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Anger's Purpose a message from Rebecca Couch

Anger's Purpose

a message from Rebecca Couch
Tuesday, 21 August, 2012
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What is the purpose of anger, you ask? It is the crucible from which freedom can be born. It is the compounded welling up of trapped emotion about all things. We are emotional beings for a reason, so we can truly process our experiences – every colour and nuance of experience in this life. The buoyant feelings are processed at the time by their buoyancy and the heavier emotions that are cloaked with judgements of guilt and shame and inferiority get just that – cloaked. They stay trapped and continue to hold us down. There is no point in this except that it creates the possibility of an even greater desire for lightness and freedom from these illusory burdens. Life is challenging enough without carrying the baggage created by judgement. Who is to say something is good or bad except of what we make of it? We punish ourselves way more than any external punishment could compare. And so it is for us to free ourselves from this self-imposed prison. What does it matter what others think when what we think has the greatest power to uplift or degrade?

The purpose of life is to experience and to come to know the truth of who we are as sparks of the Divine. And so unresolved anger is just a result of repressed or unexpressed original emotions…they get dumped into a pain bucket and ferment…only to “off gas” at unexpected or disproportionate times. The trigger could be small, but it taps into a pocket of stuff that needs to be expressed in order to free ourselves. It is a great opportunity to experience the truth of who we really are, but the experience of the unnamed well of ooze can make us feel otherwise. The key is not to identify ourselves by the rising up of anger…this is not who we are. It isn’t even who we used to be or something that happened to us long ago. It is just old sludge, needing to be released. How it is released is up to the present us…the more advanced, loving, mature person we have become can manage this fuel in a productive, positive, life-changing, even life-enhancing way. Nothing fuels a run or a houseclean or a weekend away or the scaling of tall buildings like the fire of released emotion!

Do not let the fire burn you, or especially, anyone else. This is cause for repeat error, repeat sin against yourself and others and while it is “easy” it only makes things worse and taints the present with old fuel. What is the point of soiling now with old emotion…this is where the tremendous healing opportunity is often lost. Do not make this critical mistake! It is for us to come to know ourselves better, to create a deeper relationship with our Selves to know the Divine. Processing anger does not have to be compounded error; it can be a very powerful tool for awakening to Self. It can cause a great surge of need to go within. One of its great purposes is to call one inside, to know the true power within and to know the experiences that created (or tapped into) this power and to help us know ourselves more intimately. Nothing like a volcano bubbling up inside to help draw us there to understand. To heal ourselves. To love ourselves. To know ourselves. To take control of and responsibility for ourselves.

Stomach, solar plexus and digestive issues can point to the undigestibility of feelings inside. It’s okay. Cool them by paying attention. What is firing you up? What is stirring you up? What is making you afraid and what can’t you digest about the situation? Tell yourself all is well. Tell yourself you are listening and have the capability of using your own power correctly to represent yourself in the situation. You are not being overcome, you are being wakened up! The inner eruption is to get your attention and to remind you that your Divine Self knows what is best for you and will show up in the situation if you stop fighting and drowning and running and feeling helpless. You are powerful and will only use that Divine Power for good. Do not be afraid of your True Power. It is why the eruption is happening in the first place.

Breathe. Still the churning waters. Ask for Divine Presence to show itself lovingly inside of you that you can choose to use this powerful emotion positively, that it can be released to fuel positive change. To express it from your gut creates conflict but to express it from your heart transmutes it into higher expression. Ask for help for it to be lifted in higher expression. For your heart to process the energy and use it for good, not stinging retribution. Lower energies transmuted into higher energies is the work of the Alchemist, the Master. Be the Merlin of your old, subconscious low vibration emotions and use your Wizard Self to transform them into light. This is what will transform your life, and change the world. Imagine if everyone were busy transmuting old into higher? This is how we would change the world, one breath at a time! And so the contagion would spread, as each breath is caught from one to the other, and there would no longer be cause to hold the lower vibrations in our – or Mother Earth’s - energy field.

When all of the old sludge is cleared up, then anything that arises in our present moment, we can more clearly choose how to transmute it in the moment. It is instantaneous and powerful and doesn’t allow anything to stick again. We become more honest. We become more of the Master. We can hold a higher quotient of light because we are not carrying sludge. Good surrounds us and good emanates from us. We truly make a difference in every moment by Being the truth of who we are.

In the meantime, we need to do something positive to stir up the sludge and get things moving. Appreciate when it comes up to be addressed and see it as another shackle being broken. Up and out with positive intent. Up and out without hurting ourselves or anyone else. Up and out and build a sandcastle or cake or tree house or boat. And be sure to pay attention as we reap the benefits of living and loving lighter. Allow happiness to take hold and stay. Allow lightness into our being and way of life so that we can’t even imagine how heavy we were before we took charge and surrendered our weight.

“I love you anger, for you helped me find my true self. Thank you for showing yourself and thank you for allowing me to take charge of you. I felt the fuel of your fury and transmuted you into a lighter, more kind and loving way of being. Thank you for showing me the path to my true passion and love of life. Thank you for helping me feel deeply, so that I can know joy!”

No matter what the cause, no matter what the process, there is nothing like feeling more alive and coming to appreciate the subtle, profound nature of peace.

Loving kindness abides in you. We are,
Your Council of Light

© 2012 Rebecca Couch,

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Riding the Waves

So many of us are going through big changes and feeling raw and easily triggered. We are processing and integrating our life experiences from the time we were born. Old feelings, some long denied, others just there as if they are part of us are being amplified. I say “as if” they are part of us because these feelings are often linked to stories that we bought into – beliefs that aren’t true about ourselves, but that we kept alive in our energy field by agreeing with them. Through trying to cope with a world that didn’t want us to be who we truly were, we integrated stories and beliefs and energies that blocked the flow of our Soul’s energetic vibration – this is our unique vibratory signature that is our authentic nature. So now, the energy of truth is flowing through everything – the Universe, the galaxy, our solar system, the Sun, to the Earth and through the core of our beings, igniting our Souls. The radiance is shining through us and what isn’t our truth is being shaken free.

This process of loosening and releasing what isn’t authentic to our Soul vibration is happening in every facet of life on earth. What is unsustainable is dissolving in the radiance of accelerated energetic frequencies. It’s a shake-up and a wake-up call. It’s disorienting and uncomfortable because our dysfunctional comfort zones are collapsing. Everywhere!

Those who have been working consciously with their growth and evolutionary process are still rockin’ and a rollin’ and slipping and sliding, but are able to regain stability before the next wave hits. Others are being buffeted about, still thinking they have no say in what is happening. Wake up! We are the creators of it all.
The Mirror

Sometimes we unconsciously want to hold onto the pain of our experience because it’s tied up with our beliefs about ourselves. It has become part of our identity, which we wrap around ourselves like heavy blankets of despair.

It’s as if there are giant mirrors all around us reflecting ourselves back to us. If we’ve been paying attention and are aware enough to take responsibility for our feelings, we can love ourselves through the difficult moments, thereby diffusing the old energy, integrating the wisdom of our experience and letting it go.
Negative Thought Forms

When a belief about yourself comes into your awareness, ask “Is this my truth? Is this really true? Whose voice is this?” The self talk is so hypnotic and we’ve been doing it all our lives. We integrated and began to repeat negative thought forms that were in our environment when we were small children. We have been separating the wheat from the chaff for years but now we are truly working through “the sticky stuff on the bottom” as the energies of truth are accelerating. Each time we uncover a story and release what isn’t true, we shed a layer of crust and feel lighter and we rise above the cacophony of chaos that is bubbling in the world.

Daily Drawings, August 1, 2012

We are dealing with energy that is volatile and sometimes it feels like there are electric charges zapping in at us from our own experience and also zapping out at one another. Many friends are experiencing flare-ups with one another. The best thing we can do is to be totally honest and communicate with each other in non-confrontational language. When we let things stew inside of us, instead of communicating, we act out in ways that trigger the same feelings in our friend, setting up an electric current that goes back and forth, endlessly stimulating the painful feelings keeping them alive in our energy field and actually feeding them so they grow out of proportion. This highlights issues that are calling for healing, so when it happens, it’s a true opportunity to practice and appreciate the meaning of friendship. All of our relationships are mirrors for us to see our loveliness and our fears. When we talk to that friend and express what we feel, we can clear the situation quickly and gracefully and we often end up crying, hugging and laughing with each other. Or, we may come to realize that we are at the end of the road with certain relationships.

