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Lifting the lid on amazing jewel-encrusted 'martyr' skeletons

A relic hunter dubbed 'Indiana Bones' has lifted the lid on a macabre collection of jewel-encrusted skeletons unearthed in churches across Europe. Art historian Paul Koudounaris has hunted down and photographed dozens of gruesome skeletons in some of the world's most secretive religious establishments. Incredibly, some of the skeletons, which took up to five years to decorate, were even found hidden away in lock-ups and containers. They are now the subject of his latest book, which sheds light on the forgotten ornamented relics for the first time. Thousands of skeletons were dug up from Roman catacombs in the 16th century and installed in towns around Germany, Austria and Switzerland on the orders of the Vatican. They were sent to Catholic churches and religious houses to replace the relics destroyed in the wake of the Protestant Reformation in the 1500s. Mistaken for the remains of early Christian martyrs, the morbid relics, known as the Catacomb Saints, became shrines reminding of the spiritual treasures of the afterlife. They were also symbols of the Catholic Church's newly found strength in previously Protestant areas. Each one was painstakingly decorated in thousands of pounds worth of gold, silver and gems by devoted followers before being displayed in church niches. Some took up to five years to decorate.

400-year-old remains are adorned with dozens of jewels, gems and a gold leaf crown. In the hollows of the eyes sit two gold brooches, set with a blue gem and pearls. Thousands of skeletons were dug up from Roman catacombs in the 16th century and brought to towns in Germany, Austria and Switzerland on orders of the Vatican. This was in the wake of the Prostestant Reformation, when the following and belief of Catholicism was waning in Europe. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

The skeletal hand of St Valentin is decorated with opulent rings and expensive garments. Each would have taken up to five years to dress back in the 16th century, with thousands of pounds of jewels, silver and gold. They were renamed as saints, although none of them qualified for the title as the Catholic church requires saints to have been canonised. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

The remains of the saints have been laden with thousands of pounds worth of treasured items. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

The decorated skeleton of St Luciana, at a convent in Heiligkreuztal, Germany, was comfort to Catholics whose churches and relics had been destroyed by the Reformation. The practice largely died out after the 16th century. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

The skeleton of St Friedrich at the Benedictine Abbey in Melk, Austria, is pictured reclining under extravagant jewels and gold. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

A decorated skeleton of St Munditia in the church of St Peter in Munich, Germany. The bejewelled skeletons were significant for Catholics in the aftermath of the Reformation as a means to tie believers to the religion in Protestant areas. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

The skull of St Getreu, in Ursberg, Bavaria, is covered by netting and decorated with an extravagant crown and neck brace. The skeletons were said to be saints but in actual fact the remains could have been anyone. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

The decorated skeleton of St Deodatus in Rheinau, Switzerland. The dressed up relics were known as the Catacomb Saints and became shrines, reminding believers of the spiritual treasures of the afterlife. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

A 400-year-old jewel-encrusted skeleton of St Valentinus in Waldsassen, Bavaria. The decorated skeletons were sent to Catholic churches in Europe to replace the relics destroyed during the Prostestant Reformation. It was also a sign of the power and strength of Catholicism in largely Prostestant areas (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

A skull covered in netting. (REX/Paul Koudounaris/BNPS)

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Fly relies on 'slow motion' vision

Fly relies on 'slow motion' vision
Press Association – Mon, Sep 16, 2013

Flies avoid being swatted in just the same way Keanu Reeves dodges flying bullets in the movie The Matrix - by watching time pass slowly.

To the insect, that rolled up newspaper moving at lightning speed might as well be inching through thick treacle.

Like Reeves standing back and side-stepping slo-mo bullets, the fly has ample time to escape.

And it is not alone in its ability to perceive time differently from us. New research suggests that across a wide range of species, time perception is directly related to size.

[Gear system found in insect legs]

Generally the smaller an animal is, and the faster its metabolic rate, the slower time passes.
The evidence comes from research into the ability of animals to detect separate flashes of fast-flickering light.

"Critical flicker fusion frequency" - the point at which the flashes seem to merge together, so that a light source appears constant - provides an indication of time perception.

Comparing studies of the phenomenon in different animals revealed the link with size.

"A lot of researchers have looked at this in different animals by measuring their perception of flickering light," said Dr Andrew Jackson, from Trinity College Dublin in the Republic of Ireland. "Some can perceive quite a fast flicker and others much slower, so that a flickering light looks like a blur.

"Interestingly, there's a large difference between big and small species. Animals smaller than us see the world in slo-mo. It seems to be almost a fact of life. Our focus was on vertebrates, but if you look at flies, they can perceive light flickering up to four times faster than we can.

"You can imagine a fly literally seeing everything in slow motion."

The effect may also account for the way time seems to speed up as we get older, said Dr Jackson, who led the research.

He was inspired to conduct the study after noticing the way small children always seem to be in such a hurry.

[Fruit flies suffer from loud noise]

"It's tempting to think that for children time moves more slowly than it does for grown ups, and there is some evidence that it might," he said.

"People have shown in humans that flicker fusion frequency is related to a person's subjective perception of time, and it changes with age. It's certainly faster in children."

TV, computer and cinema screens all flicker but provide the illusion of constant images because of the high frequencies at which they operate.

But dog owners may be surprised to learn that their pets can see TV flickers, said Dr Jackson. Their visual system has a refresh rate higher than that of the TV screen.

The animals studied covered more than 30 species, including rodents, eels, lizards, chickens, pigeons, dogs, cats and leatherback turtles.

The latter are big creatures with a slow metabolic rate, for whom time passes relatively rapidly.

Smaller, more agile creatures had the most refined ability to perceive information in a unit of time, said the researchers writing in the journal Animal Behaviour. In other words, they were able to see more flickers of light per second.

Time perception is just another aspect of evolution and survival, the scientists believe.

"Our results lend support to the importance of time perception in animals where the ability to perceive time on very small scales may be the difference between life and death for fast-moving organisms," said co-author Kevin Healy, a Phd student at the School of Natural Sciences at Trinity College Dublin.

Professor Graeme Ruxton, from the University of St Andrews in Scotland, who also took part in the research, said: "Having eyes that send updates to the brain at much higher frequencies than our eyes do is of no value if the brain cannot process that information equally quickly. Hence, this work highlights the impressive capabilities of even the smallest animal brains.

"Flies might not be deep thinkers, but they can make good decisions very quickly."

Some animals may exploit differences in time perception to their advantage, according to Dr Luke McNally, another member of the team from the University of Edinburgh.

"For example, many species use flashing lights as signals, such as fireflies and many deep-sea animals," he said. "Larger and slower predator species may not be able to decode these signals if their visual system isn't fast enough, giving the signallers a secret channel of communication."

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KRIYA YOGA: Al calmar la actividad del corazon y de los pulmones, el yoGui obtiene una provision adicional de prana -energia vital- la cual le permite detener el desgaste del cuerpo....

KRIYA YOGA: To calm the activity of the heart and lungs, the Yogi gets an additional provision of vital energy-prana-which allows you to stop wasting of the body ....

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Prepare for 9/21 Equinox Gateway
by Selacia


(Note from Selacia:  Equinox officially occurs on 9/22 – the gateway is being celebrated 9/21 with a global meditation I’m offering to help people connect with higher frequencies and move through the gateway in the most beneficial way. Adding to the intensity and beneficial potential of the weekend is the 9/19 full moon, amplifying effects of inner work and meditation. To connect with our 9/21 Equinox global meditation:


small red heart


The upcoming Equinox is one of the key energy gateways left in 2013. Other gateways include November’s solar eclipse at the new moon.  As you experience each of these gateways, you have an opportunity to greatly accelerate your spiritual growth and to find a new balance in your life.


Understanding Energy Gateways


What is an energy gateway? It’s a powerful window of time when you can perceive more about yourself and your world.


It’s a time when you can connect more tangibly with spirit and benevolent unseen forces – receiving helpful insights about your life direction.


It’s a time when you have expanded levels of help in moving through your obstacles and in clearing old stuff no longer serving you.


Leading up to one of these energy gateways, it’s common to experience a roller coaster ride, feeling on top of the world some days and other days feeling in despair about your next step.


You also can have headaches and other unexplainable, uncomfortable physical symptoms just before or even on the gateway date.
If this happens to you, understand that you are processing energy, and as you do this, you may feel tired or have temporary discomfort.


As an experienced practitioner, you learn that these temporary symptoms are not cause for alarm. You understand that you will move through them more easily when you go within and participate in spiritual processes designed to raise your frequency.


Feeling okay this week, but still dizzy from the recent ups-and-downs?  Here’s some perspective.


The Recent Roller Coaster Ride


Your recent roller coaster ride of the past several weeks indeed was even more intense than some cycles you experienced in 2012.


To understand why, remember that there was a massive buildup of energies throughout 2012, leading up to the Solstice of December 21, 2012.


At the end of each up-and-down cycle throughout 2012, you could tap into a higher frequency of energy. Sometimes the feeling was palpable. Other times you simply knew the higher energy was there, and you intentionally tapped into it.


This up-and-down cycle happened numerous times in 2012, and with each energy gateway there was an increasing momentum.


There are many misconceptions about what the 12/21 Solstice date meant for your spiritual progression, and certainly what it meant in tangible everyday practical terms.


Yes, the energies you tapped into and helped co-create leading up to the 12/21 Solstice were a higher frequency than before – and you did have significant spiritual growth opportunities unavailable in earlier cycles.


However, the 12/21 Solstice was not the final moment in your ascension and spiritual progression.


Those things happen in a process over time.
It took you a very long time – including spiritual growth in numerous past lives – to get to the energetic phase of spiritual growth in which you now reside.


Do not underestimate what it took you to achieve this.
Do not discount the windy – and often tricky path – you traveled to get where you are today.


You want to honor yourself – and honor where you have been – to get to this point.


Have gratitude that you have been able to be one of those who could stay on the spiritual path through all of the unknowns, all of the doubts, and all of the rocky terrain.


To do what you have done takes great mastery, great dedication, and great perseverance. It takes great self-love and self-trust, too.


Yours certainly is not a path for lightweights. It takes great courage. It requires that you integrate spirit into your everyday life, and that you learn to live in your heart rather than your ego.


