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love (85)

The mystery of the descent or "fall" to Earth of the rebellious angels—the
solar angels or agnishwattas—is said to be the mystery hinted at in the
Scriptures, and "the secret of the ages" (Esoteric Psychology II, p. 93). Thus
it is not surprising that there is so much confusion and misunderstanding
concerning the "fallen angels" of which Lucifer is the best known

The secret of the "fallen angels" is essentially the mystery which lies
behind the very Plan of evolution, for the solar angels' willingness to "fall",
to sacrifice themselves in order to bring the light of the principle of mind to
what was then animal man, marked the coming into action of the great Law of
Duality by which matter, form—negative and passive—could be quickened by spirit.
This act of sacrifice at the dawn of human history is a thread woven throughout
the great scriptures and mythologies of the world, including the myth of
Prometheus who stole fire (mind) for man, and the biblical story of the Prodigal
Son, who left the Father’s home to embark upon the path of experience in the
life of form and the senses—the journey to "the far country".

The role of the solar angels and their sacrifice on behalf of humanity is
discussed at length in The Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky. In fact, in 1887
the magazine of the Theosophical Society took "Lucifer" as its name in an effort
to bring clarity to what it regarded as an unfairly maligned sacrificing

The name "Lucifer" comes from the Latin words, Luxor Lucis (light) and ferry
(to bring); thus Lucifer literally means "light-bearer". It is linked with the
planet Venus in Revelations XXII: 16 when Christ says "I am the bright morning
star", which is Venus, heralding the coming into full light of the Sun—the Son,
the Christ. Interestingly the role of "light-bearer" is linked with Mercury, or
Hermes—the divine messenger for the Gods in Greek and Roman mythology. In
Christianity Mercury’s function is served by St. Michael, "the Angel Guardian"
of Christ, according to St. Thomas. The esoteric interrelationship of this Angel
Guardian and Christ is further illumined in the statement by the Tibetan teacher
with whom Alice Bailey collaborated to write a series of books on the Ageless
Wisdom, that "Mercury and the Sun are one".

Esoterically, the role of Guardian Angel was made possible by the sacrifice
of the solar angels in their preservation of the principle of mind or, occultly,
fire, through persistent repeated incarnations in form until animal man became
thinking man and, finally, began to awaken to his true spiritual heritage:
human/divine man. Thus the solar angel creates the form for the incarnating soul
principle—the causal body—and it also withdraws that body at the fourth
initiation, when the link between form and spirit has been permanently fused and
the causal body is shattered.

The notion of the "rebellious angel" seems to trace back to the poet John
Milton in Paradise Lost, which seemed to anchor in human consciousness the idea
of the descent of the solar angels as an act of rebellion and therefore a fall
from grace. ("To reign is worth ambition, though in Hell: Better to reign in
Hell than serve in Heaven.") Yet this spirit of rebellion and ensuing pain is
not found on Venus, we are told by the Tibetan. The rebellious spirit appears to
rest squarely on Earth, for the Tibetan suggests that this spirit of rebellion
qualified the attitude of our planetary Logos himself, the "Divine Rebel". The
Tibetan quotes the Old Commentary:

He entered into life and knew it to be death.

He took a form and grieved to find it dark.

He drove Himself forth from the secret place and sought the place of light,
and light revealed all that he sought the least.

He craved permission to return.

He sought the Throne on high and Him who sat thereon.

He said "I sought not this. I looked for peace, for light, for scope to
serve, to prove my love and to reveal my power. Light there is none. Peace is
not found. Let me return.

But He who sat upon the Throne turned not his head. He seemed not even to
listen nor to hear. But from the lower sphere of darkness and of pain a voice
came forth and cried: "We suffer here. We seek the light. We need the glory of
an entering God. [I can find no other words except these last two to express the
ancient symbol from which I am translating.] Lift us to Heaven. Enter, 0 Lord,
the tomb. Raise us into the light and make the sacrifice. Break down for us the
prison wall and enter into pain.

The lord of Life returned. He liked it not, and hence the pain.

