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To Know I AM is to BE the I AM | Aaron Abke

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#higherconsciousness #iam #manifestation #spiritualawakening #lawofattraction

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  • Through adoration and invocation to the one God, and service to the planetary lifewave, Sanat Kumara and his band of Keepers of the Flame magnified the triune aspects of Life which in the beginning the Father-Mother God had placed as the threefold flame within their offspring. This they did that the Children of the Sun might remember their reason for being.

    • Children of the Sun....sounds familiar? is us!


    Your Divine Spark
    This flame that burns within your heart is the divine spark, the potential of your divinity. It is the gift of Life of the Creator to the creation.
  • Aaron is teaching the Power 3-fold flame. More on the 3-fold flame

    Heart Chakra - Balance the Threefold Flame of the Heart - Heart Chakra
    Balance the threefold flame of the heart chakra so that the love of your heart is equal to the wisdom of your mind and your determination of the will…
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