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We have undergone a tremendous upheaval in the last week.  We also have been preparing for it since 12-21-12.  That does not make it any easier to experience or go through the energies in any shape or form.  We did not post a Frequency Update last week for this exact same reason.  Each time I felt the need to sit and call upon the energies to write even the Planetary Level, I became overloaded with a heaviness within me.  I always know that in those circumstances it is not the right moment.  The part that I share comes directly through my Higher Self and I knew that I needed to step back from projecting any messages either from my Highest Presence or the Unified Whole Command.

This week presents to us great opportunities to be more deeply connected to our Highest Presence but yet, will cause great upheavals in our emotional and mental levels.  As of April 25th, 2013 we will be presented with a very powerful Full Moon, 3:58 PM, Eastern US, which resides in Scorpio in the Sun Sign of Taurus.  This is going to open up doorways for more understanding of our inner selves as it represents our outer existence.  With the Lunar Eclipse occurring at 1:58 pm, Eastern, this takes us into a deeper level of ourselves.  The eclipse represents our relationships and especially to our-self so it is another grand opportunity to look at the dark places in our soul that need the light to shine upon them.  It will also represent our role in mastery and we are given a perfect opportunity to connect with our ability to walk in Mastery in all levels of our life.  The ascended masters are awaiting our arrival to do so while they train us to be the Masters for the New Earth.

We also will be experiencing the first of the three festivals of Wesak, The Festival of the Christ.  This energy represents the Resurrection of the Self to prepare to go into a deeper level to prepare our physical bodies to incorporate more Light and Love Quotient during the Wesak moon.  We conducted a ceremony on April 24th to experience all of these events in the City of Telos with many masters which is available for download,  If you would like to read more information about the festivals, please see our blog, The Wesak Festivals Have Arrived ~ 2013, .

Expect the unexpected through these changes.  They are taking us into deeper levels so that we can now experience the magnificence of being on this pathway.  But know, the work must be done.  It is not going to happen automatically just by wishing it to occur.

The best advice I can give is to take these energies and ground them into the lower extremities of the body.  As we do so, the energies will go within Gaia and she will take what you cannot handle physically.  When we receive a higher light quotient, sometimes the body cannot hold onto it.  This is why we are experiencing the highs and lows within our physical structure.  So take time to send it to the Earth by walking on the ground, connecting with water, and eating properly so that the light-headedness does not become overwhelming.  If it does, then take short naps or meditate and you will find you will go into another reality for a short time.  These are the most powerful times of sleep when you acknowledge that you cannot stay awake, and then just sleep for short periods.  I have done this for several years and when it’s time to wake up, surprisingly, you feel refreshed.  It’s important to try and have a dialogue with your Higher Self as he/she is opening up the doorway for you to fully incorporate their energies.

We are coming into some very powerful months so it is important to sit and write down your thoughts, emotions, and experiences through the process.  Wesak represents moving up the initiation ladder another level so record your desires of what you would like to achieve.  After the three-month period you will definitely feel and see a change within your consciousness and possibly, your life.

COSMIC LEVEL ~ Unified Whole Command of Many Masters of Light

Greetings Fellow Comrades of the Light,

Happy Full Moon ~ what a beautiful moon it is at this time.  Have you looked at it?  If you have not, we know you are feeling the intensity of the energies.  It is jam-packed with lots of goodies to help you experience your life in full acceleration of your desires.

But first, before you get to the point of accepting all that you have intended to happen, you must go through the Ring of Fire once again.  We know ~ you are tired of hearing about the challenges and the transition and want it to occur NOW.  Yes, we understand and we are not within your bodies so the compassion we have is not the same as someone speaking with you about how to experience these changes in a softer manner.  Unfortunately, these energies in the next few days are not going to be anything but soft.  They can be demanding and cause you to feel uncomfortable about being in your body.

This is because as your are becoming more multi-dimensional as there are other elements that need to be purged.  Each month of this year will take you deeper into these changes but what we want to concentrate on right now is the PRESENT.  Before we continue with this discussion, let’s chat about being in the Moment.  It is an essential component that is necessary in your existence as the energies are shifting into the higher frequencies.  Projecting through the year is only going to bring in anxiety of ‘what could be’ so we ask of you to concentrate on what is happening right now.

Experiencing a full moon with a Lunar Eclipse within Scorpio and Taurus ~ that is quite a bit to handle but then we add the Festival of the Christ.  First of all this full moon is going to make you look deeper within yourself of the ways that you think and act.  Then it will be time to take those energies and expand them outside of yourself.  At first, it may seem uncomfortable to do so as they will have a different reaction that the innerself energies.  But eventually it is going to change so that your inner being is the one that is guiding the outer form of living.  This is an imperative stage to concentrate on as it is going to assist you with the Festival of the Christ energies.

The Festival of the Christ is when each of us as masters within and without a body, full reflect on what needs to be purged in order to receive the next phase of our initiations.  It is a death experience that will occur through your four body system.  Each year at this time it is important to have the realizations of who you are, what you were before, and how to accomplish what you desire.  It is that simple in words but not in action.  As you fully allow your inner securities to arise and take the next steps into your new reality, you must walk off into the unknown energies of experience.  You may have an idea of what you are going through but do not know how to put it into practice.  This is a perfect example of the way that it occurs.  Mastery represents being in the NOW and if you project, then you are creating something to happen that is not focused upon your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  It comes for the lower mind and can get you into a frustrated sense within your consciousness and life.

This is why it is so very important to take inventory at this time.  Reflect who you are, what you want, and then the ideas will come to create the new reality.  Without this, you will falter and feel as if you are pushing through doorways that are not opening.  You will not be able to acquire the movement of synchronization within your life.  The flow of your existence will become fully of unopened pathways.  It is when you push in this manner that the movement ceases to be in alignment of the Universal Consciousness of Oneness.  You are working within the confines of your third dimensional body and reality of the Lower Mind.

We share this just to explain what can happen in the process if you don’t allow the flow of ideas from your Higher Self and I AM Presence.  In retrospect, what can happen on the opposite side of the energy is life is going to get better for you. You will find fluidness and the power of love and light to be your guide.  You will have to release or purge old thoughts that you experienced within your mental consciousness as they will not work any longer.  Ideas that you though you had will not work in this frame of reference but new ideas will appear like magic.

These energies are going to catapult you into new ways of existence that you would never have thought about previously.  The movement of your life will change within a moment’s notice so you must be prepared for the change.  Nothing stays the same in the higher realms of thought so you will start to experience this.  If you find that you had a project that you were working on and it did not flow, then you need to change something.  The project may be very good, but it is the timing and the precision in the way that it needs to be manifested.

You will be tested during this time to make sure you are very aware of your God consciousness within your life.  Each of these energies during the next few days will enable you to look deeper within yourself but you must not deny them as you may miss a great opportunity that is about to occur.  Know your inner self by meditating, breathing, connecting to your higher presence, and allowing the flow of energies of your masculine and feminine divine to become manifest in your world.

The resurrection process you are going through is going to prepare you for more elements to occur within your life.  Going through these doorways is never easy but so rewarding.  So if you feel ill, tired, and not yourself, take time away from your work, your computer, and your friends to just connect to yourself.  The flow that will come to you within this process will be the doorway that you have been waiting to open.

Take the new energies that you are incorporating and give them to GAIA.  Go to her waters, her lands, the mountains or outside your home.  Breathe deeply as you move the higher frequencies through your body into your Earth Star as you and GAIA meet up with one another.  This will help both of you; she will receive and you will be giving what you have received.

We walk with you during this special time.  The Wesak energies this year are going to be most powerful elements upon the planet and it will be up to each of you individually in how you experience them and put them to good use in your pathway.  This, in turn, is going to assist every one on the planet to receive the light you are allowing to incorporate within you.

Blessings and love in Oneness and the Creative Source that We Are Together.

The Unified Whole of Many Masters Walking with Each of You.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.  No use without prior written permission allowed except for sharing the post in its entirety along with the link to this page, New Earth Frequency Update, Resurrecting to Receive More, 4-25-13.

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This year the festivals of Wesak are not in alignment with the Easter holiday so it seems like we are a bit behind with the energies.  That is just the opposite effect that it is having upon us.

This Wesak in 2013 promises to be the most powerful Wesak that has ever been felt upon this earth.  I realized that last year it was stated that 2012 would be felt the most but I think those energies were quite different.  In 2012 we were being prepared for the Golden Era and now we are actually experiencing it first hand.

The Wesak Festivals are always very important for each initiate and ascended master whether in the planetary level or the higher dimensions in which the Spiritual Hiearchy represents.  Since the onset of the energies of 12-21-12 the Unified Whole represents all masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy that went into full oneness.  This means there are no pantheons or past life timelines that we are dealing with when communicating with them.  Master Thoth with the Great Divine Director and Albert Einsten merged into one pure essence of Oneness.  This is quite a powerful merger and represents the ability of each of us doing the same.

So the festivals this year will represent Oneness within GAIA’s essence to be fully felt so that every lightworker that chooses to walk into mastery will have the potential to access their I AM Presence and other soul personalities making up the multi-dimensional self.  That is why this year is so very crucial for our growth and why each of us has been challenged in the previous months of January-February-March.  It is all about the preparation for the New Earth and each of us must walk into these doorways of transmutation which is very exciting for each of us at this time on the Earth.

The Festival of the Christ ~ April 25th, 2013

Is the first festival of the three and usually falls around Easter.  This year it did not as the Easter holiday was earlier which also signifies the time of changes of removing the old pantheons.  On April 25th, we experience an amazing Festival of the Christ.  On its own this energy is life changing but with the Lunar Eclipse of this date, we are going to be changed very deeply.  It is necessary to understand what both of these events will mean to us.

The Festival of the Christ occurs during the full moon in Aires .  It represents the living and incorporating the Christ Consciousness Within.  It is the first of the three festivals connected to planetary and cosmic ascension. The second being Wesak, and the third, Humanity.  Each of these festivals are stepping stones for each initiate to move further up the ladder of their initiation phase as they walk on the Mastery Pathway.

The keynote of the festival is love in the highest form with resurrection being the 2nd element and contact, being the third keynote.  This represents a closer relationship to your I AM Presence, and Lord Maitreya, as he is considered to be the Planetary Christ, Head of the Spiritual Hierarchy, and teacher to all the ascended masters along with being a Galactic Avatar.

The focus of the festival this year in 2013 is to fully understand the transitions we have gone under as an initiate since 12-21-12 and go deeper into ourselves.  It will assist us in becoming closer to the core essence of our I AM Presence on a daily basis.  We no longer have the option of waiting and hoping it is going to happen; we must act now to make the necessary changes.

Lord Sanada shares a special message on the Festival of the Christ: 

“It is my Divine pleasure to see the effects of what has occurred in 12-21-12 be fully manifested within each individual during this festival of light.  This year of 2013 will take each individual deeper into themselves than they ever thought they could imagine.  If you think about where I was as Jeshua at the time of my passing and look at yourselves, well, my comrades of the Light you have the ability to go much further into your essence while being embodied at this time. This is what the Wesak will represent to each of us this year.  The planet is coming into Cosmic Oneness which means it has the ability to embody this essence on the planetary level but it must be done by each of you.  The Planetary Oneness or the ground essence within each of you will allow GAIA to feel her Oneness.  This must come in increments of moments as this essence is much too strong to allow it to happen all at once.  Otherwise, disaster can struck those that are not prepared.  This festival will assist you to look deeply within, see the dark places of the old timelines that are bothering you, and feel the rejuvenation that occurs when full Resurrection is accepted within the Self.  It is an amazing time but also one that takes great diligence to walk through the adversities of the Light.”