(Esoteric Psychology II, p. 98)

Evil of Separatism

Yet sin and evil do exist on Earth. We are told by the Tibetan that the only
true evil is the sin of separatism. And in this sense we gain some understanding
of how Lucifer became identified with evil, for the awakening mind which
characterises the stage of advanced humanity today is, as we know all too well,
our means both of liberation and of further separation and imprisonment. The
mind, functioning and powerful but devoid of soul, can be the great
crystallising factor which builds powerful barriers of separation. "The mind is
the slayer of the Real. Slay thou the slayer", the disciple is commanded. In
this sense the mind in its concrete and analytical element becomes the refuge
(and the unrecognised prison) of the ideologue, and is indeed capable of the sin
of separatism through prejudice and hate and the willingness to accept the
distortions of half-truths.

Further clarification of the role of the solar angels is found in a
consideration of the fourth Ray of Harmony through Conflict and the fifth Ray of
Knowledge, and the planets Mercury and Venus, through which they respectively
channel their energies. For Mercury is the "Messenger of the Gods" and the
fourth ray is the fluid principle which links the Plan and Purpose of divinity,
known on the level of buddhi or intuition, which is ruled by Mercury, with the
mind or menes, ruled by Venus and the fifth ray. "Venus was the custodian of
what we call the principle of Mind and brought it as a pure gift to embryonic
humanity", we are told in The Rays and the Initiations. Or as the Buddha said,
"Love is the deliverance of mind". And the fifth ray, channelled by Venus and
mental in expression, "operates in connection with the Law of Cleavages", and
"is also responsible for the rapid formation of great conditioning ideologies"
(Ibid., p. 602). In this we are reminded that the solar angels who chose to
descend to Earth submitted to the Law of Duality so that the evolution of the
human being could be dependent upon the development of mental discrimination and
free will, and thus upon the capacity to make choices and to choose the higher
way. There is always a choice of two paths, and it is a choice which must, for
the human being, be guided by free will.

The substance of the mental plane is fifth ray, channelled through Venus, and
because the angel kingdom works with substance—with the form aspect—so the solar
angels brought the substance of mentality to man by establishing the link of the
causal body of the soul on the mental plane—a link preserved until the fourth
initiation which shatters the no longer needed form of the causal body. Some
idea of the magnitude of this act of the solar angels is suggested in the
realisation that the fifth Ray of Knowledge "is the energy which admits humanity
(and particularly the trained disciple or initiate) into the mysteries of the
Mind of God Himself. It is the 'Substantial' key to the Universal Mind" (Ibid.,
p. 591).

Further, the link of the fifth Ray of Knowledge and the second Ray of
Love-Wisdom is said to be exceedingly close, because the second ray rules this
present solar system, and in the sacrifice of the "Light Bearing" solar angels
on behalf of animal man, the second ray aspect of wisdom was awakened, for
"wisdom is knowledge gained by experience [the journey of the Prodigal Son] and
implemented by love". Thus the descent of the solar angels into substance
brought the legacy of experience to the unfoldment of the divine Plan.

So, returning to the story of the Prodigal Son, to understand the deeper
implications of the Prodigal Son’s experience, it is important to note that,
upon his return to the Father’s home, the Father joyously rushed out to embrace
him, leaving the elder son who had remained at home feeling jealous and
unappreciated. That such a journey to "a far country" is part of God"s Plan
seems to be verified by the following passage from the Tibetan:

This urge to sacrifice, to relinquish this for that, to choose one way or
line of conduct and thus sacrifice another way, to lose in order eventually to
gain—such is the underlying story of evolution. This needs psychological
understanding. It is a governing principle of life itself, and runs like a
golden pattern of beauty through the dark materials of which human history is
constructed. When this urge to sacrifice in order to win, gain or salvage that
which is deemed desirable is understood, then the whole clue to man’s unfoldment
will stand revealed. This tendency or urge is something different to desire, as
desire is academically understood and studied today. What it really connotes is
the emergence of that which is most divine in man. It is an aspect of desire,
but it is the dynamic, active side and not the feeling, sensuous side. It is the
predominant characteristic of Deity.

