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A few words of Gratitude

Beloved Sisters~, Brothers~, Friends~

I felt that today is the time to send out to ALL my connections a few words of GRATITUDE.
Because I know, that here on THIS NETWORK "living" many of you that I will address with what I have to say,
I invite you to read it at the BOLE!
Not that I wouldn't be able to create such a blog here, but if I would, I would need to do it on ANY other network I have connections to do it too.
As I am rather a LAZY person in such, please forgive me for that and just switch over to following link and read my "bubble" :)

Thank you very much!


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Hi everyone


I just wanted to say thank you all for the spiritual postings which have been added here since I joined Shamballa earlier this year, as they have greatly helped to raise my consciousness, adding to my understanding.


Thank you to Chris also, for setting up such a spiritual site.


Blessings for 2013.



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12/21/2012 Activation of solar light bodies
Precious Hearts,

This is the Cosmic Moment for which we have all been longing. The NEW YouTube video is an Activity of Light the Company of Heaven has given to Humanity to help us assimilate the monumental influx of Light we are receiving during the December Solstice, December 20-23, 2012, and it will expand throughout 2013, 2014, and 2015.

Each time we view the video and participate in this Activity of Light, we will accelerate the Divine Alchemy that is taking place in our Earthly Bodies. Day by day we will gently transform our carbon-based planetary bodies into Crystalline-based Solar Light Bodies of Infinite Perfection.

God Bless You for the Light you are adding to the world, and God Bless You for being instrumental in lifting this Blessed Planet and ALL her Life into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Light.
Patricia Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization

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This special meditation was recorded live within a full size pyramid under a rare blue moon and within a crystal skull grid with the Tibetan Crystal SkullAMAR while energized crystal skulls (including Nuummite - the oldest stome on Earth) to support transformation and ascension beyond 2012.

This guided visualization is designed to align your chakras and attune your energies to the higher frequencies of the crystal skulls so you can commune with higher consciousness and receive higher guidance. This meditation also connects you with the crystal skull grid, raising the vibration of the Earth and all living things, while raising your own vibration to the optimal level to support your greatest joy, prosperity and wellbeing.

In celebration of December 21, 2012 you can listen to this meditation as our gift. Click this link and scroll all the way to the bottom of the webpage to find the audio player to listen to the meditation for free:


" I did the [Crystal Skulls Opening] meditation. Thank you very much. I hope to do this everyday until Dec 2012 is over. When I was communing with all the Crystal skulls infinitely beyond the twelve crystal skulls in your meditation, I felt so empowered. I saw myself happily moved into a home in Texas, with my guy. I saw myself helping with the Ascension and helping others on the Path, as a Light Worker, a Wayfinder, a Shamangelic-type. It was moving, and I began to cry. I began to say, "I am a skull whisperer," over to myself a few times. Then, the name "Ixtar" or something like that, came into my mind, and then I was holding a very large, very clear crystal skull. I walked away with it down the crystal steps. Hmm.

Infinite Blessings back your way!"

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As channeled through Tazjima

Not having any messages come in for the past week or so, I thought I might experiment and call in a master and see what happens. This past week or so has been an interesting one for me. I’ve had high highs and low lows. I’m sure quite a few of my readers can say the same thing or have similar experiences. I started out with a short meditation, invoking a tube of white light for protection and then:

I am invoking the Presence of beloved Sanat Kumara, Planetary Logos.

I AM here. I AM Sanat Kumara.

Yes, I can feel you in my heart. My heart chakra was burning hot as the Master began to come in.

I stand in the heart flame of all who live upon this planet.
Thank you, Raj.

What can I help you with tonight?

I want to thank you for leading me to the J. Stone books. They have helped clarify some issues for me. And I am enjoying making some of the invocations that are listed there.

Understand, dear one that the ascension preparation given out in those volumes is no longer valid in terms of what most people are experiencing these days. The directions were given during a time that has since long passed. The dispensations given out in the book still apply, but few people, even lightworkers are using these volumes so we approach ascension in many ways now. It is not necessary to even know about ascension in order to be qualified to take the step now.

How is that so, Raj? (Raj is a nickname which the Master prefers to be called than by his full title.)

Those people who live good lives, in service and peace, will ascend, even if they have never heard of the term. Many of these people are lightworkers, but who have not consciously woken up to their missions. They are vaguely aware that there is more to life than what they have already encountered, but are unable to discover what that might entail. Due to circumstances, some care for family members and work long hours to make a living, and do not feel that they have the luxury of making their own spiritual journey. They have made their steps along the path of ascension mostly unknowingly, yet they will rejoice when they discover one day that they have come into a new land, one filled with peace and love.

What has been my path?

Do you not know? You have forged ahead, leaving husband, family and friends behind. Nothing could deter you from your spiritual quest. You have questioned, learned and let go of teachings time after time, seeking your own way through what was offered in the world. You have learned to listen to your inner voice, to your heart. You know how to test the spirits by listening and feeling within. You have come far; you will go further along the path than many.

Yet we tell you now (including my readers) that ascension is not a contest. It is a personal journey and a collective one that at least a portion of humanity is undergoing currently. It is a process and will continue, even when you break through to the other side and into the fifth dimension. When you arrive there, you may decide to rest, but sooner than later you will begin again to move forward on the path, through service, through learning, through the many ways that will be offered to you.

There are many now in these last days who still doubt that they have “the right stuff” to make ascension. Fear not, beloved ones, for all of you are loved. It is your own thoughts and emotions that keep you down and continuing in feeling the separation, the disparity, perhaps even despair. And certainly you might feel confused about all the conflicting opinions and information that is being presented within the lightworker community. This is why it is so important to approach any information, including these messages, by using your own inner discernment as your guide. The time for the outer teacher is coming to an end; it has ended. There are no captains, no leaders in this movement. It is a movement and a journey made up of individuals, all following their own paths, yet it is also a journey that will take many in the same direction, to the same destination.

Know also that ascension is not a one-time initiation. There are many steps to ascension, not just one. Those of you, who choose to move on beyond the first baby-steps of ascension, will find themselves being mentored by ascended masters and angelic beings. It is a grand and vast world that you are in the process of entering. The multiverse is far more than you can possibly imagine after being relegated to school-room Earth. There will be much to re-learn, but you will discover great pleasure in doing so for you will begin to re-member what you left behind when taking embodiment so long ago.

Your planet is currently in the throes of the last days of the Dark Age, of the Kali Yuga. Soon you will move beyond these lower vibrations, only touching them briefly if it is your desire to teach and lead those who will not cross the bridge of swords at this time, at the Shift. Archangel Michael recently stated (see 2012 Scenario for more information) that ascension will remain open for those who are close until the end of this lifetime. Those who go ahead will contribute to the raising up of the vibrations of the planet which will clear the way for more to follow in their footsteps.

Some of the wayshowers will become gatekeepers, keeping the connection between the two worlds open to facilitate the passage of others. And many of the first to ascend will take up a life of service, helping those friends and family members who remained behind, assisting them to understand the benefits and possibilities that ascension into the fifth dimension can offer.

For many of our initiates this has been a time for undergoing a life review. You may have seen episodes of your life play out in your mind’s eye or remembered long lost friends or relatives. Some people have returned back into your lives, also, perhaps to see if a lesson forgotten or unfinished has been learned. It is certainly a time to let go of what is no longer necessary; nothing that is of a lower vibration can be taken into the new world – it will be left behind. This list includes relationships that are unhealthy, jobs that do not allow for creativity, as well as anything excessive and unbalanced. It is also a time to learn to forgive yourself for those things that you feel you have not done as well as you could. Forgiveness, letting go, listening to your heart, and being at peace are most important considerations.

The world that is being left will make its bid to keep your attention, to bring up fears, to create distrust between people through the misuse of the media and propagation of lies from governmental bodies and various institutions, including the medical field, religions, education, science, economics, and other international corporations. Leave it all behind you; they cannot follow you into the new world unless they, too, let go of their fears and step into the light.

For those of you, who fear that you are not suitably prepared for ascension, know that you can still have issues to resolve, still have emotions to work on, still have physical conditions that need healing. You do not have to be perfect in order to be able to ascend. You do need to be open to expanding your world view to include the diversity of humanity, as well as those galactic and intergalactic beings, ascended beings and angelic realms, which will be more apparent to you as you become more acquainted to your new world. There is much to explore there and much to learn.
In the passage of cycles, eventually all of humanity will pass through ascension, just not now. Not all are ready for in the past it has taken lifetimes to prepare to take the first steps leading up to becoming an initiate on the path to ascension. Those who are undergoing ascension during this present cycle have either prepared for a long time or are starseed who have embodied for this very purpose – to act as wayshowers and to create an energetic pathway for those of humanity able to follow in their footsteps. Many of the starseeds have ascended on other planets and in other solar systems, galaxies, even in other universes. Some of the starseeds and lightworkers have come from the highest heavens and will return once their work here is done. There is a great variety of helpers here on hand to assist in this birthing process for both the planet and her cargo, humanity.

In these last days of this present cycle, spend them in quiet contemplation and meditation if you can. If not, keep mindful during your day of the energies and call on us, the ascended masters and angelic realms, for our assistance. We are here to help, to serve, as it our means to further our development as we, too, are moving up in our responsibilities and expanding in our service to the Universe.

Expand your mind to include the whole of this planet as your body. See all of humanity as one being; in truth you are one. You are experiencing this process from several points of view to gain experience which you will pass on to other worlds in your turn, as we have assisted you in ours. Know that we are your brothers and sisters and are here to assist. Call on us and we will be there, to lend our energies, light and love to give you strength in moments of doubt and weakness. If you feel that you have stepped off the path momentarily, forgive yourself and continue on. Keep a close internal focus on how you are feeling, what you are feeling and how you would like to feel. Keep a journal of your inspirations, dreams, meditations and practice communicating with your higher self. Have faith that you will break through those last bits of darkness that seem to keep you from your goal. We will assist; we are here to help – just remember to call for us and we will be there.

Forever in the Light, I AM Sanat Kumara.


Copyright © 2012-13 by Elizabeth Ayres Escher. All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is copied in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this copyright notice and links are included.

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December 17, 2012
Is Someone Else Getting Your Blessings?
Jelaila Starr

Video Link:

Hey Sohini,

Thanks to all who resonded to last week's message about this phase of soul growth being over. Guess I'm one of many who received the same inforamtion during sleep. Don't ya just love the way guides work?

Now on to this week's message. Is s omeone getting your blessings? What I'm talking about is the blessings you receive from doing your own emotional clearing. Since beginning this final push a couple of months ago, I've often received a lot of resistance from lightworkers...and starseeds...and walk-ins on the need to do emotional clearing. I understand the desire to avoid it; emotional clearing is not fun. Yet, if we choose to do it anyway, the blessings more than compensate for the pain. So this week I'll address a few more questions:

Why is emotional clearing so important?
Isn't it enough to just focus on love and light?
Can I have someone else clear my emotional blocks for me? Will that give me the same results as having done it myself?

I've decided to address these questions in this week's message because I realized that doing so may help those of you who are still on the fence about emotional clearing. Maybe you are just waiting for that confirming sign to get moving, bringing you into closer alignment with the future you want to see. So here goes...

Why is emotional clearing so important?

The emotional field contains both positive and negative energies created during our current life along with those that we brought forward from past lives. Negative energies set up disruptions in the flow of energy through the physical body because the two are connected by energy portal or conduits known as the chakras. If left in place, these disruptions create physical problems resulting in illnesses some of which could become fatal (examples: cancer and heart disease). Emotional clearing is the process of working through and clearing out those negative energies.

Isn't it enough to just focus on love and light?

I have to chuckle on this one 'cause I know from experience how much I tried to make this true. I tried focusing on just loving others and sending them loving energy and light; did it during the first years of my mission-to no avail. The issues with those individuals with whom I had conflicts and was trying to clear did not go away. The minute I stopped focusing on the "L & L", the pain would surface and I'd be right back in the thick of it all. My anger towards the individuals would rear its ugly head and I'd find myself once again unable to focus on anything else due to the ongoing argument in my head.

Looking back I see that my guides wanted me to understand that I was avoiding the pain and only by going into it-and seeing my part in creating it-would I ever be able to truly clear it. So is Love and Light enough? Doesn't appear to be, does it?

Can I have someone else clear my emotional blocks for me? Will that give me the same results as having done it myself?

Again, if this were effective, I'd be the first one in line. In fact, I tried several modalities that offered to relieve me of the need to do it myself. What I found was some did nothing at all while others seem to give relief. Yet those that gave relief did not completely clear the issue. Before long a new situation would occur that triggered the old pain and added another layer. For example, the money issue that seemed to be clearing up would return-and with a vengeance. What money did come in would quickly be spent to fix things that suddenly broke (the toilet, that new hole in the roof, a flat tire). Lord, help me!

I finally realized that my soul wasn't going to accept anything less than full self-clearing. She wanted to learn the lesson, not have it taken away. Again, my guides had pointed the way to these well-meaning healers because they wanted me to recognize this truth for myself. So can you have someone else clear your emotional blocks for you? Sure you can...but don't expect to receive the blessings that come from it or your soul to be satisfied with the results.

