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 Loving Ourselves Like The Creator Love Us

By Steven Hutchinson
By remaining consciously present with the Creator's Love within our heart throughout our day - we are fostering a deep connection with the Creator that helps heal us, and that helps elevate our experiences and ordinary interactions to become something truly sublime.
And by remaining present with the Creator's Love within us, we are divinely loving ourselves and fostering a deep inner peace and the Creator's Light within us, helping us navigate our life with integrity and humor.
So I invite all of you to love yourselves no matter what your appearance is, no matter what your life situation is, no matter what you have done - love yourselves - for you are loving the Creator's Presence within you and helping transform not only your personal lives and relationships, but you are also contributing to manifesting a more loving and peaceful world.


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Hello everyone! I hope you enjoyed your weekend. I have just received the new high-energy Psychic Food Frequencies, Accelerator Combination & Position of the Fleet…Also, my new Jackpot & Lightwave Teacher Training are coming up! & go to the Starseed Arcade & Classes page! Have a great day, Bryan



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I Am My Divine Self's Supreme Love & Bliss In Action !
By Steven Hutchinson
This short prayer/invocation was inspired by a Violet Flame Masterclass that I recently took and found powerfully uplifting. Just click on this link if you  want to check it out - and it's free:
Your Divine Self is your direct connection to God's Presence within you and is great to call upon in your prayers and meditation. Just put in your own words what come to you from your Divine Self.
I Am my Divine Self's Supreme Love & Bliss in action with the Violet Flames and Father/Mother/God's Supreme Healing Love & Light - in Action throughout my Whole Being - exponentially quickening my healing and the transmutation of everything in me that is not of God's Love & Light - and with every breath bringing me into a state of Supreme Peace, Joy, & Bliss."
Thank You God! And So It Is!
Beloved I Am Presence. Beloved I Am Presence. Beloved I Am Presence. Beloved I Am All That I Am!"
Steve Hutchinson
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Ten stages of the Bodhisattva

Great Joy: It is said that being close to enlightenment and seeing the benefit for all sentient beings, one achieves great joy, hence the name. In this bhūmi the bodhisattvas practice all perfections (pāramitās), but especially emphasizing generosity (dāna).

Stainless: In accomplishing the second bhūmi, the bodhisattva is free from the stains of immorality, therefore, this bhūmi is named "stainless". The emphasized perfection is moral discipline (śīla).

Luminous: The light of Dharma is said to radiate for others from the bodhisattva who accomplishes the third bhūmi. The emphasized perfection is patience (kṣānti).

Radiant: This bhūmi it is said to be like a radiating light that fully burns that which opposes enlightenment. The emphasized perfection is vigor (vīrya).

Hard to conquer: Bodhisattvas who attain this ground strive to help sentient beings attain maturity, and do not become emotionally involved when such beings respond negatively, both of which are difficult to do. The emphasized perfection is meditative concentration (dhyāna).

Obviously Transcendent: By depending on the perfection of wisdom, [the bodhisattva] does not abide in either saṃsāra or nirvāṇa, so this state is "obviously transcendent". The emphasized perfection is wisdom (prajñā).

Far Reaching: Particular emphasis is on the perfection of skillful means (upāya), to help others.

Immovable: The emphasized virtue is aspiration. This "immovable" bhūmi is where one becomes able to choose his or her place of rebirth.

Good Discriminating Wisdom: The emphasized virtue is the understanding of self and non-self.

Cloud of Dharma: The emphasized virtue is the practice of primordial wisdom. After this bhūmi, one attains full Buddhahood.

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I AM- We ARE- that Light. I AM tuning into that Light now, feeling it around me, through me, in every cell of my body. Shadows have no place to hide in all this LIGHT.

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