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A Quantum Journey to Birth New Earth
& Your New Self in 2012
Ascension Events - Two each month
WEBINAR ON JUNE 2 AT 10:00AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time
Please click:

May 28, 2012


We are the higher frequency expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. We come into your consciousness now as we see you are ready to ascend. In fact, many of you have felt as though you are on the cusp of going somewhere, knowing something and/or experiencing a version of your SELF that you have forgotten over your myriad incarnations in the third dimension.

You can feel that expression of yourself, as well as the courage, dignity, power and unconditional love of that expression of your SELF, just beyond your reach. Of course, you have learned, finally, that reaching is a third dimensional paradigm. In the fifth dimensional paradigm you shift your reality, not by trying and working hard against resistance. On the fifth dimension you shift your reality by flowing in the current of multidimensional light and unconditional love, as you surrender to each and every situation that you meet/create.

Meeting/creating is the basis of the paradigm shift. In the third dimension, you meet, run into and wait for that which you WANT to experience. On the other hand, in a fifth dimensional reality, you follow, flow and surrender into each pattern that you Know YOU have created with your thoughts and emotions. From the fifth dimension you can observe your third/fourth dimensional expression trying NOT to try and fighting that moment of surrender. You are having this struggle, not because you are afraid, but because your third dimensional habits still dictate you behavior.

As you move into the fifth dimension, your every thought and emotion becomes manifest. In fact, that is occurring right now, but there is still enough left of "time" that you don't always realize the connection between your thoughts/emotions and the reality that you have created. Now that you are on the very cusp of the fifth dimensional paradigm of reality, your thoughts and emotions are manifesting faster and faster. Hence, the time between thoughts/emotions and creations is closing.

Unfortunately, many of you have not, yet, become Masters of your Energy. Because of this, some of your thoughts and emotions are still fear (ego) based. Fear/ego based emotions encompass fear, anger, sorrow, rage, anxiety and depression. While the energy pattern of your consciousness still contains fear-based thoughts and emotions, you create a reality that is third/fourth dimensional because the resonance of your consciousness is too low to adhere to the fifth dimensional matrix.

Your resonance must match the resonate frequency of any given world in order for you to adhere your consciousness to the frequency patterns of that reality. Third dimension patterns are angular, separate and oppositional, whereas fifth dimensional energy patterns are flowing, united and circular. It is not possible for an angular state of consciousness to adhere and flow to a circular matrix? Also, "trying hard" to control your energy field will not work, for trying is a third dimensional behavior. You only try hard to do something it is because you doubt (fear) that you can easily do it. Think about it, if you know your can do something, you don't try. You simply do it.

Those of us, you, who have worn a 3D earth vessel for myriad incarnation have forgotten the innate abilities that your earth vessel has hidden within its unused brain and turned-off DNA. Now, our Galactic light and unconditional love is turning-on this unused DNA and downloading and booting up your new Multidimensional Operating System. This System has lain latent in your human brain for millennia, but if you go back in your memory to the peak of Atlantis, you will remember how to use it.

You will also "remember" how to accept that your innate thinking is multidimensional. To think multidimensionally, you must release concepts that are bound by time, ego, separation, gender, polarity, opposition, as well as anything that is fear-based. The challenge is that in order to release all fear-based thoughts and emotions, you must be conscious of them before you can choose to refuse to participate in them. In other words, when you catch yourself in the midst of a fear-based thought or emotion you must recognize that it is, indeed, based on fear. You may think this is an easy task, but it is not. Fear has become such an entragal part of your third dimensional life, that most of it goes unnoticed.

In fact, consciously identifying any form of fear can only occur when you are NOT trapped in the 3D Game. As you have all experienced, it is not difficult to recognize fear when you are in a high state of consciousness. For one thing, the juxtaposition between the unconditional love of your higher consciousness and fear is very obvious. Furthermore, when you are experiencing unconditional love, it is a simple task to release fear by unconditionally forgiving yourself for experiencing it. Unfortunately, you only have a few of your "minutes" to become conscious of your fear, as the fear will release adrenalin into your system, which will lower your consciousness into the third/fourth dimension.

Once your consciousness has returned to the resonance of your 3D reality, it is very difficult to unconditionally love yourself free of fear. In fact, once in a state of third dimensional consciousness, you are more likely to judge yourself for having fear and to become angry (fear-based) at your self for "doing it AGAIN." We, your higher expressions of SELF, understand your quandary. Once you return to the habit of being third dimensional, fear and self-judgment are the first to meet you. Because of this problem, we wish to give you a "leg-up" into the next resonance of your journey.

We, who are actually YOU at a higher frequency of resonance, are lowering our resonance to meet you in-between that which you can almost feel and that which you are living. We know that you cannot feel our presence when you are trapped in fear, work, conflict, time, loneliness and other third dimensional experiences. However, within the very second that you can release yourself from this trap we will step-into your consciousness. You may wonder how we can step-into you. Therefore, we will answer that question. We can step-into you because you have given us permission to do so.

Since Earth is still a free-will planet, you must give us, who are actually you, permission to step directly into your consciousness at the very second that you identify and release all expressions of fear. Therefore:
• Take a moment and give us that permission NOW...
• FEEL our presence just before you...
• How do we appear to you?
• How do you see us?
• How do your hear us?
• Reach out and touch us...
• Allow your aura to expand to meet ours...
• Open your heart and mind to experience our unconditional love...
• Surrender to that feeling of unconditional love and multidimensional light...
• Fall into the Flow of our (your higher) Being...
• As we Step-Into YOU...
Only fear, and its best friend self-doubt, can interfere with this process. Remember, the "right way" to do this is "Your way." YOU are your Path of Ascension. YOU are the Portal to your Ascension.

The 97% DNA that is now being turned-on by the incoming light and love is filled with miniature wormholes into the multidimensional world that has eluded your conscious perception. Additionally, your Multidimensional Operating System is being connected to and over-riding your Third Dimensional Operating System every time you Surrender to your higher frequency of SELF. Remember, you cannot attach, connect, or forge ahead into your fifth dimensional SELF, for those are third dimensional actions. Instead, you employ the fifth dimensional actions of accepting, merging with and falling into your higher frequency expression of SELF.

In this manner, you can become ONE with the feeling, reality, expectation that seems so close and yet do far. Fortunately, close and far are third dimensional terms, which are becoming increasingly obsolete. Other things are, also, becoming obsolete in your reality such as worry, darkness, fear, money, work, wars, taxes, restriction and much, much more.
• Can you BELIEVE that these third dimensional experiences are leaving your reality?
• Can you take the risk to BELIEVE that everything that you have felt inside your higher states of consciousness is REAL?
• Can your BELIEVE that the third dimension is an illusion, a holographic projection?
You have read or heard these promises from others, and manly of you have also heard these words, impressions and images inside your SELF. NOW, in order, to surrender into that which we see you SO deeply desire, that which you are ready to experience, you must BELIEVE that it is real.

How could you step-into an illusion? Actually, the answer to that question is quite simple, for that is the basis of your third dimensional reality. For myriad lifetimes you have volunteered to flow-out a version of your true, Multidimensional SELF to step-into a third dimensional world based on the illusions of time, polarity, separation and limitation. Gaia's third dimensional version of Earth is graduating into Her Higher Expressions now. Gaia wants you all to join Her, but She cannot wait much longer for your decision to surrender. The cosmic energy field that is sufficient to "take Her Home," is on the HERE NOW.

You are feeling a sense of urgency and a need to become, but you may not be sure about what you will become. Therefore, you must surrender to that which is unknown to your third dimensional self, but well known to your Multidimensional SELF. Your higher expression of SELF has logged in-to and out-of myriad realities and has had many experiences of ascension. Therefore, you do not need to learn anything. You only need to consciously connect to your Multidimensional Operating System, so that you can remember your SELF NOW!

(After writing the above, I watched the end of a Star Trek - Deep Space Nine show, which I had fallen asleep to last night. The show was about imagination and how things they imagined came true. They became frightened by the experience, first a small fear, then a larger fear and finally a fear that their entire star system would be destroyed. The problem was that they did not know that they were imagining anything. Finally, the Commander figured it out and told everyone to imagine that everything was back to normal, which worked. In the closing scene, one of the people they thought they had imagined turned out to be a very advanced being who was, in fact, exploring human's power of imagination. It turned out that the Commander had imagined everything. So who is the Commander of your imagination?)


Dear Ascending Ones,
We are the Arcturians wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it. Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Ascension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond. It is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness the fills, and now overlap, your body.

Your earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eight through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light is ever flowing can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.

During your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.

You are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shins to colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.

This fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.

Hence, you home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your "yard" and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect. Your birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are "doing the right thing," or "being a good person." You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.

Once reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality. You are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as "life."

At the same time, you are finding a new definition of "life" that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.

Yes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of "being alive" takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality. As you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.

You remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a "path," nor is it a "process." Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.

Everything that happens in your live now is a component of your ascension, and there is no person, place, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to SELF. Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth. Fear is becoming that which you relentlessly transmute into love. And, time, which once captured you in duties and obligations or allowed you a moment of happiness and love, is blurring into the NOW.

Hence, the spaces in-between:
"Who you are and who you are becoming,"
"What you desire and what you are experiencing,"
"Where you are and where you are going,"
"How you get there and how you have already arrived" and
"Why your life is changing no matter what you DO"
are being erased from your perception. The space in-between is no longer a barrier that you must "work through," as it was before.

With the Mastery of your Energy, you can instantly transmute any situation by simply remembering who you are. However, within the moment of your NOW, part of "who you are" is your physical encasement, as well as the physical encasement of your Mother Gaia. Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small, just as a caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon in order to become a butterfly, you need to "shut down" your physical operations as often as is necessary.

Remember, you are not just adapting to a new body. You are, also, adapting to a new planet and a new reality. With your every choice and decision you enter a new spectrum of possible realities. Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency. Therefore, you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality with you every thought and emotion. Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness and you must fight to release your fear and remember your SELF. After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and to release the old.

Furthermore, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning/remembering to think multidimensionally. You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love and learning to live in unconditional love. If that is not enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all the physical realities you have ever experienced on the body of Gaia. Last, and definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet Herself.

Yes, the planet is a She, a being of form. She, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where She can unite with Her Divine Complement, a formless being of Spirit. Together, they can again become a Multidimensional Star. She has been your Mother for countless incarnations, and you have chosen to serve her again and again. Now, person and planet, as ONE Being are returning to their Higher Expressions. Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the threshold of the fifth dimension to be rejoined as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors reach out to embrace you.

We have prepared a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is on. The party is starting, and we are ready to embrace you!
The Arcturians


The above message is channeled through my Arcturian SELF. This message is from my human self. Since time is almost gone to me, I can't remember when the above message came in, but since then I have been pulling through extreme amounts of higher light. I think that I have been in the process of "fine-tuning my mission," or, at least I thought so then. However, the first and second day after running this high frequency energy, I felt like a limp rag. It guests came over to see us. That should make me happy, which it did, but it did not add any energy to my consciousness. I felt like an empty vessel.

In other words, it was down to the fine-tuning part of our Mission, which is to make sure that that we integrate what we have experienced into our daily lives. Sometime, at least to me, the ascension process feels like a roller coaster ride. The up swings are amazing, blissful, euphoric, and fun. However, the down swings are exhausting, confusing, and strangely sad. I am not sure what the sadness is about. Perhaps, the sadness is the loss of my best friend - fear.

Perhaps, the sadness is a realization that life, as we have known it, is ending. Sadness is not always a bad thing. In fact, sometimes it is a way to honor that which is no longer is in our life. Perhaps, the sadness, that could not be felt before because it would be too overwhelming, can finally come to the surface to be released. Maybe it is the same with the anger, fear, anxiety and depression. Maybe they can only come to the surface of our consciousness after we have experienced truth, unconditional love, bliss and joy. Whatever the reason is, I think that it is important that we honor all our emotions, even if they are fear-based.

As our consciousness expands, so do our emotions. Therefore, many of our feelings do not feel identical to emotions because they are of a much higher frequency. In our multidimensional experiences, light and sound, thoughts and emotions are not separated. They are ONE experience. It is the combination of light/thoughts and sound/emotions that allows us to move our conscious experience of reality beyond the invisible threshold that has trapped us in the third dimensional illusions.

Now that these illusions are being popped open to reveal the truth, anger is a frequent guest in our emotional world. How could we have been so stupid, so scared, or oblivious to believe those obvious lies? This is, of course, a self-judgment that is NOT based on unconditional love. However, with time swirling in and out our reality, it is easy to forget that the world we lived until, well, until NOW was based on illusion. Just a few years ago, the truths that are common (to anyone who reads the Internet), were absolutely impossible for almost everyone to believe.

Then, there were those of us who forgot to forget. We had to monitor our every word so that we did not reveal what would be ridiculous or blasphemous to most of those around us. Perhaps, our sadness is the sorrow of years, in fact lifetimes, of isolation from others and from our SELF. As we become more intimate with our true SELF, we are able to become more intimate with others. As we become more honest with our SELF, we can be more honest with others. And, as we remember more about our SELF, we remember more about our Mission.

Thus, the fine-tuning of our Mission is actually the process of fine-tuning our relationship with a vaster expression of our SELF. This SELF is not just our higher expressions of our Multidimensional SELF; it is also the first expressions of our human self. I have found that remembering what I have always loved, such as Nature, gardening, laughing with a best friend, being with loved ones (even when I am too tired to fully engage) is what I have always loved. Different people have different loves, and I think doing exactly what we love is the best way to fine-tune our Mission.

In fact, in order to find the basis of our Mission, we can look back into our childhood and remember what we always loved as a child. Our Divine Child is the part of our human self that as never forgotten our Mission. We can also look at what our main problems, which have been constantly repeated in different forms and dramas, to see that which has been blocking us from BEING our Mission. If we can stop judging ourselves for having the same problem, again, and unconditionally love, forgive and accept ourselves, the problems are often resolved or often vanish.

Once we have forgiven, accepted and loved ourselves-unconditionally-we suddenly find the "time" to DO what we LOVE. In fact, doing what we love is one of the most important things that we can DO for our Mission. When we allow ourselves to do what we love, we FEEL love deep within our core. When we FEEL love within our core, we become solid, grounded, steady on our ever-changing Path. With this commitment to our SELF, we no longer forget to water the flowers, walk the dog, call the grandkids, lay in the sun, read our favorite book and spent lots and lots of time with people, animals, plants and activities that we LOVE.

Choosing love is what fine-tunes our Mission. When we choose love, especially unconditional love, we can see life clearly, without condition, without limitation or separation. Choosing love allows us to remember our Spirit and shine it out for all to see. We have hidden, kept silent, lied and ran away for myriad lifetimes because it was too soon to live in love. It was not safe to tell the Truth and we had NO guidance, except that which we found within. Now, our inner and outer lives are merging into ONE, and there is not place to hide, even if we wanted to.

The time that we have awaited for more lives than we could count has come into our NOW. Oly, Oly, oxen, free, free, free. It is time to come out of hiding and be our SELF. Yes, we may be exhausted the next day, or week. Yes, it is a risk. Yes, it could all be "just our imagination." But what if it isn't? What if everything that everyone is saying was true and we were too afraid to stand up and be counted? Now, that would be my greatest fear. Therefore, here I AM in the NOW of Personal and Planetary Ascension.
Where are you?


Beloved Ones,
I am Mytria from the Violet Temple of Transmutation on Alcyone, Pleiades.

I AM a higher expression of the one who is writing. I am here to remind all of you that you ALL have many higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond. I encourage you all to allow your higher expression to communicate with you in whatever fashion best suits the personality of your present incarnation. Some of you will best communicate with words. Others will be guided by another creative expression such as music, dance, art, athletics, working with nature, prayer and myriad other expressions of your innate creative force.

You will know when you are connected to your higher expression by the shift in your consciousness and the release of the constant demands of your ego. We, your expressions of SELF in higher frequencies of reality, are reaching out to you to assist you during your return to your true Multidimensional SELF. We remind you to trust that your imagination, your love-filled thoughts and emotions, sudden creative ideas, and fulfilling dreams are direct messages from your SELF. Since you all have myriad higher expressions of SELF, you my feel communications from many of us. Do not be confused by these many voices, as we are all serving as ONE Being to draw you into your greater experience of SELF.