When you clear your own emotional baggage, you gain the benefit of having faced the old pain. If you continue, you'll also discover the dysfunctional believe through which you created the issue/conflict that caused the pain and be able to change it once and for all. I gotta say that there is nothing more satisfying, more life-affirming and empowering than discovering that belief. Yep, it's an amazing, incredible, wonderful, and awesome-you can conquer anything-feeling. Wow!

But that feeling pales in comparison to the wonder-struck feeling you have when you see your reality quickly shift. The person that you wanted to smack just hours before, the one who was making your life miserable, the one about whom you kept thinking, "If only he/she would change my life would be better," suddenly changes. Now you want to hug them. Know why? You released them from the role they had been playing for you. You released them because you GOT THE LESSON! Hurray for you! You recognized that they were playing a role to mirror back the behavior that you were doing to yourself (your Inner Child) but could not see, (How others treat you is how you treat yourself/Inner Child).

So, do you still want someone else to clear your emotional blocks and baggage? Do you want them to get all the blessings?

If you decide after reading this message that perhaps it's time to do your own housecleaning, but you need a little help, I and many other teachers, who have also discovered this truth, are here to help.

Emotional clearing will continue after this phase it over, but as I said in last week's message, though it will be more intense due to the higher frequencies, the result will be even more life-changing. Clear on, my darlings, clear on...the best it yet to come.

Until next week....

Jelaila Starr

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As channeled through Suzanne Lie

Our Dear Ascending Ones,
Being in-between the two dates, 12-12-12 and 12-21-12, has become so important in your reality because it creates an expectation of fulfillment or of disappointment. Therefore, you are all given the choice of choosing the type of energy field you desire to hold within your consciousness. Your expectation of fulfillment will empower you, whereas the expectation of disappointment places the power over your life outside of your SELF.
Because you are returning to your Multidimensional SELF in which you are the creator of your reality, your powers of manifestation and multidimensional perceptions are greatly amplified. Therefore, the thoughts and emotions that linger in your heart and mind have an increased possibility of manifestation. Hence, if you allow the disappointment that you will not get what you want into your aura, you will lower your consciousness, as well as your perceptions.
You will not be able to perceive the frequency of reality with your lower state of consciousness. Therefore, you will not be able to perceive that your hope was fulfilled in that frequency of reality. As you know, the process of 3D manifestation is sequential, slow and involves work (resistance over time). Altering third dimension molecules requires work because they resist change and resonate to time. Thus, time exists between the work and the creation and/or alteration.
Fortunately, ascending the molecular spin of third dimensional molecules is greatly facilitated by the higher frequencies of light emanating from the Galactic Center. The third dimensional law that change is created by work does not limit this higher frequency of light. In fact, these higher frequencies of galactic light greatly empower your innate ability to create with your thoughts and emotions.
The third dimension has mass, but thoughts and emotions do not have physical mass. Therefore it is difficult to manipulate physical mass with your thoughts and emotions. However, over time, your thoughts and emotions can change your behavior. Then, your behavior will lead to different choices and actions, which can raise your consciousness.
As you consciousness raises your ability to perceive higher frequencies of reality increases. It is then that you can perceive that your thoughts and emotions have changed the fabric of your reality. By fabric of your reality we mean the density of reality to which you attach your attention. There are myriad densities/frequencies of reality resonating around and within your multidimensional consciousness.
Your third dimensional behavior is accustomed to attaching your attention to the frequency of physical reality. The process of raising your consciousness allows you to perceive higher frequencies of reality. Hence, you have the option of expand your choices by attaching your attention to a higher frequency of reality.
It is within this slightly higher resonance of reality that you will begin to realize the many everyday miracles that are constantly occurring. For one thing, this slightly higher frequency of reality is out of sync with the time of your mundane life. Therefore, you can perceive the cause and effect of thoughts and emotions.
For example, if you unconsciously fear that something will happen, you will not realize that your unconscious fear is the driving force to actually create the thing that you are afraid will happen to you. Therefore, you feel like the victim to this event, even though you are actually the creator. On the other hand, once you have an experience of a higher state of consciousness, you have the choice to attach your attention to that frequency of reality.
Then, from this frequency of reality you can go back in time and understand the thoughts and emotions that were threatening the creation of that particular event. In this manner, you are freed of being a victim. Furthermore, you can learn to recognize the feel of the formerly unconscious fear and transmute it to love. In this case, you actually went back in time to stop the creation of an unwanted event that was about to happen in the future.
You can only free yourself of sequential time by expanding your consciousness into the higher frequencies of consciousness. You do not need to heal that fear, for soon you will resonate beyond its ability to affect your consciousness. Third dimensional reality is riddled with unknown fears that have become fastened to your unconscious.
These hidden fears greatly influence your choices at an unconscious level. However, your unconscious is more easily identified from the perspective of your super-conscious, higher dimensional SELF. Your higher dimensional SELF has access to the higher dimensional perceptions that threaten to overload your 3D thinking.
These perceptions are delegated to your unconscious, right brain, which is often offline to the third dimensional thinking. When you raise the frequency of your daily consciousness, you are able to perceive and understand greater volumes of information. Hence, your super-conscious perceptions are no longer stored in the archived, unopened files of your unconscious, but in the Frontal Lobe of your multidimensional decision making process. As we discussed before, when you raise your perception above the limitations of third dimensional time, you are able to consider past, present and future within the NOW of your multidimensional consciousness.
To more fully define unconscious we tell you that your 3D brain can only delegate a small percentage of the myriad information that enters your 3D sensory receptors. The rest of the information does not make it through the Reticular Activating System, which is much like a firewall in your computer. This information is still stored in your brain, but it is behind the firewall.
This stored information is much like the viruses that enter your computer. They are still in your computer, but the firewall bars them from interacting with your primary operating system. However, you have “clearing programs” to remove these virus from your computer. Fearful stimulus is much like a virus. It silently feeds on your operating systems.
However, you are now receiving a new, Multidimensional Operating System that has expanded perceptions into both the higher and the lower frequencies of reality. Therefore, you can detect an invisible fear and consciously clear it before it can embed in your unconscious. You can choose to avoid certain places, people and stimuli that cause fear and/or lower your consciousness.
As you continue to fully accept and believe in your multidimensional abilities, you can raise your focus of attention to the higher frequencies of your perceptual field. Then, that which resonates to the lower third and fourth dimensions begins to gradually disappear from your reality. At first you will experience this disappearance as a knowing that a certain thing almost occurred, but because you have surrendered to the higher frequencies of unconditional love of the ONE, you have chosen to avoid the contamination of that frequency.
This avoidance of contamination is much like climbing a tree to avoid a wild animal. However, the tree is your own Tree of Life and the wild animal is your own primal self who is locked in fight/flight states of consciousness. You are not being arrogant by making these choices. You are being a pioneer. Just as the early pioneers of every civilization went alone into the unknown to find a safe place to settle, you are frequency pioneers who are moving into the higher states of reality to find safe places to settle.
You have already made your tunnel of light through the Lower Astral Plane and calibrated your Portal of Perception to direct your attention into the higher octaves of the fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension and beyond. In other words, you are creating the trail to New Earth. You will not receive recognition for your discovery, nor will you need it. The enhanced quality of life is the only reward you will need.
Furthermore, you will be blending into the Unity Consciousness of the higher worlds and will loose all necessity of personal recognition. The fact that you have contributed to the collective is all the recognition that it necessary. Also, every One who has contributed to the raising frequency of planetary awareness shares their higher perceptions with you, just as you share your higher perceptions with them. Moreover, these concepts of you and me will be replaced with Unity Consciousness of we and us.
It is within this Unity Consciousness that New Earth is born. Remember that New Earth is NOT a place. New Earth is a frequency. Do you remember when your frequency of consciousness was much lower? Do you remember when you suffered from confusion, depression, anxiety and your life was riddled with unmet challenges and unresolved issues? Think back to that “time” of your life.
Now, realize how improved your life is NOW. Recognize how much wiser your decision-making is and how you have learned to avoid and/or quickly confront issues that once baffled and upset you. Give yourself credit for the myriad ways in which you life has improved. Perhaps, it appears that some one else has given you something or facilitated your change. Maybe it appears that you were just lucky.
However, YOU chose the reality in which these people and good luck came into your life. You have expanded your consciousness into the frequency in which you could perceive these opportunities and choose to accept these benefits. Look around at others who are still trapped in the 3/4D Paradigm. Do you see how the solution to their problem is just beyond their recognition? Have you noticed how you have told them exactly what they need to know to correct their dilemma, and they have become angry with you?
They are still lost to the lower states of consciousness. They cannot perceive themselves within these higher frequencies; hence, they can’t even accept the solution that is handed to them. We tell you this information not to judge those who are still lost, but to remind you to OWN your own accomplishments. It is through owning your accomplishments that you raise your SELF-esteem.
By raising your SELF-esteem, you give yourself the choice to attach your consciousness to a higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF. Perhaps, you could not even imagine that this expression of your SELF existed when you, too, were lost to the illusions of the lower frequencies of reality. Someone needs to leave the lost ones to their own choices and pioneer the frequency trail into New Earth.
Once you have fully attached your consciousness, your Sense of SELF, to your new, higher frequency of reality, you can easily bi-locate your consciousness back into the remnant of the third dimension to guide these lost ones. YOU, our beloved ascending ones, are the Openers of the Portals into New Earth. These Portals are NOT external and inside a tree or through a mountain. These Portals are inside your High Heart.
Yes, there are Portals that appear to be external to your physical encasement. However, if the Portal is external to your SELF it cannot take you all the way to the frequency of the ONE. These external Portals can take you, and have taken many, into the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension. Hence, they were vital to the spiritual leaders of the Piscean Age.
However, that which was the top has now become the middle. Your options have greatly expanded because the collective energy fields of your planet are awakening the 97% DNA of your Multidimensional SELF. You would not expect your old DOS computer to be able to recognize the sophisticated software of today.
In the same manner, 3% of your DNA does not allow you the necessary capacity and speed to ascend into the fifth dimensions. ALL of you, every ONE of you, are experiencing your 97% DNA coming online in your biological computer brain. Some cannot believe in change and will struggle along with their old model brain rather than face the unknown.
However, Earth is a planet of free will and everyone has the right to make that choice. Therefore, send these people your unconditional love, for that is the ONLY energy field that can have any impact on their choices. However, they can choose to perceive their fear instead of your love. Again, that is their choice. Remember, your love is unconditional. Therefore, whether or not they accept it, has nothing to do with you.
You have learned to consciously modulate your perceptions to the highest possible expression of every stimulus that you can accept as REAL. As you continually accept and BELIEVE your higher frequency perceptions, they will become normal. Then, with a new base line for normal, you can expand your conscious perceptions into higher and higher expressions of any give reality.
As an example, we will focus on a united perception from the 3D perspective and move up the consciousness scale of perception. Let us use the day of 12-12-12 as an example, as it meant very different things to different people. Many were completely unaware of the importance of this date, whereas others had great expectations.
Those who were unaware saw 12-12-12 as a normal day filled with obligations specific to that day. Those that expected to be disappointed were, indeed, disappointed for their lower state of consciousness could only perceive the static realm of the third dimension. Those who expected to leave the planet, because they wanted “out of here now” are still here. Wanting out is a concept that lowers your consciousness, and lowering your consciousness dis-allows you to perceive your higher frequency experiences.
There were also those who held no expectations and surrendered to the moment. Since they surrendered to the unknown, they expanded their consciousness and could perceive/FEEL how their energy field expanded its energy field. Some could perceive this shift and became disappointed because it was not enough, which lowered their consciousness into lack and disappointment.
On the other hand, some surrendered to the unknown with NO expectation. They surrender in service to Gaia and to ALL Her inhabitants. Because they had no selfish expectation their consciousness expanded, as did their perceptions. However, this expansion of perceptions was quite overwhelming for many, and made them feel tired, disoriented or even strangely calm and detached.
We say to all of you that there is NO right or wrong response. This is your ascension, and YOU are choosing the Trail that is leading you to your higher expressions. Some of you will be instrumental in creating New Earth, and others will move into higher expressions of their SELF. Some will bi-locate and live both options. Others may even choose to stay in their earth vessel as long as possible so that they can assist Gaia and Her inhabitants.
ALL of you are following your own inner guidance. ALL of you are beautiful lights of unconditional love that blaze into higher worlds that are higher than you can imagine. We, your Galactic Family, see your great light and are honored to be your Family. Enjoy your ascension. You have worked and waited for this experience for countless incarnations.
Remember that YOU are a great pioneer forging the Trail Home.
We love and support you unconditionally,
The Arcturians

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12/17/12 Mother Earth’s Message

Can you sense that stillness in the air today? Birds are screaming, dogs are eerily quiet, and cats are peering out city apartment windows as if they are waiting for something to happen. Perhaps they are awaiting the unfolding prophecy, just as unsure as the rest of us when it comes to its details.

That energy is not Mother Earth’s energy. I can promise you that. This strange feeling in our collective human gut–it’s not part of the Earth’s changes.

I woke up this morning, bombarded with feelings of intense dread and anxiety. Being a fairly balanced person emotionally, this struck me as odd. After talking to a few of my closest friends, I realized that each and every person in my life intuitively felt the same eerie density in the air.

