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A Pulsation of Life Becoming Life by Djwal Kul Pt.2


    Repeating the last paragraph from Part 1  -

          As you meditate, then, with beloved Kuthumi, recognize that he has a momentum of auric light which he extends from his forcefield to your own for the specific purpose of bringing about the quickening and cleansing of your soul consciousness.

    Beginning Part 2  -

          As we proceed in these studies to expand and expound upon his work, we pursue the action of the Christ consciousness that develops from the mastery of soul awareness.  We begin then with our meditation on the heart as the seat of the authority of the Christ mind, as the altar of the love fires of being.  And we intend, as it is our assignment from the Darjeeling Council, to present to mankind the noble example, the precepts of the law, and the action of the sacred fire that will clearly mark the way of the expansion of the aura through the mastery of the Christ consciousness, not only in the heart but in all of the chakras of being.

          And when we have concluded these studies and the souls of our chelas have become prototypes of the Christed One, then the Master El Morya will set forth his course on Advanced Studies of the Human Aura presently being given to certain initiates of the white fire attending classes in their finer bodies at the etheric Retreat of God's Will in Darjeeling, India.  As my own humble effort is toward the plane of the Christ, so that of the Lord of the First Ray will be toward the development of God consciousness, not only for the Aquarian age but for all ages to come.

          O you who would become and put on the garment of God, you who would practice his presence, take this our threefold offering of gold, frankincense, and myrrh, and pledge yourself anew to the Covenant of the Magi as we come again  -  Melchoir, Caspar, and Balthazar  -  to salute the birth of the Christ and to inaugurate a light that will surely envelop worlds within and worlds to come.  For this age of the coming of the sons and daughters of God!

          In the heart there is a pulsation of life becoming life that is the established rhythm of the cosmos reflected from the heart of God to the heart of the Great Central Sun, through the heart of the Elohim, thence to all lifewaves evolving in time and space.  The heart is the focal point of the flow of life individualized as the I AM Presence, the Divine Monad of individuality, and the Christ Self that is the personification of the reality of being for every soul.  The heart is the connecting point for all being, for all self-consciousness.  Through the heart all mankind are one;  and through the heart the Christ of the One, the only begotten Son of the Father-Mother God, becomes the Christ of all lifewaves unfolding God's life throughout the cosmos.

          Through obedience to the first and great commandment of the Lord, "Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and with all thy soul and with all thy mind," the heart of man is wed to the heart of God and the alchemy of life lived on earth even as it is lived in heaven is begun.  The act of loving produces the action of the cosmic flow;  and it is the flow of energy from the heart of man to the heart of God that rejuvenates the being of man, that strengthens the citadel of consciousness, that expands the auric forcefield, and that ultimately magnetizes the soul of man to the Spirit of God in the ritual of the ascension in the light.


Part 3 will be shared within a week !

Namaste  ~


Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura

by  Djwal Kul  ~

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                                     HEALING  MANTRAS   ~   OUR  SPIRITUAL  PHYSIOLOGY



        Words used in conversation derive their power from the meaning they convey.  Mantra derives its power from the energy effect its sounds produce.  Pronouncing a mantra creates a particular physical vibration in the form of sound that in turn produces various "energetic effects" in the physical and subtle body.


        Each of the fifty letters in the Sanskrit alphabet corresponds to one of the fifty petals on chakras one through six, from the base of the spine to the brow.  Sanskrit mantra vibrates to the letters in the words of the mantra, which energizes the petal, and attracts ambient spiritual energy in the atmosphere to the person pronouncing the mantra.  In this way, mantra affects both our physical bodies and our spiritual consciousness.


        When we combine the physical energy of mantra, the sound vibration, with the mental energy of intention and attention, we increase, strengthen, and direct the energetic effect of mantra.  Intention,  the reason we are saying the mantra, is carried on the physical vibration, producing an effect.  This is the essence of Sanskrit mantra.


        Prana is our basic form of life energy that is capable of being transferred between individuals.  Some healers operate through a conscious transfer of prana;  a skilled massage therapist, for example, can often transfer prana with beneficial effect.  Self-healing is also possible by concentrating prana in specific organs. 

When we pronounce a particular mantra while visualizing an internal organ bathed in light, the power of the mantra can become concentrated in that organ with great beneficial effect.  The act of visualization, in this instance, works as intent, focusing and directing the energy produced by the mantra.


        Fire can cook your lunch or it can burn down the forest.  It's the same fire.  Mantras, too, evoke powerful energies and should be treated with respect.  There are even some powerful mantra formulas that must be learned and practiced under careful supervision by a qualified teacher.  These are kept as closely guarded secrets and have not left the Far East.

                                                  ~~~~~~~~~~~~   o  O  o   ~~~~~~~~~~~~


Healing Mantras by

Thomas Ashley-Farrand ~

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“Let’s come together to change the world”

“Let’s come together to change the world”

On Saturday December 11th, 2010 over 1,000,000 children gathered at Dhammakaya Temple, in Thailand, and sang a song, “Let’s come together to change the world”. At this occasion the children took a pledge to do good deeds and to be virtuous leaders. The gathering was in the context of a project for the moral revival of the world was created and initiated by Phrarajbhavanavisudh, the abbot of Wat Phradhamakaya. An impressive assembly. A real good will initiative.


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"Change The World" by One Million V-Star Children & Howard McCrary


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A string of kindness: 30 kidneys, 60 lives

A string of kindness: 30 kidneys, 60 lives
By Kevin Sack / New York Times News Service
Published: February 19. 2012

Monica Almeida / New York Times News Service


Cynthia Goff, a courier, waits at the Los Angeles International Airport with the kidney donated by Sherry Gluchowski before boarding a flight to Chicago, where the kidney’s recipient awaits. The recipient, Donald Terry Jr., had received a diagnosis of diabetes-related renal disease in his mid-40s. “It was like being sentenced to prison,” Terry recalled, “like I had done something wrong in my life and this was the outcome.”


Monica Almeida New York Times News Service

Rick Ruzzamenti of Riverside, Calif., donated a kidney to a stranger, expecting nothing in return. The act led to the longest chain of kidney transplants ever constructed.


RIVERSIDE, Calif. — Rick Ruzzamenti admits to being a tad impulsive. He traded his Catholicism for Buddhism in a revelatory flash. He married a Vietnamese woman he had only just met.


And then a year ago, he decided in an instant to donate his left kidney to a stranger.


In February 2011, the desk clerk at Ruzzamenti’s yoga studio told him she had recently donated a kidney to an ailing friend.


Ruzzamenti, 44, had never even donated blood, but the story so captivated him that two days later he placed a call to Riverside Community Hospital to ask how he might do the same thing.


Halfway across the country, in Joliet, Ill., Donald Terry Jr. needed a kidney in the worst way. Since receiving a diagnosis of diabetes-related renal disease in his mid-40s, he had endured the burning and bloating and dismal tedium of dialysis for nearly a year.


“It was like being sentenced to prison,” Terry recalled, “like I had done something wrong in my life and this was the outcome.”


As a dawn chill broke over Chicago on Dec. 20, Terry received a kidney in a transplant at Loyola University Medical Center. He did not get it from Ruzzamenti, at least not directly, but the two men will forever share a connection: They were the first and last patients in the longest chain of kidney transplants ever constructed, linking 30 people who were willing to give up an organ with 30 who might have died without one.


What made the domino chain of 60 operations possible was the willingness of a good Samaritan, Ruzzamenti, to give the initial kidney, expecting nothing in return. Its momentum was then fueled by a mix of selflessness and self-interest among donors who gave a kidney to a stranger after learning they could not donate to a loved one because of incompatible blood types or antibodies. Their loved ones, in turn, were offered compatible kidneys as part of the exchange.


Coordination and innovation

Chain 124, as it was labeled by the nonprofit National Kidney Registry, required lockstep coordination over four months among 17 hospitals in 11 states. It was born of innovations in computer matching, surgical technique and organ shipping, as well as the determination of a Long Island, N.Y., businessman named Garet Hil.


The chain began with an algorithm and an altruist. Over the months it fractured time and again, suspending the fates of those down the line until Hil could repair the breach. Eventually, he succeeded in finding needle-in-a-haystack matches for patients whose antibodies would have caused them to reject organs from most donors.


Despite an intensely bitter breakup, a Michigan man agreed to donate a kidney for his former girlfriend for the sake of their 2-year-old daughter. A woman from Toronto donated for her fifth cousin from Brooklyn, N.Y., after meeting him by chance in Italy and then staying in touch mostly by text messages.


Children donated for parents, husbands for wives, sisters for brothers. A 26-year-old student from Texas gave a kidney for a 44-year-old uncle in California whom he rarely saw. In San Francisco, a 62-year-old survivor of Stage 4 Hodgkin’s lymphoma donated for her son-in-law.
On Aug. 15, Ruzzamenti’s kidney flew east on a Continental red-eye from Los Angeles to Newark, N.J., and was rushed to Saint Barnabas Medical Center in Livingston, N.J. There it was stitched into the abdomen of a 66-year-old man.



