Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
Sometimes I feel like I have no purpose here. I am not suicidal or anything, but as I look to the stars, I feel a sense of missing where I am from before I was sent to earth. Just wish I could go just to visit at least and get some sense of peace.
The people of earth who are not us are evil, mean, will step on you and push you aside. People are bad to each other, there is no love, I myself haven't found my mate. Somehow we got separated along the way and I can't find her. I don't like being alone like this too.
The water is polluted no matter how much it is filtered, the air is contaminated and there is too much addiction. I would like to feel pure and clean. The earth is slowly being poisoned and these leaders in our Government are not for people like us. Even when they get hold of technology stolen from aircraft, they want to use it against each other. Like someone wants to make a name for themselves by destroying the earth. ( ie; My Penis is bigger than yours)..
I seen the tree of life in the sky in my dreams and feel something will happen soon. I dreamed a bomb came from the sky and hit the ground, but didn't go off. Trump and another man were arguing over who fired first. I looked to my left and a heard of buffalo ran down off the hill and I saw the White Buffalo. "You will be like us one day, No More"... The White Buffalo said. Meaning there will be no more human beings and we all will be dead if we do not start taking responsibility for things and straightening up the mess that was made through the centuries.
I hope I find my way home before things get really bad. Even though I try to make them changes and help others to make changes, I feel I am fighting a losing battle with that. I want to go home.
Hello Duane, my compassion to you I know the feelings you are writing about. Like Ismael said we are the boots on the ground for the galactic federation and the ascending master. We are frome far beyond and we have a job here on earth. Oure homes are elsehwehere and someday we will returne but this day is not yet to come. Earth needs oure help and we can do much for earth and also oure owne developement here. As stronger you are connecting yourself with your heart and the higher realms as stronger you find and feel your home in youre heart. So this is great help for your time here on earth. The Archangels, the Elohim, the Ascendet Masters and christ concious Extraterestrials are always by your side and you can visit your home and there places spritually and while you sleep Just ask for it.
Peace, light and love dear brother!
Hey Duane, Ismael here, just a note to let you know that you are not the only star seed feeling this way, I myself go through the same thing, the funning thing about it, is that we volunteer for this mission to come down to earth and help these lovely souls, like the Master Jesus and the apostle, Mother Mary, and I am pretty sure Jesus that night in garden, was feeling the same we do at time, "Along", that why he told the apostle when he saw then sleeping if they can't watch with him, sometimes I get to a point I sure had taken the red pill, like the movie the matrix. but we are here to do a job and helps these people and the planet, we are the boots on the ground for the galactic federation and the ascending master. join a group who know you may meet your soul mate. keep healing your self and as you do you be also be healing the people and the planet. so when you are done feeling sorry for your self like I have done many time, pick up your sword "solder" and follow ARCANGEL MICHAEL. peace and love from a fellow traveler we will go home, but not yet.