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We're in a phase of integration right now, as the energies from the Venus Transit open us to new experience of wholeness and love.

As the Venus Transit took place, the sun's electromagnetic transmissions of life-giving energy where expanded with the qualities brought by Venus--qualities we often associate with the divine feminine, as well as beauty and harmony.

These energies activate the higher heart chakra and initiate us into a deeper clearing and awakening of the energies within our human energy field that are of lower frequency than love. As you are ready for a deep revision of your energies you may experience a higher heart chakra healing crisis that feels like clearing of congestion in the upper chest and lower throat areas.

Remember that as the Earth frequency rises, the opportunity to live in a sphere where the veil has lifted and one lives in and as love, with others, is being created and emerging as a shared reality. To fully participate in this we each will need to dissolve the Mayan Veil in our experience--which is the veil between the 4th and 5th dimension--which melts as we move into self-love.

I received a powerful channeling once that showed me how Source Creation began. The wholeness divided into two whole energy fields. One energy field slept. The other energy field watched, loving and appreciation the sleeper. Then the two energy fields merged creating a third, more aware whole and the joy of this awareness radiated bliss and exquisite energy.

In a nutshell, I was shown how this is the most elevated expression of the ideals of our own inner harmony and balance. As these qualities filter down through dimensional energies they are expressed in our world and elsewhere and shaped by the context of the domain.

We are experiencing the remembering that the sleeper and the watcher are within us. That we are both being and loving the being. These qualities have been felt and sensed in our experience, yet also influenced by our many many experience in duality, and thus we label them: the divine or sacred masculine and feminine.

I am feeling the empowerment of no longer referring to these energies this way as in our world it becomes so confused with gender and roles. I am in my own practice choosing to return to the highest ideal of these qualities as it takes us beyond language that is limited and rooted in old paradigm ideals. I invite you to join me!

I've realized that these energetic qualities are larger than gender, they exist in energetic spheres of experience where gender doesn't even exist. In a way, like the old paradigm of envisioning god as a man with a white beard, which most of us now see as simply a metaphor, seeing these energies as masculine or feminine is simply a way of trying to speak to things which are vast and mysterious, yet it also a way of speaking to these beautiful qualities that brings with it a great deal of baggage.

As we become lighter and attune ourselves to the highest vision of our lives, our world and being and loving, we evolve vibrationally becoming, including the old ways of perceiving these energies as part of our path of expanding into greater wholeness. We can revise our language to reflect our perspective.

Moving into the harmony of adrogyny within, the perfect union and therefore the aware third energy created by these, is our path.

One friend shared with me recently a beautiful dream she had where she was shown this same principal on another level. A beautiful orb, filled with rainbow light divided, and some colors went in each. They became complimentary, different and still entirely whole. The differences of these energies then create by their very energetic tension, a third. This is the wholeness we seek. The third in our awareness is created by a conscious androgyny being created in our own being. Balanced, whole and radiant, we know our true being. We become a literal microcosim of the whole. From this wholeness, we collaborate and co-create in other relationships.

The New Moon and the Solstice are approaching and our integration process continues. The energetic invitation of this wave might be seen as coming into a new way of imagining your own wholeness that empowers your light to shine forth. By beginning to tap into the originating vision of the sleeper (who we might think of as being, or doing as being) and the watcher (who is appreciating and loving) and the reunited, aware and thus expanded by experience third--the new wholeness, we begin to imagine our own cycles of becoming that new wholeness repeatedly as our awareness expands, our energy intensifying and essence as we become fine, more subtle, and less dense.

Considering these qualities of being and appreciating, we see how this vision empowers us to dissolve the veil. As we welcome this understanding we embrace ourselves, realizing fully that a whole equivalent aspect of our own presence is always watching and loving, appreciating. This empowers allowing, forgiveness, openeness, trust, constancy, devotion. And a whole equivalent, complimentary aspect of our being is BEING. Which empowers confidence, flow, inspiration, creativity and manifestation.

This is the adrogynous human we are becoming. We no longer need anyone else to change to experience all that we wish to experience. We are safe, whole, creative and balanced. We are powerfully creative and deeply affirming. We experience the eternal welcoming and loving of our own self. We allow ourselves to live without hesitation or fear, as flow. We are aware of the balance of these and we create an even more aligned structure to our energy by learning to find this balance and create it within ourselves.

Integrating the Venus Transit, the Eclipse Cycle and liberating ourselves involve looking within and reflecting upon what we need to create this balance. Do I need to love myself more? Do I need to resolve my fears about taking care of myself? Do I want someone else to be the emotional openness, the loving appreciator in my life and thus I seek my wholeness outside myself? Do I want someone else to be the being-doer, creating, manifesting, protecting me and taking care of things so that I can live in unbalanced expression of the loving appreciator?

Each of us have within us already the wholeness of this trinity as holographic streams of All-That-Is. As we inquire with gentleness and loving awareness we see what aspects of the blueprint within us need to be lit up and brought forth to create our resplendent wholeness.

Now is the time to honestly look in the mirror and consider our own balance in these ways. The higher heart chakra is also being energized as a means of empowering us to express this emerging wholeness. It's a powerful bridge between the heart and the voice. An reflection of the energetic infusion when the Sun-the generative, creative energy of our planet, solarized Venus--amplifying and transmitting the qualities of love, beauty and harmony to our sphere.

All levels of being are showing us what the momentum is, where the ascending energy arc is taking us and the qualities of these times are articulate and available so that we might feel, in clarity, the evolution of our being and participate fully.

I encourage you to use this time and whatever time it takes, to discover this new ideal of wholeness in your own experience. And I thank you for the constancy and devotion, the activity and being that you are becoming and the changes to everything that are occuring because of this act of love.

© 2009-2012, Meredith Murphy. All rights reserved. You are absolutely welcome to share and distribute this content with others as you feel guided. Please make sure to keep the integrity of this article by including the author & source website link. Permissions for use in print, media or other ways may be requested from by emailing

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Happy Solstice,

Welcome to my June 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse. Today once again we are preparing for another powerful timing of planetary alignments, grid activations and personal transformation. The Solstice on June 20th coupled with the New Moon the previous day are once again offering potent energy and transmutation all rolled into one. During my review of the energy for June we discussed the current energy trends for this month and the ebbs and flows of our collective journey.

The Solstice on June 20th is always a powerful time of change. Solstice literally means "Stand still of the Sun", where the sun rises and sets at the same place on the horizon for three days, appearing to stand still. This timing is a potent pulse of increased frequency, couple with recent increased Solar Flare activity.

The Whales and Dolphins have always been known as the "keepers of the grid". They navigate the ley lines and grids of our beloved Mother Earth and maintain the integrity of our Bio-Sphere. Today, grids, ley lines, oceans, mountains and all living things were re-calibrated with a new harmonic signature, as we released out dated perceptions, experiences and patterns that no longer serve.

The month of June has for the most felt "intense" - but then again hasn't every month this year? The continuing energy of the Venus Transit earlier this month has amplified the time sequences we continually move in and out of. Many feel overwhelmed, disconnected in the energy of emotional outbursts, body pain and uncertainty. We are walking between two worlds on a daily basis now, and our nervous systems are feeling anxious, irritable, fatigued along with a dose of brain fog and headaches for many. It is a time for inward quiet, in that safe sacred space of the heart.

Today the Whales and Dolphins along with our star seed families of Arcturus and the Pleiades journeyed with us to a holographic temple within the Great Central Sun. We were imprinted within our sacred heart the sacred geometry codes that are unique to each and every one of us - but all carrying the frequency of "love". They have done this so many times and will continue to do so as we re-unite with our higher multi-dimensional selves.

We were reminded that while this timing can feel overwhelming, it is by our personal divine design that we are assisting our beloved Mother Earth in becoming a star. Every thought is by divine design, every action experienced in perfection as we find balance.

Today's Solar eclipse balances the Divine Masculine frequency on all levels, where action is required it will be direct and hold strength. The moon is the Divine Feminine the mysterious or hidden and today as they both mirrored each other all things hidden is revealed in light. June 4, 2012 will be the Lunar Eclipse where we will once again feel the frequency signatures recalibrate and will prepare us for the upcoming Solstice.

We played in our "transcended puddles of light" and felt the inescapable Joy that comes from being childlike and open. We crossed another threshold of surrender and acceptance.

The Whales and Dolphins work with the planetary frequencies on a daily basis as they balance the ley lines and grid lines of our planet. We are divine multi-dimensional beings merging with our human-ness on a daily path of enlightenment. The whales and dolphin support that journey in every way, and today they beamed to us the message that we are doing just great. We need not worry about what is coming in 2012, what "ascension" will look or feel like. They helped us understand we have all the truth and knowledge we need within our sacred heart.

I want to thank ALL that were able to join in and participate with me today. The love and energy allowed a deepening to our connection with the "Whale Matrix" which will be the foundation for all further meditations. We aligned today with the powerful energy of the June New Moon and Solstice and the massive change that is occurring on all levels. The Whales and Dolphins showered us with the frequency of "Love" today, giving each of us a new found inner strength and a new level of trust.

We are and will remain in dramatic times of change over the coming months, and our beloved Whales and Dolphins are within us offering a cohesive integration and interface between our sacred heart and our 3D/ 5D bodies. The Whales and Dolphins offered support for us and our beloved Mother Earth, by weaving the vibrational frequency of LOVE, uniting ALL in this NOW timing.

Our beloved Whales and Dolphins along with our Beloved Arcturians, Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, and Star-Seed families will continue to support the interface of our 3D/5D systems as we continue to surf the crystalline vibrational upgrades of 2012. The entire meditation was recorded, below are the links.

It takes a few seconds for the recordings to begin.
June Overview and Meditation - For Listening on Desktop - For Download as an MP3 File
Copyright © Shala Mata 2009 - 2012

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Every man is a borrower and a mimic, life is theatrical and literature a quotation. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Use what talent you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang except those that sang best. Henry Van Dyke

The bird is known by his note, the man by his words. Romanian Proverb

If I keep a green bough in my heart, the singing bird will come. Chinese Proverb

The birds I heard today sang as freshly as if it had been the first morning of creation. Henry David Thoreau

Until spring comes, nightingales do not sing. Azerbaijani Proverb

The early bird catches the worm. Proverb

The new Moon in Gemini occurs on the 19th June in the United States and the 20th June in Australia. The Sabian Symbol is one of using, or finding, ones voice. What is it that you want to say? What announcements do you have to make? What revolutions do you have to reveal? What have you been wanting to speak or write about, but have been reticent (or afraid) to lift up your voice? It seems that now is the time to find that voice; to strike those chords and get the message out. The Symbol is Gemini 29: The First Mockingbird Of Spring Sings From The Tree Top. From my book, The Sabian Oracle: 360 Degrees Of Wisdom:

The trick with this Symbol is to take the best of what’s available, make sense of it and to then improve it. There can be a great deal of skill involved in this, however, there are often those who will respond with scorn or jealousy, especially if a success of some type is involved. Knowing what to discard or leave out when you have a number of options is a valuable skill and may need to be employed now. If you are not good at these sorts of decisions then perhaps you need to employ the services of a good ‘Mockingbird’. It may be important to listen to and see what “song” ‘The Mockingbird Sings’. Are the thoughts original and unique or are they borrowed from others without any sense of a filter of personal authenticity? The new “song” that is created can be an announcement or signal of new beginnings. This can also show the mimicking of “sounds” to bring joy to those who need to hear the right thing. Sometimes it is better to tell someone what they would like to hear than to confront him or her with a harsh reality or something new and unfamiliar. It will still be, however, uniquely put together by the ‘Mockingbird’ and should leave anyone who hears the message happy.

Keywords: Enormous creative potential and talent. Integrating sounds to find a new melody. Being the first to see potential. Music and musicians. Interpretation. Pleasing others. Getting the story out first. Seeing and telling things ahead of their time. Being an innovator. Passing on messages. Tunes, songs. Positive vibrations.

The Caution: Taking from others and claiming the credit. Being noisy. Announcing new possibilities or just sounding off? Mimicking others. Not coming up with one’s own creative ideas. Having to always get in first. Making a noise and expecting others to respond. Stretching the truth. Revving up a story to get an effect.

The Karmic Condition (the degree before) of this new Moon is Gemini 28 - this what we
need to move away from, to let go of - it's Society Granting Bankruptcy To Him, A Man Leaves The Court With Mixed Feelings. This degree often implies the need to let others, or ones self, off the hook (to leave the court) - to forgive and forget and to move forward with the new, leaving the past behind. Where are you, or others, perhaps hanging onto old grievances, old failures and losses, old relationships that no longer serve, or decisions made that fell flat and didn't fulfill your desires? The 'Mixed Feelings' can be a sense of relief, but there can also be a sense of grief or loss as one moves on and lets go of what went before.

Keywords: Protection. Being let off the hook and free to get on with a new life. Starting back at square one. Renewal. Sacrifice. The need to remain optimistic about the future. Release of pressure. Facing judgment on one’s worth. Booms and busts. Playing with money. Taking risks in the quest for money. Issues of deserving respect. Leaving the scene. Feeling sad and relieved at the same time.

