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Practically the whole world strongly experienced the frequency increase associated with the beginning of the Ninth wave (Universal Underworld, Mar 9th, 2011) as this manifested in the earthquake in Japan and the ensuing events. But what is this Ninth wave about? It is easy to see the “chaos” and “catastrophes,” but maybe not so easy to see the overall direction of the process that it carries. I have previously only described the direction of the Ninth wave in very general terms saying that it is about unity consciousness, but exactly what is unity consciousness and how will this manifest through this wave?


To understand this we may begin by studying the Seventh wave that began in 1755 and brought an endarkened unity consciousness to mankind. The Ninth wave also brings a unity consciousness, but one that is enlightened. We have already found a significant parallel between these two waves in that they began with huge Earthquakes, although those as is reasonable, occurred at opposite sides of the Earth, in Lisbon and Japan respectively. Another parallel is that the two waves have started with revolutions to topple existing systems. While the Seventh wave began with the American and French revolutions, whose anti-monarchic nature gradually has spread throughout the world, the revolutions of the Ninth wave have not only rejected monarchic rule, but the phenomenon of dominance and rule over others as such. Thus the Oneness field of consciousness (see below) carried by the Ninth wave will not allow for systems where people give their power away to someone they have elected every four years or so. A deeper freedom based on the sovereignty of all souls is now being called for.


Moreover, the Oneness field of consciousness will not allow for an economic system where the power to print money determines what activities people spend their lives with. The world revolution carried by the Ninth wave potentially develops a much deeper freedom and oneness than either the monarchy of the sixth wave or the democratic institutions of the seventh wave. The driving force behind the world revolution of the ninth wave is the divine guidance that the unity consciousness allows. What is happening in the world today could thus be described equally well in religious/spiritual terms or economic/political. The chief point to realize is that ultimately the course of events, and the breakdown of dominance, is a result of a cosmic plan that has been described by the nine levels of the Mayan calendar with their different polarities (see figure below). Since no human being has any power to change these polarities the overall direction of the cosmic time plan is irreversible.


This consciousness of the Ninth wave was as expected first evident around the midline of the planet at the 12th longitude East between East and West. The opposing polarities of consciousness generated by the 6th and 8th waves led to the collapse of dominance along this line already at the beginning of the seventh day of the Galactic Underworld on November 3, 2010 and two months later the processes surfaced in Tunisia and Egypt. The revolutions there were much aided by the social media networks that had been developed by the Eighth wave, but also showed the emerging role of women and a unity between Muslims and Christians in Egypt where people were singing “we are all one” in Kairo. (That some of this might have been temporarily reversed does not change the overall direction of where things are going).


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There is a flood of information pouring in about our collective paths and how we can move from 4th dimension (lower) to 5th dimension (higher) energy. Consciously or not we are trying to move into higher and higher energies. Energies such as love, joy, happiness, unity, and creation are all examples of that higher vibration. They quite literally have a higher resonance, a higher vibration.


Various Master Teachers like Buddha, the Dalai Lama, the core teachings of Jesus – heck, even Oprah – have been speaking about this for a long time; the importance of centering yourself in love, joy and peace. You know when you’ve had a great day you feel light, you glow, you radiate — all terms & feelings associated with this vibration. You literally ARE lighter vibrationally.


Low vibration is that heaviness we feel in our hearts and stomachs (and sometimes head) – sadness, despair, grief, frustration, anger, victim, regret, and so on. It quite literally “gets you down”. In esoteric terms, this is 4th dimension energy/vibration. 


[Quick Note: While I received this information as 4th vs 5th dimensions, I have since seen other people make this comparison as 3rd dimension vs 4th dimension, instead of 4th vs 5th. I believe it to be the same, or at least the concept is the same and the key point remains that there is a desire to move from a lower frequency to higher frequency. ]


There is a lot of information you can Google online, but part of the massive Earth changes occurring right now are about waking up and moving from the heavier dimension energies into the higher dimension vibrations. These higher vibrations move us into an awakened state of pure love and pure Creation. During this change, all sorts of chaos ensues as people struggle to let go of lower vibration energies (power, control, abuse, ego, victim, fear, etc) and consciously move into higher vibration energies (love, unity, service, manifestation, etc). Power structures built on these lower vibrations, like we’ve been doing for centuries, are falling into chaos as they’re quite literally not structured to work within this higher vibration. If you’re not awake to it, it’s a roller coaster of a ride.


