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Pure White Spiraling Light

Spirit has asked all of us to continue spiraling

the Pure White Light.

Take a moment to relax. Breath deeply.

See the Pure White Light.

Spirit and I are asking you all to do this daily for our planet and all living on Mother Earth.

Visualize a beautiful pure white Light.
See it in front of you, spiraling.

Now see the pure white Light spiraling around you.
Now see the pure white Light spiraling and going deep down into the core of Mother Earth.

Take another deep breath. Relax.
Now see the pure white Light spiraling in the core and illuminating her center and expanding.

As Mother Earth shifts and changes her vibration, she also helps us to move forward.

Now see the pure white Light spiraling on the top of Mother Earth, spiraling in and around and through all of the continents.

As the Light is spiraling, the pure white Light is entering areas, people, places and things on earth as needed with love and gentleness.

Now see the pure white Light spiraling in and around and through all the water ways.

As we all are doing this to assist, it raises the vibrations of all that are willing to move forward so we all can be in harmony, peace and Love.
The vibrations are assisting to help our planet and all of its people.

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Reiki: All Natural and All Effective

Our physical self is always healing itself. Always! There can be no reasonable or legitimate denying of this very simple fact. When something, anything, affects our body it will immediately begin to heal. We are always in a natural state of healing. Always! With Reiki we have a conscious intention of this healing. Reiki is a heightened state of awareness and acceptance of this healing. Reiki is an energy healing modality, a healing of intent, which is comfortably aligned with the most basic laws of the universe and the natural world.

Energy is everything and everywhere. It reacts with our bodies internally and externally. This is not a new concept. Most Eastern systems of medicine have always been based on these ideas.

All matter is simply slow moving energy. Einstein stated that all matter, energy, time, and space are relative to each other. These elements are also directly related and affected by the presence of a human observer. Any experiment will always be affected by the presence, attitude, and intention of the experimenter.

With Reiki we choose an intention of healing. It is an attitude that expects the total wellness of the whole self. This includes all aspects of the physical, mental, and spiritual self.

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Reiki is a natural healing modality and easy to learn. The ability to use our intention and focus to help facilitate the healing process is available to everyone.


This life force energy that we all connect to does not play favorites. Everyone can easily learn to practice self healing and also to help others with their healing. One does not have to become an expert on physics or energy to benefit from this wonderful healing practice.


Healing Today has provided practical and affordable Reiki training since 1999 all over the USA. Our low prices and experience has helped make Reiki available to many people from all walks of life.

Dallas Reiki training;


Atlanta Reiki workshops;


Tampa Bay area;

Nashville Reiki seminars;

Charlotte Reiki classes;


St. Louis Reiki Classes;


Reiki Home Study Courses are also available. Please see website.

Reiki in the USA 


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Present MomentsWEEK OF MAY 12, 2014
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“Today is a day for you to begin creating a joyous, fulfilling future.” Louise Hay

Hello Dr.,

As you know, Louise has dedicated her life to helping people…by teaching them about how powerful their thoughts are, sharing with them the wisdom of many teachers and authors, and showing them how they can heal their lives. More than five years ago, we wanted to honor Louise’s mission and reach out to millions of people by way of a new all-content website. 

This was back when our favorite online places to hang out like Twitter and YouTube were just infants, and when Facebook was beginning to edge out MySpace as the most popular kid on the Internet. It was also a time when I was very intrigued by the millions of people we could touch in so many regions of the world from a single article on a Home Page. 

We began talking to a web developer about the design of the site and put a couple of our most prolific content writers and editors on the team. In September 2009, we proudly launched Hay House’s

Paying homage to Louise’s lifework, is a place where you can turn when you need help in any area of your life. It’s a place where you can find inspiring words when you’re feeling down, inner guidance when you may have lost your way and encouraging advice when you may have problems in a relationship or a new job. 

It’s a place where you can embrace the wisdom of some of your favorite spiritual teachers and get tips from up-and-coming authors. It’s a place where you can meet like-minded friends who share your passions and insights. It’s a place where, after a hectic day, you can come to relax, rejuvenate and reconnect. And it’s all free for you to access any time. Home Page

This week, we are celebrating the relaunch of We decided to breathe more life into our cutting edge, content-rich site with even more daily affirmations, interactive oracle card readings, lively videos, free downloads and content that you can access by the topics that concern you most.

