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Posted: 20 Sep 2012 01:04 AM PDT
By Ute Posegga-Rudel

Image by Ute Posegga-Rudel, Copyright ©2012
Please also read update from 21.8.12

Dearest Brothers and Sisters!

Light is pouring down on us ever more strongly! It is pressing down now deeply into the crust of our planet and into the bodies of all living beings and things.

I have been asking Gaia about this light process and how She is experiencing it in her planetary body.

Gaia speaks:
Dear children, we are all intimately connected. The kingdom of humanity, all my other kingdoms and I Myself are sharing together the same blessing!

However – depending on the degree of energy-congestions - the process of the rising energy level and the actual lifting of 3dimensional density is experienced differently.

E.g. my great nature spirits are those who are the most fortunate ones, with very few exceptions. They can receive the new levels of light and energy and the gift of Love from the Creator directly and unobstructed! So their growth and evolution occurs very quickly and develops to the same degree as new frequencies are arriving because they can fully integrate them.

You can imagine that any kind of pollution, gross and subtle, makes the process much more difficult. Gross pollution is produced by artificial substances, such as toxic chemicals. And subtle pollution is created by negative electromagnetic waves of all kinds of varieties, but also by negative thought waves and negative emotions.

As you know, My own body is very much polluted by gross and subtle toxic substances, and so is yours and that of many species of my fauna and flora kingdoms! This is the reason why this transformation is so difficult!

But even if all My physical kingdoms are more or less polluted, the kingdom of humanity is the most polluted one! Besides chemical toxicity, the subtle energy blockages in the bodies of the majority are enormous because of negative mind and emotions! It is this dense energy which makes the preparation for ascension for so many very difficult. And for a great number of people ascension is not even a question yet, because their energy system is so dense that they are still unable to go beyond their gross senses to feel the changes already occurring on the frequency level.

But with your so beautiful and dedicated effort to spread your love to everywhere, also they are starting to wake up, and remember their heart, when it is touched by you.

With great love and gratitude I bless those of the human family who came here to help lifting the former intense density of my body. It is thanks to them that many others become aware of the changes, which motivates them to begin to become more conscious and to start to be more and more aware of who they are and where they are coming from.

Dear children, remember always, none of you has been birthed originally here, we all came from other dimensions, with a light body, and we all came together to experience the adventure of greater densities and lower compression, to go through separation via the illusion of space-time. But many forgot and lost themselves, trapped in the illusions of lower dimensions.

This new elevation back into greater lightness, freedom and happiness is what we all can now experience, and what also I experience now. Certainly My Spirit is already Free and Liberated, as also your spirit can be, if you were able to discover the Divine Consciousness and the Light you are.

However for many the entanglement with the physical body is a severe obstacle, not because of the body and its possible ailments, but because of where you put your attention on! If you are tightly identified with the dense body, you will hardly be aware what is going on in other dimensions now already present here.

And as you asked Me about how I experience the incoming New Frequencies of Light: I can tell you, how happy I Am, My Soul and Consciousness is fully participating. But as you know, my body is ailing and is going through a lot of pain, as many of you too! Our bodies are not separate, you must not forget!

Your pain is my own, and if you are sensitive, My ache is also yours!
Presently humanity as a whole is evolving from the lower energy centers upwards to the heart chacra, and this can create suffering.

It is not only about a changing and evolving digestive system, but my kingdoms have also eaten much gross and subtle pollution, all of this must now be eliminated, so that we can together rise purified to a state and place of pure joy and love.

All toxins are radiating highly imbalanced frequencies. So if the body is full of toxins, it also suffers imbalance.

Love is not separable from the experiencer, that is to say, without creation, Love does not exist. Love is inherent in creation, but if creation is polluted, love cannot be fully expressed. Because Love is Energy fully balanced.

You see how important it is therefore, to take in clean food and water, although of course Love is not diminished Itself if you feed your body polluted substances.

Similarly, my Body does not radiate Love where pollution is high, and this something which saddens Me! Because It is My deep desire to radiate that Love everywhere through and as My body, and not only as the Pure Spirit That I Am.

However, together with all My kingdoms who are turning to the Light, our victory is not far away anymore, even if we are going through some more great necessary transformations.

Because of the highly increasing Lightforces, all what is hidden, spiritually, mentally and emotionally, must come to the surface now and be released, and this means: energies are transformed and allowing higher vibration, and also physical changes are occurring. This relates not only to My body, but also to all embodiments here. Where Spirit is already present and purely expressed as physical and subtle highly vibrating embodiment, these changes are experienced as pure bliss.

But where Spirit must still find its way to full expression, pain of changes cannot be avoided. This is true for your bodies and for My body too. For Animals and plants it is much easier, as they do not have any resistance. Human beings tend to excert however much resistance, and therefore this, my very much loved kingdom, is the last to fundamentally change.

However, much help is given to us, from all the loving beings of Light who came from the the galaxies and from the Creator Himself!

We are all most lucky and blessed, and you must in the process of changes and growth not forget that all difficulties will make room soon to a great alleviation and freedom, the glorious abode of my New Ascended State.

What you experience now is nothing new, only that the old and hidden becomes conscious, things you didn’t want to see, feel and experience before, but which have been there all the while. Now all of this can be given to the Presence of Love and of Light, it can be given into Divine Consciousness, to dissolve.

Dear children, the glory of our resurrection is before us!

I embrace each one of you with all My Love, wishing to see you all on the other side!

I Am your Earth Mother Gaia

Message conveyed by Ute

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Spare yourself being distracted at this point by any playground bullies. – channeled by Ron Head


Today let us not forget to mention the impending equinox. “Oh no!”, thinks our channel. “We are going to get the light and energy stuff again.” OK. We will spare you that… after we point out that not only will you receive it stronger than ever, but there will be subtle changes as you move into this last quarter of your solar year and also into new abilities to sustain higher and higher volumes and frequencies.

We also need not point out that the crazies are seemingly becoming contagious all around you. Many of you are wondering at yourselves for not becoming at least a little alarmed at what is happening and what is rumored to be about to happen. Congratulations on your newfound ability to stay anchored in your centers and focused on your intended self-improvement. Perhaps that is not the best thing to call it, but then, that is what you are doing.

There will be, and indeed are now attempts being made to throw the world into another full-blown war. This does not surprise you, nor does it surprise us. But there are just three months left in this momentous year, and a new world-wide war is not on the Divine Agenda. A very great deal will happen in this three months, and much of it will be very disconcerting to many people, but you will emerge into your new year in better shape than you are now. As we have said before, the world will not end and the sky is not falling.

What is happening is that you amazing creations of Mother/Father God, Creator of All That Is, are about the business of discovering and remembering who you are and what you are capable of. For that eventuality, dear hearts, we suggest you hold onto your hats and fasten your seatbelts. Even at this late date, there are relatively few of you who truly have any inkling of where you are heading.

You have heard us use many beautiful words and descriptions, but that is a far cry from the experience you are to begin very soon. It is as if we had told you about chocolate ice cream for many years and now you are about to get your first real taste of it. We have told you it is cold. We have told you it is creamy, delicious, and wonderful. But until you have actually tasted it, you have no idea the treat you are in for. If I hold the ice cream cone out in front you, all you need to do is reach out and take it. That, dear friends, is a very good metaphor for where you stand right now. And the best part is that there is enough for you and all of your friends and all of their friends. There is absolutely no lack of enough for everyone.

We will take care of distributing the ice cream cones. You make sure that you are ready, polite, patient, and careful not to drop yours on the playground. Well, actually, you couldn’t do that. But spare yourself being distracted at this point by any playground bullies.

We once again applaud you all for your efforts and your success. Stay this last short part of the course and we will continue to support you in all you do. And if you are one of those who have said “Hi” to us when you noticed our presence or little nudges lately, we say “Hi” back to you. We love you. Good day, dear ones.

Copyright © Ronald Head.

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This Special Meditation for Peace is a gift to Mother Earth and to all beings on, above

and in the Earth. We have entered into the period of celebration and joy. Although

there is still some residual cleansing occurring, for the most part we are starting to

feel the joy and anticipation of the higher vibrations as we move closer and closer

to December. This Meditation is in part a wonderful Celebration of where we are

and a road map to the peaceful existence and way of life that we aspire to. Please

join with me today in calling the energy of the Masters to us and to all beings on this

earth. And open your hearts and receive the wondrous gifts of spirit as we meditate


Special Meditation for Peace

Through my Beloved I AM presence, I call forth all Lightworkers to join with me

NOW. Together, we call on the I AM presence of all Lightworkers to join with us now

in this meditation of Peace. We invite in all Human Beings of the Earth, all from the

Past, the Present and the Future, to join with us today in this Meditation for Peace.

We invite in all Sentient Beings, from the Earth and from the Universe to join with

us today in this Meditation for Peace. We invite in all of the sages and immortals

who wish to join us in this Meditation for Peace. We call on Archangel Michael and

all from the Angelic realms to surround each and every one of us in their pink and

golden light of love and peace as we perform this Meditation of Peace.

Calling in the Highest Realms of Light

We now call in the Highest Realms of Light to magnify and enhance our meditation.

Through the unity of our beloved Cosmic I AM presences, we request the presence

and divine assistance of Mother/Father God, our Great Central Sun, All Great Cosmic

Beings and Legions of Light, all Elohim of the Earth, all Ascended Masters and all

from the Angelic realms to join with us in spirit and to hear and honor our request.

Releasing and Relaxing: Becoming Lighter and More Vibrant

Let’s take a moment to center ourselves. Together, let’s take 6 deep breaths of the

golden pink light that the angels are surrounding us with. Visualize and breathe

in the golden pink light, hold the breath and see the energy flowing to your center

of being, release the old and stagnant energies as you breathe out. With each

breath that you take, release any tensions that you are holding as you breathe out.

Breathe in the golden pink light, hold, release. With each breath that you take,

feel your body becoming more and more relaxed. Breathe in the golden pink light,

hold, release. With each breath that you take, feel yourself connecting gently to

your higher self. Breathe in the golden pink light, hold, release. Sense your divine

connection to that place within of peace and oneness. Breathe in the golden pink

light, hold, release. Feel your energy becoming lighter, more vibrant. Breathe in the

golden pink light, hold, release.

Violet Flame of Cosmic Transmutation, Transformation and Release

In this Meditation for Peace visualize the tiniest unit, the smallest atom, the smallest

nano-particle that makes up our bodies and our world. Sense each molecule of

water in our bodies, and on the earth, vibrating with the creator’s divine spark.

Open your heart and let yourself remember your connection to source.

Through our great I AM presences, we call upon the Ascended Master Saint

Germaine, Archangel Zadkiel and Archangel Amethyst and Elohims Arturus and

Victoria of the 5

th dimensional Violet Flame. Send your Angels of the 5th dimensional

Violet Flame of transmutation, transformation and release to all sentient beings on

the earth, and throughout this universe. Let this energy saturate the tiniest unit,

the smallest atom, the smallest nano-particle that makes up our bodies and our

world. We call upon Omri Tas and all of the Cosmic legions of light to magnify the

energies of the Angels of the Violet Flame as they seek out the symptoms and the

cause of each pain and sorrow, of shame and separation, of anger and rage, of

despondency and discord, of fear and anxiety, of cruelty and mindlessness, of apathy

and detachment, of lack and all that keeps each unit of our being from radiating and

vibrating at the highest vibration possible.