The Caution: Feeling let off the hook and able to commit the same mistakes. Running full tilt and risking everything. Not learning the lessons of how to operate in a structured society. Shifting responsibility onto others. Going “off duty” regardless of how others feel. Moral bankruptcy. Being kicked out. Using other people’s resources. Dejected and deserted.

So, obviously this is something that we're moving away from; it's time to leave the court of mixed feelings and time to get clear about what we want in the future.

Mercury, the ruler of this Gemini new Moon, is on a degree that describes waiting for the right moment. It can also show someone waiting and waiting and waiting and not committing to moving forward. The Symbol is Cancer 22: A Young Woman Awaiting A Sailboat. If you're waiting at the end of the dock wondering when your ship is going to arrive and you've been standing there for a while, it may be time to just jump in and take a chance.

Keywords: Waiting for one’s ship to come in. Escapist fantasies that rob everyday life. Travel and the longing for escape. Living in the future vs. being in the here and now. Nervous anticipation. Leaving things to chance. Believing that things will come eventually. Opportunism. Rocking someone’s boat. Expectant waiting. Constant looking to the horizon. Boats. Tides. Creating a safe harbor.

The Caution: The bubble bursting. Waiting for Mr. or Ms “perfect”. Ignoring what’s readily available. Longing for that which may never come. Missing opportunities. Always looking over one’s shoulder, seeking better things. Boredom with one’s life. Escapism. Possibilities that are never “good enough”. Pining for the unattainable. Not taking life on. Delusions of grandeur. Things always being better tomorrow.

Venus is retrograde and about to go stationery and then direct, and it's sextile Uranus, so it's quite a powerful influence. The Symbol is Gemini 9: A Medieval Archer Stands With The Ease Of One Wholly Sure Of Himself, Bow In Hand, His Quiver Filled With Arrows. I thought this picture of the female archer was quite apt with Venus retrograde and so strong on this degree. She's stripped bare and she doesn't seem to be fazed by her nakedness. Perhaps we need to emulate her ways...What are you aiming at? Where is your gaze heading? What are you focusing on?

Keywords: Being armed and ready. Having the aim and ammunition. Accuracy and strength. Getting to the point. The power of tension. Sending a message true and clear. Skills that create confidence and assurance. Focus. Bulls-eyes. Bows and arrows. Warriors. The determination to prevail.

The Caution: Going into battle unprepared. Overconfidence in one’s mission. Being trigger-happy. Someone “cocksure” of themselves. Threatening postures of attack or defense. Always being on the alert for any opportunity to fight.

Venus will go direct on June 27 and things will start to get interesting. Many have commented how the current Uranus-Pluto square is bringing about revolution and unrest and Venus' stay of several days on Gemini 8 will add a lot of fuel to the fire of that and protests will be seen everywhere. Not reported in the mainstream media in the US at all is the recent (and current) protests in Israel. Protests are happening everywhere... the Symbol for Venus going direct is Gemini 8: Aroused Strikers Surround A Factory. The Commentary of this degree from my book:

‘Aroused Strikers Surround a Factory’, they are obviously unhappy with their work, their pay or their conditions, and they are now on ‘Strike’. In some measure, they are not putting up with what they’re receiving for their efforts. For the moment, the disagreement has stopped anyone from benefiting from anything at all as events have come to a standstill. This Symbol pictures a dramatic type of power struggle or disagreement over how something of value is to be shared. It may be about work conditions, or the distribution of wealth that results from the work they are expected to do. What is their incentive for putting in the effort? The ‘Strikers’ may be calm, but all hell could break loose, turning into a full-blown demonstration with placards, yelling and violence.

My prediction is that, in some places and on many levels, things are going to get worse and people are going to get sick of putting up with it all. In a video I have just watched on the huge demonstrations currently happening in Israel, a woman said '... all they talk about is terrorism, terrorism, terrorism and security.' And that is ALL they talk about to keep us in line, to keep us terrorised and silent and not concentrating (or having the energy to seek the answers to) on things that really matter. Things are set to change on that score, though, as people rise up and proclaim that they are not going to take it any more.

Keywords: Bargaining to find more equitable solutions. Demanding better rights and conditions. Comradeship. Disruption of the normal flow. Not wanting to contribute or work. Taking time out to consider one’s position. Taking action or refusing to act. Labor strikes and strikers. Demonstrations. Peace rallies. Standing up for others. Scab labor. Sweat shops. Slave labor. Strikes. Bosses. Workers. Placard waving.

The Caution: Being obsessed with what is desired. Refusing any compromises. Going without one’s due in order to protest. Being locked out because of one’s actions or attitude. Being left out in the street. Greedy behavior. Asking for more than one’s share. Overworked and underpaid. Shutting down.

Mars is just now about to clear the place that it went retrograde in January. In other words, we've been covering the same old ground that we covered last year - no wonder many feel held back, frustrated or treading water.

Mars is on the last few minutes of Virgo 23: A Lion Tamer Rushes Fearlessly Into The Circus Arena. This pictures the need to get up and get going - to tackle those things that you've been rehearsing and rehearsing, learning and accumulating... especially if you've felt held back from coming to grips with your own somewhat unpredictable and wild energies. Perhaps you're ready to unleash them?

Just moments after the new Moon, Mars moves onto the same degree that it went retrograde on: Virgo 24: Mary And Her White Lamb. This is a lovely degree, but with Mars on it it can be saying that it's time to reassess how we handle relationships. This degree can show co dependent relationships where it's hard to let someone go, or to believe that they are no longer wanting to be with us, or we're no longer wanting to be with them or that people just need to stand on their own two feet, independent and more self reliant.

Keywords: Simple childlike innocence or pure escapism. Naivety. The Mary and Jesus story. Dependence. Kindness. Friendship. Bonds between pets and owners. Believing in the essential goodness of others. Hanging out with people. Looking out for someone. Cuteness. The urge to prove something. Dislike of dirt or grime. Being ‘addicted’ to someone or something.

The Caution: Naiveté. Avoiding real issues. Stalking. Over protection. Doubting motives. Paranoia that someone is following you. Feeling lost without the other. Doe-eyed attraction. Clinging to people. Arousing jealousy through favoritism. Not leaving people alone. Checking people’s whereabouts. Not growing up. Being the black sheep.

Some relationships or friendships may have to be let go as we come to new realisations about our lives. Venus was exactly square the degree where Mars went retrograde when it (Venus) went retrograde. The story appears to involve how we live together and cohabitate with others. How we feed ourselves, make money and manage to get along. Venus and Mars seem to be saying that there are lessons to be learnt around boundaries, desires, defences, what we will and won't put up with from others and who we let into our social circles and why. Sometimes the message is that even though some people (or things) are around you and may have been for some time, there comes a time when you want your freedom or to be more authentic or free of past ties, constraints or expectations.

It seems that fairy tales, myths or fantasies may be around us quite a lot. Jupiter is on Gemini 2: A Nervous Gentleman, Dressed In An Elaborate Santa Clause Costume, Is Filling Christmas Stockings Secretly. This degree can manifest itself all the way from someone wanting to dispense gifts, to be kind and thoughtful and wanting to share their 'gifts' with someone, all the way up to someone creeping around and trying to get away with something surreptitiously. As with all Symbols, it depends on how things are playing out as to which is happening.

Keywords: Wishes fulfilled. The longing for superficial gratification. Gifts being dispensed. Receiving from unknown sources. Giving for no particular reason or thought of reward for one’s self. Rewards coming. Making surprise visits. Token gestures. Furtive acts. Charity. Philanthropy. Secret affairs. The need for quick getaways.

The Caution: Hiding true gestures behind futile pretence. Concealing true intentions with a façade of goodness. Trying to get away with something. Stealing, shoplifting. Intrusion. Giving others what they want in a sly and secretive manner. Sneaking around in the dark. Bribes. Self-gratification. Eavesdropping and voyeurism. Being nervous or easily startled.

Saturn is on a degree that sounds very much like the degree of the new Moon as it's another one of using ones voice. However, with Saturn on it, there may be a reticence to speak up, to take the risk of speaking out, to stand out, etc. It will be interesting to see how this plays out. The Symbol is Libra 23: Chanticleer's Voice Heralds The Rising Sun With Enthusiastic Tones. With the 'Mockingbird' of the new moon, it seems that we are being asked to find our voice and to see how it can be used to our advantage. Perhaps we're also seeing through the messages that the media is feeding us and we're wanting to 'blow the whistle' on things that appear to not be of 'the right tone'. One thing is for sure; we are being pushed to speak up, to not shrink back from making a contribution out there in the world. Saturn on this Chanticleer degree can bring up issues to do with people sounding off and making announcements that really irritate, alienate or confuse. The trick is to see where we're being manipulated or used and to turn our ears and attention to those who have a message worth listening to.

Uranus is on a great degree of seeing into things and sorting things out. It's Aries 9: A Seer Gazes Intently Into A Crystal Ball Before Him. This Symbol asks that we look into the meaning of things, to take a closer, deeper look at what's going on. With Uranus on this degree, many people are likely to increase their intuitive and psychic gifts and they're set to pick up on things more and more than perhaps they've done before.

Keywords: Flashes of inspiration. Tuning in and looking within for answers. Creative visualizations. Aura readings. Cutting through irrelevant messages. Looking carefully at structure. Seeking perfection. Clairvoyance. Illumination and deep insights. Looking ahead to see the signs.

The Caution: Confused by literal meanings. Not seeing the symbolic message. Always looking this way and that, not at the center. Getting lost in the big picture. Daydreaming and ignoring what’s really going on. Obsessing over what may happen. Needing to know what’s coming up. Being impatient.

Neptune is on Pisces 4: Heavy Traffic On A Narrow Isthmus Linking Two Seaside Resorts. This can talk about being stuck, not being able to move, having to better plan your movements, etc. It can refer to things where there's a lot going on at any level, it is not necessarily be about literally traveling on highways. It can be having a misaligned neck = restricted blood flow between one's head and one's body. I certainly experienced this degree in literal form a few days ago when I drove from San Diego, in southern California, up past Los Angeles to Thousand Oaks to give a lecture and do some readings. Six lanes of highway and it was what someone described as "a car park". It is extraordinary the number of cars here.

Keywords: Going with the flow. Running back and forth. Having to move continually. Pollution and car exhaust. Rush hour and road-rage. Plans for arrivals and departures. Public holidays. Traffic jams. Traffic banking up. Having trouble making left hand turns. Detours. Packing and unpacking. Luggage. Travel itineraries. Impasses. Nervous systems. Urine therapy. Constant phone calls. Switchboard jams. Heat and smog.

The Caution: Creating barriers. Constant traffic stopping the possibility of real human interchange. Claustrophobia. Feeling like there is no escape. Exhaustion due to everyday hustle and bustle. Running out of fuel. Accidents. Taking the long way round. Blockages.

Pluto is square Uranus, bringing quite a lot of tension and a desire to break through those blockages, barricades, obstructions, rules and regulations that don't make sense, smash the old guard, etc. Pluto is on Capricorn 9: An Angel Comes Carrying A Harp. This is a beautiful degree that speaks of angels and chords and harmonies and spreading beauty and peace. However, with Pluto on it, it can be difficult to know whether to trust the message - although it is in our highest good to expect the best and to feel that we can trust. It can be difficult with this configuration, but it's fairly safe to say that one must pick that tune that they want to dance to, listen to or follow.

The new Moon is basically saying that there are those that are heralding the spring and the dawning of a new time. Are you amongst them? Do you write? Do you communicate your thoughts? Do you have others to share your ideas with?

I'm in San Diego, having a wonderful time. I love it here. This Tuesday morning, smack on the new Moon here, I am going to Encinitas for a week. What a gorgeous place that is, too. Things are really happening in California!

I hope this new Moon brings all kinds of beauty, grace and gifts your way.

Copyright ©2012 Sabian Symbols

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"Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness." - James Thurber.

This week and for the rest of the month we will be in the extreme energy-field of awakening - a time of moving into the stillness of a quiet pendulum swing, getting ready to breathe ourselves into a whole new depth of potential, creating and remembering our direct connection with the essence of our sacred Souls. While the maddening crowds of unconsciousness continue to rally around a parade of discordant fantasy you will find more inner reality and truth coming to the surface. Don't be surprised when it is hard to tell yourself falsehoods or to speak falsehoods as the Soul pushes up charged parts of Self in order that we each take on the New emergence.

While this month of subtle intensity unfolds it will be more difficult not to act on your truths, moment to moment. The old direction the planet was moving in is now becoming very foreign to those Souls bearing Light consciousness. We are poised near the end of a 9 year cycle that began in 2004; its purpose is to deliver a healing of duality and to reveal the power of the Soul living as a conscious experience. This week in particular becomes important as we stand on this energetic bridge for the Soul because on Thursday we enter a sacred turning point of the year that is also the beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere. The heavens open as a collective force to support a utilization of creation that is adjusting the very foundation of human experience; shifting the consciousness of humanity and allowing any man, woman or child that desires to release the overlays that belief systems and conditioning have to drive the human psyche.

