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10 Akbal, 11 Yaxk’in, 9 Eb

Dratzo! We return! At present, your reality is approaching the immutable date in late December of your Gregorian calendar. This is the time when your reality is to be rid of any alternate timelines, which until now have been used by your dark cabal to manipulate your reality. This riddance creates the means for the Light to transform your world. This transformation will be preceded by the introduction of new governance and a new financial system for your planet. This flurry of activity leads to a formal disclosure announcement of our benevolent presence and the opportunity for us to broadcast vital information to you regarding the upcoming mass landings and your return to full consciousness. This stream of revelations will include broadcasts from the Agarthans concerning the nature of Gaia as a living Being and of your true history going back to the settling of Lemuria some 900,000 years ago. This knowledge will help put into context why you are being returned to your natural state of full consciousness and will prepare you for your coming reunion with the Agarthans of Inner Earth.

All that is happening around and above you is setting the stage for our formal arrival on your shores. This global mass-landing watershed event marks the beginning of your preparation for migrating to the crystal cities of Inner Earth, where your ascension to full consciousness will be completed. Full consciousness allows you to live in divine right relationship with your home world and to travel to the other water-worlds of your solar system to set up global societies within them. Prior to your incarnation here, your life contract included the option for you to take up residence on one of these water-worlds, or to remain on Gaia and create an Earth-based galactic society with the Agarthans. These new planetary societies will conjoin to forge a new star-nation and our role is simply to be the mediators and mentors of this great venture. You will learn that our joint history has many such instances where this happened before. With the wisdom contained in the Book of Understandings you can bring your enormous creativity to bear on setting up your own unique star-nation.

Once you have taken up Federation membership, as did the Agarthans long ago, you will be in a position to begin carrying out the directives conferred on you by Heaven. These directives enable you to formally cement the agreements expressed in the Treaty of Anchara. The former ‘children of Anchara’ are to receive Light Bodies and with them, ascend to full consciousness. This will create the energies for transforming this entire galaxy into Light! This goal lies behind the series of divine actions that are, even now, affecting this whole region of physicality. The dark is on general retreat as we enter a new great galactic year for this aspect of physicality and we rejoice as we watch the way the Light is able to transform such a wide swath of this sector of physicality. One of the wonders you are shortly to explore is the untold diversity of life in each of the thousands of galaxies that dot this part of physicality. Indeed, one of our greatest joys is conferring with each other as we watch the magical unfoldment of everything touched by the Light.

At this time your perceptions are still subject to an imposed xenophobia which makes you suspicious and often fearful of what lies around you in this galaxy and beyond. However, once in full consciousness, you will be amazed at what Heaven has produced on the planets of the innumerable star systems which fill the immensity of galaxy upon galaxy. Our Science & Exploration teams daily report on new discoveries. Physicality is a vast and endlessly enthralling ‘smorgasbord’ of diversity and adventure that is presently way beyond your imagining, and we long to share it with you and assist you in your early missions to those civilizations that long to partake of what you will have so valiantly regained: full consciousness. This divinely bestowed service will link us into an immense union that extols the Love and Light emanating ceaselessly from AEON. We are in awe of, and inspired by, those Beings who in great Love brought forth physicality and set out the details of the divine plan.

Blessings! We are your Ascended Masters! We come in the light of many wonderful things that are happening around this blessed globe! Our gracious associates are in the final stage of processing those agreements which will bring you your new governance and your worldwide prosperity. They work in concert with their Agarthan counterparts who are also focused on the best way to manifest these first requisites. Decades ago, Heaven informed us that this time was to witness the birth of a new freedom for you and with it, the unshackling of your personal sovereignty. The new form of governance promised you is to quickly follow this up with actions that enforce the full legality of your sovereign state. You are to become a major player in the daily operations of this new governance, and as you can see, this stands in direct contrast to your present citizenship role. Presently, government is the stooge of powerful special interests, which have a monopoly on shaping and directing the outcome of all policies and government direction.

Your major-player status will be enabled by a new communications technology which will create a constant ‘town hall’ relationship between you and the new government. In this setup, special interests need not apply! We have long been champions of certain freedoms which we consider sacred. Each of you is a sacred vessel who embodies a divine spark of Life and intelligence given to you by the Creator. This divine inheritance is the reason for all we do to raise up your consciousness, so that you can at last join with your sacred brethren of Spirit who exist in profusion throughout the length and breadth of physical Creation. Heaven has decreed that this is the time for you to join this divine realm, and to exercise your talents and abilities to unfold physicality. This gives us much joy, as we recognize that this means our great work is nearly done!

What is happening to your planet is reflected throughout your solar system. It is time for us all to take up the sacred call of Heaven and return in grace to full consciousness. We, as wayshowers, have guided you to this magnificent moment. We know that the actions being taken will create the conditions where we can once again openly meet you, and teach you about the true ways of Heaven and the many sacred tasks that the peoples of this world have been so solemnly given. To assist us in this, we are joined by your spiritual and space families, so that together we can complete the home stretch of your return to full consciousness. We look forward to being your guides, and helping you find the best way to fulfill the sacred duties given to us by Heaven. These decrees of AEON await us all, and with them, a most glorious time in our history!

Today we continued our weekly messages. The events paving the way for first contact are ready to manifest. Let us together use these auspicious times to bring into being a new epoch for humanity. Let us indeed joyously respond to the grand clarion call of Heaven! Know, dear Ones, that the countless Supply and never-ending Prosperity of Heaven are indeed Yours! So Be It! Selamat Gajun! Selamat Ja! (Sirian for Be One! and Be in Joy!)

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Hello friends, I was guided to re-share this blog post that was originally shared in January of 2010.

There has been a lot of information out there regarding 2012, some good, some bad and some that is just plain ridiculous. Don’t even get me started on that big-budget Hollywood film that recently came out! Sitting with Guidance on New Year’s Day 2010, what came through was interesting to me. I hope that you all enjoy it and that the coming year brings all of your heart’s desires to fruition for you.

Humanity’s job now is to prepare your hearts and vessel bodies for the Christ/Light. There will be a “return” as the prophets have said, but it will be an “inside job” so to speak. We shy away from the term Christ as there has been baggage associated with this word over the years, but we are referring to the one Solar SUN/SON of what is known to be God/Source Energy. The Source energy is so vast that the SUN/SON gives it a focal point of reference to specialize this energy so that it can be more widely and wisely used.

Yes, the doomdayers operate from a place of fear and also dis-empowerment. Since you are not only made in the image of the creator, you ARE creators yourselves, then there is no point whatsoever in accepting destruction as your future reality. There is enough mind, muscle, heart and spirit power to eradicate hunger from the face of the planet if only these powers would be unified, working together for a common goal.

There does not have to be a “fight” between Spirit and ego, not as previously dealt with in earlier times. The planet and its people have grown in leaps and bounds since then. There will always be those among you, that have seemingly lost their way and that walk the path of least resistance. Do not judge or curse them for they have their karmas, their journeys. Now is the time to take a position of detached strength, an organized light force, so to speak. Many of the lightworkers have been doing deep, individual, inner work and the fruits of these efforts are now being shown. In as sense there is a battle before you, but it is not what it might appear to be. The battle will be won with love and non-resistance, but also with focused intention. In the coming months there will be another strong influx of the light energies, which may be temporarily disorienting for some. Continue to support these beings in body, mind and spirit through healthy diet, grounding and emotional care.

Part of what is creating the doubt and fear is the history of planet earth. There has been much death, suffering and war upon this planet for thousands of years. It is reflected in the history books, documentaries and in your thoughts. It has been passed down to the children. We say to you, study your wars no longer. Release a belief in war as a necessary evil. Evil is evil, period. The time for suffering of this kind will soon be over, if enough beings choose it.

To be able to kill one’s “enemy” in battle one of the ultimate illusions on your planet. To kill in this way is no different than killing your own child, flesh of your flesh. It has been said many times, in truth there is only ONE. To believe in separation based on ethnicity, religion or any other “ism” is delusion and not a correct view.

Regarding prophesies of upcoming destruction, we tell you this, many of you have been clearing your karmas and preparing your bodies and minds for the increase of Light on your planet. Why would you prepare yourselves just to be destroyed? Think about it logically, it does not make sense. The Lightworkers have been prepared to assist and to serve, they are needed here and their jobs are just beginning! Even some so-called spiritual thinkers are showing a profound lack of faith. Yes, as a planet and people you must change your ways and that is already happening. There are those that liken your planet to an old junker car sitting in someone’s front yard,just collecting rust. There is a “why bother?” mentality to that. The thought that the earth is already so damaged and so fractured, that to destroy her might actually be a good thing. You have come to this place for a reason and this planet is your home. There are those that could come along with paint, new tires and a skilled mechanic and could take that junker and make her into something useful and beautiful once again. This is the task at hand. We leave you today with peace unending. Aum. Namaste. – The Akashic Wisdom Keepers, from 1.1.10.

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Gaia Integrated 12/3/12


Gaia is unique. She holds genetics of

wildlife, fauna, oceans, and skies that create diversity.

Her feelings reflect soulful

aspects of seven billion heroes.

Holding space in a duality so extreme,

enormous range of emotions are experienced

unlike anywhere else. Only brave souls are here.

Energy waves burst from the galactic center

pulsing awareness and creative codes to the stars.

Helios smiles and his vast system becomes lighter.

Gaia’s collective awakens.

We remember we in this together.

By exploring light and dark, we create solutions

to our core issues.

Holographically, we offer answers

to ancient and future bloodlines.

Freed from our past, our light bodies sparkle

like crystalline stars lighting the cosmos.

Being extremely loyal and patient,

Gaia works while most of humanity is unconscious.

She whispers,

“All is as it should be. It is time to create a new world.

