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Hi! In this post I will teach you how to clear a room of negative energies and spirits,

and how to capture a spirit in a jar!(More on that later.)

Clearing a room is pretty simple. All you need is a chair or something you can sit on and relax on in the middle of a room.

So to begin, sit on it! Now, depending on how many walls you have in the room, most have four, you will need to do this at each wall -- direct the Reiki Power symbol, Emotional symbol, then Power symbol again, towards each wall, as if you are making a 'symbol sandwich'.

Now, direct Reiki to these symbols and will all negative energies or spirits back to their home in the light.

If you don't know that there is a spirit in your home, learn a basic Chakra meditation and practice it for a week or two, to attune yourself to the spiritual energy around you, when you meditate you will be able to see the spirits.

Now, what about putting a spirit in a jar? Well, it is all the same general stuff, but with a twist in the 'home in the light'.

So, again, sit comfortably, not necessarily in the middle of the room -- hold a jar of any size, in your hand. I suggest you put a gemstone in the jar or you may not be able to keep the spirit in.

I also put some sand in the bottom, to make it look pretty and for an emergency grounding, if this goes wrong, you want the spirit back in its' body, wherever it is in our physical world.

As it is, you may not actually HAVE a spirit about, this is really simple to overcome as you just need to get one.

Sit there and meditate for a short while to get into the 'zone of energy' then ask your higher self for a spirit, make sure you are clear on whether it is a positive or negative spirit, as this may be a bit tricky for your first time in clearing energy.

Now, just as you did before for the room clearing, will the spirit into its' home in the light, but this time -- will it into the brilliant light of the gemstone in the bottle, request that is stays there until you ask otherwise, and that it does not harm to anything or anyone, unless you ask otherwise. You may want to ask your spiritual guides to help keep it there, if it is a negative spirit it may make up its' own mind.

Make sure you put Reiki into the bottle to keep it full so the spirit does not anger and become negative.

For this point, remember also to keep clearing a room how I showed you above to ward of spirits, just in case they want to hang around. Do it every few days for maximum safety.

Thank you for your time to read my post.

Love and light,


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It has been impossible for me in these last couple of months to write.
By the time I was able to get my feelings down, I was off experiencing another inner shift and could not finish.
Or I started with one thought and was slammed with so many ideas I could not write any one down.
All over the house I have ideas, thoughts written down,in pieces of papers everywhere,one thought which was as far as it got,but which seemed so monumental at the time, yet quickly forgotten by the next thought...just as monumental.
It has been amazingly weird.

But daing it if I didn't somewhat get a handle on patience through this writing drought.
Somewhere within me I knew my ability to express my feelings in written form would come back, but it was going to be different some how.
I accepted that I had to wait until I was ready to express myself in this way again but in a new way.
To find the words to describe this new world of mine.
I just had to wait it out, hence: patience.

(I also understood how I was judging myself.I have come to realize I judged myself on so many things...constantly really.
My own worse enemy....But that is a blog for another day.)

And while all this was one going on, very insidiously,small steps everyday,I didn't know I was even "progressing" at all...
I became a new way of being.
Now I feel the energy around me, constantly, and I read it like I used to read,say...,the newspaper.
If it is in the flow of my heart for the highest good, it feels like stroking velvet with my senses.
If it is not for the highest good, it feels like stroking against velvet.
All bumpy and rough and gritty...(these are the best words I can use to describe this feeling which comes from within me.)

If a person is deceitful,the against velvet feeling arises and I feel guided to separate myself from any future dealings with them.
If a place "feels"bad( the vibration is too dense)-my inner voice says "no" right away.
If the energy intertwined is not for the highest good, I feel it.

The choice is mine whether I step into that flow or not.
But for now,I choose to not have that energy around me anymore.
I have come to realize I trust myself with my inner voice and my intuition.
I trust myself in what I feel.

This new heightened sense has now become more comfortable for me.
I understand now why I was a hermit as I went through my dark night, I had to learn discernment.
Of self.
Alone I learned my energy.
What my energy feels like to me.
I learned what my feelings were and which were not mine but from those around me.

I am also being driven from within to join to those I term soul family.
It is those that I wish to build my new life with...

So,I now enter this new phase of being with a new tool that gives me a huge advantage in helping me stay in the flow of my heart.
Everyday it gets easier to trust myself.
The energies I feel from people,places and things guide me upon my path.
It is so much easier this way.
I "see" the world with my senses expanded, my heart affirms if I am in the flow with feelings of inner peace and clarity...

This is our new way.
And we will continue to expand.

For the energies of expansion(x-flares,solar winds, CMEs, etc...) which are blasting us from our Source of All that Is, affect EVERYTHING.
Timelines which were not for the highest good of all are collapsing as they too expand ,yet the lower density experiences are no longer able to take root if they are constructed in the old paradigm of service to self.
As the collective reconnects to their inner guidance and shift from service to self to service to others(while remembering the loving of SELF), the vibration of the planet rises.
Triggering more awakenings and rememberings.

Souls whose physically cannot raise their vibration will cross over.
Many will collectively choose to experience passing in large soul family groups.
Meanwhile as the vibration(consciousness) of the planet rises, new souls are incarnating, many which are being born already connected to Source through their heart.
Have you seen these kids all over the web and the news?
These kids are amazing.

The divine process is one step at a time,connected to our Source through our hearts, yet incredibly scientific at the same time.
A merging of spirituality and science.
For the rising of a third density planet has to be very gradual.
One soul at a time.

Otherwise the density of the earth will not stand the rising vibration(which is the rising of the collective consciousness as well)and it will become chaotic and very destructive, with possible destruction of the planet.
We have seen this as the geo-effective space weather has caused major climatic events which have caused great loss of life.
However it is my understanding that the destruction timeline is no longer an option.

The collective has chosen to awaken and raise their consciousness so that solutions on healing the planet can come to fruition.
The consciousness of the planet has to rise, for a problem cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness which created it.
That is why I know my soul is here.
To balance out the breakdown energies with the creation energies, so that this amazing earth makes this shift without complete destruction.

I know I am NOT the only one in this service.
And for that I am so grateful,for my light family supporting me through this shift,being here with me as I support them too.

Shine bright my beautiful family.
Every experience from every soul is divine.
For this amazing earth is our classroom for understanding our Self.
For understanding what love IS NOT.
What WE are not.
The gift of our experience returning to our Source, part of the eternal cycle of learning and experiencing.
Of growth and expansion.
Of creation.
Of Being.

Live In Joy, and enjoy each day.
And drink as pure water as possible to help in this intense detoxing cycle.
The healing properties of water are truly divinely amazing.
As are we.
In Light and Love

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PATRICK HEARS VOICES, Chapters 22 - 26 , By Kathy Vik NaNoWriMo

While writing this for all of us, a novel to and for and about lightworkers, I am asking for whatever financial help you feel moved to provide me. Private message me, or contact me at My PayPal account is under amissvik.

Follow my work at:



As I am re-writing, for continuity's sake, as I go, so I will post this as a book, in case you haven't been reading a long, on my wordpress site. It's fun to just read along, bit by bit, but also fun to read the thing in one block, if that's your thing.

And here were go.



By seven, the hall was filled and there were a few folks seated on the floor. A few were sipping coffee, others were already meditating.

A calmness came over the gathering, and folks naturally became still, having stowed away their refreshment in that odd place between not being ready, and being ready.

Kevin came from the lobby area then, and slowly walked up the aisle between the folding chairs. He looked at everyone's heads, and began to feel more and more expanded as he walked.

By the time he;d taken his seat on the stool, his vision was blurred, and he could appreciate huge colorful hazes coming from each of the participants.

He'd been told by what he called The All, to say his prayer out loud. It was important, she'd written through him just recently, for others to see how it is he communicates to The All.

He settled himself on his stool, smiled, got every person's eyes for just that one moment of connection, and then, he closed his eyes, and began to speak.

Afterward, he always felt invigorated, almost giddy. So far from his usual social stance, it had taken time for the others to trust his altered demeanor. Within about an hour, the energy seemed to dissipate enough to become more reigned in, less enthusiastic. Kevin found that enthusiasm worked best on established friends. He'd found early on that he overpowered folks unaware of his abilities if he didn't dial it way, way back. He'd taken to the gifts of silence, and it was only after a transmission like this that he felt no filters, no social constraint.

He was just coming off this state when Patrick came to him, looking troubled.

“How did you know?” Patrick asked.

Kevin remembered little of what had gone on this night. He'd been called away, farther away than usual. “I'm sorry, Patrick, but I have no recollection of what was said, at the moment. Some of it filters back to me with triggers, but it's inaccessible to me at present.” he studied Patrick, the relief that seemed to wash over him. “Do you want to tell me what was said? I'm always curious, when I get so knocked out. You telling me is the only way I have of recapturing it, sort of.”

Patrick was considering this when Kevin added, “But, hey, don't tell me anything you don't want me to know. It's yours, if I'm gone. You own the message, I'm just a messenger, you know? Some letters from home you just don't feel like passing around, I get it.”

Patrick saw how Kevin’s face seemed to glow, a happiness crowning him somehow. His eyes glittered, in that simple building, with its retro lighting and weird grandma smell. He wondered just how much he should let Kevin into his own mind.

Patrick thought, then, about the message he'd been given, and he felt a stirring he could neither explain nor argue with. Without editing himself, without worrying what Kevin might think of him, he began.

“You were explaining The All, and this beautiful concept that The All is The One, and The One is The All. It was so beautiful. And then,” Patrick hesitated, thinking on the event, “You opened your eyes, looked right at me, and told me things only me and my mom know. It was like she was in the room. I could smell her, man.”

Patrick shook his head, and continued. “You told me, or she told, or, oh my god, I don't even know how to talk about this stuff!” Patrick exclaimed in frustration.

“Try this,” Kevin said. “If you feel it was your mom's essence that talked to you, you can just say that. Or just say 'she.' That's fine.” he patted Patrick's shoulder and urged him to continue.

“She looked at me and told me she wanted me to have proof that we go on. She said she wanted to be dead before I got to the hospice, so that she could embrace me as I found out. She told me her nurse and she used to be married, and she wanted to spend those moments making things right with him.” The words tumbled out of Patrick without filter, one long rush of disbelief.

Patrick took Kevin's hands then, and asked with all of his heart, looking inky those murky eyes of his, “How?”

Kevin disengaged from Patrick, shrugged, and said, “I don't know. I'm willing, I guess. I'm glad you got a direct message. Usually things aren't quite so pointed. It's unusual, really. Are you doing ok?”

Patrick smiled broadly, and told Kevin exactly what was in his heart, “I don't think things could be better, Kevin. I really am ok. Thanks for this, Kevin. Thanks a lot.”

After Valerie and Indra got done cleaning up the kitchen, stowing the coffee urn in its moldy spot in the broom closet, they joined Kevin and Patrick folding the last of the chairs. The building was chilly, the heat having been turned down a half hour ago.

Indra said, “That was quite a time, Kevin. I don't know how to thank you.”

This never ceased to puzzle Kevin, in a vague way. Kevin was asked to do for them something he so enjoyed, he knew in a real way that he lived just week to week, session to session, on some days. He felt honored for being invited, and here was someone thanking him!

“Really, honestly, the pleasure is all mine,” Kevin said, as he bowed low, like an English gentleman.

They locked up as a group, and walked over to their parked cars, the last four in that part of the parking lot. The liquor and grocery stores were still getting traffic, but at this end of the mall, businesses were already closed for the night.

“Oh, say!” Kevin said, “I forgot to bring in the applesauce I canned. Would you girls like a few?” he pushed a button, and his Jeep beeped, letches unhinged, and the lights came on. He popped open the back, and took out two huge Ball jars filled with chunky applesauce. He handed them to the Indra, and then went back for two more. “I've got more than this, if you can eat it.”

Indra laughed as she said, “Kevin, I'll give you forty bucks for six. Not a penny less.” She turned to Indra and said, “This stuff is amazing. I don't think I've had any around for you before.”

He walked a box of six over to Indra's car, spoke to her and hugged her, Patrick saw from the jeep. Valerie was hanging around with Kevin, although she didn't know why. She was tired, and had an hour drive ahead of her.

Kevin returned empty handed, smiling. “That's quite a girl you've got there,” Kevin said. “You want some applesauce now? I have plenty?”

“No, Kevin,” Valerie said. “Indra and I live together. I'm set. I like baking with it.”

“You're not into this channeling stuff, are you, Valerie?” Kevin said, as he was closing the back of his jeep.

“I can take it or leave it, really. I think it's all just rearranging chairs on the Titanic. It makes people feel like they are doing something purposeful, but, really, they're just trying to calm themselves in the midst of disaster. But,” she said, “That's just my take on things.”

She said good night, and thank you, but the conversation had been over with the word “disaster.” Neither Kevin nor Patrick felt welcome in her presence after her speech, and they excused themselves politely, Kevin then pointing to Patrick's car and mentioning his long drive home.

At the car, Patrick asked Kevin how he felt about what Valerie had said.

“To each their own. There's a lot of people living in despair, and it's nearly always impossible to argue them out of it. I just wander away. It gets to bouncing off, after a time. She's mad at something, but it ain't me.” Patrick smiled, liking this old guy more and more as the evening progressed.

“Why don't you come by the house this weekend?” Kevin said. “I mean, Ellie's house. Bill is a basketball fan. There's always a game on.”

“I have to get back to school on Monday,” Patrick remembered. “If I can bring over my books, I'd like that. I have an essay due, and I've been putting it off.”

“What's your dad doing, kid? Would he like to join in? Sports fan?” Kevin trailed off.

“He works on Saturdays, all day, and on Sunday he golfs all day,” Patrick said, suddenly aware of his situation. Now that mom's gone, he thought, there was little for him to do, outside of hanging with friends. But there was no one in his circle who felt equipped to deal with what Patrick had been facing with his mom. A few had grandparents who'd passed on, but no one he knew had lost a parent yet.

Kevin's invitation was accepted, plans were made, loose ones, and they shook hands. Patrick lingered in his dark car for awhile after everyone else had driven off. It was a full moon tonight, and he looked at it through his windshield. He thought about what Kevin had said, what she had said, his mom, tonight.

He slept deeply that night, using his old cat Pal like a farting pillow, and dreamed of worlds he was yet to see.


“What the fuck?” Bernie said angrily, as she slammed her laptop shut.

“What the fuck, what the fuck?” answered a heavily accented, deep voice.

“Oh, there's an eBay seller who sold me a broken camera,” Bernie explained, “and now she's moved the goal posts regarding her return policy. Shifty little bitch.”

“How much was it?” Daniel asked.

“Three hundred and change,” Bernie reported, matter of fact. “It was a relic of a Kodak. Here. It's in the box.”

Daniel picked up the thing, and played with it, unlatched a gizmo, pulled a couple things, and the camera looked as it did in the eBay printout lining the box.

“There's your problem,” he said in his measured way. “That, and your temper.”

“Whatever, old man,” Bernie said flippantly.

“Oh, I see how this is going to be today,” Daniel said, coming up behind her, putting his arms roughly around her waist. “Old man, am I, today? Luscious.” He nuzzled her neck. “Just luscious.”

“Old,” Bernie said, her words catching in her throat, “old and twisted.”

The two had been on and off again lovers since the mid seventies, day trippers, in and out of psychedelia and new sciences. He traveled in a more esoteric crowd. They rendezvoused once a year at the MUFON conference, and got together whenever his traveling permitted. He lived in New York, summered near Avesbury, and lived most of his time on the road lecturing about ancient civilizations.

They had dinner that night, on the 16th Street mall downtown. He'd wanted pizza, she'd wanted Subway, so they got their food and ate on a bench. They ate watching passersby, listening to steel drums playing a couple blocks away. It was chilly out tonight, but spring was in the air, something neither one of them wanted to ignore. It had been a particularly harsh winter, in both of their home towns.

Bernie knew that Daniel liked to go the bookstore to visit his own publications. He swaggered even more than usual after such a visit. Bernie just happened to dig him even more when he swaggered.

What was not well known about Bernie was that she was a bit of a groupie. She took the guru thing just a bit further than most, and most people she idolized wound up feeling the same about her. She'd followed rock bands, comics, intellectuals. She'd been able to travel a lot, and had more stories than most decent people have. She was usually proud of her accomplishments, until she hung around someone like Ellie's house guest, Judy. Judy took one whiff of Bernie's story and shut the door. She'd been called a starfucker more than once, and Judy seemed to secrete this word into every conversation they had.

She looked at Daniel, and knew that what was contained in his navy pea Coat was just a scrap of what she was in love with. He was connected. She could feel it. She loved being around him, and others like him. She lived for it. Judy, she thought, can go fuck herself.


“What are you smiling at?” asked Daniel.

