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In this Mailing:
Help anchor a Portal of Light in the Middle East
Register for the Synchronized Peace Transmission for Syria and Egypt
Assist with Publicity and Fundraising for the Peace Operations
Mark your Calendars - Transmissions Dates in August





Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation
and it's platform of volunteers is partnering with James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, to open and anchor a grid of peace, love and goodwill in the Middle East, specifically Syria and Egypt.
It has been scientifically proven that unified prayer, meditation, visualization, and chanting with intention is effective upon situations or geographical regions where attention is placed.

map me


Success in Mexico gives us a Powerful Formula ~

This cooperative peace effort has emerged as the next phase in our service to humanity.

We successfully initiated the first step of our world tour and Global Peace Operation in Cuernavaca, Mexico where we gathered for two weeks of conferences to decree for Universal Light to descend upon the Mexico region.

Occurring simultaneously with our conference event were intensifying earth rumblings including a volcanic eruption, rain and thunder and a 6.0 earthquake. The conclusion of our event was followed by flooding occurring in all 4 directions of the country. We felt that all of this amazing synchronicity was indeed profound confirmation to our powerful group work.

We are now going public with our proven formula for opening the multidimensional overlays and energetic feeds of light that support the inflow of benevolent transforming energy.

Assignment in the Middle East ~
Our next  assignment is to support the peace-building efforts in the Middle East, one of the most conflicted areas of the world.

We are taking RESPONSIBILITY to put into action what we have all been trained and prepared to do. Through years together of constant meditative focus, transmission activity along with the gradual building of group coherence, we are now poised to fulfill this global responsibility through our loving and intelligent influence.

It is not necessary for us all to travel to the Middle East. This is the purpose of our Peace Delegates to be there in physical presence and to help anchor our simultaneous transmission. YOUR ASSISTANCE, however, is required to complete this important mission. Please see below the ways in which you can assist our Global Peace Operation for the Middle East.

We have an incredible opportunity to make a measurable impact in these countries. Please join us and help build our forcefield of transforming influence by sharing this with many others. 


Thank you for your continued love and support.

Children of the Sun Foundation 







Be Part of the Peace Efforts in the Middle East  


Prayer Vigil for Syria and Egypt Sign-Up 

jt   tiara ojai  Juan
Join James Twyman, the Peace Troubadour, from Oregon, USA with Children of the Sun  
Foundation's Peace Delegates, Tiara Kumara from California, USA and Juan de la Luna of Colombia.  



           Gary    leslie canada
Meet our Transmission Facilitators...
Gary Gottselig from Vancouver, Canada and Leslie Murray from Los Angeles, USA  

This registration is for everyone desiring to assist us with a live Synchronized Peace Transmission for Syria and Egypt. This is occurring at the same time as the Peace Concerts for Syria and Egypt. It will include invocation, calls for intervention, the building of a morphogenic field and concluding with unified quantum prayer.

We will distribute a downloadable PDF of the program sequence and a pre-recorded audio to follow so that we are all going together in unified rhythm.


Two synchronized transmissions will take place on the dates of: 

August 15 for Syria 
(exact time to be announced)
August 18 for Egypt   
(exact time to be announced)


The Synchronized Peace Transmissions are approximately 45 minutes in length and can be done in the comfort of your home or other sacred space.





   GPO logo final


1. Help Raise Funds for the Global Peace Operations


We must have the support of our Global Family for this massive undertaking and to help finance this on-going peace program. The Foundation depends on donations to carry out all planetary service missives. Please share this link and post on your networks.

2. Assist with Publicity and Networking
Spread the word by sharing our links to all your social networks - we are calling for 144,000 Ambassadors of Peace to unite for our Global Peace platform - our mission in the Middle East is only a beginning.


3. Join the Peace Mission to Syria and Egypt
  (no cost)
JOIN US and be part of the Peace Efforts
Receive the short course on Quantum Healing Prayer

4. Join the live Synchronized Peace Transmission for Syria and Egypt 







 We must have the support of our Global Family for this massive undertaking and to help finance this on-going peace program. The Foundation depends on donations to carry out all planetary service missives.


Please share this link and help us reach our goal!  





AUGUST, 2013


We are invited to the Middle East as a delegation of Peacekeepers.
No matter where we are located on the planet,

we are ALL being called into commanding action now!


August 6:     New Moon Unity Transmissions
                          Let's start our unified calls for the Middle East now!

August 15:    Peace Concert in Syria
                           Be part of the Synchronized Peace Transmission

August 18:    Peace Concert for Egypt
                           Be part of the Synchronized Peace Transmission

August 22:    Full Moon Unity Transmissions
                           Continued calls for the Middle East
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Learn how to create your own healing pyramid of light and call in a divine healing team to help repair the rips and tears, bruises, hurts and traumas we all experience in the journey of being human.

Guidance reality gives us a method of intersecting with their gifts to help us adjust and attune to the rapidly accelerating frequencies coming onto our planet as the shift unfolds.

Meditation includes clearing the dysfunctional family shadow energy - so important for the shift - individually and collectively.

You are clearing not only for your self, but for the collective unconscious of humanity as you do this guided meditation.

By your doing the journey of clearing, you are creating a new paradigm of fresh higher frequency answers to enter into the planetary and galactic "wikipedia" - the crystalline matrix archive of information and new solutions on our planet.

Learn how to bring 5th dimensional energies into your 3rd dimensional reality and relationships.

LISTEN to this guided meditation here

Link to this post

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VIBRATIONS? (Chinese and English!)

We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, German,
Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish. Do you have 15 minutes or more per day to contribute to the Ascension of this Planet, Solar System,
and Galaxy? Contact janisel(((at))) --


Lord Ashtar
channeled through Rev. Deb of Project: Eagle Triad
Public Channeling

Water, or what you refer to as water, is the basis of all life on this
planet. I would impress upon you to find any three things on this face
of this earth that does not require water, in some form, in the process
of its making.

While you are upon this planet, water rules you. You realize this? Your
body is made up of most components within it being of water, and this
water that is within your body has conformed itself to form certain
parts of you. This your body did as an act of conquering water,
manipulating water. You can take specific parts of your being, in every part of your being, and find water. Your bone has water, your skin
has water, your organ and muscle tissue have water, your eyeballs have
water. If they all have water, then why do they not flow into one big blob? They maintain their structure -- due to the fact
that, in the making of the human body -- water was ‘controlled’ to form
itself in certain vessels within one, to hold its form.

However, if you were to take the human body and you were to bombard it with
intense heat, all of these separated forms of water would convert back
to water. Now, when you speak of my brother Sananda, in a past
incarnation, walking upon water… see, if you were to find yourself
within a large body of water, all of the parts of you that are separate, but contained within this one vessel that you call your body, would
immediately find themselves wanting to be merged with the essence of
their being… the water. This is why you sink. It wishes to be
completely immersed within its origins.

Many spiritual sacred texts describe the ***first person** to be made by
Creator from dirt. Dirt was just a small process. To give you a
clearer picture… if you were to cup your hands, and you were to put four or five grains of dirt in your hands and then fill the rest of it with
water, that is what that original being was made from. But that
original being was not an original being as far as Creation is
concerned. That original being was a being that was made ‘within
perfection’ of THIS planet, so therefore, that water had to be contained within the making of that original being.
In essence, one granule for each of the separate vessels of the water within your being is all it took. The rest was manipulating and being in control of the water.
When my brother Sananda walked upon this planet and was able to walk
upon the face of the water, he was denying his physical being the
opportunity to merge with its origins. He was not so much, what you
would call, having control over the body of water that he walked on… he
had control of the body within which he was contained. That is the

R: Is that the lesson?
A: You wish to learn to walk on water?
R: No, not particularly, I just have a feeling that there may be a deeper lesson within that particular incident.
A: If I were to say that the main lesson was anything, it would be to
learn how to control the water within your body instead of allowing the
water within your body to control you.

We communicate to our global galactic family in Chinese, German,
Portuguese, French, English, and Spanish. Do you have 15 minutes or more per day to contribute to the Ascension of this Planet, Solar System, and Galaxy? Contact janisel(((at))) --


This Project, which is compliant with all Spiritual Paths, consists of
doing three 5-minute meditations/visualizations each day, which are
given to us from Ashtar, Sananda or others of the higher realms who are assisting us in this endeavor. These are not full-blown 'alpha'
meditations, and are designed for even those who are new to meditation
in general. These meditations may also be done at one 15-minute sitting if that is more convenient for you. At present, Sananda and Ashtar
have everyone working on the same meditation each week, with each
meditation being done for 7 days, after which time we are given a new
one. As of now, we start each new set of visualizations on Mondays.

All those participating in this Project are grouped into 'trinities'
(three people working together), however, the members of each trinity
do NOT need to do the meditations at the same time as the others.
Through their 'intent', their energies will all be sent 'together' to
the appropriate grid. It is asked, however, that the members of each
trinity stay in touch with each other via email or other means in order to facilitate the higher energetics of Group Mind/Group Heart.

If you are ready, and SERIOUS, about 'walking the talk' and working your
Mission by being of service to our Creator, the Earth, and mankind, and would like to participate in Project: Eagle Triad, please email

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Bees Dying by the Millions

Bees Dying by the Millions
July 23, 2013

By Dr. Mercola

Just weeks ago in Elmwood, Canada, local beekeeper Dave Schuit lost 600 hives, or a total of 37 million bees. Another Canadian farmer lost eight of his 10 hives.

The bees started dying in droves just after corn in the area was planted, an alarming red flag since corn seeds are often treated with neonicotinoid pesticides, which are known to kill insects by attacking their nervous systems.

Some governments are finally taking action against these toxic chemicals, but clearly not fast enough. How many more millions of bees have to die before protection is granted to these invaluable creatures?

For those who aren’t aware, there are about 100 crop species that provide 90 percent of food globally and, of these, 71 are pollinated by bees.1

In the US alone, a full one-third of the food supply depends on pollination from bees -- so if bee colonies continue to be devastated, major food shortages will inevitably result.

Large Bee Kills Are Now Becoming Commonplace

Something is wrong – very wrong – if millions of bees are dying off in a matter of days. Schuit noted that he now has to replace his queen bees every few months, instead of every few years, because they are dying off so frequently.2

Last month, an estimated 25,000 bumblebees were found dead in an Oregon parking lot as well, just a short time after 55 trees in the area had been sprayed with Safari, a neonicotinoid insecticide.

Ironically, the dead bees were found just as National Pollinator Week was kicking off.

These chemicals are typically applied to seeds before planting, allowing the pesticide to be taken up through the plant’s vascular system as it grows. As a result, the chemical is expressed in the pollen and nectar of the plant, and hence the danger to bees and other pollinating insects.

Adding to the problem are new ‘air seeders,’ which spread pesticide dust into the air when they’re planted, further increasing the toxic chemicals’ reach.

According to the Cornucopia Institute:3
“What seems to be deadly to bees is that the neonicotinoid pesticides are coating corn seed and with the use of new air seeders, are blowing the pesticide dust into the air when planted. The death of millions of pollinators was looked at by American Purdue University.

They found that, ‘Bees exhibited neurotoxic symptoms, analysis of dead bees revealed traces of thiamethoxam/clothianidin in each case. Seed treatments of field crops (primarily corn) are the only major source of these compounds.’”

Oregon, European Union Ban Pesticides in Wake of Massive Bee Deaths

At least one US state is taking matters seriously. Following the June incident that killed 25,000 bumblebees, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (ODA) installed bee-proof nets over the trees to prevent any further bee deaths. They also announced that they were restricting the use of 18 pesticide products containing dinotefuran, a type of neonicotinoid. According to ODA:4

“ODA has confirmed that the bee deaths are directly related to a pesticide application on the linden trees… to control aphids. The pesticide product Safari was used in that application. Safari, with its active ingredient dinotefuran, is part of a group of insecticides known as neonicotinoids. Valent USA is the distributor of Safari. ODA collected samples… of bees and foliage in the area, and conducted laboratory analysis.”

The restriction focuses on pesticide products used by both professionals and homeowners for ornamental, turf and agricultural purposes, and will continue while the investigation of the bumblebee kill continues. ODA stated:5

“By adopting a temporary rule, ODA is taking action, in an abundance of caution, to avoid the potential of similar large bee kills this summer due to specific pesticide applications.”

Earlier this year the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) also released a report that ruled neonicotinoid insecticides are essentially “unacceptable” for many crops,6 and now the European Union has voted to ban neonicotinoid pesticides including clothianidin, imidacloprid and thiametoxam for two years, beginning December 1, 2013, to study their involvement with large bee kills they, too, are experiencing.7 RT News reported:8

“European countries have been given six months to use up their current stocks of the chemicals.

Scientists will then have two years to determine whether the ban helps stop declines in bee populations, after which the restriction may be reviewed. Until that point, the pesticide ban will be upheld.”

Beekeeping Industry Sues EPA for Approval of Bee-Killing Pesticide

As Oregon and the EU take steps to ban neonicotinoids, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has green-lighted another pesticide that is a close cousin to these toxic chemicals. The EPA has already been sued once by beekeepers and environmental groups for failing to protect bees from neonicotinoid pesticides.

Now several beekeeping organizations and beekeepers have filed a legal action against the EPA for approving sulfoxaflor, a similar pesticide to neonicotinoids, which is expected to similarly damage bees’ nervous systems. Sulfoxaflor is considered by many to be a "fourth-generation neonicotinoid."9

The case, which was filed by The National Pollinator Defense Fund, American Honey Producers Association, National Honey Bee Advisory Board, the American Beekeeping Federation, and beekeepers, notes that bees could potentially be exposed numerous times to sulfoxaflor as they are moved across the country to pollinate crops – with potentially disastrous impacts on bee populations. Said beekeeper Jeff Anderson:10

“EPA’s approval of Sulfoxaflor with no enforceable label protections for bees will speed our industry’s demise. EPA is charged under FIFRA [Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act] with protecting non-target beneficial insects, not just honeybees. EPA’s Sulfoxaflor registration press release says, ‘… the final label includes robust terms for protecting pollinators…’ This is a bold-faced

There is absolutely no mandatory language on the label that protects pollinators. Further, the label’s advisory language leads spray applicators to believe that notifying a beekeeper of a planned application, absolves them of their legal responsibility in FIFRA to not kill pollinators.”

The Rodale Institute Encourages Natural Beekeeping Practices

Dr. Mercola Visits The Rodale Institute

I recently visited the Rodale Institute and got a tour of their brand new Honeybee Conservancy and research facility. As reported on their website11:

“The 2013 Conservancy has a new physical arrangement and a whole new set of beds that include nectar plants that bloom throughout the season and incorporate biodynamic principles... We’ll be looking at the impacts of compost, compost extracts and biodynamic preparations on the health and vitality of the plants.”

At the Rodale Institute they believe that one of the solutions to the declining honeybee populations lies with individual honeybee stewards, and they offer classes in sustainable beekeeping practices toward that end. They even host hives on their 333-acre farm so even beginners can get involved. Clearly, if we want to protect bees and other pollinators, we’ve got to stop poisoning them with the large-scale use of toxic chemicals. But we can each do our own part, too, and that is what the Rodale Institute is all about.

Vanishing of the Bees Gives a Compelling Glimpse Into the Worldwide Implications of Bee Die-Offs
If you would like to learn more about the economic, political and ecological implications of the worldwide disappearance of the honeybee, check out the documentary film Vanishing of the Bees. If you’d like to get involved, here are four actions you can take to help preserve and protect our honeybees:

1. Support organic farmers and shop at local farmer's markets as often as possible. You can "vote with your fork" three times a day. (When you buy organic, you are making a statement by saying "no" to GMOs and toxic pesticides.)

