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A Channeled Message from my Higher Self

Channeled by Chris Comish


The New Earth will be glorious

There is nothing to fear

All is perfect

The choice remains for love

Those that choose love will be blessed

Those that do not choose love will not be joining the New Earth

That is the choice point

The transition will only be rocky for those who have not yet chosen love

Your inner world is reflected in your outer world

Like attracts like vibrations

Love attracts love


I read within you that you are worried about the future

You have anxiety over money, food, basic needs

However the love you share in the world will be reflected back to you

Support will always be there when you need it

There is nothing to fear

You are not alone

The Divine has your back

and Love attracts love

So although you may feel the world is falling apart as you watch your news stories

Know this

There is so much loving support behind you

Your love creates a bubble of love

and that love is supported with abundance

For as you give you shall receive

Make the choice for love

Give love generously

and abundance is yours with ease

I AM your Higher Self

God bless all who listen

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A Channeled Message from Archangel Michael

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

Only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

I Invoke the Ascended Masters, my Higher Self, and any beings that wish to answer this question, beings of only the highest love and light.

My question from my brother Sheel Shah is-

How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulations?

What can a Lightworker do to establish sovereignty in their own personal power and protection from negative energies?

Any Ascended Master, Angel or Archangel, Any Highest Love and Light Being may answer this question.

Who wishes to speak?

How does a Lightworker establish sovereignty from negative energies and manipulation?


I AM Archangel Michael.

Sovereignty is established through alignment with the Will of God.

Alignment with Source.

You are not separate from Source.

You are One with Source.

There is no you outside of Source.

This alignment with Source brings the Power of Source through you.

And only the Highest Love and Light of Source, connected to that alignment with Source, is allowed in your space.

This breaks you free from lower energies and manipulations because

Negativity cannot withstand the Power of Source.

Negativity is based on isolation and separation from Source.

As you unify with Source,

Connect with God Source,

Bring God Source through you,

You attract only purity, only love, unconditional love.

This alignment breaks the Lightworker free of all negativity and lower manipulation.

This alignment with Source is found in the core of your heart.

Open your heart to unconditional love.

Have complete faith and trust in Source.

Let Source flow through you for your highest and greatest good.

All of these actions establish complete sovereignty from lower and negative vibrations.

Part of what I do is through this connection with Source.

I AM the Will of God.

I implement God's Will,

And God's Will flows through me,

Strengthening me.

As a Lightworker you can do the same.

Although the darkest energies may try to attack you,

Go within to that core of your heart.

That connection with Eternal God Source.

That strength of Only God, of Only Source, and nothing else matters,

Will cause all negativity and lower vibrations to evaporate, to dissolve, to retreat,

For you are a blinding radiant light, and Nothing, Nothing,

Can ever dim that radiant light, because that radiant light is Source,

And You are Source, and because You are Source,

Everything that is separation and illusion, negativity, fear, it does not matter.

It is illusion and does not have any hold over your radiance, over your Love and Light.

I AM Archangel Michael and I bid you farewell.


Thank you Archangel Michael.

I appreciate you.

Thank you for your wisdom, your guidance, your strength, your empowerment,

The world appreciates you.

Love and Light to all.

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A Channeled Message from Master Kuthumi

Channeled by Chris Comish


I intend that only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

I intend that only the highest love and light is allowed in this space.

Archangel Michael make it so.

I now connect with the Ascended Masters, those who can answer this question.

My brother Sheel Shah of Mumbai, India is concerned about negative shields, negative things that are blocking his ascension, please provide guidance on how to increase his ascension and remove all negative, negativity, negative shields in his fields.


As you have stated to him before, the Higher Self is a valuable tool for burning away negative energy.

As he connects more to his Higher Self. the negativity will have no hold on him, for the Higher Self is love, unconditional love.

His focus is not to be on the outside, but the inside, to grow his seed of love in the core of his heart.

This will dissolve the negativity that he is experiencing that is blocking his ascension.

What brings him happiness?

What brings him joy?

What brings him excitement?

These are things that he must focus on to grow the seed of love in his heart.

To follow this excitement, this will open his inner core of love, which will attract his Higher Self and burn away all negativity and negative shields, for negativity cannot withstand the pure presence of unconditional love.

It is dissolved.

He must focus on his inner work, his forgiveness, and this will bring the Higher Self closer to him.

Thank you for the opportunity to answer your question.

~ Master Kuthumi 

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A channeled message from All That Is (God/Source/The Creator)

Channeled by Chris Comish


Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.

Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.

Only the Highest Love and Light is allowed in this space.

There is a question from the audience.

How will there be more Peace and Balance on Earth?

It is my intention to connect to the Divine.

When you respond please state your name prior to your response.

How will there be more Peace and Balance on Earth?

How will there be more Peace and Balance on Earth?


I AM All That Is.

I hold the world in Peace and Balance.

I AM everywhere throughout creation.

My unconditional love is always watching over the Earth keeping the balance.

I have given humans Free Will.

Free Will explores creation in its own ways.

There may be some that explore this creation out of alignment with Me.

But My Energy is over All.

The energy that is put out comes back.

I have decreed this as a Divine Law.

Peace and Balance is achieved on Earth through acts in reflection of Me.

Align yourself with Me.

With unconditional love.

This is how you achieve Peace and Balance on Earth.

Know this-

Free Will is allowed to explore and create how it wishes to create.

But the energy returns.

If you wish to create Heaven on Earth, you must be that Heaven on Earth in your actions.

This alignment aligns yourself to Me.