Anchor in compassion by grounding from

your center of balance and gratitude.

On this journey we go together and it is a great ride.

Hold on because even though you are already home,

it might get bumpy.”

We breathe life force, sovereignty and freedom and hold on

best we can.

Moving with her in the dance of co creation.

We look like leaves in the wind. See how we soar.

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From Sabrina Reber, of How to Raise Your Vibration:
I'm back from the most amazing Sacred Pilgrimage I have ever been on. Here is a wonderful photo I took of the Red Pyramid. Our group was here to transmute dense energies, receive ascension codes from many of the sacred sites and temples throughout Egypt, and we were here to anchor in the divine feminine energy as the masculine energy is very out of balance in Egypt. The violet ray in this picture is confirmation that our work is happening with ease and grace. 
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Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...

The Rite of Charity

Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation Presents...

The Rite of Charity

Active service in the spirit of Charity is one of the most significant understandings to

realizing the Self as part of the benevolent God force.

All of the preceding Rites have helped us to demonstrate our commitment to the

appropriate use of divine power through the means of an illumined heart-mind that is fully

absorbed in God.

This initiation prepares us for commanding the manifesting energy of

Love-Wisdom into immediate, charitable action for the greater good of the Whole.

It is through the Rite of Charity that we come to realize true selflessness. Every activity,

including our thoughts, feelings, words and acts, becomes centered upon service and


This is the Rite that comes just before the pivotal moment of our enlightened emergence.

In this turning point in our evolution, we are motivated by love and love alone to carry out

God's Will upon the Earth.

It is through Charity that we freely share our truths to assist in the global awakening and

humanity’s transition into Unity Consciousness.

The Universal Law of the Golden Age

The immutable Universal Laws are the very foundational stones upon which we are

building our new paradigm of abundant and prosperous living.

The Law of Charity is one of the main governing laws of our emerging Golden Age. The

most significant maxim of this illumined era is: “To those who give all, all is given.”

As we express Divine Love in service to others, we release God’s unlimited storehouse of

supply. If we truly love, we cannot help but give. To give is to expand and thus the Law of

Love is fulfilled.

The purity of our greater love gives constantly as its inherent nature, requiring nothing

back in return. With no expectation of return as a result of giving, it is impossible to avoid

receiving! The energy is returned to us, amplified, through the natural fulfillment of the


As we come to live in greater alignment with these governing principles, all sense of lack

evaporates for we humbly know that it is through the act of giving that we shall receive.

Cultivating Selfless Charitable Giving

There is an infinite supply of abundance available for all. The experience of lack is merely

an illusion which comes from the pull of matter and the human attachment to the material


THIS is why we must pass through the initiations of the Transfiguration and Renunciation

before realizing our Divine Inheritance and ability to give selflessly.

In order to truly rise as a Server of the Divine Plan, we must be willing to give of ourselves

fully and freely. Until we do, we limit our effectiveness and close the door to supply, not

only for ourselves but for the group through which we are affiliated in service. Herein lies

one of our greatest responsibilities to the evolving group consciousness.

To experience true spiritual wealth, we are to live first and foremost in the perfect freedom

of God Immanent. From this state of liberation, we are vibrating beyond the boundaries of

limitation, relinquished of all thoughts of having and needing “material things”.

The will TO serve versus being served keeps the life current flowing through the illumined

Self. It is when we are fulfilling the needs of others that we open the storehouse of the

Great Spirit to flow through us unimpeded.

Attitude towards Money

How we hold the significance of money is one of the greatest barometers as to our

position upon the path of true humanitarian service. This concerns our attitude and the

physical handling of that which most people seek in order to gratify personal desire.

With an appreciation for the value of money and what it can accomplish as energy, we are

not motivated to seek it for the personal Self, except that which may equip us for the

accomplishment of our service role.

Money can be regarded as something which can be

used as a means to bring about the fulfillment of the Divine Plan.

It has often been said that those people who sincerely desire nothing for the Self can be a

recipient of financial bounty and a dispenser of the riches of the universe.

Characteristics of a True Humanitarian

All true charitable service is motivated by the inevitable inflow of spiritual force from the

Group I AM Presence as it responds to the unconditional goodwill of the divine


The genuine Servers of the Divine Plan leading humanity into the Golden Age will stand

as one in group formation, working together in self-forgetfulness, having already offered

up their personality for use by Divinity.

We give no thought to the magnitude of our accomplishments and bear no preconceived

ideas as to our own value or usefulness. Our attitude is to live and serve, asking nothing

for ourself and needing no reward. The act of giving IS the reward.

We are completely unattached to the results of that which is given, walking in perfect

equanimity as we respond to the needs of the moment.

When it comes to real humanitarian service, sincerity is the king of all virtues. All acts of

service are expressed in an effort to magnify the glory of God, brought forth through a

sincere attitude of love and goodwill towards all life. True selflessness stems from one who

is deeply in love with God.

Second only to sincerity, humility is the next pivotal key to opening the doors to Charity.

No task is considered too great or too small. True servers do not wait for grandiose

opportunities to give and serve. They start immediately, giving whatever they can to aide

those around them thus adding to the grandeur of love’s expression on Earth.

As we come to truly embody these characteristics as an evolved group consciousness, our

capacity to serve humanity is significantly amplified. Free of the colorings of the human

personality, we are able to intelligently direct God’s Love into every circumstance to affect

instantaneous transformation.

Serving as an instrument of divinity, we love as God loves. We give and keep on giving.

Charity and the Planetary Goodwill Movement

Through our mantle of selfless charitable service, we will be called in greater numbers to

assist in the task of global harmonization and to bring divine understanding to the masses

with even greater influence.

Many of us will be guided into relationships and projects with the simple people of

goodwill all around the world. It will be our collaborative task to serve with them by

helping to stimulate in their country and relations everywhere, the heart responsiveness

and receptivity to God’s Love… that gives and gives and keeps on giving.

Through charitable acts of service, we come to experience the manifestation of the one

universal family of God, everyone helping to meet the needs of all others. This includes

the equitable distribution of all resources in the spirit of goodwill and shared opportunity.

This also incorporates all of our gifts and talents to be joyfully utilized in service to


All humanity is a reflection of our one Self and the one consciousness. When we give to

our neighbor, we are also giving to ourselves and to God. As this understanding expands

to the mass public, separative notions will be transcended and Unity Consciousness will

more greatly actualized.

May supreme kindness and charitable action become our natural way of life as we stand

united in our God realized power. The true humanitarian spirit is then revealed as a result

of our seeing the Christ in every face and every seeming wound of humanity is also

considered our own.

Charity to all life is the fulfillment of God’s Will on Earth.


.A 12-Week Program September Equinox to December Solstice

You are Invited! In this moment of human history, it is incredible to behold the

awe-inspiring power of Divine Remembrance springing forth from within the awakening

hearts and minds of the masses.

We are bearing witness to the global revelation that

not only is God present within us but also that WE are the physical reflection of the

supreme Divine Presence upon the Earth.

After years of successfully navigating

the narrow road of self mastery fraught with extraordinary challenges, the

actualization of our true nature is finally upon us.

This inner realization of our union with

Source is rippling out to include all life as we come to understand on a tangible level that

every atom in creation is a part of the interconnected whole. As a resonant group, we

have been preparing all our life in order to make the necessary commitment to

go the distance in this exponential passage.

This is going to be one heaven of a ride,

beloved Avatars, so gather your ability to focus as we rise to meet our destiny through

support from these Rites of Passage.


1. Sunday Morning Delivery We will send an email to you announcing each Rite

of Passage. This will be delivered very early each Sunday morning, America time.

2. The Rites of Passage are Initiations in the Daily Life

These Rites are essentially initiations that build upon the other. If you are sincere and

apply yourself in full focus, these initiations will be profoundly reflected in your daily life.

3. Text and Audio Support Materials:

Important to Do BOTH! Each Rite will have a PDF text article and an Mp3 Audio

Transmission. These will be offered as downloads on our website.

The program is BOTH the PDF text and the MP3 transmission. The text and the audio

are created differently and they go together.

It is the energy BEHIND the words and

BEHIND the voice that delivers codes. The text and audio combination helps to

balance the right and the left brain hemispheres for a balanced understanding

from the heart-mind! It is recommended to print and read the text often.

The audio is a

sacred transmission that delivers codes to awaken remembrance. It is best to listen

to the audio more than once and with headphones.

4. When To Do It?

There is no pre-set time to read and listen to the Rites. We are all encouraged to

do them when intuitively guided in order to receive the maximum benefit. This is all

also reflected in your daily life experiences.

5. New and Full Moon Grid Transmissions

We will continue with our unified gathering on the Grid every new and full moon. This

will assist to maintain the integrity and focus of our endeavor while in group formation

and to give each other great support.

6. Rites of Passage Support

Our Center of Illumination features a group forum for all active members to share in their direct

experiences with the Rites of Passage. If you feel in need of this extra support, please

consider joining us.

Subscribe here as a Gold Ray member.


through a greatly accelerated experience of back-to-back initiations which focus upon

our collective entry into the internal unified state of God Realization, as a group


Following are important guidelines of understanding to this endeavor...

  • to undertake such a program for yourself, please remain connected with us.
  • You will still benefit. It is for you that we are undergoing this accelerated
  • initiatory experience. Our progressive emergence as an enlightened group
  • harmonic has high potential to ripple out through the Unified Field catalyzing a
  • dynamic upshift in our level of unity consciousness thereby lifting off big pieces of
  • the huma
  • This is a collective group undertaking.
  • Each Rite is taken over period of seven days and in this time period there
  • may be sub-levels of initiation taking place. Each Rite builds upon the other,
  • exponentially
  • Due to the acceleration of initiatory of energy from one Rite to
  • the next, it is highly recommended that participants start at the
  • beginning with Rite 1. We encourage everyone to start at the same time...
  • September 23, 2012 and to remain committed until December 21, 2012.
  • We are calling forth those souls who are authentically ready to
  • resurrect their life into a completely new system of energy.