The Festival of the Christ is helping each of us to fully surrender into our I AM Presence or Over Soul to full create the Divinity within our physical walk upon this Earth.  It cannot be done without each of us allowing the Etheric Body or Cellular Memory to be healed of the past elements that have kept us in bondage.  This ceremony is a doorway for our soul to become more actively associated in the physical existence with our highest capability of Light.

Participating actively with your Higher Self will assist in the forces of restoration as this is one of the major components of this festival.  We are all starting to focus within the Oneness but to actively participate through our physical bodies is going to restore the essence upon this Earth along with every inhabitant, thereof.  It is a time when it makes people think, plan and take action on spiritual lines and will eventually lead to a reorganization of planetary life which we are experiencing presently.

We are in the process of Creating Heaven on Earth and the Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to take full advantage of the Cosmic Energies assisting us.  In addition we will be experiencing a Lunar Eclipse at the same time which will prove to take us deeper into the depths of our timelines that need to be removed.  It can also be an intense time for the planet as the duality will try to take its hold of individuals upon the planet so it is our time as Lightworkers to full increase our light and love quotient.  We may find that we are challenged in certain areas of our live so the Festival of the Christ is a perfect opportunity to surrender ourselves through the process.

The next two festivals are the Wesak and Humanity.  Wesak is celebrated at the full moon in May and Humanity in June.  All of these festivals are in conjunction with one another.

Festival of Wesak ~ May 24th, 2013

This year will prove to be the most magnificent of festivals and we, at Walking Terra Christa, will be conducting a live ceremony in Mt. Shasta on May 23rd.  It represents the anniversary of Lord Buddha’s birth, his attainment of buddahood and his ascension.  Initiates and Ascended Masters on the inner and outer plane celebrate this powerful time.  Lord Buddha represents the expression of the Wisdom of God, the embodiment of light and divine purpose.

The purpose of Wesak is:

  1. The releasing of certain transmissions of energy to humanity that will stimulate the Spirit of Love, Brotherhood, and Goodwill.
  2. The fusion of all men and women of goodwill into a responsive, integrated whole.
  3. The invocation and response from certain cosmic beings if prior goals are achieved

Wesak is a time of great renewal and celebration.  It represents the “force of enlightenment”.  These energies are affected within our educational movements, values, literature, publishing, writers, and speakers on the entire planet.  The power of these energies is so great that large groups of people gather around the world to participate in these energies.

Festival of Humanity ~ June 23rd, 2013

The Festival of the Spirit of Human aspires towards divinity, attunement to God’s will and right human relationships.  This is when we take the energies we have received from Wesak and put them into practice.  It represents the effects in human consciousness of the work of all Masters but especially with Lord Buddha, Lord Maitreya, and Master Jeshua/Lord Sananda.  It is also recognized as World Invocation Day.

This is when we put to use what we have learned from the previous two festivals.  Wesak pushes us into a new dimensional reality which needs to be grounded.  Within the full moon of Gemini is when we start to put into practice what we have learned and share with the world.

Due to the intense energies of this year, we will have more information about the Festivals of Wesak and Humanity closer to the events which will include a channeled message on the energies that are transpiring.

Walking Terra Christa will be facilitating meditations for each of these events.  The Festival of the Christ will be held on April 24th, 2013.  This is an open call so please consider joining us.  Click this link for more details.  The Festival of Wesak will be a live ceremony in Mt. Shasta, CA.  We are also holding a 3-Day Retreat in Mt. Shasta.    The telecall for the Festival of Humanity will be held on June 24th, 2013; details will be forthcoming as we get closer to the date.

In Expressions of Oneness

Rev. Christine Meleriessee

Walking Terra Christa, Academy of New Earth Mastery

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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Lord Adama Discourse Program


We are holding a monthly class in which Lord Adama with the Telosian Council of Light will share his insights and knowledge about how to transition into a 5th dimensional way of life.  He wants to include the basic teachings of the Telosian way of living and help us individually and collectively to move from the 3rd/4th dimensional body into the 5th dimensional existence as One Body of Light.

As always, we will call upon the Unified Whole to remove any elements that need to be put into wholeness while activating our Higher Self and I AM Presence.  Lord Adama wants us to experience the beauty of Telos so we will travel in a journey to receive the lesson of the month.  We may meet in the Garden, at the Telosian Retreat House, or a number of other places within Telos.  Lord Adama will give an introductory talk about the topic we will be discussing.  So it is a good time to have pen and paper handy for any of the exercises that he may give to us.  He may also invite any of the Ray Chohans to assist in the activation of the lesson plan.

There will also be an attunement to assist in the lesson plan so that we can actualize the energies not just through our physical self but allow the four-body system to assimilate it through the energetics.  We will work with the 22 Rays of God; he may choose to pinpoint certain rays for each of the classes.

Lord Adama has asked us to put this together as he truly wants to work with everyone on a more personal basis.  An MP3 file will be available after the class for your personal use.

Depiction of Lord Adama High Priest of Telos-Lemuria's Capitol City by artist Glenda GreenThe class will be held on Thursday’s, towards the end of the month.

April 25th; May 18th, June 27th

5 PM Pacific; 12 Midnight GMT via Skype or Telephone

These dates are subject to change depending upon scheduling.



$33 ~


Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden

Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery

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Revealing Who We Are


                                               No bird can fly

                                               without opening its wings,

                                               and no one can love

                                               without exposing their heart.

It is perhaps the oldest of inner laws, as inescapable as gravity.  There is no chance of lifting into any space larger than yourself without revealing the parts you hold closest to your chest.

Any time you hesitate revealing who you are, picture yourself as a bird perched on a roof, wings tucked at your sides.  To enter a relationship without opening your heart is to jump off that roof without spreading your wings.

It's true that baby birds hesitate the first time out of the nest, but once tasting the air, it is in their nature to open and rise, and close and land.  This is their life.   It is ours too.

The paradox, of course, is that we must trust that the power to lift and land, for us, is in revealing what we hide.   Once revealed, these tender things become our wings.


*  Sit quietly outside, if possible, and watch the birds open, lift, and land.

*  Breathe freely, and as the birds take flight, practice opening and resting your heart.


Typed from :

The Book of Awakening by Mark Nepo

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The Wesak Legend
Short Meditation Version

THE WESAK FESTIVAL - the full moon of the Buddha

Imagine yourself in the Wesak Valley. Spiritually align your energies to the group soul. As you begin to meditate, breathe deeply and imagine your connection to the guiding light of the Spiritual Hierarchy. Know that you are joining with many others worldwide who are simultaneously creating and experiencing connection to the Enlightened Ones. Feel Their loving support for you and all of humanity.

Begin to feel the potent vibration that has the effect of awakening the souls, fusing and blending the group into one united whole, and lifting all into a great act of spiritual demand, readiness, and expectancy. See now a great light penetrating the Valley, so all that remains is the quality of Essential Divinity ... the consciousness that All is One and Divine.

Near the northern end of the Wesak Valley, there is a huge flat rock upon which rests a great crystal bowl full of water. The Three great lords face the rock; the Christ, standing at the center; the Lord of Living Forms to His right, and the Lord of Civilization, standing to His left.
Just a few minutes before the exact time of the full moon, envision in the far distance a tiny speck in the sky. It comes nearer and nearer, and grows in clarity and definiteness of outline, until the form of The Buddha can be seen. Seated in the cross-legged position, clad in his saffron-colored robe, the Buddha is bathed in light and color, with his hand extended in blessing.

When The Buddha arrives at a point exactly over the great rock, hovering in the air above the heads of The Three Great Lords, a great mantram, used only once a year at this Festival, is intoned by The Christ. This Invocation marks the supreme moment of intensive spiritual effort throughout the entire year, and the spiritual effects are to last throughout the succeeding months. Buddha's blessing is poured forth, and The Christ, as representative of humanity, receives it in trust for distribution.
The Buddha slowly recedes into the distance, until again only a faint speck can be seen in the sky, that eventually disappears.
* * *
Open now in meditation to the quality of synthesis and the Light of Taurus, maintaining a receptive attitude to any thought or impulse from a higher or subtler realm.

As you return from this silence, join in the Wesak water ceremony of communion. The water, which has been imbued by the Taurus full moon energies and the Buddha's Blessing, is for all. See within the water the Penetrating Light of the Path, sparkling, shining, and alive. In time it will become a beam of light and will reveal our next step on the Lighted Way. As you drink, the Light comes alive within you. As you participate in this communion, dedicate your service in the world, and dynamically intone The Great Invocation with focused mind, heart and will.

From the point of light within the Mind of God
Let Light stream forth into our minds
Let LIGHT descend on Earth.
From the point of love within the Heart of God
Let Love stream forth into our hearts
May LOVE increase on Earth.
From the center where the Will of God is known
Let purpose guide our wills
The PURPOSE which the masters know and serve.
From the center which we call Humanity
Let the Plan of Love and Light work out
And may it seal the door
where evil dwells.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
restore the Planet Earth!

Exact Time Full Moon Meditation

The influence of the full moon spreads over a three day period. The dates and exact times for the full moon when the energy is at its peak are as follows:

Please Note: The first time given below is Pacific Standard Time. The second time is GMT time. Where Day Light time is in effect please add one hour to the times shown.

April 25, 2013 @ 11:58 AM PST,
April 25, 2013 @ 7:58 PM GMT

If you are living in another part of the world, please use the world time clock to find your time:


Such a great post and so informative. I have learnt something today, thank you for this wonderful post. Love and Blessings. Melodie


Here are some recipes

Wesak Recipe: Tofu and Vegetables with Peanut Sauce
By Lauren Capitani

Wesak (also called Vesak), a Southeast Asian holiday, celebrates the birth and enlightenment of Buddha. Wesak is one of the most important Buddhist events and is celebrated with color and gaiety. While Wesak food varies by country, it is proper for food to be vegetarian. This dish was simple to prepare and delicious! If your children do not like spice, you may want to omit the cayenne.


1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 small head broccoli, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
6 mushrooms, sliced
1 pound firm tofu, cubed
1 small Thai chili pepper (optional)
1 clove garlic, minced
1 1-inch piece of ginger, minced (optional)
1/2 cup all-natural, chunky peanut butter
1/2 cup hot water
2 tablespoons rice vinegar
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 1/2 tablespoons agave or molasses
1/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper (more, to taste)
2 cups cooked Asian rice


1. Heat oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Saute broccoli until par-cooked, about, 5 minutes. Add red bell pepper, mushrooms, garlic, tofu and chili pepper (if using). Sautee 5 minutes.

2. While cooking, combine peanut butter, hot water, vinegar, soy sauce, agave and cayenne pepper. Pour over vegetables and tofu. Simmer for 5 minutes.

3. Serve atop rice.

Vegan Recipes For Wesak Week!!!

Hi everyone! Start of another beautiful month is here. As most of you aware, May is a special month for Buddhists all around the world because of Wesak Full Moon Poya Day. It has become a memorable day since 2600 years ago as three significant events in Lord Buddha's life namingly Birth, Enlightenment and Parinirwanaya took place on a day like the Wesak Poya Day. Unlike other full moon days Wesak plays an important role in Buddhists' lives shaping their life styles and day today activities within the Wesak week into a more religiously active life style. A change in their normal meals is also another way of respecting the Wesak week and to restrain from sins. That's why most of the people focus on vegetables in this week.

It's not easy for someone who has been eating meat to follow something strictly vegan. But with the following recipes, I think you can start small. And trust me being a vegetarian has many benefits too.