The Pleiadians and the Arcturians have been aligned in like-minded service for millions of your years. We also serve on Star Ships together. Therefore, when you look into your vast history of higher dimensional realities, if you find the Arcturians, you will likely find the Pleiadians, as well. The Arcturians remind you of the great power of your unconditional love and multidimensional light, whereas as we Pleiadians may remind you of your joy of living, dancing, singing, being with friends and experiencing inter-personal love relationships.

The Arcturians represents your tenacity to "stay the Path of Ascension," and we remind you to dance, sing, create and love throughout your entire process. The Arcturians remind you of your deepest spiritual love, whereas we remind you to love life within every moment. Of course, both of our civilizations contain all the qualities that we have mentioned, but even Galactics have specialties. Furthermore, Arcturian realities resonate to the mid-fifth dimension and beyond. In these frequencies of reality all thoughts, emotions and desires are instantly fulfilled. Since our Pleiadian world has ascended more recently than Arcturus, we have taken on the honor of assisting you in creating your fifth-dimensional, threshold society of New Earth.

Just as the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians and members of the Ashtar Command are assisting you from the Galactic realms, the Lamurians are assisting from the core of Gaia, as well as from the core of your ancient memories. In order words, we have you covered from "above" and "below." Some of you will feel the need to align yourselves with the Lamurians, others with the Arcturians and others with the Pleiadians or the Sirians.

When you fully regain your multidimensional consciousness, you will no longer need to choose between your myriad Expressions of SELF, as you will be able to easily align yourself with ALL of us. Since we are aligned with each other, when you connect with any of us you bonds with all of us. Furthermore, whenever you experience the acknowledgment of your multidimensional nature, you will merge with as many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF as your consciousness can accept.

You see, dear ascending ones, there is NO end to you. Also, there is NO beginning of you. You are timeless energy signatures of multidimensional light and unconditional love that adhere to whichever versions of reality attracts you within the NOW of the ONE. Some realities are a short visit, but others are a commitment that encompasses many eons of experience. Some realities have "time," in which you age and go through different cycles of life. On the other hand, some worlds are timeless, and you can "live" there until you decide to detach your consciousness from that matrix. Polarities are only known in the worlds ruled by time because time creates separation, limitations and the extremes of polarity.

However, realities that resonate to the mid-fifth dimension and beyond function in no time. Hence, there is no aging, separation, limitation or extremes. Time-worlds are useful for learning many lessons quickly, but it is easy to forget your SELF and become trapped in that reality. Conversely, life in the mid-fifth dimension and beyond allows you to maintain the same form or signature frequency until you feel complete with that experience and decide to move on to your next adventure.

After many higher dimensional realities, you may want to have the challenge of a polarized world. On the other hand, after a long run in the polarized spectrum of the lower frequency adventures, you may wish to rest, rejuvenate, love and spiritually expand into higher frequencies of reality. What we are saying is that there are no GOOD or BAD worlds. These judgments are confined to the time-based worlds of polarity. All realities are choices of experience. Fortunately, since you are a multidimensional being, you can make many choices within the same NOW. However, you will not be able to recognize this fact from the perspective of a time-bound world.

Time-bound worlds force you to grow, whereas timeless worlds allow you to expand. Now, our dear returning ones, you are feeling complete with growing for a while and are ready to return to the more expansive versions of your SELF. When you have done so, the constant self-judgment, fear and struggle will be no more. Once you have chosen to return to your higher expressions of SELF, you will regain a freedom that was lost with your first physical incarnation.

However, in order to fully "return to your SELF," you must completely and unconditionally love, forgive and accept the YOU that you have chosen to express in your present incarnation. Please do not judge yourself because you have done one thing wrong or another thing right. These judgmental concepts only arise from the limitations of third dimensional thinking and are riddled with conditional love. Third dimensional thinking and love based on conditions bind you to the third dimension. In order to return to the timeless expressions of your SELF, you need to master your thoughts and emotions.

Many of our returning ones are asking, "What can I do to ascend." To this question we respond, "Our dear returning ones, to break through the final illusions of your physical containment, think beyond time and love without condition. Once you can do that for yourself, you are FREE to truly assist others.

Mytria from Alcyone


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A Quantum Journey to Birth New Earth
& Your New Self in 2012
Ascension Events - Two each month
WEBINAR ON JUNE 2 AT 10:00AM Pacific Daylight Savings Time
Please click:

May 28, 2012


We are the higher frequency expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. We come into your consciousness now as we see you are ready to ascend. In fact, many of you have felt as though you are on the cusp of going somewhere, knowing something and/or experiencing a version of your SELF that you have forgotten over your myriad incarnations in the third dimension.

You can feel that expression of yourself, as well as the courage, dignity, power and unconditional love of that expression of your SELF, just beyond your reach. Of course, you have learned, finally, that reaching is a third dimensional paradigm. In the fifth dimensional paradigm you shift your reality, not by trying and working hard against resistance. On the fifth dimension you shift your reality by flowing in the current of multidimensional light and unconditional love, as you surrender to each and every situation that you meet/create.

Meeting/creating is the basis of the paradigm shift. In the third dimension, you meet, run into and wait for that which you WANT to experience. On the other hand, in a fifth dimensional reality, you follow, flow and surrender into each pattern that you Know YOU have created with your thoughts and emotions. From the fifth dimension you can observe your third/fourth dimensional expression trying NOT to try and fighting that moment of surrender. You are having this struggle, not because you are afraid, but because your third dimensional habits still dictate you behavior.

As you move into the fifth dimension, your every thought and emotion becomes manifest. In fact, that is occurring right now, but there is still enough left of "time" that you don't always realize the connection between your thoughts/emotions and the reality that you have created. Now that you are on the very cusp of the fifth dimensional paradigm of reality, your thoughts and emotions are manifesting faster and faster. Hence, the time between thoughts/emotions and creations is closing.

Unfortunately, many of you have not, yet, become Masters of your Energy. Because of this, some of your thoughts and emotions are still fear (ego) based. Fear/ego based emotions encompass fear, anger, sorrow, rage, anxiety and depression. While the energy pattern of your consciousness still contains fear-based thoughts and emotions, you create a reality that is third/fourth dimensional because the resonance of your consciousness is too low to adhere to the fifth dimensional matrix.

Your resonance must match the resonate frequency of any given world in order for you to adhere your consciousness to the frequency patterns of that reality. Third dimension patterns are angular, separate and oppositional, whereas fifth dimensional energy patterns are flowing, united and circular. It is not possible for an angular state of consciousness to adhere and flow to a circular matrix? Also, "trying hard" to control your energy field will not work, for trying is a third dimensional behavior. You only try hard to do something it is because you doubt (fear) that you can easily do it. Think about it, if you know your can do something, you don't try. You simply do it.

Those of us, you, who have worn a 3D earth vessel for myriad incarnation have forgotten the innate abilities that your earth vessel has hidden within its unused brain and turned-off DNA. Now, our Galactic light and unconditional love is turning-on this unused DNA and downloading and booting up your new Multidimensional Operating System. This System has lain latent in your human brain for millennia, but if you go back in your memory to the peak of Atlantis, you will remember how to use it.

You will also "remember" how to accept that your innate thinking is multidimensional. To think multidimensionally, you must release concepts that are bound by time, ego, separation, gender, polarity, opposition, as well as anything that is fear-based. The challenge is that in order to release all fear-based thoughts and emotions, you must be conscious of them before you can choose to refuse to participate in them. In other words, when you catch yourself in the midst of a fear-based thought or emotion you must recognize that it is, indeed, based on fear. You may think this is an easy task, but it is not. Fear has become such an entragal part of your third dimensional life, that most of it goes unnoticed.

In fact, consciously identifying any form of fear can only occur when you are NOT trapped in the 3D Game. As you have all experienced, it is not difficult to recognize fear when you are in a high state of consciousness. For one thing, the juxtaposition between the unconditional love of your higher consciousness and fear is very obvious. Furthermore, when you are experiencing unconditional love, it is a simple task to release fear by unconditionally forgiving yourself for experiencing it. Unfortunately, you only have a few of your "minutes" to become conscious of your fear, as the fear will release adrenalin into your system, which will lower your consciousness into the third/fourth dimension.

Once your consciousness has returned to the resonance of your 3D reality, it is very difficult to unconditionally love yourself free of fear. In fact, once in a state of third dimensional consciousness, you are more likely to judge yourself for having fear and to become angry (fear-based) at your self for "doing it AGAIN." We, your higher expressions of SELF, understand your quandary. Once you return to the habit of being third dimensional, fear and self-judgment are the first to meet you. Because of this problem, we wish to give you a "leg-up" into the next resonance of your journey.

We, who are actually YOU at a higher frequency of resonance, are lowering our resonance to meet you in-between that which you can almost feel and that which you are living. We know that you cannot feel our presence when you are trapped in fear, work, conflict, time, loneliness and other third dimensional experiences. However, within the very second that you can release yourself from this trap we will step-into your consciousness. You may wonder how we can step-into you. Therefore, we will answer that question. We can step-into you because you have given us permission to do so.

Since Earth is still a free-will planet, you must give us, who are actually you, permission to step directly into your consciousness at the very second that you identify and release all expressions of fear. Therefore:
• Take a moment and give us that permission NOW...
• FEEL our presence just before you...
• How do we appear to you?
• How do you see us?
• How do your hear us?
• Reach out and touch us...
• Allow your aura to expand to meet ours...
• Open your heart and mind to experience our unconditional love...
• Surrender to that feeling of unconditional love and multidimensional light...
• Fall into the Flow of our (your higher) Being...
• As we Step-Into YOU...
Only fear, and its best friend self-doubt, can interfere with this process. Remember, the "right way" to do this is "Your way." YOU are your Path of Ascension. YOU are the Portal to your Ascension.

The 97% DNA that is now being turned-on by the incoming light and love is filled with miniature wormholes into the multidimensional world that has eluded your conscious perception. Additionally, your Multidimensional Operating System is being connected to and over-riding your Third Dimensional Operating System every time you Surrender to your higher frequency of SELF. Remember, you cannot attach, connect, or forge ahead into your fifth dimensional SELF, for those are third dimensional actions. Instead, you employ the fifth dimensional actions of accepting, merging with and falling into your higher frequency expression of SELF.

In this manner, you can become ONE with the feeling, reality, expectation that seems so close and yet do far. Fortunately, close and far are third dimensional terms, which are becoming increasingly obsolete. Other things are, also, becoming obsolete in your reality such as worry, darkness, fear, money, work, wars, taxes, restriction and much, much more.
• Can you BELIEVE that these third dimensional experiences are leaving your reality?
• Can you take the risk to BELIEVE that everything that you have felt inside your higher states of consciousness is REAL?
• Can your BELIEVE that the third dimension is an illusion, a holographic projection?
You have read or heard these promises from others, and manly of you have also heard these words, impressions and images inside your SELF. NOW, in order, to surrender into that which we see you SO deeply desire, that which you are ready to experience, you must BELIEVE that it is real.

How could you step-into an illusion? Actually, the answer to that question is quite simple, for that is the basis of your third dimensional reality. For myriad lifetimes you have volunteered to flow-out a version of your true, Multidimensional SELF to step-into a third dimensional world based on the illusions of time, polarity, separation and limitation. Gaia's third dimensional version of Earth is graduating into Her Higher Expressions now. Gaia wants you all to join Her, but She cannot wait much longer for your decision to surrender. The cosmic energy field that is sufficient to "take Her Home," is on the HERE NOW.

You are feeling a sense of urgency and a need to become, but you may not be sure about what you will become. Therefore, you must surrender to that which is unknown to your third dimensional self, but well known to your Multidimensional SELF. Your higher expression of SELF has logged in-to and out-of myriad realities and has had many experiences of ascension. Therefore, you do not need to learn anything. You only need to consciously connect to your Multidimensional Operating System, so that you can remember your SELF NOW!

(After writing the above, I watched the end of a Star Trek - Deep Space Nine show, which I had fallen asleep to last night. The show was about imagination and how things they imagined came true. They became frightened by the experience, first a small fear, then a larger fear and finally a fear that their entire star system would be destroyed. The problem was that they did not know that they were imagining anything. Finally, the Commander figured it out and told everyone to imagine that everything was back to normal, which worked. In the closing scene, one of the people they thought they had imagined turned out to be a very advanced being who was, in fact, exploring human's power of imagination. It turned out that the Commander had imagined everything. So who is the Commander of your imagination?)


Dear Ascending Ones,
We are the Arcturians wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it. Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Ascension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond. It is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness the fills, and now overlap, your body.

Your earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eight through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light is ever flowing can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.

During your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.

You are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shins to colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.

This fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.

Hence, you home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your "yard" and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect. Your birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are "doing the right thing," or "being a good person." You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.

Once reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality. You are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as "life."

At the same time, you are finding a new definition of "life" that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.

Yes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of "being alive" takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality. As you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.

You remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a "path," nor is it a "process." Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.

Everything that happens in your live now is a component of your ascension, and there is no person, place, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to SELF. Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth. Fear is becoming that which you relentlessly transmute into love. And, time, which once captured you in duties and obligations or allowed you a moment of happiness and love, is blurring into the NOW.

Hence, the spaces in-between:
"Who you are and who you are becoming,"
"What you desire and what you are experiencing,"
"Where you are and where you are going,"
"How you get there and how you have already arrived" and
"Why your life is changing no matter what you DO"
are being erased from your perception. The space in-between is no longer a barrier that you must "work through," as it was before.

With the Mastery of your Energy, you can instantly transmute any situation by simply remembering who you are. However, within the moment of your NOW, part of "who you are" is your physical encasement, as well as the physical encasement of your Mother Gaia. Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small, just as a caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon in order to become a butterfly, you need to "shut down" your physical operations as often as is necessary.

Remember, you are not just adapting to a new body. You are, also, adapting to a new planet and a new reality. With your every choice and decision you enter a new spectrum of possible realities. Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency. Therefore, you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality with you every thought and emotion. Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness and you must fight to release your fear and remember your SELF. After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and to release the old.

Furthermore, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning/remembering to think multidimensionally. You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love and learning to live in unconditional love. If that is not enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all the physical realities you have ever experienced on the body of Gaia. Last, and definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet Herself.

Yes, the planet is a She, a being of form. She, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where She can unite with Her Divine Complement, a formless being of Spirit. Together, they can again become a Multidimensional Star. She has been your Mother for countless incarnations, and you have chosen to serve her again and again. Now, person and planet, as ONE Being are returning to their Higher Expressions. Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the threshold of the fifth dimension to be rejoined as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors reach out to embrace you.

We have prepared a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is on. The party is starting, and we are ready to embrace you!
The Arcturians


The above message is channeled through my Arcturian SELF. This message is from my human self. Since time is almost gone to me, I can't remember when the above message came in, but since then I have been pulling through extreme amounts of higher light. I think that I have been in the process of "fine-tuning my mission," or, at least I thought so then. However, the first and second day after running this high frequency energy, I felt like a limp rag. It guests came over to see us. That should make me happy, which it did, but it did not add any energy to my consciousness. I felt like an empty vessel.

In other words, it was down to the fine-tuning part of our Mission, which is to make sure that that we integrate what we have experienced into our daily lives. Sometime, at least to me, the ascension process feels like a roller coaster ride. The up swings are amazing, blissful, euphoric, and fun. However, the down swings are exhausting, confusing, and strangely sad. I am not sure what the sadness is about. Perhaps, the sadness is the loss of my best friend - fear.

Perhaps, the sadness is a realization that life, as we have known it, is ending. Sadness is not always a bad thing. In fact, sometimes it is a way to honor that which is no longer is in our life. Perhaps, the sadness, that could not be felt before because it would be too overwhelming, can finally come to the surface to be released. Maybe it is the same with the anger, fear, anxiety and depression. Maybe they can only come to the surface of our consciousness after we have experienced truth, unconditional love, bliss and joy. Whatever the reason is, I think that it is important that we honor all our emotions, even if they are fear-based.

As our consciousness expands, so do our emotions. Therefore, many of our feelings do not feel identical to emotions because they are of a much higher frequency. In our multidimensional experiences, light and sound, thoughts and emotions are not separated. They are ONE experience. It is the combination of light/thoughts and sound/emotions that allows us to move our conscious experience of reality beyond the invisible threshold that has trapped us in the third dimensional illusions.