  • Everyone can safely participate. This Passage program is purposefully
  • designed (and coded) to lift everyone into expanded states of perception,
  • no matter the level of consciousness.
  • There will be those among our group that are fully prepared to endure this
  • quickened pace and realize a holy emergence. Others will participate in
  • order to deepen certain understandings or to accelerate clearings and
  • internal activations. It is working on all levels and dimensions.
  • We have proven that the vibration of varying levels of consciousness, as
  • this is contained within a higher vibrating group matrix, can be raised to
  • directly experience heightened levels of awareness. The KEY to integration
  • is to remain within the group energy field in order for the subsequent
  • quickening to properly stabilize.


To Register To participate, all that is required is to be on our mailing list. Each

Rite will be delivered every Sunday morning through email, beginning

September 23. If you have friends or groups of people from other networks

that want to participate, please direct them to our subscription page here.

Offered by Donation In the spirit of abundance exchange, we ask for donations

to this service if you are able. Due to this program being one of enlightened

understandings, we are working on a system of absolute faith that everyone

will comply. These donations are being applied towards our multi-million dollar

fundraising campaign for the 2013 Children of the Sun World Tour and

Humanitarian Event. The purpose of this Tour and humanitarian undertaking is

to bring our messages of unity and love out into the world, en masse. See the

World Tour webite. OUR LANGUAGING We have modified our language

presentation in these Rites to appeal more to the expanded diversity of program

participants. Use of the Word, God

We are remaining with the use of the word GOD as a way to express the Great


our Source of Life, that Supreme Intelligent Power that permeates every form and



of the whole universe. We are using this word due to its sheer magnitude of

vibratory frequency.

If you are new to the platform of Children of the Sun and do not

understand a certain phrase, please see our glossary of definitions.

Translations in Many Languages



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Beloved Saint Germain Blessings of The Freedom Star ☆ EΛEYΘEPIA
". . .Have limitless courage and strength to go forward. Do not accept, beloved ones, individually, that there is one single thing in your Life which cannot be conquered by this Power of the Presence of Life. You are being given limitless Assistance, but do not think for one moment that We would hesitate, even without your asking, to render any Assistance that might be required in your great determination to be free. Do you know that every one of you who is sincere, is directly in touch with Our Vibratory Action all the time, and the slightest call from you is known to Us instantly? It might seem strange, but it is quite natural. In our Octave, there is no limitation of any kind. Therefore, We can answer many as well as one."I want you to feel how limitless is your Life and the Power of your Presence which you are calling forth into action. It is so magnificent. Oh, you are coming more and more into the great tangibility of It. Sometimes, you do feel more satisfied if you can reach out and touch It."May you feel, tonight, all that is here of Our Great Courage and Strength. I am releasing this Great Courage and Strength to you which will remain. It is not a passing thing, but I want you to have it, because it means so much in your application. Then, you will be dauntless before a thing that has not seemed to yield. You will say: "Well, you might just as well obey, because you have got to do it." Feel it! Feel your independence toward anything that does not want to yield. Say: "Well, you might as well do it, because you have got to do it." Feel that! I tell you frankly, you will feel a Power and Command that will give you the assurance. Then, as you go on, you will find everything will come into action that you require."I thank you with all My Heart, beloved ones, and may My Great Eternal Love enfold each one in Its Mighty Strength and Courage until that day, not so far distant, when We know each other a little better."December 29, 1938Los Angeles, California, USAGuy W. Ballard, Anointed MessengerThe Voice of the "I AM" - 1939Saint Germain Press" src="" width="181" height="253" />
Beloved Saint Germain ". . .Have limitless courage and strength to go forward. Do not accept, beloved ones, individually, that there is one single thing in your Life which cannot be conquered by this Power of the Presence of Life. You are being given limitless Assistance, but do not think for one moment that We would hesitate, even without your asking, to render any Assistance that might be required in your great determination to be free.
Do you know that every one of you who is sincere, is directly in touch with Our Vibratory Action all the time, and the slightest call from you is known to Us instantly? It might seem strange, but it is quite natural. In our Octave, there is no limitation of any kind. Therefore, We can answer many as well as one. "I want you to feel how limitless is your Life and the Power of your Presence which you are calling forth into action. It is so magnificent. Oh, you are coming more and more into the great tangibility of It.
Sometimes, you do feel more satisfied if you can reach out and touch It. "May you feel, tonight, all that is here of Our Great Courage and Strength. I am releasing this Great Courage and Strength to you which will remain. It is not a passing thing, but I want you to have it, because it means so much in your application. Then, you will be dauntless before a thing that has not seemed to yield. You will say: "Well, you might just as well obey, because you have got to do it." Feel it! Feel your independence toward anything that does not want to yield. Say: "Well, you might as well do it, because you have got to do it." Feel that! I tell you frankly, you will feel a Power and Command that will give you the assurance. Then, as you go on, you will find everything will come into action that you require.
"I thank you with all My Heart, beloved ones, and may My Great Eternal Love enfold each one in Its Mighty Strength and Courage until that day, not so far distant, when We know each other a little better."
December 29, 1938 Los Angeles, California, USA
Guy W. Ballard, Anointed Messenger The Voice of the "I AM" - 1939 Saint Germain Press
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The 12:12:12 Activation

a message from Shanta Gabriel
Friday, 23 November, 2012 Dear Ones,

The 12:12:12 Activation on December 12, 2012 will bring the highest frequencies ever encoded in the Light of the Christ Consciousness to the planet for transformation of the Earth and all beings.

Through the power of the associated gateways held open by the Archangels at the 11:11, a new force of the Christ Consciousness will be made available during the 12:12:12 Activation. The power of this awakening energy enables each person to have the experience of the Christ Light at the moment of the 12:12:12 Coding. Once experienced you will not fall back into old ways, as the Golden Christ Light literally expunges from your being frequencies that no longer serve you. Transformed by Light, the cells awaken to the coding embedded by your soul. This activation has been held in abeyance until the earth consciousness would support mass awakening. Awareness and preparation are key signatures for the transformation available through the Christ Light. That time is Now.

The 12:12:12 represents an activation of Divine Love within, through and around you. When Divine Love activates the light-encoded filaments within your being, there is a communion of awakening. It moves the body into the 12-helix system and allows the connection of the DNA strands. This activates subtle energy that unites the new 12-chakra system. Light alone cannot create the connection, even though the Divine Intelligence is there within the Light Force. Divine Love is required to awaken the coding of your Soul’s union with the completion inherent in the Twelve. This is the awakening of the Christ Consciousness.
Divine Unity

Through the 12:12:12 there will be a sense of being reborn into unity with all aspects of you. Greet yourself with a new level of respect and honor your commitment to this life. Your willingness to proceed on the Path of Light throughout time has brought you to a completion of one aspect of your soul’s journey. Your task now is to take this new fullness deeply into your being to empower you. Let the Christ Light permeate every cell and create a new healing force that will pervade your consciousness. When you integrate this alignment within you, the Divine Love in your energy fields will activate your DNA and become so pervasive that your world will literally begin to change around you.

Begin to use this new connection to the Christ Energy, which contains the Light Force of Healing and Compassion. Bring it to all your stories, all your relationships and all the places in your life that still do not appear to radiate with all the goodness that you have imagined. Use this Golden Light to strengthen yourself with true forgiveness and compassion. No matter what is occurring, focus on the Oneness within the true Light of the Christ and bring this Divine Love and Compassion to yourself. Create a habit of doing this before any other reaction can take place and you will discover that this truly is a new time to be alive.
New Structures in the Human Energy System

With the 12:12:12 Activation, new structures are being built in the human energy system. The alignment of the 12-strands connection in the DNA structure opens the way for the creation of the 12-chakra system. This paradigm shift within the development of the encoded human being begins to create a fully aligned structure that operates at the highest frequency of energy available now. This new aligned energy system allows the human to not only navigate this new earth time, but also pave the way for others to respond. The codings set into the human energy system that fire at different times have been creating waves of change within the structures set into the old world paradigm. Each person will now feel the soul impulse to move into purposeful action, retreat or choose to leave the planet entirely to await a more developed time on Earth.

Further evolution on planetary levels creates new openings for souls to step into. Those whose light encoded DNA has allowed their energy frequencies to shift, now work in a multidimensional earth simultaneously magnetizing other souls. An entrainment of energy frequencies ensues as your own inner coding, firing in resonance, attracts more who are ready for the awakening. It is a truly exciting time to be alive and you were born to be the creator of the new structures of the Earth. Within this new energy, you may feel as though you have finally come Home.

Create an empowered vision to serve you as you raise your energy frequencies within the new light structures of the 12:12 codes. This will activate your energy centers in a new way. Create a deep vital connection to an Earth awaiting this time of honoring. You have unseen partners whose work includes your evolution, to assist in the creation of a fully functioning world that operates on a higher frequency of Light and Divine Love.

You were born for this. Now is your time. Envision the helix of the 12 strands of Light-encoded DNA within you going deep into the Earth and above your head. This will empower the connection of the 12-chakra system above, within and below your body. Join with others in the 12:12:12 timings to assist the firing of new matrix energy codes. These will be the structures that help create a new Earth – one where the spirit within all things in honored, and beauty and harmony are sanctified.