Bean Curd & Mushroom Fried Rice


250g Bean Curd cut into small squares
500g of cooked rice of your choice (Basmati is preferable)
50g of button mushroom cut into small portions
50g of Oyster mushroom cut into small portions
50g of Spring Onion cut into small rings
50g of pale green Capsicum cut into small squares
50g of red Bell Pepper cut into small squares
50g of Pineapple cut into small squares
2 tbsp Sesame Oil
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
1/4 of Olive oil or Vegetable Oil
1 tbsp chopped Onion
1 tbsp Garlic and Ginger paste
Salt and Pepper to taste


1. First heat a wok and add the Olive oil or Vegetable Oil into it. Take the Bean Curd and add some salt and Pepper and mix well. Add that to the heated oil and let it cook for about five minutes until it turns golden in colour.
2. When the Bean Curd are golden coloured add chopped Onion and then the Garlic, Ginger paste. When the air around you smells frying Garlic and Onion add the two types of mushroom and cook for about another 3 minutes. When the mushrooms appear to be slight brown add the rice in small quantities and mix well.
3. Then add the Bell Pepper, Capsicum and Pineapple and mix. Add the Soy Sauce. Finally add the Spring Onion and sprinkle the Sesame Oil on top. Serve hot.

Spicy Garlic Vegetables in Grill


5 tbsp Garlic ground into a thick paste
50g Pineapple cut into 1 inch squares

2 large Onions cut into 1 inch squares
50g Tofu cut into 1 inch squares
50g Capsicum cut into 1 inch squares
50g Red Bell Pepper cut into 1 inch squares
100g grated cheddar cheese
3 tbsp chili powder
Salt to taste
4 tbsp Olive oil
2 tbsp Soy Sauce
2 tbsp Yogurt or Curd
1/2 tbsp Turmeric powder
1/2 tbsp Garam Masala Powder (optional)


1. Take a bowl and add Curd or Yogurt, 1 tbsp Soy Sauce, Turmeric powder, chili powder, a bit of salt, Garam Masala, 1 tbsp Olive Oil and 20g of Cheddar cheese and mix into a thick paste.
2. Take the Bean Curd and a fork and slightly pinch the Bean Curd with it. Make sure you maintain the square shape. Add the Bean Curd to the paste and let it season for at least one hour.
3. Add rest of the Olive Oil, Soy Sauce, Garlic paste and some salt into the vegetables and mix well. Heat your grill or a pan and grill until you get grill marks.
4. Take the Bean Curd and grill them too. If you want you can arrange them in kebab sticks and grill. Serve with Tomato Sauce.

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Hi! I miss talking with you dear Council of Angels.. Have been busy working..

Distressing things are happening in the outside world… Boston
I want to get away from it all.

Do you have any messages for us?

(Channel meditates on feeling of “How am I going to transcend and reach the Fifth Dimension?”)

In answer to your question “How do I get to the 5th dimensional New Earth/planet A?”:

You already have a life there, you just have to continue to raise your frequency to transcend time and 3D/4D and then you will be able to access it…

To raise your frequency…well, you are already on that path! You are already beginning to transcend time and the lower frequencies. Frequency=Consciousness=Higher Mind. This is why you came to this planet, to experience this transcendence. To participate in this experiment. To be a receiver and transmitter of higher frequency communications during this great transition of lower to higher consciousness… It is more of a journey than a destination and you are already on this journey.. All is proceeding as planned by Source..

The entire omniverse is raising in frequency, or “upgrading”… Earth is part of this upgrade… Simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival… Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness…there is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven.. The darker threads are separating out into their own “pile”, the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer , light-filled fabric…

There are also higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish. The way to do this is to simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more. (note from Goldenlight: turn off your tv and mainstream media!) The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power. These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.

All is being created now with thought and intention… A beautiful, higher dimensional realm is being co-created by the Company of Heaven including Source, Archangels, Angels, higher minds of humans, higher minds of galactic brethren, ascended masters, and many beings of light are all lovingly birthing this new reality… The cities of light are coalescing their manifestationary light into being… they are love-filled, joy-filled, highly evolved spiritual worlds of light joy laughter harmony and peace.. Such sacred spaces now being formed so that all may step into these higher creationary manifestations…See these cities now in your minds eye… they are filled with a beautiful golden light .. The light and love of Source Creator sprinkled with the soft light and love of the angelic realm.. Rest your weary bodies and minds beside the healing waters and let the love of Source cradle you in the softest of love and light.. A healing balm for all souls who enter these cities of light.. Healing, love, caring and soft light pervade these beautiful spaces.. You will all be able to joyously partake in these beautiful higher dimensional Cities of Light and Love where all beings coexist harmoniously joyfully and lovingly.

There are no weapons in this higher dimensional plane.. No violence… No wars… All beings treat each other with compassion, love and respect.. For All realize they are a part of the Whole..all have awareness of the Oneness of All and the Allness of One. The Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is followed …

Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life.

Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.. There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication..

Free energy propels all.

Pollution is a thing of the past.

Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.

Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se dont exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.

Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.

Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.

“Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self.

Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.

School curriculum consists of:

- Ethics of Telepathy
- The Golden Rule
- Teleportation
- Yoga
- Organic Gardening
- Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
- Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
- Bathing in Source Light
- Caring For Your Temple of Light
- Intergalactic History
- Interacting With Star Nations
- Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
- Holographic Art and Music
- The Connection of All to Source
- Crystal Geomancy
- Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
- Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
- Sacred Earth Journeys
- Earth Council Service and Equanimity
- Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
- Higher Dimensional Exploration
- Levitation
- The Essence of the Angelic Realms
- The Ascended Masters
- The 12 Dimensions of Creation
- Shapeshifting
- Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting

These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools.

Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul … And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.)

May all beings be at peace.
May all things be peaceful.

Namaste and we send you our softest light and unconditional love, bathing your entire being in a bubble of golden, Divine Love and Light.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit without alteration when re-posting this message.
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Hi! I miss talking with you dear Council of Angels.. Have been busy working..

Distressing things are happening in the outside world… Boston
I want to get away from it all.

Do you have any messages for us?

(Channel meditates on feeling of “How am I going to transcend and reach the Fifth Dimension?”)

In answer to your question “How do I get to the 5th dimensional New Earth/planet A?”:

You already have a life there, you just have to continue to raise your frequency to transcend time and 3D/4D and then you will be able to access it…

To raise your frequency…well, you are already on that path! You are already beginning to transcend time and the lower frequencies. Frequency=Consciousness=Higher Mind. This is why you came to this planet, to experience this transcendence. To participate in this experiment. To be a receiver and transmitter of higher frequency communications during this great transition of lower to higher consciousness… It is more of a journey than a destination and you are already on this journey.. All is proceeding as planned by Source..

The entire omniverse is raising in frequency, or “upgrading”… Earth is part of this upgrade… Simply turn away from the dark energies fighting for their survival… Focus on love, higher ideals of peace harmony compassion love prosperity abundance joy and oneness…there is an energetic separation occurring… Think of it like a tapestry being unwoven.. The darker threads are separating out into their own “pile”, the lighter threads are elevating to a higher, light-filled realm and weaving themselves into a newer , light-filled fabric…

There are also higher dimensional frequencies that are anchored in mother earth’s (Gaia’s) body and around your planet.. and all must either raise their frequency or perish. The way to do this is to simply shift your focus away from the dark, towards the Light, and towards higher frequency energies and Higher Consciousness and all that emanates from it: joy, peace, compassion, unconditional love, serenity, beauty, harmony, abundance, and so much more. (note from Goldenlight: turn off your tv and mainstream media!) The higher frequency energies are very strong on your planet right now, causing those of lower consciousness and service to self to temporarily abuse these energies in an attempt to gain more power. These games will not be able to continue indefinitely as there will come a time when their energetic constructs will unravel and fade away from the higher frequencies of love and light.

All is being created now with thought and intention… A beautiful, higher dimensional realm is being co-created by the Company of Heaven including Source, Archangels, Angels, higher minds of humans, higher minds of galactic brethren, ascended masters, and many beings of light are all lovingly birthing this new reality… The cities of light are coalescing their manifestationary light into being… they are love-filled, joy-filled, highly evolved spiritual worlds of light joy laughter harmony and peace.. Such sacred spaces now being formed so that all may step into these higher creationary manifestations…See these cities now in your minds eye… they are filled with a beautiful golden light .. The light and love of Source Creator sprinkled with the soft light and love of the angelic realm.. Rest your weary bodies and minds beside the healing waters and let the love of Source cradle you in the softest of love and light.. A healing balm for all souls who enter these cities of light.. Healing, love, caring and soft light pervade these beautiful spaces.. You will all be able to joyously partake in these beautiful higher dimensional Cities of Light and Love where all beings coexist harmoniously joyfully and lovingly.

There are no weapons in this higher dimensional plane.. No violence… No wars… All beings treat each other with compassion, love and respect.. For All realize they are a part of the Whole..all have awareness of the Oneness of All and the Allness of One. The Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” is followed …

Total abundance and prosperity are everywhere and enjoyed by everyone.. All beings have their needs met…This frees up much time for creating harmonious and loving interactions and relationships, or simply just time to relax and enjoy life.

Communication is done by telepathy, with respect for privacy adhered to by all.. There must be mutual consent for telepathic communications to ensue although one can “call” another to request a communication..

Free energy propels all.

Pollution is a thing of the past.

Healthy organic non-GMO, plant-based diets have replace poisonous food.

Natural well-being and good health is enjoyed by everyone… Hospitals per se dont exist but there are healing centers of light for all types of physical healing and rejuvenation.

Aging is also a thing of the past .. With higher dimensional bodies, 12 chakras and 12 strands of DNA activated on everyone as well as bodies that have transitioned to a crystalline base instead of a carbon base, there is no aging or disease.

Teleportation is developed and taught in special learning centers, otherwise there are free energy transports to take travelers whatever they wish to go on a silent smooth ride.

“Work” has a whole new meaning as people begin to practice their god-given talents in Service and Love to All, rather than the former paradigm of service-to-self.

Art, music, and all creative endeavors are encouraged and begin to flourish in an atmosphere of acceptance love and spiritual nourishment.

School curriculum consists of:

- Ethics of Telepathy
- The Golden Rule
- Teleportation
- Yoga
- Organic Gardening
- Caring For Your Multidimensional Body
- Honoring Your Higher Self and Group Dimensional Oversoul
- Bathing in Source Light
- Caring For Your Temple of Light
- Intergalactic History
- Interacting With Star Nations
- Communicating Telepathically with Pets and Children
- Holographic Art and Music
- The Connection of All to Source
- Crystal Geomancy
- Preparing for Intergalactic Travel
- Sacred Symbols, Music, Art and Dance
- Sacred Earth Journeys
- Earth Council Service and Equanimity
- Training to Become an Earth Representative on Intergalactic Councils
- Higher Dimensional Exploration
- Levitation
- The Essence of the Angelic Realms
- The Ascended Masters
- The 12 Dimensions of Creation
- Shapeshifting
- Keys to Sacred Partnership and Parenting

These are just a few of the courses that are now taught in schools.

Close your eyes… imagine being in one of these cities and feel the breeze of higher dimensional harmony, unconditional love, oneness, and serenity pervading your entire being… Your Christed light body, mind and soul … And relax in the knowing that all is perfect and harmonious in this higher dimensional Now time which you have entered and touched upon while reading this (and the channel experienced through bringing in the visual light information and downloads via this transmission of Light.)

May all beings be at peace.
May all things be peaceful.

Namaste and we send you our softest light and unconditional love, bathing your entire being in a bubble of golden, Divine Love and Light.

Channeled by Goldenlight, © The Golden Light Channel. Please include this copyright and credit without alteration when re-posting this message.
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Clarion Temple of Oneness Transcript, Dated April 15th, 2013.    To receive the transcription from Divine Mother and Father God see,; to purchase the MP3 Download or participate in the live calls, see  This transcript is directly related to the Meteor Show of Love that is appearing around the world on April 22nd, 2013.  There is a powerful activation occurring within our planet starting on this date.  So take a moment to reflect whether you see the meteor shower or not.  Blessings, Mel and Mike.