(Esoteric Psychology II, p. 97)

Through the energy of the fifth ray, which is "essentially a light-bearer",
the evolution of humanity is hastened, bringing about the descent of the Kingdom
of God to Earth as a result of the ascent of so many taking initiation in this
age. The fact that The Secret Doctrine equates Venus with Gaia (Earth), and the
awakening consciousness of the Gaia theory recognises that Earth is a living and
unified organism, suggests that humanity may now be beginning to awaken and
cooperate somewhat with the reason for which the angels descended into matter:
for the salvaging of substance and the awakening of mind in form so that the
Purpose of Deity could be registered and expressed in substance. The solar
angels "fell" as an act of choice and of supreme sacrifice on behalf of
humanity. Those "Lords of Knowledge and Compassion and of ceaseless persevering
Devotion" are ourselves, and we in turn must consciously choose to take control
of our incarnation in form, seeking Purpose and thereby rendering life on Earth
a gift of sacrifice to the lesser lives dependent on our care.

Christ said, "I am the bright morning star". His promise, and the legacy of
the presence on Earth of all such "light bearers", may best be summarised in the
following words: H. P. Blavatsky wrote that "in all the ancient cosmogonies
light comes from darkness". And Alice Bailey expressed a similar recognition in
the following words: "The Master M. . . adds darkness unto light so that the
stars appear, for in the light the stars shine not, but in the darkness light
diffused is not, but only focussed points of radiance." (The Rays and the
Initiations, p. 170)

Read more… There is a prelude in the video that last 3.2 minutes prior to the start of the invocation. This is very powerful and drinking lots of water is recommended as always ; )Invocation to the Universal Underworld ~ Day 1I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's, Ray Councils and Brotherhood of the Light,and all other Beings of Light from On High that I personally acknowledge,as I align with my I Am Presence, and ground myself into the crystal heart of Mother Earth.I now ask to be taken into the Crystalline City of Light above Table Mountain in South Africa,so I may undergo my initiation of Light to serve with empowerment, strength and wisdom,as a Keeper of Light to Mother Earth and all her Life.I am now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light to the doorway of this beautiful Crystal Temple of Light, where I am greeted by three High Priests to the Order of Melchizedek,and request permission to enter into this Crystalline City of Light.I am a seeker of Light, I seek the secrets of the Universe, the keys of enlightenment,I am in Service to Mother Earth and all her Life,and request permission to enter into this Crystal Temple of Light,so I may take on the keycodes of Light that will assist me to come into a deeper level of empowerment, Love and wisdom,so I may transmute all that is not of the Light,so I may take my Service work to another level of Light.The doors are now opened as I enter into this Temple of Light,walking up a beautiful crystal staircase into an Initiation Chamber of Light.I am greeted by my family and friends of the Light,by the Ascended Masters, Christed ET's and Brotherhood of the Light,welcomed and embraced as a seeker of Light.I am now guided into an Ascension Flame of Light,where I will experience this initiation of empowerment and wisdom,Overlighted by the Ray Councils of Light, my I Am Presence and all the Beings of Light from On High.I am now surrounded in a beautiful red flame of Light,through the first ray of will and power, and through this initiation of Light, I now recite the following:I take back the power I may have given to others and to my sub-conscious mind,releasing any issues of abuse and misuse of power,releasing any addictions or frequencies that hold me back from truly experiencing my Higher Light, as this first wave Soul in human embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.As I take on this mantle of leadership, I step into a deeper level of my own power, trusting and surrendering to the Divine,and being guided by my I Am Presence and the Company of Heaven.And now, I am surrounded in a beautiful yellow flame of Light,through the third ray of Divine Intelligence.Through this flame of Light, I expand my consciousness to receive the teachings of Light from On High,letting go of "lesser than and better than" consciousness issues,so I may receive the wisdom of Mother/Father God,so I may remember my initiations of Light,so I may assist in co-creating this Golden Age of Light.I now experience the parallel mergers of my Highest Potential through the streams of consciousness of the various times lines, merging into this Now, I now unlock the codes as this first wave human Soul in embodiment of the I Am Avatar Blueprint, coming into full remembrance of my preciousness, uniqueness and individual puzzle piece.I now merge with my I Am Presence and the 144 Soul rays of which I am one,amplifying myself in this energy of Light,receiving these downloads of Light, activating the dormant DNA and aligning me to my sacred contact in this Now.I now receive the appropriate key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries through my body, energy field and hologram.I now direct these higher frequencies of empowerment and wisdom through the Unity Grid of Light for all Life to experience these ray frequencies of Light.I now link through my heart to the Sun,and now to the Central Sun on Alcyone and to the Great Central Sun on Sirius, and from here, take on all the encodings of Light I need as this initiate of Light in this Golden Age of Light.I now find myself back in my sacred space,surrounded in beautiful red and yellow flames of Light,honoring my Self as this magical Master Being of Love and Light.Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek www.pleiadianlight.netCo-created by Adi'El ‪‬Music by Mike Hammer ‪‬To advertise your Light events, go to ‪‬For 11:11:11 Light events, go to ‪
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Universal Love