And We are One.

And are All That Is.

You are blessed my son.

I am always here for you.

We are One.

~ All That Is/Source/God/Creator

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Revelations of Archangel Michael

There are seven levels (or worlds) of consciousness through which humanity must travel in order to attain graduation — a goal that is earned by your own spiritual growth and ethical actions. During our daily life on Earth, the term "graduation" generally means elevating ourselves higher from one form of study to another until a particular learning experience is perfected or a higher level of qualification is achieved. Within this concept of learning and achievement, heaven and Earth are not so different. However, spiritual graduation is measured by the vibratory frequency of the energy you hold or maintain, which is different than that of mere intellectual knowledge. The important point here is that graduation is not the quick act of ascension, but an ongoing awakening that you must apply each day in order to perfect yourself by releasing all negative thoughts and actions. Only by utilizing the positive inclinations of higher consciousness can you advance through multiple increments of improvement.

As you let go of old limited beliefs or mind-sets and incorporate the results of those various tests that life provides you, only then do you begin to take responsibility for your own thoughts and actions and cease to blame others for your life events and lessons. This attitude of responsibility is one certain way to know that you are graduating out of a limiting set of beliefs into a new way of thinking and living. Graduation occurs only when you are able to surmount various challenges and recognize what you have learned, while being grateful for the struggle that motivated you into another new life experience.

There are many different definitions associated with mental graduations, but the greatest involves your ability to release old beliefs that have imprisoned you in self-righteousness, judgement and violence towards others. All souls that presently exist on this planet (from the lowest to the highest) will eventually graduate from one level to another. Even if you currently have no consciousness of light whatsoever, but suddenly begin to experience brief moments of good thoughts or actions, you will have made an initial step upward from that previous imprisoned unconscious state. All humans, regardless of their stations in life, will experience some brief moments of expanded thinking that propels them forward into the greater rays of life. Within that gradual period of expansion, inspirational thoughts will usually find their way into greater actions or deeds.

Humanity must now graduate with the understanding that all breath contained within each of your physical bodies — regardless of culture, gender, age, color, race or religion — derives solely from our Creator. It is only humanity, with its many false dogmas, that keeps you from experiencing the divine and eternal love of the Creator. You have to let go of your loveless or negative thought-patterns and return to the Source as it breathes its eternal life force through each and every one of you.

So here you are, beloved ones of Earth, currently involved in various levels of the graduation process. Now you may be wondering how these graduation levels relate to ascension — a current topic of interest among many humans. Ascension occurs when you have completed the various lessons associated with love and forgiveness, and have been able to release the ties that imprison your thinking process. Then you no longer carry judgments against your fellow human beings regardless of your differences. When you are fully capable of allowing each person to exist at their own level of growth and beingness without judgmentalism, you are then perceiving them through your "spiritual eyes". Furthermore, by demonstrating your own concern for all life through your daily activities also indicates that you are aware of your divinity, and that you want to return home.

The ache for home is strong in many of you now, and the ecstasy of knowing that it is rapidly approaching may bring tears of joy. Even though others may not understand, you can still maintain the balance of love within you, knowing that, in time, everyone will arrive. By being the embodiment that holds the eternal breath, and knowing that you are its experience, experiment and expression, you will have opened the paths of light that bring forth the joys and enlightenment of the higher worlds to Earth.

There were some individuals in the ancient past who had earned their ascension because they used their mastery of will and the power of unconditional love to overcome the imprisonment of duality. Remember the great beings who have walked your Earth while holding strong to their convictions of the higher worlds or heavens. You refer to each of these persons who successfully completed their ascension process on Earth, as Ascended Masters. These Masters are currently working diligently with many of you in order to assist you in maintaining greater strength, fortitude, courage and will-force.

Earth herself is also preparing to ascend by spinning into a higher velocity and, in time, will be repositioned into a higher heavenly station. Remember that Earth and the astral realms are presently situated in the lower heaven’s vibratory rate, so these realms cannot connect to the ethereal/light realms. The astral world and its many levels of learning were created as a holding station for those humans who passed through the veil of death, and were then reborn into another physical body. Until an individual could pass the tests of Earth and ascend into the ethereal or higher worlds of light, the astral levels were the only possible placement. However, that is all changing, because of the nature of the Creator.

The main concept that you must grasp about ascension is that the Source is not a static essence with a rigid nature. It did not just birth some life forms and then quit. On the contrary, the Father/Mother God, as you know it, is forever growing into the greater part of itself. That is why ascensions are so important. Due to this ascension process, the Source is ready to rebirth itself once again whenever enormous amounts of light return to it. Although there are many singular ascensions that occur throughout the eras of time, long periods must pass before a "supreme" or large group ascension can take place. This is where life forms from all systems within your Universe and others will collectively be drawn together like a magnet into a force of light.

Soon, a supreme ascension will occur throughout your Earth, and thereby connect all souls in the Universe who have also elevated their consciousness. You will collectively emerge as a radiant burst of light that creates a fire breath (life force pulsation) that is instantly felt by the center core of the Source. It is at this moment that the Source instantly rebirths itself by creating new universes and worlds. During a supreme ascension, many universes simultaneously uplift themselves. This event is fantastic!

The more souls who can elevate themselves in order to achieve ascension simultaneously, the greater the Source can expand beyond its moment in time in order to create greater spirals of infinity. The splendor of the Creator is that as you ascend through the multiple realms/worlds and elevate yourself to where it once was, it will already have expanded beyond those previous boundaries, leaving you with the inner urge to continue reaching for the greater part of its divine self. Therefore, while you possess the ability to attain a portion of its divine presence as it continues forward, the spiral of its breath gives you an everlasting existence of continuous desire to strive forward. Know that the Creator continues to create higher universes for you to attain, only to begin again. And then again. Consciousness is truly everlasting.

