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Garden Sheds of the Year

Stubbs Arms

Michael Stubbs’ miniature country pub comes complete with hanging flower baskets.

Plant Pot Towers

As well as the tower, this shed comes with solar-generated lighting, space for dining and, oddly, an ironing area.

Pop's Diner

Top marks for effort go to Pop for his 1950s American diner theme

The Rugby Pub

The hammock, dartboard and, most importantly, lack of phone in this garden retreat ensure uninterrupted relaxation.

The Plum Tree Arms

Owner Geoff constructed a bar in his shed at his wife’s request, so that it could be used to host his grandchild’s christening party.

The Hobbit

The dome of The Hobbit was originally the bottom half of an (unused) cesspit tank.


Owner Ian hand-built his T.A.R.D.I.S. with no previous woodworking experience.

The Lady Sarah

This purpose-built pirate’s cabin has a fully stocked koi carp pond and aviary, and a palm-thatched lean-to.

Louis' Lollies

13-year-old Louis’ enterprising entry is a shed-come-ice-cream-shop in his parents’ pub garden

The Railway Retreat

Combine the talents of an architect, a carpenter and a steam train enthusiast and what do you get? The Railway Retreat, apparently.

The Water Shed

Access to the Water Shed is via canoe, rowing boat or swimming – and comes entirely at visitors’ own risk.

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I Really Like You

I Really Like You
Learning to like somebody may be as easy as saying the words
By Nathan Collins | March 11, 2012

Saying you are fond of someone might make you actually like that person, according to a study in the October 2011 issue of the Journal of Experimental Psychology: Animal Behavior Processes.


(Buddhist meditation has said this all along to meditate on liking people, having compassion for them)
Psychologists showed 39 students a series of photographs of people who had been previously judged as neither pleasant nor unpleasant and instructed them to say the word “likable” or “unlikable” while viewing each one. Later, the students saw the pictures again in a random order and expressed how they felt about every person. They said they liked people 17 percent more often when they had previously been told to say “likable” compared with when they had said “unlikable.” The study used a method that has been shown to circumvent any conscious memories of which image went with which label; the subjects truly seemed to feel more warmly toward those they called likable.


The results are something to consider the next time you politely say you like your boring dinner date or noisy office mate.

This article was published in print as "I Really Like You."

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'The perfect health snack'--- "Popcorn"

'The perfect health snack'--- "Popcorn":



London: Don`t forget to pick up a tub of popcorn the next time you go for a movie at a nearby theatre, for a new study has claimed that the humble cinema snack is the perfect health food.


Researchers at the University of Scranton have found that popcorn -- already known for being fibre-packed and relatively low in fat -- is packed with more health-boosting antioxidants than fruits and vegetables.


Antioxidants are known to reduce one`s risk of cancers, dementia and even heart disease.


And, the potent antioxidants, called polyphenols, in popcorn can fight harmful molecules that accumulate in the body and damage cells. They can also help to increase blood flow by relaxing the arteries, the `Daily Express` reported.


The researchers said that polyphenols are more concentrated in popcorn, which averages only about four per cent water, compared with the 90 per cent that makes up many fruits and vegetables.


In fact, the study revealed that the amount of polyphenols found in popcorn was up to 300 mg a serving which would provide 13 per cent of an average intake of polyphenolsa day.


In another surprising finding, the researchers discovered the hulls of popcorn, the part everyone hates for its tendency to get caught in the teeth, has the highest concentration of polyphenols and fibre.


Dr Joe Vinson, who led the study, said: "Those hulls deserve more respect. They are nutritional gold nuggets. Popcorn may be the perfect snack food. It`s the only snack that is 100 per cent unprocessed whole grain.


"One serving of popcorn will provide more than 70 per cent of the daily intake of whole grain. The average person only gets about half a serving of whole grains a day and popcorn could fill that gap in a very pleasant way."


But Dr Vinson cautioned that the way it is served -- cooking it in oil and adding butter, salt or sugar -- can put a dent in its health benefits. Air-popped popcorn has lowest number of calories, compared with popping it in oil.


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The Despised Ainu People - Japan

The Despised Ainu People - Japan



October 1994 - An insightful report on racial discrimination in Japan. A small boy denies his Ainu ancestry for fear of being bullied in a society where conformity is valued above all else. The Ainu people of the northern island of Hokkaido are despised by the rest of Japan. Different in appearance and language they have suffered more than a century of discrimination. They are denied their traditional fishing rights, their sacred sites are being destroyed and tourists come to gawk at their culture in museums. Now, the Ainu are fighting back. They have at last won a seat in the Japanese parliament and many are re-learning the Ainu tongue. The Ainu are struggling to preserve their unique heritage in the face of an urbanised and uncaring modern Japan.