This morning I drove to the supermarket to get some food and do some errands with my daughter. As I parked the car and got out, a man approached me. It was the same man that I gave a ride in the past (see the post about the hitchhiker). He was an older man. Everywhere I see him he is wearing the same clothes and walking everywhere between towns. He obviously has some tough times.

So he approached me, I don't think he recognized who I was. I gave him a ride while my car was in the shop and I had a loaner car at the time when I last gave him a ride. He asked if I had 2 euros so he could buy something at the supermarket. When someone asks me I help as much as I can because I know it is a part of a Divine Plan. I opened my wallet and only had one euro. He was a bit sad and was ready to walk away when I said...wait here. So I went to the ATM and thought about the 2 euro. The machine only withdrew in multiples of 5 euros or higher. I needed to pick up some medicine for my daughter in the pharmacy anyway and needed to go to the ATM. So I withdrew 5 euros for him because I know generosity is always rewarded. 

I went back to where he was waiting sitting patiently on the curb. There were cars everywhere and families all running around crazy in their own lives. And he was there needing help. No one seemed to notice him. So I went to him and gave him 5 euros so he could buy food. He had a surprised look on his face and said very much? It was not much for me because I knew the money would return and I was supporting the universe with this action. I said, in German, I remember you, I picked you up before, you walk much, this is the least that I can do for you. He didn't want to accept it at first but then very politely said Danke Schon (thank you very much). I said have a great weekend in German. He said thank you and have a nice day. I said thank you, you also and I continued doing errands with my daughter. I taught her that no matter who it is, if someone needs help you help them because when you are nice to others niceness always returns to you.

Seeing this man again confirmed that life is about connections and themes. He was a connection to express a theme with me. My theme may have been generosity and acceptance and his maybe an answer to his prayers and acceptance. 

I enjoy being Universal Love. I do not care who it is that needs help, I help them. I see God in others and these acts bring God one step closer to each of us. Only our beliefs, judgments and fears separate ourselves from the Divine. I am still in the learning process and feel my Divine expression still needs more practice in the physical world. But each step of the way gets us closer. The hardest part, as with my previous lessons about faith was being Universal Love while the entire world around me revolved around separation. The other people in the busy parking lot seemed only caring about themselves and did not help the man in need. My mind said "what are you doing? Be like the other people. Stay away from this guy." which I rejected entirely and stepped into my heart space. But to be strong and help him regardless of his appearance while others were nicely dressed and clean took much effort to exist only from the heart and not the mind. More practice will be needed, but I believe I did a great act today. A Universal Act of Love and one that was deeply remembered in the Heart of God. I felt I was existing in a different density than the surroundings in this process and it was difficult to hold that higher vibration in this physical density. But it was wonderful to be able to do it. 

I AM Acceptance, I AM Faithful, I AM Universal Love
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Packing 400 lunches - and love - to serve the homeless

Kansas City's 'mother of the streets' rises at 4:30 each morning, packs 400 decorated bags, and then seeks out the homeless.

Marcia Merrick’ s Reaching Out Inc., in Kansas City, Mo., serves the city’s homeless. Here, she delivers socks and toiletries.

David Conrads
By David Conrads, Contributor / March 8, 2010
Kansas City, Mo.

For years, Marcia Merrick began her day making lunches for her two children. Her kids are grown up now, but Ms. Merrick still makes lunches every morning – 400 of them. Each decorated paper bag contains a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich or a bean burrito, chips, fruit, and two homemade cookies. She also includes a note of encouragement – and then distributes them to the homeless of Kansas City, Mo.

Dubbed the “mother of the streets,” Merrick starts every day (Christmas and other holidays included) at 4:30 a.m. so she can finish her preparations and make the 15-minute drive to downtown Kansas City by 6 a.m., the time when most homeless shelters close and their overnight guests are turned out. She also makes stops at homeless encampments tucked away in secluded spots around the fringes of the city, under bridges and highway overpasses, and along the banks of the Missouri River.