All of your angels on the other side are diligently working in order to assist you through the ascension process because they know that Earth is the hardest place from which to graduate. Know that this is the most glorious time to be present on Earth for the purpose of self-growth and earning your place in this time of supreme ascension. The Eternal One is allowing more and more angels to come through Earth’s portals so that you may receive messages of love, guidance and protection. All of this will help you to awaken and return home.

Remember that there are worlds within worlds, systems within systems, universes within universes, and omniverses within omniverses. Everything spirals from the center of the Source, and all worlds ascend in graduated order— something like a loving chain reaction.

In addition to this individual graduation process leading to ascension, it is now time for another great ascension to occur not only upon your Earth, but throughout all the universes. This is not an individual graduation earned by one soul, but instead is a collective group experience that allows many to leave the third-dimensional Earth plane in simultaneous ascension. As a result of this divine plan, excitement is growing throughout the various dimensions of the heavens. The joy is overwhelming while we await word from the Great One that the time has arrived and the wholeness of light will begin to create a multiplicity of new worlds.

This means that I, the Archangel Michael, will gather all my Legions of Light from this Universe to meet with the omniverses throughout time, and we will come to gather those souls of your Earth who will be ready to pass through the doorway of ascension. Everyone who holds the seal of light in their third eye will rise into a greater world that will only allow the vibration of peace and divine love. Those individuals who can raise their vibration by centering within will have the ability to open the sacred portals through telepathic means, and may be able to receive spiritual direction and knowledge for these greater times of change.

I have described three different levels of ascension. One of these levels will occur when the "illuminators", or those who will hold the Christ light, will overcome the darkness by awakening to the divine aspect of love, In their goodness, they will acknowledge and love all beings.

Darkness is the negative thought that produces an action such as greed, misuse of power, cruelty, hate and war, either by nations or individuals. The illuminators must remain balanced and maintain their light, not succumbing to those lower emotions. As they continue to maintain their light, they will be allowed to ascend into another vibration or plane of existence. Many doorways will be opened, and there will come a time when some can depart from this world. There will not be any warning; it will happen instantly. You will not have to be in any particular location when this event occurs because there are ways wherein the portals of each soul will open and instantly shift you into a physical-etheric being— no longer requiring you to maintain a dense physical vibration. As these doors open, the light servers will pass through immediately. Many guides will be on the other side awaiting their arrival.

Today upon your Earth, darkness/negativity is becoming much more predominant, and it is easy for one of you to submit to it out of fear or other insecurities. However, the real test is: Can you keep your light shining while walking in the midst of darkness, and not fall prey to its influence? To be negative is easy, but to uphold your integrity, remain balanced and continue to love is not an easy task. When you have truly connected to the divinity within, you will have power, inner strength, and an awakened sense of knowingness, wisdom and divine justice. You will worship only the Oneness with transcendent inner strength and joy, and you will do this with all your heart and with all you might. There will be those of lower nature thinking who will attempt to distract and deter you, but they cannot hold this position for very long, as they will recoil back from the power of your light. Continue forward, grow stronger, and always know that a sun is rising, regardless of how it may appear in the illusion. Do not fall prey to the illusion; remain strong and know that you are manifestors. Trust your unlimited Universe.

Now let me share with you what the three great doorways of ascension are so that you may have a greater understanding of how they apply to you.


There are those humans who are now choosing to leave Earth through the doorway of what you experience as physical death. Upon reaching their appropriate spiritual level, those who are awakened need not come back to the Earth plane, and instead will be taken to a beautiful place until the final ascension is birthed. They will have many assignments helping their loved ones on Earth to grow and return into the arms of the Creator in preparation for the final ascension of this Earth.


There will come a time when Earth’s many human inhabitants will fall into greater and greater degrees of darkness. Those light beings remaining on Earth who have diligently demonstrated their divine gifts of peace will NOT have to remain during the final hours of darkness. For them, the portals of time, which are the major vortex entrances, will open throughout the world and the light workers will be taken through the invisible doorways into the Earth’s Inner World cities of light. For example, two people may be standing side by side and, in an instant, one will simply disappear because of their higher vibration. Consequently, both individuals and groups will actually disappear as the higher beings allow entrance into the hidden cities of light within your Earth’s Inner Worlds. Here, in a loving environment, these dedicated light workers will be welcomed and will remain until the glorious finale.


There will eventually be a time when I, the Archangel Michael, will come to gather all beings according to their spiritual vibrations, and those of the light will be taken into their next heavenly home. These individuals will be identified by the light emanating from their auric fields, and they will be able to pass through the brilliance of the living flame. They will be taken into the new city of light in order to begin another evolutionary opportunity for growth and service. It will be a thrilling and exciting homecoming.


Those beings whose auric fields were not bright enough to pass through the filter of holy light, will be returned to the fourth world (astral plane) level in order to again be prepared for another bodily incarnation on a new Earth school. Depending upon the soul’s evolutionary level, each human will receive their appropriate coding of life as it continues its sojourn in third-dimensional experiences of duality. If the soul was close to attaining ascension, it will then return at another time on Earth in order to become a teacher of higher philosophy or to serve humanity in an obvious way. Those souls who still have yet to attain the consciousness of light will continue to advance through the astral planes of learning until they can individually ascend or participate in another future collective group ascension into the fifth world of light.

