Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden with Master Djwhal Khul give a synopsis of the current moon energies within the context of ascension mastery.
As we enter another period of full moon activity, we are also experiencing a Lunar Eclipse. All of this occurs on February 10, 2017, 4:32 PM Pacific, 7:32 PM Eastern, and 12:32 GMT February 11, 2017.
As the moon is in Leo, it represents the creative process of the Feminine Divine, while the Sun in Aquarius brings forth the act of dependence and mental pursuits of the Masculine Divine. These energies can be at a crossroads.
Which way will we turn is the question we need to ask ourselves.
With the Eclipse energies it brings into it a whole new dynamics to the situation. Usually eclipses represent relationships, either the severing or the healing within both parties. The dynamics that this eclipse is bringing to us is the ability to step into the power of healing by letting go of the elements that no longer serve our purpose. It does not mean that anything has to end but it needs to be changed.
If we look at this arrangement within the heavens in the context of the Masculine vs the Feminine Divine, we can see that it is time that the Yang essence needs to let go of some of the confines that it has placed upon us as an individual to allow the Yin to show her worth through the arts, through a creative process and allow this energetic exchange to become one within balance. The Masculine Self gives to each of us a foundation but it has to be shifted into allowing the Heart Essence to be part of the process.
It is a very magical time in which the parts we have been striving to change can be assisted by the planetary changes that are occurring.
We have to refer to the past month in which the New Moon went into Aquarius and how that has affected each of us to think differently so that change can be a reality. We now take that energy as our foundation of the Masculine Self and allow the moon essence of Leo to show its creative process within heart-based ideals within our lives.
In addition the planetary alignment for the past month fully went into a balanced state. What we may not realize is that was an initiation for us to step into this process of accepting our Divine Self as the ruler within our consciousness. It is a matter of the Mental and Emotional Bodies to co-exist as the Masculine and Feminine Divine.
As each of us is a responsible partner in the healing of the Earth, then it seems only fitting that we should allow this exchange of energy to help us acknowledge elements within ourselves that need to be adjusted in order for the both parties to come to a harmonious conclusion.
When we learn to heal inner self, then the outer self will act accordingly.
There are many other aspects that are represented within this Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse that come from a scientific basis through the Art of Astrology. For more information on this understanding, please check out Astrology King, Lunar Eclipse February 10, 2017-Practical Magic in which he gives a very powerful understanding of what is occurring presently.
From a spiritual viewpoint, this moon and eclipse is an open doorway to allow the old demons to be removed so that we, as individuals, can truly find our highest spiritual self to assist us in making those changes. If we use the energies of the Moon of Leo with passion and heart centeredness to illicit the power to ignite the changes, then the Sun of Aquarius will help us to make it more grounded.
The new essence that we are trying to integrate is within our grasp with these elements coming into place. The Lunar Eclipse allows for the union of the Masculine (Aquarius) with the Feminine (Leo) to step into a new world that will support the unity that all of us are desiring to achieve.
As this happens for every soul upon the earth, then GAIA feels the effect of the transformative energies so that all of humanity can be affected in the same way.
The most important element through this process is not to let the Lower Ego become inflamed, but yet allowing the Higher Ego (Spiritual Self) to be the ruling energy. I believe that if every person realized the power that they have during this cycle they would see the true potential that they are.
It is now being revealed for all of us to see.
The Keynote from Master Djwhal Khul:
Greetings My Dearest Beloveds,
I Am Master Djwhal Khul ready to assist in understanding the true depth of light that is occurring presently.
The most important element you must understand that every soul upon this planet is going through this transition. What needs to be realized is that the elements that have been in place in the past few months created a surge of light to help you understand within your own consciousness what this cycle may mean for you.
As I always try to help initiates to grasp the idea that their own well-being is the first component to heal this earth. Many may think that is being in a manner of selfishness, but let’s understand this process so that you can fully grasp what is occurring presently in your world.
This moon and lunar eclipse brings to light all of the darkness that you have been feeling. It is a climatic time of arrival for each of you. As you learn more about your true inner self (the emotional body), you realize that the potential you have for healing is to remove those aspects from its existence. We know this is easier said than done, but doing it is absolutely essential.
The gateway of opportunity in this moon cycle is to help each soul to realize what is it within them they do not like, address how to remove those elements, and allow their true heart essence of the Higher Self to assist them to make the necessary adjustment within their full body system. But if you as an individual, continually fall back upon the masculine self to render change, then that will backfire on you. The power of this alignment of the moon and eclipse is to bring all things into Light.
As you allow yourself to go through this process, you are then emitting the balance of the Yin and Yang right within your system. There is no separation, only unity to be felt within you and around you. Others will feel it from you. Gaia will accept the transition in a much easier level than anyone could have imagined.
This movement then takes us into bringing all things into balance. First, it occurs by accepting the Love that you are from your Divine Self, then it allows your physical self to walk through the Open Gateway of Transformation. Then, others will also feel it and it will filter through all of the Earth, through humanity and back to you once again.
This is the power of being Selfless to others after the initial stage of understanding your own self.
The power of this pathway is a grand opportunity for every soul to step into the world of knowing thyself, then accepting that their Feminine Heart Essence has the gift of giving it to the Masculine Strength so that they can walk together. It is the first stage of stepping into Oneness and it must be achieved in unison. Otherwise, there is separation of the Heart and the Mind which means you will continue to experience life the same way you always have.
As each initiate starts to understand this process, the energetic exchange will ripple through the dimensional frequencies so that others will also start to open their heart and minds up to a new way of understanding within their physical self. It will continue the journey into the ones that are trying to be in control; it will affect your governments and the way that you see the world around you.
You just have to let it happen but first allowing the Light That You Are to be fully integrated within you. As the Lightworker, the Starseed, the Awakened One, it is your responsibility to take care of yourself first and then the rest will follow. Your Higher Self knows exactly what you need to do to create these elements to come to fruition. You just must trust explicitly within the process by releasing the control of your physical self.
I do suggest creating a ceremony at this time. The full moon cycle continues into the New Moon but the first three days are very crucial. Set up a sacred space, light a candle that represents your Divine Self and the Source of Light; utilize your protection protocols, call upon your Higher Self through your breath, and all of the Seven Rays of God to assist you to come into balance: Blue of Will and Power, Golden Yellow of Love and Wisdom, Pink of Creative and Active Intelligence, Crystalline of Harmony and Balance, Green/Gold/White of Science of God representing Inner Truth, Ruby Red/Gold of Inner Devotion, and Violet/Purple of Ceremonial Magic-Creating Your Foundation.
Feel your Heart; express your woes. Allow them to be released into the fire of transmutation so you can fully allow your Heart and your Mind of your Higher Self to be One.
It is my pleasure to walk with you and guide you each moment into the New Earth.
I Am Master Djwhal Khul at your service.
Integrative Channel: Rev. Christine Meleriessee Hayden
Walking Terra Christa is facilitating a Full Moon Ceremony with Master Djwhal Khul, Festival of Lights on Saturday, February 11th, 2017, 10 AM Pacific. To participate in this Free Call (Donations Appreciated), please use this link: Festival of Lights-Full Moon Ceremony.
© Copyright 2017 The Walking Terra Christa Academy of New Earth Mastery.
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