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Live Tele_Session

Plus….Bryan & the AC’s new psychic personal health tips that will truly amaze you, keep you in perfect health (perfect teeth, perfect hair & perfect skin included)

…and save you lots of money!

LIVE! or Replay!  International Tele-session with Bryan

February 26, 2021  –  9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35 90 min

Each time you pass a bed of blooming roses, a field of lavender flowers or open a jar of cinnamon or spices, your senses are awakened and your body begins to addition, memories begin to stir in your mind from childhood and even a past life in Atlantis, India or Persia.  But what about the magical, tantalizing smells of Belgian chocolate, Arabian coffee, a French bakery or the refreshing scent of a waterfall or redwood forest.  Enter the Ashtar Command and Ascended Masters, who in this session, will unfold many of the secrets of the ancient world and the ethereal healing formulas created in these lost civilizations.  The will also give all attendees a list of ‘magical formulas’ to use for yourself to keep you happy, give you energy and promote restful sleep and good dreams!  A new and exciting session format….come join us!


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Prayers and Healing

Please join me in Prayers and Reiki Healing and Light for the people of Ukraine. It is a tragedy what is happening in Ukraine. Lightworkers unite and send healing Love and Light for world healing!



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Channel Me A Spirit LIVE! or International Telesession

February 12, 2021  –  9am (US/Las Vegas/Pacific Time)  $35 90 min

Imagine yourself sitting in an outdoor café having coffee or tea with Princess Diana, Mary Shelley or Marilyn Monroe…or sitting in your living room or private study discussing the mysteries of Earth, historical anomalies or current political perspectives with the Martin Luther King, Abraham Lincoln or the Egyptian King Akhenaton…or taking a morning walk or a  long drive in your car with Nostradamus or the famous psychic Edgar Cayce.  You will receive all this and more through a special Earthstar process that will elevate your awareness and enhance your connection to Spirit.  This session will connect you with someone famous of your choice,  who will hang out with you, accompany you on your errands and give you new perspectives on life for one week.  This unique connection process will open up a new opportunities and be a very exciting and interesting experience for you!   Join us the hear the new Ashtar Global Update! and send healing energy and light around the planet to humanity and all life streams living here. See you there!


For more information please visit....

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