2. Cut the use of toxic chemicals in your house and on your lawn, and use only organic, all-natural forms of pest control.

3. Better yet, get rid of your lawn altogether and plant a garden or other natural habitat. Lawns offer very little benefit for the environment. Both flower and vegetable gardens provide excellent natural honeybee habitats.

4. Become an amateur beekeeper. Having a hive in your garden requires only about an hour of your time per week, benefits your local ecosystem, and you can enjoy your own honey! and are but two websites that can help you get started.

The Bee-Action Campaign: Help Stop the Use of Toxic Neonicotinoids

Neonicotinoid pesticides are widely used in large-scale agriculture, but that’s not the only place they’re found. They’re also widely sold in garden centers (including big-name stores like Home Depot and Lowe’s) and are even found in seeds and plants you may purchase from your local nurseries.

Friends of the Earth has launched the Bee-Action Campaign to tell stores to take bee-killing pesticides like noeonicotinoids off of their shelves, and you can help by:

signing their petition now.

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Introduction to Earth's Precessional Cross
The Construction of Earth's Precessional Cross

The ecliptic plane, commonly referred to as the "Ecliptic of the Sun," is created by Earth's annual orbit around the Sun. Experientially verified by sky watchers throughout the ages, the ecliptic plane or "Solar Ring of Power" is the most significant plane in the Heavens used to map the relationship of astronomical events and their effects on Earth. This plane is a primary energy field for Earth - where occurs equinoxes, solstices, solar and lunar eclipses, and all other planetary and stellar alignments that we demonstrably experience in everyday life. The ecliptic plane is the mediating plane between Earth's equatorial plane and our galaxy's equatorial plane. The ecliptic plane, or solar plane, is the plane of the soul, where as Earth's equatorial plane is that of the incarnate personality. The ecliptic plane provides the stage upon which Earth's Precessional Cross occurs.

.Just as Earth nests within our solar system, so too does our solar system nest safely within the care of our galaxy. The ecliptic plane lies at a unique angle in our galaxy, tilted and nesting within our galactic plane. The galactic plane is the disc of our whirling galaxy. The galactic plane provides the greater evolutionary context for the incarnating soul participating on Earth's experiential plane.

These three intersecting astrophysical planes, the galactic plane, the ecliptic plane, and the Earth's equatorial plane, all tilted at unique angles to one another, create the geometric orientation of the two intersecting lines or cross members of Earth's Precessional Cross. Due to Earth's precession of the equinoxes, one cross member (the vernal axis) rotates around the ecliptic ring while the other cross member (the galactic equatorial axis) remains stationary--creating the ~25,000 year "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross." The timing of this cyclic movement determines when the moving cross member is perpendicular to the stationary one, thus creating the perfect or erect cross. There are two erect crosses occurring in the cycle, both create primary transition points in the cycle and in our evolutionary unfoldment. One cross occurred about 12,000 years ago, the other is the astrophysical event occurring NOW (~2000 AD). The following illustration shows the movement of the vernal axis with respect to the fixed galactic axis in the ecliptic ring over the last couple thousand years--the erection of the current cross.

Spheres of Consciousness
There are three equatorial planes of three rotating astronomical spherical systems responsible for Earth's Precessional Cross. The “Celestial Equator” (which is Earth's equatorial plane projected into space), spins around and is perpendicular to Earth's pole. Similarly, the “ecliptic plane,” and the “galactic plane” are also perpendicular to their respective poles. Thus one spherical system (along with their poles and equatorial planes) nests within another system. The Earth’s spherical system nests within the solar (ecliptical) system, and the solar system nests within the galactic spherical system. When we recognize these are spherical aspects of one unified cosmic order (intelligence), and that harmonic resonance occurs through the geometric relationship of these spherical systems, we can come to understand how the ever-changing geometric relationship of these spherical systems reveals an evolutionary process occurring in this greater intelligence or consciousness to which we belong.

As Earth's plane reorients itself with respect to the galactic plane during the precessional cycle, so to is Earth's pole reorienting its angular relationship to the galactic plane. Observing the angular orientation of Earth's pole with respect the the galactic plane provides key insight in to the nature of Earth's Precessional Cycle and that of the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul" collective on Earth.

Currently, Earth's pole lies over the same ecliptical longitude as the "Gate of Man" (the anti-GEN at 5° sidereal Gemini), which is one of the two nodes of the galactic equatorial axis. Note that the ecliptical longitude of the polar axis is always 90° in ecliptic longitude to the equatorial nodes (vernal axis). Thus, when Earth's North Celestial Pole (NCP) resides at 5° sidereal Gemini, the Vernal Point resides at 5° sidereal Pisces.
.If we continue another 90° in the precessional cycle, Earth's NCP moves to 5° sidereal Pisces and the Vernal Point moves to 5° sidereal Sagittarius. Several key things occur at this precessional position. Earth's polar axis lies nearly parallel with the galactic plane. This is significant because Earth's polar axis is submersed in or imbued with the light of the galactic plane. In addition, Earth's vernal axis becomes one with the galactic equatorial axis in the ecliptic plane; and the Vernal Point nests upon the Gate of God (at 5°sidereal Sag), the primary galactic equatorial node (which is also closest to Galactic Center). Thus, this is the most unified and illumined position for Earth's pole and Earth’s magnetic field in the precessional cycle. Earth backbone is at one with the galactic plane (galactic consciousness). It is for this reason that I consider this to be the alpha-omega point (the starting point) in the precessional cycle--with the NCP lying at its Primordial Origin, the primary fiducial in Earth’s “Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul.”

From here, as we continue in the precessional cycle, Earth's pole lifts itself from its slumber in the plane of galactic light and the vernal axis begins its separation from the galactic equatorial axis--and cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross begins.
.As we move another 90° in the precessional cycle, Earth's polar axis aligns with the galactic equatorial axis, with Earth's NCP aligning with the GEN (Gate of God at 5° sidereal Sag), and with the vernal point at 5° sidereal Virgo. Here, the vernal axis lies perpendicular to the galactic equatorial axis creating the "first" erect (90°) cross in Earth's Precessional Cycle. Note also that Earth's polar axis begins to lean away from the galactic plane of light (marking "The Fall" from Unified Awareness), and which begins a 180° (~12,000-year) period of temporal darkness. Thus, "The "Fall" occurred about 12000 years ago.
.As we move another 90° in the cycle, as the NCP moves to 5° sidereal Virgo, Earth's polar axis tilts furthest away from the plane of galactic light--the furthest point of separation from Source / unified awareness.

The cross members (vernal axis and galactic equatorial axis) reverse and collapse at this point, with the vernal point on the Gate of Man. Here we are a the midpoint in the 180° period of temporal darkness, which started at the first (90°) cross and which ends at the second (270°) cross.

This occurred about 6000 years ago (circa 4000 BC).
.Moving another 90°, we return to the spherical geometry occurring now in precessional cycle, with Earth's pole lying over the "Gate of Man" (the anti-GEN) and the vernal point at the 5°sidereal Pisces, creating the "second" (270°) erect cross in Earth's Precessional Cycle. Notice also that at this point, Earth's pole beings to lean back toward the plane of galactic light--beginning our re-illumination in consciousness--our return to the galactic field of unified awareness.

Thus we are now leaving the last 12,000-year period of temporal darkness and entering a period of re-unification, where we begin to awaken to galactic or unified awareness.
.See the Star Chart of the Heavens to see the galactic equator, ecliptic, celestial equator, their poles and the Primordial Origin as they reside against the stars in the heavens.

See Earth's Precessional Cross Movies for an animation of the above.


Revelation of Earth's Precessional Cross
The revelation of Earth's Precessional Cross transcends the past and the future, uniting the esoteric teachings of ancient secret religious orders and the quantum science of today's world. Why this cycle, and the erect cross occurring now within it, is of such importance to us all, is found in the quantum principle that matter, energy and consciousness are aspects of One Unified Creative Intelligence. Cosmic energy is, in fact, "Evolutionary Intelligence" that is responsible for the unfoldment of this Universal Consciousness of which we are intimate parts. Subtle cosmic energy translates from one astronomical system to another through geometric resonance occurring in interacting spherical rotational systems. For this reason, and for additional reasons elucidated in this work, it becomes clear that the Earth's Precessional Cross is catalyst for a tremendous acceleration of change on Earth.

As we delve into a deeper exploration of the entire Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross, we come to see how primary geophysical events are governed by specific transition points, or phase changes, occurring in this Great World Cycle. The Great Flood is but one example. The Great Flood is said to have occurred around the last, but reversed, precessional cross, circa 12,000 years ago. In this exploration we can see how this cycle defines the tides of human experience--those that destroy civilizations, as well as those that create cultural renaissance and rebirthings in consciousness. The more we examine this dynamic astrophysical geometry, the easier it becomes to acknowledge it is the underlying timepiece governing our Earthian experience. The phase transitions occurring within the Great World Cycle create an intelligently ordered progression of evolutionary unfoldment in consciousness--an evolutionary spiral supporting the maturing and spiritual fulfillment of incarnating souls. This evolutionary spiral occurs in the relationship of the astrophysical and gravitational vectors that determine our temporal experience as durative and evolving souls participating in the spiritual unfoldment of Divine Intelligence.

The precessional orientation of Earth's polar axis with respect to the galactic plane reveals exactly where we are in this unfolding spiral in consciousness. It defines the timing of this cycle. The occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross now marks a primary phase transition in this embracing precessional cycle. This specific cross creates a paradigm shift in Earth's natural evolutionary unfoldment of consciousness. As Earth's pole now re-orients back toward the galactic plane, and the precessional cross becomes active, it marks the time where we return from 12,000 years of temporal darkness, from our experience in duality consciousness, from the separation of the fallen feminine and masculine principles, to a re-unification in consciousness--where emerges the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles on Earth; and where we can now demonstrate the Divine Union of the feminine and masculine, both within our selves, and in our relations with each other and with all of life. This transition has just begun, ~2000 A.D., and so too our return journey into unified field awareness. The time leading into this 270° transition point in the cycle creates an "inner need to change," and the time immediately afterward is one of "initiating change"—which we are now in.


Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul
Nested within a geometry of rotating astrophysical spheres of Cosmic Intelligence, Earth's precessional cycle governs the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul"--a natural cycle that directs the spiritual unfoldment of Earth's entire soul collective. This occurs in the underlying fabric of matter, energy, and consciousness, catalyzing an unprecedented change in souls' incarnate experience.

Approximately twelve thousand years ago, at the previous erect cross, (and at the time of the Biblical Flood) the pole of the Earth in local space began to tilt away from the Galactic Plane--away from our source of illuminating light. At that time we began a 12,000-year period of temporal darkness--apparently separate from the unified galactic awareness. For the duration of this time, humanity experienced a tormenting shear within the masculine and feminine principle--without the embracing awareness of the illuminating plane of galactic light that naturally underlies these two entwining facets of our perceptual world.

Now, with all souls having experienced both sides of duality's paradox, a reunification in consciousness begins where the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine principles re-establish their natural harmony. This can only occur now as Earth's pole geometrically reorients (tilts) back toward the illuminating light of our majestic whirling galaxy due to the Earth's precessional cycle--as human consciousness reorients back into the Unified Field of Divine Love.

Note: The reason for the changing relationship of Earth pole's and Earth's equatorial plane with respect to the galactic plane is presented at "Sidereal Astrology: The Tropical and Sidereal Zodiaks."

The Healing Crisis & Unconditional Love
A question I am sometimes asked is: If this magnificent transition is occurring and the world is evolving spiritually, why is our world in such turmoil - it looks as if we are going backward? This is a natural occurrence. Why? In advanced healing work we learn about a process called a "Healing Crisis" (Dr. B. Jensen; Dr. JW Ray; et. al.). As we increase the vibrational resonance of the body, that is, cleanse it and supply its required nutrients (as one step), we create a refined vibrational environment within self, basically cleaning up and harmonizing our "biological terrain." In doing so, a more functional neurological resonance occurs. At this time, that which is of a lesser resonance surfaces to consciousness as our organs of weakness begin to throw off lower-order patterns (the mental, emotional, and physical patterns stored in our cellular makeup). During this healing process, our organs of weakness become acute as if in major turmoil before relaxing into their new and more refined state of vibrational function. It can appear as if something is very wrong if we are not aware of this natural phenomena. Often time, people are taught to suppress this natural healing process (something synthetic drugs do) which creates more chronic degenerative conditions. Knowing how to induce and support a healing crisis allows us to move through it harmoniously and arrive to a refined state of health, function and vitality. This very same intensification of conflict , a "healing crisis," is occurring in our world as we make passage through the Earth's Precessional Cross portal. Unfortunately, most people do not know how to embrace and harmoniously move through a healing crisis and make the personal metamorphosis. Instead many become lost in it, only to make the drama worse.

As we begin to experience the dissolution of separateness and estrangement between personality-egoic-level self and our Divine (undivided) soul-level-Godself, so too does the mental, emotional and physical patterning, that we, as incarnating souls, as a world, have incurred throughout the entire 12,000-year temporal period, surface within our consciousness in an intensified and perhaps dramatic "healing crisis." This provides each of us with the challenge to heal and clear all that we have carried for lifetimes of having been on one side of the fence or the other. As this shift dislodges and dissolves the conflicts of consciousness crystallized within self, we are forced through many contortions and paradoxes that often leave us consumed in our inner turmoil and its surface turbulence. In this process, some will willingly relinquish the inner conflicts of the past surfacing from cellular memory and embrace a new awareness, while others will become tormentingly lost in the dramatics of the healing crisis, playing out their inner conflicts to the bitter end, but ultimately we are all on the same road Home.

The easiest way to facilitate this process is to unconditionally accept, without judgment, all that we experience in our lives and all that we feel surfacing within ourselves moment-by-moment. Simply speaking, this is the principle of Unconditional Love--the acceptance of all conditions. Easier said than done? There are many tools to aid us in this process. Daily meditation and other techniques of clearing the emotional body on a regular basis can aid us tremendously. Ultimately, these tools teach us how to surrender into the Zero-Point of LOVE. As we pass through the Earth's Precessional Cross portal, we either remain entrapped in FEAR--dramatizing in our lives the mental-emotional monsters within ourselves, and the resultant "need to control" the world around us, or we surrender into LOVE by choosing unconditional acceptance of all that we have been and of all that we currently experience no matter how dramatic it is. Ultimately, unconditional LOVE is a moment-by-moment CHOICE.

Embracing the barrage of emotions surging during the healing crisis in unconditional acceptance is the easiest way to release the crystallized patterns carried in the cellular structure and to have the resultant revelations in consciousness that the impouring light is offering--to be willing to feel without need to re-act.

Wholistic ways of living can facilitate this transition as well, from the types of food we eat to the environments we live in. Staying centered, grounded, and connected to the Earth is essential to harmoniously integrate the phenomenal influx of cosmic energy that is catalyzing the spiritual awakening of human consciousness. By attuning ourselves to Earth's natural resonances and cycles, we attune ourselves to our durative, everlasting selves--to that which transcends the surface turbulence of our rapidly changing lives.