It takes continued inner work and self-reflection, your being willing to address unfinished business of your past. This past includes this life, past lives, and even the DNA-level impact of your ancestral patterns.


Understanding Advanced States on the Path


Ironically, the level of inner work associated with advanced states on the spiritual path is more, not less.


Only when you arrive at the more advanced levels do you have the spiritual qualities of openness, willingness, and self-love required to investigate the deeper levels of your being.


Only then can you succeed in addressing the most stubborn and most hidden blocks to your enlightenment.


Some people in your circles may be at earlier stages in their spiritual development.
You may have friends who have fallen away. Some people simply don’t know how to communicate with the “new you” that is emerging from your spiritual growth process.
Do not worry about this. Do not try to fix other people’s perception of you, or try to force understanding of things that people are not ready to perceive.


No One is Left Behind


Do not worry about leaving people behind.
No one is truly left behind on the spiritual path – there simply are stages individual to each person.
There is no right or wrong timeline – each person awakens at his or her own pace.


Your role as a divine changemaker is to bravely stand at the forefront of the world’s massive changes.


You, by your very presence and how you live your life, will be a beacon to others on the path.
Some of your friends and loved ones will notice tangible benefits of being around your shining example.  Others will benefit indirectly, receiving vital seeds of transformation for future awakening.


Remember the larger picture with this overview of 2012-2015.


Since June 2012, you have been sitting in an unusual planetary cycle that catalyzes revolutionary change, and this cycle continues through March 2015.
It has wide scale implications – for you, for everyone you love, and for all of humanity.
In the end, no one will be untouched by this energy.
What needs to shift will come to light.


You are encoded this life to walk the path as a divine changemaker. In this role, you intuitively know that the revolutions happening now – individual and collective – are necessary to accomplish an authentic transformation.
There’s so much that needs to shift – it simply can’t happen overnight.


You don’t want to do it half way. You understand that the Earth is at a tipping point – and that you signed up to be here to shift the balance into light.


Your inner wisdom knows that there is a bigger picture to what’s unfolding now, and you trust that you are alive now to play a key role in reversing the old paradigm patterns.


Right now, with the amplified emotional undercurrents, you will need to find an ongoing way to center yourself and stabilize.


What’s Needed Now


To do this most effectively, you will need to be grounded, in your heart, and connected with your inner wisdom. Avail yourself of opportunities to be still, to meditate, and to gather with others focused on spiritual growth. Practice heart-centered communications as much as you can, with as many people as you can.


Spend time with other divine changemakers, giving and receiving a flow of inspiration, support, and cooperation. Use these experiences to help you open your heart and your mind in brand-new ways.


Remember that you are an integral part of the planet’s transformation. The world’s changes are not just “out there” – they are happening inside of you.


Each time you become more self-actualized and whole, you catalyze a wave of beneficial changes across the world.
Every time you learn to love yourself just a bit more than before – like when you let go of harsh self-criticism or self-doubt – your greater self-love becomes a beacon to those around you. People feel it and benefit from it, even if they can’t tangibly sense it.


Likewise, each time you experience personal healing and become free of limiting DNA-level patterns, you help to heal your family lineage and the world!


Copyright 2013 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved *


gateway to a new world


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Spiritually Stuffed

That is what I feel like...

Like I have been to a huge, yummy buffet and my eyes were WAY bigger than my stomach...and then I ate too much and now I can't move!
Greediness at the spiritual
I feel completely stuffed.
In a good way.

The energies now for me feel at a constant blast.
Which is funny, because it has been like this for so long, that it no longer feels like this is something "new".
I am not preparing for them, I am just being in them.
It seems I am constantly attached to my surf board now...
Somehow it is no longer a process, as much as an experience to be treasured, enjoyed.

This IS my new way of being.
All my senses are expanding.
But my physical eye sight is going through some rough patches, there are times when everything is blurry or out of focus.
It is especially then that the world feels completely different.
Competely peaceful.
A place I definetely would love to reside full time...I think it is then that I slide up to a a higher dimension, maybe that is why my eyes don't "see".

I also have been in super slow mo lately with this influx of energies.
My thoughts are slow to come together.
My mind is confused.
My body is sluggish and I have not had much desire to do much but rest.
My appetite comes and goes.
I physically feel OFF.
But not ill, just different within.

I will also find myself again in a familiar place that looks completely unfamiliar.( this was going on a while back but it had gotten better.)
Very disconcerning, especially when I am driving.
Also I see a lot of corner of eye movement, seeing someone there who is not, hearing strange sounds and bumps,feeling energies around me...
This has gotten much more pronounced in these last weeks.
It appears as the veils get thinner, more and more comes through, as a reality bleed through.
Couple that with expanding sensory perception and you got quite the freaky deaky show going on.
Seeing more and a thinner veil.
Getting crowded in here with everybody coming and

At this point clearing,cutting cords,healing and shielding are imperative.
Whenever I find myself off heart center,due to experiences that cannot be explained by the 3d world, I close my eyes, take a deep breath and reconnect to my heart, to my Source.
Works amazingly fast.

But going back to this new stuffed feeling...

I like it.
With everything going on in the outside world, feeling stuffed full of my Creator's love makes everything possible.
Gives me tons of hope, a precious gift indeed.
I asked for strength to continue and I got more than what I wished for.
I got love.
An abundance of it.
And everything else that comes with it.

How lucky am I?    : )

Shine bright my beautiful light family.
My heart says everything is as it should be.
What does your heart say?

In Light and Love

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20,21,22 September 2013
Global Gaia Fire Grid!
Dearest Light Tribe of Gaia,
I have committed to assisting one of our Light tribe, Rakesh Kumar, to fire a grid of sacred fires across the globe on this equinox. Email Rakesh to be added to the gridwork of fire keepers - he can also send you a slideshow about the earth-grid that is being activated:
Fire is the ultimate element of transformation. It has the power to burn away our pain, our resistance, all fears that hold us back from embodying our Higher Selves. Your fire ceremony doesn't have to be a traditional Agnihotra ~ you can perform a simple ritual, alone or with friends, in which you give away that which does not serve you (perhaps by writing things down and giving them to the fire to be burnt away, or by placing your give-aways into a stick which you then offer to the fire.) Drum, sing and dance around the fire afterwards in celebration!
Thousands of people all over the globe are leading and taking part in sacred fire ceremonies over the 3 days of 20/21/22nd September. Each fire will create a power node which weaves a new wave of higher vibrational consciousness around Mother Earth. We have to ensure that we reach a Critical Mass of Consciousness to achieve Peace and Balance for Earth - the amazing September 2013 Equinox energies that will be available are perfect for this project! Even on your own, with a small fire in your house or garden, you will make a difference.
with Solara An-Ra & Light Tribe of Ibiza
22 September: 7- 9pm
Garden of Light, St Miguel, Ibiza
Email for directions
Optional vegetarian dinner afterwards: 8 euros
Join Solara and your Light Tribe to celebrate the Equinox at the beautiful Garden of Light near St Miguel in Ibiza. Bring a drum or musical instrument if you like, any crystals that you want to charge, and some flowers for the altar.
Love love love, and happy equinox!
Solara An-Ra



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12 Votes


ZEROPOINT2~ZERO POINT – For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!~

Dearly beloved children of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, we come to you now in order to inform you in the next 3 weeks of your time there will once again be an energetic restructuring of your bodies.

Re structuring of the human vehicle is about to start yet again. Many of you will once more begin to experience a variety of ascension symptoms and we ask that you completely and fully let go of fear and fully allow the integration of crystalline that are being brought to you from the sun at this moment in time. For the next three weeks of your earthly time is the crystalline energy invocation period, and those of you who are ready to experience the upliftment of energies should allow your vessels to open to the divinity of what you hold within.

In order to partake of the invocation period that is sweeping your planet in the 3 week window, you need to fully and completely open to the source within your vessels, to your own HEART CODE, and once you open up to the heart code it is then that you will be able to fully integrate the crystalline energies that are traveling to you from the cosmic gateway of the sun and through the core of the earth energies that you have anchored into the heart of GAIA.

And when you do find yourself in a meditative state and allow the energies to enter your spherical bodies you shall experience a tingling sensation at the very top of your head. Allow these energies to move past and through to your entire being, cleansing everything that no longer positively serves. Do not be frightened when you begin to experience the pressure upon your crown chakra, but simply allow the energy to seep through you, gently vibrating each and every cell of your body, gently cleansing out all the remnants of everything left behind from the time no longer relevant to your being.

Allow the warm sensation to envelope your whole mind structure and fully and completely integrate the new energies. Some of you will begin to feel sleepy, others will feel the need to go into a meditative state, yet others will joyously continue along their day. Remain calm and enjoy and embrace these energies that bask you in loving light of the prime creator.
And as you allow these energies to pass through you, think thoughts of love, light, peace, bliss and happiness, think of everything that you wish to welcome into your life, and of everything that you wish to let off, allow these energies to pass through you releasing you from everything that no longer works for you. Know and understand that it is your HIGHER SELVES that are sending you these energies from the ALCYLONE SUN of the Pleiades
But Let us explain to you in “scientific terms” of your time what is about to occur on your earthly planes of existence.

For as many of you are aware the sun is shifting its frequency and the sun’s magnetic poles are merging and shifting into a new reality, and we do understand that the scientific community of your time is going to brush it off as something insignificant, and many naysayers are going to emerge that will argue the validity of the information that we are about to present to you herein. Nevertheless, we wish to take a moment and explain to you what is about to happen to your bodies and your minds.

For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!
First step however, in this restructuring process is, that every single cell in your body is going to shift from the type of cellular and tissue structure that your science currently understands into that which your scientific community cannot possibly comprehend.

For as the sun’s shifting poles will shift and affect your bodies completely and utterly, you too will begin shifting and changing, not only in your consciousness, but also in your holographic experience.

The cellular structure of your body is about to undergo a major advancement in the creative processes of your holographic self. Many of you are feeling tired and exhausted beyond your current level of perception.