See each cell and each molecule in our bodies, in the bodies of all sentient beings,

of Mother Earth herself, glowing with the transformative powers of the magnified

Violet Flame. See the Violet Flame seeking out the genesis of the energies that have

kept us from uniting all aspects within ourselves, from connecting with the joy of our

higher selves, from releasing all that does not serve our highest good in this lifetime

and in all dimensions and all realities in which we exist. As the Angels of the 5


Dimensional Violet Flame seek out, identify, transmute, transform and purify each

lower energy, lower vibration and lower frequency that holds us back, for each unit

of energy that is removed the Angels of the 5

th dimensional Violet Flame with replace

each unit removed with 1,000,000 units of the highest energy, highest vibration

and highest frequency of love and light allowed, across all dimensions and realities.

See each cell and molecule in, on, under and above Mother Earth saturated with the

healing, transforming energies of the Violet Flame, to the extent allowed.

See each being lose interest in thinking, speaking, feeling, acting or committing any

lower energy thoughts, words or actions that are less than for our highest good. Let

soldiers lay down their guns, let each atrocity of war be emotionally and physically

released and healed, let goodness, kindness and compassion lead the way. Heal our

wounds and strengthen our hearts. Help each sentient being become awakened to

their highest love, their most joyous and divine self.

Royal Blue Flame of Divine Purpose and the Golden Yellow Flame of


Support the transformation of the Violet Flame by uplifting and filling each molecule

and cell of each sentient being with Divine Essence and Illumination. Through the

unity of our great I AM presences, we call upon the Ascended Masters, Archangels

and Elohims of the Royal Blue Flame of Divine Purpose and the Golden Flame

of Illumination. Send your Angels of the 5

th dimensional Royal Blue Flame of

unwavering faith and wholeness and divine purpose and the Angels of the 5


dimensional Golden Yellow Flame of Illumination to all sentient beings on the earth,

and throughout this universe. Let this energy saturate the tiniest unit, the smallest

atom, the smallest nano-particle that makes up our bodies and our world.

We ask the Highest Realms of Light to magnify the energies of the Royal Blue Flame

and to magnify and saturate each Sentient Being that resides on, within and above

the Earth, in all of their 4 body systems, across all dimensions and all realities, and

for Mother Earth herself with the Royal Blue Flame….Saturate each molecule and

every man, woman and child upon the Earth with this Divine Essence and clear away

all destructive and lower energy activities that are not in alignment with our highest

good. Seal all government positions in the radiance of Divine Will and Illumination.

Let these Royal Blue and Golden Flames reveal the Divine Purpose and Plan for each

office and individual, and give to each person the Spiritual Courage to fulfill that plan


Let the Divine Essence and Illumination be manifest in, through and around all of the

governments of the world Now and Forever.

In Closing

For each unit of lower energy, lower frequencies and lower vibrations that are

removed, we ask the Highest Realms of Light to replace each unit of lower energy,

lower frequencies and lower vibrations that are removed with 1,000,000 units of the

highest energies, highest frequencies and highest vibrations of the 5

th dimensional

Violet Flame/Royal Blue Flame and Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Light that is


All that we ask, we ask for the highest good of all concerned, for the greatest good

for all humanity, for the greatest good for all creation and for the greatest good for

the earth. Let it be so. And so it is.

We would like to thank our Mother/Father God, our Great Central Sun, All of the

Great Cosmic Beings and Legions of Light, all Elohim of the Earth, all of the Ascended

Masters and all from the Angelic realms for all that they have done and for all that

they are doing for us. I also wish to thank each of the beloved I AM presences of all

of the Lightworkers that joined with us today as well for being the Angels-on-the-

Ground that are creating, with Mother Earth and all from the Highest Realms of Light

this most amazing experience of Love and Light. Thank you, thank you, thank you

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The Veil of Seperation...........

After accessing the memories that helped me write the blog “In Source… a white snake, it made me think deep on the fact that I created the veil as I was ordered to do. This made me look at the other puzzle pieces that lay on a heap that does not fit anywhere else on this picture called my soul path. It made me spread them out and take a deeper look at them and how they fit in with the new ones that have already found their places.


After reflecting on it deeply and with intense concentration, as well as digging even deeper into the pile of un matched and unplaced puzzle pieces. The realization came that I was ordered to place the veil, but that I didn’t like it one bit. After receiving the orders to do that, it caused a incredible amount of conflict in me and I realised that if I refuse Severance would place it. Then there would be no way to find a loophole.


This is how I devised a loophole I called Tselia – meaning The Door. That I did not want to do, what I also remembered is that out of defiance I added a key to it so that each soul that can find that key will be able to get past the veil.


After much deliberation with Siaz and Elron, I remember how I put it together, taking it apart needed to be done correctly, otherwise it wont work. It gave each soul the opportunity to extract themselves from the veil. When enough souls have started to merge their bodies, it will cause a snowball effect that will cause more souls to start following the energy of the first ones. It takes commitment effort and will power.


The making of the veil was done in a weird way so that each had to earn back their way. Since the power of self was taken from all souls here by one, it was possible to reverse this by getting up and earning your path back in defiance of what was done.


We have many bodies, but the two main ones are the physical and the spiritual. When the veil was put up to split the two bodies and create a void between them that is called the veil. Its purpose is to keep the physical body from accessing spiritual body.


This void, holds the negative energy if each soul. Now there are positive and negative Voids, this void is the negative one, and is directly linked to the lower realms. That energy leaks there and the dark entities can move into those voids and affect each soul directly.


All negative energy, issues and emotions that you experience or feel, go into that void contained in each and every soul. The stronger that energy becomes the more dark entities it manifests or it stores the negative aspects of people you have had issues with in all your past lives. This keep increasing with each life and if you don’t clear it out they keep increasing.


At the end of each 26 000 year cycle the alignments are right for us all to be able to completely clear out the void more easily, by using the quantum waves that are send out by source.


This is why Tselia was weaved into the veil as a means to overcoming the veil. In this way every soul had the opportunity to merge back to completion if they walk the path of the shadow of death.


This key was hidden in many old texts Psalm 23, is a really great example of this. The valley of the shadow of death it speak about is that void. To reach your spiritual self you need to fight through the valley of the shadow of death (the veil). If you can do that, you really won’t fear no evil (negative energy)


Yes we can reach the spiritual levels without doing so, and yes many say they are above this, but the problem start when you have to keep the balance around the void.


In the time of Jesus it took the angels a long time to fight their way open to during messages to people here. At this time they voids they have to go through to get to people has thinning, so they can move through with less resistance.


The old Shamans and traditional healers helped their tribes balance through their healings and talking to the spirits and elders. Tselia has a key, it seem to be a simple exercise, but the amount of personal power it supply to each soul that manage to constructively use it, is far greater than they can imagine.


I felt the souls will be clever enough to be able to learn how to use the Tselia and how to defy this veil. The more souls that get it right the weaker it makes the veil.


As you clear the void it starts to shrink, until the physical and spiritual bodies touch. At that point you start to be able to access your spiritual energy and powers for longer periods in time. Now you have to maintain this balance, and as you maintain it, it affects the other souls you come into contact with. They instinctively are drawn to that person.


The idea is to get enough souls to come to that exact point of merging, it will then weaken the veil enough for all souls to be able to merge. Those that prepared will reap the rewards then.


NOW come the tricky bit, allow yourself to get off balance and the two bodies pull apart opening the void again.


If you don’t clear the negative energy in the void, and you try to merge the 2 by forcing them together, it causes major tears in the ethereal body. It does heal when you rest, but it leaves scar tissue.


The more you clear and the more you keep balance, the easier it become to pull your bodies together. If you try to force a merge you will be successful for small portions of time, but it rip your membranes and leave scars. Those scars make it harder to merge the two back together.


This is how it was designed for here, as the energy in this system is the thickest and most heavy here so it works different here than anywhere else.


In this system the Spiritual and physical are the two sides of the yin yang symbol. I have now watched 57 people go through their door and work at it; this enabled me to watch how all this affect the veil. Though I am not the only one studying the effects. The elders and other dimensional beings that understand what this is about, tend to watch. Especially when I work with people individually. For me it was not just getting people to clear, it was research to remember how to change the effects of the veil on each and every one of us.


The knowledge can be used or rejected, your call as reader, for me it was the proof I needed that I am not wrong. Slowly I am seeing and remembering how it work, and I am slowly adding changes to how to make it more effective, for those that actually use the key they were give.


In understanding how it was set up and designed, you can understand how to change it. It will make merging easier, but the work still needs to be done. Each time negative energy is cleared or neutralised, it increase the flow of source, bringing more energy back here to this system and into each person. In this way it starts lessening the need for people to fight over energy. Most arguments happen as one person try to lessen another’s personal power so they can have what they need. Usually using insults and negative words. This make the other person get up to defend their power. Weaker persons will back out, strong willed people that know their power will however not. If we share energy among each other freely and with respect, a real fight seldom happen. Getting power is different for each soul, so I am not even going to go in that.


Clearing is also different for each person. For some its anger, fighting, for some it’s feeling bad, it does not matter you need to find the root of your negative energy. If you have a issue with someone, or if someone make you angry there is negative energy there, it is in how you use the negative energy.


Example: I am angry with someone, so I yell and say really mean things to them

It’s delicate. If you change that energy as you feel it into a more controlled feeling and not let it run amock, because your anger flow over that person activating their anger where as if you controlled it, it doesn’t get dumped all over that person. In this controlled way you can say to them what you feel, in a positive and un-insulting way, without being so insanely angry that you want to kill something.


The anger is there, yet you just compress it and change its polarity, as with all emotions by changing the polarity of the emotion, it stabilizes the energy in the void. Helping you stay in balance even while angry. It’s like seeing a still pond, it looks calm, but it’s more controlled.


There are some that do out and fight and kill demons, this is helping others as it bring the negative energy down, in such a way that is weaken the strength of the negative energy in the void. Yet here is the catch: if you fight demons with your own demons, like anger, resentment, etc you increase the negative not decrease it.


This is what I have been trying to tell all of you since the start, but I have not known how to explain it. Now that I came back to where it started I was able to understand how to explain it and how to start manipulating it to help lessen the effect of the veil.


You don’t have to take any of this or even believe it. Yet all this was hidden in many religious books. Now I think of the words Jesus spoke, I see this.


Now I know how I made the, and how I hid the info, and weaved the key into this to be the back door to sneak in. Something can be done to change it. BUT it will take work and dedication from each and every soul. An you that think others don’t affect your life… they do unfortunately. He veil was designed as a global restriction, it need a global change to break it down. And it starts with each and every one of us.

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Water carrier..... the weirdest experience ever....

Log: 29 February 2012

When I got home last night I was so exhausted I could barely think straight.  I planed this huge ritual on leap year day, a special ritual.  Yet when I got home after a really hard day at the office, being told that I had to submit a 50 page report to request funding for the Foundation I work for, THAT DAY.

I was beat, and in NO mood for a ritual of that scale and intensity, I felt drained.

Si I sat down at my computers and thought of what the heck I will just check my mails and sleep.  Unfortunately the watch said it was 8:00 pm... Not sucha great time to go to sleep at all.  I would just be up around two.

At 8:30 pm I just gave up, and switched all my stuff of, and got ready for sleep.

As a consolation the moon was out and really beautiful so I decided I might as well charge my favorive crystals under the moon next to the hunk of rose quarts that live on my balcony.

So I opened the wood box, and place the crystals, the neckless I have in there that i wear when I need severe protection, and the rest of my others under which there is a Angel stone and a herkame Diamond. in the lis and base so that they would benifit from the moon energy.