Remember, living in a pure and unadulterated environment free of entraining electromagnetic frequencies, attuned to Earth, the lunar rhythms, and to the other natural astronomical cycles of life, is essential for our health, well being and evolutionary fulfilment. (See also Planetary Harmonics & Biological Resonaces)

Radio frequency Antennas
& Towers Across the U.S.
Map used with permission:
Michael R. Meuser

This map visually demonstrates the spatial magnitude of the wireless RF interference that
we live in.
.The main U.S. electrical power Grid (distribution network)

Related material:

"The Radiation Poisoning
Of America by Amy Worthington

Toxic Chemical Pollution
MAP of America
(zoomable map)
Synthetic drugs, clothes, and environments constructed of non-organic materials and disproportionate geometries also have a negative effect that suppress our emotions and our ability to breath with the unfolding cycles of life and which maintains the crystallized patterns we hold in our cellular makeup. When we are not willing to experience, we feel physical pain (which is an emotion). When we suppress pain (or any other emotion)--in any variety of ways--we push ourselves down-scale vibrationally--down the emotional scale (from enthusiasm, into pain, anger, fear, grief, apathy, unconsciousness, and degenerative death). When we are willing to embrace emotion in unconditional acceptance, we move upward through the emotional scale (unconsciousness, apathy, grief, fear, anger, pain, to enthusiasm). When we are willing to feel (unconditionally embrace) one emotion, we move up to the next until the underlying pain (resistance to past experience) that we hold surfaces. When we are willing to embrace the pain, the pattern releases, the pain dissolves, and cellular and molecular recoding occurs. This is how to move through a Healing Crisis. When this recoding occurs we can draw (create) new experience based on the new subtle-energy patterns we radiate from our cellular makeup. If we do not clear the pattern by moving through the entire healing crisis, by getting to the suppressed pain, we continue to draw experience reflecting the pattern we are holding. Once we learn this process of unconditional self-love, we can live it moment-by-moment, thus integrating experience from a place of personal empowerment rather than continuing to build a psychic battery of suppressed trauma.

As stated, many people have been taught to suppress emotion or to project it outward (in blame) on others or on life's experience rather than to embrace it and own it as their own. Once the body learns the reverse process, the way to move through a healing crisis properly, it becomes a natural way of life. The healing crisis can occur rapidly or over a longer period depending on our personal cycles. Antiquated patterns overlaid upon patterns are emerging at an increasing rate during this phenomenal evolutionary transition. Learning to allow the movement of energy within self through the process of unconditional acceptance (Love) is the way to the place within the heart that most of us seek. To go to a place of Love is to choose Love. To choose Love is to tip the scales so our dreams become real.

E-motion (pain) is the resistance to the motion (the movement) of experience through our bodies. To become a light body is to release our resistance to the experience of life. When we have no more resistance, we super-conduct consciousness and illuminate. To illuminate is to embrace the totality that we already are.

TIMING OF Earth's Precessional Cross
The occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross transcends, supersedes and embraces all other planetary cycles occurring for all of humanity. No one on Earth is exempt from this evolutionary opportunity. The many year period building up to the current erect cross, brought an "Inner Recognition of the Need to Initiate Change." Now (at the turn of the millennium), as we are squeezed through this portal into the next phase of Earth's evolutionary cycle, we "Commence Radical Change." This change could only begin now, and is one that will continue to take form over many years ahead. But now, with conscious deliberation, a choice must be made: to either relinquish a lesser mode of participation willingly and move to a new vibrational modality of experience, or acquiesce to ramifications of denial and be tilled with the soil in a cataclysmic turning.

Earth's Precessional Cross provides opportunity to shift into unified co-participation as One World, honoring the uniqueness of our diversity beyond the judgments and conflicts of duality, and to graduate from our isolated and quarantined Earthian experience into galactic awareness and extraterrestrial majesty.

Despite my emphasis that Earth's Precessional Cross is occurring NOW and this evolutionary transition is about living in the present, I am often asked exactly when the transition actually occurs. However, I believe that to answer this question in terms of Earth time is merely academic. We like to think in terms of things occurring at a fixed point in time and space, as if we are moving in a simple circle where we return to some point (in space) at some specific time as if we are hands on a clock. Instead we might consider that our fixed point of attention is spiraling through a fast field or continuum of space-time with many factors involved that are also changing, and most likely in ways we may not be aware of.

So When Exactly? 1998
In simple terms, the Precessional Cross is a mappable astrophysical transition occurring when the vernal point is exactly perpendicular to the galactic equatorial node (GEN) (the Gate of God). This exact square "appears" to occur in 1998 ( ~July *). The December solstices occurring around the time of the exact cross cause the solstice sun (which is exactly square the vernal point) to lie upon the galactic equatorial node.

* Attempting to define this event to an exact time, month or day, perhaps even in a specific year, is merely academic for several reasons. One is that the galactic plane is not merly a thin line like one woud draw on paper. This line is merely drawn as a frame of reference. It does not mean there is some actual shift in mass, quantum flux, or any other energetic shift as we cross this line. The plane of our galaxy is not a thin line, it is a thick and complex band of billions of stars and energy. There are more reasons below.
Solstice Sun Dec 21, 1985 22:08:05 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 11'
Solstice Sun Dec 22, 1990 03:07:23 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 06'
Solstice Sun Dec 21, 1997 20:07:34 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 01'
Solstice Sun Dec 22, 1998 01:57:00 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 00'
Solstice Sun Dec 22, 1999 07:44:20 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 01'
Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2000 13:37:57 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 02'
Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2005 18:35:22 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 06'
Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2012 11:11:58 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 12'
Solstice Sun Dec 21, 2020 10:02:43 GMT distance to GEN = 0° 18'

Data: Carina Astronomical Software
The 1998 Solstice Sun in the galactic plane

The December Solstice Sun lies exactly on the Gate of God (the galactic equatorial node) when the vernal axis is exactly perpendicular to the galactic equatorial axis.

The Sun’s recurring conjunctions with the Galactic Equatorial Nodes are due to the formation of Earth’s Precessional Cross—when the vernal axis is perpendicular to the galactic equatorial axis. The cross was exact several years ago, peaking in 1998, thus the solstice Suns were closest to the Galactic Equatorial Nodes then. However, the orb of the Solstice Sun’s conjunctions with the galactic equatorial axis widens very slightly around this time because of Earth’s very slow precessional rate (~1° every 72 years). The Solstice Sun (December 21, 2012) is now merely 00° 09’ past its exact conjunction with the Galactic Equatorial Node (GEN)(Gate of God).*
.In addition to the potentially many unknown factors involved that make reducing the occurance of the Precessional Cross to an exact moment (and the Solstice Suns' alignment with the galactic equator), many years pass while this alignment moves just a fraction of a degree as shown in the illustration below. Thus our experience of this transition is stretched over many years in Earth time.

Consider also that this event occurs in a spiraling vortex of evolutionary time, and the translation of this event stretches and expresses through a series of interweaving astronomical cycles--cycles that articulate this precessional moment. Thus, we are not waiting for some calendarical event to occur, we are in this evolutionary portal moment-by-moment--NOW. The choices we make moment-to-moment in our daily lives determine the nature of our passage--whether it is one of tragedy or one of harmony.

Although it seems we are still, physically not moving, (like when we are sitting in a chair for example), we are actually rapidly moving, rotating around Earth's pole. A location on the surface of the Earth at the Equator is whipping around the Earth at approximately 1000 miles per hour. This speed is a function of the circumference of the circle, thus changing with Earth's latitude--one of the reasons time seems to be different depending on latitude at which we live.

In addition, Earth is rotating around the Sun, another larger circumference, moving at about 108,000 km/hr (67,000 miles per hour). And as Earth is speeding around our Sun, the Sun is also moving through space, (called a star's proper motion) estimated to be moving at about 720,000 km/hr. Thus, although it appears we may returning to some fixed point in our yearly cycle, this is not true because as Earth rotates around the sun, the sun has moved at a tremendous rate to an entirely new location in space--into entirely new interstellar environment. Since one cycle rides upon another cycle, each cycle is actually a spiral not a circle--an evolutionary spiral in an ever-changing but unified field of consciousness.

This spiraling effect is especially true regarding our very long precessional cycle. Thus we are faced with translating an event, one occurring in an entirely different plane of reference--in a far vaster or more transcendent spiral occurring in consciousness, into Earth time (based on Earth's rotation). In doing so we make the assumption that this much broader transition precipitates in some Earthian moment. Does it? Academically yes, experientially no. To translate this precessional event into Earth time is a simplification and a relative statement, merely a Mercurial attempt that makes it possible to talk about it.

There are many other factors to consider that we are aware of as well that may alter our experience of this "moment." For example, Earth is not merely a solid ball spinning in space. It is a complex gyroscopic system, with an outer spinning shell floating upon a core spinning at a different rate. There is also more than one pole, the rotational pole and the magnetic pole, shifted upon one another. We are measuring this transition from a mere visual observation based upon the vernal point's location from Earth, as if it were a simple sphere--again a simplification.

Waiting for something to occur that is outside of self, whether it is a future date, like the Gregorian 2000 A.D. transition, or like the Mayan calendar 2012 prediction, or any event, like the return of Jesus, the arrival of extraterrestrials, or some global transition, like the end of the world or a golden age of light, I believe, is to totally miss the message that Earth's Precessional Cross offers and the opportunity it provides. This opportunity is our personal metamorphosis in consciousness, a process occurring in the NOW, moment-by-moment. This is what we are doing here as evolving souls on Earth, an underlying commonality for us all, independent on how we see or articulate major evolutionary transitions, or their cause.

Our personal metamorphosis happens from the inside out, not from the outside in, just as physical healing occurs. To invert the externalized mind set (arguing belief structures), where we say, "when things change outside of my self than I will change" is to mature into an internal awareness where we take personal responsibility for our spiritual growth and evolutionary experience. Here we realize we co-create our reality--from the inside out, moment-by-moment. In this internal awareness, we no longer place blame for our misfortune on others or on events occurring in our lives, nor do we wait on blessings to come to pass, for something outside of self to save us. Here we unconditionally embrace our experience, breathe it, integrate it, digest it, and re-express our creative wisdom gained from our integrated experience from a place of inner peace, stillness, and love. This step into the NOW is our opportunity. It is to take responsibility for our evolutionary unfoldment, our spiritual awakening, the return of Christ Consciousness, Galactic Awareness, Soul-level Awareness, Unified Field Perception, or whatever one wishes to call it.

As conveyed above, we are at the 270° point in Earth's precessional cycle, This harmonic transition point in our evolutionary cycle, the erect cross occurring now, has a similar characteristic as the last quarter moon in the lunar cycle. It is the "turning" that creates an "inner need to initiate change." In the agricultural cycle, this is where we plow under the crops and prepare new ground. Here we relinquish the stage setting we participate upon, to step from the facades and masks we hide behind, and look at and reveal our true selves, and embrace our commonality, our essence, our primordial spiritual origin. It is the resistance to this relinquishment and need to change that humanity currently fights. Fighting against this natural evolutionary transition is that which creates our current turmoil on Earth. Relinquishment of the false barriers, the externalized beliefs (manifest as political, religious, and financial structures) that perpetuate separation an subsequent anarchy is essential for us to make harmonious passage through this evolutionary portal. However, to assume this is going to occur in an instant or that all people will by some miracle acquiesce is, in my opinion, naiveté. More likely, many will continue to defend their separatist beliefs to a conflictual crisis point. As always the inner creates the outer and in this case our inner conflicts express as the conflicts in our external lives, even for those who do not realize this natural law. There will be some people who embrace their experience and resolve their inner conflicts moment-by-moment and create a harmonious change in the world, and there will be those who continue to defend their separatist beliefs / inner conflicts and dramatize them as discord in the world--the epitome of separation. The choice, as always, is ours.

"...if you realize that the eventual human goal is to transcend the world of relativity to play in a realm of freedom, then plodding along attached to a theory is unfortunate. When the individual is able to enter a world in which the two aspects of yin and yang return to their original unity, the mission of these two symbols comes to an end." ~Masanobu Fukuoka

Earth's Precessional Cross - Mayan Calendar Correspondence
Another question I am often asked is: Does Earth's Precessional Cross and Mayan Calendar 2012 date correspond? The erect cross, which creates a principle harmonic transition between the earth (human level consciousness) and our galactic plane (galactic level of consciousness), which centers "around" 1998 AD, and which I suggest is one primary indicator of a major "turning" in our evolution of consciousness, is very close to the time in which we enter the "galactic underworld" / "galactic creation cycle" of the Mayan calendar (1999) as presented by Carl Johan Calleman. Is this specific correspondence happen-chance, or truly synchronistic, I do not know. It is simply an observation. The work of John Major Jenkins (recomended) reveals the December solstice of 2012 to be the end date of the Mayan Calendar. Keep in mind that the rate of precession is such that there is but a mere 0.166...° orb from 2000 to 2012, the latter date considered the pivotal transition point of the Mayan Calendar. To put this into perspective, if Earth's precession occurred in one Earth day, 12 years would be equivalent to 45 seconds. So in practical terms rather than academic terms, the 2012 Mayan calendar date is a few breaths away from the actual precessional cross; and I re-emphasize the many unknown factors about how the precessional cross propagates into the Earth's complex gyroscopic system as presented above.

NOTE: There seems to be miss-information circulating that references my work on the mapping of Earth's Precessional Cross, along with the subsequent solstice sun occurring on the galactic equatorial node (GEN) Gate of God, which occurs at the time of the cross (as I present above), saying that this ONLY occurs in 2012. This is incorrect, as the solstice sun conjoins the Gate of God over a many yearperiodwithin a very small orb due to Earth's very slow precessional rate.

Related material on timing: Precessional Rate is NOT a Constant

The Earthgrid Activation Sequence & Illumination of the DNA
Evolutionary Intelligence translates into Earth's energy grid catalyzing a natural and progressive unfoldment of human consciousness through a dynamic geometry created by Earth's daily rotation in the spherical geometry responsible for Earth's Precessional Cross. "Astronomical Earthgrid Spacetime Mapping" reveals the Earthgrid not as a static geometry of energy lines, portals, sacred sites, or places of power, but as a dynamic, interactive system that awakens over time, in a "Earthgrid Activation Sequence."

The geographic and geometric mapping of the Earthgrid alone reveals only the spatial aspect of Earth's energy grid. Earth's dynamic motion in the spherical, geometric astronomy of Earth's Precessional Cross reveals the time aspect. Harmonic corridors or "Earthgrid Activation Windows" open daily for any specific location at specific times defined by the geometric relationship of a location with the astronomical geometry of Earth's Precessional Cross. As the Earth rotates within this astronomical geometry, the Astronomical-Earthgrid symbiosis makes specific locations on the Earthgrid active at specific times. Astronomical Earthgrid Spacetime Mapping reveals when and where, on the Earth, primary windows or dimensional portals open in the "Earthgrid Activation Sequence."

Earth is spherical receiver / transmitter. Earth's core receives cosmic originating "Evolutionary Intelligent Instruction" through the "Earthgrid Activation Sequence." Earth re-radiates this intelligence, translating it into radially distributed gravitational waves--long waves that emanate from Earth's core outward toward the surface. The cosmic information is encoded within these extremely low frequencies that express from Earth's Core--why our need to stay grounded.

The human spinal column is a tuned antenna that resonates to and receives Earth's gravitational emanations. These vibrations culminate in the cranial structure that reflects them to the pineal gland in the center of the brain. The pineal gland is a "neuroendocrine transducer" that converts Earth's gravo-magnetic signals into chemical hormonal responses that control, via the Hypothalamus, the pituitary gland. The pituitary is the master control center of the brain that governs the rest of the neurological system. This information expresses into the cellular structure of individual--essentially into the molecular matrix of the cell in a "DNA Illumination Sequence" that is responsible for our evolutionary awakening. The pituitary is the administrative seat controlling cellular memory, and hence, the remembrance / emergence of our true selves.