We owe it to ourselves to be honest and to be clear with our own feelings. We need to claim our responsibility in every situation.
Evolution and Expansion

We are all on an evolutionary path. We are rising into unity consciousness. The churning energy is helping us to let go of our stories and rise up, allowing our authentic selves to shine. A new beginning is the gift we give ourselves when we pay attention.
Endings and new beginnings

You may feel like you are in flux – as if there’s a tornado whirling around you, lifting you up from your surroundings and shaking loose what you cannot bring into the new vibration you’re rising into. This is very unsettling, which is why it’s a good idea to practice grounding into the earth all throughout the day. We have a chakra in the Earth – our Earth Star chakra in the center of the Earth. Send your awareness and your energetic vibration down into the Earth for stabilization.

In the midst of this unsettled feeling you may also be receiving inspiration and new ideas – so much is flowing at once. Many of us are going through emotional ups and downs from moment to moment. Crazy stuff! Allow that tornado to swirl around you, helping to clear what needs to be released.
Waves of Energy

We are experiencing rapid compression and expansion as wave after wave of energy flows through. We have “a-ha” moments as we integrate and dissolve beliefs and emotions from our past and then have moments when we can take a breath and appreciate what we just learned and released, feeling lighter and buoyant. And then: Wham! Another wave hits and we’re rising up and finding our balance, or being churned about in the white water looking for our surfboard.

Reaching out to one another, whether it be in the ethers or a phone call, e-mail or through social media – but especially in the physical – really helps us to stabilize. We are in this together and we can support one another – there is strength in numbers.
Working with energy

The Life Force Energy… I also call it the Love Force Energy… and Creator Source energy… also known as God… Christ Consciousness… to me, it is all the same energy. This energy flows through us all. And it’s everywhere – we’re soaking in it! It permeates all of life. We can focus on this energy in Nature and bring it into us – into our Dantian to enhance the Life Force energy within us. (Also known as the Hara in Japanese energy medicine, the Dantian I am referring to is the “lower Dantian” –the area in the lower abdomen, beneath the navel and about a third of the way in to the abdominal cavity. There are Dantian connections at the top of the head, the third eye and the heart as well. The lower Dantian serves as a reservoir of energy, so we fill it with Life Force and then radiate that energy throughout our energy bodies. We replenish the Dantian within us from the Life Force all around us.)

When we clear and release the energy that isn’t our truth, filling with the life force energy helps us to stabilize and also helps to raise our vibration. The more Life Force we have, the healthier we will be; physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. We grow, evolve, and become lighter.

Daily Drawings August 2, 2012

During the Monday channeling telecalls that I do, we have been given tools for enhancing our Soul energy. As mentioned in last month’s offering, the Sun is a powerful energy source. In the telecalls, we’ve been shown to bring in a steady flow of solar energy through the gateway of the temple of light at the sixth chakra (3rd eye) and flow that energy down into our Dantian. At the same time we are bringing energy up from the Earth (our Earth Star chakra) into our Dantian and bringing the Creator Source energy from the cosmos (our Soul Star chakra) down through our energy field into our Dantian. We vibrate these merging energies with our soul’s vibration. We can do this in an instant. If you choose to play with this, reach in with your intuitive attention and explore what is happening in your Dantian. This energy center is an inter-dimensional portalway, just as the sun is. There will be more information coming through on this in the near future.
The Divine Masculine

For long we have been focusing on the Divine Feminine, bringing love and healing to the density that has suppressed the flow of Feminine energy. Now is the time to blend the Feminine energy, which is dark and mysterious with the power and light of the Divine Masculine energy. This is where the Solar energy comes in – we can call it in to energize our intentions, so that we can bring our intentions into action in the physical. There is much grief around the Divine Masculine energy, which was forced out of its natural flow, just as the Divine Feminine has been. The masculine energy has a strong emotional element, but was coerced into power. The feminine energy is powerful and was coerced into emotion. Both are coming back into loving harmony within each of us.

All of this information is being integrated within us. We do not need to try hard or to work hard, to over-think and over visualize. The energy play presented here can be done in an instant and sustained through intention. We are Masters who are waking up out of a very limiting dream. We are rising, then resting and integrating, then rising again. Sometimes rising, then falling a little, to re-visit, integrate and then rise again. We are rising into the fullness of our being, where we can express our authenticity through allowing the energy of our genius to flow.

Let us be patient with ourselves and kind to one another.

Daily Drawings August 10, 2012
Humanity Arising

I heard a celestial choir last night as I sat outside gazing at the sky surrounded by the tree-symphony of katy-dids. I heard glimpses of singing floating to me on an etheric breeze. In my inner eye I could see beings of light. They looked like angels. It was beautiful and comforting, and then I realized that this choir is always singing. These are beings from a higher dimension and their music… their song transmits the frequency of love. Their song is like a cool breath on a wound. They are with us always. This choir never falters and through the vibration of their upper-dimensional frequencies, they are helping to heal the wound of Humanity.

We are rising into love. The way to enlightenment is the path of love. The beginning of this path is to love thyself.

Blissings to you all…

Nancy Lila Ward

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Waking The Dragon Within... Sarah-Jane Grace

As wave after wave of new consciousness and new awareness laps upon the shores of our souls, it can be all too easy to become intoxicated by the hypnotic sound of the sea and lose ourselves in the beauty of the moment. Such a space feels precious and amazing, but it can also feel challenging as well, for whilst at soul level we may choose to become lost in such a divine space (for this is a sign of living consciously), on the physical level, we can struggle to find the time to stand in quiet solitude absorbing the joy of the moment.

This presents us with a dilemma; for to become free, we need to be fully conscious and aware of the moment, but in order to give ourselves permission to become free, we want to know that all of our needs on the physical level will be taken care of, thereby keeping us away from the very thing that can bring us that freedom!

We can become tied up in knots trying to work out how to find bliss in life, but this kind of misses the point, for the more we look, the farther away from bliss we get, for bliss is not something to seek out and ‘get’; it is a state of being.

Therefore, when we become lost in the joy of the moment, as the waves lap the shoreline of the soul and we can feel, touch and taste the euphoria of the light dancing within, we need to realise that it is okay to be in such a space. In many ways, it is the still moments that matter the most, for it is the stillness, and the stillness within that stillness, that carries so much power and energy. The rest is distraction, for Truth lies in the stillness, not in the busy-ness of keeping on keeping on (chasing and ticking off boxes on a life ‘to-do’ list that continues to grow no matter how hard we try to get to our destinations) etc.

There comes a time when we need to STOP and embrace the courage to go into this stillness; and we need to know and trust that all that we want and need are within this. If we become truly conscious in this moment of pure magic, joy and amazement, we awaken to a whole new dimension in life and become inspired by the infinite possibilities all around. We realise that Heaven is already on Earth and we can feel the Divine pulse beating in our own hearts and flowing through every cell of our Beings.

Whilst this stillness within the stillness, which brings us the euphoria of being fully awake in the moment, feels intangible and indefinable; it is important to realise that even though it is, it is also within our grasp as it fills our hearts and souls. This is a space without a space; it is beyond definition, but it can still be felt. It can be felt by opening up heart, mind and soul to the infinite wonder of bliss.

Of course, this brings to the surface the perpetual chicken and egg scenario of which to do first: become conscious in the moment or to get the basics in place to remove the day-to-day worries. Yet, such a scenario feeds the dilemma, for until we can see beyond this, we cannot accept that it is only by living consciously in the moment that we become our own creators and everything changes. Until we reach this point, we continually chase the horizon trying to get, trying to achieve and trying to find something externally that has been within us all along.

It therefore seems time to lose ourselves in the moment and to surrender to the hypnotic sound, and the delicious flavours, of bliss...