If you are reading this, you are aligned to the Christ Energy that empowers new life at the coded time on 12:12:12 this December 12, 2012. It is the true beginning of a paradigm shift that will continue for the next three years. All will change. Commit to graceful evolution and begin to build the new structures within your being, so those in the world can follow the blueprint. You have always been one who paved the way, and this still continues. The alignment of the 12:12:12 energy is what has been called the “Second Coming.” Misunderstood for centuries, this connection to the Christ Consciousness is within you, and is not the arrival of a single enlightened being in the world. The awakening of full evolutionary spiritual energy is available within all beings, if they choose it, and are willing to bring into the planet the evolutionary shift in consciousness that the Earth awaits. It is your time to choose.
Receive Forgiveness

In the Activation of the 12:12:12, Divine Forgiveness is provided for a healing of old wounds. Your job is to receive the healing by accepting forgiveness for past errors you believe you made. Allow the light of Divine Love to permeate all the old structures you built around the idea of shame and unworthiness. Forgive the attacks on yourself for having failed to do whatever you thought you “should be doing.” This new Light encoded with the Christed energy carries a frequency of healing and love. It also holds an alignment with your multi-dimensional selves in order to create more unity and wholeness within your being.

You committed spiritual warriors stepped foot on this path the moment you were born. You witnessed dedication in the world around you to all that you considered untrue. You picked up your Soul’s banner of Truth, Illumination and Expansion and began moving in directions that were met with fear and controversy. This may even have caused dissension in your family dynamics that continue to this day. Through it all you were committed to your belief in Divine Light and the process of evolution – a way that honored the sanctity of all life on Earth.

A recognition that other dimensions exist that merge and coincide with ancient wisdom and illumined Truth has pervaded your consciousness. You have been open to receive the teachings that resonated deep within your being, no matter how it appeared to others. Through the wave of rising consciousness it has taken great courage to hold strong to your beliefs. On December 12, 2012, the 12:12:12 Activation is an anchoring of all you held to be true within your soul.

Here is a prayer to assist the activation:

Divine Presence,

During this 12:12:12 Activation, I invite the Divine Love and Golden Light active in the Christ Consciousness to flow gracefully through me and anchor upon the Earth. I now ask for an awakening connection within my DNA to Divine Love, Compassion and Light from the Highest Source to the 12 strands of DNA within me creating the full helix of Light that activates my 12-chakra system. I ask for my Soul’s alignment to all the Divine Love and Light that I can receive for the good of my evolution and the evolution of the Earth at this time. I invite the assistance of the Angels, Archangels, Masters and all the beings of Light who work for my awakening to be with me in this process.

May all beings awaken to their Divine Potential and bring the presence of Divine Love into their hearts. May ever more Grace flow through us all to bless this planet. May the Earth be honored in a new way that allows our beautiful planet to thrive. May every heart feel the gifts of this loving Presence within them so Peace may prevail on Earth. Thank you God for this and all our blessings.

And so it is.

Copyright © Shanta Gabriel. These messages can be shared as long as they are used in their entirety and proper credit is given for the work. I love people to be able to share the work with others.

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Hackers 'blackmail' users of illicit websites with new cyber attack

A new cyber threat is earning millions for international hacker gangs - 'ransomware' attacks, which blackmail users into paying up to £280 to get back into their own PCs, often by accusing them of using illicit materials.

Yahoo! News

Yahoo! News - Hackers 'blackmail' users of illicit websites with new cyber attack (Image: Fotolia)

A new cyber threat is earning millions for international hacker gangs - 'ransomware' attacks, which blackmail users into paying to get back into their own PCs.

The attacks often use clever 'social engineering' such as warnings which seem to be from local police which say, “You have browsed illicit materials and must pay a fine.”

The scam works by using malware to disable victims’ computers until they pay a ransom to restore access - a fee of up to £280.

Faced with such scare tactics, security experts Norton by Symantec found around 2.9% of victims end up paying ransoms.

One gang was observed attempting to infect 495,000 computers over the course of just 18 days.

Norton by Symantec, estimate cybercriminals are raking in over £3 million a year from victims as a result of this scam, and that number is likely to grow.

'Ransomware' is one of the fastest-growing areas of cybercrime.

The first of these cyber-attacks appeared in 2009 in Russia and Eastern Europe.

Now the attacks have gone global - becoming highly popular with international online criminal gangs, spreading the threat to Western Europe, the United States and Canada over the past year.

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Amazing Pictures

Corio Bay, Victoria

Lightning illuminates a cumulonimbus cloud over Corio Bay, Victoria. The Bureau of Meteorology and Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society organises a competition each year for the best weather pictures. And its 2013 calendar is one of its most dramatic yet with lightning bolts, dust storms and enormous clouds creating dramatic. One of the star moments was captured by amateur photographer James Collier after he witnessed a thunderstorm.

tiny tortoise who is no bigger than a fifty pence coin

Meet Tank, the tiny tortoise who is no bigger than a fifty pence coin. The adorable Hermanns tortoise is just six months old and is being cared for by staff at the Paradise Wildlife Park in Hertfordshire. Tank, who isn't fazed by anything despite his size, was given to the park by a former staff member as a leaving present. The tiny tortoise, pictured here settling into his new home, is dwarfed by practically everything he comes up against, from a house key to a Remembrance poppy

poppy fields in full bloom showing Britain's countryside

These are the glorious red poppy fields in full bloom showing Britain's countryside at its best. They were taken by photographer Alan Ranger, 43, at Blackstone Farm nature reserve in Bewdley, Worcestershire. Alan managed to capture the amazing shots during a one-week window when the poppies appear in full bloom. The glorious shot was taken in the lead-up to Remembrance Sunday, when poppy wreaths are laid at war memorials up and down the country (Caters)

the Swiss and Italian border on 'Cleopatra’s Needle'

Swiss photographer Robert Boesch insists that this picture, of 28 climbers is not doctored. The snap was taken on the Swiss and Italian border on 'Cleopatra’s Needle', which stands 3,000ft above sea level. As if climbing the mountain wasn't hard enough, the climbers all had to pose horizontally against the cliff face, allowing Swiss photographer Robert Boesch the chance to capture the picture perfect moment (SWNS)

peak in the French Alps
Adrenaline junkie and yoga fan Martina Cufar showed incredible balance and bravery by completing her daredevil yoga routine on top of a 3,500m peak in the French Alps while her photographer, Lukasz Warzecha, captured the remarkable feat (Caters)

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Frozen in time: Photographer gets up close and personal with icebergs and glaciers

Tim Vollmer, 41, and partner Marketa Kalvachova, 32, spend months every year travelling to and braving freezing temperatures to shoot the amazing sights of Iceland.


Yahoo! News UK – Mon, Nov 12, 2012

Yahoo! News UK - Spectacular: Photographer Tim Vollmer said 'no two icebergs are the same' (Caters)
They are the spectacular phenomenon which loom large in some of the Earth's least hospitable areas.

Now the majestic beauty of Iceland's biggest icebergs and glaciers has been captured by a brave photographer, who spent months taking these remarkable images.

The stunning series of shots show the variety in shape, size, and colour of the glistening ice on the European island country.

Tim Vollmer, 41, and partner Marketa Kalvachova, 32, spend months every year travelling to and braving freezing temperatures to shoot the amazing sights of Iceland.

This captivating image shows the ever changing appearance of glaciers (Caters)

And due to the ever-changing appearance of the ice they insist they never get bored - because they will never come across the same iceberg more than once.

Photographer Tim, from Germany, who organises workshops to the region said: "Marketa and I moved to Iceland in 2005 and we instantly fell in love with the snow and ice.

"We became fascinated by the textures and tones. Every day we go out to shoot pictures the light, formation, shape and colours are completely different.

"The lifecycle of the landscape creates unbelievable sights. All these images were taken over the last couple of months but if I went back now they would look different.

Photographer Tim said the colours in Iceland are 'unlike any others in the world' (Caters)

"It's an adventure everytime because there is always something new to photograph.

"Some of the colours are so spectacular I don't think you could see them anywhere else in the world.

"We first started taking images to capture the place we were in for the memories but now we want to highlight the beauty of the ice and show others what makes them exciting.

"More and more we find ourselves going out to take photos - it's a special area for us."

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Riddle of missing Pacific island solved: researcher


A New Zealand researcher claimed to have solved the riddle of a mystery South Pacific island shown on Google Earth and world maps which does not exist, blaming a whaling ship from 1876.
The phantom landmass in the Coral Sea is shown as Sandy Island on Google Earth and Google maps and is supposedly midway between Australia and the French-governed New Caledonia.
The Times Atlas of the World appears to identify it as Sable Island, but according to Australian scientists who went searching last month during a geological expedition it could not be found.
Intrigued, Shaun Higgins, a researcher at Auckland Museum, started investigating and claimed it never existed, with a whaling ship the source of the original error.
"As far as I can tell, the island was recorded by the whaling ship the Velocity," Higgins told ABC radio, adding that the ship's master reported a series of "heavy breakers" and some "sandy islets".
"My supposition is that they simply recorded a hazard at the time. They might have recorded a low-lying reef or thought they saw a reef. They could have been in the wrong place. There is all number of possibilities," he said.
"But what we do have is a dotted shape on the map that's been recorded at that time and it appears it's simply been copied over time."
News of the invisible island sparked debate on social media at the time, with tweeters pointing out that Sandy Island was also on Yahoo Maps as well as Bing Maps.
On, discussions were robust with one poster claiming he had confirmed with the French hydrographic office that it was indeed a phantom island and was supposed to have been removed from charts in 1979.
Google told AFP last month it always welcomed feedback on maps and "continuously explore(s) ways to integrate new information from our users and authoritative partners into Google Maps".
It appears that Sandy Island has now been taken off its map.