Unified Field Perception
The DNA is a double-banded molecular helix (a spiraling ladder) comprised of a hydrogen-bonded, phosphodiester (light-bearing) lattice (circuitry) that literally translates cosmic intelligence into human expression. The DNA is the "Urn of the Soul"--the vessel through which soul expresses. The coding of the incarnating soul overlays upon the genome (human coding) held in the molecular matrix of the DNA, giving soul a palpable form of expression.

Ideally, I propose, the DNA molecule is intended to superconduct consciousness in a way that illuminates the genetic urn, much like a light bulb that illuminates when electricity passes through its filament. When the bulb is on, we see light radiating from the bulb, when it is off, we see only the unillumined filament (circuitry) within the bulb--and are left in darkness. Our current view of the DNA molecule is of its un-illumined, double-banded, skeletal structure--of just the circuitry.

In the non-illumined genetic state, our DNA conducts consciousness but minimally, with consciousness bouncing in a reflective nature, trickling through the genetic lattice. This impeded flow of consciousness results in the bio-logical mode of reason, resulting only in the ability to compare opposites, mirror-image perspectives within our own perception--in essence, to be able only to reason our way through life. This is why we perceive a dualistic world of shadow and solid form--the reflection of the expression of our own consciousness. This is also why our human patterning dominates and aberates the expression of our true soul essence, as we frustratingly struggle to express our full potential that, despite our yearning to be somehow more that we are, seems endlessly held in check. This is also why we degenerate and prematurely die.

When the pole of the Earth tilted away from the plane of galactic light, circa 12,000 years ago, at the first, 90° precessional cross, incarnate souls began to experience the fall from light. At that time, the DNA helix dimmed, ceasing to pass Soul Essence Light, resulting in 12,000 years of temporal darkness. The 270° precessional cross occurring now, circa 2000 A.D., marks the return from temporal darkness into the divine half of the cycle, where the re-unification of consciousness begins.

At this time in Earth's precessional cycle, as Earth's pole re-orients back toward the plane of galactic light, the Earthgrid Activation Sequence begins to shatter the crystallized shadows within our cellular makeup that were created by our past, un-integrated, incarnational experience. The relinquishment of this tension (resistance to experience) held in our cellular matrix allows a relaxation and reorientation to occur in the light-bearing circuitry of the DNA (in the atomic moment of hydrogen). The DNA in turn begins to superconduct consciousness. An eventual avalanche of consciousness through the genetic urn literally illuminates the skeletal lattice of the DNA into one, radiant, unified spiral of light. As this occurs, our bio-logical modality of comparison (judgment) ceases, and we begin to participate from "Unified Field Awareness." In this new, bio-illumined mode of awareness, we see beyond the conflicts that were inherent in the un-illumined, dualistic, bio-logical mode of the DNA--beyond the shadow cast upon our mortal eyes. We become unified with the truth of our Goodness / Godliness as Illumined Beings fully aware in the wisdom of our Divinity (undivided nature).

Thus, the illumination and re-awakening of human consciousness occurs in a time-locked process synchronized with Earth's precessional cycle. The "Astronomical Earthgrid Activation Sequence" and the "DNA Illumination Sequence" comprise one entwined spacetime sequence of evolutionary unfoldment. Earth's Precessional Cycle governs the "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul"--the evolutionary process of the entire soul collective on Earth.

Unimpeded reception and integration of Evolutionary Intelligence is essential for the harmonious awakening of human consciousness--for the fulfillment of our evolutionary destiny. Living in attunement to Earth and her natural astronomical cycles is so important because we integrate our Greater Cosmic Intelligence as it re-expresses from the core of Mother Earth. This is why living in conscious attunement to the Lunar Cycles and other astronomical cycles as taught in the Lunar Planner is of such value. It is one of many things that we can do to ensure a harmonious transition throughout this unprecedented evolutionary portal occurring in the cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross.

The evolutionary process of human consciousness is inseparable from the Astronomical Earthgrid Activation Sequence described above--it is one interactive, intelligently ordered, evolutionary system. I stress this point throughout this work and the need for the attunement of human consciousness with the Earth. Living in this atunement is to have respect for our selves and for the Earth; and by doing so we significantly contribute to the establishment of a Love-based Earthgrid resonance--one supportive to a harmonious evolutionary transition. In fact, it is our global responsibility, as stewards of the Earth, to tip the scales to create an overall grid-resonance of LOVE--rather than allowing one of FEAR to perpetuate.

When we honor that human consciousness is a resonant shell around the Earth that contributes significantly to the overall harmony of the Earthgrid, it becomes easy to acknowledge our conscious state to also determine whether the Earthgrid harmoniously integrates the influxes of cosmic energy when activation windows open. Thus, we have an intimate role in determining the nature and extent of seismic activity--as well as all cataclysmic "acts of God." If we are discordant with the natural resonances of the Earth and her cycles, and are resistant to integrate the very energy resonances supportive to our own evolutionary unfoldment and fulfillment, we essentially are attempting to isolate ourselves from life itself. As we do, we atrophy, crystallize and eventually, we seismically shatter in crisis.

To establish a Love-based Earthgrid resonance is to surrender resistance to experience, and to surrender judgment of ourselves for our all of our human experience. To unconditionally accept our humanness while we simultaneously act to better our human condition is a form of communion, an act of Love that creates a condition of geophysical and cultural stability, and an Earthgrid resonance that supports a harmonious infusion of Evolutionary Intelligence into the Earth and into ourselves. Acting from this place of equipoise with conscious deliberation makes possible safe passage through this precessional portal; it makes possible our graduation as a spiritually awakened world into galactic awareness and extraterrestrial co-participation.

Visit the Lunar Planner
The Lunar Planner is an empowering tool for personal attunement and personal growth. Live experientially aware - in mastery of your cycles of inner change.

The Astronomical-Astrology of the New Millennium.

Download and print each New Moon Theme, each month's Lunar Calendar, and detailed instructions on how to live in attunement to the lunar cycles. Each month's Lunar Calendar and the Instructions are free to all visitors.

Updated just prior to each NEW MOON
Please Note: The Lunar Planner WEB
page has its own Table of Contents

Living in attunement to the eight lunar phases is one of the most effective ways to synchronize our personal awareness with the accelerating evolutionary transition upon us. It teaches us to participate in present time--in the here and now--which frees us from the limiting bounds of the bio-logistical process of the mind. It supports a transition into a harmonious way of living where we access our intuitive knowing and participate in conscious harmony with our experiential cycles of growth, making our spiritual awakening a graceful dance in the unfolding spiral of life.

Nick Anthony Fiorenza

Read more…

Earth's Precessional Cycle

Earth's Precessional Cycle
The Sacred Geometry of Global Change
The Cycle of Earth's Precessional
Cross & the Evolutoinary
Cycle of the Soul
Nick Anthony Fiorenza
Copyright © 1995-2013, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved

The Time of Global Change is at Hand.

What is the end of the World for some is a
New World for those who realize it is.

To surrender logistical mind into galactic
awareness is to surrender fear into Love.

What was, shall no longer be.
What was not, can now become.
.A synopsis:
Earth's Precessional Cross

"within the circle forms the square..."
W.D, Gann
The cross in a circle, or some minor variance of this cardinal symbol, is often depicted in ancient esoteric societies, in sacred religious orders of today, in indigenous cultures, and in petroglyphs around the globe. This symbol not only represents a fundamental foundation upon which many faiths are built, but is also made to remind us, especially in times of darkness, that something profound is to occur for the entire Earth and for all of her people. For many, this symbol is a promise of an event leading to the spiritual evolutionary fulfillment of all life.

The cross in a circle is not only a spiritual symbol, it is also the astronomical symbol for our planet Earth. And, the term "Holy Cross" also means "Heavenly Cross"--referring to a cross found in the heavens. The cosmic significance of this symbol is that it marks the timing of a primary transition or turning in the natural evolutionary cycle of the Earth. Hidden within this symbol is an astronomical time-piece found in a specific geometric relationship between Earth, the solar system, and our galaxy--an astrophysical event occurring now, within Earth's ~25,000 year, precessional cycle.
.This section of the Lunar Planner web site presents the astrophysical geometry creating the "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross"; how and when the cross forms; the greater cycle in which it occurs; and the opportunities this event provides for human consciousness.

This work was first published in the "Proceedings of the IANS, International Forum on New Science, September 1995, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

Could it be that the Urn of the Soul, the DNA, the human mould itself, is transformed into a supra-being dominated by spiritual awareness / cosmic consciousness, rather than by bio-logic's mentalizing limits, a transformation caused by impouring light, illumination made possible as Earth's pole geometrically reorients in its Great Year into the divine / undivided side of the precessional cycle.

Just as the hydrogen atom re-aligns its spin axis in a magnetic field (the fundamental principle of medical diagnostic imaging (MRI technology), it could also be that the DNA's structure, composed of hydrogen bonds--a phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry--which nests in Earth's geomagnetic field--reorients right along with Earth as Earth re-orients its spin axis in the sacred geometry in which Earth spins--a reorientation of human consciousness in Earth's ~25,000-year evolutionary precessional "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."

Now (~2000 AD), at the occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross, Earth's pole begins to lean back toward the plane of galactic light, thus crossing a primary threshold in Earth's precessional cycle. Earth begins to retune / return to galactic awareness and the impouring light begins to avalanche--and all of life on Earth begins its transmutation and illumination--from the inside-out.
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Contents for Earth's Precessional Cycle
Links available under the first Item (Earth's Precessional Cross) go to various sections on this web page. You can use them to go to specific sections of interest or you can simply scroll down the page to explore the sections in sequence. Links available under the second item (Related Material) go to other sections or pages on this web site.

Earth's Precessional Cross

Read more…

Earth's Precessional Cycle

Earth's Precessional Cycle
The Sacred Geometry of Global Change
The Cycle of Earth's Precessional
Cross & the Evolutoinary
Cycle of the Soul
Nick Anthony Fiorenza
Copyright © 1995-2013, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved

The Time of Global Change is at Hand.

What is the end of the World for some is a
New World for those who realize it is.

To surrender logistical mind into galactic
awareness is to surrender fear into Love.

What was, shall no longer be.
What was not, can now become.
.A synopsis:
Earth's Precessional Cross

"within the circle forms the square..."
W.D, Gann
The cross in a circle, or some minor variance of this cardinal symbol, is often depicted in ancient esoteric societies, in sacred religious orders of today, in indigenous cultures, and in petroglyphs around the globe. This symbol not only represents a fundamental foundation upon which many faiths are built, but is also made to remind us, especially in times of darkness, that something profound is to occur for the entire Earth and for all of her people. For many, this symbol is a promise of an event leading to the spiritual evolutionary fulfillment of all life.

The cross in a circle is not only a spiritual symbol, it is also the astronomical symbol for our planet Earth. And, the term "Holy Cross" also means "Heavenly Cross"--referring to a cross found in the heavens. The cosmic significance of this symbol is that it marks the timing of a primary transition or turning in the natural evolutionary cycle of the Earth. Hidden within this symbol is an astronomical time-piece found in a specific geometric relationship between Earth, the solar system, and our galaxy--an astrophysical event occurring now, within Earth's ~25,000 year, precessional cycle.
.This section of the Lunar Planner web site presents the astrophysical geometry creating the "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross"; how and when the cross forms; the greater cycle in which it occurs; and the opportunities this event provides for human consciousness.

This work was first published in the "Proceedings of the IANS, International Forum on New Science, September 1995, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

Could it be that the Urn of the Soul, the DNA, the human mould itself, is transformed into a supra-being dominated by spiritual awareness / cosmic consciousness, rather than by bio-logic's mentalizing limits, a transformation caused by impouring light, illumination made possible as Earth's pole geometrically reorients in its Great Year into the divine / undivided side of the precessional cycle.

Just as the hydrogen atom re-aligns its spin axis in a magnetic field (the fundamental principle of medical diagnostic imaging (MRI technology), it could also be that the DNA's structure, composed of hydrogen bonds--a phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry--which nests in Earth's geomagnetic field--reorients right along with Earth as Earth re-orients its spin axis in the sacred geometry in which Earth spins--a reorientation of human consciousness in Earth's ~25,000-year evolutionary precessional "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."

Now (~2000 AD), at the occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross, Earth's pole begins to lean back toward the plane of galactic light, thus crossing a primary threshold in Earth's precessional cycle. Earth begins to retune / return to galactic awareness and the impouring light begins to avalanche--and all of life on Earth begins its transmutation and illumination--from the inside-out.
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Contents for Earth's Precessional Cycle
Links available under the first Item (Earth's Precessional Cross) go to various sections on this web page. You can use them to go to specific sections of interest or you can simply scroll down the page to explore the sections in sequence. Links available under the second item (Related Material) go to other sections or pages on this web site.

Earth's Precessional Cross
Construction of the Cross Learn about Earth's precession of the equinoxes and the three planes of consciousness that create Earth's Precessional Cross. Learn about the moving vernal axis and the fixed galactic axis in the ecliptic that create the cross and why the erect cross occurs NOW in Earth's ~25,000 precessional cycle. Spheres of Consciousness The changing geometric relationship between three nesting spherical systems of consciousness reveals an evolutionary process occurring within this greater cosmic intelligence to which we belong. Revelation of the Cross The occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross now marks a primary phase transition in this embracing evolutionary cycle. This specific cross creates a paradigm shift in Earth's natural evolutionary unfoldment of consciousness as we leave a 12,000 year period of temporal darkness, lost in duality consciousness, and begin our reunion as we start to enter unified field awareness. The Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul Earth's precessional Cycle is the Timepiece govering the Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul. Emergence from 12,000 Years of Temporal Darkness. Re-Unification of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The Ramifications in our lives. The Healing Crisis A Healing Crisis naturally occurs as we make passage through the erect cross portal: Learn about the Healing Crisis, E-motion, how to embrace it, and about the environments we live in that either support us or debilitate us through this important time. Timing of the Precessional Cross The Time is NOW ! Although observational measure indicates the exact cross occurs around July 6, 1988, this event occurs in spiraling vortices of evolutionary time and stretches into Earth's calendrical time over many decades. In addition the orb of the cross widens only a fraction of a degree each year due to Earth's slow precessional rate (~1°/72 years). Astronomical Earthgrid Mapping The Earthgrid Activation Sequence and Illumination of the DNA. Unified Field Perception. Getting Grounded. Creating Earthgrid Harmony. Related Educational Material

Earth's Precessional Cycle
The Sacred Geometry of Global Change
The Cycle of Earth's Precessional
Cross & the Evolutoinary
Cycle of the Soul
Nick Anthony Fiorenza
Copyright © 1995-2013, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved

The Time of Global Change is at Hand.

What is the end of the World for some is a
New World for those who realize it is.

To surrender logistical mind into galactic
awareness is to surrender fear into Love.

What was, shall no longer be.
What was not, can now become.
.A synopsis:
Earth's Precessional Cross

"within the circle forms the square..."
W.D, Gann
The cross in a circle, or some minor variance of this cardinal symbol, is often depicted in ancient esoteric societies, in sacred religious orders of today, in indigenous cultures, and in petroglyphs around the globe. This symbol not only represents a fundamental foundation upon which many faiths are built, but is also made to remind us, especially in times of darkness, that something profound is to occur for the entire Earth and for all of her people. For many, this symbol is a promise of an event leading to the spiritual evolutionary fulfillment of all life.