 So how does this apply day-to-day?


 Looking through Facebook I realized that when I post a petition or some other sad news about mistreatment of animals, human rights issues, crazy politics, or mass pollution of Earth, I find myself getting sad, mad, or frustrated. Usually the responses I get from people are the same – disgusted, disheartened, angry, and sad. 


 What I was shown so clearly is that this only furthers our cycle of staying in the Lower Vibrations. It’s actually hurting, not helping, our collective evolution when we stay in the fear or sadness or anger.

As a planet and as part of the shifts towards 2012 – Ascension – the goal is to increase both our own personal and our planet’s vibration. That is what it’s trying to do right now: move into 5th dimension energy and the higher resonance of love and unity consciousness. Why? So we can move into our being as pure Creation, where our ability to manifest becomes potent and we can dream the new world into being as one based on higher vibration principles of love and unity.If you held the power of pure creation (potent manifestation) – where your thoughts and feelings truly came to be – what type of world would you be creating when your thoughts constantly revolved around fear, sadness, wounding, and frustration? That’s certainly not how I want my new world to be.


So should you just walk around happy all the time and blissfully ignorant of all the chaos and sadness in the world? Well in a word: YES.


But let me explain:We tend to have guilt (also low vibration) if we don’t get sad or frustrated around world news. Our culture has shaped us into auto-responses of fear and sadness. When was the last time you turned on the news and stayed happy? I remember when I told a friend I didn’t have a TV and they said “but you won’t know what’s going on in the world!”. I remember thinking “Good! I can be happy then!”. 


That does not mean ignoring what’s going on in the world, but it’s about holding a different energy for what is occurring.


Should you be conscious of the massive imbalances humanity has and is causing Earth? YES.

Should you educate yourself on these imbalances and what’s being done? YES

Should you donate your money/help/energy to causes you believe in? ABSOLUTELY.

Should you see a post, email or news piece and fall into frustration or sadness? NO.

Should you hold anger or judgement as a means to take action? NO.


 In your day-to-day life it’s important to focus on the BIGGER VISION for Earth, coming from a place of high vibration – love, compassion, and what’s POSSIBLE for your life, and for Earth. If what’s possible fo Earth is too big to hold for you right now, that’s ok. Just start with your own life. But don’t get stuck in anger, sadness or fear of what’s currently taking place. Staying focused on the abuses and madness of humankind (or within your own life) only keeps you stuck in lower vibration, and works against what’s trying to happen right now on the planet: raising the vibration. As a result it will throw you even more out-of-whack when you hold on to the lower energy. Essentially, the tug of war gets worse (as an example just take a look at American politics, or other countries with political upheaval, and see how polarizing the tug of war is becoming).


So how do you move into 5th vibration?


Step 1: DON’T feel guilty if you don’t respond or react to every trauma occurring in the world that gets emailed to you or that you see on TV. There are hundreds of thousands of causes, each worthy, but this is increasing in nature as entire systems and ways of being collapse. Same with your own life, you don’t have to engage in every drama but rather see it from an outside perspective of shadows coming up to heal and be raised to a higher vibration.


Step 2: DO support causes you believe in, but in your HEART move the anger or sadness you may feel for the situation in to a place of love, compassion, and vision for what you DO want. Don’t stay focused on what’s WRONG, focus on what’s POSSIBLE, even if it seems remote and out-of-reach right now.


Step 3: Stay focused on the VISION of what you are choosing. Animals being hurt? Hold a vision for animals always being honored and loved and send that out to the world / Universe / God / Goddess (in whichever manner you choose). Politics getting you down? Hold a vision for harmony between belief systems and send that out from your heart. A co-worker making you mad? Hold a vision for your boundaries always being honored, and for harmony within both of your lives. Say a prayer, light a candle, or even easier — quietly go into your Heart space and anchor the NEW vision, then send it out like a big ray encompassing the world. Quick, simple and immensely powerful as a vibration that is absolutely joining others doing the same. 


(If you really want to know more about the power of intent and thought, Dr. Masaru Emoto’s work on water and prayer is but one great example).I made a commitment to not lower myself into lower vibrations anytime I post a “oh my god look what they’re doing!?” petition or article. If I do share a cause I believe in, I commit to always back it up with a prayer for love and light and compassion for the change to occur at the highest levels of vibration. I commit to balancing the news with what my VISION is for a better future.  That is, the 5th dimension energy I wish to associate with what is currently happening in order to raise it from the lower 4th vibration it’s being held in. Which one will you choose?


