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Lord Sanat Kumara

Lord Sanat Kumara

Lord Sanat Kumara is an amazing gentle, wise, and powerful ascended master who many love and honor.  This week in the Clarion Temple of Oneness we honor him as he shares his thoughts of the upcoming Wesak energies.

Sanat Kumara is considered to hold many roles in our spiritual history.  He is known as the Lord of the World, Father of Spirituality or Humanity, and Founder of the Great White Light of Brotherhood.   Whatever title that he is given he is still the most genuine spirit that an individual can connect with for their spiritual pathway of mastery.

He is the leader of the Venusian Flames and the Flame Holder for the Violet Flame.  His is originally from Venus and worked as the Planetary Logos for several thousands of years.  He was the Silent Watcher of the Goddesses from Lemuria which was when he started the Brotherhood of White Light so as to keep the secrets of the Goddesses from being revealed.  This was when Lemuria was at war with Atlantis which eventually was the downfall of both continents.

His post as the Planetary Logos was taken over by Lord Buddha in the 1950’s, but he played a very active role within the humanity of Gaia and all her inhabitants until the New Millennium.  It was at this time that he went back to Venus to prepare for the New Earth.  He is now very active to assist lightworkers on the pathway of Mastery in preparation for leadership roles that will be activated on the 5th dimensional frequency known as Terra Christa.  (If you would like to learn more about the Venusian Rays of God, please see our special online program, “Venus Meets Gaia for Terra Christa”.)  His work with the Goddesses is unprecedented and is available to every initiate to fully accept their role upon the New Earth.

His role during the Wesak energies is to hold the light as Lord Buddha descends into Shamballa to receive his next initiation.  He holds this frequency with Lord Maitreya (Office of the Christ) along with the entire Spiritual Hierarchy, and God Force.

A special message from Sanat Kumara:

Greetings, My Lovely Beings of Light,

It is my pleasure to connect with each of you for this energy transmission.  Whew, we have come a long way together.  Centuries of blood-fearing energies being dissipated at the same time to allow for the entrance of light that is way beyond what you have ever experienced from Lemuria and Atlantis.  Thank you, God, for those times to be gone out of our consciousness.

I just ask you one question.  Do you feel you have removed all elements from these timelines to find your true purpose?  This is very important as the Wesak energies in 2013 are going to surpass any others that we have experienced.  We cannot measure the depths of the frequency or the changes that you will be able to feel just by explaining it to you in words.  It has to be felt by each of you individually to fully allow the consciousness of your Higher Self and I AM Presence to be felt through the entire experience.  Otherwise, you will not be fully prepared to have the most exquisite moments of your soul’s life to be shown to you in the physical creation.

Some individuals may think that Wesak is just another spiritual holiday and in a sense, it is.  But it is quite different if you fully allow your consciousness to participate in the energies.  Preparations are being made presently to allow all souls in humanity to understand the depth of their own origin and to receive the highest form  of acceleration within their physical world.  Each of us within the Spiritual Hierarchy work especially hard to allow this moment to occur for humanity but it is up to each of you individually to full integrate its essence.

It is important to take your personal inventory of the last year.  What have you been doing, feeling, and experiencing within your pathway?  This is of a personal and professional nature.  Those of you that are in the healing, coaching, counseling, and sharing with others your knowledge need to listen intently.  You will change if you allow it to be.  But you must not think it is going to happen automatically just be asking it to be.  What work have you done for yourself and have you seen improvements throughout the year?  Have you fallen behind once or twice?  This is imperative because you need to understand the lesson in each movement either forwards or backwards so that you don’t allow the pitfalls of the experience to affect you again.  These are all part of the learning experiences and will help you to mold your future. 

Take a look to see what you have accomplished, if it has been to your highest desire, and what could you have done to make it a better experience for yourself.  These are all important aspects to consider when stepping into another level of your initiations.  The more you accept about who you have been, the more you will aspire to deeper levels within yourself.

So as you can see Wesak represents the ability to look within, be truthful and honor who you are even in times of not liking what you experienced.  They, in truth, are the most powerful moments in your pathway.  They will help you to mold a new essence that is trying to emerge from the depths of your soul. But you must be honest within and know when something does not feel right as the transition occurs.  You see, your Higher Self is expanding within you deeper within each moment and it allows you to not only understand the process of your transformation but to accept it within all parts of your existence as you become fully integrated of the Light and Power that you are.

You can expect major growth changes within you as long as you look in the mirror in front of you, remove what does not fit the new essence, and accept the existence of your world changing from your soul’s perspective and not the physical mind.  This is what Wesak is going to do for each of us by allowing us to go deeper into our experience with the Higher Self and I AM Presence.  We are all excited to be part of the ceremonies with each of you.  It is our time to fully come together and co-create all aspects of the self within the embodiment that You Are.

I deeply honor each of you and so many ways.

I Am Lord Sanat Kumara at your service.

Walking Terra Christa is holding a public ceremony in Mt. Shasta for the Wesak energies.  We are also recording the morning and afternoon meditation.  You may order these MP3 downloads on our website,  Additionally, if you cannot attend, and want to be part of the energies, please submit your name and location to MelandMike@WalkingTerraChrista . com to have your name put on our Altar.

Lord Sanat Kumara will be our guest speaker in the Clarion Temple of Oneness on May 13th, 2013 at 5 PM Pacific, 12 Midnight GMT.  If you would like to join this live call, you may do so on a call-by-call basis without joining the Membership Program.  For details,

Channeled Through Rev. Christine Meleriessee

©2013 Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved. 

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by Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
May 1, 2013

May is a very powerful time of year for all of us evolving on this Planet, and we are being given some amazing opportunities during May of 2013 to add to the Light of the World. Our I AM Presence, the God Self within each of us, is intervening in our lives in new and profound ways. This is due to the incredible shifts in energy, vibration, and consciousness that have been taking place within every person’s Earthly Bodies since the beginning of this year.
Since the Birth of the New Earth, which took place in the Realms of Cause on December 22, 2012, our I AM Presence has been raising the frequency of our physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies exponentially. This is greatly accelerating our physical transformation from carbon-based planetary Beings into Crystalline-based Solar Light Beings. Now our I AM Presence is more accessible to our outer consciousness than ever before. This is allowing us to more tangibly work with the new 5th-Dimentional energies that are bathing the Earth.
I would like to share some information that is being given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven regarding the opportunities that are being presented to us at this time. The Divine Intent of this information is to help all of us take full advantage of the powerful energies that will bathe the Earth during the Mystical Month of May in 2013.
May has always been considered a mystical month because of very powerful activities of Light that take place during this time. These events are orchestrated by Saint Germain and Mother Mary. I will begin with Saint Germain’s activity of Light.


Saint Germain’s Ascension Day
The 1st of May is known as Saint Germain's Ascension Day. This year, Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame will bless the Earth with an unprecedented influx of the New 5-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame. This is a frequency of the Violet Flame that reflects our Father-Mother God’s Infinite Perfection. This year we will experience this Sacred Fire in frequencies beyond anything we have ever been able to receive.
The Ascended Master Saint Germain has been instrumental in bringing the knowledge of the Violet Flame to the conscious minds of Humanity. In the Heavenly Realms, he is known as the Son of Freedom, and he has volunteered to sustain the Violet Flame on Earth for the benefit of all Life evolving here. In his exalted service in the Heart of our omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent Father-Mother God—The Cosmic I AM¬¬—All That Is—Saint Germain is the Keeper of the Violet Flame. In this octave of Divine Service, he sustains this Gift from our Father-Mother God for all of the Sons and Daughters of God throughout the Universe.
During this critical time on Planet Earth, Saint Germain is working with the support of the entire Company of Heaven. Every Adept, Avatar, Buddha, Saint, and Christed Being that has ever walked the Earth is helping Saint Germain in his endeavor to assist Humanity and all Life evolving here to integrate the 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the New Earth.
Due to the incredible changes that have successfully taken place within Humanity’s Earthly Bodies this year, we are now capable of assimilating higher frequencies of the Violet Flame than ever before. Beginning May 1st, Saint Germain, in unison with the Legions of Light throughout Infinity who are associated with the Violet Flame, will magnetize from the very Heart of our Father-Mother God the most intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame that Humanity and Mother Earth are capable of withstanding.
The Beings of Light associated with this Sacred Fire will breathe this unfathomable Violet Flame into the Divine Matrix of our Father Mother God. The Divine Intelligence within this Sacred Fire has been waiting for the opportunity to assist Humanity in transmuting our human miscreations back into Light since the initial impulse of our fall from Grace aeons ago.
Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame have volunteered to sustain these intensified 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame for the rest of the year. Their goal is to help Humanity to transmute the maximum negativity from our human miscreations, in as short a time as possible. This accelerated purification will greatly assist in paving the way for the pattern of perfection for the New Earth to be magnetized into our daily lives.
In order for this wondrous facet of the Divine Plan to be God Victoriously accomplished, however, Saint Germain and the Legions of the Violet Flame must have our help. In alignment with Universal Law, the call for assistance must come from the realm where the assistance is needed. In order for these powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame to manifest in the physical plane of Earth, they must be drawn through the Heart Flames of people abiding in the physical plane.

Even though Saint Germain and his Legions of the Violet Flame are committed to being the Open Door for these incredibly powerful frequencies of the Violet Flame, unless this Sacred Fire is drawn into the physical plane through the Heart Flames of embodied Lightworkers, we will not have access to its transmuting power on Earth.
This means, once again, that we are being called to a higher service. We are being asked by our Father-Mother God, Saint Germain, and the entire Company of Heaven if we are willing to put forth the necessary effort to be the Open Door through which this magnificent Violet Flame will enter the physical plane of Earth. This is not a monumental task. It is simply a matter of invoking these new frequencies of the Violet Flame through our I AM Presence and decreeing them into action through our Heart Flames.
At the bottom of this e-mail I have included a powerful Invocation that was given to Humanity by the Company of Heaven to help us receive the maximum benefit that Cosmic Law will allow from this amazing 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame.
If this opportunity to transmute Humanity’s miscreations, which are causing all of the pain and suffering on Earth, resonates in your heart-of-hearts please join with Lightworkers around the world and invoke this Violet Flame as often as you can on behalf of Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this Planet.


Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart
Another very important and helpful thing that takes place during the Mystical Month of May is that Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart in the Realms of Light is open to all Humanity. During May every year, our I AM Presence has the opportunity to take us to this Temple in our finer bodies while we are sleeping at night.
This may be a new concept for you, but there is no such thing as our soul being unconscious. When we lay our body down to rejuvenate it through sleep, our I AM Presence escorts us into the Realms of Light in our finer body. Once we are there, we have the opportunity to learn new things and to benefit from the Gifts of Light that are being administered to Humanity by the Company of Heaven. If when you go to sleep at night you ask your I AM Presence to help you remember when you wake up the experiences you had in the Inner Realms of Light, you will gradually become aware on a conscious level of what you are learning during your nightly travels.
This year, Mother Mary, in unison with the Feminine Aspect of our Mother God and all of the Feminine Aspects of Deity throughout Infinity, is providing Humanity with a powerful Gift that will help us to transcend the distorted and painful patterns of the old Earth. This Gift from On High will allow us to more effectively integrate and secure into the physical plane the patterns of Oneness and Reverence for Life associated with the 5th-Dimensional New Earth. Mother Mary said this Divine Intervention will help us to manifest our newly birthed Renaissance of Divine Love in tangible and profound ways.
During the entire Mystical Month of May in 2013, when we are escorted into Mother Mary’s Temple of the Immaculate Heart, she will invest us with the most powerful and healing frequencies of Transfiguring Divine Love that we are capable of receiving. Mother Mary said that this unprecedented Gift of Transfiguring Divine Love will heal Humanity’s wounded hearts in ways that will enable each of us to release and forgive the pain and suffering we created either deliberately or inadvertently throughout our myriad lifetimes.
Mother Mary’s activity of Light, which will be working in harmony with Saint Germain’s Gift of the intensified frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, will help us to transmute and transcend Humanity’s past transgressions of the Laws of Love and Oneness in miraculous ways.


A New Moon Solar Eclipse Will Bless the Earth on May 10, 2013
The added influx of Light we will experience from this powerful Celestial alignment will greatly enhance all of the activities of Light taking place during the month of May. This will be an important time for each of us to redouble our efforts and to add to the Light of the World with increased invocations of the Violet Flame.
The Good Will Festival of Humanity Will Be Celebrated May 25, 2013


During the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse
The Third Full Moon Festival of Spring is celebrated during the Full Moon that occurs in the Sun Cycle of Gemini. This Festival is known as The Goodwill Festival of Humanity. During this Full Moon, the Divine Love of Christ and the Divine Wisdom of Buddha, which have been building in momentum since the two previous Full Moon Festivals, are intensified and greatly expanded through the Mental and Emotional Strata of Earth. This influx of Light enhances Humanity’s ability to unify our hearts and minds with the Divine Heart and Mind of our Father-Mother God. As this influx of Light adds to the Gifts of Saint Germain and Mother Mary the Light of God will increase on Earth exponentially.

5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Invocation


The Violet Flame of A Thousand Suns
This invocation is stated in the 1st person, so that you will experience this activity of Light personally and tangibly. But KNOW that you are serving as a surrogate on behalf of every man, woman, and child on Earth. As you invoke this Gift of the Violet Flame for yourself, you are simultaneously invoking this Sacred Fire on behalf of ALL Humanity. Through each person’s I AM Presence, the Violet Flame will respond in perfect alignment with each person’s Divine Plan and the highest good for all concerned.

And We Begin…
I AM my I AM Presence and I AM One with the I AM Presence of ALL Humanity.
I AM the Open Door for the New 5th-Dimensional frequencies of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame which are more powerful than any human miscreation.
I AM inbreathing this Crystalline Solar Violet Flame into my Heart Flame, and I AM breathing this Sacred Fire out through my Heart Flame to bless all Life on Earth.
As I breathe the Violet Flame into the physical plane of Earth through my Heart Flame, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light associated with the Violet Flame expand and expand this Gift from my Father-Mother God until it is pulsating with the power and might of a thousand Suns.
I now decree that this exquisite Violet Flame instantaneously transmutes the human miscreations affecting every person, place, condition, or thing on Earth, whether these painful experiences were created consciously or unconsciously, in the past or present, through obvious choice or through karmic liability.
I decree that the Violet Flame transmutes every electron of precious Life energy that is in any way blocking or preventing the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth.
Now, through the Heart Flames of ALL Humanity, Saint Germain and the Legions of Light who are associated with the Violet Flame begin to blaze, and blaze, and blaze the Violet Flame with the intensity and power of a thousand Suns through Humanity’s human miscreations as I decree:

Beloved Legions of Light associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame...
a) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the thoughts, words, actions and feelings of every man, woman, and child evolving on Earth until every person individually acknowledges and accepts the Oneness of ALL Life, and every expression is a Loving benediction.
b) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all of the incoming babies, the children, their parents and guardians until ALL youth are raised up in energy, vibration, and consciousness to carry out the directives of their I AM Presence.
c) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all youth centers and activities; all schools, colleges and universities; all leaders, teachers, instructors and professors in every line of endeavor until the Flame of God Illumination and Enlightenment is manifest and eternally sustained.
d) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all religious and spiritual teachings, until Divine Love, Truth, Tolerance, and Universal Sisterhood and Brotherhood is tangibly manifest, and a Renaissance of Divine Love is the Order of the New Day on Planet Earth.
e) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all doctors, nurses, healers, hospitals, insurance companies, pharmaceutical conglomerates, and every institution associated with healing of any kind until Divine Mercy, Genuine Caring, Compassion, and Healing are manifest realities for every person.
f) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all banking and financial institutions, all economic systems, all money, and all of the people associated with monetary interactions of any kind until every person on Earth is openly demonstrating true integrity, honesty, generosity, fairness, abundance, financial freedom, and the God supply of all good things.
g) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all places of incarceration and all employed there, through every correctional institution and every judge, jury and court of law until Divine Justice is manifest and eternally sustained.
h) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through all space activities throughout the world until every nation unites in cooperative service, so that God’s Will may be manifest with our sisters and brothers throughout the Universe.
i) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Humanity until all disease and human miscreation, its cause and core, is dissolved and transmuted into purity, vibrant health, and physical perfection.
j) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns through the food and water industries and through all of the food and water used for human consumption until every particle of food and every molecule of water is filled with Light. Empower this Elemental substance to raise the vibratory action of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies until physical perfection becomes a sustained manifest reality for every Human Being.
k) Blaze the Light of a thousand Suns in, through, and around every remaining electron of precious Life energy associated with the Nature Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Environment of Earth until ALL are purified and the perfection of the 5th-Dimensional New Earth is manifest.
I accept and know that this activity of the Violet Flame has been secured through every person’s Heart Flame by his or her I AM Presence. This Sacred Fire will increase daily and hourly with every breath I take until this Earth and ALL her Life are manifesting the perfection of the New Earth. And so it is.
5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame Poster

by Dominique Claire Germain

11” x 15 1/4”
In order to assist us in relating to, and experiencing, the awesome beauty and power of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Violet Flame, Saint Germain has inspired a beautiful poster of this exquisite Gift from our Father-Mother God.
Saint Germain has given us a vision of the Crystalline Solar Violet Flame pulsating with scintillating 5th-Dimensional frequencies. This vision was projected from the Realms of Illumined Truth and magnetized into the physical plane by a dear Lightworker named Dominique Claire Germain and a wonderful graphic artist she works with in France.

By focusing on this image when we invoke the Violet Flame and by having
the image in our homes and places of work, we will be reminded throughout
the day that we are the Open Door for this Gift from our Father-Mother God.


As the radiance of this Divine Image resonates through our environment, we will experience a shift of energy, vibration, and consciousness that will help us to quickly transmute our human miscreations. This will clear the way for the manifestation of the patterns of perfection for the New Earth and our Renaissance of Divine Love.
Dominique has copyrighted the poster so that it will not be altered or changed in any way. If you would like to have a copy of this magnificent Violet Flame poster to bless your home or office, it is available on our website.
(If this link does not work, please copy and paste it into your browser)

Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

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Video: Why "Liking" Facebook pages can be a bad idea

Facebook pages which say things like "Type ‘move’ into the comments and watch what happens” are usually a scam.

Watch this Video

You’ve seen those pictures posted on Facebook “type ‘move’ into the comments and watch what happens” or “If I get a million likes my dad will get me a car.” They seem innocent enough, but they are big business, and you are not doing yourself any favours if you like or comment.

The classic example is a colourful picture of a prism with the image from the cover of Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon album in it. It’s accompanied buy the caption: “OMG it really works ♥ Step 1: Click on the Picture. Step 2: Hit Like.Step 3: Comment "MOVE" Then see the Magic!!” You see in your news feed that your friends have liked and commented on the image, so clearly something amazing must happen when you interact as directed. So you click, you comment, and... nothing happens.

Or at least you think nothing happens. But your activity has now spread this image and the page into the news feed of all your friends.

It’s called Like Farming. Here’s how it works. Someone creates a page and starts posting photos inspirational quotes or other innocent content. You like the page and it now shows up regularly in your news feed. Anytime you interact with a post, that activity shows up in your friends’ news feeds.The more likes the page gets, the more it shows up. The more comments each picture gets, the more power the page gets in the Facebook news feed algorithm.And that makes it more and more visible.