The cross in a circle is not only a spiritual symbol, it is also the astronomical symbol for our planet Earth. And, the term "Holy Cross" also means "Heavenly Cross"--referring to a cross found in the heavens. The cosmic significance of this symbol is that it marks the timing of a primary transition or turning in the natural evolutionary cycle of the Earth. Hidden within this symbol is an astronomical time-piece found in a specific geometric relationship between Earth, the solar system, and our galaxy--an astrophysical event occurring now, within Earth's ~25,000 year, precessional cycle.
.This section of the Lunar Planner web site presents the astrophysical geometry creating the "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross"; how and when the cross forms; the greater cycle in which it occurs; and the opportunities this event provides for human consciousness.

This work was first published in the "Proceedings of the IANS, International Forum on New Science, September 1995, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

Could it be that the Urn of the Soul, the DNA, the human mould itself, is transformed into a supra-being dominated by spiritual awareness / cosmic consciousness, rather than by bio-logic's mentalizing limits, a transformation caused by impouring light, illumination made possible as Earth's pole geometrically reorients in its Great Year into the divine / undivided side of the precessional cycle.

Just as the hydrogen atom re-aligns its spin axis in a magnetic field (the fundamental principle of medical diagnostic imaging (MRI technology), it could also be that the DNA's structure, composed of hydrogen bonds--a phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry--which nests in Earth's geomagnetic field--reorients right along with Earth as Earth re-orients its spin axis in the sacred geometry in which Earth spins--a reorientation of human consciousness in Earth's ~25,000-year evolutionary precessional "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."

Now (~2000 AD), at the occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross, Earth's pole begins to lean back toward the plane of galactic light, thus crossing a primary threshold in Earth's precessional cycle. Earth begins to retune / return to galactic awareness and the impouring light begins to avalanche--and all of life on Earth begins its transmutation and illumination--from the inside-out.
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Contents for Earth's Precessional Cycle
Links available under the first Item (Earth's Precessional Cross) go to various sections on this web page. You can use them to go to specific sections of interest or you can simply scroll down the page to explore the sections in sequence. Links available under the second item (Related Material) go to other sections or pages on this web site.

Earth's Precessional Cross
Construction of the Cross Learn about Earth's precession of the equinoxes and the three planes of consciousness that create Earth's Precessional Cross. Learn about the moving vernal axis and the fixed galactic axis in the ecliptic that create the cross and why the erect cross occurs NOW in Earth's ~25,000 precessional cycle. Spheres of Consciousness The changing geometric relationship between three nesting spherical systems of consciousness reveals an evolutionary process occurring within this greater cosmic intelligence to which we belong. Revelation of the Cross The occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross now marks a primary phase transition in this embracing evolutionary cycle. This specific cross creates a paradigm shift in Earth's natural evolutionary unfoldment of consciousness as we leave a 12,000 year period of temporal darkness, lost in duality consciousness, and begin our reunion as we start to enter unified field awareness. The Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul Earth's precessional Cycle is the Timepiece govering the Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul. Emergence from 12,000 Years of Temporal Darkness. Re-Unification of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The Ramifications in our lives. The Healing Crisis A Healing Crisis naturally occurs as we make passage through the erect cross portal: Learn about the Healing Crisis, E-motion, how to embrace it, and about the environments we live in that either support us or debilitate us through this important time. Timing of the Precessional Cross The Time is NOW ! Although observational measure indicates the exact cross occurs around July 6, 1988, this event occurs in spiraling vortices of evolutionary time and stretches into Earth's calendrical time over many decades. In addition the orb of the cross widens only a fraction of a degree each year due to Earth's slow precessional rate (~1°/72 years). Astronomical Earthgrid Mapping The Earthgrid Activation Sequence and Illumination of the DNA. Unified Field Perception. Getting Grounded. Creating Earthgrid Harmony. Related Educational Material

Earth's Precessional Cycle
The Sacred Geometry of Global Change
The Cycle of Earth's Precessional
Cross & the Evolutoinary
Cycle of the Soul
Nick Anthony Fiorenza
Copyright © 1995-2013, Nick Anthony Fiorenza, All Rights Reserved

The Time of Global Change is at Hand.

What is the end of the World for some is a
New World for those who realize it is.

To surrender logistical mind into galactic
awareness is to surrender fear into Love.

What was, shall no longer be.
What was not, can now become.
.A synopsis:
Earth's Precessional Cross

"within the circle forms the square..."
W.D, Gann
The cross in a circle, or some minor variance of this cardinal symbol, is often depicted in ancient esoteric societies, in sacred religious orders of today, in indigenous cultures, and in petroglyphs around the globe. This symbol not only represents a fundamental foundation upon which many faiths are built, but is also made to remind us, especially in times of darkness, that something profound is to occur for the entire Earth and for all of her people. For many, this symbol is a promise of an event leading to the spiritual evolutionary fulfillment of all life.

The cross in a circle is not only a spiritual symbol, it is also the astronomical symbol for our planet Earth. And, the term "Holy Cross" also means "Heavenly Cross"--referring to a cross found in the heavens. The cosmic significance of this symbol is that it marks the timing of a primary transition or turning in the natural evolutionary cycle of the Earth. Hidden within this symbol is an astronomical time-piece found in a specific geometric relationship between Earth, the solar system, and our galaxy--an astrophysical event occurring now, within Earth's ~25,000 year, precessional cycle.
.This section of the Lunar Planner web site presents the astrophysical geometry creating the "Cycle of Earth's Precessional Cross"; how and when the cross forms; the greater cycle in which it occurs; and the opportunities this event provides for human consciousness.

This work was first published in the "Proceedings of the IANS, International Forum on New Science, September 1995, Fort Collins, Colorado, USA.

Could it be that the Urn of the Soul, the DNA, the human mould itself, is transformed into a supra-being dominated by spiritual awareness / cosmic consciousness, rather than by bio-logic's mentalizing limits, a transformation caused by impouring light, illumination made possible as Earth's pole geometrically reorients in its Great Year into the divine / undivided side of the precessional cycle.

Just as the hydrogen atom re-aligns its spin axis in a magnetic field (the fundamental principle of medical diagnostic imaging (MRI technology), it could also be that the DNA's structure, composed of hydrogen bonds--a phosphodiester (light-bearing) circuitry--which nests in Earth's geomagnetic field--reorients right along with Earth as Earth re-orients its spin axis in the sacred geometry in which Earth spins--a reorientation of human consciousness in Earth's ~25,000-year evolutionary precessional "Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul."

Now (~2000 AD), at the occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross, Earth's pole begins to lean back toward the plane of galactic light, thus crossing a primary threshold in Earth's precessional cycle. Earth begins to retune / return to galactic awareness and the impouring light begins to avalanche--and all of life on Earth begins its transmutation and illumination--from the inside-out.
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Contents for Earth's Precessional Cycle
Links available under the first Item (Earth's Precessional Cross) go to various sections on this web page. You can use them to go to specific sections of interest or you can simply scroll down the page to explore the sections in sequence. Links available under the second item (Related Material) go to other sections or pages on this web site.

Earth's Precessional Cross
Construction of the Cross Learn about Earth's precession of the equinoxes and the three planes of consciousness that create Earth's Precessional Cross. Learn about the moving vernal axis and the fixed galactic axis in the ecliptic that create the cross and why the erect cross occurs NOW in Earth's ~25,000 precessional cycle. Spheres of Consciousness The changing geometric relationship between three nesting spherical systems of consciousness reveals an evolutionary process occurring within this greater cosmic intelligence to which we belong. Revelation of the Cross The occurrence of Earth's Precessional Cross now marks a primary phase transition in this embracing evolutionary cycle. This specific cross creates a paradigm shift in Earth's natural evolutionary unfoldment of consciousness as we leave a 12,000 year period of temporal darkness, lost in duality consciousness, and begin our reunion as we start to enter unified field awareness. The Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul Earth's precessional Cycle is the Timepiece govering the Evolutionary Cycle of the Soul. Emergence from 12,000 Years of Temporal Darkness. Re-Unification of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. The Ramifications in our lives. The Healing Crisis A Healing Crisis naturally occurs as we make passage through the erect cross portal: Learn about the Healing Crisis, E-motion, how to embrace it, and about the environments we live in that either support us or debilitate us through this important time. Timing of the Precessional Cross The Time is NOW ! Although observational measure indicates the exact cross occurs around July 6, 1988, this event occurs in spiraling vortices of evolutionary time and stretches into Earth's calendrical time over many decades. In addition the orb of the cross widens only a fraction of a degree each year due to Earth's slow precessional rate (~1°/72 years). Astronomical Earthgrid Mapping The Earthgrid Activation Sequence and Illumination of the DNA. Unified Field Perception. Getting Grounded. Creating Earthgrid Harmony. Related Educational Material

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Micro Moments of Love

Micro Moments of Love
by Barbara Frederickson

[Listen to Audio!]

It’s time to upgrade our view of love.

First and foremost, love is an emotion, a momentary state that arises to infuse your mind and body alike. Love, like all emotions, surfaces like a distinct and fast-moving weather pattern, a subtle and ever-shifting force. As for all positive emotions, the inner feeling love brings you is inherently and exquisitely pleasant -- it feels extraordinarily good, the way a long, cool drink of water feels when you’re parched on a hot day. Yet far beyond feeling good, a micro-moment of love, like other positive emotions, literally changes your mind. It expands your awareness of your surroundings, even your sense of self. The boundaries between you and not-you -- what lies beyond your skin -- relax and become more permeable. While infused with love you see fewer distinctions between you and others. Indeed, your ability to see others -- really see them, wholeheartedly -- springs open. Love can even give you a palpable sense of oneness and connection, a transcendence that makes you feel part of something far larger than yourself.

Love, like all emotions, surfaces like a distinct and fast-moving weather pattern, a subtle and ever-shifting force. And the new take on love that I want to share with you is this: Love blossoms virtually any time two or more people -- even strangers -- connect over a shared positive emotion, be it mild or strong.

Odds are, if you were raised in a Western culture, you think of emotions as largely private events. You locate them within a person’s boundaries, confined within their mind and skin. When conversing about emotions, your use of singular possessive adjectives betrays this point of view. You refer to ‘my anxiety,’ ‘his anger,’ or ‘her interest.’ Following this logic, love would seem to belong to the person who feels it. Defining love as positivity resonance challenges this view. Love unfolds and reverberates between and among people -- within interpersonal transactions -- and thereby belong to all parties involved, and to the metaphorical connective tissue that binds them together, albeit temporarily. More than any other positive emotion, then, love belongs not to one person, but to pairs or groups of people. It resides within connections.

Perhaps most challenging of all, love is neither lasting nor unconditional. The radical shift we need to make is this: Love, as your body experiences it, is a micro-moment of connection shared with another. And decades of research now shows that love, seen as these micro-moments of positive connection, fortifies the connection between your brain and your heart and makes you healthier. [...] It can seem surprising that an experience that lasts just a micro-moment can have any lasting effect on your health and longevity. Yet there’s an important feedback loop at work here, an upward spiral between your social and your physical well-being. That is, your micro-moments of love not only make you healthier, but being healthier also builds your capacity for love. Little by little, love begets love by improving your health. And health begets health by improving your capacity for love.

--Barbara Frederickson, in Love 2.0

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Mood, Music, and Genre

Today's Daily Health Tip

Mood, Music, and Genre
by Hiyaguha Cohen

We regularly write about the powerful impact music has on body and mind, and here's a reprise.

Two new studies verify that music can play a powerful role in mood control. The studies come from opposite ends of the spectrum. The first found that uplifting music improves mood, and the second found that sad music comforts people suffering from a broken heart. In other words, there's room for music of many tones in your collection.

In the first new study, participants set out to deliberately improve their mood using music as an aid. The study asked 167 students from the University of Missouri to set their minds to getting happier. Then, the students listened either to the dissonant, somber music of Igor Stravinsky's Rite of Spring for 12 minutes,or to the far more chipper music of Aaron Copland's "Rodeo." A control group also listened to "Rodeo," but without setting the intent to get cheerier.

After listening, the participants rated their happiness level on a scale of 1 to 15. The passive listeners who hadn't set a goal didn't improve their mood in spite of the upbeat music, and neither did the Stravinsky contingent. But those who listened to the Copeland composition with intent improved significantly. The same results were found over the long-term. Subjects listened to the upbeat music every day for two weeks during lab sessions, and again the researchers found that those who concentrated on improving overall happiness did indeed achieve that goal compared to the control group.

Earlier studies have shown that music can improve mood, but what's unique here is the finding that the magic happens more effectively when there's an intention to improve mood, combined with the right type of music. Both elements are necessary; intention alone won't work if it's the wrong music. In fact, an earlier study (2003) in which participants listened to music while trying to get happy had the reverse effect. The subjects felt worse after the music session than they did before. What were they listening to? Stravinsky's Rites of Spring.

But what if someone feels angry or blue and isn't ready to get happy? Can joyful music make a difference? In fact, the second study determined that people who suffer from hurt feelings or problems in love respond to music that reflects their sadness rather than to music intended to cheer them up.

Apparently, when one has heartache, music takes the place of a friend. Sad music makes the subject feel empathized with, as the music mirrors back the subject's mood. This raises the question of whether the maxim "misery loves company" plays a role. In other words, if intention matters in terms of how music affects us, is our unconscious intention when we feel heartbreak to commiserate rather than to get lifted out of the doldrums, and does the right music simply amplify that intention?

Then again, Jon Barron talks about a young woman he knew years ago who listened to Joni Mitchell songs for hours on end whenever she felt romantically disappointed. And by the end of a single day, after listening over and over to songs of "circle games" and "urges for going," she was downright psychotic. Perhaps she's the proverbial exception that proves the rule. Or perhaps her intention was wrong.

On the other hand, if one feels frustrated because of something non-personal--a car problem, for instance--happy music actually can help, and sad music doesn't appeal.

Putting all this together, assuming we believe the studies, the picture looks like this. People who want to get happy and who aren't in bad shape to start with would do well to listen to dance music or something similarly elated while setting a happy intention. Those who are blue from heartbreak should listen to something sad until they feel well enough to flip over to the happy intention routine--with the exception of my Jon Barron's old acquaintance. And nobody should listen to chaotic, discordant music, unless they don't care about improving mood.

A few years ago, we reported on a study that found that teens who spent the most time listening to music had an eight times higher chance of being depressed compared to the teens who listened to the least music. Since the study didn't specify what type of music the kids listened to, we can only assume they listened to typical teen stuff--rap, hip hop, and rock. The question left unanswered is whether hard-edged music, when listened to over time, leads to depression more than other types of music do.

Research looking at how different types of music affect mood differently has found that the best results in mood enhancement come from music specifically designed to affect mood. In one study, 144 subjects listened to either New Age, classical, "designer" (music designed to have specific effects), and grunge rock. After listening to the grunge rock, the subjects had significant increases in fatigue, stress, sadness, and hostility. Sorry, Kurt Cobain! The New Age and classical selections had mixed results, but the designer music did indeed elicit the responses it intended to.

The problem with such studies is that all music within a particular genre isn't created equal. Just ask Antonio Salieri. As the recent research shows, different types of classical music may elicit vastly different responses. The same holds true for New Age and even rock music. A more useful study would look at the specific responses to specific songs or compositions, or even different singers or composers.

