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Nothing to fear but fear itself by Adrian Cooper

Nothing to fear but fear itself by Adrian Cooper

I am sure Roosevelt knew the True Meaning of this iconic quotation. So why do I raise this now?
Well, in recent weeks, as I have shifted the focus of this Newsletter from a “Higher”, Spiritual focus, to an Experiential physical World focus.

As we Quicken towards the Singularity of this Cycle of Human Consciousness, it has become incumbent upon me to switch my focus from Higher Aspects of our Divine Triune Nature and Being, to the physical, Experiential Aspects of Our Triune Being.

As mentioned in recent weeks, if we are to be balanced and prepared for that which is to be Experienced in the context of this Great Transition of Consciousness, we simply cannot neglect any aspect of our Divinity if we are to Evolve and Progress.

Now whilst I much prefer to focus on the Higher, Spiritual aspects of Life, and believe me I would, I cannot and will not selectively disregard my Inner Guidance for fear that some readers might not “like to hear it”. We must remain balanced.

The events “taking place” in the World today are not only shaping our Personal Experience but also shaping the Collective Experience of Humanity as we conclude this current Cycle of Human Consciousness and Transition to the next Cycle.

We Are In This Together, for better or for worse.

Not only therefore must we acknowledge current events, but we must become One with these events. Any conscious effort to “reject” or “distance ourselves” from these events, is a rejection of Our Very Being, for we Are those events and they are Us.

The point is this. I have received messages from readers of this Newsletter for many years who have expressed distress by the recent emphasis, and in particular question why I have “been turned to the dark side of the force” by “propagating fear”.

Well first of all let me say I am Grateful to receive all messages such as these.

Second let me assure Readers that I have not been “turned” to the dark or any side.

I said in the final chapter of my book, Our Ultimate Reality, Life, The Universe and Destiny of Mankind, and have said in many Newsletters:

I know what I write is True, because I know the Source of that which I share in this Newsletter, in the book, on the website etc.

However, never accept anything I say as a fact simply because I wrote it. Always listen to your own Heart and Inner Guidance, and only allow that which you Feel is True and of Value on your own Spiritual Path.

Now let us analyse this emotion called “fear” more closely.

What is “fear”.

Fear is an emotional response invoked by an Experience that we do not understand.

Fear, along with uncertainty and doubt is one of the most powerful weapons that the “global elite” who would wish to control Humanity and the World have in their emotional arsenal against Humanity.

This “fear weapon” is invoked in numerous ways, for example through the control of money and debt, and the conditions of its distribution for basic survival needs.

Another very major and pervasive deployment of fear is through the medium of religions, who portray a vengeful, jealous, capricious “God”, whose “wrath” you will surely incur if you do not obey the rules set out by God’s ambassadors -- the church.

The RC religion for example currently emotionally controls over 1 billion people through fear and guilt. The fear is of being “sent to burn in damnation and brimstone for all eternity”. Guilt is invoked through for example the “seven deadly sins” which, should you fall foul of, requires you to “attend confessional” and pay a “penance”.

Another, much more insidious application of control through fear created in the last couple of decades, particularly in and by the USA, is the so called “war on terror”, which seeks to make people feel fearful and insecure so that the “controllers” can exert all manner of onerous, oppressive and invasive controls over the people.

For example, after “9/11″, aside from invading Afghanistan for selfish reasons, the USA enacted the “Homeland Security Act” as well as many other controls, some by “executive order”, all designed to exert increasing control over their own people.

The “war against terror” is totally and utterly fictitious, but is designed to control the people, and to justify further strategic imperial invasions of countries for reasons that have nothing whatsoever to do with “terrorists” or “humanitarianism”, and everything to do with regime changes to control countries for military and natural resources.

Also keep in Mind that the “global elite” who would seek to control the World are practicing “satanists” who feed off and draw power from the fear emotion. The more fear they can invoke in as many people as possible, the stronger they become. To put it another way, these people are “vampires” who feed voraciously on fear.

Now we must, if we are to progress, rise beyond not only these false contrivances, but also, most crucially, It Is Absolutely Crucial to Transcend Fear Itself.

Let me assure you Dear Reader that it is virtually impossible to progress Spiritually if fear can be invoked within us. Spiritual Evolution knows no fear.

Fear is not only of a very low Vibratory Frequency, thus pulling down overall Vibratory Frequency -- a major strategic objective of the “global elite” -- fear also implies Spiritual “imbalances” or “disconnects” that can sequester that Crucial Inner Connection and Oneness with Higher Self and With Source.

Why is this?

Well the reason is profound yet beautifully simple.

Every Single Human Being, and All Life, Is Divine, Infinite and Eternal Expression of Source, Fully Inclusive of The Infinite Power of Source, the same Divine, Infinite, Eternal Power that Created the Universe and All That Is.

Each of Us Has The Universe Of All That Is Within Us, As Us.

Do you believe that Source, God, is capable of fear?

Of course not.

Everything that people are fearful of is already part of us, so to be fearful of anything at all is no different to being frightened at the sight of our own shadow. We are the very Experience that we would be fearful of. Are you “scared” of your-Self?

Let me then state this emphatically:

No-thing Can Possibly Harm You Except To The Extent You Believe It Can
One of the most Crucial and Glorious Truths and Meaning Of Life, Is To Return To Our Source Through The Realisation And Expression Of Source. When We, During The Path Of Evolution Become Source Through Our Own Spiritual Experience, Then We Become Source Absolutely And Reunite With Source.

Now of course Earth is but the first step on the ladder, but nevertheless and extremely crucial one, because, just like the child in the sandbox of kindergarten who must learn to control his or her newfound abilities before being “let loose” in the outside World, so too must humans before being let loose in the Glorious and Harmonious Spheres beyond the Earth playground.

Now, as I mentioned previously, we are not only our physical body. We are Body, Mind and Spirit -- Consciousness -- and we cannot, if we wish to progress, selectively neglect any one aspect of our Triune Being, otherwise would be Spiritually unbalanced, and dis-harmony must surely follow -- it is absolutely inevitable.

As Above, So Below, As Within, So Without, said Master Hermes Trismegistus.

If we harbour any Inner turmoil or instability, or react emotionally to that which we see or hear, then those thoughts, feelings and emotion must be reflected and Expressed in to your physical Experience.

Conversely -- if we stand strong and tall, in Full Realisation of Who We Are, Living In the Moment, Pure of Mind, a Mind Like A Polished Mirror, With No Thought, Simply Observing And Allowing All That We See and Hear To Enter And Leave Our Consciousness As A Leaf Drifting By In The Wind, Then We Are “Invincible”. No-Thing Can “Harm” Us, All Things Are Possible.

Ask Yourself This:

Can you stand in the middle of a battlefield, bullets, bombs and missiles flying all around you, without thoughts, feelings or emotions, and In Joy For Who You Are, Knowing That No-Thing That Is Part Of You Can Ever Harm You?

If so -- excellent. If not, ask yourself why.

Ask yourself -- “what is it within me that makes me feel uncomfortable or fearful?”

It matters not what news I bring to you of the “World”, or the TV news, or what you read on the Internet -- it is all part of the Human Experience which collectively is forging the Human Mind and Spirit in preparation for the Great Transition Which All Humanity is Quickening towards Right Now.

I will conclude this subject then with three most Wise and Enlightened quotations from Morihei Ueshiba, who invented “Aikido”.

Aikido is a “Martial Art” and like most Martial Arts is not intended to be about forging a Human Being to be a “deadly weapon” but is rather about forging a Human Being Spiritually and Mentally so that mere weapons become unnecessary and irrelevant.

So Aikido is first and foremost a path of Spiritual and Mind Development, but which also teaches that the best form of defence is no defence, because if you respond to an attack upon your person with force and aggression, the opponent will take the Energy of that force and aggression Energy and turn it against you.

However, just as darkness cannot make a Light room darker, but the Light can make a dark room Lighter, Inner Peace Always Prevails Over Aggression, But Aggression Can Never Prevail Over Inner Peace.

It will be clear therefore that total control over Inner Thoughts, Feelings and Emotions is absolutely central to this, and most other Martial Art Disciplines.

Aikido also teaches that no matter how aggressive or intimidating the “opponent” is, the best and only True Form of Defence is Peace.

Here now are three quotations from Morihei Ueshiba:

Each Day Of A Human Life Contains Joy And Anger, Pain And Pleasure, Darkness And Light, Growth And Decay. Each Moment Is Etched With Nature’s Grand Design -- Do Not Try To Deny Or Oppose The Cosmic Order Of Things.

Do Not Look Upon This World With Fear And Loathing. Bravely Face Whatever The Gods Offer.
Life Itself Is Always A Trial. In Training You Must Test And Polish Yourself In Order To Face The Great Challenges Of Life. Transcend The Realm Of Life And Death, And Then You Will Be Able To Make Your Way Calmly And Safely Through Any Crisis That Confronts You.

These are Wise Words from a Great and Spiritual Person, and I would agree wholeheartedly with everything he said in these quotations.

I would like to also note that the Occupy Wall Street Movement is a Living Expression of these Principles, day after day, week after week, month after month.

They Live in Peace, Harmony and Service, Even In The Face Of Excessive, Unjustified and Provocative Force By The Police. This is how It Should Be. (see video below)
This Dear Reader Is The Power Rising Inexorably Around the World Today, And It is The Power Of Peace, Love And Transformation of Consciousness.

Our Collective Moment is Now.


If you wish to receive Adrian’s free newsletter every Sunday, please do join him by adding your name and email address to the form at the top of every page on his Website:

(I’ve been a subscriber to his weekly newsletter for years -- Highly recommended for spiritual truth seekers -- Iain)

Please watch this extremely powerful video that highlights the hypocrisy of ‘the controllers’ …and the courage and determination of the people who stand for us -- the people (…and thank you Adrian for the link)

I AM NOT MOVING -- Short Film -- Occupy Wall Street

…would love to hear your views on the issues raised in this article and video…
I AM NOT MOVING - Short Film - Occupy Wall Street

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God Speaks

Murli 09.11.4975 (One world cycle is of 5000years)


The English Murli link to share with your friends:


Essence: Sweet children, at the confluence age you receive good intellects and elevated directions from the God-Father through which you change from children of God into deities.


Question: Which intoxication should you children have so that your behaviour becomes very royal?

Answer: You should have the intoxication of knowledge that, we are sitting personally in front of God! We will go from here and become crowned princes, masters of the world. When you have such intoxication, your behaviour will automatically become royal and very sweet words will emerge from your mouths. There will also be a lot of love for one another.


Song: The Flame has ignited in the happy gathering of moths.


Om shanti (I am a peaceful soul)


Sweetest children, you spiritual children belong to God and definitely understood that you are at the confluence age. The Father has opened the locks on our intellects. The people who are now impure and corrupt will become pure in the future and will be called pure and the most elevated beings. Heaven is established only at this confluence age. After the iron age, there is the golden-aged new world and so there must definitely also be the confluence age.


You know that you are receiving good intellects and shrimat-Godly directions from the God-Father. God is the Father of the whole world. He comes at the confluence age and gives elevated directions to everyone. Only the Supreme Father Supreme Soul creates the creation through Brahma-Adam. Sanyasis and those of various religions will come to claim their inheritance from the God-Father. Everyone will receive the message that the God-Father has come, through you.


You know that the kingdom of  five vices-Ravan exists at this time and the appearance of God, the Supreme Father Supreme Soul takes place in Bharat-India. Father says, you belong to the God-Father, the highest on high, through the knowledge of God spoken through Brahma-Adam, you are the mouth-born creations. God is known as Shiva (The Benefactor).


The Father, Supreme Soul is ever pure. Those who are tamopradhan are said to be impure. In golden age, when there was happiness, there was no mention of sorrow. Only you children know that you are establishing your kingdom. It is only in the golden age that you rule the kingdom of the whole world. In the iron age, you cannot rule the whole world.


It is written in Gita that the great war took place and various religions were destroyed. When a banyan tree dries up and its braches rub against one another, it catches fire and whole forest burns. Similarly, this human world tree has become totally decayed and is also to be set on fire. They will fight and totally destroy one another. They continue to manufacture materials for creating fire, There will now be fires through atomic bombs, but they don't know this secret. The iron age, hell, will now change and become heaven. A lot of intoxication is required in this knowledge.


There has to be royalty when speaking to one another. Everything has to be learned here (for golden age). You will then take these same sanskars with you. Become very sweet and also maintain great intoxication. We are the children of Shiv Baba (Benefactor Father). We are those who are going to claim a deity status and so we should speak to one another with so much love. You are to become crowned prince and princess of the world. You children must have the internal happiness that you are studying directly from God, through whom you receive the inheritance of heaven.


God-Father is the Ocean of knowledge and He rains knowledge. In the golden age, even the five elements become your slaves, whereas here every human being has become a slave. Here, effort has to be made for everything. There in golden age, everything happens automatically. Therefore, you must remember the God-Father so that your mercury of happiness remains constantly high. Effort has to be made to burn the five vices away, there is no other difficulty.