It feels almost as if we are in a dream….a dream that we vaguely remember, but can’t quite sort out the important details. It’s a dream that is about to spiral into a thick plot twist that was entirely unexpected by its viewer. Is it good? Is it bad? Who knows.

I felt so uneasy that I found it calming to call upon Mother Earth for her wisdom and love in these hard, confusing times. I hope her message soothes you, as it soothed me. Here is what she had to say:

Hello, dear ones. I know that there is uncertainty clouding the horizon; I have come here to tell you that all will work in your favor, should you stay in your heart center. No matter how afraid, worried, or untrusting you may be about the current state of things, staying true to your heart and soul is all that you can do in the end. This is my regenerative secret. There is truth in trusting in God. There is truth in trusting yourself.

We are all important characters in the grand literary masterpiece that is this story. Never write your heart off in the midst of your confusion. Own your confusion. In accepting your doubts, your fears, and your insecurities, you will heal not only yourself, but all who walk alongside your path. You will even heal those who may cross you in your destined path.

Although some of you sensed that the darkness had been eradicated from this world…this is not so. The art of these times lies in transmuting energies; the alchemy of your foods, your emotions, and your realities is ever-changing based upon what you will with your hearts and minds. I cannot tell you what lies ahead; if that tale were written, I would have answers for all of you. I would assist you, for I am your mother, and would never wish to see you in a place of fear or doubt.

This uncertainty is important, dear ones, and you must learn to live within it. You must learn to speak with me, when everything else is closed off. For I am you, and you are me. Communing with me will heal you.

Remember, even if my appearance frightens you, I am not the evil in the world. My power and grace are on your side. Summon my rain when you need a drink of water. Summon my winds when you need to be pushed in one direction. I am the weather, but you can ask me for favors.

Transmute, transmute, transmute is the lesson for this time. Take a low-vibrational food that has been crafted in fear and hatred and turn it into a high-vibrational one. Tell your food that you love it and you are sorry for the pain it has suffered. Tell your water that you are grateful and it will heal your wounds. There will be light where you imagine it.

I love you all.

In eternity, Gaia

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We suggest you experiment with this, play with this, and master this very simple geometry. Carry it with you in your conscious awareness at all times so that you may create it at will, as needed, both for yourself and those you are connected to.

It is called a Holon, and the specific one we refer to is the octahedron, or the Holon of Balance. Imagine yourself surrounded by a pyramid of light that extends above you and a matching pyramid below you. These are square-based pyramids, one pointing up and one pointing down. You are in the center of this. If you are lying down, you are on the square, where the two halves of pyramids touch, and the pyramid above you matches the pyramid below you. You make this as large or as small as you wish, so long as you are completely enclosed within it.

If you are standing or sitting, the axis of the octahedron extends through the center of your body, so that if you were to draw a line through the apex of the pyramid through the center down to the apex of the opposite pyramid, this line would pass through the center of your body. This octahedron balances energy. It is the balancing of the male and female aspects of consciousness. Do not let its simplicity fool you. It is a powerful tool for balancing subtle energies.

Do the Holons produce a sound?

No Human could grasp the sounds made by the Holons. That would be impossible to reproduce at the current level of technology and understanding.

Do Hathors work with Holons?

We do not work with Holons because they are part of our natural innate geometries. We created the Holon of Balance and the Holon of Healing as tools for these times that we impart to our Human brothers and sisters.



The octahedron is one of five three-dimensional geometric shapes known collectively as the Platonic solids. The octahedron has a total of eight sides, thus the root octa, meaning “eight.” The top pyramid has four sides, the bottom pyramid has four sides, and the bases of both pyramids meet to form a square. The Platonic solids can be found occurring naturally in nature, especially in the form of crystalline structures, as well as atomic and molecular configurations. Esoterically speaking, each of the Platonic solids has specific energetic effects. Some people have e-mailed us and asked if the octahedron is the same as the star tetrahedron, and no, it is not. The star tetrahedron consists of two triangular-based pyramids, and they are not joined at the base. They merge into each other. The star tetrahedron also has different energetic effects from the octahedron.

When I first received information about the Holon of Balance from the Hathors, I thought it was pretty simplistic. But sometimes the simple things are the best. There is no doubt in my mind that this Holon imparts a feeling of balance and protection when it is engaged.



To clarify the Holon of Balance. First of all, this information is for those who may need a more basic understanding of this particular Holon (the octahedron). It is not intended for the advanced student of sacred geometry. I have purposefully kept this simple. And the reasons are twofold. For one, you do not need to have a complex understanding of the Holon of Balance in order to use it. And two, many people are turned off by complex geometries. Since this Holon is highly effective and simple to use, I have chosen not to complicate matters. In other words, I choose not to go into detail about the subtleties between the various Platonic solids or the intricacies of working with them esoterically.

Here is a little sketch of an octahedron, since sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words.

(I have no way of including the picture so I’ve  included a link to an image of an octahedron. A Google Images search for an octahedron would also do the trick.)

An octahedron is basically two square-based pyramids joined at the base. The Holon of Balance is created by forming an octahedron of light around you through the power of your imagination.

It doesn’t matter what color you make it. The color may change spontaneously, depending on your state of mind. Personally, I make mine clear white light, but that is a personal preference, not dogma. In fact, there is very little dogma around this, thank God, thank Goddess.

The main thing is to make sure that you are completely enclosed in the space of the octahedron. If, for instance, you are lying down, the base of both pyramids (where they meet at the middle of the octahedron) will most likely be right underneath you. But you could put yourself anywhere inside the geometry. You could hover up at the top, or sink down to the bottom, or slide over into a corner. It doesn’t matter. And you don’t have to orient yourself to any direction in particular, like north, south, east, or west. There are also no prayers, incantations, or special breaths required. The whole affair is quite simple. And this may be one of its many saving graces, besides the fact that it works.

If you are standing or sitting, the axis of the octahedron (i.e., the imaginary line that runs through the top of both pyramids to meet at the center) would, most likely, pass through the central axis of your body (running through the crown at the top of the head, through the perineum). But you could imagine yourself up near the apex of the top pyramid or down at the apex of the lower pyramid. In other words, the central plane of the octahedron-the place where the two pyramids meet to form a square-could be aligned anywhere on your body. Perhaps you will have it aligned with your heart, or maybe your head, or perhaps your feet. It does not matter-at least as far as its balancing effects are concerned. In actual fact, some alignments of the center square with your body (i.e., where the square passes through you) may affect you stronger than others. So I say-experiment! Find out what works best for you. Although I am being redundant, let me say it again: It doesn’t matter where you put yourself in the octahedron, where you orient it, or what color you make it. The main thing is to make sure you are completely inside it.

One final point about the geometry: Is the octahedron the same as the star tetrahedron? No, it is not. They are distinctly different geometries. Since I am purposefully not going into the details of the differences, if you are interested in further information, I suggest using your Internet search engine to explore the fascinating worlds of geometry and its complement-sacred geometry. There’s a whole world of information out there just waiting to be discovered. And it’s all at your fingertips with just a click of your mouse!

In a past message, the Hathors gave some information about sending the Holon of Balance to places or persons in distress-in order to impart a balancing energy. In this instance, creating the Holon of Balance (octahedron) is very similar except for the fact that you are obviously not inside the Holon-the person, persons, or area of the world you are sending the Holon to, is inside the Holon. In other words, if I send a Holon of Balance to an area of the Earth, I imagine this area inside the Holon.

You can send these Holons of Balance anywhere on the Earth you wish or anywhere in the universe, for that matter (if your belief system takes you there). Sending Holons of Balance is a kind of benevolent act, but there is a caveat-don’t mess with other people’s reality. In other words, everyone has a right to his or her own suffering. Just because you or I would like someone to be in a more resourceful state doesn’t mean that they want to be. We all have a right to be sad, angry, confused, or whatever, for as long as we want. Sometimes it gets a bit fuzzy. Maybe we have a friend or a family member in distress, and we want to make things better. But to project our intentions on others when it is not what they desire is, I think, a misuse of subtle energy. And so my suggestion is to send the Holon of Balance not as an imperative or an imposition but as an invitation, a breath of fresh air, so to speak. If we send a Holon as an energetic offering of balance to those who choose to accept it, without attachment that they do anything, then we are, I think, sending Holons into the world in the right manner.

My suggestion is to make learning how to create the Holon of Balance a game. Play with it. Spin it, maybe. Make it different colors. Find where it feels best to you to place yourself inside the geometry. Practice it at odd times in the day. Create the Holon of Balance in all types of places. No one will know what you are doing. Do it when you are shopping, taking out the trash, feeding your pet, taking a walk, or during commercials when you’re watching TV. The list of where and when you can take a Holon break is virtually endless. The thing is to practice it enough so that when you feel off-centered-emotionally or energetically off-keel-you can, without thought, create the Holon of Balance. Then it becomes a great ally. It will be one of your best friends, and unlike a dog, you don’t have to feed it or take it for a walk, and it won’t chew up your newspaper.

Lee Carroll;Kryon;Patricia Cori. Great Shift, The: Co-Creating a New World for 2012 and Beyond (p. 145). Kindle Edition.

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I am with you again and I rejoice in being with you. Feel my joy. Just to share this moment with you lifts my heart because you are one with me, so close to my heart. Feel the joy rushing over you and through you. Joy is the essence of creation. Everything, every act of creation begins with joy. Your very journey to Earth once began with a sense of joy. Remember that feeling.

You once held a vision in your heart of a beautiful and balanced Earth. This vision is still alive and now it is coming closer every day. I know that when you look around this world, you see a lot of chaos and negativity, but things are stirring and changing and you do not have to be part of the chaos and negativity in the world. In your heart, you can return to the garden of Eden, to paradise. You can keep that vision alive in your heart and cherish it every day. You can be in paradise while now living on Earth. And that is actually how you bring in the energy of paradise on Earth.

So you see that your mission is to be a part of this world and at the same time, to not be a part of it. And how do you do this? You accomplish this by the energy of love. If you struggle with the world and the energies in it, you are drawn into the negativity and the chaos. But if you accept these energies as being part of a stage of evolution, the energy in your heart becomes more gentle, more mild.

Sometimes, to hold that vision in your heart, means you have to withdraw from the world, at least to some extent. You all present here are sensitive beings, responding to the energy around you, so often you need to be on your own and to spend time in nature to refresh yourself. When you dwell too long in the energies of the world, your mind may become engrossed in the negative thought-forms in it, and then it is time to retreat into yourself, into your essence; to be in the silence within yourself. Now let us take a few moments of silence to feel the eternal source of which you are a part.

Allow yourself to be filled with this energy and allow it to heal you. Taste the energy of Home and be aware that you are loved and cherished endlessly. You are a child of the universe and, as such, you are allowed to express yourself and to explore life in all possible ways. Feel the energy of joy behind this. You are meant to explore life from a sense of joy and curiosity; it is your birthright.

In the past, you were taught that you have to work hard to earn recognition, that you are essentially sinful as a human being, that you need to be disciplined, and that you have to suffer in order to improve yourself. Feel for a moment the heavy and dense energy in these ideas. For a moment, imagine that this energy appears to you in the form of a shape or a color; maybe you see a heavy brown or grey energy.

Now imagine you are completely free of this energy and when you are free, you spontaneously feel compassion in your heart. You feel sorry for this energy, because it does not belong to the natural way of creation. So you stretch out your hand and touch that brown and ugly energy, and your hand touches it with love. This energy represents your suffering and the suffering of humanity, and you are its healers. Allow healing energy to flow from you toward this energy. Feel how it yearns for your touch. Deep down, it is like a lost child wanting to come Home. See yourself radiating with love, compassion, and understanding.

You have nothing to prove, because you are perfect as you are, a child of the universe. And this sense of yourself determines your true relationship to the world: you are its healer. When you realize this fact, it becomes easier for you to be among negative or dense energy and you will not feel overpowered by it. And even if you need time by yourself to refresh and keep up your vibration, you also are ready to be in the world, and you know why? Because you are creatures of love. It pains you to see the suffering of the world and you want to heal humanity. Truly, you are angels at heart and that is why you are here on Earth. It is not out of obligation or a forced mission, it purely is out of love that you are here. So, when I ask you to shine your soul's Light into this reality, I am not asking you to struggle or to fight with the world. I am asking you to recognize your true nature and to bring down the energy of paradise, the energy of love, into this world.

You are dearly loved by all of us on the other side; we respect and honor you. You are our equals. We do not come here out of pity, we are here because we are honored to share time with you and to embrace you like brothers and sisters. Thank you very much for being here.
Copyright © Pamela Kribbe - Permission is granted to copy and redistribute this article on the condition that the URL is included as the resource and that it is distributed freely. E-mail:

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Where do you hide my love?

You are in each breath I take, each kiss the sun leave on my skin.

In the breath of the wind that caress my hair.

Each day I hear you whisper my name on the wind,

The smell of a warm summer day on the breeze, reminds me of you.


Each day my eyes search for you, my heart skips a beat,

When I hear you breathe my name…

Where can I find you my love, where do you hide?

Each look, each hand I feel, I seek you, yet you are not there.


My heart yearns for the deep recesses of your eyes,

My lips burn in yearning for yours…

Why do you stay on the breeze?

Why do you hide from me my love?


