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My cat Minky is draped over my right calf, me here on my bed, after what feels like a five minute nap. It also feels like Sunday, but it feels like Sunday, for me, most of the time anymore. I decided, spring of 2011, that I would no longer work on Sunday. I had found something at mile Hi Church of Religious Studies. I knew I had to be there.

I look at it now, and realize that doing so, just setting one day aside, with my son, in-between weeks, Sam and I created a good pattern, a rhythm to our weeks, months, and years ensued. It's the day we sat aside for treats, and rarely do we schedule family time on Sunday. It's not a time of darkness, of dissonance. Sunday has turned into a day of indulgence. It's the day I practice what I learned on my trip to Laughlin and Vegas last year. I dwelled in something, those few days I took for a trip, after not having taken a vacation in twelve years. It was good to be required to attend to myself, and to no one else, for those days. I settled into myself. I started having visions. I knew what I was to one day become.

That most days feel like Sunday, even last night at work (a rare Tuesday), this is a blessed turn of events.

I bring this up because being a rarely employed night nurse has had, built into it, time alone, in bed, half in and half out of sleep, in a trance, a lot of it, I think. I had permission, and it was in fact necessary, that I stop time, as a night nurse, and unplug, right when everyone else was out in the sun, pursuing goals that only make sense in company, all doing the same, goals the same, hours the same, patterns the same. The Monday through Friday bunch.

I think, with the way the economy has been allowed to rape the middle class, that more and more regular joes are now doing shift work, trying to make ends meet. There are hidden reasons for our troubles, I think. When more and more people, by necessity, need to break stiff patterns with time, a certain freedom enters the mind. The idea that time is a device, a construct we use, but not as rigid as once believed, this sort of thinking is introduced. It's not a bad thing.

I feel the same sort of certainty with my personal explanation for the high divorce rate and all the split parenting that is done anymore.

I believe it is because we have begun to split from the god-the-father paradigm, and the benefit of this is that more and more women, all over America, all over the industrialized world, have, for over a generation, have raised their children without a very strong male bond.

Sure, some folks live with dad instead of mom, and sure, some moms are just really crappy at it, but, think about it. Just think about it. Two generations of kids who see that mom is a fully functioning adult. Valid without a man, many of we single moms, we've chosen to walk alone, with our kids, until they are mature. I did. I don't think I'm the only one. I decided to disengage socially, to a very large degree, and one of the reasons was, I just didn't want my kid to have to deal with any more heartache. I left his daddy when Sam was three. That was enough interpersonal violence. It was time to heal, without supervision, without support, and without knowing where it would lead.

I preface this story by telling you that about a week ago, maybe less, I realized that on my birthday

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The Ajanta Caves

The Ajanta Caves

Two thousand two hundred years ago work began on an extensive series of cave monuments in Maharashtra, India. Over a period of hundreds of years, thirty one monuments were hewn piece by piece from the rock face. Then, some speculate around the year 1000 AD, they fell in to disuse. Dense jungle grew around, hiding the caves away from human eyes.

Image Credit Flickr User David S Lowry

Image Credit Flickr User danchitnis

The Ajanta caves lay undisturbed for hundreds of years. Then, in April 1819, during the time of the British, Raj, an officer with the unassuming name of John Smith, came rediscovered a doorway to one of the temples. He had been hunting tigers – something of which many would disapprove today but his next step was disrespectful in the extreme. He vandalized one of the walls with his name and the date, something which is still visible today.

Image Credit Flickr User qiv

Image Credit Flickr User danchitnis

One can only imagine what went through Smith's head when he made his find. Such a rediscovery did not remain secret for very long. Soon, European and Indian tourists were thronging to the site – after extensive tidying up. After all, the caves had been home to bat, birds and larger animals for hundreds of years. The Ajanti Caves had been returned to the world of the living.

Image Credit Flickr User danchitnis

Image Credit Flickr User danchitnis

The nearest human habitation is Ajinṭhā, a tiny village a few miles away from the caves. The sanctuaries, which are known as chaytia-girhas date from the second century before Christ. They were used primarily as prayer halls and are similar to an extent to the contemporary Roman designs of arch and column. However, these sanctuaries were carved from the immense rock face of the caves, with chisels and, indeed, bare hands.

Image Credit Flickr User danchitnis

Image Credit Flickr User Karmalize

The first caves were hewn from the bare rock at the time of The Sātavāhana Empire which started around 230BC. The Sātavāhanas brought peace to India after several foreign invasions and the decline of the previous, Mauryan Empire. It is not without irony, then, that they were rediscovered by a contemporary invader and representative of a foreign empire.

Image Credit Flickr User srlasky

Image Credit Flickr User slrasky

Image Credit Flickr User srlasky

Although there is widespread debate about the time at which the second period of building took place, most now agree that it was probably during the reign of Harishena, from 460AD and over a period of around twenty years. This architectural flowering saw the creation of twenty temples which were used as monasteries.

Image Credit Flickr User kun0me

Image Credit Wikimedia

Image Credit Wikimedia

There are paintings everywhere – literally. Every surface apart from the floor is festooned with narrative paintings. Time has taken a serious toll on these marvelous works with many parts simply just fragments of what they were when first created. The stories are almost wholly devoted to Jātakas – tales of the Buddha’s previous lives. These 547 poems were painstakingly and lovingly painted on to the walls by devotees.

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Pictures: Rio’s Olympic rowing lake filled with 65 tonnes of dead fish
By Eurosport | World of Sport – 4 hours ago

A huge clean-up has been launched in the Rodrigo de Freitas Lagoon after 65 tonnes of dead fish filled the waters which are set to play host to the 2016 Olympic rowing events.

The lagoon, authorities say, became deoxygenated after heavy storms, which washed ‘a large amount of organic matter’ into the lake.

The clean-up is still underway, and is not the first time that the lagoon has suffered such misfortune. In 2009 an estimated 100 tonnes of dead fish, predominantly shad, had to be removed from the waters after a similar incident.

As you can see from the picture above, taken during the Pan-Am Games in 2007, the lagoon hosted

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