Now that these illusions are being popped open to reveal the truth, anger is a frequent guest in our emotional world. How could we have been so stupid, so scared, or oblivious to believe those obvious lies? This is, of course, a self-judgment that is NOT based on unconditional love. However, with time swirling in and out our reality, it is easy to forget that the world we lived until, well, until NOW was based on illusion. Just a few years ago, the truths that are common (to anyone who reads the Internet), were absolutely impossible for almost everyone to believe.

Then, there were those of us who forgot to forget. We had to monitor our every word so that we did not reveal what would be ridiculous or blasphemous to most of those around us. Perhaps, our sadness is the sorrow of years, in fact lifetimes, of isolation from others and from our SELF. As we become more intimate with our true SELF, we are able to become more intimate with others. As we become more honest with our SELF, we can be more honest with others. And, as we remember more about our SELF, we remember more about our Mission.

Thus, the fine-tuning of our Mission is actually the process of fine-tuning our relationship with a vaster expression of our SELF. This SELF is not just our higher expressions of our Multidimensional SELF; it is also the first expressions of our human self. I have found that remembering what I have always loved, such as Nature, gardening, laughing with a best friend, being with loved ones (even when I am too tired to fully engage) is what I have always loved. Different people have different loves, and I think doing exactly what we love is the best way to fine-tune our Mission.

In fact, in order to find the basis of our Mission, we can look back into our childhood and remember what we always loved as a child. Our Divine Child is the part of our human self that as never forgotten our Mission. We can also look at what our main problems, which have been constantly repeated in different forms and dramas, to see that which has been blocking us from BEING our Mission. If we can stop judging ourselves for having the same problem, again, and unconditionally love, forgive and accept ourselves, the problems are often resolved or often vanish.

Once we have forgiven, accepted and loved ourselves-unconditionally-we suddenly find the "time" to DO what we LOVE. In fact, doing what we love is one of the most important things that we can DO for our Mission. When we allow ourselves to do what we love, we FEEL love deep within our core. When we FEEL love within our core, we become solid, grounded, steady on our ever-changing Path. With this commitment to our SELF, we no longer forget to water the flowers, walk the dog, call the grandkids, lay in the sun, read our favorite book and spent lots and lots of time with people, animals, plants and activities that we LOVE.

Choosing love is what fine-tunes our Mission. When we choose love, especially unconditional love, we can see life clearly, without condition, without limitation or separation. Choosing love allows us to remember our Spirit and shine it out for all to see. We have hidden, kept silent, lied and ran away for myriad lifetimes because it was too soon to live in love. It was not safe to tell the Truth and we had NO guidance, except that which we found within. Now, our inner and outer lives are merging into ONE, and there is not place to hide, even if we wanted to.

The time that we have awaited for more lives than we could count has come into our NOW. Oly, Oly, oxen, free, free, free. It is time to come out of hiding and be our SELF. Yes, we may be exhausted the next day, or week. Yes, it is a risk. Yes, it could all be "just our imagination." But what if it isn't? What if everything that everyone is saying was true and we were too afraid to stand up and be counted? Now, that would be my greatest fear. Therefore, here I AM in the NOW of Personal and Planetary Ascension.
Where are you?


Beloved Ones,
I am Mytria from the Violet Temple of Transmutation on Alcyone, Pleiades.

I AM a higher expression of the one who is writing. I am here to remind all of you that you ALL have many higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF in the fifth dimension and beyond. I encourage you all to allow your higher expression to communicate with you in whatever fashion best suits the personality of your present incarnation. Some of you will best communicate with words. Others will be guided by another creative expression such as music, dance, art, athletics, working with nature, prayer and myriad other expressions of your innate creative force.

You will know when you are connected to your higher expression by the shift in your consciousness and the release of the constant demands of your ego. We, your expressions of SELF in higher frequencies of reality, are reaching out to you to assist you during your return to your true Multidimensional SELF. We remind you to trust that your imagination, your love-filled thoughts and emotions, sudden creative ideas, and fulfilling dreams are direct messages from your SELF. Since you all have myriad higher expressions of SELF, you my feel communications from many of us. Do not be confused by these many voices, as we are all serving as ONE Being to draw you into your greater experience of SELF.

The Pleiadians and the Arcturians have been aligned in like-minded service for millions of your years. We also serve on Star Ships together. Therefore, when you look into your vast history of higher dimensional realities, if you find the Arcturians, you will likely find the Pleiadians, as well. The Arcturians remind you of the great power of your unconditional love and multidimensional light, whereas as we Pleiadians may remind you of your joy of living, dancing, singing, being with friends and experiencing inter-personal love relationships.

The Arcturians represents your tenacity to "stay the Path of Ascension," and we remind you to dance, sing, create and love throughout your entire process. The Arcturians remind you of your deepest spiritual love, whereas we remind you to love life within every moment. Of course, both of our civilizations contain all the qualities that we have mentioned, but even Galactics have specialties. Furthermore, Arcturian realities resonate to the mid-fifth dimension and beyond. In these frequencies of reality all thoughts, emotions and desires are instantly fulfilled. Since our Pleiadian world has ascended more recently than Arcturus, we have taken on the honor of assisting you in creating your fifth-dimensional, threshold society of New Earth.

Just as the Arcturians, Pleiadians, Sirians and members of the Ashtar Command are assisting you from the Galactic realms, the Lamurians are assisting from the core of Gaia, as well as from the core of your ancient memories. In order words, we have you covered from "above" and "below." Some of you will feel the need to align yourselves with the Lamurians, others with the Arcturians and others with the Pleiadians or the Sirians.

When you fully regain your multidimensional consciousness, you will no longer need to choose between your myriad Expressions of SELF, as you will be able to easily align yourself with ALL of us. Since we are aligned with each other, when you connect with any of us you bonds with all of us. Furthermore, whenever you experience the acknowledgment of your multidimensional nature, you will merge with as many higher dimensional expressions of your SELF as your consciousness can accept.

You see, dear ascending ones, there is NO end to you. Also, there is NO beginning of you. You are timeless energy signatures of multidimensional light and unconditional love that adhere to whichever versions of reality attracts you within the NOW of the ONE. Some realities are a short visit, but others are a commitment that encompasses many eons of experience. Some realities have "time," in which you age and go through different cycles of life. On the other hand, some worlds are timeless, and you can "live" there until you decide to detach your consciousness from that matrix. Polarities are only known in the worlds ruled by time because time creates separation, limitations and the extremes of polarity.

However, realities that resonate to the mid-fifth dimension and beyond function in no time. Hence, there is no aging, separation, limitation or extremes. Time-worlds are useful for learning many lessons quickly, but it is easy to forget your SELF and become trapped in that reality. Conversely, life in the mid-fifth dimension and beyond allows you to maintain the same form or signature frequency until you feel complete with that experience and decide to move on to your next adventure.

After many higher dimensional realities, you may want to have the challenge of a polarized world. On the other hand, after a long run in the polarized spectrum of the lower frequency adventures, you may wish to rest, rejuvenate, love and spiritually expand into higher frequencies of reality. What we are saying is that there are no GOOD or BAD worlds. These judgments are confined to the time-based worlds of polarity. All realities are choices of experience. Fortunately, since you are a multidimensional being, you can make many choices within the same NOW. However, you will not be able to recognize this fact from the perspective of a time-bound world.

Time-bound worlds force you to grow, whereas timeless worlds allow you to expand. Now, our dear returning ones, you are feeling complete with growing for a while and are ready to return to the more expansive versions of your SELF. When you have done so, the constant self-judgment, fear and struggle will be no more. Once you have chosen to return to your higher expressions of SELF, you will regain a freedom that was lost with your first physical incarnation.

However, in order to fully "return to your SELF," you must completely and unconditionally love, forgive and accept the YOU that you have chosen to express in your present incarnation. Please do not judge yourself because you have done one thing wrong or another thing right. These judgmental concepts only arise from the limitations of third dimensional thinking and are riddled with conditional love. Third dimensional thinking and love based on conditions bind you to the third dimension. In order to return to the timeless expressions of your SELF, you need to master your thoughts and emotions.

Many of our returning ones are asking, "What can I do to ascend." To this question we respond, "Our dear returning ones, to break through the final illusions of your physical containment, think beyond time and love without condition. Once you can do that for yourself, you are FREE to truly assist others.

Mytria from Alcyone


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Angel Whisper~ Giving Up Russell Forsyth

I'm sending a shout-out to my friend Sus for sparking the energy behind this week's whisper. I was about to give up (tee hee)! Our driveway conversation went toward the difference between acceptance and giving up. We can give up on relationships, ideas, businesses, and on other areas of life, but is that a form of acceptance?
In one relationship experience, I had to dig deep to find what I believed was accepting that person unconditionally. My complete acceptance was met with some criticism and judgments like "You don't seem to care anymore." That was not true at all, yet their perception could not be persuaded to think otherwise.
Giving up is defined as 'admitting defeat,' while acceptance is considered 'favorable reception.' Maybe, on some level, finding acceptance is giving up our personal agenda, and that might tend to stream the energy of the two together. Okay, I give up on trying to figure this out without the acceptance of a whisper on the subject:

Giving up indicates an unwillingness to devote more energy to a person, project, investment or idea. The light of truth may shine through in a moment of discernment, creating a shift in thinking or behavior patterns. The human energy usually stops flowing when a person gives up in defeat or while holding toxic emotions such as guilt, remorse or anguish.

Acceptance increases the flow of energy, allowing for the release of negative emotions. The positive movement of energy found in acceptance ushers in a space for new thoughts, visions, and ideas for increasing wellness. Acceptance fuels an expansion of energy that opens the door for creative solutions and honest dialogue, while giving the gift of faith.

Releasing addictions is a form of giving up that can be found in many spiritual practices, so careful discernment in this area could unveil important information. What are you giving up and what is the motivation? To answer the question, you must know the truth to understand the motivation behind the response. There is a vast difference between giving up and finding acceptance, but the difference may seem very subtle to the analytical mind.

Surrender to the energy that serves in some way, and you will better discern whether you are giving up or finding acceptance. The hardest thing you will face is to change the mind space that gives voice to the chatter supported by the ego. Altering your course might be the hardest thing you will ever do, but if the path is illuminated by the light of truth, you will find blessings and a reward embedded in your ability to receive the change that is before you.

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"You will experience very deep psychic activity this spring, as new avenues of consciousness open between the inner and outer egos. The inner ego is working to fine-tune all of your senses so you are more comfortable with precognition and "knowing things" that the outer ego or rational mind has no way of discerning. When you maintain inner and outer balance, you emit greater vitality, with an electrifying force." - The Pleiadians through Barbara Marciniak.

When the game of Earth began it was to be a paradise of choice, will, and freedom. From the very beginning of Earth spirits took the opportunity to live in this dynamic plane of existence for it was a unique and thrilling adventure. Of course, in those early days souls inhabited the Earth as ethereal beings without the physical dense bodies that we have now. As time progressed, as time does, souls needed to remain in vibrational harmony with an evolving Earth so we lowered our own vibrational status so as not to leave this interesting playground of paradise. The ironic part about all of this is that today we believe a higher vibration is better than a lower one. Yet in humanity's early evolution any advancement was actually accomplished by stepping down our vibration. So you see the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, isn't it?

The positive and uplifting message in this is that we all know exactly how to innately raise our vibration during the current times of change and evolution. Get excited because there is a Remembrance dwelling within your biology that can master these cycles of change. We come from an Intelligence that knows how to reference and reactivate those forgotten pathways of advancement. You are far more resilient than you give yourself credit for. If the challenges of May's magnetic imprints have you feeling like you are living a myth of mutation, relax because as we travel this living path of ascension our every step, our every experience, radiates starbursts of heightened consciousness. We are the essential elements for the tapestry of Creation to return, thought by thought, to its expression of God power -- sentinels of harmonized awareness still enjoying the adventures of choice, will and freedom.

So where are we now? We realize that we are shifting but not everyone remained awake during the planning session on the other side of the veil so things feel out-of-sorts, even disconnected at times. May has been a period of intense magnetic imprinting. These waves of magnetic resonance are allowing us to be more inter-dimensional. When they pulsate through our environment they affect our DNA, transforming our current configurations in order that we move into greater potential. We are developing the ability to live in a world that includes many dimensions of time and space. It is also these waves of energy that have been acting like a Mercury retrograde with electronics, giving humans headaches and skin rashes, vertigo and sleepless nights.

Back in 1987 we had an event called the Harmonic Convergence. This has come to be known as the 11:11, the beginning of a great shift for Earth. It was a time of agreement with other aspects of ourselves (Higher) that a new order should take place. All of life was polled and the entire group decided to shift! Pretty cool, yet if that shifting process was going to work new types of energy would have to be delivered to the planet. A progression of activities and deliveries would have to occur for the grand event to be a success.

Immediately after the Harmonic Convergence the magnetic grid that surrounds the planet began to shift. It will continue to occasionally shift and recalibrate until approximately 2012; establishing the foundation of a New era. Evidence of magnetic shifting has even been documented by geologists. Another ancient lineage of energy that would need to be activated came to us during the Venus Transit (6/07/04). Those in astrology circles know that same rare celestial phenomenon occurs again in a little over a week on June 5th. This organized and ordained delivery will once again reactivate the feminine balance on the planet. These Venusian transits happen in pairs of eight-year intervals that repeat every 121.5 years. Keep your awareness tuned for the global areas where this energy will stir up rebellious new ideas that challenge the doctrines of those in authority.

The Harmonic Concordance was another consciousness-raising event that came in and was a bookend energy to the Convergence. May 15, 2006 presented several interesting astrological occurrences that related to the Harmonic Concordance. The astrological influences marked an "attunement" with the energies that were set in motion on the "birth date" of the Concordance. That day was also the traditional observation of the Pentecost that marks the traditional Christian feast commemorating the descent of the Holy Ghost upon the Apostles, symbolic of the Love of Spirit. It was then that there appeared unto them "cloven tongues as of fire" and they became different and Spirit infused people who had experienced a renewal of Faith. That this Pentecost coincided with an astrological alignment which so closely mirrors its spiritual significance, seems very interesting. For this is truly a time in which we may choose to open to the voice of the Holy Spirit, to act on Its message and to do so as an expression of Unconditional Love.

These big events along with smaller occurrences have been the catalyst and master transmitters of change to your DNA. They have been and will continue to be the kind of energetic organization that causes a consciousness shift for the collective purpose. Last week and continuing into this week, the radiation being generated from the magnetic grid is transferring master energy to your DNA and biological form. It's known as the principle of electrical inductance -- the name given when two magnetic fields interact with each other to create a shift in attributes. Through free choice you can be an aligned receiver and begin to create that which, until recently, was considered impossible for those on Earth.

This month we have turned the biggest corner of the first decade of the 21st century and have been given entrance to the grandest occurrence in universal history thus far. Transformation, redemption and purification are stages we will have to traverse within fifth dimensional living. Remain heart-centered and soul-focused this week so that you can understand what is transpiring during these momentous times. Take care of Self first and others secondly because these powerful imprints are your strongest medicine for the Perfection you are seeking at this time. Intend and allow integration from the finest, subtlest levels of your Being down to your densest, slowest physical characteristics. When this clarion wisdom can pattern itself through all of you then you'll be a projector of Divine Alchemy and be able to show others how to achieve physical magnetic grounding.

Functioning at full power with you all during this unfoldment,

Rev. Angela


As the Universe clicks along with all its cylinders going at top speed I remain at peace for I know an illumination of the One Heart is coursing its way into the field of Earthly experience. As part of this versatile energizing illumination I curiously follow Its lead and affirm my presentation of Spirit ascending quicker.

Being a mega dose of Infinite Intelligence I glow with deep-seated alignment in this House of Light I call Earth. The patterns of positive transformation that are occurring allow Spirit to flow mastery through all that I am and my life happens in partnership with a Higher Power and Purpose. Being one with the constructive forces of the universe all of the planetary themes are easily harmonized in physical matter bringing about a New sensitivity and clairvoyance. I am surrounded by perfect understanding and am a comfort to those around me. I seek to trust what I cannot explain for it is a God ordained holistic healing. Health, happiness, a sense of extreme well-being are the E-mergence flowing from this newest imprinting of energy. I let go of all anxiety and resistance to this magnetic mystery and generously give myself love and kindness this week.

Knowing I am standing on the balancing scales of vibratory equalization I give thanks for the joy and freedom that are about to be birthed. Completing Oneness in this place and time I give these words to the Law of Mind for realization today. With eagerness I await their arrival and so it is. Amen.