Be assured that after this glorious finale, all beings will be repositioned in their appropriate heavenly domains, and some will begin a journey on the new Earth that has already graduated in order to assume its glorious position as the twelfth planet in your solar system.

Here, a new existence will begin for those souls of the Golden Dawn, New Age, or what is known as the Millennium time of peace. Words cannot truly express what this means to you, but your sacred heart and soul are exuberant. If you listen quietly to your inner feelings of reassurance and love, you will feel the touch of hope and spiritual richness.


Come with me in your imagination to see what life will be like after the ascension process in order to amplify that touch of hope and spiritual richness for you. Let it be known that during the 21st Century, there was a time when Earth graduated to a higher position within the Cosmos, and was relocated behind the Sun in the twelfth orbital position in your solar system. Those souls who had opened their minds and hearts to the vibration of Oneness went with Earth as physical-etheric beings when she ascended. These humans who ascended had gone through many incarnations and experiences in order to learn how to awaken to their spiritual identity and overcome the ‘stepping stones’ of negativity. They had become competent in terms of using their God capabilities through the divine power of love.

History records that the greatest tests on Earth before its ascension occurred during the latter days when spiritual mastery required each human to stand strong and remain balanced and loving to everyone — even in the midst of chaos, deprivation and war. There were many temptations, but some persisted in holding onto their devotion to God which, in turn, creates peace, and always paves the way to a higher pathway of life. Many communities had been formed, which assisted the humans in maintaining their equilibrium and commitment to the light, and further sustained them through the rigors of change.

I, the Archangel Michael, had gathered my Legions of Light, and had collected everyone among the population who had a flame of light emanating from the middle of their forehead, Through their love, deeds of service, and remaining true to God, they were readily identified in order to be lifted into another dimensional vibration of the etheric world of light. When the sign was given, they entered the harmonious vibration of the shafts of light that were opened.

The elements of heaven created a vortex of wind that began whirling like a tornado, and this energy ripped open the previous force-field shield around the Earth’s canopy. When this force-field was opened, the angelic messengers came and covered every part of the planet. Earth was now in the position to ascend, and with a quickening action, the angelic forces created a higher velocity so that Earth and her light servers who were ready could arise to a higher station.

During this ascension, there were some who were allowed to remain within Earth’s Inner Worlds in order to continue their progressive soul path. There were others who ascended into an angelic city (called the New Jerusalem) where they were taken into another realm of the higher heavens. There were also those who ascended into the solar system’s twelfth position on planet Earth in order to begin the New Millennium or the Golden Dawn.

It was an extraordinary and joyous moment for the star seeds, star lights and star children because their inheritance was now realized. Their bodies were instantly rearranged from physical-dense into a physical-etheric state, which allowed them total recall of their former telepathic language. It was somewhat different for the star lights when they ascended into their physical-etheric bodies because, while they immediately awakened to telepathic abilities, they had never experienced the other worlds. Consequently, they needed to be educated in the higher efficiencies of thought language.


When the humans ascended, they were met by many of the Ascended Masters and angelic hosts in order to help them stabilize and adjust to their new heavenly place. Those who had just attained ascension-hood were given work appointments as Ascended Masters in the holding stations in order to assist some of the physical-etheric beings that were soon to take on human form. They helped them make appropriate decisions about their soul journey because the new Masters had already walked the density of the third-dimensional Earth, and had experienced various challenges in order to transcend the tests of separation. Some were assigned to certain soul groups or individuals on the new Earth in order to help them through their Earth journey. Of course, there were numerous other ways in which these new Masters served the greater light throughout the Universe.

Now in the Golden Dawn, there is no longer pain, suffering or aging because the physical-etheric bodies remain as youthful as if they were in their 30's. The physical-etheric bodies are strong, energetic and beautifully perfect. While each individual holds patterns of androgynous characteristics, through the law of Nature they choose which form they prefer, either feminine or masculine. There are some beings who choose to maintain both genders uniting as a cosmic group working together in unison.

There are no wars, cruelties, brutalities, greed or misuse of power here, only an overseeing government that is composed of a celestial council who maintain the vibration of Oneness for this ascended planet of light.

From the new Earth’s position, you gaze out into the heavens where the sky displays beautiful colors of intricate blues, lavenders and pinks. The sky now possesses two suns and two moons because both solar and lunar energies are necessary for the planet’s nurturing process. The new Earth will never experience darkness because it is transparent, like a crystal. The cities are crystal-powered and crystal-structured, and the light is far greater than any ever experienced on third-dimensional Earth.

This wondrous new planet has many beautiful hills, mountains, oceans, lakes, flowers, animals, and even foods, but they are fruits that taste like nectar. Since there is no longer any killing or eating of meat, these wonderful elixir fluids and fruit-like substances are used to maintain the body for much longer periods of time. Food is primarily used for sustaining life.


New souls who have recently ascended require a period of rest, and during this state of restfulness, they are able to create and accomplish those things which they have longed for. This joyful rest and relaxation is a reward given to them immediately, and is somewhat like taking an extended vacation anywhere you want to go. Furthermore, when it passes through the flame of ascension, the soul requires a certain amount of time in order to replenish itself and to become reoriented into its new vibrational surroundings. There are many celestial helpers assigned in order to assist in this transitional period. After this period of rest, teachers then begin to prepare the new arrivals for their necessary work appointments as servers of the infinite light at the level of their own capabilities and interests.