You are encouraged to share articles as long as copyright and contact information are always included. Thank you for your courtesy. Sarah-Jane Grace

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Fear of Change...Russell Forsyth

I could have simply named this whisper 'change,' but the mere word can bring up fears. I'm not sure why we fear change, other than being creatures of habit. Maybe it's because our world is changing so fast. This is a year of great change and focus on family that I have likened to riding a rollercoaster moving in reverse (tee hee). Just about the time the ride starts to crest the hill, it goes backwards faster and without a way to see what is coming!
The Mayans may have been accurate with predictions of the end of the world as we have known it. Fear of change is a form of resistance that brings with it anxiety, guilt, doubts, disregard for values, and certain emotions that can be paralyzing. Did you know that there are life coaches dedicated to the subject and process of change? Without change, we can feel stuck, and with change, we can feel unsettled.
But like the Texas weather, if you don't like what is happening in your life, wait five minutes and it is bound to change. So how do we overcome the fear of change and keep it off the phobia list? If we embrace change to the point of imbalance, chaos ensues and safety feels lost. I feel the need for the safety of a whisper from an angel on fear of change:

It's a good thing to turn to the angelic realm when facing change. Archangel Michael is assigned the duty of giving people courage to make life changes. With courage and faith, change can be embraced within organized thought patterns and through dispelling misconceptions with regards to the pending shift.

Your guardian angels can help with communication from the Higher Self that brings the energy of peace and safety to the situation. Humans want the safety that enters the mind space before spreading to the entire system. Your soul knows peace and safety, so it benefits you to work with spirit through any life changes.

Fear is resistance that is supported by the unknown. Some are cast in change with no warning, while others have time to integrate what is coming. Either way, you must find methods of getting your head around the issues to dissolve the fears. This usually takes an elevated perspective that allows you see beyond the current situation to face the truth and meaning of your life.

Without change, everything would stay the same and growth would cease. When you step outside the box, you are tasting life in a way that teaches love, happiness, and the eternal pursuit of the potential that change offers the soul.

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UK's Councillor Hicks on Disclosure

Very interesting comments from an elected official, Councillor Hicks. He actually spent time with some Galactic Federation liaisons. He feels he cannot keep this information silent any longer.
Youtube speech from Councillor Hicks (2010)
His speech is about 14 minutes. He tells it like it is and admonishes the Tri-lateral Commission for not supporting Disclosure. I could see his heart expand each time he referred to his visitation with our galactic neighbors.
In summary, Councillor Hicks states: "As an ordinary citizen an as an elected official of the City Council, I feel I must speak on behalf of all my elective colleagues everywhere in our world, as this is a matter that effects our entire species."
"...At some point in time Disclosure is not only inevitable, it is necessary! That point in time has been reached, and in many aspects it has actually been surpassed. The era that we are in is very relevant to all of us, yet many or most are unaware of the era that we are in. This defining moment for mankind has has been reached, and having reached it there is a defining question that has arisen~~ are the people that are in charge of this (Disclosure) issue for democracy or against it? (Tri-lateral commission) The question of Disclosure cannot be answered.....we are in a state of political paralysis caused by Trilateral Commission's position...simply becauseof their lack of vision and understanding....they have been dragging their feet, where indecision and deceit clearly rule. This organisation is withholding evidence..... clearly the visitors are here on a permanent bases and often mingle among us....
We have meet the good guys out there.....when will they finally reveal that extraterrestrial contact has been long established?..." Councillor Hicks

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Striding Forth:


Striding Forth:


The enlightenment of man, woman, striding forth upon the pathway of light, gives to them blessings and delight.

The posts are noted, steps undertaken, the Angels give their love and care – all that is needed is to be aware.

That feint echo of words spoken reverberates within the mind-set, waiting to be acknowledged, and teachings given forth.  Further learning has taken place, and one is aware ever more, of His Grace.

The goal is Ascension, which in reality is Remembrance, hidden behind the Veil of Rebirth.


26th August 2012.

Pat Grabham.

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Are you a Golden Indigo?

Are you a Golden Indigo?

Your a "Golden Indigo" if...

1. You are over the age of 60.
2. You have always felt a "stirring" within your soul to heal and bless humanity.
3. That "stirring" has increased considerably over the last five to ten years.
4. You feel a tangible connection with the Indigo Children.
5. You can't keep silent any longer, but feel drawn to share your wisdom.
6. You refuse to sit back and simply "retire."
7. You felt a resolute "YES" when you first read or heard about the Golden Indigos.

We are standing at the edge of an exciting new world, and the Golden Indigos have an extremely important role to play. Please stay tuned as we share more and more information, as well as some new exciting programs we're putting together. For example, we're in the process of producing two films on the Goldens, the first being a feature film called "Redwood Highway," as well as a documentary called "Golden Indigo."

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We should be Good to our fine Friends here!


We should be Good to our fine Friends here!

The Buddha on the Universality of Friendliness:

I am a friend of all bipeds;
I am a friend of those with four feet,
I am a friend of the many-footed,
I am a friend of those with no feet!

Anguttara Nikaya 4.67

As I am, so are others... As others are, so am I...
Having thus identified self and others,
Never Harm anyone, nor have any being abused.
Sutta Nipata 3.710

Among tigers, lions, leopards & bears I lived in the jungle.
No one was frightened of me, nor did I fear anyone.
Uplifted by such universal friendliness, I enjoyed the forest.
Finding great solace in such sweetly silenced solitude…

Suvanna-sama Jataka 540

With good will for the entire cosmos, cultivate a limitless heart & mind:
Beaming above, below, & all around, unobstructed, without trace of hostility.

Sutta Nipata I, 8

Train yourself in doing good
that lasts and brings happiness.
Cultivate generosity, the life of peace,
and a mind of infinite universal love.

Itivuttaka 22

More on Friendliness (Mettā):
Metta, Buddha on Noble Friendship, Good_Friendship, United_in_Harmony,
Selfless Friendship is Sweetest, All Embracing Kindness, Blazing Friendliness,
Goodwill Encore, The Good Friend, Blazing & Bright, Kalyanamitta,Across_Borders,
Friendliness Frees, Blazing_Friendliness,Blazing_&_BrightBrahma vihaara,

Our Friends!
Have a nice & noble day!

Friendship is the Greatest!
Bhikkhu Samāhita_/\_ 
Related Buddhist site:

Group Home:

May all beings become thus Happy!
Friendship is the GREATEST!
Have a Nice Day!

Bhikkhu Samahita

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Heavens above! Midlanders behold stunning 'angel cloud'



• Thousands of residents were left in awe when they spotted this beautiful angel-shaped cloud formation above their homes
Thousands of residents were left in awe when they spotted this beautiful angel-shaped cloud formation above their homes.


The heavenly image appeared appropriately on Sunday morning – which was so large it could be seen from over 30 miles away.


The angel-like figure is believed to have been caused by a plane’s vapour trail disturbing the static clouds as it passed overhead.


Eagle-eyed electrician Michael Robinson, 49, spotted the celestial cloud when he looked out of his bedroom window in Ironville, Nottingham, at 7.30am on Sunday.


He said: “I was stunned to say the least, I drew back the curtains and there was this incredible angel shaped cloud hovering in the sky.


“I rushed out with my camera and took some pictures – the rest of the sky was covered in streaks of white cloud but in the middle was this image.


“I chatted to some friends who had also seen it from a different angle and they said it looked more like a mushroom cloud but I prefer to think it was an angel.”


Retired lecturer Michael Meachem, 66, also saw the “angel” from his home 30 miles away in Breaston, Derbys.


He said: "I didn't know what it was to be honest. I thought it was an apparition from beyond.

"It was 7.30am on Sunday morning. I was up early because the wife was going out.

"I looked up to the sky as you do and saw it and thought 'I've never seen anything like it before'.

"So I thought I'd take a picture. I had no idea what it was or why it was like it."

Weather experts believe the shape was caused by a “fall streak hole” or “hole punch cloud”.

Mark Seltzer, national forecaster at the Met Office, said: "It's quite a complicated process.

"They form in super-cool clouds which are in between the state of freezing and frozen.

"All it takes is something like a plane to go through the clouds to disturb it which causes a chain reaction.

"It changes the particles to ice crystals and as they change they absorb the moisture which leaves the hole in the middle of the cloud.

"The streak is created when the ice crystals fall because they are heavier.

"It can look like an angel in the sky. It can take half an hour to develop but it looks spectacular."

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The Hopi & Navajo speak of... the Whirling Rainbow Prophecy. Much of this amazing prophecy has either already occured or is happening in our lifetimes. When speaking to author, Jamie Sams about of the prophecy, the Grandmothers revealed that there are spiritual practices such as the Whirling Rainbow of Peace that can be used in these times. Jamie Sams writes: "In the Seneca Tradition, Grandmother Twylah taught us many uses for the Whirling Rainbow of Peace. When we are having difficulty in any situation, we visualize the Rainbow of Peace encircling the situation, the people involved, and the disharmony. Then we twinkle our eyes with joy, sending our inner-peace to the situation. In using this technique and following it with ceremony, we place our intention inside the Whirling Rainbow of Peace."