© 2012 Angela Peregoff | All rights reserved. Please feel free to copy and share these copyrighted Blessings with your friends, letting them know the source and inviting them to visit my website.

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The Love of The Masters: The Inner Ashram


Tuesday, 10 April 2012 10:08

Chapter excerpt from Making the Shift: Field Guide to the Emerging Consciousness Volume 1
by Moriah Marston & the Tibetan  -  Djwhul Khul

The Tibetan teaches: “The Masters cannot emphasize enough how much they love their students.
Our words of cherishing devotion often bounce off a protective shield carried by many students reluctant to
allow in the potent love offered by the Masters. The collective unconscious still holds the image of a punishing
God. So, students shy from the Wild Love showered upon them by the Masters because they still assume it is
delusional to believe that Source would truly love Its children in such an impassioned manner. The devotion
of the Masters to humankind expresses Cosmic Wild Love because it knows no bounds, rules, regulations,
societal striations, judgments, or parameters.

Rather it sweeps across the vast terrain of the collective consciousness to wash away all illusions of
lovelessness, abandonment, unworthiness, betrayal. This cleansing is the most IMPORTANT offering the
Masters provide. We infuse the student with such relentless love that eventually he cannot help but experience
a self-love that opens the gateway to enlightenment more readily than anything else.

The more that students resist self-love, the more they thwart the deep embrace of the Masters.
Then the world appears bleak indeed, a barren terrain where the soul is left to wander in uncertainty of its
own divinity, despondent, without guidance—the motherless or fatherless child attached to a perceived destiny
of abandonment. All because self is afraid to imagine how adored and precious she or he is to the Masters
and to Source.

The typical assumption that self is unworthy of Source’s Love jams up the receptive valve that takes in Universal
Love. Students fearfully believe that the Masters are angry with them, disappointed in their lack of progress, and
judgmental of their human reactions to difficulties. It is less of a stretch for them to expect punitive criticism than
to receive the unconditional acceptance for where self is right in this moment that the Masters so joyously express.
Humankind’s perspective on its relationship with the Masters is often distorted—one that relegates them to cower
in a corner while awaiting the chastising hand of God through Its henchmen: the Masters.

Of course nothing could be further from the truth. We await the full trust of humankind. When humanity allows itself to believe in the love of the Masters it will rapidly bloom just as plants flower in sun light.   The self-protectionsustained by cynicism, bitterness, disappointment, and the temper tantrums of the self-pitying

baby soul who rants against life’s alchemical storms of purification requires release.

The Masters’ great love opens a portal to the Inner Ashram that resides within each student.

This Inner Ashram holds the assemblage of all the magnificent fully-developed souls who now unfold the

Path for the student. Its etheric form is vast and emanates a brilliant Light within a surging creative flow.

Absolutely secure and safe, the Ashram’s eternal nature provides a much-needed constancy during this time of profound upheaval and change.

Self feels immediately at home here because the soul has been linked to this Divine Haven throughout and
in-between every incarnation. In the Inner Ashram the student recognizes her true self because only the authentic
self can resonate with this vibrational gathering place. Consequently all illusions dissipate and self touches a
state of complete liberation.

The soul frequently visits this Luminescent Haven—when self is asleep, in meditation, trance, and deep

introversion as well as during times of exhaustion, when serving others, and during pinnacle moments of

orgasmic and blissful states. The list of access moments is a long one indeed. Generally these are subliminal experiences unavailable to the conscious self. As the student opens, the frequency of visits to the Ashram increases, because her auric field intensifies in symphonic response to the great sound current—the tremendous harmonic—of the Ashram.
This Divine Sound strikes a unique chordal vibration that calls the soul home to rejuvenate, celebrate, receive
instruction, design and initiate creative endeavors, clarify direction, heal, research, and receive mandates for service.

The Masters guide the way to the Ashram, always happy and honored to reveal this Hearth of Ultimate

Resonance. Washed with feelings of deep sanctuary, students are filled with a profound sense of well-being, acceptance, nurturance and stimulation. As if riding on a conveyor belt, self is energetically drawn through the portal to the vast arena of the Inner Ashram—a Divine Field of exalted love and wisdom that emanates an extraordinary experience of connection. This is where one’s soul family dwells and the Masters attend to the evolving Truth of their beloved student. The more that students can consciously travel to the Inner Ashram,

the greater will be the alignment with their Truth and Extraordinary Selves. The way to the Ashram is through

the heart chakra.

Students are ushered forth by calling their beloved Masters to open the Way. Instantly they are transported.

There is no need for a long journey as this arrival is made beyond the realm of time and space.

Once inside the great terrain of the Inner Ashram, self is enveloped by a potent wave of inclusion that washes

away all ravages of separation. This wave reflects self’s importance to the Ashram. To bask in this sweet awareness of one’s true significance allows self to expand to meet the moment when all distortions of self-diminishment and fear melt away.


The survival of the soul has been keenly linked to these visitations to the Inner Ashram. Humanity will soon be
fully conscious of the vast influence on the well-being of the soul that is provided by this homeland paradise.
It is each student’s assignment to consciously find her way to the Inner Ashram. Self has then moved into a level
of Mastery through connection to this internal City of Lights that makes all things possible.

Humankind is called to open its consciousness to the “reality” of the Inner Ashram. Because humanity often
assumes that external reality is more “real” than one’s inner life, it misses the important guideposts that unfold
the Way into the Ashram. Yes, the Masters initiate the connection with the Inner Ashram. But once this electrical
connection has been made, it is ultimately the responsibility of each student to consciously find her way to this
internal holy place.

The Masters usually make the connection for the student at a subliminal level, typically through the dream state.
This is often the only way to circumvent the dominion of the ego which does not take kindly to surrendering to the
vast terrain of the soul. The Master places the seed in the unconscious which functions as a map to the Ashram.
The student then has the invitation and challenge to follow a newly catalyzed sense of knowing that there exists
an inner Divine Province where the nexus of all monadic aspects synthesize into a cohesive Whole. A profound
sense of belonging to All That Is ensues through the experience of reuniting with true Home Base.

After this internal connection—initiation—has been completed, the student will periodically sense a longing to go
Home, a yearning to return to self’s true Family and a desire to belong to a Vast Whole that exquisitely reflects

and supports self’s unique being. These yearnings are actually self’s response to a “call” being sent from the Ashram —just as parents call the child to come home for a visit—to check in, offer support, and share the journey of evolution. It is most important for the student to notice these “calls” and respond by focusing the attention inward into the heart.

Then ask the Master to help self remember the electrical sensation of connection. The Master will assist self in
following the sensation to its Center. The trust is required that this Ashram does indeed exist and that self is truly
being called. Not necessarily an arduous process, self need only bring awareness to this connection which then
indicates that the soul is fully embodied and is allowing itself to know its heritage and ancestry. Soul roots are
affirmed by this acknowledgment which allows self to ground ever more deeply and therefore stretch out more fully.

At this historical juncture, humankind is being asked to acknowledge that the inner life is greater than the outer life.  Excessively outer directed, people often shame themselves for even believing that there is a viable,

powerful, inner life with images more real than experienced on the concrete physical plane. Others may tell self

to be more realistic — as if reality is only an outwardly experienced sensation, thought, or emotion.


Consequently, humankind will soon experience quite a shock when it begins to see through the veils and realize
the vast terrain of previously invisible worlds. The physical plane will seem small relative to the prodigious realms
beyond. The only way to access these greater realms is internally because there is endless space inside.
Through internal spaciousness self can begin to incorporate the sheer enormity of the worlds beyond the physical.

The new frequencies are dissolving the veils that were previously required to separate the worlds in order to avoid
overwhelming the human ego. Now humankind is called to evolve forth an ego structure that is healthy enough to
tolerate greater dimensions than the small domain claimed for itself. When the ego is healthy and confident in its
own value and purpose, it can release the illusion of control and surrender to the realm that lies beyond its purview.
This allows humankind to begin to acknowledge and honor the inner worlds, so rich in divinity, potential, and expression.  Students will be amazed at how much there is to explore.

When accepted as valid and real, these inner worlds will display themselves more often and in great dimension.
They will literally be called forth by self’s acknowledgment that their existence is more palpable that the physical plane.  This shift in humankind’s awareness is like turning the bend on the highway to suddenly behold a vast display of bejeweled cities within cities, greater mountains than the Himalayas, vast works of art, and abounding displays of fun and joy. And this is only the portal to the realm of magnitude that awaits humankind on the inner planes.

As more people trust their inner vision, dreams, imagaic life, inner knowings, and meetings with remarkable internal beings, they will no longer be shy or embarrassed to share this “reality” with great conviction. This will inspire others to journey inward and discover the real educational centers, the natural wonders, and extended family and vacation spots of the soul that flood the internal terrain. These experiences will become commonplace as more people share them.

Eventually the collective consciousness will truly open to All That Is—and trust it! They will realize the immense impact of these inner worlds in comparison to the modulated effect of the outer world. As humankind withdraws

the excessive importance placed on the outer world, it will release obsolete values connected to materialism, separation, density, difficulty, and alienation. It will eagerly embrace the spiritual values inherent in essence

that catapult the collective consciousness into a multidimensional experience of itself. At this stage of the process, access to the Inner Ashram will be as automatic as turning on the TV to watch the evening news.

Previously private worlds, sequestered in each soul to contain a key energy and enhance its vibration, are now ready to be revealed to all. Soon each Inner Ashram will be available at a conscious level to everyone, just as people enjoy the “open house” experience on holidays when all are invited to visit and make themselves at home. The experience of Oneness is compounding upon itself to enhance supreme Divine Linkage while still honoring the multiplicity of each uniquely differentiated monad’s ashram. This is indeed a sparkling moment!”


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Hope you feel all well and happy :)

I want to remember you about the new series of
special spiritual healing transmissions.

In order to invite the NEW you have to clear the OLD.

There will come a moment - perhaps not in 2012 -
where the illusion/delusion of "space" and "time"
will be "stripped away" - like a "lifting of the veil" -
at which Moment Human Beings who are sufficiently
Spiritually Evolved will Experience them-selves in
Native Spiritual Form as a Superposition of Source - The All!!

Now of course only those able to withstand such
a change will remain on Earth, all other humans
having "departed" to the Astral Spheres.
If any Human Beings remained on Earth in this Moment,
they would not be able to withstand the Vibration or
the lack of material form, with unpredictable consequences.

The shock would simply be far too extensive and would
likely be "ejected" from their physical body to transition
to the Astral Spheres.

Current events on Earth are a preparation for this Moment
as Humanity "polarizes" to the maximum extreme (a small rich elite
getting richer; the overpowering majority - poor getting poorer etc.),
at which Moment there will be an "event" signifying the culmination
of the current Cycle of Human Evolution, and commencement
of the Next Cycle.

That stands 2012 for, even it is more symbolic, but a pivotal
date in this cyclical process.

So what is YOUR mission then?

In order to spiritually grow, you have to raise our vibration
and clear and align our energy bodies towards the Source or God.

But, as I mentioned NEVER force yourself.

Let it flow - love yourself - when you are ready - you are READY!

This is why the Love Codes 3 are here for you!!!

These transmissions are open for EVERYBODY!

Allow yourself the LOVE CODES 3, which trigger your Personal Vibration Rate...

Also, please share your opinion:)

Your fellow traveler,

Dear Friends,
Go with the Given Links of the Message for the all details .....

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Dear Ascending Ones,
We are the Arcturians wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it. Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.

Ascension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond. It is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness the fills, and now overlap, your body.

Your earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eight through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light is ever flowing can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.

During your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.

You are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shins to colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.

This fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.

Hence, you home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your "yard" and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect. Your birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are "doing the right thing," or "being a good person." You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.

Once reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality. You are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as "life."

At the same time, you are finding a new definition of "life" that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.

Yes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of "being alive" takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality. As you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.

You remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a "path," nor is it a "process." Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.

Everything that happens in your live now is a component of your ascension, and there is no person, place, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to SELF. Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth. Fear is becoming that which you relentlessly transmute into love. And, time, which once captured you in duties and obligations or allowed you a moment of happiness and love, is blurring into the NOW.

Hence, the spaces in-between:
"Who you are and who you are becoming,"
"What you desire and what you are experiencing,"
"Where you are and where you are going,"
"How you get there and how you have already arrived" and
"Why your life is changing no matter what you DO"
are being erased from your perception. The space in-between is no longer a barrier that you must "work through," as it was before.

With the Mastery of your Energy, you can instantly transmute any situation by simply remembering who you are. However, within the moment of your NOW, part of "who you are" is your physical encasement, as well as the physical encasement of your Mother Gaia. Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small, just as a caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon in order to become a butterfly, you need to "shut down" your physical operations as often as is necessary.

Remember, you are not just adapting to a new body. You are, also, adapting to a new planet and a new reality. With your every choice and decision you enter a new spectrum of possible realities. Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency. Therefore, you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality with you every thought and emotion. Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness and you must fight to release your fear and remember your SELF. After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and to release the old.

Furthermore, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning/remembering to think multidimensionally. You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love and learning to live in unconditional love. If that is not enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all the physical realities you have ever experienced on the body of Gaia. Last, and definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet Herself.

Yes, the planet is a She, a being of form. She, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where She can unite with Her Divine Complement, a formless being of Spirit. Together, they can again become a Multidimensional Star. She has been your Mother for countless incarnations, and you have chosen to serve her again and again. Now, person and planet, as ONE Being are returning to their Higher Expressions. Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the threshold of the fifth dimension to be rejoined as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors reach out to embrace you.

We have prepared a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is on. The party is starting, and we are ready to embrace you!
The Arcturians


The above message is channeled through my Arcturian SELF. This message is from my human self. Since time is almost gone to me, I can't remember when the above message came in, but since then I have been pulling through extreme amounts of higher light. I think that I have been in the process of "fine-tuning my mission," or, at least I thought so then. However, the first and second day after running this high frequency energy, I felt like a limp rag. It guests came over to see us. That should make me happy, which it did, but it did not add any energy to my consciousness. I felt like an empty vessel.

In other words, it was down to the fine-tuning part of our Mission, which is to make sure that that we integrate what we have experienced into our daily lives. Sometime, at least to me, the ascension process feels like a roller coaster ride. The up swings are amazing, blissful, euphoric, and fun. However, the down swings are exhausting, confusing, and strangely sad. I am not sure what the sadness is about. Perhaps, the sadness is the loss of my best friend - fear.

Perhaps, the sadness is a realization that life, as we have known it, is ending. Sadness is not always a bad thing. In fact, sometimes it is a way to honor that which is no longer is in our life. Perhaps, the sadness, that could not be felt before because it would be too overwhelming, can finally come to the surface to be released. Maybe it is the same with the anger, fear, anxiety and depression. Maybe they can only come to the surface of our consciousness after we have experienced truth, unconditional love, bliss and joy. Whatever the reason is, I think that it is important that we honor all our emotions, even if they are fear-based.

As our consciousness expands, so do our emotions. Therefore, many of our feelings do not feel identical to emotions because they are of a much higher frequency. In our multidimensional experiences, light and sound, thoughts and emotions are not separated. They are ONE experience. It is the combination of light/thoughts and sound/emotions that allows us to move our conscious experience of reality beyond the invisible threshold that has trapped us in the third dimensional illusions.

Now that these illusions are being popped open to reveal the truth, anger is a frequent guest in our emotional world. How could we have been so stupid, so scared, or oblivious to believe those obvious lies? This is, of course, a self-judgment that is NOT based on unconditional love. However, with time swirling in and out our reality, it is easy to forget that the world we lived until, well, until NOW was based on illusion. Just a few years ago, the truths that are common (to anyone who reads the Internet), were absolutely impossible for almost everyone to believe.

Then, there were those of us who forgot to forget. We had to monitor our every word so that we did not reveal what would be ridiculous or blasphemous to most of those around us. Perhaps, our sadness is the sorrow of years, in fact lifetimes, of isolation from others and from our SELF. As we become more intimate with our true SELF, we are able to become more intimate with others. As we become more honest with our SELF, we can be more honest with others. And, as we remember more about our SELF, we remember more about our Mission.

Thus, the fine-tuning of our Mission is actually the process of fine-tuning our relationship with a vaster expression of our SELF. This SELF is not just our higher expressions of our Multidimensional SELF; it is also the first expressions of our human self. I have found that remembering what I have always loved, such as Nature, gardening, laughing with a best friend, being with loved ones (even when I am too tired to fully engage) is what I have always loved. Different people have different loves, and I think doing exactly what we love is the best way to fine-tune our Mission.