Ainu, First People of Japan, The Original & First Japanese


Ainu, First Peoples of Japan. The Ainu arrived in Japan maybe 14,000 years ago, 10,000 years before the Japanese. They were killed, enslaved and driven off their lands, taking refuge in the northern islands of Japan where they now number less than 25,000.


A documentary film by Rhawn Joseph, Ph.D.



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Helping, Fixing or Serving?

Helping, Fixing or Serving?

by Rachel Naomi Remen, MD, Original Story, Apr 16, 2012

Helping, fixing and serving represent three different ways of seeing life. When you help, you see life as weak. When you fix, you see life as broken. When you serve, you see life as whole. Fixing and helping may be the work of the ego, and service the work of the soul.


Service rests on the premise that the nature of life is sacred, that life is a holy mystery which has an unknown purpose. When we serve, we know that we belong to life and to that purpose. From the perspective of service, we are all connected: All suffering is like my suffering and all joy is like my joy. The impulse to serve emerges naturally and inevitably from this way of seeing.


Serving is different from helping. Helping is not a relationship between equals. A helper may see others as weaker than they are, needier than they are, and people often feel this inequality. The danger in helping is that we may inadvertently take away from people more than we could ever give them; we may diminish their self-esteem, their sense of worth, integrity or even wholeness.


When we help, we become aware of our own strength. But when we serve, we don’t serve with our strength; we serve with ourselves, and we draw from all of our experiences. Our limitations serve; our wounds serve; even our darkness can serve. My pain is the source of my compassion; my woundedness is the key to my empathy.


Serving makes us aware of our wholeness and its power. The wholeness in us serves the wholeness in others and the wholeness in life. The wholeness in you is the same as the wholeness in me. Service is a relationship between equals: our service strengthens us as well as others. Fixing and helping are draining, and over time we may burn out, but service is renewing. When we serve, our work itself will renew us. In helping we may find a sense of satisfaction; in serving we find a sense of gratitude.


Harry, an emergency physician, tells a story about discovering this. One evening on his shift in a busy emergency room, a woman was brought in about to give birth. When he examined her, Harry realized immediately that her obstetrician would not be able to get there in time and he was going to deliver this baby himself. Harry likes the technical challenge of delivering babies, and he was pleased. The team swung into action, one nurse hastily opening the instrument packs and two others standing at the foot of the table on either side of Harry, supporting the woman’s legs on their shoulders and murmuring reassurance. The baby was born almost immediately.


While the infant was still attached to her mother, Harry laid her along his left forearm. Holding the back of her head in his left hand, he took a suction bulb in his right and began to clear her mouth and nose of mucous. Suddenly, the baby opened her eyes and looked directly at him. In that instant, Harry stepped past all of his training and realized a very simple thing: that he was the first human being this baby girl had ever seen. He felt his heart go out to her in welcome from all people everywhere, and tears came to his eyes.


Harry has delivered hundreds of babies, and has always enjoyed the excitement of making rapid decisions and testing his own competency. But he says that he had never let himself experience the meaning of what he was doing before, or recognize what he was serving with his expertise. In that flash of recognition he felt years of cynicism and fatigue fall away and remembered why he had chosen this work in the first place. All his hard work and personal sacrifice suddenly seemed to him to be worth it.


He feels now that, in a certain sense, this was the first baby he ever delivered. In the past he had been preoccupied with his expertise, assessing and responding to needs and dangers. He had been there many times as an expert, but never before as a human being. He wonders how many other such moments of connection to life he has missed. He suspects there have been many.


As Harry discovered, serving is different from fixing. In fixing, we see others as broken, and respond to this perception with our expertise. Fixers trust their own expertise but may not see the wholeness in another person or trust the integrity of the life in them. When we serve we see and trust that wholeness. We respond to it and collaborate with it. And when we see the wholeness in another, we strengthen it. They may then be able to see it for themselves for the first time.


One woman who served me profoundly is probably unaware of the difference she made in my life. In fact, I do not even know her last name and I am sure she has long forgotten mine.


At twenty-nine, because of Crohn’s Disease, much of my intestine was removed surgically and I was left with an ileostomy. A loop of bowel opens on my abdomen and an ingeniously designed plastic appliance which I remove and replace every few days covers it. Not an easy thing for a young woman to live with, and I was not at all sure that I would be able to do this. While this surgery had given me back much of my vitality, the appliance and the profound change in my body made me feel hopelessly different, permanently shut out of the world of femininity and elegance.


At the beginning, before I could change my appliance myself, it was changed for me by nurse specialists called enterostomal therapists. These white-coated experts were women my own age. They would enter my hospital room, put on an apron, a mask and gloves, and then remove and replace my appliance. The task completed, they would strip off all their protective clothing. Then they would carefully wash their hands. This elaborate ritual made it harder for me. I felt shamed.