“Just thinking about a friend,” Bernie replied.

They each had an armful of books by the time they'd made it to the ground floor of the massive building. Bernie went to an unoccupied counter and rested her books there, as the patrons in front of them wound through the ropes, shuffling toward one of just two cashiers manning the downtown Barnes and Noble.

Ahead of Daniel was a severe looking woman, dressed in a flannel shirt and work pants. Daniel bumped into her while moving forward in line, and the woman looked at him with distaste. She said, “excuse you” to him, and went back to gazing out into space.

Daniel and Bernie looked at each other and smiled.

At the counter, the pimply clerk ran the lady's cards, and handed her a slim bag, telling her, “You saved ten dollars today, Valerie.”

Daniel and Bernie left the store with four plastic bags, and headed for the train station.

Waiting for the train heading west was the rude woman at the bookstore. She saw Daniel and Bernie approaching, and muttered, “Aw, shit.”

Bernie and Daniel leaned against the handicap ramp, happy to poke through their bags while waiting for a train back to their car.

“Excuse me,” a voice from behind Daniel called out.

Approaching them was the lady from the line, Bernie saw. What joy, Bernie thought to herself.

“Say,” the woman began, “I really wanted to apologize for my behavior back then.”

Daniel stood from his bags and extended a hand, “Not to worry,” he said, in his lilting Scottish brogue.

“Ireland?” the woman asked.

“Scotland. Live near Avesbury now,” he added.

“Well, I'm sorry for being such a jerk. There's something about lines in stores that makes me put my hackles up,” Valerie explained. “I'm Valerie. And you are?”

“Daniel Wheeling,” he introduced himself, “And this is my lovely companion, Bernie.”

“Nice night for it,” Bernie said, lighting a smoke.

“Could I bum one while we're waiting?” Valerie asked.

“If you don't mind unfiltered. I took these off my brother,” Bernie explained. She turned to Daniel and said, “While you're in town, we should go see Ellie. Kevin called me last night and told me they're all getting together tomorrow for, for sports viewing. I know that's not your thing...”

Daniel smiled and thought about The Light House. “I haven't seen Ellie in, wow, has it been two years already?” Daniel said. “Yeah, that sounds good, in the afternoon, though,” Daniel said, smiling what Bernie knew to be a wildly wicked smile.

Valerie boggled at their conversation.

“I'm sorry to intrude,” she said, “But are you talking about Ellie Benz?”

“Yeah,” Bernie said. “She's my sister.”

“You're probably not going to believe this, but,” and with that, Valerie explained of this odd urge she'd been having to call Ellie, go see her, this insistent thing she'd been putting off doing, much like she'd since been putting off her laundry.

By the time the train had arrived, they'd made arrangements for the next day. Bernie insisted Ellie had an open door policy on game days, and Valerie was free to bring a guest.


Ellie long ago made peace with Bill's sports fanaticism. She'd drawn the line at sports radio, but everything else was fine, including letting the weekends be game day at their house.

She used the weekends to work on the house, doing odd projects and major makeovers. When her kids were small, they'd had modest homes, many of them rented. Once they moved into the Light House, Ellie came to discover her love of decorating, puttering, and DIY'ing. She'd gotten all the kids involved, when not doing things with friends, as they began to mature. Those who found themselves at home learned to make wreaths, sand dressers, clean carpets and shop.

Ellie and her kids frequented ARC's, Goodwill’s' and Salvation Army's on weekends, taking advantage of weekend specials, when projects were less compelling than finding a good bargain. Even when the family was no longer living paycheck to paycheck, their passion for deals continued.

Today was not a shopping day for Ellie, but she and Judy had plans to rummage the next day. Today was a game day, and the sooner she got cooking, the sooner she could do her own thing.

Although Bill was the official cook of the house, Ellie had perfected a few recipes, and because they were crowd pleasers, she made massive quantities of them on Saturdays. Visitors usually came with something in their hands, more often than not beer, and it had become the norm that Ellie would provide food for those who strayed over, until 7. The house closed up at 7, that was her other rule.

Today she was making Spam sandwiches, an old family recipe, that tasted incredible even though it shouldn't, and even though everyone knew they were eating Spam, she nearly always ran out on game day.

She ground the Span with her ancient steel grinder, and wondered to herself what she should do today. She'd finished a waterfall dresser last, and it now held the mail, leash and two drawers full of junk, in the foyer. Something fun, she thought, something no one might even see. Maybe I should try watercolors?

She removed her rings and kneaded the pink mixture, her hands red with ketchup. She smiled, thinking how her mom only made these sandwiches for “company.” They were like our good chine, Ellie thought to herself.

She'd started a stock pot of French Onion Soup first thing, and was just going to make a couple boxes of cornbread mix, and then that would be that. She thought she'd go poke around in Bill's studio for supplies while things were cooking. Once the sandwiches were wrapped and in the oven, the meal was on auto-pilot.

Although she'd made enough for twelve today, she really just anticipated a quiet day with Kevin, and maybe, peripherally, with Judy. Bill and Ellie had discovered that Judy preferred her own company when at home, but spent most of her time elsewhere: at adult education classes, church, the rec center, the library, the Y. She'd become more vague with Ellie about her various pursuits as the months had passed since Judy'd moved in. The last time they'd talked was over breakfast a week ago, and Ellie realized Judy was looking like a different person these days, relaxed and unworried. Ellie idly wondered when Judy was going to be moving out.

The doorbell rang, and thankfully Bill answered it, elbow deep in Spam as she was. She looked at the clock and was surprised to find it was already 11. It felt to her, suddenly, as if she'd just gotten out of bed ad dressed. How could it be 11? she asked herself.


She was washing her hands in the sink when Kevin and Patrick came into the kitchen. Patrick was holding a grocery bag full of vegetables, and Kevin came with two pies.

“How goes it, guys?” Ellie asked.

“I'm doing better. I saw Kevin channel. It helped a lot,” Patrick said, surprising himself with his eagerness.

Ellie wondered what condition Patrick was referring to having seen improvement. She didn't push the boy, but let conversations about these sorts of things be guided by his openness. She was glad he was so comfortable with their odd world.

Kevin made another pot of coffee as he talked about the evening he'd channeled. He'd let Ellie into his channeling after he'd established himself at the Temple. He’d given her one of his notebooks and had asked her to look it over, one night last year as he was leaving after a game day. She called him later that night, and they'd had an amazing conversation about Kevin's abilities. Something had settled between them, from that conversation to this day, something even stronger than the family bond they'd once had. They both liked the change, and encouraged it now, when they spent time together. Mostly, Ellie thought to herself, it still comes down to letting him be mysterious. Ellie grinned, and went over and hugged her brother, just because she was moved to.

Ellie's cell phone rang. It was Bernie, she saw. “Hey, sister,” Ellie said.

“Hey, I wanted to let you know me and Daniel want to come over today,” Bernie said. What do you want us to bring over?”

“What time?” Ellie asked.

“Say 4, give or take.” Bernie said. Ellie could tell Bernie was happily distracted.

“Looks like you get fruit,” Ellie decided. “Just buy it whole and come by 4:30 so I can make it into a salad, ok?”

Ellie heard Bernie muffle the phone and talk. When Bernie came back on the line, she sounded like she was in the bathroom.

“You're not going to poop while you talk to me, are you?” Ellie asked.

“I can wait,” Bernie said. A god-awful sound echoed. “OK,” she said. “We met a woman last night who overheard our conversation at the train station. She says she knows you. I forget her last name,” Bernie hesitated while she flushed, “Wait,” she said.

“You know, that is just so gross, on so many levels,” Ellie said. “Why do you do that on the phone?”

“Poor executive function, I guess,” Bernie said off-handedly. “Anyway,” she continued, “Her name is Valerie something. I forget her last name. It's in my phone, but I don't know how to get at it when I'm talking on the phone.”

“Executive function deficit,” Ellie said, and Bernie laughed.

“I guess you're right. Anyhow,” Bernie said, suddenly bored, “She's short, dressed like a stone cold butch, in her fifties. Ring any bells?”

“A dyke named Valerie,” Ellie said affectionately. “Nope, no bells.”

“well, then, this could get interesting,” Bernie said. “I told her about game day. I guess maybe I should have called you first. I told her she could bring a guest and come over any time after 4.”

“Thank God for that. I'll have to think about it,” Ellie said. “What are you doing til then?”

Bernie was thankfully less graphic about her plans than she was about her bowel movements. Ellie knew Bernie would be more mellow than usual when she came over. Daniel had a wonderfully sedative effect on her sister.

“Well, have fun, Bernie,” Ellie said. “Patrick and Kevin just showed up, and I need to tend to them. See you no later than 4, Bernie, ok?”

Bernie was routinely late to events, and again silently thanked Daniel for being around. He couldn't tolerate being late. “Tell Daniel four sharp, Bernie,” Ellie asked. “I'm sure I'll remember this Valerie, but it'll be a lot less awkward if you're here to make the introduction, in case I don't know her.”

“Oh, I know you do. She talked about you, your house,” Bernie trailed off, “Well, I guess we'll just see. Bye for now.”

Kevin was in the fridge, looked for sandwich fixings. Patrick asked if he could set up his computer in the breakfast nook. “I don't study very well if there's a TV on,” he explained.

“Well, I'm thinking you might like to set up in the den, or the cabin. The cabin gets cold, but there's a lot to look at. The den is just off the TV room, but the door is pretty solid,” Ellie explained.

“How long are you going to be in here cooking and stuff?” Patrick asked.

“Well, I like to use my game days to craft,” Ellie said. “I was thinking about trying my hand at watercolors today. I like doing that in here,” Ellie pointed to a far corner. “I have a card table. It's in the mud room.”

Patrick seemed lonely to Ellie today. She saw him as a lost kid today, Ellie realized. She had trouble shaking feeling bad for the boy. She didn't know why.

“Let's work in here together, if that's ok, Patrick,” Ellie suggested.

Ellie turned to her brother, “What are your plans, Kevin?”

“Kevin took a beat up copy of a Carlos Castaneda novel out of his back pocket. “If you've got food and coffee, I'm good anywhere.”

The three of them passed their day in relative silence. KBCO played, and each found it comforting to be around people who felt no need to fill the air with words. Each pursued their joy silently, happily.

Patrick didn't tell Ellie, during their quiet afternoon, just what had caused him to feel so peaceful. He felt odd about feeling so at peace with his mom's passing, and didn't know just how to bring it up. Ellie never pushes me, Patrick thought, as she began to put away her painting supplies, readying for the dinner meal.

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We greet you to the table of elders, we ask you come as light, imagine the body which you inhabit coming with you, rather than trying to split your consciousness, as is often done with meditation. Let what you can imagine be within your physical form, and allow this form to become living light. Come to the table as an equal, a family member in this family of light, we welcome you home.

The Great Central Sun is delivering, even now, in your time, a great transmission, the channel sensing this as geometrics and light, when able to see. This is nearly a plasmic transmission, and we wish to now highlight the truth of such things.

Many have sensed a ramping up or refinement in energies. Some are having profound changes occur within what they have come to identify as their psyched, and this is but one way these transmissions manifest.

The energy is constant, but has been refined, and yet, we wish to explain this as more of a frequency than a transmission. Although there is much information, all information, within these bodies of code, of coded, quantum, inferential and revolutionary information, because they exist at all, they exist eternally, and it is your interpretation of truth which you are then manifesting within you physical vehicles, your personality expressions, and this then translates for the individual in terms of questioning that which was once obviously true, and moving then to a place, oftentimes, of surveying that which you once found solidly accurate, regarding a situation, person, or reality, and you find these once cherished belief structures looking quite out of place, clunky, we can describe it that way. Perhaps comical, perhaps a little poignant, realizing, one by one or all at once, that what was once your vantage point, the place where you housed your perspective, many are now finding the perspective has shifted very dramatically, and new vistas are becoming clearer, daily, we tell you. Daily this is now occcuring for some.

We wish to reassure those who are remembering, or becoming aware of, their multiplicity, their oneness with expressions they now own as theirs, and have since discarded. Those who find themselves remembering profound truths, about your place, your history, so to speak,, your identity, the roles you have played, many are seeing a consolidation of personalities, and we say this plural, purposefully.

Do not fear this process. It is a unification of expression, and it was what many of you had heard would occur, a unification of timelines, it has been called. We say, better to describe it as a unification of self, many now able to hold multiple foci of awareness, while doing mundane or intricate things, these awarenesses are now yours. If they have not yet come to your awareness, this has nothing to do with worth, with deserving, with no judgment or comparison are these revelations given. But it must be said, these words of reassurance and care, for those experiencing such things. This is the way of it, and those having these revelations are calmed and relieved in hearing this is to be expected, whispering between each word, remember, remember, remember.

Returning to the concept of frequency, spin, wave, however it is most easily visualized, these frequencies or bodies of waves of information, love, divine love, are available to all, at all times. This is to do with preparedness.

Did not most of you read, years ago, in channeled messages, were you not party to teachers, be they strangers, acquaintances or paid guides, were you not told to prepare? To do the work? Do you remember the catchphrase, “If you're not working on yourself, you're not working?” Some took such simple adages to heart, and they did the work. They are now prepared to take in frequencies which are unattended to by those whose energy contains within it overlays from the past collective agreements, old energy patterns and thought/belief/emotional structures which have, at their heart, fear. The need for validation, the certainty of doom, these are overlays which obstruct the natural flow of these cosmic frequential fields more in step, so to speak, with a quantum, or entangled, awareness.

Be at peace, we pray, with wherever you find yourself, with whatever dilemma or puzzle remain. And if none remain, if you can see all as purposeful and benevolent, we tell you this is a valid and true place from which to create as you see fit. All will come to see the dilemmas and decisions in their lives in richer terms, but there are some without the karmic overlays you have carried from birth, and this creates not so much a wobble, but a need to tend, paradoxically, to the physical vehicle with tender care.

We urge you to see your bodies as divine expressions, durable and healthy, ready and clean, strong and wise. See this physical vehicle as your wise friend, someone who has protected and loved your consciousness so much, that it self corrects gross neglect, at times, borne out of the belief that the body has no voice, cannot be trusted, must be fixed, and is dying as it lives. Although a valid philosophical point of view, ta clarified attitude toward the body is essential in progression.

Consider the heavenly visitors you receive, the lights in the sky many are seeing now, the profound astrological messages that are being sent, consider these messages from source, and from your own selves, please, we ask for this larger perspective from those willing to hold it. Not only are these “rays” which are “downloading” information amplified by celestial events, but your consciousness, collectively, calls these events into significance. It is a cooperative effort, and it is important, we feel, to reiterate your part in this grand time. It is no accident you are here, doing precisely what you are doing. Many are living moment to moment is a deliberate, aware fashion, and this state, many are finding, is the seat of synchronicity itself.

Dwell here when you can, and do not criticize your consciousness when you find your attention drawn into the detail you are, in fact, placing within your own awareness. This is living deliberately, understanding that you are indeed one with all that you are aware of, and you are the sovereign of your awareness.

Many are finding breaks in significant relationships which might come as a surprise. If there has been unending conflict within a relationship, the see-saw of energy which made many feel incapable of self regulation, many are finding these relationships unplugged, and they are unable to relate to the drama in which they used to spin. Many have found they just “cannot go” certain places, toward habitual thoughts, behaviors and expectations. Things are not “sticking” as much, for many.

This is a change in energy that has been called forth for experience. Always there, always ready to be available, there have been changes within Gaia herself, due to your shifts in consciousness, and your express, spoken permission, and this allows you, your physical vehicle, your mind and pineal gland, your entirety, to access what had been waiting there for you.

Can you not see the benevolence in a system which has, and now had, built in triggers, built in releases and openings, which could organically change your receiver-ness, your abilities to appreciate them. This is a cooperative, organic effort in consciousness, and many are finding that these changes have made their former priorities and desires alter, and for some, this has been dramatic. If looked at with a glad heart, with a mind which has absorbed its training, it can be seen as nothing short of miraculous.

And this is how we wish to end it, by reiterating that it is you who allow this grand procession, and the level of permission by those who are naturally able to do this, is astounding. There is a very important point to this we stress now. The translation of this energy must, must, it must, be communicated human to human. You are now able, many of you, to contain the planet within your fields, in your most deliberate meditation,s eyes open or closed. Many can do this, but what matters more is the physical translation, human to human, of this energy. Your interpretation, your embodiment of a more cohesive DNA field, creating more and more opportunities for further activation, this is a fire which need only be lit here and there, and then moved around, wither with consciousness or in the physical. Many of you are doing work which would still boggle you in your physical reality. Your abilities are vast, as is your influence, and this contact you have with your fellow man, coming to all in peace, with laughter, with kindness and generosity, with forbearance, with permission, we tell you this is the balm, the act which relieves burdens.