People speak of brotherhood but they themselves cannot unite. In golden age, there is only one religion. The Father says, when the knowledge ends, I will go back to My home (soul world). I have to speak knowledge at the end of the iron age and I have to come in every world cycle. It cannot be earlier or later even by one second. When knowledge is over, you will reach your karmateet (free from bondages of actions) stage and then the destruction-transformation will take place.


Day by day, your service will increase. Here, no one has either purity or divine virtues. Now, it is the most elevated confluence age. You are now becoming the most elevated beings. However there also has to be that splendor and behavior. Only jewels must emerge from you, not words of stones. You are now becoming as beautiful as the deities. God comes and makes you in to gods and goddesses. You also have the responsibility to make others equal to yourselves.


Father says, don't perform dirty actions. All of you are brothers and sisters, Therefore, how can you indulge in vice? If someone does indulge in vice, he is defaming the Divine clan. After calling yourself the children of God, you cannot become impure.




To the sweetest, beloved, long-lost and now found children, love, remembrance and good morning from the Mother, the Father, BapDada (combined form of Supreme Father and Adam-Brahma), the spiritual Father says Namaste to the spiritual Children. Spiritual Children say Namaste to the Spiritual Father.


Blessing: May you be a true renunciate who experiences the fortune of renunciation through your elevated dharna.

The elevated dharna of children of God is complete purity. It is remembered of this dharna: Even if you have to die, you will not let go of your religion. Under all circumstances, if you have to renounce something for observing this dharna, if you have tolerate something, face something or have courage for something, you will do that happily. Do not consider that to be renunciation, but experience it to be your fortune for only then will you be considered to be a true renunciate. Only those who have this dharna are said to be true children of God.


Slogan: Only those who keep all their powers under their orders are said to be master almighty authorities, the ones with all powers.


Note: Those who like to know the terms used in Murli, please read the basic knowledge from the discussions posted in the facebook group: THE GOD!/group.php?gid=186580082103!/group.php?gid=191161024334




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A Secret Scrolls #86 to #90

A Secret Scrolls #86

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power

From The Secret Daily Teachings

The fastest way to receive is to give, because giving starts the reciprocal action of receiving. We all receive according to how much we give. Give the best of you everywhere you go. Give a smile. Give thanks. Give kindness. Give love.

Your giving should be a giving without expectation of return - a giving for the sheer joy of it.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #87

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Whatever the financial situation you are currently in, it is one that you have brought into reality through your thoughts. If it is not what you want, then you have created it unconsciously, but still you created it. When you can see this you will understand how powerful you are at creating. And now all you have to do is create what you want, consciously!

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #88

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power

From The Secret Daily Teachings

Here is a checklist to make sure you have your receiving channels open:
Do you receive compliments well? Do you receive unexpected gifts easily? Do you accept help when it is offered? Do you accept your meal being paid for by a friend?

These are little things, but they will help you know if you are open to receiving. Remember, the Universe is moving through everyone and every circumstance to give to you.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #89

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power

From The Secret Daily Teachings

When you find your purpose, it is like your heart has been set alight with passion. You know it absolutely, without any doubt.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

A Secret Scrolls #90

A Secret Scrolls message from Rhonda Byrne
Creator of The Secret and The Power

From The Secret Daily Teachings

No person or power in the outside world can compare to the power you have within you. Seek the power within, as it knows the perfect way for you.

May the joy be with you,

Rhonda Byrne
The Secret... bringing joy to billions

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Giant crack glimpsed in Antarctic ice sheet

Giant crack glimpsed in Antarctic ice sheet

A massive crack is growing wider in the Antarctic ice sheet and could break apart in the coming months, forming an iceberg the size of New York City, NASA scientists warned on Thursday.

The crack in western Antarctica's Pine Island Glacier stretches for at least 18 miles (30 kilometers) and runs 165 feet (50 meters) deep.

The rift is widening at a rate of 6.5 feet (two meters) per day, said NASA project scientist Michael Studinger.
When the ice breaks apart, it will produce an iceberg more than 340 square miles (880 square kilometers), said Studinger, who is part of the US space agency's IceBridge project.

But the process is not a result of global warming, he said.

"We expect that later this year or early next year there will be a pretty large iceberg forming as part of a natural cycle," he added.

"These are cyclical events that occur every few years. The last big calving event occurred in 2001, so in general people have been expecting something to happen like that very soon.

"For us it is very exciting to actually see this while it is happening."

The rift was first glimpsed in late September by scientists monitoring changes in the ice shelf via airplane flyovers in order to fill in the gaps left between a pair of satellites, ICESat (Ice, Cloud and land Elevation Satellite), which ended in 2009, and ICESat 2, which launches in 2016.

"A lot of times when you're in science, you don't get a chance to catch the big stories as they happen because you're not there at the right place at the right time," said John Sonntag, instrument team lead for Operation IceBridge, based at Goddard Space Flight Center.

"But this time, we were."

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Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition

Christmas 2011 -- Birth of a New Tradition

As the holidays approach, the giant Asian factories are kicking into high
gear to provide Americans with monstrous piles of cheaply produced goods --
merchandise that has been produced at the expense of American labor. This
year will be different. This year Americans will give the gift of genuine
concern for other Americans. There is no longer an excuse that, at gift
giving time, nothing can be found that is produced by American hands.

Yes there is!

It's time to think outside the box, people. Who says a gift needs to fit in
a shirt box, wrapped in Chinese produced wrapping paper?

Everyone -- yes EVERYONE gets their hair cut. How about gift certificates
from your local American hair salon or barber?

Gym membership? It's appropriate for all ages who are thinking about some
health improvement.

Who wouldn't appreciate getting their car detailed? Small, American owned
detail shops and car washes would love to sell you a gift certificate or a
book of gift certificates.

Are you one of those extravagant givers who think nothing of plunking down
the Benjamins on a Chinese made flat-screen? Perhaps that grateful gift
receiver would like his driveway sealed, or lawn mowed for the summer, or
driveway plowed all winter, or games at the local golf course.

There are a bazillion owner-run restaurants -- all offering gift
certificates. And, if your intended isn't the fancy eatery sort, what about
a half dozen breakfasts at the local breakfast joint.

Remember, folks this isn't about big National chains -- this is about supporting your home town Americans with their financial lives on the line to keep their doors open.

How many people couldn't use an oil change for their car, truck or
motorcycle, done at a shop run by the American working guy?

Thinking about a heartfelt gift for mom? Mom would LOVE the services of a
local cleaning lady for a day.

My computer could use a tune-up, and I KNOW I can find some young guy who is
struggling to get his repair business up and running.

OK, you were looking for something more personal. Local crafts people spin
their own wool and knit them into scarves. They make jewelry, and pottery
and beautiful wooden boxes.

Plan your holiday outings at local, owner operated restaurants and leave
your server a nice tip. And, how about going out to see a play or ballet at
your hometown theatre.

Musicians need love too, so find a venue showcasing local bands.

Honestly, people, do you REALLY need to buy another ten thousand Chinese
lights for the house? When you buy a five dollar string of light, about
fifty cents stays in the community. If you have those kinds of bucks to
burn, leave the mailman, trash guy or babysitter a nice BIG tip.

You see, Christmas is no longer about draining American pockets so that
China can build another glittering city. Christmas is now about caring about
US, encouraging American small businesses to keep plugging away to follow
their dreams. And, when we care about other Americans, we care about our
communities, and the benefits come back to us in ways we couldn't imagine.

THIS is the new American Christmas tradition.

Forward this to people on your mailing list -- post it to discussion
groups -- throw up a post on Craigslist in the Rants and Raves section in
your city -- send it to the editor of your local paper and radio stations,
and TV news departments. This is a revolution of caring about each other,
and isn't that what Christmas is about?

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From Space/Time to Time/Space

Spirit of Ma'at: "Prophecy" — Vol 3, No 6

From Space/Time to Time/Space
Carla Rueckert channeling Q'uo

with Wynn Free

Carla Rueckert is most well known for the "Ra, Law of One" series that she channeled in the period from 1981 to 1985. In this series, a group soul that identified itself as Ra (allegedly the same Ra that is channeled by David Wilcock) gave a detailed and scientific overview of how consciousness evolves in the greater Universe. A summary of this Ra material was printed in the Spirit of Ma'at (see The Universe According to Ra).

The author thanks Carla for extending him the trust to permit him to conduct this unusual interview with Q'uo, a multidimensional group soul, over the telephone. The author also thanks Jim McCarty for his assistance as scribe and helping to keep the energies grounded. This channeling was conducted on November 28, 2002, and transcribed by Terry Brown.

Wynn: How is one best able, from a spiritual perspective, to address the changes that the world will be going through?

Q'uo: We are those known to you as Q'uo and are aware of your query.

Firstly we would say that the physical manifestations of unrest, terrorism and war are what they are and are the natural outworking of the processes of graduation in which entities who have chosen service to self are attempting to graduate with the same devotion and focus with those who are attempting to graduate in the path of service to others.

The situations, we would suggest, are in the hands of all of those who understand and realize that they are systems of eternity who came here to learn and to serve and who wish to go on to learn and to serve, for that is the desire of the upward spiraling of selves of each entity and each atom that exists within the physical and metaphysical universes.

We would suggest that the self be attentive. The responsibility of the open heart is to love unconditionally that which is seen, and to see everything and every person as yourself or a part of yourself. In times of disquiet and conflict, entities are offered a sharpened opportunity to behold the shadow portion of the self: the wolf that bites at the heart.

This forthcoming year may contain disquiet. We can only encourage you to choose opening the arsenal of inner and outer gifts towards the Third Density (see Glossary) situation, finding ways to respond appropriately in service to others as inspired.

With this concern reduced to that which is its actual nature — that is, that which can only be effected positively, by knowing all is well, or negatively, by worry — the concern can then be turned to that which is the true business of this hour, this year, and in the decade to come, and that is aiding the planet itself and aiding the self and other selves to achieve the ability to enjoy an increased density of the light energy that is now flooding your physical sphere.

The nature of that one is change, and it will become less and less possible for Third Density physical vehicles to dwell in that Light. Not because it is damaging to the physical body, but because the energy body is hardened, in a way, into a state of mind that is characteristic of Third Density and is connected with the concept of self-protection and survival.

The enjoyment of life of Fourth Density (see Glossary) is dependent upon being able to move into a state of consciousness in which all other selves are seen as Self and all crimes and achievements are seen as a portion of the Universal Self, and then to move that 180 degrees, to where the self is seen as all things and as the Creator. That unification of consciousness opens the self to loving and being loved in a way that the body loves itself, rather than the way entities who are separate units love each other. Each way is unique.

We do not presume Oneness at the physical level, but rather we suggest that, at the subconscious level, entities within Creation are already One, and therefore the process of moving from Third to Fourth Density, in part, consists of accepting the Oneness at a level which has moved into the belief and perception system of the entity. This biases the conscious entity toward retaining the attitude of Unconditional Love and outgoing radiance at times when there is a perceived threat.

The one known as Saint Francis of Assisi is said to have called the fire "sister fire" and the pain "brother pain," seeing all things as qualities, as a portion of life. In each culture, there are stories of the realizations of unity.

We were speaking to concerns in a metaphysical sense of the upcoming year and we were placing out the enhanceability of those who remember the mechanism of the confusion that is covering the deeper essences of that which is occurring in the infinite plane of consciousness.

We would suggest that the coming year is one in which there is an occurrence that is ongoing and cyclical within that ongoing unity, which is as if there were a ratcheting up of the density actually experienced by those among the people at this time.

These movements began long ago and are increasing in their frequency as the clockwise motions of planetary movement spiral this planetary sphere into the vibrations of force related to time/space and space/time (see Glossary). The mismatch in vibrations between those who live and dwell within the Third Density, choice-making brain is increasing, and it is becoming more difficult to feel comfortable.

This experience of discomfort is markedly increased by the choice in gadgets of those among your peoples who are in service to self. These choices include your media and the various products of your people's service-to-self intrigues. These two factors combine to offer to the Third Density entity a remarkably increased experience of rush, stress, uneasiness, or even depression.

For those who are awake, the mismatch has a different effect. The attempts to keep the Third Density heart open within incarnations are imperfect. However, the sheer desire to keep that Infinite Love flowing through the energy body has a tremendous impact upon the Time/Space (metaphysical) rather than the Space/Time (three-dimensional) universe. Within Time/Space, intentions and ideals are "things." Consequently, even though the entity has been thoroughly imperfect in keeping the heart open, the intent, repeated and repeated without tiring, to return to a state of open heart allows the entity to respond to the Fourth Density portion of the vibration by seeking it. And in seeking, the entity moves into its needed next healing crisis.

Many times these crises are emotions and are expressed through what this instrument (see Glossary) would call "emotional conditions." Many other times there is actual difficulty with the physical vehicle, or other effects which vary with the reaction of the individual to the increased density of life and the imbalances within that entity's energy system.