Here's a brief and simple way I like to do this. Adjust it according to what your heart and highest guidance tells you. It feels appropriate right now to share this with all of you because of all that is going on in the world right now with the birds, fish, and other earth changes. We are never powerless in these situations, the power that we have is spiritual power. With our spiritual power there is always some way for us to co-create.

Envision the rainbow circle of peace around yourself.

Envision the rainbow circle of peace around the others in your life and all others you interact with.

Envision the rainbow circle around the plants and trees of the earth.

Envision the rainbow circle around the animals, bees, insects

Envision the rainbow circle around the fishes of the water

Envision the rainbow circle around the birds of the air.

Envision the rainbow circle around the whole and entire earth...hold the intentions that all beings be healed in a way that is for their highest good and the highest good of all, then twinkle your eyes with joy and send your peace and love into the circle. Follow this with somekind of ceremony (I like to use a candle lighting ceremony). Then release the image but hold the energetic vibration of peace, love, & healing within you.

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In accordance with your desire to receive new and pertinent information for those following these messages, we would like to offer the following. Within a week it will be possible for all with sincere daily practices of meditation or contemplation to contact their higher selves and receive unmistakable confirmation of connection with their own energy bodies. Directing thought to their Source, whatever they might name it, will likewise result in unmistakable connection.

Your energetic upgrades have now reached that level. Please make no mistake. This has been done with the help of Source and ourselves, but it has been done in response to your own efforts and intentions. You must learn to give yourselves credit when it is due.

Some have found, through our urging, that placing their attention upon the area of the spine between the base of the skull and behind their hearts while breathing in Creator’s light results in just such a feeling of connection and bliss. You may wish to try that now. There is major work being done for and with you in that part of your energetic make-up.

Some others are beginning to feel and realize a much larger self than what can possibly be contained in your tiny physical bodies, and there are still other sensations, learnings, which are being discovered.

Whatever it is for you at this moment, play with it, explore it, and be ready to move on to other new things, as well. There is a lot of ground to cover in a short time and all must begin where they stand.

It is not necessary to understand with your intellect what is changing in and for you. Just tell that part of yourselves to relax and enjoy it. Give your heart’s mind the job of understanding that your intellect has tried to take over for so long. Soon enough you will move from understanding to knowing.

These words carry with them the energy of Creator’s unconditional love, which is made available to anyone who reads or hears them at any time should they choose to accept it. All that is needed from you is your intent to feel it. This feeling is the energy ‘signature’ which accompanies message and is given freely to all. Perhaps, once you feel it, you will wish to seek it on your own during your daily practices. Accept the promise that it will always be forthcoming. There is no separation from the One Source. Now is the time for you to discover this once again. May you abide in love and peace until we next speak. Good day.

Channel: Ronald Head.

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The following is the 6th message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us, assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

We just entered a crop circle . . .

There is a reason why you are giggling, by the way . . . because this crop circle is a real one, and it is pumping some nice energy. This is the way you are supposed to feel in a crop circle; not like the other one we say earlier. Do you feel the difference? (The group said "YES") It's a big difference.

The Star Elders said that when this crop circle was formed, and we saw it online, it was the only one they wanted us to enter. They said that it represents the evolution of the five elements: Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. We are sitting in the place where the five elements evolve. Ether is very misunderstood element. Ether is the spirit from which everything is created. What they are doing now, while we are in this circle, is helping us to evolve our elements and our ether-nets (laughter). That was Archangel Michael. He is evolving our ether-nets so we can . . . Oh, NO, don't make me say that . . . This is Archangel Michael: he says that he is re-wiring our ether-nets, so we will know how to plug-n-play into our new Smart Homes. I couldn't make this stuff up. I do not have his sense of humor.

So where we are going (the new age) has a new Smart House. You know those Smart Houses that are wired with all the cool stuff - that is where we are headed. But the cool stuff will not be outer technology; it will be an inner technology inside of us. This technology is based on a new geometry, an evolution of the elements, because the elements have to evolve as well as our bodies. The chemistry, the mathematics, the geometry, all the laws of nature, must evolve for us to enter this new dimension.

When we were watching crop circles, I was bummed because I thought that most of them were kind of boring, and I wasn't getting a hit off of any of them. Then we saw this one, and I still wasn't that jazzed, but the Star Elders jumped right in and said, "Oh, that's the one." It represents the evolution of the elements because there are 5 circles outside of this one, and a number of tiny circles and little lines that connect them all. And they say that it represents a swirling type of energy that evolves things up into the next dimension. So, are any of you feeling a swirling energy while you are lying on the ground? ("yes," from the group)

All of energy of the crop circle is swirling into the center here, and it is pulsing right in the center of this main circle. But the little circles on the outside are what are triggering the evolution.

So I am asking the Star Elders how the evolving elements are going to affect us, and I am watching for their answer. . . . Well, you might feel a little pressure in your third eye and at the top of your head. Anybody feeling that? Ok . . . see the big opening up in the sky above us? It is like an eye.

The Star Elders are saying that what is evolving on the Earth is triggered by what the little tiny circles represent, and it goes into all the five elements and then into the center of this generator. Everything that we create comes from Spirit. So they are sending new energy down to Earth now . . . they are starting to deliver . . . Oh, no. Here he goes again. . . Okay, Archangel Michael is saying that they built the house, and now they are starting to fill it in the furniture . . . and it is starting to manifest in this reality.

Even in the Bible, it talks about building our castles in heaven, which was misunderstood. It meant that we first have to build in Heaven (spirit or the etheric) before we can manifest it down here in 3D. Of course, Heaven symbolized Ether, and a new Ether is what they are bringing here now. So there was some truth in those Bible verses about building in Ether (Heaven) before manifesting on Earth. So, basically, we are sitting in the generator energy that has evolved this ether-net that is building our new Smart Home. And they just want us to feel the energy. Just let it in and absorb it.

Michael is reminding me that the reason we all got the giggles is because this energy is very lifting, and it is taking us back to a place we remember. We aren't aware of it yet, but it feels familiar to the part of us that is already linked to that new world. So the giggling and the laughing and the joyfulness are like an echo of what has already evolved in us and . . . we have one foot in the door of the new Smart House, and the laughter is the bridge that gets us in the rest of the way. Does that make sense?

That is the best way that I can describe what the Star Elders are showing me. The giggles are like our souls remembering the shift of an age and how good it feels. In fact, they are saying that we will know when we are in the right place in the right time when we feel this lightness and yet we feel really connected to the Earth, as well. We feel really connected to the Earth, but our hearts are light. That is a hint of how the new world is going to feel. We are going to feel really connected, really bonded to the Earth, yet our hearts are going to feel really light. So the Star Elders want us to remember this.

Oh, they are showing me another way to explain it. When we cuddle a baby, or we cuddle a pet, or our sweetie cuddles us, there is a nurturing element to the cuddle that has to do with the new Earth, the new dimension. It feels like we are being rocked by our mothers - only in a much deeper and more profound way than we have felt it in this present dimension. It has always been that way, but they are saying that we have been disconnected from this sense of being nurtured because we were out of sync with the Earth. Now we are waking up and will actually feel what it is like to really be connected to Mother Earth.

All ancient cultures prayed to and honored Pacha Mama, or Mother Earth, because they knew that the nurturing connection to the Earth was our constant in any dimension. The ancient cultures knew that this universal bonding was coming somehow or they remembered from way, way back when we used to feel connected. So it is going to feel very nurturing no matter where we are on Mother Earth.

There is an empty spot in us that all of us seem to have, and no matter how hard we try, we can't quite fill it up. Or there is a little place inside of us where we know there is power and light, but we can't quite reach it or let it out. We agreed with Creator to have an empty spot inside of us, so we would have a place within us to hold the new Ether and 5 element's energy when it came time for the age to shift. So that little empty spot inside of us is the Chalice - now the Illuminated Chalice.

Now I am beginning to understand why I called this pilgrimage what I did. It is the Illuminated Chalice that is in us, and it has been empty, and that is why we have been grail searchers and chalice searchers. We have been searching, searching, searching, because we have been looking and looking for this energy to fill the empty cup inside of us. And this is the beginning point of filling the Chalice within.

