The Festival of Humanity is now arriving on June 13that 5:11 GMT (12:11 AM Eastern and June 12th, 9:11 PM Pacific) within the Sun of Gemini opposing the Moon within Sagittarius.
This moon represents our Lower Mind of thinking logically battling the Higher Mind of our intuition and wisdom.
This is the last of the ascension festivals which represents the ability to ground the higher levels of awareness and consciousness that we have received during the Wesak moon just one month ago. The time that has passed since Wesak has given us an opportunity to take those lessons we learned and understand what we have gone through in the process of our mastery which may be a challenge to face within our present awareness. These energies will take us out of the reality we have been living under into a whole new perspective as we actively allow our Higher Self to be our ruling guide in each moment that we think, feel, and act upon this Earth.
The Ray of Love of Wisdom within the color of Golden Yellow was activated through GAIA’s Merkabah of Light during Wesak. It is now time for each of us to fully integrate not only this ray of pure love from our highest perspective but to be fully grounded with it along with the Blue Flame of Will and Power and the Ruby Red and Gold Flame of Inner Devotion. Life is changing on this earth; the integration of these powerful rays fully grounded will assist not only the entire planet but each individual to change their life path in a new and constructive manner.
With this integration of the Festival of Goodwill there will be a reconstruction in the following areas:
- The Power of Will
- The Will to Love
- The Will to Action
- The Will to Cooperate
- The Will to Know and To Think Correctly and Creatively
- The Will to Persist will become a human characteristic,
- The Will to Organize
Our lessons will be centered upon each of the elements so that the choices we make will be reflected in every course of action we take. We are now at the stage to reconstruct our lives on the of the Divine Will being manifested within our world.
This Wesak brought forth great changes in each of us. Some of them are manifested in our outside world or within ourselves. It does not matter which way it becomes obvious to each individual; the most important matter is allowing them to grow within us, change us to become the master we desire to be, and create our world accordingly. This is truly about giving service to this Earth.
The aspects of this full moon only enhance the energetic exchange of this festival of light. It represents our ability to communicate more clearly with a different sense of attitude within us. It can create a sense of adventure in the actions that you take. Gemini shows us conflict within our logic and Sagittarius brings us the illumination that we desire.
It truly helps us to bring forth the illumination of the Higher Mind to blend within the Lower Mind of the Physical Self so that there is more of a flow of ideas within our consciousness instead of the battling between the higher and lower energies within the self.
It is important to take time during this full moon to your Higher Self within your physical existence by breathing in the Rays of God or Spectrums of Light. Connect with your Higher Essence to see what you may need to within your physical body so that these elements can be put into place within your pathway of light.
On June 11th, 2014 Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a Full Moon/Festival of Humanity with Lords Maitreya and Kuthumi in the Crystalline City of Havalanchee located in the Etheric Earth over Mt. Shasta, California. Mel and Mike, the hosts for this magnificent ceremony, hope that individuals will choose to join them. Please check the Walking Terra Christa website for details.
Utilizing the Wesak Decree will assist in grounding the energies we are incorporating presently:
Inducting the Golden Yellow Flame of Love and Wisdom
The time is now upon us,
Of Celebrating Wesak in 2014,
Representing the Flame of Love and Wisdom,
To be fully integrated into GAIA.
This flame of the Golden Yellow,
Now joins with the flame of Ruby Red,
Representing Inner Devotion,
And the Ray of Will and Power,
Igniting the Deep Blue Essence of Light.
GAIA is now receiving these flames,
In her fully consciousness of the Merkabah Vehicle of Light She Is.
We, as the initiates of this Earth,
Have traveled far and wide,
Through time and space,
To be in the here and now,
As we receive these amazing flames of Light,
Within our Beingness.
As Love and Wisdom,
Represents Mental Illumination,
Of Allowing Universal Love,
To Be My Guide in all that I experience,
I breathe deeply within my Crown Chakra,
To Ignite the expansiveness,
That I AM..
I allow the Will and Power,
Of the Blue Flame to be fully ignited within my Throat Chakra,
I learn to speak my truth,
As I embody the strength and courage,
Of all my timelines to be fully accessed.
I feel the serenity and peace,
Of the Ray of Inner Devotion,
Within the flame of Ruby Red and Gold,
As it blends within my Solar Plexus,
I feel my Inner Power within me,
As I devote my pathway,
To understanding my Higher Self’s Journey Within Me.
I fully embrace all of these essences,
To be part of my physical existence,
As this is the way it is to be,
For 2014.
I extend my gratitude to the Source of Oneness,
Of the Brotherhood of White Light,
And especially Lord Buddha,
Our Planetary Logos.
He is assisting the entire essence of the Earth,
To accelerate our bodies,
So that they may meet with,
Our Higher Self, Monad, and I AM Presence.
The journey of ascension,
Can be very intense,
But so rewarding.
I breathe deeply,
As I feel the changes occurring within me,
I chant the sounds of,
“HAM” with “HE”,
For Will and Power within my Throat;
“AAA – OOO – MMM”,
For Inner Devotion within my Solar Plexus;
And the sound of “I” with “AUM”,
For Love and Wisdom.
All of these Spectrums of Light,
Now spin within me,
I ground them fully through my Earth Star,
As I send them into GAIA’s Merkabah Vehicle of Light;
As I receive the gift of these rays of light,
From the Elders Around the Throne of Grace,
I send them unto GAIA’s Core of Light.
The spinning of our Merkabah’s,
Are now in Unison,
As we Become One Beam of Acceleration Together.
I connect fully with all the Ascended Beings in Shamballa,
For Wesak 2014,
As we Become One,
With Lord Buddha as our guide,
Allowing All that I AM,
To be fully within all parts of my Being.
I feel it spinning within me,
I feel the connection of All Sentinent Beings,
As we Represent the One of the All.
I embrace all that I experience,
In this moment of Wesak 2014,
As my acceleration,
Is now grounded fully within me,
As I walk into a new doorway of Light.
I AM One with All that I AM
I AM that I AM that I AM
©2012-2014 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery http://walkingterrachrista.com/ by Rev. Christine Meleriessee and Rev. Michael Aranathanara. Permission to repost this information electronically on your non-commercial website or blog is granted as long as you include this copyright statement and the following referral links. Use for commercial websites, blogs and printed or written reproduction requires written permission.
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