There are souls who join together in order to continue procreating the life of new generations of souls to be birthed into this new world. When two beings come together, they can energetically interlace telepathically within the ebb of divine union which, in turn, will generate a higher spiritual connection. Through the physical-etheric rhythms of their body, mind and soul, a light seed is produced. This seed is given to the creative producers until the infant is birthed. Then it is returned to the cosmic parents to be loved and nurtured until it must enter into a school according to its abilities and interests.


The schools of advanced learning are multiple in the Golden Dawn realms. Each being can choose various educational interests in order to further perfect their abilities. For example, the humans who were healers on Earth may choose to continue their development into higher healing knowledge and capabilities. Some may have the ability to travel to other systems of light in order to advance certain techniques or skills. In addition, specific assignments will be offered in giving guidance, delivering messages, healing, nurturing, and even making appearances to those who are in need of a spiritual awakening. The available service areas are numerous, and all beings live for the joyful opportunity to serve others with their spiritual talents.


Within this particular system of light, there is no longer a monetary system such as humans had once known. Everything is now accomplished for the pure joy of being in service and continuing to learn in the greater tabernacles of many systems. When someone is appointed to an assignment, the individual has a specified time during which the work must be completed which, in turn, earns them credits that may be used for relaxation, entertainment, travelling or developing special interests according to their own choice.


After all of the five levels of consciousness have been attained, the ongoing continuation of certain tests assists each being to persevere in its growth into a greater level of light. These beings will still possess the inner motivation that will continue to urge them forward to achieve their greater potential in order to ascend into even higher stations of life.

In a future experience, of course, the tempter will come again with negative thoughts intended to create interference that will disrupt the flow of love and peace. There will be those who will succumb to the misuse of power, who will not want to live in the law of Oneness, which will then begin another cycle of negativity. This will initiate certain challenges in order to perceive which beings will remain steadfast and devoted to the Oneness. Those advancing souls will have to rise above the negativity once again in order to ascend from the fifth ethereal world into the sixth world of spirituality.

This negativity will not be the same as humans experienced during their journey of duality on the Earth school, but instead one that functions through the law of Nature that also creates challenges in order to pass through the greater flame of light. And so the eternal life continues, beloved ones, and you continue to grow in love, wisdom and spiritual consciousness, drawing ever closer to the Great One and the higher celestial dimensions.

Struggle is a powerful energetic force that assists you in seeking your way back home. Everyone is struggling to return to the center (home), and to find joy and peace. In your world, everything has a certain vibration of struggle — be it social struggle or inner struggle. The struggle of plants, animals and humans are merely the expression of this great external force. When you begin to let go and really work harder at living and bringing positive thinking and actions into your life, then you will notice that life will afford you more joy. The struggles will then begin to lessen.

My suggestion is that you begin every morning as you awaken by thanking God for giving you another moment of breath. Continue to be grateful for your loved ones, family and friends, and for your own gifts and talents. Through meditation/prayer, say that you will awake this day in order to recognize your miracles and the experiences (positive or negative) that will confront you. Understand that this, too, is another form of miracle for your awakening process.

At night, prior to sleep, think about what has happened, and acknowledge how many miracles have been given to you this day. As you continue to do this, your miracles will increase and, in this way, you will advance and develop a more positive attitude. Your struggles can then change into miracles.

Center yourself through quiet contemplation, and seek the kingdom within. Always ask for the divine light to guide you through your daily walk of life. By this centering process, you can open the doors of higher knowledge that will provide you with the answers you seek. I am asking you to perceive yourselves as spiritual beings, because you are far greater than your human shell.

You are the souls of the living Oneness. The living breath of Oneness is ready to birth itself again (when the word is spoken), and many more worlds will be created through the finale of ascension. The most important aspect of living life, beloved ones, is to love the Creator with all your heart, soul and mind. Love each other, and know that your experiences through giving, accepting and being love are the only vibrations that harmonize with the tunnel of light that lifts you out of the earthly body for the return to your celestial home.

Remember! What is happening upon your Earth is not negative — it is simply change, and change is inevitable. As each day births itself before you, love it, and live it with compassion, fervor and joy. Living the experience with a positive attitude will bring enlightenment. It is your choice as to what you decide to create, but you do have three grand purposes in life — to love yourself — to love others — and to love what you do.

There will be many changes and many signs in the heavens. Many of the celestial beings will be appearing throughout your skies, and many of you will be seeing far more of these angelic messengers as time passes into your future. No longer can the existence of these celestials be denied by those in the seats of power, for humanity itself will be awakened, from city to city, state to state, and country to country.

My purpose in coming to the Earth plane is to teach the higher knowledge of Universal Truth, and to transmute negativity. I seek to have you build centers of learning, to gather the enlightened, and to join the kindred souls together so that each may unveil their wisdom, love and spiritual gifts. These will be the emissaries of the New Century who are learning and demonstrating inner strength in order to be able to endure the vibrational changes on Earth. These emissaries will be centered in light, and will maintain self-mastery, self-attainment and self-sovereignty in order to achieve ascension. Ask for the Father/Mother’s will to go forth before you and make your way clear, for it is not your will but the will of the Creator that is assisting you in fulfilling your destiny.

I ask that the Eternal Oneness take each of you into the depths of your being so that you may find the eternal Flower of Fire within you. May this infinite light enfold you and give you peace, wisdom and inner strength so that you can become a beacon of light transmuting negativity, demonstrating love, and bringing peace to humanity. Be assured that we will unite once again as the portals of heaven open for the finale of Earth’s ascension.