Passing it on

The man’s niece, a 34-year-old nurse, had wanted to give him her kidney, but her Type A blood clashed with his Type O. So in exchange for Ruzzamenti’s gift, she agreed to have her kidney shipped to the University of Wisconsin Hospital in Madison for Brooke R. Kitzman’s transplant. It was Kitzman’s former boyfriend, David Madosh, who agreed to donate a kidney on her behalf despite their acrimonious split.


On and on the chain extended, with kidneys flying from coast to coast, iced down in cardboard boxes equipped with GPS devices and stowed on commercial aircraft.


In a system built on trust, one leap of faith followed another. The most worrisome risk was that donors would renege once their loved ones received kidneys.


After John A. Clark of Sarasota, Fla., got a transplant on Sept. 28 at Tampa General Hospital, his wife, Rebecca, faced a 68-day wait before it was her turn to keep the chain going. Clark said it crossed her mind to back out, but that she swatted away the temptation.


“I believe in karma,” Clark said, “and that would have been some really bad karma. There was somebody out there who needed my kidney.”


Many of the 400,000 Americans who are tethered to dialysis dream of a transplant as their pathway back to normal. While about 90,000 people are lined up for kidneys, fewer than 17,000 receive one each year, and about 4,500 die waiting, according to the United Network for Organ Sharing, which maintains the wait list for the government.


Only a third of transplanted kidneys come from living donors, but they are coveted because they typically last longer than cadaver kidneys.


A reason there are not more live kidney donations, however, is that about a third of transplant candidates with a willing donor find that they are immunologically incompatible.


Domino chains, which were first attempted in 2005 at Johns Hopkins, seek to increase the number of people who can be helped by living donors. In 2010, chains and other forms of paired exchanges resulted in 429 transplants.



National registry

Garet Hil and his wife, Jan, may never fully recover from the snowy night in February 2007 when they took their 10-year-old daughter in with flu symptoms and emerged with a shocking diagnosis of nephrophthisis, a genetic kidney-wasting disease.


Because Hil and his daughter shared the same blood type, he assumed he would be able to give her one of his kidneys. But two days before surgery, doctors canceled the operations after discovering that his daughter had developed antibodies that would most likely cause rejection.


Fortunately, one of Hil’s nephews then was tested and was able to donate.


After the successful transplant, Hil, a veteran business executive, could not shake his frustration that a more effective registry for paired kidney donation did not exist. “The exchange systems out there weren’t industrial strength,” he said.

By the end of 2007, the Hils had formed the National Kidney Registry and rented office space in an old clapboard house in Babylon, N.Y. The couple invested about $300,000 to start it, and Garet Hil, who is now 49, ran the registry without a salary.


Hil marketed his registry to hospitals with PowerPoints and passion. The transplant world initially regarded him as an interloper. But he has now persuaded 58 of the country’s 236 kidney transplant centers, including many of the largest, to feed his database with information about pairs of transplant candidates and their incompatible donors.


In 2007, a transplant surgeon at the University of Toledo Medical Center, Dr. Michael A. Rees, had a forehead-slapping insight. If an exchange began with a good Samaritan who donated to a stranger, and if the operations did not have to be simultaneous, a chain could theoretically keep growing, limited only by the pool of available donors and recipients. Rees reported in 2009 that he had strung together a chain of 10 transplants.


Hil seized on the idea and set out to build an algorithm that would enable even more transplants.


Nowadays, Hil’s pool typically consists of 200 to 350 donor-recipient pairs. That is enough to generate roughly a googol — 10 to the 100th power — of possible chains of up to 20 transplants if all of the pairs are compatible, said Rich Marta, the registry’s senior software designer.


There are several registries like Hil’s, each with a distinct approach. Largely unregulated by government, they invite sensitive questions about oversight and ethics, including how kidneys are allocated. A number of medical societies are convening in March to seek consensus on that and other issues related to paired exchanges.



Chain 124’s risks

Long transplant chains save more lives than short chains. But they come with trade-offs because the longer they grow, the higher the risk that a donor will renege or that a link will break for other reasons.


The dependency of each link on the others kept patients on edge. “Things can happen,” Candice Ryan fretted a few days before her Dec. 5 transplant at Massachusetts General Hospital. “You just pray that everything goes well. I can’t relax until I’m asleep and on the table.”


Until recently, hospitals regularly turned away good Samaritan donors on the working assumption that they were unstable. That has changed somewhat with experience. But when Rick Ruzzamenti showed up at Riverside Community Hospital asking to give a kidney to anyone in need, he still underwent rounds of psychological screening as well as medical tests.


The doctors and social workers did not know what to make of Ruzzamenti at first. He had a flat affect and an arid wit, and did not open up right away. As the hospital’s transplant coordinator, Shannon White, pressed him about his motivations and expectations, he explained that his decision seemed rather obvious.


“People think it’s so odd that I’m donating a kidney,” Ruzzamenti told her. “I think it’s so odd that they think it’s so odd.”

The hospital wanted to make sure that he was not expecting glory, or even gratitude. Ruzzamenti stressed that no one should mistake him for a saint.


By Dec. 19, Chain 124 hurtled toward its conclusion with a final flurry of procedures at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles. Between dawn and dusk, three kidneys were removed and three were transplanted in neighboring operating rooms. One flew in from San Francisco. The last took off for O’Hare.


At the end of the cluster were Keith Zimmerman, 53, a bearish, good-humored man with a billy-goat’s beard, and his older sister, Sherry Gluchowski, 59. She had recently moved from California to Texas but returned to donate her kidney.


Gluchowski’s kidney went to Loyola University Medical Center in Chicago to be transplanted into Terry, the last in the chain.


Chain 124 ended at Loyola because Hil had arranged the final kidney to go to a hospital that had produced a good Samaritan donor to start a chain in the past, thus closing a loop. Dr. John Milner, a transplant surgeon at Loyola, said he then selected Terry to receive the kidney because he was the best immunological match on the hospital’s wait list.


When Milner called with the news in early December, Terry was floored at his remarkable good fortune.


As it sank in that his would be the last of 30 interconnected transplants, Terry began to feel guilty that he would be ending the chain. “Is it going to continue?” he asked Milner. “I don’t want to be the reason to stop anything.”


“No, no, no,” the doctor reassured him. “This chain ends, but another one begins.”


Be The Change
Start a kindness chain -- begin with an unexpected act of generosity.

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Preparing for Death: The Final Days of Death Row Inmate Jaturun "Jay" Siripongs

An interview with... Ajahn Pasanno




"You've got to get rid of me . . . then you have to let go of yourself."

Jaturun "Jay" Siripongs, a native of Thailand, was convicted in 1983 for the murders of Garden Grove market owner Pakawan "Pat" Watta-naporn and store clerk Quach Nguyen. While Siripongs admitted to involvement in the robbery, he denied having committed the murders. Yet he refused to name his accomplice and was convicted and sentenced to death.

Six days before Jay Siripongs was to be executed, his friend, attorney Kendall Goh contacted Abhayagiri Monastery seeking a Buddhist spiritual advisor. Two days later, Abhayagiri Co-abbot Ajahn Pasanno expeditiously received security clearance to enter San Quentin Prison and spent three extraordinary days with Jay Siripongs, the last three days of Siripongs life. Jay Siripongs died by lethal injection on February 9, 1999.

There were many reports that Siripongs went through a remarkable spiritual transformation while in prison. As a youth, Siripongs had taken temporary Buddhist monastic ordination in Thailand, a common Thai cultural practice. While in prison, he drew upon the meditation training he had received during his ordination and practiced consistently. Guards and inmates alike recognized that he lived his life at San Quentin peacefully. Several guards supported the clemency appeal for Siripongs, some openly. Even former San Quentin Warden Daniel B. Vasquez supported a plea for commutation of Siripongs sentence to life imprisonment.


Kathryn Guta and Dennis Crean spoke with Ajahn Pasanno in May 1999.

Fearless Mountain: How did you come to be called in as Jay Siripongs, spiritual counselor?
Ajahn Pasanno: The first time Jay expected to be executed was November 17, 1998. At that time, he was accompanied by a Christian minister, a woman who had attended several other executions at San Quentin. Although Jay liked the minister very much and had known her for years, there was a dynamic between them that increased his anxiety. In November, in the final hours before his scheduled death, the two talked incessantly, and Jay was distracted from composing his mind. Jay had had a clear sense of what he needed to do in order to prepare for death, but he did not do it in November. Then, at the last moment, a federal court granted a stay, and Jay was not executed for another three months. He was very fortunate that this first execution had been stayed. His situation and reactions became clear to him. He wanted to make his death as peaceful as possible, and he knew he had to do the inner work to make it so.

For the second execution date, Jay was determined to go to his execution alone so that he could try to be calm and collected in his last hours. His friend Kendall Goh was concerned about his lack of spiritual support and offered to find a Buddhist advisor. It was apparently not easy for Jay to ask for a different spiritual advisor; he encountered difficulties both from San Quentin and others, and he was cautious. I thought that his caution was reasonable as clearly the last thing he needed at that stage was some pious lecture from a monk. However, immediately after we met we connected, and he was happy to have me there.


