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Create Your Love Body & Experience The Wholeness Of The Creator In You !

By Steven Hutchinson

In this guided meditation video, AA Metatron helps us to heal & expand your Heart Chakra and Higher Heart Chakra so that we can reconnect with and expand our Love Body.

Your Divine Love Body includes your personal Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss & Fulfillment from your Soul & your Highest Divine Self & from The Creator. Affirm, "With my every breath - I breathe these Divine Flames into my entire embodiment & release everything not of God's Love."

Start breathing in & out of your higher heart chakra, & Affirm: "I Am the Flames of Love, Joy, Bliss, & Fulfillment of My Divine Love Body anchored in my Higher Heart Chakra !"

Your Divine Power is your Divine Power of the Creator that you can call forth that's within you & within everything in creation. I now Call forth & feel in my Solar Plexus Chakra the most divinely perfect Flames of Power from the Creator I need in every moment to manifest my Soul & The Creator's Will for the divinely highest good of all.

I Affirm: "I Am the Flames of My Divine Power anchored now in my Solar Plexus Chakra & Earth Star Chakra, and now merged with The Flames of my Divine Love Body.

"I Now call forth & breathe into my entire embodiment the Flames of My Divine Light , which includes the Light of my Soul, the Light of my Divine Self, & the Supreme Light of the Creator."

I Am the Flames of my Divine Light Body anchored now in my Higher Heart Chakra, & merged with the Flames of My Divine Power Body & with the Flames of my Love Body in a beautiful Flower of Life Sphere."

With my every breath, the Flames of My Divine Love, Light, & Power Bodies are continually renewed & empowered from Source for my own ascension & healing as well as for my divine service work in helping with the ascension & healing of Gaia & every human being .

I Am continually breathing all of these Divine Flames from my Divine Love, Light & Power Bodies into my Flower of Life Sphere, and these Divine Energies are continually working throughout my Whole Being, healing me & raising my vibrations for my spiritual growth. Take a moment & let yourself feel this.

Now feel or imagine this Flower of Life sphere with the Flames of your Divine Love, Light, & Power Bodies in it expand throughout your Whole Being and anchor in your Earth Star Chakra..... and now expand and anchor in Gaia's crystalline grid..... and now expand to every human Being!

Take a moment and breathe in this Divine Energy encapsulating you...and let yourself feel how these Divine Energies are awakening & expanding the Divine Love & Joy in you, & how they are uplifting & healing you & helping you experience more fully your Highest Divine Self & your Soul & The Creator.

And now visualize or acknowledge interconnected Flower of Life Spheres that you and all others that are engaged in this Light Work have created encapsulating every human being & remaining with every person from the time each person is in the womb and throughout each person's life, and one encapsulating Gaia as well.

Each Flower of Life Sphere is continually being renewed from Source and from all the Divine Flames of each being's Divine Love, Light, & Power Bodies that are engaged in this Light Work.

And with each breath of each person on earth, as well as each breath of Gaia - each person breathes in the divine energy from their Flower of Life Sphere - which is helping you & Gaia with your ascension, and is helping expand your awakening to God's Presence within you & your experience of your multi-dimensional self, and is helping expand your experience of the Divine Love, Joy, Peace, Fulfillment, & Abundance of your Soul & the Creator.

Affirm: "With each breath of every person on earth, & each breath of Gaia - the Divine Flames of this Energy are awakening & expanding my experience of Mother God & Father God's Presence within me... & are awakening & expanding my experience of my Divine Self & my multi-dimensional self ... & are expanding my experience of the Supreme Love, Peace, Fulfillment, & Joy of my Soul & The Creator... & are also helping manifest the Divine Healing that I, & every person on earth, & Gaia needs.

Thank You God! And So It All Manifests with my every breath, and with each breath of Gaia & each breath of every human being! " Take a moment & let yourself feel this.*

Natalie Glasson is channeling AA Metatron in this video, and it is from Natalie's free gift to us from her 'Capsules of Wisdom' # 145 called 'Love Body Harmonization & Healing'.

The text above is by Steven Hutchinson

Infinite Blessings of The Creator's Love, Light, & Abundance to all who read this,

Video: "Create Your Love Body & Experience The Wholeness Of The Creator In You !

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Surrender To Love & Awaken To Your Divine Light & Healing ! By Steven Hutchinson

From the heart chakra of Mother/Father/God, I breathe into my entire embodiment the Highest Vibrations of the Creator's Supreme Love & Joy with my every in-breath, and with my every out-breath I breathe all of this Divine Energy into the crystalline grid to all of Gaia & to every human being. And my every out-breath also takes this Divine Energy into every cell of my body, and each cell lovingly receives this energy and releases into Divine Beauty and Love with my every breath.

I Surrender to the divine activity of the Creator's Energies of Supreme Love, Light, & Joy within me with my every breath. I Am a Divine Transmuter of Cosmic Love Consciousness as I synthesize and use and embody the Creator's Supreme Love in all aspects of my life. 

I Awaken to the Oneness in All. I live by the Law of Love. I hold ALL with the eyes of Love and I invoke and invite the power, peace and joy of this Love to take form in ALL my thoughts, affairs and relations. I hold ALL people, circumstances and events in this boundless and unconditional energy field of Love and Light that I AM. 

May ALL beings Awaken

May ALL beings be healed.

May ALL beings be forgiven.

Thank You God ! And So It Is !

Infinite Blessings of The Creator's Love, Light, & Abundance to all who read this,


Video: "Fully Embody The Divine Energies of The Creator's Love In Your Life Now ! By Steven Hutchinson

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