One day a woman I had never met before came to do this task. It was late in the day and she was dressed not in a white coat but in a silk dress, heels and stockings. She looked as if she was about to meet someone for dinner. In a friendly way she told me her first name and asked if I wished to have my ileostomy changed. When I nodded, she pulled back my covers, produced a new appliance, and in the most simple and natural way imaginable removed my old one and replaced it, without putting on gloves. I remember watching her hands. She had washed them carefully before she touched me. They were soft and gentle and beautifully cared for. She was wearing a pale pink nail polish and her delicate rings were gold.


At first, I was stunned by this break in professional procedure. But as she laughed and spoke with me in the most ordinary and easy way, I suddenly felt a great wave of unsuspected strength come up from someplace deep in me, and I knew without the slightest doubt that I could do this. I could find a way. It was going to be all right.



I doubt that she ever knew what her willingness to touch me in such a natural way meant to me. In ten minutes she not only tended my body, but healed my wounds. What is most professional is not always what best serves and strengthens the wholeness in others. Fixing and helping create a distance between people, an experience of difference. We cannot serve at a distance. We can only serve that to which we are profoundly connected, that which we are willing to touch. Fixing and helping are strategies to repair life. We serve life not because it is broken but because it is holy.


Serving requires us to know that our humanity is more powerful than our expertise. In forty-five years of chronic illness I have been helped by a great number of people, and fixed by a great many others who did not recognize my wholeness. All that fixing and helping left me wounded in some important and fundamental ways. Only service heals.


Service is not an experience of strength or expertise; service is an experience of mystery, surrender and awe. Helpers and fixers feel causal. Servers may experience from time to time a sense of being used by larger unknown forces. Those who serve have traded a sense of mastery for an experience of mystery, and in doing so have transformed their work and their lives into practice.


This article is reprinted here with permission. Rachel Naomi Remen, MD is Clinical Professor of Family and Community Medicine at the UCSF School of Medicine. She is a pioneer of Relationship Centered Medicine and Medical Education and her course in Formation for medical students, the Healer's Art, is taught annually in more than half of American medical schools and 6 countries abroad. Her books, Kitchen Table Wisdom and My Grandfather's Blessings are published in 21 languages. Her nationwide training programs remind physicians and students that the practice of medicine is essentially an act of love.


Be The Change
The next time you catch yourself in "fixing" or "helping" mode, try moving into a mindset of service instead.



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This is so interesting and mind boggling all at the same time.

String Theory - (2 Minutes)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 1of4)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 2of4)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 3of4)

Michio Kaku On String Theory (Part 4of4)

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Meteor/Fireball Seen Over Brazil – Late Evening of April 20th, 2012

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Give thanks for unknown blessings already on their way.
Native American prayer

The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence.

- Denis Waitley –

Gratitude is the most exquisite form of courtesy.
Jacques Maritain

The only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle. As with all matters of the heart, you'll know when you find it.

- Steve Jobs –

I've learned from experience that the greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions and not on our circumstances.

Martha Washington

Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.

Carl Gustav Jung

Love is so exquisitely elusive. It cannot be bought, cannot be badgered, cannot be hijacked. It is available only in one rare form: as the natural response of a healthy mind and healthy heart.

Eknath Easwaran

Words to Live By

I can feel guilty about the past, apprehensive about the future, but only in the present can I act. The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness.

Abraham Maslow

Spring passes and one remembers one's innocence. Summer passes and one remembers one's exuberance.

Autumn passes and one remembers one's reverence.

Winter passes and one remembers one's perseverance.

Yoko Ono

Gratitude is twofold - love coming to visit us and love running out to greet a welcome guest.

Henry Van Dyke

If God sends you down a stony path, may God give you strong shoes.
Irish Blessing

Daring to dream what is deepest in our collective longings is what makes us most human and fully alive.

Wendy Wright

The Vigil

Many an individual has turned from the mean, personal, acquisitive point of view to one that sees society as a whole and works for its benefit. If there has been such a change in one person, there can be the same change in many.

Mahatma Gandhi

Love makes labour light. Love alone gives value to all things.

St. Teresa of Avila

In the time of your life, live — so that in that wondrous time you shall not add to the misery and sorrow of the world, but shall smile to the infinite delight and mystery of it.

William Saroyan

The Time of Your Life

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Forgiveness: I am good at letting go of past hurts and disappointments.

Happiness is easy and natural until you experience your first wound. For this reason, the second meta-attitude that makes such a big difference to your happiness score is forgiveness. You cannot hold onto a grievance and be happy. Why? One reason is you can't be a victim and be happy. Holding onto a grievance is a sign of a mistaken identity. You are not a victim. Also, holding onto a grievance is really a decision to keep suffering. Forgiveness helps you let go and be happy.