I left my balconay door half way open as it was really hot inside.  Got in bed and fell into a very deep sleep.  Which is funny for me as I sleep very little.

Through the whole night I had one long boring dream, that just was exactly the same, again and again and again and again..... Grrrrrrr

This is what I dreamed, I was driving in a pickup, a light blue one, on a road through a semi desert.  I was sitting in the passenger side arm on the window staring out the window, thinking of nothing at all.

Next to me was another woman, I realised it was my mother, but not the one I have now.  And driving was someone I know very well.  A friend I care for very deeply, that has helped me through quite a few rough patches.  He had dark glases on and did not speak, took his driving very seriously.

We got to a town and he stoped next to a water tower.  On the back of the pickup was a variety of containers, and I filled each one of them with cool crystal clear water from the water tower (that was painted red).  When I was done I got back in the Pickup and off we went through the town and out on the road again.

We arived at the next town and I he stoped at another water tower,, also red.  I got out and started refilling the containers, which was bone dry.  So I refilled then once again, got back in the pickup and off we went.  That is all that happened through the whole dream.  Town after town... wach time no water in the containers at the next time.

What I did notice was that the scenery kept changing, the 2 in the pickup never got out.  I was the only one that did.  It was the weirdest thing ever.

Eventually I gor fed up with the dream and woke myself up, nicely it was 2am.  Even weirder is that I never really dream, I walk others dreams and mostly the realms all night, and i know those are not dreams as I do that consiously, with body in stasis mode.

I lay there in bed going... freaken odd!!!!!!

Then got up and fetched my crystals in as i did not want the sun to rise on them ans spoil the whole reason for them beinf in the moon.  I walked out on the balcony and it was so nice and cool out, the stone tiles under my feet was cooled down and dry.

As I bend down to pick up the crystals something seemed odd about it, and as I looked the box and the lid was half filled with water.  It did not rain, and I did not put the water there.

I was baffled.  So I let the water drain over the Rose quartz and took the box and its contents inside.  Found a brown towl, no other would do.  Placed it on my table and unpacked the contents on it, then I dried the box, closed the lid, and covered all of it and the crystals with the other side of the towel.

I was contemplating this, lying in bed waiting for my alarm to go off.  It just made no sense.

Then slowly I started wondering about the water dream and suddenly the water in the wood box.  How did it get there as I know it did not rain.  Even dew would not fill the box half way, its not possible.

All I will say is that this is a awsome blessing....

In the morning I googled the meaning of water and this is what I found.

Water is life mater and matrix.  There is no life without water.

The symbolism of water has a universal undertone of purity and fertility. Symbolically, it is often viewed as the source of life itself as we see evidence in countless creation myths in which life emerges from primordial waters.

Interestingly, we are all made of water, and so we can liken many of these myths and allegories to our own existence (the macrocosm mirroring the microcosm and vice versa). Further, we can incorporate symbolism of circulation, life, cohesion and birth by associating the creative waters of the earth with the fluids found in our own body (i.e., blood).

In Taoist tradition, water is considered an aspect of wisdom. The concept here is that water takes on the form in which it is held and moves in the path of least resistance. Here the symbolic meaning of water speaks of a higher wisdom we may all aspire to mimic.

The ever-observant ancient Greeks understood the power of transition water holds. From liquid, to solid, to vapor - water is the epitomal symbol for metamorphosis and philosophical recycling.

Among the first peoples of North America, water was considered a valuable commodity (particularly in the more arid plains and western regions) and the Native Americans considered water to be a symbol of life (further solidifying the symbol affixed in many creation myths).

So it is also with the ancient Egyptians as we learn their beloved (and heavily relied upon) Nile river is akin to the birth canal of their existence.

A quick list of symbolic meanings for water include (but are not limited to):

  • Transformation
  • Subconscious
  • Fertilization
  • Purification
  • Reflection
  • Intuition
  • Renewal
  • Blessing
  • Motion
  • Life

I would really like to hear what other think, as this was baffeling to say the least.

My conclusion:

What I did get from this is, that this work is constant, we refill the energy from a source and spread it where it needs to go.  That it is a important job, this tedious repeated choir to revill and spread and refill and spread.

It felt like being reminded that I give so much of myself so freely to all out there, and that I do become empty, and it does feel tedious and never ending.  Yet it is important to share so freely, as the energy that is spread quenshes the thirst of the semi desert in the souls of so many.

The water in the box of the crystals was a sign that this dream was not just a dream but a clear message, as one of the stones in that box is a Celestite.  To me it confirms a question I have asked in a really angry tone.

I asked "WHY am I doing this work, opening myself and sharing my energy so freely, just to get bitten by those I share with.  Just lightly talking to someone mean I share the energy, the water of life, freely.  Does any of this mean anything.  Does it have ANY value at all."

I guess this dream and then the sign just confirmed to me that to share of ourself, we share the energy.

Picking up that box and realising that there were water in it while everything is dry around it, made me think of the bible story with the fleace.  It hit home really hard and I spend the whole day contemplating all this, and talking to my animal guides and listening to the energy.

It made me realise afresh that when we share so freely and lovingingly, there are those that cant handle that amount of love or are not ready to feel that energy yet.  I have been told many times by people that the way I radiate love in energy, makes them wonder what they have been doing all this time. (that kinds confused me)

The last few weeks has had me reflecting on the reason I spend so much time listening to peoples problems, their pain, helping in any way I can.  I started to feel that its not worth it anymore, it just open me to hurting.  Yet I understand the work I do, the reason, I do this and the results it bring.

I was empty depleted, and could not refill fast enough.  I gave so much and never really refilled properly.  I cant keep giving unless I stop and refill more often.

A great reminder and conformation of how awsome this life is, and that no matter what people say or do, you stand in your own truth and keep sharing the water of life.  It flow over people and some revolt, but it leaves a mark on them that will grow, and in time they will seek the water of life as well.

Unconditional love, flow freely and there is nothing that can stem its flow, all we need to do is accept it.

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Grounding a past life memory

For the last 11 years I have been dealing with past life memories and issues.  I learned that who and what I once was, directly reflected the person I am today.  The currant life and its issues also mingle with all that.  So many memories have I acessed, but most of them was fleeting glimpses.

A posture, a person that come at you fighting that had an issue with you about some or the other reason.  Someone coming up to you saying I am so sorry for what I have done to you, and me not having a clue what they were on about.  As they come you deal with that part, the part that need to be dealt with.  I had to be satisfied with glimpses of people, events, issues, and I sometimes saw glimpses of others issues, as it normally was linked to me in some way.  It became so confusing to be hit by all this information.

You wondered is this stuff is even true or real.  How do you prove it, how do you bring what you see in your mind down and link it to a place in history, events.  Yet some I have, but it was more along the light of I once walked in atlantis.  The knowing I was there, but I could not bring out detail.  Detail that could be verified here.  It was frustrating to explain the images that did not seem to fit in anywhere.

It made people mad at me, as I would remember a image like the fleating glimps of something in one of their past lives, as I was there and saw it, but I could not verify, how and why, as the rest of that memory was missing.  It started to get to the point that the random images made no sense, and while I was trying to grasp it, I would talk about what I saw, and that just did not work, as I did not understand what I was seeing. I KNEW what it was, and that it relate to that person, from what I saw.  Yet it made them angry as I could not proof to them it was theirs.

In the end I started just looking at it and letting it go, no caring how it fit anymore as the important bit was the issue in that memory, not the memory.  So I went into the Archaic records and started going indept into these memories, as well as the person involved.  That did not work either, as that pissed people off even more, as they did not remember it.  Yes I agree they have not yet reached that deep so it would not be there.  Eventually I stoped talking about them, as it just caused more and more drama.

I felt insane as I had all this knowledge, and no freaken way how to "proof" that what I saw and felt was indeed that persons.  WHY do I carry the memory of that person, because i shared their life.  In one way or the other.  I have found out that I have taken animal form at time, so that would explain how some do not remember me, I might have been a pet.  Or a wild animal whatching a event.

All my memories was as fragmented as my soul.  Diferent facets, diferent dimentions.... Its a hell of a chaos, was all I can call it.

I have posted this picture before, this kept bugging me for the last few weeks, and then talking to a friend about this and trying to figure out why, I got hit by this massive memory that was so strong and real, I felt it.

I was standing before the Mayan calander, it was 3 times my hight.  it was on 4 diferent wheels.  Each ring had a aspect of the calander.  and it MOVED!  It moved like a clock.  There was water behind it and the water flowed from cup to cup. swirling.  To the right was a HUGE statue and from its mouth came the water that worked the clock.  To the left was another statue it had lots of snakes on it, it looked like the person was wearing snakes.

Behind me  on either sides of the doorway was 7 weird statues, with hollow eyes holding green (looked like emerald) tablets, on each was writen laws.  I knew it was laws, though I did not notice that was writen, but knew it was the laws, only that they were important.  The writing was in egyptian (WTF).

On the floor before the clock was a very strange circle thing with runes on it. (WTF that is norse)  and I was wearing 2 snakes like clothes.  I heard a male voice say Cihauti. and that is where it cut of.  It was startling.  The snakes moved and hissed angrily.  They dont like this voice, neither do I.

So when I spoke to my friend about this memory he was not really seeing what I was trying to say.  And for some reason when I am in memories like this I am relaly sensitive and irritated.  I got really angry, and frustrated as I do when something I am trying to express is not coming out as I am trying to explain it.  So I said I WILL show you, I meant to give him the memory so he can see for himself.

That ripped the lid of what ever was blocking the flow of my words, and it came tumbling out.

And as I explained he pulled up history and places and images.  I also found a image that knocked me hard, as it was the almost exact way I was dressed.

Only thing was my hair was not black it was red and my eyes blue.  One snake was always around my waiste and one around my arm and shoulders.  They were called Ssha and Shash.  I love them so very much.

The statue to the right was this exact statue.  The water came from its mouth.

And it was this big

the statue to the left was this one.  Its called Coatlicue - Lady of the snake skirt.  And I remember that the ones that was found guilty for breaking the law was excecuted by me.  Dressed like that.  I would wear many snakes and they would attack the person.  He would die in public as example.  (I did not like that, as the voice I heard and disliked was the one making judgements that I was forced to excecute)

The 7 statues on either side of the door was there holding the emerald like tablets.  Notice no eyes, justice is blind.

I will have to draw that clock but here is the one we all know so well.  The one made from stone. 

Here is a wooden one that is almost close.  The whole thing was made of Ceder Wood.

Also this explain a little of how it worked.

So I will post it when I do.

The weird thing on the floor, looked exactly like this, which is really strange as it is Norse.  A Norse object as well as egyptian writen laws in a Aztec temple.  How do you put that together?

The temple was rather hard to explain as it look about like this:

Yet the top part took up the whole top of that and its roof was much higer.

And there was masive snake statues on that temple, on either side of the temple doors.

Then my friend showed me a map, and it totaly shocked me,as he wanted to see where all the places fit.

This freaked me out. And then I started relating what I remeber and where.

He showed me how it look today

and this

I got excited as I felt the energy and the lay of the land, it just felt like home.

I started to say what I remember and where on the map, he said he dont see it I have to draw where.

So I did.

So I took it and drew on it, the numbers that represent places I remember.

1 - Here is where a Clay snake temple was, a small one. Looking roughtly like this.