As you awaken to the interior creative Source within you will most likely be inspired by a lot of new ideas, as well as deeper connection to your dreams. You may also be able to see the outer world as if you were living in a dream. You may feel more lucid in your dreams than you do when with your eyes open at times. There may be more conscious guidance in your dreams. There will be more work going on in the sleep state. You may find that you need to sleep longer hours than has been typical. You may even find yourself nodding off during the day, as a dreamy kind of tiredness moves through you. You may also feel like you are losing contact with your reality in some ways.

You may become more aware in a waking state of your separation - all the ways that you have separated yourself from others and from the actual experiences of your life. If you focus on either the positive or the negative, you will create more imbalance. What you want to create is a connection to the middle point, the razor's edge of life of neutrality. People have typically been afraid of neutrality, as it requires you to let go of your dramas (both negative and positive dramas). But it is being in the crown chakra and the root chakra in stillness that harmoniously anchors the Soul creating the new internal freedom.

In order to connect to the Soul, you must move into a place of stillness and neutrality. This is the only way you can know reality as it truly exists. Presence in the NOW, without agendas or resistance to one side or the other of life. Awakening can only exist in the reality of neutrality. This requires that you let go of your stories. Ask the Divine Mind to work with you for your highest good and healing of the separated self. As you leap out of your old history and into your Essence you will see where others are connected to their ideologies for a sense of self or belonging to the herd.

Those with agendas will try to keep US political issues, a floundering European economy, and terrorism in your consciousness. They want their agendas to stay in place so that they have control. They will make up stories to inflame, in a desperate attempt to keep your consciousness in fear so that you cannot become empowered or neutral. That is what they count on. They are threatened by the fact that the lower levels of the astral are breaking down. This is how they have been able to control mass consciousness in many ways. Don't go there - reclaim your own mental and emotional balance, connecting to inner truth and they will not be able to control or dupe you.

As I stated earlier this year is near the end point of a 9 year cycle. We are no longer in a time of preparation. We are now in the energetic time of emergence and reconnection to all the eternal parts of Self. The first part was the breakdown of the outer/old. The last part is the integration of the New. This middle ground is the bridging point of the outer and inner realities, where you are learning how to become neutral. And it is your choices that will determine how graceful the process will be for you. There is no escape from this rise and shift in reality; it will be happening for everyone in unprecedented ways.

Towards the latter part of this awakening month, you may find yourself having bursts of energy. All of a sudden you may feel Light energy moving through you. This can be alarming, seeming to be anxiety. As it moves through you, it will hit your blockages, such as in the solar plexus. You have three diaphragms that will be affected (the throat, solar plexus and the anal region). It will help if you can breathe through the "crunch" times. Martial arts, tai chi, sacred dance, chanting and affirmations will also help to lessen the intensity upon the body.

You may also feel awakening in your heart space. You may feel warmth there, like warm water that is starting to flow out and expand the heart area. This is a time when some will deepen their experience of feelings on a consensus level, not just their own feelings. This is because the Soul is aware of being connected to all things. You will just get inklings of this at this point, depending on the curiosity of your own Soul.

This entire process of transformation takes a lot of energy out of people so you may have some exhaustion and even more pains in the body - particularly areas of the back, spine and shoulders, as well as the gut (digestive area). As the grids around the planet become activated with the energy to live a better, kinder life of wholeness the physical may suffer momentarily. Make time for self-care so that the body can also feel connected to God and Soul in more intimate ways.

In due time there will be a greater respect for the higher senses that are awakening and integrating. The ones who have been preparing will feel affirmed and relieved in these New days. Yes, showing up fully for the revelation of the Divine Plan will definitely be a Hallmark moment in our eternality! Listen - can't you hear the angels and heavenly masters preparing for the biggest cosmic celebration ever?

Thanks for travelin the Universe with me and showing up to fulfill Infinite vibratory capacity throughout 3D,

Rev. Angela


There is a partnership that goes out and expands all that is universally present. It began with the original seeding upon great first golden notes from the hemisphere of creation and continues now orchestrating a vivid new embodiment of life on Earth. It's perfection is dispersed into every wave and molecule of form. Its sense of Divinity settles in the vessel of my own being and prepares for a return of Paradise. Thus this Spark learns about itself and the New invited energy inside creation happening now.

Being totally immersed in foundationing of order, light, love, truth and union in human consciousness I walk this day in grace. It is my intention to bring forth these creative and causative effects in the world. To experience them, to share them, to support them, to invigorate them, to incorporate them, to anchor through them, to honor them, and to deepen their capacity in this place of earth. I recognize the upheaval and change in the world as necessary for the collective evolution. I don't have to worry about how it looks! I claim my personal power and soul expression during this time of transition; it has served others so beautifully and perfectly in times past and there is nothing It cannot accomplish. I bless my life and world. I hold steadfastly to the awareness that this is an amazing opportunity in our lives to integrate the consciousness of life with creation in the experience of our own hearts so that we begin to feel it beating at One with everything. I am filled with joy knowing that right now our life is intentioned in that mode of operation because we have come to embody that realization in ourselves, in the earth, in the context of all time, and in the experience of all beings, simultaneously. And that's not only a gift, it's a revelation!

Yes, I am filled with the power of Life and Its essential wisdom and I am grateful. I accept standing on the brink of a New reality and evolving in an accelerated manner. I accept that it is all happening in a consolidating way and brings countless blessings. I dare to align with the coming together of ages. Thank you Creative Power for your presence in my consciousness and your inspiration in my life. As I have spoken so it is in life. Amen.

© 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.

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Channeler: hilarion

Ask Your Higher Being To Come In - Sananda and Hilarion
Ask your higher being to come in.
Now relax. remain alert, and enjoy.
Remember, you are practicing maintaining an interface between your conscious/physical, which includes your mind, and interfacing these slower speeds of scintillating light with the faster speeds of light substance which is what your higher is. It’s not that this light that scintillates at higher speeds is far away. It's not that it is above you. It is all around you, all around your body, touching you. It’s more like two different radio stations that are so very close on the tuner dial, and you are experiencing maintaining attention and focus, which is presentness, in order that you may practice maintaining that fine balance , the state where the two radio signals start to bleed into each other. This is where the adventure starts.

This is where you start to learn how to work with this interface and get the feel as you go on, to work with it stronger and deeper and more and more full.

It's like being in a photon belt and getting all charged up, absorbing all that light and vibration.
On this fine Saturday night. And on this fine Sunday morning as the sun arises.
Good morning, Sananda and Hilarion Through hilarion 16 june 2,012

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Monday,             June 18, 2012


The Veil


Time  come for me to release more intel about the Archons as we are entering the period when the destiny of this planet is being decided and people need to be informed so better choices can be made.


About 26,000 years ago, Archons declared this planet to be their          property and all beings living on it their hostages and slaves. They have declared this planet to be a quarantine and every space vehicle entering or exiting this planet needed a special permit from the Archons. This is the reason for “non-interference” we hear so much about. The human race was being held hostage by the Archons for all those millennia, and after being held in a closed loop system of reincarnating to the same place over and over again, amnesia and lethargy crept in. The time of amnesia is almost over. After June 21st this year, the rescue operations coordinated by positive ET races will increase in intensity.


In the past, the only way a human being could escape from the             quarantine was through the ascension process, during which he had to release all attachments to all physical, etheric, astral and mental realities where Archons can operate. An alternative option of gaining freedom by being able to travel to other star systems will open to humanity soon as the quarantine dissolves. Veil.jpg



The Archons have been sustaining their control with a special             technology that is called The Veil. It is an electromagnetic             frequency fence on the lower astral and especially on the etheric plane, extending maximally 8.6 miles upwards and downwards from the surface ground level of our planet, that to a great extent prevents the Light from coming into the quarantine Earth. The Veil is being operated by the non-physical Archons. This technology could be best            described as etheric HAARP. This technology distorts the time / space structure on quantum level and thus creates big difficulties for UFO propulsion systems of the positive ET forces. In the past, this has hindered the progress of the positive ET races towards this planet significantly.


Apart from keeping the good ETs at bay, the Veil has a function of             programming / reprogramming the human population and keeping it in the reincarnation / recycling process. I will now state few of the main astral / etheric programs for incarnated humans that are currently in operation:


1) Lowering of consciousness and light body / merkaba deactivation. This program is maintained with etheric standing wave resonance               technology.


2) Blocking of free will and of positive initiative. This program is maintained with etheric infrasound technology. Part of that sound             precipitates towards the physical plane and some people can hear it as a very low frequency hum. This was the source of mysterious sounds that people heard in the beginning of 2012 and not the destruction of deep underground military bases, as some sources erroneously               reported. Infrasound blocks certain centers in the physical brain and this blocks positive initiative. This infrasound is also the cause of unusual tiredness that many people experience without any apparent reason.


3) Lowering the intelligence. This is done by inducing strong magnetic fields to the etheric brain and to the membrane between the physical and etheric brain and this disturbs the thinking process. This program results in foggy mind, forgetfulness and lack of focus.


4) Inducing disharmony in relationships. This is being done by tampering with the chakras of the etheric body and creating dissonant frequencies on the auric membrane with etheric infrasound.This program results in artificial split between love and sexuality, closing of the heart, overactivity of the mind and disbalance between female and male principles.


5) Inducing poverty. This is being done by projecting poverty holograms / images into the etheric brain.


6) Subculture division. This program operates by targeting different subcultures with specific opposing etheric holographic images and thus               creating division among them.


7) Eating patterns / obesity. This program is induced by projecting images of a certain food that creates obesity, into the etheric brain.


8) All-seeing eye. This spy program operates from the etheric plane and monitors all activity  of physical beings and then reports this to the               non-physical Archons.

9) Implants. These are etheric / astral crystals that were put into the aura of every human being just before the incarnation, as that person needs to descend from the mental / higher astral planes through the lower astral / etheric towards the physical in order to incarnate. Those implants remove the memory of the prior incarnations and are the main reason why we mostly do not remember past lives, nor the Archon entities ruling the planet. Implants are somewhat poetically called the “veil of forgetfulness”.


There were also physical implants. The physical implants were very             popular in Atlantis but were discontinued after the fall of             Atlantis happened. There was an attempt to reintroduce physical implants after the World War II with physical biochips that were put into the vast majority of human beings through vaccination programs. This is the main reason why NWO has made vaccination mandatory. Physical biochips reinforced other programming but were successfully             completely erased from the human population about two years ago with a special technology that could be operated from a distance, developed by the Resistance Movement. Therefore fears about NWO planning to microchip human population are not based on reality since the population has already been microchipped and those same biochips have also been removed without anybody really noticing.


The Archons have reactivated and renewed The Veil in early 1996             after the mass awakening happened in early 90s that made             intervention of the positive ET races on this planet a real             possibility. This was done with about 200 nuclear explosions on the lower astral and etheric planes. Those non-physical nuclear explosions have created a rift in the fabric of space / time that has opened dark wormholes through which many reptilian entities invaded planet Earth from outer space and infested its astral and etheric planes. The Veil             was reactivated again in December 2004 after the mass             awakening to the Goddess presence which happened after the first Venus transit in June 2004 and after some successful operations of the Pleiadian fleet towards liberating this planet. Now, after the second Venus transit in June 2012 the awakening is happening again. This time the Veil can not be reinforced as there are no negative physical or non-physical ET forces in the outer space left to invade our planet. We are thus very close to the final victory.


The success of our mass meditations was such that about 70% of the Veil on the astral plane and about 35% of the Veil on the etheric plane has already been removed. Therefore it is very important that we continue with mass meditations until the work is done completely and the Veil is completely removed. This is scheduled to happen in the 7 months period  that started on May 20th/21st  at the Reboot of the Grid and will be completed on December 21st, 2012.


Physical Archons and the rest of the physical Cabal may and can be             removed long before the Veil is completely gone.


Physical and non-physical Archons have a plan with a codename Doom33 to prevent the mass arrests from happening. According to             that plan, when the mass arrests would start, the non-physical Archons would give a signal through occult rituals to top physical Archons inside SMOM (Knights of Malta) and among 33rd degree             Freemasons. Those people would then give orders through             their links inside the military and alphabet agencies to create as much destruction and havoc as possible. This goes along with the Armageddon End times prophecies that are highly respected among the physical Archons. They would do anything to see those prophecies fulfilled. You do not need to be afraid of those plans as Light forces have detailed plans to prevent most of this from ever happening.


Jesuit physical Archons are still in control of the fuzzy logic artificial intelligence financial system computer program that Benjamin Fulford is speaking about. The Resistance Movement has put a computer virus in that program at the Reboot of the Grid on May 20th/21st  and can now reboot the financial system if / when this will be necessary for the operations of the Light forces.