To help you understand this process, we wish to explain to you the theory of relativity, not as you presently understand it to be, but as it really is. The cosmic theory of relativity states that any celestial body that is undergoing a major event of magnificent proportions, that is directly linked to any “holographic” vehicle (body) currently occupied by consciousness of Prime Creator (souls), is thereby in direct alignment with the changing energies and is thereby greatly affected and is linked to the cosmic gates of existence, and is directly linked to specific organs and cellular structure within the body is thereby effected to a high degree.

Let us explain this to you I so that you can understand that which we mean. As you have been foretold your earth is indeed changing. And in order for safe passage through this dimensional frequency it is highly advisable for each and every single one of you to begin the allowance of interplanetary frequency change to take hold of your earthly vehicles and to allow the necessary changes to take place within, and in order to do so, we ask that you simply allow yourself to purge all the remnants that are no longer, positively serving you. Simply stated FORGIVE. LET GO. ALLOW.

Please remember dear ones that ALL or NONE can occur within your vessels and within your psyche, for only WHEN you are ready to proceed shall the energies begin to work with you. For those who are not yet ready, the energy will as if, be frozen in time, until such moment that they truly and fully are ready to embrace the eternal OM, the eternal truth, wisdom, understanding, love and light within their hearts.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


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12 Votes


ZEROPOINT2~ZERO POINT – For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!~

Dearly beloved children of the Sun, the Moon and the Stars, we come to you now in order to inform you in the next 3 weeks of your time there will once again be an energetic restructuring of your bodies.

Re structuring of the human vehicle is about to start yet again. Many of you will once more begin to experience a variety of ascension symptoms and we ask that you completely and fully let go of fear and fully allow the integration of crystalline that are being brought to you from the sun at this moment in time. For the next three weeks of your earthly time is the crystalline energy invocation period, and those of you who are ready to experience the upliftment of energies should allow your vessels to open to the divinity of what you hold within.

In order to partake of the invocation period that is sweeping your planet in the 3 week window, you need to fully and completely open to the source within your vessels, to your own HEART CODE, and once you open up to the heart code it is then that you will be able to fully integrate the crystalline energies that are traveling to you from the cosmic gateway of the sun and through the core of the earth energies that you have anchored into the heart of GAIA.

And when you do find yourself in a meditative state and allow the energies to enter your spherical bodies you shall experience a tingling sensation at the very top of your head. Allow these energies to move past and through to your entire being, cleansing everything that no longer positively serves. Do not be frightened when you begin to experience the pressure upon your crown chakra, but simply allow the energy to seep through you, gently vibrating each and every cell of your body, gently cleansing out all the remnants of everything left behind from the time no longer relevant to your being.

Allow the warm sensation to envelope your whole mind structure and fully and completely integrate the new energies. Some of you will begin to feel sleepy, others will feel the need to go into a meditative state, yet others will joyously continue along their day. Remain calm and enjoy and embrace these energies that bask you in loving light of the prime creator.
And as you allow these energies to pass through you, think thoughts of love, light, peace, bliss and happiness, think of everything that you wish to welcome into your life, and of everything that you wish to let off, allow these energies to pass through you releasing you from everything that no longer works for you. Know and understand that it is your HIGHER SELVES that are sending you these energies from the ALCYLONE SUN of the Pleiades
But Let us explain to you in “scientific terms” of your time what is about to occur on your earthly planes of existence.

For as many of you are aware the sun is shifting its frequency and the sun’s magnetic poles are merging and shifting into a new reality, and we do understand that the scientific community of your time is going to brush it off as something insignificant, and many naysayers are going to emerge that will argue the validity of the information that we are about to present to you herein. Nevertheless, we wish to take a moment and explain to you what is about to happen to your bodies and your minds.

For what you are about to experience is the inversion of your systems, the inversion of going from ALL to NONE, from ZERO to INFINITY. The creative forces within your spherical creations that you call the human bodies is going to be unleashed to such a degree that it will then become possible for all of you to truly manifest that which you wish to see into your reality!
First step however, in this restructuring process is, that every single cell in your body is going to shift from the type of cellular and tissue structure that your science currently understands into that which your scientific community cannot possibly comprehend.

For as the sun’s shifting poles will shift and affect your bodies completely and utterly, you too will begin shifting and changing, not only in your consciousness, but also in your holographic experience.

The cellular structure of your body is about to undergo a major advancement in the creative processes of your holographic self. Many of you are feeling tired and exhausted beyond your current level of perception.

To help you understand this process, we wish to explain to you the theory of relativity, not as you presently understand it to be, but as it really is. The cosmic theory of relativity states that any celestial body that is undergoing a major event of magnificent proportions, that is directly linked to any “holographic” vehicle (body) currently occupied by consciousness of Prime Creator (souls), is thereby in direct alignment with the changing energies and is thereby greatly affected and is linked to the cosmic gates of existence, and is directly linked to specific organs and cellular structure within the body is thereby effected to a high degree.

Let us explain this to you I so that you can understand that which we mean. As you have been foretold your earth is indeed changing. And in order for safe passage through this dimensional frequency it is highly advisable for each and every single one of you to begin the allowance of interplanetary frequency change to take hold of your earthly vehicles and to allow the necessary changes to take place within, and in order to do so, we ask that you simply allow yourself to purge all the remnants that are no longer, positively serving you. Simply stated FORGIVE. LET GO. ALLOW.

Please remember dear ones that ALL or NONE can occur within your vessels and within your psyche, for only WHEN you are ready to proceed shall the energies begin to work with you. For those who are not yet ready, the energy will as if, be frozen in time, until such moment that they truly and fully are ready to embrace the eternal OM, the eternal truth, wisdom, understanding, love and light within their hearts.

We love you. We are with you. Goodbye for now.


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Here is a list of the most amazing magical places. The top 10 Places that look Imaginary around the world, but are actually real.

1. Mount Roraima, Venezuela

10 Places That Look Imaginary

It might look like it’s straight out of a sci-fi movie, but this natural wonder is completely real, and fully awe inspiring Mount Roraima is the highest of the Pakaraima chain of tepui plateau in South America. The mountain includes the triple border point of Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana. Mount Roraima lies on the Guiana Shield in the southeastern corner of Venezuela’s 30000 km2 Canaima National Park forming the highest peak of Guyana’s Highland Range. The tabletop mountains of the park are considered some of the oldest geological formations on Earth.


2. Tunnel of Love – Kleven, Ukraine

Tunnel of Love - Kleven, Ukraine

An unused railway track in the small Ukrainian town of Kleven (which lies some 350km from Kiev) has naturally transformed itself into a romantic paradise for couples. The track, which is known locally as The Tunnel of Love, is becoming an increasingly common spot for couples, particularly during spring, when a huge canopy of trees along the track grows over either side to form an arch. This arch stretches for up to three kilometers and looks like a green tunnel of trees and couples wishful of a few moments of romantic solitude are often seen strolling around.


3. Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni, Bolivia

Salar de Uyuni, one of the most breathtaking sights in the world, is the world’s largest salt flat at 10,582 square kilometers. It is located in the Potosí and Oruro departments in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes, and is at an elevation of 3,656 meters above mean sea level. The Salar was formed as a result of transformations between several prehistoric lakes. It is covered by a few meters of salt crust, which has an extraordinary flatness with the average altitude variations within one meter over the entire area of the Salar. The crust serves as a source of salt and covers a pool of brine, which is exceptionally rich in lithium.


4. Mount Grinnell – Glacier National Park, Montana

Mount Grinnell - Glacier National Park, Montana

Mount Grinnell is a peak located in the heart of Glacier National Park in the U.S. state of Montana near Mount Gould and Mount Wilbur. It is named after George Bird Grinnell. From the Many Glacier Hotel on Swiftcurrent Lake the “false peak” of Grinnell Point can be seen.


5. The Stone Forest – Yunnan, China

The Stone Forest - Yunnan, China

The Stone Forest or Shilin is a notable set of limestone formations located in Shilin Yi Autonomous County, Yunnan Province, People’s Republic of China, near Shilin approximately 120 kilometres from the provincial capital Kunming. The tall rocks seem to emanate from the ground in the manner of stalagmites, with many looking like petrified trees thereby creating the illusion of a forest made of stone.


6. Zhangye, China

Zhangye, China

The incredibly coloured rocky landscape that looks as though it’s been painted. Danxia Landform at Nantaizi village of Nijiaying town, in Linzhe county of Zhangye, Gansu province of China. This incredible landscape look as if it have been painted in the sweeping pastel brush strokes of an impressionistic artwork. But in fact this remarkable picture show the actual scenery of Danxia Landform at Nantaizi village of Nijiaying town, in Linzhe county of Zhangye, Gansu province of China.


7. Lake Retba – Senegal

Lake Retba - Senegal

Looks Like A Giant Strawberry Milkshake, Lake Retba or Lac Rose lies north of the Cap Vert peninsula of Senegal, north east of Dakar. It is so named for its pink waters, caused by Dunaliella salina algae in the water. The color is particularly visible during the dry season.


8. Tulip fields – Lisse, Holland

Tulip fields - Lisse, Holland

If you love flowers you won’t believe the colorful display of tulips and other springtime bulbs in bloom at the magnificent Keukenhof Gardens! The unforgettable seasonal display is created by more than seven million tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, spring bulbs and gorgeous trees. Keukenhof is one of Holland’s top attractions. The flower-growing area just south of Amsterdam is where millions of tulips come into bloom and the fields are striped with gold, fuchsia, scarlet and violet. The most popular attractions in Lisse is Keukenhof, open only during spring when the tulips are flowering. Also each spring a flower parade called the Bollenstreek Bloemencorso is held through the main streets of Lisse.


9. Lapland, Finland

Lapland, Finland

Riisitunturi National Park in southern Lapland is renowned for its crown snow trees.
Lapland is the largest and northernmost of the regions of Finland. It borders the Region of North Ostrobothnia in the south. It also borders the Gulf of Bothnia, Norrbotten County in Sweden, Finnmark County and Troms County in Norway as well as Murmansk Oblast in Russia. In Lapland you will experience winter twilight, Northern Lights and the nightless night of summer. Along with unique nature, become revitalised with a huge range of activities.