Each day is a little different. She gives out half of the 400 lunches in the morning and the rest during a similar afternoon run, before the shelters open again at 4 p.m. The time in between is taken up with other tasks, such as driving someone to a social services office or to court or a health clinic. She also gives away items like clothing and bedding based on individual needs. In addition, Merrick and the volunteers who work with her help some 370 homeless families a year.

Merrick doesn’t just feed and clothe the homeless. She talks with them, learns their names, listens to their stories, and gives them hugs and encouraging words. As a result, she’s well known on the streets of Kansas City and has the trust of many of the city’s homeless.

“Really, the food and clothing I give them is just a way to get into their hearts,” she says. “A lot of them want to change, but they don’t have ... the knowledge and the emotional support to do that. Some have been on the streets so long they don’t even know where to start.”

What keeps her going, she says, is the success she has had in helping destitute individuals and families turn their lives around.

Kim and Wayne Hill are one such case. The self-employed house painters found their work all but evaporated when the economy began to sour a few years ago. In time they lost their house and found themselves living with their young son in a family shelter.

That’s where they met Merrick. She was able to do many things to help them reclaim a normal life, including helping Mr. Hill receive much needed dental work. She even found painting jobs for the couple.

“I can’t begin to tell you everything Marcia did for us,” says Mrs. Hill, whose family now lives in an apartment in a large complex, where her husband is the staff painter. “She’s so compassionate. She’s good at finding that place in your heart that’s lacking – any heartache or sadness – and then filling that void. She’s the ultimate mother.”

Merrick works not only to meet the basic needs of the homeless, but to uphold their dignity and self-respect.

Gloria Brown is the kitchen manager for the City Union Mission Family Center, which provides long-term shelter for homeless families. One Saturday a month, Merrick and a group of volunteers bring food and prepare and serve a breakfast to the residents, who number as many as 120. Ms. Brown says that instead of having the residents line up and receive their food at the serving window, as is customary, Merrick puts out place mats, silverware, and a small vase of flowers on each table. She and her helpers then take the residents’ orders.

“They wait on them like they are in a restaurant,” Brown says. “She just likes to treat them with respect and let them know that somebody cares about them.”

“Marcia serves,” says Gary Blakeman, a retiree and volunteer who has worked with Merrick for seven years. “She doesn’t just dole out food. She actually serves the homeless. And she does what she does with love. She’s truly concerned with their welfare.”

Merrick says her work of providing care and hope for society’s disadvantaged began when she was in high school in Wichita, Kan. She made several church mission trips, one for an entire summer, where she first encountered large numbers of needy people.

“I realized what a difference it makes in how I felt, caring for other people,” she says. “I didn’t know it then, but I think I was developing a heart for people who had been shunted aside by society.”

Her charitable work took a back seat to her own family for a time. But 10 years ago, when her daughter was 15, Merrick felt the need to resume her caring activities. At first, she matched up friends and acquaintances who had items they were willing to give away with people in need. The recipients were not just the homeless, but also victims of domestic violence, the unemployed, the recently divorced – pretty much anyone she knew of who had a need.

“It kind of snowballed from there,” she says. In 2001, as her activity increased and donors asked for tax write-offs, she started a nonprofit, Reaching Out Inc. Today, about 80 percent of her work is for the homeless.

Her organization works with an area church, which provides her with storage space for food, furniture, and supplies. An ever-changing roster of volunteers – school groups, church groups, friends, and acquaintances – help with decorating the bags, putting together hygiene bags (toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, clean pair of socks, and the like), baking cookies, and organizing food and clothing drives. Occasionally, volunteers go out with her on her rounds.

Merrick herself gets by modestly on alimony and a small pension. Circumstances may compel her to return to the paid workforce sometime this summer, which would necessitate an adjustment to her current grueling volunteer schedule. Regardless of what the future holds, she says, she will continue to work on behalf of the homeless in one way or another.

“I truly believe we can make a difference in their lives, and I don’t want anybody to ever think that somebody doesn’t care,” she says. “They’re homeless, but they’re still human.”
To learn more about Marcia Merrick’s work, go to

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God's Instrument



Greetings in the Love and Light of our Creator. Peace and Love to all of you.

