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Replace judgment with discernment

In order to heal, you must learn the difference between discernment and judgment. We repeat that discernment is simply noticing that differences exist, while judgment attaches emotions through your belief systems to the differences you perceive... Discernment becomes judgment when an emotional reaction to something challenges your beliefs. - The Pleiadians

My advice- drop all beliefs. Beliefs are fixed perspectives that limit conscious awareness of others. People are not fixed, so why waste energy on judging? If you judge people, you have no time to love people.

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Service to Others

Selfless does not mean letting people walk over you, that would not be service to the law of free will ~ healthy boundaries ~. Service to Others is service to others and self, Love in Alignment with Free Will. Service to Self is not respecting free will through control etc. Like David Hawkins' book Power vs. Force, Service to Others is empowering (lifting up through love- expansion) while Service to Self is forcing (tearing down through control- restriction). Different vibrational frequencies. There are two sides of Source energy- static (love) and dynamic (free will). Service to Others follows Divine laws, while Service to Self chooses to ignore Divine laws as long as they can.

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Love in alignment with Free Will

Taught someone why people are how they are, the answer is free will. Free Will differentiates (makes us unique) and also can divide through limited perspectives. Love unifies and finds common ground within all people. Free Will directs each mind, and then each mind (though beliefs) directs actions. Think of a pizza. There are 12 slices. Each slice is a free will. There are 12 unique perspectives in this case. So people aren't logical because free will isn't logical, and one person's free will directed mind will interpret situations differently than another's, because free will is inherently different. So free will does not always align. But you can add loving kindness in situations to add love which unifies. Empathy (put yourself in another's shoes) and compassion are the results of adding loving kindness. Humility is also the result, to listen to others and respond with love. Free will without love exists due to ignorance, which people are born into as humans. But once awakened, the heart opens and love pours out into actions of loving kindness toward all people. The key is to unite love and free will, which then becomes Divine Will, where you become an instrument of God's Will. Love with free will still means to keep healthy boundaries (don't be a doormat), but do you best in each situation to be loving. To love your neighbor as yourself, which is love in alignment with free will, which is creating Heaven on Earth.

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If you have trouble accepting love, it may have links to worthiness. You don't need to use the mind to justify accepting love. You are worthy of love and accepted with open arms. Remember the mind is a tool for a specific purpose. It cannot be applied to love. Love is the domain of the heart. Life is. Love is. Free Will is.

Free Will cannot be justified by the mind because it is each Free Will that directs each mind! When Free Will moves another to be themselves and express themselves how they want to express, let them be. All pieces of the puzzle of life are needed for rich flavor and diversity. The reason for free will is to expand the universe, to change the universe. There is a purpose and that is for each to choose their path and be themselves.

Free Will awareness directs the use of the mind or the heart. You have the power to choose. So when someone is giving you kind compliments or gifts of love, you don't need to justify them based upon past experiences or using mind logic. Just be. Just be present. Stay in the present moment only. Accept love with gratitude from others without justifications or expectations. Direct your Free Will through your heart and love will continue to multiply in your life.

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Being is the feminine energy. Doing is the masculine energy. Notice the Yin Yang symbol. There is doing within being. There is being within doing. If you are a be-er then your lesson is to learn to do- initiative, projects and their completion, self-confidence, leading and healthy boundaries. If you are a do-er then your lesson is to learn to be- to listen, to appreciate, to be grateful, to embrace, to support, to partner, to nuture. When you are both being and doing, you reflect the Divine, the Christ energy.


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Always wondered how Spirit sources could say time is an illusion. Jeshua book helped explain it to me. Time passes from experiences not a clock. The purpose of life is to experience and choose polarity in experiences to connect with Home and bring Home to Earth. The past and future are illusion because they are not fixed.

You can return your consciousness or project your consciousness from the now present moment and heal it through forgiveness (past) or faith (future). You can also enter from the present into multiple timelines from previous experience or into future experiences. Like when we dream, we project consciousness. Or recall a memory, we project consciousness. Or we visualize the future, we project consciousness.

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