The goal, then, is not perfection, but rather that sturdy returning and remembrance of Unconditional Love that is the nature of the One Infinite Creator; the remembrance that Nature permeates and builds the universe you are aware of, in all that you are not yet able to measure.

The very space that has so long been considered a vacuum is far more intensively packed with the Love and Light of the more Infinite Creator than are the atoms of what you perceive as matter.

Does this answer your query, my friend?

Wynn: Can Q'uo give any prophecies as to what actually might occur in the future, so that people can prepare themselves mentally and spiritually?

Q'uo: We are those known to you as Q'uo and are aware of your query.

We would suggest that giving such specific prophetic information would detune this contact to the extent that we would not be able to speak through her.

The response must begin, therefore, with our note that we do not feel it to be possible to speak upon such subjects without infringing upon free will. We again request simply that each be aware that there may be opportunities to serve in ways that are not presently obvious.

The situation as it develops will far better be served by focusing upon the steadfastness of faith that all is well and that all will be well.

We ask each, brothers and sisters, "Is it well to dwell on anything in fear, when the matter with which each concerns itself helps to shape the future? Is it well, then, to dwell on danger, even by way of preparing for it? Or is it better to dwell in a universe in which there is no danger, and thus affirm that which you wish and desire?"

The way that entities speak to themselves creates an amalgamated future in what you term "consensus reality." Therefore, any attention paid to survival beyond the usual preparation for your power outages, and so forth, is a way of expressing fear. There is no portion of the Creation which can be labeled "safe," nor is there any which can be labeled "unsafe" in terms of the continuation and the thriving in the progression of consciousness. There is no danger. The physical illusion is an illusion.

On the other hand, the harvest (see Glossary) does have physical aspects, in the sense that it is creating effects upon the surface of your planet because of the decidedly lagging vibrations of the Third Density population, which is creating a kind of resistance of the incoming density. The earth is far into its labor, and it needs the pouring of Light into that which this entity calls the Christ Grid and which others have called the Fourth Density Grid or the Ascension Grid.

This is the true emergency. In a planetary situation such as this, our focus, and perhaps that of any of those who are thinking metaphysically, is upon the softening of the labor of Planet Earth in her harvest and the increasing of the harvest of souls from this many-times-repeated cycle of greed, rapacity, and war.

May we say that the sum total of this tack of defense and aggrandizement is the production of fear and pain, and that these emotions are as food to negative entities which, from the Fifth Density level, are inspiring and activating the tendency towards extremist belief systems and the eye-for-an-eye point of view of justice.

Those who would serve at this time may well attempt to ameliorate the Third Density consensus reality. And we encourage those who would attempt to help.

The attempt to save the self is one that moves from fear, and we would suggest that this is not a position from which to achieve a truth. Following truth leads to the heart of self, and in the heart of self the identity is one of that which animates all things rather than being overly concerned for the physical vehicle.

We do not suggest that entities be careless, but rather that they respond appropriately as occurrences develop, meanwhile refusing to burden the pathways of the mind with fear-based concerns. Information will come by many messengers: that which is seen, that which is read, that which is heard, and that which moves before the vision of the bird and beast when they reign.

The process of true Knowing comes to one through one's own systems of guidance, from within the universe that dwells in the shadowy ocean of your brain cells — that opens the gateway to an infinite universe that is the true place where each lives.

Consider, if you will, that the entity that is watching that which is upon your television is observing a virtual reality. In just such a way, distortions in the infinite Love and Light of the Creator, when picked up on Third Density's physical channel, are translated into this particular channel of existence.

At the same time, each entity dwells within the corresponding metaphysical universe. The physical death is the movement from a heavy chemical illusion to a less distorted and non-physical universe. There is no discontinuation of being. However, each did not move into incarnation at this time to save the self, but to reach out a hand to others so that, as each hand reaches out, hands begin to connect and entities begin to hope in a focused and harmonized manner, becoming part of the rhythm and the flow of the very appropriate and necessary changes that are occurring within your planet at this time.

The harvest can truly be greatly increased at this time because so many entities here are just a tiny step from awakening. So we feel that there is a real possibility that, working increasingly in harmony, light centers like this one, and all positively-oriented groups upon your sphere, may begin to look less like solitary lighthouses and more like a city. The grid of Fourth Density may be seen as formed by the joint hands of all positive people and all joined hearts, as well.

In terms of aiding your planet, the seeking entity may look at the globe and behold many places where the life forces are weak — the places that are barren and unfruitful. These are places where there needs to be a strengthening — or a tweaking, as this instrument would say — of the Grid. Entities may at any time chose to become radiators of Unconditional Love to the Grid, simply by intending to do so and moving into a state of meditation.

The process of sending this Light forth is one of intending to do so. There are visualizations that aid in this sending of Light for some, such as the visualization of Violet Light being sent, or the visualization of the planet with Light streaming into the Grid and the Grid lighting up.

We would note that your scientists have discovered this Grid, among others, and therefore there is a panoply of sources entities may find that offer information of a linear kind concerning specific portals and grid points that this entity has no language for discussing. However, it is not necessary to know the Grid's makeup in order to aid by the very being of the self within the open heart.

May we answer you further, my brother?

Wynn: What's the best way to align one's own energy centers to the Christ Grid? How do we visualize it in order to send energy to it?

Q'uo: This instrument is familiar with the writings of the one known as Drunvalo Melchizedek, and we would say that the attempt to follow the exercises within that book having to do with the activation of the Mer-Ka-Ba is one system whereby the entity may harness and discipline the wandering mind within ritualistic mental activity that tends to open the energy body.

There are as many ways to open the energy body as there are inspirational experiences. There are many suggestions of such rituals of opening the heart and we would encourage entities who seek such to search the information available for such suggestions. The particular advantage of these rituals is that they can give an individual a reference point for the opening of their life energy and connecting with the Earth Christ Grid.

Beyond these techniques, there is an even more profound experience where one can actually maintain this connection to Christ Grid in a more ongoing way. We suggest paying attention to those ineffable and spontaneous expressions of joy and thanksgiving which each has experienced in ecstatic moments, such as the experiences of the bonding of a man and a woman in love, the bonding of friendships, and the discovery that one loves one's work.

Such feelings open the heart by their very nature. Beauty when perceived purely opens the heart totally. Therefore, what will open the heart for each seeker is unique. For this entity [Carla], it is the returning again and again to the table of Jesus the Christ and to take into herself that very experience which this entity views as Unconditional Love. This entity is in ecstasy as she hears the central words "do this in remembrance of me." And to that, this instrument replies mentally, "I will remember."

For another, the opening of the heart may involve the beauty of a song, the flight of a bird, or the odor of a rose. Each entity's point of balance is different. However, all have something in common: the need to open the heart.

When the heart is asked to open, first we ask the energy body to come into balance, to open and be unclogged. The simple asking of the mind to the self to take care of this aids in the ability to move into that state of consciousness that is the inspiration of love, the passion of right livelihood, or the firm settling upon that which is highest and best.

These feelings of the nature of the realization of Self and the nature about the Self greatly aid in the opening of the heart. Certainly anything that seems inspiring and resonant may be trusted by the discrimination of the individual.

The suggestion that we would close upon is that we would ask each to remember that spiritual evolution is a process of change. Change is, by its nature, a condition that biases the consciousness towards discomfort. The more work one does in consciousness in a day, the faster the metabolism of the consciousness rises. It is as though an entity were exercising muscles.

It is well to seek using measured kinds of meditations, especially if such practice is being done in solitude. In groups, it is much more safe to meditate for longer periods, and we would certainly suggest that entities in groups are more powerful magnetically than by themselves.

We suggest a gentleness with the Self, for the first self which must be loved, before one can love other selves, is one's own Self, and it is the hardest of selves to love. We would ask that each individual attempts to keep the light touch, being passionate and fiery as a lover in pursuit of the truth of the One Infinite Creator and of the nature of the deeper Self.

We thank the one known as Wynn and the other members of our group for calling on our presence for this somewhat unusual session. We have enjoyed meditating and sharing our vibrations with your own, and we thank each for the sacrifices of time and energy that each has made in order to carve out this time of contemplation and questions.

We leave each of you in the Light and Love of the One Infinite Creator. We are those known to you as the principle of Q'uo.


Glossary of Terms

Density: All consciousness in the universe goes through stages of evolution in 8 different densities (or dimensions) as it returns back to God. Normal life on Earth is Third Density, where beings experience themselves as separate from other beings and deal with issues of survival and recognition. A Fourth Density world is one where the inhabitants experience themselves as part of each other and recognize the inherent oneness in all life.

Space/Time: This is the description of the world we live in, where time is fixed and space is a variable.

Time/Space: This is the term which refers to what is commonly called the Other Side or the metaphysical world.

Graduation: The Earth is undergoing a dimensional shift from Third Density to Fourth Density. A certain percentage of the population of Earth will "ascend" to this fourth dimension and be reborn into a Heaven-type world where the inhabitants will experience love and empathy. The rest of the population will be reborn into another Third Density world where they will have another chance to evolve into the Fourth Density. Those who ascend will be said to have graduated.

Harvest: Harvest is another word to describe graduation.

Group Soul (also, Social Memory Complex): As a population continues to evolve beyond Fourth Density experience, it ends up as a conglomeration of energies that no longer need bodies. This conglomeration can aid in the service to lower Third Density worlds by interacting with individuals in a dream or trance state. Everyone moves into other densities during periods of sleep and usually forgets the experiences upon awakening.

Instrument: This term describes those who are able to connect with higher dimensional group souls via trance telepathic sessions.

Carla Rueckert may be contacted by email at



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Telepathy can only occur between conscious beings when they are on the same wavelength, that of delta waves. This occurs when we as humans are soul conscious and with plants and animals most of the time naturally if they are passive. I am sure you have experienced De Ja Vu at some time in your life, this is evidence of Telepathy, a memory remaining in the human soul of a time long lost. Mediation on God will revive this gift free of charge. The deities of Heaven, of Atlantis etc communicated all the time like this, they hardly spoke a word, though matter and the soul were also pure. Atlantis10900542098?profile=original

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Dear Friends,

The following Energy Transmissions are being offered as per schedule given below.Those interested may avail them.All are at 7 pm IST(IST is GMT+5hrs 30 min.)

7th Nov. Eid Ul Zuha(Azha) day Prophets blessings.

10th. Nov. Guru Nanak Jayanti(Kartik Purnima)Blessings.

18th Nov. Kaal Bhairav Jayanti (A bit more potent energy for desolving bad Karma and granting protection)

They will be available for 60 days from Transmission so call in at your convenience.

Simply say"I am now ready to receive the(Relevant Transmission)sent by Aditya"

I hope you enjoy these energies.

Love & Blessings



PS.Due to certain unavoidable personal reasons I could not give the Three day Deepawali Transmissions here but if some one wants it can be made available now.


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Diwali Dance Performance RPI 2010

Diwali (also called as Deepalwali) - festival of lights

Diwali (also called as Deepalwali)

Diwali (also called as Deepalwali), is a festival of lights, symbolize victory of Good over Evil...

People put candles to show path to Goddess Lakshmi (Goddess of Wealth and Prosperity) to their home. We also play crackers.

According to the Vedic culture, the message of Tamaso ma jyotir gamaya (from darkness unto light) is given through the festival of Deepawali to all peoples of the world.

During the night of Deepawali the myriads of little clay lamps (dias) seem to silently send forth Deepawali messages:

Come let us remove darkness from the face of the earth. This is not the work to be done by one dia or by one individual. It requires collective effort. In the diffusion of light the question of high and low is forgotten. This is the lesson taught by both small and big dias.

The second message of the burning Dias is to destroy the difference between rich and poor- the destruction of discrimination based on poverty and wealth. The burning dia, whether in a palatial bungalow or in a grass hut, is a symbol of this unity. The wall of separation based on economic status cannot prevent the penetration and spread of the light of the dia.

The third message of the burning diias of Deepawali is to kindle the extinguished lights of our neighbors. Let us find out what is needed- whether there is a shortage of wick or oil- and just by a little help the neighbor’s lamps can be lit. One dia can light several others. A little charity can bring joy to countless others. The row of lamps teach yet another lesson and that is of unity as exemplified in Satyam, Shivam Sundaram- Truth, Joy and Beauty.

The lights of Deepawali are displayed at the entrance doors, by the walls of houses, in the streets and lanes. This means that the inner spiritual light of the individual must be reflected outside.

Passersby may thereby be prevented from stumbling on their way to reach their destination.

The lights of the dias on earth beckon the lights in the firmaments to descend upon earth and establish the heavenly kingdom of God for the welfare of the human race.

Feeding empty stomachs, lighting blown-out dias and providing cheer and joy amongst the downtrodden is to enter the true spirit of Deepawali. This is the true prayer to Lakshmi Devi.

Wishing you all once again Happy Deepawali..