I touch those around me, seeking the love, I lost

None can fill your place, none see me,

All they see is what they can gain, from me.


Where do you hide my love, how long must I wait?

Why can none see, the truth of my soul?

Why can’t you find me?

Why did you leave me between the wolves,

That plunder who I am


They do not know love, but the forfillment of their own desires…

They crave the power of the energy that surrounds me

And they take what is not theirs to have…


Why can none see deeper than what is seen…

Why do they seek more, and more in their greed?

You left me to suffer alone while you saved your own soul.

Still my heart yearns for you, my chest hurt in longing…


When will you keep the promise you made?

The whisper on your dying breath:

“I will find you, will never stop looking… you are my love eternal”


Yet you left me to the wolves, alone as you, went on your path

The sacrifice you made was me, so you can gain what you crave.

You left me to feel the raking of teeth on naked skin.

The pain the darkness bring…


The wolves come with promises, yet their eyes stray

Their promises empty lies, as wolves can’t see

The truth in my soul, only what is reflected in their own eyes.


No eye here can see the light phoenix,

Inside the diamond soul that fill my chest

Where do you hide my love, where do your lies reside…



As I kneel among the wolves, the rain hides my tears,

Filling the emptiness your betrayal left in me.

Hope is fading with each passing day

Taking with it the beauty I once possessed.


Eyes filled with sadness, reflect the certainty that my love

Has forsaken me to the wolves and their lies…

So they can take what they need,

But never truly see the secret reflected in my soul.


Every passing day bring the certainty,

That you have forsaken me, just like everyone else

The promise on your dying breath, to cover the lie in your soul

Your death gave me life… yet what is this but a lie


Why have you forsaken me my love?

Alone in the dark, among the wolves…

Alone.. to walk as the Queen of the dammed.

While you sit on the throne of light

Holding the hand, of lust and greed.

Written by Anush

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When we came to Earth, our Light Bodies were PURE, free of Energy Distortion or Emotional Parasites, just like our physical body is free from bacteria, virus and parasites when we are born.  But as our physical bodies can be vulnerable to Virus, Bacteria and Parasites, our Light Body can also be vulnerable to Energy Distortion or Emotional Parasites, which drains us.  Emotional Parasites are Fears and Haunting Thoughts, projected on us or experienced through many life times.  You could call this Karmic Energy Distortion, which affects us physically, mentally and emotionally.


While conducting our retreat in Sydney, Australia, Thoth taught a very simple technique to remove all Emotional Parasites from our Light Body.  These Emotional Parasites show up in our lives as FEARS, such as fear of water, fear of airplane flying, fear of heights, fear of people, places or things and any fearful thought, which drains our energy from our Light Body.  



In the video below, Judy Satori will demonstrate how easy it is to use this technique.  The Star Nations now want us to use this technique to remove as many of these Emotional Parasites or Karmic Energy Distortion from our Light Body prior to 21 December 2012.  By removing these Emotional Parasites or Energy Distortions from our Light Body prior to 21 December, it will allow our LIght Body to absorb more Energy during the SHIFT. 


VIEW VIDEO:  Emotional Clearing Technique

1.  Place the left hand on the Core Star (above the navel and below the diaphragm).
2.  Place the right hand on the Soul Seat (above the heart but below the throat.
3.  Activate the Fear or hauting thought by feeling the Fear, intensify the feeling instead of running from it.  
4.  Then say these words:
This Feeling of (name the Fear), does not belong to me,
I dissolve it with Love, Now and Forever.  AMEN
This Thought of (name the haunting thought), does not belong to me,
I dissolve it with love, Now and Forever.  AMEN

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In this special moment of our grand alignment with the Galactic Core, we enter into the Holy of Holies, the most sacred dwelling space to profess before our supreme Creator our Oath of Service. Before undergoing this most sacred transmission, please make the necessary preparations. Clean yourself and come clothed in a most pure expression of your Divine Holy Self.




Beloved Family,


After 12 weeks of incredible focus and dedication, we have now arrived at the Crowning Ceremony to the culmination of the Rites of Passage.  


On the Solstice, December 21, 2012, the Earth will align with the Galactic Core of the Milky Way system. This will open a portal of light that ushers in the emergence of a new vibration for the planet, unto the likes of which we have never seen before.

Considered to be the birth of the new epoch of love and unity, this momentous time in history also sets into momentum our actualized transition into a self realized God Race, complete with a greatly expanded DNA energetic framework.


Within our currently functioning DNA helix structure lie dormant access codes, that once "switched on', will allow us to embody and use more of our inherent potential. Our new Divine Human template, existing at the quantum levels within our bio-electromagnetic, neuro-physiological structure, is being progressively switched on during this period of cosmic acceleration.  


In this Crowning Ceremony, we are consciously connecting with the planetary merkaba which houses the divine template energy encodements that are carried through its ascending field of energy. Together with support from the incoming cosmic energy, this has grand potential to alter the vibrational amplitude of our own personal and group energy field and for the dormant DNA to be initiated into a gradual reconnection process and to be forever rewoven at a quantum level.


This allows us to live in complete at-one-ment in the Absolute Reality while continuing to serve the fulfillment of the highest potential of all humanity and the emerging I AM Race. 


Through our taking of a sacred Oath, we become partners with the Spiritual Hierarchies and Councils of Light so that we can move together as one to implement the vision of an enlightened civilization. Our new mission is to aid in spawning a worldwide movement of Goodwill aimed at fostering right human relations, resulting in the revelation of global peace. 


This final moment of our collective passage is a significant point of attainment and garners recognition by the watching Teachers of the Race as a definite threshold in planetary evolution that has been reached. It marks the expansion of consciousness that admits us into even greater initiations held within the divine radiation of our Monadic Source. 


In one unified voice, we sing before the Divine Throne the words: 'Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish Adonai Tsebayoth', while calling forth the holiness of all of our brothers and sisters in the higher worlds to be with us as we go forth to herald in and build our new Golden Age!   
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Holon of Balance (the Octahedron)

A Hathor Planetary Message

Received by Tom Kenyon
January 18, 2007, Orcas Island

Your world, as you have known it, is disintegrating, falling apart, or—transforming, depending upon your perspective. Your position in time and space, the moment of your life, is indeed stretched.

As we view the probabilities of your immediate future we would say to you to be prepared for the unexpected. The earth changes are upon you. You are in the midst of them, and as we have said previously, you can expect an increase in volatile weather patterns, earthquakes and volcanic activity. The stresses to your eco-systems are increasing. As you deal with these immediate changes at a third dimensional level, the possibility is very strong that you could lose your connection to the aspects of yourself that lie outside of time and space. And yet it is this aspect that will carry you through the turbulent times that are upon you. We cannot emphasize this enough.

You must find your spiritual center, otherwise you will be blown about like leaves in the wind; for the chaotic elements of earth transformation are on the rise, and you may expect more chaos and disruptions in all aspects of your earthly life in the coming years.

The task, then, is how to find your center. This is a journey of the soul that each of you must take, and indeed, from our perspective, your earthly life is, itself, the journey of the soul through the worlds of matter, time and space.

There are two aspects we would wish to focus upon here. One, we will call your human identity. This is the life you live—your work, your family, the culture, and this moment in history. The other aspect is transcendent to all of this. It is the interdimensional reality of your being. This aspect of yourself resides in consciousness, not matter; thus it is outside of the constraints of time and space as you experience them in your earthly life.

For many of you, your earthly life will become increasingly difficult, unless you find a pathway through yourself into the greater aspects of your being. This has nothing to do with religion. It is physics. Some of your religions hold the seeds of this knowledge, but unfortunately they are tainted and do not lead you to freedom or mastery, but rather to subservience.

One of the pressures of this time is a result of many individuals waking up. The forces that control your destiny, in terms of earthly life, are not comfortable with this, and they are doing everything they can to perpetuate unconsciousness and subservience.

So do understand, as you contemplate yourself, that there are reasons why it is so difficult to find this pathway through yourself to the greater aspect of your being, and yet it is through this passage that you will find solace, comfort and resolution through your difficult earthly experiences.

As the chaos increases you will find the old ways of solving problems incapable of resolving situations—because the fabric of your reality is changing. You can no longer anticipate future events in the ways you used to. From our perspective, it is paramount that you find a way to access the knowledge you possess that is outside of your earthly constraint of time and space.

We are focusing upon this simple task rather than the specifics of the coming earth changes for two reasons. For one, we do not wish to frighten you. Secondly, there is little you can do to avert some of these coming changes, which will affect your environment, your culture, your economics, and your political institutions. We believe it is better to focus upon what you can do rather than to dwell upon what you cannot.

Awaken from your slumber oh gods and goddesses of this earth! Step past those who would tell you that you are only and merely human. Find the chamber, the inner sanctum of your being, and experience life in a new way.

This is wonderfully poetic, but let’s get down to the brass tacks. How do you do it?

We have given inner technologies that would assist you in this in previous communications. Let us review the fundamentals so you do not need to spend your time searching through the archives.

The first has to do with sacred geometry and the second has to do with ecstatic states of being.

First, the geometry. We suggest you experiment with this; play with this, and master this very simple geometry. Carry it with you in your conscious awareness at all times so that you may create it at will, as needed, both for yourself and for those you are connected to.

It is called a Holon, and the specific one we refer to is the Octahedron, or the Holon of Balance. Imagine yourself surrounded by a pyramid of light that extends above you and a matching pyramid below you. These are square-based pyramids, one pointing up, and one pointing down. You are in the center of this. If you are lying down, you are on the square, where the two bases of the pyramids touch, and the pyramid above you matches the pyramid below you. You make this as large or as small as you wish, so long as you are completely enclosed within it.

If you are standing or sitting, the axis of the octahedron extends through the center of your body, so that if you were to draw a line through the apex of the top pyramid through the center down to the apex of the opposite pyramid, this line would pass through the center of your body. This octahedron balances energy. It is the balancing of the male and female aspect of consciousness. Do not let its simplicity fool you! It is a powerful tool for balancing subtle energies.

We suggest you create this many times a day in a playful manner, like a child would play with a toy. Do this many times so that it can be created instantly, as needed, without thinking about it.

One of the unfortunate side effects of the chaotic energies upon your earth is that the magnetics will be disturbed. Many times this will happen. It is already happening. It will tend to make people irrational, quick to temper, irritable, depressed, overwhelmed, and prone to a host of negative mental/emotional and energetic states. When you feel yourself in one of these states, immediately create the Holon of the Octahedron around you, and in a few moments you will experience a calming, balancing effect.

When you become aware that an area of the earth is disturbed, you have a right as an embodied god/goddess/creator to send the Holon of Balance (the Octahedron) to that area. In your imagination enfold this entire area that is disturbed within the Octahedron and you will impart a balancing effect. This is, from our perspective, the greatest service you can offer in these disturbing and volatile times.

There are some who say you should never intervene in a situation, but that is not our understanding. You are of the earth and you have, therefore, a right and a responsibility to the Earth, although you may not be from here—for many of you are form other star systems—you find yourself here, anchored through your embodiment, and the very elements of your body are of the earth. So the earth is part of your harmonic frequency, and so this imparts to you the right to intervene and the responsibility.

The other aspect we wish you to clearly understand is a topic so vast that we could spend much time explaining it; but for the sake of this communication we will simplify it. There are beings among you who wish to increase the chaos, the terror and the catastrophes. And so when there is a disturbance upon the earth, created through the acts of men, interdimensional beings, or the earth itself, these beings of which we speak, are delighted, for it increases the fear upon this earth, and fear is their greatest weapon, and they are masters at it. And so we say to you that whenever an event occurs in your future that generates fear, you may rightly suppose that these beings are somehow involved. By sending the Holon of the Octahedron to balance this area or these areas, you are creating an antidote to their poison.

Be clear in this: from our perspective you are in a spiritual battle for the destiny of this earth, but the mastery that is required is that you not succumb to the fear and terror, but that you transcend it and introduce antidotes; and the Holon of the Octahedron is one that is easy to create.

For you own personal sake and the sake of the earth, we strongly suggest that you master this and begin to use it.

The second pathway to your aspect of being that is outside of time and space is through ecstatic states of consciousness. We have previously given specific methods that create this coherent state of body and mind in the most efficient and immediate ways. So that you do not have to search the archives for this information, we have repeated it at the end of this communication.

In summation, we would say that the events that seem to be moving in your direction are both catastrophic and catalytic. If you remain marooned in third dimensional awareness they will be truly catastrophic, for the tap root of your personal identity is rooted in something that is about to change. The very ground of your reality—your earthly experience and so many elements of life as you have known it—are in the midst of change. This creates immense insecurity.

At deep primordial levels of your consciousness, an un-easiness is upon you. Many of you sense this. This is because at an unconscious level, you know what is coming. We do not think it wise to dwell upon those things you cannot change; focus instead upon what you can do.

Find the pathway into your transcendent being that is outside of time and space, and with the knowledge that is revealed to you, you can affect time and space in new ways. Then you become creators, or more accurately, co-creators.

It is time for the pawns to step up and become the kings and queens. Change the chessboard of your earthly history. This is your challenge and your opportunity. From the standpoint of your soul, what is important is not life itself, but how you live your life. The pressures that seem so immense are actually catalysts for propelling you into your greater identity. It is not the events in your future that shape you, but how you deal with them.