Click to Play Louise's Welcome Video for the
Click to Play Video »

I have to mention our Heal Your Life team who keep this site alive with their lively content and creative ideas—Donna Abate, Kate Riley and Jodie Shull. Over the years, they have often run around the office cheering every new feature and milestone—including their now 2.1 million followers on the Heal Your Life Facebook page (watch the celebration video here). They keep reminding me that is Hay House’s coolest site. After seeing the new Home Page, I must admit I’m now a cheerleader for the site, too. But do me a favor. Don’t tell them yet, they may ask me to bring pom poms to our next all-staff meeting. 

Come visit Hay House’s coolest website today— I also invite you to follow us on Facebook and post your comments about the new features you like the most. We always enjoy reading your feedback.

My best wishes,
Reid Tracy

Especially For You

Top 10 Reasons to Visit Hay House’s Coolest Website—

By the HYL Team

  1. The Home Page ROCKS! And when you visit, you’ll see why. You’ll find amazing content from Hay House authors right at your fingertips, whether it’s a daily affirmation to start your day off right, an inspiring video, or a heartwarming article that will touch your soul.
  2. It’s a place where you can get a free personalized Oracle Card Reading.Use our brand new Oracle Card App to get spiritual guidance and detailed insight about your questions, using Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine’s bestselling Angel Tarot Cards.
  3. It’s a place where you can take your soul on vacation. Is your soul weary or stressed out? At, you can feed your mind, body and soul inspiring words from some of your favorite authors with the hundreds of articles available on the site. Here’s the perfect place to regroup, recharge and reconnect.
  4. It’s a place where you can find the content that you’re most interested in.The content on is organized by topic, so you can dive deep into the subjects that matter to you most—for example: health, meditation, intuition, healing, and more.
  5. It’s a place where you can get a daily affirmation. Check out the affirmationssection daily for the perfect affirmation that will ensure that you’ll have a great day!
  6. It’s a place you can read something NEW every day. Yes, that’s right. Every day you’ll find something new—whether it’s a tip to give you a lift, advice for healthier living or a few things you can do to nourish your current relationship. There’s no stale news here.
  7. It’s a place where you can listen to amazing audio clips. In our audio section, you can access soothing meditations and empowering lectures from Hay House authors, all for free.
  8. It’s a place where you can watch the coolest videos of your favorite Hay House authors. Get up close and personal with some of the world’s best teachers and watch captivating author interviews on our video page.
  9. It’s a place where you can share your thoughts. Whether you want to post a message for a Hay House author like Louise Hay or Dr. Wayne Dyer, you can now comment on blog posts and articles using your preferred social account and your voice will be heard!
  10. It’s a place where you can meet new friends. We have many visitors to our site from all over the world and over 2.1 million fans on our Facebook page. These are like-minded people with whom you can share your experiences. Come on over and let’s chat. Remember, you are never alone when you’re on

Especially For You

Are You Trying Too Hard to Be Spiritual?

Reid Tracy talks with Anita Moorjani

Being spiritual means taking care of yourself. In this video clip, Anita Moorjani (author ofDying to Be Me) reminds us about the most important things we can do to connect with our Divine self and live an authentic life.
Especially For You

Two More Weeks Until the NEW Hay House World Summit Begins 
2014 Hay House World Summit - May 31-June 9
In just two more weeks, the new 2014 Hay House World Summit will begin. This year, you’ll be able to meet more than 50 new speakers in our line-up of 100 inspiring authors who will be sharing their empowering tips to help you create your most exceptional life. Here are some of the new features we are offering this year:

  • Up to 100 audio lessons including 60 from new World Summit teachers.
  • 20 of the most inspiring movies and video streams
  • All new topics and lessons
  • 3 video lessons from icons in our self-empowerment industry
  • Handy worksheets so you can absorb the content more fully and apply it to your life right now
  • Guided meditations and exercises
  • And more!

Want a taste of what’s in store during the 2014 Hay House World Summit? Enjoy this sneak peek of an intimate conversation about the importance of loving yourself with two amazing and inspiring authors—Louise Hay and Robert Holden. Watch the video clip now.

The importance of loving yourself with Louise Hay and Robert Holden video.