What my friend aded

1 - Is close to the only renmant of this lake, it was drained during the 19th century. Really liked the energy of the water there. It is called 'Place of the red bean tree'

2 - The Holy snake temple where the memory started.  It rougly had these on it as well on the   outside.

What my friend added

2 - now looks like this, an important Jesuit church, and called Tepozotlan, 'place of the hunchbacks'. The interior is very ornate, it was their main teaching school in the 1700s:

3 - This place was called Tehohitition - We went there on a spiritual journey.  When we went onto recluse to meditate of to do spirit walking we went there for up to a week.  With no food, you ate little and lived off the land.

4 - That plave are the plave a pair of King Eagles lived, they were called Ashmay and Rashney.  They were tame, and was used to fly with on erands. like visiting other towns.  They were huge.

This was their size.  They were masive birds, and this oair was raised form harchlings in order to be used as messanger birds.

My friend added:

3/4 is called the 'Hill of the Star', and is the site of a very large Passion play put up every year, and the temple on top of said hill was the place where the Aztecs begun their new 52 year cycle each time it ended, in a ritual called the 'New Fire'

5 - This dock was used by the temple, these boats were used on the lake. strangely these boats are used in Egypt, as well as in Mosambique.

My friend said

5 -  is a big transport hub, it's on the main road out through the north, actually on the first toll booth. There's a place there called Teoloyucan, 'place of rock crystal' Satellite view:

6 - A major town. It was strong and all trafic from the coast came here via a mountain pass, through the south of the mountains.  Also the same path the Spaniards took when they lay seize to this beautiful place.

the mountains had the most interesting shapes actually captured in the story Eldorado.

My friend added

6 - is a major town, called 'Place of the Earth' (Tlalpan) and has some dramatic scenery. It was the route through which Cortez and his army marched into the valley in 1519.

7 - A temple of the Leopard or rather Panther.  It looked like this

My friend said

7 - is a city called Texcoco, which is also the name of the whole lake in modern histories.. it includes the 'Baths of Hungry Coyote', on a hill overlooking the plain.

the Pink dots on the map show the locations of King eagle nests.  We recorded each one as there were not many of them.  They were so large, that if they did end up landing on the ground they had very much trouble getting up.  To us tehy were really sacred.

Another piece of memory was me as a baby taken to the temple and left to myself for a little as I was sleeping.  I remember playing with 2 snakes that came and cuddled to me.  And my mother freaking out.  This is a picture of Hurceluse and the snakes, but I thought it ratehr worked here.

That was how I was selected as priestess.  Raised acordingly.

Then there was the City build in the centre of the lake.  It was never there, it was made by the aztecs.

I remembered riding the great eagle.

Then I remembered the man that killed me. His name Pedro de Alvarado, the leader of the Spanish armada that came through the mountains.

Their brutality were horrifying, it was even worse than some of the Aztecs.

I remembered his face, I will never forget his face.  And then my friend told me who he was.

Pedro de Alvarado (1485-1541) was a Spanish conquistador who participated in the Conquest of the Aztecs in Central Mexico in 1519 and led the Conquest of the Maya in 1523. Referred to as "Tonatiuh" or "Sun God" by the Aztecs because of his blonde hair and white skin, Alvarado was violent, cruel and ruthless, even for a conquistador for whom such traits were practically a given. After the Conquest of Guatemala, he served as governor of the region, although he continued to campaign until his death in 1541.

In 1518, Hernán Cortés mounted an expedition to explore and conquer the mainland: Alvarado and his brothers quickly signed on. Alvarado's leadership was recognized early on by Cortés, who put him in charge of ships and men. He would eventually become Cortés' right-hand man. As the conquistadores moved into central Mexico and a showdown with the Aztecs, Alvarado proved himself time and again as a brave, capable soldier, even if he did have a noticeable cruel streak. Cortés often entrusted Alvarado with important missions and reconnaissance. After the conquest of Tenochtitlán, Cortés was forced to head back to the coast to face Pánfilo de Narváez, who had brought soldiers from Cuba to take him into custody. Cortés left Alvarado in charge while he was gone.

Temple Massacre

In Tenochtitlán (Mexico City), tensions were high between the natives and the Spanish. The noble class seethed at the audacious invaders, who were laying claim to their wealth, property and women. On May 20, 1520, the nobles gathered for their traditional celebration known as Toxcatl. They had already asked Alvarado for permission, which he had granted. Things soon got ugly, however. According the Spanish, they slaughtered the nobles because they had proof that the festivities were a prelude to an attack designed to kill all of the Spanish in the city: the Aztecs claim the Spanish only wanted the golden ornaments many of the nobility were wearing. No matter what the cause, the Spanish fell on the unarmed nobles, slaughtering hundreds.

Yes and He Killed me PERSONALLY!  THis picture hit that memory very hard

I was not so much desturbed about him killing me, as i have been killed so many times and so brutally, it just dont matter to me, but he killed my to Snakes!!!!

I love them they were the only things of value to me, being trapped in a place forced to live like you were told, and forced, you get to the point where you just go day by day and the litle things matter to you.  Those snakes were my family, my life, protectors, guardians.  HE KILLED THEM!

Thos is where i came, there is more, but I will add it as I feel more inclined to, at this point, I am to much of a mess.

0-- ADDITIONAL --0  Add on to this

Tezcatlipoca is the temple of the Pather, this started this memory to become more clear and also the reason why I had it now.

This is the temple I remember as a child, it was the time I played with the 2 snakes that freaked wveryone out.  I was around the age of 4 and not the first time I played witht the temple snakes, as each time I was taken there it was the same.  They sought me out.  it also explain my Feline like form called Anuden.  The priests of that temple was able to shift their form and apearance to look like that, utilising the essence of the jaguar.  Just like I so with my Anuden form.

My friend said:

There are no pyramids today, that i know of, with such a triangular roof. That god had an important place of worship, still famous today.  Where a fountain springs and people dance, and they wear crowns of flowers on their heads, the god is now a black Christ


The spanish demolished a few of them, using those stone to build with and looking for gold.  Why do invaders always disrespect the things prised by those they invade.

Strangely enough the tree look so familiar, I wonder what the age of that tree is.

The Black Christ


The present church and landscape, it is close to the existing jaguar temple, which has pointed thatch for a roof and a snake tongue at the entrance.. and this hall in the back

This is elsewhere on the site.  Now, the story goes that place was founded by 'malinalli', means grass

Malinalco is place of the grass with this glyph..


But, But ......  the temple I was in as a child with the snakes look exactly like that, Huh?


Well.. this was the warrior temple the aztecs had, far as i know, and this is its interior, which ive shown you before

Me: I remember the outside better as we were never allowed in there.  The snakes alwasy came out, and the insides is still fuzzy.  These pictures are making hy heart chakra hurt extremely much

Friend:  There is an old wooden drum that was found there.. lets see if i can find it

Me:  OMG  that... that....  My father carved that, thats why i was there... my mother took him food.  I feel mixed... happy... sad, like wanting to touch it again... I remember sitting and watching my father carve it, he telling me stories about the things he carved... little fingers tracing the lines.

Friend: That exists in a museum today, one of few wooden things to survive.  i keep wanting to go to that museum, but its a bit far and things interfere.

Friend:  Thought that would be relevant.  Ive seen copies of that drum, modern ones used in dances

Me:  That thing still give me shivers.

Friend:  Im wondering if theres some object I know... that would really affect you, would help you turn a corner if you want to...

Me: That is the last memory of my family... that is the last time I was happy... truly HAPPY.   After that, because I played witht he snakes and the snakes could not stay away from me... I never was allowed to see them again.  Ripped...  I feel torn... hurting pain.... the same way I felt on Tuesday, when I said godbye to Zann.

Friend:  There it is, left side, down, second line from the bottom, a red uniform with a pointed hat and black stripes.

Friend: That is the drawing for 'such and such place was conquered' The temple roof toppled and fire all around.  ok, thats some advance.

Friend: The aztecs burnt all previous record books they could find, btw. There is another such book, which i once bought and ive wondered what use it might be

Me:  Mmmm.... The drawings is crude.. but, .... the colors the style...  This is what they wore how they dressed.  I felt sad, alone, abandoned.  That my family did not want me and left me at the temple.  Lost confused.... I feel exactly like that again.

Friend:  But the priests had a lot of power, perhaps that was a part of it.  I read on an article once.. whatever thing the priests wanted, given that they so routinely killed people, anyone around them was afraid to deny it

Me: Lost and confused...  but there is alwasy going to be a mountain and Id want it to move... there is no other way around that.  Guess I am to stupid to realise there is easier ways.

Friend: But would the easier ways achieve all you intend to?

Me: No it would not.  I guess this is where much of what is needed to heal lay, in this memory.  Being chosen and always placed into posisions of great resposibility, I was ripped from those I loved.  Always being left, they turned away, for the desicions I was forced to make, those that love me cant understand the responsibility I have for my path.  I understand why I walk way when I am hurt.  Its easier to remove yourself from feeling left, cast aside, like a ragg. 

Me: Thank you

Friend: Glad to have helped.  Im thinking if theres anything else that could complete the picture.  Im thinking a house would do it, though i dont know of any that were left standing..

Me: GOING HOME... going home, to be welcomed back and not send away again.

Friend: I agree on that one.

Me I dont even have to force feeling or tears now it wont stop. 

Friend: One thought, then... I command,  home!!!

Me: This one, its exact little house with the trees everything. I was taken from there, from love and so much happyness, into riches and what ever my heart could desire.. beauty, gold... I never wanted for anything... but I would walk away from that to have love and happiness again.

That is what Zann was to me... ALWAYS... love and happiness... he was HOME, safety!... and each time just as I find it, and enjoy it, SHE come and take it from me... each time I fight... to hold it


I sat down, I will not fight no more... time I accept the path I was chosen to walk, and let go of that what is not worth fighting about anymore.  Time I realise that what I seek love and happyness, I already posses in myself towards myself and that home is me.

Not that house...

Going back there... will not bring back happiness and love I once knew and that has changed... where ever I am, who ever is around that is home.

Its time to accept this is what I am now, going back will not make me happy.  I have to be happy with being this, this person, me. I am chosen to do a job I never intended to do, like so many times in my lifes.... maybe its time to accept that and stop shying away from being all I can be in myself, and still doing what is expected.  Lately I have wanted to run away from who I am... but that will no longer serve me.

So long Zann was the only person that could make me happy truly happy.  I felt loved and treasured... It was home to me.  So when again it was ripped form my grasp... almost reaching home... my whole world chrashed.

So at this point all this made me realise, that Home is where my heart is... Ye the stupid pun we all say so much, but do any of us truly know what home mean.

Realising that I am home, that I cant rely on others to bring me the happiness and love I yearn for.... I already own it.. it is inside myself.  It helped to see WHY I act like I do, why I hurt so much... why I fight so much when I feel that someone threaten the fabric of my happiness.

Yes its stuff I teach and know, but never truly felt and understood inside myself!

This memory just showed, how powerfully your past experiences shadow the person you are today, how the pain and the issues from them grow into demons that haunt you, like a shadow in every life after that, till you finaly stop and face them.  I never melived in past lives and stuff... but I learned that its there and if you belive yourself unaffected by your past... you are very wrong.

Now the healing can start.... where from here is new and uncharted waters... a place unexplored...

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To Soul or not to soul.... The rambling Soul


When you hold true to the needs of your soul and not of your heart, your path will be the true path you must follow.