The Hathors

Note: Click here for a Hathor message concerning ecstatic states of consciousness. The Hathors consider these coherent states of body and mind to be crucial for the elevation of human consciousness. The method is both simple and highly effective.

© 2010 Tom Kenyon. All rights reserved.
You may make copies of this message and distribute in any media as long as you change nothing, credit the author, and include this copyright notice and web address.
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As   channeled through Aruna Byers

Great   news: the ascension will occur, as no disturbances to the conditions needed   are eminent. God is co-creating the decree and the doors are already open.   When the day comes, all who are on our committed list will be contacted. Your   answer can determine all things from now on.

When   the contact is made, the first thing you need do is agree. Next, go outside   to an area nearby. Don't make an announcement, go to the light when it   appears and you are able to do so. No one need disturb their day or night   mode of being, as the door will be open at least 24 hours. You can complete   the day, then go out of the enclosed area you are in to get on with   ascension.

Which   day will it be? I cannot decree this. Maybe on the winter solstice or the day   or two after.

All   who have decided to ascend are not able. I've given many messages about what   will be an ascended master's consciousness. Only those in this consciousness   will ascend.

Please   do not decide what day, or the door may not be open. You must await contact.   Can you get it directly? I've asked you to learn how to be aware enough to   get our guidance. If you don't have this ability you will not hear the call.

White   light will fill your body and no pain will be felt. Joy will be constant.   Once in the dream of day and night you were tested to see if your agreement   to ascend came in the dream as a natural "of course." We are now   able to claim at least two million who continued onward with the test of   leaving. In this test we determined our count. When our dance of converting   half of the conscious ones into newly ascended masters was initiated, only a   few hundred were open to it. Now we have more than two million able to   ascend. Quite doable. Great. Well done. We now need only the call.

The   next days need more meditation to guard against darkness interfering. Please   give this your most choices.

In   wellness we are One.

I Am   That I Am, Ascended Master Saint Germain

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New Earth


On December 21st, 2012 one of the greatest, unprecedented and most glorious events of Light is to occur as we align to the Galactic Center, experiencing our true radiance as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. This unparalleled activity of Light orchestrated from On High, has been prophesized and foretold by the Company of Heaven and its many Disciples over eons and eons. Humanity is about to officially enter into the Golden Age of Light as One Awakened Unified Cosmic Heart through the energy of Divine Love pouring forth from their heart centers and reflected through the Love of all Creation. In this Galactic Alignment of Light, all Life is moving up an octave, and by the Grace of God, One Unity Consciousness is again to be experienced as all planets, suns and cycles align through this Cosmic ascension cycle, occurring once every 25,556 years.

Overlighted by the Company of Heaven, Mother/Father God and our Beloved I Am Presence, we experience this alignment of Light through the Galactic Center to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, Central Sun and Great Central Sun, amplified through the Solar Flares, Photonic Rays and super-electron. This electromagnetic pulsing of Divine Light further assists in activating our Light Bodies/Merkabas and the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth as our Sun becomes the Central Sun and Mother Earth, the Spiritual Sun for this Solar System.

Our Light Body/Merkaba is a living, organic Divine Intelligence, powered by our Beloved I Am Presence working in alignment with Mother/Father God. As we receive the amplified Light frequencies through the Photonic Rays of Light from the surrounded stars, solar systems and the Galactic Center, we convert this Light energy into electrons and spin the sub-atomic particles within our bodies in increased Light frequencies. Photons, which are formed through the collision of an electron and its anti-particle opposite, the positron, produce two quanta of Light. And the super-electron is a Life activating force which impulses the transmutation of the positron on the lower dimensions. The Photon Rays of Light, which we have been shifting into and out of on this Earth plane, have been stimulated through the super-electron, and manifest as Photon Rays of Light using the sub-electron on our Earth plane. For the earthly electron is a sub-electron within the super-electron, the sole electron of our Multi-Universe. These Photon Rays which we have been experiencing further facilitate the clearing of karma, which is one of the reasons why so much clearing has individually and collectively taken place on Mother Earth. And now, in this grand Galactic alignment of Light, we experience this Gateway of Divine Love, into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation in non-duality and One Unity Consciousness, amplified through the energy vibration of the Photon Rays, now experienced through the electron, a much higher vibration of Light than wehave currently experienced on this Earth plane.

Additionally, to connect to all dimensions of Light available to us and assist in the Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth and all her Life into this Golden Age of Light, the Legions of Light from On High will activate 33 Cosmic Stargate Portals of Light within and around this earth plane. The number 11 is the Christ Consciousness sacred number for this earth plane and both 12-12-12 and 12-21-12 vibrate to the master number 11. 22 is the master number vibration for the fourth dimension, and 33 the master number for the fifth dimension, taking us into the new Earth Templates of Divine Love. A particular time space vibration encapsulates each dimensional level, and until the Monadic Consciousness of our Solar System expands to the next level of dimensional consciousness or our own multidimensional Selves expand to the next dimensional level, we are unable to move beyond these ring-passeth-nots. However, by the Grace of God, this Galactic alignment of Light takes us beyond the ring-passeth-nots into the new Earth templates through the Galactic Center, as we access multidimensional realities and our past and future Selves through the Christed Timelines and experience a Now moment of incredible bliss, Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

These 33 Stargate Portals of Light are also directly connected to the 12 major vortices and Crystalline Cities of Mother Earth as well as 21 Spiritual Retreats of the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Mighty Elohim. Additionally, the 33 Stargate Portals of Light are connected to the 33 Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs, 13 major and 20 minor. These Silver Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs take us into the Christed Timelines and these fifth dimensional frequencies of zero point energy, the energy of Divine, unconditional Love and the everpresent Now. The Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs are activated through the spinal column, through the 33 vertebrae within the spinal column. This first activation occurred on January 21st 2012, and this last activation occurs on December 21st, following the activation of the 33 Stargate Portals of Light. The Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs are essentially high-vibrational templates which carry the mapping, remembrance and restoration of the Cosmic codes for our multi-dimensional bodies. In activated the Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs within the body and within the Unity Grid, we are creating and affecting change within our own bodies through the central nervous system, meridians and chakras, while activating the major chakras and vortices of Mother Earth to assist in the ascension process. Additionally we have been building our bodies of Light and creating the Group I Am Avatar Blueprint of Light.

In this Galactic alignment of Light, we are invited to assist thousands of Planetary Light Workers, starseeded ones and the entire Company of Heaven as one of many groups of 144 000 Christ Conscious Beings of Light and sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. As we experience our Light Bodies/Merkabas and the Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness within our Heart's Temple and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, we lift the vibration of Mother Earth into the new Earth Templates through the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love, so that all Life may potentially experience this Golden Age of Light.

Invocation to the 12-21-12 alignment to the Galactic Center

I call upon the Overlighting of Mother/Father God,

the Pleiadians, the Sirians, the Andromedans and the Arcturians, all of the Light,

the Archangels and Angels, the Trinity Lords of Light, Lord Michael, Lord Metatron and Lord Melchizedek,

the Chohans of the Rays: El Morya, Kuthumi, Serapis Bey, Paul the Venetian, Hilarion, Sananda, St. Germain, Lady Nada, Mother Mary, Allah Gobi, Quan Yin and Pallas Athena,

the Mighty Elohim,

the Melchizedek Brotherhood of the Light,

Lord Buddha, Sanat Kumara, Helios and Vesta and Lord Melchior,

the Mahatma, the Cosmic Avatar of Synthesis,

and all other Beings of Light I personally acknowledge,

as I now merge with my Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that I Am within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.

I now find my Self on the Unity Grid of Divine Love,

connected to the Light Workers, Starseeded One, and all the Beings of Light from On High assisting in this grand Cosmic Galactic alignment of Light.

I now experience the actualization and integration of the new Earth Templates and geometries of Light,

that were activated through the 12-12-12 Initiatory Gateway of One Unity Consciousness,

receiving the emanating Liquid Light crystalline star codes and vortex templates from the crystalline vortices, leylines, sacred sites and portals of Mother Earth,

as the new crystalline geometries of Light are actualized within the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

I now align into the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun, the Great Central Sun,

and now the inner Sun within my heart,

as the 33 Stargate Portals of Light are activated by the many Legions of Light from On High.

I now connect into all the major vortices and Crystalline Cities of Light of Mother Earth that I am aware of, or connected to, in this Galactic Alignment of Light.

I now connect to the Spiritual Retreats of the Ascended Masters, Archangels and Mighty Elohim that I am aware of, through my connection to these Beings of Light.

I now anchor and activate all 33 Cosmic Christ Holographic Discs,

13 major and 20 minor,

throughthe 33 vertebrae along my spinal column.

I gently move my body from side to side and backwards and forwards, facilitating the process of the cerebrospinal fluid and the recalibration of my sensory system, central nervous system, chakras and meridians.

I now activate my Light Body/Merkaba to the fifth dimensional Templates of Divine Love.

As I bring a focus to my energy field, I create a radiant Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around my Self.

And now within this, I create a beautiful silver-gold sphere 10.8 feet in diameter around my Self.

I now visualize three super-imposed star tetrahedrons within this silver-gold sphere of Light,

all the exact same size, superimposed over one another.

I now spin my emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction within this Golden Flower of Life,

at the same time spinning the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter clockwise direction,

as I now recite the following Fibonacci ratios and God speeds of Light:

8/5, 11 times God speed to infinity,

13/8, 22 times God speed to infinity,

21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity.

And now, my Light Body/Merkaba field is activated to the speed of the fifth dimension, to the new Earth Templates of Divine Love.

As I experience my Self in Divine Love, in the radiance and magnificence of my Self as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love,

I now connect to the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light.

To the Highest Light of all Humanity,

and to all the Light Workers, starseeded ones and custodians to this sacred earth.

And now, through the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light,

I find my Self connected to one of these 33 Stargate Portals of Light,

working in groups of twelve with my Soul and Star families of the Light and the many Legions of Light from On High.

I now assist in bringing in Pillars of Light from the higher dimensions through these Stargate Portals of Light,

as I clear the lower dimensions frequencies on this earth plane,

and wrap Mother Earth and all her Life in this beautiful Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness.

And now, the ray qualities of wisdom, devotion, illuminating intelligence, Love, power, harmony, peace, equilibrium, creativity, forgiveness, compassion, enlightenment and One Unity Consciousness are activated and actualized through the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

As I experience this Galactic alignment of Light, and the Photonic Rays, Solar Flares and the super-electron,

I now assist in the Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth's Light Body.

As a bring a focus to Mother Earth,

I visualize the star tetrahedronal shapes as they are connected to Mother Earth's etheric, emotional and mental bodies.

I see the base of the top tetrahedron connect with Mother Earth at the latitude of 19.5 degrees south,

and the base of the bottom tetrahedron connect with Mother Earth at the latitude of 19.5 degrees north.

And now I visualize all three star tetrahedronal shapes within Mother Earth's physical body of Light.

The Brotherhood of the Light now brings in warps of Light in etheric crystals,

and implant these within the electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth,

so she may vibrate at a higher frequency and maintain her electromagnetic balance through this Planetary Merkaba activation.

The collective Christed Light all Light Beings from all dimensions now bring in the seven healing rays,

the chakra color frequency ray spectrum of sounds and colors and geometries of Light,

to assist in lifting of the consciousness of all Life on this Earth plane,

within the Cosmic Law of Free Will.

As this spectrum of healing colors shines upon Mother Earth's Body of Light,

I now chant the holy words of Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, 'Tsebayoth,

Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God of Hosts.

And now, the White Light of Christ appears around and within Mother Earth,

creating a deep remembrance of One Unity Consciousness.

And now, Nature Intelligence assists in creating an involutionary and evolutionary balance between Nature and Humanity on this Earth plane.

And now, as I link to the entire Company of Heaven, the planets, stars, solar system and numerous Galaxies of Light assisting in this dimensional shift of Light,

I assist in activating the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth.

As I breathe with Mother Earth,

I bring a focus to the equator.

And now, a huge disk of Light, 9 times the size of Mother Earth forms at the equator.

And now, I visualize Mother Earth's emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons spinning with this disc in a clockwise and counter clockwise direction respectively,

as I now recite the following Fibonacci ratios and God speeds of Light:

8/5, 11 times God speed to infinity,

13/8, 22 times God speed to infinity,

21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity.

And now, as Mother Earth's Merkaba field activates to this fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love through the Galactic Center,

I merge with every single Being of Light that has been assisting in the Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth,

including every single band of consciousness on this Earth plane,

that through the Cosmic Law of Free Will,

has chosen to experience Solar Christ Consciousness,

and this Golden Age of Light.

I now find my Self back in my sacred space,
grounding into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth,
and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God.
I now bring a focus to this beautiful Golden Flower of Life, 54 feet in diameter around my Self,
and my activated Light Body/Merkaba,
holding all the new Earth Templates and geometries of Light.

I align once more to the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun and now Great Central Sun,
as I come into my Heart's Temple, and the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within my heart,
experiencing and feeling my Self through the Center of Creation,
in Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

I experience this Golden Age of Light.

as a Christ Conscious Being of Light,

a sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love.

I Am One with all Life

I Am That I Am.