Resentment keeps you stuck in the past; forgiveness brings you back to the present. Resentment costs too much, and it doesn't make you happy. Resentment is a ball and chain; forgiveness sets you free again. Forgiveness offers you insurance against premature aging, a blocked heart, an unhealed past and an unhappy future. To increase your happiness score, try this forgiveness prayer:

Dear God, I declare today a day of amnesty, in which I gratefully volunteer to hand in all of my resentments and grievances to You. Please help me to handle well all of the peace that must inevitably follow. Amen.

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Welcome to my April 2012 Whale and Dolphin Cosmic Pulse. Today during my review of the energy for April we discussed the current energy trends for this month and the ebbs and flows of our collective journey.

April opened with strong significant "pulse" which is being further amplified by the strong solar flares and geo-magnetic storms of late. Many of us are feeling the familiar physical symptoms known to our ascension process. Fatigue, brain fog, headaches, feeling disconnected, flat-line, sleep disruption, relationship changes etc. April seems to be forging our sense of moving forward and in that there is a feeling of pushing back, and we are feeling the push/pull more strongly this month.

The Whales and Dolphins work with the planetary frequencies on a daily basis as they balance the ley lines and grid lines of our planet. Today they took us on a journey to a holographic crystalline temple to feel the warm tender energy of surrender and acceptance. The continued flurry of solar flares have a massive impact on our planet, our body and our emotions. We are divine multi-dimensional beings merging with our human-ness on a daily path of enlightenment. The whales and dolphin support that journey in every way, and today they beamed to us the message that we are doing just great. We need not worry about what is coming in 2012, what "ascension" will look or feel like. They helped us understand we have all the truth and knowledge we need within our sacred heart.

The Whales have always been know as the "Living Libraries" carrying within them the Akashic records of our beloved Mother Earth. They have helped us understand that every thought, word, gesture is "recorded" in the Akashic record, like a universal software program. They explained that the Akasha permeates all realms, the access is often through a Library. Today once again they beamed to us a holographic inter-dimensional crystalline temple where we merged with the "pulse" of our universe and heart of our galactic sun. We transmuted, transformed and anchored the change in our sacred heart.

I want to thank ALL that were able to join in and participate with me today. The love and energy allowed a deepening to our connection with the "Whale Matrix" which will be the foundation for all further meditations. We aligned today with the powerful energy of March and the massive change that is occurring on all levels. The Whales and Dolphins showered us with the frequency of "Love" today, giving each of us a new found inner strength and a new level of trust.

We connected with our non-physical, multi-dimensional selves within a 5D crystalline sanctuary and the Whales and Dolphins played in our transcended "puddles" of light to fill each one of us with light filled awe and honour. We connected with the energy of this month and coming year and all its opportunity for change.

We are and will remain in dramatic times of change over the coming months, and our beloved Whales and Dolphins are within us offering a cohesive integration and interface between our sacred heart and our 3D/ 5D bodies. The Whales and Dolphins offered support for us and our beloved Mother Earth, by weaving the vibrational frequency of LOVE, uniting ALL in this NOW timing.

Our beloved Whales and Dolphins along with our Beloved Arcturians, Pleiadians, Ascended Masters, and Star-Seed families will continue to support the interface of our 3D/5D systems as we continue to surf the crystalline vibrational upgrades of 2012. The entire meditation was recorded, below are the links.

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When you go to graduation you shall not have a grade of 100% of service to others. However, the Creator seems to grade on a curve here. If you even have 51% of service to others, you are ready to graduate. Each time you consciously choose to serve others, you have moved above 51% and into positive polarization comfortably sufficient to graduate from planet Earth. The more habitual your realization of choices is and your determination to choose the highest road, the most compassionate and loving response, the more positively you will be able to affect the tuning of your energy body so that it vibrates more and more in service to others in terms of polarity.

You shall never be able to untangle the good from the evil within humankind, my friends, because you, as a member of the human race, are both good and evil. You contain all the shades of virtue and vice within one global entity.

By a series of choices, you have found ways to be yourself to the outer world and to yourself. 

- The Q'uo

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First dimensional consciousness is awareness as a point. The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is the Mineral Kingdom. Current third dimensional science has not proven that minerals have any awareness as we recognize it, but healers and shaman have been using crystals as healing tools for many centuries.

Humans' first dimensional consciousness is "unconscious" to our five physical senses. However, the first dimension is a portion of our bodies and represents the minerals, water, and genetic codes that are the foundation of our physical forms. If we could access this level of our unconscious, we could connect with the entire physical world via its most basic common denominator, the individual molecules. Perhaps we could even consciously access our own genetic coding.