FM: How did it feel to serve as a spiritual counselor to a condemned man?


AP: At first, I felt happy to help. Then I thought, I'm going into a hell realm, and there was a certain amount of trepidation. There were gates, chains, a metal detector and guards.

Then there was a second metal detector, guards to stamp my hand after I'd cleared it, then more gates and guards. Yet there were also many conflicting images. I heard a guard call children visitors by their names as if he knew them.

When I saw Jay, he was not like others I have been with who are approaching their deaths. Jay was young and healthy, in control of his faculties. He was sharp, intelligent and talented. It was clear he had lived the last years of his life skillfully. Although he was waist-chained, he remained dignified. He was gracious and hugged his visitors. The whole situation took on a surreal quality. Everything appeared normal, but at midnight on Monday this human being would die, he would be executed.


FM: Was there any tension in the air considering that Jay would soon be put to death?


Taking Refuge, seeing the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha as enlightened knowing,
truth and the embodiment of goodness. Jay was so happy that his friends
could hear Dhamma and that he could share this with them.



AP: Not really. The atmosphere was relaxed and not gloomy. Sometimes we got down to the nitty gritty of the mind. Other times we joked and laughed. On the first day especially, Jay was a very gracious host. Prior to my arrival he had set up a chair for me on one side of a table and for his friends on the other side. He had instructed them very strictly on how to behave in the presence of a monk, and he had planned to offer a meal. He said it was the first time he had been able to feed a monk in twenty years. In response to questions from his friends, I talked about the Buddhist theory of awakening using the lotus flower metaphor. I also talked quite a bit about the meaning of Taking Refuge, seeing the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha as enlightened knowing, truth and the embodiment of goodness. Jay was so happy that his friends could hear Dhamma and that he could share this with them.

Yet I felt very concerned that Jay look after the quality of his own mind and not let people distract him due to their own traumas about his imminent death. Jay recognized the dynamic that was going on around him; he was certainly not trying to maintain social contact because of agitation or restlessness. Still, he realized that he had to take responsibility for his own stability. Although he gave himself completely to his friends during the visiting hours, he meditated many of the other hours of the day beginning when he awoke at two or three oh clock in the morning.

During the days before his death, I pushed Jay into not becoming distracted. He had a lot of visitors. I told him it's best not to get too caught up with all these people. Kendall had told me when I first came that Jay was doing fine, that it was the rest of them who were falling apart. It was very obvious that Jay had touched the lives of many people, and they gathered around him before his death. His sister, Triya, was there. Some of his friends considered him their spiritual teacher. Many of his friends were lawyers, other friends were born-again Christians. So there were many different needs, and Jay, being kind-hearted and generous, tried to fulfill them all.


Jaturun "Jay" Siripongs, Self-Portrait

FM:Is it true that Jay was also an accomplished artist?


AP: Yes. Jay showed me his portfolio. He had become skilled in many different media and was obviously talented. He also gave away most of his art (over 600 pieces) to acquaintances and friends over the years. Jay used art to express his process of growing and changing. He often used butterflies as a symbol of his metamorphosis. At some time during his incarceration, he had realized that his life would end in prison. He thought, I can't continue hating myself or others.

During the last eight years, Jay underwent a deep transformation and came to a real understanding of himself. He told me that he had been in prison for a long time and couldn't say it was a bad thing. He felt he had been able to grow in prison in a way that would not have been possible had he not been in such difficult and extreme circumstances. He learned to reflect deeply on what would create well-being and clarity in his mind. The closer he got to the execution, the more he learned about what would obstruct the mind from growth and peace. He turned himself to the process of applying the mind to truth.


FM: And this included taking up Buddhist meditation?


AP: That's right. Jay had learned how to meditate when he was a monk in Thailand many years earlier. While in the monastery, he had had a very clear vision of light while meditating, but when he had tried to replicate the experience, it didn't come back.


FM:That sounds like the common meditation experience of grasping after what is pleasant.


AP: Yes. I teased him about that. Jay then reported that three weeks earlier the light had come back. This was very encouraging to me. Since Jay was a visual artist, I realized that he could use the vision of light as an anchor at the moment of his death. I led him in guided meditations centering on the breath and light. Since his breath would only be there until the injection took effect, I told Jay that there would come a time to let the breath go and focus instead on the image of light.


FM: How else were you able to help Jay with his inner work? Was he afraid of death?


AP: The first night we talked on the phone, I had asked Jay, "What's your mental state." "I'm at peace," he said. "I've accepted what will happen. But I still have things I want to know."


Growing up in Thailand, Jay believed in rebirth. He joked that he wanted his ashes scattered in the sea so that they might be eaten by fish and then the fish by humans. In this way, he could quickly return to the human realm to continue his work. He knew that human birth was the place where learning was possible, a place to understand pain and joy, good and evil, right and wrong. Growth and understanding were the results of choices one made. Jay had made some very bad choices over the years, but he had also made some good ones. He felt he had learned some real lessons in this lifetime and was determined to stay on the path of Dhamma in the next life.



FM: Did you ever to talk to Jay about those bad choices, about his crimes?

AP: No, I never talked to Jay specifically about the past. There was not enough time. I focused instead on his spiritual well-being, on his ability to face death with as composed a mind as possible. I was not relating to him as a person convicted of a crime. I was relating to him as a person facing death.


Poem from the journal of Jaturun "Jay" Siripongs

FM:What were the last few hours with Jay like?


On Jay's November execution date he had been allowed a mala in his cell,
but before giving it to him, one of the guards had put it on the floor and stepped on it. ______________________________________________________


AP: Six hours before an execution, the prisoner leaves his family and friends behind and goes to a very cramped cell right next to the execution chamber. Only his spiritual advisor can accompany him. There are six guards, called the execution squad, in a very confined space, and people like the prison psychiatrist and the warden also come in from time to time. There can be a lot of intimidation from the guards right before the execution. They might be carrying on loud conversations or be obnoxious in other ways. They may be watching TV very loudly just three feet away from the condemned man.

On Jay's November execution date he had been allowed a mala in his cell, but before giving it to him, one of the guards had put it on the floor and stepped on it. After I was strip searched, I was taken to one of these death row holding cells. There, Jay and I were separated into two different cells connected only by a small corner. Right away I did protective chanting as a way of cleaning out negative energy. "We'll take the game away from them," I told Jay.

We had planned for Jay to ask for the Refuges and Precepts in Pali, but he mistakenly did the chant to request a Dhamma talk instead. So I gave a short Dhamma talk to him and the guards.

What did you talk about?


AP: I told the story of the Buddha, just after his enlightenment, not wanting to teach, as he thought nobody would understand. I talked about the nature of delusion of the human world and the liberation of the Dhamma. I talked about the Four Noble Truths, about how letting go was not a rejection of anything. I instructed Jay to pay attention to the arising of consciousness.

Rather than inclining the mind towards that which will result in suffering and rebirth, I told Jay to move instead towards relinquishment and focusing the mind. In terms of letting go or relinquishment, we talked about forgiveness in the context of "not self." If we haven't forgiven, we keep creating an identity around our pain, and that is what is reborn. That is what suffers. I asked Jay, "Is there anybody you have not forgiven yet?" I meant the system, his parents, others. Jay thought about it. "I haven't forgiven myself completely," he said softly at last. It was touching.

He had a memory of being a person who had been involved in something wrong in the past, yet now in the present he was a different person. It was helpful for him to see that he was not this memory of himself, to let go of the person in the past who was involved in the crimes. It was also interesting to see that the guards seemed intent on what I was saying, and throughout the evening they were actually very solicitous and respectful of both of us.


FM: Was Jay preoccupied with the numerous appeals to save his life that continued during this time?


AP: Jay did not seem concerned or worried about justice. He did not hold out great hope for the appeals to go through. When the final appeals were turned down, it was not a big deal. "I'm accepting the fact that I'll be executed," he said.


FM:What was Jay's state of mind as he got closer to the execution?


AP:At one point, Jay asked, "If I am not the body, not the feelings, not the mind, then what is it that is liberated?" I told him that such a question appearing then in his mind was simply doubt arising. When you let go of everything and experience the peace and clarity inherent in that, you don't have to put a name or identity on it. At another point Jay said, "I have two people on my mind, . . . me and you." I said, "You've got to get rid of me. I'm not going in there with you. And then you have to let go of yourself." We really laughed about that.

Basically, I helped prepare Jay for the many distractions that might take place during the execution. "People will be strapping you down; things will be happening around you," I warned. "You need to establish the mind without going to externals. Keep your attention within." We spent the whole evening meditating, chanting and talking Dhamma. So in the last hour Jay was very peaceful and able to establish his mind firmly on his meditation object. Toward the end, we took the time to do a ceremony of sharing merit and offering blessings, even to the guards. After his final appeal had been turned down, Jay also asked me to do some chanting for the lawyers involved in his case. He had a quality of thoughtfulness right up until the end.


FM: Were you present at the execution?