Invocation by Anrita Melchizedek

Music by Michael Hammer

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Initiatory Gateways


12-21-12 Galactic Alignment of Light ~ Transmission by the Elders
(Following on from Invocation)
Mp3 download

Wonderful sweet ones, just hold this focus, of this dimensional shift for all Life into this new Golden Age of Light, into the new Earth Templates of Divine Love, as you connect to all Life in One Unity Consciousness, as you find yourselves in this Unity Grid of Divine Love, connecting to the many legions of Light from On High, to the Light workers, and star seeded ones that all over and around Mother Earth at this time are standing as the physical vessels of Light and connecting through these Stargate portals of Light into the higher dimensions, and to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation. Wonderful.

Sweet ones, this alignment of Light further activates the twelve major vortices, chakras, and crystalline cities of Light of Mother Earth, as well as the 21 Spiritual Retreats of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Mighty Elohim, in this connection to the 33 Stargate portals of Light, additionally activating through your chakras and spinal column sweet ones. This alignment of Light is occurring for each one of you, and to deepen this connection into the Cosmic Heart of All Creation we take you through these twelve vortices and chakras of Mother Earth, and Spiritual Retreats of Light.

You are now taken in an external Merkaba Vehicle of Light into the crystalline city and vortex of Light in Table Mountain, Cape Town, South Africa, as you take on now the appropriate sacred geometries, fire letters and key codes, through the Light Body of Mother Earth into the appropriate chakras within your body. Feel and experience this recalibration of Light now, sweet ones, through the Overlighting of all these Beings of Light from On High assisting in this ascension process, as you recalibrate your chakra frequency to the activated vortices and chakras of Mother Earth and to these Stargate portals of Light. Wonderful.

And now you find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above Uluru, in Australia. Allow these Light frequencies to recalibrate your chakras, to activate the appropriate chakra within your body and energy field, as it is connected to Mother Earth's primary chakra in Uluru. You take on these key codes and fire letters and sacred geometries, and to assist in this activation now we speak in tongues. You are the wayshowers and leaders and star seeded ones, sweet ones, and as you align to the Galactic Center your chakras too merge in one Unified Column of Light.

You now find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above Mount Kilauea, in Hawaii, as your chakras are recalibrated and the primary chakra within your energy field and body is recalibrated to this Light frequency you take on these fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries, this influx of Divine Love through the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, through these 33 Cosmic Stargate Portals of Light. You are leading the way as the facilitators and wayshowers and leaders in this new Golden Age of Light. You are the Ascended Masters; you are these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, sweet ones, experiencing the eternal radiant Cosmic Heart of All Creation.

You now find yourselves in Delphi, Greece, in the crystalline city of Light above Delphi, as your chakras are recalibrated and the appropriate chakra within your body and energy field receives and transmits these high frequency keycodes. Feel this recalibration deep within every subatomic particle of your Beingness, sweet ones, as you vibrate in increased Light frequencies, as your heart chakra is activated to the deepest Love that you can experience in this Now moment.

You now find yourselves in Mount Fuji in Japan, in this crystalline city of Light, both receiving these fire letters, key codes and sacred geometries as well as transmitting your personal key code frequencies necessary now to assist in the recalibration and alignment of Light through your chakras, and through the twelve primary chakras and vortices of Mother Earth. You have done this before sweet ones, and as you stabilize your Light Body/Merkabas to these fifth dimensional templates, these geometries of Light, sound and color frequencies, and axiatonal lines connect through your body and energy field and the body and energy field of Mother Earth into the Unity Grid of Divine Love.

You now find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above the Tor in Glastonbury, England, receiving and transmitting these key codes of Light, both personal and planetary keycodes of Light, these fire letters and key codes and sacred geometries connecting to the appropriate Stargate portal of Light.

And now you find yourselves in Palenque, Mexico, in this crystalline city of Light above Palenque, as both the receiver and transmitter ~ these keycodes of Light further activate the dormant DNA, activating and actualizing the twelve-strand DNA; linking you to the Photonic Rays, Solar Flares and the energy of the electron; spinning the sub-atomic particles in your body in increased Light frequencies, as you receive and transmit these sacred personal and planetary keycodes of Light.

And now as you find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above the Great Pyramid in Giza, as this alignment of Light occurs through the appropriate chakra, and chakras within your body, and this vortex of Light within Mother Earth's twelve-body chakra system. You take on the remembrance of yourselves as Initiates of Light, transmitting these keycodes, of being the Ascended Ones, as Initiates of Light and Master Beings of Light, sweet ones. Receive and transmit these key codes, fire letters and sacred geometries in these sonic, color and geometric formations of Light. As these multi-dimensional memories come forth, your lineage through the timelines into ancient Egypt and Atlantis, Lemuria and the Mayan cultures, come into this remembrance, now, sweet ones, with this Galactic Alignment taking you through all twelve dimensions of Light available to you as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love.

And now you find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light above Mount Denali in Alaska, receiving and transmitting these keycodes of Light. As these vortices of Light are activated through your chakras, and the chakras of Mother Earth, all Life is lifted through the lower dimensional frequencies, through duality, into the state of non-duality, and Unity Consciousness, should they so choose this, sweet ones - it simply requires opening the heart.

You now find yourselves in the crystalline city of Light within Mount Shasta, in Northern California, and as you receive and transmit these keycodes and fire letters and sacred geometries, activating and actualizing these Light frequencies through your body and energy field, you connect through this crystalline city of Light now, to the leylines and sacred sites and vortices of Mother Earth and all her Life assisting in this dimensional shift and connecting to the appropriate Stargate portals of Light.

And now as you connect to the crystalline city of Light above Machu Pichu in Peru, you have a deeper sense of this dimensional shift, as you experience a deeper sense of One Unity Consciousness with all Life, transcending all your dualities, sweet ones, as both this receiver and transmitter of Light. You are the sacred custodians to Mother Earth and all her Life ~ all pathways before you are pathways of Light, and as you experience this Golden Age of Light you do so through Divine Love, through forgiveness, through compassion, through peace, abundance, understanding, and Unity Consciousness. As you connect to the appropriate Stargate and to the chakra of Mother Earth's Light Body related to Machu Pichu, you connect too, to all the Light workers at these sacred sites that are gathering in this Now as both receivers and transmitters of Light.

And now you find yourselves within the crystalline city of Light within Lake Titicaca in Peru and Bolivia. This Stargate portal of Light connects you in particular through all these twelve dimensions of Light, into the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, into the merging and integration of your Beloved I AM Presence, the Highest Light that you are within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God, for you are the I AM Avatar race, sweet ones, and you are lifted in consciousness into the Group I AM Avatar Consciousness of Light, the collective Higher Light of all Humanity, of all Light workers and star seeded ones, so you may affect and create the most change as these radiant, sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love. As you take on these keycodes and fire letters and sacred geometries and radiate them back in your personal unique signatures and keycodes that are being activated at this Now for you through your star lineage, we speak in tongues. Wonderful.

As Mother Earth's chakras, these twelve major chakras and crystalline cities of Light align in one unified column of Light, you experience this now through your chakras and twelve-body system, merging into one unified column of Light, through your heart chakra, through the Inner Earth Sun and the Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts, sweet ones, connecting you now to the twelve Golden Solar Sun Discs of Light, within and around Mother Earth's Light Body, and to the new crystalline geometries of Light within the 144 Unity Grid of Divine Love.

You are now invited into the 21 Spiritual Retreats of the Ascended Masters, Archangels, and Mighty Elohim. El Morya comes forward to invite you into his Spiritual Retreat in Darjeeling, India. As you find yourself in this sacred retreat, through Master El Morya, Chohan to the first ray, you are surrounded in this beautiful red flame of empowerment, taking yourselves into deeper levels of trusting and surrendering to the Divine.

And now you find yourselves in Master Kuthumi's Spiritual Retreat in Kashmir, and Dal Lake, in Srinagar, Kashmir. Master Kuthumi, the Chohan to this second ray of Love and Wisdom, connects now through your Heart's Temple, and the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, anchoring and activating these beautiful second ray qualities, in this blue, golden and yellow flame of Light. As you connect through each one of these Spiritual Retreats and Master Beings of Light you further connect into the appropriate Stargate portals of Light.

And now Paul the Venetian comes forward to welcome you to his Spiritual Retreat, Temple of the Sun, in New York City. Paul the Venetian is the Chohan to the third ray of Divine Intelligence, and you are surrounded now in this beautiful yellow and pink flame of Light, taking you into the higher mind wisdom teachings of Light.

And now you are invited into Serapis Bey's Spiritual Retreat in Luxor, Egypt, through the fourth ray of Harmony through Conflict, activating the higher creative qualities of this ray through your body and energy field, surrounded in this beautiful emerald-green flame of Light.

You now find yourselves in Master Hilarion's Ascension Retreat in Crete, Greece, surrounded in this beautiful orange flame through the fifth ray of Concrete Knowledge, aligning the physical bodies, the emotional and mental bodies, to a deeper level of knowledge, wisdom and Light.

And now you find yourselves in the Ascension Retreat of Sananda and Lady Nada, in Saudi Arabia, through the sixth ray of Devotion and Idealism, in this beautiful indigo flame of Light. As you take on these qualities of devotion and idealism you experience a greater level of your own Christed Light, sweet ones; of the knowledge and Light and wisdom that you hold, as these Master Beings of Light.

And now St Germain comes forward, inviting you into his Spiritual Retreat in Transylvania, Romania. As you enter into this Spiritual Retreat now, you find yourselves surrounded in this beautiful violet Flame of Light through the seventh ray of Ceremonial Magic, this flame of transmutation, this flame of transformation.

And now, sweet ones, Archangels Michael and Faith invite you into their Spiritual Retreats in Banff, and Lake Louise in Canada. As you enter into this Spiritual Retreat you take on a deeper level of the understanding of the Will of God, in clear communication, in expression, in the utterance of your spiritual reality, as these spiritual warriors of Light, knowing when to step forward in Love and wisdom, and when to step back in Divine Love.

And now, sweet ones, Jophiel and Christine come forward to take you into their Spiritual Retreat south of the Great Wall, near Lanzhou, in north central China. As you experience within this Spiritual Retreat a deeper level of the wisdom of God, and connect to the appropriate Stargate portal of Light, the left and right hemispheres of your brain are re-calibrated, the pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands expand in increased frequencies of Light.

Chamuel and Charity now invite you into their Spiritual Retreat, in Saint Louise, Missouri, in the United States. As you enter into this Ascension Seat, give your Love and thanks.

You find yourselves now in the Ascension Seat of Gabriel and Hope. This Spiritual Retreat is between Sacramento and Mount Shasta, in California, and brings through the Purity of God. You experience this purity through the innocence of yourselves, sweet ones, in the Return to Original Innocence, as you merge with your Beloved I AM Presence and all 144 Soul Rays of which you are one.

And now Raphael and Mother Mary invite you into their Spiritual Retreat in Fátima, Portugal, where you experience a deeper level of the Science of God. As this is activated through the third eye in particular, you have a deeper understanding of quantum physics, of science and mathematics, and geometries of Light and how this connects into a deeper level of your own spirituality as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, and the miracles too that occur in your everyday lives, sweet ones; the miracle of Life, through the gift of science and spirituality.

And now you find yourselves in the Spiritual Retreat of Uriel and Aurora in the Tatra Mountains south of Krakow, in Poland. You experience the Peace of God in this sacred Spiritual Retreat, sweet ones, peace and harmony and stillness within, as you experience a deeper level of the void, of moving into this black hole, and this abyss, of this Galactic Alignment of Light and through these appropriate Stargate portals of Light, to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation, to the no-time and no-space ever-present continuum of Divine Love, sweet ones.

Zadkiel and Amethyst now invite you into their Spiritual Retreat in Cuba, where you experience the Freedom of God, the freedom of expression of your spiritual natures, the freedom to show yourselves, the freedom of the utterance of your spiritual realities and Divine Love in clear communication, in healthy boundaries and discernment, of seeing through your Master eyes at all of Life around you, sweet ones.

And now the Mighty Elohim, focusing on the consciousness of Light, invite you into their Spiritual Retreats. Hercules and Amazonia invite you into their Spiritual Retreat, Half Dome, in Sierra Nevada, California; and as you enter in to this sacred Spiritual Retreat of Light, the throat chakra is activated now in higher communications of Light, finding your voice and soul note, finding a deeper expression of yourselves in sound, in communication, in frequency, sweet ones. This Golden Age of Light is about clear communication, and soul expression and this is gifted to you through this Spiritual Retreat of Light.

And now you experience the Spiritual Retreat of Apollo and Lumina, and the appropriate Stargates of Light through their Spiritual Retreat in Western Lower Saxony in Germany. The crown chakra and heart chakra are activated. The crown chakra through this Golden Age of Light in One Unity Consciousness further activates the heart chakra, as you connect to all Life in One Unity Consciousness, as you let go of any hurts and betrayals, and the wounding of your Divine Masculine and Feminine Spirits, sweet ones. You experience a deeper level of wholeness through your Heart's Temple, of seeing your Divine Masculine archetype of Light to the right of you, your Divine Feminine archetype of Light to the left of you, merging these archetypes of Light within your Heart's Temple, experiencing yourselves in Divine Love in all aspects of your Life as you merge now too, with all your dimensional Selves, and your Soul and Star families of the Light.