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The Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension

To read the beginning of this story please see:

The Pleiadian Perspective on Ascension

Mytre and The Arcturians

The Restoration Chamber

When I first arrived on the Arcturian Starship after "accidentally" navigating my Scout Ship with my mind, our society in the Pleiades was at the same stage of ascension as your Earthly society is now. However, when I arrived all I could do was tell the Arcturians that our planet was under attack. Shortly after, I was taken to the Restoration Chamber.

I would like to begin this message by telling you of my experience within the Chamber. As soon as I was in my chair and the door was closed, I was surrounded by total darkness. At first, I was a bit disconcerted by the darkness, but slowly an inner light began to awaken within me. I had never had an experience of perceiving this light before. It seemed to be coming from the top of my head.

The light began to move throughout my brain, as if it were looking for something. After an unknown period of time the source of the light seemed to settle into the very center of my brain. From there it projected a beam into my inner forehead, at which point I passed out.

When I awoke, I could see in the dark. I knew the room was still dark because I was seeing through a higher frequency of vision. I could pan-in or pan-out from what I saw without moving my head in any way. I also realized that I could see to either side, and even behind me, without moving my head. What I realize now is that I was seeing through my Third Eye.

Once I had a chance to "play" with my new vision, I began to feel an immense burning just above my heart. The burning sensation was so intense that I was paralyzed with pain. If I moved my body in any fashion, the pain escalated. On the other hand, if I totally relaxed into a calm, slow breath, the pain receded. Hence, I remained totally still for an unknown time.

I think I fell asleep, for it was not the same sensation as before when I passed out. Either way, when I returned to an awakened state the pain was gone, and I felt unbelievable filled with love. My wife and daughter came into my thoughts, and I immediately saw a picture of them in my mind. Later, much later, I learned that I had actually seen them.

I focused on our village with my mind to see if I could see anything, but all I could receive was an intense fatigue and sense of dread. I later learned that searching for love was an easier task than seeing fear and violence. I also learned that the reason for this discrepancy was to learn to follow the sensation of love during my inter-dimensional travels. Of course, at that time, I had no idea what glory my future would hold.

My pondering was interrupted by the opening of door to the Chamber, which opened quite on its own. I later learned that when the one in the chair resonated to a certain frequency, the door automatically opened. As I slowly stepped down from the chair, I felt a completely unique sensation course throughout my body.

I had no idea what that sensation was, but it was quite blissful. I later learned that my entire body had been re-calibrated to the fifth-dimensional frequency of resonance. However, I could only maintain the gift of higher resonance that I was given by the Arcturians by learning to be the Master of ALL my thoughts and emotions. This mastery was no easy task, but I did achieve it because the reward was so immense.

Once, I found how to balance my new legs, I slowly walked through the door and out of the Chamber. I then entered a quiet corridor. The floor felt more like a cloud than the ground, but I was not sure if it was the floor or my new body. I later found that it was both. The corridor was empty, but I felt the thoughts of the crewmembers as if they were there with me.

The thoughts of so many people swirling through my mind gave me a headache and a feeling of nausea. I put my hand out to hold onto the wall for stability and was instantly overwhelmed by information regarding ALL the workings of the Ship. Fortunately, I heard a quiet instruction emanating from my heart, which was another novel experience, that instructed me to close my eyes and go deep into my own Core.

I was not sure what "going into my Core" meant, but I correctly imagined that it meant to find my own Center. When I focused on the Center of my self, I could find a place of peace and, even, quite. Within that quiet I realized that I was hearing these voices from within my self rather than through my physical ears.

I found my Center again so that I could balance my body enough to stand on my own. I then gradually opened my eyes and saw the smiling face of an Arcturian. "Very good," It spoke. (Arcturians are androgynous even when they are wearing a form.) "Follow me," it said, as it led the way. It could tell that I was still disoriented and kept a slow pace.

At first I did not see much of the Ship, as I had to keep my eyes focused on the Arcturian to avoid further dizziness. However, as I continued to walk, I became steadier on my new feet. I had a million questions to ask but knew that I had to respect their means of teaching me.

The Arcturian led me to a Debriefing Room, where I told them everything that was happening on my planet, as well as everything that happened to me on the Ship. After my meeting I was taken to my own quarters, shown how to operate the replicator to make myself some food, and encouraged to relax and get some sleep. I did everything I was asked to do, except sleep.

I tossed and turned and could not stop thinking long enough to surrender to sleep. I had so many questions. Why did they leave me here alone? What was going to happen next? How were Mytria and my infant daughter? How was my planet? Did the Arcturians save them? And one, and on, and on...

Finally my door buzzed, and I invited an unknown Being to enter. I say "Being" because my unbidden communications revealed that there were Beings from all over the Galaxy aboard this Ship. Fortunately, when the door opened it was an Arcturian who entered. I had had enough surprises for a while.

With a slight smile, the Arcturian said, "How are you doing with mastery of your thoughts?"

Mytre and the Arcturians

Mastering Thought and Perceiving with Emotion

When the Arcturian kindly mentioned my thinking, I had to laugh. I realized that my out-of-control thinking was partially because I had been recalibrated to a frequency of resonance that I had never experienced before.

I also recognized that I was frightened because my thoughts and emotions were out of alignment with my new body. I remembered the Elohim that Mytria and I had met within the Womb of the Mother long, long ago. However, I had never met an Arcturian, much less experienced a frequency rate of beingness that allowed me to perceive and interact with them.

"Good," spoke the Arcturian standing just inside my doorway. "You have correctly discerned that we took you to the Restoration Room to expand your resonance. You were taken there because you passed a major initiation of mastering your thoughts and perceiving with your emotions."

I had no idea what perceiving with my emotions meant, but I was very clear about my difficulty in mastering my thoughts. On the other hand, when I was flying the Ship with my mind, I had only one thought, and I felt that thought with every cell of my body.

"Follow me," the Arcturian directed, but I saw no movement of its mouth. Furthermore, I heard its message inside my heart instead of through my ears. However, the Arcturian did not explain what I was experiencing. With a knowing smile, it turned and walked away. I was very groggy from lack of sleep and intense anxiety, but I woke up quickly in my vain attempt to keep up with it.

For starters, the Arcturian did not actually walk. It moved just above the ground. In fact, I sensed that it could just blink itself to its destination, but was only using its present archaic locomotion for my benefit. I was clear that I had a lot to learn if I was to remain on this Starship.

The Arcturian guided me into what was likely a holosuite, because it was a huge area with a beautiful lake, warm sun, and a soft breeze that gently moved the leaves on the many trees. In fact, it was the exact area where I first met Mytria. With that realization, a wave of deep loneliness and sorrow rushed through me.

"You have been through a great change," the Arcturian said. " We have created a familiar place for you to rest and become accustomed to your new frequency of form. You may use your mind to call up anyone that you wish to visit."

"But, will they be real?" I asked.

"What do you mean by real?" The Arcturian queried.

I did not even know how to answer that question, so I stumbled around and said,
"You know, real in that it is not just my imagination."
"Everything is your imagination," the Arcturian said as it turned and left the lake, the holosuite, or was it the reality?

Unfortunately, I could not ask these questions because the Arcturian was suddenly gone. Obviously, I was on the fast track of learning, and I had to stop questioning and start remembering what had happened to me on the Ship.

Therefore, I started to call up the illusion, hologram or reality of my shipmates to ask them what they had seen. That was when I remembered that they must be on the Starship too. Before I had a chance to ponder that question, all three of my crewmates, including the one who had died, appeared before me.

I was overwhelmed to see someone who I watched die standing in front of me. Maybe he was a hologram, but if he was, I didn't want to be the one to break it to him.

"We brought you some food," they said.

We sat down on a flat rock and ate our simple food while we all pretended that this experience was normal, and I tried to figure out if it was real.

A Note from Sue

Last night in the middle of the night I was awakened by a message that flew quickly through my mind, but was important enough to wake me. The room was dark, so I gabbed a paper and a pen and went into the bathroom to see by the nightlight. My message was:

Earth is calling in Her markers from anyone who may owe Her.
Of course, that sentence is a third dimensional way of saying that Gaia is making Her final arrangements for transmutation.
Therefore, any one who is busy being distracted by what seems to be so important, is being called away from their distractions and into Gaia's service.

Part of the reason for my getting this message may be because of a quick meditation, or maybe it was a vision, that I had as I was falling off to sleep the night before. I had just arrived in Dana Point with my girlfriend for her Birthday Getaway, and I was thinking about the myriad earthquakes that were in the San Diego area.

Dana Point is quite close to San Diego, and my husband had protectively "reminded" me of the earthquakes before we left. I didn't think of it until I was falling asleep. Then, I realized we were there to assist Gaia. I could feel that the land in that area was having problems transmuting, and I knew that it was because of the nuclear power planet between Dana Point and San Diego.

In my partial sleep state, I began transmuting the land and assisting Gaia. All was going well, when a short, negative E T, a fearful image from my childhood, walked up to me. I started to feel fear, but I stopped my self and called in the Arcturians.

Instantly, I felt myself transmute into a ten-foot tall version of Arcturian. My human disguise came off and my real identity was revealed. I wish I knew how to describe it. I was so calm, so filled with love that I could not even imagine the sensation of fear.

I, in my Arcturian form, walked over to the short ET, leaned over and kindly touched it on the shoulder. Then, in a very loving fashion, I said,
"You may want to leave now, as it may get too difficult for you here."

It was a very short meditation, but the feeling of being a ten-foot tall Arcturian Lightbody stayed with me for hours. In fact, if I just close my eyes for a few moments I can still call up the feeling again. Mostly, I can feel the complete lack of judgment and the true concern for the difficultly that the fearful, and afraid, being might experience.

