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Experiencing The Sacred Three Fold Chamber Of Your Heart By Steven Hutchinson
The Secret Chamber of Your Heart - the Divine Place Where You Do Your Inner Work
Think of the secret chamber of your heart as your private meditation room where you commune with your Higher Self - your Holy Christ Self !
You can do the following meditation every day - calling upon your Holy Christ Self and Master Jesus, or the Divine Master of your choice to lead you and over-light the meditation. This communion with God is a sacred experience - try to be uninterrupted.
* In order to fully enter into your Divine Heart - shut out all discord, worries, and concerns of the day as you bring your awareness within your heart and start consciously following your breathing.
* Take a few deep breaths and consciously release all tension from your body as you breath in and our of your heart.
* Visualize god within your heart as an intense sphere of Divine White Light, then consciously transfer that picture to the center of your chest, which is your heart chakra. Be aware of nothing else now but this fiery Sphere of Divine White Light.
* Take a few more deep breaths, slowly inhaling and then exhaling. Now see or acknowledge yourself gently descending into this Dazzling White Light in your heart chakra. You are entering this Divine Sphere entirely now...stepping into the Infinity of God's Presence within you in the Holy Temple of Your Heart!
* As you enter this sacred chamber of your heart, see before you this beautiful altar. On the altar is the Three-Fold Flame of God, perpetually lighting up your sacred temple and blazing brightly in a beautiful sapphire Blue Flame for God's Will & Power, and a Golden Yellow Flame for God's Wisdom, and a deep roseate Pink Flame for God's Love.
* And standing here before this sacred altar with the three-fold flame, you now call forth and ask to meet your Holy Christ Self. See or feel this Divine Presence enter your awareness. Bow before your sacred altar, and bow & surrender to your Holy Christ Self - your Divine aspect of God who has much to teach you. Send your Holy Christ Self your love & gratitude, thanking your Divine Self for all that is being shared with you.
Infinite Blessings of Love & Light to all of you,
Steven Hutchinson
Video: "I Am Experiencing My Christ Self - And You Can Too - By Steven Hutchinson" -