Accept that you are truly blessed and are never alone. Then, with that power and support, be about the Father/Mother’s plan on Earth. By way of the Creator, we come to serve and to unite those who will be ready to join us within the eternal light of the higher worlds.

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Questions for the Divine?

Do any of you have questions for the Divine you would like me to channel answers for? I'm looking for some ideas for content. Channeled messages will show up in future videos and blog posts and may even make it into a future book. Comment your questions below.

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Oneness Affirmations

1. I and My Father are One ~ Jesus/Jeshua

2. The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you. 

3. In Lak'ech Ala K'in - I am you and you are me. 

4. Namaste

5. Mitakuye Oyasin

6. We are all unique drops in the same ocean.

7. We are all the same in the cores of our hearts.

8. The Divine Spark within me sees the Divine Spark within you.

9. We are all Divine Co-Creators.

10. Christ Consciousness is the merger of free will and love.

11. Be Love in alignment with free will.

12. My Divine Spark and your Divine Spark come from the same Divine Source.

13. The Divine Spark is the individual of the collective Divine Flame.

14. We are all cells in the body of God. 

15. You are the single finger in a larger hand which is in a larger body. 

16. The waves of Soul are One with the Ocean of Spirit. 


18. WE ARE

19. We all share the same Source.

20. Follow your passion for your perfect puzzle piece fits into the puzzle exactly.

21. We are the Many and the One.

22. We are the Many Faces of the One. 

23. We are Unity in Diversity.

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Ascension Phases

There are three Ascension Phases-

Know yourself, Accept yourself, and Transcend yourself


Know yourself = What is my Purpose?

Accept yourself = Step into your Purpose

Transcend yourself = Become a Divine Co-Creator. Manifest Heaven on Earth. 


There is a Spiral at each phase. The Spiral comes back within each phase.


The Phases of the Spiral are:

1. It's always darkest before the dawn. Some dark time in human life leads to the dawn.

2. Initiation (the dawn)

3. Integration

4. Embodiment (Manifest Heaven on Earth)


Contemplate the images below:








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Merry Christmas

Merry Christmas! May Christ bless the world. May the Christ within you bless the world. Such an honor to be part of our tribe. I cherish each of you. In honor of Christ- Be the Christ on Earth, the unconditional love you wish to see in the world. Eternal and Infinite Gratitude

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Absorption vs Radiation

In the book The Secret of Light by Walter Russell from 1947 (you can find it on pdf), Walter Russell mentions how the Universe is always balanced. An example of this is why Heavenly and Hell realms exist in dimensions. Heaven radiates and Hell absorbs. You can see this in other areas. There is Day and Night. Summer and Winter. Particle and Wave. Male and Female. Birth and Death. In-breath and Out-breath. Yin and Yang.

Walter Russell says the Sun is formed by generation at the poles and this converts to radiation at the equator. The fire of the sun is formed from fushion of the generation. 

When you cross check this against Ra in the Law of One, Ra mentions absorption (another word for generation) and radiation. Ra mentions aborption being negative polarity and radiation being positive polarity. Negative pulls everything to the self and tries to pull all light out of the room. Positive radiates light from the self to others and brightens the room.

When you look at the Earth's magnetic field, energy is pulled in at the poles and pushed out at the equator. This is generation (or absorption) and radiation in action. 

Now apply this to us. Ra says energy is pulled into the crown and feet during awakening. Then we radiate the energy to others from our hearts at the equator of our being once awakened. 

Now to open the gates to pull in energy at the crown and feet, shadows accumulated from trauma block the path in our chakra system and aura. Absorption leads to radiation. We absorb or face our shadows and then we are clear enough to pull in more light and to radiate our light from our hearts. You have to face the darkness to find the light. Contrast brings clarity. 


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Kundalini Rising

The below image shows the process of Ascension, also called the Middle Way or the Middle Pillar. Source is in perfect balance. To achieve Source alignment, we balance ourselves, climbing the Tree of Life from Root Chakra up to Crown Chakra. Once balance is achieved at each circle in consciousness, energy follows consciousness and the kundalini rises to the next circle. Once energy arrives at a circle, consciousness increases. Then the path continues upward until the Heart, where Oneness with the Soul exists (I AM THAT), and the Crown, where Oneness with the Oversoul exists (I AM THAT I AM). 


I AM THAT =  I AM a Spirit having a human experience. I AM THAT I AM = I AM One with God/Source and ALL THAT IS..WE ARE (I and My Father are One ~ Jesus).

"God is within me and I am within God" ~ My Higher Self

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Who am I?

Who am I? (Based on my chart)- Possess a strong sense of confidence, natural leadership abilities, passionate pursuit of goals, creativity in action, and a big heart for taking on challenges. A defender of the weak. Resilient and determined. Generous. Sensitive, caring and creative by nature. Intuitive and psychic. Compassionate. Devoted. Abundant. Flexible and adaptive communication- Skillful means. Authentic. Free thinking. Esoteric. Courageous. Perceptive. Revolutionary. Empathetic. Inventive. You can call me a Warrior Sage.




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Book of Healing

Beloved brothers and sisters,

It is with much excitement to announce that my new book "Book of Healing by Chris Comish" has been published on Amazon Kindle, Google Play and is heading to various ebook retailers such as Apple Books and others. It is also available on PDF on Etsy and Payhip. It is available on Audiobook at both Amazon and Google Play. It is estimated that the Paperback and Hardcover versions will be published by January 2025.