To hold true to the path that your soul need, will bring opposition from those around you, those that you love and the society you live in. Making you question the path that your soul needs to follow.


It is in these times that the voice of soul gets silence by the wants of heart, mind and society.


All we ever need is to be who we truly are and not what is expected of us by anyone, not even your guides or those in your life,… to truly understand your soul. All they can do is make you look at certain aspect of what is around you. You have to follow your soul and find who you truly are, not be told you are. By listening to all, then finding it inside yourself.


Guides are there to lend you support, tell you what your heart wants to hear, to sooth it so that soul can bring the alignment to your own truth. You will be told many things, called many things, but inside you know who you truly are.


The path you must walk can never be understood by anyone except your own soul, at times your heart and mind will be in conflict with your soul. Yet it is when we can truly surrender to the needs of soul that we come into alignment with our true self and true path.


It is in the midst of that alignment that our physical body becomes just a vessel that holds the spiritual body and soul. At this time you become soul, as soul is in complete control of your physical body. You learn to feel when you speak, learn to be in harmony with the ether around you. See with the eyes of soul and not that of body.


At these times the ones that surround you will wonder who this insane person is, notice how you have changed. As you are no longer bound by the laws of the 3d mind and what you say and do, seem so foreign that it is seen as wrong.


At these times when you speak; you speak from soul, and not from mind, then you speak to the souls around you in a language soul understand. It does cause those around you to get angry at you, as when you speak to soul; their soul’s rebels against their heart and mind and cause conflict inside themselves.


When soul speaks it use words that bring the conflict in that person, as they are not meant to be 3 different beings… but one. Many do not handle this well as their mind is in such strong control that soul is silenced. And as their soul hear the voice of another soul speak its truth, the other persons soul yearns to be heard as well and then rebel.


It changes the reality of the 3d mind. It challenges the proof of mind, with the knowing and feel of soul. I will only say what you NEED to hear not sooth your heart with what you want to hear.


In the conscious level knowledge is true, it does not need to be understood and analyzed, it needs to be felt and experienced to be understood. Words on a page bring knowledge, but it need to be aligned with what is in soul to be truly understood.


To be all you are on the path meant for you.. is not for any other soul to understand. Yet when other souls see the rise of a soul standing up and firmly holding onto its truth, it brings a yearning to souls that see this. It brings change.


You are not the body you walk in and use, it is just the vessel your soul use to learn and to remember. The wants of body is of no importance, but the needs have to be met, in order for the vessel to function.


The most important aspect of who you are is soul, THE ONE. The One that is the head; that turn the neck, (heart), for the body to follow the path the ONE need to walk.


Truth is soul; soul is all you truly are.



So what are you waiting for, open the door and come home… Children of Soul.

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Usra and Anuden - The Snake and the Cat...

Ursa Slithered up to Anuden and kissed her.


10900559691?profile=original"Why would you kiss me snake?" she ask.

"Because you are beautiful!" he answer.


"I am just a cat, the cheetha has more beauty, Grace and speed." she answered.

"You are the cheetha Anu." she frowned


"No Usra I am... but a humble cat, there is nothing special about me." she sighed.

You are everything the Cheetha are and more to me." he pressed closer to her side.

"Look what is infront of you, dear friend." he wispered,


She lifted her head and a massive door filled her sight.  "I see a door Usra."

"Look closer Anu and say hello." He wispered again.


She frowned and looked closer, the door changed into a mirror showing her own reflection.

"All I see is me, Usra.  A reflection of me."

"Look closer Anu... Look at what is infront of you." he said.


"Anu, all your life you had given all you are to all that needed, with love and compassion.  You gave of yourself so selflessly." he said.

She sighed deeply "Yes, that is have done.. but I do not see what you see."


"Look at what is infront of you... look closely." he gently pushed against her.

She growled and her tail twitched, "I still see my own reflection, looking back at me"


The snake softly kissed her forehead "Look again, selfless soul, look with your heart."

She closed her eyes, and opened her heart chakra, linking it with her 3rd eye.  Her breathing steady and she felt herself relax.

Usra touched her ear... his voice changed "Open to the flow that is you, that are you, and that is within you and be all there is."  She opened her eyes and looked at the door again.


A shimmer rolled over the door, as if a shadow moved over a pond.  Her image change to a pure ball of blue light, and understanding cleared her mind.


"All my life I served all with love and compassion, giving to all, every drop of who I am freely and without expecting anything in return.  The only thing I ever asked for is that they be all they can be, within themselves.  But I see now that I never showed myself the same love, understanding and compassion.  I only saw the monster that is me.  I never have loved who I am.  This is what is infront of me. Someone perfect, that love with all she is, give all she is, someone that is beautiful."


Tears ran from the cats eyes. "I see my own beauty, speed and grace.  I have never been a monster, but a perfect me, that is all she can be within herself.  Through giving all I am, I give all of my beauty, as well as my love and compassion.  As I have love and compassion for me, I can give so much more, from so much deeper."  She smiled.


Usra's head bob up and down.  "As you stand withing your own power and truth, your own beauty, you shine as reflection of all there is.  The love and compassion you hold within, spills over and touch all there is that is in you from so much deeper.  This Anu make you more powerful than you or anyone can ever imagine."


Anuden, looked into Usra's eyes and she saw the truth of his words, it mirrored what he souls screamed, and she was to deaf and blind to see it.  She love so much that it hurt, but she never have loved who she is.


Usra bowed his head to her "Welcome home, Mother."


Anuden kissed his head, tears still streaming down her furry cheeks.  "How had I ever fell out of love for the one I am."


Usra smiled and kissed her again. "You are and always will be a reflection of all there is."


 - - - - - - - - - - - - -


A story of love, and a journey to be inside your own power, in service of all there is.

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The Day I fell in love with “The Devil”

The Day I fell in love with “The Devil”


One day a long time ago, there was….  Isn’t that how all fairy tales and love stories start.  Well I think I will not do that lets start it like this!


The day was extra hot very early.  It was 7am and already sweat was forming on my brow as I loaded “the Madam”.  The destination… Benoni, and a liaison with a sexy hunk of a stallion.  Let’s just hope “Madam” take to this stallion, as she has rejected 4 others.  I sigh as I close the horsebox.  I made a decision to buy a colt as it is expensive to take my 3 little mares to visit the selected hunks.  So I was taking “Madam” along for a liaison with the sexy hunk of a stallion that is also the shire of the colt.  If she does not take to the stallion, the trip was not wasted and the youngster had a companion for the trip home.  This was a very large escapade and costly.


I got into the vehicle and started of.  If she does not warm up to this stallion, she would move on to live with my friend.  At least she would have a loving home as my friend adore her, but just want her for a riding horse.  I need a broodmare not another riding horse.  I sigh deeply and check the rear view mirror.  All well.


It was a long three hour drive and as we pulled into the farm, the stallion gave me a show, I will not likely ever forget.  He was running and bucking and rearing, in excitement, as he know very well, a strange horsebox meant a visiting Lady. So he did his best to impress.


And “Madam” was actually answering his calls, maybe just maybe this will be the one she would like.  We pulled in and off load her, let her rest in a camp next to the Hunk.  A lot of flirting was going on so we left them at it.  Well she did not take to the stallion in the end, and she moved stables.


Then it was time to meet the “Colt”.  So the stable hand released the 4 yearling colts, and they came streaking around the corner.  This was the moment I fell in love.  In the front was a smaller colt, Head up nose in the air, bushy mane bouncing and tail Curled over his back.  Nostrils wide, his red chestnut coat gleaming.  High stepping dainty feet.  He floated over the ground in long ground covering strides.  He out paced the other colts in a trot.  It was a sight that took my breath away.


They trotted and frolicked around us and then that red gleaming colt, came to a standstill a arm length from me.  Tail still up, little neck arched and nostrils flaring.  His whole attitude was on fire!  Our eyes met and I was lost in the brown eyes that sparkles with life and an inner fire that made me feel something I did not understand.  Looking in his eyes made me want to sing and dance, experiencing the joy that was radiating from him.  We stood like that for a full 5 minutes.  His nostrils flaring as he read my energy and the smell of the stranger staring at him.


As I looked at him I saw and felt Fire, not just fire a blaze!  Slowly I extended my hand and he extended his nose, as we touched for a minute, I felt his energy, his vibrant lust for life.  Then he bounded away neck arching, as he danced around the paddock.  All the other colts were standing around, but not him.  It was as if his little body could not contain the fire in his heart.


I selected my colt according to bloodlines, but this will be the first time I see him.  His owner looked at me and smiled “Well, which one of these colts is YOUR colt!”  I looked at them and said without hesitation, “That one with the fire radiating from him, there is no question about it, it is him.”  She laughed and said “You are very right!”


I asked: What is his name?” The answer Shetan, it means The Devil in Arabic.  I looked concerned for a moment.  She said: “You will have to be firm with him, as he is a lot of horse, even at this age!”


Well, I actually almost left him there.  It took 6 grown men to load Shetan, but I just could not leave without him.  So the love affair started with the devil colt.


For 5 years he was the axis my live revolved around. Together we learned to get along; slowly I tamed the fire in his blood, and turned it to love.  He was a devil horse, he bit, reared, stomped you, and ran you over. Kicked, and doing anything with him was always a battle of wills.  In the end I sat down in his pasture and stayed there for a whole day. Walking with him, following his every move, I would not quit, I did that for a week, and then he started paying attention. Slowly I learned to use my energy to touch him, without touching him, eventually I could do anything with him. Finally the Devil horse, realized, the value of love, of being touched.


Everyone that witnessed that struggle told me to put him down, or sell him. Yet, I could not do that.  In the end I won his heart by loving him, with all I was.  Then at 2 years we were away for a weekend, and they tried to steal him.  He fought them and they left him alone, but they left him with a cracked knee cap.  The vet said, put him down, I refused.  Showed him the gate and said “You do not know anything, piss off!”


So I stabled him and each day I healed him, with all the love I had.  6 weeks later he could walk.  8 weeks later he was trotting without a limp. A year later he was declared sound, except for a splint, that developed from the blow to the knee.  The horse that would never have run again was floating around the pasture again, the father of 2 gorgeous foals.


But he was now called the ugly stallion, as he is not what they would like to use for breeding.  He was too short, at 6 months he ripped open his front end.  It healed with a tiny scar.  You could barely see it, when I bought him, but it stemmed his grow a bit, then the setback with his knee.  So he turned into this wonky stallion. Nothing about him fit together.  Everyone called him ugly, but they could not see him through my eyes.  I saw the fire in his soul, the energy in his movements, and the gentle touch of his love.  No-one saw what I did.


At that time my life went to hell in a hand basket, way more that it normally was. I found refuse in the warm neck of a friend, many a day I would burry my face in his mane and share my soul with him, together we came through so much difficulty, so much pain and so much heartache.  Yet we shared the joy of being together, playing together.  The joy of touching in love, the joy of sharing our energy and speaking of the meaning of life.  Sharing special moments.


He got himself into all sorts of situation, stuck in a haynet, he would quietly stand there and call out to me, to be rescued.  If he felt sick he would tell me so.  Where I worked in the pastures he followed me like a dog, or play with the shovel, when I put it down.


In the end the “Devil” horse became a close friend that shared his fire freely.  Then the day came that the farm was sold and I had no-where to go.  So in the end I had to sell my friend, the fire that help me feel.  It was the worst day of my life.


It was hard to see horses on the TV or drive by farms and see them frolic.  3 years passed.