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Berkshire Bacon Roly Poly Pudding

Berkshire Bacon Roly Poly Pudding

HT MC English 135mins

Serves 4


450g/16oz Plain Flour
175g/6oz Suet
Water to bind
175g/6oz Fat Bacon, chopped
A few sage leaves
2 Onions, chopped
Salt and Black Pepper


1. Bring a large pan of water to the boil. Meanwhile, in a large mixing bowl, mix together the flour and suet. Add enough cold water to form stiff dough.

2. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and roll out to an oblong 6mm/1/4 inch thickness.

3. In another bowl, mix together the bacon, onions, sage, salt and pepper.

4. Place the bacon mixture on the pastry leaving a border of about 5cm/2inches on all sides then roll the suet pastry up to enclose the bacon. Seal the dough by squeezing at both ends then wrap the pudding in a dampened, floured cloth.

5. Boil for about 2 hours, topping up with extra water as necessary. Serve hot with vegetables.

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Bitter Melon

Bitter MelonThe herbaceous, tendril-bearing vine grows to 5 m. It bears simple, alternate leaves 4–12 cm across, with 3–7 deeply separated lobes. Each plant bears separate yellow male and female flowers.The fruit has a distinct warty looking exterior and an oblong shape. It is hollow in cross-section, with a relatively thin layer of flesh surrounding a central seed cavity filled with large flat seeds and pith. Seeds and pith appear white in unripe fruits, ripening to red; they are not intensely bitter and can be removed before cooking. However, the pith will become sweet when the fruit is fully ripe, and the pith's color will turn red. The pith can be eaten uncooked in this state, but the flesh of the melon will be far too tough to be eaten anymore. Red and sweet bitter melon pith is a popular ingredient in some southeast Asian salads.The flesh is crunchy and watery in texture, similar to cucumber, chayote or green bell pepper. The skin is tender and edible. The fruit is most often eaten green. Although it can also be eaten when it has started to ripen and turn yellowish, it becomes more bitter as it ripens. The fully ripe fruit turns orange and mushy, is too bitter to eat, and splits into segments which curl back dramatically to expose seeds covered in bright red pulp.Bitter melon comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. The typical Chinese phenotype is 20–30 cm long, oblong with bluntly tapering ends and pale green in color, with a gently undulating, warty surface. The bitter melon more typical of India has a narrower shape with pointed ends, and a surface covered with jagged, triangular "teeth" and ridges.Coloration is green or white. Between these two extremes are any number of intermediate forms. Some bear miniature fruit of only 6–10 cm in length, which may be served individually as stuffed vegetables. These miniature fruit are popular in Southeast Asia as well as India.Bitter melon contains a bitter compound called momordicin that is said to have a stomachic effect.Culinary Uses• in Chinese cooking , often with pork and douchi), in soups, and also as tea.• in the cuisines of South Asia and the West Indies. In these culinary traditions, it is often prepared with potatoes and served with yogurt on the side to offset the bitterness, or used in sabji.• in Punjabi cuisine, bitter melon is stuffed with spices and then fried in oil• in the cuisine of South Indian state of Kerala, for making a dish called thoran mixed with grated coconut, theeyal and pachadi.• in Karnataka, the term used for bitter gourd is haagalakai (ಹಾಗಲಕಾಯಿ) and used in preparation of a delicacy called gojju (ಗೊಜ್ಜು)• in Andhra Pradesh, it is called as "Kaakarakaaya" popular recipes include curry, deep fry with peanuts (ground nuts), 'Pachi Pulusu' a kind of soup made up of boiled Bitter Melon, fried onions and other spices.• in Okinawan cuisine, it is credited with Okinawan life expectancies being higher than already long Japanese ones. Bitter melon oil contains Eleostearic acid, which is shown to prevent angiogenesis, which is implicated in the growth (but not the incidence) of cancer.[1]• in Indonesia, bitter melon is prepared in various dishes, such as stir fry, cooked in coconut milk, or steamed• in Vietnam, raw bitter melon slices consumed with dried meat floss and stuffed to make bitter melon soup with shrimp are popular dishes. Bitter melons stuffed with ground pork are served as a popular summer soup in the South.• in various dishes in the Philippines, where it is known as Ampalaya. Ampalaya may also be stir-fried with ground beef and oyster sauce, or with eggs and diced tomato. A very popular dish from the Ilocos region of the Philippines, pinakbet, consists mainly of bitter melons, eggplant, okra, string beans, tomatoes, lima beans, and other various regional vegetables stewed with a little bagoong-based stock. The young shoots and leaves may also be eaten as greens; in the Philippines, where bitter melon leaves are commonly consumed, they are called dahon (leaves) ng ampalaya.• in Nepal bitter melon is prepared in various ways.• in Pakistan bitter melon is available in the summertime, and is cooked with lots of onions.The seeds can also be eaten, and have a sweet taste but are known to cause nauseaMedicinal UseBitter melon has been used in various Asian traditional medicine systems for a long time. Like most bitter-tasting foods, bitter melon stimulates digestion. While this can be helpful in people with sluggish digestion, dyspepsia, and constipation, it can sometimes make heartburn and ulcers worse. The fact that bitter melon is also a demulcent and at least mild inflammation modulator, however, means that it rarely does have these negative effects, based on clinical experience and traditional reports.Though it has been claimed that bitter melon’s bitterness comes from quinine, no evidence could be located supporting this claim. Bitter melon is traditionally regarded by Asians, as well as Panamanians and Colombians, as useful for preventing and treating malaria.Laboratory studies have confirmed that various species of bitter melon have anti-malarial activity, though human studies have not yet been published.In Panama bitter melon is known as Balsamino. The pods are smaller and bright orange when ripe with very sweet red seeds, but only the leaves of the plant are brewed in hot water to create a tea to treat malaria and diabetes. The leaves are allowed to steep in hot water before being strained thoroughly so that only the remaining liquid is used for the tea.Laboratory tests suggest that compounds in bitter melon might be effective for treating HIV infection. As most compounds isolated from bitter melon that impact HIV have either been proteins or glycoproteins lectins), neither of which are well-absorbed, it is unlikely that oral intake of bitter melon will slow HIV in infected people. It is possible oral ingestion of bitter melon could offset negative effects of anti-HIV drugs, if a test tube study can be shown to be applicable to people.In one preliminary clinical trial, an enema form of a bitter melon extract showed some benefits in people infected with HIV (Zhang 1992). Clearly more research is necessary before this could be recommended.The other realm showing the most promise related to bitter melon is as an immunomodulator.One clinical trial found very limited evidence that bitter melon might improve immune cell function in people with cancer, but this needs to be verified and amplified in other research. If proven correct this is another way bitter melon could help people infected with HIV.Folk wisdom has it that bitter melon helps to prevent or counteract type-II diabetes. A recent scientific study at JIPMER, India has proved that bitter melon increases insulin sensitivity. Also, in 2007, the Philippine Department of Health issued a circular stating that bitter melon, as a scientifically validated herbal medicinal plant, can lower elevated blood sugar levels.The study revealed that a 100 milligram per kilo dose per day is comparable to 2.5 milligrams of the anti-diabetes drug Glibenclamide taken twice per day. Bitter melon is sold in the Philippines as a food supplement and marketed under the trade name Charantia. Charantia capsules and tea are being exported to the United States, Canada, Europe, Mexico, Japan, Korea, and parts of the Middle East.Bitter melon transformed into capsule form and sold as a food supplement.Bitter Melon contains four very promising bioactive compounds. These compounds activate a protein called AMPK, which is well known for regulating fuel metabolism and enabling glucose uptake, processes which are impaired in diabetics. "We can now understand at a molecular level why bitter melon works as a treatment for diabetes," said David James, director of the diabetes and obesity program at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney. "By isolating the compounds we believe to be therapeutic, we can investigate how they work together in our cells."Bitter melon contains a lectin that has insulin-like activity.The insulin-like bioactivity of this lectin is due to its linking together 2 insulin receptors.This lectin lowers blood glucose concentrations by acting on peripheral tissues and, similar to insulin's effects in the brain, suppressing appetite. This lectin is likely a major contributor to the hypoglycemic effect that develops after eating bitter melon and why it may be a way of managing adult-onset diabetes. Lectin binding is non-protein specific, and this is likely why bitter melon has been credited with immunostimulatory activity - by linking receptors that modulate the immune system, thereby stimulating said receptors.Various cautions are indicated. The seeds contains vicine and therefore can trigger symptoms of favism in susceptible individuals. In addition, the red arils of the seeds are reported to be toxic to children, and the fruit is contraindicated during pregnancy.
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11-11-11 Don't Miss This Amazing Opportunity!