The social engineering of these sites is impressive, stimulating pictures like the Pink Floyd image described above or moving stories of‘causes’ that need your likes for support. The most famous of these revolved around a girl called “Mallory”

"This is my sister Mallory. She has Down syndrome (sic)and doesn't think she's beautiful. Please like this photo so I can show her later that she truly is beautiful." But there is no Mallory. The picture is of a girl named Katie whose mother is horrified that her daughter’s image is being used for the scam.
Scammers Are Making Money Off Your Likes

So why would the owners of these fan pages go to such lengths to scam us into liking? Because there’s money to be made from them.

When the page gets enough fans (a hundred thousand or more)the owner might start placing ads on the page. Those ads show up in your news feed. They could be links to an app, a game, or a service they want you to buy. It could be a “recommendation” for a product on Amazon where the page owner gets a commission for every purchase made through the link. Or more nefariously, the page owner could be paid to spread malware by linking out to sites that install viruses on your computer for the purposes of identity theft. Bottom line: access to your news feed is lucrative.

Fan Pages For Sale

Just as a magazine that sells ads, these pages are a business, and they can be bought and sold just like any other business. Online message board, listed multiple sites for sale like this page with almost 500,0000 fans of hamburgers. Price tag to buy the site: $5000. Another site about cuddling has over a million fans and was listed for sale on Warrior Forum for $7000. Many of these postings on Warrior Forum come and go for fear that Facebook will find out about them and take the sites down. For example, I found this Friends TV show page for sale for $8500 but the Warrior Forum listing has since been removed. This page has 1.8 million likes and posts a note right on Facebook stating it’s for sale – no price listed – just a warning against “low offers.”

A spokesperson for Facebook says selling pages is specifically against the terms of service, and any page that is sold or engages in fraudulent behavior can be removed. But clearly this is a cat and mouse game,with Like Farms popping up on a regular basis.

How To Unlike

If you’ve liked something and now regret it, you can unlike it. Go to your profile,choose “more” button and choose “likes” from the drop down menu – then “Unlike.”

If you have friends who are over-liking on scammy posts,share this on your Facebook Page so they’ll get the message.

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Wake up Call: Altros, May 10, 13
I am here today in the company of Lord Ashtar and Mushaba. We are on the Nexus and we are seeing the creation of the Santa Fe Command Center as I speak. We are seeing the energy morph from here and there as the energies change in the thoughts and feelings of humanity on earth, and especially in the Santa Fe area. It is a vacuuming out of the old and the replacement with the new.

It is a valuable sight to behold, for it is showing us the progress that you are making at this time of much confusion and upheaval in so many of you on earth. We are seeing what a shift is coming about through the abilities that so many of you have to recognize that what you are feeling and experiencing is the result of your intention and allowance to clean out all of the debris that has settled within you throughout this duality experience.

As this happens you are giving of yourselves to the coming of the new world that earth and all of you are destined for. You are preparing the groundwork for the new Galactic Centers to come into being on your earth and within your outer vision. You will be aware of them, and at the same time you will realize the part you had in the creation of them. You will know that they have your energy of intent and Love within every particle of Light Love as you walk through them and partake of their wondrous destiny in your new life experience.

One thing that you will be aware of within the time that you await the appearance of them in your reality is that there is a new feeling in the areas on the planet on which the centers will be seen and brought into your lives as you integrate yourselves with what they represent. It is a matter of feeling the newness and allowing those energies to speak to you of the coming times. In this way you will feel that you are a part of the creation of them, and that with your part in it the centers will bear your inscriptions, and will be ready to welcome you to the knowingness that they will represent in how to go forth in the purpose for them being a part of Gaia and yourselves.

We realize that many of you have been wondering how you will contribute to the creation of these centers, and what to do in the meantime concerning them. We tell you now that it is a matter of seeing them in your dreamtime, in your meditations, and in the walking through, when possible, of the areas that you are led to that will be home to the centers on Gaia. You will contribute greatly by extending your welcome and connection to them and to bring their wholeness into being in your heart as well as in the potential that they represent at this moment. As the energies rise, and all of earth and humanity increase the vibratory equation of oneness, then all that is in the ethers for your coming experience and expression will be manifest in your lives.
We now speak our loving wishes for you to go forth into this day and to enjoy yourselves in the ways that you create and express, knowing that you are contributing your Loving energies to the coming into your lives of the centers that are already experiencing the process of creation that you are gifting them with. It is a time of great joy and effortless creation for all of us in conjunction with all of you, even those of you who are not aware of your part in it. It is the love in which you carry yourselves through your days that brings about the beauty that we see surrounding your planet and each and every one of you. It is a sight to be seen, and we love it and you tremendously. Blessings to you all!

Thank you dear Altros, Ashtar and Mushaba,
Love, Nancy Tate 

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Ships in the desert

Ships in the desert

Something interesting.

Have you ever wanted to walk across the bottom of the River,
Lake, or Ocean to see all the boats and ships that have sunk?

The Aral Sea was once the world's fourth-largest saline body of water.

It has been steadily shrinking since the 1960's, after the rivers that fed it
were diverted by Soviet Union irrigation projects.

And now it's almost gone leaving a desert full of old shipwrecks.

And it had already been starved of nearly 30 yrs. of water by 1989.

Really quite unreal isn't it, the pictures you just saw are the BOTTOM of what was once the fourth largest salt water sea in the world.

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Patient Perseverance


                                                                    Patient Perseverance
                                                              Drawing Strength From Plants

Each season, grasses, flowers, shrubs, and trees let a part of themselves go in the form of seeds. Every one of those seeds is a point of life, containing the full potential of the parent. In the quest to find a rooting spot, they are buffeted by winds, parched by sun, and soaked by rain. And, as likely as not, they find cement or stone rather than fertile soil. Yet each season, the seeds find what purchase they can and put forth their roots, slowly creating more space for themselves and pushing ever upward, even when the new world they discover is harsh and unpredictable. Seedlings are small, but a single plant can widen a crack in a sidewalk or turn a rock to dust through nothing more than patient perseverance.

In our lives, it is not uncommon to find ourselves cast into the wind, through our own choices or through fate. We are blown hither and thither by fear, uncertainty, and the influence of others. If we do find purchase, the obstacles we face may seem insurmountable and the challenges too much to bear. When this happens, look around you and note the seemingly desolate and inhospitable places in which plants have thrived. Given little choice, they set down their roots and hold on tightly, making the best of their situation. Then look at your own circumstances. Ask yourself if there is an unimagined source of strength that you can tap into. Look toward the future. Imagine a time in which you have widened a place for yourself and have flourished through your difficulties.

The smallest things in life, like the tiny sprouts, given time and the will to forge on, can overcome any circumstance and break down huge barriers. It can be tempting, however, when faced with rough or uncertain odds, to give up, to change direction, or to choose the easiest path. But within you, there exists the same resolve and fortitude as displayed in these courageous plants. You, too, in finding yourself in a tight spot, can look ever upward, grabbing hold where you can, using your determination to reach toward new heights.


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                          CREATIVE YOGA FOR CHILDREN: Inspiring the whole child to learn through yoga

Yoga is a wonderful tool used to promote the physical, emotional and social development of children. Classes based on Creative Yoga for Children address these fundamental needs, but also offer a substantial innovation to an already established entity. We begin our program by teaching such yoga fundamentals as poses, breathing techniques, and centring activities. Gradually, we blend these activities with those that also promote educational objectives. This is a very easy process, as the yogic and educational topics complement each other naturally.
Classes for ages ten to twelve

The main goal of these classes is to develop a global vision within the child, who at this age wants to understand how the world functions and his or her place in it. Children in this age group are able to analyze facts and generate new ideas and opinions. These classes leverage age-appropriate capabilities and will help children develop gratitude for the Earth, the universe and themselves.
In these classes children explore the following notions:

• Body changes
• Peer pressure
• Preparation for studying and the development of work habits
• Organization
• Community service
• Stress
• Reaching out beyond their inner circle of friends and family to the community
Class routine

Educational elements: Sensorial exploration and freedom of movement, choice to allow abstract concepts to be absorbed and processed, enrichment of language

Props: Create cards that each illustrate specific parts of whole entities (e.g., one card showing a whole fish and then four separate cards each isolating one specific part of that fish ( i.e. gill, fin, etc.), coloured modelling clay, yoga mats, chimes or gong, music, herbal eye pillows (optional)

Intention: Gather your class by ringing chimes or striking the gong. Welcome them to yoga and initiate a conversation about how they are all part of one big united group. For the purposes of this example, let us say you have a class of sixteen children. Tell them that there are sixteen in the class. Everyone is then one-sixteenth of the whole. Ask how many children half the group would be (eight). Ask them how many one-fourth of the group would be. Ask them to stand in groups and then cut that group in half and then in half again. Invite a conversation about fractions.
Time: five to ten minutes

Warm-up: Begin with the children sitting on their mats. Have them take three big breaths through their nose and on each exhalation ask them to say, “Hah,” blowing the breath out their mouths. Then begin a vinyasa.
Time: five to ten minutes

Connect: orchestra of “hahs.” Ask one child to start the orchestra by breathing in and exhaling a “hah.” The next child can join in on the next inhalation, so two children now breathe out a “hah.” Add in a third child and so on until finally all the children are inhaling and exhaling and repeating “hah” in unison. When this is over ask them to notice what a beautiful, big sound they created together.
Time: five to ten minutes

Activity: parts of the whole. Present a series of pictures that comprise the parts of an animal (i.e. fish) to the children. The pictures will all be the same, but each will have one part of the animal shaded in to highlight itself (i.e. one picture will have the gills shaded, the next picture will have the dorsal fin shaded, the next will have caudal fin shaded, etc.). Explain what the function of each part of the animal is. Discuss which part is for breathing, seeing, swimming, and so on. Ask each child in your group to create one part of the animal (each one of them referring to the picture for guidance) using coloured modelling clay. Once finished they can put their pieces together to make one large model of the animal. Discuss how each part of the animal works to help the creature to live, breathe, eat, defend itself, or reproduce. Point out how all the parts work together to create the whole.
Time: ten to fifteen minutes

Meditation: Ring the chimes to signal the end of the class. Invite the children to relax on their mats for a final meditation. Dim the lights and put on soft music. Have them close their eyes, letting their bodies sink into their mats, palms open to the sky. Ask them to feel how the very back of their head feels heavy on the mat. Ask them to let their breath become soft and even. Now ask the children to think of one of the creations that they made today, perhaps a fish, a tree, or a flower. Tell them to visualize this creation. Ask them to picture how colourful it is. Ask them to feel like they can reach out and touch it. How does it feel? Ask them to think about the beauty this thing adds to the Earth. After a few minutes of silence, ring the chimes, and ask the children to move and stretch very slowly, to roll over onto one side, and finally to come up into a seated position, with their eyes closed and hands resting gently on their knees. Ask them to notice how they feel.
Time: five to ten minutes

Gratitude: Ring the chimes softly and tell the children to gradually stretch and roll over onto one side. Ask them to come to a seated position and bring their hands together in prayer position. Tell them that this hand position is called the prayer mudra. Ask them to close their eyes and take a moment to silently be thankful for everything and everyone around them and for anyone else they love in their lives. Then repeat the word “namaste” to them and explain that it means that the “light inside of me bows down to the light inside of you.” Have them repeat it. End of class.
Time: five to ten minutes

From Creative Yoga for Children by Adrienne Rawlinson, published by North Atlantic Books,
copyright © 2013 by Adrienne Rawlinson. Reprinted by permission of publisher.