In fact, in order to find the basis of our Mission, we can look back into our childhood and remember what we always loved as a child. Our Divine Child is the part of our human self that as never forgotten our Mission. We can also look at what our main problems, which have been constantly repeated in different forms and dramas, to see that which has been blocking us from BEING our Mission. If we can stop judging ourselves for having the same problem, again, and unconditionally love, forgive and accept ourselves, the problems are often resolved or often vanish.

Once we have forgiven, accepted and loved ourselves-unconditionally-we suddenly find the "time" to DO what we LOVE. In fact, doing what we love is one of the most important things that we can DO for our Mission. When we allow ourselves to do what we love, we FEEL love deep within our core. When we FEEL love within our core, we become solid, grounded, steady on our ever-changing Path. With this commitment to our SELF, we no longer forget to water the flowers, walk the dog, call the grandkids, lay in the sun, read our favorite book and spent lots and lots of time with people, animals, plants and activities that we LOVE.

Choosing love is what fine-tunes our Mission. When we choose love, especially unconditional love, we can see life clearly, without condition, without limitation or separation. Choosing love allows us to remember our Spirit and shine it out for all to see. We have hidden, kept silent, lied and ran away for myriad lifetimes because it was too soon to live in love. It was not safe to tell the Truth and we had NO guidance, except that which we found within. Now, our inner and outer lives are merging into ONE, and there is not place to hide, even if we wanted to.

The time that we have awaited for more lives than we could count has come into our NOW. Oly, Oly, oxen, free, free, free. It is time to come out of hiding and be our SELF. Yes, we may be exhausted the next day, or week. Yes, it is a risk. Yes, it could all be "just our imagination." But what if it isn't? What if everything that everyone is saying was true and we were too afraid to stand up and be counted? Now, that would be my greatest fear. Therefore, here I AM in the NOW of Personal and Planetary Ascension.
Where are you?

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We are the higher frequency expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. We come into your consciousness now as we see you are ready to ascend. In fact, many of you have felt as though you are on the cusp of going somewhere, knowing something and/or experiencing a version of your SELF that you have forgotten over your myriad incarnations in the third dimension.


You can feel that expression of yourself, as well as the courage, dignity, power and unconditional love of that expression of your SELF, just beyond your reach. Of course, you have learned, finally, that reaching is a third dimensional paradigm. In the fifth dimensional paradigm you shift your reality, not by trying and working hard against resistance. On the fifth dimension you shift your reality by flowing in the current of multidimensional light and unconditional love, as you surrender to each and every situation that you meet/create.


Meeting/creating is the basis of the paradigm shift. In the third dimension, you meet, run into and wait for that which you WANT to experience. On the other hand, in a fifth dimensional reality, you follow, flow and surrender into each pattern that you Know YOU have created with your thoughts and emotions. From the fifth dimension you can observe your third/fourth dimensional expression trying NOT to try and fighting that moment of surrender. You are having this struggle, not because you are afraid, but because your third dimensional habits still dictate your behavior.


As you move into the fifth dimension, your every thought and emotion becomes manifest. In fact, that is occurring right now, but there is still enough left of "time" that you don't always realize the connection between your thoughts/emotions and the reality that you have created. Now that you are on the very cusp of the fifth dimensional paradigm of reality, your thoughts and emotions are manifesting faster and faster. Hence, the time between thoughts/emotions and creations is closing.


Unfortunately, many of you have not, yet, become Masters of your Energy. Because of this, some of your thoughts and emotions are still fear (ego) based. Fear/ego based emotions encompass fear, anger, sorrow, rage, anxiety and depression. While the energy pattern of your consciousness still contains fear-based thoughts and emotions, you create a reality that is third/fourth dimensional because the resonance of your consciousness is too low to adhere to the fifth dimensional matrix.


Your resonance must match the resonance frequency of any given world in order for you to adhere your consciousness to the frequency patterns of that reality. Third dimension patterns are angular, separate and oppositional, whereas fifth dimensional energy patterns are flowing, united and circular. It is not possible for an angular state of consciousness to adhere and flow to a circular matrix! Also, "trying hard" to control your energy field will not work, for trying is a third dimensional behavior. You only try hard to do something because you doubt (fear) that you can do it easily. Think about it, if you know you can do something, you don't try. You simply do it.


Those of us, you, who have worn a 3D earth vessel for myriad incarnation have forgotten the innate abilities that your earth vessel has hidden within its unused brain and turned-off DNA. Now, our Galactic light and unconditional love is turning-on this unused DNA and downloading and booting up your new Multidimensional Operating System. This System has lain latent in your human brain for millennum, but if you go back in your memory to the peak of Atlantis, you will remember how to use it.


You will also "remember" how to accept that your innate thinking is multidimensional. To think multidimensionally, you must release concepts that are bound by time, ego, separation, gender, polarity, opposition, as well as anything that is fear-based. The challenge is that in order to release all fear-based thoughts and emotions, you must be conscious of them before you can choose to refuse to participate in them. In other words, when you catch yourself in the midst of a fear-based thought or emotion you must recognize that it is, indeed, based on fear. You may think this is an easy task, but it is not. Fear has become such an intragal part of your third dimensional life, that most of it goes unnoticed.


In fact, consciously identifying any form of fear can only occur when you are NOT trapped in the 3D Game. As you have all experienced, it is not difficult to recognize fear when you are in a high state of consciousness. For one thing, the juxtaposition between the unconditional love of your higher consciousness and fear is very obvious. Furthermore, when you are experiencing unconditional love, it is a simple task to release fear by unconditionally forgiving yourself for experiencing it. Unfortunately, you only have a few of your "minutes" to become conscious of your fear, as the fear will release adrenalin into your system, which will lower your consciousness into the third/fourth dimension.


Once your consciousness has returned to the resonance of your 3D reality, it is very difficult to unconditionally love yourself free of fear. In fact, once in a state of third dimensional consciousness, you are more likely to judge yourself for having fear and to become angry (fear-based) at your self for "doing it AGAIN." We, your higher expressions of SELF, understand your quandary. Once you return to the habit of being third dimensional, fear and self-judgment are the first to meet you. Because of this problem, we wish to give you a "leg-up" into the next resonance of your journey.


We, who are actually YOU at a higher frequency of resonance, are lowering our resonance to meet you in-between that which you can almost feel and that which you are living. We know that you cannot feel our presence when you are trapped in fear, work, conflict, time, loneliness and other third dimensional experiences. However, within the very second that you can release yourself from this trap we will step-into your consciousness. You may wonder how we can step-into you. Therefore, we will answer that question. We can step-into you because you have given us permission to do so.


Since Earth is still a free-will planet, you must give us, who are actually you, permission to step directly into your consciousness at the very second that you identify and release all expressions of fear. Therefore:

  • Take a moment and give us that permission NOW...
  • FEEL our presence just before you...
  • How do we appear to you?
  • How do you see us?
  • How do your hear us?
  • Reach out and touch us...
  • Allow your aura to expand to meet ours...
  • Open your heart and mind to experience our unconditional love...
  • Surrender to that feeling of unconditional love and multidimensional light...
  • Fall into the Flow of our (your higher) Being...
  • As we Step-Into YOU...

Only fear, and its best friend self-doubt, can interfere with this process. Remember, the "right way" to do this is "Your way." YOU are your Path of Ascension. YOU are the Portal to your Ascension.


The 97% DNA that is now being turned-on by the incoming light and love is filled with miniature wormholes into the multidimensional world that has eluded your conscious perception. Additionally, your Multidimensional Operating System is being connected to and over-riding your Third Dimensional Operating System every time you Surrender to your higher frequency of SELF. Remember, you cannot attach, connect, or forge ahead into your fifth dimensional SELF, for those are third dimensional actions. Instead, you employ the fifth dimensional actions of accepting, merging with and falling into your higher frequency expression of SELF.


In this manner, you can become ONE with the feeling, reality, expectation that seems so close and yet so far. Fortunately, close and far are third dimensional terms, which are becoming increasingly obsolete. Other things are, also, becoming obsolete in your reality such as worry, darkness, fear, money, work, wars, taxes, restriction and much, much more.

  • Can you BELIEVE that these third dimensional experiences are leaving your reality?
  • Can you take the risk to BELIEVE that everything that you have felt inside your higher states of consciousness is REAL?
  • Can you BELIEVE that the third dimension is an illusion, a holographic projection?

You have read or heard these promises from others, and many of you have also heard these words, impressions and images inside your SELF. NOW, in order, to surrender into that which we see you SO deeply desire, that which you are ready to experience, you must BELIEVE that it is real.

 How could you step-into an illusion? Actually, the answer to that question is quite simple, for that is the basis of your third dimensional reality. For myriad lifetimes you have volunteered to flow-out a version of your true, Multidimensional SELF to step-into a third dimensional world based on the illusions of time, polarity, separation and limitation. Gaia's third dimensional version of Earth is graduating into Her Higher Expressions now. Gaia wants you all to join Her, but She cannot wait much longer for your decision to surrender. The cosmic energy field that is sufficient to "take Her Home," is on the HERE NOW.

You are feeling a sense of urgency and a need to become, but you may not be sure about what you will become. Therefore, you must surrender to that which is unknown to your third dimensional self, but well known to your Multidimensional SELF. Your higher expression of SELF has logged in-to and out-of myriad realities and has had many experiences of ascension. Therefore, you do not need to learn anything. You only need to consciously connect to your Multidimensional Operating System, so that you can remember your SELF NOW! 

(After writing the above, I watched the end of a Star Trek - Deep Space Night show, which I had fallen asleep to last night. The show was about imagination and how things they imagined came true. They became frightened by the experience, first a small fear, then a larger fear and finally a fear that their entire star system would be destroyed. The problem was that they did not know that they were imagining anything. Finally, the Commander figured it out and told everyone to imagine that everything was back to normal, which worked. In the closing scene, one of the people they thought they had imagined turned out to be a very advanced being who was, in fact, exploring human's power of imagination. It turned out that the Commander had imagined everything. So who is the Commander of your imagination?)





Dear Ascending Ones,

We are the Arcturians and we wish to speak with you today about your Mission. We will not directly tell you what your Mission is for it is through the process of finding, remembering and fine-tuning your Mission that you will find the Wisdom, Power and Love to live it. Your Mission is not a job that you go to and leave at the end of the day. Your Mission is the reason why you chose to take embodiment during this auspicious era of Personal and Planetary Ascension.


Ascension is not a gift or a reward. Ascension is a choice and a responsibility to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. If you are not the Master of your own energy field, it is quite difficult to step-it-up into the fifth dimension and beyond. It is your energy field, your consciousness, which will ascend, for your earth vessel is just the container that was necessary for you to adhere your life force to the third/fourth dimensional matrix. One of the important moments of your ascension process is when you remember that you are NOT your body. YOU are the consciousness the fills, and now overlap, your body.


Your earth vessel is the container for your consciousness, and your aura is the magnetic field that can adhere you to your multidimensional consciousness. Your full multidimensional consciousness does not need a container at all in the eight through twelfth dimensions, and from the fifth through seventh dimensions, your container is no longer created by third dimensional elements and fourth dimensional elementals. In the fifth dimension, your container is one of light, as light is ever flowing and it can transmit its highest expression of unconditional love.


During your process of ascension, your physical and etheric container is becoming increasingly constrictive. You are like a snake that must shed its old skin or a butterfly that no longer wants to crawl and is ready to fly. You yearn to flow, float and instantly transport yourself to the myriad light-based fifth dimensional realities that are increasingly entering your imagination and dreams. You are unsure of the manner in which you will transport and/or transmute your experience of reality into the reality of your dreams and imagination, but how that will occur is beginning to constantly haunt you.


You are being called Home. The Clarion Call has begun, and it grows stronger within every minute of your time. Sometimes this Call fills you with unconditional love and light that shines  colors and a brilliance that you never experienced before the Call entered your Being. Sometimes the Call fills you with calm patience and an inner Knowing that all is well. On the other hand, sometimes the Call fills you with great fatigue and frustration.


This fatigue and frustration is because your earthen vessel has become too small, too constrictive. You tire of the dramas that you once called life and yearn for a reality that is of a calmer, gentler pace. Ambition has left you and possession is an archaic term that bound you to a reality of work and acquisition. The only possessions that you treasure are those which you hold within and those which allow you the security of a safe place to more deeply explore your inner journey.


Hence, your home has become your haven from the hurry, scurry of a reality that you can no longer cherish. Your "yard" and all of nature can no longer be a possession for it is a living being that you lovingly tend, visit and protect. Your birth family and the family of your adulthood may or may not understand the process that lives forever in your heart and mind, but it does not matter to you. You no longer need outer assurance that you are "doing the right thing," or "being a good person." You look inside now to attain that assurance. In fact, now you look inside for everything.


Once reality was outside of you, and your inner life was just an illusion, a fantasy or your imagination. Now, you look inside for guidance, truth and comfort. Those who can accept that you are strangely different than before remain in your life, and those who judge, or even fear your transition, are beginning to phase out of your reality. You are moving your consciousness into a frequency of reality that is more important to you than physical recognition, fame, comfort or acceptance. In doing so, you are finding an independence from that which you once knew as "life."


At the same time, you are finding a new definition of "life" that flows into that which you once knew, but expands far beyond the limitation, illusions and barriers that were once a part of your daily reality. Every now and again, fear trickles into your consciousness and you feel it like an anchor that traps you in a sensation of reality that closes your heart and dampens your mind. Fortunately, your connection with your higher frequencies of expressions can reach into your memory and remind you who you REALLY are.


Yes, you are remembering who you are now. As past/parallel 3D realities begin to flood your awareness, the grand significance of "being alive" takes on a new meaning. Death is no longer a fear of extinction, but only an interruption in your present expression of reality. As you feel the great transformation within your self, as well as the promise of consciously creating a new, higher expression of reality, you treasure the life that had once been a burden filled with fear and challenge.


You remember now that fear was a choice of your attention and challenge was an initiation that pushed you further along your path of ascension. However, ascension is no longer a "path," nor is it a "process." Ascension is your every thought, every emotion and every choice of reaction, response and behavior. Ascension is a constant release of that which has been completed, and a continuous recognition of the reality that YOU are creating.


Everything that happens in your live now is a component of your ascension, and there is no person, place, situation or thing that is more important than your personal and planetary transmutation back to SELF. Challenges are becoming opportunities for growth. Fear is becoming that which you relentlessly transmute into love. And, time, which once captured you in duties and obligations or allowed you a moment of happiness and love, is blurring into the NOW.


Hence, the spaces in-between:

"Who you are and who you are becoming,"

"What you desire and what you are experiencing,"

"Where you are and where you are going,"

"How you get there and how you have already arrived" and

"Why your life is changing no matter what you DO"

are being erased from your perception. The space in-between is no longer a barrier that you must "work through," as it was before.


With the Mastery of your Energy, you can instantly transmute any situation by simply remembering who you are. However, within the moment of your NOW, part of "who you are" is your physical encasement, as well as the physical encasement of your Mother Gaia. Therefore, just as the snake must remain still in order to shed the skin that has become too small, just as a caterpillar must disappear into its cocoon in order to become a butterfly, you need to "shut down" your physical operations as often as is necessary.


Remember, you are not just adapting to a new body. You are, also, adapting to a new planet and a new reality. With your every choice and decision you enter a new spectrum of possible realities. Many of these realities are of a much higher frequency. Therefore, you must calibrate your consciousness to these higher frequencies of reality with your every thought and emotion. Unfortunately, some situations still lower your consciousness and you must fight to release your fear and remember your SELF. After these challenges, you will need to rest. In both cases, there is a constant need to be still so that you can integrate the new and to release the old.


Furthermore, you are releasing time-bound third dimensional thinking and learning/remembering to think multidimensionally. You are also releasing the judgments and conditions of human love and learning to live in unconditional love. If that is not enough, you are transmuting not only this physical reality, but also all the physical realities you have ever experienced on the body of Gaia. Last, and definitely not least, you are transmuting the planet Herself.