Jesuit physical Archons lost much power over general population in             the March revolution in 1848/1849. Most of them have then             moved to lower astral and etheric planes. Those that             remained on the physical plane still control humanity indirectly through the Rothschilds. Rothschilds do not operate independently but obey orders from their Jesuit Archon overlords.


Solstice of 2012 is the turning point when many things about the             Archons and the planetary situation will be decided. Sheliak             timewave novelty graph shows a drastic decrease in entropy             until June 21st, which indicates this turning point:






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MESSAGE FROM JESUS through John Smallman

Humanity is on a roll
“Words, words, words . . . but when are we to awaken?” Many are asking this question because they feel they have waited more than long enough for this wondrous, divine promise to be honored. Time is a major part of the illusion – all of God’s divine promises are honored the moment they are made – it’s just that humanity has not yet allowed itself to let go of all the perceptions and beliefs that makes the illusion seem so real. However, you are presently receiving unprecedented help to do so, because on the time schedule that you maintain within the illusion the moment for all to awaken is approaching very rapidly.
Do not worry; it is not something that you could sleep through and miss! Your destiny is to awaken, and unless you have made an extremely determined decision not to (and I can assure you that very few of you have made this kind of decision), you will awaken when that most wondrous moment arrives. And arrive it will — and unexpectedly! Yes, it is indeed close, but the precise moment remains unknown to all but God. You are on the path to an ecstatic awakening that is to amaze and delight you. Keep reminding yourselves of this divine truth, and enjoy the remaining moments until you awaken.
As you wait, make a strong intent to see and take satisfaction in the growing awareness that humanity is displaying as it embraces ever more enthusiastically the loving attitudes that are leading you inexorably homewards, and that are an essential and very necessary part of your awakening process. When you do this, you will see encouraging signs and demonstrations of these new attitudes in what might seem to be the most unlikely places. Humanity is on a roll, and the changes for which you have been hoping and praying are occurring at a dizzying pace all across the planet. Focus on them and allow your spirits to be uplifted.
The speed at which these changes are taking place is quite phenomenal when you compare it to the rate at which changes of any significance have previously occurred on Earth. The ones that are presently most noticeable to you are the economic and political ones which have been happening at a breathtaking pace, one after the other, all over the world. There is nowhere that changes have not been occurring. It may seem at first that they are damaging for humanity because they seem to be causing increasing alarm, anxiety, and suffering.
However, this is not the case. They merely reflect the deep need for changes to be made that will benefit all, and the planet herself. People everywhere are realizing that those who have authority over them — either due to so-called democratic processes, or by means of lineage or of power accumulated due to wealth and its influence — have been deliberately abusing their positions for the benefit of themselves, their families, and their close friends and allies.
Over the last few centuries of earth history, it has seemed that democratic processes were being introduced with the aim of helping populations to escape from poverty and need, and with the intent to allow all to be heard and have their beliefs and opinions considered, as rules were introduced to enable society to operate in a just and considerate manner. But instead, because societies, cultures, races, and religious and political organizations quickly began to use the new rules and laws to attack one another, the scale of wars and conflicts of all kinds increased enormously.
The egoic nature of your way of life in the illusion has consistently led to conflict, because you have judged one another as unacceptable in a variety of ways and therefore perceived one another as being in need of correction. The resultant attempts to put to right the damage that various groups with different philosophies and religious and political beliefs were constantly inflicting on each other only aggravated things, especially as, in the last few decades, it has become “normal” to declare war on the many issues causing problems in the world — drugs, cancer, alcoholism, illiteracy, domestic violence, racism, fundamentalism, terrorism, an almost endless selection of “isms” — and then setting about correcting them by violent means.
It is your ancient and egoic mindset that is changing and allowing you to recognize that different perceptions and philosophies are an essential part of living together harmoniously on earth, and that these differences in perception and belief enable far more intelligent methods of dealing with your problems to emerge and be put into effect. As many are declaring through bumper stickers and signs on their properties “War is not the answer.”
So, focus on the positive; behave lovingly in all situations instead of reacting with anger and alarm when “your buttons are pushed.” This is the way to awakening, and you know it. When you live from love, fear dissolves because no one becomes threatened, and issues that seem to divide you can be addressed peacefully and solutions to them achieved which benefit all involved. Soon, harmonious, loving relationships will become normal, and all others will just dissolve as there is no need for them. Demonstrate love at all times and delight in the peace and joy that it brings you.
Your loving brother, Jesus.
For more from Jesus

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The sun is beaming us with rainbow flares (: .The Solar Dynamics Observatory captured this image of an M1.2 class flare on June 13, 2012. The sun is shown here in teal as this is the color typically used to represent light in the 131 Angstrom wavelength. The CMEs from both flares are expected to reach Earth on June 16, 2012. (Today) enjoy the vibes as the Sun shares in the shifting of our vibrations to the newer stellar upgrade of the Earths magnetic Grid.

You may be feeling a huge rush of photon energy on May 20th, directly related to our central sun, Alcyone, as the alignment is estimated to take place between 4:44 pm and 4:50 pm (PST) on Sunday!!

Alcyone (also known as the Central Sun) is right smack in the middle of the photon belt, and we are going to be lined up to Alcyone, our Sun, and the Moon (ring of fire eclipse), which is very cool, and full of weirdness. You can be certain that the energy will nothing short of incredible. This Photon Belt has been outside our solar system for a long time and now it is inside our system, and guess who is feeling it — YOU!

Photon Light vibrates at a very high frequency and it has a direct impact on our bodies, on our DNA, and on our brain waves (which makes you feel so tired in the middle of the day you think what is happening here). If you keep an eye on you can see the changes to the photon energy every 10 minutes and quite frankly you can feel it increase and then check the website for confirmation (if you want).

I have been told that the May 20th solar eclipse (ring of fire) signifies a ‘reboot’ for the Multiverse. This reboot is not just a local deal, just little old us, but rather it is a major reboot for the entire Milky Way Galaxy. Thereafter we start a brand new 25,920 year cycle.

This eclipse will intercept important energetic lines (the serpent and dragon lines) on Earth at two locations. One is at Mt Shasta and the other is at Mt Fuji. Those two locations will be charged up with very potent energy, and you’ll be right there.

( Thanks 2012 Indy)

Join our workshop ( A Gift) Free @ Alternative Thinking on Sunday May 20th

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EMBRACING SACRED SOVEREIGNTY - The Divine Path of Calibration ~ AA Metatron via Tyberonn

Greetings Beloved: I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and we welcome this gathering. We surround each of you in a specially created vector of Unconditional Love. A vector of nonlinear space that is uniquely opened as each of you read these words from your own space and chosen time.

The present phase of linear time on your planet is a uniquely opportune juncture for self-review and chosen solitude. Masters many of you, particularly those above the age of 49, the seventh 7 year cycle, find yourselves in a state of solitude, after spouses have passed, relationships terminated and marriage contracts have ended. And although this path is at times quite lonely, quite difficult and may feel 'unnatural' for many of you, it is with purpose. So we tell you to use this time wisely, embrace it. You are on the cusp of a great graduation.

Now there is a recurring message in many of your religious texts that says "For everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven"

Indeed there is a time for solitude. Divine Solitude is a noble condition, and one that offers quantum leaps in terms of growth, when understood, and recognized for its profound purpose.

You see the Divine-Self is ultimately, conclusively alone in its final pursuit of omnipotence.

In your terms, the soul enters the earth alone, and the spirit departs the earth alone. Ascended Masters that walk the Earth, have for millennia sought solitude in their incarnations before achieving Mastery. So it is with many of you now.

Dear Ones, Many of you who find yourself alone at this time, are of the belief that you must find a partner. Many of you seek your 'soul mate' your twin flame. Yet we tell you, in many cases among the advanced souls, you are alone because you have planned it. Indeed it is a special and noble undertaking. It is time for Divine Solitude.

Solitude for those seeking sanctified light, for those seeking, what is termed 'consecrated enlightenment' choose specific periods in their life plan, to be alone for a time. This does not mean you will always be in solitude, it simply means for a time you have chosen it to 'work on the self'; to achieve self love. Among souls seeking Mastery, approximately one of every three or four lifetimes, is a lifetime chosen for solitude.

Love of self is a condition that many, especially those from Christian heritage, have lost. Christianity with its teachings of original sin taught you that you were flawed in your nature, that you needed forgiving. You spent lifetime's prostate asking forgiveness for who you are. You lost your sense of your divinity, and found it easier to give than to receive. Balance was forfeited.

Now, we tell you that as the Earth transforms to the new Crystalline Age, the nature of energy resonance and the dimensional grasp of the planet is expanded. There is a lessening of the influence of duality/polarity for those of you that choose to extend beyond the third dimension.

You may ask whether solitude or partnerships bring greater advancement to the soul. The question is timely and especially pertinent for many of you in the dawn of the Ascension.

The short answer is that both coupling and solitude have their divine purpose.... and we underline the word BOTH. Much is gained in being in committed loving relationship. This is the natural circumstance in most sojourns on the plane of Earth.

But Masters, we tell you that there is also great purpose also in solitude. It is in fact a requisite.

It is no error that great numbers of you on the finals steps of the path of enlightenment are alone in this period. Now is the prelude to the coming Ascension. If you are among these, we tell you that perhaps your solitude is appropriate. Perhaps it is as it should be. You see it is how many of you planned it.

Yet many of you feel that the loneliness is too much to bear and that you must pursue a partner...the elusive twin flame. Dear Souls, there is much confusion around the concept of the twin flame, the 'soul mate', and the role and nature of optimal partnership in Mastery of Self.

Solitude is intended to be a period of sublime reverence of self. Your life and your experience in this plane is your own creation, your own living tapestry, woven by your individual belief. Within solitude, the soul is prompted into self-review, and opportunity is given to dive deeply into the deep waters that flow within you. To swim in the ocean of SELF, and in so doing rediscover the love within, to learn what a brilliant spark of God you truly are.

Relationships are a method of reflecting the affectivity of your belief system, and giving you feedback on what, simply stated, is working, and what is not. Detachment requires the individual to explore the self, to reacquaint with the inner horizon, and this facilitates and necessitates sovereignty. Sovereignty is the prepotency of Mastership.

A relationship of two sovereign nondependent humans has greater balance, greater creativity, and greater longevity than a pairing of two beings co-dependent on one another. Do you understand?

Ultimately each soul must clearly define SELF in order to gain Mastery. Self Mastery is embodied in periods of planned detachment. It is that period in which impeccability is crystallized. And we tell you Dear Ones, crystallization, through impeccability is a necessary phase of Self- Mastery. It is a calibrational juncture in the multidimensional sojourn. One enters the void, the great mystery in the quest for fortitude and sovereign vision, alone, without a shoulder to lean on. And in the process, one discovers sublime wholeness and self completion.

Do not misunderstand our meaning; there is great validity in coupling, in the natural aspect of soul mate. But conclusively one walks the path of Mastery in sovereign detachment.

One becomes enlightened when one learns to transcend the physical self. Each of you must endeavor to the final conquest of what we term as 'impeccability'. Impeccability is the crystallization or uniform clarity of the soul, and it is a necessary virtue of Mastery. This involves release of dependency, the release of all that does not serve your divinity. It is a rebooting and reprogramming of all you are.

We have told you that the language, the fabric of higher dimension is sacred geometry. Impeccability is the geometric clarity of the soul mind. By defining oneself through impeccability one becomes crystalline, and thus more capable of Divine Consciousness within the geometric light of coherent higher planes. It is only accomplished by deciding who you are, what you believe, and then living it. Recognizing your truths, and aligning fully to them.

Question to Metatron: Are you saying that loving relationships, such as marriage, are not our ultimate union?

Metatron: Remember that in the highest realm you are in sacred Oneness, each a part of the Divine One. So in terms of duality experience, the answer to your question is yes. In this context, YES! Masters, in highest reality, you are a unified plural consciousness.

Relationships in the linear duality experience are a means to the end. We are saying that loving relationships are a sacred, joyful tool of achieving Self Mastery, but that ultimately in each soul's journey; there is requisite ultimate growth into sovereignty. The sovereign self is a sufficient self & truly has no dependent need of another. Such conceptual dependency can be a deterrent to Mastery.

In truth you merge in sovereignty with your other half. The other part of your soul that separated in duality expression. Each of you have a male and female component in duality, and the other half is re-merged in the Integral Divine Self before rising into higher realm. This is in fact a requisite mergence, and is occurring for so many of you as you enter 2012.

Many of you consider a soul mate and twin flame the same. Only the syntax is in parity. The true meanings are different. The twin flame is the other half of the same soul, split in duality, and these are very rarely in physicality together. The 'soul mate' is in our terms, another soul with whom you have contracted to grow together within physical duality, as a means of development and exploration of love with another soul. Movement toward common purpose.

The seeming paradox in linear relationships, that of the 'soul mate' concept (not the twin flame) is that a relationship of two non-dependent sovereign beings, has greater joy, greater balance, greater interface with the divine, greater opportunity for advancement than a relationship based on co-dependence. Do you see?