The Star Elders also are saying that we don't need to be in this crop circle to receive the Ether energy. This energy is going to wash across the planet with us through the grid lines, the essence that we are making, through our photographs, our postings on Facebook - it doesn't matter how because all are avenues for spreading this new Ether energy across the planet and for the evolving of the other elements of Earth, Fire, Air and Water. All elements will be brought into alignment with the newly evolved Ether. The evolving had to begin with Ether because everything evolves from Ether. With this new Ether energy, we will be able to manifest quicker and bridge dimensions. We will be set free to do all the things we wish in our hearts to do but feel that we can't because we are stuck in a human body.

Also, the Star Elders are saying that there will be fewer laws of nature in the next dimension. Okay . . . the number of the laws of nature needed to manifest a world into place drop, or lessen, at a multiplying rate of speed with each and every shift of an age. So, right now it looks as though the number of the laws of nature necessary to keep us safe and sound will decrease by 50 percent, or by one-half. This will feel like a very sweet freedom.

In other words, if we could time travel right now, we would probably get lost somewhere in the universe. I can't even keep you guys together in a group . . . forget time travel. (laughter). But since the age is shifting and we are evolving, there will be fewer laws of nature - laws that are necessary because the universe is caring and loving and doesn't want us to hurt ourselves. So when we evolve, clear our emotional bodies of garbage and ascend our minds, then we will be able to go to a dimension that has fewer laws. We will be more responsible and earn, or need, fewer restrictions.

With this dimensional shift comes a lot more responsibility, but also a lot more freedom. So all the things that we used to wish we could do, like manifest . . . for example, we get tired of having to get up and cook dinner. Wouldn't it be great if we could just manifest perfectly healthy food? Or not eat at all. Or not have to sleep. We could stay up and create and paint or draw all day and all night without getting tired. We could time travel or go to another star system. I can imagine a whole lot of stuff.

So with the dimension shifts, we are going to feel free-er. Linear time is not going to be an issue. I really don't like gravity either to a certain extent. Gravity and linear time will free up. I am pretty sure that the next world will have spherical time, but we wouldn't even know how to calculate that right now. I think the Mayan calendar is the closest we can get to it.

So there is still a swirling energy around us that looks like Ether, and it is helping us evolve our Ether, our energy and spirit. The Star Elders are not going to evolve, or shift, our energy completely, of course, because we are not ready yet. We all and this planet have to shift, or evolve, together. We are all connected. No one gets to go ahead of time, unlike the way this group acts (laughter). There is always someone way out ahead and someone way behind in our group. That is not the way it is going to happen. Everybody gets to go together. I think that is it. The Star Elders are done.

We want to thank the Element of Air for all the sweet air of a new dimension. We want to thank the Element of Fire for keeping us warm, tanning our skin and making our food grow. We thank you so much. We are so looking forward to the amazing new life we will experience. We thank the Element of Water. We thank you so much for quenching our thirst, raining down on us and giving us rainbows. Thank you so much, but we are looking so forward to the sweet caress of the new wind in the new dimension. We want to thank the Element of Ether who creates everything from Great Creator's first of All That Is. Thank you so much for this dimension that we appreciate so much. We are so looking forward to the next world where we can play, feel free and be responsible and honorable in all ways. We thank you so much. But we are ready now. SO please beam us up NOW. (laughter)

(We were allowed to make an essence here. YAHOO!)


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The following is the fifth message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us, assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

(We arrived at the Avebury Neolithic henge on the Moon Side [moon represents the subconscious] of the circle. It was the day after the Summer Solstice, and the circle immediately said. "We are tired." This was understandable as the day before the site was overwhelmed with groups for solstice. As we first enter the circle, there are two very tall standing stones. )

Aluna begins . . . I was dreaming last night that I was driving along in a garbage truck. The bus driver was Archangel Michael. He had a nice uniform on. All of us were there, and we were trying to dump our garbage somewhere. We went by one garbage dump and went by another garbage dump. But Archangel Michael said that those dumps are not eco-friendly, and they don't recycle. He is not letting us dump our garbage, and we wanted to dump the garbage. I was really upset because we were all in this big garbage truck with stinky, awful stuff. This garbage is our unnecessary garbage and all our old programming and all our outdated stuff. Then I said "Okay Archangel Michael, "If you are not going to dump it, I am giving it to you. I'm not dealing with it anymore. It is yours. You can have it."

Then we come here to this spot today, and we can see the energy drops down into the Earth, an earth portal. This is a place where the Earth absorbs garbage or mis-qualified energy. When we lean against this rock, it feels as though everything is dropping down to the center of the earth. When we put our backs again the rock, it will clean out our subconscious of the stuff we are not aware of that has been holding us back. Here we can dump all the little self-sabotaging beliefs, or places where we feel disempowered, or the limiting programs that run in the background of the mind. This is the place where the Earth is willing to take on our stuff to re-process or re-cycle all that is no long useful to us anymore. It is the cosmic recycling plant for Earth's garbage. It is very evident today that this site is still clearing itself from all the solstice crowds and craziness. When we go to the other side of the Avebury circle, we will feel that the energy comes from the sky, a solar portal.

Group Member Kerrie: The tarot card I pulled this morning was the "Death" card.

Aluna: Yes . . . this is the place where we can die. We die to our old ways. Die to the past. St. Peter said "I die daily." This dying every day creates a empty space where we also can be reborn every day. So this Moon Side of Avebury is the area where we clean the closets, we die, we let go. The sky portal on the other side of this huge circle is the downloading place, a re-birthing portal where we can sling shot ourselves into another reality.

This site is probably one of the few places we will ever find where we can dump contaminated energy without disturbing the Earth's energy field. This old energy goes down to the molten core of the earth, the universal unconscious recycle station. Energy can't be destroyed and once it is negatively qualified the only option is for it to be recycled. Molten lava is about as re-cycled as we can get don't you think? Our negative stuff just gets burned up.

This area in Avebury (the Moon Temple) is where we can dump our unconscious garbage, and it doesn't harm the Earth by doing so. The best way to discard our negative unconscious is to place our backs up against the rock. 75 - 80 percent of our conscious awareness faces forward, while only twenty percent focus on the back. This is why our back, between our shoulder blades, is our weak, vulnerable spot for being psychically attacked or picking up negative energy. For this reason, many sensitives like to have our backs against a wall when we are in crowded locations, like restaurants.

Group Member Barbara: I felt like my spine was an elevator.

Aluna: So maybe it is also clearing out and opening our kundalini energy as well.

Group Member Lisa: I could feel my back buzzing, and I could feel the energy going down and moving out of my feet.

Aluna: Yes, your feet get really heavy, and you feel like you're sinking. At first, when you hit a sinking place you think, "No, I don't want to be there," because that is what we might consider a "negative vortex." They are not a usually a good place to remain for any amount of time. But this place is helping us LET GO of all things we no longer need. So it is breaking my usual energy rules that I have learned over time. The Star Elders tell me all the time that the rules are going to change.

At first, I didn't want to be standing on what I thought was a negative vortex, so I started to move away, and the Star Elders said, "No, no, no." This is a good place to dump your stuff that has been making you sick or holding you back. It's a good place to dump your physical stuff, your emotional stuff, and all of your unconscious stuff that's been downloaded and is running (unknown to you) in the background, like computer software. This dumping is like defragging your system. It is taking out the stuff that doesn't fit or isn't working or is slowing down the process.

So as we were working to let go, I will ask the Star Elders, "Okay, so we (and those reading this) are all going to put our backs to the rock. (You can visualize this if you are called to) What else can we do?" And the Star Elders said that we can recognize the fact that we are part of the collective and do it for everyone on Earth. Because we all know we are not here just for ourselves. None of us came to this Earth merely for ourselves. We came to be of service. It is good that you do the work for yourself first. Clean yourself up first. But once you get to the point where you feel clear . . . remember that you are part of the collective and help clean everybody else's garbage out, as well. We do this only with their permission only. This is important! Some people like their garbage!

So here we go … We (and those reading this) are now asked to release, or dump, all of our stuff here in this Moon portal at Avebury. We are doing this with gratefulness and appreciation for this site doing this great service for us. This will empty out our sacred chalice. Once we empty out our chalice, we have new space and we can collect the energy that comes from positive portals.

Now… Recognize that we are part of the whole of humanity. We are now connected with everything. There is no separation between you and me. The empty air is an illusion. In fact, this rock is no denser than the air we breathe, if we look at the rock at a molecular level. Once we recognize and own this truth, we can walk through the rock or anything. Lord Meru (from Peru) taught me this a long time ago. I have bonked my head more times than I can remember from trying to walk through rocks. (just kidding) But if we look into things, into the electrons and protons, there is as much space in the atoms of this rock as there is in the air, in our bodies, and everything else.