Yes, the planet is a She, a being of form. She, Gaia, wishes to return to the fifth dimension where She can unite with Her Divine Complement, a formless being of Spirit. Together, they can again become a Multidimensional Star. She has been your Mother for countless incarnations, and you have chosen to serve her again and again. Now, person and planet, as ONE Being are returning to their Higher Expressions. Your Divine Complements are also lining up at the threshold of the fifth dimension to be rejoined as your Galactic and Celestial ancestors reach out to embrace you.


We have prepared a table for you, the candles are lit and the music is on. The party is starting, and we are ready to embrace you!

The Arcturians

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A vision for our children

Crystal Children

A Vision for Our Children

Here is a Vision from Intender Trudy Scott of Eugene, OR. Trudy is a mother of four and has midwived the births of many babies. She is acknowledged for her love of children.

We see a world where children are heard for their wisdom, where we know they are one with the source, where we who precede them delightfully call out to the highest aspect of all souls as they enter life through conscious conception and sacred union. We envision a world where being a parent is a very holy occupation, where many are joyful in helping with the upbringing of our children. To honor the children, adults hold council with them on how to design their education and the creation of community that intends the highest good for all future generations.

We see the children having the freedom to explore nature, to spend great hours communing with the trees, the animals, the weather, the rocks, all aspects of their Divine Mother Earth. Our children easily absorb right action of respect, love of self, and love of all from the adults, as we understand that this gives us our greatest joy. As our children begin to blossom into adulthood, there are rituals to celebrate each of their passages, empowering them and us with true purpose. Celebrations occur freely and often, for all of their great accomplishments.

And we see all children being accepted for their talents, all of them having their inner light shining forth, a light that never needs to be dampened or hidden. All the children of the world sing their songs of freedom, and we are all blessed with the tones.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.

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Where Is Love?

Heavenletter #4203

Where Is Love? ,

May 28, 2012

God said:

Sometimes you are happy. Sometimes your heart is overflowing with love, seemingly for no reason at all. Of course, love does not need a reason, for love is a State of Being. There is no virtue in looking for reasons for love, for then love becomes a convenience or an enterprise.

You love because you are a Being of Love.

Why do you breathe? You don't need facts and figures in order to breathe. You inhale and exhale without even thinking about it. If you thought about every breath you take, you would become a breathing machine, but you are not mechanical.

Nor is love mechanized. Nor is love something you consciously do. You do not do love. You are love. You are someone who loves. It is natural for you to love because you are a Being of Love. You can love fully. You can love with every breath you take.

You don't have to think about being love. You don't have to regulate it. All you have to do is to just be.

As the day meets the sun, so love meets itself. There is no effort involved. Leave love alone, and it will find its way all the way home jiggity jig jig.

Where is love? Love is where you are standing.

Love is not an accomplishment. It is not an overlapping. Love is an underpinning.

The same way you wear shoes today, be they oxfords or sandals, they are on your feet, and you walk without thinking: "Oh, I am wearing shoes. Oh, I am walking in shoes." No more do you say, "Oh, I am love. I am walking in love." You simply walk in love.

You do not wear a special gown or tuxedo. You do not have to announce that you are love and are wedded to it. It is simply you, who you are when you have not demarked love, categorized love, made a big thing of love, made it a goal, a target, as if love were your trousseau and you must keep adding to it.

Love is your light. It is your flame. And it is an Eternal Light. There is no dimmer switch. There is no sudden flash of light, no brightening either, for love is who you are.

You have to know this in the world. You have to be aware and give yourself permission to be who you are. You are an Eternal Flame of Love. That's it.

And, yet, in the world, so much has gotten in the way of love. Like a pleated skirt, there have become folds of love, straight lines of love, love held tight, love hidden, love forced, love twisted into knots, love tied up, love secularized, abandoned, pushed into a corner, love sanitized by other considerations, love managed, love taken apart, love under a microscope, love tallied, love dressed up, love dressed down, love ordered, love instigated, love merited or demerited, love let go, love passed up for a better item, when all love has to do is be. Love does not have to be measured or weighed. It does not have to be calculated or counted. It is just love, free-born love that quietly showers itself everywhere, a fine mist of love that takes no prisoners. Nor does love disavow anyone.

Love simply loves. It knows nothing to do but to love. It needs no certification. It only needs to be untied. Love cannot be fettered, for then it is not love. Refracted love is love cut short. Love is meant to be love, just love, love unpackaged, unadorned, just plain simple love raying itself out like the Sun.

Thank you for including this link when publishing this Heavenletter elsewhere. 
Copyright © 1999-Now Heavenletters™

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Which Grain of Sand is Enlightened?


Looking at all of the grains of sand on a beach, would you be able to tell which grain of sand is
more enlightened than the other? Everything is a part of the One Creation all coming from that
Divine energy called Source, so every grain of sand is part of it. But, how would it know?

Being part of Source, it must have some type of consciousness within that would know if only.......
it had been higher up the evolutionary ladder like a human. We have been given the brain and the mind
to use to recognize through many incarnations as a human, that this God/Source consciousness
is also within us. The brain and the mind to use to get us through our earthly travels, experiencing
many facets of life throughout the ages. Sometimes it takes millions of incarnations to realize why
we keep coming back!

As humans, we have now reached a time on Earth when God/Source has said, " Right! Enough is enough,
time for all of those serious about recognizing their Divinity within to go to the next stage of evolution,

away from the physical constraints of life and raise those vibrations of energy that are holding you in

physicality."   To put things in our earth-language!!

Energy vibrates at a certain speed, and physicality is a very low speed, hence the density of all that you see.
For those of you who already experience lightness when raising vibrations through meditation, or just being
aware of your divinie self through many incarnations, it all makes perfect sense. We have then experienced
what it is all about........this change in frequency which makes our physical body less dense. Also our
consciousness also gets raised with higher frequency, and this consciousness of ours contains the truth of
our divinity and our connection with God/Source. Many people are already one with God within their
consciousness, and they are the ones who are assisting with this ascension process.

Some enlightened souls on earth have chosen to assist, and some have chosen to be in public view so that
people can access them for interviews and for spiritual inspiration. Guidance is everywhere if you are at all
confused about this process, but unfortunately, many have jumped on the band wagon and turned into

spiritual entrepreneurs BEFORE they have done the work on themselves first! In order to help lead others

who ask, to self-awareness and liberation from samsara ( birth and death ) one must become enlightened themselves.  I am speaking of the obvious ones like the Dalai Lama, Sai Baba who has tirelessly worked

with people for many, many years before leaving earth, and there are countless others with not such

well-known titles or names.

One does not need to become enlightened to assist others with personal issues and finding out the root cause

of ongoing problems. Astrology is also a subject where One does not need to be spiritually enlightened to

practice. When you need eye surgery to restore your eyesight, would you consult a carpenter or a plumber?

No, because they are trained to do other important jobs like build houses and install very important pipes!

Many tasks on earth are important, but you need to consult the one who knows what they are doing

THROUGH SELF-EXPERIENCE. They know because they have done it......many times!

When you look at other fields of allied health, one can see that the art of massage and relaxation can go a

long way in relieving the stresses of life in clients, and this in itself can lead to awakenings within.

Anyone who practices relaxation techniques such as - yoga, meditation, tai-chi, etc. are all helping others

to drive down their stress levels and this in turn aids people to sometimes be able to see things in their life

more clearly that may have been holding them back.

BUT, it doesn't explain what Ascension is really all about.



The ascension journey starts from within. First, awakening to the fact that we all have the potential to

be divine. It needs to be brought to one's awareness first that divinity is within and can only be found by

your own inner-journey. The physical part of ascension is being taken care of by the many unseen workers

who are assigned to each soul who is ascending. A lot of work has to be done to change the body structure

in order to survive in a fifth dimensional world. The spiritual part is up to us, aided by the many downloads of ascension energies that are activating the seeds within us. To go deeper within our Godself, we need to

be focused on Divine Spirituality. This does not come about by any astrological events, because if it did,

every soul would be ascending, and they are not. Many will be leaving earth through illness or accidents.

The rising spiritual vibrations is also bringing out negative and evil tendencies in people that perhaps

have been lying deep within layers of their emotional body. We are seeing this daily, the rise in murders

and especially child killings by seemingly loving parents, and also spouses turning on each other with brutal

force. Almost a daily occurrence here in Australia, shocking neighbours and family when a loving partner

suddenly turns into a brutal killer...........very sad to see this happening.

Many children are facing brutal deaths and abuse by once-loving and supposedly sane parent/s.
Drive-by shootings are daily now in southern parts of Qld., and people randomly shot at in public.
Rising crime using firearms is out of control here.

Many things are changing in our world, and with many different views of ascension mainly found on the

internet, I guess it gives a person a chance to explore what is right for them.   We came to earth with

everything we need inside of our consciousness, because that is what we live within, inbetween

incarnations.       We live within our spiritual awareness of our divinity which is contained in our

consciousness, hence the ladder of spiritual evolution and where we stop is our awareness of our

divinity within. Anyone has the opportunity to expand on their awareness, and that is why a human

birth is chosen because of the difficulties of many experiences in life which makes one dig deep.

Religion is the path, if chosen, and spirituality is our essence which is shown in our actions and speech,

and felt within our inner-core of divinity.
Although, some religions are also more spiritual than others.........they practice what they preach.
However, some religions have been taken over by criminal organizations and ego-centered individuals.
The spiritual path to ascension is not about religion, it is the journey within to discover who we really are....
and going deeper until the realization that we were always a God-Being having a physical experience is

brought to awareness.          ~      Then, we will BE Home.     ~                  

  Written by Tara Mary  ~  Namaste


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Archangel Michael through Ronna Herman

Channeler: Ronna Herman




Beloved masters, every sentient Soul must follow his/her own particular destiny, a specially designed path that leads to illumination and reintegration with his/her Divine Self. The lessons you are learning and perfecting will be your contribution to the whole. Within these seemingly painful experiences are the jewels of wisdom you will need to fulfill your particular segment of the grand design. So do not judge yourself or your progress by that of other people. Do not gaze on others in awe or with envy at the talents and gifts they have mastered and manifested, for within you are treasures just as great awaiting discovery.

You are deep in the midst of discovering a truth that has eluded humanity for hundreds of thousands of years, a secret that has been deeply hidden in the illusionary reality of the third- / fourth-dimensional world of existence: The truth about the nature of true love, what it is and what it is not. Love is not just a sensation of the physical emotions, the intense desire to own or possess another in order to feel a sense of wholeness. True love is not the thrill of conquest or obtaining what seems to be “a great prize” at the time, which often ends up being a great burden instead. Love as an external focus, exterior to you, will always bring a sense of vulnerability, for the ego-desire body will constantly seek validation from someone or something. Love is neither Self-sacrifice nor victimhood, where you give away so much of yourself that you no longer have an identity of your own. Love is not enabling those around you to dishonor you and abuse you as they reinforce your own projections of unworthiness. How can you expect anyone else to treat you with respect and love if you are not willing to set boundaries and send clear messages of love, acceptance and worthiness for yourself, as well as for others?

You must remove the etheric barriers or filters you have placed around your heart and emotions if you are to be able to receive and radiate the higher frequencies of heart/Soul love. You must confront your fears about losing those you love, and let go of the disappointments and betrayals of the past, which often manifest as a fear of intimacy or of making a commitment to another. As you learn to believe in and trust yourself, you will develop a fundamental trust in others, and others will place their faith and trust in you, for trust begets trust.

The limiting, crippling thought forms of self-sacrifice, martyrdom and suffering and the denial of the beauty and perfection of your physical vehicle must end. It is time to re-evaluate, release or transmute all of the destructive thought patterns you have taken as your truth or allowed others to force upon you for so many past lifetimes. Pause a moment and answer these questions truthfully: do you identify who you are exclusively as a physical Being and then through constant self-judgment, focus primarily on your imperfections? Do you habitually compare yourself with others as you fight an ongoing inward battle, which ultimately assures failure and validation of your distorted point of view? A great majority of people have a love/hate relationship with themselves, which keeps them constantly frustrated and mired in self-inflicted misery.

You must be aware that the Path of Soul Illumination creates a dramatic upheaval in both your inner and outer realities. You must endeavor to rise above the discordant dramas in your everyday life as you diligently strive to return to harmony any imbalanced and challenging relationships. It will take time and patience; however, when you learn to function from within your Sacred Heart center, while attuned to your Sacred Mind, you will gradually develop a heartfelt sensitivity and serenity along with purity in thought and actions. We tell you that there are multitudes of brave Souls in this world who are well on their way to Self-mastery. They are the honored disciples on the Path who will one day become the Ascended Masters of the future, fifth-dimensional planet Earth.

We know you are wondering why you are being subjected to so many tests and negative situations. We tell you, brave Souls, you are in the midst of an intense initiation/transformation process that must be experienced in order to attain the higher levels of consciousness–not as a punishment, but as a means to once and for all release or transmute all the impacted, stagnant energy that has kept you enslaved in a greatly limited, chaotic environment. Many of you have been on the path of initiation for many lifetimes, and you are ready for the next giant step in consciousness.

When you first step onto the probationary path of ascension, the personality/ego becomes aware of the Soul’s nudgings and the battle for supremacy begins. Soul Fire or the invigorating, higher vibrational patterns begin to burn off the negative energy that rises to the surface to be addressed. The fires of purification eventually become the Light of Illumination as the process is repeated over and over until the multiple facets of the Higher Self begin to merge with the Soul and the process of ascension speeds up dramatically.

Remember, every thought or statement you make has a specific range of vibrational frequencies. If you repeat a statement often enough, it becomes firmly implanted within your subconscious mind as a part of your truth. It matters not if the frequency patterns are of a high or low vibration or whether they are true or false. Over time, your subconscious mind will integrate them into your “memory bank of established beliefs.”

Criticism can be a positive thing as long as it is not permitted to become destructive (expressed with malice or with a desire to hurt). There are times when criticism is an expression of fact–when it is a neutral recognition of limitation. However, please be careful of value judgments. Remember to use your free will wisely–you always have the right to accept or decline a judgment statement.

The energies of love from the vantage point of an en-Lighten-ed Soul are totally different than the energies from those who are still playing the distorted game of duality or “me versus you.” You must first open to the love and wisdom of your Soul. As the love grows within your Solar Heart Center, a magical thing takes place; slowly the portal to your Sacred Heart opens and the Sacred Love stored there begins to flow throughout your physical vessel, especially throughout the chakra system. You begin to realize that you are a Divine Spark of our Father/Mother God, and you are worthy of love and respect as well as all the joy, beauty and bounty of Creation. Love projected outward from the Sacred Heart Core results in a constant flow of Self-assurance and Self-acceptance. A person centered within his/her Sacred Heart is always striving to incorporate and project more of the blissful feeling of unity and harmony. This is a precious feeling, which becomes an intrinsic part of your Being once you have gained access to the River of Light / Love / Life and you have a steady flow of Creator Light into and through your Sacred Heart.

Before you can establish a satisfying, loving relationship with others, you must relearn how to respect and love yourself. You must begin to focus on what is right about you instead of what is wrong. Begin to listen to the whispering, intuitive voice of your Soul Self (which will grow louder as you acknowledge its wisdom) as it gives you encouragement, insight and awareness of your vast potential. We are speaking not of egotistical love, but of a deep abiding feeling of worthiness and Self-confidence as you begin the process of reestablishing contact with the many facets of your wise and loving Higher Self.

Divine love is the Essence of our Father/Mother God, and it flows forth in great streams of White Fire Light filled with unlimited potential in its never-ending desire to experience more of Itself. The Adamantine Particles of Creator Light pour forth from the heart core of the Supreme Creator to us via the Father/Mother God of this universe. It is a blessed gift to be used by all Creation at all levels, from the highest, most powerful, to the lowest, most diminished. It is your birthright to bring forth your own unique self-expression, through loving cocreation in harmony with the Divine Blueprint, which is always in perfect accordance with the grand design of the Creator.

How much of your Divinity have you embodied? How loving are your creations, my brave friends? What kind of temple have you created for your Soul? Your spirituality is becoming “up close and personal” as you clear the major distortions in your world-at-large. You are learning that your connection with our Father/Mother God is also a very personal relationship. In fact, you are discovering that you have a facet of God Essence within your Sacred Heart Core.

When you are in an “interactive relationship of learning,” depending on the stage of en-Lighten-ment of both parties, you are either sharing conditional love of the ego-desire body or the Sacred Love of the Soul. There is an attachment process going on in both types of relationships. You are either in a relationship whereby you have allowed energy cords to be attached to your Solar Power center, and you have also sent forth energy cords to the other person (which results in a push-pull dance created by imbalanced frequency patterns). Or, if you are centered within your Sacred Heart and you are using the wisdom of your Sacred Mind, you will have allotted a share of your Adamantine Particles of Light (God Particles) to the relationship, which totally changes the dynamic interplay between you.