Today's lesson is on The Path of Surrender. My goal is to be of Service to the Whole. To be Love in Alignment with Free Will. If this lesson resonates with you then great, if not then let it fall away. This is my perspective. We are all slices of the same truth, so I am open to your perspectives as well. Only when all sense of self is merged into the whole can we realize the truth. My name is Chris or Christopher, which means the Christ Bearer so this lesson for you is part of my purpose.

Please like this video and subscribe to this channel. Share this video with others to help them understand their own process. We are all equal Sparks on the path to the Creator so let us lift each other up.

According to Richard Rudd's book The Gene Keys Embracing Your Higher Purpose, Gene Key 43 explains the Ascension or Awakening process eloquently. The Process is Survival then Service then Surrender. Let's estimate that each phase of life is 30 years, but it is unique to each person. So approximately 30 years spent in Survival followed by 30 years spent in Service followed by 30 years spent in Surrender. Only God knows how long each process takes or where you are at but this is a general guideline to paint a picture for you. Honestly I'm starting to believe that younger generations take less time in each phase, as the Planet's vibration lifts more into Love as we move closer to the Great Central Sun in the Universe. An example of a younger generation would be the Crystal children.

So let's talk about the Survival phase. Survival is full 3D.  3D is designed to allow us to make free will choices for polarity. At first your purpose is Survival. The Survival phase in living in the shadows as discussed in Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. Survival phase examples are "How do I get enough to eat/drink, where is my shelter, will I have enough money?" etc. etc. The vast majority of humanity is in this phase, but changes are happening behind the scenes lifting humanity to the next phase. During this phase of Survival humanity indulges in physical, emotional and mental addictions. It is the avoidance of pain and the acceptance of pleasure. This phase has the ego in full bloom. The Survival phase is fear based. The survival phase is absorbed in negativity. The Survival phase is also all about the Selfish "I". In my survival phase I enjoyed the pleasures of the senses, which led to more suffering. I ended up nearly dying 3 times. During the survival phase, spirit is not understood. The losses and pain were wake up calls to enter the next phase. There had to be more to life than just suffering. That is when ignorance is removed, and awareness begins. In the next phase spirit starts being understood.

The next phase of Awakening is Service. Service is 4D and 5D. Many Lightworkers are in this phase. The Service phase leads to the Gifts as discussed in Richard Rudd's Gene Keys. Service is embracing the shadows, taking responsibility for your actions and unlocking the Gifts. The Service phase starts when you Open your Heart then re-connect with your Soul, and you ask "What is my Purpose? My Purpose must be more than chasing money and basic needs." Your Soul will resonate back to you and guide you to your Purpose. Once we enter into the service phase we begin to choose jobs and volunteer work that aligns with our purpose. Also, there are many techniques to connect to your Soul. It is my perspective that Reiki Healing and other types of energy healing, Mantras and prayers, as well as Silent Meditation, connect you to your Soul. Simply being in Service to Others to make Others happy will reconnect you to your Soul. You may get more psychic and start reading thoughts and feelings. You are more intuitive following intuition over what the mind thinks. You start to learn what you do to others is done to you, that the inner and outer are connected. You also start to learn that others are connected to you. The Service phase is the movement from Service to Self to Service to Others. The negative polarity never enters the Service to Others phase because it involves the opening of the Heart.

In the Service phase, humanity is tired of indulgence and selfishness and finds satisfaction in love to others. Service is work that feels good to the person, but there is still some separation between service and God in the person's consciousness. The Service phase is the gradual merging of the human personality with the Soul. The Involution of God's Grace meets resonance with the evolution of Humanity searching for freedom. The Service phase begins the Path of Initiation. Richard Rudd talks about the initiations in Gene Key 22. Also Charles Leadbetter talks about it in the Masters and the Path. The Path is also found in Initiation - The Perfecting of Man by Annie Besant. You can read about the initiations at