I think the most important lesson in this short experience was that transmuting my form so easy. Of course, I am still walking around in a physical body because the Arcturian form was not physical. However, my perception of life, especially fear, was totally different while my consciousness was calibrated to that frequency of SELF.

I write this brief note to remind you all that you do NOT have to learn anything. All you have to "do" is to remember who you really are and call it into your daily life. We are Flowing into a period of immense change. When our world gets overwhelming, all we need to remember is to call in our SELF!

Mytre and The Arcturians

Is It Real?

After I ate familiar food with my crewmates, we stripped down and swam in the lake. Then, we lay down on the warm rock and talked about nothing. We told jokes, laughed and finally feel asleep on the warm rocks. When I awoke, the sun was low on the horizon and my friends were gone.

Suddenly, I was engulfed by the deep sorrow that I had not been able to feel about leaving my beloved family. I was alone now, so I could cry like a baby, and I did. As I cried, images from being on the Mother's land with Mytria, laughing with her, and making love filled my heart.

Slowly, I realized that those images were stronger than the feeling of grief and I began to focus on the feel of the images. As I allowed the feeling of deep friendship, love and fun to fill my body, I began to understand what the Arcturian meant by "perceiving with emotion."

When my emotion was sad, all I could perceive was that I was alone on a rock that was once filled with love. However, as I gave my sorrow a voice, my perceptions began to change. In my mind's eye I actually saw that which I was remembering. With the feeling of love filling my body, I looked out towards the setting Sun and saw my SELF.

I don't know how to explain how I saw myself, as I saw it with the emotion of Bliss. I had released my loneliness and deep sorrow and replaced it with the FEEL of love for another. Then, once I felt love for another, I was able to love my SELF. By SELF, I mean, the self that is ONE with the SELF that is ONE.

At that time, that sounded like a poor sentence, but gradually I began to understand what it meant. I was creating the hologram with my thoughts, just like the Arcturian said I would. I called forth my friend and gave life to my friend who had died. I hung out with them on a sunny day because I needed to feel like a "normal" guy relaxing with his buddies. Finally, I fell asleep, as I could no longer believe the fantasy that I had created.

With the loss of my illusion, I had to face my truth. Fear and sorrow came fast, and love and happiness came in a slow, but enduring manner. When I allowed my emotions to speak to me, I could see the truth around me. Much to my surprise, that truth included the fact that my sorrow was not just for my family.

I was mourning the loss of all that I had held to be true, honest and real. Now that I realized that my real world was an illusion, all I could perceive was the truth. With that final realization, the lake vanished, the rock vanished, the trees vanished and the setting sun revealed the door out of the holosuite.

I knew that walking through that door was acknowledging that everything that I had ever known, done, had and experienced was an illusion. Through the door was my true SELF. Yes, of course, this SELF was within me, but through the door I would learn how to remember who I really am.

I stared at the flat door on the empty wall for a very long time. I knew that I no longer had a choice. Once I moved our small Ship with my mind, everything changed because I changed. Then, when I left the Restoration Chamber, I began to BE my truth, which terrified me.

I stood up and walked toward the door. With my head held high, I walked through the door and followed the awaiting Arcturian who greeted me with an open heart. No words were needed, for now I could read its mind.

As my Arcturian friend (they don't have names in the manner that I was used to) led me through the corridor, it started to float higher and higher above the floor. I know that it was encouraging me to do the same, but my doubts were louder than my belief in my SELF.

With that thought, the Arcturian turned around and stared into my face. Gradually, a small golden light grew within me. In fact, it felt as if it was gently rising above the threshold of my inner doubt.

I know that sentence does not make sense, but my doubt was not infinite. It was strong within the part of me that still held fear, the part of me that held the dark. However, this golden ball was rising above that fear and filling me with light.

Yes, of course, this is the Sun that revealed the door out of the holosuite and into my SELF. The Arcturian read my imagistic mind and spoke to me in an image more powerful than words. I could feel tears rolling down my face, but they were tears of joy. I threw back my head and opened my heart to the growing joy within me.

I raised my arms up and out to surrender my heart to...what? I did not know, but the sensation of surrender felt wonderful. I closed my eyes and the surrender turned into bliss and the bliss turned into a total quiet, a complete calm and a sensation of floating.

And then the Arcturian said, "Open your eyes."

I did not want to open my eyes. I was concerned that if I saw the outside world I lose these marvelous, healing sensations.

"Open your eyes now," I heard with a sense of urgency.

Reluctantly, I opened my eyes and saw the ceiling of the Corridor inches away from my nose.

I was so startled that I lost my concentration and started to fall.


Much to my surprise, my fall was halted by the Arcturians firm words. I held the feeling of command in my mind, as I repeated, "STOP" until I could lower my feet to the ground.

With a sense of pride mixed with embarrassment, I looked up into the Arcturian's eyes.

"Now is the time to start your lessons," said the Arcturian with its mind.



When I awoke the next morning I was so excited that I couldn't get dressed quickly enough. (Morning was a chosen cycle rather than rising of the Sun, as we were in outer space. Thus, it was always "night" outside the Ship.) I was in such a hurry to dress that I put my jacket on in side out and had to take even more "time" to take my jacket off and put it back on correctly. (Time was another decided event as the Arcturians live within the ever-present NOW.)

I restrained my self from running through the Corridors to the Collective Dining Area, again not necessary for Arcturian do not eat food. When I entered the busy room I was surprised to see my two crewmates. No, my other friend was not resurrected. I walked swiftly over to them and embraced them both.

It appears that they were waiting for me. We all went to get our food, which was an experience in itself. Since there were members of the Ship from all over our Galaxy, and beyond, we were presented with a vast array of food. I chose a simple Pleiadian breakfast dish, as did my two friends. However, the humorous discussion about our many culinary choices set a welcomed tone of camaraderie and happiness.

My friends were very happy because they were about to take a Shuttle Craft back to our new Homeworld in the Pleiades. They expected that I would be joining them and were very disappointed to hear that I would stay with the Arcturians. I was, of course, struck with great guilt when they asked how I stay away from Mytria and our new baby. They also wanted to know if I had clearance from our Commander to remain with the Arcturians.

When I told them that I had gained the proper clearance, I also had to tell them that I could not share why. I hated to keep a secret from my friends with whom I had just shared a near-death experience, but how could I tell them what I was learning. Our conversation soon degraded from friendly camaraderie to uncomfortable discussion about their return and my staying.

Finally, I had to make an excuse to leave, as the guilt of staying away from my family and my Homeworld was overpowering. Instead of the welcoming warm embraces of our first greeting, we ended with a rather stiff handshake, as I tried to slowly leave the room. "Well, so much for my first glorious day of training," I though as I left the room.

A huge black cloud was over my head as I walked, face looking down, through the corridor. In fact, I was so absorbed in my self-pity that I almost ran into my Arcturian mentor. Running into a Light Being is a very unique experience, as I literally walked INTO it.

When I did so, I was surrounded by such illumination and unconditional love that I fell onto to floor as if I had been wounded. In actuality, my wounded self fell to the floor. At the same time, I could feel another part of me; I guess it was my own Lightbody, rise up above me. I felt like two extreme polarities of one person.

The confusion of my wounded self and the enlightenment of my Lightbody was such a unique experience that I almost passed out with the effort to expand my consciousness to these extremes. Fortunately, the Arcturian came to my assistance by reaching down and gently toughing the back of the wounded ones heart.

Instantly, my Light SELF rushed into my physical heart and, with no effort, I stood up. When I did so, I realized that the Arcturian was floating above the ground and its face was out of vision. In fact, its face was more of a radiant light with two focus points that I imagined where its eyes.

It was talking with me telepathically, but I could not hear. My physical distance from its heart and eyes made me believe that I could not hear its telepathic message. Of course, the thought was nonsense, but it was the thought that came into me.

Was that thought actually the message? Then I realized that the Arcturian was telling me to levitate myself up to the level in which I could be closer to its head and heart. Yes, levitate, I told my self. I tried to remember how I did that before, but I couldn't remember how.

After I tried and tried, I became frustrated. No! I became angry. How can this Arcturian expect so much of me? I have only been on this infinitely huge ship a few days. I have just gotten a new body and deserted my family and my Homeworld so that they can teach me to fly!!!

There was my guilt, peppered with anger. What had I done? Had I made the right decision? Was I good enough to fulfill their huge expectations of me? And on and on... I then heard, VERY LOUDLY,

"How are you doing with mastering of your thinking?"

Arcturian humor! They had the ability to be funny. The concept of this immense Light being hovering over my head and making a joke set me into uncontrolled laughter.

The laughing released the anger, released the guilt and released the sorrow, which was the foundation for the guilt and anger. The laughing became more controllable and slowly morphed into a sensation of joy.

I closed my eyes in appreciation of the joy, which then expanded the joy into love. At this point the Arcturian touched the very top of my head, and I felt the most extreme bliss I had every experienced. The bliss continued until I bumped my head on the ceiling of the Corridor. Did I hear the Arcturian laugh?

I fell to the ground in a rather undignified manner and looked up to see the Arcturian smiling. It reached down to touch me, and we blinked into another area of the Ship. This means of transportation was quite exhilarating. I felt no experience of moving. I call it "blinked to another area," because it seemed to me that I was one place, then my eyes closed for a blink of "time," and my eyes opened to a different environment.

In this case, I assumed it was another holosuite for we were standing on a rocking cliff looking at constellations and galaxies in space that I had never seen. "Were are we?" I asked. "Are we in another holosuite?" He instructed me to blink again, and I opened my eyes to the familiar vision of the constellations above my Homeworld in the Pleiades.

I tried to be polite when I said, "Is this a hologram or is it real?"

"Is there a difference?" was the response that I heard.