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                                             HEALING OURSELVES, HEALING OUR PLANET
                         The Buddha’s unwavering connection to the Earth shows the path to liberation

By Carolyn Bateman

As a child growing up in rural Ontario, I instinctively retreated to nature during times of trouble. A small island close to the banks of the river that ran through our 100-acre property was a tangle of willow trees and aspens. Here, shielded from the open eyes of our house across the water, I’d lie down on a springy bed of lush grass, feeling safe, protected, cradled by the Earth. Although I never put it into words, I sensed that the Earth loved and cared for me.


In the story of the Buddha’s awakening, Siddhartha Gautama, soon to be the Buddha, vows to remain seated under a tree until he reaches enlightenment. Past lives, karma, eternal truths, the countless world systems of the cosmos whirl and spin in his consciousness. Mara, a Hindu deity representing greed, hatred and delusion, assaults the steadfast meditator with his horrendous armies, but when Mara sends poisoned arrows in his direction, they bounce off the Buddha, turning into flowers. Frustrated, Mara demands to know why Gautama feels he has the right to awaken from the limited existence of his own mind.

For someone like me, whose upbringing fostered a love of nature and a belief in the Earth’s power to restore, the Buddha’s action at this point is one of the most moving images in the Buddhist tradition. Reaching his right hand down, the Buddha touches the ground, calling upon the Earth herself to affirm his right to sit and awaken. With this beautiful gesture, the armies of Mara are washed away, the hapless god tumbles from his mighty elephant, and the Buddha’s awakening is complete.

Mara had tried to deter the Buddha with his own fears, temptations, hateful thoughts, the very difficulties we all grapple with every day. But the Buddha knew he was not alone. He knew the Earth was there to help him, and it was this final gesture that defeated Mara.

I’m no scholar so I won’t try tracing in detail when humans began their slow and destructive move away from the embrace of Mother Earth. I suppose the shift from nature-based religions to monotheistic ones was an obvious turning point. Undoubtedly, as we got better at controlling our environment (agriculture, machinery, cities, technology) we lost our respect, even our fear, of nature and decided we could go it alone. This denial of Gaia’s rightful place in our lives has been at its most harmful this past century. Most of our indigenous societies have been wiped out or compromised to the point where their deep connection to the Earth is irrevocably damaged. Millions of people spend their days walking on concrete and asphalt, cocooned in steel and plastic cars or high above the ground in glass-and-steel towers.

“No two trees the same to Raven/no two branches the same to Wren,” writes Washington poet David Wagoner in his poem Lost, based on Northwest native elder wisdom. “If what a tree or a branch does is lost on you/You are surely lost.

And surely we are lost. Our consumer society tries to convince us that overconsumption is a form of protection against pain and loss, that we can equate material goods with abundance, that shopping is a form of community, that work means worth. We have fewer and fewer opportunities to experience what Vietnamese Zen monk Thich Nhat Hanh calls “interbeing,” the state of interconnectedness and interdependence of all, from a rock to a cloud, from an earthworm to a star. Many of us live lives that careen from computer to car to television. Some children grow up never seeing a field or a forest, never knowing how a carrot almost tugs back when you pull it from the ground.

Had the Buddha not reached down and touched the Earth, had he not acknowledged he was connected to everything in existence, he would have simply perpetuated within himself the belief that he was separate. Instead he healed his separation and saw the true nature of existence.

For me the Buddhist path has been a healing path. Learning to sit in silence, breathing in and out of the body, observing the sensations, thoughts, emotions and energies that pass through like changing weather systems, has been a profoundly healing act. On longer practice periods and retreats (often held in beautiful natural settings), I may experience my body as made up of the same energies as the trees that breathe in and out, as the waters that flows, as the fires that blaze. Sometimes, for brief but ecstatic moments, it’s as if I dissolve into the air itself.

Can we heal the planet? I believe we can, but only if we can heal ourselves. If we try to restore balance using the same tenets of separation and competition that put us here in the first place, we may succeed in applying bandages to the wound, but the blood will continue to seep and the wound will never heal.

What is the nature of that festering wound? It is different for each one of us, of course, but I’ve found the chakra system to be an instructive tool in my personal inquiry. According to this ancient system of understanding the human body, we each have seven vortexes of energy. However, it is the health of the first, the muladhara chakra at the base of the spine, that determines whether we can feel a connection to the Earth. When that chakra is not operating efficiently, the emotion that can dominate our lives is fear.

In the Christian tradition, the most prevalent phrase in the bible is: “Be not afraid.” Spiritual teachers of many stripes trace the energies in the body that spiral out towards unskilful action as arising from fear. Fear is a natural biological response to our environment, but it is also an unpleasant energy in the body. The pulse races, the breath thins or even stops, the stomach churns. The natural inclination is to rid ourselves of the feeling by denying it and turning our gaze outward, looking for someone or something to blame. Or we may look for ways to make ourselves feel more powerful and in control. Or we may become addicted to something in a misguided attempt to ease our pain. Many of these strategies can lead to anger when our attempts to alleviate our fear fail. Anger can then lead to aggression. And aggression can lead to violence, war, and the kind of unbridled plundering of the Earth’s resources that has lead us to the very brink of disaster.

In the practice of mindfulness, which is at the heart of many meditation traditions, meditators sit and do their best to “be with” whatever comes up. If fear or anger comes into the body or mind, they note it and experience it; if pleasant thoughts or sensations arise, the approach is the same. Craving or restlessness, confusion or joy, all are met with mindful attention and a compassion for oneself if a difficult energy is present. What this form of meditation has taught me over the past 15 years is that it’s OK to feel these difficult states. I still have many challenges working with them in my daily life. But I have made a measure of peace with them and I recognize when they are operating. When I can admit to myself and those around me that I’m afraid or hurt, angry or greedy, I can often access more courage and compassion. (The companion practice to mindfulness is metta or loving-kindness, which the Buddha taught as an antidote to all the myriad things we humans fear.)

This kind of honesty has strength in it; there’s a disarming quality to admitting our vulnerabilities. When we “disarm” ourselves, the heart opens and the struggles we have with ourselves and others lessen because we accept ourselves, others and circumstances as they are. Our war against the planet, then, is much the same as our wars against each other: futile attempts to get something “out there” rather than accept what is “in here,” in our own hearts and minds. When we can make peace with ourselves, peace of all kinds is a real possibility. Gil Fronsdal, a Buddhist scholar and meditation teacher in Northern California, puts it this way: “What’s required of us, I believe, is a very radical trust in the innate intelligence that’s here when the mind doesn’t cling . . . You trust, then, that your human heart will know how to respond.”

Eco-philosopher, activist and Buddhist scholar Joanna Macy has spent 40 years studying how the human heart responds in the face of war, social injustice and ecological disaster. Her groundbreaking work marries ancient spiritual practices with a new theoretical framework for far-reaching social change. In her introduction to an exercise for social activists she calls “Strengthening Our Resolve by Dialoguing with Mara,” Macy recounts the story of the Buddha’s awakening, re-investing the narrative with the wisdom it holds for each of us in our daily lives. When Mara asked his fateful question of the Buddha-to-be, says Macy, “Gautama offered no personal credentials. No curriculum vitae. He didn’t say, ‘I’m the son of a king. I graduated summa cum laude from the Yoga Institute or went to Harvard Business School.’ He said nothing at all about himself. He just touched the Earth. It was by the authority of the Earth that he sought liberation from suffering.”

We can make that gesture, too, says Macy. We can touch the Earth. “That act, even if only mental, reminds us of who we are and what we are about as we confront the collapse of our oil-based economy and our oil-damaged climate. We are here for the sake of life. By the authority of our belonging to Earth from the beginning of space and time, we are here.”

We’re used to big blows here on the west coast of Vancouver Island, but the night of December 16, 2006 was different. Gusts up to 150 kilometres an hour knocked down trees, sending them plummeting through roofs and turning power lines into spaghetti on the roads. My partner and I had moved into a front room to be further away from the large trees behind our house. As I lay on the floor in the dark, the wind sounded like a 747 taking off from the patio. I could feel the Earth rumble and shake as trees crashed to the ground. I began silently reciting part of the Buddhist metta (loving-kindness) prayer to calm my fears, bargaining with Mother Nature. “May I be free from danger. May I be well,” I repeated. Suddenly I realized it was not I who needed protection from the Earth, it was the Earth that needed protection from me and slowly the words I was reciting changed and they’re still changing. May we all reach down and touch the Earth with kindness and with mercy; may our own healing be a healing for our planet.


