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Spiritual Space Clearing

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As many of us awaken to inner spiritual power, the burden of responsibility lies upon the awakened to help Earth free itself from its disharmony and move into the harmony that creates the next golden age. It is an important service to others many Lightworkers and Wayshowers are being increasingly equipped to do. As the mind's eye awakens to other densities and spiritual realms, we become more aware of them. Many areas of the world need cleansing right now. Ancient battle sites, ancient tombs and catacombs, ancient dungeons and locations of witch trials, haunted castles and houses, they all need our help. There is disharmonic presence and unresolved energy that needs clearing so the Earth and its people can heal. I believe it is our purpose to assist all of life in service to all beings return to Oneness and Love. Text for this video at

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  • I am planning on doing some clearing in my local area over the next few weeks, I have some crystals I will plant to. I am learning these using energy tools to help me do this. Thanks for the info Chris
  • Recommended Reading: Astral Beings and Wildlife
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