In this time, in this now, many of you are actually merging with your etheric (non-physical) twin flame, and molding your sacred fullness into one physicality in order for you to enter the crystalline realm in wholeness. In most cases this soul reconnection is accomplished in solitude or in sovereign non dependent relationships.

So we say embrace your chosen period of SOVEREIGN SOLITUDE, it is the sign of your souls intent to enter into Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na Mastery.

We add that many who are in this life, of the female gender, have chosen particularly effacious roles in the balancing of the planet at this time. Is it not true that the planet has been imbalanced in an overage of patriarchal energies for millennia? That is why it would appear that a vast majority of those drawn to the 'New Age' are female, you see, to anchor in the Divine Feminine. Females have been conditioned and labeled in your current paradigm as the 'weaker sex'. Nothing could be farther from the truth!

Many of the females, who find themselves now in single status, are conditioned to feel they must have a partner. Again, we say, embrace your solitude. You chose it, we honor you for the path you have chosen.

The ideal for the planet, is not to be female or male, rather a perfect balance of BOTH, but it is at the moment still in an imbalance of patriarchal resonance. We honor those of you in female biology, you're strength is indeed progressing in creating the nurturing balance.

Truly the over-soul is androgynous, self-contained. Self-sufficient. That does not mean that love is not the frequencial basis of the soul, indeed it is the highest vibration. It is the resonance that is produced by the Ascended Soul to the Cosmos, and reflected back as a collective harmonic of crystalline love. There is a time when those of you have played the role of soul mates, will individualize, and in your terms, part in joy. The evolved soul in achieving omnipotence, will become consummately self sufficient, and in so doing radiate spectacular unconditional love to ALL. That is as it should be, as it must be. It is how you Ascend.

The final graduation of the soul is not done in pairing, you see. It is done within the Divine SELF in universal harmonic to the All that is. Do you understand? This is the activation of Self to the divine resonance of the Quantum Crystalline Field. Separation must osmatically occur before the final collective reunion, it must occur to allow for the final coalescence into the ALL THAT IS.

It is who you ARE. It is the IAM that I AM.

Our point here, is that if you find yourself in Solitude, recognize its purpose. If you are in a relationship refine it in beauty to the greater love of non-dependence. You will indeed discover the love expands and the relationship becomes more splendid in non dependency; just as you are discovering relationships of co-dependency are imbalanced one way streets, and fail.

In sovereignty humanity will see themselves in this framework as being 'whole' and not being their partner's property or someone's 'better half'. Each will bring their integral, whole SELF in fullness, in robust flow of energy into relationship, in a manner that often does not occur today. There are pre agreed points that allow for freedom of choice and for change, even if that change is to end the partnership. In sovereignty individuals share their best, without compromise of ideals. Each will recognize the divinity of the other, and retain the integrity of SELF.

They will afford their own promises, promises and choices of a new paradigm, but there will be avenues and opportunities of adjustments and the ability of reviewing terms. This will allow for greater recognition of the SELF. These will be designed to prevent energy blockage and reduce dysfunctional marriages and divorce complications and lawsuits, you see.

Some relationships in these terms will indeed last a lifetime, some will not. But the archetype of sovereignty will better support both, based on choice and mutual agreement of each individuals terms. And as such independence becomes joyful , devoid of one partner being dominant and imposing their beliefs, morality and will over another.

Humankind, in mass today, truly does not recognize or understand their soul, their divine SELF. Self is unfortunately regulated to the realm of ego personality by the masses. It is true that a higher degree of the light quotient is awakened on the planet now, than has occurred at any other time, but it is still only about 10% of the population of eight billion plus that has awakened. That is a sufficient number to bring about the Ascension, but much has yet to be done.

Religion in the new paradigm, must be individualized, must truly recognize the nature of SELF the nature of the DIVINE SOUL. None of your world religions truly answer these questions today. None of your religions answer the questions of mans true Cosmic Extra-Terrestrial multi-dimensional origins, and that must come to understanding in the new paradigm. None of your current mainstream religions can accurately and completely express the true history of man on the earth. As such, there is no one true religion on the planet today. Most are bought and sold on preset regulated templates. Each claim to know the paths to God, to be able to lead the way to God, yet none truly do. Each has its dogma, each has its hierarchy and controls.

Man searches for GOD more fervently now than at any other time in on the planet, and so this seeking in itself has the potential to bring in the light. Few religious teachers are true teachers, scholars perhaps, but not true teachers, you see. Others are charlatans, even within metaphysics and the so called 'New Age'. Few who make claim to channel Ascended Masters or Angelics truly do.

When integrity is not maintained the connection to true spirit is disconnected, and all who are human are subject to fall in and out of integrity. Truly the way in the Ascension is the ability of each soul to rise into his/her higher self. Look inside and find your own divinity within your heart. Not through blindly following a guru, evangelist, channelers or spiritual leader, but through SELF. Accept only what you discern individually to resonate as true, Dear Ones, and do not give your power to another. Each of you can and must channel your higher selves. Study, look, listen, discern, review and only accept what resonates within you.

The way to the divine, Masters, is through the sacred sovereignty of SELF, and in the Ascension, the way to the higher SELF is through self-definition, and seeking that aspect of God inside each of you, with the great desire that is embedded in each of your souls. Study, seek, and work ! There is little hope for advancement if you chose to be lethargic or the lazy. Effort is requisite to rise above duality. It has always been so. You are here to make known the unknown ! Work at it ! Be a warrior of light within duality, for the true battles are within for self mastery. The path is not easy. But within Self Mastery lies an energy so exquisite that it fuels all you require to move forward, and there is another level above each you ascend to. Consciousness ever expands.

Discover your path. Discover yourself. Love yourself, love one another, love the divinity inside you and inside every one ! Discover the multidimensional aspects of your true Soul. That is the nobility of solitude.

And thought the path is at times quite difficult and lonely , know that such is the challenge of duality, for above, you are whole, and lack nothing. In the higher realm, Masters, you are in your sacred nature of integral wholeness, in complete and abundant bliss.

We are ever with you. We offer unconditional love. We ask that you treat yourself and others with nurturing love and respect. We honor you!

I am Metatron, Lord of Light, and I share with you these TRUTHS!

You are Beloved.

...And so it is.

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Welcome Love!



Heavenletter #4224
Welcome Love,
June 18, 2012
God said:
Oh, My, all that you are involved in. So much you are involved in. You are involved in details of life, in so many details of life. There is so much of so many things that your attention is pulled to, and, often, in your estimation, pulled to for naught. You have disappointment, lack of appreciation, and you wonder why you give your whole heart to so much, and when you look back, or even during holding back, you wonder why you are exerting so much of your time, being, effort onto so little of consequence. You wonder about the daily chores and their pre-eminence. What is all the excitement and energy for, and what is all the lag for and all the future for, and yet, you are swept up in activities of one kind of another.
And your mind works overtime. Your mind chews the bone of your life, gnaws at it, can't seem to let go of it. Your mind is so crowded with every manner of thing. In effect, your mind scuttles you.
Make room for love, beloveds. Make room for your heart to feel. Let your heart heal your vagrant mind.
Your mind needs solace. It has been working overtime. Give your mind a needed rest. Tell it that it can take a break, go off-duty, put its feet up, take a recess. Tell your mind that it can let thoughts go for a while.
Most thoughts are unnecessary. You know that, and, yet, you trigger your mind to have so many thoughts. Who is the leader - you or your mind? Your mind is not meant to lead you by the nose. Let your heart be the leader, for your heart knows what your mind does not. Your mind is more like a computer, and you provide the fodder. Let your heart take over, but, oh, you are afraid of your heart, and so your mind takes the wheel and steers you into busy traffic.
Hail to that beating heart of yours. Let it come to the fore.
Truly, the mind and heart are not meant to be in competition. They are meant to be equal yet each has its instructions. The mind is meant to be claptrap jaws that clamp down. The heart is meant to be open so all can enter. The mind is meant to be more like a valet. A valet serves. He works for you. He is not the boss. You are. And the love in your heart is meant to be like a river that flows or, perhaps, like a cop who beckons traffic to come forward.
In most cases, the mind has been overworked. Your mind is not to make all your decisions. If you cannot make up your mind, give decision duty to your heart, for your heart knows what your mind does not. Your heart knows where your happiness lies.
Remember, your heart is not your emotions. Your heart is love, and love, the direction your heart pulls you to. Your heart is not careless. Your heart is caring. Heart and soul. Heart and soul. Mind and logic, mind and logic.
Logic can go only so far. The heart can go everywhere. The heart's captain is love. The captain of your heart knows the direction to sail in.
Whenever I speak of the heart's leadership, I remind you that the heart is more than just what you want to do this moment. You may want to do something damaging to you or another at a particular moment, but that is a story your mind has told you. Tell your mind otherwise.
Follow your love, beloveds, the love that issues from you and brings you closer to Me. Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere.
Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™
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Matariki and the Solstice Alignment

of June 21, 22 and 23rd


It has been said that 2012 signifies a time when the sacred hoop joins together and those of the Rainbow tribe will gather. They will find one another once again and remember whom they are and why they have come. They will perform ancient ceremony and activate the song lines, the spirit lines and the dragon lines. This will illuminate the earth and awaken those still sleeping. The Elders of all nations and tribes have sent a call for the earth walkers, wisdom keepers and those of the Rainbow Tribe to gather together for ceremony over the three day period which will be the Summer Solstice in the northern hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the southern hemisphere. This is also a time very sacred to the Maori and other native tribes in the southern hemisphere.

The Maori of New Zealand observed the movement of the stars for many reasons throughout history, as did all indigenous people. Studying the stars was a way of preserving history, knowledge, culture and maintaining ancient practices of the earth religion. The time of Matariki was a celebration and a coming together of family and friends. In ancient times it was used as a time to share with each other skills, achievements and history through story telling, song and dance, carving and weaving, ancient ceremonies and passing on of knowledge and history. Matariki is celebrated with the remembrance and planting of new trees and crops signaling new beginnings. Matariki was the optimum time for new harvests, and ceremony was done to ensure good crops for the coming year.

It was also seen as a perfect time to honor the land we live on and to remember whakapapa, the ancestral beings that have passed from this world to the next and the legacy they left behind.

Matariki is an especially important cluster of stars to the Maori and a key navigational beacon for ocean voyagers. Also known as the Pleiades, the seven sisters and sacred to all indigenous people and earth walkers. On 21 June the Matariki star cluster rises into the skies in the Southern hemisphere and brings the promise of a new beginning. This represents the beginning of a new year. I see this as the beginning of a new dream as we infuse the earth with the Venusian energies of love.


In this year of Grandmother Spider, the legends say that Grandmother Spider began to weave the first dream and created the seven sisters, the Pleiades to assist the earth. Then she began to dream the mountains, the rivers, the tree beings, the flowers and fauna, the animal allies and finally human. As she dreamed of the human, she dreamed the potential of each soul who entered into the earth experience weaving each of us together with a beautiful golden web of light. She wove the Pleiades into the web first as she knew that the human would fall under illusion and feel disconnected from the web. The star beings would be there to illuminate the path as we found our way home. As the Venusian energies from the powerful Venus Transit are flowing through us, we have a grand opportunity to recreate a new dream and gather for ceremony to weave harmony, beauty, unity and love into the web.

I will be in Uluru, known as Ayres Rock in the red desert and the heart of Australia where the Rainbow Serpent Line will become fully activated with the turning of the cosmic wheel at the time of the solstice. Carrying the sacred soil from Spider Rock and Canyon de Chellys from native American lands, where we were guided to journey last year at the time of the Equinox. This three-day period, June 21st, 22nd and 23rd is a powerful opportunity for all of us to join together to celebrate birthing the new dream of a unified Gaia and a grand opportunity to reestablish the alliance between the world of human and the world of the unseen. This is crucial to heal the web prior to the galactic alignment of 12:12:12 and the much prophesized 12:21:12.

Whether you join with others or create your own sacred space, prepare an altar with seashells.

If you can place a scallop shell upon the altar this holds the vibration of the Venusian energies. It symbolizes that we each come from the same source but have chosen different pathways to express ourselves at this time in our body temples. The scallop shell was the sacred symbol painted by Botticelli that represents the birth of Venus or Aphrodite.


She is often seen surrounded by dolphin, the celestial star beings that guard the sacred waterways and weave our world to the star systems. Place a bowl of water on the altar. For those who have the andara crystal, place this stone of unconditional love in the water. Place a white candle and a small bowl of honey on your altar. It is said that the bee is an animal ally that came from Venus to bring sweetness and the remembrance of the beauty of the journey to human. For those who do not have the andara crystal, you can place a rose quartz, moonstone or amethyst stone being in the water. On the morning of the 21st, light the candle and visualize sending the Venusian gifts of love, harmony and beauty to the earth grid. See that the honey becomes the liquid golden light that heals the sacred hoop. Over this three-day period, find time each day to sit in stillness and receive the healing energies of love being sent from the andara crystals positioned around the world and the thousands of ceremonies being performed to infuse the earthgrid with the new dream. If there is a loved one in need of support and healing, place their picture or name under the jar of honey and ask that the sweetness of the earth walk be returned. On the morning of the 21st our group will gather to welcome the rising of the sun as we anchor the energies of love into the earth grid to activate the song and spirit lines at the source of the Rainbow Serpent.