10. Socotra, Yemen

Socotra, Yemen

Socotra is a small archipelago of four islands in the Indian Ocean. Socotra is part of the Republic of Yemen and is considered the jewel of biodiversity in the Arabian Sea. One of the most striking of Socotra’s plants is the dragon’s blood tree (Dracaena cinnabari), which is a strange-looking, umbrella-shaped tree. Its red sap was thought to be the dragon’s blood of the ancients, sought after as a medicine and a dye, and today used as paint and varnish. The Dragon’s Blood tree is one of Socotra’s iconic natural features. These trees grows in droves high up on Diskum plateau in the center of the island


00. Crystal Cave – Skaftafell, Iceland

Crystal Cave - Skaftafell, Iceland

The Crystal Cave of Svmnafellsjvkull (CORR) in Skaftafell national park, highlights nature’s beauty. Created by the awesome forces of the Vatnajvkull ice cap in the south of the volcanic island, the deep blue cave was formed by the glacier meeting the coastline. The centuries old ice that has come from the slopes of 6,921 feet tall Vrffajvkull, Iceland’s tallest active volcano, has compressed all air out of the ice adding to the texture and colour of the cave.

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Stay out of Fear-Feeding the energy of the war machine

This morning I woke up with a very loud and clear message: Stay out of Fear.
(Second message was: merkaba activation...((whole other enchilada

I have attempted to write many times in the last two weeks but have been unable to do so.
(Lately I am mostly receiving images in my downloads, and words are hard to find to describe the messages.)

But today I am clear as a

We ,as an awakening collective, are becoming more and more sensitive to the energies of change that are now now blasting us on a regular basis from the Heart of our Source at every level.
We are expanding and so is our extrasensory perception.
The Energies of Source and Creation expand every THING.
Energies of the light and energies of the dark...we feel all.

Just like the sun shines its light upon ALL on this world,the Light of our Source affects all and permeates all living creatures.
All consciousness.
The whole planet and everything upon it.
And what is not living on this amazing planet?
All the kingdoms are involved.

Every antenna within me tells me something massive is building up.
As above so below...
I sense the collective is at the point of a great precipice, a great shift.
(Makes me think of lemmings for some reason...)
Maybe a great division within our collective.
I feel this in the energy of the planet, of the people, of the grid.
I know I am not the only one feeling this.

I am not anxious about what is to come at all.
But I have noticed that there are alarms being sounded all over the place.
Fear of war is high.
There seems to be preparation for an "event" of some kind...
Extremely so.

None of us doubt that as much as many want peace, there are others that want to experience war just as strongly.
For they think it is the right thing to do...and stand just as strong in their convictions.
Their truth is their reality.
They are manifesting too.
Their souls wish to experience it.

The collective consciousness of the planet is being run through the cosmic washing cycle.
Gotta wash all clean to start a new.
Extra strength.

SO not only are all of us going through massive releasing to clear our physical bodies...
BUT we are doing the same work for our mental, emotional,spiritual, and etheric bodies.
PLUS being lighthouses to others around just beginning their awakening...
AND trying to stay our of fear to balance out the war machine that is currently coursing through our reality.
(Multi-taskers, are we?)

THAT is imperative right now.
Stay out of fear.
It does not matter WHAT is heard.
Yes, acknowledge what is happening and speak out against it if you are called to do so.
Educate people if that is your calling.
Or go within if that is what you are guided to do.
But do not feed the energy of the war machine.

Our thoughts when coupled with feelings(especially intense feelings like joy or fear)manifest and create that which we focus our attention/intention upon.
That is how manifestation occurs.
Mental focus with energy and feelings from our heart.
Heart/Mind Speak.

We co-create this world together.
And now there is a massive division in the collective.
Souls wishing to experience service to self.
Souls wishing to experience service to others.
The earth wishing to heal.

Many are attempting to manifest destruction.

So if I draw my attention to the fear of war and what will happen, then that is where my life spark,my ability to create, will be directed.
That is what I will help create.
That is what I will expand.
If I become conscious of the fear, and release it, then I can focus my intent of bring peace to the world.
I focus my heart and mind on peace and I help balance out the the war energies that are attempting to overcome and manifest.
I expand to see the "bigger" picture.

I chose to expand my energies from my heart and direct them towards peace.
I do not wish to contribute to the energy of war.

Plus I think this...

I believe my Source,which resides within my heart, has heard ALL prayers.
Not just from humans.
All that have cried out and no longer wish to experience death and destruction.
Including the earth itself.
And the time is here for our world to change.
For how can it not?

So feed the Machine of Peace instead... from the power of our heart.
Know that the grid now is open to ALL energies from Source, as blockages that have kept Source energy from the grid, in the past, have been unblocked and integrated, transmuted.
The energy of Growth from our Source cannot be contained, for in itself it is synonymous with expansion,growth.

Together as an awakened conscious collective we are unstoppable.
Every time a soul awakens, the impact on the grid of the planet is huge.
And once connected to our Source and living from our hearts, we all have the same goal,for we all follow the same Source.
The same directive, within individual soul lessons.
Spread love and be love.
Treat others as you wish to be treated.
Be free.

Just BE whatever you are... without fear.
Everything is as it should be, the divine within us has awakened.
After all- We are all love, for love is all there is...

In Light and Love
Shine ON

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Dear Dr. Sohini,
Important for Gmail users.Gmail has made some changes. If you don't make these changes then you may not receive these newsletters and notices. 1. Open your Gmail online account. 2. Click the "Promotions" tab. 3.
Look for any emails from me. If you see one, drag it to the "Primary" folder 4. A question will pop up asking if you want this done automatically in the future. Click YES. -That should take care of it. Thank you.

I'm doing another fr'ee-distant energy healing for everyone who wants to join and all their friends, families and anyone else who reads this. The main healing session is on SATURDAY SEPT. 7, 2013 from 6-7pm Pacific Daylight Time or same as Los Angeles, (7-8pm MDT), (8-9 CDT), (9-10pm EDT-same as New York).

You can join this no-cost energy healing session by using your intention to be included. To join, just close your eyes for a minute when you read this and mentally say that you intend to join the session and want to be included. That is all you have to do to connect with the energy and you don't have to do anything else. Healing energy can begin to flow to you once you do this as many people who have done this before have reported.

There will be unscheduled daily energy adjustments leading up to the main session. You can receive a lot of healing energy before the main session on SEPT. 7.

For those who want to know more about this work you can read the website .

I was the past Secretary of the International Tibetan Qigong Association and found I had a gift for distant energy healing after recovering from a spinal cord injury.

This is not a telephone or Internet session. All you do is just relax and sit or lie down during the session & notice what is happening in your body. Even if you are busy you can still get good results. Because there will be many people in the session, I please ask you don't email to join. I wouldn't be able to handle all the email unless it's done this way.

You join simply by using your intention after reading this email. Also because this is a big group I won't be able to answer questions before the session and you'll get the details you need in this email. Please feel free to email your experiences afterwards.

Besides the main healing session there will be daily unscheduled energy adjustments leading up to SEPT 7 for those who intend to join before the main session. You can begin to notice effects of the energy adjustments soon after intending to join. Sensitive people can feel the effects of this adjustment period strongly before the main session. Here are comments from people who felt the energy working soon after intending to join.

M, "This is my first experience with this type of healing and I was skeptical. I am sensitive & from the time I joined I have felt this flow of energy and coolness. It's quite interesting."

Hi, "just the minute i intended to take part, while reading the e-mail, i could feel the energy! i felt waves and waves of energy. thanks so much for sharing this blessing with us!" anna
"I just joined for the session and soon I started to feel tingling sensations in my upper arms and legs. And when I set back in the chair, it encompassed my entire body." Linda

Michael, "Shortly after I signed up, I started to feel some tingling sensation around my feet. The vibration got stronger and started to work its way up into my ankles, calves and thighs. And now 24 hours later, I'm still feeling the effects of it. If this is what you call unscheduled intermittent adjustments WOW. I can't wait for the main session to start. Thank you very much" Verna

The energy works on many levels, physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Even though it's a group healing, the energy works with everyone individually. The energy is intelligent and knows best how to work with your energy system. The energy infuses light and energy into your energy field and can help clear and balance the acupuncture meridians, chakras and other energy channels. The energy won't weaken with a large group and can even get stronger with more people. Distance isn't a problem and you can receive this energy anywhere in the world.

This is not a telephone or Internet session. To receive the energy you just sit or lie down and relax on SAT. SEPT. 7 from 6-7 PM Pacific Time-same as Los Angeles (PDT) or 9-10pm New York Time (EDT) and receive the energy. Even if you have to be active during the session you can still receive great results. People in other countries can use: to convert the time. Use Los Angeles as the city of origin. You can also use -7GMT to convert the time.

I ask for your help and please forward this to anyone you think may be interested. Anyone can join even if they haven't done this work before. You can post this wherever you think it would be helpful, message boards, blogs, Facebook and other social websites, chat rooms, Twitter, etc..

If you forward this email, please remove/delete the "Safeunsubcribe" link at the bottom of the email because the person you forwarded the email can unsubscribe for you. You can also give them this blog url.

To get notices on Twitter:

You can help many people by forwarding this email. Because we are in a time of major transformation predicted by many different ancient cultures, it is easier than ever to transform negative beliefs and energy patterns.

Many spiritual traditions teach that we are all connected and now some Quantum Physicists are saying the same thing. These ancient teachings often mention the most important thing we can do is help others. When we help others we are also helping ourselves because we are all connected.

In Chaos Theory there is a term called the butterfly effect. It proposes that small actions or variations in a system can affect giant and complex systems. It suggests that possibly a butterfly flapping it's wings in one part of the world over time could create a tornado in another part of the world or change its direction. If you send this email to others we don't know how it will affect the bigger picture. You could send it to your friends and they could send it to their friends and it could affect hundreds of people or many people could read it on a blog, message board, other social media site etc..

Once someone has received energy from the free session I'll be able to send energy to them if they're in a disaster area to help them get through difficult times. I'm only a conduit for the energy and not the source and give all credit to the Divine, Universe, Spirit or whatever term one wants to use. The energy helps people to adjust their energy field so they can heal themselves. I believe all healing is self healing. I'm very grateful for this gift and happy to share it.

I liken this to the transmitting antenna of a radio station. I'm not the source of the energy and just the conduit for the universal energy and frequencies. When you use your intention to join the session it is like a radio tuning into a radio station. When you post and email this to your friends then you are transmitting the healing energy to them. We will all be broadcasting healing energy to many thousands of people all around the planet. Letting others know can help enhance your session.