AP:No. That had been decided before I first visited Jay at San Quentin. I believe that not having yet met me, Jay elected not to have me there with him. When I read the papers the next day, though, they reported that he lay very still during the execution and kept his eyes closed. I found this heartening because I felt he was composing his mind.


FM: How did you feel after the execution?

I was very grateful to have been there. It was very humbling. One can't help but consider what any one of us would have done in a similar circumstance - relating to our death not as something abstract, sometime off in the future, but knowing that at precisely 12:01 a.m. we will definitely die


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Losar Tashi Delek! At ICT, we will honor Losar by renewing our efforts to work for peace and justice in Tibet and we thank you for your support in standing with people of Tibet at this time.

The word Losar is derived from two words, “Lo” meaning “year” and “sar” meaning “new.”

For centuries, Losar, Tibetan New Year has been a time of celebration, a time for families to come together and be thankful for their blessings, for religious faith to be honored in prayer and a time when neighbors and friends greet each other with “Losar Tashi Delek!” or (Best wishes for an auspicious New Year!”). But this year’s Losar is marked with sorrow, with repression in Tibet reaching new lows, so it will be observed as a time for quiet reflection and tribute to all those Tibetans who have sacrificed their freedom and even their lives in protest against Chinese policies in Tibet.

We humbly wish you a Losar Tashi Delek, and best wishes for the Tibetan Water Dragon Year 2139.

Mary Beth Markey

This painting of the Eight Auspicious Symbols of Tibetan Buddhism is by 15 year-old Shaokyi Amdo, a student of the Capital Area Tibetan Association’s weekend Tibetan language school for Tibetan-American children living in the Washington DC metro area. The eight symbols are very popular in Tibet and represent the eight precious offerings made by the gods to Shakyamuni Buddha upon his enlightenment.

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Help Please! With My Page

Hi friends  ~  I just customized my page and a lot of information is not showing!

My profile information isn't showing at all, including the info. under my profile photo.

A lot of text from friends' messages has disappeared also, inc. some videos.

I wish I had kept the original page!

When I click "view all comments" it reverts back to the original page color and all of the writing and videos show.

I would really appreciate any help or advice on what to do to go back to the original page colors, which is the standard one we all get when we become a member.

Thank-you and God Bless,

Tara Mary.

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The Healing Benefits of Chanting

        The chanting of songs, verses, and mystic formulas existed long before the development of even the most primitive instruments.  In modern times, the healing benefits of liturgical chanting have only recently been rediscovered, and in an interesting way.

        During the 1960s there was a very clear instance of sound potential to affect human health.  For centuries the monks of a certain Benedictine monastery in France had chanted several hours every day.  Then, during the 1960s, the Second Vatican Council began considering alterations in church practices, including changing the language of chant from the traditional Latin to languages spoken locally.  But when the Council could not agree on the language issue, it was decided instead to end chanting altogether and replace it with other, more productive activities.

        When this new routine went into effect, the Benedictine monks began to change.  For hundreds of years the order had thrived on only three or four hours of sleep, but now the monks became listless and fatigued.  Even when their schedule was further altered to allow more sleep, they were constantly weary.  A change in diet was implemented.  A seven-hundred-year tradition of vegetarianism was replaced by a diet that included meat, but the monks' health did not improve.

        Then Dr. Alfred Tomatis, an ear specialist, visited the monastery and tested the monks' hearing.  Many of them turned out to be hearing-impaired, though the cause was unclear.  The only variable seemed to be the cessation of chanting.  Dr. Tomatis recommended that chanting resume.  After the monks returned to their old routine, a transformation very quickly took place among them.  Most of them again became able to function with minimal sleep.

        Dr. Tomatis later told this story to a Canadian broadcast audience and explained that the cerebral cortex can become "charged," or positively stimulated, by certain kinds and frequencies of sound.  Through their daily chanting sessions, the Benedictines were bringing energy into their bodies and their minds.

                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~  o  O  o  ~~~~~~~~~~~


Healing Mantras  -

Sound, Music and Healing  -

Thomas Ashley-Farrand ~

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Greetings Dear Ones, I am Metatron, Lord of Light ! I greet and honor each of you in Unconditional Love, and nurture you within the space vector of this moment .

And so we speak today of the Final Phase of that termed the Cosmic Trigger. Indeed its completion is at hand and will absolutely occur and finalize in your linear year of 2012.

The Cosmic Trigger, as we have explained in previous channels, is the download of Geometric Crystalline Codes necessary for the completion of the 12-Dimensional expansion of the planet. The geo-codes are in the language of coherent light, coherent crystalline light. For Dear Ones, Sacred Geometry is the core-fabric of all realities. Sacred Geometry is the language, the 'reality program' of the Cosmos.

Dear Human, your reality is in Truth, a geometric hologram insertion of coherent conscious energy. So it is imperative you understand that Sacred Geometry is far more than a mathematical branch. It is a living sacred science, an aspect of the science frequency you call 'Unconditional Love'. It is a sacred science that in fact forms every nuance of your 'physical' duality within linear space and time.

The Pyramids of the 29.6 Latitude are the Receival Mechanisms

The Codes are received initially in the Pyramidal structures of Giza and Moody, and disseminated across the planet. They are catalysts for awakening & releasing stored codes kept in crystalline mineralogical strata on the planet.

The codes are of sacred geometric matrix, octahedronal in format . That is why they are received specifically in the octahedronal structures - Pyramids, of the 29th latitude.

Both the Moody Gardens Pyramids and the Giza Pyramids are constructed on precise vectors of dimensional reality convergence. So while the aforementioned octahedronal Pyramidal structures in themselves are extraordinarily powerful receivers and transmitters, it is the specific placement within what may be termed major 'absolute' Coordination Points of Reality that empower them into omnipotence in the Earthplane and indeed beyond. Coordination Points are specific location vectors or Mega-Portals in which multidimensional energy merges . Moody & Giza are on Coordination Merge-Portals of Omnipotent Omniverse Omni-Earth Veracity.

It is why Giza has always been recognized, and why the Moody-Pyramids were specifically, precisely (re)established on what is termed the 'Head of the Dove'.

Multidimensional Energy (as well as thoughts) will be naturally pulled in the direction of absolute or Omnipotent points of reality coordination. Dimensions are coinciding in and out. This occurs indeed at the Moody Pyramids as well as Giza. Phi Pyramids exists on such points not only across your Earth, but across every planet in your solar system.

There is a unique expression of the in-take/ out-take of reality flash in the Harmonic Cycle or Torus-Effect of reality flash. Although Giza (and especially the Moody Pyramids) are not recognized or fully understood, immense activity of a benevolent nature is taking place through them. All four phases of the Cosmic Trigger were received through these points.

With these structures then are absolute points of multiple reality, containing great and greater energy potential;' absolute' coordinate points, indeed, where all realities interconnect & merge. There are main coordinate points, pure geo-mathematic sources of unimaginable energy, and Moody and Giza are two of the most important at the present 'time' on your planet.

Each have subordinate coordinate points, coordinated in number according to the dimensional reality of the placement. All of the dimensional program stabilizers termed 'Sun Discs' are placed at such vectors. These are all in fact connected to the two primary coordination Pyramids of Giza and Moody. You as yet have no idea of the energy networks that form your realities. Nothing is happenstance !

Phi Pyramids Expand Consciousness

Spending focal time within such Pyramidal points allows an extraordinary opportunity to the serious advanced seeker for even greater growth and thought concentration expansion to aid in amplifying emotions and such, which would help in greater manifestations of thoughts into both 'physical' and 'nonphysical' realities. Manifestation of thought is , as such , accelerated for those capable of sufficient light quotient to comprehend the mechanics of mental creation processes in bridging the ego brain into meld with the divine mind.

Much of what occurs in Pyramids may be unrecognized in ego brain, for the nuances occur in the 'digital crystalline format' of the Divine Mind, (or super-subconscious) wherein lies your true Divine nature. Humans operating in ego brain will oft dismiss what is truly available in such vectors, because the experience does not occur in frontal brain. That is precisely why lucidity bridges into the subconscious are the gateways of higher light quotient , which are essential in a humans individual growth into Ascension. Such is the path of duality. Yet even the doubters are expanded by the experience, whether immediately recognized or dismissed.

We have told you before that all Pyramidal structures automatically generate a reflective opposite to form an octahedron in multidimensionality. As such they generate a light coded sound frequency that forms axial-tonal connections through the Law of Harmonic Oscillation, forming a Cosmic Network of multidimensional receival and transmission.

The Cosmic Trigger Codes

The codes are Metatronic in source and aspect , and absolutely essential to the Ascension. Consider them as resonate energy upgrades to the holographic inserts that are the geo-information-portals of the graduating Omni Earth. Program upgrades, in your computer terminology.

The initial downloads of the final wave surge occurs on the May 20 'Ring of Fire' Solar Eclipse of 2012, the latter surge on the triple date frequencial portal of the 12-12-12.

