Vancouver BC
March 18
Tell us about yourself? (All answers must be full sentence answers for your membership to be approved)
I have been learning to live a spiritual life and study the occult and the Theosophical teaching for well over 30 years now which has lead me through many doors and types of service that have been very rewarding indeed. It is my job in this incarnation is to create a climate of hope and expectancy for the coming World Teacher in whom many know as Maitreya.
What brought you here?
kindred vibrations [volk] karmic bond with the common people of goodwill.
What can you contribute?
I have thirty long years experience with the occult ,and much of it doe`s not come from mere books!!!I am hear to share my information to all who may be interested.
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Happy Birthday !
Sai Ram, Blessings of Love & Light to you on your special day. xxx