 In love & light… and a vision of a beautiful world filled with love, compassion, harmony, and united consciousness



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Gods words

Sweet children, In order to claim a Sun Dynasty Royal Status, surrender
every thing (by intellect) you have to the Father.

Question :- Why is no one in the world more fortunate then you
Answer :- The unlimited Father is personally in front of you children.
You are receiving an unlimited inheritance from Him. At this time you
belong to unlimited Father, Teacher and satguru and you receive
unlimited attainment from him.

Sweet Children,

Father says, you children know that you belong to the Father now and
later you belong to the deity clan.
When the unlimited Father is available and when you receive the
unlimited inheritance, what else is required?
In devotion people cry for God, but do not know about Him. You brides
remember the Only Bridegroom. It is not possible for the brides to
remember the bridegroom without the knowing about the bridegroom. So,
just by remembering God without knowing (about His real form, His
residence, His role) God, you never attain the aim object.
Even the Christ, Prophets are remembered by the followers without the
aim object.
You know what you receive from the Father, Teacher and the Satguru.
First you belong to the Father, then you belong to the Teacher, then you
belong to the Satguru.
The role of Satguru is greater than the Father and Teacher.
You know that Father is making you the master of golden age and Soul
Father asks, Will you receive inheritance from Me? O.k. will you become
content with Silver age?
Father has brought the gift of heaven, will you marry the Lakshmi-deity
of golden age or Sita-deity of Silver age? First you have to check for
yourselves if you have become worthy to marry them.
God says, Like I have explained you in the previous cycle, I am
explaining you once again, you receive the inheritance once again in
this world cycle.
The first grade is Sun dynasty and Second grade is the Moon dynasty.
Golden age is like an Air-conditioning ticket. Then there is the first
class ticket – Moon dynasty.
Will you receive the kingdom of Air-conditioning Sun dynasty or the
first class of Moon dynasty?
Then there is third class ticket. Whatever the ticket, you will
experience happiness, but there are different compartments.
Those who surrender everything (by intellect) to the Father receive the
Air-conditioning ticket.
Deities experience the reward in golden age.
Bharat (India) is praised much, there is no land which is greater than
Father comes only in Bharat and He gives peace and happiness to
everyone. Mount Abu is the greatest pilgrimage of all.
By not knowing about the God Father, the world suffers.
Children , become soul conscious, know yourself as a soul.
You celebrate Shiv Jayanti (Birth day of God, the Benefactor) but no one
knows when God appears on earth.
The golden age never exists for millions of years as told in scriptures,
this is the greatest ignorance, takes you into deep darkness.
You have to remain in the household and remember the Supreme Father.
Deities are provided with decoration, the memorial of you children. You
children never remain stable in your spiritual effort, keep fluctuating.
You must be very careful with maya-vices-obstacles, Maya makes you fall
in a second if you forget the awareness of God-Father. In a second, you
attain liberation and liberation in life, and in one second, you also
lose your attainments.
When new body and new world are being created, you children have it in
your awareness that the old world is being transformed and we will reach
the new world.
Father says, Sweet children, Father speaks to the souls, Father sees you
children through the eyes of the Brahma-Adam.
Father says, I am also bound by this world drama, I appear on earth
according to the role in the drama. It is not that I cure the diseases,
not like that, everyone has their karmic accounts which are to be
settled by yourselves.
You have become completely impure from completely pure.
You children know that every world cycle, you receive this inheritance.
Those who belong to the Sun and Moon dynasty receive the inheritance
Only God Father can explain all these truths - knowledge.
Father sees you children as very sweet. You children are the same
children of every cycle whom I teach in every cycle.
The bodiless Father says, I speak through the body (of Brahma). Without
the body, soul cannot speak.
Father says, Children, become soul conscious. It is not that you have to
practice pranayama, no, you have to just be aware of soul. You soul has
the burden of sins of so many births.
The soul has the recordings, to play different roles.
In devotion, I play the role of giving divine visions and in knowledge,
I teach you children.
Those who do devotion are not aware of the knowledge.
Only the Ocean of knowledge can come and give salvation.
I give liberation – salvation to every soul, Only one Father can
show mercy to the souls. Father makes the whole world pure including the
five elements. Only One Father makes the whole world and five elements
pure. He plays the role of sarvodaya (One who benefits everyone) for the
whole world.
In golden age, nothing of giving pain - like mosquitoes, insects, exist
there. Nothing of dirty exist there. There will be natural beauty. You
drink the nectar of golden age in trance.
There will be very beautiful flowers in golden age and you see it in
trance. This is the magic of divine visions. You see the subtle world
being here.
You receive the unlimited inheritance from the unlimited Father, then,
what else is required?
You become more elevated by the Godly direction.
In golden age, you remain very happy. Radhe Krishna come in golden age.
You do not read history of the Krishna who live in golden age. What you
read of Sri Krishna (like stealing the butter, going after women) never
happen in golden age.