"Hi there my brother sent me the email about (the free) distant healing an as i closed my eyes i felt energy come into my head ....and then each time i sent the email to someone else the energy intensified and continued for sometime...thank you...absolutely amazing!" kind regards, Marie

A few other people wrote these comments after sessions.

Maureen Moss is the Executive Producer and host of World Puja Network, which is one of the oldest and largest holistic global Internet programs. She is the author of several books and wrote this about Michael's work; "The power of his work has continuously astounded me and shifted me! Michael Mohoric is one of the best energy healers I have ever had the pleasure of working with in my life... Michael is a Master Conductor of Energy!"

Sandy Johnson is the author of "Mystics & Healers, Travels Into The World of Mystics, Shamans, & Miracle Makers", a book about healers with unusual abilities including John of God. She wrote about this energy work after the book was published; "Even with all my exposure to healers of all types, this work leaves me amazed."

Ingrid Bacci has authored best-selling books, CD's and DVD's on self-healing and is a respected healer. She is a former professor and graduate of Harvard and Columbia Universities. Ingrid wrote the following about this work.

Hello Michael: "I want to thank you from my heart for the session Wednesday, the first I have experienced with you. As a 'healer', or facilitator of energy flow from the Universe, I recognized immediately the purity and effectiveness of your work. Before the session started, on Wednesday morning, I could feel some old emotional toxins come up and then clear. During the session itself, I felt first some 'kriya' spasms, then very strong images of gushing blue water, and then felt the energy working to open up my entire cranium and rebalance me at a deeper level in that area.

I am well aware that the more 'open' our system, the more energy we can both receive and transmit, and your work felt truly profound. I also found the work very 'instructive' in the sense of guiding me to where I need to work within myself to receive at deeper levels, and a higher energy for helping others heal. Feel free to share these comments if you like. I look forward to working together more with you. Blessings, light, and many thanks" Ingrid

You can print this out and mail it to friends who don't have email to join the session. You can also read this to people over the phone if they don't have email and they'll get the energy when they use their intention to join.

For those in foreign countries you can translate this into your native language and send it to your friends to include them. Just try and stay as close and true as you can to the meaning of this email. This could be a great service to your countrymen. You can leave out the testimonials in your translation and just copy and paste the first sentence of this newsletter to the bottom of your translation.

How to Include Others

If you want to include other family members living at home in the session then just write their names on a piece of paper and put "Energy Healing" at the top of the page. Leave the paper out in the open on a counter or desk. Please don't send me their names in an additional email. You should get other adult's permission to be included (don't tell me). You don't need to get your children's permission. Anyone else outside your home will have to join by reading this email and using their intention to join. You can also include your pets by putting their names on the paper. Animals love the energy and respond very positively.

This is not a phone session. You can be anywhere and receive the energy. Your intent to join is the connection. You could be in your car or on a plane and still receive the energy. It's best to try and be quiet during the session on SAT. SEPT. 7 and just notice what is happening in your body. You can sit or lie down. You can still be active and get good results during the session but optimal results are obtained by being quiet during the session.

It is ok to sleep during the session. It's helpful to not bathe right after the session, wait until the next morning. Try to avoid cold drinks the night of the main session & the next day. It is also good to take it easy the next day after the session and if you exercise do it very moderately. It is best to use the energy for healing and not for a lot of activity. The energy can continue to work in your body several days or more after the session and some people can continue to see changes weeks after the session.

I like to hear from people afterwards. Please feel free to email me your experience.

If you are not on my email list and would like to receive notices about other free sessions and my monthly newsletter then you can sign up through my website.

You don't have to be on my email list to receive the energy. I send monthly notices when I start new monthly programs and you will receive notices of future free sessions.

If after the session you would like to do more intensive work with me then you can sign up through my website. I offer a monthly healing program for $99.

There is no set time for the unscheduled adjustments before the main session on SEPT 7 and you can receive this energy at any time. The unscheduled adjustments before the session can be a very powerful time. You may notice many things before, during and after the session. Some people may feel peaceful, energized, centered, balanced and sleep better. Others may be more emotional, restless and lethargic as they detoxify, which is very good. There can be a lot of purification happening on many levels during this time, emotional, mental and physical.

Before and during the session people can feel different energy sensations working in their body. Some of these feelings can be tingling, electrical, vibrating, heat, coolness, cold, pressure, lightness and other things. If you feel very cold then this is a sign that old negative energy is leaving your system. Try to stay warm if you feel very cold.

It is ok if you have to be active during the session. Many people have to work or take care of their families during this time. It can still be very beneficial if you aren't able to be quiet. It reduces the effects some but it can still be very effective. You can also sleep during the session. Sleeping is good way to receive the energy because you are very relaxed.

Try not to work on anything during the session, just be receptive and let the energy do its work. The energy knows where to work where it is most needed in your system. Thousands of people have done this and I get many reports from surprised people when the energy often finds their blockages even though they haven't told me their symptoms.

Usually a great majority of people have very positive results. Some people are more sensitive and can feel a lot of energy moving in their body. Others may not feel the energy but will notice good effects. After the sessions people can feel calm, centered, energized and balanced. They can also feel their pain greatly reduced or eliminated. Like any modality this won't work for everyone but most people see significant results.

Don't worry if you feel odd pains come and go leading up to the main session. This is good. As the energy clears the blockage in an area it can result in temporary pain. Also people can feel extra emotional during this time, which is also very good.

From a Qigong and Traditional Chinese Medical perspective much dis-ease is caused by emotional repression. The energy from these repressed emotions get stored in the organs and tissues of the body. The energy from the sessions can help to release these stored emotions. When we release repressed emotions then we can bring about deep healing. It takes a lot of energy to hold down the emotions and when they are released we can have much more energy available to us.

Sometimes people can have very beautiful and peaceful dreams during the sessions. Others can have some strange dreams. This is also beneficial. The sessions can help people to release old negative energy. The energy works like a virus detection program on a computer and can remove and cancel negative energy patterns, beliefs and programming.

Some people will notice some of their old negative ways of thinking will simply be gone and sometimes addictions fall away. Don't worry if you have scary dreams during the sessions. As one releases old repressed fear out of their energy field then the mind can give it a symbol. The symbols and fear are coming from your own mind. The energy work isn't causing anything, only helping to release old energy and emotions.

The energy helps to purify, cleanse and detoxify the body and mind. As the energy works through the energy blockages it can cause toxins to be released that are stored in the area. Some people may feel achy or tired at times leading up to the session. This is good and very, very helpful in the healing process. Feeling unusually tired is a sign that the body is using a lot of energy for healing.

Many modalities recognize the positive effects from detoxification. You may also find that you have to go to the bathroom more as you release toxins. During the purification process your organs of elimination will be energetically supported to help them release the toxins. I have done this process with thousands of people and the energy always works for people's highest good. If you don't feel good some of the time, try and hold the thought that you are healing.

The time leading up to and a little while after the main energy session can be a little bit like a roller coaster ride. You can feel very energized one day and then tired the next day as you release more toxins. Just realize that every time you don't feel good that it is a powerful time for healing and that you are raising the vibration of your energy system. It is good to stay hydrated and drink extra water (warm not cold) during this time.

I am very grateful for this opportunity to work with everyone.

Disclaimer: I, Michael Mohoric, am not a medical doctor and do not practice medicine. I don't diagnose, heal, cure, prevent or treat disease. I recommend people continue to see their medical doctors and follow their advice. My spiritual work is a complement to conventional medicine. I'm a minister and this spiritual energy work is not a substitute for conventional medical treatment of any kind, physical or psychological. For such issues you should seek the proper licensed physician or health care professional. This energy work may help the bio-field to come into energetic balance. Qigong theory believes when one's energy field is in balance, the body's latent healing ability can heal itself. I make no promises or guarantees about the results of this work.

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What Tree Did You Fall From?

What Tree Did You Fall From?

Find your birthday and its corresponding tree.
Then, see the meaning behind it below. Do you recognize yourself?
Dec 23 to Jan 01 Apple Tree
Jan 02 to Jan 11 Fir Tree
Jan 12 to Jan 24 Elm Tree
Jan 25 to Feb 03 Cypress Tree
Feb 04 to Feb 08 Poplar Tree
Feb 09 to Feb 18 Cedar Tree
Feb 19 to Feb 28 Pine Tree
Feb 29 Poplar Tree
Mar 01 to Mar 10 Weeping Willow Tree
Mar 11 to Mar 20 Lime Tree
Mar 21 Oak Tree
Mar 22 to Mar 31 Hazelnut Tree
Apr 01 to Apr 10 Rowan Tree
Apr 11 to Apr 20 Maple Tree
Apr 21 to Apr 30 Walnut Tree
May 01 to May 14 Poplar Tree
May 15 to May 24 Chestnut Tree
May 25 to Jun 03 Ash Tree
Jun 04 to Jun 13 Hornbeam Tree
Jun 14 to Jun 23 Fig Tree
Jun 24 Birch Tree
Jun 25 to Jul 04 Apple Tree
Jul 05 to Jul 14 Fir Tree
Jul 15 to Jul 25 Elm Tree
Jul 26 to Aug 04 Cypress Tree
Aug 05 to Aug 13 Poplar Tree
Aug 14 to Aug 23 Cedar Tree
Aug 24 to Sep 02 Pine Tree
Sep 03 to Sep 12 Weeping Willow Tree
Sep 13 to Sep 22 Lime Tree
Sep 23 Olive Tree
Sep 24 to Oct 03 Hazelnut Tree
Oct 04 to Oct 13 Rowan Tree
Oct 14 to Oct 23 Maple Tree
Oct 24 to Nov 11 Walnut Tree
Nov 12 to Nov 21 Chestnut Tree
Nov 22 to Dec 01 Ash Tree
Dec 02 to Dec 11 Hornbeam Tree
Dec 12 to Dec 21 Fig Tree
Dec 22 Beech Tree

APPLE TREE (the Love) - of slight build, lots of charm, appeal, and attraction, pleasant aura, flirtatious, adventurous, sensitive, always in love, wants to love and be loved, faithful and tender partner, very generous, scientific talents, lives for today, a carefree philosopher with imagination.