Then one day a friend called, “Love you have to come down here, they are going to put your stallion down as he is unmanageable.  No-one can get anywhere near him”.  So I raced down there.  His new owners met me and they were at wits end, they loved him dearly, but after his accident, when he ran into a tree and ripped open his side at night, he wanted nothing to do with any of them.


He stood in a smallish pasture, he was healed up, but his soul was hurting.  I stood there by the gate and I wanted to cry, his fire was gone.  He was unhappy, and depressed.  He ignored everyone.  Then I did as I have always done I whistled his special whistle.  He raised his head answered and came running as he always had.  He stopped in front of me looked at me flattened his ears and said “Where have you been.  Why did you leave me?” he turned and walked away.  I was crying, as I felt his anger and pain, and I knew just how hard it had been on him.


I walk up to him where he stood with his back turned to me, I circled around and he kept turning his back on me with flattened ears.  He was showing me exactly what he felt.  It hurt, deeply.


After the 4th attempt to reach him and he again turned his back on me, I said “FINE, be like that!” folded my arms and turned my back on him.  5 min later he turned around and slipped his head under my arm.  He said: “I still love you, why did you leave me.”


It near killed me.  There was not a dry eye at the fence; everyone felt that, and the sheer pain, hit them all hard.  I just wrapped my arms around his neck and cried my heart out.  There I explained why I had to let him go, and why he can’t come home with me.  I convinced him that this was the best place for him now, and that these people also love him.  In the end he understood, he even walked up to them and allowed them to touch him.


I told them that he was not a horse, he was used to be treated like an equal, if they treat him like that he will be more giving.  They thanked me and I got in the car with my family and we left.  Shetan watched us go, calling a last good bye.  Inside I felt like the biggest horrid person there is.  Yet I also knew that I can not bring him home.


8 months later his previous owners phoned me, they were giving up the farm, and they want me to have Shetan back.  For free.  At that point I was living on a smallholding and I went and fetch him home.  As I lowered the ramp of the box he walked straight in, looked back and said “Come on lets go home.” It was heaven to have him back, with his fire in tact.


We again experience the joy of our friendship, and he remembered all our games as if he has never been away.  We played like we always had, and he did the show stance when I asked him to.  Both of us had been through hell, but we found that we have grown, but the joy and pure love we shared was still there.  3 years later, I lost all I had, and I left him with friends, this time I explained everything and Shetan has taken this in stride, he is still with friends, and breeding beautiful babies.  Yet I miss his fire, miss our friendship.  Each time I go to visit, we spend time together talking.  He is content to stay, and I know he is happy.  He is living freely, running with joy and fire in his soul.


I know I have to sell him soon, and it is killing me, as I promised I would never sell him again.  Now I have to break that promise again.  It hurt, to know that as much as I love him, I can’t touch his fire as I have done so many times in the past.  I visit him in spirit and we would race together.  Yet that is never the same as running your hand over his muscled body and speaking to an old friend.


On this day of love, I wanted to pay tribute to the greatest love I ever experience.  The love of and "animal soul"



I will always remember the day I fell in love with “The Devil” called Shetan!

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A Balcony is the window to life

There are many ways to classify life and what it means to you, but I will take you on a visual tour of what I feel life is all about!


In all things there is perception, it creates diversity and as I always say, life is like a box of crayons, some days you use more black or grey and other days more color, but in the end it is all about finding joy in what you are, what you do and what you see and feel.  So take up your crayons and color like mad!  Who cares what it look like, it is about expressing what you feel!


I took these pictures from my Balcony, at the days when I did not know any more, or when the shadows fell over me, and I felt "Why the hell do I bother to get up in the morning!"  I would come home and walk out on the balcony and this is what waits for me.  When I stand there looking at that, I say thank you Gaia for reminding me that each morning I wake up is a new day filled with potential, and no matter how you "Failed" by your own standards, the sunset reminds you that tomorrow, will be a new day, filled with even better potential.  All we have to do is keep our eyes to the sky!

10900560281?profile=originalEarly morning on the mountain.

10900559893?profile=originalAll architecture is great architecture after sunset; perhaps architecture is really a nocturnal art, like the art of fireworks.

Gilbert K. Chesterton


10900560496?profile=originalA Blood moon! When I look at this picture I think of my Dragon Guardian.  It looks like the eye of a Dragon watching over us.

10900561084?profile=originalClouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.
Rabindranath Tagore

10900561661?profile=originalEven on the darkest day, the light will find you!

10900561479?profile=originalHow strange this fear of death is! We are never frightened at a sunset. George MacDonald

10900562474?profile=originalWhen the storms in your heart, want to drown you, there is always rays of hope, waiting for you to reach out and touch it.

10900562870?profile=originalWhen everything look the same, be the light that shine in a different way!  

10900563275?profile=originalKnow what you want to do, hold the thought firmly, and do every day what should be done, and every sunset will see you that much nearer to your goal.  Elbert Hubbard

10900563493?profile=originalHalf a moon, half a werewolf!

10900564264?profile=originalLost, yesterday, somewhere between sunrise and sunset, two golden hours, each set with sixty diamond minutes. No reward is offered for they are gone forever. Horace Mann

10900563693?profile=originalThere is nothing is more musical than a sunset. He who feels what he sees will find no more beautiful example of development in all that book which, alas, musicians read but too little - the book of Nature. Claude Debussy

10900564677?profile=originalThe true purpose of education is to teach a man to carry himself triumphant to the sunset.
Liberty Hyde Bailey


This dear friends is what I feel life is about.  No matter what hit us on the stormy sea, that is our life, when we lift our eyes from the toss and turn of the water, to the sky, it changes our perspective.  Focusing on the beauty of the sky and the light, you will no longer feel the fear and turmoil of the storm.


There are so much great things in our lives, yet we tend to miss that.  We feel that life is unfair to us, but in reality we are unfair to life.  Life give us all we need, it is us that in our greed expect more, than what we need!


When you feel you can't go any further and the hole you are in are swallowing you, stop looking at the side of the hole, lift your eyes and look for the beauty above the hole.  Focus on that, and before you realize it, you will find that the hole was but a depressing in the road of our lives.


Nothing is as bad as we perceive it to be!

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An Issue of trust....

Trust is something that walk the sharp edge of a knife, it always get you cut.  Once you understand that, the blood you shed is not even worth crying over.  Treat everyone with respect, trust is not worth bleeding over.  It is just a word we use to believe that those we hold in our trust will not betray us.  We may never place that expectation onto those around us.  They make their own path and do what feel best for them, it does not mean it is best for you.

Once you understand this, we also understand that our own path is all that matter, whether others come or go from our life, you love them and give them what they need from you, without holding back in suspicion.  When they leave, or do something that you feel betray you and your values, or what you need from your perspective to me wrong, its not your place to be angered over the break in trust.

Trust is a lable to attachment, one we all can do without.  Be in yourself, and allow others to love youe and be with you till they change theri minds.

To be continued

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A moment in time...

A tree once said,

"That life is only a moment long
then it become another moment for a lifetime."

Made me think
This life is not a grand race to be cool
its to enjoy every moment,
as if its the only one you got

This you can't make anyone see
this they need to learn on their own
every moment is a gift from the mothers breathe
its precious, because, its all you have

That tree is wise, she knows the mother well
it was a honor to sit at her roots and
listen to the song of the mother
the song of creation

No human, that hold the pages of a book
can ever have as much knowledge
as the song of a living tree
those that go around hurting others, are lost to this

Some days when I walk the shores of life
I wonder, when humans will understand
the moment that is their life
and when will they stop wasting them.

Do they not understand how precious every moment is?

This is the only picture of this tree I have.

I used to sit in the center of the grass, and just listen to the trees. The old one is on the other side of the wall.

Where the circle is to the right.  When I go visit there again, I will take a better picture of her.

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Life... the true meaning of it (and insane thoguht)

In time all we will need, fall in their correct places as it must be.

Through life we fight ourself, others, our circomstances and the lives we view around us.  We complain and get frustrated with the events as it happen... as we want more. 

Our greed pushes us to have it all, to fight till we have all we desire and think we deserve.  Yet in essence all we need is what is inside us.  We need to open the inside and let it flow outside.

This is when we can start enjoying what we have, the good the bad and the ugly. and showing it the apreciation it deserve for teaching us the lessons we needed.

That is Life... the true meaning of it.

To be all you are... standing inside you and inside your circumstances, true in your own power of self.


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2010-12-17 : Discussion wiht the One

I had trouble understanding certain things so I sat down as asked the Almighty to please explain it in words that I can understand!

I sort of get it now, but it does still seem unreal at times! Some of it really made me go, there is now way that that can be true! So please just take from this what you feel is appropriate or relate-able.

I asked him to speak slowly, I needed to write this down! I forget to fast, then I can read it again and maybe understand. This was his words:

"You are God and God is You!"

"I will try to explain this in terms that you will understand child, then I hope that you can understand it better."

"When creation started, Energy was the first thing to start. Energy is what is needed to create anything. Energy is all and nothing, it can not be explained."

"Energy is called GOD! Gamonn Odanus Dastus. It means: "All that is, are ME!""

"Energy became the The One GOD. Energy (The One God) created you, you became a co-creator. Let me explain that. Some could create others, they became GOD's, some are still young creators and has not started creating yet."

"You created yourself, or was created by another, but you can not exist without Energy (the One GOD)"

"Anything can only be created through energy, making you part of Energy (The One God). You can not say Energy (The One God) did not create you, He did, through you!"

"You are a co-creator with Energy (The One God)! You can only create through Him, you can only exist as part of Him. In this way we are all part of Energy (The One God) and one another!  He also exist as part of you."

"What we do ripple out into the universe and affect someone out there no matter if it is on another planet, realm or plane."

"By being you, you are GOD and He is you! He is not this person sitting on a throne somewhere out there, looking down on you, ready to smite you down. He is part of you, He is you as you are Him!"

"You can't hide from Him and you can't be without him. He is all that is and ever was."

"The secret is this, and if you understand this you can really become anything!"

I looked at Him and my heart and soul and mind started to talk at once! My mind reeled!
I said to him that of all that he said I think I understand this:

My words:

"Father, I understand something more about all this. You made me as a co-creator to my own life! I am responsible for my own life and I have to respect You as part of myself and more! If we create our lives, we must create through The One God to manifest what we need. If we create through ourselves and we create without the other Creator, we are creating through our own EGO or own self! That brings forth selfishness and the big "I". It places the focus on "I" as the important person that are not. When you create through The One God, you create love, sharing, humility and humbleness. Achieving the goal bring a feeling of love that you only experience through the One God, by truly co-creating with The One God, you reach a new level of consciousness that make you and Him one, therefor aligning Him, you and your need! In this way you will find that you will be more successful in achieving your needs!"

Me "Is this what you mean Father?"

The One laughed "Yes child, it seem that you are starting to understand, that are more than what most can comprehend! You have reach this point, faster than most, for that I am glad, as you will soon need all I can teach you!"

Me: "I will think on this some more! I have a feeling, the next lesson will be harder!"

The One: "Yes child, the next lesson, will force you to accept the past, learn from it, and move on. You will also learn to open your soul to love again! It will be a hard lesson indeed!"

I bowed my head, I already know, this will not be fun! Little in my life ever is! That is why I find amusement in the smallest thing, it makes my suffering a little lighter for that minute! I sighed glumly!

The One: "Child, You have all you need inside you to succeed! All you need, is to listen, to your soul! That is another hard lesson to learn! When you need it, I will give you strength!"