I would have to think before I asked my next question. Or, maybe I should not ask any question. I had learned so far that a question answered just led to another question. Therefore, I decided to wait and allow the Arcturian to continue with whatever point it was making.

I watched silently as many beautiful visions of constellations and galaxies filled my vision. As the beauty overtook my thoughts, I began to realize that each vision created a different sensation within my Heart.

At that point, I again saw the first constellation that I was shown. However, this time I remembered to FEEL every sensation the filled my body, every emotion that arose from those sensations and to listen to every thought that came into my mind.

We went through the cycle of constellations and galaxies many times. Each time, I was able to FEEL the sensations, emotions and thoughts that were initiated by each vision. It was then that I heard the word, "Signature Frequency."

Yes, I got it. Each world has a Signature Frequency. By then, I had recognized some of the stars, constellations and galaxies and realized how the Signature Frequency gave infinitely more informative than the titles that we had given them.

I turned toward the Arcturian to tell it that I understood, but it was gone. However, I heard a clear message in my heart that I was to stay there until I had memorized every Signature Frequency.

Releasing All Darkness From Gaia

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The Time-Space journey

As I am busy writing a resume for a job I am applying for, the technology curve has increasingly continued behind the scenes. Now my resume is uploaded into a computer system, scanned by a computer, ranked by a computer, and then somewhere in the process my name comes out as "output" so someone can call me for an interview. As I am preparing for my US income taxes and filing online again this year I have already typed some numbers into a website in California and then they will mail a 1099 to someone for me. When I shop for food, I can self checkout and not even talk to a person. I have created an item for Amazon and had its bar code instantly created for me somewhere in the US and emailed to me as a pdf to add to my products. We seem to be glued to our smartphones more and more, and often are with earphones in listening to mp3 music. Our body senses seem to have been replaced. I honestly can say we have already begun moving out of our bodies for our new consciousness bodies.


In order to sort through the increased quickness of the technology that has entered into everywhere in our lives (yes they do have robo-vaccums and you can talk to your house to turn the lights on/off and yes your new cars can be configured to call others through your radio or switch back to the GPS function...let us not mention Skyping to others on the ends of the earth)....anyway the technology only increases and the time only quickens (i.e. what is time? we have near mastery over it- at least on the consciousness level, our bodies do still age). Everything speeds up more and more each year, which is in a big picture what the earth is doing. Increased rays from the galaxy are shifting our solar system and thus earth into a speedy move into the future where space and time no longer exist. Yes, one day space and time will no longer exist on our earth. We will no longer require X time to move X distance or be individualized in our own spaces. We will be part of a large collective that lives and breathes the same- aren't we already becoming here on COS? This is how it is in Time Space. Time and space is rapidly entering the picture where we have 100% mastery over time, and we are all things and they are us and we don't exist in a space anymore. As the bits and bytes continue to accelerate we shift more into light. We zip to and from and everything rotates rapidly around us.


What does this mean from the time space perspective? Those waiting for us on the other side of the portal....time space folks like angels and spirit guides and passed over loved ones are getting closer. Eventually we will be walking our consciousnesses into their places without even looking back....who has time to review when there is so much to do in the future? Anyway just some thoughts, let me hear your perspectives.

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I'm a Christmas Tree:


I'm a Christmas Tree:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.


I'm a Christmas tree and at this time every year I am thoroughly spoilt, and I just love all the attention and fuss I get! Each year - I belong to some family or other, and I get so excited - and I have so much fun - and everyone is so jolly - and lots of children come and talk to me and although I talk to them - they don't seem to hear, but that is always the case, but this year - I sense something different is happening, for a nice kind man says how lovely I'll look and he seems to know how to talk to me - at least he seems to know what I think and feel, so for once, I need not try to speak - for at last I'm understood.

It is still several weeks to go, but I've started to get most excited - what fun Christmas is - to us Christmas trees: For the rest of the year - we are looked after in our patch of soil, but sadly, almost forgotten and then - what bliss, for a few weeks - we have such a happy time - surrounded by so much laughter and warmth - indeed these peoples' homes are far too warm, but we can stand it, for we are hardy and strong. Indeed I am about 5 feet and nice and wide, with lots of branches and my coating of bristles, as humans do say, are nice and hopefully won't leave too much of a mess.

This nice young man tells me I am going to a School - well, this is different - I hope it will be as much fun. I am going to be all decorated and lit up with lots of fairy lights for their party. Oh, I so love parties, and lots of toys are going to be placed under my branches, and lots of children in hospital, will all have a toy. I see lots and lots of golden bells - dozens of them, and they are all going to be placed on my branches together with the fairy lights.




These golden bells - how lovely they are, and only about an inch high. They were found in a very old place, and I do believe I shall look even nicer than normal - a touch of class perhaps - and not a little old fashioned: What memories those words bring to mind but it is this Christmas time that is so important, for I sense something different about this.

Some nice girls come and talk to me and seem to know me better than most - I love listening to them, and what a shock, there are two of them, but they look the same, ah - twins. I've seen twins before you know but these twins are quite grown up, but oh, what babes they are as compared to me, for I am much older than them.

Some men come in and they too talk to me and laugh and joke and how all this warmth does indeed warm my heart, and these new memories - will add to my others, so that once again when Christmas is over, I shall be happy and bright, looking back through all my Christmas memories, so you can see - how I'll treasure all this fun and excitement, for it has to give me joy for another year.


It's a Sunday now in early December and it's the morning of the party. and how exciting this morning has been. I am all lit up with fairy lights, all over my branches they go, but I also have those lovely golden bells all over me too, lots and lots of golden bells and I feel quite important you know, but in a different way, and proud too, that I am here, and not another tree.


All the presents are under my branches and so many lovely toys are there - two fairy dolls; Rupert the bear; fluffy toys - I don't know what they are called; bears - three, all the same; dogs - several dogs, some on leads, others not, and a rocking horse with red reigns and a white tail and mane. Books and puzzles and cars too, so many delightful toys and one or two are wrapped up - but I like to see them all unwrapped, so you can see, we look a pretty picture, me and my friends.

Do you know in this room there are several pictures that seem to really look and smile at me, and I feel quite emotional - somehow - for something is indeed different. One picture has a very old man, a Monk I believe, and his hands rest together, but do you know - I am sure those hands moved and waved to me, and a voice said "hello".

There are lots of chairs in this room I'm in and some quite strange ornaments. I believe that one is called a Buddha; and those are white doves and some Indian things which dangle from the ceiling. What a nice atmosphere: I feel most content and I do believe I hear singing - light and beautiful, as if on a cloud.

Lots of rushing here and there and lots of human smells - of nicely cooked food drifts gently into this room.


The twins are here and rush in an out, and another sister and a man - one of the twin's husband is here and he comes and looks at me, and another young man - looks in as well, and the nice man who chose me looks in and says "how lovely I look" and I feel a nice warm glow - this will be a very nice Christmas.

Lots of people will soon start to arrive as it's almost 11.00 am. I hear my golden bells may ring for some people over this next week - I hope they do, for I have so much fun when people are happy.

Meanwhile, another set of twins arrive and look and say how beautiful we all look and then there is just ONE TWIN OF EACH - and they look at me and at the presents and feel warm and happy and do you know - when they had both turned away from me and were a few feet away and making their way towards the door :





I sense lots of energy and unexplained comings and goings that appear as if in mid-air, this is fun, but I'm not used to this at all - I wonder what it means.

The girls have gone now and it is just me and my friends and somehow I feel I have many as I rest here.

Oh, more people have arrived and they all look in and laugh and think how beautiful we all look - me all lit up, and all the toys, and how exciting this is.

What a hectic day - all these comings and goings, probably 30 to 50 people, have all looked in - and I feel quite emotional now, with all this fuss and attention - and all the laughter.

Oh - the nice young man has looked in with his young lady and how happy they are - they look at each other and then at me, and perhaps the young man will keep me for next year and I shall become a part of their family. I do hope so: I am doing my best to be a good tree - nice and green and not too messy.

It is now Wednesday - three days later and lots of people have come and gone. Yesterday, some people sat around me and I was all lit up - only by one candle - which was placed on the floor, quite near to me and everyone talked out loud and looked at me and the presents - and they all meditated and it was a most unusual evening.

Indeed lots of strange happenings occurred - for I saw a few Elder Brethren - I heard they were called, and they each had a child - sometimes one Elder Brethren held one child with each hand - and they had the most beautiful robes down to the ground - of yellow, purple, rust, bright green and blue, and they seemed so kind and they all spoke nicely to me.


All the children were so excited and each wanted their special toy and how jolly and happy they all were, but do you know those people from the School - did not see them at all: I believe they felt unseen friends and knew all the children were there, for indeed one child tripped and fell and one of the twins saw him clairvoyantly do that - but of course the nice kind man - saw it all - felt it too - so we are a little alike are we not - for I saw much too.

Back to this evening and the rest of the School are all gathered around - about 10 or 12, and all the lights are off - I have just my golden bells which are looking so well on me - for my fairy lights are out - but there is that solitary candle - at the place in front of me on the floor.

The people all talk out loud and look at the candle and then at me - and at all the toys which the spirit children have so loved. Those who have come into my airspace with their Guides or whatever you would call them and lots of activity in space seems to be going on.

I see things I have never seen before - such pretty colours, light and fine as gossamer - like a delicate web - in space itself, but it is so very pleasing to look upon and from what I hear this is quite common - from where they all come from.

Some of the people close their eyes and seem to drift off - almost to sleep, but they are not really sleep - they are thinking, and I see lots of pretty colours above all their heads, so you can see - what fun I am having.

The candle looks quite pretty and do you know, once it gave off a funny noise - like zap - as if something had got too close to the flame and a spark seemed to come from the flame - so it was most unusual. Only three girls and myself saw that you know, and then the candle was as it was before - and not another noise came from it.