ASH TREE (the Ambition) - uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.

BEECH TREE (the Creative) - has good taste, concerned about its looks, materialistic, good organization of life and career, economical, good leader, takes no unnecessary risks, reasonable, splendid lifetime companion, keen on keeping fit (diets, sports, etc.)

BIRCH TREE (the inspiration) - vivacious, attractive, elegant, friendly, unpretentious, modest, does not like anything in excess, abhors the vulgar, loves life in nature and in calm, not very passionate, full of imagination, little ambition, creates a calm and content atmosphere.

CEDAR TREE (the Confidence) - of rare beauty, knows how to adapt, likes luxury, of good health, not in the least shy, tends to look down on others, self-confident, determined, impatient, likes to impress others, many talents, industrious, healthy optimism, waiting for the one true love, able to make quick decisions.

CHESTNUT TREE (the Honesty) - of unusual beauty, does not want to impress, well-developed sense of justice, vivacious, interested, a born diplomat, but irritates easily and sensitive in company, often due to a lack of self confidence, acts sometimes superior, feels not understood loves only once, has difficulties in finding a partner.

CYPRESS TREE (the Faithfulness) - strong, muscular, adaptable, takes what life has to give, content, optimistic, craves money and acknowledgment, hates loneliness, passionate lover which cannot be satisfied, faithful, quick-tempered, unruly, pedantic, and careless.

ELM TREE (the Noble-mindedness) - pleasant shape, tasteful clothes, modest demands, tends not to forgive mistakes, cheerful, likes to lead but not to obey, honest and faithful partner, likes making decisions for others, noble-minded, generous, good sense of humor, practical.

FIG TREE (the Sensibility) - very strong, a bit self-willed, independent, does not allow contradiction or arguments, loves life, its family, children and animals, a bit of a social butterfly, good sense of humor, likes idleness and laziness, of practical talent and intelligence.

FIR TREE (the Mysterious) - extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, uncontented lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable.

HAZELNUT TREE (the Extraordinary) - charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment.

HORNBEAM TREE (the Good Taste) - of cool beauty, cares for its looks and condition, good taste, is not egoistic, makes life as comfortable as possible, leads a reasonable and disciplined life, looks for kindness and acknowledgement in an emotional partner, dreams of unusual lovers, is seldom happy with its feelings, mistrusts most people, is never sure of its decisions, very conscientious.

LIME TREE (the Doubt) - accepts what life dishes out in a composed way, hates fighting, stress, and labor, dislikes laziness and idleness, soft and relenting, makes sacrifices for friends, many talents but not tenacious enough to make them blossom, often wailing and complaining, very jealous but loyal.

MAPLE TREE (Independence of Mind) - no ordinary person, full of imagination and originality, shy and reserved, ambitious, proud, self-confident, hungers for new experiences, sometimes nervous, has many complexities, good memory, learns easily, complicated love life, wants to impress.

OAK TREE (the Brave) - robust nature, courageous, strong, unrelenting, independent, sensible, does not like change, keeps its feet on the ground, person of action.

OLIVE TREE (the Wisdom) - loves sun, warmth and kind feelings, reasonable, balanced, avoids aggression and violence, tolerant, cheerful, calm, well-developed sense of justice, sensitive, empathetic, free of jealousy, loves to read and the company of sophisticated people.

PINE TREE (the Particular) - loves agreeable company, very robust, knows how to make life comfortable, very active, natural, good companion, but seldom friendly, falls easily in love but its passion burns out quickly, gives up easily, everything disappointments until it finds its ideal, trustworthy, practical.

POPLAR TREE (the Uncertainty) - looks very decorative, not very self-confident, only courageous if necessary, needs goodwill and pleasant surroundings, very choosy, often lonely, great animosity, artistic nature, good organizer, tends to lean toward philosophy, reliable in any situation, takes partnership seriously.

ROWAN TREE (the Sensitivity) - full of charm, cheerful, gifted without egoism, likes to draw attention, loves life, motion, unrest, and even complications, is both dependent and independent, good taste, artistic, passionate, emotional, good company, does not forgive.

WALNUT TREE (the Passion) - unrelenting, strange and full of contrasts, often egotistic, aggressive, noble, broad horizon, unexpected reactions, spontaneous, unlimited ambition, no flexibility, difficult and uncommon partner, not always liked but often admired, ingenious strategist, very jealous and passionate, no compromise.

WEEPING WILLOW (the Melancholy) - beautiful but full of melancholy, attractive, very empathetic, loves anything beautiful and tasteful, loves to travel, dreamer, restless, capricious, honest, can be influenced but is not easy to live with, demanding, good intuition, suffers in love but finds sometimes an anchoring partner.


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From: Mahala Gayle [
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 8:48 PM


Web site:
<> email address;

Summer is almost over and it is back to school time. I just love the fall
season with the warm days and the cool nights, and the beautiful colorful
trees. It is a sight to behold. Even though the energy is very intense, if
you take the time to smell the flowers you will be able to find peace within
your heart. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

The energy of the first two weeks of September has a very strong negative
feel to it. Mars will be moving into a square with Saturn the first week of
September. Today, September 2 the moon is in Leo along with Mars, and this
aspect makes a 90 degree angle to Saturn. Mars has been considered the
planet of war and Saturn the planet of karma. Mars will be in an exact
square with Saturn on September 9th when Congress is scheduled to reconvene
to decide if we will go to war with Syria.

The new moon on September 5 at 4:36 AM PDT is the day of Rosh Hashanah which
is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The G-20 Summit meeting will be
held on September 5-6 in St Petersburg, Russia. The president of this group
is Vladimir Putin. This meeting will be a good time for the world leaders to
express what they think about the United States possibly attacking Syria.
Remember Syria is backed by Russia, China, and Iran. 

This event is not only about Syria, it is a confrontation between the United
States and Russia. I heard that Russia has suggested that a group of Russian
leaders are willing to come to the United States and talk with our congress
to discuss this event. This is an interesting turn of events although I
don't know when, or if, this might happen. 

The planet Mars will be opposing Pluto, by declination, until the middle of
September. In fact, it will be exact on September 13-14 when the moon will
trigger that energy. We have been walking between two worlds for a long time
and we have definitely reached the end, and the new beginning. Will the new
world separate from the old world, and is it time to start living totally on
the new Earth? 

We have reached a turning point. It is time for change. We have been playing
out the Moses drama since October 6, 1973 when Egypt attacked Israel and the
headlines of the Seattle Times said "The war of judgment has started." This
is because it started on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. This holiday will
occur on September 14th this year, and will complete the 40 years we have
spent in the wilderness. Symbolic of course as are most Bible prophecies.

Remember the story of Moses where the people cried out to the Pharaoh to let
them go. What have the people of Egypt been doing for the past two plus
years? Isn't it time for freedom? Wouldn't you like to live on a planet of
peace and happiness? Isn't that our right after all the trauma we have gone
through in the ascension process? Haven't we earned the right to be free?

Many people are still afraid of living on a totally controlled planet. That
is not my reality and the planets do not in any way predict that we will
live under total control. Haven't we been under control since the event of
9-11? Didn't that change our world to a very dark one? Isn't it time to be
out of that energy? It will be 12 years on September 11, 2013 since the
event of 9-11 happened. This is the end of a 12 year cycle ruled by

Jupiter was over Washington, D.C. when 9-11 happened, and now we find
Jupiter back over Washington, D.C. on 13 degrees Cancer. This is the degree
of the star Sirius, which is one of our central suns. Does the fact that
Sirius is exactly lined up with Washington D.C., along with Jupiter, mean
that we have some powerful Beings looking after us right now and may
intervene in some way if we try to blow ourselves up.

Sirius was considered a very important star to the Egyptians. They always
looked for the rising of Sirius around July 26 and this was considered their
new year as demonstrated by the Dreamspell calendar. It's my understanding
that Beings from Sirius are very scientific and intellectual. Sirius is
connected with the six pointed Star of David and we just experienced two in
our heavens, one on July 29 and the other on August 25th.

It's my understanding that the Beings from the Pleiadian Star System are
very loving and creative and manifest the energy of the mother. Venus is
connected with the Pleiadian system and is considered the Goddess of love.
Did you know that Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates
backwards because it is a magnetic planet? Magnetic energy is female and
electrical energy is male. I was talking to a friend the other night and we
were talking about Venus. She said that if Venus is a magnetic planet then
it is the same energy as love and this is the energy that holds our solar
system together. What an interesting insight. 

The secret societies have always honored the planet Venus. The orbit of
Venus produces a five pointed star every eight years. We all know the Druids
acknowledged that planet as something special and the five pointed star is
their symbol. The city of Washington, D.C. was created to honor that planet
and the sign of Virgo, which in astrology is known as the Goddess. 

The North Node will conjunct Saturn on September 13-14, the day of Yom
Kippur. To me this means it is the end of a major cycle concerning Atlantis
because the conjunction is on the degree of Atlantis. It is my understanding
that we have been playing out the drama of Atlantis for a long time and
releasing our part in the destruction of that civilization. Mid-September is
the end of this cycle. How will it turn out? Will we again destroy part of
our planet or will we decide peace is the way to go? 

If we decide peace is the way to go we may be pushed totally into the new
energy. If so, we will have a lot to celebrate during the Harvest Festival
which starts on September 19, 2013. The full moon is also that day at 4:13
AM PDT. Venus will be conjunct Saturn at that time. Does this conjunction
mean our karma is over? Only time will tell. 

The sun is now in the sign of Virgo. I am a Virgo and September 13th is my
birthday. I will meditate on that day and send lots of love to the world. I
also would like to wish Happy Birthday to anyone else who was born in the
sign of Virgo. So Be It!

Love and blessings to everyone! ***** Mahala Gayle ***

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Views: 61
Comments: 0

From: Mahala Gayle [
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 8:48 PM


Web site:
<> email address;

Summer is almost over and it is back to school time. I just love the fall
season with the warm days and the cool nights, and the beautiful colorful
trees. It is a sight to behold. Even though the energy is very intense, if
you take the time to smell the flowers you will be able to find peace within
your heart. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

The energy of the first two weeks of September has a very strong negative
feel to it. Mars will be moving into a square with Saturn the first week of
September. Today, September 2 the moon is in Leo along with Mars, and this
aspect makes a 90 degree angle to Saturn. Mars has been considered the
planet of war and Saturn the planet of karma. Mars will be in an exact
square with Saturn on September 9th when Congress is scheduled to reconvene
to decide if we will go to war with Syria.