My Dearest Ones, what a divine pleasure to be here with each of you.  I encompass the dimensional frequencies of the higher realms of your stars of the inter-planets and all the inner galactic of the Christed universes.  We come tonight as the Divine Pleasure to be able to share with you our Light in this manner through a voice this is very exciting for each of us.  I have with me Beings from the Andromedeans, Beings from the Sirians, Beings from Arcturus and Pleiades and many others you may see.  There are many different species here that fill the stage; and we arise your energies and our friends are in the Temple amongst each of you which is the beauty of our energies.

Tonight we want to share, we want to share about the upcoming energies of meteor shower of Love.  It is our way of expressing that we are one with each of you.  This is the way that we can share it in these moments because many are looking for the shifts; they are waiting to see physical appearances because humans have a way of wanting a great celebration and waiting for that ship to land; then all of a sudden all these Beings come out of the ship and welcome them into the ship and take them to different foreign places.  Do you know why everyone is so concerned with the inter galactics? Because you are us, you want to be where we are, and you have chosen to be here now.  You so want to feel those energies once again and to know that you can communicate so we are showing you a way to do so.

I bring to you tonight the 21st Ray of this dimensional frequency of Divine Structure.  You see, some of you have already been there and you come down here to this Earth.  You think it’s the same and it is not.  We send this message to all the Star Seeds that are struggling with their lives now because Earth is not what they wanted to be.  They have a hard time existing in this duality and they fight the system.  This is occurring because they have the gifts, they have the ability to tune in to channel, to feel the energies, to have amazing dream states, geometric patterns that they can understand, what it is to be a galactic high technical essence.  But do you know why so many of you are here?  You are here not to show everyone what you know; you are here to be in Oneness.  This is the planet that is changing and so many souls in the last twenty or thirty years have decided to incarnate to be part of these energies.

So we say to you, let us blend.  You must blend the energies so we are going to share with you the essence of how to do that.  Do you think that each of us could stand here in front of you in all these planetary systems and agree?  Oh, there were times that we could not so I overlight all these essences to come into Oneness which is just like you are communicating with your Spiritual Hierarchy which are the overlighting energies to come into Oneness.  I overlight the inner galactic energies so that we can come together.  This is our time and what a perfect day to allow these essences to come into creation because, because what is happening on your Earth.  The intensity, the thought forms, and the lack of compassion amongst so many and yet others are awakening to that compassion and they don’t understand why it cannot be.  You tap into another world of existence and you want that to be your reality.  How do you think that changes? It has to change because you are changing.  You that are present listening in these moments are the ones that will show how it is done.  Not by what you know, not by how you do things, just by being, being that multi-dimensional self that is acquiring within your physical existence.

It is just amazing to watch the process that is occurring so know we are going to be infiltrating more often.  They say that this meteor shower this month 22nd of April is going to be huge for everyone to see.  It is an expression of Oneness; it is expression of fireworks.  As the fireworks come down from the higher universes into this sky formation of this Earth, it becomes Oneness.  It does not become like “oh my gosh what is going to happen to me”! We must realize that this is the Lights within Lights shinning down upon each of you to help you to remember the part of yourself that is inter galactic and that may have been eons and eons of time ago for you or it may have just been yesterday.  It does not matter when because those timelines become very active within your Etheric self so allowing them to come within your memories, into your dreams, and into your thought processes is going to assist you greatly in creating your multi-dimensional self.

Our essence is going to be able to overlight many of the dark forces upon this planet from other planetary universes.  It is going to assist in bringing in more frequency of Light on a physical basis by a molecular structure.  Not just the fact that there are elements stuck in environmental conditions.  This is a showing of your planetary structure with all the others coming into Oneness, coming into the frequency of Light that is us together.  Don’t we deserve to be with one another?  Don’t we deserve to have what we had from the beginning before we came into this creative process of planetary structures when we were all one-spirit group ball of Light? And we just move from place to place; while this is occurring, I ask of you now to look within the Temple up above.  The Temple is open as there is no ceiling of the Blue Gold Ray filtering within you and the entire Temple.

Let us heal these individuals that are newly upon the Temple of Oneness; let us heal these souls; they may be in a state of confusion because they just don’t know realized what has happened them.  They may have just passed over and their spiritual pathway did not allow them to think something like this is possible.  This is what you share in this Temple of the Light.  That is our expression moving into the totality of complete Oneness.  The beauty of these moments is the movement into expressing many facets of Light into the one essence that we are.  So tonight this is why we are here, we are here to tell you about this as we are here to be One with You.  If you think about what the Blue Gold actually means it represents Divine Structure.  What is Divine Structure in the mental aspects of your mind.  You may not be able to ascertain what that truly means.

If you take yourself out of this body that you are inhabiting and you travel and travel into the heavens up to the 36th dimensional frequency, you will see that there is where I Am and so are You.  You just don’t remember it’s not part of your process at this time to stay in that frequency as your body cannot hold those elements, but you can take a little portion of it to experience your totality.  So tonight I give you a small, small starlit essence to put into your Heart so that you can tap into these elements of frequency to help you become more grounded.  This will help you to know that if you are a Star Seed, you can ground that more.  Because what you are bringing to GAIA, is more Light into the planet to help the places of duality not to hold on to the duality yourself as so many Star Seeds have a tendency to do.

So arise to the occasion; arise to the star you see. This beautiful star is coming down through the Blue Gold coming into the Temple.  Feel it is huge because this star represents each of us; it represents all these beautiful beings that I have here with me tonight.  Some of them you may know Ashtar Command, Lord of Sirius, Lord of Arcturus the Andromedeans, Master Valencia, Lady Voltar, all the beautiful beings that have been here before the Sirians of their essence with the Pleidians and all the Councils of Light.  They are all here tonight; they are all here to bring in this essence because we are becoming complete together.

See the Blue Gold star coming down into the top of the Temple.  It is going to filter a portion of its essence into each of your Hearts.  Then there is a star glyph that is going to activate within your own Heart Center for you to tap into anytime that you need to feel our assistance, that you need to feel each of us, or you need to remember that part of your multi dimensional self that is coming out.

So what does this do?  It creates the ability to remember the Divine Being that you are because it is so much forgotten within this Earthplane.  So we express this essence unto you, as the One Star becomes many more stars within each of you within this Temple.  We will all be Stars within Stars for each other.

Oh, feel the essence of the Star within your Heart.  It now sparkles.  It may be twinkling; just touch it if you like or feel its essence vibrating, vibrating within your Heart.  Feel this essence within you vibrating and then touch your Third Eye because there is another aspect of it that is going into your Third Eye. It should allow you to have the ability to intuitively see an expansion of stars in the sky of the Blue Gold.  Feel this vision now as it comes down into this Temple into each of you.

This vibration will change you.  It will allow you to receive your Divine Essence.  There is an expansion occurring outside of yourself in this moment.  In this expansion it is your Divine Essence now manifest.  This all depends upon your Higher Self and how much you can handle within your physical structure allowing your physical structure to receive more of this essence into your being.  Right now most of you have received just a small spark  ~  it is remembrance, it is an essence of each of us as I the Lord of the Great Bear Star system overlight these energies into each of you and why am I here at this time.  This is due because it is time; it is time for us to communicate, it is time for us to understand that when you receive essences with in your sky that there is a message.  The message is, “we want you to know we understand and we walk with each of you through this process of your divinity to make it better and better and better”.  As it is not appropriate not to have a world full of Oneness and this is what we shine to each of you in this moment.  Let us take a breath and feel these essences.

Just think about it ~ if every human being can feel their own Divine Essence being manifested through their Third Eye  and their Heart,  how much different this world could be.  This is why we are here.  We are here to share with you how to do this so that you can share it with others.  Right now what you have received through this frequency of Light is a vibrational attunement that is going to allow you to center upon the energies within yourself to make the necessary changes.

During this period you may feel fluctuations of emotions, thought processes, flashes of remembrance.  Whatever you are doing, just remember to tap your Third Eye and your Heart; you must connect to both because the Third Eye can perceive deeply but without the Heart Center being activated within it, it becomes a mental thought, it becomes a lower energy.  So you must tap within the Heart Center at the same time alternately and it will help you to reflect in All That You Are.  Without doing them together you will be receiving but not in the space of Wholeness that You Are.  Let us think right now of the star that you have become; a portion of your Star Essence is being embodied within you.  It does not matter if you feel that you are from Pleiades, Arcturus, or any of the other star systems; please know that we are all One together as we were originally.

And now we are coming back into that combined correlation that is us, so what you experiencing and what we are experiencing is because we are totality connected especially after this evening.  Let us think about the Ones on the Earth that are hurting and send them this star glyph now.  With a breath, just breathe and a tap over your Third Eye and your Heart to connect with your own Heart and send this around the globe.

Now Gaia has received her star glyph and now she is relaxing as now we are all connected within that Oneness.  Feel that energy now being reactivated within you as you now no longer send it out but bring it back in, bring that essence in whenever you connect with someone in this manner.  With each of us you must always remember to bring it back into yourself which will create a full connection within our hearts in our essences of this Ray to be fully within each of us representing the Light of the One.  Feel the Blue Gold completely circling within the Temple and within each of us and each other.

It is my Divine Pleasure to be able to express this essence unto you.  I and all the others that are with us feel this essence as we are different species; we are One just as you have many different species on the planet.  :et us come into that Oneness together.  Now that we are fully One as you look for the meteor shower, feel that essence, feel the sparkles of Light, feel the stars upon stars all combining within each other now you are one of the stars.  Even if you don’t see it with your physical eye, experience our essence together.  This is not just about the planetary stars in the skies; it is about each of us being those stars within one another.

I am deeply honored, deeply, deeply honored to be able to speak here this evening in this beautiful Temple and I do hope that I do return.  Thank you for inviting me, thank you for allowing me to be here in your Hearts, within your intuitive minds.  I am real ~ we are all real.  We are just not with in a structure that you are used to experiencing.  So let us come together in that completeness of wholeness that we are together in the frequency of Light.

I AM Lord of the Great Bear Star system embracing you with all beings that are part of my essence and in deep love and admiration of this experience of the Oneness of the Light.

I Am One with each of you.

©2013 Walking Terra Christa,, Rev. Christine Meleriessee & Mike Hayden, 5th Dimensional Mastery ~  All Rights Reserved.

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Mother Earth Day Tribal Treats

Gabon - Mother Earth Day Tribal Treats - The Lost Jungle Voices – Nzeghe

Gabon - Mother Earth Day Tribal Treats - The Lost Jungle Voices – Nzeghe

Skokomish Tribe Earth Day 2011

Swinomish Earth Day 2007

Topanga Tribe Earth Day 2012 part 1

Sonic Sidhe Tribe - 1492 at Earthday


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How to Empower Yourself and Re-Discover Freedom!

empowerThe definition of the word ‘power’ according to Oxford Dictionary is “…the capacity or ability to direct or influence the behavior of others or the course of events. Political or social authority or control, especially that exercised by a government.”

The 48 Laws of Power is a very popular book that was written by author Robert Green. On a street side note, besides being popular among corporate executives and the general public, this particular book is popular amongst current street hustlers. It is incredibly educational to read and provides a unique perspective and ‘ingredient’ list of the laws of ‘power’ as implemented by the most ‘powerful’ (and ill-meaning) people of our time throughout our most recent history.  If you don’t have the time to read it, I believe that the 11th law of power sums it all up. It is the most crucial to understand in order to get your mind to comprehend why ‘power’ or ‘authority’ as we know it today, is a crumbling illusion we naively bought into. This is good news everybody, keep reading and I will explain why!