The grid has once again sweetened, lightened, and you will find this work easier. Many of the resistances so many sweet souls found crushing has since been removed. Consider it an alchemy, please always consider this, you are participant as well as originator, creator. You have an effect on others. They are not pretend, they are not made up, they are not projections of your consciousness, except at the highest levels of energetics. Consider your fellow man and woman as fellow travelers, as grateful as you are to be held in high regard, regardless of what is said, or done, or thought.

You will have contact with those who have resistance, and what you will find that the resonance is such that your reactivity has been nullified, in many instances, and this can make dealing with those who are still entrenched in fear and the behaviors it generates, you much easier for you. See to it that you pity no one, and judge no one's progress, or what you might think is lack of progress. Each human being is valid, and having a profound conversation WITH THEMSELVES. As are you. See to it that your conversations, with one another, are harmonious. Do not hesitate to speak your mind, and do not doubt the guidance you will find helping you with difficult situations.

You are not alone, and your daily puzzles, activities and challenges can be handled joyfully and skillfully, by more and more and more of you.

We tell you, this is the way of it, a simple path which allows you to love that which is being expressed by your self, all the time, without end, in peace. This spreads, and through your mingling with, talking with, encouraging and helping others, all gain momentum, all stretch, all hear your song of home. It is sounding in your very cells, and we ask, in closing that you celebrate your song, cast any remaining worries aside, and understand the profundity of what you, as a human living in the time of this great shift, have done for yourself and your fellow traveler.

We are gratified you came to this table, and remind you this communication does not cease, it is only your changing, beautiful awareness which allows you access, as you see fit.

We walk with you in love.

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There is much to say, here, sitting with you, on my bed, both of us in our jammies, eating our favorite snack, our favorite drink nearby. You and I talk about a lot of stuff, and today, I am telling you about this change I have noticed.

Maybe it was on a facebook poster, I don't know, maybe someone really deep wrote it once on papyrus. Who knows. But I heard “The more time you spend there, the more you're there.” Sort of Ars Gratis Artis, the act is the reward, that sort of thing.

I see how this really is a telescopic thing, a fractal all on its own, the awakening process, at least for me.

My first real encounter with this amazing energy was when I felt gripped and pulled by a breathtaking love, forgiveness so thick I could hardly breathe, and I kept seeing myself go back and forth inside this moving tube of love, of light. It was stunning. I was not only eager but able to, in one shining moment that just kept coming and coming and coming, I could see the benevolence in each moment of my life, the beauty, the symmetry, the love, all the love, all the sacrifice everyone made, all of it there, inside me, but all around me.

As it was happening, I saw, shining and it kept going, once I moved to my room, sitting on my bed, still I could see it, it was just a fact, a galaxy shaped like an eye, red and blue and moving and alive.

This experience faded, and things changed, quite dramatically for me, after that. I had already had a couple big aha! Moments. I knew things were shifting, June of 2011, but my outer life was just about to breakdown, for all time, it would lay defunct, but I carried it along with me, examining it, trying to figure out how it ticked, until 10-31-13, the day I finished Deeply Awake. I had vowed, if I ever got to the place where I had it more of less good within me, I would demonstrate for a couple three essays, and then bag it. Done. Mission accomplished. Mission freakin' accomplished.

But since that time, I have written under “Field Notes,” and I have to admit, they were cryptic, at best, chaotic, unclear, abstracted, highly abstracted. I was scaling the tippy top of a mountain that had been my driving purpose, since sentience, is how I like to put it. Such a need to have these questions satisfied, about it all, and I am glad that I have found answers I can finally live with.

I mean, after all, the seeker would not be the seeker if they were satisfied with the answers they received, right? What makes a person hungry for this information, set on fire the first time they hear a certain word, or hear a certain concept. Distant whispers pulling you into odd conference halls, into the company of other seekers, not rebelling against, but having no interest in conventional answers, conventional stories, conventional questions.

What makes some of us follow the words of those who say that what they are communicating comes from something greater than themselves? And, we know this about ourselves, being told something, and agreeing with it, that's everybody's choice, all down the line. Some agree that this is a valid form of self development, learning from others, allowing others to trigger and learn from and teach, some in the physical, and some are not, and we are ok with this too.

There is a new wind blowing, and it is easy to breathe here, and here is the thing I need to say: the more I have been able to get here, spend time here, the more I am here, and this is a valid pursuit, a beautiful and synchronous and purposeful one. All is in good alignment, in divine timing, with benevolence toward all.

I spent a lot of time, while working on stuff, dwelling on such things as Monsanto, Dems vs. Repubs, aberrant, violent behavior, and I was hung up, really angry about, our surveillance, nanny, distrust-all-with-mercy-toward-none attitude seeming to grip the imaginations of those less willing to see good common sense, and because there was a bully, there was a victim.

And so I wrestled with that thing until I got it winnowed down, and came to understand and master fear. Fear is a test, there to shut you down just as pretty as you please, disconnecting you from all the good sense there is in the world, the obvious truth, that we have clean energy just waiting there to be developed, Agribusiness is in bed with the FDA who is in bed with BigPharma who is in bed with insurers, who are in bed with bankers, who are in bed with our elected officials. There's the food chain. So what. It's all coming down, so, now, I see these fear thoughts come up, about the poison of vaccines and pro or con on providing pretty shitty health care to everybody who will, must go through quite a few unpleasantries, just to get something as basic as getting an arm set if you break it.

It is ridiculous and unkind and corrupt and so over. It is a brutal, disrespectful way to live. Not sharing with others when you are gifted with so much. Shame on those who do not help their neighbor, just the one sitting right across from them. The way of it is to share, to keep currency flowing, to assist when you can, and to see everyone you meet is family, and you don't cheat or lie to family, when you know it'll just bite you on the butt and get found out, anyway.

See, that's where I live now, and in the beginning, it was just now and then, just now and then. I had that big psychedelic thing, and then months passed before another such an event. And those days were spent scraping by, paying bills late, trying to make ends meet, and always, scribbling, scribbling away about how everything is feeling so good, and wanting more than anything, by the act of writing, to prolong that energy, to be in it, understand it as well as I understood futility and despair.

I'll close by revisiting something I have been writing about now for a while, this idea of a group of us, the first wave, here to do this waking up thing, that we are early. A generation or two early for the big reveal, from the looks of it. But there are stirrings, there are stirrings. It's like in March, April, when the ground is warm on the inside, but not on the outside, and there might even be snow still scattered about, but if you put your hand on the earth, in a seam, you can feel it teeming. Just teeming.

Who is the earth, and who is doing the feeling, and what is teeming? These have been valid questions to ask, and to use this forum to answer, I think.

Bashar has a youtube video out about Comparing Yourself To Other People. It's the most profound 15 minutes of audio I have heard in a long time.

What I keep going back to is what he said about agreements. My old teachers always couched things in terms of “agreement fields.” He said, even when you have a similarity with another, it is only because you are agreeing to have those similarities.

And this is what I wish to end on. I think there are more than a few of us, now, who hold agreements which many do not hold, but when we get amongst ourselves, we agree, in principle, to whatever degree of minutia (and there's a ton of it!) on surprisingly core things. Things many of us have held in our deepest hearts and never told another living soul about. And have that happen a few dozen times, and bam, there you are.

I have thought since the beginning that there is some weird sort of joke being played out, one that I am telling, and it has always been a bit of a knee slapper, my life, let's be honest. For all the boo hooing I've done, it's been a pretty cool one. At least, that's the one I remember more and more, now. The old horrors and sadnesses are there, but I'm not as interested.

I worked really hard at figuring out a way to maintain the levels of ecstasy I've briefly experienced. I believe, since that last solid gold gift of seeing things as they truly are, made of, by, for and with benevolence, the whole thing sewn out of its cloth, we are breathing it, and cloaked in it, we eat it and excrete it and hope only to speak it, live it, because, baby, that's all there is, this is where I have been, and where I want to forever dwell.

I know you have had moments of bliss. I had them early, and often, but not like what I have know the past little bit here. These moments, where your heart just feels like it's gonna stop because you're so choked up, because it hits you hard, that you are loved, it is good, and it changes you, bit by bit, experience after experience.

I want to see through those golden eyes, be that happy and big and aware and loved all the time, and bit by bit, I keep staying in a place that is adjacent.

I always thought ascension was going to be some big aha, light up from the inside out moment, when I turn into light, burn off the bio suit, and come back a light being. And although I think that's the end product, we are nowhere near that now, as individuals, or as a planet. But there are varying degrees of awareness, ever expanding now, ever increasing. It's all there, just for the taking.

I find I inhabit a new place, and that's the puzzle. What I have come to know of this odd, overtaking bliss has been wonderful, and necessary, since I am a doubter, a skeptic, want things very concrete, very literal, very physical. I always tell “them” to dumb it way down, make it funny and gentle and sweet. Make it so I can't miss it.

I give up hope from time to time, get lost in thinking that all is lost, even now. Once in a while, it happens.

And that is the point.

Before, two years before, the reverse was true. The reverse. I weighed so much, was physically miserable, emotionally fragile, afraid all the time, all the time, hating myself so much, so disappointed in how I'd turned out. That was me.

So, it really is about doing it just as often as you can. Making shiny, sparkly moments, self indulgent, compassionate moments the rule. Seek them out. Seek out ways to give to somebody else, even if it's just a word of encouragement. Do it often enough, and you're there more than you're not. Things get easier. You might build in tests, like I did, to see if I could think from the heart, not react in anger or hate, trying to find the good, and it worked.

I think there are some of us who prepared for this. Who can think fluidly, who are not attached to a clock, and who are feeling as if their moorings are finally giving way, as if this big shiny ship is finally ready to make sail, move away from the harbor, discover itself by discovering what is around it, supporting it, feeding and guiding it.

The first day I had a sustained period of clarity, I think the Indians call it samahdi? Was Thanksgiving, 2012. Less than a year.

And the time of comparisons is over. I want to converse with those who have gone where I have gone, and I am willing to admit that I have gone many places, and have good stories to tell about what I have seen, what I continue to see, now more than ever.

Because, you see, I am there, more and more, and there is always, always, always, more.

And there, it is here, on this bed, talking to you, you indulging my love of cigarettes, incense burning, leaf blowers and traffic in the background. Just the sound of typing, and other people's activities.

I'm glad we spent time here together. It was good to see you again. I hope, more than you know, that one fine day, we can do this in person.

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Merlin Crystals......By Quantam Awakening....

10900592689?profile=originalMERLIN CRYSTALS 

I had the honor to meet the man that mined these stones. I bought all he had; rutile is very very rare in Brazil. What he told me via translator was that he goes into the mines in Minas Brazil about 30 feet down and then they tunnel out from that point, it is very dangerous. The crystals actually create a light in the dark tunnel then the miners know where to dig.  He said that sometimes the light is large and moves deeper into the tunnel beyond where they have access. The miners all know the power of the stones and the rutiles seem to be the most animated at this time calling to the miners pushing them to release them from their earthen holding pattern. This miner became part of our Light family. Now he knows me and will know what stones want to come to us.

These extraordinary rutile crystals, come to teach us about a time when’ words were like magic’. A magic that goes beyond the earth elements beyond the stars, deep into our primordial Celestial DNA. These powerful pieces call themselves Merlin Crystals and are filled with a deep knowledge laced with ancient truths. They ask you to follow a star home to your true nature. To wish upon your Self like a magical Christmas Eve Star. To believe in the Divine Magic that is yours by birthright. These powerful rutiles are a Touchstone to Journey inward to the real source of your power.  Some of these are all polished others have a little raw nature to them.  The being known as Merlin lived in many dimensions and times and wore many guises.


These crystals support the earthen strong physical energies of creation. They align with action and movement.  They are alchemical of nature and deep elemental in appearance escorting one into the hidden chambers within the earth and all possibilities. These Merlin Crystals hold within them valuable light, like shooting stars pointed in the direction of your deepest desire. Use these stones as a guideline to bring you back to a place of " I'll see it when I believe it'. Allow them to release your subatomic encodings and ride their magical properties like a Pegasus in flight. These magical stones will assist you in changing the heavy metals of your life into pure golden opportunity, Transmuting limiting patterns that have kept you less than.


These Merlin crystals exhibit a powerful earth energy that is asking to be used.  They are strong of command with the sheer force of nature.  They are aligned with places of great knowledge. They house the teachings of time, the wisdom of the elements and the universal consistency of change itself.  They help one to gather the forces between here and there, bundling these energies as sacred DNA.

I Merlin, come to introduce you once again to the magic that you have forgotten, the magic of transforming all that is dark into golden opportunities. I come to show you how you can turn the rusty lead of your life into hidden opportunities. You all have the innate ability to transmute through a thought, a word, a glance, or a touch. You have the ability to move past time and space as you know it bypassing the speed of light and sound. You have forgotten the beauty and power of the elements of your very planet.

You stand at an intersection of light and remembrance waiting for the light to turn. Alchemically your timer is set to engage automatically. You cannot separate yourself from what you are creating and what is creating you. Every inch of you, every hair, every thought, every iota creates continually with or without your permission. Creating by default is not acceptable. Creation stops for no one and no thing.. Do not spend your time and energy looking for ways to transmute what is lead into gold. Just Create GOLD To Begin Withand skip the need for lead.  See every situation, no matter how it looks to your human eye is an opportunity to shine your light.  You are a body of earth. You are a body of light. You are a body of the stars. Treat yourself magically.

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PATRICK HEARS VOICES, CH 17- 21 By Kathy Vik 11-17-13

While writing this for all of us, a novel to and for and about lightworkers, I am asking for whatever financial help you feel moved to provide me. Private message me, or contact me at My PayPal account is under amissvik.

Follow my work at:



As I am re-writing, for continuity's sake, as I go, so I will post this as a book, in case you haven't been reading a long, on my wordpress site. It's fun to just read along, bit by bit, but also fun to read the thing in one block, if that's your thing.

And here were go.



Kevin was in the kitchen when Patrick and Ellie got home. He said, “Hi,” in a general way, and went back to cutting up apples. On the stove was a stock pot, steaming, boiling water waiting to make the applesauce Kevin was known for within his circles.

Ellie made the three of them lunch, and joined the boys in the TV room. They'd put on a documentary about wolves. Ellie sat with them, and actually got into it. Turned out there was a marathon of documentaries on the wildlife of The America's, and by the time they'd all had dessert, Kevin and Patrick were asking if Patrick could stay and watch. It reminded her of her days as a mommy. Sure, Ellie heard herself say, that's fine, sure.

Kevin had run lunch and dessert out to Bill, who preferred to work through creative impulses. On this early afternoon of an early spring-feeling day, Ellie now checked on Bill.

Through the short hall with its tiny bathroom and closet, into a cramped but charming log kitchen, and then through to the studio, a greenhouse, in some respects. In the middle of the room was a half-realized hunk of fused metal bits. Ellie liked watching projects come together, thinking on her time with them as snapshots. The finished project always stunned her. She was curious to see how he was going to pull a rabbit out of a hat with this, though. It was in an awkward phase, certainly.

“What medium is this, Bill? Are these bits of nuts and bolts?” Ellie asked.

“Time intensive thing to do, but, yeah, I got some junk yard stuff, played with it, sort of like tossing a salad, and then, there's this.” He looked at his work so far and frowned, looking puzzled, and frustrated.

“Where do you see it going, honey?” Ellie asked.

“Hell if I know,” Bill said. “I want to go look for some copper. Joseph has a great supplier, but I'm not sure the discount would be extended to me.” Bill came over to Ellie and gently brushed bread crumbs off her blouse. “Thanks for lunch, my sweet Ellie. How goes it with you?”

“Patrick's here. He's troubled. He wept in the breakfast nook. I held him like a big kid, and he hasn't wanted to talk about it since. I don't want to push.” Ellie looked into Bill's eyes, and felt that old familiar calm, a certainty, a joy. Bill. My Bill.

“Do you want me to talk to him?” Bill asked.

“I think it's best to have Kevin hang with him. They make a good pair. They're watching Animal Planet together. I think they're going to order pizza later. It's a marathon, I think” Ellie said distractedly. “Are you going someplace now, or are you going to stay here?” Ellie asked.

“I'll go see Joseph, see what I can work out. I have a couple ideas. I should be home by six or so, I think” Bill said, looking at his watch.

“I'm going to go upstairs, then. I think it's Chinese for dinner tonight, ala carte. At least,” Ellie smiled, “At least, that's the plan.”

“Spoken like a true retiree,” bill said, giving her a little goose as she left his studio.