The new moon on September 5 at 4:36 AM PDT is the day of Rosh Hashanah which
is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The G-20 Summit meeting will be
held on September 5-6 in St Petersburg, Russia. The president of this group
is Vladimir Putin. This meeting will be a good time for the world leaders to
express what they think about the United States possibly attacking Syria.
Remember Syria is backed by Russia, China, and Iran. 

This event is not only about Syria, it is a confrontation between the United
States and Russia. I heard that Russia has suggested that a group of Russian
leaders are willing to come to the United States and talk with our congress
to discuss this event. This is an interesting turn of events although I
don't know when, or if, this might happen. 

The planet Mars will be opposing Pluto, by declination, until the middle of
September. In fact, it will be exact on September 13-14 when the moon will
trigger that energy. We have been walking between two worlds for a long time
and we have definitely reached the end, and the new beginning. Will the new
world separate from the old world, and is it time to start living totally on
the new Earth? 

We have reached a turning point. It is time for change. We have been playing
out the Moses drama since October 6, 1973 when Egypt attacked Israel and the
headlines of the Seattle Times said "The war of judgment has started." This
is because it started on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. This holiday will
occur on September 14th this year, and will complete the 40 years we have
spent in the wilderness. Symbolic of course as are most Bible prophecies.

Remember the story of Moses where the people cried out to the Pharaoh to let
them go. What have the people of Egypt been doing for the past two plus
years? Isn't it time for freedom? Wouldn't you like to live on a planet of
peace and happiness? Isn't that our right after all the trauma we have gone
through in the ascension process? Haven't we earned the right to be free?

Many people are still afraid of living on a totally controlled planet. That
is not my reality and the planets do not in any way predict that we will
live under total control. Haven't we been under control since the event of
9-11? Didn't that change our world to a very dark one? Isn't it time to be
out of that energy? It will be 12 years on September 11, 2013 since the
event of 9-11 happened. This is the end of a 12 year cycle ruled by

Jupiter was over Washington, D.C. when 9-11 happened, and now we find
Jupiter back over Washington, D.C. on 13 degrees Cancer. This is the degree
of the star Sirius, which is one of our central suns. Does the fact that
Sirius is exactly lined up with Washington D.C., along with Jupiter, mean
that we have some powerful Beings looking after us right now and may
intervene in some way if we try to blow ourselves up.

Sirius was considered a very important star to the Egyptians. They always
looked for the rising of Sirius around July 26 and this was considered their
new year as demonstrated by the Dreamspell calendar. It's my understanding
that Beings from Sirius are very scientific and intellectual. Sirius is
connected with the six pointed Star of David and we just experienced two in
our heavens, one on July 29 and the other on August 25th.

It's my understanding that the Beings from the Pleiadian Star System are
very loving and creative and manifest the energy of the mother. Venus is
connected with the Pleiadian system and is considered the Goddess of love.
Did you know that Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates
backwards because it is a magnetic planet? Magnetic energy is female and
electrical energy is male. I was talking to a friend the other night and we
were talking about Venus. She said that if Venus is a magnetic planet then
it is the same energy as love and this is the energy that holds our solar
system together. What an interesting insight. 

The secret societies have always honored the planet Venus. The orbit of
Venus produces a five pointed star every eight years. We all know the Druids
acknowledged that planet as something special and the five pointed star is
their symbol. The city of Washington, D.C. was created to honor that planet
and the sign of Virgo, which in astrology is known as the Goddess. 

The North Node will conjunct Saturn on September 13-14, the day of Yom
Kippur. To me this means it is the end of a major cycle concerning Atlantis
because the conjunction is on the degree of Atlantis. It is my understanding
that we have been playing out the drama of Atlantis for a long time and
releasing our part in the destruction of that civilization. Mid-September is
the end of this cycle. How will it turn out? Will we again destroy part of
our planet or will we decide peace is the way to go? 

If we decide peace is the way to go we may be pushed totally into the new
energy. If so, we will have a lot to celebrate during the Harvest Festival
which starts on September 19, 2013. The full moon is also that day at 4:13
AM PDT. Venus will be conjunct Saturn at that time. Does this conjunction
mean our karma is over? Only time will tell. 

The sun is now in the sign of Virgo. I am a Virgo and September 13th is my
birthday. I will meditate on that day and send lots of love to the world. I
also would like to wish Happy Birthday to anyone else who was born in the
sign of Virgo. So Be It!

Love and blessings to everyone! ***** Mahala Gayle ***

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Views: 26
Comments: 0

From: Mahala Gayle [
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 8:48 PM


Web site:
<> email address;

Summer is almost over and it is back to school time. I just love the fall
season with the warm days and the cool nights, and the beautiful colorful
trees. It is a sight to behold. Even though the energy is very intense, if
you take the time to smell the flowers you will be able to find peace within
your heart. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

The energy of the first two weeks of September has a very strong negative
feel to it. Mars will be moving into a square with Saturn the first week of
September. Today, September 2 the moon is in Leo along with Mars, and this
aspect makes a 90 degree angle to Saturn. Mars has been considered the
planet of war and Saturn the planet of karma. Mars will be in an exact
square with Saturn on September 9th when Congress is scheduled to reconvene
to decide if we will go to war with Syria.

The new moon on September 5 at 4:36 AM PDT is the day of Rosh Hashanah which
is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The G-20 Summit meeting will be
held on September 5-6 in St Petersburg, Russia. The president of this group
is Vladimir Putin. This meeting will be a good time for the world leaders to
express what they think about the United States possibly attacking Syria.
Remember Syria is backed by Russia, China, and Iran. 

This event is not only about Syria, it is a confrontation between the United
States and Russia. I heard that Russia has suggested that a group of Russian
leaders are willing to come to the United States and talk with our congress
to discuss this event. This is an interesting turn of events although I
don't know when, or if, this might happen. 

The planet Mars will be opposing Pluto, by declination, until the middle of
September. In fact, it will be exact on September 13-14 when the moon will
trigger that energy. We have been walking between two worlds for a long time
and we have definitely reached the end, and the new beginning. Will the new
world separate from the old world, and is it time to start living totally on
the new Earth? 

We have reached a turning point. It is time for change. We have been playing
out the Moses drama since October 6, 1973 when Egypt attacked Israel and the
headlines of the Seattle Times said "The war of judgment has started." This
is because it started on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. This holiday will
occur on September 14th this year, and will complete the 40 years we have
spent in the wilderness. Symbolic of course as are most Bible prophecies.

Remember the story of Moses where the people cried out to the Pharaoh to let
them go. What have the people of Egypt been doing for the past two plus
years? Isn't it time for freedom? Wouldn't you like to live on a planet of
peace and happiness? Isn't that our right after all the trauma we have gone
through in the ascension process? Haven't we earned the right to be free?

Many people are still afraid of living on a totally controlled planet. That
is not my reality and the planets do not in any way predict that we will
live under total control. Haven't we been under control since the event of
9-11? Didn't that change our world to a very dark one? Isn't it time to be
out of that energy? It will be 12 years on September 11, 2013 since the
event of 9-11 happened. This is the end of a 12 year cycle ruled by

Jupiter was over Washington, D.C. when 9-11 happened, and now we find
Jupiter back over Washington, D.C. on 13 degrees Cancer. This is the degree
of the star Sirius, which is one of our central suns. Does the fact that
Sirius is exactly lined up with Washington D.C., along with Jupiter, mean
that we have some powerful Beings looking after us right now and may
intervene in some way if we try to blow ourselves up.

Sirius was considered a very important star to the Egyptians. They always
looked for the rising of Sirius around July 26 and this was considered their
new year as demonstrated by the Dreamspell calendar. It's my understanding
that Beings from Sirius are very scientific and intellectual. Sirius is
connected with the six pointed Star of David and we just experienced two in
our heavens, one on July 29 and the other on August 25th.

It's my understanding that the Beings from the Pleiadian Star System are
very loving and creative and manifest the energy of the mother. Venus is
connected with the Pleiadian system and is considered the Goddess of love.
Did you know that Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates
backwards because it is a magnetic planet? Magnetic energy is female and
electrical energy is male. I was talking to a friend the other night and we
were talking about Venus. She said that if Venus is a magnetic planet then
it is the same energy as love and this is the energy that holds our solar
system together. What an interesting insight. 

The secret societies have always honored the planet Venus. The orbit of
Venus produces a five pointed star every eight years. We all know the Druids
acknowledged that planet as something special and the five pointed star is
their symbol. The city of Washington, D.C. was created to honor that planet
and the sign of Virgo, which in astrology is known as the Goddess. 

The North Node will conjunct Saturn on September 13-14, the day of Yom
Kippur. To me this means it is the end of a major cycle concerning Atlantis
because the conjunction is on the degree of Atlantis. It is my understanding
that we have been playing out the drama of Atlantis for a long time and
releasing our part in the destruction of that civilization. Mid-September is
the end of this cycle. How will it turn out? Will we again destroy part of
our planet or will we decide peace is the way to go? 

If we decide peace is the way to go we may be pushed totally into the new
energy. If so, we will have a lot to celebrate during the Harvest Festival
which starts on September 19, 2013. The full moon is also that day at 4:13
AM PDT. Venus will be conjunct Saturn at that time. Does this conjunction
mean our karma is over? Only time will tell. 

The sun is now in the sign of Virgo. I am a Virgo and September 13th is my
birthday. I will meditate on that day and send lots of love to the world. I
also would like to wish Happy Birthday to anyone else who was born in the
sign of Virgo. So Be It!