Truth and integrity must be the foundation of any relationship you establish in the future. Your Soul Self will accept nothing less, for compatible vibrational frequencies will be an intrinsic barometer of validation in any close relationship. First you must accept who you are, as you are at the present time, and you must strive to become the very best person you can possibly be through self-examination of your attitudes, beliefs, habits and weaknesses.

You must learn that the foundation of a lasting relationship with others is to first establish a deep loving acceptance of your Self, exactly the way you are at the moment. Remember our words of the past: “you must love the Self you are at the present, while you are striving to become the Self you desire to be.” You must first focus on your capacity to “embody love,” whereby you strive to become more loving and lovable until, eventually, you realize that “you are love personified,” and you do not need anyone else to validate that truth for you. As you tap into your own Sacred Heart and that wellspring of Sacred Love within your own Divine God Spark, you will remember that there is a never-ending supply of Love/Light available to you, for it is your Divine Heritage.

You will reside outside the normal, mass-consciousness state of reality when you attain spiritual illumination, which results in a Lightness of heart, mind and emotions. In order to receive and send love, you must remove the filters of protection you placed over your Solar Power Center many ages ago so you could not be hurt by others. You must allow the mighty Three-fold Flame to burst forth and open the portal to your Sacred Heart to receive love. Love is a powerful, natural state of Being. The pure, Sacred Love of Spirit is an emotion that cannot be distorted by conditions or actions. Love has many different qualities and feelings, such as the exquisite, romantic love between mates, the tender, protective love of a parent, and the trusting love of a child. Love is the language of Spirit, and it is the only way to communicate with our Mother/Father God. The love of the Creator and our Mother / Father God is all-encompassing and never-ending. Pain and suffering are a result of denying the love that you are. When you are firmly centered within your Sacred heart, you will transcend all major discord. When you are living your truth, you will be Self-confident, and you will always strive to interact with others in a positive, truthful manner. And so we implore you, beloveds, throw open the portal to your Sacred Heart so that you may be filled to overflowing with the Divine Elixir of Life. The gift of Eternal Life awaits you. Know that we are ever near to guide, inspire and protect you. I AM Archangel Michael.



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We come to guide and support those who are now feeling the shifting and the moving of
the new energies within their very BEing. The new earth is now born dear ones and those
who wish to populate the new earth are asked to anchor the new energies deep within their
BEing. The cleansing process that has started will continue and it is to this cleansing
process we now guide and support.
For too long on planet earth there has been the teachings of distortion that have led many
to believe that the work to be done is done. That is not TRUTH dear ones and the work for
many of you is now only being shown to YOU. That which no longer serves, that which is
NOT YOU is BEing shown to YOU. The intensity of this may shock some of YOU, many of
YOU are unaware of how out of balance that YOU are in the deepest part of YOUr BEing
and to this we guide YOU to have compassion for SELF.
The shadow part of SELF is strong in most of the population and we guide this is a
cleansing that will prepare YOU for the next part of the unfolding of the new energies.
Those who have resisted the guidance to cleanse and to release are now BEing shown
how vital it is for their very BEing that this is honoured. The choice is only a choice when it
is shown in TRUTH, the teachings of distortion appeared to offer choices but as many are
now revealing to SELF those choices were not real. They were based on the assumption
that the energetic framework that the human race lives within on planet earth would stay
similar to what is has been for aeons. This has radically altered and the teachings are now
being revealed as the distortions they are in TRUTH.
TRUTH just IS dear ones, nothing is hidden from YOU on this your planet called earth, all is
hidden in plain view. The new energetic frequency that mother earth has anchored is now
affecting ALL of her children as they too are energy. It is the balancing, the harmonisation if
you will of this energetic frequency that will see both mother earth and her children move
into a heightened state of consciousness.
We are here to guide on the effects of the energetic upgrade to the planet that you reside
upon and to your energy systems for you are part of the planet that you reside upon and
the planet is part of you. Both energy systems are sympathetic, that is that when mother
earth reacts then you will react. The ability to FEEL the planet has increased dramatically,
there are many who are in chaos with this new ability but it needs to be anchored and
balanced. Earthing your energy system into the planet is but one way of working through
this process.
The teachings of distortion have moved many away from the need to ground their energy
system into the planet they reside upon. It is not possible to live in harmony with mother
earth if you are unable to hear mother earth. This is a vital part of the process, for your
mother calls to you, she wishes to show you how to move into the new and how to create in
the new, how many of you are listening or even hear her?
There is much talk of the end of this human year but little around what has appeared in
your timeline and dimension in the way of the eclipse. Planet earth now has two suns, only
those with eyes to see and ears to hear are able to see the second sun although ALL are
able to FEEL it energy wise. The increase in the solar rays across the planet will see many
in chaos as they neglect to anchor the energies.
The old world is just that dear ones, the old earth. Nothing on planet earth is vibrationally
the same as prior to the eclipse. Energy wise this is causing various symptoms to occur
within the human energy system. The influx of more solar energy is making many humans
on planet earth feel tired and worn out. This is due to the excess solar energy not being
anchored within the individual energy systems of those who live on planet earth. FEELings
of intense anger, of intense anxiety are also symptoms related to the excess solar energy
that is pouring across and within planet earth.
The increase in headaches is due to the new availability of knowledge, that which is
remembered needs to be accessed and brought through into the consciousness that is
YOU. Many are not taking time to do this and the result is an energetic imbalance in the
crown. To release this simply take time to meditate and to bring through the knowledge that
awaits YOU. This knowledge is individual to each person who is alive on planet earth. It is
the higher part of SELF and the harmonisation of this is the challenge that is chosen here
on planet earth.
The ability to know what another human BEing is thinking is increasing, many are now in
awe of this and many are in fear of this. For as this ability heightens and increases within
the human population the ability to lie and to hide is lost. This leads to a new way of BEing
as that which is hidden is in plain view. This will be a challenge for those who have not
done the clearing and the releasing of old energies. Appearing to those who have as an
open book will surprise many over the coming weeks and months.
The reaction to the foods that are eaten and the fluid that is drunk on planet earth will
increase. The ability to digest that which is not vibrationally aligned with SELF will become
more and more difficult. The consumption of alcohol and various other chemicals that have
been promoted to suppress the human energy system will be difficult as the vibration will
not resonate with the new coding that has poured out across the planet.
We guide ALL to be careful and mindful of what is ingested over the coming days. There is
much that was promoted as “healthy” or “good for you” that is simply a teaching of
distortion, the only way to recognise this is to respond to the symptoms that will show within
your body when you attempt to consume these products. There is not list of products as
such as each person on planet earth is vibrationally individual but the more processed and
treated with chemicals the product the more reaction will be had in the human body.
We wish to guide on the use of energy during this transitionary stage, this is the first stage
of harmonisation with the rest of the galaxy. This is but one tiny movement forward in the
revealing of ALL that IS across the planet earth. We guide for ALL to have LOVE and
compassion for SELF as this process is entered. It is not an overnight process, nor is it a
one time event, the human race has been guided that the new earth would be born, the
ascension process that started a number of decades ago in the human timeline on planet
earth is now in full bloom. This process will be ongoing and is in complete control by SELF.
That which you anchor as a belief will be shown to you in technicolour.
The choices of the population of planet earth have been heard by the universe and the
universe is responding. The increase in consciousness in general across the planet earth
will begin to reveal TRUTH in deepening amounts. That which has held the human race in
chains energetically is BEing released. This is the energies that are swirling around and
within YOU and we guide for all to anchor this. The more that is released the more TRUTH
can be anchored for that which has been taught on planet earth is not TRUTH.
For those who have asked for TRUTH to be revealed we guide for you to look with new
eyes. Planet earth has changed vibrationally and this will shown to ALL in due course. The
ability to see is governed by the clarity of vision held within the individual human. Where
there are discrepancies there will be lower energies for the two cannot exist at the same
time. Know that the more drama takes hold the more there is to release for drama is a by
product of a teaching of distortion. Drama is what held the energies of the human race as
low as it had been for so long. Know that drama does nothing to serve SELF, it is merely a
re-anchoring of the distortions that are taught as TRUTH.
We are the energies that are known are the SENTINELS, we guide all who wish to enter
the new earth. Ours is the gateway to the new, no BEing may pass into the new unless the
cleansing and the releasing has been undertaken. This is a universal rule of law that has
safeguarded all new planets. Planet earth is but one new planet that has been born.
We are here to guide and to serve to help all who wish to enter the new. We ask for YOUr
FAITH and TRUST in SELF to show YOU the process that needs to be undertaken in order
for you to remember who YOU ARE.
The new energies will begin to increase very shortly for they are burning off the residue of
the old. This increase will continue for some years as the planet attempts to come into
balance with the rest of the universe. We will guide as often as requested and we guide for
ALL to balance and centre SELF at all times.
This is the birth of the new human reality and we send YOU the LOVE that IS for ALL are
Channel: Karen Doonan

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The transformation from Fear into Love Intensive

"3 Key Ingredients Necessary to free

yourself from the prison of fear"


Welcome to lesson 2 in our 8 part

I going to go out on a limb here and
make a brass prediction...

Once you're finished reading Lesson 2...
you'll be hooked!

In this lesson you and I will begin
building a real understanding why changing your
beliefs will change your reality.

And you find all ingredients to set it right!

Are you ready?

You can access Lesson 2 by going to
the following link:




Please go with the Given links....

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The transformation from Fear into Love Intensive

Part 1 In Your 8 Part Series

FREE Resources on how to identify and transform the root of practically
all problems. Use your Spiritual Healing Power to claim Love back into your life.





You can read lesson 1 by going to the following link:

Dear Friends,
Please go with the given links....

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A Very good Message From Tom Om.....

Hi Sohini,

My Personal Message for You:

Always trust your dreams, Sohini.

They've chosen you, as much as you've chosen them.

And I've chosen them too;)

-Your Higher Self-

Hope you feel all well and happy :)

I want to remember you about the new series of
special spiritual healing transmissions.

In order to invite the NEW you have to clear the OLD.

There will come a moment - perhaps not in 2012 -
where the illusion/delusion of "space" and "time"
will be "stripped away" - like a "lifting of the veil" -
at which Moment Human Beings who are sufficiently
Spiritually Evolved will Experience them-selves in
Native Spiritual Form as a Superposition of Source - The All!!

Now of course only those able to withstand such
a change will remain on Earth, all other humans
having "departed" to the Astral Spheres.

If any Human Beings remained on Earth in this Moment,
they would not be able to withstand the Vibration or
the lack of material form, with unpredictable consequences.

The shock would simply be far too extensive and would
likely be "ejected" from their physical body to transition
to the Astral Spheres.

Current events on Earth are a preparation for this Moment
as Humanity "polarizes" to the maximum extreme (a small rich elite
getting richer; the overpowering majority - poor getting poorer etc.),
at which Moment there will be an "event" signifying the culmination
of the current Cycle of Human Evolution, and commencement
of the Next Cycle.

That stands 2012 for, even it is more symbolic, but a pivotal
date in this cyclical process.

So what is YOUR mission then?

In order to spiritually grow, you have to raise our vibration
and clear and align our energy bodies towards the Source or God.

But, as I mentioned NEVER force yourself.

Let it flow - love yourself - when you are ready - you are READY!

This is why the Love Codes 3 are here for you!!!

These transmissions are open for EVERYBODY!

Allow yourself the LOVE CODES 3, which trigger your Personal Vibration Rate...

Also, please share your opinion:)

Your fellow traveler,

Please Go with the given links for detail information....

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Angel Wisdom ~ Choose Again


                                           You have the freedom to choose again  ~


                   Sometimes you feel tied down to a situation or person because they feel safe

                                             or we are honouring an obligation.

                    However these circumstances can lead to being untrue to your authentic self

                    and you are acting the way you feel you should in order to keep the status-quo.

                    To be free, you must rediscover your authentic self and walk away from that

                                       which no longer serves you or the good of all.

                       The angels ask you to realize that you are free - living in freedom

                                            is simply a shift of mindset or attitude.

                         Do not be afraid to let go of the familiar, for the new cannot come

                                      in until the old and worn out has been released.

         Transformation is a vulnerable time, so take extra good care of yourself as you change.


                Everything you do in your life is by choice, and you are free to choose again.

           The next time you begin to think "I have to", stop and explore new ways of thinking,

                  doing, and being. Explore and experiment with new thoughts and ideas.

             Ask your angels to help guide you to complete tasks with a new attitude so you

                      don't feel trapped or we can guide you to do something completely

                           new in a way that brings you the freedom and joy you desire.



                      "I welcome new adventures and opportunities into my life."


Have a blessed day and know you are loved and supported, always, the Angels ~

Thank you, Mahalo, Merci, Gracias, Vielen Dank, Grazie, Спасибо, Obrigado, 谢谢, Dank, 謝謝, Chokran,Děkuji,Kiitos

Article Copyright ©2012 by Sharon TaphornAll rights reserved.

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Being Aware of Constant Change



            Life is a moving kaleidascope of change........emotions tested to the limit........

     Who am I today? Distant memories returning with new......or is it old.......fragments of Self.

                 What is Time? It does not exist anymore.............old is new and new is old.

         Tossed in a Cosmic Dance of what feels like Fantasy..............but very Real Fantasy.

                        Bold colors blind us now and then ~ could this place still be Earth?

                     Is it Mother Earth who is waking us up or is it another US coming back

                                                 to awaken and enliven the senses?



                        The inner-child is awakening and showing US the real Joy of Life.......

                                                 could we be that happy again?

                               Carefree and Happy with minimal resistance to embrace

                            the Beauty and Splendor that is birthing right before our eyes.

                    Inside of US is a little hesitation.........a questioning of our new Reality.

                                              Why should we not live like this ?

                                           It is quoted that it is our Birth-Right.

               We are now ready for is being handed to US and we have accepted!

                  Like little children with eyes wide we begin to embrace the Life we once had.....



                                 Battle-weary and tired to the very core, the Light Warriors

                      and all those assisting with bringing in Our new Reality must take time to rest........

                       Nightmares and aching bodies will be tended by the Special Legion of Healing Angels

                      Who will carefully wash away the pains of battle with their Loving Healing Light Energy.



                                              ~ Amethyst and Rose Healing Light ~

                                       Refreshing and renewing and enlivening cells ~

                                      Feeling ever-grateful for their Loving Presence.



                                                          LOVE   ~   LOVE   ~   LOVE




                                             May you All be Loved and Healed and Ready

                                                           To Embrace A New Life

                                                                        J O Y



                                                                   EVERY - ONE


Love, Light, Peace  ~

Tara Mary   ~

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We consist of a people who are not aware that the grass is greener on the other side, for the vast majority of the earth population knows not of the other side, and for those of us who have faith it is there, have still yet to see it with our own eyes. We exist in a world bound by logic and evidence, it is through mental understandings in which we interpret and create our world here in the lower dimensions. We are spoon fed teachings by our societies and religions, claiming to have all of the answers for free and to be acquired for little to no work. Some of us can taste the ill will and falsity of those ideologies so painstakingly shoved into our mouths, but many cannot… We are taught to strive for money and power in this world; taught to worship Gods and obey them without question or else be faced with discrimination and eternal damnation. Most all forms of self-expression and creativity are severely undervalued and viewed as worthless as critical thinking and self-understanding is simultaneously thrown to the way side. We are taught to strive for ourselves and ego, when it is love and compassion for others wherein true happiness and fulfillment lies… Those forces of dark intent who have maintained power for so long have suppressed our drive to create, and suppressed our ability to love; the two single most important and brilliant things in all of existence…

I personally have been led out of all of this brainwash by dwelling deeply on any given subject or topic and applying a profound logic and reason while having a great sense of compassion and empathy accompany me in my thinkings all the while. In doing so, I have been able to gain a sound mental understanding within the logical world of which my reality is bound, as well as acquiring a sound emotional understanding seeped in love and the caring of all others who may be involved. I have decided to ALWAYS conduct my life in this way, on the basis of logic and love, and I truly believe all others must be taught how to do this in order for them to learn how to think correctly, rather than have their minds and hearts enslaved and manipulated. All of you higher beings tend to emphasize that you do not wish to force anyone, and that everything must be accomplished from within, which is entirely true, and this is one of the things that gives me so much faith in you are who you say are. If you wish for the people of earth to self-evolve more quickly however, you need to give them the tools to dig themselves out of their ignorance, and emphasize the importance of logic and love so that they will be able to manifest themselves internally towards a truly understanding being of light and love.

