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Two paths to the Kingdom of God

There are two paths to the Kingdom of God, one is outer and one is inner. Both paths lead to the kingdom, enlightenment, and Christ Consciousness manifestation. 

The outer path is service. Service to others leads to bliss. This the path of love. This is the path of everything, a yang path. This is the way of Jesus, also known as Jeshua. In the Book of Matthew- Jesus, also known as Jeshua says- Be devoted to God and love your neighbor as yourself. This opens the heart. Be generous, loving and kind to all. Forgive those that hurt you and others, for they know not what they do. All are equal sparks of God and worthy of love. This leads to resurrection or soul embodiment, also called Eternal Life. 

Ths inner path is surrender. This is the path of wisdom. This is the path of nothing, a yin path. This is the way of Buddha. Not this, not that. You are not the body. You are not the emotions. You are not the thoughts. You are not the mind. You are Awareness and Presence. This is restraint of the ego- not my will but God's Will be done. This is respect of free will and trust in Divine Will. You surrender the inner human self. To deny the individual human self for the Greater Higher Self. Surrender to the present moment only. Surrender to the Eternal Now. Forgive the past. Trust the future. You are in God's Hands and Grace is upon you. This frees you from the grip of the mind. Surrender leads to stillness, which is also called Sahaja Samadhi.  Then the Greater Self is reborn in the human, this is called resurrection or soul embodiment, also called Eternal Life. 

Both paths lead to entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven, nirvana, enlightenment, oneness, Christ Consciousness, Buddha mind, whatever you wish to call Oneness and Eternal Life with God.  You can follow one path or both paths, the destination is the same. God notices your actions and the intention of your heart and you will be rewarded by God's Grace. Choose God and God chooses you. 

God bless you all. Much love. 

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Be at Peace

This quote has powerful insight and I wish to share it with all of you. 

Eckhart Tolle writes in his book A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose: 

"How to be at peace now? By making peace with the present moment. The present moment is the field on which the game of life happens. It cannot happen anywhere else. Once you have made peace with the present moment, see what happens, what you can do or choose to do, or rather what life does through you. There are three words that convey the secret of the art of living, the secret of all success and happiness: One With Life. Being one with life is being one with Now. You then realize that you don’t live your life, but life lives you. Life is the dancer, and you are the dance." 

Recommended reading:

A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

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