Valery Jianu is going to Distant Healing Session
May 2, 2023

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  • Pink Ribbon
  • Wish you a Very Happy Birthday to YOU with lots of Love & Light. Tercy1939044709?profile=original

  • Valery, I'm delighted to welcome you to my new discussion group "Spiritual Growth". You will find a number of new & uplifting discussions & meditations there every week. Just tune in & visit with this link:  Spiritual Growth
    And please feel free to add your Light to our group thru posting discussions, videos, comments, etc. that help uplift us all

    Blessings of Love & Light,


  • Pink Ribbon
  • Draga mea,

    Iti doresc tot binele din lume

    si un calduros LA MULTI ANI ! fericiti

    Te imbratisez cu drag,


  • Happy Birthday Valery!
  • 1494477026?profile=original


  • Pink Ribbon
  • Hi I like your page. I was wondering if you would like to check out a site I created to help unite us together. You are welcome to be my friend here, much love elshara Silverheart.
  • Yellow Ribbon
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