The 11th Law of Power is “Learn to keep people dependent on you.” ”What makes you powerful is not your skill nor force but your ability to create a relationship of dependence. People can not get rid of you when they need you. When people extremely depend on you, even though they are on the higher position, you hold the power over all of them… People usually depend on you whenever they feel that you can secure them.  Thus, impress others that you are the only one to secure them and there are no substitutes.” Mark Twain once said: “It is easier to fool people than to convince then that they have been fooled.” 

Bottom line: those who wish to impose dependence on others, are attempting to control or bamboozle them. And where is the good in that? Before your mind jumps to the programmed ‘it’s for our own good, it’s for our own protection, its for national security’, please let me re-quote Mr. Green on Law 11:  ”People usually depend on you whenever they feel that you can secure them.  Thus, impress others that you are the only one to secure them and there are no substitutes.” See where I’m going with this?… You might as well replace the politically correct word ‘impress’ with ‘bamboozle.’

How do you plant the seed of dependency on the sovereign independent individual, state, nation or republic?  Well, here are a few examples:  If you can create a relationship of dependency between the mass public and social assistance, by out-sourcing jobs and deflating the economy, then it suffices to point out that the authority of said ‘assistance’ people are depending on, holds the power.  As long as you keep deflating the economy, then you hold the power.  It’s pretty common knowledge that the big families that run the banks that own/hold ‘power’ over our current economy, need to keep the people in a suppressed economic state in order to ‘hold’ their power.  Also, you could manufacture false flag ‘terror’ events, to drag the ignorant into lower vibrations of fear and hate and then continually perpetuate those lower vibrations through tools like media, the conventional food and water supply, religious belief systems, mass education programs, wars in the name of peace, racism, you get the picture….



federalreserve_fraudwetrust  room-for-one-more

When you empower an individual with the true knowledge about how our projected reality here on Earth in the 3rd dimension works, you turn that magic ‘switch’ on in their mind that you made them forget was there to begin with.  They start to remember who they are and how thrilling this whole experience here was meant to be.  The problem thus far today is that the true knowledge about how this reality manifests through the power of one’s mind individually and hence collectively has been watered down and tainted. The mainstream version of reality we have been collectively swallowing, was duped to begin with. The current ‘official’ bamboozled version offers an unhealthy sad reality with mixed results.

Its not your fault!  Your focus, perception and beliefs were hijacked by the few who understood the nature of this reality, and impressed ignorantly upon you since your birth through different sophisticated tools such as the mis-use of media. ‘They,’ the past elite, mistakenly believed that you should not think for yourself! Why? Because when you choose to choose your thoughts, you just flipped the ‘power’ script which was an illusion to begin with. The perceived power dissolves and ceases to ‘manifest’ or exist quite simply… The deck of cards comes falling down almost instantly…

images (2)einstein

Now the disclaimer is that once you understand that our thoughts create reality, you got to exercise individual responsibly and start monitoring your thoughts in order to manifest the change that you wish to experience in this world.  If you do not, you will simply continue to get what you’ve always gotten. You’ll drive yourself insane doing the same thing over and over hoping you’ll get different results.  How’s that working for us so far?  Enough said.

If a thought doesn’t serve you, discard it and replace it with a better one that is in line with love which is the highest and most powerful vibration.  You know the saying “with great power comes great responsibility”?  Well I agree, and I foresee no danger whatsoever in empowering the people with this responsibility.  The only true power is the power of love as corny as that may sound.

Why?  Because we all know deep down, and we are all remembering, that infinite love and respect is the only truth, that we are all connected and that every thought and every action we take affects the whole.  ”Do to others as you would have them do to you” Luke 6:31 NIV   If you ‘get’ that and implement being the change in your own life simply, then you already ‘get’ that you don’t even need to worry about what the rotten apples are doing. ‘They’ are trying to divide, destroy and push forth an even crappier reality. Some of us have already tuned out of it, and the most of us are tuning out of it on an incremental basis.  We’ve had enough, the gig is up, and it’s time to move up! ‘They’ are just self-destructing really. No need to get angry or yell or protest violently, that’s their game. If you respond to bullshit with the same level of consciousness that created it, then you’ve lost because you are contributing to its perpetuation. I’m reminded of something I read by Steve Harvey:  ”don’t hate the player, CHANGE the game.” Agreed Mister Harvey, and I’ll add onto that:  To change the game (the reality), tune into a higher frequency.

The truth is already out, and needs no defense. When we fully remember and comprehend the power of our mind, our life experience here on Earth ‘changes’ drastically. Dare I say that this new earth frequency is already here, and has always been here. I have begun to attune myself to it and now that I’m remembering, consequently my quality of life is improving drastically.  I know in my heart that we are all attuning into this higher frequency of consciousness that is based in love and respect.  The only reason we are still ‘seeing’ and ‘experiencing’ suffering is because we are still tuned into it on some level.  The static of this lower frequency is still interfering into our expanding consciousness.  We are elevating to this higher energetic frequency (that has always been available to us), and once this wave of ascension washes away our limiting beliefs, well buckle in and enjoy the ride!


love (2)482532_610815558931882_840212399_n

Don’t believe me?  Watch a beautiful documentary called Craigslist Joe and you will begin to understand that once you surrender and let go of any belief or emotion based in fear, the universe takes care of everybody!  And I trust that everybody here only wants love and respect at the basis of all our other wants, and so it shall be!  They, the few rotten apples, who suppressed this amazing exciting powerful truth from us, only did so out of a negative intention based in lower frequencies of greed, hate, control and fear.

Love is the highest frequency so ‘they’ cannot exist or operate in this higher frequency because they are not a match to it energetically.  That’s it, that’s all, simple.  That’s why when you begin to upgrade your mind frequency, all the bullshit in your life effortlessly disappears.  And when you keep at it and learn to maintain that higher frequency through persistent practice, you no longer manifest any ‘bad’ in your life.  In fact, any situation that manifests that you may have in the past perceived to be a problem (like a flat tire), you now perceive as a catalyst of opportunity, a step, that is just bringing you closer to your ultimate goal.  So get your mind right and the rest will follow.

When you set the truth free, you EMPOWER the people. As a result, they remember to look within and be dependent on themselves through their inner guidance system which functions like a compass, the directions being your emotions.  Feels good?  Keep going that way.  Feels bad?  Re-evaluate, exercise discernment, choose new thought, new direction.  Think about the word ‘independent’ for a minute.  It implies to look within.  Focus on love and abundance and freedom, and hold it the best you can until it becomes automatic. Accordingly, you pull in the the corresponding frequencies and hence you manifest people, circumstances and events that pull in those higher frequencies you are focused on.  It works the opposite way as well.

And there-in lies the oh so scary ‘oh my gosh what will happen if we let go of the leash’ consequence for the few ‘elite’ in empowering the people. The invisible chains of dependency that said authority of power tied to your neck to begin with, just ‘disappear’ because freedom of mind knows no chains. The individual, and hence the collective, no longer mentally consent to tune into the lower frequencies (beliefs, thoughts) of fear based in suppression.  The bullshit disappears quite simply because the vibrations just don’t match anymore so they cannot be pulled in to manifest. The pyramid falls apart because the suppressed base where the oppression was concentrated FLIPS the script, flips the pyramid, and ascends into a higher level of consciousness and a new reality.  Think about how mistakenly inverted the world is today:  Doctor’s destroy health, the judicial system destroys freedom and the government destroys knowledge/information, in a nutshell. It’s all backwards. IT’S TIME FOR US ALL TO WAKE UP and FLIP THE SCRIPT.  It doesn’t require any physical effort or money or time, its a shift in awareness, that’s it.



Fear is no longer a frequency the awakened conscious individual tunes into because he or she understands the gift and responsibility of thought, and when the momentum of that truth reaches the point where it affects the majority of the collective consciousness as a whole, those past suppressed beliefs systems will cease to manifest in this reality.  This is where our world is going!  I think this is so cool!

Now, in my opinion, the only reason we are still seeing this plethora of world wide negative events and ‘in your face’ ridiculousness is 1) to awaken the last of us who are still mentally stuck in the past control structure through shock therapy. Because, some of us are so desensitized that this particular intensity in duality is needed to snap us out of the trance-like thinking and state of ‘powerlessness’ that they are stuck in.  2) Because the past fear based control structure was already aware of the current awakening in consciousness that is unfolding and this is its last ditch desperate attempt to hang onto the past power infrastructure which the people are tuning out of.  As long as we remember that our power lies in the broadcasting ability of the mind through the thoughts and beliefs we consciously and subconsciously entertain and choose, we are free!

There is a great book called the 50th Law that Curtis Jackson wrote with Robert Green.  I loved it, and I would definitely recommend it. The 50th law of power is the law of fearlessness. Courage is about taking action despite the presence of fear. And when you begin do that consistently, you eliminate fear. When you eliminate fear, you reset your creative power and you begin to align with higher frequencies.

To wrap this up, allow me to share some very profound lyrics written by Tupac Shakur in the song “Changes”:

We gotta make a change…
It’s time for us as a people to start makin’ some changes.
Let’s change the way we eat, let’s change the way we live
and let’s change the way we treat each other.
You see the old way wasn’t working so it’s on us to do
what we gotta do, to survive.

I say, that once we get our mind right and master the basics, we will thrive!  It is that simple.

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Unify: Earth Day – April 20-22, 2013
by Wes Annac

Thanks to Golden Age of Gaia and Amy, who will be at the San Francisco Earth Day celebration at the Civic Centre.


On April 20th -22nd, 2013, over 1 billion people will celebrate Earth Day in 196 countries around the world.

This year we will UNIFY via Yoga, Meditation, and Dance Flashmobs at 12:00 pm noon in local time zones.

Join us for a historical day of unity and connection with each other and the Earth.

Together, we are a global force of nature.

One Day, One Planet, One People

For more information about Earth Day in your city, head to

Here’s this year’s Unify Earth Day Flashmob Tutorial in case you decide to join in. Or you could always Flashsolo at home.

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All people as spirits in the pre-mortal world took part in the creation of the Earth. We were thrilled to be part of it. We were with God, and we knew that he created us, that we were his very own children. He was pleased with our development and was filled with absolute love for each one of us. Also, Jesus Christ was there. I understood, to my surprise, that Jesus was a separate being from God, with his own divine purpose, and I knew that God was our mutual Father. My Protestant upbringing had taught me that God the Father and Jesus Christ were one being. As we all assembled, the Father explained that coming to Earth for a time would further our spiritual growth. Each spirit who was to come to Earth assisted in planning the conditions on Earth, including the laws of mortality which would govern us. These included the laws of physics as we know them, the limitations of our bodies, and spiritual powers that we would be able to access. We assisted God in the development of plants and animal life that would be here. Everything was created of spirit matter before it was created physically - solar systems, suns, moons, stars, planets, life upon the planets, mountains, rivers, seas, etc. I saw this process, and then, to further understand it, I was told by the savior that the spirit creation could be compared to one of our photographic prints; the spirit creation would be like a sharp, brilliant print, and the Earth would be like its dark negative. This Earth is only a shadow of the beauty and glory of its spirit creation, but it is what we needed for our growth. It was important that I understand that we all assisted in creating our conditions here.

Many times the creative thoughts we have in this life are the result of unseen inspiration. Many of our important inventions and even technological developments were first created in the spirit by spirit prodigies. Then individuals on Earth received the inspiration to create these inventions here. I understood that there is a vital, dynamic link between the spirit world and mortality, and that we need the spirits on the other side for our progression. I also saw that they are very happy to assist us in any way they can.