Love and blessings to everyone! ***** Mahala Gayle ***

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Views: 57
Comments: 1

From: Mahala Gayle [
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 8:48 PM


Web site:
<> email address;

Summer is almost over and it is back to school time. I just love the fall
season with the warm days and the cool nights, and the beautiful colorful
trees. It is a sight to behold. Even though the energy is very intense, if
you take the time to smell the flowers you will be able to find peace within
your heart. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

The energy of the first two weeks of September has a very strong negative
feel to it. Mars will be moving into a square with Saturn the first week of
September. Today, September 2 the moon is in Leo along with Mars, and this
aspect makes a 90 degree angle to Saturn. Mars has been considered the
planet of war and Saturn the planet of karma. Mars will be in an exact
square with Saturn on September 9th when Congress is scheduled to reconvene
to decide if we will go to war with Syria.

The new moon on September 5 at 4:36 AM PDT is the day of Rosh Hashanah which
is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The G-20 Summit meeting will be
held on September 5-6 in St Petersburg, Russia. The president of this group
is Vladimir Putin. This meeting will be a good time for the world leaders to
express what they think about the United States possibly attacking Syria.
Remember Syria is backed by Russia, China, and Iran. 

This event is not only about Syria, it is a confrontation between the United
States and Russia. I heard that Russia has suggested that a group of Russian
leaders are willing to come to the United States and talk with our congress
to discuss this event. This is an interesting turn of events although I
don't know when, or if, this might happen. 

The planet Mars will be opposing Pluto, by declination, until the middle of
September. In fact, it will be exact on September 13-14 when the moon will
trigger that energy. We have been walking between two worlds for a long time
and we have definitely reached the end, and the new beginning. Will the new
world separate from the old world, and is it time to start living totally on
the new Earth? 

We have reached a turning point. It is time for change. We have been playing
out the Moses drama since October 6, 1973 when Egypt attacked Israel and the
headlines of the Seattle Times said "The war of judgment has started." This
is because it started on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. This holiday will
occur on September 14th this year, and will complete the 40 years we have
spent in the wilderness. Symbolic of course as are most Bible prophecies.

Remember the story of Moses where the people cried out to the Pharaoh to let
them go. What have the people of Egypt been doing for the past two plus
years? Isn't it time for freedom? Wouldn't you like to live on a planet of
peace and happiness? Isn't that our right after all the trauma we have gone
through in the ascension process? Haven't we earned the right to be free?

Many people are still afraid of living on a totally controlled planet. That
is not my reality and the planets do not in any way predict that we will
live under total control. Haven't we been under control since the event of
9-11? Didn't that change our world to a very dark one? Isn't it time to be
out of that energy? It will be 12 years on September 11, 2013 since the
event of 9-11 happened. This is the end of a 12 year cycle ruled by

Jupiter was over Washington, D.C. when 9-11 happened, and now we find
Jupiter back over Washington, D.C. on 13 degrees Cancer. This is the degree
of the star Sirius, which is one of our central suns. Does the fact that
Sirius is exactly lined up with Washington D.C., along with Jupiter, mean
that we have some powerful Beings looking after us right now and may
intervene in some way if we try to blow ourselves up.

Sirius was considered a very important star to the Egyptians. They always
looked for the rising of Sirius around July 26 and this was considered their
new year as demonstrated by the Dreamspell calendar. It's my understanding
that Beings from Sirius are very scientific and intellectual. Sirius is
connected with the six pointed Star of David and we just experienced two in
our heavens, one on July 29 and the other on August 25th.

It's my understanding that the Beings from the Pleiadian Star System are
very loving and creative and manifest the energy of the mother. Venus is
connected with the Pleiadian system and is considered the Goddess of love.
Did you know that Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates
backwards because it is a magnetic planet? Magnetic energy is female and
electrical energy is male. I was talking to a friend the other night and we
were talking about Venus. She said that if Venus is a magnetic planet then
it is the same energy as love and this is the energy that holds our solar
system together. What an interesting insight. 

The secret societies have always honored the planet Venus. The orbit of
Venus produces a five pointed star every eight years. We all know the Druids
acknowledged that planet as something special and the five pointed star is
their symbol. The city of Washington, D.C. was created to honor that planet
and the sign of Virgo, which in astrology is known as the Goddess. 

The North Node will conjunct Saturn on September 13-14, the day of Yom
Kippur. To me this means it is the end of a major cycle concerning Atlantis
because the conjunction is on the degree of Atlantis. It is my understanding
that we have been playing out the drama of Atlantis for a long time and
releasing our part in the destruction of that civilization. Mid-September is
the end of this cycle. How will it turn out? Will we again destroy part of
our planet or will we decide peace is the way to go? 

If we decide peace is the way to go we may be pushed totally into the new
energy. If so, we will have a lot to celebrate during the Harvest Festival
which starts on September 19, 2013. The full moon is also that day at 4:13
AM PDT. Venus will be conjunct Saturn at that time. Does this conjunction
mean our karma is over? Only time will tell. 

The sun is now in the sign of Virgo. I am a Virgo and September 13th is my
birthday. I will meditate on that day and send lots of love to the world. I
also would like to wish Happy Birthday to anyone else who was born in the
sign of Virgo. So Be It!

Love and blessings to everyone! ***** Mahala Gayle ***

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Views: 28
Comments: 0

From: Mahala Gayle [
Sent: Monday, September 02, 2013 8:48 PM


Web site:
<> email address;

Summer is almost over and it is back to school time. I just love the fall
season with the warm days and the cool nights, and the beautiful colorful
trees. It is a sight to behold. Even though the energy is very intense, if
you take the time to smell the flowers you will be able to find peace within
your heart. Let there be peace in the world and let it begin with me.

The energy of the first two weeks of September has a very strong negative
feel to it. Mars will be moving into a square with Saturn the first week of
September. Today, September 2 the moon is in Leo along with Mars, and this
aspect makes a 90 degree angle to Saturn. Mars has been considered the
planet of war and Saturn the planet of karma. Mars will be in an exact
square with Saturn on September 9th when Congress is scheduled to reconvene
to decide if we will go to war with Syria.

The new moon on September 5 at 4:36 AM PDT is the day of Rosh Hashanah which
is the beginning of the Jewish New Year. The G-20 Summit meeting will be
held on September 5-6 in St Petersburg, Russia. The president of this group
is Vladimir Putin. This meeting will be a good time for the world leaders to
express what they think about the United States possibly attacking Syria.
Remember Syria is backed by Russia, China, and Iran. 

This event is not only about Syria, it is a confrontation between the United
States and Russia. I heard that Russia has suggested that a group of Russian
leaders are willing to come to the United States and talk with our congress
to discuss this event. This is an interesting turn of events although I
don't know when, or if, this might happen. 

The planet Mars will be opposing Pluto, by declination, until the middle of
September. In fact, it will be exact on September 13-14 when the moon will
trigger that energy. We have been walking between two worlds for a long time
and we have definitely reached the end, and the new beginning. Will the new
world separate from the old world, and is it time to start living totally on
the new Earth? 

We have reached a turning point. It is time for change. We have been playing
out the Moses drama since October 6, 1973 when Egypt attacked Israel and the
headlines of the Seattle Times said "The war of judgment has started." This
is because it started on the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur. This holiday will
occur on September 14th this year, and will complete the 40 years we have
spent in the wilderness. Symbolic of course as are most Bible prophecies.

Remember the story of Moses where the people cried out to the Pharaoh to let
them go. What have the people of Egypt been doing for the past two plus
years? Isn't it time for freedom? Wouldn't you like to live on a planet of
peace and happiness? Isn't that our right after all the trauma we have gone
through in the ascension process? Haven't we earned the right to be free?

Many people are still afraid of living on a totally controlled planet. That
is not my reality and the planets do not in any way predict that we will
live under total control. Haven't we been under control since the event of
9-11? Didn't that change our world to a very dark one? Isn't it time to be
out of that energy? It will be 12 years on September 11, 2013 since the
event of 9-11 happened. This is the end of a 12 year cycle ruled by

Jupiter was over Washington, D.C. when 9-11 happened, and now we find
Jupiter back over Washington, D.C. on 13 degrees Cancer. This is the degree
of the star Sirius, which is one of our central suns. Does the fact that
Sirius is exactly lined up with Washington D.C., along with Jupiter, mean
that we have some powerful Beings looking after us right now and may
intervene in some way if we try to blow ourselves up.

Sirius was considered a very important star to the Egyptians. They always
looked for the rising of Sirius around July 26 and this was considered their
new year as demonstrated by the Dreamspell calendar. It's my understanding
that Beings from Sirius are very scientific and intellectual. Sirius is
connected with the six pointed Star of David and we just experienced two in
our heavens, one on July 29 and the other on August 25th.

It's my understanding that the Beings from the Pleiadian Star System are
very loving and creative and manifest the energy of the mother. Venus is
connected with the Pleiadian system and is considered the Goddess of love.
Did you know that Venus is the only planet in our solar system that rotates
backwards because it is a magnetic planet? Magnetic energy is female and
electrical energy is male. I was talking to a friend the other night and we
were talking about Venus. She said that if Venus is a magnetic planet then
it is the same energy as love and this is the energy that holds our solar
system together. What an interesting insight. 

The secret societies have always honored the planet Venus. The orbit of
Venus produces a five pointed star every eight years. We all know the Druids
acknowledged that planet as something special and the five pointed star is
their symbol. The city of Washington, D.C. was created to honor that planet
and the sign of Virgo, which in astrology is known as the Goddess. 

The North Node will conjunct Saturn on September 13-14, the day of Yom
Kippur. To me this means it is the end of a major cycle concerning Atlantis
because the conjunction is on the degree of Atlantis. It is my understanding
that we have been playing out the drama of Atlantis for a long time and
releasing our part in the destruction of that civilization. Mid-September is
the end of this cycle. How will it turn out? Will we again destroy part of
our planet or will we decide peace is the way to go? 

If we decide peace is the way to go we may be pushed totally into the new
energy. If so, we will have a lot to celebrate during the Harvest Festival
which starts on September 19, 2013. The full moon is also that day at 4:13
AM PDT. Venus will be conjunct Saturn at that time. Does this conjunction
mean our karma is over? Only time will tell. 

The sun is now in the sign of Virgo. I am a Virgo and September 13th is my
birthday. I will meditate on that day and send lots of love to the world. I
also would like to wish Happy Birthday to anyone else who was born in the
sign of Virgo. So Be It!

Love and blessings to everyone! ***** Mahala Gayle ***

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