The 10-day Hay House World Summit runs from May 31-June 9. Sign up to listen to 30 free lectures or you can pay less than a dollar a day to listen to all 100 lessons. Click here for more information.
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As a Sovereign Being of Love and Light…I call upon all of the Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and Galactics to surround the Earth in a perfect sphere, and as one unified being send an intense blast of pure LOVE deep into the heart of Mother Earth to help with her Ascension. I am grateful that this LOVE now sent flows deeply into the minds, hearts and souls of each man, woman and child living upon or in the Earth to help with their personal ascensions. I ask that this LOVE now given be magnified by 999 trillion times more powerful than all other LOVE and LIGHT previously sent and that it be allowed to go exactly where it is needed the most. Thank you and so it is. Amen.

Please find more of my favorite prayers at my blog HERE.


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World Peace Prayer



We call upon all benevolent forces of Light 

to join with us as we invoke

peace, harmony, unity, cooperation and miracles

for our beautiful planet Earth, 

all of humanity upon and within the Earth,

and all of the Kingdoms, both known and unknown

who work unceasingly on behalf of the restoration

of the Divine Plan as intended by Prime Creator.

 We set this intention on behalf of all and for

the highest good and the highest outcome for all.

Let peace manifest on Earth!

Let peace manifest on Earth!

Let peace manifest on Earth! 


As received from Sanat Kumara who said “Get a hundred people to say this prayer each day and miracles will be created”.

Scribe: Marlene Swetlishoff 


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Total Energy Clearing Decree

Total Energy Clearing Decree


This process is best done when you are lying down at night, just before you go to sleep. You may do it in bed if you wish. The more often you can do this process, even nightly, the better. 

Before beginning, dedicate yourself to the Light: “I Decree I Am dedicating myself to the Light now.”

Next, “I Am asking for and invoking the presence and assistance of Archangel Michael and the Light Force, the Powers of Light, the Lords of Light, the Legions of Light, the Warriors of Light, the Lords of Karma, the Lords of Grace, the Lords of Protection, and the Divine Director on behalf of __(your name)__ now.”

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect for_ (your name) __ entire Tube of Light and Crystal Shaft, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”

(Wait until the energy reaches the feet before going on.)

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the grounding cord of __(your name) __ on all levels to the Center of the Earth and beyond, including all planetary structures, grid structures, and connections, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.” 

(Wait until the energy reaches the feet before going on. Wait after each step.)

"I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect all the templates of __(your name) __ on all levels, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, and connections through all levels and all systems.”

(List the following templates one by one, going on to the next only after the previous template is cleared. Keep them in strict order.) 

“Ka template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.] 
“Etheric template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.] 
“Ketheric template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.] 
“Celestial template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.] 
“I-Am template.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.] 
“All Galactic chakras and templates at all levels.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.] 
“All Causal Body chakras and templates on all levels.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.] 
“All Ascension chakras and templates on all levels.” [Wait until energy reaches feet.]

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Silver Cord of __(your name)_____and chakras down the back on all levels, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.” 

[Wait until energy reaches feet.]

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the heart complex of __(your name) ____, heart panels, and all heart systems on all levels, and all the chakras. chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.” 

[Wait until energy reaches feet.]

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Physical and Etheric bodies of _(your name)__, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”

 (List the following chakras one by one, going on only after the previous chakra is fully cleared and you sense the energy has reached the feet.) 

“Crown Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 
“Third Eye Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 
“Throat Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 
“Heart Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 
“Solar Plexus Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till the energy reaches feet.] 
“Belly Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches the feet.] 
“Root Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.”

[Wait until the energy reaches the feet.] 

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Emotional and Astral bodies of (your name) _____, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems. 

(List the following chakras one by one, going to the next only after the previous chakra is cleared. Be sure to keep them in order.) 

“Transpersonal Point Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system thru all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]

“Vision Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]

“Causal Body Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches the feet.]

“Thymus Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches the feet.]

“Diaphragm Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]

“Hara Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]

“Perineum Chakra, chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]

“Movement Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]

“Grounding Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]

“Earth Chakras (2), chakra complex, and chakra system through all levels and all systems, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Mental Body and Mind Grid of __(your name) __, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.”

(List the following chakras one by one, going to the next only after the previous chakra is cleared. These chakras are not Kundalini/Etheric Body chakras, but their Mental Body and Mind Grid counterparts.) 

“Crown Chakra, Crown complex, and Crown system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches the feet.]

“Third Eye Chakra, Third Eye complex, and Third Eye system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait till energy reaches feet.]