To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now found children, love,
remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada
(combined form of Supreme Father and Adam-Brahma), the spiritual Father
says Namaste to the spiritual Children. Spiritual Children say Namaste
to the Spiritual Father.

Blessing :- May you be filled with all powers and gain Victory over the
suffering of Karma by becoming detached from the costume of the body in
a Second.

Slogan :- In order to receive respect from every one be humble. Humility
is the sign of Greatness.
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Dearest Ones,

Blessings, it is an honor to be here with you in this moment.  I Am Sanat Kumara at your service.  My presence is now going to be coming more into the forefront as many of you are part of the Kumara’s of Venus.  Lemuria is being awakened in new ways of Beingness through the energetics of the higher dimensional frequencies.  I am honored to be more present in your lives at this time.
We have been awaiting for this time of remembrance to fully be awakened within the Hearts and Minds of the many.  First, I say, thank you to each of you for the hard work and diligence that you have been doing.  The challenges will continue but on a different level of acceptance within each of you.  No matter what your level of initiation of your chela-ship is at this time, you are being awakened to more levels to assist the planetary awareness.  This month of June is very pivotal for these occurrences to happen.  Please know that your work does not go unnoticed.  We are very aware of the challenges and the triumphs that you are experiencing. 
Prepare for these changes to occur within you more fully than previously.  Be very astute with your diligence of your internalization and the work that needs to be done.  Work within first before you choose to work outside of yourself.  Some of you may think that you are ready, but yet you may not be.  It is important to cleanse the entire system inside and out before you choose to work with others in a higher capacity.  We urge you to take these heeds very seriously as the darkness is very quick to notice the ones that are not fully activated within the higher frequencies.  It can take you down a peg or two and at this point in the whole scheme of creation, it is important to look at your own mirrors and what you are projecting for yourself.
If you have had challenges, taken a pathway that put you in the stages of lessons that you thought you had already taken care of, listen to these signs.  Go deeply within and fully look at yourself inside and out.  Be your own healer and be very strong with yourself as you would for another that you were helping.  What goes for another - must go for you.  The deepness of this healing is essential for you to receive the full effects of these activations.  Do not let any stone not to be turned over.  Express yourself deeply within and allow the changes to occur.
It is important to work with another to remove any debris that you may have received.  The best chela is one in which the energies can fully be actualized at the state of being that is necessary for all concerned.  One small hole in your aura can upset the whole conditioning process that you have been working on.  I cannot stress this enough.  Prepare yourself; are you fully sure that what you are experiencing is part of your essence or is there an outside influence.  Be very cognizant of the elements around you and how you are being affected.  If you need assistance, please ask and if you have never had an individual remove any negative implants, etc., please have it done immediately.
With all of that being shared, then you are ready.  The next step after the cleansing process is “are you assisting others in service to the Divine Plan thereof?”  Are you reaching out to express your Divinity in a new a different manner.  Coming deeply from your heart is an essential component of the energies that are going to be occurring.  There must not be anything that you are unsure of ~ as if you are, then the end result will be a challenge that you truly do not want to experience.  Utilizing the bartering method or a graduated scale on a fee basis is only going to serve your highest purpose.  You will find once you start to implement such changes, then you will receive more than you would have been charging on a regimented fee schedule.
The upcoming energies are wonderful but only as wonderful as the Ones that are truly ready to handle them.  I have expressed the cleansing process as it is a necessary component to embrace the upcoming energies.  Stand within your light with all of your energies fully accessed on the higher levels.  You may not be ready for the 5th dimensional Light Body, but you must aspire to be more than you were previously.  Allow your Higher Mind and your Higher Heart to take precedence over all elements occurring within you.
So now you are ready.  The onset of the energies of the Full Moon and the Lunar Eclipse are going to totally assist One in being the space and time that is necessary.  I also need to remind you that at this time is the Festival of Humanity, the last of the three festivals of Wesak, which truly represents your upgraded ascension integration from Wesak and sharing it to the world.  Be prepared to do so in love, compassion, joy, and expression of God’s Will within you.  Take this time to fully activate these energies within you to assist you in the next process of your development.
