Members are invited to contribute spiritual wisdom, teachings, channeled messages, uplifting content, healing sessions, and attunements to this network to bridge Heaven and Earth and unite Humanity as One.
A monthly forecast created with the intention of providing you with clarity of what's going on energetically on the planet as a whole. As things continue to shift quickly, may these energy forecasts support & nourish you. These updates serve over 200,000 + unique readers each month.

Our Five Year Anniversay - Thank You!
December 2014
My Soul Friend,
It’s an honor for me to connect with you in this way today. I always look forward to our time together, and often feel the love you send my way.
These forecasts first began in December of 2009, when I felt a nudge from deep within my core, to provide dedicated support and nourishment to those who were guided to understand what was happening energetically, in their lives and in the world.
And so I answered the call of my inner guidance, and the Energy Forecasts were birthed.
During times when the energies felt as if they were all over the place, and we couldn’t seem to find our footing, I received a stream of daily messages from many of you, sharing how these forecasts had created a safe haven for you to breathe, realign, and regain your inner balance.
There is a sea of information now being shared out in the world, and I thank you for saving a special place in your heart for me over the years, as I have for you.
In honor of our five year anniversary, this Energy Forecast will be unique, because it will highlight my profound appreciation for you.
Thank You
First and foremost, thank you for being you. Please know that you are valuable and worthy beyond measure.
Your sacred presence alone is creating a great shift in the rising of our collective consciousness.
Even those hardships and experiences that may not feel to be of the Light are greatly contributing to the expansion of humanity.
Thank you for choosing to be selfless enough to enter this realm during this era, which your Spirit knew would not be the easiest of times.
But It also knew you would be resilient enough to overcome any adversity that might be placed in your way. And that you would always come back to a state of grace, where you would remember that the magic has been within you all along.
Thank you for your commitment to your inner healing and spiritual development. It’s how the world is able to shift so quickly!
Thank you for allowing yourself to stand out and shine! For so long, especially as children, many people who are energetically sensitive have just felt that they wanted to belong. Thank you for not dimming your light, and for allowing yourself to be seen in the world, even if your energy didn’t fit into a specific societal standard.
It’s people like you who are advancing humanity. Thank you for also celebrating the uniqueness of others, exactly as they are.
I am profoundly grateful for our friendship. Even though we may not have met in the physical realm, see each other often, or are living in different parts of the world, you are a dear friend to me.
In spiritual terms, we our connecting in ways that transcend time and space, by way of a heart-to-heart connection, so thank you! Thank you for allowing me to see you as whole and Divine.
I remember as a kid, asking the Universe, “Could you please show me what true compassion is?” Because of you, I have received a greater understanding of compassion.
I used to think it had to do with sympathizing with people. But over time, I began to realize that sympathy only contributes to the illusions of separation that no longer serve us.
It’s almost impossible now for me to see anyone as anything less than perfection. Yes, even in the midst of seeming imperfections.
Through you, I’ve come to understand that true compassion is being able to love and recognize the wholeness and Divinity within a person, to such a degree that they too, in their own time, can begin to see the wholeness and Divinity within themselves and others.
Our connection has truly allowed me to understand what many of the teachers and sages that came before us were able to tap into. That’s why they were able to create miracles with such ease.
Thank you for allowing me to be of service to you in every way I can think of! It makes life so full and enriching for me!
A Celebration of Your Love and Support
Thank you for your unwavering love and support of me and the message of kindness and love I am so committed to sharing. Some of the greatest gifts I’ve ever received are the letters you have written to me. I place them in my ‘magic box’ where I keep some of my most beloved inspirations.
And thank you for sharing your gifts, talents and creations with me. I just love learning about the magic you are choosing to create in the world.
I love celebrating anyone who spends time and energy creating upliftment and expansion.
Celebration to me is like saying “I see you, Universe, and thank you for all the blessings you are sending my way!”
As our family and message of love continues to expand, know that you will always remain a priority in my life.
As a Taurus, being a friend is one of the things I treasure most in life, so know that I am always supporting you every step of the way. And if you ever need a little more support, please contact me, because I love hearing from you.
I look forward to co-creating even greater joy and miracles with you, as we continue on our journey to greater expansion.
Life really is good, and you’ve made my life sweeter by being in it!
I humbly thank you for creating a little room in your heart for me. You are always in mine.
Miraculously yours,