feeling. Now that you begin to have this feeling, take a few moments to bring your consciousness back to the area of the heart, the heart energy point. Feel this in the chest and realize that you are not alone, that by doing this action you are connecting to many, many conscious beings around you who at this moment are celebrating the Divine, and you have just been invited to this celebration.

So what else can you do?

When you breathe in and you breathe out and you feel good, and there is happiness inside of your heart; you celebrate and you invite more people to this wonderful space that is ever expanding, that is beyond the limitations of mind, can not be understood through the mind. It is beyond the limitations of negative emotions, of selfishness, of feeling insecure, lack of self-esteem, all those human aspects that are important but that take us nowhere, let them go. As you move to a space of celebration, take a few moments to bring this awareness, even if it is just in the imaginary world, take a few moments to bring this awareness into your whole being. The whole physiology of your body begins to change.

Copyright © 2012 Tony Samara. This article, video or audio may be distributed freely in its entirety as long as the author is credited, and the URL is included.

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Freedom is our birthright. Allow yourself to vibrate with this word, feel its energy permeating your being. What would it feel like to have freedom flow in every aspect of your life? What would it feel like to be living on a planet where freedom flows through every aspect of everyone’s lives? What would our co-creation in the flow of freedom look like? I love feeling into this flow, allowing it to fill my energy field with this vibration, because within freedom, is love, joy, inspiration, empowerment. This is actually, simply, the life force energy.
The Edge of Immediate Change

The Edge of Immediate Change, oil on canvas 1997

Many of us are creating deep changes in our lives. Waves of high vibrational frequencies are moving through the Universe, rocking our boats and sending us up and down on surges of energy. The swells and troughs of this energetic movement can be felt as uneasiness or excitement, then dropping down into lethargy or inertia; going from inspiration to pointlessness. It is all just vibratory feelings. Observing the movement and the fluctuations, with a sense of humor, laced with the wonder of it all, helps us to remain fluid so we can go with the flow of energy.

In the outer world, these surges are assisting us in consciously forging new pathways, making new choices and alignments and actually integrating new identities. No matter how change comes to us – whether it be in unexpected events, or our conscious creation – it brings endings and new beginnings. All this movement can make us feel like we’re on an emotional roller coaster. These waves of energy can take us into maelstroms of emotion that gradually build up and then crest in outbursts of feeling. If we keep allowing the waves to pass through us, they are highlighting emotions that we have denied. They are rising to the surface and passing through, so don’t hold on and examine, just let it pass over you, like waves in the ocean, and love yourself through it.
Swells and Troughs

The month of June, although busy, was a building of energy, rising up the swell of a great wave. Now we have crested and have been sinking into troughs and rising up swells, cresting again and going down into the trough again. Anyone a little seasick? At times I feel very fast movement then tapering off, then flowing fast again as we move with the motion in the ocean of energy. Many are honoring the need to create change in their lives, beginning to do things differently and to make different choices. The energy can be rather wobbly with many starts and stops along the way, creating feelings of vertigo or motion sickness as we pick up speed and then experience delays. Enthusiasm and excitement give way to frustration or dead calm as we feel that one moment we were so excited about a prospect, the next moment feeling no enthusiasm at all. Remaining observant, with a sense of humor and non-attachment to the ups or the downs is a spiritual practice that leads to inner freedom.

From the Daily Drawings, July 10, 2012
Energetic Sensitivity

You may be feeling discomfort in certain places or situations, which leads to irritability. What doesn’t resonate with our new vibrational frequency becomes unbearable and impossible to tolerate any longer. Our Souls are being infused with Life Force Energy, which is filtering through the dimensional frequencies that we embody. If there are aspects of beliefs or the residue of events from our past and from other lifetimes that disallow the flow of our natural Soul vibration, energy isn’t able to move in these areas. This causes limitation, a feeling of powerlessness or stuck-ness that feels like pain – be it spiritual, mental or emotional – it finally manifests in the physical, whether it is reflected in the health of our physical body, or lack of the flow of energy and freedom in our lives. Pay attention to your feelings and to your intuition. Even the tiniest nudges around situations that feel relatively unimportant can put you on a trajectory of energetic integrity.
Riding the Waves