Oh! Here is a good way to imagine it. The whole Earth and all of humanity are a big pot of soup - very interconnected. That's Archangel Michael, by the way, if you didn't recognize his energy and humor by now. Or, for example, if we put a drop of orange juice in a glass of water, we can't get the orange juice out because the water and orange juice have merged. That's like us: we are connected to everything. We are all mixed together. As much as we would like to be separated from everything (because we think that we don't like this and we don't like that) we are still connected to everything and everyone. Because of this fact, in doing this service, we are not just doing it for ourselves we are doing it for everyone because we all are interconnected.

If we hurt ourselves, the same thing applies. If we do damage to ourselves, do not honor ourselves etc …we are hurting our neighbors; we are hurting our families; we are hurting people we don't even know. We are hurting people in China and Mongolia. We have a responsibility to be good to ourselves especially when we are aware of this truth.

After we all had a chance to place our backs against this Moon portal stone, we then walked around the path to the Solar/Stellar side of the Avebury circle to begin to receive energy. But this side of the site was shut down for the day. I remembered this site did say it was tired when we arrived. There were too many people here from the crowds that came for solstice. So we knew this meant we would receive at some other point on our Pilgrimage trail. This was a good lesson for us on the overuse of sacred sites and how to be respectful. We gave some love and energy to this side of the circle before leaving.


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Love Bomb

The following is the fourth message that we received in Avalon (England and Scotland) this past June/July 2012 over Solstice. You can find our other messages on our website at under the "Articles for Personal and Planetary Transformation" link. It might be a good idea to read them in order as each message builds upon the previous one. We are sharing this message here with you just as we received it, in present time, with very little editing. We do this for a very important reason. We know that the messages that we receive are not just for our groups, but are for others as well. The Star Elders and all the others that joined us, assure me that the message and the corresponding energy will be transmitted to you as you read them. So as you read this, you might want to imagine that you are with us. Also, always view the photos on the website that we share, as photos also hold some energy of the sites.

Disclaimer . . . When I received this message, I felt it might "ruffle some feathers" and get me in some hot water. All I AM is a messenger, and I AM obligated by my path and sprit to share each message just as I have received it. FYI . . . I will not respond to argumentative, negative e-mails. You can leave comments on the bottom of this website. I always say . . . If you don't like what I share, don't read it. This is a world of free will. I respect yours and ask that you respect mine. Now within that framework . . . I hope this message heals you deeply as it did us when we received it. The content of this message was a huge and shocking OMG moment for us, and it changed us forever. I also want to say "thank you" to Kelly for getting me to look in this direction, and to our amazing group. . . . This is your fault too! (just a JOKE here)

Wells Cathedral was an unexpected, unplanned addition to the schedule this day. Spirit called; we answered.

After having walked around the cathedral and having seen the Holy Well of St Andrew that was outside in part of the Bishop's Palace Garden area, a large portion of our group decided to go back inside the church to the main altar area. There was a focus amongst this small group to take back the energy that allegedly over time the church had taken. We never could have conceived of the message that followed.

Aluna beings: With the universal power of our free will and the authority of the I AM presence, we are asking for a complete release of all energy (in all its forms) that was gathered . . . stolen and anchored in here by people who appeared to be in charge and who did not have the universal authority to anchor this energy. We are asking the release of the energy from this spot here in the center, where there is a large portal going down into a big black vault.

We call in Archangel Michael, Jeshua, Mother Mary and Mary Magdalene for assistance. We are asking for the release of the energy that was tricked out of innocent, good people - all the energy that was taken with guilt or stolen out of good, innocent people's hearts through their fear, trust and faith. We are asking for the release of all the energy that came from all the well-meaning people who gave and gave and gave. We are asking Great Creator of All That Is that this energy be released back to its rightful owners. We ask that this energy be released and returned to the rightful owners throughout all time, space, and dimensions; past, present, and future; body, mind, and spirit; seven days a week, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year until this job is completed.

We hold no anger or judgment against those who took energy from innocent ones. Jeshua says "Forgive them for they know not what they do." And we recognize they do not know what they were and are doing. They had bought into the inauthentic power - the power that uses force. They took. The ones who gave their energy to this place were coming from authentic power - the power of the heart. And so we are releasing all this energy back to the rightful owners. We are asking Great Creator to do this for us, for the planet, and for all living beings. We ask that this energy be received by all these hearts, but only with their freely given consent.

From now on, instead of this area being like a vacuum cleaner that drains the energy out of people, it will work in reverse: this location will now be a fountain of life and energy to anyone and everyone who comes here and has the eyes to see, the heart to receive, the mind to know, and the willingness to receive the loving energy that has been placed here.

Now this is where the message changed into something totally unexpected.

There is a reason why this taking and storing of energy was allowed to happen. There is a reason why the Immortals and the Star Elders allowed all this energy to be stolen and placed here and in all the other churches across the world. They knew they were building up an energy bomb - a love bomb - and that people eventually would come around. People would finally know and open the gate to release this stored love energy to help with the Shift of the Age.

The Star Elders are telling me that this world-wide taking and storing of energy in churches and chapels has been creating a huge energy generator. It is like a huge energy generator that will be released to shift the world . . . maybe in this 2012 year!

So here comes the big healing portion of the message. . . . For all of us who have felt wronged and abused by any form of organized religion . . . we can now let go of our anger towards organized religion. The ones who used power forcefully were thinking they were taking power away when in actually they were placing it here within the church (and churches, synagogues, mosques, etc., all over the world) only to be released in a giant bolt of energy to help the Shift of the Age. In actuality, all the people who offered their hearts to this sacred chapel unknowingly were offering their love for this purpose of shifting the age. This was part of a larger divine plan. Does that make sense to you?

So we are going to ask Creator of All That Is and all the guides, guardians, angels, Ascended Masters and Archangels to please go to every sacred place of worship where good people gave their power away for a divine purpose at a future time (most of whom never saw the culmination of their giving and all of whom we appreciate) and open the floodgates to reverse the flow so these sacred place of worship aren't gathering energy anymore. They are releasing energy. They will become places of healing once again.

Before we came to Avalon, the Star Elders told me that the summer solstice (June 20) was going to be the hinge between what was and what will be. We are here today, the first light of the new season on the other side of this hinge, and now the guides, angels, and Ascended Masters are releasing the energy of all the good hearts across the planet who have anchored their soul with good intentions in churches that thought they were taking their power. The poor bishops and priests had no idea what they were doing, and yet they were following God's call and the divine plan. They thought they were, and it turns out that they WERE.

So many people gave their energy away, and now there is a love bomb going off across the planet. Just imagine the Holy of Holies in every single church and ancient temples like in Egypt (where there are Holy of Holies) - any place where energy was stolen and locked away supposedly to be used for the personal gain of the church, priests, priestesses, bishops, etc., is now being released. So thank the Great Creator of All That Is that this energy is now being released. This energy is being returned to members of a family that are servants of the heart.

In the name of our Creator, and our family across the planet, we are asking that this energy be released in a giant blast of light across the planet for the betterment and unification of humanity and for humanity's awakening to the truth. We are asking that this wave of love continue until every heart has been restored and every descendent of these ancient ones who have locked their hearts here have received back the heritage that their family, grandparents, great-grandparents, and great-great-grandparents have left in these places. As their souls are freed, we also can be freed of the anger and judgments of any and all organized religions. We are more aware now that, even though in our past perceptions it looked like people were using the energy against us, they were actually working for us all and for the greater divine plan.

We came in here thinking that we were going to take back the power that the church had taken. We didn't do that. We gave the power back by seeing the true purpose for the stored energy so lovingly given by good-hearted people over many centuries. We helped unleash and release this love bomb energy to help with the Shift of the Age. May this message spread to all the searching hearts across the planet that are in other temples today doing Solstice work, so they know to do the same.

Now Archangel Michael jumps in and says, "Don't worry about it. It's done. What are you trying so hard for? It's done. Quit trying so hard. It's done. You saw it. We opened the door. It's done." He goes on, "Get on with it now." He is really pushy this morning.