11-11-11 Don't Miss This Amazing Opportunity!by Patricia Diane Cota-Robleswww.eraofpeace.orgPeople everywhere are recognizing that there is something wonderful taking place. Every heart is beginning to stir, and a sense of Inner Knowing is resonating within every person's Heart Flame.This is a moment we have all been preparing for aeons of time to participate in. Let's not miss this amazing opportunity.Please read the following information with an open heart and mind.Eleven is the Master Number that reflects the transformation of the physical into the Divine. On November 11, 2011, which is the eleventh day of the eleventh month of the eleventh year of the new millennium, we have an unprecedented opportunity to add to the Light of the world. There are myriad activities of Light and global meditations scheduled for that powerful day, and all of them are weaving their Light into the unfolding Divine Plan. What I would like to share with you today is the global activity of Light that the Company of Heaven has asked those of us at the New Age Study of Humanity’s Purpose to orchestrate on behalf of ALL Humanity and ALL Life evolving on this blessed planet. This event will fulfill a critical facet of the Divine Plan, and it will enhance the plethora of Light-filled events that will take place during this Cosmic Moment on Earth.The events of 11-11-11 will be multifaceted and multidimensional, but one of the most significant events involves a quantum shift in Earth’s Crystal Grid System. This is the system that functions within the body of Mother Earth in the same way Humanity’s Chakras, acupuncture meridians, and acupuncture points function in our bodies. The Crystal Grid System is the vehicle through which the Light of God is flowing to increase the energy, vibration, and consciousness of every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of precious Life energy existing on Earth. This is the system through which Earth’s Ascension into the 5th-Dimensional Realms of Infinite Light is being victoriously accomplished.The Company of Heaven has asked us to take a group of Lightworkers on a sacred two-week pilgrimage to New Zealand during the influx of Light that will take place leading up to, including, and following 11-11-11. The reason we have been asked to travel to New Zealand is because of the critical role this sacred land is playing in Earth’s Ascension process. New Zealand receives the first impulse of every new day for the planet, so the first frequencies of 11-11-11 will bathe New Zealand and then spread around the globe in a wave of resplendent Light.The Beings of Light have revealed that New Zealand serves as the Hands of Mother Earth. As you know, we receive and transmit energy through our hands. Every acupuncture meridian is represented within the acupuncture pressure points in our hands.The Light flowing through our acupuncture meridians is the Lifeforce that nourishes and sustains every cell, gland, muscle, organ, and function of our physical body. This is the Light that allows us to live, move, think, and breathe. The Light we receive through our hands flows through every acupuncture meridian and helps to unblock the areas in our body that are having trouble receiving and assimilating the electronic Light substance that is our Gift of Life, our Lifeforce, from our Father-Mother God, the Source of All That Is.Mother Earth’s Crystal Grid System functions just like our acupuncture meridians. The Hands of Mother Earth, New Zealand, likewise receive and transmit Light to help unblock the areas in the body of Mother Earth that are having trouble assimilating the electronic Light substance from our Father-Mother God. Our mission on this sacred pilgrimage is to serve as a mighty transformer through which the Light of God will flow into the Hands of Mother Earth and then be transmitted into every facet of the Crystal Grid System. The Divine Intent of this mission is to unblock any area in Earth’s Crystal Grid System that might have difficulty receiving and assimilating the monumental influx of Light that will occur on 11-11-11.Even though there will only be 120 Lightworkers on this pilgrimage, this is a global activity of Light. Every place on Earth where people abide is an acupuncture pressure point in the body of Mother Earth.It is vital that people all over the world receive and assimilate the expansion of Light that will be flowing through the Crystal Grid System to remove the blockages in the body of Mother Earth. This will clear the way for the most powerful influx of Light the Earth has ever experienced, on 11-11-11.I will mention that this pilgrimage has been sold out for over a year, but in the last few days we have had a couple of cancellations. If you have the heart call to join us on this great adventure please go to our website, , and click on the link for 11-11-11 New Zealand Pilgrimage. For those of you who will be joining us in consciousness and anchoring this amazing Light in other locations around the world, we want you to know that the Company of Heaven and those of us who will be traveling to New Zealand are eternally grateful for your willingness to help Humanity and all Life evolving on Earth with this vital facet of the Divine Plan.Our pilgrimage will begin on November 7th in Auckland, New Zealand. On November 8th, we will have an open gathering for anyone in New Zealand who would like to come to connect with us and weave his or her Light into our Chalice of Light. This gathering will be free and open to the public. This open meeting will be held at Kadimah College from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. The college is next to our hotel, Amora Auckland Hotel, 100 Greys Avenue, Auckland, New Zealand.If you want to join us in consciousness day-by-day as we travel to the power points we have been guided to by the Company of Heaven, our itinerary is available on our website. Each day a few of the meridians within Earth’s Crystal Grid System will be cleared and strengthened. By 11-11-11 that phase of the Divine Plan will be complete.On November 11, 2011, 11-11-11, we will have two activities of Light. First, for eleven minutes, from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m. New Zealand time, our group, and Lightworkers organizing activities of Light throughout New Zealand, will open the portal for the initial influx of the 11-11-11 wave of Light that will flow around the world, time zone by time zone. The Company of Heaven is asking people everywhere on the planet to invoke their I AM Presence and to expand their Heart Flames for eleven minutes, from 11:00 to 11:11 a.m, in their local time zone. Through this focus of unified consciousness a portal of Light will be opened in each vicinity. Then the unfathomable influx of Divine Light from 11-11-11 will flow into the Crystal Grid System through these portals. The energy, vibration, and consciousness of every particle of Life on Earth will be raised the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.11:00 a.m. New Zealand time on 11-11-11, is 2:00 p.m. Pacific Time on November 10, 2011, or 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time on November 10, 2011. For other time zones Google: New Zealand Time Converter.After the portal is opened in New Zealand our group will continue our pilgrimage to the beautiful Chateau Hotel Tongariro. There we will have a Ceremony of Light that is open to New Zealanders. The ceremony will begin at 1:30 p.m. on 11-11-11. From 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. we will have afternoon tea with the intention of giving people the chance to meet each other and talk. There is a small charge of NZ $20. per person. If you are interested in joining this activity of Light please e-mail Shirley at to reserve your space and receive more information.The Company of Heaven has given us a powerful meditation that we can all do starting now and continuing through the assimilation of the 11-11-11 energies which will be completed on 11-22-11. The Divine Intent of this guided meditation is to heal every aspect of Humanity’s physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies of Mother Earth the maximum that Cosmic Law will allow.Our physical bodies are a reflection of Mother Earth’s body. We are One with the Earth and she is One with us. As we draw the intensified frequencies of the Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation through each system in our bodies this Healing Light will also flow through the correlating systems in the body of Mother Earth. The Flame of Healing Through the Power of Infinite Transmutation is an exquisite emerald green Flame with a violet radiance. According to the Company of Heaven, this Sacred Fire is the most powerful frequency of Healing on the planet.We have recently been given a very sacred piece of music that is intended to enhance our body’s, and the body of Mother Earth’s, natural ability to heal itself. This special music is being offered as a FREE download on our website. Just go to and click on the link that says Musical Rapture. Please read the information given on the download page, so you will fully understand what a sacred gift this music is and how to respect it and receive the most benefit from it.This music will greatly empower the following invocation which has been given to us by the Company of Heaven to help us prepare for the Cosmic Moment of 11-11-11 and beyond.Healing Visualization for 11-11-11I AM sitting comfortably in my chair with my spine as straight as possible and my arms and legs uncrossed. This allows me to be an open conduit for the emerald green Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation with its violet radiance.I breathe in and out deeply, and I completely relax. My I AM Presence takes command, and any tension, doubt or fear I may have just drops away.This is a very special time just for me, and anything that I need to take care of will be waiting for me when I AM through, so for the time being, I just let it go.During this activity of Light, I AM drawing the Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation from the very Heart of my Father-Mother God. This gift from God flows into every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of my four Earthly bodies, the Earthly bodies of every man, woman, and child on Earth, and the physical, etheric, mental, and emotional strata within the bodies of Mother Earth. As I invoke this Healing Activity of Light for myself it is simultaneously taking place through all Humanity and Mother Earth in perfect alignment with each person’s highest good and the Divine Plan, for we are One. There is no separation. As this Healing Light enters the core of purity in every electron, it heals, restores, and rejuvenates our bodies and transforms them into a state of vibrant health, eternal youth, and God’s Infinite Perfection.The Flame of Healing Through the Infinite Power of Transmutation enters the top of my head and descends into the Flame of Divinity in my heart. As it merges with the Immortal Victorious Threefold Flame in my heart, it expands out as a tremendous starburst and flows through my Chakra system and my acupuncture meridians into the Crystal Grid System within the body of Mother Earth. The Sacred Fire heals, cleanses, purifies, restores, and transfigures every cell, organ, system, and function of my bodies back into vibrant health.Now, with deep concentration, I visualize this emerald green and violet Flame as it passes through my body system by system.1. It begins by expanding through my physical brain structure, my spinal cord, nervous system, Chakra system, acupuncture points, and the corresponding meridians removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame raises my conscious awareness and increases my ability to use my thoughts and all of the aspects of my Chakra system to empower my thinking process as I cocreate the infinite perfection of the New Earth.2. Next the Healing Flame flows into my eyes—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my eyes to perfect sight, allowing me to see and recognize perfection in all Life.3. The Healing Flame now flows into my ears—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my ears to perfect hearing, allowing me to hear the inner voice of my I AM Presence and the music of the spheres.4. The Healing Flame now flows into my nostrils, sinuses, respiratory system, lungs, larynx, vocal chords, trachea, bronchial tubes, and every function of my voice and breathing apparatus—removing any trace of disease or imbalance of any kind.The Healing Flame enhances my breathing and enables me to absorb the maximum prana on the Holy Breath. I now experience the fragrance and breath of the Holy Spirit, and I AM empowered to speak with “the tongues of Angels.”5. Next the Healing Flame flows into my mouth, teeth, gums, tongue, esophagus, stomach, liver, gallbladder, small intestines, ileocecal valve, large intestines, appendix, colon, kidneys, bladder and every aspect of my digestive and elimination systems— removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores all of these aspects of my digestive system, allowing me to purify my body and to assimilate my food and drink perfectly.6. Next the Healing Flame flows into my spiritual brain centers: my pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of my brain. It flows into the remainder of my endocrine system, my thyroid, thymus, pancreas, spleen, adrenal glands, gonads, and all other glands associated with this ductless system—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores all of these facets of my body to perfect balance and function.7. Next the Healing Flame flows into my circulatory system: my lymphatic system, lymph nodes, and lymphatic fluid. It flows to the muscle of my heart, the chambers, valves, veins, arteries, capillaries, my red, and white blood cells, and my bone marrow removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of my circulatory system, allowing me to utilize my Lifeforce with balance and harmony, empowering my feelings with Love, as I cocreate the infinite perfection of the New Earth and empower our New Planetary CAUSE of Divine Love.8. The Healing Flame now flows into my reproductive system, my female or male organs—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of my reproductive system, allowing me to hold the sacred space for myself or anyone else who is destined to bring in the children of the New Earth. I AM creating a clear chalice in every mother and father, a Holy Grail, through which these precious children will be born into the physical plane.These transfigured reproductive systems will enable the incoming children to have perfect vehicles through which they will assist in cocreating the New Earth.9. Next the Healing Flame flows into my skeletal and my muscular systems: my bones, muscles, joints, tendons, ligaments, cartilage, fat cells and connective tissue—removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores every aspect of these systems, flooding me with strength and eternal youth.10. The Healing Flame now flows through my skin, hair, nails, and every other aspect of my physical, etheric, mental, and emotional bodies removing every trace of disease or imbalance of any kind. The Healing Flame restores my bodies transfiguring me into the Immaculate Concept of my Solar Light Bodies of Vibrant Health, Eternal Youth, and Infinite Perfection,11. Now, with this emerald green and violet Healing Flame pulsating in, through, and around every electron of Humanity’s Earthly bodies and the bodies of Mother Earth, I ask the Legions of Light associated with this Sacred Fire to maintain and sustain this Activity of Healing Light in through and around every atomic and subatomic particle and wave of Life on Earth until we are ALL wholly Ascended and FREE. And so it is, Beloved I AM.Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesNew Age Study of Humanity's Purposea 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organizationhttp://eraofpeace.orgFAX: 520-751-2981;Phone: 520-885-7909New Age Study of Humanity's PurposePO Box 41883,Tucson, Arizona 85717This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as it is not altered and the proper credit line is included.©2011 Patricia Diane Cota-RoblesThe information in this monthly sharing is being given to Humanity by the Beings of Light in the Realms of Illumined Truth. The Divine Intent of these celestial sharings is to encourage, empower, uplift, and inspire Humanity by allowing us to see the bigger picture during these wondrous but often challenging times.
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11:11:11 Oracle Vision

11:11:11 Oracle VisionNovember 1, 2011Blessings Dear Sun Family,The culminating moment is almost here and we now begin the 11-day countdown to the11:11:11 first wave ascension spiral!The excitement is sure building and we are so grateful and blessed with not eventhe words to adequately express the inner feelings. We sincerely thank you forall of the appreciation mail and donations being made towards our focus of lightactivity. Our hands are on our hearts in deep gratefulness for your continuingsupport to the Foundation. Without you, our reunited family, none of this wouldeven be possible.The following information addresses the many questions coming into the Foundationand shares our highest vision from intuitive impression and direct personal experiences.Oracle Visioning for Children of the SunThe triple date portal of 11-11-11 is a cosmic trigger that launches all life intoa simultaneous raising of vibrational frequency. This carries the potential to catalyzemajor impacts within the planetary grids, causing a very swift polarity reversalwithin our consciousness. This keystone activation triggers a powerful sequenceof portal openings across the globe.It is not possible to understand exactly how this will outplay because we, ourselves,are creating this event in every now moment of positive and most dynamic intention.The Stargate is Inside UsThe inner "Stargate" is already activating within each of us, as a whole new holographicreality. It is simply waiting to be acknowledged in order to anchor the createdmatrix of light into the core of our being as our new strands of DNA are fired througheach burst of the greater collective awakening. The First Wave ascensions will catapultour entire Group Body.When we speak of portals or stargates, we speak of these in context of a transition,from one dimensional perception to the next. This is occurring, first and foremost,within the inner realms of our consciousness. This is an inner event and one thatconnects the lifestream to the Soul, and more importantly, to the Group Soul. Thisis the key that unlocks the Seal to Divine Remembrance.It is not necessary to be in any specific place physically upon the Earth to receiveor experience this "passage" through the time portals. Each person will have theirown unique experience depending on where they are in their current understandingsand level of purity. Every single person will be affected, especially those whoare in group formation. This is a tremendous raising through the group merkabicfield.An Internal Pole ShiftWe feel that this energy internalizes an energetic pole shift with real potentialfor the nervous system to be recalibrated to the 5th dimensional frequency of theNew Earth harmonic which then enables us to perceive beyond our electromagneticforms. This eventually integrates a multidimensional consciousness that can traverseboth time-space and space-time.The spin points upholding the energy matrix of free will is dissolved in our entireenergetic system, shifting our polarity to the Love and Light of Divine Will, permanently.The Planetary Sacred Sites are Highly ActivatedAll sacred power sites upon the Earth are greatly activated due to the extreme frequencies of light as a result of this alignment and also as a result of the tremendous numbers of human souls coming together in consciousness on this day. To be physically present at sacred sites and places upon the Earth that hold high levels of crystal energy will greatly amplify our direct experiences.Sacred sites are inter-dimensional spaces where we may easily access the expandeddimensions. If we cannot be there, physically, we can travel to these sacred sitesin soul consciousness. Either way, we can magnetize the releasing codes of lightfrom these places simply through our intention and focused attention.Stargate TiticacaThe Lake Titicaca Stargate is an etheric portal gifting access directly to Venus,as one of its inter-dimensional space-time coordinates.For a brief period of time, this portal frequency will completely open to assistin the first wave ascensions; assisted by the magnetic pull from the orbit of Venus.This portal is similar to passing through a birth canal as it is literally filledwith key codes to fire the DNA encodement and anchor the remaining axiotonal spinpoints of our expanded blueprint. This applies to first wave ascenders who haveprepared the physical form and who have accepted their mission to make a dimensionalconsciousness shift at this time.Our entrance through the Titicaca Stargate is accessed through our consciousnessmerger with the Golden Sun Disc which we, ourselves, encoded during previous lifetimes in Lemuria, just before its cataclysmic demise. It functions like a crystal skullin that this discal solar helix (likened to a DNA strand) holds the records that we encoded within it prior to the sinking of our beloved Motherland. These recordshave to do with the remembrance of who we are and the lifting of the veils to enableour journey through the barriers of time.As the first wave ascensions take place during the 11-11-11, this encoded informationwill be unlocked and transmitted to our entire Group Soul due to the coherence ofour merkabic field of energy. This produces subsequent firing of our collectiveSoul DNA while synchronistically eradicating the duality timeline.Our passage through this stargate of consciousness, in tandem as one Group Body,sets up a grand chain reaction throughout the planet to trigger greater activationof all 12 Golden Solar Discs and the Solar Grid's adherence to the Crystalline Grid,allowing amplified levels of Divine Love to flood to the planet.All of this is fired through Group Love.We are remaining on the PlanetWe are all here on Earth with a different mission. Speaking on behalf of Childrenof the Sun Foundation and its mission as an emerging Group Avatar, we are NOT leaving the planet on 11-11-11, although many of us may need some serious down time to integrate these new frequencies into our physical form.Regarding our Group Soul, we intuitively feel:1. A small group of light servers ("first wave") will ascend their frequencies and actually remain in the new dimensional space time coordinates recalibrating completely to the 5th dimension. This ascending process of transfiguration is actually happening now within the conscious form.2. Another group of light servers will ascend momentarily in the 11:11:11 wave in which to receive an immense activation from the dramatic acceleration of frequencies.Continued integration will enable the consciousness to traverse multiple realitieswhile continuing to serve humanity from the bridge 'between' dimensional realities.3. The majority of light servers will experience a greatly expanded state of dimension briefly and then continue purifying/preparing the body and consciousness for final transition during 2012 and the 2012 ascension window of opportunity.11-11-11 Sequence of EventsThe portal energies are arriving now and the greatest window of opportunity fordimensional passage is November 8-14. As Divine Orchestration would have it, wehave a full moon on November 10, one day prior to 11-11-11, giving us an additionalopportunity to Fire the Grid as a Group Transmission Team.It is most challenging to specify certain dates and times because all that is occurringis not in any way related to time-space. The outer events, activations, transmissionsand such are but 'ceremonies' that acknowledge what is happening and help us tocognize the shift through the form... giving us more direct and tangible experiences.Arkansas-Titicaca-SedonaPivotal Trinity FiringIn ages past and just prior to the fall of Lemuria and Atlantis, we programmed themain Titicaca Solar Disc (and all of its triggering master crystals) to serve asthe initial portal entry which ushers through the first wave of human ascensions.This primary activation is part of the grand trigger that sets off a chain reactionresulting in the activations of other Solar Discs, ascension gates and portal conduitsaround the planet to support the subsequent liberation of the human race.The Stargates are constructed and have been for millennia. What was needed to renderthem useful was:* The reactivation of the major Atlantean and Lemurian crystals that were plantedduring those earlier epochs.* The astrological progression of the precession of the equinoxes and subsequentalignment of celestial objects.* The awakened I AM Race (us).This approaching event is perfectly orchestrated to occur simultaneously as a mastercapacitor Platinum Crystal from Atlantis activates in the crystal beds of Arkansas.Our fellow light tribe, the Earth-Keepers led by Tyberonn, will be in the fieldassisting with this grand activation on the 11-11-11.In combination with the Crysto-Sun-Disc activation taking place at the Arkansasvortex, the energies brought forth there will exponentially amplify and anchor thehighly potent platinum frequency upon the Earth during the planetary crystallinetransition.During the Arkansas recoding, we draw a compelling parallel between this experienceand that of a primary seal being "unlocked". As the seal is removed through theintensifying cosmic energy and our collective focus, a mass triggering will occurcausing a spontaneous combustion to fire through the grids, especially the planetaryCrystalline Grid. Highly charged pulsations will channel directly to Lake Titicacato ignite the Golden Sun Disc into FULL momentous power.As this regards the Children of the Sun mission, this entire sequence of eventsis a trinity firing. Once the recoding occurs at Arkansas, igniting the Disc atLake Titicaca, this stream of energy then triggers into another spontaneous combustionof energy with the highly potent surge channeled directly to Sedona, Arizona whichthen fires the unlocking of the counter-rotating field of energy that bridges andmarries the Titicaca-Sedona vortex fields into one of absolute balance. (The Eagleand the Condor).The pulsating waves of Divine Love will assist in actualizing the Crystalline Cityof Light within Sedona into the physical/etheric realms, becoming the blueprintof Light for the actualization of all the Crystalline Cities of Light within andaround this earth plane.Further Support and Understanding11:11:11 PREPARATIONChildren of the Sun's Rites of Passage (#6 of 7)The Rite of Selfless ServiceMp3 Support []11:11:11 Stargate Activation of Divine LoveAnrita Melchizedek, The Melchizedek and Pleiadian Light NetworkLink to article []11:11:11 Message from the Pleiadian Council of LightMeditations and Mudras from SOLARA AN-RAAt our You Tube Portal for 11:11:11 []11:11:11 EVENTS:Directly supporting the Trinity Firing through the Crystalline Grid!Lake Titicaca-Sedona-Arkansas
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The Food Movement: Its Power and Possibilities