There were many things about Ellie that only Bill knew. And then, there were things that only she and someone else knew, but, she reflected, always, upon entering her meditation room, always, there was one person who was always there. “I was always there,” Ellie said, while removing her shoes. “I have always been. I shall always be. My moment is This Now Moment. I am that I am.”

She then walked to her little altar, made from a discarded bookcase and a fancy tablecloth, touched her little icons, and said her word for that feeling, of before, after and now. She said, “Seylah.”

She'd never heard anyone else use that word. But it meant worlds to her, and she used it before she sat in her meditation room to think.

It was a simple place, with bright murals and colorful tapestries. She liked Song of India incense for these times, when she was going within deliberately.

She needed to get right with something that had been bothering her since walking out of East High for the last time.

She considered her blessings first. She'd long since reconciled with the notion that she was on a vacation now. She had had difficulties, but not horrible ones, and she'd known true happiness and peace, more and more, since all those years ago in college.

She considered her marriage, her deep sense of sexual satisfaction, she thought of her home, her absence of debt, her positive bank account. She thought on her unusual, colorful friends. She considered it all, sitting there on that march day, and realized that she was blessed, that she was loved by something so benevolent, sometimes when she thought about it too hard, it made her dizzy.

She felt her life breaking off, into two worlds. She was done with even part time work now. She is retired.

“Now what,” she asked silently, in her room.

She had to admit that her imagination had been slumbering. Somehow, having a place to report had satisfied her, and she realized only now that she'd said “no” to many friends and opportunities, just because she wanted to be at a job, among kids, helping.

And she'd rarely asked what might come next. She'd been happy to be surprised, up until now.

And yet, here she was, mind suddenly busy, thinking on images of what might the fun to do next, flooding her with imagery and even a few whiffs of foods she began to feel a hunger for, music she'd never quite imagined.

She opened her eyes, and looked at her favorite “thing” in all the world, a four feet high ceramic Ganesha that her friend Pauly had shipped her while he was over in India. It was so satisfying to her. She felt full, centered, clear, in this state, looking at that statue. Pauly had said his guru had blessed it. Ellie liked the thought.

“Tell me now, Babaji, tell me, what do I do now?” Ellie asked the glittering idol. “I know you to be me,and within me is the remover of all obstacles. It is my intent for the next bit to be reveled to me. Let me see things bigger, and show me what you all know of my path, what I need to know, where I need to go. Be loud, be clear, be humorous, be gentle, to everyone involved. Allow timing to run smooth, and Babaji,” Ellie said, “Give me the gift of divine patience in the meantime.”

She felt better, after her prayer, but was aware of no new plans, no visuals, no words. Silence in the house, Ellie could feel the stillness in the house.

She allowed herself to become this stillness. She shed all ideas then, unfettered from what she bemoaned she knew all too well.

She soared, and become a crackling, surging column of light then. She bathed in this, as she was it, it her, and she suspended each and every thought, every care, each concern, puzzle and worry. They were meaningless here.

She returned quiet, still, serene, once again ready to argue for the compassionate action in each situation, once again only able to see benevolence, unable to recognize anyone but the creator's eyes in everyone she met.

She went to her little window, opened the cold latch, and let the chill of march's new air bring her to life. She saw the old Oak, just now budding again, once again, my dear old friend, she said quietly, in her mind. Now she began to feel expectation, the curious sense of opening she sensed each and every spring. She breathed it in, bent her head low, and laughed out loud. She looked up again, at the clouds now, and realized she was famished.

She was ready for whatever came next, now.


The group had decided on using her shredded potatoes for latkes, and they'd eat pizza for dinner. They watched two hours of animal documentaries in the evening. Bill received a call during the last commercial break of the evening, taking it in the library, off the TV room. Ellie gathered dishes and boxes as the last segment aired, a nice recap of all the creepy crawlies living in a Californian desert.

Patrick followed Ellie into the kitchen, and helped her load the dishwasher.

“Did you have a good night here, Patrick?” Ellie asked.

“It really hit the spot, Ellie. Thanks for letting me stay.” He hesitated, and then asked, “Are you sure I wasn't a bother?”

Ellie had been repeatedly struck with how hesitant and unsure of himself Patrick seemed to be. She was glad to know he was open to mothering, and that this was,in fact, what helped draw him out of his shell.

“You were the opposite of a bother. Had you not been here, lad, “ Ellie said, “We'd have just sleepwalked through our usual routine, with the exception of the change in cuisine.” Ellie handed him a huge casserole dish for the bottom rack. “It was wonderful having you here, it was a gift, kiddo.”

Patrick blushed and smiled as he rearranged things for this huge pan.

“Let's just run it, Patrick. Here's the soap,” Ellie said, handing him a big bottle of sweet smelling goo. Patrick squeezed, closed the door, and searched the console for the “On” button. Bill had insisted on state of the art appliances two years ago, and now Ellie herself often forgot how to get the things going.

“I have just a few more things to hand wash, and then I'm free,” Ellie said. “Do you want to stick around, or are you headed home, Patrick? It's getting late.”

Patrick checked his phone. Nearly nine. He'd forgotten to call his dad. “I need to go, but thanks again for everything.”

Ellie walked him to the front door, and watched him walk to his car. She waved at him as he drove away, curious what thoughts Patrick didn't feel he can share. Let him be, Ellie heard. Let him be. He'll be back.

Kevin was loading his Jeep when she made her pass through before going up to bed. She gave him a kiss and a hug, and watched him drive away, too. Locked, still, silent, the old house stood, feeling contentment, feeling full, somehow, Ellie thought, as she made her way to their bedroom.


The next evening, Patrick drove to a little building tucked behind a strip mall on Colorado Boulevard. The meeting as at seven, but Kevin told him to meet him at Sunrise Sunset diner at the north end of the mall. They would have dinner, and then go to Kevin's event together.

Kevin and Patrick had gotten to know each other between TV commercials at Animal Planet marathon at Ellie's the day before. Patrick had felt reassured by Kevin, sensed him as a kind and solid man, and, locking the car, he hoped he was right.

Kevin took a booth two doors into the modest restaurant, and when Patrick showed, a low, “Right here,” was all that was needed to hail the kid. Kevin didn't like to call attention to himself, and was glad to find someone similar in Patrick.

“I'm glad you showed up,” Kevin said. “The food's good here.”

Patrick squeezed into the booth, tried to look comfortable, and looked around for a waitress.

Kevin said, “You know, these tables are too skinny. Do you mind if we move to a table?”

Gratefully, Patrick agreed, and awkwardly extricated himself from the booth he'd squeezed into. A table felt more exposed, but would be easier to sit at comfortably.

“I had your bulk once. I played college ball. CU. We did the usual damage to CSU while I was there,” Kevin smiled, considering telling Patrick about his senior year championship, but he held back, wanting the kid to feel less self conscious. Patrick said enough to let Kevin know he followed college ball.

“So, tell me again what it is we're going to tonight,” Patrick asked, after they'd put in their dinner order.

Kevin gave himself permission to speak, something he often withheld. Patrick looked like he could handle it.

“Every week, a group of us meet over at the Temple of The Third Eye. Norma Henges, she's an old psychic who started the thing going on thirty years ago.” Kevin began. “It's a Theosophical Society. Do you know anything about Theosophy?”

When Patrick said no, Kevin fished a think book out of his inner coat pocket and gave it to Patrick. “I don't... I'm not...” Kevin stammered. “Listen, kid, this is just one way to go, and I don't take any of it too serious, but I thought I'd bring you something from White Eagle. Norma gave me one of their books the first time I went to a meeting there.”

In Patrick's hands was a thin volume with a colorful dust jacket, called White Eagle, on The Divine Mother.

Kevin got out his phone as Kevin flipped through the book.

Patrick was drawn to a passage in a chapter about Mary.

“See the glory of the original Light, itself like a sun, the most beautiful light and radiance. See that which has been conceived and born from previous systems, from a previous cosmic life. Imagine the whole cosmos in the form of light and radiance and life.”

Patrick let these words fall through him, felt himself heat up, and, without calling it to him, he began to feel, once again, how he felt for those few minutes, in front of his locker.

Patrick studied Kevin then, trying to get a handle on what this fellow was up to. He was balding, wore glasses, an overbite, and a thick, solid body. His clothes were worn, and his yellow coat looked like it needed to be retired.

“Find something in there that speaks to you?”Kevin asked.

“I did. This is really nice stuff, Kevin.” Patrick said.

The food arrived, and they ate in silence punctuated by talk of baseball, college basketball, and Kevin’s work. Kevin explained he was a plumber by trade, a handyman now, living down the street from Ellie as an apartment building sup.

Kevin paid the bill at the counter, got them both a packet of Lifesavers Pep-O-Mints, and walked to Patrick's car.

“I prefer walking over to the Temple from here,” Kevin said. “It clears my head. My car's over there.” Kevin pointed to a silver Jeep three cars down. “Never had a problem just parking it here. Come one with me.”

On the way to the Temple, Patrick asked about what to expect.

“Well, I thought you might need some guidance. You strike me as ready,” Kevin began. “But, I'll tell you, it's not for everybody.”

Patrick let this statement hang in the air between them. He'd tried three other times to get Kevin to tell him something concrete about this “meeting to like minds” Kevin had asked him to attend. In the distance, a tan clapboard structure was coming in to view. Patrick again asked for specifics.

“OK. Patrick, do you know what channeling is?” Kevin asked.

“Channeling,” Patrick said. “No, I can't say that I do.”

“That book I gave you was channeled. White Eagle is an energy that comes through people, and they feel moved to write the words that come to them, when under that influence.” Kevin said. “You know all those books people refer to as 'the word of god?', the Bible, all of it? Channeled, I think.” Kevin fished a Camel out of his coat pocket. “I don't think God came down and wrote those books. Men did. Men who were channeling.”

Patrick tried this thought on for size, and found he didn't have a problem with it. It seemed to make a lot more sense than taking words in a book literally. He liked how roomy Kevin's thoughts were.

“So anyway,” Kevin continued, “A couple years ago, I kept being moved to start a journal. I don't write, and I don't like journals, but, there I was, sitting in front of a notebook I found lying around the house. I started to write, and what came out, with some practice, was pretty surprising.

I showed some of it to Ellie. She encouraged me to keep at it, and I did. I started to get comfortable with it. I found I was sometimes really surprised at what came out. I'd sit, start writing, and then, a couple h ours later, I'd have pages and pages, and it all made such good sense.

I'd ask real specific questions, sometimes, and I started to take the advice this voice gave me, when I came to the notebooks with specific, like, life questions. And that led me back here.”

They were standing in the parking lot of a simple building, a weird orphan of a building. Between an upscale neighborhood to the north and a busy strip mall to the south stood n incongruously simple structure, nicely ringed by fir trees.

Kevin finished, “I'd not been here for a long time, busy with work and stuff, but I came back one night a while back. Norma's daughter runs the place now, and I handed her my last notebook. She put me in front of everybody that night, and I've been coming back every week, now, to channel for folks. And for myself.”


The meeting hall smelled faintly of smelled of mothballs. There were twenty or so beat up chairs lining the hall, pointed in the direction of a little altar. On the walls were large portraits, in bright pastels, of people Patrick had never seen before. He wandered over to the artwork. St. Germain, Archangel Raphael, Sananda, the brass plaques read.

Kevin went up to the front of the room and put his coat over a bar stool that stood to the right of the little altar. He went over to Patrick, studying a portrait of St. Francis of Assisi. “I want to go find Indra. I want you two to meet. If you want coffee, there's some right past those double doors,” Kevin pointed to the meeting hall's lobby. “Indra usually has some snacks set out, too. I'll go find her, and see you in a minute.”

Indra was a tall, athletic woman in her mid forties. Her graying blonde hair was in a tangle of dreads, and the simple blue shift she wore was part of a nice set she'd scored at Nordstrom Rack. She was a study in sharp contrast, and never failed to confound Kevin. He liked her contradictions, and enjoyed her company.

“I'm so glad you came early, Kevin,” Indra greeted her friend. “I wanted to see if you'd be up for a psychic fair I'm putting together for the solstice. Do you have plans for it yet?”

“I hadn't thought that far ahead, to be honest,” Kevin smiled. “I'd be honored. Are you having it here?”

“Actually, we scored a bigger place. Jeff has gotten us the conference space at Denver Center for Exploratory Awareness. Have you ever gone there? It's called the DC, for short.”

Kevin had been going to the DC, on and off, with Ellie and Bill, for years. Kevin had been there just the week before for their monthly drum circle. He was surprised they were letting little groups like theirs join in.

“It's sort of a conference of all the smaller groups around town this year,” Indra said, seemingly responding to Kevin's thoughts. This often happened in her company, and Kevin had gotten used to it. “It's gonna be two days of channeling, classes, tons of food, lots of music. Jeff and the band are going to do a kirtan, even.” And with that, Indra sang a little bit of a favorite chant of hers, moving her body as she quietly sang, mischievous smile on her face.

“Oh!” she said, “Look who's pulling up! This is quite a night, Kevin! Come see!” She led Kevin by the hand, out to the parking lot.

Valerie saw Indra from inside the building, talking to a an overweight, balding man who looked like her uncle. She lit a smoke and waited for her girlfriend, leaning on her car, waving at the two of them as they approached her. The sun was setting, and the colors were gorgeous tonight.

“Valerie,” Indra said, almost a prayer coming from her lips. “How was your drive, sweetheart?”

Kevin watched as the two women greeted each other with hand holding and smiles.

“This is Kevin. He's out featured guest tonight,” Indra told Valerie, while presenting Kevin with a flourish.

“I've heard about you,” Valerie said. “Indra refers to your channeling quite a bit at home. It's good to finally meet you.”

Kevin shook Valerie's hand, and then remembered he had also brought a guest. “You know, I could use a smoke before we get going,” Kevin said, “But I left my friend inside. You mind hanging out til I go check on him?”

Valerie nodded, mentioned something about not minding another one, and Kevin went back inside to find Patrick.

Patrick was sitting on a couch in the lobby, reading his White Eagle book. “Why don't you come outside for a little bit, Patrick?” Kevin asked. “I want you to meet a couple folks.”


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Archangel Indriel ~ Your Greatest Tool is Your Life Experience ~ via ~ Bella Capozzi
Posted: 09 Aug 2013 09:31 PM PDT


⁂ Precious Beloveds, once upon a day, so very long ago by way of linear thinking and time, sprung forth from Source the most luminous sparkles of Light. A breathtaking sight to behold it was, these intricately faceted and complex creations, countless as the number of infinity, grew and multiplied until all of the Heavens were ashimmer. Designed by Father.

Birthed by Mother. They wept, they sang, they danced in jubilation, did our Dear Creators.

You, the children of their One Heart, would now embark upon countless journeys and adventures, experiencing everything in the novel manner by which your Parents had yet to ever experience before. All that has ever been required of you is a willing heart and an insatiable thirst for knowledge. And so you went. The learning, it has been glorious! The raw physicality of being presented deep, unprecedented intensities of emotion. Pain and healing, love and dismay, laughter and tears, confusion and clarity, triumph and tragedy…

there simply cannot be a price placed upon any of these Sacred things, as each one has been experienced through the life a thoroughly unique aspect of Themself, thereby rendering no two sparks particularly alike. And so it went…

⁂ Here and now, your greatest tool is your life experience. You are to think of life this way, henceforth, and draw upon the multitude of lessons you have learned. It is scarcely important at all that you should consciously remember the details of your past incarnations and why you have this knowing. It is irrelevant, because you carry this knowing within you as you go along. It is interwoven in your DNA. It is alive in every cell, every atom, every nuance of your beingness. You needn’t exhaust yourself to find it, as it is there regardless of any expenditure of effort to “resurrect” it and put it to good use. For it is as natural as breathing! You shall simply and quite easily know. Trust that as you skip jubilantly through the open doors of the Lion’s Gate, much more of this stored knowledge shall become openly recognizable to you – this by way of your inner sight and clear knowing. Trust yourselves implicitly, as the days are now upon us where we of the Upper Realms are reliant upon you to take action. You are the incarnates. You have chosen to be thus, and to be the forces on the ground. You walk Gaia’s surface in physicality, and you are in a position to affect change in a way that we of higher density cannot.

⁂ Praise be. We are quite awed by your tenacity. You shall never give up, and it is for this reason you were chosen. I have remained ever so close to you, and I am first to concur that a lackadaisical journey it is not! Some of you have designed more challenging programs than others. There are also those who have deigned to come here as the placeholders, the keepers of the peace, gently and quietly creating harmony wherever the go. Teachers, warriors, storytellers, healers, the list is as endless and as varied as the vibrant colors of the Universe. No one is more essential to the cause than the other. Each snaps neatly into place to form a dazzling tableau!