We have told you that the world remakes itself now and whether or not humanity in micro or macro is supportive of expansive change or against it, whether it is understood by mankind en masse or not, it is truly a moot point as the inertia of transition speeds into reality more quickly today than it did yesterday on the linear and Omni-Earth.

This is indeed the final completing stage of the Cosmic Trigger, and its time is here in the heralded year of 2012.

It reaches apexial download on the May 20, 2012 Solar Eclipse and encompasses four primary progressions:

(1) The release of long dormant coded crystal energies in formation of the dual ellipticals of the New Firmament
(2) The transition of the previous version of the Mer-Ka-Bah to unified zero-point Crystalline upshift of Mer-Ka-Na.
(3) Final balance of male-female aspect into integral unity
(4) Full integration of dimensions 5-12 into harmonic interface with dimensions 1-4, the 12 combining to form the 13th Field...The Quantum Field of Dimensional Unification.

2012 Acceleration of 'Ascension Symptoms'

All is quickening, time is accelerating as the Ascension draws center within your individual & group experiences. The year 2012 will be intense and will have periods of calibration that may throw humanity out of balance temporarily.

Accordingly as the duality planet recalibrates itself into the Crystalline Field it will also reshape the experience of mankind, of visible and invisible forces of nature and that of the face of the Earth itself. Every astrological pattern , every date of Eclipse, Solstice , Equinox and Lunar Phase is extremely powerful in 2012. These are being exponentially amplified by Coronal Mass Ejections, Solar Winds.

Humanity will feel the impact of these through what is termed 'Ascension Symptoms', and these may be experienced as mood swings, dizziness, insomnia, anxiety, lethargy, apathy and fatigue. For each advancing energy will require physical, emotional and mental adjustment to the higher frequencies downloaded.

It is akin to a training course, one designed to increase humankinds capacity to operate in higher resonant energy. The intensives will ebb & flow, in a continual momentous pattern, gaining in inertia through the 12-12-12, the 12th Wave of the Ascension. It is indeed an auspicious time.
You may at times feel as though you are taking one step backward before taking two steps forward... something akin to a miniature Saturn Return ! But keep in mind, the two steps forward will occur.

Do not despair, for the symptoms will pass quickly, and the benefits are a stronger 'you'. The key is understanding what is happening, and persevering ...and maintaining a positive energy and an intact Auric Field.

Fear not, there are balancing energies within the up-shifts of 2012. The Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse of May 20th, is followed by a potent Lunar Eclipse on June 4th.

The energies of this phase are actually very balancing, musical in nature. The light codes have a tonality that enhances your capacity to transform into the Crystalline Light Body (Mer-Ka-Na) as the downloads contain harmonic melodic progressions that upshift the capacity of your field.

Music of the Spheres

The symbiotic relationship of geometry and mathematics to sound, music , color & light is factual, but far more reaching than is presently understood. Each stellar and planetary consciousness within your Cosmos is in Omnipotent Harmony. Every astronomical wave bathing the Omni-Earth in 2012, and aimed at up shifting the planet as well as humanity. There is a design, a pre set program enacting. What may appear as imbalance is simply the pre tuning to allow the Celestial Symphony of the Ascension.

The Ascended Master Kuthumi as Pythagoras found that a string stopped halfway along its length produced an octave, while a ratio of 3/2 produced a fifth interval and 4/3 produced a fourth. Something similar also occurs in the crysto-light waves of the Cosmic Trigger Codes. This embellishes the Cosmic Trigger with musical powers of healing, "harmonizing" the imbalance effects of the 2012 intensities .

Dear Ones, you are ALL Sparks of Divine-Soul Light having a unique experience in the Duality of what is termed the 'University of Earth. In physical existence, your consciousness spirals down through the sacred geometrical symphony within the divine patterns of the Phi and Golden Ratio.
In the Ascension, you will regain the enhanced template that enables you to transmigrate the Torus of realities, and as such reverse the spin of the spiral, by anti-spin of the Life Vortex and return to your Divine Source consciousness within Crystal-Coherent Light . The Cosmic Triggers are the enablers, changing the matrix. It is not haphazard, it is not circumstantial, but deliberate of Divine Creatorship in a logic beyond even your imagination. It is beautiful beyond comprehension.

Four Key Balancing Dates Within the 'Ring of Fire'

March 20 - Equinox - The 4th and final wave of the Cosmic Trigger, upload for the Ring of Fire download (Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012) and initializing the Crystalline Codes.
May 20- Ring of Fire Solar Eclipse - The apex of the Final Phase of the Cosmic Trigger. Humanity macro-integration - Divine Masculine balance via the balancing waves of the Divine Feminine as the Golden Dolphin influx.
June 4 - Lunar Eclipse- Humanity micro- integration- Divine Feminine Balance.
June 6 - Venus Transit - Integration with the Sirian and Pleiadean Alliance, the full return of the Golden Dolphin energies, the initial integration of Divine Feminine to Divine Masculine to form Integral Non Polarity.
June 20 - Summer Solstice - Extremely powerful, completing a quartet of dates with the Solar eclipse of May 20th and Lunar Eclipse of June 4th and Venus Transit of June 6. This will be an extremely intense , yet balancing energy that incorporates a final inflow of energetic codes and allows for obstructing releases.
The Pyramid Receival Complex

As we have emphasized, the Tri-Pyramid Complex located on Galveston Island is in exact latitudinal alignment, 29.6 degrees, with the Tri Pyramidal Complex in Giza, Egypt. This is not a mere coincidence !

This is indeed extremely significant, for an Axialtonal energy line joins the two complexes. These two tri-pyramidal matrixes will serve to bring in the energies of the Crystalline Activation of the final phase of the Cosmic Trigger.

We tell you that the two Pyramid Complexes, Giza and Moody Gardens ,are extremely important for the Ascension. These complexes of Tri- Pyramidal complexes are receivers and transmitters that disseminate to all other Pyramids and Crystalline strata on the Earth. They communicate with the Golden Sun Discs and the 144-Crytsalline Grid. The receive the codes and distribute them.

It is why we urged the channel to lead a group to Giza in the initial period of the 12th Wave, and why we asked for the completion in Moody on the Ring of Fire Eclipse.

What is happening on Galveston Island, that termed the 'Head of the Dove' is effecting all of the Western hemisphere in conjunction with Giza in its role in the Eastern Hemispheres of the planet.

The 29th Latitude : Terrestrial Centre Mass

The 29th latitude was deliberately chosen as it is a center of importance for the land masses and humanity centers. For the majority of surface land mass of your planet is in that termed the Northern Hemisphere, above the equator. Therein resides the majority of humanity and exists the greater portion of land mass. Accordingly is the 29 Latitude North a centre point for North and South in your terms. It is the 'true' equator in certain specifics.

This was known in earlier times. The Moody Complex is not the first tri Pyramid complex in this latitudinal energy. And indeed there are more Pyramids in Giza than the 3 large ones in physical reality. Phi Pyramids are indeed infinite octahedrons in multidimensional (timeless) terms.
We tell you that an Atlantean Pyramidal Complex once stood very near the present location of the Galveston Pyramids in the latter phase of Atlantis. This was a time when sea levels were much lower than they are today. The present location of the Moody Tri-Pyramid Complex is approximately five nautical miles from an Atlantean Pyramid Complex that is now submerged in Gulf waters and covered by the silt and sands of the ages.

Before the deluge of Atlantis, the areas of the presently submerged continental shelf in the Texas Gulf Coast were on dry soil. A land bridge connected Poseida (Atlantis) to the Yucatan and indeed parts of present day Texas.

It may be of interest for you to know that the Pyramid Complex housed 13 of the original Crystal Skulls, and the skull called 'Max' was centered amidst the 12 . It is why Max was taken inside the complex after its construction to connect the energies. As such we tell you that the construction of the Moody Pyramids was indeed, no accident. For an energetic frequency transfer has taken place between the submerged Atlantean complex and the Moody Pyramids.

The Moody Gardens Pyramids have taken on the multidimensional energies of the submerged Atlantean complex and are now fully formatted to play a major role in the Cosmic Trigger.
Communication between Giza and Moody is entering full swing. Those who were in Giza in February will bring the codes of Giza to Moody. The two energies will fully merge.

The Tri- Pyramid Alignment

Now the three Pyramid complex on Galveston Island was indeed built in a strategic alignment, and for philanthropical and frequencial purpose. One unit is an aquarium housing Master Dolphins, another is a bio rainforest with a geological cave containing massive clusters of quartz crystal, and the third is an academic museum pyramid, glassed in copper tone silicate.

Appropriately constructed and spiritually intended pyramids on the Earth plane become living conscious energies, capable of myriad properties that are unrecognized or disavowed by your mainstream academia. And while the intent for which they are employed affects the interface of these conscious living geometric batteries, their very design will not allow for denser energies to culminate or expand within them. Yet when approached with appropriate intent, the energy within pyramids stores, amplifies and transmits energy in a manner similar to Phi Crystal Quartz.

According to how they are aligned both terrestrially and celestially they can create electromagnetic anomalies, an aspect that alters gravity and dimensional time. Both weightlessness and a time distortion occur at specific frequencies within them, both slowing and accelerating light and fluxing the ionic ratios within and around them.