The Food Movement: Its Power and Possibilities--by Frances Moore Lappé , Original StoryFor years I’ve been asked, “Since you wrote Diet for a Small Planet in 1971, have things gotten better or worse?” Hoping I don’t sound glib, my response is always the same: “Both.”As food growers, sellers and eaters, we’re moving in two directions at once.The number of hungry people has soared to nearly 1 billion, despite strong global harvests. And for even more people, sustenance has become a health hazard—with the US diet implicated in four out of our top ten deadly diseases. Power over soil, seeds and food sales is ever more tightly held, and farmland in the global South is being snatched away from indigenous people by speculators set to profit on climbing food prices. Just four companies control at least three-quarters of international grain trade; and in the United States, by 2000, just ten corporations—with boards totaling only 138 people—had come to account for half of US food and beverage sales. Conditions for American farmworkers remain so horrific that seven Florida growers have been convicted of slavery involving more than 1,000 workers. Life expectancy of US farmworkers is forty-nine years.That’s one current. It’s antidemocratic and deadly.There is, however, another current, which is democratizing power and aligning farming with nature’s genius. Many call it simply “the global food movement.” In the United States it’s building on the courage of truth tellers from Upton Sinclair to Rachel Carson, and worldwide it has been gaining energy and breadth for at least four decades.Some Americans see the food movement as “nice” but peripheral—a middle-class preoccupation with farmers’ markets, community gardens and healthy school lunches. But no, I’ll argue here. It is at heart revolutionary, with some of the world’s poorest people in the lead, from Florida farmworkers to Indian villagers. It has the potential to transform not just the way we eat but the way we understand our world, including ourselves. And that vast power is just beginning to erupt.The WorkIn a farmworker camp in Ohio, a young mother sat on her bed. She was dying of cancer, but with no bitterness she asked me a simple question: “We provide people food—why don’t they respect our work?” That was 1984. She had no protection from pesticides, or even the right to safe drinking water in the field.Twenty-five years later, in Immokalee, Florida, I walked through a grungy, sweltering 300-foot trailer, home to eight tomato pickers, but what struck me most was a sense of possibility in the workers themselves.They are among the 4,000 mainly Latino, Mayan Indian and Haitian members of the Coalition of Immokalee Workers, formed in 1993—more than two decades after Cesar Chavez’s United Farm Workers’ victorious five-year grape strike and national boycott. In the 1990s, CIW’s struggle over five years, including a 230-mile walk and hunger strike, achieved the first industrywide pay increase in twenty years. Still, it only brought real wages back to pre-1980 levels. So in 2001, CIW launched its Campaign for Fair Food. Dogged organizing forced four huge fast-food companies—McDonald’s, Taco Bell, Burger King and Subway—to agree to pay a penny more per pound and adhere to a code of conduct protecting workers. Four large food-service providers, including Sodexo, were also brought on board. Beginning this fall, CIW will start implementing these changes at 90 percent of Florida tomato farms—improving the lives of 30,000 tomato pickers. Now the campaign is focused on supermarkets such as Trader Joe’s, Stop & Shop and Giant.The LandIn Brazil, almost 400,000 farmworker families have not only found their voices but gained access to land, joining the roughly half-billion small farms worldwide that produce 70 percent of the world’s food.Elsewhere, calls for more equitable access to land in recent decades have generally gone nowhere—despite evidence that smallholders are typically more productive and better resource guardians than big operators.So what happened in Brazil?With the end of dictatorship in 1984 came the birth of arguably the largest social movement in the hemisphere: the Landless Workers Movement, known by its Portuguese acronym MST. Less than 4 percent of Brazil’s landowners control about half the land, often gained illegally. MST’s goal is land reform, and in 1988 Brazil’s new Constitution gave the movement legal grounding: Article 5 states that “property shall fulfill its social function,” and Article 184 affirms the government’s power to “expropriate…for purposes of agrarian reform, rural property” that fails to meet this requirement.Well-organized occupations of unused land, under the cover of night, had been MST’s early tactic; after 1988 the same approach helped compel the government to uphold the Constitution.Because of the courage of these landless workers, a million people are building new lives on roughly 35 million acres, creating several thousand farming communities with schools serving 150,000 kids, along with hundreds of cooperative and other enterprises.Nevertheless, MST co-founder João Pedro Stédile said early this year that the global financial crisis has led “international capitalists” to try to “protect their funds” by investing in Brazilian “land and energy projects”—driving renewed land concentration.And in the United States? The largest 9 percent of farms produce more than 60 percent of output. But small farmers still control more than half our farmland, and the growing market for healthy fresh food has helped smallholders grow: their numbers went up by 18,467 between 2002 and 2007. To support them, last winter the Community Food Security Coalition held community “listening sessions,” attended by 700 people, to sharpen citizen goals for the 2012 farm bill.