So the light has always been in control. The energy has been reversed and returned to all living beings. This is a huge and freeing realization. So those who stole and stored the energy have been in service to the light and didn't know it. All of humanity has been asleep. Yet somehow we have been directed by the presence of the divine plan that we planned, maybe even before this earth was born. The Star Elders have always said that everyone has been and is working together. I had a hard time buying that in the past, but today I understand on a deeper level than ever before. Now this is BIG. . . . Now . . . we can FORGIVE. We cannot shift into the new world without this forgiveness, and now it is not only possible, but unavoidable. How awesome is that!

We are sorry to say that spirit did not allow us to make a sacred site essence here today. It would have been a good one... but we only make them when spirit says to.


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Ashtar On The Road Teleconference, August 14, 2012

"Well, they don't call me 'Twinkle Paws' for nothing.* It is I, Sekhmet. Alrighty! Everybody can laugh. It's OK. Now, let's get into my portion of this program, which as you have heard is about creation, envisioning, and carrying on into even higher levels of Dimensionality, which we are calling post-Ascension. Ashtar has shared with you a lot of the things that will be changing. What's it really going to be like, you know, once you leave 3D behind? Well, here we go - you've got choices. You can do Fourth Dimension high vibe, you can do steps to 5D, and you can go higher. There are portals available even, but we don't recommend them. We suggest that you aim for 5D, or for 4D.

"Planet Earth is going to have a Renaissance. Everything's going to be healthy. You've heard of the Garden of Eden, the whole of Planet Earth is going to be a Garden of Eden! Nobody's going to have to live in concrete condos anymore. Everybody can spread out and have Crystalline Homes if you wish. You know I kind of like that. You know, on my ship I've got the Crystal Room - I like it!

"You'll have the ability to create whatever it is that you want to create. There will be technology yes, but it's clean. Energy is clean, and oh, absolutely free. It's in harmony with Mother Gaia, and her various elements, and with Sol, your Sun -coming from the Great Central Sun yes, but you have your own Sun in your Solar System. Now there might be some surprises there, too!

"What we're trying to tell you is that there will be no unfriendly atmospheres anywhere, unless you want to create being on the top of a mountain in a blizzard, or some such thing as that. Your bodies will be changed, and you can then create them in any image you wish, and guess what? For those of you who like to change your clothes a lot, you can change your body, your Light Body, but you will still have a recognizable body.

"So, one day you might want to be quite short in stature, and the next day you might want to be quite tall, or somewhere in between. It matters not. You will have the ability to do those kinds of things. But you're not as we see you, Beloved Ones, you're already so evolved, it does not seem as though you will be spending your no-time moments in this kind of activity, but rather you will be in celebration, reunion, Homecoming celebration!!!

"The wisdoms that are locked inside of so many of your DNA parts, not all of them, but a lot of them still - and it's all going to be there. For those of you who like to know history/herstory, it's all there. For those of you who like to see what's coming in the future, that's there too, because there isn't any time, and you'll be as we are - you can see all of the timelines! How about that?

"Ashtar said this, but I'm saying it too. There will be no money. You will simply create whatever you want. You won't need food, but you can have food if you wish. You know I used to lve to lean over The Voice's shoulder, and watch her eat meatballs, but she can't eat then anymore. But that's OK, because I can have meatballs if I want to. Do you see how that works? You will have no limitations.

"You will simply have the simplest of rules that have been given by the great Masters - loving rules! You know, the Golden Rule first. Communities world-wide will understand what Communion is all about. Everyone will understand the Sacred Divinity of all Life, and the beauty of it all will shine so bright! Joy will fill your being, and you will share Joy with everyone else, and they will all share it with you!!! Now that's a rather general description. It's a feel-good description, yes?

"So now we're going to enter into our Exercise, and we invite each and every one of you, with this description in mind, to put yourselves into this post-Ascension Planet Earth, or elsewhere if you choose, and don't forget if you want a ship, you've got it. Rapid transportation - they haven't seen anything yet! So we're going to join together now in co-creating the visions, and we invite you to share your visions during this Exercise, by simply beaming them. Yessss!

"Alrighty everybody, let's get in our circle. Now what we need to do here to really get our connections going, is to hold each others' hands. And once again I offer you my paws, because I can multi-locate my paws. There's one for each of you, and then there's a human paw, what you call a human hand, for your other hand!

"So everybody breathe. Breathe high, you know, breathe it in all the way down. Exhale, and let your energy literally lift you up, and up, not away, but up, and up, because we're doing this together. Alrighty! We've bypassed the astral, and we're moving up higher. Now every one of you can see my ship. I usually park it in 5D, or high 4D, cause it's pretty big!

"I have what you call a mother ship and what that means is that I can expand, in order to hold more beings, and my ship can get smaller when there are not so many beings on board. So, now if everybody would just, while you're holding hands and paws, everybody look up, and see my ship gleaming. Some of you might be hearing some music, or smelling something fragrant, because if that's what you especially enjoy, we, that is my crew and I, are extending that as a way of welcoming you!

"So come on up higher, higher. You travel with ease and grace through the atmosphere. You don't need space suits, or helmets, or anything. Just bring yourself as you are. Now you may notice that you feel a bit lighter, and that's a good thing, because your Light's shining brighter.

"Alrighty! Come on up. Now, as you see the bottom of the ship, it will open up. It's like a circular kind of a door, so that we can all come on up together in our circle. You can go as wide as the number of us in our circle. Now we're going to come up through the opening, and we're going to hover above the landing deck, while the door closes. And while we're hovering, just listen for the music, or smell the flowers, or enjoy all of the Crystals!

"Some of you may be hearing the voices of the Ancient Ones from Planet Earth, maybe even from other places. It's all 'Welcome, Welcome, Welcome! We've been so excited about your coming, and now we're here together. So now we gently just drop down a wee bit so that our feet are on the landing deck.

"Now the next thing to do is to head off to the elevator. Notice the doors are open, and this too is a Crystal Elevator, and oh it is big! We may bring our circle into more of a couple of lines together, two lines, and we still hold hands and paws, and we come into the elevator through the doors, and then we spread back into our circle again. Isn't this delightful!!!

"Here we are all together, Family in Communion status, coming together, connected, not just not just hands and paws, but Hearts and Minds! Now as we get into the elevator, notice that you can look down and see Planet Earth. And there's your grounding cord, each and every one of you. You're still grounded to Planet Earth, and that's a good thing! You know you're going to get back without getting 'lost in space'!

"Now everybody face the front. You can kind of twist around to see the doors open, and we may come together a little bit more in our circle. Bring it in a bit, more like two lines connected, as we walk out through the elevator doors, and into the room. And our circle expands, and the room expands.

"Now if you will, you can open your mind's eye, or you can open your eyes for just a moment, because we want you to see who's here to greet you, already in the circle, and they are inside of our circle, and they are every one of your Beloved Guides, your Angels, all who have accompanied you, or come ahead of you just slightly - remember, there's no time here, and here they are!

"How beautiful are the Lights that they shine, how loving are their greetings to you!!! Allow them to hug you, Beloved Ones. And even as you do so, feel upon your shoulders the touch of all of the Ascended Masters and Angels here with us now.

"Here's Ashtar, here is Sananda, here are the Arcturians, and Kuan Yin, St. Germaine, Buddha, Archangel Michael -they're all here because you're here. And, we are all One as we connect even more. So now, as you are feeling the closeness, the Love Light streaming into you, even as you beam it outward into this entire group, it is for you to see, in your wisdom eye, yourself as an Ascended Master in High Dimensional surroundings. Perhaps you are by, or under, a beautiful pristine waterfall that flows into a lake, or a river. Perhaps you are by one of the oceans, or in a garden that is so beautiful that you are seeing things, colors, and all manner of beautiful plants growing!

"And the very trees welcome you, and invite you to sit in their cool shade, and hear the stories they have to tell, and hear their ancient wisdom of connection with you, one Heart together. And perhaps you are in a place where the Unicorns gather, and the young ones romp and play in the meadow, as their mothers and their fathers stand with you in such Love!

"Perhaps you are with Family. You are Family standing in a circle just like ours, communing together in loving Oneness! Perhaps you are attending a concert or some other event, where there is so much Love, and so much Joy, that it permeates the entire group, and everybody lifts up even higher! Perhaps you are teaching, perhaps you are in a class as a student learning from the High Dimensional perspective, perhaps you are researching the akashic records to learn Truth. All of this and more is yours, Beloveds!!!