⁂ The ultimate goal has always been the Now. Every one of your experiences has led you here. You chose the lessons, decided who the players would be and what would ultimately be the purpose. You have studied, have been tested sorely and then passed your exams with flying colors. But school is over now. It’s time to take on, fully, your mission of truth. Shy not away from this. You are more than qualified. You have been working towards this for aeons. The Karmic Wheel is slowing down now and drawing to a standstill. The audacity of these past several month, oh my, how they have caused you to rail at the Heavens! One thing after the next, Sweet Dears! Yet it has had to be this way. Class is over and graduation day has thus commenced. Step forward in all your glory. Stand proud upon the stage and look out at the crowd of smiling faces before you – the faces of your peers, your Guides, your Angels and of Creation itself. Then walk with confidence as you embark upon this fresh and exciting phase of your existence.

Copyright © Bella Capozzi. All rights reserved. You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice.

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Mother Mary ~ Claim Your Rightful Place Amongst the Masters in Your Ability to Love and to Create ~ via Fran Zepeda
Posted: 09 Aug 2013 09:31 PM PDT


Hello dear ones. By now you have realized that you have reached a crossroads, a crossroads of true unequivocal belief in your divine nature. We have been telling you for quite a while now of the magnificent essence that is you, naturally and never-ending and eternally, and many of you have accepted it with open arms and true belief in your true nature.

However, there are many that still doubt this, and for you to move forward, it needs to be embraced fully and without any hesitation. Deep down you know of your nature, your Divine Nature. Deep down you know of its possibilities and its consequences. Deep down you recognize yourself more and more, as the veils are lifted from your hearts and as you accept yourselves truly and absolutely. But are you fully embracing it? Are you fully believing it? That is the question we pose to you this day, where you find yourselves continually inundated with purer and purer energy into your hearts, if you so accept it.

For many it is bringing up doubts and resistance. For many it is still bringing up those parts of you that still cling to old beliefs of what you think you are, of who you think you are. But beloveds, I come today to ask of you: let go more, surrender more; look closely into your hearts and see any remaining doubts and fears and beliefs that are holding you back from receiving and accepting this pure light of such magnitude, that nothing can hide now, that nothing can be in your way of expanding more fully into your new lives and new sense of yourselves.

But it isn’t really “new” now, dear ones, is it? You are indeed coming back to your true beginnings, your true center, and while it may feel sometimes that you are like a new fresh seedling newly sprouted and waving in the harsh winds of change, feeling very vulnerable, know that you are not alone and you can withstand it, that you can grow further and stronger into your true glory.

I come to you now to give you comfort and love in your treacherous journey, or so it may seem to you now. Hold fast to your center, dear ones, and see how much love you can hold without feeling like you are bursting. And bursting is ok, even so. For you are breaking the barriers of old paradigms for one last time and it is so – it is rightfully so - that you claim your rightful place amongst the Masters in your ability to Love and to Create.

The only thing stopping you, my dear ones, is belief and trust – belief and trust in your Divine Nature, in your Divine Essence, in your Christed Self, in your Lighted Ascended Being. You merely have to choose those thoughts and feelings that support that new level you have found yourselves in. It feels new, yes; it feels strange yes, but go with it. Allow it. You are almost there.

You are the Lighted Love-Bearers of the World. I have told you this before. You are fully capable of sustaining that role; you are perfectly capable of carrying forward as supreme examples of Lighted Ascended Beings, of evolved Ascended Beings, so full of Love and promise that no one can deny it. Don’t deny it, dear ones. Be with us in your full glory. Now is the time. Now is the Creation you have been waiting for – the creation of so much Love oozing within you and without you and for you and by you. Take it in further, dear ones. You are almost there.

We love you immensely, dear ones, we in the Celestial and Galactic Realm. That has never subsided. It grows and flourishes with each further acceptance of it. Let this Love and Light now illuminate any remaining dark patches that may prevent you from fully accepting that you are a Full and Lighted Divine Being, here to spread it further out than you could have ever imagined. For the dark patches are merely beliefs and fears and doubts you have accumulated to sustain you in the times of separation. But that time is closing dear ones. And you merely have to light them up and move through them like wisps of fog lingering before you on your path to full freedom.

You have my deep abiding love always. You have the deep abiding love of all the Celestial and Galactic Realm, of which you are one. Believe it fully, dear ones. Now is the time.

All my love.

Mother Mary

©2013 Fran Zepeda. Permission is given to copy and distribute this material, provided the content is posted in its entirety and unaltered, is distributed freely, and this notice and links are included. (Blog) (Website

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Pictures of the week

Pictures of the week

10900586098?profile=originalA Greek firefighter runs to help a colleague as a forest fire rages in Marathon near Athens (Reuters)

10900586480?profile=originalIranians gather on the street to pray during Eid-al-Fitr celebrations (Rex)

10900587290?profile=originalA newborn albino wallaby takes a look at her new surroundings at Gumbuya Park in Victoria, Australia. (Rex)

10900587859?profile=originalThe financial district in Shanghai, China, where the world's second tallest skycraper, the 632m Shanghai Tower, is nearing completion. (Reuters)

10900588262?profile=originalThe sky over is illuminated by lightnings near Goerlitz, Germany. (PA)

10900588690?profile=originalBathers in the Volcano de Tutumo El Totumo mud volcano are left fully caked in mud (Rex)

10900589088?profile=originalHands up! Newborn panda cub Yuan Zai puts her paws in the air during a routine health check. (Rex)

10900589686?profile=originalA lab-grown meat burger made from Cultured Beef, which has been developed by Professor Mark Post of Maastricht University in the Netherlands.(PA)

10900589899?profile=originalA Greek army helicopter drops water over a forest fire in Marathon near Athens August 5, 2013. A wildfire fanned by strong winds raged near Athens on Monday, damaging homes and sending residents fleeing, fire brigade officials said. Reuters witnesses said the blaze had damaged at least three homes at a hamlet by the town of Marathon - the site of the historic 490 BC battle between Athenians and Persians about 40 kilometres (25 miles) northeast of the Greek capital.REUTERS/Yannis Behrakis (GREECE - Tags: DISASTER ENVIRONMENT TPX IMAGES OF THE DAY)

10900590856?profile=originalLance Bombardier James Simpson of the Royal Artillery, who lost both his legs in Afghanistan, during a training session in woods near Otley, Leeds, ahead of the Spartan Race, in which he is competing in September. (PA)

10900590289?profile=originalA female polar bear looks down from a cliff at birds below in Spitsbergen, Norway (Rex)

10900591272?profile=originalAn aerial image shows the flooding chaos over Herne Hill, south London, caused by a burst water main. (Rex)

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I know this is old news, but I thought I would post it again as its such a wonderful thing

Dolphins granted personhood by government of India
Friday, August 09, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of


(NaturalNews) Dolphins have been granted "non-human personhood" status by the government of India, making India the first nation in the world to recognize the unique intelligence and self-awareness of the cetacean order (a class of aquatic mammals).

The decision was announced by India's Minister of the Environment and Forests which also outlawed captive dolphin shows. The ministry added that dolphins "should have their own specific rights." (SOURCE)

Dolphins are extremely intelligent mammals with a highly-developed social structure. Recent research shows that dolphins call each other by name and can remember the unique name whistles from old "friends" heard just one time 20 years ago.

Dolphins choose their own unique name -- a series of complex whistles -- before they reach one year of age. From that point forward, all the other dolphins in their social group call them by that unique name.

Dolphins use highly-complex grammatical communications

Previous research has shown that dolphins have human-like self awareness and engage in highly complex communications with other dolphins using grammatical sentence structure. Yes, dolphins have their own complete language, much like humans. (See the Dolphin Communication Project.) The main difference between dolphin language and human language is that dolphins aren't vaccinated as young children and injected with brain-damaging mercury. Therefore, dolphins grow up able to speak in fully coherent sentences while many humans now are cognitively deficient and unable to compose meaningful sentences. (They are literally brain damaged by vaccines, mercury fillings and toxic chemicals in foods, medicines and personal care products. Idiocracy has arrived!)

As this 1999 scientific paper on dolphin communication explains about a dolphin named "Ake:"

...the relation of thematic role to word order were firmly incorporated into Ake's concepts of the grammar of the language, strongly suggesting knowledge of argument number. Overall, this set of findings underscores the robustnesss of comprehension by Ake of her learned language... [the test] required an understanding of grammatical and semantic relations and of pragmatic issues deriving from the link between thematic role and syntactic position.

Ake, in other words, is grammatically smarter than many adult humans as is evidenced by the fact that many human beings no longer have any ability to parse meaningful concepts from language and instead are nothing more than "hypnosis subjects" who punch chads at the voting booths and live on Cheetos and Gatorade.

Why I support the "personhood" of cetaceans

Let the record show that I fully support non-human personhood status for dolphins and other cetaceans (whales, dolphins, purpoises). The idea of violently kidnapping these intelligent mammals from their wild habitat and forcing them to engage in parlor tricks for an audience of sunburned, nutrient-depleted vaccine-damaged ice cream-licking over-medicated drooling human children is wildly offensive to all intelligent beings (meaning the dolphins).

It would be far more appropriate to tow a raft full of these "flotation device" human junk food slurpers into the ocean and let a group of intelligent dolphins observe them performing stupid human tricks for Pop-Tarts and aspartame-laced diet soda.


See some of these stupid human tricks for yourself in these videos:

"Fork up nose"

"Man folds himself into hide-a-bed"

"Woman spits out gum and sucks it back in"


I'm sure any dolphin would pay good money to watch a few more. Perhaps they will kidnap human children off the street and force them to live on island cages in the middle of the ocean where they have to endlessly perform stupid human tricks with no hope of ever escaping their maddening confinement.

Yes, this part of the article is pure satire. (Any dolphin would have already known that.)

And yes, I have far more faith in the intelligence of dolphins than I do the intelligence of humanity. Dolphins, after all, don't build nuclear bombs, radioactive power plants or GMOs, and they sure don't inject their own children with mercury and genetic fragments from diseased animals. Only humans are stupid enough to do that.

Every animal on the planet instinctively protects its young... except humans. Human mothers actually turn their children over to insane doctors who inject them with methyl mercury (vaccines), an extremely toxic brain poison that "lobotomizes" human brains and turns brilliant children into low-IQ future slave workers.

Perhaps one day human scientists will finally be able to talk with dolphins. If so, I'm sure one of the first questions we'll be asked by them is, "Why do you brain damage your own children and call it medicine?"

Action item: Help fund the Dolphin Communication Project
Help Dr. Kathleen Dudzinski, Director of the Dolphin Communication Project (DCP) raise funds to conduct more research on dolphin social structure and language!

Details at:

You can also adopt a wild dolphin and help raise money for important scientific research! See:

Sources for this story include:

Learn more:



This is a' WaterShed Moment' in Human History

Dolphin Brains are as Big as Human Brains & as Convoluted as a Human
The Convolutions ( Folds ) increase the Surface area of the Brain
The Unfolded Human Brain Area is the Size of a Pillow Case
The Sperm Whale Brain is 9 times Bigger than a Human Brain
Dolphin & Whale Skeleton is VERY Similar to the Human Skeleton
Dolphins & Whales have the same Hand Bone Structure as a Human -

The Huge Dinasors ( the size of Whales ) had Walnut Sized Brains & that
was all the Brain that was Needed to Function as a Large Animal

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PATRICK HEARS VOICES, CHAPTERS 12 – By Kathy Vik, 11-15-13

While writing this for all of us, a novel to and for and about lightworkers, I am asking for whatever financial help you feel moved to provide me. Private message me, or contact me at My PayPal account is under amissvik.

Follow my work at:



As I am re-writing, for continuity's sake, as I go, so I will post this as a book, in case you haven't been reading a long, but I'll do that at the end of this installment of chapters. It's fun to just read along, but also fun to read the thing in one block, if that's your thing.

And here were go.



“Oh, Bill, it felt real good, it was closure,” Ellie said over the phone, “and it just felt right. That paperwork, oh, Bill, it was the last straw.”

I can be there in twenty if you w ant me to help pack you up and walk you out,” offered Bill. “I'm presentable. I used my potter's apron today.”

“Twenty will be more than fine. I'll see you then,” said Ellie. She paused, then, and thought about the strange turn of events. “Bill, are you okay with what I've done?”

“Ellie,” Bill soothed, “I've been watching your discomfort with those surroundings build, now, for quite a few years. I think you've earned some rest, Ellie. “I trust you, dear. You know this.”

“I love you, Bill,” Ellie said. “if I'm not in the office, it's because I'm out looking for boxes. Just hang out.”

Their evening was spent in their cozy home. Judy was gone for the night, off at a yoga retreat, or woman’s retreat, something through her church. Bill and Ellie did what they always did, new every time, meaningful without ever trying to be, complete and perfect in all its imperfection. They stayed with the other, as friends, intimate in mind, naked in emotion, surprisingly humorous throughout. They celebrated where they'd been as a couple, and what might the future hold, and stayed, happily and lovingly, in the Now they consciously chose to create, especially when the winds howled and things could look menacing, if looked at from just the wrong angle.

They were both asleep by nine.


As fate would have it, this was the night that Patrick's life changed. It was only once the sun had set, an early 5:30, that he realized he needed to charge his phone. He checked the message service for the land line, and heard three calls from the hospice. His mom had taken a turn, and they'd put her on watch. The time stamp was 12:12 that afternoon. He'd slept through the call. The others were to tell him that they were doing for her, looking, he knew, for his blessing, his input.

He charged his cell while calling the hospice back on the land line. He asked for Diane, hoping she was on duty, but not knowing for sure.

There was her soothing voice, so southern, so lady like, so gentle. After telling her it was him, he learned quickly that his mom was really on her way out this time. Judy described it this way, “Hon, I'm glad you're rested up, I figured when we couldn't reach you you were either at school or home sleeping, so there's been no harm done, dear one. Your mother is alive, and has a little bit longer. Do not rush over here willy nilly. Drive over here thinking about last night with her, ok, hon?”

Patrick fought back tears as she spoke her words, admonitions she'd said thousands of times in her long career, meaning them every single time. He agreed to use a clear head to drive. “Traffic will be bad this time of day,” Patrick said absentmindedly.

“Well, if you can manage your temper in traffic, come now. Otherwise, you have some time. Not a lot, and I can't predict every time, but all signs says she may last a few hours. You understand I could be wrong, now, doncha, dear heart?”

“I can't change how far away I am. If she hangs on, she hangs on,” Patrick heard himself say. “She knows I love her and I'll miss her , but I want her to not have pain anymore. Please, just be with her until I can come, ok, Diane?” Patrick said.

“Patrick, you are wise beyond your years. I'll be right with your mom until you get here, don't you worry about a thing, sugar.” With that, Diane looked up and asked her partner Nancy for some help in dividing the tasks at hand.

Patrick arrived after a harrowing hour and a half in traffic. He'd had his headphones on, listening to that Krishna Das character he'd been introduced to by the Benz'. It helped, but by the time he got to the hospice, he felt jangly and nervous, hyper vigilant, and tired.

He walked right to his mother's room, and found Diane sitting by the bed, her considerable frame blocking Patrick's line of sight to his mom's face. Without looking to him, Judy said, “Dear one, I saw you pull up. She's gone Patrick. She just died,” she looked at her watch, “Three minutes ago. Please, sit with her, if you wish, dear Patrick.” Diane had her arms around Patrick then, holding him only as a mother can hold a child. He melted into her arms, she could feel him turning soft and young, like a little child, so many of them do, she thought, as she swayed with him, holding him.

He looked over at his mom's face, during that embrace, and saw that she had a smile on her face, as changed and hollowed as it had become toward the end. The side table lamp was on, the lighting soft, and she looked at peace, still. He noticed that she wasn't breathing, and this is what struck him as odd.

While in Diane's arms, he realized he'd never NOT seen someone, anyone, everyone, breathing. His mom wasn't he felt mesmerized by the sight, and then, the fascination abruptly ended. He turned away then, knowing this was real, it was over.

His mom and he had spoken honestly and openly about death. She believed in reincarnation and lots of stuff that his dad called pagan, and other words, too, but he liked her honesty and her fearlessness about her own death. They had their jokes about it all, even, he considered. She'd told him, once she goes, she'll be hanging around for a while, and she'd get his attention, somehow, arrange things in a weird way, and he'd know, just know, that she was right, that we just “go on,” as she called it.

He moved away from Judy, thanked her, and asked what happened next. She explained it all, and he remembered then that another nurse had gone through a similar list a while back, when she'd been sick the time before. He and his mom had talked. She'd released him from any and all rituals, as he saw fit. She knew they were important for the aggrieved, and so she told him he was free to do as much or as little as he saw fit.