The Seed

Just as dramatic is the struggle for the seed. More than 1,000 independent seed companies were swallowed up by multinationals in the past four decades, so today just three—Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta—control about half the proprietary seed market worldwide.Fueling the consolidation were three Supreme Court rulings since 1980—including one in 2002, with an opinion written by former Monsanto attorney Clarence Thomas—making it possible to patent life forms, including seeds. And in 1992 the Food and Drug Administration released its policy on genetically modified organisms, claiming that “the agency is not aware of any information showing that [GMO] foods…differ from other foods in any meaningful or uniform way.”The government’s green light fueled the rapid spread of GMOs and monopolies—so now most US corn and soybeans are GMO, with genes patented largely by one company: Monsanto. The FDA position helped make GMOs’ spread so invisible that most Americans still don’t believe they’ve ever eaten them—even though the grocery industry says they could be in 75 percent of processed food.Even fewer Americans are aware that in 1999 attorney Steven Druker reported that in 40,000 pages of FDA files secured via a lawsuit, he found “memorandum after memorandum contain[ing] warnings about the unique hazards of genetically engineered food,” including the possibility that they could contain “unexpected toxins, carcinogens or allergens.”Yet at the same time, public education campaigns have succeeded in confining almost 80 percent of GMO planting to just three countries: the United States, Brazil and Argentina. In more than two dozen countries and in the European Union they’ve helped pass mandatory GMO labeling. Even China requires it.In Europe, the anti-GMO tipping point came in 1999. Jeffrey Smith, author of Seeds of Deception, expects that the same shift will happen here, as more Americans than ever actively oppose GMOs.This year the “non-GMO” label is the third-fastest-growing new health claim on food packaging. Smith is also encouraged that milk products produced with the genetically modified drug rBGH “have been kicked out of Wal-Mart, Starbucks, Yoplait, Dannon, and most American dairies.”Around the world, millions are saying no to seed patenting as well. In homes and village seed banks, small farmers and gardeners are saving, sharing and protecting tens of thousands of seed varieties.In the United States, the Seed Savers Exchange in Decorah, Iowa, estimates that since 1975 members have shared roughly a million samples of rare garden seeds.In the Indian state of Andhra Pradesh—known as the pesticide capital of the world—a women-led village movement, the Deccan Development Society, puts seed-saving at the heart of its work. After the crushing failure of GMO cotton and ill health linked to pesticides, the movement has helped 125 villages convert to more nutritious, traditional crop mixes, feeding 50,000 people.On a larger scale, Vandana Shiva’s organization, Navdanya, has helped to free 500,000 farmers from chemical dependency and to save indigenous seeds—the group’s learning and research center protects 3,000 varieties of rice, plus other crops.Agri-Culture In all these ways and more, the global food movement challenges a failing frame: one that defines successful agriculture and the solution to hunger as better technologies increasing yields of specific crops. This is typically called “industrial agriculture,” but a better description might be “productivist,” because it fixates on production, or “reductivist,” because it narrows our focus to a single element.Its near obsession with the yield of a monoculture is anti-ecological. It not only pollutes, diminishes and disrupts nature; it misses ecology’s first lesson: relationships. Productivism isolates agriculture from its relational context—from its culture.In 2008 a singular report helped crack the productivist frame. This report, “The International Assessment of Agricultural Knowledge, Science and Technology for Development” (known simply as IAASTD), explained that solutions to poverty, hunger and the climate crisis require agriculture that promotes producers’ livelihoods, knowledge, resiliency, health and equitable gender relations, while enriching the natural environment and helping to balance the carbon cycle. Painstakingly developed over four years by 400 experts, the report has gained the support of more than fifty-nine governments, and even productivist strongholds like the World Bank.IAASTD furthers an emerging understanding that agriculture can serve life only if it is regarded as a culture of healthy relationships, both in the field—among soil organisms, insects, animals, plants, water, sun—and in the human communities it supports: a vision lived by many indigenous people and captured in 1981 by Wendell Berry in The Gift of Good Land and twenty years later by Jules Pretty in Agri-Culture: Reconnecting People, Land and Nature.Across cultures, the global food movement is furthering agri-culture by uniting diverse actors and fostering democratic relationships. A leader is La Via Campesina, founded in 1993 when small farmers and rural laborers gathered from four continents in Belgium. Its goal is “food sovereignty”—a term carefully chosen to situate “those who produce, distribute, and consume food at the heart of food systems and policies, rather than the demands of markets and corporations,” says the declaration closing the group’s 2007 global gathering in Nyeleni, Mali. La Via Campesina connects 150 local and national organizations, and 200 million small farmers, in seventy countries. In 2009 it was included among civil society players on the UN Committee on Food Security.And in the urban North, how is the food movement enhancing agri-culture?For sure, more and more Americans are getting their hands in the dirt—motivated increasingly by a desire to cut “food miles” and greenhouse gases. Roughly a third of American households (41 million) garden, up 14 percent in 2009 alone. As neighbors join neighbors, community gardens are blooming.From only a handful in 1970, there are 18,000 community gardens today. In Britain community gardens are in such demand—with 100,000 Brits on waiting lists for a plot—that the mayor of London promised 2,012 new ones by 2012.And in 2009 the Slow Food movement, with 100,000 members in 153 countries, created 300 “eat-ins”—shared meals in public space—to launch its US “Time for Lunch” campaign, with a goal of delicious healthy school meals for the 31 million kids eating them every day.An Economics of Agri-CultureAgri-culture’s unity of healthy farming ecology and social ecology transforms the market itself: from the anonymous, amoral selling and buying within a market structured to concentrate power to a market shaped by shared human values structured to ensure fairness and co-responsibility.In 1965 British Oxfam created the first fair-trade organization, called Helping-by-Selling, in response to calls from poor countries for “trade, not aid.” Today more than 800 products are fair-trade certified, directly benefiting 6 million people. Last year the US fair-trade market passed $1.5 billion.The Real Food Challenge, launched by young people in 2007, is working to jump-start a US swing to “real food”—defined as that respecting “human dignity and health, animal welfare, social justice and environmental sustainability.” Student teams are mobilizing to persuade campus decision-makers to commit themselves to making a minimum of
20 percent of their college or university food “real” by 2020. With more than 350 schools already on board, the Challenge founders have set an ambitious goal: to shift $1 billion to real food purchases in ten years.Farmers’ markets, the direct exchange between farmer and eater, are also creating a fairer agri-culture. So rare before the mid-’90s that the USDA didn’t even bother to track them, more than 7,000 farmers’ markets dot the country in 2011, a more than fourfold increase in seventeen years.Other democratic economic models are also gaining ground:In 1985 an irrepressible Massachusetts farmer named Robyn Van En helped create the first US Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program, in which eaters are no longer just purchasers but partners, helping to shoulder the farmer’s risk by prepaying for a share of the harvest before the planting season. On weekends, “my” CSA—Waltham Fields, near Boston—is alive as families pick and chat, and kids learn how to spot the yummiest strawberries. Now there are 2,500 CSAs across the country, while more than 12,500 farms informally use this prepay, partnership approach.The cooperative model is spreading too, replacing one dollar, one vote—the corporate form—with one person, one vote. In the 1970s, US food cooperatives took off. Today there are 160 nationwide, and co-op veteran Annie Hoy in Ashland, Oregon, sees a new upsurge. Thirty-nine have just opened, or are “on their way right now,” she told me.Funky storefronts of the 1970s, famous for limp organic carrots, have morphed into mouthwatering community hubs. Beginning as a food-buying club of fifteen families in 1953, Seattle’s PCC Natural Markets has nine stores and almost 46,000 members, making it the largest US food cooperative. Its sales more than doubled in a decade.Producer co-ops have also made huge gains. In 1988 a handful of worried farmers, watching profits flow to middlemen, not to them, launched the Organic Valley Family of Farms. Today Organic Valley’s more than 1,600 farmer owners span thirty-two states, generating sales of more than $500 million in 2008.The RulesThe global food system reflects societies’ rules—often uncodified—that determine who eats and how our earth fares. In the United States, rules increasingly reflect our nation’s slide into “privately held government.” But in rule-setting, too, energy is hardly unidirectional.In 1999, on the streets of Seattle, 65,000 environmentalists, labor and other activists made history, blunting the antidemocratic agenda of the World Trade Organization. In 2008 more citizens than ever engaged in shaping the farm bill, resulting in rules encouraging organic production. The movement has also established 100 “food policy councils”—new local-to-state, multi-stakeholder coordinating bodies. And this year, eighty-three plaintiffs joined the Public Patent Foundation in suing Monsanto, challenging its GMO seeds’ “usefulness” (required for patenting) as well as the company’s right to patent seeds to begin with.Even small changes in the rules can create huge possibilities. Consider, for example, the ripples from a 2009 Brazilian law requiring at least 30 percent of school meals to consist of food from local family farms.Rules governing rights are the human community’s foundational guarantees to one another—and the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights gave access to food that status. Since then, nearly two dozen nations have planted the right to food in their constitutions. If you wonder whether it matters, note that when Brazil undertook a multifaceted “zero hunger” campaign, framing food as a right, the country slashed its infant death rate by about a third in seven years.Food Power: Only ConnectThis rising global food movement taps universal human sensibilities—expressed in Hindu farmers in India saving seeds, Muslim farmers in Niger turning back the desert and Christian farmers in the United States practicing biblically inspired Creation Care. In these movements lies the revolutionary power of the food movement: its capacity to upend a life-destroying belief system that has brought us power-concentrating corporatism.Corporatism, after all, depends on our belief in the fairy tale that market “magic” (Ronald Reagan’s unforgettable term) works on its own without us.Food can break that spell. For the food movement’s power is that it can shift our sense of self: from passive, disconnected consumers in a magical market to active, richly connected co-producers in societies we are creating—as share owners in a CSA farm or purchasers of fair-trade products or actors in public life shaping the next farm bill.The food movement’s power is connection itself. Corporatism distances us from one another, from the earth—and even from our own bodies, tricking them to crave that which destroys them—while the food movement celebrates our reconnection. Years ago in Madison, Wisconsin, CSA farmer Barb Perkins told me about her most rewarding moments: “Like in town yesterday,” she said, “I saw this little kid, wide-eyed, grab his mom’s arm and point at me. ‘Mommy,’ he said. ‘Look. There’s our farmer!’”At its best, this movement encourages us to “think like an ecosystem,” enabling us to see a place for ourselves connected to all others, for in ecological systems “there are no parts, only participants,” German physicist Hans Peter Duerr reminds us. With an “eco-mind” we can see through the productivist fixation that inexorably concentrates power, generating scarcity for some, no matter how much we produce. We’re freed from the premise of lack and the fear it feeds. Aligning food and farming with nature’s genius, we realize there’s more than enough for all.As the food movement stirs, as well as meets, deep human needs for connection, power and fairness, let’s shed any notion that it’s simply “nice” and seize its true potential to break the spell of our disempowerment.
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Ode to the poppy

Article By: Cynthia Ross Cravit

Oct 30, 2011

The poppy has been an international symbol of remembrance since the 19th century Napoleonic Wars, over 110 years before it was adopted by Canada.

In November, Canadians wear scarlet poppies to pay tribute to those who have died in war and military operations. At the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month — the time the Armistice of World War I was signed in 1918 — people across the country are asked to observe two minutes of silence to remember those servicemen and women who have sacrificed their lives.

The poppy has been an international symbol of remembrance since the 19th century Napoleonic Wars, over 110 years before it was adopted by Canada. A record from the time reflects on how the destruction wrought by war transformed bare land into fields of blood-red flowers which grew around the bodies of fallen soldiers.

Scarlet poppies (popaver rhoeas), long known as the corn poppy because it flourished as a weed in grain fields, grew abundantly in the trenches of the war zone. Artillery shells and shrapnel stirred up the earth and exposed the seeds to the light they needed to germinate. While the seeds of the flower can remain dormant for years, they are known to blossom spectacularly once the soil is churned.

The poppy became a lasting memorial o the fallen in Canada and the Commonwealth due largely to Lieutenant-Colonel John McCrae, a Canadian Medical Officer during the First World War. During the Battle of Ypres in 1915, Lt.-Col. McCrae wrote the poem In Flanders Fields when he saw poppies growing beside a grave of a close friend who had died in battle.

While the poppy has become a modern symbol of sacrifice, its legend reaches back thousands of years. The flower has been found in Egyptian tombs dating back 3,000 years. Homer mentions poppies in the Iliad when he compares the head of a dying warrior to that of a hanging poppy flower.

And in ancient Greece, poppies were considered sacred to Hypnos, the god of sleep. Ancient imagery depicts Hypnos with poppies in his hands and crowning his head. The doorway to his temple was also decorated with poppy blossoms. Hypnos was thought to bring prophetic dreams and relief to those suffering from grief or emotional pain.

Ancient Greeks thought that poppies were a sign of fertility. Poppy seeds were thought to induce vitality and strength so Greek athletes were given mixtures of poppy seeds, honey, and wine.

The Romans knew the god Hypnos as Somnus, which is echoed in the flower’s Latin name Papaver somniferum — somnus ferre — bringer of sleep. The poppy was also associated with Thanatos, or Hades the Lord of Dead, and of eternal sleep.

Poppies can also be linked to the Mogul leader, Genghis Khan. In the 12th and 13th centuries, the Mogul Emperor led his warriors on campaigns south to India, and west to Russia as far as the Black Sea. According to legend, pure white poppies erupted on churned up battlefields drenched with blood.

(And while Oriental poppies contain opium, the corn poppy, does not. And remember when Dorothy fell asleep in a field of flowers in the Wizard of Oz? The flowers were poppies.)

The first artificial poppies as memorial symbols were distributed in Canada in 1921. Today the volunteer donations from the distribution of millions of poppies are an important source of revenue for the Royal Canadian Legion that goes toward various programs helping ex-servicemen and women.
In Flanders Fields

In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the Dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders Fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae, 1915

From poppies to peace: Poem remembers the fallen
Article By: John Macdonald - Aug 05, 2011

Learn the story behind one of Remembrance Day's most famous poems.

Undoubtedly one of the world’s most famous poems, written by a Canadian doctor on a blood-soaked battlefield in war-ravaged Belgium during World War 1, In Flanders Fields has become an international plea for world peace.

Dr. John McCrae had just buried one of his closest friends, killed by a direct hit from a German shell. The friend, Lt. Alexis Helmer of Ottawa, was buried in a crude grave marked by a simple wooden cross. Wild poppies were just beginning to bloom between the crosses marking the many graves.

McCrae had been in the trenches every day for several weeks attending hundreds of wounded and dying soldiers near Ypres, Belgium, in an area traditionally called “Flanders.”

“It was a nightmare,” he wrote his mother. “For 17 days and 17 nights, none of us have had our clothes off… gunfire and rifle fire never ceased.”

McCrae sat in the morning sun on May 3, 1915, outside his makeshift field hospital, listening to the chirping of birds amid the thunder of the guns. He looked over at the nearby cemetery with its rows and rows of crosses amid brightly colored poppies.

Tearing a page out of his dispatcbook, he quickly wrote a short poem of just 15 lines, yet an immortal 15 lines –

In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields, the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved, and were loved, and now we lie
In Flanders fields.
Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch, be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

John McCrae

It was printed anonymously on Dec. 8, 1915, in Punch, a leading British magazine. The short but moving poem struck a nerve, and struck a chord with soldiers and civilians alike. Within two years, it had been reprinted throughout the British Empire and the United States, playing a major role in attracting public donations for the war effort through the sale of Victory Bonds.

But McCrae never returned home to enjoy the acclaim. He had suffered much in three years of war, including a poison gas attack which seriously aggravated his asthma. Yet throughout his time, he worked with little rest and under horrendous conditions to care for the wounded.

McCrae died on January 8, 1918, of pneumonia and meningitis in the military hospital at Wimereux, just up the coast from Boulogne, France, and was buried the next day with full military honours in the Wimereux cemetery. A hundred nursing sisters in uniform formed a line at the graveside. One later wrote, “All came as we did, because we loved him so.”

Canadians mourned the death of their soldier/doctor/poet with nation-wide tributes, including a stained-glass window at McGill University with the inscription: “Pathologist, Poet, Soldier, Physician, Man Among Men.”

Famed Canadian writer Stephen Leacock wrote in tribute: “John McCrae’s poem In Flanders Fields will live as long as the memory of the heroic struggle of the Canadians that formed its inspiration.”
Today, while millions know the poem In Flanders Fields, few know anything of the author.

John McCrae was born on Nov. 30, 1872, in Guelph, the second son of a soldier, Lt. Col. David McCrae. Always interested in the military, he joined the Militia field battery in Guelph, commanded by his father. He also attended the University of Toronto and graduated as a medical doctor in 1898 — it was while at university, he developed a flair for writing poetry. McCrae took part in the Boer War, not as a doctor but as an officer in the Guelph contingent of the Canadian Field Artillery.

