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Paramagnetic Alignments



An incredible experience you will never forget!

This is a set of four paramagnetic alignments plus activations given directly to you by Bryan. This session will create a dramatic realignment and activation of your four lower bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual). During these alignments each individual will experience personal healings, inner initiations and massive soul retrieval. The alignments include:


Mental Body Recalibration….which releases confusion and conflict patterns within the mind, allowing the higher mental body to operate without interference.


Emotional Body Realignment…which will clear and stabilize the feeling and desire bodies & assist with emotional detachment and compassion. You will also learn how to clear and release instantly & permanently any lower emotions such as hate, anger, fear, stress, depression and anxiety.


Physical Body Realignment…which is a series of healing energetic infusions, designed to upgrade the current condition of the physical body and clear any limiting patterns currently being experienced.


Spiritual Body Recalibration…which is an activation of the Golden Christed ‘Angelic Shield’ and ‘light language’ force-fields in, through and around the body. When operational, this protects you from distortional energies and external programming.


Come join us!

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Can A Soul Be Trapped In A Machine?

Many people's hope for afterlife comes from the belief that the body is a shell or a container etc that house an invisible entity termed 'the soul'. The soul, so it is said, is the cause of our consciousness and sometimes it is equated to the consciousness itself. One difficulty that arises from this idea comes from the fact that we cannot exit our bodies at will. Why can't we simply leave our bodies behind once and for all and go to heaven and enjoy the bliss forever? This gives rise to the notion that our bodies somehow 'traps' the soul. Since our bodies are composed of charges of opposite signs etc, it is tempting to suppose that any such a system such as a computer can similarly trap the soul so that just like the way we can never exit our bodies, someone might, in future, invent a device that can hopelessly trap us forever inside say a machine, and possibly torturing us even forever! Thus the very hope of an afterlife is effectively turned on its own head!The 'original sin' comes from the baseless belief that our consciousness is due to an unseen, entity that the supposedly understandable matter can somehow 'trap' it without itself being understandable, and hence 'there being no need' to carefully think of, and attempt to understand what we are believing in. I vehemingly reject this approach! We should try to understand 'the soul' as much as we do, 'the body'. We must try to explain how the body, or the soul, can achieve this fleat of 'getting trapped into each other' without them 'being on the same universe.It comes as a surprise to many people to learn that if the soul is what we are, then it can, at least in principle, be studied scientifically! This being the case, we can also create theoretical models to 'explain' the soul, just like we do, to explain the forces of nature, such as gravity. To a careful physicist, or a philosopher, etc, the soul interacting with the body must come about like a 'fifth force' that has an effect in our bodies. This 'fifth force' can be discovered by carefully studying the brain and specifically noting how there is an effect that cannot be accounted for by known forces.Since it seems that some people find it hard to understand this fact that 'soul' is discoverable by the usual scientific method, let me try to elucidate it more. Now, in a 'vacuum', we know how charged particles behave, in accordance with laws of electrodynamics. So for instance under a constant voltage, they will accelerate steadily. But if they encounter a 'soul' on its way, generaly they will alter their acceleration in such a way that a physicis will notice that either something is wrong with the laws of electrodynamics or there is some yet unknown 'fift force' that is at work on the particle. However the soul has just acted upon the charge in exactly the same manner it would have acted upon the charges in your brain so that it may eventually influence the body to act in a certain manner, e.g. raising your hand in what we term it as 'our conscious decision'. So it is clear that we cannot answer the question as to why the soul has never been detected by physicists by saying 'it is beyond understanding' or 'we feel it' or 'the mind is limited' or such jocker cards. These are false, absurd and misleading! We can and should understand 'soul' up to the point of explaining how it is consistent with known facts. To do that, we must make some model for 'soul'.One explanation is that the disembodied 'soul' does not interact with charges. This bestows the soul with mechanisms of enabling and disabling its ability to interact with electromagnetism. This mechanism must be instantaneous. Upon exiting the body, the soul must be able to instantaneously switch off its electromagnetism. But this ability also automatically makes the soul incapable of being trapped by another machine, e.g. a computer. But since we can't use this ability to intentionally exit our bodies, there must be some rules followed by the soul that has no counterpart in the rules followed by the matter.
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9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $44  120 min

Replay Available \

This ‘Vril Power’ class will ignite the primal force within you (often known as Kundalini) and re-spark your energy; awakening a new explosion of passion, prosperity and resilience within you.  Known in Atlantis as one’s ancient ‘Vril’ power, this source of energy and ‘personal fire’ governs the spark of life within you and should periodically be checked and energized to keep your lower chakras vibrant, your sexual energy youthful, and your reproductive organs healthy and strong.  Join us for this important personal upgrade and recharge that we all need…especially after the last few years of constant collective stress & personal energy drain.  This Vril Force activation will give you power, drive and motivation…and bring back much of your endurance, stamina and sexual power.  See you there!

For more information please visit....


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