Each of us carries a light that is needed at this time. Your light is very important, no one less than another and no one greater as we are all equal. Your prayers will be carried across the song and spirit lights activating the golden web once again. Millions of awakened souls who each carry a brilliant light will all join together and the earth will illuminate as a bright sphere of light out into the universe.

I honor each of you and give gratitude that we share this journey together and weave the new dream awakening the rainbow tribe. Happy Solstice.

Love, rainbows and starlight, Robbyne

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Indians and rebirth [too good]
They do not believe in discipline and push their way through the line.'

The Lord said, 'Indians are Indians. Heaven is home to all my children. If you want to know about real problems, give Satan a call.'

Satan answered the phone, 'Hello? Damn, hold on a minute.' Satan returned to the phone, 'OK I'm back. What can I do for you?'

Gabriel replied, 'I just wanted to know what kind of problems you're having down there.'

Satan says, 'Hold on again. I need to check on something.'

After about 5 minutes Satan returns to the phone and said, 'I'm back. Now what was the question?'

Gabriel said, 'What kind of problems are you having down there?'

Satan says, 'Man I don't believe this .. Hold on.'

This time Satan was gone at least 15 minutes. He returned and said, "
I'm sorry Gabriel, I can't talk right now. These Indians are trying to install air conditioning and making hell a comfortable place to live in by putting out the fire, which is there to keep them uncomfortably hot!! Since they are so tech savvy, they were trying to start a telephone and IT connection between heaven and hell between ME and GOD. They have started a socal network service for the troubled and believe in Karma and are good in convincing others.


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A Secret Scrolls #127 to #130

A Secret Scrolls #127

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
From The Secret Daily Teachings

Most people don't realize how much passion they put into what they don't want. When you speak to a friend and you tell them all about an "awful" situation, you are putting passion into what you don't want. When you react to an event negatively, with the response that it is "terrible", you are putting passion into what you don't want.

You are a beautiful passionate being, so make sure you direct your passion wisely.
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #128

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
From The Secret Daily Teachings
Look for the gifts in everything, especially when you are facing what appears to be a negative situation. Everything that we attract causes us to grow, which means that ultimately everything is for our own good.
Adjusting to a new path and a new direction will require new qualities and strengths, and these qualities are always exactly what we need to acquire in order to accomplish the great things ahead in our life.
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #129

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
From The Secret Daily Teachings
It is important to remember that it is your thoughts and feelings together that create with the law of attraction, and you cannot separate them. Also remember that it's your feelings that are summing up your overall frequency and telling you what you are creating in this moment.
So how are you feeling right now? Could you feel better? Well then, do what it takes right now to feel better.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #130

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret
From The Secret Daily Teachings
Every single day, no matter who you meet in the day - friends, family, work colleagues, strangers - give joy to them. Give a smile or a compliment or kind words or kind actions, but give joy! Do your best to make sure that every single person you meet has a better day because they saw you. This might sound like it is not connected with you and your life, but believe me it is inseparably connected through cosmic law.
As you give joy to every person you meet, you bring joy to YOU. The more you can give joy to others, the more you will bring the joy back to you.
May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne

The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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Violet Flame Mantras

Let there be light!
And let that light be the violet light O God!

I AM a being of violet fire
I AM the purity God desires.
Earth is a planet of violet fire
Earth is the purity God desires.

In the name Saint Germain,
Blaze and expand now the violet flame!

With the knowledge and blessings of God that I AM
I invoke cosmic energy for the freedom of man.

I’m calling for an ocean of violet flame
To transmute fear and error, and all sense of shame.

With Saint Germain I transmute
Human drudgery and dross
By the miraculous blessings of his maltese cross.

Charge! Charge! Charge!
And let victory be proclaimed!
As we fight the fight for freedom
In the name of Saint Germain.

O world awake!
Your dusty selves now shake!
Purify and rectify
New ways of thought to make.
(from the book, Ashram Notes by Mark Prophet)

I stand for love, I stand for life,
With violet flame to end all strife.

Save the world with violet flame
By the power of the three times three.
This waltzing, spinning energy
Will set all life now free.

"Breath of God inside each cell, I AM the violet flame.
Searching out all hidden pain I AM the violet flame."
Each time I give this mantra, I know I’m blessing too
The souls in South America,
Whose hearts beat love so true.

Dissolve those bombs, their cause and core,
Let them now be no more.
With violet flame all war can cease,
From age-old hatreds bring surcease.

O violet flame of freedom,
Thou radiant fountain of youth,
Charge now my four lower bodies
With the beauty of spiritual truth.

O atoms, cells, electrons,
Within this form of mine,
Let violet flame pass through me,
Its essence most sublime.

I AM the violet flame, blazing like a sun
I AM God’s sacred power freeing everyone.
(from the decree I AM the Violet Flame published by The Summit Lighthouse)

I AM the mighty electronic energy
Flowing through, filling and renewing
Every cell of my mind andbody, right now.
I AM the cleansing process
Always active in my heart and mind and body,
Consuming all imperfection and revealing the purity I AM.
My breath is the great love breath
From out the Great Central Sun.
My heart is God's heart, the very center of divine love,
And its light fills me now!
(from the book, I AM Adorations and Affirmations Part 1, I AM Decrees Part 2)

Expand God’s freedom in my heart today
Help me love and forgive on my I AM way.

Light Set me free! Light set me free! Light set me free!
And charge my aura now with violet, purple, pink!

Beloved I AM Presence bright
Round me seal your tube of light.
Keep me faithful, true each day
As I step forth with violet ray.

Aquarius is the age of the violet flame
That we invoke in God’s own name.
Aquarius is the age of the violet flame
That we sustain in God’s own name.
Aquarius is the age of the violet flame
that we expand in God’s own name.

To dismiss discord
To the wave on the ocean of human emotion
It's nothing, it's nothing at all;
It comes like a flicker
And goes away quicker
When I on my God-self do call.
It is only a cloud
But I say out loud
I AM the sun! Don't you see?
When I blaze the light!
You fade from sight!
The light yields all things to me.
(from the book, I AM Adorations and Affirmations Part 1, I AM Decrees Part 2)

Unite all nations in the cause of peace,
In liberty’s name give full release!

Ascended masters now walk with men!
Let elementals, angels serve with them.

I forgive all life and all life forgives me,
By violet flame power of the three times three!

Saint Germain, hurl your miracle pouch into the earth!
Saint Germain, hurl your miracle pouch into my life!
Saint Germain, hurl your miracle pouch to end all strife!

Let the violet flame now arise and sing,
In my heart of hearts, its gifts to bring.

Make my aura bright with violet light
And my soul rejoice in perfection.
Mercy, forgiveness, freedom and grace
For my life is God’s lovely intention.

Showers of violet rain I invoke
Seven oceans of violet waves,
When I visualize the earth in this miracle light
Dark impurities will vanish away.

Freedom, Freedom, Freedom!
Expand, expand, expand!
Forevermore I AM Freedom!
(from the decree Mighty Cosmic Light published by The Summit Lighthouse)

Let Violet Fire of Freedom roll
Round the world to make all whole;
Saturate the earth and its people, too,
With increasing Christ-radiance shining through.
I AM this action from God above,
Sustained by the hand of heaven’s Love,
Transmuting the causes of discord here,
Removing the cores so that none do fear.
(from the decree More Violet Fire published by The Summit Lighthouse)

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The Return of the Elven World

Master Guide Kirael through the mediumship
of Kahu Fred Sterling

evening. Each of you is on an evolutionary journey, which has brought you now
into this flux of energy, this vibration, called the human light. What a
beautiful gift you give to your Creator by your experience of the human light!
Your Creator is humbled by the fact that part of its own light could be used for
such a magnificent journey, the world of human.

Now let us drift, if you
will, back in time. Time, as you measure it, may not be the only measure of
existence. Time, as you see it, has placed many limits around your reality. I
will speak of a time that is not constricted by the pattern of thought—rather, a
time that expands beyond the reality of consciousness.

Today I choose to
speak to you of a society of energies that walked here on your Earth plane long
ago. We have come to talk about a beautiful society of energy called Elven. The
Elven society exists in another plane of consciousness. These beautiful
creatures of light have lived throughout many different realities. Many people
would love to believe that the Elven world is just some made-up world, just as
many people would like to believe that angels don't exist because you can't see
them with your third-dimensional eyes (one of the senses that won't operate in
the angel world). Yet you know as well as I do that there are angels filling the
room just to hear my conversation this day.

As I take you back in time,
free your mind of the third dimension and connect it to the Source, for the
Source is where your truth is. Let us go to the beginning of time, before the
beautiful Elven society came here to your Earth plane. They lived in a world
much like yours, and like you, they had to evolve. Like yours, the Elven society
broke down. The Elven noticed the differences in each other and the manner in
which each lived. Like the human world, their beings came in many different
colors. They had dark Elven, bright-colored Elven, green Elven, white Elven, and
golden Elven, and over time they thought that one must be better than the other,
so they went into separation.

The separation was so deep, my friends,
that they went out into this beautiful realm of the cosmos and searched for
places where they might be by themselves. Yet, whenever they found something, lo
and behold, another form of Elven would join them and the world of Elven became
that most beautiful light. Like you, over time, they evolved, until they brought
forth a society which no longer knew strife pr their different colors. Rather,
they saw themselves as only a beautiful blend of a rainbow of

Yes, they evolved just as you are evolving, and they found that
wars were never the answer. They found peace, a peace that rang so strongly and
so filled with power that it was known for all times that the Elven world had
finally found peace and tranquility in their hearts. I can assure you, my
friends, you are like them, in that you are searching for that harmonic light,
that peace, the prosperity that is your given right, and like you, they are here
to be in service.

Very long ago the beauty of the Creator's Force of
Light was searching, if you will, for the different planet systems it could
bring to life. It found your planet Earth, which it had created such a long time
ago. It had brought the mineral weave and the plant weave onto this plane, but
it had no reason to bring the animal or the human weave. There was the Earth
plane in all of its beauty: beautiful rushing rivers, bubbling brooks, forests
of great, beautiful grandfather trees, rolling meadows, seasons that came and
went—a journey beyond the senses. It was at that time that the Elven decided to
try your world. They did not become Earth beings, because Earth wasn't called
Earth at that time. It has only been called Earth for the past few thousand
years. Long ago, it was called Reality, or Riali Tati. That’s what it was called
when the Elven lived here for a time.

This most beautiful Elven society
lived in three levels of consciousness. The first level of consciousness was
similar to what you know today as We the People. They were the caretakers of the
planet Riali Tati. They planted the fields, made the foods, and built the homes.
They did all that it was possible to do. The second level of consciousness was
the warrior race, which was the power, the elite, as their job was to protect
the worker class of light. The third level of consciousness was the spiritual
class. They were of a higher vibration than the warrior class and needed no
protection. The spiritual class is the one you hear most about in your books and
movies. These three defined levels of consciousness, or energy patterns, had
such a grand love for each other that their lives were always about how to be in

The last time of a great population of Elven was upon your planet
Earth was in the time of Lemuria, a short 50,000 years or so ago, by your
measure. Yes, they were here at that very time, along with that new breed, that
new energy, which would one day be called Earth human. The first time that
humans and the Elven were connected in source and light was in the beginning
stages of Lemuria. The Elven brought such grandness with them that it was a
magnificent awakening for both of these societies. The Elven and humans blended
together at that time and became one and the same, for their races were so
close, so dearly alike.

You search your heart out for these Elven now.
Wish to meet them. Wish to touch them. There are a number of them right here in
this particular room. Although many Elven have pointy ears, not all do. If you
want to recognize them, then look into their eyes. They will emanate a vibration
of love.

The Elven haven’t made an appearance yet on your Earth plane
because they’re not sure that the human world is ready for them. In their time
in Lemuria, the Elven society was the first to vibrate on another level of
consciousness, and they opened up their own world, which was so similar to
yours. Oh yes, my friends, not another planet, but another world, another
dimension. Their dimension looks almost exactly as yours does, with a few
exceptions. Their skies are clear all of the time. Their atmosphere holds
nothing that they wouldn't love to breathe and their waterways are pristine and

If you want to know where this world is, then open your heart
and jump through the dimensions with me. You will see a forest of light. In that
forest are grandfather trees thousands of years old. As you approach this
beautiful forest, and cross this rolling green plateau of grass and flowers, the
fragrance gets stronger. Walk through the trees until you come to this huge,
huge tree that stands over a hundred feet in height. It will bend down and touch
your face with its leafy branches, and invite you to the world of the Elven

As you enter among the trees, you will see a city and walkways.
Elven children will be playing, and adults will look down upon you from their
branches, their walkways, their homes, and the porches of their beautiful
lighted homes. Continue to walk down these beautiful streets among the trees,
until you come to a stairway. As you ascend the stairway, at the first step, you
will glide into this next reality, where you’ll be met by two beautiful Elven,
one of whom is known as the Divine. The Divine to the Elven world is the highest
form of Creation incarnate. It is similar to your Christ Consciousness, for it
is the Divine that knows all and helps all.