During the Service phase the person moves into refining purity in the thoughts, feelings and body. Service is when the individual begins forgiving. The individual asks for forgiveness. Service is when gratitude is embraced. Gratitude leads to Satisfaction which leads to Peace. Service is the movement of the person's entire being into Service of the Whole. The questions at this phase are "Why does evil exist? Why is there so much suffering? What is God? What is Spirit? What is my purpose?" As refinement and connection to love gradually happens, then love filters through the person's being. That love vibration allows the higher Buddhic, Atmic, and Monadic bodies to descend and merge with the human personality. The Buddhic body (Divine Heart) is the body of Oneness/Love/Compassionate action, the Atmic body (Divine mind) is the body of Christ Consciousness, and the Monadic Body is The Oversoul/Group Soul and the body of Divine Will. The Monadic body is Oneness with God. At this point in the phase, the person begins to release the 10 Fetters as talked about in Buddhism and follows Buddha's Noble Eightfold Path. The person lives and breathes Spirit in daily life. Spirit overtakes the person's life. The connection with God and the Ascended Masters, Angels and other beings is stronger. The person begins absorbing spiritual wisdom at a rapid pace. I will leave some wisdom books for recommended reading down below. As a result of all of the work in the Service stage, Oneness is experienced. Oneness is a result of God's Grace. Duality is removed, the tree of knowledge of good and evil (duality) is uprooted, and the tree of life appears. Good and Evil are seen as expressions, sides of the same coin, as well as pleasure and pain. They are choices that show contrast to each other. They are God's Will and part of the 3rd density we live in, which has the purpose for us to choose our polarity. Eventually Service work and worship/devotion to God become one in the same. All life's experiences are seen as opportunities and then are seen as sacred. Doing good works on Earth are all that matter in the Service and Surrender phases. During these phases all individual needs are surrendered for the needs of the whole. The person still has self-worth and keeps healthy boundaries but endeavors to be love in all actions. Empathy and compassion improves at this stage. This phase leads to becoming like a child, in awe of God's Grace and Beauty.

The Service Stage leads to the Surrender Stage. Surrender is 5D and 6D. Surrender is the oneness with Spirit. Surrender is the Oneness with God. In this stage, only God exists and all is God. There is nothing else. Only God. The grip of the mind on the human is released at this stage. Past and Future are released, and only Mindfulness- Being in the present happens. Only working from the heart exists. There is no judgment anymore or negative thoughts or feelings. The Surrender stage leads to the Siddhi's as discussed in Richard Rudd's The Gene Keys. The Surrender stage starts with total Oneness with all of Creation. Unconditional Love for all beings. Love in alignment with the free will of each. This stage is the Surrender of the individual self for the Greater self. The merger of the human personality with the Higher Greater Self. The surrender of the Soul (which was the bridge of the human to God), and to merge completely with God. There is no individual "I" anymore. Everything in life is done for the Greater Good. Everything is done to please God. Have no desire but the Desire for God. You can desire to make others happy, for that in the end God is pleased, since we are all one. If you want an example of the surrender stage, I invite you to read the book Mother Teresa, Come be My Light, the Private Writings of the Saint of Calcutta. In her prayers and letters you can feel the surrender. Another book about Surrender is St. Francis of Assisi's biography. Or simply read all 64 Gene Keys in the Gene Keys Embracing your higher purpose by Richard Rudd. In the final act of surrender of all individual needs, desires and wants, the vessel becomes emptied. The surrender of the individual self. It involves complete humility, complete loss of the self. In a paradox, the vessel then becomes filled with God's presence. The buddhic, atmic, and monad bodies combine fully with the human, but the human personality is driven to follow only God's Will. Remember The Buddhic body (Divine Heart) is the body of Oneness/Love/Compassionate action, the Atmic body (Divine mind) is the body of Christ Consciousness, and the Monadic Body is The Oversoul/Group Soul and the body of Divine Will. In the stage of surrender the human becomes Divine. If there is no human left in the vessel, only Divinity exists. Only God is this instrument and this instrument is only God. At this point all existence, all creation is realized to be part of the body of God. Creation is cells in the body of God. Therefore, literally what you do to another is done to yourself because all of Creation is seen as connected with God's Love and Light. The human personality has become the Adam Kadmon, the perfected human. The Divine human now sees with God's eyes, hears with God's ears, talks with God's voice,thinks with God's consciousness, and uses God's hands. The human vessel is now God's Instrument. Only God is present, as the human mind, emotions and body were sacrificed and surrendered in favor of God. All of life is seen as connected with a stream of Eternal Light. All creation is seen as sparks of God. Serving another spark of God, is serving God because you are a spark of God. That's why Mother Teresa says, I am only the Instrument, all Glory be to God. This is in fact truth at the surrender stage. Not my will but Thy Will. God's Will be done. The surrender phase is the dawning of the Christ in each of us. The Christ Consciousness. Jesus said I AM THE WAY, I AM THE LIFE. This is because God was working through Jesus and God IS THE WAY AND GOD IS THE LIFE. Once the surrender phase is completed the Ascension process on Earth is completed. This would be the Communion or 6th stage of Ascension. The surrender phase is freedom of the Law of Karma as the individual was sacrificed for the Greater Glory of God. God has no karma so former being is replaced with a Divine being free of karma. The soul is absorbed into the Monad or Oversoul. At the conclusion of the surrender phase, the being is harvested as the Law of One discusses, which is that the being has achieved Greater than 50% Service to Others to be harvested into Eternal Life.