Me: "Thank you father! I will prepare!"

I got up and left! Fear were already gripping my heart! This will be hard and this will hurt very much. As much as I dislike crying, I have a feeling soon I will cry a lot!

This vision was a long time ago, and YES! I suffered greatly, and cried a lot, but in the end! I learned that lessons! He also did lend me strength when I was nearly at the end of my own!

This path I am on, had never been sprinkled with flowers, only thorns, rocks and blood, lots of blood. What made it easier to bear, was the wild flowers that sometimes grow next to the road. Their beauty and fragrance making all the suffering, a little easier to carry, a little aromatherapy for my soul!

In the end I will get where I need to be! Where ever that is!

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There is some that is starting to understand, that is on the path, but they can’t really see the magnitude of all there is, all they believe is so important, really is not important at all.


They make God the authority figure to justify their own views, and the consequences of their own actions.  Yet in reality God does not judge or interfere with free will, as it is about the effect your choices have on your own soul and those around you.


The responsibility of your actions is yours, and only your own.  God don’t smite you down for sin, unconditional love does not judge the actions of any soul, but understand the reason for those actions.


Those that use Gods name to judge others “sins” don’t really know God, they only know themselves and their assumptions of the truth.  They assume that this figure they call God magically agree with them and judge people like they do.


When God look at a soul, he/she does not see sin, he/she see a soul hurting itself… senselessly trashing in pain, lashing out at others, and in doing so hurting themselves, and others.  This is when God would wrap that soul in love, unconditional love.


The bad things that happen to us are our own actions reflecting back at us, in the mirror of life.  Each action, ignite a reaction that is the direct effect of what you put out, and not God smiting you down for a sin.


Evolution of the soul, made by the choices of the soul, not influenced by God.

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Artemis and Apollo:






Artemis and Apollo:

Channelled through Pat Grabham.


Artemis and Apollo, twins, and children of Zeus and Leto, Beloved of the Creator, were a delight to their parents and left delightful foot-prints wherever they went, such was the effect they both had on Greek Society and the people therein.


It was a good time to live – days were golden; the Hierarchy, those Spiritual Beings still walked amongst us – thus were we raised in consciousness above the mundane. That is not to say we did not live surrounded by beauty, because we did.

The Mystery Schools still undertook their training for those who passed tests and trials, as they proceeded further up the ladder towards spiritual attainment, understanding and attunement.

It was truly a blessing to be taught by these teachers of old, whose Heritage and Lineage goes back through the aeons of time to a Plane  High above the Earth.

Apollo and his followers, of whom there were many – were blessed daily by the people.  They brought food and gifts, and by doing, gave back to our community something, just as we, the Priestesses of Apollo did in our unique way.

People who were in need of guidance or advice, would visit the Temple.  The Oracle of Delphi would retreat into those Different Dimensions of Time and Space, where the Mysteries of the Universe were re-opened, bringing back comfort and insight, appropriate to each individual.


All were unique – all had different questions, all were helped and healed on many levels.

Within the Temple Grounds of Apollo, there were other Spiritual Schools of Learning, run by quite a few Learned and Spiritual Ones.

They too, Belonged to different Origins, and like Apollo, their True Home was far from as it was then, their Beloved Greece.

The Temple and Grounds were full of daily activity.  The comings and goings were numerous – the requests for advice, healing, answers to dreams experienced, not to mention questions on life itself, were too numerous to count.

All requests for help were answered in time, but some did take a little longer.  However the population knew, that once they had put in their  request for help in one form or another, they were placed on the Temple’s Healing and Knowledge List, so that from that moment of making that request, some worries and stress felt by those away from the Temple would be lightened, and everyone knew it was only a matter of time before answers were given, healing if needed, on both the physical or mental worries, or both, if necessary.

Artemis was beautiful to look at.  She had a Golden Glow about her, and was like a Reflection of the Sunlight – so Golden and Beautiful did she look to those who gazed upon not only her Outward Beauty but who, Recognised Something Different and Un-Earthly, as they looked at Her.

Artemis was seen wearing Beautiful Gems, often Blue on her Robes.  However to Artemis, they denoted her Place in the Cosmos, and the Wearing of these Gems gave her Additional Attunement to The Creator, for they Amplified that Line of Communication which Existed with Her and the Divine Spheres.

Apollo, also, was Beautiful to look at.  His following was vast.  People were drawn not only to His Beauty, but that Quality which he had, which took others to the Divine Spheres.  Those who had a Special Connection to Apollo, they too, were given Glimpses of Other Worlds to the Present.  The Door to those Inner Mysteries stayed open for long moments, when Knowledge and Further Awareness of The Mysteries of the Universe were given to them, which in turn, was talked about, and secretly passed onto a few who would carry on the Light and Teachings of Apollo, after he had returned to the Heavenly Realms.

Thus, Certain of the Devotees of Apollo would carry on with His Life’s Plan, put lovingly into operation, for the time was right – the days of waiting over, the Hierarchy knew it was vital to train others in the work of Students of the Highest Light, so that when the time came for Apollo to Transcend Once Again The Earth Plane, His Legacy Would Continue, for Deep Ground-work had Taken Place.  The Foundations were Firm and Strong and the Light of the Spirit Un-Dimmed.

"Beloved sister, the Time Draws Near……."  When Apollo would fly on Golden Wings, with the Angels of the Sun – All A-Glow.


Artemis knew when she too left the earth, she would soar – as Apollo would.  The Trees and Nature Spirits would Bless Her Name, as Her Blue Clothed Angels Accompanied Her Back Home – a Journey taken innumerable times, whilst Loved Ones Awaited Her, Once Again.

So, at a much later time and place, when Apollo left the Mortal Plane of Earth, He knew those Highest Teachings would be Taught and more-over Understood and Passed onto Students of the Light.

Apollo today, is still available to Guide, Inspire and Teach Others of The Higher Mysteries of Creation.  That name being one of many.  However that Essence Remains, just under a Different Name.

For those who have that Love, Affinity and Attunement to Ancient Greece and the Temple of Delphi, and all it represented – both Artemis and Apollo wait for but a thought from you, when that Bond of Love is Re-Established, for after all, it is only hidden at times from that Conscious Memory.

When you think of Artemis and Apollo, think of them with that Golden Hair and Bright Blue Eyes, and you will Touch Their Vibration Perfectly.

Nothing is ever lost from the Centuries and Aeons of Time.  Love and a wish for the Higher Good, not only for the self but for Humanity as a Whole, Unlocks that Key and the Plane of Light where Artemis and Apollo Dwell.

They are not alone – they work with Many Others from that Golden Time when the Oracle of Delphi Was, and The Hierarchy Walked Visibly Amongst the Population.

They too can be contacted by all – no barriers stand in the way.  The Love in the Soul Opens the Doors to Great Blessings from not only Artemis and Apollo, and the Spiritual Beings of Old, but to The Creator Too.  There is No Limit to that which is available to the Spiritual Seeker of Truth.  All that is Needed is Love, Coupled with an Understanding and Realisation, that of All Life Within the Many Universes, Each have their Role to Play in the Ways Dreamt and Planned By the Divine Mind – All Matter – None will be Left Behind, and Those of the Higher Light and Planes Know This – Indeed It Resonates Within the Soul and Being of The True Spiritual Seeker of Truth, Just As Had Been Foretold.

Thus Before recorded history, Apollo spoke through His Oracle.  During certain months of each year, Apollo would journey away – for his Life’s Path and Soul’s Journey Needed a Different Aspect and Approach, Away from the Multitude who followed it seemed almost, his every move.  His Beauty was too often a hindrance to the Work he had been Entrusted to do for The Creator.

Artemis, beautiful as she was, was able to live a more normal life than her adored twin brother, for her fame and glory was less so, but their  lives had been entwined many times over the aeons since the Dawn of Time.  They had journeyed together often in many  Different Countries, and their vibration and essence can be contacted under many names in history – not all so well known.

At times, lives were lived in less of a public recognition, but nevertheless, many of their followers in their Beloved Greece, had Walked and Talked With Them in Strange and Foreign Lands, through Different Centuries and Climates too.

We would add, that at the Height of Apollo, His Oracle and those Lines of Communication open to the Hierarchy – this incarnation spent was in fact many many years before Apollo would take on a Much Different Incarnation in his Continuing Journey Through the Centuries to Help Raise the Consciousness of Humanity.


Apollo, himself, had The Gift of Prophecy.  There were as has been stated, more than one Temple in Praise and Honour of Apollo.  They each had their Specific Task, Reason for Being, and the Teachings which were available, and there were Many, on Different Levels, All Dependent on the Understanding of the Person who had Come, Seeking that Higher Something, Not Always Known Even, but just an Awareness that there was indeed so Much More to Life, and they Wanted to Know – So Many of Them – What Exactly Was There?


There is no such thing in reality as The Mysteries of Creation.  Instead, once a certain stage of Development and Attunement has Come Into Being, Clarity of That Higher Purpose Becomes Evident, Understanding Falls Into Place, as the Aspirant and Spiritual Seeker, Turns Upwards to the Heavenly Worlds for Confirmation of All That Has Been, Is, And Will Be.


Above the Mystery Schools of Spiritual Learning in Days Long Gone, and Even Today, It Would and Does State – "Know Thyself".

The Priests would always be on hand whilst The Oracle Travelled to a Higher Plane of Being, so that when Her Mind and Body Returned, they were able to Interpret her Answers in a language the people could relate to.

Artemis, as had been stated, is less well known in history in that incarnation than her beloved Apollo, but nevertheless, her Role was of the Greatest Importance, on very Many Levels and Planes of Being.


Her Mission was of Great Significance and Resonated Not Only On The Earth Plane, But Upon The Different Planes Other Than The Immediate Earth.

Artemis, was able as of course was Apollo, to Transcend the Earth, and be in Many Different States of Existence.

Also, Artemis spent much time with the Elementals and Fairy Kingdoms, the Gnomes and Elves, and all Manner of Nature Elementals, whom she Ensured were Given Equal Help, Love and Support, which in turn enabled these Different Life Forms which had come into Existence from the Mind of The Creator, to Know that They Too, Were Much Loved, Cared For, and Given Great Help for Their Own Advancement to Ever Happier and Better States of Being.

Today, where Artemis Waits, Often Upon The Etheric Planes Of Light, She is Adored By All of The Nature Kingdom, and Sweet and Joyous is it to see such Love and Affinity of the Highest Light Which Exists.

Nothing is too much trouble, No Elemental or Other Form of Life Not Special.

You can often see Artemis in Visions surrounded by her Beloved Elementals of the Nature Kingdom, and Nature Itself, which is so Much Loved by The Creator.

Joyous is it in The Divine Spheres, as we see as we do, that which Exists with Artemis, Beloved of Us, in The Spiritual Realms, Upon and Within All the Levels of Being.

We Salute Artemis, as we do Apollo, and, they are as Close Today as They Were During Those Days In Their Beloved Greece.



September 2012.












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Dalai Lama Quotes About Peace

Dalai Lama Quotes About Peace

For 59 years Tibetans have placed their trust in Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama, as their head of state and spiritual leader. In 1950, he was called upon to assume full political power after some 80,000 People's Liberation Army soldiers invaded Tibet. He soon created a resistance movement against China. In 1959, after a large uprising, he escaped to Dharamsala India (where he currently resides) and received political asylum. In 1989, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

March 2009 marks the 50th anniversary of the Dalai Lama's escape to India. To honor his life's work so far, we've chosen some of the most beautiful and wise Dalai Lama quotes on peace from our own virtual library to share with you.