The triangulation of both Giza and Moody enable a unification and support of what occurs in the primary unit. In Giza it is the Great Pyramid, the Kings Pyramid. In Moody it is the Blue Pyramid.

What Will Happen on May 20th, 2012

The Ring of Fire Annual Eclipse of May 20, 2012 will have a unique sound embedded energy that will be specifically received at Moody Gardens Pyramids and the Giza Pyramids in Egypt. The energy of the final wave of the Cosmic Trigger is Feminine in resonance. It will serve to balance the areas of the earth that are in masculine imbalance. Both Egypt and Texas are examples of such imbalance. While there are indeed pockets within of lighter more balanced energy, the overriding imbalance still creates a dense field in the industrial complexes and patriarchal Southern Bible-Belt'.
The influx of the Feminine will greatly aid in the balance. Keep in mind it is not the Feminine or the Masculine that is required for the Earth, rather the balance of the two, in order to move into non polarity realms.

The Moody Pyramids will play an extremely important role (as will GIZA) in achieving this balance . Yet it will take many linear years to achieve. Though Cosmically we tell you it will indeed occur, and the anchoring of the Ring of Fire makes it so.

Those of you that are the 'Code Carriers' play a specific role in disseminating the new balance. Well to visit both Giza and Moody in 2012 and 2013. Carry a tuning fork of F# (F-Sharp) for its resonance opens the gateways within.

Inspired Guidance

The Philanthropists who funded, originated and completed the project were extremely advanced souls. On an intuitive level, they understood the greater purpose of this complex. Shortly after completion, the ancient crystal skull Max, who is indeed of Arcturian construct, was taken into the complex for ceremonial attunement and anchoring of intent, by JoAnn Parks, the caretaker of this potent crystal skull at the request of the most advanced of the founders. There was indeed great purpose in this event. It was a homecoming, in effect.

We tell you that an entourage of Arcturians joined them, and are involved in the refinement of the energies along with those of Sirius A and B. It is why Master Golden Dolphins are etherically inside the Blue Pyramid, the Aquarium unit. It is why the Pyramid is located on the beach front of the Gulf of Mexico harbor but was undamaged by the recent ( and any future) hurricanes.

Pyramids themselves are extremely powerful sacred geometric engines that by their nature and construct penetrate, receive and culminate higher dimensional forces.

Quantum Frequencial Gateways

The remaining Equinoxes, Solstices & Eclipses that lie ahead in the countdown to the Ascension are 'Frequencial Gateways' . The auspicious vectors are not constrained by linear time nor by the dimensional access limitations within your current space-time paradigm. And while we have told you many areas in your planet are already in 5th dimension, during the Equinoxes of the precedent 3 years to the Ascension the threshold to greater dimensionality is opened much wider.

As such we tell you that a unique portal from the 12th dimension is enabled thru the Cosmic Trigger Crystalline awakening of that 12th Wave that will manifest on March 21, 2012 and reach its apex on the Solar Eclipse of May 20, 2012. Indeed it is a mandatory prerequisite rigor of the New Earth.
Both humanity and indeed the physical earth require and petition this crystalline upshift reformation in order to transcend the duality dimensional paradigm that would otherwise entomb them in the cyclic duplicity of descending polarity juxtaposition.

The twelfth dimensional opening of the Solar Eclipse of May 2012 will be the most prolific synthesis of 12th dimensional energy to eventuate on earth since the Golden Age of Atlantis, some 35,000 years ago as measured in your present linear- time paradigm.

The crystalline aperture will not be as austere an energy as the electromagnetic phase of the Trigger, yet it is a formidable and grand vicissitude, and the resulting amplification of energy is immense and far reaching. This energy will enter the Earth at Giza and Moody, and there is purpose in this placement.

Although the Crystalline Energy is initially accessible to you in the 5th dimension, the full spectrum of the Quantum Crystalline Field only fully exist in the dimension of Twelve.

Appropriately the consciousness of the crystalline aspect of the earth's own mineral kingdom is dynamically processed via the 12th dimension thru the 'Crystalline Platinum Ray'.

The unification beginning with the Ring of Fire will form the 13th Quantum Unification Field, the unity of all 12 Dimensions.

The 12th dimension is the highest resonance of earthen dimensionality, and can be said to be the 1st dimension of the complete crystalline realm. It is the dimension of the highest Cosmic Ray, that of the Platinum Ray. The Platinum Ray operates in a crystalline modality. The unification of the 12 -dimensions will spiral in harmony to form a combined singular field, the 13th Field of Quantum Unity.

As such, the Crystalline Cosmic Trigger uploads on the March 20 Equinox and cascades into the Earthplane on May 20th in robust spiraled pulsations. These are transduced thru the 144-Grid into a more palpable frequency in order for this highly concentrated energy to be synergistically integrated into the planetary resonance. The result is an enormous upshift that embodies & transfers the Cosmic Code in tandem for the perfection that is to come.

It is indeed the perfection of the twelve dimension into the Quantum 13th Field that ensures humanity's macro and micro transition into the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na. It will in kind trigger the long awaited release of the coded telluric crystalline energies to a great and greater frequency in finalizing the 1st and the 2nd ellipticals of the New Firmament.

The referenced earthen aspect of coded crystalline energies will be awakened through the receival of the Cosmic Platinum Ray delivered thru the multidimensional octahedron portals of the triplex pyramidal matrixes of Giza in the Eastern Hemisphere of the planet and thru the Moody Tri-Pyramidal structure on the Gulf of Mexico.

Both pyramidal complexes then in axialtonal alignment, both on the 29th latitudinal vector, both emitting the energy of PHI, become the dissemination engines of the 2012 Cosmic Trigger Completion.

Dear Ones, the Crystalline Age is certitude. It is approaching in grand and grander inertia. Duality separation has been a potent and worthy experience for mankind in the University of Linear Earth. Duality has been a prolific teacher, but the linear curriculum is coming to a close for many of you. It is time to receive your polarity diploma and begin postgraduate work in the higher realms of zero field in the Crystalline Omniverse.

You see the Master Atlantean Crystals that are awakened in the 8-8-8, 9-09-9, 10-10-10, 11-11-11 and remaining 12-12-12 will not be physically accessible for another three centuries. A blink of the eye in Cosmic time, yet an important dimensional lock will shield them until the planet is in a state of Illumination.

We tell you that what will occur in 2012 is the birth of an enlightened earth, but true peace and global illumination on your planet will be another three centuries. Yet what occurs now is indeed the impetus that allows it to occur. The Earth ascends first you see, in 2012, and that Ascensions is the template that will allow the critical mass Ascension of Mankind to follow in 15 generations. Many of you will return for that event.

Manifestation of the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na

One of the most important results of the Cosmic Trigger of 2012 is the coagulation of the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na . We tell you that the Mer-Ka-Bah that has served as the Star Tetrahedron Vehicle to higher dimension for the past 12,000 year cycle is now being transposed into greater capacity. Indeed it is evolving into progressive expansive mode to the Crystalline Mer-Ka-Na, for the magnetic grid is diminishing, replaced by the Crystalline.


Masters, in the countdown to the 2012 Ascension there are certain dates that open extraordinary frequencial windows. In the three years antecedent to December 21, 2012 the most important of these are the Equinoxes, Solstices, Triple Dates, and Eclipses.
In 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2012 the triple- date portals and referenced astronomical events are exponentially more potent than previous years. Each are engineered to utilize the rare openings to facilitate the receival/download of extraordinary coded energies requisite for the Ascension.

These portals should be recognized and utilized. We compel you to visit power nodes, vortexial portal complexes and sacred sites on these frequencial portals. Gather in collective ceremony and group celebration, as such you will receive and send a wave of Transformational Crystalline Light across the Multiverse that is greater and more far reaching than you can imagine. It is collective unity, that transforms your Earth and beyond. It has always been so.

We tell you that 2012 is a heralded time. It is the linear completion of the Planetary Ascension. The Planetary Ascension provides the new Earth within an expanded Template and fully functional 144 Crystalline Grid. These are the energies that will allow for the mass harmonic conversion of humanity to reach Ascension. But we tell you the changes will be gradual within mankind in terms of linear time movement.

We tell you all of this completes not on Dec 21, 2012, but on December 12, 2012.
Many of you are Code Carriers of the Ascension. 2012 is your time of proactive involvement. Gather in Giza, In Moody, in Arkansas and all Powernodes ! For what you will create, what you will anchor , amplify, receive and transmit is amazing. It is why you have chosen to be here at this time!
I am Metatron, and I share with you these Truths. You are Beloved.
...And so it is...and it is so.

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ArticleCreating a World without Borders

-Your Role as a Divine Changemaker-

Selacia's Council of 12 Message

There is no time like the present to forgive and let go of the past. More than any other time, right now is a pivotal moment for clearing up past grudges and feelings of victimization. People must do this, countries must do this.

The borders you have erected are only in your mind. These borders must be dismantled before the new light-filled Earth can materialize.