I feel myself upon the first step of my consciousness. I am of the first dimension. I am an atom of carbon, a drop of water, and an imprint upon a strand of DNA. However, I cannot perceive the strand or the other molecules of water and carbon. I am only conscious of my exact point of my awareness. However, as I look inside myself, I find that another world exists, a world of electrons, protons, nuclei, and quarks. I am the gateway between the macrocosm and the microcosm.


Second dimensional consciousness is awareness as point and line. The consciousness that resonates to this dimension is biological matter such as the Plant Kingdom and the lower Animal Kingdom. The consciousness of this dimension does not possess self-awareness. These beings are only conscious of their species' identity and their need for feeding, fighting, and procreation. Their consciousness is based upon survival of the fittest and they live solely within the awareness of the moment.

Human second dimensional consciousness is centered in the lower brain, which directs the autonomic nervous system to regulate and maintain life support functions. Our five physical senses are largely unconscious of this component of ourselves, but with training such as biofeedback and meditations, some conscious awareness and control can be established. Yogis are known to achieve enough conscious control of their autonomic nervous system and can regulate their heartbeat and metabolism.

"Primitive" peoples are much more aware of this "animal" portion of their physical form and, therefore, have conscious access to their basic instincts. and an awareness of how they are a portion of a greater whole. Unlike "civilized" man, they have a constant respect for all life and the balance of Nature.

I feel myself now expand to my second dimensional consciousness. My task is simple. I must survive. I will protect myself and procreate in the proper season. I look neither forwards nor backwards, and I dwell only in the present. I am what I am and where I am. I neither plan nor reflect. I live to continue the existence of my species. If a human consciousness inhabits my form, I am not aware of it. My perceptions are confined to what I can eat, use, fight, mate with, or rear. However, my "herd" and I are one. Our instincts guide us, and we are a part of Nature.


Third dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, line, length, breadth, height, and volume. The primary consciousness of this dimension is the higher Animal Kingdom and the Human Kingdom. The humanoid form is composed of all the elements of the first and second dimensional being, which are: water, minerals, genetic coding, and biological matter, as well as an individual soul. It is the individual Soul that distinguishes humans from the other members of the Animal Kingdom who mostly have a group Soul.

The third dimension is locked in a time/space and cause/effect paradigm. This dimension is a schoolroom that our Souls attend by inhabiting humanoid physical bodies to learn more about creation. In the third dimension, life mirrors all that we are seeking to understand. Therefore, the process of creating via our thoughts and feelings is slowed down so that we can track the circumstances of what we hold in our consciousness.

The third dimension is known as the conscious world. However, there are different stages of human consciousness aligned in a hierarchical manner that often coincide with our age and stage of life.


In the first stage, we are children, and we are dependent on others for our survival. In this state of dependency we do not realize that our consciousness holds the seeds of the life we are creating. We believe that we are powerless over our environment and are victims to the circumstances of our lives. It is our goal to gain enough self-awareness as we mature beyond this child state so that we can become independent.


In the Second Stage we are independent. This independence develops as we learn that we can control our own life. Through our choices and experiences, we gain trust in our ability to be responsible and we maintain our responsibility because we respect ourselves. This respect is based upon. our sense of personal power. Without a sense of personal power we are filled with fear which reduces us to "surviving".


In the Third Stage we are dependable. This dependability develops as we gain enough trust and respect for ourselves that we can become responsible for others. Through positive experiences, we have learned that we definitely have an impact, not only on our own life, but also upon the lives of others. Because of our earned self-esteem, we feel confident that we are reliable.

Unfortunately, people will take responsibility for other people's lives while they are still in the dependent stage or when they have not yet learned to be responsible even for themselves. These actions can create generation after generation of dysfunctional families.


As humans we have the ability to remember the past and the future while remaining aware of the present. However, much of our true SELF becomes lost in our unconscious mind. This loss leaves us with a feeling of separation from the whole, a fear that we are limited in our ability to achieve our desires, and a belief that we have to “work hard” to accomplish our goals.

Third dimensional society and "science" seek to prove that the only reality that exists is the one we perceive with our five physical senses and urges us to believe that our 3D perceptions of reality ARE the only reality. From this state of consciousness, spirit congeals into matter and our consciousness is limited to our ego. Hence, the need for the development of a strong sense of ego is often gained at the cost of losing our sense of group identity. This limitation is especially in especially predominant in the Western World where individual achievement and possessions often become the most important parts of our lives.

Awareness of our Spiritual Self can only be remembered when we have expanded our consciousness to encompass the higher dimensions. Then we can release our dependency upon others and heal our sense of powerlessness and victimization. We then become independent in a new sense because we have realized that we and we alone, are creating our reality. We are, thereby, more dependable then ever because we are not waylaid from our promises and goals by our own "unconscious" self-sabotage.