Dalai Lama Quote #1...

A good motivation is what is needed: compassion without dogmatism, without complicated philosophy; just understanding that others are human brothers and sisters and respecting their human rights and dignities. That we humans can help each other is one of our unique human capacities.

The Dalai Lama

As free human beings we can use our unique intelligence to try to understand ourselves and our world. But if we are prevented from using our creative potential, we are deprived of one of the basic characteristics of a human being.

The Dalai Lama

Anger is the real destroyer of our good human qualities; an enemy with a weapon cannot destroy these qualities, but anger can. Anger is our real enemy.

The Dalai Lama

Because we all share this planet earth, we have to learn to live in harmony and peace with each other and with nature. This is not just a dream, but a necessity.

The Dalai Lama

Brute force, no matter how strongly applied, can never subdue the basic human desire for freedom and dignity. It is not enough, as communist systems have assumed, merely to provide people with food, shelter and clothing. Human nature needs to breathe the precious air of liberty.

The Dalai Lama

We have a saying in Tibet. "If you lose your temper and get angry, bite your knuckles." This means that if you lose your temper, do not show it to others. Rather, say to yourself, "Leave it."

The Dalai Lama

When we demand the rights and freedoms we so cherish, we should also be aware of our responsibilities. If we accept that the others have an equal right to peace and happiness as ourselves, do we not have a responsibility to help those in need?

Without love we could not survive. Human beings are social creatures, and a concern for each other is the very basis of our life together.

The Dalai Lama

Real peace [is] not just the absence of violence or of war... A mere absence of war is not genuine, lasting world peace. Peace must develop on mutual trust.

The Dalai Lama

The whole of humanity is…one human family. This planet is our only home.

The Dalai Lama

Non-violence means dialogue, using our language, the human language. Dialogue means compromise; respecting each other’s rights; in the spirit of reconciliation there is a real solution to conflict and disagreement. There is no hundred percent winner, no hundred percent loser; not that way but half-and-half. That is the practical way, the only way.

The Dalai Lama

My call for a spiritual revolution is thus not a call for a religious revolution. Nor is it a reference to a way of life that is somehow other-worldly, still less to something magical or mysterious. Rather, it is a call for a radical re-orientation away from our habitual preoccupation with self towards concern for the wider community of beings with whom we are connected, and for conduct which recognizes others’ interests alongside our own.

The Dalai Lama

I pray for all of us, oppressor and friend, that together we may succeed in building a better world through human understanding and love, and that in doing so we may reduce the pain and suffering of all sentient beings.

The Dalai Lama

We should not seek revenge on those who have committed crimes against us, or reply to their crimes with other crimes. We should reflect that by the law of karma, they are in danger of lowly and miserable lives to come, and that our duty to them, as to every being, is to help them to rise towards Nirvana, rather than let them sink to lower levels of rebirth.

The Dalai Lama

Internal peace is an essential first step to achieving peace in the world. How do you cultivate it? It's very simple. In the first place by realizing clearly that all mankind is one, that human beings in every country are members of one and the same family.

The Dalai Lama

It is extremely important to investigate the causes or origins of suffering. One must begin that process by appreciating the impermanent, transient nature of our existence. All things, events and phenomena are dynamic, changing every moment, nothing remains static. Meditating on one’s blood circulation could serve to reinforce this idea: the blood is constantly flowing, it never stands still...

The Dalai Lama

Wars arise from a failure to understand one another's humanness. Instead of summit meetings, why not have families meet for a picnic and get to know each other while the children play together?

The Dalai Lama

It is my belief that whereas the twentieth century has been a century of war and untold suffering, the twenty-first century should be one of peace and dialogue. As the continued advances in information technology make our world a truly global village, I believe there will come a time when war and armed conflict will be considered an outdated and obsolete method of settling differences among nations and communities.

The Dalai Lama

Happiness cannot come from hatred or anger. Nobody can say, "Today I am happy because this morning I was very angry." On the contrary, people feel uneasy and sad and say, "Today I am not happy because I lost my temper this morning." Through kindness, whether at our own level or at the national and international level, through mutual understanding and through mutual respect, we will get peace, we will get happiness, and we will get genuine satisfaction.

The Dalai Lama

Never give up
Develop the heart
Too much energy in your country is spent
Developing the mind instead of the heart.
Be compassionate not just to your friends but to everyone
Be compassionate.
Work for peace in your heart and in the world.
Work for peace and I say again
Never give up.
No matter what is happening,
No matter what is going on around you,
Never give up.

The Dalai Lama

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Wonderful Words of Wisdom

It isn't all over; everything has not been invented; the human adventure is just beginning

- Gene Roddenberry –

When we come upon beautiful things . . . they act like small tears in the surface of the world that pull us through to some vaster space.

Elaine Scarry
On Beauty and Being Just

Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it.

- Lou Holtz -

Perpetual gratitude toward people around us initiates habits of thankful prayer. It also starts a chain reaction of giving thanks, till our friends and loved ones and our whole world become imbued in grateful living.

Edward Hays
The Great Escape Manual

There is hope if people will begin to awaken that spiritual part of themselves, that heartfelt knowledge that we are caretakers of this planet.

- Brooke Medicine Eagle -

Beauty seen makes the one who sees it more beautiful.
David Steindl-Rast
A Listening Heart

Art is not what you see, but what you make others see.

- Edgar Degas -

Observe the wonders as they occur around you. Don’t claim them. Feel the artistry moving through and be silent.
Jalaluddin Rumi

Unexpected intrusions of beauty. This is what life is.

- Saul Bellow –

First thing in the morning, before you meet or greet anyone, remember to greet all of nature, all visible and invisible creatures. Say to them: "I am grateful for your work, I love you and want to be in harmony with you!" At this very moment, in response to your greeting, all of nature will open to you and send you energy for the entire day.

Omraam Mikhael Aivanhov
Prosveta Publishing

A loving heart is the truest wisdom.

- Charles Dickens –

God is not too hard to believe in. God is too good to believe in, we being such strangers to such goodness. The love of God is to me absolutely overwhelming.

Rev. William Sloane Coffin
Religion and Ethics Newsweekly, 8/27/04

What is love after all but trusting in the unknown.

- Marty Rubin –

As we learn to have compassion for ourselves, the circle of compassion for others -- what and whom we can work with, and how -- becomes wider.

Pema Chödrön
When Things Fall Apart

There are no traffic jams when you go the extra mile.

- Zig Ziglar –

If you look at every human being as a Divine mirror, you will know yourself and understand life.

Sherif Baba

Each detail in a city should reflect that human beings are sacred

- Enrique Penalosa -

The little things? The little moments? They aren't little.

Jon Kabat-Zinn

A heartfelt smile gives warmth enough for three winters.

Mongolian Proverb

Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is.

- Will Rogers –

Generosity is not giving me that which I need more than you do, but it is giving me that which you need more than I do.

- Kahlil Gibran –

What is love after all but trusting in the unknown.

- Marty Rubin –

How beautiful can life be? We hardly dare imagine it.

- Charles Eisenstein –

It isn't all over; everything has not been invented; the human adventure is just beginning

- Gene Roddenberry –

Make visible what, without you, might perhaps never have been seen.

Robert Bresson

Don't be put off by people who know what is not possible. Do what needs to be done, and check to see if it was impossible only after you are done.

- Paul Hawken –

Money often costs too much.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson –

Life is the flower for which love is the honey.

- Victor Hugo

Rings and jewels are not gifts, but apologies for gifts. The only true gift is a portion of thyself.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Life offers its wisdom generously. Everything teaches. Not everyone learns.

- Rachel Naomi Remen -

Every morning is like a new reincarnation into this world. Let us take it then for what it is and live each moment anew.

Paul Brunton

“Don't try to solve serious matters in the middle of the night.”
- Philip K. Dick

A thankful person is thankful under all circumstances. A complaining soul complains even in paradise.


You can't lead the people if you don't love the people. You can't save the people if you don't serve the people.

- Cornel West –

“The evening of a well spent life brings its lamps with it.”

- Joseph Joubert

The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be kindled.

- Plutarch –

Any place is sacred ground, for it can become a place of encounter with the divine Presence.

David Steindl-Rast
A Listening Heart

Our knowledge has made us cynical; our cleverness, hard and unkind. We think too much and feel too little. More than machinery, we need humanity. More than cleverness, we need kindness and gentleness.

- Charlie Chaplin, in 'The Great Dictator' –

What is a soul? It's like electricity - we don't really know what it is, but it's a force that can light a room.

Ray Charles

Unable are the loved to die. For love is immortality.

- Emily Dickinson –

Every act of love is a work of peace no matter how small.
Blessed Mother Teresa

“Often the difference between a successful marriage and a mediocre one consists of leaving about three or four things a day unsaid.”
Harlan Miller

Compassion is to share the pain without sharing the suffering.

- Shinzen Young -

To see a world in a grain of sand, and heaven in a wildflower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.

William Blake

The more clearly we can focus our attention on the wonders and realities of the universe about us, the less taste we shall have for destruction.

Rachel Carson

If God sends you down a stony path, may God give you strong shoes.

Irish Blessing

“We ask ourselves, "Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous?" Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God.”

- Marianne Williamson

The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson –

Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. Each of us owes the deepest thanks to those who have rekindled this inner light.

Dr. Albert Schweitzer

When people go to work they shouldn't have to leave their hearts at home.

- Betty Bender –

Life does not accommodate you; it shatters you. Every seed destroys its container, or else there would be no fruition.

Florida Scott-Maxwell
The Measure of My Days

“He does not believe who does not live according to his belief.”

- Thomas Fuller

Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.

- Paul Boese –

Tuesday, Sep. 11
The Glory of God is a human being fully alive.
St. Irenaeus

“Love and time; those are the only two things in all the world and all of life that cannot be bought, but only spent.”

- Gary Jennings

Consider how much more you often suffer from your anger and grief, than from those very things for which you are angry and grieved.

- Marcus Antonius –

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Go on a voyage of discovery that leads from the oldest known temple in the world to a prehistoric cave map, to a common belief shared by key ancient cultures, all of which were aware of the star system Cygnus' unique place in the cosmos - and it's significance as the spirit path to heaven. Most surprising is the fact that the Ancient Advanced cultures of the past were aware of cosmic rays emanating from Cygnus, and for their being the spark which ignited evolution - the same spark which continues to alter our DNA right through to the present day.

NOW ON DVD: The Cygnus Mystery, Cat# U679, Go to


Examines 75 million years of the most credible alien evidence here on Earth, from the age of the dinosaurs, to ancient Egypt, to the skies over the western desert in the present day United States. This new season will include sightings and phenomena from ancient times all the way up to the present, exploring possible connections between overall UFO phenomena and information included in ancient texts and decoded from ancient artifacts.


This clip is the shared video that was originally Uploaded by rosebud2emlo108 on Mar 28, 2012 The description is taken from that original upload. PS. I add to that this point,The red lights reflecting on the window are from the camera as stated in the clip. The lights in the sky are casting light rays into the clouds which shows it is not a reflection on the window.

this is 100% proof of ufo's over mission bc last night on march 27 2012 at around 7:40 pm a ufo hovered over the tree tops in a quiet neighborhood in mission bc the object went from one color to the next. it was a silent craft and it hovered silently over the houses then shot away in the blink of a eye this is real footage and in no way a light trick or special effx this is not fake!!!

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