If you lived 100 years from now and could look back on the crossroads humanity faces today, you would know how important these moments are to you and future generations. You would be able to see the choices on the table and the decisions needed. You would have a clear understanding of the awesome potential humanity has now to shift into an existence based on love. You would see the alternative choice options, too, with their dire consequences.

Your inner wisdom - integrally connected to your spiritual self - already has this bigger picture. That wise part of you does not need to wait 100 years to have the fuller view. It knows right now, regularly nudging you to surrender your hurts so that you can become whole.

Most likely, you have noticed a sense of urgency to heal what feels broken about your past. It may feel painful to contemplate these things. If you are like most people, you have learned coping mechanisms for handling the pain: anger, blame, denial, retribution, or repression. None of these will heal you, of course, but this is your conditioning. Don't blame yourself for having learned this, but decide today that you will waste no more time.

Tips for Forgiveness

Forgiving yourself and others is a key to being free. You are in bondage when you hold a grudge, regardless of whether you were wronged. This is true even if the person who hurt you intended to do so. This applies to your own self-sabotage, too. Forgive yourself for not knowing better and for being a work in progress. Apply love and gentleness to yourself and others. That is the remedy.

Forgiveness is a choice. It is a decision that is up to you to make. Don't wait for others to forgive you first. Be the one who chooses the higher path of spirit - the path of letting go, forgiving, and seeing goodness in others. The longer you wait to choose that path, the more that you will suffer.

To forgive you must banish your learned victimhood. You are a divine changemaker, encoded to take charge of your life and to be a conscious cocreator of the world you experience. When you feel like a victim, it's your ego taking charge, trying to convince you that you have no power. You task now is to learn to recognize the voice of your ego, refusing to let it be in the driver's seat as you respond to life.

Decide that you will not allow toxic family relationships to block your spiritual progress. This is easier said than done, of course, because early life family wounds can feel as alive today as they did when you were a child. What keeps them alive? They remain alive when you replay the past in your mind and when you haven't fully examined and healed dysfunctional family patterns. Your family members may be living and still in your life or you may be disconnected from them. Either way, without forgiving and letting go, you will carry the family baggage with you - impacting how you feel about yourself, other people, and your full potential. It takes courage and persistence to heal your past, but you indeed can do it. Take a stand with yourself today, deciding that you will monitor your self-talk about family, be present-focused, and be open to any healing still needed to finally let go.

Forgiveness means focusing on you. You cannot let go of past hurts when you are obsessing about other people, hurtful situations, and how others were mean. Forgiveness has nothing to do with changing others or changing the past. Let the past be the past. Take responsibility for your role and for allowing yourself to feel like a victim. Let go of seeing yourself that way - it's not true. You are divine. You are a powerful spiritual being, having had a series of human experiences to evolve. You are remembering how to love and to be the love that you are.

As you continue the journey of discovering your divine nature, we surround you with our love and blessings. We are The Council of 12.

Copyright 2012 by Selacia * All Rights Reserved * Selacia Main Website

Purple Butterfly

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Living on The Edge of Succeeding

As received by Gillian MacBeth-Louthan

We are of the Sananda Council of Light. Within our Triad, there are 10 Councils of Light including the Lords of Karma and Restructuring Councils. Many of you walk stagnantly through your life. Doing what you needs to be done, saying what needs to be said, all without attachment. It is all so mundane; as if you’re reading from a script, not allowing yourself to become fully part of life. You feel less buoyant and denser. Everyday you collect more stress and confusion, allowing it to gather in the body, anchoring you like a rusty weight from a freighter that has been sunk.

You blindly walk through the passageways of your life, entering each door and each situation with little to no expectations. ‘The thrill is gone’ and all of life shows the stress lines. How much of your day is bringing you any joy or laughter? Even those that your heart belongs to, do not bring you the joy that you once knew. You feel null and void of energy and purpose. You can blame life, or them, or you can take credit for that yourself. As a child you were told you must grow up and be responsible for your actions, your words, and your bills. Taking that responsibility to heart you have been stifled, choking on what you are supposed to be, gasping for air.

Many of you sit on the merry go round of past injustices changing horses but never getting off. You walk slowly through the labyrinth of your mind trying to figure out why someone said this, why someone did that. For too long, humanity has sat licking the wounds of the past. Not allowing that area of hurt to ever be healed. The human soul is starving for nourishment.

The neuro pathways of your brain has many cul-de-sacs, and dead-ends. When you have an intuitive thought, electrical impulses are released in your brain. A passion runs through your body. Adrenaline spurts in the blood and you feel alive. Usually passions are short lived. Sometimes it is you that aborts the passion, other times it is just one word from another that stops you dead in your tracks. Your spirits are dampened, the passion is extinguished, the lights go out, and you give up on what once brought you joy and a reason to live.

How many times have you given up on an idea, an invention, a new home, a new friend, because you aborted it before it could be birthed? Your brain has a file cabinet of disappointments. You keep a photocopied molecular file of these same disappointments in your heart. Everything and everyone that ever disappointed or hurt you is kept spinning around and around in the neural synapses of the brain and the heart. You base your future experiences on these disappointments.

Imagine a very old machine that has sat there and never been used. Then one day someone decides to use it. The machine sputters and chokes on this new electrical connection, not knowing what it is to do with it. Your brain is now receiving electrical cosmic input in order to trigger it into firing up sections that have been dormant for eons of time.

Each day, instead of thinking about what you did not achieve, think about what you did achieve. You succeeded in waking this day, many did not. You succeeded in going to work and many do not have a job. You succeeded in driving to work; many had to take the bus. You succeed on many levels throughout the day but you do not see that success as important. You reference the places that you have failed, the places where you were disappointed. Your future is based on a 'labyrinth of failures' and disappointments. Each failure is an opportunity to shift the future into a place you desire to be.

Each and everyday remind others about their success instead of their failures. As this re-patterning of the brain is occurring, a doorway within your crown is making itself available to higher levels of light. There will be an issuance of new light beings, masters, angels, and guides. They come forth to give you a lift into the next level of your light contract, and instructions that live within your heart.

Each of you tends to sabotage yourself. It is this continual sabotaging that keeps you less than and running in circles of difficulty. When you feel like destroying something that you have worked on or worked for or worked toward --that is a sign that there is a need to press harder, to do more, to go past previous boundaries. It also represents that you are at the edge of succeeding. The edge of succeeding is booby-trapped. At the very edge of succeeding and success, there is an 'initiation via potential sabotage'. You watch yourself do this and you wonder, what is wrong with me? Why do I try to sabotage success? Many times the human being does not want to succeed. Many are comfortable in succeeding a little bit, but not totally.

We of the Sananda Council have come to explain that it is important that you walk in peace, in all of your actions and re-actions. You all come from the body of Earth. Your flesh is from her flesh. You process what she processes. That is part of your journey. When you make peace within self, when you feed your own starving child, then your world receives the same blessing. You must fight your own war and achieve internal peace inside. Then and only then have you done your part

