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Paramahansa Yogananda Why Did God Create Satan?

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I am so excited to finally read some Paramahansa Yogananda for the podcast. 

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  • Contrast brings clarity. Evil exists for the choice in 3rd density to choose service to others or service to self. “We all have good and bad seeds inside of us, it depends on which seeds we water, that is what we grow and harvest.”~ Thich Nhat Hanh (paraphrased from a recorded teaching). Evil is a state of mind that infects feelings and actions. The law of free will allows evil as expression and for contrast. Evil does not exist at our Spirit levels (free will becomes Divine Will at Spirit levels). Evil is a manifestation in density. The last holdouts of evil are in the lower mental plane. No mind is no evil. Keep pure thoughts and you will become pure in feeling and pure in action. Open the heart and evil will run back to the shadows. Evil cannot tolerate love. Love is the water, evil is the rock, and love erodes evil. When you chase the light, darkness cannot catch you. Focus on expansion of love and evil will be cleansed. Start with clearing yourself of evil (shadow work), then be love. Your presence of love will be felt by others and they will begin their shadow work. Our sparks of light become a divine flame, and evil shadows will diminish. Eternal gratitude to Brian for delving into this topic. It brings us closer to the light when we have awareness. Namaste.

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