The Summer Solstice will be the next occurrence of your momentum.  Allowing yourself to fully accept the activations of this solstice energy in 2011 is gong to assist you tremendously.  If you have followed the guidelines that I have given you, then this event is only going to catapult you into the next level of your awareness and your service onto this Earth.  Only you can be the judge of where you are but be very honest with yourself.  This is very imperative.  Be aware of the mirrors around you ~ are the people that you are attracting at this time truly a representative of where you are presently.  Are you feeling the synchronization of events in your life?  Are you attracting your desires within minutes, hours, or days of your intentions?
I would like to categorize these elements into five stages:
  1. Those individuals that are fully unaware of their surroundings; in other words, the unawakened ones.
  2. Individuals that are waking up but are still accessing their teachings on a 3rd dimensional level such as self help, relaxation techniques, and affirmations.
  3. Individuals that have been awake, working on themselves but are still very lower emotional and ego driven.  They still are unsure of the symptoms they are feeling even though they may be doing very deep emotional work.  These individuals are resisting the process and are only on the 4th dimensional level.
  4. Individuals that are truly utilizing the higher vibrational techniques such as stating decrees, attunements, vocalization through chants and higher vibrational work, color therapy, has a knowledge of the higher chakras and the Rays of God.
  5. The Pioneers that have walked this path, utilized as many teachings as necessary, are beyond the 5th dimensional consciousness and are working between worlds.  These are the ones that are the leaders of the 5th dimensional level and are teaching the 4th level of individuals to raise up to this level.  They have a choice to stay in this level of Earth or to move into the 5th dimensional Earth; many are choosing to leave.  The Ones that stay are truly walking as Ascended Masters, have fully mastered the Rays of God, understand Universal Laws, and are only driven by the God-Essence within them.
Please know that every individual person who reaches the fifth can always fall.  It depends on their God Consciousness and how they interact within the world.  The Love and Light Quotient frequency is a necessary component.  This means that all individuals on the Earth can also fall or they can rise.  It is up to each of you and where you want to be on the scale.  This month is so very important.
One last point of reference ~ many are channeling at this time.  It is up to you to decide what resonates within your Heart and what does not.  If you are a channel, please make sure that you are very clear and you continually work on raising your Light Quotient, have a sense of the higher vibration verses the lower vibrations.  Some may come as each of us and truly are not of the highest frequencies.  It is a time for many to be showing themselves, and it is imperative to discern within your Heart what feels right within you.
Take the time during the Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse, and Festival of Humanity to make a list of where you are, what you may need to do, and how to go about it.  Sometimes just the intention of doing so is all that is needed.  Please know that we are in a very magical and powerful time but it is Earth-driven.  In order to reach these heights of awareness, it is important to do Service onto this Earth.  That is why each of you are here.  Your karma must be cleared at least 51%; otherwise you will return into the karmic wheel of rebirth.
Please know that I give you these words to encourage you, to show you that possibly it is time to take inventory and take stock of where you are presently in your pathway.   Some of you may already know but most do not.  Part of the process of integrating these energies is the problem of getting lost in the shuffle and when that happens, confusion can set in and the full awareness is not within you but around you.  Again, I reiterate, each of you are doing a fabulous job.  This is an awareness lesson with love and joy.  We will rise to the higher frequencies together as One Team of Love and Light.  You, as the Earth Hierarchy, the Telosians as the Inner Earth Hierarchy, the Higher Vibrational Inner Space Beings as the Galactic Hierarchy, and each of us as the Spiritual Hierarchy as we become one Hierarchy for Terra Christa, the New Earth, the Golden Age.  I reach out my hand to each and every one of you in partnership.  We have been waiting for this time to see for the Gods and Goddesses to reappear in their full glory.  This is your time to shine and we are here to embrace in the Light and the Love that you are.
I feel very blessed in this moment to share my Light with you as we walk hand-in-hand together.

I Am Sanat Kumara in great gratitude for your service to the New Earth, the Golden Era.

