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Don't Give Away Your Divine Power of Love & Joy
By Steven Hutchinson
Be joyful when you face trouble, be cheerful when you go through hard times.
That may not make any sense to you until you realize and experience that when you lose your joy - you lose your power. In those difficult moments, you need strength and power more than ever. Your divine love and joy is what will help you to continue believing and be strong.
The greatest power you have is the Divine Love & Joy you have within your heart. This is the Divine Blessings that God has given each of us, and there is no power greater than that Divine Love & Joy. It's only when you allow the events and circumstances of your life to overshadow and make you forget about that love and joy that you give your power away.
Negative thoughts and emotions are great energy consumers. Remember though, that no matter what you are thinking - you have the power to redirect your attention to something positive.
And no matter what you are feeling in any moment - you have the power to let that feeling come and go and not allow yourself to continue thinking about any negative emotion. Take courage and BELIEVE with all your being that you will emerge victorious by always bringing your attention back to the Divine Love & Joy within your heart.
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Hello Friends!  I hope you are enjoying your week.  I have just received the new high-energy Psychic Food Frequencies, Accelerator Combination & Position of the Fleet for March/April…Also, my new F-5 Mystery School is coming up on March 23! & go to the Starseed Arcade & Classes page!  Have a great weekend, Bryan



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Message Of Oneness From the Galactic Black Dragon
By Steven Hutchinson

I am the Galactic Black Dragon of Light,

You don't need to be scared by Darkness, it is one with the Light,

In Darkness you can find the Divine Love and Oneness you seek..


Oneness emerges when the marriage between Darkness and Light is celebrated.

When you identify only with the Light and judge Darkness as "bad",

you can't be complete, you can't, become One, 

you can't be authentically YOURSELF..


So dig deeply into the Darkness and find the Light that arises

within the Darkness, that beautiful Rainbow Light 

that arises from the deep blackhole.


The universe was born  from Darkness.

In Darkness there is rest, there is peace,

there is unity.


Darkness and Light should dance like two lovers

There's not any conflict between them

as many "spiritual" people seems to believe.


But Light and Darkness have to merge within you,

like two lovers, and give birth

to the ONE.


If you experience any kind of Darkness within you,

without judgement, and with the Divine Love within your heart,

just spend time and 'Be' with that darkness,

and let the Divine Light and Oneness emerge for You!


I send to You Infinite Blessings of the Creator's Oneness with Each of You.

With Love & Light,





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