About the Book of Healing

This book contains 60 distant healing sessions prepared for you. Each session is ready to receive. The healing sessions may be received forever and for an unlimited amount of times. The sessions have been programmed at Spirit levels to be received as many times as each recipient requests it. The healing sessions in the book include Heal Worry and Anxiety, Heal Repression, Heal Denial, Heal Shame, Heal Rejection, Heal Guilt, Heal Separation, Heal Gossip, Heal Blame, Heal Jealousy and Envy, Heal Lack, Heal Hate, Heal Anger, Heal Rage, Heal Addiction, Heal Arrogance, Heal Ignorance, Heal Fear, Heal Judgment, Heal Hypocrisy, Heal Selfishness, Heal Betrayal, Heal Narcissism, Heal Lust, Heal Violence, Heal Avoidance, Heal Apathy and Indifference, Heal Prejudice, Heal Lying, Heal Cheating, Heal Stealing, Heal Malice, Heal Revenge, Heal Pride, Heal Doubt, Heal Depression, Heal Powerlessness, Heal Victim-Victimizer, Heal Crossing Boundaries, Heal Intolerance, Heal Impatience, Heal Control, Heal Obsession, Heal Co-Dependence, Heal Root Chakra, Heal Sacral Chakra, Heal Solar Plexus Chakra, Heal Heart Chakra, Heal Throat Chakra, Heal Third Eye Chakra, Heal Crown Chakra, and much more. This book also contains an Invocation and Meditation for the Archangels, Prayers and Meditations, Wisdom Teachings, a Discussion of Divine Laws, and a Teaching about the Path of Dharma. The purpose of this book is to heal a mass audience using Reiki energies to assist the recipients to heal imbalances and to find Divinity within.

A new video about it was just published.

Anyone who wishes to be healed in the entire world will be healed when each recipient says or thinks the words to receive.

Links to book:

The Divine in me bows to the Divine in you.

Blessings of Love and Light,


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In my perspective there are two valid approaches out of the matrix, the black torus of wisdom (Buddha path) and the white torus of love (Christ path). Wisdom path is about sovereignty, discernment and neutrality, while Love path is about compassion and service. Both are valid approaches depending on circumstances. Love without wisdom is blind and naive. Wisdom without love is harsh and unyielding.

My approach has been to integrate the two. Here is an example- people are suffering so you apply compassion and service (love), but then people become needy and manipulative to get things and drain you and you say No! then you apply wisdom of sovereignty, discernment, and neutrality to keep healthy boundaries and protect your energy. Both paths are valid at certain times. I find the key in my perspective is to balance the two paths.

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How is illness created?

As Dr. Hamer discovered, illness is the physical response to a stressful situation, to a dramatic, unexpected conflict, which I experience in solitude, in silence, that is, I do not express what I feel and, furthermore, I do not find a satisfactory solution at that moment.

When this happens, three essential parts of the human being are simultaneously affected: the psyche, the brain and the part of the body biologically related to the conflict experienced.

Normally, when I have experienced a dramatic event and I tell someone about it, what I usually do is talk about what happened I talk about external things, I focus on narrating the details about what I think has happened.

But I never express what I felt at the time of the event and that energy is what is repressed in my unconscious and, later, is transformed into the symptom or illness.

Therefore, what is repressed is a very special phrase, something that I have never said to anyone and that comes from the body.

For example: a person who frequently suffers from hemorrhoids.

As is known, this symptom manifests itself in the anorectal area and this part of the body is related to the place where I sit, where I put or rest my butt and feel comfortable, at ease, happy.

How is illness created? The biological sense of having hemorrhoids is for me to leave that place, to go away from that spot, from that territory where I am sitting because I am not happy.

Therefore, what I do not express and is somatized in my body would be beliefs similar to the following: Where is my place within my family?

“I can’t find my place, I feel left out”, “I don’t have my place”, “I want to leave this place”, “I am forced to put my butt in another seat”, “I am at the limit, and my place is not within this territory”.

Similarly, the anus is also biologically related to identity, to the recognition of who I am for others and especially for my family.

This can be seen very clearly in the animal world, when two animals meet, they simultaneously smell each other's anus and from there they obtain all the information and recognition of the other.

Thus, the deep feelings that I keep and do not express related to the lack of recognition, by my family (real or symbolic) in a place that I consider mine, my territory (home, work, team, etc.), would be similar to the following: Who am I?

“I don't know what identity I have”, “I am not recognized in my family”, “Others leave me aside”, “Nobody cares about me”, “I am not respected”, “I am not important to my family”, “I don't know what role I have in this family”.

For that reason, believing that healing consists of taking pills, removing an organ or following a diet is truly irresponsible.

It is not about fighting the disease, but about overcoming it, transcending it.

Transcending an illness involves taking ownership of the patterns of thought and feeling that lie beneath it.

To overcome an illness we need to rise above the conflict and the level of imbalance in which we are trapped until we reach a higher level of consciousness and peace.

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Can you explain the Soul and Oversoul? Think of your hand. The Oversoul is the hand. Each finger is the Soul. So the Oversoul is We Are. The group consciousness. The Soul is the I am. The individual consciousness. 

First reach for your Soul. Ask what is my purpose? Why am I here? You can also get astrology reports, delve into past lives, QHHT hypnosis, gene keys etc. This is the I Am, your unique purpose. 

The next level is the Oversoul. The OverSoul is the We Are. The Oversoul is found through zero point. Become the observer and experiencer of your life. Work backward heal actions/responses then emotions then thoughts then patterns then beliefs (the causes). Balance the yin and yang in your life. This achieves zero point. Once you connect with the Oversoul you enter Christ Consciousness. 

