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Lavender Flame Reiki Attunement

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The Lavender Flame energy was channelled to the American Energy Master Suraya by Quan Yin in 2001. Through the use of the mantra Namo Quan Shi Yin Pu-Sa, Quan Yin can be called in very strongly to a healing session where the Lavender Flame energy is being used. The Lavender Flame has the characteristic of transmuting negative and unwanted energy very fast and for bringing purification to a person.

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  • Thank you so much master.i felt change the taste of tongue,feeling weak.plz help

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  • Many thanks and blessings for this!

  • Thankyou. Exact same music i do aumming with.
  • Thank you

    May the wisdom and love of these great woman add to the GODDESS power of the Lavender Flame

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