I saw that in the pre-mortal world we knew about and even chose our missions in life. I understood that our stations in life are based upon the objectives of those missions. Through divine knowledge we knew what many of our tests and experiences would be, and we prepared accordingly. We bonded with others - family members and friends - to help us complete our missions. We needed their help. We came as volunteers, each eager to learn and experience all that God had created for us. I knew that each of us who made the decision to come here was here was a valiant spirit. Even the least developed among us here was strong and valiant there. We were given agency to act for ourselves here. Our own actions determine the course of our lives, and we can alter or redirect our lives at any time. I understood that this was crucial; God made the promise that he wouldn't intervene in our lives unless we asked him. And then through his omniscient knowledge he would help us attain our righteous desires. We were grateful for this ability to express our free will and to exercise its power. This would allow each of us to obtain great joy or to choose that which will bring us sadness. The choice would be ours through our decisions.

I was actually relieved to find that the Earth is not our natural home, that we did not originate here. I was gratified to see that the Earth is only a temporary place for our schooling and that sin is not our true nature. Spiritually, we are at various degrees of light - which is knowledge - and because of our divine, spiritual nature we are filled with the desire to do good.

Our earthly selves, however, are constantly in opposition to our spirits. I saw how weak the flesh is. But it is persistent. Although our spirit bodies are full of light, truth, and love, they must battle constantly to overcome the flesh, and this strengthens them. Those who are truly developed will find a perfect harmony between their flesh and spirits, a harmony that will bless them with peace and give them the ability to help others.

As we learn to abide by the laws of this creation, we learn how to use those laws to our own good. We learn how to live in harmony with the creative powers around us. God has given us individual talents, some more and some less according to our needs. As we use these talents, we learn how to work with and eventually understand, the laws and overcome the limitations of this life. By understanding these laws we are better able to serve those around us. Whatever we become here in mortality is meaningless unless it is done for the benefit of others. Our gifts and talents are given to us to help us serve. And in serving others we grow spiritually.

Above all, I was shown that love is supreme. I saw that truly without love we are nothing. We are here to help each other, to care for each other, to understand, forgive, and serve one another. We are here to have love for every person born on Earth. Their earthly form might be black, yellow, brown, handsome, ugly, thin, fat, wealthy, poor, intelligent, or ignorant, but we are not to judge by these appearances. Each spirit has the capacity to be filled with love and eternal energy. At the beginning, each possesses some degree of light and truth that can be more fully developed. We cannot measure these things. Only God knows the heart of man, and only God can judge perfectly. He knows our spirits; we see only temporary strengths and weaknesses. Because of our own limitations, we can seldom look into the heart of man.

I knew that anything we do to show love is worthwhile: a smile, a word of encouragement, a small act of sacrifice. We grow by these actions. Not all people are lovable, but when we find someone difficult for us to love, it is often because they remind us of something within ourselves that we don't like. I learned that we must love our enemies - let go of anger, hate, envy, bitterness, and the refusal to forgive. These things destroy the spirit. We will have to account for how we treat others.

(Betty Eadie)


There is power in our thoughts. We create our own surroundings by the thoughts we think. Physically, this may take a period of time, but spiritually it is instantaneous. If we understood the power of our thoughts, we would guard them more closely. If we understood the awesome power of our words, we would prefer silence to almost anything negative. In our thoughts and words we create our own weaknesses and our own strengths. Our limitations and joys begin in our hearts. (Betty Eadie)


During my experience, I learned that there are two parts to every person. They can be described in various ways: male and female, intellectual and emotional, protective and nurturing, right brain and left brain. Often we go through life being one way or the other, but we can learn to balance both parts. Being off balance, too far one way or the other, keeps the spirit away from where it needs to be to achieve its greatest growth. 

(Betty Eadie)


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a message from The Council of Light channeled by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

You Need To Keep Believing That Peace Comes One Person at a Time, That Light Is Birthed One Thought at a Time, That The Heart Heals One Love at a Time.

You hold the key to every doorway within all existences.  You hold the key to all the gifts that the Gods yearn to bring to you.  You hold the key to all the distress that you receive.  You hold the keys to the hard learning's, the easy learning’s, the ups, the downs, and the in-betweens of the stairway of self.  It is you dear ones that procreate, recreate, un-create, and create on all levels of time, of thought, and of experience.  Within the realm of all possibilities is where you sit, where you weave, where you sculpt, where you pre-design, and re-design.  Within the realm of all probabilities is where you breathe, where you think, where you believe

You are the grand design that you yearn for, you are the prosperity that you seek, and you are the love in your life that you pray for. Only then will you come into the fulfillment of a promise to all levels of self, probable, dimensional, past, present, and future. Underlining all of the design that you have sculpted for yourself, the landscape of your life, are reasons.  Reasons that you create chaos while seeking peace.  Reasons that you limit receiving and spending.  Until you understand the reasons that you do what you do, you will continue in the cycles of destruction and disruption. 

Your design is holy and hope-fully created.  You are not designed on a whim. You are designed on purpose, with purpose.  There is nothing about you that is haphazard.   

As you stepped into the physical body, birthed through the tunnel of Love within your Mother, you stood wide-eyed at this conjunction of time looking at everything with delight, not censoring your experience.  After many years of being hurt you turned away from the harsh world and sculpted your truths in silence.  You fashioned your imagination; you swam  in and out of daydreams. You told no one about the visions, the visitations, the fairies, the angels.

As an adult, you have allowed world events, governments and corporations to pop your bubbles, kidnap your dreams.  Deep inside your heart you still believe in the magic of life.   You are a being of such immense power beyond your capacity to remember.  Each thought that you have represents a nuclear expansion of self. 

Keep designing and sculpting a world that you believe in, a world that is full of love, a world that is full of medical miracles, a world where all people tell the truth and hold a code of honor. A world that is filled with possibilities and probabilities that go beyond your imagination.  That world begins with your thoughts and your belief.  When you believe there is a cure for cancer, there is.  When you believe there is world peace, there is.  It does not matter if you see it just believe it, no matter what.

You Don't have to figure it out,
You just have to Believe!

Keep believing that peace comes one person at a time, that light is birthed one thought at a time, that the heart heals one love at a time. LOVE just for the heck it.  LOVE just because you can. You were born to love. Dissolve all the chaotic patterns and violence of what has been shown to you by every picture on every screen. Send laser beams of love, you have the ability to shift the future and focus on the good in the world. Release all that does not serve Love.  Release all that does not fit into the future that you seek from the bottom, the top, and the center of your heart.

We are the Council of Light, We live on the north side of super galactic center. We move through these black holes and use them as mouth pieces to amplify what we know to be truth. We broadcast this truth throughout your Milky Way into the cells and the solar sun that lives within each one of you.  Names do not describe what our event is for we are an event that believes in itself as you are destined to be an event that believes in yourself.  We leave you at this point and intersection of time and space and thought.

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Becoming Your Divinity

Happy Anniversary!!!  Tonight was the celebration of 10 years that the Goddess of Creation and I have been offering these teleconferences.  Indeed, there is a time of celebration towards the end of when we’re in the All That Is.

The Goddess spoke at length about why she chose to come into the earth plane and work with us.  It’s about love and empowerment.  She said that her message is to help every person open to the realization that there is only love. It’s the foundation for everything else that happens in life.  The was such a deep, deep sense of unconditional love from her to all of us that I became very emotional. 

As we were in the All That Is, the Goddess invited us to first have a sense of what makes us human; our personality or ego self.  It was as if we could see as separate entities, our physical, mental, emotional and earthbound spiritual as she called it. Through this discernment, we were able to clear out anything that was blocked or getting in the way.  

I then had a sense on the opposite side of all the aspects of our divinity that were working with us or part of us during this lifetime.  As people cleared things out, there were surges of energy from the divine space into what was the human.  It didn’t matter what it was, it still cleared with ease. 

From there, I saw a weaving of the energies.  Throughout this weaving there was such unconditional love and acceptance!! People’s heart centers were wide open and accepting this energy.

After this, she opened up the energy to a celebration! There were many energies there; angels, masters, teachers, ET’s and aspects of ourselves that were living in other existences.  This was a beautiful opportunity for people to receive the acknowledgement of who they are, from the eyes of divinity.  It was also an opportunity to dance, sing, leap, laugh or whatever else they felt like doing.

The energy of this is beautiful!  It just creates an amazing sense of self love & acceptance.   


Nama Sika Venia Benya  I AM the One, I AM the Whole

I greet you beloved family!  As I reach out to each one of you I invite you to come within, to come and share this time with us. This is a time of alignment, this is a time of awareness and it is your opportunity to really get to know who you are.

I am here as a foundation, as a reflector of the energies, as an amplifier to assist in creating whatever is needed so that you may have the experience that you will have this evening.

I welcome everyone to our 10th anniversary of these teleconferences! I the Goddess have been working with Shelly for approx. thirteen years now. So we spent time together creating an alignment that in turn has evolved into this time of communication, this time of awareness that is shared; not only between Shelly and I but with people all around the world and also with people and energies out in the Universe.

There is a much easier flow and awareness that is moving though the Universe, the Omniverse, your Galaxy and then also the earth upon which you live. When we first began to have these gatherings there were perhaps three, maybe four people that would join in. If people wanted to listen again it was a special event making a recording. We’re laughing because it used to be on cassette tapes prior to all the ease with which your digital has done for your community.

From the very beginning my choice in coming into this individual and into all of you has been about opening to love. The channel herself is very emotional at the moment - so give as a second to ground.

Love is the foundation for everything. And self-love is the expression of what that is. Everything that you do within your life is about finding that expression of who you are, finding that expression of how you want to embody love.

If you take the next step out from love it’s becoming empowered. When you know who you are and when you know that you have unconditional love as the foundation for everything that you do, you are unstoppable!

The empowerment that comes from that is what has created worlds, it has created universes. And it can create everything that you seek to have within your life. You’ve done so. Opening to the flow, allowing the love, allowing the alignment that comes with that to be the expression that you not only show to yourself but to the world creates amazing changes.

It is that acceptance of who you are, it is acceptance and allowing of what you seek to have into your life is actually what brings it to reality. It is each one of you honoring yourself by accepting that you are as expanded as you think you are. And probably even a little more so. That’s empowerment.

When this empowerment and alignment is coming from within you as your Divinity, you as your God Self everything falls into place. If you seek to have empowerment by setting up experiences or things outside of you as a means of defining you; you’re stepping further and further away from your Self.

This is that which only you can know for yourself, which only you can bring in and then accept. Feel the flow of love, feel the flow of awareness as we speak of this right NOW.

Take a deep breath in and breathe out.

Beloved family, I invite you to join with me as you expand into the energies of your Higher Self. Have a sense of letting go the consciousness within your physical reality. You absolutely have to keep it anchored and have to keep that portion of it there.

But as you allow yourself to expand you let go feeling the energies of your Higher Self and allowing yourself to find that alignment with your Divinity and with you as the person, you as the human you are right now.

As you feel this space as you look around you, many many of you are very familiar with this and it’s already set up so that you know who you are, you know who is here with you. You may have your angels or guides. You may have places in which you come when you seek to feel that expansion of Divinity.

From there take in another deep breath and allow yourself to expand even further. As you do so you let your consciousness stream into the space of the Soul plane. As you arrive within the Soul plane look around. As you look around within this space you may see, sense, feel the energies of your Divinity.

As you come into awareness with what this is for you, reach out and embrace; reach out an allow yourself to merge fully with your divine essence. As you feel this alignment allow yourself to know that you are more than the individual living the life that you lead. Know that you had a multitude of experiences. Allow, allow, allow for all of that to unfold within and around you.

When I spoke of the empowerment that you are seeking to have within your physical reality THIS is your Source essence, THIS is you. Some of you have a sense of what it is, some may see, some may not have any perception of what this is at all.

No matter what you perceive in this moment allow your focus or allow your consciousness to expand as if you push out any boundaries and then feel the warmth, the love, the awareness of all that is here for you.

