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Enya - Athair Ar Neamh

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  • Irish Gaelic

    Athair ar Neamh (Father in Heaven)
    Athair ar Neamh, Dia linn
    Athair ar Neamh, Dia liom
    M'anam, mo chroí, mo ghlóir,
    moladh duit, a Dhia.


    Fada an lá, go sámh
    Fada an oích', gan ghruaim
    Aoibhneas, áthas, grá,
    moladh duit, a Dhia.

    Móraim thú ó lá go lá.
    Móraim thú ó oích' go hóich'.

    Athair ar Neamh, Dia linn
    Athair ar Neamh, Dia liom
    An ghealach, an ghrian, an ghaoth,
    moladh duit, a Dhia.


    English translation


    Father in Heaven, God bless us
    Father in Heaven, God bless me
    My soul, my heart, my glory,
    praise to you, God.


    Long is the peaceful day
    Long is the night without gloom
    Delight, joy, love,
    praise to you, God.

    I glorify you day after day.
    I glorify you night after night.

    Father in Heaven, God bless us
    Father in Heaven, God bless me
    The moon, the sun, the wind,
    praise to you, God.

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