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The following are descriptions of the chakras and their frequencies:

1. Root chakra. Affirmation "I AM." Energy, Stability, Comfort, Safety. 396 hz solfeggio frequency. Survival. Also the Kundalini energy is stored here. Associated With: Earth Connection, Physical Health, Safety and Security, Groundedness, The Body, Longevity, Kundalini, Healing.

2. Sacral chakra. Affirmation "I FEEL." Sensuality, Sexuality, Pleasure, Sociability, Creativity. 417 hz solfeggio frequency. Personal identity. Kundalini rising begins in the Hara/Belly button chaka. Associated With: Relationships, Life Force, Emotions, Intimacy, Vitality, Skin, Impulse, Desire, Motivation, Letting Go.

3. Solar Plexus chakra. Affirmation "I DO." Strength, Personality, Power, Determination. 528 hz solfeggio frequency. Ego resides here. Social relations. Associated With: Self-Esteem, Ego, Confidence, Manifesting, Willpower, Self-Belief, Grit, Success, Conscious Mind, Adaptability.

4. Heart chakra. Affirmation "I LOVE." Acceptance, Love, Compassion, Sincerity. 639 hz solfeggio frequency. Opening of ascension path. Higher Self manifestation begins. Love/Compassion of Higher Self. Universal love. Associated With: Compassion, Faith and Hope, Forgiveness, Joy, Surrender, Humility, Empathy, Unconditional Love, Balance.

5. Throat chakra. Affirmation "I TALK." Communication, Expression, Creative Expression, Inspiration. 741 hz solfeggio frequency. Expression of Higher Self. Free communication. Associated With: Communication, Expression, Honesty, Worthiness, Gratitude, Creativity, Channeling Energy.

6. Third eye chakra. "I SEE." Intuition, Lucidity, Meditation, Trust. 852 hz solfeggio frequency. Vision of Higher Self. Universal energies. Associated With: Subconscious Mind, Deep Thought, Imagination, Mind's Eye, Intuition, Clarity, Wisdom, Vision.

7. Crown chakra. Affirmation "I UNDERSTAND." Knowledge (truth), consciousness, fulfillment, spirituality. 963 hz solfeggio frequency. Bridge of light unity connection to Higher Self. Flow/Channeling state. Sacredness of each experience. Associated With: Transcendence, Spirituality, Higher Self, Ascension, Quantum Mind, Source, At One, Inner Peace, Dreams, Cosmic.

Great solfeggio frequency videos are found at

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First Initiation – The Birth of the Love within the Heart - Birth to Spiritual Life (Junior Disciple)
Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of physical body)
Second Initiation – Mastery of Emotional Body - The Baptism (Senior Disciple)
Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of emotional body)
Willing and taking action to get rid of negativity
Willing and taking action to get rid of negative desire
Third Initiation – The Transfiguration (Initiate) - Teacher
Required for passing this initiation: Self-control (mastery of mental body)
No judging anyone
Accepting all beings
Fourth Initiation – The Crucifixion or Renunciation (of lower self for Higher Self) (Arhat) - Teacher
Required for passing this initiation: Free from all hate
No thinking in the negative at all ever
Love, "I am love"
Receiving eternal life
Surrender to God's and monad's will
Fifth Initiation (The Resurrection) – The Adept or The Holy Master - Teacher
Required to pass the 5th initiation: Total surrender to God and to your monad
Agreement that "Yes I will do what my monad intends"
Willingness to serve good of wholeness and the highest purpose
Sixth Initiation – The Ascension or Masterhood (Chohan) - Teacher
Required to pass the 6th initiation: No imperfect thoughts
Seventh Initiation – The Bodhisattva, Avatar or Christhood - Teacher
Initiations 8+ manifest on the Buddhic plane and in higher dimensions than the physical- Ascended Master, Spirit Guide etc. 
In my experience the third and fourth were the hardest because they required a complete release of the mind and enter into surrender to the Divine. Being a Gemini and very mind based this was hard for me.
Initiations 1 and 2 are seeking, Initiations 3 and higher are being.

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I am who I am for a reason.
No insistence, no resistance.
I am an indestructible being at my core.
The past and the future are illusions. There is only now.
Everything happens in perfect timing. I will miss nothing.
My life is my own. No one can live it for me.
I am unconditionally supported by creation.
I am an expression of nature.
I always have exactly what I need.
I give and receive joy, love, and compassion.
My life is a synchronous orchestration.
I am free to choose.