And we can feel that wash go through each one of you. I can feel that love and that awareness for who you are. You may have heard the phrase - I believe I have even said it - you are more than you think you are. This is that reality. This is that experience for you.

Now I the Goddess move in and amongst each one of you. As I do so, I reach out and embrace each one of you. As I align with your energies as we merge with one another, allow yourself to shift into the space of the All That Is. And as you come into this space look around, open, see, sense, feel all of what these energies are for you.

We have spoken at the beginning about the time that we have been coming together as a group creating this experience that everybody has. I invite you to take a moment and consider where you were 10 years ago as we began these journeys.

I see many of you recognizing that you were here with us at that time. I see others of you were here energetically and then not consciously. And then I see many of you were at completely different places in your life where this was not a focus.

Take a minute and open to the perception of what the All That Is was – hmm that’s not the way to say that. The All That Is has always been immense, it’s been very expansive, it’s filled with many different dimensions. At the time in which we first began working within this space, the vibration with which people aligned were more so in a different, less expansive dimension than where you are right now. It is because of all the work that you have done that you are where you are right now.

But it is also because of the shift of the earth into the fourth dimension and the transition of the universe itself coming in closer and the alignment flowing more easily between them that there is so much more available here in the All That Is.

So, look around, enjoy, play, dance - that’s a great idea, we should have a celebration and we will.

As we look back over the years I have a sense of all of you looking at a flow, it looks like a timeline because that’s what you are used to upon the earth. There were many times in which we worked with symbols. As I said that, I could see many of you instantly popping into the symbol or whatever it was that you had created for yourself. Perhaps now forgotten but it comes up in this moment.

We worked many times with waves of energy, we merged with the moon itself, we merged with the central spiritual sun, we merged with the new earth while it was still so separate from the earth of which it’s now so much more blended. We could go on and on over the many, many things that have occurred.

If ever it feels like things are standing still and as if you’re stuck in a moment take an opportunity and look back, look back and you will see that so much has happened, so much more is taking place than you may recognize on a day to day basis.

The energies are changing. The crystalline vibration, in fact the lightbody energies - that’s been what, perhaps four years, three years maybe even less, time is not important to me. But the lightbody energies were unable to be accessed or anchored within your reality until just a more recent time frame.

And yet NOW, as you look around you and as you consider your vibration and as you consider everything you do in your life, the light body energy is that pure beautiful essence at its lightest, finest in your everyday reality. It is in fact your light body energy that allows you to be able to bring so much of your divinity into and around your daily life.

You create here within this space and then you stream that energy down into your everyday reality. Sometimes it may be that you stand there in the flow of all that’s taking place and you just reach out and what you seek is there with you.

There may be other times in which you have that sense of standing in a place that feels empty to you. There is a part of you that knows, I asked for it, so it’s here but where is it?

You may have a sense that you are in the flow and that the energy is there and moving around you but as you reach out, as you reach out to embrace what you seek to have it’s as if it’s not there.

Sometimes what is taking place is about the very subtle nuances that have an effect upon your life. You are asking, you are inviting it in, it is there. But how much is your mental body or your ego or your personality restricting this information? How much is your everyday experience indicating to you that it’s not there? How much do you find in your daily life that you are aware of everything that is not there? That you are aware of the lack, that you are aware of a sense of missing something or missing out on something.

It may be that it is your ego or your personality that’s probably very strong, that’s been very determined, that’s been very much a part of what has kept you the strong individual that you are but it’s also kept you in a space of perhaps narrowness or a space perhaps of limitation because it’s kept you in what it feels comfortable doing or being.

Take a breath in and look around you, look around at all the beauty that is here, look around at all the energy that is coming to share this space with you in this moment. This is about YOU experiencing you.

I’m drawing on the energies of everybody around considering different ways in which we can work with what I would like to describe.

Each one of you have aspects that make up you as the person you are in this lifetime. You also have aspects of your I AM Presence; you are one aspect as the individual in your current lifetime; you are also living in other lifetimes right now.

As the vibrations continue to shift into that light fine energy of the crystalline and the lightbody there is going to be a greater ease in movement. Sometimes between the aspects of yourself that may be living in other existences, but even more so in those aspects of you right now in your current lifetime.

That’s what I would like you to have a sense of gathering around you as if there is a half circle or a group, howsoever you wish to imagine or work with it.

I invite you to have a sense of that part of you that represents your personality in this lifetime. It could be that part of you that is full of joy, that part of you that is very analytical or if you feel a sense of wanting to separate that, whatever works for you.

Your personality is the blend of what makes you human. Therefore as we are beginning this perception consider perhaps your physical body is a part of this, your mental body, your emotional body, that aspect of your spiritual that is earthbound. As you invite your ego or your personality to have a sense of separating let’s take a look of what this is.

You as your physical body there may be something that comes to you specifically right now or maybe it’s that your physical body is, oh, it’s just a body. Your mental body-that’s your thoughts, your beliefs. For so many this their part of the ego or personality that keeps them in a space that knows or understands.

So when there is that sense of being held back or that sense of staying within your comfort zone, much of that is coming from your mental body. Your emotions, your emotions give you the indication of what is happening within your life: happy, sad, depressed, ok, ecstatic. Your emotions have an immensely wide range of opportunity within it.

Allow yourself to recognize, as you see these three energies as if separated one from the other, recognize, is it more separation perhaps that keeps them from flowing and working together? Is there one or several things that stand out?

If there’s anything at all that comes to your awareness at this time, WHEW, let an energy or breathe of awareness flow through creating shifts and changes and letting go. You need not analyze it. It is something that has worked for us in the past but you need not do that.

You can shift your focus now to the other side and this time as you look right here you may have a sense of places from within your Divinity that are very much working with you in this lifetime.

It may be you yourself, right here, you may see a part of you that comes from other lifetimes that’s affecting this lifetime. You may see your light body energy. You may see the angels and the guides that work with you from within this space. And of course as soon as I say that there’s like ok, here is some of the angels and guides that are more earth bound. This is why it is limitless the ways in which you can look at this and open to discernment.

What I would like for you to understand from this exercise is to have a sense of how segmented the energies of your earthbound reality can be and yet look at the flow of energy that moves through your I AM Presence or your Divinity.

When you have that sense of pain in your body it’s an indicator that there is something stuck. Do you always need to know what it is that is stuck, no. The pain is an indicator that you have an opportunity to open up your heart center to accept the flow and the love of your Divinity within you.

Therefore, as I speak of this, you can already see the flow from that side where all of your divine energies were just immediately moving through because as a conscious thought goes through that there is pain in the physical body, immediately your Divinity is there with compassion, with love, with acceptance giving you the opportunity to transition that pain that was noticed by you.

Sometimes your thoughts create pain. Sometimes your thoughts create beliefs that lead to feelings of being stifled or feelings of un-acceptance or just something that is holding you back. Again, it creates a sense of discomfort, it creates a sense of lack, it creates a sense of awareness that you are not feeling good and immediately that flow moves through there.

Allowing your Divinity to once again just immediately create a sense of balance or create a sense of acceptance - and that flow moves with ease.

Your emotions are more fluid than your thoughts. But your emotions can also keep you held back. If you have a sense of being victimized: ‘other people have what they want but I don’t’; ‘I’m not able to get ahead in life because others won’t give me the chance’; ‘I’ve done everything I could, it’s the world that’s coming down on me’.

This or some tone of this is what is most often the foundation of your emotional body that keeps you in that sense of lack. It also is a distance away from self-love and acceptance.

What are the emotions? Depression. When people have depression within their lives they are focused upon the lack. It can sometimes be as if it is a physical heavy discomfort. It’s very narrow and it is disconnected from acceptance or self love.

Emotions such as criticism. When you are critical of other people you are first on foremost critical of yourself. Is this a part of your reality? ‘They’re not good enough’. ‘Yes, I want someone in my life that has similar beliefs, that is open and warm and loving but I don’t like that they do xyz’. Now, sometimes that might be something superficial and you are actually focusing upon the lack instead of upon the many things that are in common with you.

I ask you being very honest and open with yourself right now in this moment. What is your first response to things as they come up for you? Is it the lack, the frustration, or is it joy and abundance? And I hear many, many of you acknowledging the joy and abundance, which is fantastic!

I also hear the in-between where people say joy and abundance but yet they feel lack. And they say they are in abundance because they don’t want to focus upon the lack.

What happens is that if you are seeking to create a change for yourself but yet it’s something that is too far apart from where you are right this moment, then it doesn’t feel real to you. Therefore you are empowering the lack instead of the abundance.

So again, I still see everyone with divinity on one side, physical or earth-bound on the other side. Any time that you can see, sense, feel, hear this discernment of perception allow that warmth, that love, that flow of your divinity as it comes in and blend with you each and every time.

Here, in the All That Is I invite you to weave together the energies, your physical with your divinity and they merge together. Your mental and your Divinity and it adds to that. Your emotional and your Divinity and it comes together and then your earth bound Divinity and your I AM Presence and it comes together. Phew.

In every case 100 % of the time your Divinity loves and accepts you for who you are. It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, it doesn’t matter you think you have done, or not done. Whenever you reach out to your Divinity and you allow that to flow within you, you create that alignment for yourself and you are once more opening up to feel the flow of the unconditional love and acceptance for who you are.

And when you consider the things that are happening in your life then allow that to be in the flow and allow that to create emotion so that you know, you know that you are in alignment with your Divinity and therefore as you are seeking what you want to have in your life. The ways in which it is coming to you will be made clear.

If you feel as if you are standing in that river of flow and awareness and not seeing anything or perceiving anything around you, open up and accept the flow of your Divinity, take a deep breath in, shift the energies around you as if to sometimes create a whirlwind. And then look again, or listen again, or become aware of what’s there for you.

As we consider that deeper and deeper integration that you’ve just moved through I invite you to consider - whether it’s on a daily basis - an hour by hour, a minute by minute -- that if need be you make that conscious blending of your Divinity and your thoughts, of your Divinity and your emotions, of your Divinity and your physical body; whatever it is that comes up for you.

Make it your conscious intention to be in that flow of awareness; allowing that to unfold for you so that you may see what is here right now. What is around you, right now. And when you are considering what opportunities you may have for yourself look with these inner eyes.

And with that it is as if we open up and we invite you to come in to this celebration that is here. This is a celebration of coming together as a community. This is a celebration of you for your evolution in life. This is a celebration of the opportunities that are here for you right now and that are unfolding on a continuous basis.

As we look around there is light, there is music, there are many many energies that are here that are coming within this space. As you move into this awareness, I invite you to come in with the intention of having a party, of having a celebration recognizing that there are angels, teachers, guides, there are all of you, your friends; there are so many energies that are here.

And any time that it is a place of celebration it is automatically a place of light, love, flow of energy. So look around! I see some of you are actually already moving out into the Universe. Some of you are saying, ‘well, let’s see where we can go with this’. Some of you might perhaps enjoy going back to their home star. Some of you may like to go back into that space of your Divinity and meet those other energies or aspects of yourself.

Whatever you would like to do, this is your space to do it. Celebrate with dance, celebrate with music; celebrate with whatever it is that you would like to have.

It’s so funny to see some of these experiences that people are having, it’s almost like those noise makers and blowers that you use on New Year’s Eve. We see some of the angels playing around with that, too, or simulating something like that.

We see that as people are coming together at this time of joy that there are many of these angels that are seeking you out individually to share with you how much you have done in your lifetime. For some it may be your whole entire life, for some it’s the last six months, for some the last year, whatever.

But you may see for yourself, or feel, sense or hear that they acknowledge the work that you have done. And they are also showing you from their eyes just exactly what they see what you have done.