That is my understanding of the 3 phases that culminate in enlightenment. Today's lesson was about The Path of Surrender. My goal is to be of Service to the Whole. To be Love in Alignment with Free Will. If this lesson resonated with you then great, if not then let it fall away.  

Please like this video and subscribe to this channel. Share this video with others to help them understand their own process. We are all equal Sparks on the path to the Creator so let us lift each other up.

This instrument of God, which expresses as Chris, honors the Divine in you. Peace and love to all of you. From my heart to yours, I love you all. With deepest eternal gratitude to all of you for listening to these words. I am the way, I am the light, I am the path that leads to Eternal Life. As Buddha says, I am the raft that leads to the shore. Do not mistake the raft for the shore. Go onwards my brothers and sisters to the shore. God is the shore. God is All That Is. Who has ears, let them hear. The Divine in me honors the Divine in you. Shine on my brothers and sisters. Wishing God's Grace upon all of you. God's Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Praise the Lord our God on High! Kodoish Kodoish Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth! God bless you. Namaste my brothers and sisters.




Service Phase Book Reading (Not an all-inclusive list; find what resonates with you):

The Complete Ascension Manual by Dr. Joshua David Stone;

Beyond Ascension by Dr. Joshua David Stone;

The Law of One 101- The Choice by Carla Ruckert;

Book of Knowledge: Keys of Enoch by Dr. JJ Hurtak;

Bhagavad Gita;

Pistis Sophia, translated by G.R.S. Mead;

The Goal of Life, by Hiram Butler;

The Causal Body and the Ego, by Arthur E. Powell;

Initiation, Human and Solar, by Alice A. Bailey;

The Masters and the Path, by C.W. Leadbeater;

108 Lectures of Wisdom at ;

21 Essential Lessons (Vol. 1 and 2) by AMTF;

Gene Keys: Unlocking The Higher Purpose, by Richard Rudd; Also check out

The Voice of the Silence, by Helena Blavatsky;

The Corpus Christi - Science of the Rainbow Body, by Richard Rudd; Also check out


Surrender Phase Book Reading (Not an all-inclusive list; find what resonates with you):

Mother Teresa, Come be my Light: The Private Writing of the Saint of Culcutta

St. Francis of Assisi, A Biography by Omer Englebert

The Corpus Christi - Science of the Rainbow Body, by Richard Rudd; Also check out

Gene Keys: Unlocking The Higher Purpose, by Richard Rudd; Also check out


"As a being, standing in the sun, suffused with its light, and pouring it forth, would feel no difference between ray and ray, but would pour forth along one as readily and easily as along another, so does one on the buddhic plane feel brotherhood (or sisterhood) and pours themself into any one who needs their help. One sees all beings as themself, and feels that all one has is another's as much as one's: in many cases, more another's than one's, because their need is greater, their strength being less." ~ Arthur E. Powell


"Think, not what you want to do, but what you can do that will help someone else; forget about yourself, and consider others. A pupil must be consistently kind, obliging, helpful—not now and then, but all the time." (The Masters and the Path, p. 80) ~ The Master Kuthumi


More of God's Wisdom in the book The Path of Oneness available via the links at


Feel free to comment below. Would love to hear your perspectives or questions. We are all equal sparks of God, slices of the same Divine truth. God bless you all my brothers and sisters. Shine on!

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