As we become more aware of the many aspects of our once forgotten self, our consciousness expands to encompass more that our ego and even more than our third dimensional reality. As we - Our Third Dimensional Consciousness - expands from: Individual Consciousness TO ~ Group Consciousness TO ~ Community Consciousness TO ~ National Consciousness TO ~ Collective Consciousness TO ~ Planetary Consciousness TO ~ Galactic Consciousness. As our consciousness expands, so does our definition of the world in which we live.

I expand my consciousness to the next step. I am three-dimensional. I am aware of myself as an individual human, but still I struggle for survival. I need to feed myself, shelter myself, and cover my body. I wish to find a mate and create children. Is there more? Yes, there are feelings and thoughts. With my thoughts I remember my past. My feelings fill these memories with happiness, pain, love, or fear. With my thoughts I plan the future which I desire. But do I have the power to create my life or am I a victim to the world around me?


Fourth dimensional consciousness is awareness of point, length, breadth, height, volume, and time. The fourth dimension is also known as the Astral Plane, and the primary consciousness of this dimension is the Astral Body, which is also known as the "higher human." Because of the octave leap in vibration from third to fourth dimension the Astral Body is of a higher vibration known as etheric and fourth dimensional perception of past, present, and future is more fluid, as the laws of time and space change.

On the fourth dimension, we can reintegrate our group identity without the loss of our personal ego, as it is the last vibration where physical vehicles are used to contain individual consciousness. However, because of the fluid nature of time and space our astral forms naturally morph. Hence, there is a huge mobility of form. It is the realm of the "shape shifters" of which mythology speaks. A shaman or holy person who can shape shift has learned to ground their astral form upon the third dimension so completely that they can temporarily change their third dimensional form.

Much of our third dimensional life also exists upon the fourth dimension in a format of a higher vibration, but we are not aware of it because that reality is NOT in sync with our physical time and space. We can have a dream of an entire lifetime and wake up to find that only five minutes of our physical time has passed. Our astral reality, as well as our other physical incarnations, is not perceivable to our third dimensional self unless we have remembered our Multidimensional Consciousness.

The fourth dimension is the realm which holds the awareness of our body's first and second dimensional components, as well as all our past experiences of this life and all other third dimensional lives. We can expand our third dimensional consciousness into the fourth dimension through gaining an awareness of the inner-workings of our physical body, remembering our dreams, and having intense experiences of passion, emotion, creativity, and/or spirituality.

The Astral Plane is the realm of dream life. When we are "asleep", we are unconscious in the third dimension, but we are conscious in the fourth dimension. Our fourth dimensional Astral Body possesses advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic ability, intuition, magic, and creativity. As we expand our mind to frequency of the fourth dimension, we can experience more and more of these qualities while in our physical form.

Some people are born with an innate connection to their fourth dimensional self and must "work" to ground their consciousness in a third dimensional world that often feels foreign and hostile. Others are born without this awakened connection, and they usually feel more comfortable and "at home" within the third dimensional paradigm. These people often feel cut off from the higher dimensional portions of themselves and may not even believe that "higher selves" even exist.

However, our astral body does exist and its highest vibration is our Spiritual Guidance. Much like a person upon a mountaintop can observe and guide the residents of the valley below, our higher astral self can observe us upon the third dimension and give us guidance. Through the expanded perception of our fourth dimensional self we can create great changes in our physical world.

However, the fourth dimension still has the polarization of light and dark, and this realm is not necessarily more loving, especially upon the lower sub-planes. Upon the fourth dimension, thought and feelings create reality much more quickly than upon the third dimension, and fear can create evil as easily as love can create beauty and joy.


There are different planes, which are increases in frequency, which we can access by expanding our conscious. The Lower Astral Plane holds the invisible emanations of all the fear and negativity that is projected into it from the physical plane. The Lower Astral has been known as Hell, with Purgatory being above that. Fourth dimensional consciousness feeds into and extends third dimensional emotions. Therefore, it is often known as the "realm of emotion". The Lower Astral, which holds the third dimension's negative emotions, is not a pleasant experience and a path must be forged through it into the higher sub-planes-such as Faerie.

The Land of Faerie, which we read about as children in our "Fairy Tales", actually exists upon the middle fourth dimension. Faerie acts as respite after we have forged our pathway through the fear and darkness of the Lower Astral Plane. After we have experienced Faerie, we can travel in our fourth dimensional consciousness (or fourth dimensional bodies) into the Emotional Plane, also known as the Astral Plane, to learn about the master of our emotions. From there, we can travel up into the Mental Plane to learn mastery of our thoughts. In the Causal Plane, also known as the Higher Mental Plane, we can learn the cause and effect of how thoughts and feelings create our world. The Spiritual Plane connects us to the higher guidance of our I AM Presence.