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Timeline of an incarnation

Chris Comish, a history:

Chris Comish six years prior to awakening, highly immersed in the Ego, 2000 (link above)

Prior to 2001 Chris is veiled and unawakened but has odd interest in parts of the Bible and in the Stars

Lynne broke up with Chris a few months after this photo and got together with his friend Pete from college, 2001

2001-2003 Chris is in the role of sitting on the fenceline (undecided)

Chris almost died in 2002 due to near car accident (too fast on the autobahn with sportscar)

Chris deployed to War in 2003 and has bad feelings about his purpose there

Chris almost died in 2004 due to near car accident (hydroplaning on water, vehicle spun around at high rate of speed)

2004-2006 Chris shifts to role as aspiring student

Lynne was killed in a car accident on November 14, 2005- car slid on ice and fell off cliff into icy creek. Cause of death blunt trauma and drowning

Chris got his first Reiki healing in Summer of 2006 introducing him to spiritual energy

Chris vows to God to be of service to all beings

Chris left the Army in 2006 at the rank of Captain for a greater spiritual service & purpose

2007-2008 Chris shifts to role as Student

Chris found out about the passing of Lynne in 2007

Chris decided to bridge the spiritual world and physical world by learning after life contact techniques from Steve Murray in 2007

2007 Chris contacts the spiritual earth (lifting the veil)

2007 Chris takes every Reiki attunement he is able to

Chris contacted Lynne and attempted to pass messages 2007-2009 (Chris received 3-6th initiations) Lynne was in 4D

2008 Chris takes Lightarian series

2008-2009 Chris contacts the solar, galactic and universal levels for the first time (beyond ring pass not)

2009 Chris takes Axiatonal Lines Connection

2009 Chris begins attuning others on Ning sites

2009 Chris believes he will pass into Light, but does not. Sanat Kumara explains he has a greater purpose and more work to do.

2009-2010 Chris writes his first 6 books, attuning the world and Chris also begins the City of Shamballa social network to reach more

2009-2010 Chris shifts to role as Teacher

Chris purified Lynne in 2010 after learning the Medicine Buddha Ritual (Chris received 7th initiation). Lynne is now in 5D+ and blessed

Chris got in touch with Pete over the internet, called him and forgave him in 2011. They are friends again

2011 Chris shifts to role as Guide

2011 Chris finishes his 6 Ascension Rays books sharing Rays with the world

Chris continues sharing Divinity with the world and purifying all and also refining himself to be of the greatest service to all beings
(Chris working on 8th initiation)



Copyright © Chris Comish. 
This may be shared freely, as long as this copyright notice and website link remain intact.

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Great Thoughts

WEAKNESSES - Mario Quintana (writer gaucho 30/07/1906 - 05/05/1994)

"Poor" is one who can not change your life, accepting the impositions of others or
society they live in, without being aware of who owns the destination.

"Fool" who is not seeking to be happy with what they get.

"Blind" is one who does not see his neighbor die of cold, hunger, misery, and only has eyes for his paltry
problems and minor pains.

"Deaf" is one who has no time to hear an outburst from a friend, or the appeal of a brother. For it is always
rushed to work and want to ensure your pennies at the end of the month.

"Mute" is one who can not speak what he feels and hides behind the mask of hypocrisy.

"Paralytic" who is unable to walk toward those who need your help.

"Diabetic" is people who can not be sweet.

"Dwarf" is those who can not let love grow. And finally, the worst is to be miserable failures because:

"Les Miserables" are those who can not speak with God.
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World Actors

10900541063?profile=originalConsider yourself on the world stage and your every act will become 

Check all the actions that you perform throughout the day. Are your actions 
such that others will be inspired by you or are they just wasteful and 

Make the practice firm, " I am on this world stage, each and every 
action that I perform is being watched by many and will inspire them." when 
you have this practice you will have attention on your actions and they will 
become special. 

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This is nice  article  for  all of  us

"O people, listen to this, it Narashangsa will be raised among the people. We took the kauram it in our protection of 60,000 and 90 enemy; the vehicle is 20 camels and two camel bet ... ina, has 12 the wife, and ascended into heaven with the fastest car ... " (Atharvaveda Kanda 20 saukata 127, mantra 1-2).

"HE will give Mamaha rishi hundred pieces of gold, ten necklaces, three hundred horses, and 10,000 head of cattle." (Atharvaveda Kanda 20 saukata 127, mantra 3).

- "Mamaha is a camel rider of the desert" (atharvaveda 20:9:31);

"He was decorated with eight properties and wealth, fast horses given to him by the angels and holding a sword in his hand, the savior of the world will crush all evil." (Bhagabat purana 12:2:19).