He told Judy that his mom and he had talked, and it was fine to have her go to Feldman's as originally planned. He said, “I just want a few minutes here, and then I'll be done. I don't want to stay. Is that ok?”

Diane smiled and told him, Sure, and left the room, leaving the door cracked open.

Patrick spent a few minutes with his mom, and although these moments were important, and transformative for the boy, we shall pick up his story after those moments pass. Patrick would want it that way.


Valerie was coming out of Panera's when it hit her. She had to get in touch with Ellie. The feeling had been coming to her stronger for a while now, but this realization, as she juggled her purse, a huge bag of food, and her car keys, it hit her like a lightening bolt. “I need to go see her. It's past time for calling,” she said out loud, settling into her old beater.

Valerie and Ellie went way back, back to third grade, in Lakewood, just miles from Valerie's ranch.

She'd retired in Evergreen, close to her childhood home, on property her first live-in girlfriend had bought when such things could still be done reasonably. The boyfriend was shed years ago, but as a parting gift, he'd given her the property. They'd laughed through their tears over it, the day he handed her the deed.

Through the years she'd upgraded the simple cabin, putting on additions, gutting the kitchen, always improving, year after year, until it was a real mountain home, her home. Her role in all of it was to be the visionary, have the ideas, dream bigger. Then she'd hire or barter with locals who'd do the work. She had a rule with contractors. She preferred to know where they live. It's harder to con a neighbor, she always said.

She'd since gone through many relationships, living, at times, down in town, with whomever she'd lent her heart. She'd not found her it girl, but she'd had a hell of a good time, and was what one of her friends called “an elder” in the gay community. There's little that she hadn’t done, Olivia cruises, PrideFest volunteering, facilitating groups at The Center, all sorts of “gay stuff,” as her straight friends called it these days.

She'd lost touch with many of her breeding friends, disinterested in the drama of family life and child rearing. She'd liked Ellie, and tried to connect with her, about ten years previously, but they'd met just the once, and although they'd had a nice talk at a neighborhood cafe, neither of them pursued the other again.

Why the sudden need to see her, to physically see her, it was beyond Valerie. She filed it away under “Things I'd Prefer not Doing Tomorrow,” and realized that tomorrow was another “have to” day. She tried to schedule no more than tow or three of these a month. Have to do laundry, vacuum, get my oil changed. Have tos. Valerie snorted as she turned the engine over. Tomorrow's have to's can wait. It was time to get home, light a bone, and wait for Elaine. She was teaching night classes this semester.


Patrick's dad called the school the day after his ex-wife's death,and excused him for a week. Patrick told his dad he had a lot of things to get done as a result of his mom's passing, and his dad bought it. Patrick was saddened that his dad just let him do his own thing, but didn't know how to ask for help from him. His dad liked working, was a big attorney downtown, and felt justified for the sixteen hour days. The usual freedom Patrick was allowed felt like a thick blanket to Patrick, in those first few days, stifling him a bit, containing him. He wanted to be among friends, people who loved him. He didn't know, at first, who that might be.

The day he picked up his mom's ashes, as he was getting into the car from the mortuary, Ellie called his cell phone.

“Patrick, do you have any questions for me,” Ellie asked, once introductions were out of the way.

“What do you mean, Mrs. Benz?” Patrick asked.

“Well, I imagine you must be wondering why I'm not at school,”” Ellie explained.

Patrick paused, not sure he wanted to let this stranger into his loss. If he said he didn't have a question, she'd think he didn't care. If he said he did have a question, it implied he'd been to school. And if he told the truth, then he'd have to deal with other people coming into this feeling he had, of being adrift and alone. He wasn't entirely sure he was done feeling that way.

“Um,” Patrick said.

“Patrick,” Ellie asked, “Are you OK?”

“I'm good, I guess, but I can't really talk right now, Mrs. Benz.” Patrick surprised himself with his answer.

“We were just talking about you this morning,” Ellie said. “Bill was wondering what you're doing for dinner. It's Italian Feast day again, you know.”

“How is that possible?” Patrick said, marveling at the impossibility of such a thing, “that's weird. I could have sworn it was longer.”

“I know what you mean,” Ellie said. “So much has happened in seven days. Can you join us tonight, Patrick? You really can come by any old time.”

“Actually, Mrs. Benz,” Patrick said, “I can't think of anything nicer, just now. Can I bring anything over?” he looked down at the passenger seat, holding a box packed with packing peanuts and a sea-green and red enamel urn. “Food, I mean,” Patrick clarified, unnecessarily.

“I know we're out of salad greens. I'll pay you back. Can you pick some up and bring 'em with?” Ellie asked.

“If it's ok, I'll go do that now, and be over in, oh, probably less than an hour?” he looked at his watch. It was only noon.

“Well, sure, Patrick, that sounds just fine,” Ellie said, not thinking to ask why he wasn't at school, or if it crossed her mind, she did not let on. “That'll be a treat. Maybe we can go for a walk once you get there and settle in a little,” Ellie said hopefully.

“Sure, Mrs. Benz,” Patrick said, feeling hopeful, “I'd like that a lot. I'll see you in a while.”


Patrick stopped for greens at the King Soopers tucked between Downing and Corona. He often when there for lunch breaks, if he knew he'd be making dinner at night and needed supplies. He greeted Jules, the green grocer who loved stacking things. He'd watched this guy work, and there he was again, this time stacking golden delicious apples, very artistically. Patrick was overcome with a feeling of futility today, walking past Jules, heading to the organic section. What's the point, Patrick's thinking went. He picked up a six pack of Coke too,and then checked out, still feeling bleak.

Ellie met him at the door, as did their dog and cat. She looked tired, he thought. He was still getting used to the idea of seeing this grown-up from school talk with him while dressed in blue jeans and bare feet. He liked it, but found it weird, still.

She invited him into the kitchen, and he took a seat in the breakfast nook, watching her work at the sink. KBCO was on the radio, and a cat was on the counter. Patrick turned, and looked out the window, overlooking the backyard. He could see Bill in his studio, the windows open. He was dancing, and looked to be singing, too. He wondered what it was he did out there besides sing and dance.

“Cider, Patrick,” Ellie said, more a command than a suggestion, as she slid a big clay mug of sweet smelling nectar his way.

“Thanks, Mrs. Benz,” Patrick said.

“Ellie, Patrick. It's just Ellie, if you're alright with that,” Ellie said, patting Patrick's arm.

“I try, but if Mrs. Benz comes out, is that ok, Ellie?” Patrick asked.

“Of course, dear,” Ellie said.

Maybe it was her giving him permission to do things wrong, and maybe it was that her “dear” reminded him of when Diane called him that, or maybe it was just everything, but Patrick quietly began to weep, right there, in front of his new friend.

Ellie got up and took the seat right next to Patrick, and put her short arm around his huge shoulders as best she could. She stood up, and sort of draped herself on him, and held his face in one cupped hand. She said, “There, there, dear one. It's ok. You aren't alone,dear friend.” Ellie wasn't sure what moved her to say the words she did, but as she languaged them, she meant each one, and holding his fuzzy cheek in her small hand felt more right than anything she'd done all day.

She straightened up as his crying eased. She got a couple of paper towels and handed them to him, telling him they were out of Kleenex. He gathered himself slowly, sipped some cider, sniffled, and then looked up at her.

She was looking at him now, expectantly, indulgently, from the sink. She'd started scrubbing potatoes again. “I've changed my mind about dinner. I decided potatoes were called for. More grounding,” she said, while studying his face. “I can see now that was good thinking. You wanna talk about it, Patrick?”

“I think I need a walk, Ellie,” Patrick said. Isn't there an ice cream shop around here? Lickety something, isn't it?” Patrick was already anticipating the fudge brownie he was wanting to devour, hoping they had such a confection.

“It's about wight blocks away,” Ellie said.”You up for it?”

“Oh my God, I haven't moved that much in a week. I think that sounds like a great idea.”

They gathered their overcoats, Ellie got the leash and calmed down her ancient dog by hooking him up to the leash, and they were off.

On the way, Ellie chose to not ask Patrick direct questions about what was going on. Instead, she started their walk by telling him, “When you're ready to talk about what's going on for you, I’d be honored to hear. I trust you are in no imminent danger, and are instead in distress. You strike me as a young man who knows himself. When you're ready, I'm here.” They'd walked to the ice cream shop in silence, not uncomfortable, but pregnant, both of them feeling something building between them, something that would, by virtue of its own strength, come out to be discussed in due time.

Ellie was surprised and intrigued to find Patrick not talking about whatever it was that brought no his tears, on the way home. He held the dog's leash, seemed to enjoy this, and Ellie took the time to notice the trees lining the streets she loved.


Kevin was in the kitchen when Patrick and Ellie got home. He said, “Hi,” in a general way, and went back to cutting up apples. On the stove was a stock pot, steaming, boiling water waiting to make the applesauce Kevin was known for within his circles.

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There's a butt-tom of other stuff I could and, really, should be doing right now, just like a year ago, glued to my seat, far away and right up close, experiencing something extraordinary, and, after all is said and done, telling you about this is more important to me than clean laundry. I do look forward to going to the neighborhood laundromat today, though. I love the smell of laundry, and I love laundromats.


It started yesterday. The energy was intense, what I wrote was intense. Really happy intense, not dark,not at all. Just very sparkly, very focused, light but clear, I guess.

And then, after zoning out to Community Season 2, Disc 4 and playing a fetching game on the computer, I had one of those things, when I get all weird feeling, like I'm going to faint, and my heart slows down, and I did not want to pass out at the table, so I called it a night and crawled into bed.

I slept in blocks. Anymore, when in a period of expansion, I sleep for just a little bit, wake feeling completely rested, look at the clock and can't believe so little time has elapsed. That's what happened last night. So I did what I always do, I go to the bathroom, get some water, and then return to bed for luscious other stuff. I know I'm going traveling, working, having fun, then. I get to go be active. And so, that happened until around 1, so two hours. And I woke up feeling extraordinary.

There's that word again.

So, I was immediately aware, not like I usually am, not groggy or resentful for being awake (sort of a problem I once had...) no, this was different. Awake, aware, all aware. I saw myself cleaved. I saw a big big part of me as diamond glittery, silver, and I was there, and I was surveying myself from there. I felt my life acutely, but none of it applied, none of it could be taken all that seriously. Odd. Not in a trivializing fashion, nor in a minimizing way, but as someone who is intimately aware of how the story is, in its totality.

It wasn't a conscious decision, not the end product of some breathing meditation or mud bath or homeopathy, just waking up and knowing things I didn't know before.

When I wrote in my journal, gosh darn it, it was frustrating, because everything I said sounded trite. Repetitions of stuff I keep repeating anyhow, but this time, I was inhabit those sentiments, those understandings, somehow. The words were flimsy excuses for what I was trying to get across.

I'll transcribe those notes for both of us now. I am very curious what I wrote. I will mention, the dictation was billowing at 1, and I really wanted to write, but I was tired and pretty disinterested, actually. When I woke up again at 3, I was physically very fatigued. I did the physical stuff one must do to get comfortable, and then, I wished I had asked my body to make up for all the work I did, really get me rested, but I neglected to do that...

OK, here are the notes...


Split overnight. Woke up 3 times, 3 blocks. I saw my 3d life, all the stories, worries, I saw it like paper. Flimsy. Interesting, captivating but so flat. Then there was this other field, where I was, and I understood the 3d life is written by this biggerself. Embodying this larger mind. God. SO physical. I am CHANGED. I can't fear my 3d life and I'm not worried any,ore. This is not some kind of word play mind anesthesia. This is knowing that the setups and all are just that. Important but a by-product. But it's not what I saw as much as how I STILL feel. Detached and delighted. Like my “life” is beautiful. I'm OK. This isn't home, really, neither is India, South America. No. It's someplace I visit but it's not home. And yet I love it here, The Earth, I mean. I feel excited and as an equal when considering problems and questions and people I truly admire.”

Truth be told, all I want to do right now is go take a nap.

But the reason I interrupt that programming is because I have been able to sustain that feeling now, from since I woke up. When just coming to the last time, that sensation was a lot stringer. In the sort of woozy moments I had that last awakening, I ask for a key word, to make this key word be encoded with the whole thing, so that I can access it with just one word. Of course, this was a good idea, so it was done.

I can't remember the word now.

Silly goose.

So it will come back to me at the right time,but in the meantime, this feels good.

At the elevator, heading back to the apartment after dropping Sam off, I felt sort of like I was nicely vibrating. I thought, I wonder if this is how Lemurians felt. Is this old stuff? I felt good, and I kept feeling/running this light,this sliver ghost behind me. And at the elevator, I invited the ghost, this bigger entity,to spin with me, from me, so that we could be together and not apart, and I felt the silver come through me, getting onto the elevator.

I closed my eyes on the way up, wondering if this is how it will be now, being able to do this with my eyes open. I know I have been doing that for a while, but not like this. Not like this.

I'm bound to settle down. Funny how tasks can be sort of soothing, doing repetitive, mindless tasks. They soother me, sometimes. Usually they anger me, that I have to do them at all. But if I can get into the right groove, doing stuff I don't really like to do because it's boring and repetitive and necessary,but now I am feeling gratitude for it. It is grounding, you know?

I wish I knew what other people's experiences are. I've been more interested in channeled stuff lately... Meline LaFont's one today just blew me away. It felt so good, so pure and true, for me. I was glad of it.

I am going to go and attend to my business now, but I wanted you to know what is happening. I like the feelings and thoughts I am having, and realizing more and more that there is something very special going on here, very auspicious indeed.

And that's really all I have to say today. Thanks for tuning in, dear friend.

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Wishing you a wonderful Weekend, and a week full of Love and Light


“Love so joyfully and freely given can never be taken away. It is never truly gone.”
― Cameron Dokey, Before Midnight: A Retelling of "Cinderella"


Anugama - Spiritual Environment (Healing) 1986 [HD]


“Everybody in this life has their challenges and difficulties. That is part of our mortal test. The reason for some of these trials cannot be readily understood except on the basis of faith and hope because there is often a larger purpose which we do not always understand. Peace comes through hope.”
― James E. Faust


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Love and Purified Intentions help us Navigate Powerful Dimensional Shifts

15 November 2013

Channeler: DL Zeta

We’re in a period that feels like a cosmic roller coaster at times. This entire year has been about quantum change at both collective and personal levels and recent events such as the eclipse series and ongoing Pluto/Uranus square accelerated changes taking place. Powerful energies are shaking things up in an attempt to break free any lingering shackles of the old time so we can activate new and more empowered timelines. The challenges we encounter will be uniquely ours and they will be in areas of our lives we least want to confront. Our specific set of challenges shapes the passage before us as we move through dimensional shifts that allow us to experience timelines where our greatest gifts are realized. Old realities must unravel to make room for the new so we can expect some transition times ahead. As we thread our way through the ensuing times of uncertainty and chaos we may feel pushed and pulled in all directions and under intense pressure.

Creating new Realities based on the Frequency of Love

Self-love, forgiveness and a healthy dose of patience are essential during this time. As our awareness expands, we see ourselves more clearly than ever before. Front and center will be any past tendencies toward avoidance and scarcity thinking. Any way in which we have given into thought viruses and their fear-based world view will come onto the radar screen of our awareness. Anything we have created from fear-based intentions will begin to disintegrate and fall away.

This may seem a harsh passage for some but the energies of this period are helping us extricate ourselves from the tendrils of thought viruses and gain the spiritual freedom that allows us to find more solid footing in the new time. Although this can be an intense and exhausting period, it also has the transformative ability to bring us face to face with our shadow, providing us an opportunity to accept and reintegrate her. As we integrate light and dark we are able to move forward with a sense of wholeness and self-awareness that allows us to create conscious realities infused with the light of our heart center for the highest good of ourselves and others.

In the past, there was a tendency to create from our ego/mind which automatically programmed polarity into all our creations. Polarized creations cannot sustain the energy of love and wholeness and will always leave us struggling in lower-vibrational timelines.

Consciously creating realities allows us to step free of the cycle of struggle and suffering. There is no need to struggle and suffer. If your life feels more of a struggle than a blessing, you have not fully freed yourself from the enslaving influence of thought viruses. These fear-based thought forms are free-floating and keep us tethered to realities that drain our life force energy and leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled.

Raise your Vibrational Frequency to Navigate this Time

The best way to navigate this time of change is to love and nurture ourselves and purify our intentions. Self-love is especially important. Make sure you’re taking care of your body; get lots of rest during this time. Make time each day to exercise and spend time in nature. Raise your vibrational frequency with green foods to alkalinize your physical system and make time each day to sit in meditation and silence. If you feel under pressure - if you’re feeling pushed to the max by the energies - go within and ask for guidance and healing insights. Ask the universe to bring what you need and make sure you open to receive it. Now is the time to reach for love and healing and allow it to flow into your life. Open to receive love and see it flowing to all the parts of yourself that have been starved for love. Anytime you feel isolated and alone, give to others the love and understanding you’re seeking and you will find all that you need.