One of the maps (there are many maps) of the sub-planes of the fourth dimensions with the highest vibration on the top is:

CAUSAL/SPIRITUAL: learn laws of cause and effect and Spiritual Guidance
MENTAL: learn mastery over our thoughts
ASTRAL/EMOTIONAL: learn mastery over emotions
LAND OF FAERIE: overlaps emotional, mental, and causal plane
LOWER ASTRAL: learn mastery over dark side - i.e. fear and negative emotions

ETHERIC: interface between third and fourth dimension

The fourth dimension is like a stream that creates a bridge into the higher dimensions. The base of the bridge is where the physical and astral bodies overlap. This area is known as the Etheric Body.

The Etheric Body is of a vibration between the third and fourth dimension. This body encompasses the physical body and extends beyond it a few inches.


Each of the sub-planes of the fourth dimension has a correlate body, with every body resonating to a higher vibration than the latter.

The Emotional Body, also known as the Astral Body, is higher in vibration than the etheric and physical bodies and extends beyond them.

Overlaid on the lower frequency bodies is the Mental Body, which is also of higher vibration, and extends beyond the Emotional Body.

Then the Causal Body, again another increase in vibration, overlays the other bodies and extends beyond the Mental Body.

Finally, there is the Spiritual Body, the “I AM Presence,” which is the highest in vibration and extends beyond all the other bodies. The I AM Presence is the guardian to the Rainbow Bridge, which crosses over into the fifth dimension.

All the fourth dimensional bodies exist over, under, around, and through the physical body, but they cannot be seen by our five physical senses. If we can perceive the fourth dimension consciously, we can expand our awareness enough to cross the Rainbow Bridge into our Superconscious Mind of the fifth dimension.

We navigate out travel into and through the fourth dimension with our desires, thoughts, and emotions. A metaphor of this would be sailing the ocean. We are the boat, the ocean is the Astral Plane, the location we wish to reach is our desire, our thoughts are the sail and the steering, and the wind is our emotions.

If our emotions are fearful and tumultuous we will have an uncomfortable ride. Even though our desire is for the higher planes of the fourth dimension, our personal imbalance will limit our entry to the Lower Astral Plane where fear, which is the lack of emotional balance, rules. If we wish to journey to the higher planes of the fourth dimension we must keep our thoughts harmonious and our feelings centered in the infinite balance of love. In that manner, eventually, we can experience all the planes of the fourth dimension. Then our I AM Presence can lead us across the Bridge into the fifth dimension and beyond.

I step into the fourth dimension. I see my connection to all of life and to my third dimensional selves on the step below me. However, I still experience myself as an individual. My reality is very mutable now. Persons and places change quickly, but I am aware that it is my thoughts and feelings that dictate these experiences. My fearful thoughts create frightening situations, and my loving thoughts bring me happiness. If I follow my fear, I go down into a world of torment and sorrow. However, if I follow love, I see a Rainbow Bridge of Light.


Fifth dimensional consciousness is awareness of length, breadth, height, time, and spirit. All life upon the fifth dimension lives in the Unity Consciousness of Spirit, but there is still an experience of "I" as an individual member of the group. Linear time and space do not bind consciousness here, and there is NO illusion of separation or limitation. Instead, there is a constant experience of the Oness of God/Goddess/All That Is.

The primary consciousness of this dimension is androgynous, stellar beings living in Lightbodies. These Lightbodies are light based rather than our carbon based physical bodies. Our Lightbodies have the awareness of our lower selves without the physical limitations. These forms have no need for pain to learn their lessons. Therefore, they do not need the protection and warning signals of the physical body. Our fifth dimensional selves have integrated the lessons that their lower dimensional selves are learning through the experiences of "Schoolroom Earth," and do not need physical suffering to learn.

All actions on this plane are based upon love because, just as a dead leaf cannot survive the higher vibration of a fire, fear cannot survive the higher vibration of the fifth dimension. If we were to experience fear while in the fifth dimension, our vibration would drop and our consciousness would instantly be lowered to the lower sub-planes of the fourth dimension. It is only within the consciousness of fifth dimensional Unconditional Love that we can maintain a conscious connection with our Spirit SELF.

On the fifth dimension, experience, creation, and travel are created in harmony with the Divine Will of God/Goddess/All That Is. Every being, place, situation, or location that is desired becomes instantly manifest. If we do choose the experience of movement, it feels like a combination of flying and treading water. Our Lightbodies, like our fourth dimensional bodies, are mutable and can easily change form. Just as we can change our location or experience with our desire, we can also change the form of the "body" that surrounds our consciousness.