In fact, author and neuroscientist Dr. Oliver Sacks, has found that vulnerable people can actually experience seizures in response to a particular musical compositions. He cites one patient who had epileptic seizures when he heard Frank Sinatra songs, and another who reacted only to Neapolitan songs.

Dr. Sacks has also seen patients who experience swooning, hallucinations, and fits as well as seizures when listening to music. The point he makes is that music has enormous power to affect individuals, and the effects can be negative as well as positive. In other words, music has both "charms to soothe the savage breast" and the power to conjure up "Sympathy for the Devil."

Studies aside, you can tell how a piece of music affects you personally just by paying attention. The key here is to pay attention. Do you feel better after listening to a particular CD, or worse? Or to put it another way, you would be wise to choose your music well.

Need an extra bit of motivation during your workouts? Music can help there too. Click here for more information.

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Pictures of the week: From a dramatic lightning storm to a

playful whale

Lightning strikes the Willis Tower in Chicago during extreme weather earlier this week (Photo by Scott Olson/Getty Images)

A burnt Jeep is charred white, while its wheels are turned to liquid after wildfires in the Black Forest, Colorado, raged through homes and communities (Reuters)

"That tickles mum!": African lion 'Tiombe' plays with her six-week old cub at Monarto Zoo, Adelaide, Australia (Dylan Coker/Newspix / Rex Features)

An aerial view of the Chrysler Building in New York City (Jason Hawkes)

The base of a tree is covered in caterpillar's webs. Hundreds of moth caterpillars have invaded a Cambridge park and covered the trees in the creepy white stuff (Rex Features)

3-2-1... blastoff: A soldier runs away from the launching pad as China's manned spacecraft prepares to launch for a 15-day mission (Reuters)

Protesters supporting whistle-blower Edward Snowden march to the U.S. Consulate in Hong Kong where he is in hiding. The National Security Agency contractor revealed the U.S. government's top-secret monitoring of phone and Internet data (Reuters)

Dozens of sheep, goat and cattle storm down a hill in Altay Prefecture, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, China (Reuters)

Still waters under a small yellow ferry as it passes through thick fog over Xin'an River in Jiande, Zhejiang province, China (Reuters)

A ball of fire rises into the air after an explosion in Istanbul's Taksim Square. Protesters are still occupying the square and Gezi Park after two weeks of protest and fierce clashes with police. At least five people have died and 5,000 have been injured (Reuters)

A boy walks past a mural painted outside the house former South African President Nelson Mandela once lived in, in Johannesburg's Alexandra township. Mandela has spent more than a week in hospital with a recurring lung infection. His condition has been described as stable but serious (Reuters)

A humpback whale puts on a spectacular show for spectators as it jumps out of the water and crashes onto the surface in Newcastle, New South Wales (Peter Lorimer/Newspix / Rex Features)

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UK weather: Dramatic thunderstorms signal 'end of heatwave'

Britain's three week-long heatwave is set to come to an end this week, as dramatic thunderstorms swept the country on Monday night. Forecasters said thunder, lightning and hail will last intermittently through Tuesday and Wednesday.

UK weather: Dramatic thunderstorms

Lightning helps illuminate the iconic Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol during last night's storms. (SWNS)

In Smeeton Westerby, Leicestershire, there were also dramatic lightning strikes shortly after midnight. (SWNS)

Deep purple: A lightning strike lights up the skies above the London Eye on Monday night in central London. (PA)

The lightning above the already lit-up London Eye made for a spectacular light show. (PA)

Light show: Forecasters predicted two days of storms after the three week heatwave. (PA)

Lightning flashes across the sky above Poole Harbour. (SWNS)

Dramatic weather also struck Portishead, Bristol, in the early hours of July 23. (SWNS)

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I held a baby in my arms today

The way things happen always amaze me.
For this past year and a half I have worked at finishing my little house.
Have relocated(been relocated?) to another state and don't know many people at all.
I have been an excellent hermit.

All this time of not having neighbors and being completely isolated has been what was needed for me so I could release and release and I could hear my Source within.
So I sat in my little hermit house and healed my heart.

But I was lonely.
There is a difference for me between being lonely and being alone.
I know I am never alone.
And yet there has been many times when I have yearned for companionship, friends,neighbors...
Human contact.

Which is hard when you are in a brand new place and know a handful of people.
And don't have any neighbors in the house next to you.

So I would sit and imagine a day when I would finally step into my new life.
The one where everything that was the old me, the way I was, had been let go.
I would imagine a life filled with loving friends and family.
One not being a hermit.

Fast forward to now.

A family has moved in to the house next door.
Five kids under the age of 14(or there abouts) being a new born baby girl.
Absolutely love all of them.
They live their lives from their hearts and decided to be happy.

The peace and quiet,the hermit era?
My son has also moved to the island and has found an amazing job.
Followed his heart.
He is the happiest I have ever seen him.
Has decided he really likes it here.
He is still quite messy,a trait he gets from me...
I guess we must not be quite 5d yet...

I went from having the house to myself and constant silence,to constant family and company.
And the neighbors say the kids have never met a hippy before...
The kids are always over,interested in what ever weird thing their neighbor is now doing...they see me as different, imagine that...

Probably going to have to get better at boundaries...but how I can I turn down the four year old face who asks please can we have a snow cone while already having walked into my house and is standing in the kitchen?
To me they truly are what I wished for... a beautiful family,who speak my language,who live next to me full time.
I got it in abundance it seems, for I never imagined a family of FIVE children living next to me...
I just had asked for nice and living their lives from their heart.
Abundance is quite the gift.

Funny they are starting a brand new life too...awakened and aware.
Just like me.
Birds of a feather flock together...

So why do I write this today?

Because when I held that beautiful baby this morning I realized that it is also for her that I am going through this now.
So her world will be different than the one I live in today.
For all of them really.
For everyone.

Even though at this point I have no idea how this will all play out, I feel the change.
I see the light at the end of the tunnel.

And even if nothing more happens, these last five years of my loss and hell have done one thing.
They have allowed me to choose to no longer live in that old world.
Everything that was not the truth in my life was stripped down to the bone and finally seen.
I saw it...
And I let it go.

After all if I am truly honest with myself:
The house was way too expensive,we were living beyond our means.
The businesses enslaved me to the tax system,which fed a consumer system,and I worked long hours so I could buy things to show my loved ones my love.
The marriage had been troubled for many years.
All of it is now gone.

And now?
I have friends that love and accept me.
I have a little house I can afford and feels like heaven to me.
Still working on the job thing,and the companion thing...but I am about to start a new business.
I have no clue exactly what,but I know it will take care of me while allowing me to do something I love.

So without having gone through my own personal hell,these last five years or so, I wouldn't have gotten rid of everything that was no longer for the highest good of all in my life.
Things and people and situations that seemed to be from the heart but really were not...
I truly appreciate what I have now, the people who love me,I see what is really important in my life.
Everything that was my life, is no longer.

And when there is nothing left, it is easy to start new.
Whether a life or even a world...

I have the opportunity at 49 years of age for a fresh start.
A brand new world to explore.
And I feel I will be just fine.

All of us will be.

I feel we have become one conscious collective now,guided from our hearts.
Working together as one yet individually.
Now we just need to understand how this new way of being works...while we step into the unknown.

So we are trying to understand the unknown while stepping into the unknown...
Sure seemed easy when I decided to go for it, from the other side of the veil everything seems so easy...must not have read the fine print...

So at least I am stepping into the unknown with a roudy ,love-filled bunch next to me...which seem to be quickly multiplying.
God only knows what else is coming my way.
At this point all I do is go one step at a time.
One moment at a time.
That's all I know how to do.

And I apparently make awesome, snow cones...go figure.
Got that going for me.

Keep going my light family.
One step at a time into this new unknown.
Remembering to hold the babies along the way and reconnect to one of the reasons why we are all here,each other, to change the way things are, so that the future generations have freedom to BE whatever their soul desires from their heart,with no fear.

In Light and Love

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St Germain: "I AM in charge of
Your Financial Abundance!"

Ashtar On The Road Teleconference
July 9, 2013

"I AM St Germain, and I welcome you to this very special Gathering in which I am honored to come before you to speak to you of matters which we know - that is, all of us gathered here know - are of absolute importance to you.

"If we tell you that this time is fast fleeting - times of, shall we say, lack, for some of you, diseasement, for some of you, and even depression for some of you - we ask that you suspend whatever disbelief you might have and just join with us in these High Vibrations aboard the New Jerusalem. For we stand together in a circle upon the Bridge, and it is here that We Are One, and it is here that we have the opportunity to join together to take into our Hearts that which is Truth, and to empower even more the Love We All Are!

"So I would speak to you as I did the last time we gathered in this way on the matter of financial abundance, and the reason that I do so is because it is imperative that you turn away from this matter in your thoughts and in your, shall we say, concerns.

"Feel the abundance you already are, the abundance of Love, the abundance of High Dimensional abundance, the abundance, yes, the Abundance of Oneness!!! For we are truly joined, there is no separation among us. So when we ask you to turn away from lack and from worry and concern about financial abundance, that is an aspect of it which you need to let go of, in order to rise into the realization of your true Abundance, which does include dollars - very special dollars from my bank!

"Now I have said this before and I will say this again: I’m in charge!!! I’m not throwing down the gauntlet to anyone else - I’m simply saying that I’m in charge of this abundance. I’ve been planning for it, arranging for it, and knowing the Truth of it for years and years in your time. There is a flow of events which must occur before the actual dollars are showing up in your bank accounts. It’s all accounted for.

"There are many who claim to have inside information: 'Deliveries will be tomorrow, deliveries have started; you can cash in your dinars, or your Euros tomorrow.' They keep giving dates, and the dates keep going by with no big announcements, and until you hear NESARA announced it is best that you focus from a Higher Dimensional perspective. Get yourselves up in your vibrations and then see what these dollars are going to do! Focus on the energies of Unlimited Abundance to do whatever it is that you want to do.

"We encourage you to do this because to focus upon all of these reports is a one way, shall we say, pass, downward. Now some of you can look at these reports and stay even and not get depressed when these things don’t occur. If you can do that, and you choose to do it, for whatever reason, well and good. But we would advise you not to send them on to your friends because they may not be as strong as you are, and every bit of discouragement and every bit of depression creates an energy block in the flow and thus can create, if it is strong enough, delays. We know that none of you want delays!

"Ashtar has already given you some important ways that you can keep yourselves up.** When you are up in a High Vibration you can send out messages that others will catch and take into their beings - messages of abundance of everything in the World and the Universe, such as Love, Joy, gifts, and yes, financial abundance.

"Now there has been a big flurry on your internet about a group of people who say that they are going to be distributing the funds from my bank (they don’t say that) for the humanitarian projects - separate and apart from those who will be receiving the so-called humanitarian trust funds, or prosperity funds - and that you can apply. Well it all sounds really good. And you look at the kinds of questions they want you to consider in detail in your projects and you can go into more complexities if you desire, and so on, and so on.

"Well, we at Ashtar On The Road have been suggesting to you that you start planning, creating and visualizing the projects that you want to do, if you want to do something to help humanity, whether it be you and your family, or the entire World. We’ve been suggesting this for some time, but do it in visualization. If you want to organize it on paper, do, but if you send it in you are supporting a step that does not need to be taken. You do not need to send in the papers.

"We’ve got it all. We see your timelines. We can see what it is that you are here to do, Beloved Ones, and if you want to change it all, well and good, we can see that, too. We are so connected and we do have the overview, and yes, each and every one of you count, and are counted. Speak your visions directly - don’t put what you call the 'middle man' in the middle. You don’t need to!!!

"Now, when NESARA is announced there will be plenty of time for you to make known your projects that you desire to do - and you don’t have to - because everybody is going to get so much abundance that you will be able to do what you have passion to do. But if you will visualize, plan, create, meditate, so to speak, to send it out and send it into the Higher Dimensions, that’s a form of upliftment, not only for you but for all those who will benefit from your visions! And you will be broadcasting it on the Highest Levels!

"There is no reason for your name to be added to somebody’s list. You all are on the list of St Germain. You are all beautiful, wondrous, beings. We are telling you this. not to deflate your bubbles, but you will recall that someone else offered you an opportunity to be on a list, and it was KOS*** - and the White Knights had help, yes, from I, St Germain and others of the Ascended Masters - who went to remove your names from these lists, because it was not where your names needed to be. It was not in your best interests to be on these lists.

"So if you fill in these papers, sit in meditation with them, consecrate them, put them on your altars, tack them up on your walls, put them under your pillows - do whatever you choose to do and keep adding to it, keep reviewing it, keep empowering it. Do what you call the fine-tuning, fill in the details, draw some pictures, do whatever you choose to do!

"Like Ashtar said,** share your visions with your community in some way, whether it be your neighbor or your partner, your children who have full capabilities to support your visions -children and grandchildren we should shall say, in this group, and even some great grandchildren. Be joyful. Be joyful with your visions and know that the High Road is the way to their accomplishment!

"We love you all, and yes, we see you, even in our Oneness we see your individual visions, and we assure you that you will have all of the help. If you have a grand plan, let us say, for your entire city of 3 million people, you will have all the help you need, financially and otherwise, to do what it is that you choose to do. And there is only one rule, and that is to be joyful in it; to be passionate in it and to share the Joy of it so that it is as joyful for the others as it is for you!

"Now, there is a very good question that goes with this: 'If everybody gets their abundance, why would anybody need this?' Because - think about it - do you have an area where the Earth has been so polluted that it needs to be cleaned up? This will call for a general gathering of the funds, and of course, we shall help, and the technologies of the Ashtar Command shall be available to you, but it will still require people, technologies, and let’s face it, some equipment.

"What if all of the companies who are currently manufacturing weapons of war were to manufacture peaceful cleanup machines? What if all of the companies who were manufacturing these stealth planes started manufacturing space shuttles? For an interim this will take dollars. This will take the pooling of dollars!!!

"There is a single man, a very wealthy man, yes, he is a corporate man, he has purchased almost the entirety of one of the Hawaiian Islands. Now, you may not know it, the Hawaiian Islands are islands in the ocean, but there are very dry sides to every island. Every island has issues with not enough water, in parts of it. Yes, we know, the largest amount of rainfall in the world is located on one of the islands, but that’s a big mountain. That’s on a particular part of the island.

"To make a long story short, this man is doing something about the water shortage, he is planning on setting up a desalination plant. There are countries that do this, and there are some technologies which will need to be accessed in order to do it in a manner that is completely harmonious with Mother Gaia and all of her Kingdoms. But this man is looking into it.

"How many of you have heard of Dr. Keshe? Dr. Keshe has a machine that will power the entire world, that is, many of these machines! He has the ability to share the technology with those who want it. But who’s going to make the machines? Imagine, if you will, that all of the electrical companies of the world went into the distribution of these machines. And perhaps there would be some devoted people who, even though they might be having the ability to retire - having received their abundance from my bank - might be willing to voluntarily spend some time distributing the machines, helping people to get set up, helping the manufacturers redo all of the various machines you find in your household because you won’t need any wires any more; helping the builders to understand that they don’t need to put wiring into homes that they build.

"There are many, many ways, you see? I’m getting very practical here because I want you to understand that money will be an interim means of bringing about all of these grand transformations into the fullness of the Golden Age. You see, there is a difference between the entry point and being in the Heart of it, shall we say. And this is why we are calling upon you to initiate these processes.