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My original (and still ongoing) Dharma project was attunements to empower others as healers- train the trainer so to speak, which massively accelerates Planetary Ascension. My current Dharma project is multiple healing session videos. I am planning approximately 80 more healing videos followed by a book that compiles them, hence the words to receive in the videos too. Healing sessions are helpful for anyone and continues Planetary Ascension acceleration. Everything is timeless, can be received 1000 years from now as an example and I am in awe of the Power and Grace of Source to be on this path to lift up the world. It is an honor to serve you all.

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For anyone wanting to learn the quantum mechanics of Ascension, read this text from Ra. It discusses Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine Balance as the key to Ascension. To expand upon what Ra says about left (Yin) and right (Yang) balance, this includes the left side Ida and right side Pingala Kundalini channels too.

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Belief is an important part of healing.

A fundamental spiritual tenet is that our beliefs create our reality.

To choose to believe that healing is impossible is to seal one’s consciousness in an energetic darkness that prevents healing light from entering.

My advice is to believe in the healing energy, believe the person is being healed and getting healed, accept that healing energy is healing him/her.

Trust in the healing power that exists beyond our five senses.

Belief and acceptance of healing are large parts of healing.

When I was receiving my first healing session back in 2006 I did not believe either.

But once I believed in the energies being received and accepted the energies were for my highest good, I began to heal.

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"The bless the pregnant women for normal delivery and for good health of the baby in womb."

Also according to Brilliant Light By Madabusi Subramanium:

It is given in the third eye of husband and wife who are not getting children.

Seems like a great application with Tasman Flax Lily flower essence: "Treats polycystic ovarian disease, also good to take one month before conception to strengthen child, if taken in the last three months of pregnancy can allow child to be born with open third eye. Also gives clearer psychic visions during meditation" according to Heiko Lade (New Zealand)

Also known as Sisupa

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Lost Reiki Symbols: Hang Sa

This one needs some extra explaination.  Hang Sa or in reverse Sa Hang is the sound of inbreath and outbreath.  In chinese this is Hay Gung, when you exhale the energy expands, when you inhale it withdraws like a baloon being inflated and deflated.  Generally.  The words are Hung and Ha.  Ha can be outbreath and Hung can be inbreath, this has a different effect as is the case in some Iron body systems.

The sound Hung in fact is actually an inbreath where the back part of the nasal cavity is constricted and the Sa is the outbreath.  Not many explain this fully.  This is the symbol for Hung Sa which is drawn with Sa above and Hang below.


Cleaner version of Hang or Hung:


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What Is The Core Of Your Life On Earth?

By Steven Hutchinson


Wesak, on May 23, is where we think of and celebrate the birth and life of Buddha.
Remember Buddha turned away from family riches to find his own inner peace and fulfillment.
Millions are turning within today in order to not just find fulfillment, but to answer the call of their Soul and their destiny of this life time.
It's about raising your frequency through prayer, meditation, mindful awareness, practicing compassion, or just regularly doing whatever your spiritual practices are that help you consciously experience God's Love & Presence within your heart.
This is the core of your Earth mission dear Soul.
Infinite Blessings of God's Loving Energies that leads you to Unity Consciousness.
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Gratitude for Lessons

I'm grateful for the lessons on Earth. Many of my lessons in life were valuable because they opened me to other perspectives. In 2009 I learned the lesson of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others, as my first girlfriend who cheated on me died in a horrible car accident leaving her only son. It also taught me to pray for the betterment of others on the other side. Also going through a divorce in 2014 from my first wife taught me the lesson of self-compassion and self-empathy, as well as the result of going through a 10 years long abusive marriage. In 2021, due to a business dispute, I learned the lesson of free will and empathy toward others as well as self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others.

I am starting to see life on Earth as sacred, because there is gratitude for all of the growth as a result of lessons. Recently, I found a subconscious fear within me preventing deep empathy and compassion, as I retreated into the mind for safety trying to find logic when emotions were to be applied (empathy and compassion). I am hoping to resolve the catalyst of the lesson by apologizing to another for miscommunication and lack of understanding/empathy. I am still learning but my hope in writing this (and sharing everything here) is to pass the torch to inspire others to light up themselves, light up others, light up communities and therefore light up the world.

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