"Envision where you live - perhaps a sparkling white dwelling for you, perhaps one of many colors, all crystalline. Perhaps one that will expand or contract, depending upon how many people are there. Perhaps you have a grand crystalline bowl full of fruits you've never seen before, and anyone who wants to taste one may do so, and anyone who just simply wants to soak in the energy of these wondrous creations can do it that way. And the waters so pure, and all of the dwellers, below, on, and yes, from above Planet Earth are together, talking story, sharing, and most of all, loving each other!!! However you have created this vision for yourselves as individuals, Beloved Ones, know now that it is to send it forth to the very center of our circle.

"And notice if you will, that there is now an altar there, so send your vision and it's High Dimensional energy to this altar, and see how it glows, how it beams! Feel the Love of it, as all now, all the visions are together, One Great Vision, one great memory revived, one great future in the now!!! And let us consecrate this Vision now, and bless it, each from our own beautiful Hearts, and with all of our combined Love Lights streaming forth to empower this Vision even more, and more, and more. And as we do so, notice that it comes back to us in beautiful, beautiful Lights, in beautiful waves of circles, and spirals, because now the Vision of All As One comes into our Hearts, Beloved Ones. Let the Joy of it fill you, let the Love permeate every part of your being!!!

"And as we continue to bless our Vision, notice that it lifts up, and off of the altar, and see it go right down through the floor of the Crystal room. The Crystals of the floor themselves assist in sending it forth, and we assist with our loving blessings. And see how it moves toward Planet Earth. Watch it now! Everyone look through the clear floor of the Crystal Room. And watch it, as it approaches Planet Earth, it literally spreads out! It multiplies itself exponentially. It gets even brighter, and brighter, and brighter, because we are blessing it still, and sending it to bless all of Planet Earth, below, on, and above, and its atmosphere!!!

"And see it spread now over all of the Planet. Beautiful, beautiful, colors of this Vision, which is the combined creation of every one of us here present, and of all of those who come still in Earth time to join with us. It's all One in the moment, and the moment is Now! And as it spreads over Planet Earth, look closely. See how the plants lift up their faces, and indeed seem to be smiling. See how the animals stop, and as this beautiful Light comes to them, and envelopes them in its loving warmth, hear their thanks, their Joy! Let the trees begin a slight rustling, to acknowledge the Joy they are feeling, and now they have even more to tell, even more wisdom!

"Feel the Joy and the energies of the Crystals as they pick up the energies of this beautiful Vision, and let them relay it into inner Earth, and back out again into the atmosphere of Earth, and beyond, and out through the entire Universe! And meanwhile, Beloved Ones, feel the hearts of the humans lift up in Joy, for they are getting Truth, and they are getting assurance of the Beauty, and the Joy, of their own Ascensions!!! Yes, this is a wake-up call to those who are ready, and so it addresses everyone! And you, Beloved Ones, have created the perfect Vision for each and every being, no matter what Kingdom they belong to on Planet Earth. Now hear and feel the thanks, and see how Planet Earth glows even more in the Love Light of what we have created here!!!

"In our Communion there's one great Vision now! It is known to many more, and it will remain for even more to access, as they open to their own Divinities, unto their own Paths Home! Ascension is real, and the Visions we have created are shining Truth. And the greatest of these, Beloved Ones, is Love. Now you may remain in the Crystal Room for as long as you wish, and remember you have your way home, your cord which will take you back to Planet Earth. We thank you for being with us, and for creating this most powerful Crystal Exercise yet. And, so to thank you we invite you to accept our Blessings.* And so it is! Namaste!

* Sekhmet was 'dancing' to Let Us Remember to Dance before she began speaking. The Blessing was played after she finished speaking. Both songs were composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder, .
Transcription by Arnold Neal Troeh
Given through Susan Leland, 8-14-12. © Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2012. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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Running Horse:



"Running Horse"


Running Horse went on bended knee, as his spirit soared to Eternity.

The Dakota watched with awe and delight, as the flame of the spirit – gave of its light.  Like an eagle it soared high in the sky, with no time for them – to say goodbye.

They waited patiently as was the case – they knew he would return once his work had been done – for he had yet again been – blessed by the Sun.

Life carried on – people were born and died – still they waited – not once did they cry.

As his return became known by the Elders there – preparations were made to welcome him home. Joy was felt, love too, as they prayed to the Great Spirit to bless them all.

Those horses of his – so pure and bright – were a source of constant delight.  Strong and tall, with great presence too, they became aware of the return to them of their master they had loved – since time began – for innumerable life times they had been – his special ones.

Rejoicing went on – the days went by, till the Elders noticed a sign in the sky.

Excitement grew, blessings were offered – to the Great Spirit of Creation – to bless their land and keep them strong, for no other way would they feel they belonged – to the Universe itself, the night sky too, the seasons of earth – they loved them all. 



Beloved were they of the Most High – THE DAKOTA.


24 August, 2012.

Pat Grabham.

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Think From a New Perspective So As To Evolve

With the shifted dimension of Living Ascension in mind, and knowing who we are and where we come from - as per the background information in the preceding post - we shift our focus so as to look at what causes stress in our world. With the Light Intent of the God Beings in mind, when they created human life forms on Earth, and considering that the Earth is the consciousness and the property of the GODHEAD, it makes absolutely no sense to support any system which operates from the basis of greed or power over others.

I was listening to a radio talk show yesterday, in which the guest was prattling on about theft issues in the mining industry. He was righteously stating that nobody has a right to go into dormant or active mine areas and illegally take what does not belong to them, any more than we have the right to walk into a shop and take a loaf of bread without paying for it. On the face of it there is nothing wrong with this statement, and most of us would agree with it. 

However, digging just a little deeper into the concept of the ownership of the mineral wealth of the planet makes me reconsider my sympathies with mine owners. If all human beings were created on the Earth to live here in order to further the experience of the human, physical life form, as parts of Divine Consciousness, then how is it even vaguely conceivable that any one of us can or should take power over another or take ownership of what belongs to the collective of living beings which inhabit the planet? From this perspective, any form of mine or mineral rights ownership is ludicrous to say the least. 

How is it that we have managed to shift our consciousness to such a degree that we tolerate the individual ownership of what are actually mutually owned resources in the manner we do? Who gave any single person, company or consortium the right to own what belongs to all people? 

Going back in time, the ancient and indigenous peoples of any land knew that the resources of the land belonged to all. While it is certainly possible to have one’s own piece of land to live and farm upon, the greed which has developed, and the level to which our behaviour has degenerated cannot possible be in keeping with the intention of the GODHEAD when physical life on our planet was first created. 

Although I am fully aware that this blog post only scratches at the surface of what amount to a myriad of societal ills, we can use this single example to reconsider how the discontent of miners is so easily fanned into a raging fire of emotion – and at this time most especially in South Africa at the this time of killing and protest – as well as the plight of those so-called illegal miners who are maimed and/or killed on a daily basis. 

The so-called mine owners make a point of making an example of the ‘thieves’ they catch. They chop off their limbs and otherwise maim or kill them so as to send a clear message to others who might be considering the same ‘illegal’ activity. We would be naïve to consider that there are only some isolated incidents of this nature. 

DUMUZI gave us some powerful information about these practices, telling us that they rife the world over, and are related to all types of mining operations. This sort of cruelty in the name of the protection of property must stop, immediately. We need to re-look at what ownership really amounts to in terms of Earth’s mineral resources and ask ourselves how it is that we have lost our way to such a significant extent that we tolerate any of this. 

No matter whether they emerge as youth riots, uprisings against dictators, political agitations, information leaks, anti-whaling protests or anything of a similar nature, as we see outbursts of anger the world over we consider what it is that we need to do personally to shift the collective consciousness of humanity, from the personal perspective. 

Each one of us can do the simple exercise of clearing out any unsupportive thoughts, feelings and behaviours from our own lives. In so doing, we create a positive raised resonance knock-on effect throughout the whole system of human consciousness. This exposes us all to a wash of energy which is of a higher frequency nature than anything that has been available to us previously. This new energy impacts each one of us, from deep within, and it changes us at the level of our DNA. 

With this higher state of energy in place, consciousness shifts more easily and people less readily tolerate what has been a blind state of victim consciousness that has enslaved them to the systems of others for so long. New Light shining on the situations of humanity means that perpetrators are more likely to re-think their behaviour than they would otherwise have been. 

With just the smallest , thought, feeling or action of change from within us, we begin to see the way ahead, clear and shining with Light. This is how we birth the Golden Age on Earth.

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