Avatar terminology derived from the Sanskrit avatara, derived from the word

avatarati, meaning those who fall: ava, down and tarati, people who

intersect or cross. descriptions and characteristics are informed by the teachings of Hindu scriptures have a very close relationship with the existence of the Avatar named Muhammad ini.Avatar tenth of his arrival always look forward to the Kalki Avatar. Kalki Puran is one of the book of Hindu teachings, this book is written in

messages and the reasons why the prophet was given the name of "Kalki" Avatar.

That is He who will eliminate the Kalki (Diseases and the Darkness) of heart

and away from evilness

In Kalki Puran declared the Kalki Avatar characteristics are as follows:

- Ummah of the Prophet Kalki is a community of devotees.

- The Prophet Kalki had a father named "Vishnuais" which

is a combination of two words Vishnu (Vishnu) which means SHE, and ais

which means servant or minister: if the two means are combined then the word

"Vishnuais" means the waiter or servant HIS. In Arabic the meaning of the words

Abdullah is His servant or servant, who is the father of the king of the Prophet SAW

- Kalki Prophet's mother named "Somti" which means "trustworthy" or

"Reliable". The name al-Mustafa's mother is Aminah, who also has

meaning of "Trusted" or "reliable, also mentioned as follows:".

"O HIS, together with four friends, I will destroy evil." (Kalki-Purana 2:5).


Kalki Prophet had three brothers, each named:

o Cavi, which means "Wise", has the same meaning as "Aqil"

in Arabic. Aqil ibn Abi Tholib is the youngest brother of Imam 'Ali bin Abi

Tholib which is the brother of al-Mustafa.

o "Samat", meaning "knowledge" and have the same meaning

"Jafar", one of the king's brother is a martyr Prophet in the battle

Uhud, which also brother of 'Ali and Aqil named Ja'far who was called Ath-Thayyar.

o "interspace", berari "People who have a high position" and said it was

has the same meaning as the word "'Ali" in Arabic.

Besides the characteristics mentioned above also provide Kalki Puran

Other additional information about the Prophet Kalki who will appear to bring Sharia

the universal nature of the universe.


"Kalki Avatar will be born in the city Shambal, his mother was Shumathites (Somti), along with four of his friends will beat Kali (Satan or kebathilan ).... He will be assisted by the angels on the battlefield." (Kalki Purana 2:4-7).


Expressed in Kalki Puran clearly that Kalki prophet was born in a place

called by the name "Shambal Nagari". Shambal meaningful sand, and Nagari or

Nagri meaningful regions or areas, so that meaningful Nagari Shambal Affairs

or areas of sandy or desert. This is in accordance with the Peninsula

Arabia which is a desert region.

"... He will be born in a city called Shambal ... He went to war to defeat your opponent ... Destroying the villain (idols), then perform the last pilgrimage ... The house is filled by criminals, with their handmade NYA2 ( statue or idol); Now cleaned up for the worship of truth. With ketundukannya, a king standing facing him ... Then they offered prayer and sacrifice. And hold on six main principles ..."( Mahabharata Bag. Forest Chapter 190).

Kalki prophet will receive an education first (first revelation) in the Cave and

who taught called "Prash Ram" which means the Holy Spirit or the Holy Spirit.

All Muslims know the angel Gabriel as the transmitter of the first revelation

He told the Prophet Muhammad as the Ruh al-qudul or Ruh al-amen. Even

Kalki Puran further provide information about the Prophet Kalki who will

migrate from the area toward the north hill in the country, and history

stating also how the king Prophet emigrated or migration from the region

Mecca to Medina, located in the North.

"Then one with the nickname of 'people without knowledge', his name .... O MUHAMMAD of innocent people, the Spirit of Truth, , ."( 3, Khand 3, Aditya 3, Shalob 3,7,8).


A Bengali Brahmin origin ALLAAHabad University, India named Pandit

Vedaprakash Upadhyai wrote a book called 'Kalki Avatar'. In the book

he stated that the leaders of the arrival carrier instructions

the humanity  is awaited Prophet Muhammad of Arabia. Views Pandit

is supported by eight renowned the other Pandit Puran .He  declare the contents of the book and give the interpretation of the book. The following is a summary description of Pandit: Kalki Avatar is HIS last messenger and bring guidance and sharia

for the whole world. He was born on an island surrounded by three seas (the Arab

surrounded by three seas). His father named Vishnubhagat (Vishnu = HIS and Bhagat = servant or slave, ais synonym). Sumaani his mother's name (Sumaani = peace = Aminah).