Carolyn Bateman is an editor and writer living in Sooke, BC. © 2008, Carolyn Bateman.
Text available under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License,
unless otherwise noted. The Mindful Word invites you to reprint, copy, distribute, and alter
CC-licensed text as long as you provide a clickable link back to
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May 2013: Passage to Expansive Freedom

Greetings Dear Ones,

We are the Pleaidian Emissaries of Light and we speak to you through an expanded corridor of connection which was established almost a year ago, during the Eclipse Cycle of May 2012. Since that time so much has transpired in your world and in your lives. Know that the themes you are experiencing are also felt within larger spheres of organization, the fields of light and energy you think of as the galaxy and even the Universe.

More and more you are realizing the true nature of your being.

In this realization you open more fully to all that you are and you, yourself expand. It is increasingly possible that you are becoming way-station managers and flow-ers (smile), of energy. Isn't it wonderful that the idea of being one who flows, is so like the word for flowers? that endlessly open and gracefully unfold in your lives? You are becoming increasingly the means by which the higher and lower levels of creation are integrated. This leading edge is what you hoped to achieve in coming here to participate in planetary ascension. It is that which you are instinctively creating when you begin to orient to your heart. As you discover your ability to ground more energy and manifest, then you embrace the flow between the upper and lower levels of your being. As you begin to relate to yourself in self-love then you begin to see that there is only beauty in all aspects of your experience -- that which you create directly and that which mirrors your vibration to you. In this fuller relationship to life you become more whole.

Each of you carries within you profoundly useful codes for relating to life and in particular for relating to physical reality. The Earth has been informed by many different species of creatures, intelligent life and sentience in all of them, and so there are many patterns of creation embedded within your lineage, regardless of the variety and diversity of your origins as a collective.

As you become more keenly focused on opening to all that you are, the fullness of you being begins to operate in an integrated fashion. This requires you to shift from your local identity into your spiritual identity, into your identity residing in your knowing of yourself as a divine multidimensional being.

As you make this shift and sustain this and living from it --not from the local goals and aspirations--but opening to all that you are, you change the game you are playing and you alter the game itself. You begin to live from an expanded knowing. This is the practice of what you think of as remembering. Many of you expected remembering to look and feel more like expanded informational access, rather then expanded knowing. You expected remembering to be more like cellular memory, soul memories or molecular memory. Cellular memory are patterns within your energy system that arise in familiarity because you are still actively involved with them. In the way in which they arise it is often like feeling or being in a movie watching yourself in another reality or experiencing an explicit knowing of parts of that system. This is not the same thing as living from an integrated expanded knowing informed by the fullness of your being.

One of the main shifts that you will be encountering soon, is the realization that information is over-rated in it's value.

Knowing is what it's all for and what is of value. Information is only valuable when it serves living and being as knowing. And as you are discovering at times it takes you a while to realize and trust that you do actually know things. You know things without even knowing how you know them. Doesn't this help you see that this might expand? So doesn't it make sense that you might eventually evolve in such ways that you directly know in the moment how to proceed, informed from an an increasingly full presence and that this knowing will feel like you just being more clear, more confident, more present and more harmoniously aligned? This dear ones is what it is going to feel like to be in full remembering. It's not that you will suddenly have access to billions of details which arise specifically within your inner sight visually, for example, no, that is more like cellular memories from past lives arising. Or deja vu' occurring.

What remembering feels like is coherence, clarity, effortless presence, embodied flow, openness and harmony, love and fullness and creativity and joy. 

In human life the ability to recite loads of information, to know facts, to carry around endless details has had a certain weight and value in your world. Yet in practicality it is the ability to chose well and in the moment and do so with alignment and confidence and joy and neutrality as love, that is truly what is known as happiness. 

And so today we wish to tell you that you are in a very important passage. It has been called a "wormhole" by some Cosmic Astrologers, and this is apt, in that it will usher you from where you have been into something entirely new. Depending on where you began this passage and how your opening unfolds, the distance you will travel could be startling with its significance.

Do you sense, or realize the spaciousness of the freedom that those of you on the leading edge are moving into? Do you feel the liberation that is taking place, the feel of life beyond the familiarity of karmic threads, cellular memory, duality patterns, beliefs or habits shaping your reality? The potential for living this way has been here, but more and more of you are actually claiming it by letting go of these familiar modes of being. You have come to the end of these pathways, you are bored and ready for more. Well that is a good sign. Be encouraged by this.

Can you feel the incredibly unknown spaciousness of that degree of freedom? That is what is arising in your experience. This total focus in the present with integrated openness and availability to what is presented, this is the zero point presence of an embodied divine being that you are creating

We are thrilled to be part of this passage with you, knowing that Eclipses significantly support you shifting off of one time-line, or pathway which is finished and complete, or which you are no longer interested in and stepping onto a rising tide of newness and opening to your identity revealing itself to you as the Cosmic Being you truly are.

It is a wildly open landscape you are living in cowboy! And we know you were made to ride this range.

Forgive us for being playful and silly, but that is, indeed the taste and feel of this new world.

We love you immensely and we too, are riding into the sunset of the old and awakening to the new.

It is happening everywhere and to every aspect of Creation, for indeed what is opened to by any one of us, ripples within All That Is.

Blessings of joy and amazingly beautiful vistas on your new dawns Light Beings of Love.

We are mirrors of so many of you and you, of so many of us.

We are the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light

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The Unity Transmissions

During the New Moon Solar Eclipse Window 
this Friday, May 10   

A 24-Hour Transmission Period in Full Conscious Awareness
With unified meditation at 8 pm in all time zones.



Lunar Eclipse: Full Moon, April 25 
Solar Eclipse: New Moon May 9 - 10 (UTC), 2013 
Lunar Eclipse: Full Moon, May 25
When we have such a powerful line-up of three eclipses, we experience huge life shifts, transformative processes, emotional upheaval and plenty of purging! In this New Moon, we are right in the middle of two lunars and an intensified eclipse sandwich! Breathe.... let go... and give it up to the Divine Presence within.





It would appear that the Earth is now passing through the next phases of initiation as we prepare to enter into the eclipse sandwich this May as we endure not 1, not 2 but THREE eclipses in a row!
Numerous accounts from Planetary Light Servers across the globe describe a significant increase in the level of discordant energies and thought-forms percolating to the surface of the collective consciousness. On the opposite end of the spectrum, there are those experiencing a heightened sense of expansion within their consciousness. It as though we are all playing different yet equally vital roles in bringing balance to the unified field.
The shift of an age can be likened to a lengthy birthing process, so we are reminded to be patient and continue to persevere in our work as Planetary Light Servers.  Cosmic rays are streaming forth with increasing intensity from our beloved Sun to assist us in shedding light on where we may still be held within the illusion of separation, in order to guide us into greater unification with Divine Presence. Let us yield all resistance to this process by surrendering in gratitude and with reverence.
In addition to this being a period of personal revelation, manifestation and transformation, there is simultaneously a global purge taking place that is contributing to the growing feelings of confusion, unrest and instability. It is a time of extremes!  The amplified energies of the recent and upcoming eclipses are creating a rather challenging environment in which to remain in a constant state of equanimity. Yet, this is exactly what we are being called upon to do. As agents of Good Will, it is our role to remain calm and poised in the midst of all the storms of appearances.
We are being called to dig our roots deep into the Earth, spending as much time in nature as we can in order to increase our capacity to draw from the reservoir of the Great Presence within. Whatever form your spiritual practice takes, be it yoga, prayer, invoking the sacred fire, meditation, singing, dancing, or all of the above... now is definitely the time to deepen our connection to these activities in an effort to stay true to our inner alignments.   
Beloved Children of the Sun, we are in this together.  Please remember to stay attuned to our Group Avatar and the Unity Matrix as we move through this period of evolutionary transformation.

Important Links:


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Receive Personal Sessions of Support this Friday 

Ease your Processes during the Powerful and Intense Eclipse Season 
Receive Intentional Energy Transference
from our Light Team during the Unity Transmissions  
For those wanting extra assistance with personal life challenges, Children of the Sun Foundation facilitates a highly effective program of energy transference from its global team of light transmitters.
This takes place each new and full moon during The Unity Transmissions.  

The sessions are direct energy transferences and are set into motion through your intention to receive and commitment to make necessary changes in your life.  

Children of the Sun Transmitters sending energy transference

They may assist by shifting unwanted lingering energy, soothing scattered energies, clearing limiting physical, emotional and mental patterns, or integrating a more expanded perception in conscious awareness.


Our Light Transmission Team comes to you as one group body through the Unity Matrix. We invoke and then simply allow ourselves to be used as conduits for the greater energy to do its work.  





Opening a Portal of Light for all of Mexico... building our Group Forcefield of Love, Wisdom and Power!
Come, come, come!

We will work with you on the finances to help you participate with us if this is your heart's desire. Your Presence of light is called to be with us in this grand act of service.

Amazon The Amazon Expeditions this September/October

This is an experience of a lifetime and one of the most transformational programs available today for the deep plunge into the recesses of consciousness.

Send application to 





Almighty I AM THAT I AM, I selflessly invoke Divinity to use me as a vessel to transmit the mighty Violet Flame throughout the unified field, blazing forth from my Group Body to engulf all life with It's transforming light.  
Beloved Presence, please surge the full momentum of Violet Fire through all particles of my being, cleansing all impurity and charging me and all I contact with radiant transmuting power.  

As I go forward about my day, may my very presence heal and liberate all fields of energy still living in separation.       






Beloved I AM, sustain and triple this sacred fire activity, each moment of each hour, until all streams of energy are in perfect harmony with the Divine Mind.


By and through the Law of Grace, IT IS DONE.

Join Our Mailing List
PLEASE SUPPORT OUR FORWARD MOVEMENT. All of our programs are dependent upon public donations. Children of the Sun Humanitarian
Foundation, Inc. is a non profit public charitable organization, operating number  #27-0315891. All contribution is tax deductible in the USA.
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As channeled by Ute

Dearest friends, 
as long as I can remember Lion Beings have been very dear to my heart. And my relationship with Sekhmet is ancient. 