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~ Channeled February 18, 2012 ~ Greetings, Dear Ones! We are so pleased and honored to be with you today. We are dancing with joyful energy for the reunions that are happening within the energy of the group today, and of course, when we mean group we mean not only the people in the room at this moment but also those who will enjoy this transmission on your internet at a later time. Please know without a doubt that you are all loved beyond measure. You are always guided, you are always assisted and you are divinely perfect exactly as you are in your now moment. Never forget that, Dear Ones. That is an important aspect of yourselves that we wish to encourage you to remember at all times as you move forward through the year of 2012 and beyond. If you can remember that fundamental piece of information, you will find it so much easier to keep your balance as the energies begin to move forward in earnest. Today’s group is a wonderful example of how souls can frequently move off on their own separate paths and yet loop back around for joyful reunions. That is what we experience with you frequently as well. Every time you remember to tap back in it is always a joyful reunion although we stay with you at all times, if you can understand this. It is the aspect of your remembering that we are here that brings the joyful reunion, if that makes sense. Do you see? We don’t have a specific topic for today’s channel, rather we have several points that we feel should be addressed to explain what many of you may be experiencing in the energies of today. There are many points that we would like to cover as we move forward through today’s transmission. Many of you are experiencing the sensation of accelerated forward movement. If you have not experienced it in your life expression as yet, know that you will experience it this year at some point or another. Our Dear One jokes frequently about how she feels like her hair should be flowing straight back in the wind and her skin stretched tight, she feels like she is moving forward that quickly. Many of you will be having these sensations. Now for those of you who are practicing your skills, who remember to ground, who remember to, with their intention, shift with the energies, you will be navigating this with much more ease than those who will be afraid of movement and decide to practice resistance. Resistance to flow and movement only creates discomfort. We say to you that if you are in fear and discomfort you are in resistance. Surrender. Surrender is key to moving forward in these unprecedented and accelerated energies. Know that these are the moments your soul has been waiting for. This is a joyful time. But many of you are finding it difficult to switch gears as quickly as what is required. Many of you had worked so diligently that you had been in a holding or a waiting pattern, waiting for these energies, some of you for well more than a year of your earthly time. It is like being stuck in a waiting room for so very, very long, waiting for your number to be called. You’ve waited for so long you feel cramped and uncomfortable. You’re dehydrated, your neck hurts, and you’ve fallen into a slumber because there is nothing else to do and then suddenly the doors get whipped wide open and people expect you to instantly jump up and sprint forward. If you could imagine how that would feel, it would be most disorienting, wouldn’t it? You would need the time to get the kinks out of your body, to give your body what it needs to awaken enough to remember where you are and who you are and what you wish to accomplish. This is very much what the energies of 2012 feel like. You’ve had the first couple of weeks in January to try to get your bearings and now you are in your sprint trying to remember what you are here to create. Do you see? It can be most disconcerting, indeed, but please know, again, this is what you are here to experience. And if you approach it with the joy and excitement of forward movement you will be embodying exactly the energies that you need in order to move forward and have this be a year of delight to you. So this is the first thing that we wished to share with you. We wish to remind you of our constant teaching that all movement is forward movement. We love when we watch humans on their spiritual path, so mindfully moving forward. We love what your intention is but what we want you to know is you can’t make a mistake. Being in accelerated movement can be terrifying if you believe that you can make a mistake. Correct? You cannot. You cannot make a mistake. Even if you fell flat on your face, it only makes us love you all the more. You cannot disappoint us! If you moved in the wrong direction you would get uncomfortable and very quickly right your course. It is a self-adjusting flow, Dear Ones, that only moves you one way and that is forward. Have you ever seen a stream move backwards? It doesn’t happen. You are all moving forward. You have worked on yourselves to the point where you don’t need to have the hard knocks in order to wake up and pay attention. Let that fear go. This is a joyous time! Do not take away from the joy and the excitement of where you are by all this old fear based thinking. So, imagine if you will, the front car of a roller coaster. Do you wish to be the one with the smile of delight on your face with your arms up in the air screeching with the joy of being alive or do you wish to be the one that is curled in a fetal position in the back that is going to land up in the same place anyways. The difference is, those who have embraced the experience will jump out of the car when they arrive exhilarated and ready to embrace the next great adventure, exactly the attitude required for the creation of the New Earth. Those who have resisted mightily will be arriving in the new space quite battered and worn. The ascension process is assured. How much you enjoy the ride is up to you. The next point we would like to address is this. We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again. Honor your bodies. Your body will have very different requirements as you move forward throughout this year. You may start to crave things that you think are not good for your body. Dear Ones, listen to what your body wants. For example, you could very well experience yourself craving a substance like salt and you would say I don’t want to eat that salt. They say too much salt is bad for you, so I’m not going to listen to my body and I’m going to deny my craving. We encourage you to listen to what your body needs. These are unprecedented times, and many of the guidebooks or rule books are going to have to be thrown out the window. You are the experts on what you need. Give yourself permission to listen to what your body wants. Your sleep is going to be hugely affected as we move through this shift. You will swing wildly between needing vast amounts of deep slumber and having other nights where you barely sleep at all. Give yourselves permission to nap, Dear Ones. If you are meditators, use that skill. Many of you have these tools in preparation for the times that we are in now. Use them! If you feel like you need sun on your skin, please give yourself permission to do that rather than cower inside because you do not have sunblock because someone said it would be bad for you. Do you understand? Things are going to shift so much that you are not going to stay in one activity long enough for it to be harmful to you. Do you see? Listen to what you need and give yourself whatever it is that you are asking for and do it with love not guilt. This is so important. Honor and cherish yourself and again, remember these energies are about unconditional love. We cannot say it enough times, you must start to demonstrate that to yourself first. In order to be a fully functioning vessel of the Christed energies, you must be able to hold the energies of unconditional love for yourselves first, because loving yourself is loving the whole and vice versa. You cannot omit one and consider yourselves to be moving forward in your highest potential. We understand that you have been taught and conditioned that this is not a good thing to do. Those old ways of being were put out by people who were simply not qualified to tell you how to behave in these unprecedented times. You must love yourselves first and by doing so you will be the example for those who are going to be looking to you for guidance as these times move forward. The lightworkers, the energy workers, the enlightening beings on the planet are just getting their feet underneath them now. You are just starting to become accustomed to the energies of 2012. There will be a huge wave of people who will be coming mid year after you and there will a lot of last minute crammers trying to get on the boat at the last moment. They will be looking to you for guidance. Honor yourselves and understand your role here, please, Dear Ones. It is most important. At this stage of the game it should not be that difficult for you to feel the love for who you really are. It is what you are here to experience. It is safe for you to do so. You will not be chastised for it. Again, being chastised for such things, energetically, is just not being supported anymore. You are safe. Please love yourselves. The next thing that we would like to talk about besides our usual unconditional love, is surrender, faith, flow and trust. Do you see? The message stays the same. We repeat it because we understand that through repetition, people learn. We understand that in the human condition it is easy to forget. All that is required to move forward with grace and ease into what you are here to experience (which is far more glorious than what you could ever imagine) is surrender, faith, flow and trust. It is simple. Do not allow other people’s ideas to complicate it or muddy it in your mind. Do not make it more complicated than it needs to be. The next thing that we wish to discuss with you is the importance of letting go of attachment. Someone said to our dear partner in transmission this week, “I have everything I have ever wanted. Why am I not happy?” There will be a chorus of people saying the same thing this year. The teachings of the law of attraction reached so many souls several years ago in preparation for the times that you are in now. It was a very pivotal piece, teaching those of the human condition how to be mindful with your thoughts and to get you to understand that you are all creators. This was preparation for you to step forward and start mindfully creating the New Earth. It has become fairly mainstream. The idea has caught on and many people accept that your thoughts can create your experiences. Of course, in order to have such a broad appeal it was initially used for the accumulation of things. What many people are finding now that the energies are so accelerated and they are recognizing that they can manifest in record time, is that having all the things in the world is not filling the emptiness that sits within them. And this is a glorious experience for them because it is recognizing that happiness and wholeness must come from within. It is wonderful that people are landing in this place because it’s forcing them to ask the next question, why? And what do I do about it? People who have received everything that they want and are still not happy had an attachment to the idea, if I just get this thing I’ll be ok. I’ll feel great. This attachment thinking keeps you away from your authentic power. That is why it does not work. The joy and the happiness you seek, everything that you need to support your soul’s blooming, all of that occurs in the now moment and all of it comes from you. So, if you release your attachment to external circumstances making you happy, surrender to the guides and the flow that is here to assist you in getting exactly where you need to be, if you count your blessings, if you practice gratitude and hold your highest intention, you will be experiencing joy within yourselves that you didn’t even believe was possible. And it will be authentic because it is not dependant upon anything else but yourself and your connection to Source. We would say to you that regardless of what your situation may be, you can always tap into that quiet joy that is yours, that is unshakeable. It is your birthright and it is what you are here to embrace. You have heard many say that the illusion is dropping away now, and that is why people are not able to find happiness in the accumulation of things and certain circumstances. That was the illusion. It is now all about authenticity. People say to us, “Gabriel, how do I know what my purpose is?” It is the same for each and every one of you. Does that surprise you? You all have the same purpose, Dear Ones. It is to step into your authentic power and to assist others to do the same. Of course, it will have many different flavors and variations. You are here to experience being in joy and to be your highest expression of Creator Self. Of course, that will be different for each and every one of you but the sole (soul) purpose is the same. You do not like to hear this because it is too simple for you. Those of the human condition like to complicate things. You are here to remember who you really are, to embrace your authentic self, and to assist others to remember who they really are. If you all do that you will be experiencing heaven on earth. It has been a marvelous session today and we have enjoyed ourselves immensely. We honor you for being here, we honor you for your courage and your love and your sensitivity. You are so loved. Allow that knowingness to enter into your heart and carry it with you for all of your days. This is what we wanted to share with you today. Archangel Gabriel thru Shelley Young

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An artist's impression of a CleanSpace One satellite chasing a piece of debris. The Swiss Space Center at the Ecole Polytechnique de Lausanne (EPFL) announced today the launch of CleanSpace One, a project to develop and build the first installment of a family of satellites specially designed to clean up space debris.



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The Core Message - The Divine Completion (Earth is Becoming a Star)
(The Core Message - The Divine Completion)


Contains:- Role Venus and Mercury Explained

- The New Earth Theory Exposed!
- David Wilcock Explains deep scientific Data of the Coming transformation
- Pane Andov Shares his Experiences and Coming Transformation
- Proof given that our Sun will become a Red Giant on 21 Dec
- Its a Fact that all plantary bodies are experiencing exposure to this energy which is heating them up and bringing a rapid expansion of their surface's and inner core's.


People who still deny this fact, this divine process that is now so close to take place, you are going to be shaken soon and hopefuly you'll wake up, as there is nothing more beautiful then to realise whats about to happen.

I haven't included the information on the beings because to my feeling it says its best for you to search for this yourself, i hope you understand.

Once again thanks to those who played a major role in my life and in the past lifes and on galactic levels aswell so i thank you all that are present on this Planet

Be Well

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