For example, let’s say someone invites you to a future event and your initial feeling is no, it’s not going to work for you, even though you don’t yet have plans for that time. You just feel it’s not going to happen. Then your friend expresses disappointment, so maybe you say yes, even though you have this feeling. And then the day of the event comes and there’s something else you are wanting to do, or something happens and you’re simply unable to go. Then your friend is even more disappointed because you had promised to be there, bypassing your intuition. Or you’re disappointed because you’re missing doing that other thing that holds higher energy for you. Loss of life force energy occurs when we don’t honor our intuition. We have an opportunity to ride these waves of energy to new experiences and inspiration, and when we follow our intuition and our hearts, we can navigate the flow and catch a wave that takes us into new, higher frequencies. So it is important to remain alert and aware of the energy outside and within us.
Graduate School

We are learning to become masters in discerning energetic shifts and changes in frequencies. I have said this before, we are in an accelerated graduate program, on our way to becoming conscious co-creators, standing our ground when it feels right, and letting go into surrender when that is needed in order to flow.
Divine Selfishness

Part of our experience of Freedom is to honor our intuition and to make choices that feel good to us. This is the practice of Divine Selfishness. When we live always trying to please others, we cause grief to our Souls. This blocks the flow of our Divine Energy. We end up angry or depressed or resentful and these feelings open a floodgate of other lower vibrational energies that often lead to physical dis-ease.
Worm Holes

At times we are travelling through worm holes, taking us into new experiences, a vortex of energy spinning us through these tunnels – or inter-dimensional conduits. We need to have clear intentions so we can release into trust that our intentions are carrying us through the chaotic churning energy into our Soul’s integrity.

If you travel into eddies of fear or despair, allow the feelings to wash through you. Reach your energy or focus outward to people you love and people you feel harmony with – even if you don’t know them well – it’s like reaching out a helping hand or touching someone’s spirit, making a connection in knowing that we are not alone in this experience.
Touching Spirits

So many people are going through turmoil as change tumbles their reality. So many people are in grief as those they love choose to leave this physical plane. As we reach out to each other through the inner net, as if to hold etheric hands, we make those connections in a very real way and we strengthen our resolve and our ability to move through turbulence. The vibration of love helps to calm the waters we are flowing through, even if all around us is chaos and upheaval. So when someone pops into your mind – even if it’s someone you don’t know very well – a passing person you smiled at, or someone who helped you at the market – make the connection and send out the vibrational frequency that feels good. It is like irrigating the human field of consciousness with love and raising our collective vibration.
Dealing with Unconscious Behavior

We are literally diffusers of energy – just like the way a diffuser of essential oils allows the fragrance, which is also an energetic frequency, to permeate the atmosphere, we are constantly diffusing our energy into the world.

There are many people who are living in total unconsciousness about this aspect of themselves, and they diffuse all their emotional frequencies out into the atmosphere without any regard or consciousness about how they are affecting others. Those of us who are energetically sensitive can find it really challenging to live within an environment of chaotic unconscious energies that are pinging our energy fields, like many balls in a pin-ball machine (remember those?). It can feel like being bombarded by little metallic balls of energy constantly irritating us and all those around us. Unconscious people don’t realize this is what is irritating them, causing them to send out these balls of energy, adding to the chaos. This is especially prevalent in crowded environments.
Masters of Energy

If this is what you are experiencing, please find the understanding within you that you are a Master of Energy, and that is why you are in this environment. As you walk through the winds of unconsciousness, you have the chance to diffuse peace and gentleness into the environment. And, being in the Graduate School of Consciousness, you will rise to the thrill – the enlivening challenge – of maintaining stillness, peace and joy within you no matter what’s going on in your environment. Play with this – pay attention: You are in a vibration of extreme irritation and chaos, and you call the Life Force energy into your being, allowing it to permeate your entire energy field, calling up the vibration of peace, playfulness and happiness. Allow it to radiate outward. For example: do this before you enter the retail establishment that is pulsating with people’s unconscious wanting and impatience. Diffuse this energy and see what happens. Some people may become more annoying and angry and may actually storm out of the environment, others may begin to laugh, the person waiting on people may suddenly feel a shift in their energy and begin to feel tension draining away. Remember to smile and connect to people through your eyes. You will witness shifting energy as a feeling of relief spreads throughout the environment. By diffusing the high vibration of love, we are assisting in the Awakening of all.