The fifth dimension is the beginning of ascension. Hence, all consciousness there is naturally multidimensional. The awareness of the fourth and third dimension are as automatic as looking at our hands and feet. Since there is no sense of separation, we can experience our third and fourth dimensional realities within the same moment that we are experiencing our fifth dimensional Lightbody.

Because there is no feeling of limitation, we can easily believe that we are "alive" and "conscious" within many different vibratory rates. Just as our third dimensional consciousness is aware that we are also made of the minerals, water, genetic codes, and biological matter of the first and second dimension, our fifth dimensional self is aware that we are also third and fourth dimensional beings.

On the fifth dimension we live in Unconditional Love, Unconditional Forgiveness, and Unconditional Acceptance. We hold no judgment, guilt, or negativity towards the "lower" portions of ourselves that are striving to remember our "Higher Selves". In fact, our fifth dimensional self serves as a guide to the lower aspects of our consciousness, as well as to others.

There are also sub-planes of the fifth dimension, but awareness of, and therefore writings about, them are minimal. It has been my experience that there is a threshold upon which we wait for our Divine Complement. Our Divine Complement, also known as our Twin Flame, is the opposite polarity of our integrated male/female androgynous Lightbody that was split off from us when we took embodiment in the lower dimensions.

I am upon the step of the fifth dimension and see that there are many steps above me. I am aware of and united with the portions of myself upon the lower steps, as well as my other fifth dimensional realities. Love and fear, beauty and ugliness, are only polarities of a single concept. I live in unity with the male and female expressions of my being. I have learned to Unconditionally Love, Unconditionally Accept, and Unconditionally Forgive all life and the portions of that life that I identify as myself. I have a sense of personal identity within the unity of All That Is. My thoughts and feelings are instantly manifested, and my body of Light lives forever in the NOW.

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Enlightenment is a 'Knowing' !



                 Enlightenment will lift you right out of the illusory world of 3D
                         into your own knowing of who you are spiritually.
             It is enlightening you to your Divine Self, your link with all Divinity.

                       Divinity is the Godspark within coming to full light!
            All the answers that you have asked in the past will be answered.
     You will look back upon your earthly life and know why you did this and that,
     you won't have to ask anyone. Your spiritual light within, your Godself, will
     be able to answer your questions, and it will open up your consciousness to a
                                      much higher meaning of life!

         Many souls become enlightened on Earth, as earth is the place to do it!
     You can become stunned at first....all falsehood falls away about anything
  you ever believed in, you will know Truth when you hear it, and you will immediately

                   know if someone is telling the truth or not!!!
        All the spiritual quacks on earth, and inc. the internet, will stand out like
                                                a sore thumb!

      It is an awakening, like a huge clearing away of falsehood and you begin to live
              in total truth and peace because nothing can con you anymore.
    Some souls like Yogis go into trances and all kinds of stuff, but that is their way
                          because they have been on a different path.

    Some souls are born enlightened but still need to experience that particular incarnation
   and work themselves up again, spiritually, to expand the previous enlightenment, because
                                              it is always expanding.

                         ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   o  O  o   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

My short answer to a question  ~  "What does enlightenment feel like?"

Namaste ~ Love ~ Tara.

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A Vision for Freedom from debt.

The Vision Alignment Project
(From this point on, your Visions will arrive 3 times a week.)

A Vision for Freedom from Debt

We envision a world free of debt of all kinds; a world where all debt has been forgiven, all usury stopped, every slate wiped clean, every heart opened and mind freed because people everywhere are giving and sharing with each other.

We see a system of exchange based on abundance instead of encumbrance, equality instead of slavery, conscience instead of competition, opportunity instead of obligation, gratitude instead of greed. We see all peoples, everywhere, enjoying equal access to all good things, and with this comes a blossoming in the soul of humanity such as has never before been seen throughout the whole of time.

As you line up with this Vision, it becomes your Vision too!
You can align with this Vision
by double-clicking the "YES!" Button below.


Clicking the YES Button will also show you the Total Alignments to date.



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“The waiting is over!

Conscious breathing offers a new freedom, a new love for self! Every four seconds, 1000 kisses from Spirit descend into your life. Every minute, another 15,000 kisses await you and yet standing boldly in front of you is your human pride. It believes you must do this alone. In the name of pride, you have attempted to tame the currents of life, control its impact and manage its love for you. Such folly will not be able to withstand the love you have invited in this now moment. Every hour, another 900,000 kisses! The floodgates are open, abundance becomes realized and a new passion for living stirs the heart of the awakened human being. A new day begins, another 21,600,000 kisses await you; cascading over your body, mind and soul. You thought this was going to be difficult? Now would be a very good time to let Spirit love you back!!” Michael

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