And now you are invited into the Spiritual Retreat Center of Heros and Amora, in Lake Winnipeg, in Canada. As you enter into this Ascension Seat and experience the Love of Heros and Amora, through the third ray of Divine Intelligence which activates the crown chakra now, you experience this recalibration between the left and the right hemispheres of the brain and a deeper understanding through these Stargate Portals of Light of the Higher Mind Teachings from the Inner Plane Ashrams, from the Schools of Learning, and from the Temples of Light; these initiations, kabbalistic teachings, sacred geometries and rays. All this is activated and actualized through your body and energy field in this Now, sweet ones, in this Ascension Seat Overlighted by Heros and Amora.

And now you experience the Ascension Seat of Purity and Astrea, in the Gulf of Archangel, in the White Sea, in Russia. This takes you into a deeper level of connecting to all aspects of your Higher Light, by finding harmony and creativity, and your purpose and passion as you see clearly through the Christed Timelines, sweet ones. The Christed Timelines connects you to your future Selves and your past Selves and you merge with your future and past Selves now. These timelines that you can change any event through the frequency of Divine Love, and this Highest Light of who you are, is the Highest Potential that you experience now as you align into your original Divine Eight-Cell Blueprint, the egg of Life, and focus once more on this beautiful Golden Flower of Life as it comes in around you, 54 feet in diameter all around you.

And now you experience the Spiritual Retreat Center of Cyclopea and Virginia in the Altai Range where China, Siberia and Mongolia meet, near Tabun Bogdo. Again this ray activates a deeper level of the Science of God, and how this is experienced in your lives, sweet ones, in finding balance in all areas of your Life. In finding balance through the physical body, in looking after the body, meditating, eating well, and exercising; creating the stimuli that takes you into the deeper areas of knowledge, and indeed wisdom, through the activation and remembrance through the Christed Timelines and parallel realities of having done this before, sweet ones ~ of not only ascending and having ascended but additionally in having so many gifts ~ gifts that you have experienced in these parallel realities are yours for the taking in this Now, sweet ones ~ the gifts of the Universe.

And know you find yourselves in the Spiritual Retreat in the Hawaiian Islands, through the Overlighting of Peace and Aloha. As the solar plexus chakra is activated you let go of any perceived conflict in your Life, as you connect into the higher dimensions and through these Stargate portals of Light, you forgive and Love. You come into deeper levels of compassion, and understanding, and clearing of these karmic timelines Now, through all timelines, parallel realities and dimensions, canceling old contracts, creating anew the Soul Contracts of Divine Love, and magnetizing and bringing into your reality those of an equal and greater Light, your Soul and Star families, and communities of Light, sweet ones, that you can work with, and exist in community and harmony with.

Lastly you are invited into the Spiritual Ascension Retreat of Arcturus and Victoria, near Luanda in Angola. As you experience this Spiritual Ascension Retreat through the Overlighting of Arcturus and Victoria, you understand that this gateway is a great Gateway of Change and you can transmute and transform all that you need to in this Now, sweet ones. As your twelve-body chakra system, and the chakra system of Mother Earth aligns in this Cosmic Galactic Alignment of Light, as you experience these twelve dimensions of Light, as you experience the full activation of your twelve-strand DNA and all these keycodes through the Stargate portals and the new Earth Templates and crystalline geometries of Light, you again activate the 33 silver Cosmic Christ Holographic discs along the spinal column through the 33 vertebrae. Move your body from side to side and backwards and forwards to facilitate this process of the full integration of your sensory system and central system and nervous system in this grand Galactic Alignment of Light, sweet ones.

And as you come back now into your sacred space, you bring a focus once more to your Light Body/Merkaba Field, to this beautiful Golden Flower of Life coming in 54 feet in diameter around you; as you align into the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun, and Great Central Sun, and now into your Heart's Temple, the inner Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts. Sweet ones, you will experience your Light Body/Merkaba being amplified in these Light frequencies more and more as you experience this new Golden Age of Light, and experience too now a deeper sense of the connection into all Life in One Unity Consciousness and Divine Love through the Light Body/Merkaba activation of Mother Earth.

As we end this session with you, sweet ones, we share with you that you have the ability to program your Light Body/Merkaba with any number of programs that you so desire, so as you end this session knowing how you can truly assist in God's work as these sacred transfiguring Flames of Divine Love, you will now program different and wonderful programs into your Light Body/Merkaba Field, so you now state "I wish to program my Light Body/Merkaba with the following programs ~ I wish to program my Light Body/Merkaba to be invisible except to Beings of the highest order of Divine Love through the Realms of Illumined Truth. For I am a Master Being of Love, and sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Light, and I program my Light Body/Merkaba so that it is only seen by Master Beings of Love. I now program into my Light Body/Merkaba that all magnetic fields from computers, televisions and radio stations, from microwave stations and so forth ad infinitum, move around my electro-magnetic field without any electrical or negative interference. I program into my Light Body/Merkaba that all environmental toxins, bacteria, microbes and viruses move around my Light Body/Merkaba. I program into Light Body/Merkaba that all geopathic stress lines and other such negative lines be diverted around my Light Body/Merkaba field. I program into my Light Body/Merkaba that it divert ultra-violet light and other harmful rays around my Light Body/Merkaba field."

Wonderful, sweet ones. And now as you ground once more into the crystal heart of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God in experiencing this grand Galactic Alignment of Light, think about any other programs you may wish to activate that will assist you on your journey into this Golden Age of Light, as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, in service to Mother Earth, and all her Life.

Welcome to this Golden Age of Light, sweet ones, and with this, we bid you a most magical day.

Transcribed by Eadie Miller


Light Body/Merkaba activation and Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth

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Welcome my precious friends and family to this grand Galactic alignment of Light and our collective ascension process as the I Am Avatar race.

What I would like to share with you is a guided visualization on the activation of our Light Body/Merkabas and the Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth. Given the dimensional shift in consciousness at this time, and the numerous Light frequencies, electromagnetic fields, Solar Flares, Photon Rays and recalibrations through the alignment to the Cosmic Heart of All Creation occurring at this time, the Company of Heaven have suggested that we activate our Light Bodies/Merkabas, and further request that we assist in this Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth so that all Life may potentially experience this Golden Age of Light.

If you are guided to this Light work, know that 90% of this work is intentional, and if you are not familiar with the Light Body/Merkaba activation, allow yourself to flow through the center of Divine Love in the knowing that this Light Body/Merkaba activation is taking place for us all at this time through the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God and the Overlighting of all the Illumined Beings of Light from On High assisting us in this ascension process.

Now, to activate our Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the fifth dimension and the new Earth Templates, we work with the sacred geometry of the star tetrahedron, or rather three superimposing star tetrahedrons, as they are connected to our etheric, emotional and mental bodies. By working with the star tetrahedron, we further actualize our Highest Potential through our hologram, energy field and body, as we align with our original Divine eight-cell blueprint, the Egg of Life. And it is in spinning the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons within the Golden Flower of Life at particular Fibonacci sequences God speed to infinity, that we activate our Light Bodies, our Merkabas and assist in the Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth.

So, I am going to ask the Elders to lead this activation in this Galactic alignment of Light, so we may to receive these dimensional Light encoded frequencies through their energy and the energy of all the Enlightened Masters that are assisting us at this time, in this grand Galactic Initiation of Light.

So, just get yourselves comfortably relaxed now, breathing deep into the body, expanding the lower abdomen as your breath in, contracting the lower abdomen as your breath out. And now ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. And now merge with your Beloved I Am Presence, the Highest Light that you are, within the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father God. And now, call in your Master Guides, your Guardian Angel and all other Beings of Light that you personally acknowledge and that wish you to join you now in your sacred space.

Welcome sweet ones. It gives us great pleasure to be with you in this Now as you experience one of the greatest, unprecedented and most glorious events of Light, this grand Cosmic Galactic alignment of Light and your collective physical ascension process. As you enter into the Golden Age of Aquarius as One Awakened Unified Cosmic Heart, through the energy of Divine Love pouring forth from your heart centers and reflected through the Love of all Creation. And, sweet ones, not only are you entering into this Golden Age of Aquarius, but all Life is moving up an octave, and by the Grace of God, One Unity Consciousness is again to be experienced as Mother Earth become the Spiritual Sun for this Solar system, and you sweet ones, take on the crystalline matrix of your Solar Bodies of Light as the I Am Avatar race. Furthermore, the twelve earthly rays are to be actualized on your Earth plane and the six Cosmic rays to be activated through Shamballa, additionally activating your immortal chromosomes. The knowing that not only is your Soul immortal sweet ones, but that you are able to further youth and transform your physical bodies into eternal crystalline Bodies of Light is in this Now. And for most of you as initiates of Light, this will occur as you enter the Halls of Amenti and are placed within the cold flames of the Flower of Light.

Now sweet ones, let us start with a focus on the star tetrahedron, this sacred geometric shape, as it exists around you. As it is connects to the trinity of the Holy Mother, the Holy Father and the Holy Child. As it is connects to your etheric, emotional and mental bodies, and within each cell and molecule in your body. For it is this star tetrahedronal shape that you will activate sweet ones in order to experience your Light Body/Merkaba. The star tetrahedron that exists throughout and around your body is brought into being through interlocking two tetrahedrons. Two interlocking four-sided triangular plane faces. These interlocking tetrahedrons represent the mental and emotional dynamic, the male and female polarity in perfect balance. The star tetrahedrons that are connected to your etheric, emotional and your mental bodies are superimposed upon one another, and are all the exact same size. When you activate your Light Body/Merkaba, you will spin the emotional body star tetrahedron, known as the female star tetrahedron, in a clockwise direction and the mental body star tetrahedron, known as the male star tetrahedron, in a counter clockwise direction at the exact same time and at specific God speeds of light and Fibonacci ratios, within a Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around you. The etheric body star tetrahedron remains stationary throughout this process. It does not rotate. At nine-tenths the speed of light, you will activate your Light Body/Merkaba to the frequency of the third dimension and at the speed of light, you will experience the frequency of the fourth dimension. And the last Fibonacci ratio spiral creates the Light Body/Merkaba activation to the fifth dimension sweet ones. Through all these breaths, you will use the very specific Fibonacci ratio spirals accelerated God speed to infinity by the appropriate multiples of 11. For each one of these dimensions also holds a specific Fibonacci ratio accelerated through the multiples of 11. The Christ Consciousness sacred number for the third dimension is 11. For the fourth dimension,the Christ Consciousness sacred number is 22, and for the fifth dimension 33. And the related Fibonacci ratios God speed to infinity for these dimensions are 8/5, 11 times God speed to infinity, 13/8, 22 times God speed to infinity and 21/13, 33 times God speed to infinity. What this means sweet ones, for your Light Body/Merkaba activation to the third dimension, your mental body star tetrahedron will spin around you in a counterclockwise direction 8 times, whilst at the same time, your emotional body star tetrahedron spins around you in a clockwise direction, 5 times, for 11 sets, at God speed to infinity; a speed not possible to measure. For your Light Body/Merkaba activation to the fourth dimension, your mental body star tetrahedron spins around you in a counterclockwise direction 13 times, whilst your emotional body star tetrahedron spins around you 8 times, in a clockwise direction for 22 sets, at God speed to infinity. And for your Light Body/Merkaba activation to the fifth dimension, your mental body star tetrahedron will spin around you in a counterclockwise direction 21 times, whilst your emotional body star tetrahedron spin around you in a clockwise direction 13 times, for 33 sets, at God speed to infinity. And the spinning of the star tetrahedrons will take place around your body and within your Golden Flower of Life sphere, 54 feet in diameter around you.

And now, sweet ones let us get a sense of these geometries of Light, as you visualize a silver-gold bubble of Light surrounding your entire body, coming in at 10.8 feet in diameter around you. See it forming from 2.4 feet above your head, at the point known as your sixth dimensional portal. Now see or sense this silver-gold bubble, this silver-gold sphere coming down the front of your body, down the back of your body, down the left side of your body and now down the right side of your body. See this silver-gold sphere gently tuck beneath your feet, 2.4 feet below your body, at a point known as your first dimensional portal. Feel truly wonderful within this silver-gold sphere of Light. Feel protected, nurtured and deeply loved.

And now, you are now going to visualize the star tetrahedronal shapes, as they exist around you and within the silver-gold sphere of Light. You are going to sit comfortably inside your electromagnetic star tetrahedronal shapes, as they are connected to your etheric, emotional and mental bodies, and just experience these wonderful Light frequencies.

Now, as you focus, you visualize a tetrahedron, a four-sided triangular plane. You now see a second tetrahedron, another four-sided triangular plane. You see yourself joining these two tetrahedrons together over your body, so they form a star tetrahedron. To join these two tetrahedrons together to form this star tetrahedronal shape, you interlock the two triangular bases together in a three dimensional six-sided star and visualize yourself in the middle of these two interlocking tetrahedrons. Ask your Master Guides to assist you in visualizing or sensing this etheric body star tetrahedron, as it exists around you. As you visualize this star tetrahedron, you see the apex of the top tetrahedron, the tetrahedron known as the male aspect tetrahedron, reach up and touch the top of your silver-gold sphere, this dimensional portal, 2.4 feet above your head. The bottom or base of this top tetrahedron, the male aspect, comes down to just below the knees. The apex of the bottom tetrahedron, known as the female aspect tetrahedron, reaches to the bottom of your silver-gold bubble, your first dimensional portal, 2.4 feet below your body, and the base of this female aspect tetrahedron crosses your heart chakra.