“Awakening” from the Daily Drawings, July 11, 2012
Freedom vs. Authority

We hear all over the world about governments making decisions and implementing programs to regulate the activities of the Human Beings of Earth. Yes, the Human Beings who are in the position of having the Authority granted through government to do what they can to monitor and control the masses are feeling much fear as structures – be they third dimensional (physical) or 4th dimensional (emotional/mental) – are collapsing. For thousands of years the Authority operated through fear to keep Humanity separate from one another and from nature. All this is changing now. Each Human Being can assist in this process by taking responsibility for their energy and their life situations. This is about growing up, rising into our power.

There is much power when Human beings awaken to the reality of Oneness. When the Human Being acts in Coherence, we become masters of conscious manifestation. Without realizing it, we have been acting in coherence in focusing on negativity and fear. Look at our world. We have created it all. Actually, there is no authority other than our own focus and attention. We, the Masters of Energy, are claiming our power in One-ness, that’s why connecting with one another in the third dimension and in the inner realms is so important.
Politics, Economics and Anger

Further dividing us are our viewpoints, no matter what they are. I know it is difficult in this world to observe political decisions that act against freedom, fairness, and respect for the earth, without getting emotional about it. After all, we are humans and we have emotions. But feeling anger gathering within oneself over elitist political stances and destructive choices does nothing to help the human connection other than to send toxic vibrations throughout our energy fields and the energetic being of Humanity. Anger is a vibrational frequency that moves energy, and it’s better than the powerlessness of depression. We can use the anger to pulse outward through our energy field when we feel it, because repression is not going to serve us either. The drive of the anger that we feel can be put into action to support the energies that sustain life. However, pointing fingers and blaming others is adding gasoline to the fire.

Tuning in to my guides for a vaster perspective, I am shown that the noise of the world, meaning the opinions and control that is trying to be asserted are distractions from the more important work at hand that has to do with loving ourselves. Acting upon that frequency of love in every moment of our lives is the only way we can rise above the churning waters of fear and powerlessness.
Joyful Noise

Again I am given the vision of human light bodies holding hands and strengthening a grid of light and love, creating an actual energy field for other human beings to rise up into.

I am seeing the separation of border crossings, war and government authorities acting upon what the money wielders tell the politicians to do, creating the fear and separation in our world. These “powers that be” are in fear, because the higher energies are collapsing their structures. So they are making a last ditch attempt to assert their control against a tide that is relentless and unstoppable.

Grassroots and solidarity in love and fun is our strength. When I think of Human Beings – the people of the Earth, I see people who love to create, who love to feel good, to taste life, to create music and art, to dance, to share recipes, to make a joyful noise unto the world. This is what we must celebrate and amplify in our individual and collective lives.

Daily Drawings, July 9, 2012
The Sun without and the Sun within

In my Monday Channeling telecalls, the Vastness of Being have been showing us how to work with solar energy. Bringing that energy in through our 6th chakra and sending it down to our Dantian. In Qi Gong, this usually refers to the area in the lower abdomen, beneath the navel and about a third of the way in to the abdominal cavity. Also known as the Hara in Japanese energy medicine, this is considered to be the foundation of life. There are Dantian connections at the top of the head, the third eye and the heart as well. The practice I have been shown is to connect with the Solar energy, bring it in through the third eye and send it down into the abdominal Dantian and then pausing to allow this life force energy to fill us. The Vastness of Being have said that the Sun is a star gate and that the Dantian within us is also a star gate, connecting us to our multidimensionality and also filling us with vitality and life force.
Sharing the Same Sky

And so we are continuously evolving with the Earth, gaining vibrational momentum through our choices and intentions, always connected to one another. Play well, choose love, celebrate, laugh, connect, for all those who we come across in our daily lives, are reflections of ourselves.

Blessings, in Love and Light

Nancy Lila Ward

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