If you don't know who She is: She is a most beautiful Lion Being Goddess from Sirius A. Her Love is extraordinary, incredible warm and full. I always have tears in my eyes when I feel Her presence. Her Wisdom is Cosmic and absolutely other-dimensional. Her Consciousness all-embracing.

Today She asked me whether I would convey Her message to humanity. And of course, I agreed! And this is Sekhmet’s message: 

I Am The Protecting Goddess-Force For Those Who Call  Upon Me. 

I belong to the Mighty Lion Beings and at this special time I Am at service to humanity to assist with your adaptation to the new incoming frequencies your planet is presently receiving. It is Light from the fifth dimension which is now available for all those who can locate these frequencies with their conscious feeling awareness.

I Am here to offer you My Loving assistance with the vastness of my Consciousness to let go of all density in your thoughts and feelings and physical bodies.

Merging with My Loving Consciousness, while allowing me to merge with your heart, draws you into the light of the fifth dimension and out of the lower vibrations that the controllers of your world now are feverishly trying to intensify in order to keep you there and to prevent ascension.

But if you choose so, with My help these lower energies can no longer hold their grip on you as I offer you to draw you beyond them.

Please accept My help if you feel you need it. Many of you  lightworkers are at this point targeted by the negative forces who don’t want to give up their power over your planet.

Who is asking for My protection in this intense battle occurring now on earth will immediately given support. 

The remaining forces of the old world are now increasingly reaching out for your unresolved content. It might be content which you have not yet surrendered to the light. This could be childhood memories, old traumas or shocks which are still sitting unconsciously in your cellular memories,  or it could be issues from former life times and any weakness you have not yet overcome.

The controllers are trying to regain influence over you by using their technology to magnify these energies. They hope this would save them their vanishing empire.

But do not be afraid! Know that they actually are really serving you, because you can release what becomes conscious to you! 

With My loving help you can let go of these dense energies, not only in an instant, but also withdraw fully from their domain of influence: you become invisible for them as you leave fully the vibrational dimension of their reality.

So I offer you help to rise your vibration forever, to release what belongs to the frequency of your old world.

When you allow this you are doing a great service, not only to yourself and humanity itself, but also for your Sacred Beloved Planet Earth and ultimately, the whole universe!

We are here in this all together! The power of the past is no longer meant to hold territory in your realm.

What is necessary now is your full agreement to merge entirely and without restriction with the new higher dimensional light that is pouring into your reality.

If you can do this on your own, I salute you for your accomplishment! But if you need assistance, ask for it! We Are One at Heart and what I Am, is just a still unconscious aspect of Your Divine Self. 

Therefore, by calling upon Me as your Ally you are calling upon a mighty Part of Yourself that you have forgotten. To remember It, is the Power that you now require for your victory in this battle.
I Am Here!

Your Loving Lion Being Sekhmet! 

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"Greetings Beloved Family!  It is I, Ashtar and I come to be One with all, all of us together in the Love and the Joy of the Oneness We Are!  And yes, we are powerful and we are further empowered by the great energies of Love/Light which are coming and magnifying all that we do.


"And it is to dwell upon that which you might want to call the productive things that we do, or perhaps, the positive. Remember, that one loving thought can cancel a whole bundle of those which are not as loving.  Now, we understand when you are human you are sometimes feeling as though you are being bombarded, literally, with low vibrations.

"This is understandable, because look at where Planet Earth has been all of these multitudes of years!  We want to take a moment to encourage you to remember something especially helpful. We have discussed this before and we shall mention it briefly here in this time of magnification – Ho’oponopono.


"Be sure that you understand.  What we will tell you is simply this: it’s ancient!  It’s brought forward from a time where there was Lemuria flourishing upon the Planet.  You want to talk about gardens?  Oh yes, and beautiful crystals and beautiful beings of Love/Light.  All manner of beings, but they were connected, initially at least.  They knew the Oneness in all life.  They had that great energetic connection of Love and they knew that it was Love, literally, that was the energy of their World.


"This word was brought forward in Hawaii by a grand teacher who has since left her body, but nevertheless she is shining radiantly. Her name is Morrnah and one of her students was Dr. Hew Len. Most of you know of him.  He has been teaching ever since the way, the Lifestyle, of Ho’oponopono.  It’s not just a bunch of words.  But we will say this.  We mention it here because if you do have a thought, or say a word, or perhaps even do some kind of an action which is a part of your 3rd Dimensional self coming forward to express so that you can look at, it is most valuable indeed to be in Ho’oponopono.


"It’s not just empty words.  Although, it does have somewhat of an 'abracadabra' feeling to it, yes, but if you say it with true feeling, that is, from your Heart, it is so much more!  It has been loosely translated to say: 'I’m sorry, please forgive me, thank you, I love you.'  That is alright but that is only the beginning of Ho’oponopono, because Ho’oponopono is really how to live in your Heart!!!  And of course, Love is the energy which is there, and which you can call in more of, any time that you choose.

"It is wondrous to remember that this magnification is there to use for all of your upliftments, your healings, your thoughts of Love and Joy and Peace on Earth, and for creating that very Lifestyle and walking into it and living it!  But if there is a bit of a slip or even if there is something that you would teach your child or your grandchild, or your neighbor or a stranger, live Ho’oponopono, be Ho’oponopono!!!



"You have the four cornerstones of that which I, Ashtar, have been teaching through this Voice for a few years, and that is Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude.  Of course, there are many, many other wondrous words – Joy, Peace - we’ve mentioned some already, you can think of more.  But when you live that Lifestyle - that is what you are here to do!  Did you know that? You are all here to ascend into a Higher Dimensional Lifestyle!!!


"You might think of Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude, or Ho’oponopono, or other words that might resonate with you as the key to the portal of High Dimensional being and living, and you are going to love it!   All of you come to Higher Dimensional existence or experiences anyway, in your sleep times, in your meditation times, in your Joy times, in your loving times.


"You already have experience with it but it’s like you are relearning it.  Now, as your DNA unfolds and unlocks more, as your memory of Who You Really Are is restored more and more - and talk about magnification of that - just call it forth!  Or as Sekhmet likes to say, command it!  Bring it in!

"There are so many opportunities with all of these energies, not just the magnifying.  But how about these eclipses, there are eclipses going on all over the universe, of course - there is a division of the Ashtar Command which keeps track of all of it.  I, Ashtar, am here to teach my teachings, which are Love and everything that comes from Love.


"Speaking of Love - how about Mother Gaia?  Look at all that she has endured, and yet she loves each and every one of the members of all of her Kingdoms of Planet Earth, below, on and above.  She loves without ceasing, no matter what she has endured!  That is a Mother’s Love, is it not? And that is so precious!


"We are here not only to honor her, not only to encourage you to live Ho’oponopono with Mother Gaia, but to celebrate that you’re all still here!  Mother Gaia herself has been in the Ascension process and will be continuing.  There is a place for each and every one of you, Beloved Ones, with her.  She’s never left you. You may all have had times in your lives, and in all of your lifetimes, for opportunities to turn your backs upon her, to treat her roughly or without consideration.  Children do that to their mothers sometimes.  They talk back, they think they know more than she does, they’re wiser, smarter and so on.


"In their lack of consideration they do things sometimes that are very hurtful, and they think that it’s okay because they forget that Mother Gaia is a living, breathing, conscious being!!!  She’s not just some dirt to drill into, or some rock.  She is not here to have her precious treasures taken forcibly from her - she is here to partner with all of the Kingdoms!  The animals, the plants, the minerals and the crystals all know that, but there are still some humans who don’t get it.


"We ask that each and every one of you take this opportunity to reflect:  'How can I live even more in honoring of my connection with Mother Gaia and all that Mother Gaia has done for me?  How can I help others to do the same?  How can I help others to understand?'


"Maybe it is to set up a recycling program in your community so that Mother Gaia does not have to get so buried under tons and tons of waste materials.  Or perhaps it is something on a larger scale, perhaps it is to join one of the organizations which speaks to represent Mother Gaia’s best interests, which is the opposite of how many are treating her; perhaps it is to do some research to find better ways to feed your gardens, to bring life into the soil of your gardens, into the waters that you drink, into the air that you breathe, instead of trying to suffocate or use anything that will suffocate!


"You heard our Beloved News Team* quote: 'It is up to each and every one of you,' Beloved Ones, 'to lead the way' because most of your leaders are pretty clueless.  They’ve lost their way, they’ve been bribed and threatened and taught that they only need to think of themselves, and they are still spewing lies such as: 'There is no such thing as global warming going on – we don’t have to do anything. Let’s just pay lip service and make the cars a little less polluting' – or whatever, and lies just keep going on and it’s: 'Let’s get some more oil and natural gas out of the ground, and let’s get some more coal and let’s go for diamonds and gold'** – and all of these things that really aren’t needed.


"Mother Gaia is recognized throughout the Universe as a conscious, living being and she knows that you can be perfectly comfortable and enjoy all kinds of abundance and help if you will lead the way!  That means maybe going to a meeting or signing a petition - you know what petitions are, they are asking that this or that be done or not be done.  Think about one thing that you can do that you are not doing right now, no matter how small you might think it is, remember magnification and remember that your commitment from your Heart is known!!!


"Join with Mother Gaia, welcome her into your Hearts, just as you do I, Ashtar, or Sananda, your guidance team, or anyone, and you will see changes coming about in the consciousness of the humans so that these actions which are so destructive will no longer be tolerated, and instead change will bring about all that you desire!


"Mother Gaia is surviving. She’s always been here and she will always be a part of Planet Earth.  But just remember that your survival depends upon hers, not the other way around!!! Though you might think so with all of the things that you know are happening.  So express some Gratitude while you are at it.  We are already in celebration of these changes.  Be light, be joyful and be assured that we are with you and that we are indeed partnering with you already!  Yes, we have received permission to assist in the clean-up of the most grievous situations, and we have a lot more to do.  And these technologies that you are hearing about are real, they are here, and the World is truly moving at warp speed into the Golden Age!!!


