Ascended Master Spiritual Channeling Message with Lord Saint Germain, Masters Paul the Venetian (Pink Flame, and El Morya (Blue Flame) sharing their expertise of Integrating the Feminine and Masculine Divine for Intimacy, transmitted by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden – Integrative Channel of Walking Terra Christa.
It is my Divine Pleasure as Lord Saint Germain to share with you the steps that are necessary for an individual, and especially an Initiate, to fully come into the state of balance with the Emotional and Mental selves. This is a process that is not easily recognized as the physical self has a tendency to take these aspects of the four-body system for granted.
As a soul within the physical vehicle, you will tend to think that you are walking through life as you should, feeling your emotions and allowing the thoughts to guide you in the right place. But many times it is just the opposite as the souls on this planet have been programmed from the many lifetimes to act first through the Mental Realm and then the Emotional Self will follow suit. This is why there have been revolutions in which the many women have stood up for themselves as the arena of the masculine energies has been in control for many centuries.
It does not matter if you are a man or a woman, many of you have lived many lifetimes with the Mental Body being in more control than the Emotional. The feelings can come later after the action has been created within the movement of the masculine being the one that knew and did everything first.
Fortunately, this school of thought has been changing for many years. It is not about the women standing up for themselves but it is the role that each person takes within their own consciousness and how it evolves to allow the Masculine and Feminine Selves to come into full alignment.
Since the Emotional Body of the Feminine Self has been repressed through your soul’s history, then those emotions that you experienced are very real within your consciousness but do not always have a voice; they are hidden within your psyche waiting for the right time for them to be revealed. The many timelines that you have experienced have these emotions tucked away within the depth of your Etheric Self.
So, when you have a challenge in your life, these are the emotions that are elicited through your physical self. They are hidden within your emotional body which are causing you pain through the four-body system, and many times directly related to the physical pain you may be experiencing.
As an Initiate allows themselves to feel these emotions, they can be very raw and vulnerable as a wound is being opened that has been closed off for many lifetimes. The mental body has taken over and in that process the Emotional Body can seem weak but yet within itself, it is just as strong as the Mental Body. Ideally, it may be stronger because as the healing takes place the emotional body then takes responsibility of holding these feelings which allows the Mental Body to relax and not have to do so much work to protect this part of your four-body system.
It is important to realize that the potential for the emotional and mental bodies to work in unison needs to be initiated from the Feminine Self or Emotional level. This is where all decisions are created from this realm, not the Masculine Self (Mental level). If you are a person that constantly moves from the Masculine self, then you will be challenged in a variety of ways as the Feminine self has no idea of how to work with the masculine energies.
As you go through this process, it is important to always make your decisions from your Feminine Self and then the Masculine will fully act upon it, make it a reality.
All of the characteristics that make up Intimacy of the Soul come from Love, Sharing, and Trusting your Heart so that your Emotional Body needs to develop the ability to step into full creation. This means to delve deeply within your feelings and actually “FEEL” the energy that your Masculine Self may be projecting as a thought.
For example, if you say that you are Insecure, what does that energy feel like for you? Utilize the ability to actually go deeper into your lower chakras, especially the Solar Plexus to feel the Insecurity. It is locked away inside this chakra as it represents your Empowerment to Yourself. Take some deep breaths and use your finger or a crystal and spin that chakra from the top, to the left, the bottom, and then to the right continuously. Allow yourself with your Mind’s Eye to go deeper into the chakra and feel the Insecurity. Then as you breathe deeper, ask to see what is causing this Insecurity. Is it a reaction to how you were treated in a past timeline, is there shame, or fear? It is important to allow yourself to spin deeper like you are spinning a wheel.
As you feel the emotion, you probably will have tears or possibly anger. This is allowing the energy to move upwards out of the chakra so your Emotional Body is now fully feeling the experience. Keep going; ask for the Ruby Red Flame to help you as this ray is associated within the Solar Plexus.
As you allow the feeling to arise, you then call upon your Masculine Self, the Mental Body to help you understand it. This is when the words come into play. You can write an affirmation like, “I allow this insecurity to be healed by the Love that I am from my Higher Self.” Use your breath and feel the energy change. You may also have to write more about the Insecurity so that the thought process within your subconscious mind can be changed into the higher realm of thought, such as Acceptance of Love.
This process is allowing your Feminine and Masculine Selves to work together to heal the lower element that has been lodged in your Mental Realm, by allowing the emotional Self to actually feel the energy. This is very important to do with every issue you encounter.
Then, and only then, can you understand what Intimacy represents as the Feminine Self will be able to elicit the change within you as the Masculine Self grounds the acceptance of the new energy you are becoming – Empowered Within.
The reason that an individual is challenged with emotional intimacy is because the process is very foreign to the four body system. All of the bodies of the Physical, Etheric, Emotional, and Mental must work together in order for the soul to truly accept the healing that needs to take place.
Intimacy is learning how to speak the feelings by allowing both the Feminine and Masculine Divine to work in unison, not separately. Once an individual acts upon this process, it will get easier each time that they are put in a position to share about their own self. When you allow the issues that your Inner Child has held for eons of time to be revealed, it can be very illuminating and healing to say the least.
As you learn to share your emotions, you allow yourself to be vulnerable; and this is empowerment. You cannot have a balanced state within your four-body system without allowing all parts of yourself to healed by being honest of the parts that have been hidden so the healing process can occur.
Learning to Trust your Heart through true Intimacy is a very powerful tool. Allow yourself to walk through the doorway of your Divine Self by acknowledging all parts that need to be put into alignment.
I am honored to have Ascended Master Ray Chohans Master Paul the Venetian, the Pink Flame of Love, and Master El Morya, the Blue Flame of Will and Power to share their essence on this subject of the Feminine and Masculine Divine with me.
I Am Lord Saint Germain at your service.
TO CONTINUE READING THE MESSAGES FROM MASTER PAUL THE VENETIAN AND MASTER EL MORYA, PLEASE USE THIS LINK: http://walkingterrachrista.com/ascended-masters-3/message-from-lord-saint-germain-masters-paul-the-venetian-el-morya-intimacy-trust-in-the-heart/
RELATED: “Intimacy: Your Connection to the World” is the next Ascension Class in the Mastering the Spiritual Recovery of the Soul Series to bring forth learning how to be Emotionally and Mentally Intimate through Intimacy of Love, Sharing, and Trusting Your Heart. Click for Class Details and Enrollment
Original Material © Copyright 2017 WalkingTerraChrista.com by Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden and Rev. J.
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