“Light Chakras (2), Light complex, and Light system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]

“Chakras at the top of the Throat, the lips, and lower Throat and entire Throat complex, and Throat system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]

“Solar Plexus Chakra, Solar Plexus complex, and Solar Plexus system through all levels and all systems.” (Note: There is no heart or heart equivalent on the Mental Body or Mind Grid levels.) [Wait until the energy reaches the feet.]

“Root Chakra, Root complex, and all Root systems through all levels, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]

“All chakras, chakra complexes, and chakra systems through all levels and all systems for the breasts, fingers, and toes.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Spiritual, Galactic, and Causal Bodies of __(your name) __, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, and templates through all levels and all systems.” 

(The chakras for these are as follows, in sets rather than individually.)

“All the chakras, chakra complexes, and chakra systems on all levels and through all systems for the chakras of Will, Desire, Attainment, Action, and Propulsion, to the Center of the Earth and beyond.” (These are the Galactic Body chakras.) [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 

“All the chakras, chakra complexes, and chakra systems through all levels and all systems for the chakras of Sound, Reception/Information, Communication, Manifestation, Creation, and Implementation.” (These are the Causal Body chakras.) [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 

“The Spiritual, Galactic, and Causal Body Crown Chakra, Crown complex, and Crown system through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.]

“I am asking you to clear, heal, align, open, activate, synchronize, fill with Light, repair, and reconnect the Ascension of __(your name) __ on all levels, and all the chakras, chakra complexes, channels, connections, templates, and components of all Ascension processes through all levels and all systems.” [Wait until the energy reaches feet.] 

(Note: The Ascension processes operate through all the bodies. To request clearing for only the Ascension Body would be to limit this request for clearing. When the Ascension levels are fully cleared, the energy clearing is complete.)

To finish, make this one last request:

“I am asking you to fill the energy of __(your name)__ with the Light of the Christ through all the levels and components, through all the dimensions, all the connections, and all the systems.”

Thank them and end your clearing meditation.

Source: Diane Stein,  ‘Reliance on the Ligh’t (CA: The Crossing Press, 2001)

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I Need You, I Need Me

i see you beside me
i feel you inside me
i need you, i need me

i am you, i am me
we are one and so it be
we are true, divine are we
never apart we are we

always a part of one we be
if one will go the other know
if one commits none retreats
bond between though not seen

heart and soul as one they beam
longing stops and cravings drop
in time they learn how bridges burn
lessons they yearn, treasures they earn
time then again... none can discern

Sentimental Angel

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Weekly LightBlast: Freedom And Empowerment

You are at a turning point in your Ascension.  Turning points are choice points.  Ascension is a process that begins within you and emanates out into your world.  It begins with your Freedom, becomes your Empowerment and then All Life is changed by your interaction through its own choice point. 

Have heart, mighty Lightworker, for the system that humanity built is changing and just as your Freedom begins within you, so does the Freedom from the system begin within the system.  Do not despise it, for it has continually offered the perfect amount of Freedom and oppression to continue its inevitable downfall and your inevitable Empowerment.  Begin to transform the system with the Freedom of your inner world and the Empowerment of your emotional and mental focus. 

Freedom begins within as you interact with what you want to change from a peaceful state of knowingchange.  There is no permanent situation, as time interacts with your subtle information flow, it does not stop.  Your Freedom from the pace of time is within.  Have patience, mighty Lightworker, for patience is your Freedom from the pressure of time and your patience opens you to powerful flow.  With this Freedom from the outside pressure of life, you find your Empowerment to interact, your Empowerment with choice and change.  The system of Life around you responds.  When you are not feeling Free, find your powerful emotional and mental focus to Free yourself within.  Find your heart and your patience, mighty Lightworker, and your Empowerment begins to grow. 

As we sit to Blast Freedom and Empowerment, we are opening our hearts and minds to the perfection of the moment as we perceive Life through unconditional Love.  We are understanding the pace of time, the limitation of form and foreseeing the future of Life improving through Love.  We are standing strong in our knowing of the power of Love as we forgive our pain to transform it into the wisdom of bold, new choice.  We are interacting with Life with the vigor and excitement of an artist with a blank canvas, realizing our capability to exponentially effect change as we unite through Love.  We are appreciating the challenges for they call us to Freedom and Empowerment, where true change begins.  Blast on!

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