"Just remember, Mother Gaia is with you every step along your Paths and remember that she loves you and it is most appropriate that you love her as Mother to All!  We have a beautiful time with her, so let us welcome her and let us honor her with this beautiful poem, this music poem*** which is so expressive of our Love to her and of our understanding of how precious her Love is to us.


“Thank you, Beloved Ones, for being with us, and we shall say that we love you beyond all words!!!  And so it is! Salut!"

*   Tara and Rama

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Russell Forsyth

            Prana has many different names and interpretations, such as life-force energy, vital energy or chi. According to the Online Medical Dictionary, Prana is defined as life-sustaining energy centered in the human brain; the first of the five airs of Ayurvedic philosophy; the life force governing inspiration and the conscious intellect.

            Pranayama is from the Sanskrit word meaning extension of pran or breath, so the extension of breath can be defined in yoga principles as 'vital air' or 'vital energy'. These ancient teachings point toward the connection between energy and breath, which is also viewed by some as 'spirit energy'.

            Paramahansa Yogananda once said, A genuine smile distributes the cosmic current, Prana, to every body cell. The happy man is less subject to disease, for happiness actually attracts into the body a greater supply of the Universal life energy.

            Breaking down our processes into the most simple terms gives us freedom through understanding. The angels are all about simplicity, which inspired this whisper on Prana. In some ways everything connects to breath; besides, where would be without it (tee hee). Let's catch our breath with a whisper from the higher realms on the subject of Prana:

            Prana, or life-force energy, is sustained through movement generated from the electric charge delivered by each breath. In addition, breath connects each person to the divine, its own higher self, the angelic realm, and to the Mother Earth. Ways to achieve balance to the many aspects of human energy can be found within every living organism's connection to breath.   

            Human consciousness needs a conduit by which to move energy to and from all sources. Breath is the conduit that delivers a pulsating charge, first with negative energy on the inhale and positive energy on the exhale. The human body holds the most balanced response to polarity in the Universe through the most simple act imaginable.

            The Earth holds patterns that are fully supportive of all creatures who use breath as the process of energy delivery. Earth energies are measured at similar levels to human life-force energy, and hold aspects that are the essence of sustaining life. The Cosmic design of human energy, or Prana, appears to be complicated but is really very simple.

            To understand your purpose, healing, consciousness and every aspect of life, take the time to understand your life through focused attention paid to your own breath. Balance your energy through understanding and Cosmic awareness. Move energy and build Prana through breath, then dance with Universe while holding the key to life in your hands.    

            Your Prana knows unconditional love.      

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Message from Montague Keen

Many people are having difficulty coming to terms with the information that is being made public at this time. What was suppressed is now leaking out. Your governments deliberately kept you in darkness and under control. Yes, there are beings from other planets amongst you. Many of them chose to live among you, so as to lead you forward into the Light and to release you from the burden which the Dark Ones imposed on you. The population of the Earth had to increase enormously to prevent the dark takeover. The Dark Ones have responded in return, by using many methods to cull the population: through vaccination, medication, and altering the air you breathe and the food you eat. This is why this information is so important to understand. Do not agree to anything without thoroughly researching it. All the information you need is freely available to everyone.  

The Dark Ones want you to be as sheep, blindly obeying your “Masters” orders. You, and you alone, are responsible for your life. You must take back this responsibility from the politicians and the medical profession, since they are being used to enforce the agenda. The thirteen who control all on Earth, have been successful until now. They are prepared to go to any lengths to create their New World Order. They manipulate every situation for their own ends. They own all forms of news information and entertainment, and they ruthlessly use them to MIND CONTROL the masses. It is up to each one of you to free yourselves from this manipulation by refusing to buy into it. It is time for all of you to take control. Start with your own lives and the lives of those who are dependant on you. Share freely all information that will help others to see the full picture. Become the LEADERS; not the mindless, who conform to the agenda for their own extinction.

I have asked, many times, for you to learn to meditate. Then, you will be able to get whatever information is relevant to you, directly, without third party involvement. It takes time to perfect meditation, but those who have done this, have benefitted hugely from the experience and the information gained. The Spirit World will assist and guide you. We are ready and willing to help you.

Free yourselves from all restrictions that were imposed on you by Church and State. Your minds are yours, and yours alone. Use them to your own advantage. Why would so much be done to dumb down your minds by those who control you, if they were not frightened of you waking up and using your minds to see what is being done to you. As beings, you are far greater than those who control you and manipulate you. They are terrified that you will come to realise this fact. They are IN FEAR OF YOU.

Your controllers are not capable of LOVE. They do not have compassion, so they can kill without conscience. They are constantly finding new ways of killing that you would never suspect. You must understand that your ability to love and relate to all living things is your greatest weapon. Love will win the day. LOVE has a powerful energy that invades their darkness. This is why they try to destroy it. To them, money and possessions equal love. You, on the other hand, know that love is what makes life worthwhile. It lifts you and embraces you. It engulfs you and makes you happy and fulfilled. Look with love upon everything and you will find that it improves the quality of your lives enormously. Where there is love, there is no room for aggression.

The Earth itself is trying to help you understand this, too. It lives and suffers also, because of what is being done to it. It is trying to communicate this to you. You need to protect and care for the Earth as it supports your lives by producing food, plants, and trees. It supports your wildlife. It needs to be loved and cared for. Treat everything with love and it will respond. By helping each other, humanity will survive. Planet Earth will be reunited once more with the living universe. This is your greatest adventure.

Look with eyes wide open at all the restrictions upon your lives. Ask what you can do about them. Ask why you just accept, without question, all the laws that enslave you. Questions need to be asked, and reasons demanded, in a civilised and respectful way. This is being done in Ireland. There is no reason why others cannot follow the example. It has to start somewhere, so why should not the most sinned against country on Earth, lead the way forward.

The true history of Ireland is hidden in the Vatican. When this comes to light, then the real history of your world will be available to all of you for the first time in nearly 2000 years. It is not possible to keep it hidden forever. It is time the truth was revealed and humanity moves forward in truth and light. Everything that Man needed to know and understand, was known back then. People were at one with Nature. They understood how the planet worked and they connected with other planets. Then, at one disastrous gathering of the corrupt, plans were made to take control of Mankind and to take over Planet Earth. All that was truth and light was destroyed. The enslavement of Mankind began and continues to this day.

Here is your task. You have returned to Earth in order to restore the truth and light, and this you will do. It will be done peacefully. Love will be your guiding light. This is a time for decisions to be made. The right decisions, that will benefit humanity and Planet Earth. The evil assault on humanity must cease forthwith.

My dear, life is difficult right now. Try to keep calm and controlled. Much is done to try to cause you fear. See it for what it is. Those who are with you, are with you one hundred percent. Circumstances are created to cause you worry and distress, but you must rise above them. The end result will surpass all expectations. Then, you will quickly forget all the suffering you endured along the way.

This is a critical time for your world. Keep calm and do not be drawn into the false information being put forward in an effort to start World War III. You want PEACE, not WAR ! Stand together for peace. You are the 99% and you must never forget that. You have a voice, so use it. We in Spirit stand with you, so you are not alone.

Appreciate all that Nature provides for you. Springtime is about new beginnings. This is Mankind’s NEW BEGINNING. Go forward with confidence because you are on the right track.

My love, I wish that I was still beside you, to comfort and support you. I am only a thought away. I never leave you. Love endures, my dear.

I am your adoring, Monty.

Website: The Montague Keen Foundation

Source: Galactic Channelings

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My Dear Children, this is Prime Creator.

It is your first chance, now, to see your brothers and sisters of the skies.  You have been a race of beings who look at the ground beneath your feet when you walk. You look down at your watches, you search in the dirt under your feet for buried treasure.  You long for riches to appear in the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, where it touches the ground.  

Your spoken words are filled with downward meanings;  You are down when you feel sad.  You are down-trodden when you give away your own freedom; you are under the weather when you are ill, and you find yourselves in the dumps when things go against you.  When life deals you a disappointment, it’s all downhill; your intemperate ways put you into a hole, and when you have more than one challenge you think you are going down the drain.  Down, may I remind you, is the opposite of Up.

I am going to tell you why it has taken so long for you to be introduced to your brothers and sisters from the skies.  It is because it has been over your heads to acknowledge that you are not the only fish in the sea, the only planet in the Universe which could sustain life.

You have clung so tightly to the precious idea that you are alone in the Universe, the Supreme intelligence of your planet, and the Masters of all you possess, and you think you possess everything you behold.  You go about your lives as if you created your own planet out of nothing, achieved what you have by the sheer force of your will, and no one else could have accomplished such a marvelous feat, ever.

This is what you would call a syndrome – an ego problem.  It makes you ego-tistical and myopic, although you are also charming in your self-glorifying ways, as a toddler who squeals when it manages to clap its two hands together, and when three consecutive steps brings a sense of triumph beyond words.

Yes, you are adorable, as you are abominable.  You love your own kind – however you define that – and you vilify and abuse others.  You rape and pillage your Mother Earth even as you glorify and celebrate her beauty in photographs and paintings, as you have done with your own human females.

You are a paradox, a noisy, squabbling, pushing and shoving gaggle of wondrously imaginative, emotionally sensitive and cleverly creative children, and you are so easily offended and so intolerant of children yourselves that you probably think I am insulting you.  I am not.

I am only trying to give you a sense of how difficult it is for Us to entrust you with decisions which could affect the entire Multiverse without simultaneously putting restrictions on your freedom of choices.  You have blown up yourselves and your planet when your considerable creativity and intelligence allowed you to develop the technology to do so.  You must admit, you love blowing things up.  You are reckless, inclined toward violence in all its forms, and endlessly imaginative in your application of cruelty to one another and to other living things, for which you have no mercy.