Sometimes as a human people forget the big picture or they miss the big picture or they take for granted the many things or many steps they have walked upon. Now is the time to acknowledge this. Take it into your heart, take it into your consciousness.

In addition to that we have a sense of other people that have been working on creations, something that you are seeking to develop in your physical reality. You’re working out the details up here, inventions, that’s the word we were looking for.

There is going to be a lot that will change in the next five, to ten, to fifty years. The ways in which you work with energies is the biggest change that’s taking place. So some of you over here are talking perhaps to the ETs, perhaps to the angels, perhaps to other people of ways in which you will be working with the crystalline energy and utilizing it in your daily life.

Some of you know that you just want to be at peace, you just want to feel full and satisfied. You don’t know what your mission is, you don’t know what your intention is other than something, you just want something.

So look around here, during this time of celebration, during this time in which there is so much energy in one space there is someone waiting for you that would love to talk with you. There is someone seeking you out to share an idea with you. Be open to the flow. Be open to experience whatever this may be.

Everyone has a perception of what they want to do and of what that will look in their life.  This perception is maybe something that nudged you along and pushed you along again and again but maybe it’s time to let that go. Maybe it’s time to see, sense, feel a new direction. It’s you, it’s up to you.

Here within the All That Is you have first and foremost your complete blending and alignment with yourself. You also have the ability to create potentials and opportunities of what you would like to have in your daily life. You also have the potential to meet people that may help you with ideas and answers. There may be relationships that you will manifest upon the earth that have a foundation or a reconnection here, limitless. It is limitless.

So, be open. Feel the flow; let yourself experience this to the fullest, no matter what that may be.

As each one of you is enjoying yourself within this space recognize that you may come back at any time as often as you would like. It will always be here for you. Each time that you return you may have a little bit of a different perception and that’s because you’re in a different space that moment. So, accept whatever that is and understand that it is just giving you more and more and more.

As a group you have a sense of opening up to the hologram of the earth as it is comes up within you. As this hologram moves into place there is even more energy that emanates from it. It is already in alignment with the crystalline energies of the many many dimensions upon the earth.

And as you infuse within this hologram you infuse that blending of yourself; that full integration of your Divinity into all aspects of who you are, you infuse that into the hologram and the hologram itself begins to take on these electrical, colorful impulses and the energy just fills it up.

You then have a sense of letting it go. It moves down and it moves through the crystalline grid so that the energies move out throughout the various aspects or dimensions of the earth into the new earth and into the core of your physical earth. It aligns with the crystals and then flows out from there coming up through the earth, coming up through the grass, the trees, the water, the animals, coming up within you wherever you may be. And I invite you to be open and feel that flow of energy as it moves within you. WHEW

Take in a deep breath and allow yourself to adjust to those energies and then as that continues to take place you allow your focus to come back once more within the All That Is and as you are here within this space, I see many of you immediately going back into the celebration.

But I invite you to allow the majority of your consciousness to now come back within you. You have a sense of moving back through the Soul plane. And as you are there within the Soul plane from this greater blending with your consciousness in your physical reality you may sense more of your Divinity.

And then you allow your consciousness to stream back. As you get into the space where your Higher Self resides you recognize that this is where much of your Divinity may stay that’s available to you.

And then you stream back within you as much as you can tolerate. It’s as if it comes down through your head center, it moves through all your energy bodies within you and you send it down into the earth so that you may ground these energies within the earth.

And as you do so have that sense of starting up above your physical head or your physical body and consciously merge or blend together your Divinity and your mental body, your Divinity and your emotional body, your Divinity and your physical body and you send it all the way down into every cell within you. Feel your heart center as it opens even more. Feel every cell within your body vibrate as a resonance with your Divinity.

You are love. You are the expression of your I AM Presence. You are divine and everything is here for you right now.

I invite you to allow that to move more and more fully within you. I invite you to open up accepting that love and that awareness within you.

Alright, so we bring our evening to a close I want to just share one last time how much I appreciate all of you; all of you who have been with us for years and years, all of you who have been with us for just this moment on.

No matter what it is, you are a community of humans that are coming together with an intention of getting to know one another, working with these energies, be within this space.

So be open to the recognition that you are not alone, that there are more and more of you manifesting together upon the earth.

Know that I am ever with you and within you.


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I know many are starting to expand their senses and becoming extra sensitive to one or more senses.
I see it with all the awakening ones I work with, which are starting to remember the Light Within Themselves.
One of the most experienced senses to develop first seems to be empathy (clairsentience)Feeling "extra".
Empathy blossoms and what a trip that is when it first turns up to the "extra" party.

They become like sponges, picking up feelings from those all around them.
They have to remember how to discern what is theirs and what is not.
Going out in public becomes something to be avoided at all costs.
But still it must happen,somewhat...
Eventually for me, I am now more comfortable with crowds.
I am learning how to keep myself at my own vibration and shielded so I am not drained by those around me.
But it has been baby steps for me...

Or they begin to see through the veil, and are seeing freaky-deaky stuff.
Which can be very frightening and overwhelming.
As our third eye begins to decalcify, it begins to "see".
At first it can be very overwhelming because the images can be hard to interpret, but eventually this becomes more integrated into who we are and the transition becomes smoother as our "vision" becomes clearer.

Sometimes they see an event but do not have any information to do anything about it, just see/feel something happening in the world.
This can be very difficult as our first instinct is to stop it but yet we don't have the information.
For me it has been a process of acceptance.
I have come to believe that an event is being presented to me which I just send love with the intent of healing and for the highest good of all.
I used to freak out about it but now I view it as an opportunity to send light to a manifested situation which needs healing.

Some hear more than they had in the past.
The sounds of bells, or music often accompany them.
Sounds divine, but if one does not know what they are hearing it can quickly make them think they are going crazy...
Clairaudience is enhanced's like our hearing has hopped on the steroid band wagon.

Sometimes too we hear messages from"others out there"...
Please know that there is NO consciousness, or entity "out there" that should bring ANY ANXIETY AT ALL to your heart(if they say the are Light beings) and IF they do, then tell them to bug off(hahaha)or to take a hike.
Surround yourself with White Light and reach out to your Source.
Only YOU give another the right to share your energy if you so choose, they MAY NOT take it from you.
I feel it is time we start to empower ourselves and nothing makes one feel stronger than to say "no" to something or someone that hurts us.

In fact all senses are being expanded, even our internal senses,so the experiences are endless.
None the less,it can all become overwhelming.
When this happens to me I try to get out in nature as soon as possible and just breathe.
Sometimes just breathing correctly and filling our bodies with prana will help us to center and once again move into our hearts.
Also try to drink water.
I imagine liquid Light filling me and helping me to once again find my center.
Or I take a marathon salted bath and just allow myself to be in a quiet space.

As we grow and expand in the Light of our selves and our Source,every day is different.
But it is another day that we are here.
And I try to keep reminding myself that this path might be very difficult as I reach further and further within...
But with the painful releases come the breathtaking expansion of my world and the ability to finally see what is real and what is not.
Including me.
Who am I and who am I not...?

It seems that everyday I get more and more comfortable being in my new self.
And I look forward to where this path is taking me with a ton of curiosity...what awesome thing, what miracle will happen today?
How will my Source show me how I am loved?
And how many can I share that love with others?
Challenging times indeed,when it's rough it's sooo dark, but when the Light shines it's so amazing.

Shine Bright my family.
We are all doing an amazing job.
And if these newly acquired gifts seem more of a curse that a gift,remember it is a sign your are expanding and growing in the Light.
You might surprise yourself at how much you start to enjoy these enhanced senses,once you understand them,this new way of being.
In fact, you might like it...a lot.

In Light and Love
: )

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You Are More Powerful Than You Know....



April 14th - April 20th, 2013

72 Name of the Week

Hey Yud Mem

I will strive to be less reactive to accept the beliefs and ways of others, and to look upon them with compassion and understanding. As I foster unity in my own relationships and life, I let go of old, tired beliefs, frustrations that are weighing me down and blocking my soul from total fulfillment. I will look at all sides of situations with understanding and an open heart and mind.

We are all connected.

The Zohar, the source of kabbalistic wisdom (for more info see: reveals that each person’s soul is a spark of the soul of Adam, though not the traditional interpretation of Adam. The Zohar explains that Adam was a beautiful expansive being of Light and matter, and that each and every one of us was once part of that great whole. Those of us who are good with our hands originated from the sparks that were the hands of Adam and those of us who are dancers or marathon runners are from the feet of Adam. Those of us who are intellects? The mind of Adam. …You get the picture.

When we know this, it becomes clear that there are thousands of people we have never met, and probably never will, who are connected to us on a soul level. We affect these people, and they affect us on a daily basis. For instance, if I lose my temper, it directly affects every person whose soul is connected to my own.

This great revelation from the Zohar teaches us several secrets about life.

First of all, it’s helpful to know that when we’re suddenly more irritable than usual that those thoughts and feelings might not in fact be our own, and it’s our choice to give into them or make a more proactive choice. The second great secret is that in choosing to battle that negativity, we automatically lift up the whole of humanity.

There are no small decisions. It’s been proven by scientists, philosopher, physicians, and scholars that everything we do, no matter how big or small, has a ripple effect throughout the entire universe.

We are so much more powerful than we could possibly begin to fathom.

When we accept this principle of our inter-connectedness, we can understand why it’s our responsibility to always work toward becoming the best version of ourselves.

Join me at my weekly class on Kabbalah University

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Fear of Poverty - Chris. Hansard


The fear of poverty that so many have is an ancient fear inherited from previous generations.  In the West few people suffer from true poverty  -  that is, a lack of the basic essentials necessary for survival.  But many people feel themselves to be poor because we live in a society where the pressure to be rich and to own many possessions is great.   Many more live in fear of losing what they have, so that rather then enjoying it they cling to it like a drowning man to a rock.  Fear of poverty attracts poverty and can stop us from creating a life of financial security, emotional balance and spiritual happiness.

When you fear poverty you become trapped by obstacles that are attracted to your inner unskilful thought energy, blocking you from prosperity and material and spiritual success.  It is important to remove these obstacles from within and to free yourself from the fear of poverty, which can create great stress and unhappiness.  The fear of poverty affects not just individuals but mankind as a whole.  Businesses, large and small, banks and whole communities are affected by this fear when it is powerful enough.

Poverty and its attendant obstacles take on many forms and because all the people of the human race share the same planet, poverty shifts like the seasons from one form to another.  As the poverty-stricken peoples of Africa experience physical deprivation, so poverty in other places takes on an emotional and spiritual form.  In the West, though most people have shelter and enough to eat (maybe not in these days of FGC), there is a great deal of spiritual poverty.

Poverty is thought energy of an intense and ancient significance and, as with war, it a thought energy that connects us all directly.  All of us are linked by our own personal thoughts, the thought energies of the ancient and recent past, the present, and the possible future that awaits us.  It is vital, therefore, that all of us work to overcome the fear of poverty both in ourselves and in the world.  We can help those who suffer physical poverty not just by giving food, medication, education, peace-making and political intervention but through the skilful thought energies to support them and create prosperity.


                               Typed from:  The Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking by Chris. Hansard

                                                 Tibetan Bon Medical Practitioner and Author, Teacher.

                                 Written and Published in 2003 by Hodder and Stoughton, England.

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BASES 20 The New Humans with Mary Rodwell

BASES 20 The New Humans with Mary Rodwell

Published on 28 Jan 2013
Mary Rodwell provides an update on the New Humans in this 2013 update from her original 2010 interview, at the International UFO Congress, at Laughlin, Nevada.

The DNA of many of our children is different, and these evolved children are being suppressed deliberately by our education systems to "Shut them down"

This is the 3rd edition, sorry for repeated uploads, to correct minor errors.

The current edit schedule does not allow for the independent reviews for production errors

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