Following the Boer War, he dropped his military connections and concentrated on medicine, gaining renown for his work in Montreal, lecturing at McGill and other universities, even writing several medical textbooks. When Canada declared war on Germany on Aug. 4, 1914, McCrae was one of the first to join, as brigade-surgeon to the Canadian Forces Artillery with the rank of major.

McRae’s homestead in Guelph, a small stone cottage turned into a museum, sits on a quiet street overlooking the Speed River. In 1966, a group of Guelph citizens purchased the cottage, built in 1857, to honor McCrae’s memory. Today, it’s a small but interesting museum, with several rooms displaying furniture from the year McCrae was born plus historical displays illustrating his life.

This Nov. 30 will be a major event at the homestead as it marks the 125th anniversary of McCrae’s birth.

“November 30 will be a major happening here,” says Val Harrison, program co-ordinator at the Centre. “We’ll be opening a new exhibit on John McCrae’s life and celebrating his birthday with parades and church services. Even a big birthday cake.”

For the past eight years, the Guelph Amateur Radio Club has used the homestead as a base to broadcast during Remembrance Day Week, transmitting messages of peace to thousands of “ham” radio operators around the world. Club members will be sending and receiving messages at the homestead from Nov. 4 to 11. And beside the cottage, a memorial cenotaph and garden of remembrance is the scene of many ceremonies of remembrance by Guelph veterans.

After McCrae’s tragic death in France, Moina Michael, in charge of a New York YWCA hostel, was intrigued by the concept of a poppy as symbol of peace after reading In Flanders Fields and distributed some for people to mark Armistice Day. A friend took her idea back to France and set war widows and orphans to work making artificial poppies to raise funds specifically for war-torn areas.

In 1921, the British Legion picked up the idea and within a year, it had spread to Canada, United States, New Zealand and Australia. And today, that symbol of peace, the poppy, along with McRae’s famous poem, lives on as a reminder of the sacrifices made by armed forces in numerous conflicts throughout the decades.

Giving birth as bombs fall

Article By: Jenny Hetherington
May 13, 2010

An unsung hero: the amazing story of one woman's selfless acts of bravery and compassion.

History is not kind to the humble. Stories celebrating selfless acts of bravery and compassion are often never told because the heroes shy away from praise and attention. My mother, Halina Pisarski, was one of these special people.

Her story begins in May 1940, three days after Germany invaded Belgium. My father was off fighting for the British forces. Nine months pregnant and with 8- and 10-year old sons in tow, she boarded a train hoping to reach the relative safety of France.

It took three days for that train to cover 75 kilometres. During the trek there was nothing to eat or drink. What little food she had brought along was quickly exhausted. Things seemed impossibly desperate – and then she went into labour. The train stopped and she found herself stranded somewhere in southern Belgium, near the city of Tournai. How she protected her children from repeated attacks by low-flying aircraft strafing the train with bombs and machine-gun fire is a story in itself.

Now in full labour, she managed to get to a makeshift hospital where she met a young student nurse who helped deliver the baby. And there, in the middle of a war zone, I was born.

My brothers were told to wait outside. In all the confusion, a team of Red Cross workers collecting orphaned or stranded children picked them up and put them in their vehicle. An hour after I was delivered, the bombing became so intense that the building was evacuated. Clothed in only a short hospital gown and wrapped in a sheet, holding her one-hour-old infant close to her, my mother was put in an ambulance with severely wounded soldiers. The ambulance never had a chance to leave.

An explosion ripped off the roof of the vehicle and killed the driver. My mother somehow got out. She grabbed a coat from a dead soldier and rummaged around other dead bodies for handkerchiefs and anything else useful for herself and her newborn.

She was frantic over her missing sons but with no idea where to look and night falling, she took refuge in a barn with several other stranded women. One was a 17-year-old girl who had also just given birth but was unable to breastfeed. Another was a nurse who was caring for a baby whose mother died during childbirth. She too had no milk to feed the infant, so my mother fed all three newborns, one after the other. At night, the women had to stay awake to chase away rats. My mother remained in that barn for a few days in order to regain her strength. She begged at a nearby German army encampment for food for her as well as the other women.

My mother eventually took to the road and started looking for my brothers. She walked from orphanage to orphanage, asking every person she met if they knew where displaced children might have been taken. During the day, when one diaper was soiled, she would rinse it in a puddle of water and hang it on her back to dry. At one point, she took shelter for the night in the entrance of a chapel only to find out in the morning that there had been a sign outside the gated grounds with the warning: “Beware: Mine Field.”

And on she walked. Another night, she came upon a large deserted house. She found her way to one of the bedrooms and collapsed on a bed, completely exhausted from carrying her baby all day under a hot May sun. She had barely fallen asleep when a German soldier arrived and warned her that the house had been requisitioned as a hospital for German soldiers. However, he took pity on us and told her she could spend the night. He even brought her some hot soup to eat. She finally found my brothers at a nunnery and returned home to Brussels.

At this point, I should mention that my mother was Polish, and that she had dark brown eyes and black hair. Even though she had attended university, the only work she could find was cleaning houses. It was wartime and people were wary of foreigners. She was constantly on her guard on her way to and from work because the Gestapo would frequently pick up anyone who looked remotely Jewish.

In 1943, even though I was barely three, I remember the Gestapo coming to our apartment building to take away the Jewish family who lived downstairs. By a stroke of good fortune, the youngest daughter was not at home that evening. A few days later, my mother was approached and asked to take the little girl to Antwerp where a family would hide the child. My mother accepted the mission without hesitation.

I vividly remember how she recounted that story to me. There was a German officer seated on the train across from my mother and the little girl. He kept glancing back and forth between her and the girl. While he was staring, all she could think about was her three-year-old daughter and her now 11- and 13-year-old boys at home alone. They had been strictly instructed not to leave the apartment. She battled slipping into panic. What would happen to them if anything happened to her?

When she arrived in Antwerp, the arrangement called for my mother to sit on a bench with the girl. A woman would come, sit on the other side of the child and my mother would leave. However, my mother was so traumatized by the ride on the train that her legs were frozen in place and incapable of supporting her. Finally as darkness came, she found the strength to get up and board the train back to Brussels.

These were not her only heroic deeds. She sent parcels to that Jewish family in the German work camp even though she barely earned enough to feed herself and her children. I still have the postcards they sent her asking for food and clothing. I remember how she told me that she had had to work one full day to purchase one egg for me! For three long years after I was born, she pumped her breasts every single day and took the excess milk to the Red Cross to feed preemies and newborns whose mothers had died or couldn’t produce breast milk and who could not properly digest cow’s milk. She was given a booklet where they tracked the number of litres of milk she donated! I still have that precious document in my possession. She only stopped when her teeth literally started to disintegrate from lack of calcium. Any cow’s milk she worked so hard to purchase was for us children; she never drank a drop.

There are only two of us left now, a younger brother and I. Who will remember my mother when we are gone? I do not want her name to pass into oblivion after I am no longer here to cherish and honour her memory and her contributions. I decided to contact Plan Canada, an international development and relief organization, I have long been supporting. They set up an Endowment Fund in my mother’s name to keep her memory alive. It is designed so that all the proceeds go toward Plan Canada’s Children of War Fund. I know my mother would be proud of helping children in conflict zones even after her passing. Through this fund, the legacy of her courage and goodness will live on.

I had the privilege of calling this great woman “Maman.” To others, she was simply Halina Pisarski.
Jenny Hetherington lives in Toronto. For more information on setting up a legacy or endowment fund, please go to

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The Inner Plane Ascended Masters Want Us to Approach them Coming From A Place of EmpowermentSeptember 28th, 2011The inner plane Ascended Masters want us to approach the coming from a place of personal power and empowerment. They don’t want us to regard ourselves as lowly worms having no self-worth, looking at ourselves as being of lesser value than them. They don’t want us to put them on a pedestal! Not at all!They also don’t want us to wait for them to tell us what to do! They want us to use our own God-given mind and creativity to come up with plans and ideas ourselves! They want to communicate with an equal, with a master!Obviously they are here to help and guide us along the way; however, their main agenda is to help us become masters in our own right so we can step into their footsteps, and so they themselves can step into the footsteps of their own teachers!The Integrated Ascended Master is determined to serve the inner plane Ascended Masters with personal power and vision.So let it be written, So let it be done.© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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Our True Worth and Value Come from Being Created by GodOctober 13th, 2011Unfortunately the greater part of humanity has neither self-love nor self-worth. And those who actually have self-worth mostly base it on their accomplishments or outer success, whereas in truth our worth and value comes from within!Our self-worth does not come from what we do; it comes from who we are! Every human being is infinitely worthy and valuable because everyone in the world is a Son and/or Daughter of God. Can what God created be unworthy? Self-worth is our divine inheritance as a Child of God. It can be neither increased by our successes nor decreased by our mistakes. It is eternally unchangeable.The Integrated Ascended Master realizes his infinite worth and eternal value as a Creation of God and thus has full self-love and self-worth.So let it be written, So let it be done.© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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Seven Tips to Stay Focused on your Spiritual Path, Goals and AspirationsOctober 20th, 2011If we are not careful, it is very easy for the temptations of this world to steer us off our path. This is why it is crucial to stay focused on our Spiritual goals.For your enjoyment, here are seven tips to stay focused on your Spiritual path, goals and aspirations:1. Practice attitudinal healing: whenever a negative thought comes up, stop it and replace it with a positive one.2. Monitor and work with your dreams: make regular adjustments based on the feedback you receive from your dreams.3. Make daily adjustments in all areas of your life, as needed: both spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically.4. Create Spiritual battle plans: always have a Spiritual battle plan in place – there are always things to improve and polish.5. Write “Dear God” letters: it can be extremely soothing and inspiring to write a letter to God, sharing with Him/Her whatever is in your heart.6. Go over your list of goals: there is no way to stick to your goals of Self and God Realization and realize them unless you review them regularly.7. Go over your to-do-list and adjust it accordingly: do this at least every weekday.The Integrated Ascended Master follows his Spiritual path, goals and aspirations with iron discipline. He leaves nothing to chance but takes initiative every single day to stay attuned to God and mirror God’s Consciousness. It is actually not hard at all for him to discipline himself to do any kind of routine because what keeps him going is his all-consuming, insatiable desire and longing for God and God Realization!© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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Three Things You Can Do to Clear Your Aura of Negative Thought FormsOctober 26th, 2011Even if one has attained a great degree of self-mastery, just living on this plant with all the negativity in the world, anyone can easily pick up negative thought forms or misqualified energies. All it takes is a moment of not being vigilant and watchful.There are a number of things you can do to clear your aura of such negative thought forms. For your enjoyment, here are three quick tips.1. Visualize a huge violet flame. The violet flame is also known as the Violet Transmuting Flame because it has the power to transmute misqualified energies into pure energies. So visualize a huge violet flame and then step into this flame, and see, feel, and visualize how this flame transmutes all negative energies in your aura.2. Ask to be taken to Djwhal Khul’s Synthesis Ashram and ask him to clear your auric field of all negative elementals, energies and thought forms.3. Call on Melchizedek and ask for a Golden Dome of Protection to be placed around you to both protect you and clear you of any unwanted energies.These are three simple tips that the Integrated Ascended Master uses to maintain the purity and clarity of his energy fields. Give it a try and see for yourself.So let it be written, So let it be done.© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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Why Do People Attack and Criticize Others?

Why Do People Attack and Criticize Others?November 2nd, 2011There are many reasons why people attack and criticize others. For your enjoyment, here are listed some.People attack and criticize because:1. They have not been trained how to master and control their mind, emotions and negative ego programming.2. They are run by fear, and fearful people attack.3. They are out of control which causes them to get angry in a vain attempt to get back in control; however, this is illusion for their angry response is showing they are still out of control.4. They are too much run by their emotional body. When you allow your feelings and emotions to run your life, the negative ego becomes the programmer of your feelings and emotions.5. They are jealous. They suffer from low self-esteem and are constantly competing and comparing themselves with others to try to feel good about themselves. They are trapped in that negative ego complex of being better than others or worse than others.6. They are lacking self-love and self-worth. They attack and criticize to try to move to the topside of the negative ego instead of the bottom side of the negative ego. They don’t understand that they are trapped in negative ego duality altogether.The Integrated Ascended Master realizes that the only way to escape this roller coaster ride of the negative ego from self-inflation to self-deflation is to transcend the whole system and see there is another way of thinking, not based on fear and attack nor lower self-esteem and self-aggrandizement.And this other way of thinking is called Spiritual/ Christ/ Buddha/ Krishna/ Moses/ Mohammed/ Mighty I AM Presence thinking. It is a way of thinking that will bring you unconditional love, unconditional self-love and self-worth, unchanging happiness and inner peace at all times without having to ever attack, judge, hurt, compare, compete and be better than or worse than others.So let it be written, So let it be done.© 2011, Dr Joshua David Stone and Gloria Excelsias,
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