Later that same evening - all the toys not wrapped were taken away - to be made into parcels for the children; so all my friends are leaving me - for lots of children need them.


Ah - well, another Christmas has come and gone and it's not even Christmas yet - for the School will be closed for Christmas: I wonder where I'll be - perhaps someone will take me home with them.

I have had a wonderful time and feel quite strange - for lots of different things seemed to happen this year.

I hope they happen another year - for it's been my best Christmas yet - for I saw you know even an Angel, and how beautiful that looked; a moment I shall treasure forever - from a very happy Christmas tree.

God bless everyone.


1st January, 1984.


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It is Love's movement that is Light and becomes what we name consciousness. But it is the experience of Love that co-creates and then informs the consciousness, not the other way around. You already know that life is a dance of energy. In truth, it is one blossom of life, one movement, one explosion of Love and its accordance in the vibrational field -- the response of the particles of Light to the movement of the waves of Love. All is happening in an instant.

                                                               -Circle of

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10900572667?profile=original“Only Higher Consciousness Can Transform Our World” – Dr. John Hagelin ...

Modern science is now beginning to confirm what spirituality, philosophy, sages and ancient teachings have been saying for millennia, that the entire Universe is One and that what we think of as "reality" is just an illusion. And the only real thing in the Universe is Consciousness. “Until you can change the consciousness that pervades our society, and that pervades our voters, especially in a democracy we get the government we elect. We get the government in a sense that we deserve. And we are going to continue to have fear-based and narrowly centered policies and elected officials until we deserve a better government. So I have come back more, although I certainly remain politically active, to raising the collective consciousness of the people, and in education introducing the experience of higher states of consciousness through meditation in order to elevate society, and on that basis to start to see a much more profound and rapid social transformation.” ~ Dr. John Hagelin
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10900573262?profile=originalThe Share Guide: We all know that the world is in a fragile state today, on many levels. What steps can we as individuals take to improve the health of our planet?

Dr. John Hagelin: The impact of our actions, individually and collectively, is inconceivably vast. We can all appreciate, to some extent, the environmental impact of polluting behavior. But based on what we now know about the universe, the true impact of our actions is far broader. For example, chaos theory has established that even our most minute actions can have incalculably large effects. This places a great burden of responsibility on everyone. Exercising common sense consideration and care towards our environment is a good start. But if we really want to protect our planet against the negative effects of human behavior, we must bring our thinking and action into spontaneous accord with Natural Law. We must align our behavior with the universal intelligence that governs the universe and sustains millions of species on Earth. Fortunately, such spontaneously life-nourishing behavior is natural; the human brain physiology is hard-wired to experience Enlightenment--higher states of consciousness in which we directly experience, and become attuned to, cosmic intelligence, or the Unified Field in the terminology of modern physics. The development of our total brain potential, and the resulting expansion of human comprehension to be universal, should be the goal of education today.

The Share Guide: Is the Unified Field another term for the Cosmic Consciousness?

Dr. John Hagelin: The Unified Field is the deepest level of physical reality discovered by Science. It is a universal field of Nature's intelligence that governs the vast universe with perfect order. Cosmic Consciousness is the state of Enlightenment, a state of human awareness in which the individual mind directly experiences (and identifies with) universal intelligence. In this state, the individual ego expands to become Cosmic. Such individuals are Cosmic individuals, and their actions are spontaneously supportive to all life.

The Share Guide: I'm interested in the connection between individual meditation and the Unified Field. How does it work, in relation to daily meditation practice? And how does it translate into creating peace in the world?

Dr. John Hagelin: The connection is simple. During meditation, consciousness quickly expands to experience universal consciousness (the Unified Field). The individual consciousness temporarily identifies with universal consciousness in the simplest state of awareness--the state physiologists call "pure consciousness." Not all meditation techniques achieve this pure consciousness experience, however. My remarks pertain to meditation practices that provide this fundamental experience in an effective and efficient manner. Among such practices, Transcendental Meditation (TM) developed by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi is the most extensively researched and widely practiced. It is safe, highly effective, and universal; it works for people of all religious persuasions and cultural backgrounds.

The Share Guide: In a lecture you gave last year in San Francisco, you said "Group meditation is now a proven technology for peace, just in time, when our weapon technology can yield mutually assured destruction." Please explain.

Dr. Hagelin: More than 50 studies, published in the world's most esteemed scientific journals, have repeatedly demonstrated that group meditation can quell violence and war in war-torn areas. It defuses the acute religious, ethnic and political tensions that fuel social conflict. It has been shown to prevent global terrorism, and to reduce crime, domestic violence, and all negativity born of acute social stress.

The Share Guide: Many of us understand that meditation develops our natural invincibility to the ebb and flow of daily life. But from this state of calmness, how do you get to the "squaring principle" of group meditation?

Dr. Hagelin: When two nearby loudspeakers emit the same sound, these sound waves add constructively. They produce a sound volume equivalent to four loudspeakers (the square of the number of speakers, which is two). This is a universal principle of wave behavior. When a ripple in the Unified Field is generated by individuals in close physical proximity, the power of their combined waves grows as the square of the number of individuals. This is what the research confirms. Because of this, even relatively small groups can have enormous societal impact. Indeed, 8,000 individuals meditating together for extended periods can transform world events. This has been very rigorously demonstrated.

The Share Guide: I know you are working on a plan to put this into action. Please discuss the program for thousands of pandits to meditate year-round in India.

Dr. Hagelin: 8,000 full-time advanced medition experts can change the destiny of civilization. This has been amply demonstrated. We are shooting for the number 40,000, just for a safety factor. A Vedic "pandit" is a meditator who, in addition to their practice of Transcendental Meditation and Yogic Flying, practices advanced peace-promoting technologies from the ancient Vedic wisdom known as Yagyas. These Yagyas reinforce the global peaceful impact of medition. I have been raising the funds to establish such a permanent group of 8,000 to 40,000 full-time, professional meditators in India, where it is very cost-effective. I have raised about $90 million, which is enough to permanently endow almost 8,000. Once we succeed in assembling and training this group, I predict we will be looking at an entirely different world. I hope to achieve this by Spring 2003. I pray that America and the world can avoid any disastrous confrontations until then.

The Share Guide: What is Yogic Flying?

Dr. Hagelin: It is an advanced technique of Transcendental Meditation derived from the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. During this practice, the body involuntarily starts to "hop" from the lotus position, in a spontaneous effort to fly. Historically, sustained practice leads to the body's ability to float and fly. It is practiced today primarily because research has found this to be the most powerful technique to reduce societal stress and social conflict. It is a technology for world peace.

The Share Guide: What do you mean when you say that meditation is a fourth state of consciousness, distinct from the three recognized states: waking, dreaming and sleeping? And please discuss the fifth state, transcendental or enlightened awareness.

Dr. Hagelin: Pure consciousness, the direct experience of the Unified Field, is a fourth major state of consciousness, physiologically and subjectively distinct from waking, dreaming and sleeping. This was first discovered and published around 1970 by Robert Keith Wallace and collaborators. But this experience is a temporary state at first. With regular practice of meditation, the experience of universal consciousness becomes permanently established, so that it is experienced ALONG WITH waking, dreaming and sleeping. This then constitutes a fifth state of human consciousness, traditionally known as Enlightenment. In this state of 24-hour bliss, all actions are fully in tune with Natural Law, which is spontaneously life-supporting.
The Share Guide: Many people are skeptical of the concept that group meditation has an effect on world peace, and may not accept the studies cited in your research booklet. How do you respond to this skepticism?

Dr. Hagelin: It's not a matter of opinion. The scientific method provides incontrovertible methods of establishing scientific fact through rigorous experimentation. The efficacy of group meditation to reduce crime and war has been more extensively studied and rigorously established than any phenomenon in the history of social science. It is a scientific fact; there is no room for arguement.

The Share Guide: How do we know when we meditate that we are not connecting with other aspects of our individual self, rather than Cosmic Consciousness?

Dr. Hagelin: The experience of pure consciousness is self-evident. Just as when you're awake, you know you're awake. If you're not absolutely sure you're awake, the chances are you are dreaming. Similarly, if you're not sure you are experiencing pure, unbounded consciousness, then you're probably not. It may be time to try a more effective system of meditation.

The Share Guide: You recommend the concept of "bracketing" your daily activities with morning and evening meditation periods. This allows you to relax back into your eternal nature through meditation and perform actions in the world from this vantage point.

Dr. Hagelin: Yes, that is a wonderful routine. Regular experience of pure consciousness is necessary to stabilize that experience, and thereby rise to Enlightenment.This is why I am personally focused today on raising the collective consciousness of the nation and the world. This may sound like a hopeless task, but it is easier than it sounds. It is not really necessary to enlighten everyone, or even to reach everyone. We can leverage our power, so that those who are awake can exert a disproportionate influence on society. This is the power of collective meditation. Group experience of the Unified Field, of our shared cosmic reality, powerfully stimulates this universal field and has a profound awakening effect on everyone. It creates indomitable waves of positivity and peace. Such group meditation has been repeatedly shown to quell social violence and even open warfare in war-torn areas, such as the Middle East. For more information on this, people can read the excellent book Permanent Peace by Robert M. Oates or visit
We have to raise the collective consciousness of the nation.

The Share Guide: What are your suggested references (books and websites) and how can we stay informed of current work on group meditation?

Dr. Hagelin: My own book, Manual for a Perfect Government, is concise, yet fairly comprehensive. I recommend checking out The Project for Perpetual World Peace, whose website is And as I mentioned before, I recommend the book Permanent Peace at

For information on Transcendental Meditation, visit the Maharishi Vedic  University website at 

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