Purifying intentions is also important at this time. Examine your intentions to make sure you’re seeking the highest and best for yourself and others. If you’re creating from old, fear-based intentions of scarcity and avoidance, this will not serve you well.

Whatever it is you're seeking from the universe, examine your intentions to make sure they are coming from a place of love instead of ego and fear-based desires. Transform intentions by allowing yourself to see how what you’re asking for benefits yourself and all others. For instance, if you’re seeking to heal and improve your life, see how being healthy and whole will allow you to become a brighter light for all others.

Fear-Based Scenarios are falling by the Wayside

Anything in your life that has been operating on autopilot will come under pressure during this time. Relationships and careers may end. Any situation you entered from a place of fear will fall by the wayside. Accepting this spiritual understanding will provide an underpinning for the new life you will build. Whatever we create from fear-based intentions will forever be colored by the intentions with which they were created. If you entered a relationship because you fear more than anything else being alone, that relationship will always carry the energy and experience of fear and sooner or later you will be more alone than ever before. If you remained in a career that didn't feed your soul because you were afraid more than anything of experiencing a lack of security, sooner or later that career will end and you will exist in a state of scarcity more so than in the past.

If people and situations are leaving your life, ask yourself if these relationships and situations were created from a place of love or a place of fear. If they were created from a place of fear, release them and move forward to create your new life from a place of love.

Allow Yourself to Exist in the Void

Do not rush out and seek to fill the sudden void in your life but instead, learn to exist within the void while focusing on self-love and healing. When you're strong within yourself and able to exist on the frequency of love, it will be time to create anew.

Love is the highest vibration in the universe. Whenever fearful scenarios dance onto the movie screen of your mind, surround them with the healing light of love and feel a shift take place inside you. When you create from a place of love, everything you create carries you deeper into the heart of love. When you create from fear, everything you create carries you deeper into fear-based realities. When you allow yourself to exist in a place of love, you always have all you need and plenty left over to share with others. Thought viruses cannot get their hooks into you.

Activating New and More Spiritually-Aligned Timelines

When you're ready to create again, ask for a vision of potential timeline threads to be downloaded into your consciousness. When you have a clear vision of the timeline that resonates most strongly, you are ready to begin energizing it with your focus and attention.

If your conscious mind resists receiving divine assistance, ask for love and healing to be downloaded in your dream states. When your conscious mind is asleep your subconscious remains awake and is able to act on your intentions. At night just before falling asleep, set your intentions to receive in dream states the love and healing you need.

Choosing and Aligning with a New Timeline

Many reality threads exist as potentials within your life hologram. When you perceive a new potential, it’s a real timeline that already exists energetically. As you begin tuning into this reality thread, you merge the energies of your present moment with it. When the timing is right and sufficient resonance is reached, you will be transported to this reality thread.

Daily go into your meditative space and allow yourself to tune into this new timeline, each time filling in a few more details of what your life is like there and all the opportunities waiting there for you. Feel the emotions and energy of this timeline. Refrain from judging where you are now and where you have been. These have helped you become who you are now and who you are becoming.

©2010-2013 DL Zeta, Celestial Vision, All Rights Reserved

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Voodoo with Reiki.

Voodoo, as its' self is really just another way of saying "Everything in our world is connected by energy."

This is the same as Reiki, and a lot of other Spiritualist beliefs. (I don't know many but they seem to go round this.)

So it is really simple, all you have to do is as follows;

1: Make your voodoo doll. You should do this carefully so that is is a like the person you wish to heal.(Please do not pick me up on this, I only do this for good purposes.) 


2: When preparing for healing, cast the Reiki Distance and Power symbols on the chest of the doll.

3: Envisage you are directing Reiki to the person the doll was made for. Remember that it is very important to not constantly have this healing line open, or you could get energy vampires, or damage the person you are healing by moving the doll when it is still in use.

4: When the healing is over, make sure you close the line and store the doll in a safe place with a nice environment, as in -- not a dark larder or cold cellar. 

There, not to hard, was it? Pretty simple to get your head round.

I hope you enjoy working with this, but remember to ALWAYS close your healing line.

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A Hathor Planitary Message via Tom Kenyon: Cognitive and Emotional Challenges During Chaotic Nodes

hathorsCognitive and Emotional Challenges During Chaotic Nodes, A Hathor Planetary Message through Tom Kenyon, October 14, 2013 at:

*Note: This message deals with specific challenges that are taking place in relationship to Chaotic Nodes. According to the Hathors, a Chaotic Node occurs when chaotic events in multiple and seemingly unrelated areas of the cosmos (including Earth) interact with each other, which in turn generates more chaotic events. As a Chaotic Node increases in strength, many areas of our Earthly existence are affected.

The Hathors:

By their very nature all Chaotic Nodes are challenging to biological systems. This particular Chaotic Node is especially challenging due to numerous factors we have mentioned in previous Planetary Messages. While the challenges to your eco-system, financial systems and cultural institutions are increasing, in this message we will focus on one specific area—memory and cognitive function.

The accelerated escalation of this current Chaotic Node is being driven by a shift in your Sun’s magnetic field—a reversal of its magnetic poles to be precise. This is a cyclic occurrence and takes place approximately every 11 years. The next shifting of your Sun’s magnetic fields is close at hand, and this will set off a series of significant energetics.

Due to an intimate relationship between your Earth’s and the Sun’s magnetic fields, you are caught in a type of cosmic vice. This is due to the fact that memory is a function of magnetic fields—both internal magnetic fields as generated by your nervous system and external magnetic fields such as that of Earth. Furthermore human memory is greatly affected by the Sun’s magnetic field.

Due to the fact that the magnetic fields of both the Earth and the Sun are fluctuating, you may be experiencing cognitive challenges. These challenges may show up as temporary glitches in short term memory, an inability to sequence tasks in the ways you are used to, and a tendency to emotional volatility or instability, especially during periods of high fluctuations in the Earth’s and/or the Sun’s magnetic fields.

The energetic relationship between the Sun’s magnetic field and that of your Earth is a truly complex and fascinating area of inquiry. But for the purpose of this message, which is practical in nature, we will not go into the details of this relationship. But let us summarize this complex relationship between the Sun and the Earth this way—your Sun is affected by the Central Sun of your galaxy, which is, in truth, a black hole.

This black hole ejects various forms of energy into your galaxy, which then passes through your solar system and directly affects your Sun. There is then a cascade of energy from your Sun to your Earth, and so from our perspective, the fluctuations of your Sun’s and Earth’s magnetic fields are catalyzed by the Central Sun of your galaxy. As human beings, as biological organisms, you are very much affected by this cosmic process.

As your current Chaotic Node further escalates, many of you will experience more cognitive disturbances and emotional volatility or confusion. These states of dis-equilibrium can last for a few moments, a few hours, or in the case of major fluctuations, it can last for days. These are indeed trying times for embodied beings upon your Earth.

What we wish to share with you in this message is a simple, practical and highly effective technique for re-establishing balance and equilibrium within the neural pathways of your brain. Think of it as a counter-force to chaos. This method only requires three minutes of your time. If you engage this technique a few times a day, you will find that it imparts a kind of balance. You can repeat this technique throughout the day whenever you wish, especially when you feel imbalanced or cognitively challenged. We do not suggest that you engage this method before going to sleep as it tends to enliven your mental processes, and this could make sleep problematic.

The Method:

This method engages your pranic tube, which extends from the crown of your head down through the center of your body to your perineum, which is located midway between your anus and your genitals. This channel (i.e., the pranic tube) follows the central axis of your body’s magnetic field. If you put your thumb and first or second finger together and form a circle, this is approximately the size of your pranic tube. This energy channel is a conduit for connecting celestial and terrestrial energies.Octahedron use this

Another part of the method engages a platonic solid called the octahedron. An octahedron is an eight-sided solid that is essentially two square-based pyramids that are joined at their bases. Octahedrons naturally occur in many crystalline and molecular structures. We have referred to octahedrons in previous messages especially when we discussed the Holon of Balance. At a subtle energy level octahedrons impart balance.

In this method you imagine an octahedron in the center of your head. It is about one inch (or two centimeters) in height. This imagined octahedron is in the center of your head, and interestingly this is also the location of your pineal gland. The octahedron and your pineal gland also sit within your pranic tube.

The method involves drawing subtle energies from Earth’s magnetic field into the pranic tube via your perineum, and then drawing this subtle energy upward into the octahedron that is sitting in the center of your head. At the same time, subtle energies from the Sun’s magnetic field enter through the crown of your head and descend into the octahedron that is sitting in the center of your head. When these two subtle energies meet within the octahedron, they create an alchemical reaction.

Through the structure of the octahedron, the energy released is balancing in nature, and this balancing effect extends throughout your entire nervous system. It is a very simple yet highly effective and elegant method. At first it may seem cumbersome but once you get the feel of it the method will be as natural as breathing. There are five steps to the method.

Step One:  Get a sense of your pranic tube that runs from the crown at the top of your head through the center of your body down to your perineum. Then extend the tube into the Earth. Some of you may find it entering into the Earth just a few inches while some of you may find it descending to the very center of the Earth. It does not matter how far into the Earth your pranic tube descends so long as it makes contact with the Earth.

Step Two: You then extend the upper portion of your pranic tube past your crown to your BA point (a cosmic portal or stargate), which is located above your head in the region where your fingers would touch were you to raise your arms directly above your head. (Note: Raising your hands above your head is for reference purposes only. You do not keep your hands raised when engaging the method.)

Step Three: You imagine an octahedron, which is about one inch (or two centimeters) tall, in the center of your head. This will be the primary focus of your attention during the method.

Step Four:  This action is done solely through intention. It may help to silently say this phrase, “Through my own volition I set my worlds in motion.” You then inhale naturally, allowing subtle energy from the Earth to move up your pranic tube into the octahedron while simultaneously allowing subtle energy to descend from the top of your pranic tube via the BA point into the octahedron. Understand that you are drawing in subtle energies related to Earth’s magnetic field and the Sun’s magnetic field.

Step Five: As these two energies meet in the octahedron, which is located in the center of your head, let yourself feel the pulse or the merging of these two subtle energies. When you exhale allow this combined energy to flow outward into your brain and into your nervous system according to its own nature. By this we mean it has an innate intelligence and will flow where it needs to go if you allow it.

Depending upon your level of sensitivity you might feel a sensation of energy in the center of your head. You might experience this as a palpable energy moving through your brain. You might very well sense pulses of light emitted from the octahedron. And, in some cases, the octahedron might begin to spin or rotate. These are all positive signs. If your octahedron begins to move, spin or rotate, keep it localized in the center of your head.

While it is possible to travel into other dimensions using the octahedron, in this method you keep the octahedron localized in the center of your head. This is so that the energies built within the octahedron will flow into your brain and nervous system. This will impart balancing energies and enliven the neural networks of your brain, helping to strengthen your cognitive processes, memory and emotional stability.

This simple method can be a great ally to you as you pass through the next phase of this Chaotic Node. From our perspective this Chaotic Node is increasing in a geometric progression, meaning that it is getting ever more intense. The levels of chaos upon your Earth (i.e., social unrest, political conflict, ecological stress, monetary insecurity, scarcity of resources, etc.,) are all escalating at an ever-faster rate. This will put undue stress upon your biological systems.

We strongly suggest you make this simple method part of your day-to-day life. It is better to pass through the portals of chaos with your mental and emotional abilities intact.

The Hathors October 14, 2013

Tom’s Thoughts and Observations

According to the Hathors, we can expect to see increased challenges to our cognitive and memory functions in the future as we adjust—or fail to adjust—to new levels of planetary and cosmic energetics.

The topic of cognitive functioning and memory is a very complex one, and I think it wise to mention that the Hathors are solely addressing those challenges to cognitive function and memory that are related to changes in the Earth’s and the Sun’s magnetic fields.

If you are experiencing dramatic deficits in your cognitive abilities and memory that negatively affect your ability to function normally in your day-to-day life—beyond the temporary challenges that the Hathors are talking about—I would think it wise to consult with a medical professional. This is because some of the challenges in mental sequencing and memory that the Hathors discuss can also be the signs of an underlying neurological problem.

The catalyst for this particular message was actually a question I posed to them (the Hathors) about a month ago. I was personally experiencing a temporary and strange downgrading of my usual level of cognitive functioning—so much so that I asked them what was going on. Their response was the essence of this message.

Since receiving the technique, I have tried it in multiple situations and contexts. I imagine that each of us will find our own right timing with this method—meaning how long to wait before drawing the next in-flow of subtle energies into the pranic tube. I have personally found it best to not rush things and to allow a few moments for sensing the energetics that have been released by the octahedron. On some occasions I have noticed multiple octahedrons, all of them spinning in different directions. When I asked the Hathors about this, they said that the arising of multiple octahedrons was an expression of interdimensionality and could occur for some people. The important thing, according to them, is to allow the octahedrons to spin in whatever ways they wish, but be sure to keep them always localized in the center of the head.

I find that it is better to do the technique in short sessions throughout the day than in longer sessions, which I have tested on a few occasions. In retrospect, I think three minutes is an ideal time to engage this method. When I experimented with much longer sessions, I sometimes got too “amped up,” meaning that there was too much energy flowing into my nervous system for my comfort zone. The goal of this method is to insert short bursts of coherent energies into the nervous system periodically throughout the day for the purpose of balance. One thing I like about this method is that it is highly practical. It can be done pretty much anywhere and anytime when you are not engaged in something requiring your attention.

The Hathors view the current Chaotic Node referred to in this message as a growing tsunami-like energetic of immense proportions that is, and will continue to, affect many levels of our day-to-day life. In other words, as my seventh grade Algebra teacher used to say—“It’s going to get worse before it gets better.”

The Hathors have always held the position that the journey of an Initiate (meaning those of us striving to move up in consciousness regardless of the “spiritual” traditions we might follow) is more about what happens within us than it is about what happens around us. This does not mean that we cannot or should not affect the world around us, but it does mean that the treasure of life (i.e., the spiritual gold of self-illumination) is found within.

As we enter more deeply into this current Chaotic Node, which is truly a “whopper” as well as the ones to follow, I think we will all have to find our personal path to inner balance in a world that seems to be going ever more crazy by the day.

For me, inner balance is not the goal, but it is definitely a key ally. Without a sense of inner balance it is difficult to find the treasure within us—the spiritual gold I mentioned earlier.

It is my hope that you will find this simple technique for regaining a sense of cognitive balance to be of benefit in these trying times. Whether you use this technique or not, however, is immaterial. But finding a way to attain a sense of balance in the midst of growing chaos is, in my opinion, a vitally important skill set for all of us.

Although they did not mention two methods for attaining a sense of emotional balance that they gave in previous messages, I would also refer you to The Holon of Balance as well as the Aethos (a profound sound meditation that the Hathors gave to enter non-dual states of consciousness). Both of these can be found, free of charge, in the Hathorsection of the website.

©2013 Tom Kenyon All Rights Reserved You may make copies of this message and distribute it in any media you desire so long as you do not charge for it, alter it in any way, credit the author and include this entire copyright notice.

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by Kathy Vik

I am going to travel deep into the weird today, and I guess I wanted to say that to you up front, so that only willing passengers into the weird would tag along. This is not for everyone. If it doesn't resonate, put it down, k?

I have had a series of integrations, of realizations, I suppose they could be called, although that word is a little weak. It's like a settling into my bones, a shift in my center of gravity, perhaps, but a soul sort of gravity. A self kind of gravity.

It started on the 8th, while at work.

I was trying to write Patrick Hears Voices, and was stalled. I began to be hard on myself for having wasted so long in expository writing, wishing I was better at fiction, all that old crap. So, I decided to read my last two Deeply Wake’s. I felt there was something in them I needed, and re-reading happens most often for me when dwelling, once again, for as little or as long, in disbelief.

I re-read the last two, and was aware, during the reading, feeling the work acutely. By the end of the last one, I was crying, shaky, moved, unable to continue. I coughed, and, without turning, until my eyes dried, I asked if I could go on break.

I went to my car, and talked to myself for a half hour, alternating with meditation, praying. I understood something, then. I could feel something within me move. I don't know how else to describe it.

I drove back to the hospital, from the back parking lot that I've parked in for the lat couple of years on break there, and walking back in, I heard myself say, things are different. I felt different. I felt a cleave, a split, and I felt whole parts of me, their absence. That is the only way to describe it. All the set ups I walk through now, they seemed as matchsticks a big grown up walks through and breaks, Popsicle houses, irrelevant, playtoys, childish things.