Now, that is only the darker side of humankind.  You are also the most passionately loving, heroically self-sacrificing, and ferociously protective of those you love.  Your capacity for loyalty and enduring emotional attachment is legendary, as is your ability to create astonishingly beautiful works of art and to be touched so deeply by music and inspiring words that you often weep with joy in their presence.

Your love for your children is so intense that you fear for their deaths every moment they live, and you cling to them with such fierce passion that you risk strangling the life out of them even as you nurture their bodies and fill their minds with endless streams of trivial information.

You have all but ignored your connection to me and to those who oversee your care – your Guides and Masters and your own Higher Selves.  In your rush to accumulate wealth and power, by Intergalactic standards you have developed the singularly obnoxious qualities of greed and selfishness, which are absolutely contrary to Universal Law.

All in all, Beloved Ones, you are what one of your clever slangsters called “a hot mess.”

And now, young gladiators, you wish to be welcomed into the exquisitely ordered and peaceful pleasures of higher dimensional life.  In your gloriously blossoming hearts you long to be a part of the trust and companionship you remember from your lives at Home, when you were not burdened by the troublesome 3 dimensional human bodies you have worn in these Earth lifetimes.

Your souls yearn for the warmth and connection to your brothers and sisters of Light, but your courageous experiment in Earthly adaptation is still evolving.  You have reached a tipping point, a watershed moment in the development of humankind.  You can taste it, and it makes you nearly frantic with desire.  Such is the quality of this, your most complex strain of human being-ness.

What you lack in self-discipline and restraint, you make up for in courage and will.  You are the hearts of my heart, the dreamers of my dream, and you are your magnificent unique selves.  You begin each incarnation as calm and resolute souls, then you blaze with glory or you crash and burn, but rarely do you fail to learn and grow.  Now you plead your case before the Councils to grant you graduation to higher levels.  Your Mother planet has been elevated and you wish to match her Ascension, thereby gaining the privileges that go with it.

I will grant you your fervent prayers, not because of their intensity alone but because they are now so generous of spirit.  You pray not for yourselves but for your civilization, for peace and for abundance for your neighbors, and many of you have learned forgiveness of your enemies.  It is you who will lead in the building of a new civilization when the doors of Heaven open and your lovely family of Beings of every shape, color and size pour forth in their enthusiasm to embrace and welcome you into the Intergalactic family.

First, you will be tested.  The ships of the Ashtar Command will be allowed to decloak, making their presence known to every man, woman and child on the planet.  The spontaneous response of the people of Gaia will determine the course of the coming era.  Are you ready for that?  Will you each sustain your Faith and be willing to embrace, once and for all, the qualities of kindness, compassion, forgiveness, Truth and Unconditional Love in all you do?

It will now be your path to be in complete command of your every thought, feeling and action, as you begin your new Golden Age.  You have earned the opportunity to try for the highest timeline you can reach for.

I give you my blessings, and I lovingly pray for your triumph.

Prime Creator

Via Kathryn May, May 5, 2013, 4 am.

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          COSMIC WASTE DISPOSAL: Clearing the clutter in our individual minds and collective consciousness

Something happened on December 21, 2012. Those of us who celebrated and otherwise marked this Birth 2012 event know that we moved through a cosmic portal into a new cycle, a new age where love, light and life are supposed to rule the day. So what, one might ask, are the evidences of this change? The world continues pretty much as it did before. Wars continue in the Middle East, parts of Africa and other places. Gun violence seems to be increasing in the United States. Financial tribulation still afflicts Europe and the U.S. Disappearing glaciers and polar ice confirm the reality of global warming.

Droughts, floods, devastating hurricanes, tornadoes and atmospheric pollution seem to be increasing. And from what I can observe, turmoil in individual lives has not abated. So where are we to look for any evidence of positive change and transformation that movement into a new age is supposed to bring?

The initial change, of course, occurs in consciousness, specifically in the consciousness of those who have awakened to the reality of the creative process that, contrary to all appearances, is still the controlling force operative on Earth. This change is for the most part invisible and vibrational, and though there are some external evidences of its impact in individual lives and in the groups to which they belong, objectively measurable change remains primarily below the level of physical observation.

According to a report that I recently heard on the radio, the vibrational rate of the Earth has risen in recent years from eight cycles to eleven. I have no idea how this is measured or exactly what it means, but I suspect it’s indicative of the movement of the Earth into the new cosmic context heralded by the Birth 2012 event.

So obviously something is moving, something is stirring, something is changing. The origin of this change is in human consciousness and the intensification of current that is occurring there. Though the measurable visible evidences of positive, life-enhancing change on Earth may yet be sporadic and insubstantial, the negative, life-destroying changes, the so-called “doomsday curves,” the unspeakable atrocities, are painfully obvious and there for everyone to see. And I submit that these graphic evidences of disintegration constitute the most incontrovertible proof that life is on the move, that something of tremendous intensity is shaking the very foundations of the planet.

     Andrew Harvey hits the nail on the head in this quote from his book Radical Passion:
     Sacred Love and Wisdom in Action.

In preparation for the birth of the Divine, the entire human race is now going through a global dark night, which will result in a new humanity that has been humbled and chastened by tragedy, so that it may open completely to the mystery of divine grace. This dark night cannot be bargained with, explained away, leapt over or mitigated. It is the destined crucifixion of a communal human ego now clearly revealed to be suicidal, matricidal, dangerous to itself and to the whole of creation. No one and nothing will stop Kali dancing Her terrible dance of destruction and re-creation. There will be no resurrection of an embodied divine humanity without a systematic, perfectly organized, brutally complete crucifixion of everything in us that keeps us addicted to the systems of illusion that are now rapidly destroying everything.

The creative process that governs all life and being in the cosmos is in essence an integrating process—bringing and holding all things together in a beautifully coordinated whole. But it also has a disintegrating or deconstructing aspect, a cosmic waste disposal system. Obviously the integrating work of the universe cannot be fully consummated if there are “systems of illusion” and pockets of resistance such as the self-seeking human ego blocking the way. Insofar as the body of humanity is concerned there’s a massive collection of trash and assorted clutter in individual subconscious minds and the collective consciousness accumulated through thousands of years of subhuman function on the planet. All of this garbage has to be disposed of in the cosmic recycling process. The intensified currents of life referred to above are now stirring things up in this subconscious realm, bringing all of this stuff—this grisly toxic effluent—up to the surface of consciousness and prompting human beings to act in extremely destructive and even barbaric ways. Hence the exponential increase of conflict and corruption, pain and suffering we’re now witnessing in human affairs.

All of this debris has to rise to the surface in order for it to be dissipated and dissolved; this is the only way to clear the subconscious mind and heart of humanity. No one is exempt from this clearing process; even those far advanced on the spiritual path, even those who could be considered enlightened, will experience these negative currents rising up into feeling and thought, bringing “dark nights” and Kali’s “terrible dance of destruction.” This puts those who have found their identity in the wholeness of life, in the truth of who they are, particularly on the spot. Knowing something of what is happening, it’s incumbent on them to override all of the negative and destructive energies surfacing in consciousness with the irresistible current and absolute power of unconditional love.

      I like the way Bill Isaacs describes what’s required in his essay The Ending of Separation.

I suppose everyone has had, at one point or other in their lives, a so-called ‘dark night of the soul’—a moment where difficulties have mounted, and where the intensities have seemed very great…. As things proceed it will become more and more important that there are those who are not only unwavering, but happily committed to including and letting be brought into the fire anything and everything that comes into consciousness. This has always been the missing ingredient—a truly safe place on Earth for the factors of distortion to be allowed to pass away. I suppose this is the unadvertised part of the experience of touching the invisible and magnificent nature of heaven. Initially there is joy and thrill, but as we know, what’s equally required is a fierceness of focus.

Yes, a fierceness of focus is essential so that everything that comes into consciousness is immediately exposed to the fire of love that burns at the core of being. All distortions and destructive energies are thereby consumed and the truth of love remains. There may be an inclination to fight or try to flee from the dark energies, but this would not allow the essential work of dissolution to be done. What is required is simply to stay focused, embrace everything that comes into consciousness and just let the fire of love burn whatever needs to be burned. This allows the remaining substance to descend to a level of the creative process where it can begin to ascend again.

It is all part of a grand creative cycle governing the cosmos and there’s no need to become involved in the disintegrative or waste disposal part of this process, no need to even think about it. It all happens automatically as long as attention remains centred in the integrating aspect of the creative cycle. David Karchere beautifully describes the spiritually mature approach in his piece The Rising.

Deconstruction is a natural thing. For the most part, it’s not our business. It seems to take care of itself…. There is something else calling, which is the creative process. There is creation calling; there is glory calling. Part of glory is the composting—part of the glory of the garden is that the compost gets put in the garden. But it isn’t all about the compost. It isn’t about the undoing of the human ego…. There’s something else to be passionate about and to be part of. There is a rising, there’s a coming together, and there is something glorious that’s coming through humanity. That’s the point!

Yes, the point for all who have to some degree awakened to the reality of the creative process is to be absolutely centred in the integrative aspect of this cycle as the beneficent creative power of the universe does its constructive and deconstructive work in birthing a new world. The intensifying currents of life brought by the new cycle may bring up experiences from the mass consciousness of humankind that are extremely uncomfortable and even life-threatening for individuals and humanity as a whole. No matter what the experience, if fierceness of focus is maintained and passion unwaveringly given to unconditional love, the inevitable outcome is glory. It’s as if the universe will say to the Earth and its inhabitants, “Welcome back. Let us join together in making all things wondrously and gloriously new.”


Jerry Kvasnicka, a graduate of Princeton Theological Seminary, has had a varied career as a youth minister, a radio news reporter, a writer and editor for several magazines and journals and a custodian with the Loveland, Colorado school district. Jerry currently edits and writes for The Mindful Word. He has lived at the Sunrise Ranch spiritual community near Loveland for twenty-five years. He can be reached at


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