See the Elven society, where
beings stand anywhere from 6 to 8 feet in height, where each female is seen as a
Light of Goddess. You will see a remarkable beauty within them, so filled with
the vibration of light. In your mind's eye, meet the council elders, who will
answer your questions. See these beautiful energy patterns and know that they
live in a world so like yours, yet so fully alive and vibrant and evolved. Their
world is a replica of what your world will one day be, for they have gone beyond
the Shift. They have seen who they are, they have shifted into a new light, and
they know their perfection. They are not angels, as many would like you to
believe. They are a species unto themselves. They live in a society that is
based on Truth, Trust and Passion.

The Elven have rules, self-imposed,
loving rules, which state that they will speak only the truth. Elven may live in
one incarnate time as long as they desire. The Divine, mentioned earlier, is
thought to be 800-plus years old.

That’s the world you’re headed for. A
Great Shift in Consciousness is occurring, and one day your world will look like
the Elven world I’ve described. Your world will be built in nature itself, for
Gaia will stand with you and give you all that you need and more.

angels will move in and out of your patterning of light, and the Elven society
will show you how to cross the illusionary barriers of time. They will let you
journey into their world. You will live in this same type of energy. You will
honor a Creator Force, not as a he or she, but as the Light of all lights in all
of its beauty. The Goddess Tara will then speak as the Goddess of Light, and all
the light shall intermingle.

My friends, don’t be afraid of this Great
Shift in Consciousness. Seek your peace now, so that at the time of this Great
Shift, you will open your eyes and see beyond your third-dimensional sight. You
will see your Elven brothers and sisters walk among you once more as We the
People, for they have now sent many of their energies to you.

Many Elven
live in Japan, China, the Asian world, for they found a society of human there
that reflected much of their energy. Each in the Elven world has found that it
can find peace and harmony by simply enclosing itself in its own light and
shutting out the din of other societies. The Elven have learned to live in a
structured society that accommodates each person.

The Great Shift is upon
you, not lurking somewhere in the distance. It is happening in this world this
day. Imagine if everyone in the world knew that this Elven society was real, and
that all of the movies and books that have been written about the Elven are
truth. Where does the artist who paints a beautiful picture of the Elven world
get his inspiration? Where does the author who writes about the Elven societies
find the thoughts to create the story? These artists get their thoughts, their
inspiration, from the etheric fabric of truth, the cosmic light of guidance, or
in the Akashic records, and in that, my friends, the awakening begins.

I want for the "I" of your inner eyes to look upon your world and see We the People
of the human society holding hands, forgetting the colors of skin, not judging
by what one has or doesn't have. It is my prayer that you are willing to share
everything in love. I, Kirael, from the Guidance reality, opened the realms
between your world and the world of the Elven society so that you could walk
through the dimensions with me to discover the truth of your heart. The Great
Shift is upon you. You are safe. You are a journeyer. I am the speaker. I will
take questions now.

Q: Are fairies part of the Elven

KIRAEL: At one time the fairy world that exists on your plane
today played a large part in Elven society. In Elven society, the fairies were
the givers of life for all of Mother Earth or whatever planet system they were
on. This meant, for instance, that the fairy world touched with its own light
any flower that was crying or weeping as it strained itself to reach up to
Father Sky and the sunshine, giving the flower new color and a new experience.
Then the flower reached even higher than ever, standing so tall and beautiful.
When the flowers in Lemuria cried, their tears appeared as dew upon their petals
and they dripped their colors. Many of the colors you use to paint with now are
remnants of the flower world.

Fairies have always played a huge part in
any developing society. Interestingly, fairies almost never evolve past the
world in which they live. That's why they’re so shy, and won’t come out and play
with you very often. When they do show themselves, be so very thankful. They are
a beautiful vision and a light of the Elven world.

Q: How do the adult
Elvens work with the Elven children to raise them?

KIRAEL: Elven don't
consider themselves raised. Elven children are born with thin veils, almost
veil-less. No matter what society you are in, you will have veils. It is the
only way you can maintain a physical presence. An Elven couple will only
procreate, or reproduce their beautiful children, about every 40 years or more,
in some cases. Elven do not go through the birthing process like you here on the
Earth do. They live so long that they don't have to procreate or repopulate

In the past, there was an Elven society called the Drow Elf, the
very young energies of the Elven world. They were what you would consider today
deviants of one sort or another. The Drow Elven created wars across the cosmos,
trying to take over the whole of the Elven world. At that time, much of the
Elven society was obliterated from the Earth plane. It has been a slow process
of rebuilding. However, in the rebuilding, the Drows no longer have footing.
There are still some Drows in certain planet systems, and you may hear of them,
but they are well self-contained at this particular time.

The Elven child
begins talking at approximately 73 to 75 days after birth and is in full
conversation by that time. Elven start their schooling as soon as they begin to
talk. An Elven normally walks before it talks. So you understand they are little
creatures at that time. I think that is where the word "elf" gets its hold,
because the Elven stay small for a long time. They stay children for a long time
and are put in different schools in different places. In fact, a typical Elven
would probably be considered an adult when it reaches around 45 to 50 years old.
Hence, their childhood extends a lot longer than the human experience. They
start a rigorous information gathering force because they live for hundreds of
years. They have access to the cosmic akashic records and are taught from those
records. They are like the proverbial sponge of life, gathering every bit of
information they can.

In contrast, in the human experience, children are
children for about three or four years, and then you want them to turn into
adults by telling them not to cry and to dress perfectly, don't do this and
don't do that. In the Elven world, the words "doesn't,” “don't,” “no way,” “I
don't know," don’t exist in their vocabulary. So you can see that they get to
nurture their children for quite some time.

When an Elven is in its
thirties and forties, it’s considered akin to a teenager here on the Earth
plane. After that, Elvens move into adulthood, and even then, to be quite candid
with you, they don't grow up fast. They hold on to that childhood love and light
as long as they can.

One last thing: There are very few animals in Elven
society, other than maybe small ponies and other beasts of burden. Those are the
basic similarities between the human world and the Elven world.

Q: Master
Kirael, when you said the name Riali Tati, I started feeling this unity
consciousness in my heart like I have never experienced in this life. I have the
sense that the Elven society has a deep knowingness of its oneness with each
other and that its thoughts are always based in love. Can you help us or can the
Elven elders help us remember how to see the Creator in each other and feel that
oneness again?

KIRAEL: I am being spoken to by one of the elders and I
will translate. Those of you who have never met an Elven reality, I will try to
put as much love into this elder's voice as it desires.

He says, “Child
of light, hear my sounds, for they ring truth from all that is light. In the
world of which we exist, we seldom use the voice to communicate. We think our
thoughts and are joined as one. When we awaken to a day, as you would call it on
your plane, we awaken to the sound of the whole of our world humming a beautiful
sound of good morning. Before we break our fast for the day, we feel the essence
of all of those within our range, which exists beyond your

Hear this, my little one. We search in that pattern before
breaking fast for all life form that does not feel what it wants to feel, and we
focus our light on that light. One of us might awaken from our travels into the
other worlds, and we may feel a little less than strength. As we sit and join
our version of the Om, we feel the light of the rest of the society build us.
They know that we need healing at that moment, and we accept it, and the whole
of the Elven society is healed each morning prior to breaking fast.

the feeling of unity that you felt when Master Kirael spoke of what would one
day become ‘reality,’ was that communication of love that we didn't have to
whisper. We didn't have to speak. We simply thought on the waves of love, and
love carried our voice wherever we wanted it to go. We could communicate with
one or all, should we decide. We can hear from one or all as well.

So you
can imagine, my beautiful little light, it would not make sense for one to say,
‘Oh, did you see the color of her eyes? I didn't like them,’ because it is heard
by the masses, and the masses would then immediately send you so much light for
that statement that you would find the beauty in her eyes.

Forgive me for
my passions, but I seldom get to talk to the human world, and I thank the great
Master Kirael for this moment. You may count me as your blessed servant to your
world, and I am called Eirvenal, and I will always be here. Eirvenal stands in
the light of the warrior, for it is our warriors who will be present in your
world to help you feel your love. I return to my world, in that you may have our
great master, the Master Kirael, return.”

Q: For those of us here on the
Earth now who have the ability to communicate and see these Elven beings, what
is our responsibility for making the world aware of their

KIRAEL: Most every being who has anything to do with the Elven
society—including those who have already registered service to the Elven world,
those who recognize their Elven bloodlines and come from some of the great
families of the Elven world, and those who just want to be of service to
anything that will create peace on your Earth plane—knows that his journey is a
gift, not a responsibility, and to treat each Elven energy with as much love and
respect as you can. The Elven are part human and wear veils of both the Elven
and the human world. The Elven are so filled with light that the only way they
can bring themselves through the dimensional veils more clearly is to be
immersed in love.

As you look into your own veils, know that the veils
closest to you are your human veils. As you look past them, you will see the
safe veils of the Elven society. The Elven world still has one fear. Not death.
They fear not being able to serve the Creator. Go to that second layer of veils,
and those of you who know an Elven, treat it with the vibration of love, heal it
at every moment, and then you will see that the Elven can fulfill but one
energy, and that is to let you know who they are.

Q: For those of us who
have Elven bloodlines, how do we awaken that part of us to help serve the people
on Earth?

KIRAEL: If it is your truth that you want to be in service to
We the People in the human world, then you have to personify the ability to
shine your light. That means you must awaken your journey to the next level of
consciousness. You must use your love, and nothing else, in your light. You see,
as I was explaining in the previous question, you have a dual veil. Humans have
one beautiful veil, but the Elven world comes with a dual veil, one which
resembles the human veil and another which is their Elven veil.

So, to
get through that human veil, you have to see everything as perfect. In order to
break apart the human veil, you have to demand peace of the inner self. Peace
demolishes, really dislocates and takes apart the veil system and allows it to
move out into the next system. Your second veil is the veil that protects you so
that you can speak in the light of who you truly are.

To you in the Elven
world or from the Elven world who have human experiences going on for you right
this moment, listen to the Ten Principles of Consciously Creating that I have
brought onto this Earth plane. Use those Principles to guide your every
moment—not most of your moments, your every moment. Do that and the human veil
will dissipate, and you will walk with your Elven veil. You will be a creator of
all creation.

Q: I have an affinity for the fairies, and I notice that
many of my photographs contain orbs that have fairy and Elven energy. Is this
the means by which the Elven world and these other worlds come to

KIRAEL: Your world is losing its edge of duality. The Creator put the
balance of good and not so good in this plane because it wanted to experience
itself in the form of duality. Yet, now that the great duality rein is coming to
closure and you are about to move into another level of consciousness, many of
the energies such as the fairies—we call them the friary angels—are here en
masse. The first thing they did was take off their wings and walk like We the

Then they found themselves growing up from what used to be their
full height of 14, almost 15 inches to full-sized human beings. Oh, what a
stretch that was for them! The orbs that you see in your pictures now are the
actual fairy and Elven energies that are being maneuvered around your Earth
plane, in preparation for the great awakening.

When you notice the orbs
in a picture, it gives us great pleasure, especially when you say, “Look, there
must have been a spot on me lens.” We want you to take notice, but not get too
excited, my friends. Just know what they are. The orbs are travel bogs for
energetic patterns who come through and have never been to this plane of
consciousness in the form it’s in now. They put themselves in a travel bog,
which is rounder than an egg and moves through dimensional portals, or the
dimensional pause, as they are called on the other side of the veil. The friary
light and the Elven light who come here and are still not manifest in full
embodiment have been sent through the pause to prepare for when the Great Shift
takes place.

Understand that you are not alone. Your world is gaining
greater strength over here every day. This Great Shift in Consciousness for We
the People is just beginning. You haven't seen anything yet. Thank you for that
kind and generous question.

Q: Master Kirael, have you ever studied the
Elven world? Also, you spoke in your opening statement about the female energies
of the Elven society and how they were revered as Goddesses. What is the role of
the Goddess Light in the Elven society?

KIRAEL: I studied the Elven world
for about 600 years, so I have a great love for them. Six hundred Elven years
are longer than your years over here, so I had a good chance and a good
opportunity to learn. First of all, understand that the Elven societies, even
when they had their classes on the Earth plane, looked at their trinity of light
as the Creator. What’s fascinating is that all worlds throughout all the
dimensions at some point or another refer to the Creator. Isn't that fabulous?
The Creator, not God, because, you see, gods are just energies. The gods split
one time throughout the worlds, and some chose to be good gods, by the Creator’s
example, while some chose to be bad gods, and what a fascinating time that

With respect to your second question, they called the Creator Force
the Divinity, or the Divine, which is now called the Christ Consciousness. The
Elven has the Divinity, or the Divine, and then the Goddess energy. In the Elven
society, along with the friary, the Goddess, or the female energy, was known as
absolutely perfect in beauty. Every goddess of light was perfect. If a Goddess
had a scar that ran across her eye and down her cheek, she looked into the
mirror and thought, what a beautiful scar!—and she wasn’t kidding herself.
Goddess is the perfect light, because it is the love of light. It is the Love
energy incarnate.