I felt a wholeness, an integration, and an awareness that what has come before is not that which will come to pass. I was on new ground, walking back into my hospital, at 3 in the morning.

It had been a hellish night, people up all night screaming, calling out, begging, it was bad. And yet, as I walked out at 7:30, the first thing I was aware of was that tangy smell of fall leaves in the air. I stopped stock still, and I breathed real deep, and what came to me was the feeling I had had in my car, and walking in from break. The old is done. The new is here. This is all new. I am home.

What drove me into the arms of this new world was disbelief herself. Self doubt had me re-read my my work with a focused mind and heart. And I don't hear a lot about this self doubt a whole lot on the interwebs, but I do hear a lot of judgmental stuff about how we shouldn't trust our ego, and we are a house divided, stuff like that. I don't think it is true. And I think it is counterintuitive, an internalization of a misunderstanding, to distrust ourselves, to denigrate our own consciousness. Of course, discomfort leads to looking for easy to ease that discomfort, and when things get too uncomfortable, wither within or without, then we must recalibrate, examine, comply or disagree, but move we must, always taking in more of ourselves, appreciating the more of us.

It's funny to me that I am really quite eager to write more fiction, but this seems to be a pendulum thing. I have to get out this stuff that sounds unreal, but I know is real, and integrate it, before I can go run and skip in the daisies.

Deeply Awake was written for many reasons, but what drove me relentlessly to my little netbook, day after day, essay after essay, was this need to examine what had just occurred, evaluate it with a really keen eye, dissect it in writing, and see if it stands up. Many of the early stuff was just this. Taking new ideas for a stroll.

And things have changed now, for me, as a persona, and therefore, as a writer.

There are some things that I just no longer care to argue about, either in company or by myself. There are some things I understand that have been very hard won. Very. I have been striving for this clarity of soul since I was a girl. I never really saw the point in much else, in understanding. In understanding everything. Why? When? Who? How? These basic questions hounded, and sometimes, all they did, really, was make me sad. When I wasn't working on the puzzle, I was pretty miserable. But, see, I understand now, am beginning to appreciate, just now, that when things got challenging for me, as they have and continue to do with many many many, and believe me, I’m still not out of the woods in 3d land, all of the missteps and things I have criticized myself for, they were ok, deliberate, even. Purposeful and beautiful, opportunities to see the truth, to love, to forgive.

So, this fascination with cosmology, science, human nature, spirit, religions, it grew over the years. It expanded, to began to fully occupy metaphysical stuff, a larger mind there waiting when the lights came on in 2011, 2012. but I get ahead of myself.

In 1989, there was the Harmonic Convergence. Did you go? I made my sister. We went to Big Mac, rolled out of bed at some ungodly hour, found ourselves a seat in that cavern, surrounded with other like minded souls. At the proper time, we all lit candles. It was beautiful sight. I'll never forget it.

My therapist had told me about it, urged me to go. I'm not sure he went, but there we were, I was determined, I had to be there. Grateful for my friend, my sister, to travel there and hold this energetic shift. Richard was the one who taught me about multiplicity, who helped me give myself permission to use meditation to heal and understand and evolve. He told me once that it is true, if we called all your selves together, he told me once, and they converged, they'd overfill the biggest stadium in the world. We worked with each year, each age, each construct. He was a consummate healer, and a great and true friend.

This was the year of the seven, mastery. I was 26, an eight, responsibility in manifestation.

Let it be known that I am not a linear person. I can't automatically place stuff, it's more with my heart, or some body thing that I find my memories, always have, but there are dates that are not hare to remember, and not random. Not at all.

The next big thing was when the big shift came, the handing of the torch to humanity, to hold the ascended energies within ourselves. It is said that at one time, this energy couldn't even be embodied, it was the Ark of the Covenant. It was our own power, cleaved off from us, by design.

And then, more and more, the abilities grew, until we got to 1994. With the permission we granted in 1989, to evolve, to move into our full embodiment, the energy was given to us, to learn about and be with and cultivate, get to know.

1994 as a 5 year, change, change, change. I was 33. A six. This is my birth number. Note my age.

I focused on the 2013 numbers, today. 11-8-13 was a day much like 12-12-94, for me. Kryon is doing astounding work, so intricate, so detailed, so true, I know it, these are my understandings, the one I went looking for, all that time ago.

On 11-8-13, with the assemblage they'd gathered, and now, for all time, whenever one of us tunes in and participates, a quantum event that will echo for all time, thanks to technology, and Lee Carroll's willingness,and our native curiosity, this event is a big one.

I will let you listen to it, and I don;t want to spoil anything, but there are some things from it which I need to discuss, because all of this hit really close to home. And I am beginning to think that many of us, when we sit down and doth numbers, will have the weird synchroncities running through the biggies in their lives, just like I do.

So, this is a year of the six. Yet again. The 1994 date is so significant, because this was the beginning of the fractal we are in, the end of the Mayan calendar, the closing of an age. 18 years on either side of the centering of the whole system, which occurred 12-21-12. 1994 started it. And so, then I did the math for the end of it. That'll be 2020. A year of the four. Gaia. The beginning of a next cycle. The cycle of the sun, of the 44, the mystical 44, which I feel as this golden light of being, transcending light and ark, moving beyond all judgment, a golden age of compassionate action, of benevolent action, of merciful dealings, a golden age, symbolized in 44, we matching gaia, gaia matching us, harmony, integration, partnership, family, unity consciousness.

I'll be 69 then. Another six. Three sixes, glittering just there, connecting me to all sorts of glittery geometry,all of that going on as I tap tap tap these keys. It's a splendid thing, being split like this.

I'd felt a little bad about not having been able to be there with that little physical entourage, why the chips had not fallen a different way, me here with my expired passport, making do, but certainly not moneyed enough to travel... I sat with that, as it came up, the first time I listened to Kryon's recording, last night, 11-12-13.

As a side bar, I had understood, while walking to my car to go pick up my son yesterday, hours before listening to this recording, I understood that the 11-12-13 was very important, very auspicious, the penultimate of such numerological shows. There's just the 12-13-14, now. And then, well, that cycle is over. It's a big deal, and I was shown a hallway, but not a dark one. It was light and sort of celebratory, and I was told “well done,” and felt a lilt in my step, as I unlocked my car. I'd counted up the numbers out loud on the way to the car, the ones make 3, and 1+2+3 is 6. “A nine,” I said, then I humphed, and added more, and laughed out loud. “A nine.” I said. And out loud I said, “Well, that seems fitting.”

So, I hung with being down on where little me is right now, and then came to see this a whole new way. I had fancied myself different, and I sat today, also, with the thoughts I'd had last essay, about this little group who has been said to be around.

What I failed to mention last time is that I thought that if there is such a thing as a group like this, then it can be seen as a separating or elitist notion. And it so isn't. It might look uppity, but it sort of makes sense, I think. How many of us now are talking these things? How many are beginning to understand? It is a beautiful thing. But then, you see, there are some that lived it. And have the number confirming things, if only to them, written right there, next to the big dates, next to their birth name, their birthday. Some of us chose to be a conscious part of it, and even though I had my time in deep amnesia, we all did, and there really is nothing to be ashamed of the things we did when we were perhaps less switched on, less aware of the bigger picture, and usually reluctantly unaware of the truth of it, that we are creating this, this is a benevolent and loving creation, we are loved and worthy beyond measure.

And so I have come to think that some of us just agreed to have fewer filters. We have it built in, being awakened before. This is not our first rodeo. It feels good, to wake up, and it happened in stages, to be sure, and it was very messy, a lot of it, but it has all since been forgiven, and the memories now, they feel like a film, as I drive past the restaurants and houses and streets and landmarks I have driven by since I was 7. I can inhabit whatever is there, but instead, I thought yesterday while driving, I don;t feel compelled to. I watch my consciousness, now, dip in and out of linearity, and am always glad for its surfacing in the bigger ocean I prefer to bob within now.

That made me cry in Kryon's recording is a message he included to humanity, and to anyone listening, and by extension, anyone reading or hearing these words, for all time.

Don't fear the old soul. There is nothing here to fear. Within us is divine love, we are the embodiment o f compassion itself, and we remember many things that can be useful and helpful. We have always carried this knowledge, but it takes the ticking of the hand of linear time for this to play out, and so it has.

It is nice for me to feel as if I am finally complete. I searched so long for answers, for this riddle that was the riddler and the puzzler both, dueling often, making the other cry sometimes, evoking belly laughs from time to time.

I know what I know. I know I am one with the cetaceans, my brothers, the whales. I listen to their songs at home, in the car, sometimes for months at a time, and I understand their language, it is vast and varied and they are my family. I know this. I know we run the grids together, we are one. And I know this points to obvious conclusions, that I resonate more with our makers than with my personality self, and it speaks to origins, and mysteries, and the unknown.

I could dwell in the stories I have perpetually told myself, the explanations which seemed to make sense, but if I cannot alter my outlook when new information is presented, then what does that say about me?

There are just a few things I came in sure of. I was always sure, underneath or through or in spite of all the nonsense, I was sure of me. I was sure I was good. That's what caused the dissonance, you see.

And I was sure I was a writer. I knew I would wind up here, and I knew it would carry me as soon as I found it. I knew it was where I would wind up. 28 years a nurse, I've been an RN since I was 24. Another six. They're all over my history.

This is my personal year of the seven. Mastery. In the year of the six.

And so, I know that to get to where I found myself at all those critical junctures, working with and loving and sometimes not loving those in my pantheon of great play actors I have done fine work with so far, there is now 17 more years to go, in this fractal, in this grand opportunity.

I know that I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to fear.

All is in divine timing, and it always was. We had, on 11-8-13, great souls helping us to participate in a ritual I could feel, and have since experienced again, in meditation. Today, while listening to the recording, again participating in the activation of Lake Titicaca, I understood that we are each suns, not children of the sun, but I could see so many of us as balls of sun, physically lit up, on the grid. It was beautiful. To understand we are solar angels, all of us, and some of us can now wink at each other.

It was a fine time with Kryon this morning. I felt moved to write, but was still weighing my options, when I put on my glasses ans was drawn to look out the window. At first, I just saw clouds, and then a white flashing caught my eye.

It looked like a big bird, but from that distance, the thing had to then be massive. And I remembered the merkahbah of angels I saw in the volcano's ashes, that big Iceland volcano, a whole flock of angels, and I saw another such photo, and there, out my window, I knew I was seeing an angel, I was being hailed. I was being loved.

I know that balls of light are more accurate of the way of it, and still, there, out my window, fluttering, and then gone, a very distant, huge, long white flashing thing, and I felt happy, because my eyesight is coming online, and I was seeing a friend. A miracle. A miracle, right there in my granny chair. A confirmation. A visitation. A love letter from home.

And so, is this the fiction, or is Patrick Hears Voices? I doubt I will have the answer to this for a little while. That's how this stuff works. I feel disbelief, chords of it, even now.

I have asked, in prayer, to have them strip from me certain character traits or fall-back responses. Go deep and go long, and pull them from my energy, from my countenance, like the rough twine they are, and let my energy then run smooth, free from discordance, free from contradiction of my innate self.

And so, I see I need to do this with this disbelief, language it as I have not before, so that all know I give permission to remove the last of it.

I know that this makes me odd, and that's why what Kryon said made me cry with gratitude. Don't fear the old soul. Know that it's the old soul who holds the love that will only enhance religious doctrine, can only bring peace, can only heal. Do not fear the old soul.

And so, I think I will take the Kryon's advice. I think it is the only right thing to do.

I will go within and I will stay within that admonition, that permission, and I will remove the last of it. The doubt, the awkwardness, the hesitance. What will remain is restraint. Wisdom. Patience. Tolerance. Kindness. Good humor. Perspective. Balance.

And I will bless the part of me who has interpreted all of this in a very unique and colorful way, and I will allow me to be as I am, and love all of me, all of my seeming mistakes, all of my longings, and all of my abilities. I'm good with it, with me, and I no longer need to defend or explain to anyone anything, nothing at all. It shows, you know. Has for a while now. Has for a while.

I am at peace, and I hope you also have found the peace which passes all understanding. I hope that you know that it is done, the prophecies fulfilled, the hard times are over, and things only get better from here.

I have no doubt, not a one, that there is nothing but good for us from her on out. Sure, things are bound to get slidy. This is big stuff, potent, and everyone interprets it their own way, based on their plan, their preferences, their choice.

I am celebrating that you and I am are not arguing about this, not pulling it apart, not finding things wrong with it. For me, that time has come to an end, and I consider this and this alone a privilege from the cosmos. To understand. To have my questions answered, just for me, just for me.

I wonder how this works, how to manage, now, in the land of deadlines and goals and comparisons and sales. With a big hole in my jeans and pumpkin coffee in my favorite mug, watching the traffic, hearing the workmen outside my door sanding our apartment's doors, I think that it is fine, for this moment, to just be here now, and be quiet in this now, and be full in this now. I am sooooo covered. I am so loved. I am so tended to, tenderly loved, beloved of my beloved.

And so I leave you with an understanding I think I wrote about a while ago, something that came to me in my travels one day.

If it is true that everything I am and everything I am aware of is of the beloved, my concept of a benevolence so boggling to actually be physicality itself, then if I find fault or trouble with anything, within or without, if I fight against or argue with anything, inside or outside, then I am arguing with, fighting against, and fearing that which I love and am. And that is a silly thing to do, says I don't understand, says I am not trusting the benevolence of it, not seeing things as they are.

I could see how we humans are emanations of all that is, and then we emanate all we are aware of. So to tell myself mean or scary or unloving stories about any of it, well, it just says that I am missing the truth of it, not seeing things right, forgetting.

I'll end it here because it is a better place than when I earlier was arguing for my limitations.

While filling my mug with more coffee, toward the end of this thing, I thought about that, after listening to what I was thinking. I found it repetitive, and, in the end, optional. I heard myself muttering my story, my explanations, my expectations, and it was sort of like automatic muttering, compulsive, in a way.

I thought, well, there it is. Why am I so convinced that what I think I should expect or do or accomplish or have accomplished is even accurate? Does it feel good to keep thinking and saying this to myself? Is it exalted? Is it hopeful? And does it take into account all that I now know to be true and accurate for me?

I returned to this essay and this is the result. And those particular voices in my head have calmed, swimming now, in the sea I am finding calm, now, warm and fragrant and familiar, and from here, I can see home.

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Sea Cucumber Found to Kill 95% of Cancer Cells, Shrink Tumors


Sea cucumber has been used in traditional Chinese medicine for hundreds of years, but they are relatively obscure in the U.S. This may be soon changing, however, as evidence mounts that sea cucumber extracts can kill cancer cells while stimulating the immune system.
As reported by Ethan Evers, author of “The Eden Prescription, previous research on sea cucumber has demonstrated its ability to kill lung, breast, prostate, skin, colon, pancreatic, and liver cancer cells. These extracts have also proven effective in killing leukemia and gioblastoma cells. Looks like we can add yet another food to the list of anti-cancer foods.
Scientists believe a key compound known as frondoside A to be responsible. Frondoside A is a triterpenoid, diverse organic compounds found in the essential oils and oleoresins of plants.
This latest study, published in PLoS One, has confirmed just how powerful frondoside A truly is. Researchers found it to kill 95% of ER+ breast cancer cells, 95% of liver cancer cells, 90% of melanoma cells, and 85-88% of three different types of lung cancer.
As Evers reports:
“But the benefits of this compound don’t just stop at directly inducing programmed cell death (apoptosis). It also inhibits angiogenesis (the ability of tumors to grow new blood vessels to get their food) and stops cancer metastasizing by impeding cell migration and invasion. Even more intriguing is the ability of frondoside A to activate our immune system’s natural killer cells to attack cancer cells. This has been shown for breast cancer in particular but may also apply to all cancers, because it involves the immune system and not cancer cells directly. This may partially explain why frondoside A was so effective at shrinking lung tumors in mice that it rivaled chemo drugs in performance.”
When given to mice with non-small cell lung cancer, frondoside A was found to shrink tumors by 40% in only 10 days. Traditional chemo drugs shrunk the tumors by 47 percent, but the risks of chemo treatment are far greater than any side-effects or risks of sea cucumber. (Namely because there are no known risks associated with sea cucumbers). In addition, the amount of frondoside A needed to achieve such results was miniscule—less than a single milligram for an adult weighing 165 pounds.
While sea cucumber extracts aren’t currently offered as a treatment for cancer—at least not in your traditional doctor’s office—you can find dried and powdered sea cucumber in health stores. It is packaged as a solution to arthritis and similar conditions because of its anti-inflammatory properties.
Additional Sources:
Source of this article: NaturalSociety
If anyone finds out where to buy these creatures, please let me know!

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