Its main food is the dates and olives. He was dubbed with the most honest and trustworthy (Prophet dubbed as-Sadiq Al-amin means trustworthy, honest Sadiq also significant) was born from a people who are highly respected. (Holy Prophet from among the Quraish of Bani Hashim, the highly respected and noble) will teach him through utusannnya Gabriel in the cave.

Will gave him a very high-speed horse to circumnavigate the globe and the seven layers of heaven. He was a horse rider and an excellent swordsman. In the Atharya Veda, quoted from the Preamble Abdurrahman Chisti Anwarul Quran Tafsir, Sayyid works Gopalpuri Rahat Husain, stated the verses

sentence as follows:


Lailaha Harni Board

Paran IlaaLLAAHA Off

Janm Baikunth Birap newti

To jane name Muhammadam.

Which is translated as follows:

Saying the phrase "La ilaha " takes away the sins

Saying the phrase "ilaaLLAAH" will add Parm Padwi

If you want the eternity of heaven

Call always Muhammadam name.

According to Sayyid Saeed Rizvi Ahktar, Atharya Vedas currently no longer mention

verses above sentence, but was deleted. But the inventor of Arya Samaj

Dyanand Saraswati has admitted in his book "Satyarth Parkash" (Urdu,

chapter 14 page 739) that Alloo Upanishad mentions the name of Muhammad as

Rasul.AbdurRAHMAN Miratul mahkluqat Chisti in his book states that a

Other Hindu book named Barm Uttar Khand told that a

day, a famous Hindu Avatars named Mahadeva said to

his wife Parvati about the future life, and the two followers

named Kailash Parwat and Bishist Muni wrote the story. Here

is the translation of the stories cited are:

"After six thousand years of HIM THE ALMIGHTY will create a Insan

great-grandchildren among children in Mundarne adam, which is located between the three

ocean. O Parvati, He will come from the loin and he Bunjh Kant

be endowed with knowledge by the HIS as a river, which from the river

will show a pearl. His wife's name is "sank Rakhiya"

He read three books and will leave the book after they finish fourth

read 'Mim Alif lam' ... O Parvati she is the leader of his clan; and

people from the village would come to him to follow him. Her son did not

will never fear the creature, he was very brave and have the knowledge

HIS and he was given the name "Mahamat". People will follow in his footsteps ....

and he will not worship as the people in his tribe

worship, he would say to those people that "I have

ordered by THE ALMIGHTY ONE that only a mandatory diibadahi; and I will not worship except for Allaah; therefore you have properly followed O Parvati, Mahamat will teach her to all the shari'ah creatures and he admits the truth of Islamic that came before; He also will make everyone follow them. Little by little people get into teaching

and many of them reach the HIS. .... O Parvati after the death of his son, THE ALMIGHTY missing something in common with Him will give Mahamat a princess better than 1000 sons, she was very beautiful and charming, so perfect in His worship. Prince has never sinned one single time, he will be protected from small and big sins, and through his father he would achieve HIS closer. THE ALMIGHTY will give daughter MAHAMAT two sons were both very handsome and loved HER, strong, HIS knowledge, daring, dashing and very beautiful in virtue behavior. And THE ALMIGHTY will never create a perfect Insan them again in the virtues of both visible and hidden in plain sight. The two sons will be his successor, they will have many children and will bring into the teaching of Mahamat Insan day after day with the arguments of truth and they will

decorate and illuminate the teachings of Mahamat. Mahamat really love them and their followers, even more than his own daughter. And two sons will be perfect in the teachings of Mahamat; they will not do a job for the sake of their personal interests. All deeds and their words simply because THE ALMIGHTY.

O Parvati, after the death of Mahamat, the bad guys will kill Mahamat grandchildren for no reason, just because the world interest and greed alone, then the whole world living without a leader after their deaths. Murderer they are atheists

maliksh ", which condemned the two worlds: they will not get help Maahamat from" Nark "(Hell). They will manifest themselves as followers of the teachings Maahamat, and many will follow them, and stubbornly will perform acts against Mahamat road and his sons. Only a few are still street Mahamat Insan. The majority will follow the path of the man who killed the sons of Mahamat but ; and at the end of the Kaljug will be many hypocrites, hypocritical, which creates chaos in around the world.


Blessing ,


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