Connecting with the Soul is the path to enlightenment or awakening. Connecting to the Oversoul is enlightenment or self realization or nirvana. The Soul is the drop of water, the Oversoul is the ocean. The incarnation (mind/body), Soul (spirit self) and Ocean (higher spirit self) exist simultaneously. Seek and ye shall find. Knock and ye shall receive. As human reaches upwards and within so does the Spirit of Grace reach downwards and without. As above so below as within so without.

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Volunteers Needed

Looking for more volunteers to be admins here.

Admins review/approve new members and welcome them.

Admins also make sure the network does not have spam and can delete any spammers found.

If you are interested in being an admin either comment below or message me.

Infinite Gratitude


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The body is a projection of the mind

We live in a time where it seems that science-based medicine has most illnesses under control. We are frequently amazed by new cures and solutions that seem to be almost miraculous. However, hospitals are as full as ever!

Despite science's great advances and its fierce battle against illnesses, the later continues a step ahead of the game.

What could be the reason for this?

The reason is that medicine has not realized the underlying causes of illnesses yet. It works as if the disease was foreign to the patient, a horrible, meaningless and unjust ailment that possesses and takes over the patient.

It is considered to be a body malfunction which needs to be quickly repaired so that the patient can go on with life as usual.

The patient is treated as a machine with a broken part (organ) that needs to be replaced. This is the major cause of medicine's failure and even though there are great therapeutic innovations and huge investment devoted to research, the percentage of ill people continues to be the same.

Medicine fails since it is centered on the physical and functional aspects of the body only. It does not take into account- for some reason- that within the body there is a thinking and feeling being and that any manifestation in the physical world has been created in the realm of thoughts and ideas, in the invisible world.

Hence, we must assume that it is not the body that is ill, it is the human being. There is only one disease a human being can have, and that is, the lack of harmony in his consciousness.

His consciousness is split, thus incomplete and ill. In order to be healthy or whole, a person must integrate those aspects of reality which he rejects or avoids. He rejects these aspects because he cannot recognize them as his own, he wishes he didn't have them and he wishes he didn't have to experience them. All that which we consider evil, which we don't dare to accept and we wish, would vanish from the earth is what Carl Jung denominated "the shadow." In order to achieve balance and oneness, a person needs to incorporate all these aspects of his shadow to his consciousness.

If a person refuses to consciously own a part of him -his shadow- then, whatever principle was rejected, will go into the body and will manifest itself as a symptom, making it impossible not to experience that which was previously rejected.

The body becomes then the mirror of the soul. It shows us that which the soul does not recognize; it makes visible that part of our soul that otherwise, we would not see. Therefore, the symptom manifests physically that part which is missing, the part that would allow a human being to be complete, to be healthy.

The purpose of scientific medicine to fight disease and want to eradicate it; apart from being something impossible to achieve because, as we have verified, the human being by participating in polarity also participates in the disease and, therefore, is a sick person; what prevents is the evolution of the human being who needs the disease to be healthy.

So believing that healing consists of taking some pills, surgically removing an organ or following a diet becomes irresponsible.

It is not about fighting disease, it is about overcoming it, transcending it. To transcend disease, one must own the thought patterns and the feelings underneath the illness.

It involves going beyond conflict and the imbalance it creates, towards a higher state of peace and equilibrium.

Healing occurs only when the illness has been transcended, since, with the healing process, the patient integrates that which he previously rejected, increasing in this way his level of awareness.

Real medicine, which advocates for health, should contemplate man as a homogeneous whole consisting of body, mind, and spirit.

In this way and contrary to what is believed, we realize that disease is not a bad thing, but quite the opposite; it is an intelligent reaction of our body and our mind that guides us towards a state of balance, of health, of unity from which we had parted.

In short, illness is as closely linked to health as birth is to death.

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Addiction can be considered as the unconditional surrender of a person to something specific, a substance, activity, relationship, feelings or events that take over their will and make them dependent on it.

The unconscious purpose of an addicted person is to achieve a better feeling than the one they are experiencing; it is the attempt to obtain happiness, peace, joy, etc. through something external, an object.

All human beings are addicted to something, to thinking, money, work, success, partner, children, sex, drugs, medicines, food, traditions, etc.

Addiction is typical of the human being who feels separated from himself and tries to fill that void with something.

But that void cannot be filled because the mind will never be satisfied and will always want more and more, of whatever.

It could be a better car, a more loving wife or husband, a bigger house, etc.

We try to solve the addiction by achieving greater external achievements that are also governed by time.

The root cause of addiction and how to address it spiritually: If we want to get out of the addiction we must wake up from the dream and become aware that the compulsion cannot be filled with anything.

The use of any addiction will take us further and further away from our purpose and will lead us to the deepest frustration and suffering.

Sometimes it is said that the solution is to “accept” but, how can I accept something that I do not accept?

The addicted person does not want to be addicted and the only thing that is established is a struggle to be otherwise that has no end and that brings guilt and suffering.

The true healing for any addiction consists in creating a space between it and us, between the object and the Being.

If we establish a distance from what we are addicted to, if we can see it when it arises, without identification, then the addiction will lose strength.

For an addiction to disappear, just like a tree, we must cut the root and the root of addiction is always in the identification with the mind.

If we can see that identification from presence, if we are aware of it, the root will be torn out and, consequently, we will have stopped feeding it. Joman Romero

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