"There are others, not at this Gathering, who have already initiated processes of their own; and when we say initiated, we’re talking about creating and adding to your visions. You don’t have to have every thought form and every process, just create the vision of how will it look, how will it feel, how will it be and keep empowering that vision!!! Then you can fine tune it or add to it, or do whatever you wish.

"We suggest that this a most appropriate substitute for your time and energies, and it can replace your interest in every message about dinars and all of those things. Empower NESARA, empower the post NESARA announcements, the Golden Age, with your passions, your creations, and your visions!!! If you belong to any kind of a group of two or more who meditate together, take your visions and put them in the circle and invite the others to do the same. They don’t have to be the same visions - you can share them and all of you can empower everyone else’s visions!

"That, Beloved Ones, is how you use the abundance which is coming to you. And you can let I, St Germain and those of us who are in charge of distributing the abundance, get on with our jobs, or Missions, of bringing it to you.

"We have given you much to think about and some things to do if you choose. Above all else, just know how loved you are and how empowered you are to join with us in exponential empowerment of this wondrous Golden Age, which we see you in the Heart of, on your timelines.

And so now, Beloved Ones, let us welcome Sekhmet.**** And we shall journey with her to her Crystal Room to empower your abundance of gold and of visions for the Golden Age Lifestyle! And so it is. Namaste!"

* St Germain selected the opening of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony for his introduction.
*** KOS is the King of Swords, leader of the Faction 3 White Knights. For additional information, see Tara and Rama's website,
****Sekhmet's introduction included her chosen theme song, Let Us Remember to Dance, composed and sung by Lei'ohu Ryder, from her album Mary's Songs.
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, July 9, 2013.
© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted.

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MWF Experience

I take an elderly relative out on a regular basis and she likes to go to her home town. It is a town that holds a regular market day and there are often gypsies roaming it, selling trinkets, offering blessings and readings etc. Now I do not have any issues with these folks and have had good gypsy friends in the past, but one in particular I cannot tolerate to be around. My whole being goes on edge the moment I see her and I admit that I actively avoid her. Not very spiritual, I know, but she feels like pure evil and completely closed to the light.

As we were strolling around, I must have not being paying attention and we walked right into her. My being went immediately cold and I did not hear what she said to me, but I couldn’t stop myself growling at her……NO! My barriers came down and I tried to just carry on walking past. I couldn’t. I felt the curse and tentacles of evil coming towards and around me and that was it. Anger flooded me and a spilt second later I turned towards her and exploded with Monadic Light. It was one of the most shocking moments of my life, I physically jumped. I felt suddenly 15 feet tall and 30 feet wide. The anger simply disappeared and I felt like I was looking directly into her soul. My being was completely open and held her  and swallowed her darkness in its entirety.

She went white; she really did and mouthed a silent scream. I am so glad that there was no voice behind it, it would have been excruciating. She turned and started to literally run away from me, in her fashion, because she was clearly physically limited.


My being returned to normal and I was so full of joy and gratitude that I just couldn’t stop the tears. When I turned back to my family, my mother was also white as a sheet, mouth open in shock.

Later, I was told what had been done. My Monad (and hers I guess) had decided to put a stop too this ladies activities, whatever they had been, and give her a massive wake up call. She was literally stripped of every entity, lost/trapped soul, soul fragment, negative thought form, shadow and shade she had collected over God knows how many lifetimes. My being was used as the door to send everything back to where it should be. Every ounce of negative, dark energy and power was burned away. She must have been truly terrified; I pray that she is okay.


I’ve been back to this town several times since and the absence of the gypsies is glaringly obvious. When God decides to act, darkness beware; there are no half measures and if you choose to be an implement of God’s will, expect to be placed exactly where your being is needed to accomplish what is needed.  

Abundant Blessings,


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The Wheel of Monadic Fire


This is not really a tool per say, although there are lots you will be able to do with this. This is about you consciously choosing to stand as the true master of self within your rightful state of being. This is you becoming the real you. It’s a preparation level and there are three initial aspects.

This will, open, purify, re-align & energise your being, taking what is out of date, un-needed, causing difficulties & blockages; everything you want to get rid of.  It also has a protective aspect and repairing aspect, especially for the aura.

You may feel: dizzy, disorientated, spinning, waves rushing around & through you or like you are being gently squeezed. You may hear of feel pops, rushing wind, heat and/or coolness. If you feel nothing, it is a good indication that you are not sufficiently grounded into your body. It’s a good idea to quickly ground before & after. Take lots of water with this too.

The colour of the MWF is Golden/White/Yellow, although there may be colour changes during use, as determined by your needs; but it will start this colour and end this colour, which gives us an extra indication of when the work is complete.

Methods of use:

  1. Request the ring to come. It will descend from your Monadic Self, down the charkra column 5 times, expanding through each of the immediate bodies, going into Mother Gia and returning to Source; taking with it all that should not be and all that you wish to be rid of.

Timing will differ for each of us, but a good guide is about a minute for each passing or 5mins in total. You have not done it wrong if it takes a little longer and you may receive information during it progression through your being. Please do not overuse, energy overuse drains you and causes internal conflict & friction.

      2. As above, but will purify all bodies at the same time. This can happen very fast indeed and is more about immediate need, such as protection in a lower energetic environment or self defence against energetic attack (seen & unseen). This can also happen without warning, but we must give permission for this to happen first. It can be very intense. The energy will download and explode out of you. It made me physically jump and I will blog this experience later today. It was truly immense.


You can state this permission in your own way, but here is an example:

“I give consent to access my being, on my behalf, in accordance with & in support of Divine Plan & Divine Outcome to my Monad, Spiritual Directors & Personal Assistance Teams and ask for The Monadic Wheel of Fire to be ignited within me during moments of immediate need.”

      3, Ask a question which needs a Yes or No answer. Ask for the Wheel to descend with the answer. It will come down to your heart & then up to your third eye through the throat chakra. So, you will actually receive the answer three times. This is to cover all three kinds of learning, whether you are auditory, visual or kinaesthetic (feeling).  

If you are unsure about the answer or do not get a direct Yes or No, you can ask again. But the chances are that there is more information you need in order to make the choice. Maybe you asked the wrong question; maybe it does not matter which choice is made; maybe there is an important lesson involved; maybe something has to happen first, such as an insight or an event; maybe it’s a choice that seems undesirable that you need to walk through (that your mind does not like), but will lead then to a wonderful opportunity. Relax, be open & go with the flow. This aspect can be used as often as you wish, wherever you wish.

The most important aspect of using this is just to relax, trust & be open to whatever happens. It is sent by the Monad, so you don't have to worry about anything, or even ask for this & that to be taken, but you can if you want to.


"Most are under the impression that our first desire for you is to ascend, this is not true. Are you surprised? When you were created, you were given three gifts; The Freedoms of Will, Choice & Expression. Our first desire is for you to just be, to experience all that life has to offer. In other words your path, your creation, your destiny is entirely within your own hands. This does not mean that we are not here for you, guiding, advising and encouraging you to come back to full consciousness of your true self. It simply means that you are your own master. All that has been created & given to you, is in support of your freedom to choose to re-join the One Soul, as you truly are – free of all contaminations of un-real love. Our first desire is to simply be able to communicate with you on a conscious level again, to commune within the sharing of our beingness. You do not need to ascend to begin to experience this communion (for you already have it), but one must choose to be within the higher energies of life, of love, to be conscious of it. This is what this empowerment was created for. Ascension takes effort & time, but it need not be as difficult as some are choosing it to be. Nor need it be so confusing or complicated. Ascension is but another choice and we desire to clarify that journey for each of you and make it more direct for all. You are ever loved"

The Monad.

PDF Download link:

Hope you have fun with this and do let me know of your experiences.


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Learner rings 999 over late teacher

Press Association - Police received an emergency call from a learner driver involved in an argument with his instructor

• Press Association - Police received an emergency call from a learner driver involved in an argument with his instructor

A learner driver dialled 999 asking for "emergency" police assistance during a row with his instructor.

Call handlers at West Midlands Police were baffled when they received the call from a man just after 8am last Thursday reporting that his instructor had arrived minutes late for their session.

The caller told them: "I've got an emergency... the person who's supposed to be teaching me came late and now she's asking me to get out of her car. She's saying I'm giving her attitude... please come over. I need someone to complain to. Who should I complain to?"

West Midlands Police have released an audio recording of the mobile phone call, which lasts just over two minutes, to highlight the importance of using 999 to report genuine emergencies.

During the call, the instructor can be heard asking the man to get out of the car. The call handler advises the learner to speak to the instructor's employer or the body that regulates driving instructors before stressing the importance of only using 999 to report genuine emergencies.

West Midlands Police Contact Centre Chief Inspector Sally Holmes branded such calls "ridiculous" and said they deflect police resources from people in genuine need of emergency assistance.

She said: "We regularly receive calls on the 9s about lost property, people asking for directions and revellers who've been denied entry to nightclubs. Other recent 'emergencies' include a blocked sink plug in a hotel room and someone who'd forgotten their computer password!

"It's astonishing listening to them but they hide a serious truth. Each call often takes minutes to deal with as staff have to clarify the situation - it might not sound like much but, if someone is trying to get through to report a genuine life or death emergency, then a minute is a very long time to wait.

"I cannot stress enough the 999 number is for emergencies only. This is defined as a crime in progress, if someone suspected of a crime is nearby, when there is danger to life or when violence is being used or threatened. To contact police for any other reason, call 101."

No further action was taken against the caller by the police, a force spokesman confirmed.

'Hello, Police? My children won't go to bed': Latest list of nuisance calls reveals bizarre reasons why people dial 999

Problems with Sky TV and a complaint about loud love-making were also among reasons they rang 101 or 999, according to data revealed by South Yorkshire Police.
Yahoo! News – Fri, Jun 28, 2013

Press Association/PA - Police revealed the bizarre calls as they try to crackdown on callers wasting police time. (PA)

Muddy trainers, lost trousers, and parents who couldn't get their children to go to bed are just some of the latest bizarre reasons why 999-callers have phoned the police.

Problems with Sky TV and a complaint about loud love-making were also among reasons they rang 101 or 999, according to data revealed by South Yorkshire Police.

One man in Rotherham even phoned to tell police that his neighbour dislikes him because he used to jump on a trampoline wearing a dress.

There were also two separate incidents where parents rang police to complain that their child would not go to bed when told.

Det Sgt Nigel Taaffe, from South Yorkshire Police, said: 'If you had your children's friends over and one went to the toilet in your Wendy house, most people would just clean it up. But we had someone ring the police.

'If your 14-year-old daughter has got her brand new expensive trainers muddy and her friends are laughing, most people would not ring us. But, again, someone did.

'They are generally one-off issues.

'But there are people who place a disproportionate demand on our resources and not for policing issues.'

South Yorkshire Police released the call handler log to highlight how both emergency and non-emergency numbers are misused.

The force is now sending letters and threatening legal action on those who consistently waste their time and resources.

Det Sgt Taaffe said: 'We're highlighting the fact that they are taking up the valuable time of officers, PCSOs and call handlers.'

Police also fear that real crimes - like hate incidents against the disabled - are meanwhile going unreported.

PC Nick Knowles said: 'There are a lot of people who need us and, therefore, a big demand on our services.

'But there are also some who have difficulty managing aspects of their own lives and don't understand the job of the police.
'They call us up for things most people would know how to deal with themselves.'

Police urged people to call 999 only in emergencies and to use 101 to report less urgent crime or disorder and for general police enquiries.

A selection of calls made by Rotherham residents to the 101 and 999 numbers during the past 12 months, as logged by the callhandler:

Caller is disliked by his neighbour because he used to jump up and down on his trampoline in a dress.

Caller states that her daughter, 11 years, is 'attacking her'. Questioned further, it turns out her daughter is being a naughty girl and won't go to bed.

Confused caller says she does not seem to be able to get films with her Sky TV card. Advised she would need to speak to Sky.

There is a couple with a big brown dog that is running around. It has not been aggressive towards anyone but caller is concerned as to the size of the dog. He has spoken to the couple about the dog but they have not done anything.

Caller says some children who live round the corner keep coming to her house to play with her daughter. She says that one of them has pooed in her daughter's playhouse. This child is three years old but caller is irate because they should know better.

Caller reporting he has two females, possibly from housing, knocking on his door and he doesn't want to answer it so is asking for police to attend. He states that he is on water tablets so doesn't want to talk to them.

Caller advising that he has found some driving documents that he thought he had previously lost and was wanting to let us know.

Caller wanting to report some youths being a nuisance. They have been coming on the street Christmas carolling but they can't sing and it seems like they are just trying to get some money.

Caller very distressed. The neighbours next door are making love very loudly with the windows open. This has been going on for some time.

Caller reporting four or five youths aged five to 11 on the street and they have thrown a stone at her window and smashed it. On inspection of said window it transpires there is no actual damage, just a mud mark which has wiped off.

Caller was in Newcastle for the weekend and woke up yesterday in his hotel to find his trousers were missing.

Caller reporting her daughter, 12 years, has been to the woods with four friends. They have all crossed a stream, on a log. The log has slipped from under her and she has fallen into the stream. This has ruined her new trainers. She asked them for help to get out of the stream and they stood there and laughed. Caller states that her daughter has then had to walk home with wet feet.

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How humans will survive in a million years

How humans will survive in a million years
By Rob Walker, Yahoo News | Yahoo! News – Tue, Jul 16, 2013

An interview with the author of a new book about mass human extinction, space elevators and more

A Geminid meteor streaks across the sky over Steamboat Springs, Colo., on Dec. 12, …

If you’ve ever worried, or even wondered, about the ultimate fate of humanity itself, then here is the book for you: In Scatter, Adapt, and Remember, Analee Newitz takes on the enormous topic of “how humans will survive a mass extinction.”

As that phrase (the book’s subtitle) indicates, Newitz proves to be an optimist about the science and potential technologies of long-term survival — but she didn’t start out that way. And while she makes her case in conversational tones, her argument reflects sweeping research: Methodically but entertainingly walking the reader through evolutionary history starting with mass-extinction events from billions of years ago, she works her way into the laboratories of contemporary researchers devising hard-to-believe innovations to save humanity from every future calamity you can imagine. Along the way the reader meets techno-thinkers and scientists grappling with pandemics and other threats, devising wild-sounding bio-energy alternatives, "converting urban spaces into biological organisms," preparing for the possibility of a planet-threatening asteroid, storing the sum of human knowledge in a discreet set of computer files and figuring out various methods of traveling to other planets — including a “space elevator.”

By the end of the journey, you can see why Newitz is optimistic that tech innovations could help our species persist for another million years. But should you believe it? We had some questions. Happily, Newitz had answers.

You write that you "set out to write a book about how we are all doomed," but you ended up writing about ensuring humanity's next million years of not being doomed. Was that a gradual shift in your thinking, or were there particular turning-point moments in your reporting and research?

The first turning point came when I was learning about the survivors of the Great Dying, a mass extinction 250 million years ago which took out 95% of all species on the planet. It was the worst mass extinction in Earth's history, caused by disastrous climate changes in the wake of a super volcano. And yet a humble little creature called Lystrosaurus (whom I've written about here), who looked something like a cross between a pig and a lizard, managed to survive this horrific period. Pretty much every other animal on land went extinct. And Lystrosaurus survived just by sleeping in protected underground burrows, and walking into new environments where it adapted to the new world that was emerging in death's wake. I figured that if this little pig-lizard could do it, so could we. I think at that point I realized that humans are no worse and no better than other animals — we are so good at adapting to new circumstances that it's likely we'll follow in Lystrosaurus' path.