For women, you want to visualize the ridge of the top tetrahedron, the male aspect tetrahedron, centered along the back of the body and the ridge of the bottom tetrahedron, the female aspect, centered along the front of the body. For men, you want to visualize the ridge of this top tetrahedron centered along the front of the body and the ridge of the bottom tetrahedron centered along the back of the body. Wonderful sweet ones.

You gently start to feel a slight activation of this sacred geometric shape around you. You feel the Divine Love of this etheric body star tetrahedron as it is just slightly activated around your body and within every cell of your body. Now, visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron around you, and when you have a clear sense of this shape, visualize the mental body star tetrahedron. You now feel these star tetrahedrons as they are superimposed over one another, and all the exact same size, fill with the Divine Love of All Creation. They fill each cell and molecule in your body and your energy field in these emanating Liquid Light frequencies of Solar Christ Consciousness. Wonderful sweet ones.

And now, let us activate your Light Body/Merkabas to the fifth dimension. We will say each breath and you can then follow on with each breath.

On the first breath, breathe in to the count of seven as you visualize a Golden Flower of Life sphere coming in 54 feet in diameter around you. Hold the breath to the count of five. As you breathe out, clearly see this Golden Flower of Life sphere being created from 24 feet above your crown chakra, 24 feet below your body, and 54 feet in diameter around yourselves.

On the second breath, breathe in to the count of seven as you visualize a silver-gold sphere of Light 10.8 feet in diameter around you. Hold the breath to the count of five. As you breathe out, clearly see this silver-gold sphere coming into from 2.4 feet above your crown chakra and 2.4 feet below your body, and 10.8 feet in diameter around yourselves.

On the third breath, inhale and visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron within this silver-gold sphere. Hold the breath to the count of five. Exhale to the count of seven and again visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron.

On the fourth breath, inhale and visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath to the count of five. As you exhale to the count of seven,visualize this emotional body star tetrahedron.

On the fifth breath, inhale and visualize the mental body star tetrahedron. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize this mental body star tetrahedron.

On the sixth breath now, inhale and visualize very clearly all three star tetrahedrons. Hold the breath. As you exhale, feel your Self merging now with your Beloved I Am Presence.

On now on the seventh breath, suck in and spin the emotional body star tetrahedron in a clockwise direction and the mental body star tetrahedron in a counter clockwise direction within your Golden Flower of Life. Blow out and visualize the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons as they now spin around you at one third the speed of light.

On the eighth breath, suck in and spin the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons at two-thirds the speed of light within your Golden Flower of Life. As you blow out, focus on the Golden Flower of Life as the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons now spin within this sphere.

On the ninth breath, suck in and focus on your third dimensional portal, your crown chakra, and the Fibonacci ratio spiral of 8/5, accelerated 11 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, activate and stabilize your Light Body/Merkaba to the third dimension.

On the tenth breath, suck in and focus on a fourth dimensional portal 0.02 feet above the crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratio of 13/8, accelerated 22 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes to this fourth dimensional frequency.

On the eleventh breath, suck in and focus on a fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above the crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratio of 21/13, accelerated 33 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizes to this fifth dimensional frequency of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness. And now you shift 90 degrees to the right to experience the full downloads and activational frequencies of the new Earth templates. Wonderful sweet ones.

Now focus on a inner sphere created through your Light Body/Merkaba activation coming in 10.5 feet above your head and 10.5 feet below your body respectively, linking you into Melchizedek Consciousness, and the full merger and integration of your Beloved I Am Presence. When you have a sense of this inner sphere of your activated Light Body/Merkaba, visualize a miniature seafoam green and violet octahedron contained within a silver sphere and place this sacred geometric shape directly over your florescent tube of Light at your fifth dimensional portal. As you form this cap over your fifth dimensional portal, you feel your Light Body/Merkaba stabilizing to this fifth dimensional frequency of Solar Christ Consciousness. Now again, sweet ones, again focus on the Golden Flower of Life 54 feet in diameter around you, as your immortal genes are now activated through the cold flames of the Flower of Life. Wonderful.

Sweet ones, it is now time for you to assist in the Planetary Merkaba activation of Mother Earth's Light Body, with the Legions upon Legions of Light from On High, the Light workers, starseeded ones and all those assisting in this Planetary ascension process. Initially now, you link into the Group I Am Avatar Consciousness of Light, connecting to the Higher Light of all Humanity, and all those experiencing this ascension process either consciously or at a Higher Light level. Wonderful sweet ones.

Now, as you now bring a focus to the 33 Stargate Portals of Light within and around the Unity Grid that are being activated at this time, you now find yourself as one of the 33 Stargate Portals of Light in your activated Light Body/Merkaba. Working with your Soul and Star Families of the Light, in groups of twelve through one of these 33 Stargate Portals of Light, you now assist in transmuting the lower dimensional frequencies on this earth plane through Pillars of Light brought in by the many Legions of Light from On High. Wonderful sweet ones.

And now, let us activate the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth. As you assist in this Light Body/Merkaba activation of Mother Earth, we invite you to breath with Mother Earth.

As you connect through the Unity Grid of Divine Love and Stargate Portals of Light, inhale to the count of seven and visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth. Hold the breath to the count of five. As you exhale to the count of seven, again visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth.

On the second breath, inhale and visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize the emotional body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth.

On the third breath, inhale and visualize the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth. Hold the breath. As you exhale, again visualize the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth.

On the fourth breath now, as you inhale to seven, visualize very clearly all three star tetrahedrons. Hold the breath to the count of five. As you exhale, you feel the Divine Unfolding Love of Mother Earth through these three superimposing star tetrahedrons. Wonderful sweet ones. Just relax your breath now, breathing in a deep and easy manner.

Now call upon the Brotherhood of the Light and the Christed One. Ask the Brotherhood of the Light to bring in warps of Light in etheric crystals and implant these within the electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth, so she may vibrate at a higher frequency and maintain her electromagnetic balance as you enter into the Photon Band. The Brotherhood of the Light members now sends warps of Light into the electromagnetic grid of Mother Earth.

Now sweet ones, request that the Christed Light of all Beings of Light from On High to bring in their spectrum of healing colors. You start to chant the holy words of Kodoish, Kodoish, Kodoish, Adonai, 'Tsebayoth. Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God of Hosts as the healing rays now appear.

The spectrum healing ray of red appears first and you assist in anchoring this color within and around the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth, healing each atom and molecule on this Earth plane of physical dis-ease, poverty consciousness, suffering and pain. The healing ray of orange now appears, and you focus on anchoring this healing color deep within the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth, healing gender issues between men and women, and furthermore, releasing the issues of control, domination and/or separation. The healing ray of yellow now appears and you visualize the etheric body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth to anchor this color. You assist in healing all relationships on this Planet, in allowing each atom and molecule on this Planet to forgive, to Love and to form healthy relationships, creating honor and respect between individuals and Nations. The healing ray of green now appears and you anchor this color through the emotional body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth as you send your Love and Light onto this plane. As you activate the frequency of Divine Love, you open the hearts of Humanity and all Life into deeper levels of Self Love, to the Love for themselves and for all bands of consciousness. The healing ray of blue now appears and you anchor this color through the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth as you connect each atom and each molecule on this Planet to Wisdom, Love and Divine Intelligence. As you connect all Life to Solar Christ Consciousness and the frequency of the fifth dimension. The healing ray of indigo now appears, and you anchor this color within the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth as you activate the fifth dimensional frequencies of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness onto this Earth plane. The healing ray of violet now appears, and you anchor this color within the mental body star tetrahedron of Mother Earth, and allow every single person, every single animal, and plant, tree, and inanimate object on this Earth plane to feel their full connection to the Divine Unfolding Love of Mother/Father God. The White Light of Christ now appears around and within Mother Earth, creating a deep remembrance of One Unity Consciousness. You now call upon Pan, who shines his Green Light upon this entire Earth plane, to assist in shifting the Planet into the fifth dimensional frequency of Solar Christ Consciousness and to create an involutionary and evolutionary balance between Nature Intelligence and Humanity on this Planet. Wonderful sweet Ones.

You now assist in linking this entire Solar System to the numerous galaxies and star systems that are assisting in activating the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth to the fifth dimension of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

You will now complete the last five breaths to activate the Light Body/Merkaba of Mother Earth to new Earth Templates of Divine Love.

As you bring a focus to Mother Earth now, a huge disk 9 times the size of Earth forms at the equator of Mother Earth.

On this fifth breath now, suck in and visualize spinning the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons of Mother Earth in a clockwise and counter clockwise direction respectively within this disk of Light. Blow out and visualize the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons of Mother Earth as they now spin within this disk of Light at one-third the speed of light.

On the sixth breath, suck in and sense the emotional and mental body star tetrahedrons of Mother Earth spinning at two-thirds the speed of light. As you blow out, Mother Earth's Light Body now stabilizes to two-thirds the speed of Light.

On the seventh breath now, suck in and focus on your crown chakra, your third dimensional portal and the Fibonacci ratio spiral of 8/5, accelerated 11 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, Mother Earth's Light Body/Merkaba field now stabilizes to ninth-tenths the speed of light.

On the eighth breath now, suck in and focus on your fourth dimensional portal 0.02 feet above your crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratio of 13/8, accelerated 22 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, Mother Earth's Light Body/Merkaba field stabilizes to the fourth dimension.

On the ninth breath now, suck in and focus on your fifth dimensional portal 0.6 feet above your crown chakra and the Fibonacci ratio of 21/13, accelerated 33 times God speed to infinity. As you blow out, Mother Earth's Light Body/Merkaba field now stabilizes to the fifth dimension, and to this new Earth dimensional Templates of Divine Love and One Unity Consciousness.

Wonderful sweet ones. You now experience a merging with Mother Earth, with Mother/Father God, and every single Master Being of Divine Love that has been assisting you in activating the Light Body/Merkaba field of Mother Earth. And you further merge with every single band of consciousness on this Earth plane, which through the Cosmic Law of Free Will, will be moving into Solar Christ Consciousness.

Good. Now, as you come back into your sacred space, align into the Inner Earth Sun, the Sun, the Central Sun, the Great Central Sun, and now enter your Heart's Temple and in the inner Golden Solar Sun Disc of Light within your hearts. Wonderful.

Sweet ones, we share with you that you have the ability to program your Light Body/Merkaba with any number of programs that you so desire, and so as you end this session, knowing how you will truly assist in God's work as this sacred transfiguring Flame of Divine Love, you program whatever programs of Light that you would like to, into your Light Body/Merkaba.

And now sweet ones, as you ground into the Crystal Heart of Mother Earth and the Cosmic Heart of Mother/Father, bring a focus once more to your activated Light Body/Merkaba and the new Earth Templates of Light, as you experience your heart's dreaming and all that you wish to co-create and manifest in this Now as you are wrapped in this beautiful Golden Flame of One Unity Consciousness. We thank you for your service to Mother Earth and all her Life, and welcome you to this new Golden Age of Light. And with this, we bid you a most magical day.


The Grand Alignment 2012 Online Event Marathon

~ Honoring the Great Shift of the Ages ~
December 21-23

During this great moment in time, we're being invited to come together as One Heart in an Online Event Marathon to honor and celebrate this Golden Age of Light.

The Grand Alignment 2012 Online Event Marathon is a free event that will bring us together during three days of the December Solstice with other hearts from all over the world. Together, let's wrap Gaia in a blanket of Love as we activate the new Earth Templates and geometries of Light.

Speakers include Tiara Kumara, Anrita Melchizedek, Patricia Diane Cota-Robles, Erik Berglund, Christine Day, Raquel Spencer, AnRaNae Meders, Dr. Louise Swartswalter, Dr. Suzanne Lie, Nina Brown, Norma Taango, Dave and Erina Cowan, Shirley Irene Ponto, Michelle Anderson, Soluntra King and hostess, Lauren Galey.

Dates: Friday 12-21-12, Saturday 12-22-12, Sunday 12-23-12
(4 Hours Each Day)

Time: Noon Pacific/1pm Mountain/ 2pm Central /3pm Eastern /7pm GMT

Reserve Your Online Marathon Seat Here

Online Playback will be available thru December 25th.

Registration is free and you must register to receive the email reminder with the event links. If you can't join us live, please go ahead register to receive special notices with the Online Playback links so you can listen in at anytime.

Your free registration will allow you to listen in to many facilitator presentations that are going to expand your consciousness, open your heart and give you some powerful activations and meditations that you can use into 2013 and beyond!


The Twelfth Initiatory Gateway of Light ~ The High Priest Telewebinar
Saturday December 22nd - 7pm GMT/UTC, 11am PST, 2pm EST
London/Lisbon 7pm, Johannesburg 9pm, LA 11am, New York 2pm, Sydney 6am (December 23rd).
$33 (Approximately €25.00/£21.50/R250)

For further details please view


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