So, in the Elven world, every female Elven was known as
Goddess Light and some shared it stronger than others. In your society right
now, Goddess energy is awakening around the planet. Many within the sound of my
voice are thinking, “He is talking about me. I love him." Thank you. The Goddess
energy is awakening at an unbelievable vibration.

In Elven society, the
Divine often has the structure of a male body and the chromosome value of a
female body. Isn't that fascinating? So the Goddess extends through all, my
friend, and is the replica of light.

Q: I connected to the Goddess
energy, and then these beautiful beings came around me. They were almost like
pillars of white light. Now there seems to be one with me most of the time. I
have been told they are from Arcturus, but I don't feel right with that. Then I
took a picture of rainbows around the sun, and there were several green orbs in
it, and what looked like a person. Is the Elven society trying to reach

KIRAEL: The gates are open, lass, and beings from the other worlds
will come in, whether it’s through the pausal light, the coronal light or
whichever light they use to travel on. If you look closely, you will see this
tall, pale, greenish light standing over there, and she wishes to offer you

In your travels, where you know that in your heart only the magic
glows, it is of my light I share with you that, one day, we shall let the whole
understand that I am you. So, therefore, I say to you, watch, when next you see
the tiny structure, you will know that I have come to be. In this, I have always
found my own reality. So now I expound. You are my journey and I am yours. I am
not of Arcturian, but I am of the world of the Divine, and in the Divine, I
serve you, that we may serve the world together. I thank our great Master Kirael
for the opportunity to use his medium to speak unto you words that only you
would understand. As you open your heart, your sound is this: [Tones]. I rest
until I return. Before you can blink an eye, I will be there with you.

The Elven society has created a beautiful world, a pristine environment, clean
water, blue skies, and has assisted in elevating each other's light. How can we
achieve the same thing for ourselves? How can we assist the Elven world in
helping us to capture that same reality here on planet Earth?

don't have a great choice in the matter. I don't normally say things like that,
but in this case it’s the truth. In the human world you don't have a great
choice. This beautiful world will happen for and to you anyway. You're ascending
as we speak. I’ve called it the Great Shift. Now, the Divine from the Elven
world calls it the Great Enlightenment. What’s the difference? I picked a word,
he picked a word. He picked his a long time ago, but I picked mine as well. It
is what you are going towards. I’ve only begun to brush the reality. For
instance, remember that the Elven children remain so until they’re in their
forties or fifties. In addition, every child belongs to society, not to the
parents. Therefore, no one child could ever be hungry. No one child could have
less than, because every child belongs to everyone, which assures that every
Elven child will be loved and nurtured.

The old pattern of hate and
strife and the different gods and different parts of Creator are withheld from
the Elven child, because in its youth it is taught love, consideration,
kindness, how to treat and love a flower, how to nurture a tree, and how to
cultivate its own food. All the Elven child learns is how to beautify its

When the Elven child reaches adulthood, and I mean way into
adulthood, usually around its 100th year or so, it’s exposed to its ancient
histories, where it learns of the Drow Elven and other Elven who may not have
been of the highest light. Just as you humans did, the Elven went through their
dark times. The Elven worked their little buttocks off to raise its level of

Q: What impact, if any, did the burning of the Alexandrian
Library have on Elven society?

KIRAEL: The first time the Alexandrian
Library burned, the Elven weren’t necessarily disappointed, because so much of
the information in the library wasn't the truth, and the part that contained the
Elven information was protected. The Alexandrian Library was set afire four
times. Someone was on a quest to destroy the Elven information.

The fire
was so strong during the second and third burning that it was evident that
wizardry was used to make the fire. Bad Magi drew together and used their
magnetic force to create those fires. Yes, there were bad Magi. After that, the
Elven society decided to take a hiatus, and left the Earth plane. They’re back
now, so don’t worry.

Q: What do Elvens look like?

average Elven is tall and has beautiful almond-shaped eyes, and the males have
long platinum hair. The females have long black hair, and are so beautifully
plain in the God Creator's Light that whatever they do is absolutely perfect, no
frills here.

The average human nine-year-old is considered an infant in
the Elven world, and by that age, it would already have chosen its divinity, its
life’s endeavor, so to speak. To describe the Elvens is to try to define them,
and they do not like to be defined.

Q: Previously and also in your
opening statement today, you shared that Elven society is strongly connected to
the Japanese culture. How is the return of the Elven world affecting
lightworkers in Japan? When we speak Japanese and other Asian languages, are we
bringing the Elven vibration onto the Earth plane?

KIRAEL: The Japanese
society has a very close connection to the Elven world. If you’ve ever been to
Japan, you know that when the Japanese get on their bullet trains or their
little shuttles from city to city, they sometimes cram into places that the rest
of the world would look at and say, “No way.” Once they are inside, they really
are not cramped anymore, because they mold to each other—like the Elven world
does. They just fit.

There are other similarities between the Elven and
the Japanese societies. In the Elven society, there was no such thing as his and
her baths. Bathing was a communal activity, because, much like in the Japanese
society today, the body was greatly honored. It didn't need to be covered. If it
was covered, the deepest of colors were used. In the originating parts of the
Japans, they devised the most beautiful colors. Also, in a greater portion of
Japanese society, people bow to one another. Bowing is not a show of
subservience; it is honoring each other’s light. You bow towards each other to
press your light against the other’s light, not to invade but to touch the
other. In the Japanese society, many have learned that they don't fit that well
in human society. Their customs are different, and so they are a closed society,
or a society of one race, so to speak.

The original energy forces of the
Elven society were situated in the far Western hemisphere of Lemuria, near the
Japans. They were warrior class. So the Japanese have had a long history with
the warrior class, but that has since fallen away. Now, the spiritual class is
becoming predominant—We the People with Elven energies, the high vibrating
class. That is why spirituality is growing at such a great pace in the Japans.
The warrior has released its energy and gone back for training, and so now you
see a Great Shift in Consciousness. In Japan, the world of the Elven is known as
the “carians,” meaning they carry the light sword of peace, having moved from
the warrior to the awakening spirit.

Q: What is the Elven influence in
Europe and in religion?

KIRAEL: Many of the Elven societies that wound up
in the European energies were of the spiritual class. When they were Earth
beings, they found that the spiritual class was in the world of religions. The
Elven tried to fit into the religious classes of the Romans, Greeks, Germans,
Palestinians, all of the different groups, but they couldn't quite grasp the
concept of religion, because they were true spiritualists.

The Elven have
lived among you for a long time. They are now willing to make themselves known,
because they know that the world as a whole is no longer so defined and confined
by religions. The world is now being defined by the spiritual awakening of the
Elven reality. In the European experience, the Elven energy brings the spiritual
force to light.

Closing Statement

Those of you in the
Americas, don't think I am just talking about those in the Japans and Europe.
You are the melting pot. That's why you are looked on with great light. Don't
let the rest of the world down. Let yourselves be the kindness of the Elven
world. Let the angels, the Elvens, the friaries and everyone else come to be,
for in the excitement of being, you will find that you are the Force of the


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A list of some books which may be found in a well stocked Fairy Library. by Hybiscus Greenfae

"Midsummer Night's Dream: The True Story"

"Wuthering Flights"

"A Tale of Two Seelies"

"Vanity Fairy"

"This Old Mushroom: Maintaining Your Fungi Abode"

"Fantasy Art Forms"

"Better Gnomes And Gargoyles"

"Fairy Ancestry"

"1001 Uses For Toad Stools"

"Decorating With Dewdrops"

"How To Ride A Moonbeam"

"Building Fairy Dust Boxes Made Easy"

"House and Gnome"

"The Whole Tooth And Nothing But The Tooth", A Tooth Fairys' Memoir.

"Conjuring Dinner For Two"

"The Strange Habits And Habitats Of Humans"

"Hairy Motter; Magical Moth"

"Nectar Recipes"

"How To Build A Better Cobweb"

"Cupid & Psyches 101"

"Sprites, Elves And Ogres; Friend Or Foe?"

"Gnome And Garden"

"Of Mice And Menehune"

"The Joy Of Hex"

"7 Mischiefs Of Highly Successful Fey"

"Rain, Dew & Spring"

"Fey's Anatomy"

"When Field Mice Go Bad"

"Our Wings/Our Selves"

"Our Bogies/Our Elves"

"How To Choose A Foundling"

"Pixy Parties And Fairy Faires"

"A Bridge Too Fairy"

"Fairy Rings For Dummies"

"Dancing On Moonbeams"

"Who's Who Of Flower Fairies"

"The (Fairy) Godmother" by Mario Pookzo

"Practical Magick"

"The Fairy Pavillions"

"All's Fairy In Love And Warm"

"Butterfly Painting Made Easy"

"When They Wish Upon A Star"


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The Solar Wave Countdown to the 2012 Shift of the Ages SOLAR WAVE This is a Joyful Invitation to Participate in an Unquenchable Spiritual Evolution! This is a call to ALL Light Workers and Way-Showers, Mystics and Sages, Masters, Saints and Angels! to participate the Great Grand Mother of all Ancient Count Downs. YOU are being called .... YES YOU ! ... to join the long awaited Grand Universal Synchronization Celebration ... a Spiritual Pandemic ... a Conscious Revolution of the ONE HEART. Are you ready to raise up your hands, hearts and wings to create a better world? It is YOUR TIME to SHINE to create a new world!
You are the living bridges between all the cultures of the Earth. You are the unification of all the religions. You are the harmony between all social, economic, and spiritual classes. You are the ones that shift negatives into a positive reality. You are the ones that hold firm to the visions of a positive future. You are the ones that are re-writing our future based on love, unity and harmony. This future is beginning to manifest right before our eyes. You are the ones that we have been waiting for. You are your own ancestors returned.

Caution... Solar Wave participants around the world are known to be quite guilty of being eternally impassioned optimists for holding firmly and confidently to their beautiful vision of a new harmonious world! This affliction can be quite contagious and fatal to your misery, fear, paranoia, wariness, skepticism, uncertainty, lack, misfortune, and general ill heath. Warning … Participate in Solar Wave Ceremony Dates at your own Bliss. No one is responsible, but you, for any benefit you might receive.


......instead of focusing the solar wave energy out to individual people, family members, things, locations situations, and health issues that we believe to be unwell, just simply send beautiful heart felt love energy out across the entire world, and trust that the define an infallible wisdom of the Universe/Great Creator do send your loving energy to all areas as it sees fit. I guarantee you that your energy will be attracted to the exact places that needs the love and harmony that we will be sending out. We will see you in the WAVE." ~ Aluna Joy

Aluna Joy suggests meditating at sunrise. Check for more of her suggestions and meditations at the website:

There are many groups observing the equinox in different ways.

Here is another group with an interesting summer solstice message:

If you wish to observe the exact time of the equinox it will be June 20th at 4:09 PM, Los Angeles time . (This is Daylight Savings time.)

You can use the world time clock to convert this to your local time, by putting in 3:00 PM for Los Angeles and converting to your own local time.


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Buddha's Meditation for Going Deeper


                         ***   Buddha's Meditation for Going Deeper by Lama Surya Das   ***

                         Seeing thru - Just being
                         Through and through.
                         Simply pay attention,
                         It pays off.
                         When you become clear, everything becomes clear.
                         Turn the spotlight,
                         The searchlight, inwards.
                         It is all available.

                          What we seek, we are;
                          Don't overlook it.
                          Neither too tight nor too loose,
                          Simply sustain present wakefulness
                          And clearly comprehend things
                          Just as they are.
                          Contentment is the ultimate form of wealth.

                          One ground, many paths.
                          Use the teflon side, not just the velcro side, of your mind.
                          Practice cling-free relationships
                          And cultivate dream-like practices,
                          And experience dream-like awakening.

                          Just seeing, recognizing, and releasing;
                          Simply experiencing, penetrating, and letting go/letting be -
                          Practice these three principles of natural freedom,
                          The art of nonattachment.
                          Seeing things as they are,
                          Not as you are,
                          Is clear vision and insightful wisdom.

                          No need to try to get into the flow;
                          The great Tao flows right through you.
                          What we seek is right here;
                          We are usually elsewhere.
                          We are all Buddhas by nature;
                          We only have to recognize that fact,
                          Thus awakening to who and what we are.

                          Sleeping Buddhas, awaken -
                          Throw off your chains, your concepts and hang ups.
                          Seeing thru yourself, seeing Buddha, being Buddha.
                          Embrace the marvelous neurotikaya,
                          Come home and find
                          and be free.


Love, Light and Peace, Tara *~*

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