I think my second turning point was when I began questioning why so many books focus on extinction and apocalypse and never tackle the arguably more important topic of survival. If we don't explore ways to survive, then we'll never do it. So looking at survival is useful. But I think survival stories are also far more rich and interesting than extinction stories. Survival is complicated and heroic and surprising. Death is always the same.

As someone who often laments my fellow humans' apparent focus on the short term — a complaint that's often linked to the way we use technology — I was amazed at the long-term-focused science and technology infrastructure you explore in the book. Was there any area of long-term tech research that surprised you the most?

What surprised me over and over again was how a lot of these seemingly far-fetched technologies are already in our grasp. For example, if an asteroid were headed for Earth right now, we'd almost certainly see it coming several years out. We have space-based telescopes that are monitoring over 90 percent of the nearby rocks that could hit us, and astronomers are constantly looking for more. All it would take are a few space probes of the kind we already have to go out into space, meet one of those asteroids, and just push it out of an intercept course with Earth. No need for nukes or fancy-pants antigrav technology. We also have the technology to build carbon-neutral cities and even carbon-neutral factories. It was surprising to me to realize how much of our planet's future really is in the hands of humanity. We don't need to wait for a miracle, or for a new scientific discovery. We just need to implement the knowledge and tools we already have. We can do it!

You write that "science fiction … may be among the most important survival tools we have," essentially because science fiction writers can help us envision what researchers might not be able to imagine. Ray Bradbury's conviction that humans would be on the moon in his lifetime supposedly resulted in him being treated like a crank. Today writers like William Gibson and Bruce Sterling are viewed almost like seers in some quarters. Have we become more accepting of the view that science fiction can be highly relevant to everyday life?

Science has become part of everyday life, and therefore it's no surprise that science fiction is one of our most popular forms of storytelling. We crave stories about science because it helps us make sense of our civilizations. Science fiction can take something incredibly complex — like, say, genetics — and show us how it fits into our personal lives, or how it shapes society. Notice that I'm not talking about science fiction as a genre that predicts the future. There are many kinds of stories that try to tell us about the future, or alternate realities, and science fiction is merely one of them.

I don't think that SF's popularity today comes from people seeking answers about the future — they're searching for meaning in the present. That said, I think SF helps us think about what possible consequences might follow from a scientific or technological discovery. Equally as important, SF stories can help us think about society itself as a vast experiment, where each political regime or cultural power bloc is another attempt to solve our problems as a species.

A principle goal of Scatter, Adapt, Remember, you write at one point, is "to get us off this crowded planet and into space." This leads to some of the most insane-sounding stuff in the book — the "space elevator," for instance. You're talking about a million-year time frame, so it's perfectly understandable that you'd venture into territory that is essentially beyond our imaginations. But still: Did you encounter any schemes that were just too crazy to include?

The most implausible ideas I encountered were all about what humans would do in the long term instead of going into outer space. Humanity has a long history of exploring, starting a million years ago when our ancestors first left Africa.

By the time Homo sapiens evolved, our ancestors had already invented tools and fire. So we literally never knew a world without technological modifications (however crude). We are a species of tool-makers and explorers, and we're damn good at it. So I find it extremely unlikely that we would give up on exploring space. I think it's even more unlikely that we would choose to upload our brains to computers and live in virtual worlds instead of what we know as the physical world. I'm sure some people will do that, maybe temporarily while traveling through space. But just staying here on Earth when there are so many other awesome places to go? Like Saturn and Alpha Centauri and maybe even other dimensions? Whenever I encountered that idea, I found myself unable to accept it. But that probably reveals my own pro-space prejudices!

Now let's see if I can get you back into a pessimistic mood: Let's say you are right that we humans can persist for another million years. Why do we deserve to persist? What's so great about humans, anyway?

Whether or not we deserve to persist isn't really relevant to whether we will do it. "Deserving" is an ethical concern, not a survival issue. Even if humans are bastards, we are going to survive. We have all the traits of a survival species, just like Lystrosaurus. Saying that we deserve to go extinct doesn't solve our problems — it leads to both moral and practical paralysis. Humans are life forms, and life forms always fight to survive, no matter what. It's in our most fundamental, biological natures. So we'd better accept that, and work on making the future as comfortable as possible.

As human animals, we have evolved the ability to plan a better future for ourselves. We can even stop a mass extinction. It's not too late. We don't have to be angels to preserve our ecosystems. We just have to be practical, and not waste our time wondering whether we are good enough to deserve it. Let's not debate the magnitude of our sins. Let's get to work saving the world!

Annalee Newitz is on Twitter at @annaleen; her book is Scatter, Adapt, and Remember: How Humans Will Survive a Mass Extinction.

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Too hot to sleep? 10 ways to beat the heat

Too hot to sleep? 10 ways to beat the heat

Hot weather can make it hard to get to sleep so if you’re struggling to get your 40 winks as the mercury pushes 30, try our expert tips for a good night – whatever the weather

By Kim Hookem-Smith | Yahoo Lifestyle

The glorious summer days we’ve been enjoying come with a downside – hot, sticky night times that make it impossible to get a good night’s sleep.

And we can’t be the only ones who are getting grumpy and irritable despite the lovely sunshine, after spending the night tossing and turning. So we asked Dave Gibson, sleep expert at London bed makers Warren Evans, for his advice on keeping cool and sleeping soundly. Sleeping in hot weather can be difficult [REX]

“Most scientists agree that, in general, a cool room helps you to get to sleep easier,” Dave explains. “Some suggest that if you are sleeping in temperatures above 24°C, you’re likely to wake up during the night.

“Your body temperature naturally falls during the second stage of sleep, reaching its lowest point about four hours after the onset of sleep, which is why you might start off above the covers but feel the need for them later in the night.”

[Seven ways to sleep better tonight]

[Sleeping in separate beds helps my marriage work]

Dave’s top 10 tips to stay perfectly cool and sleep well:

1. Keep windows and shades completely closed during the day. Most people think that opening them will help circulate air - but actually it has the opposite effect. Keep them closed to help reduce the temperature in the room. Open them at night when the air temperature reduces.

2. Move the air around. If you can afford to, then invest in an air conditioning unit (which can also act as a dehumidifier). If not, get a fan to create a cross-draft. If it’s unbearably hot then add a cold wet sheet between you and the fan or even a bucket of ice in front of the fan to further reduce the temperature.

3. Go to bed cool. If you go to bed feeling hot and bothered you’re less likely to get to sleep easily and more likely to wake during the night. Wear light pyjamas and keep bedding to a minimum [REX]

Have a cool shower before bed. If you are still too hot, try an ice pack (wrapped in a damp towel) on the back of your knees or neck, which is a quick way of cooling your body.

Equally stick your feet in a bucket of cold water before bed or put on a pair of damp socks. Or try putting on a damp a thin sheet to cover you, as they do in the Middle East.

4. Keep bedding light. Get rid of the duvet and choose the lightest sheets possible (cotton and then silk). You want cover that is non-absorbent so they don’t absorb your sweat. If you are sharing a bed then use separate sheets to avoid the extra potential of disturbing each other as you are more likely to toss and turn.

If you go for no sheets at all, keep one at the end of the bed that you can pull on if you wake and are too cold. If you have a foam rubber pillow you may want to swap it out during the summer as it absorbs heat and can get very hot.

5. Get cold feet! Uncover your feet if you are using a sheet, as this will also cool you down

6. Pyjama ban. An obvious one, but rethink what you wear to bed.

7. Hydrate. Drink enough water in the day. If you are dehydrated, you are more likely to get a headache/body ache prior to bed. Coffee/tea don’t count as they are diuretics and you need an equal amount of extra water to flush the caffeine they contain through the kidneys. Of course, if you drink tea/coffee too late the caffeine will also keep you awake at night.

8. Limit the noise. Open windows mean that outside noise may be a problem. Earplugs are an obvious solution. Or try putting on some low volume relaxing (unfamiliar if possible) music with no lyrics. Given that fans produce white noise this may be a bonus to block outside noise.

9. Control the light. Use dark, heavy blinds to filter out the light if you are going to sleep before dusk. Also try a neye mask to make sure your regular sleep routine isn’t broken by the long hours of daylight and bright mornings.

Avoid the temptation to stay awake longer in the lighter nights, as routine tends to be the best way (in the modern world of the electric light bulb) of ensuring that you get to sleep easily. Also block off all sources of LED light sources. Switch off or turn them over. Don’t switch on the full light to go to the toilet or if you get up during the night as it wakes you up.

Earplugs may be necessary if open windows make your bedroom noisy [REX]

10. Allergy management. Pollen can be a massive problem in the spring and summer, keeping many of us awake. You can fight the problem using an air purifier and close the windows as soon as possible in the morning to stop the pollen coming in.

Also try showering before bed, including washing your hair, to remove pollen. Anecdotal suggestions are that local honey can help with allergic responses too. (For more hay fever banishing tactics try our guide to beating summer allergies.)

Summer mood boosts
Just like the Olympics last year, Wimbledon brought the nation together as we cheered Scotland's Andy Murray on to victory. There's nothing like a sporting event (especially where
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Summer mood boosts
Just like the Olympics last year, Wimbledon brought the nation together as we cheered Scotland's Andy Murray on to victory. There's nothing like a sporting event (especially where your side wins) to give you the enthusiasm to sail through summer.

And just because Wimbledon's over for another year, it doesn't have to stop there. As well as The Ashes, The Open and the Tour de France, there's also the London 2012 Anniversary Games to put us all back in that hazy summer Olympic spirit. Grab your friends and find a venue/screen near you.

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Generally Speaking, This Is the Shift

Generally Speaking, This Is the Shift
Posted by Maryann Rada

The new world is a thing of the past. The next world is one that has not yet been imagined, even by the best of minds, for the world of now is steeped in pain and traumatized, shattered and fragmented and seeking integration with itself. You are each coming into wholeness, step by step, and you will achieve it as you progress in the mindfulness of who you are, by paying attention to what appears in your field of vision and your subconscious thoughts surfacing in dreams and waking epiphanies.

However, you have not yet brought yourselves together as a people in the way that a clear picture and understanding of what the world could be can be clearly perceived. We would like to take a few moments of your time to bring you a bit closer to that understanding, and do it in such a way that the words we impart may sustain a trajectory in the direction of planetary oneness of intent for the race you belong to, which is evolving from human into something altogether new. We have been in a place similar to yours in our history, so we know whereof we speak, and beg just a small indulgence of time to weave our tale to your maximum collective benefit. We begin.

You can imagine yourself as part of a tribunal, a gathering of those who have decided to embark on a mission of scientific understanding of a new field of consciousness, a new territory of the field of reality to explore as seekers of truth and wisdom. You are one of many who work with the greater galactic community of free peoples; screening your waking mind for memories of such a gathering is good to do now. You can see that there is a lot of debate going on about how to proceed in the grand experiment of consciousness-gathering, as there are parameters of the experiment that you had not seen before which are now coming into view. This is normal when the topic of study is the evolution of the human formula from one phase of being to an other, higher one. There is a natural falling away of fixedness as fluidity of the experimental framework becomes more necessary.

The principles remain set, but the parameters will vary. You have the general idea of how this goes, as an experimenter in your own life, taking samples of different kinds of experiences and making sense of them in relation to your place in the reality you operate within. It is no different on the large scale, in which you are working on the soul level to gather the experiences of the various expressions of your temporally based emanations and embodiments in the timestream of Earth.

The moment you are aware of in the course of your lifetime is one experience for your soul. There are other emanations of your soul which have other embodiments, some of you in other places in time, some in other embodiments linked to the same group that forms the basis of a higher level of soul. You have come to this life to retrieve the experiences that your soul has ventured to gain, in the course of research of a more or less scientific nature, the results of which will be presented in a briefing at the conclusion of your present part of the experiment of soul.

Your life is of the utmost importance to your soul, and is of the utmost interest to the source of love and creation of life itself, the source of everything and the emanator extraordinaire, which we call OM. The experiences you garner will be your contribution to the answer that is eternally forming to the question of being in the universe at large. You are taking part in the activity of God’s willful exploration of the nature of love in every possible way. That is no small feat! But let us get back to our tale.

New world order is a thing of fear for many people. This is not the way the tribunal had originally anticipated a dream coming true, but nonetheless it is how they have watched things unfold. You, as part of this tribunal, have seen in the shadows a movement toward light, a shift in the timing of evolution that presents a new opportunity to the experiment to take on a greater range of experience and a greater potential for love to show itself in dramatic and generous ways. The word “experiment” perhaps is misleading, as there is a lot more going on in your reality than mere objective knowledge-gathering. The objective in the grand adventure of life on Earth is love, plain and simple, and the conflict that is being dealt with to discover the secrets love has to share is in the appearance of an unforeseen bend in the road showing up with an entourage of infernal vagabonds starving for love.

What do you know? Now is the time to kick into gear in that regard. Know what you know, and use it to pry open love’s box of secrets in this scenario of late-in-the-game awakening to the light threading through the space between you and the new reality that is taking form. Know that the day is stealthily moving into position to break through the barriers of darkness to illuminate the world as it wakens to awareness. Know that there are forces beyond the normal day-to-day reality that are interpolating energetic frequencies to sequence them into form. Know that every effort made in the direction of truth and justice is moving those sequences closer to being, and that nothing, no shred of thought, is wasted in this now.

You have had a say in the way you want to experience the life you are now living, and you will have a say in the way you want to go in the life to come, on earth or in another world. You have not been tricked into joining in a game rigged to one side, nor have you been brought into a losing situation.

Even in the darkest moments for yourself and the world you live in, know this is true. You have agreed in one way or another before arriving on the scene that you would participate in the time now at hand, and the direction of reality is changing to meet the temporality of the next phase of earth’s evolution.

Time is taking a new turn and the truth of the path of humanity’s past and future are no longer able to stay hidden from view. Understanding is now on the horizon for everyone to see, and the landscape from that perspective will never be the same for the collective cognizance of who you, as a people, are. Your motivation through the eons of getting to the point you are within now has been merely to transform as the planet transforms, nothing more or less, for within that act is everything that it means to be fully human and openly divine. We have seen the trajectory of your current line of time, and it is a signal to the core of divinity, of life, of the source of everything that the moment is at hand for the tale to come to a close and a new reality to begin. It is the moment you have been waiting for!

Give a simple thought a moment to rest in the silence of the heart as it enters into the space of embracing a new understanding. It is this: If you have been waiting for millennia to experience this moment, is it not worth the full attention of every soul embodied on this world?

If you represent one aspect of a greater energetic collective of divine intelligence called by you “soul,” is it not worthwhile to reflect on the power you, as embodiments of divine soul-stuff, possess?

Your next breath can show the thought’s color and form in a dance of energetic recalibration within the heart-space of your physical body, and establish it within the core of your foundational understanding of self in relation to the new reality of the new world that is now in the formative stages of birth. You have the ability to change your own world, this you know.

You as a people have the ability to realize a new reality, as the one that has been the backdrop for so long crumbles and dissolves around you. You are creating the new world this moment, this breath, this peaceful silent pause within the now that awaits formative input from your mind and loving impulse from the creative center of the heart. Time is telling the movement of reality towards the hour of truth being told. The tribunal is ready to tell its side of the story, which is the side of entirety and justice for all. You understand conflict and polarity well as an experience. You have some more secrets to uncover, dear ones!

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