It’s not enough that you tell us your ultimate words of wisdom and love, for you must also tell us precisely how and why it is you arrived at those conclusions, so that we can understand and feel the logical steps of how to get there ourselves. Surely we can feel the immediate power behind your superior words of light, but unless we are taught the steps of how to get there from within, our understanding will allows be one that is lacking and more shallow. When Jesus taught us the golden rule, to turn the other cheek and to do unto others as you would have them do unto you, it definitely seemed like the direct words of which our God and creator might like to share. However… Without him describing how it was he came to that conclusion (at least I was never taught how he did, and it certainly isn’t emphasized in Christianity if it is), the impact of those words will always fall short and fail to establish a foundation to the core of being who did not understand the mental and emotional bearings they have. The ultimate words will become like a shiny golden shell for us to behold and acknowledge, but if adapted and incorporated into our lives blindly, the insides will remain empty and groundless, and that shell easily broken and fractured when challenged or pushed on to greatly.

And so… It’s not enough that you show and tell us who or what we truly are, or what our ultimate existence is like or will be like, but instead you must have us understand these things in the realm of logic and love. We need to be first shown the beginning steps and then led upwards upon each higher one as you guide us into ascension. While that highest step is something nice to think about and vaguely feels right, it is surely un-obtainable without the others leading up to it and giving us a deeper understanding of how to get there is it not? In your vast quantities of love and understanding, always keep in mind and remember this: that many of us do not understand the enlightened things you currently do, and we need to be carefully, and precisely show how it is to get there. Many of us fear the unknown and the foreign, but that is because we fear to UNDERSTAND the unknown and its value. All fear stems from ignorance and a lack of understanding, so when guiding us here on earth, focus on the issue of making us understand. Make things not only as clear as possible, but provide multiple interpretations of the same concept in order to have specific individuals on different wavelengths resonate with your teachings.

In a message from the GFL on 5/21/12: “We look for the magic key that will unlock the shackles from you, but one cannot be found. One cannot be found because there is not one reason you fear, but there are countless reasons you fear.”

Yes there are countless reasons we fear, but those reasons are all generated from the same cause, ignorance. The one double pronged magic key that will unlock our shackles is logical and reasonable steps for us to mentally grasp and walk upon, with the undeniable feeling of compassion and love immediately associated with each and every step forward. All fear stems from ignorance and a lack of mental or emotional understanding. The dark power at be in this third dimension have tried to keep us as ignorant and as stuck and close minded as possible while simultaneously keeping us in a state of emotional turmoil, and we need your help to become unstuck and to make the masses understand.

“You fear strangers, you fear the unknown, you fear the mysterious, you fear the dark, you fear the cold, and you fear new ideas and concepts that will change the way you do things on a daily basis. Why? Why do you fear these things?”

I fear strangers a bit on earth because I know they are a product of this third dimension density, contain IGNORANCE, and may hurt me out of that lack of mental and emotional understanding… But I know they are bit an immature or lost soul, and they do so because it is the nature of such a place as this and comes with the territory of being here. I personally do not fear the unknown or the mysterious because I UNDERSTAND that the unknown and mysterious is the single most useful tool to teach me new things; a way to give me new understandings, as well as a fun adventure for me to experience. I fear the dark and the cold because I am currently ignorant to the vast depths of light and warmth that my eternal self knows of, however, I do embrace and take delight in the fact that the darkness and cold exist; for the darkness draws contrast and enables the light to shine more brightly, and the cold makes the warmth that much more enjoyable and amazing in the end.

I UNDERSTAND the true nature of these things, and so I find great solace and happiness in them. It’s not enough that you tell us these constructs are wonderful gifts being presented to us by our Creator and beings created by our Creator, you must EXPLAIN and make sure we understanding WHY they have implemented such a system as this for us. We here on earth were incarnated 100% ignorant, and so have forgotten most everything and are slowly trying to remember; gaining new experience and insight along the way. Please remember to always start at the very beginning with those souls who are still utterly lost in ignorance, do not preach end results of ultimate wisdoms of light and love to them, but thoroughly explain the logical and loving steps of those ultimate wisdoms of light in all its aspects. Do not give us the finished result of your puzzle, but hand us each piece one by one so that we may complete it ourselves, taking delight in and enjoy in the miraculous feeling of: “Oh! This piece goes here and is connected to these ones!”

“Why do you fear what is new when what is old is so saddening and maddening for you? Why do you fear the keys that will unlock your shackles tying you to every day toils? Why do you not see these keys as gifts, wonderful gifts being presented to you by your Creator and by beings created by your Creator who love you and want nothing but the best for you?””

Living in this third density where the dark ones have diminished the majority of the population’s sense to strive for understanding by suppressing our creativity, self-expression and individuality, the saddening and maddening, while horrible yes, has also been made to give a false sense of comfort as well. We are broken and being manipulated in this way, and are in dire need of repair and truth… We cannot see the keys right in front of us because we have been locked away for so long that they are unrecognizable. Some may even fear finding those keys because they have been so far distorted by the dark ones as to appear as something that should be feared. Simply put, we are ignorant as to how to recognize these keys. We are ignorant to the nature of our true existence here. We are ignorant to so very much… The dark ones have used this greatly to their advantage, and we simply need your help to understand once more what we already knew, but they prevented us from knowing.

Ignorance is the root of all evil, as well as the root of all fear. It is not bliss, and it is furthest thing from it. Ignorance is innately harmful, but insanely helpful. It is the single best tool to teach an immature, lesser developed soul the basic lessons of what it means to exist. Through experiencing the darkness that a third density world has to offer, we gain a deeper understanding of the light, and we are able to feel and understand the light to an extent otherwise unobtainable; for it is through two stark apposing contrasts in which we gain a greater perspective and deeper understanding of both sides. And so, we will enter a third density in order to accumulate those need to know foundations of mental and emotional understanding, but the dark beings here have slowed and manipulated this process to their advantage.

THIS is what needs to be said and understood by the masses, emphasized and reiterated in so many ways to the point where people are sick of hearing it but it is able to resonate within every single being on earth who wishes to ascend. All that is negative, bad, evil, harmful, and fearful, stems from a common place of ignorance, or under the shrouded guise thereof. I am able to be an all loving, all forgiving person because I understand the nature of Ignorance and its importance. I pity those still more lost in ignorance than I, for their life will be more painful as they fumble around in the darkness attempting to understand what’s what; inflicting damage to themselves and others as they bump into this and that. I do not hate these people who appear to be ‘bad’ or ‘evil’ (as hatred is not an emotion I am willing to, or care to harbor and is one of the lower densitites), rather, I want to help them as much as I possibly can; as I’m sure you want to help us ignorant earthlings now for the same reason. Thoroughly understanding the nature of ignorance allows me to do all of these things, and I believe to be the first step in teaching people to understanding how to be all loving and forgiving.

Explain to the masses the nature of ignorance and why it is so important to leave it behind, highlight the importance of understanding things from within and what you have said many times about not forcing us to do things, but by guiding us. Guide use on the grounds of understanding, of logic, reason, and of course love. Give us back our emotional and mental bearings on what it means to exist and how it is we can find true fulfillment, meaning and happiness. Give sound explanations as to how ego and self-interest is harmful, whereas living for others and caring for them will give us infinite happiness and pleasure. Stress how important it is for people to be creative, self-expressive individuals, and how very fulfilled and meaningful we can feel through making something of ourselves and bearing it to the world in that way; doing so can make one feel very vulnerable and at the mercy of other’s ridicule and judgment, but it’s something we MUST do in order to feel truly happy, accepted, and to also feel completely and wholly loved by others; every act of self-expression that we exhibit that is acknowledged and appreciated by others is a way in which we ourselves can truly feel love and accepted for who we truly are.

I am not a channeller, nor have I had too many run-ins with the super natural or other-worldly. It’s hard to give those rare exceptions any bearing in reality when they are so very few and far between; fading and fleeting as quickly as they happened in a third density world. All of my wisdoms and truths I have obtained through dwelling deeply and trying to understand the nature of existence and our meaning here through way of logic and love. Through all of this I have learned how to be all loving and all forgiving, and I KNOW that done any other way than this will always be lacking; a mental construct founded on faulty grounds with no real bearing within one’s self, and susceptible to falling at any moment. There is blind faith and dogma, and then there is calculated faith and internalized truths.

I, like all of you enlightened beings here trying to help us, do not want anyone reading all of this to “just take my word for it.” Rather, I want you to go within yourself and dwell on the logical and loving words I have written, and to build for yourself your own mental and emotional understandings. No one can free you from ignorance but yourself, others may only guide you in the right direction and try and illuminate your path. I have learned this to be true, and so it warms my heart whenever I hear it stated in these channeled messages and it gives me great faith in the rest of your loving words and promises as well.

I have typed all of this up in hopes of providing answers to your questions, or at least to give some unique insight from a third dimension perspective existing here and struggling to understand by way of logic and love alone. I will not believe or accept ANY beliefs or views unless I myself can see the mental process and compassion behind them, but so many here on earth blindly follow the beliefs and views of society and religion without a second though; or rather without a single thought at all… Herein lies our single greatest problem: a sedated, manipulated, non-thinking, close minded, close hearted, IGNORANT human population.

I have great faith that when the dark entities are fully removed, we will see all of this lessen greatly. I can feel the levels of love energy rising, I can see them rising around me. I thank you so much for all of your help and all that you’re doing. <3 Thank you for being here at this time, for putting up with our ignorance, and for being patient with us. As you know we are patient with you as well, and look forward to finally meeting you face to face. Thanks for reading, and I hope this was in any way at all helpful or insightful to any of you more advanced souls. Go forth and continue to spread love and understanding however you can. See all pain and suffering that may come into your life as a personally challenge for inner growth and self-evolution. It won’t be long here before we all ascend back up to our rightful, well-deserved higher existence. Can’t you feel how close it is now? Please stay positive, stay hopeful, stay loving, and stay forgiving in these finally months of being here. From the darkness and ignorance and into the light love of understanding, you can call me foxroar.

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10900551655?profile=original"" dawninggoldencrystalage="">

Dawning Golden Crystal Age"" dawninggoldencrystalage="">

5 hours ago

Are you experiencing any of these ascension symptoms? Do you feel something
has fundamentally changed in your life? Do you feel the 'SHIFT' ?

Ascension Symptoms

1. Feeling as though you are in a pressure cooker or in intense energy;
feeling stress. Remember, you are adjusting to a higher vibration and you
will eventually adjust. Old patterns, behaviors and beliefs are also being
pushed to the surface. There is a lot going on inside of you.

2. A feeling of disorientation; not knowing where you are; a loss of a sense
of place. You are not in 3D anymore, as you have moved or in the process of
moving into the higher realms.

3. Unusual aches and pains throughout different parts of your body. You are
purifying and releasing blocked energy vibrating at 3D, while you are
vibrating in a higher dimension.

4. Waking at night between 2 and 4 a.m. Much is going on in your dream
state. You can't be there for long lengths of time and need a break. This is
also the 'cleansing and releasing' hour.

5. Memory loss. A great abundance of short term memory loss and only vague
remembrances of your past. You are in more than one dimension at a time, and
going back and forth as part of the transition, you are experiencing a
'disconnect'. Also, your past is part of the Old, and the Old is forever
gone. Being in the Now is the way of the New World.

6. 'Seeing' and 'hearing' things. You are experiencing different dimensions
as you transition, all according to how sensitive you are and how you are

7. Loss of identity. You try to access the Old you, but it is no longer
there. You may not know who you are looking at in the mirror. You have
cleared much of your old patterns and are now embodying much more light and
a simpler, more purified divine you. All is in order, You are okay.

8. Feeling 'out of body'. You may feel as though someone is talking, but it
is not you. This is our natural defence mechanism of survival when we are
under acute stress or feeling traumatized or out of control. Your body is
going through a lot and you may not want to be in it. My ascension guide
told me that this was a way of easing the transition process, and that I did
not need to experience what my body was going through. This only lasted a
short time. It passes.

9. Periods of deep sleeping. You are resting from all the acclimating and
are integrating, as well as building up for the next phase.

10. Heightened sensitivities to your surroundings. Crowds, noise, foods, TV,
other human voices and various other stimulations are barely tolerable. You
also overwhelm very easily and become easily overstimulated. You are tuning
up. Know that this will eventually pass.

11. You don't feel like doing anything. You are in a rest period,
'rebooting'. Your body knows what it needs. In addition, when you begin
reaching the higher realms, 'doing' and 'making things happen' becomes
obsolete as the New energies support the feminine of basking, receiving,
creating, self-care and nurturing. Ask the Universe to 'bring' you what you
want while you are enjoying yourself and having fun.

12. An intolerance for lower vibrational things of the 3D, reflected in
conversations, attitudes, societal structures, healing modalities, etc. They
literally make you feel 'sick' inside. You are in a higher vibration and
your energies are no longer in alignment. You are being 'pushed, to move
forward; to 'be' and create the New.

13. A loss of desire for food. Your body is adjusting to a new, higher state
of being. Also, part of you does not want to be here anymore in the Old.

14. A sudden disappearance of friends, activities, habits, jobs and
residences. You are evolving beyond what you used to be, and these people
and surroundings no longer match your vibration. The New will soon arrive
and feel so-o-o-o much better.

15. You absolutely cannot do certain things anymore. When you try to do your
usual routine and activities, it feels downright awful. You are evolving
beyond what you used to be, and these people and surroundings no longer
match your vibration. The New will soon arrive and feel so-o-o-o much

16. Days of extreme fatigue. Your body is losing density and going through
intense restructuring.

17. A need to eat often along with what feels like attacks of low blood
sugar. Weight gain, especially in the abdominal area. A craving for protein.
You are requiring an enormous amount of fuel for this ascension process.
Weight gain with an inability to loose it no matter what you do is one of
the most typical experiences. Trust that your body knows what it is doing.

18. Experiencing emotional ups and downs; weeping. Our emotions are our
outlet for release, and we are releasing a lot.

19. A wanting to go Home, as if everything is over and you don't belong here
anymore. We are returning to Source. Everything is over, but many of us are
staying to experience and create the New World. Also, our old plans for
coming have been completed.

20. Feeling you are going insane, or must be developing a mental illness of
some sort. You are rapidly experiencing several dimensions and greatly
opening. Much is available to you now. You are just not used to it. Your
awareness has been heightened and your barriers are gone. This will pass and
you will eventually feel very at Home like you have never felt before, as
Home is now here.

21. Anxiety and panic. Your ego is losing much of itself and is afraid. Your
system is also on overload. Things are happening to you that you may not
understand. You are also losing behaviour patterns of a lower vibration that
you developed for survival in 3D. This may make you feel vulnerable and
powerless. These patterns and behaviours you are losing are not needed in
the higher realms. This will pass and you will eventually feel so much love,
safety and unity. Just wait.

22. Depression. The outer world may not be in alignment with the New, higher
vibrational you. It doesn't feel so good out there. You are also releasing
lower, darker energies and you are 'seeing' through them. Hang in there.

23. Vivid, wild and sometimes violent dreams. You are releasing many, many
lifetimes of lower vibrational energy. Many are now reporting that they are
experiencing beautiful dreams. Your dream state will eventually improve and
you will enjoy it again. Some experience this releasing while awake. My
mother commented one day that she believed I was having nightmares in the

24. Night sweats and hot flashes. Your body is 'heating' up as it burns off

25. Your plans suddenly change in mid-stream and go in a completely
different direction. Your soul is balancing out your energy. It usually
feels great in this new direction, as your soul knows more than you do. It
is breaking your 'rut' choices and vibration.

26. You have created a situation that seems like your worst nightmare, with
many 'worst nightmare' aspects to it. Your soul is guiding you into
'stretching' into aspects of yourself where you were lacking, or into
'toning down' aspects where you had an overabundance. Your energy is just
balancing itself. Finding your way to peace through this situation is the
test you have set up for yourself. This is your journey, and your soul would
not have set it up if you weren't ready. You are the one who finds your way
out and you will. Looking back, you will have gratitude for the experience
and be a different person.

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