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ARTERIES, spiritual meaning

An artery is each of the vessels that carry oxygenated blood (except pulmonary arteries) from the heart to other parts of the body. They are born of a ventricle; their walls are very strong and elastic.

Symbolically, the function of the arteries is to bring the food (love) home (heart).

When any symptoms or abnormalities in the arteries occurs, it means that we are experiencing a conflict of devaluation. Something or someone limits us regarding things we want to do and love to do.

Conflict: The person is prepared to act, but does not take action.

"I have the energy and desire, but no way to action".

"I'm closed to love".

We pay attention to the body area in which the arteries are damaged.

Carotid: "I lost my intellectual territory".

"I must defend my ideas".

"They have stolen my ideas".

Artery close to the thyroid: Conflict related to the possible loss of a territory that I urgently should resolve.

pulmonary arteries and aorta: Conflict of loss away, distant territory.

"I lost a distant territory".

"My territory is scattered".

Coronary Arteries: Conflict related to the loss of territory or its contents.

Biological conflict of sexual frustration.

Aneurysms: They arise after having passed through family conflicts that have caused great pain. An aneurysm is the result of having been accumulating pities and not having expressed a decision in time.

Most of the time this decision is related to a conflict of rupture accompanied by a strong sense of guilt. Whether for having thought, for having planned, imagined or achieved.

Therefore, behind a symptom of aneurysm, it is an emotional conflict in which the individual has felt helpless and/or guilty to his/her family. Fundamentally, it is a conflict of intellectual type, because he/she does not know how to fix it and spends time alone thinking about it.

"I want to leave everything, but I cannot".

"I want to ask her for a divorce, but it will destroy her".

"I want my son to leave home, he is a big boy, but what will happen with him?".

"I want my mother hell out of our house, what a bad son I am".

Raynaud's syndrome: Conflict of loss of territory caused by separation or death.

“I want to keep the deceased".

Devaluation conflict related to not being able to touch, grab, hold someone with your hands.

"Being able to do something".

"Keep cold blood".

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

I need to stop worrying about everything and learn to enjoy the beautiful moments of life.

I wonder what pleases me and how to get it.

I have to develop the ability to rejoice every day and enjoy life to the fullest. I'm happy.

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DIARHEA, emotional and spiritual meaning

Defecating in an increased frequency with liquid or semi-liquid stools.

The sense of suffering from diarrhea is to quickly eliminate wastes, leftovers, "dirty plays".

Water is always related to our "referents" and "Mom".

Conflict of small “dirty play” that must be eliminated urgently.

Conflict of minimums, lack of kindness.

On the physical plane, diarrhea occurs because the body rejects the food before you can digest what you need and what is good for you.

In the mental and emotional plane of the affected ones, is the same. It is very difficult to assimilate and accept what comes from the outside by having an excessively critical spirit. The affected is very saturated with information, data, experiences, but not entertained to study analytically, to assimilate, to extract the useful, but (he/she) rejects undigested, like food; As the food came out.

If I cannot say "enough", if I cannot say "no", reject, reaffirm, when I give information, order, a meal ... the guts refuse to digest everything that enters.

"I cannot say NO to what angers me”

Diarrhea is a way of not integrating the reality that is taking place, a desire to escape, to avoid a situation (wish it was over even before it started) a refusal to assimilate a toxic considered experience, "a trick" and whether out of fear or because it is totally unacceptable.

"I do not accept the unacceptable". "I've swallowed something bad that I do not want to digest". "I've eaten some crap".

Someone or something that have hurt our feelings (lack of kindness conflict) and we are angry and outraged. We detest and punish ourselves for not being able to deal with things and overcome the problems that arise.

Instead, we prefer to retire (escape) to a quiet and lonely place (bathroom) to make things happen, to run their course.

Often, this condition can also occur in people who feel going through "crush" who are afraid of poverty and worry about everything. "Conflict of visceral fear”

They feel that life requires them too much and they feel afraid not to keep up, not being able to do well and therefore, to be rejected.

"I have fear in the guts".

If it affects the thyroid (loose stools) diarrhea also expresses an eagerness, a desire to kill something about life itself: (acceleration of peristalsis). Desire to speed things up.

"I want to end once and for all that”

"I must have it all finished before to start”

Diarrhea in babies: "The food is toxic".

This type of diarrhea occurs when the baby perceives a bad relationship with the mother. An altered, angry, upset mother, who rejects, etc. And therefore she does not give the child the love that he/she requires at that time. It's not the food, it is the attitude of the mother.

Diarrhea of ​​the traveller: Conflict of wanting to be cleaned of the new thing by being too clinging to its territory and way of life.

Diarrhea in children: "I am afraid".

This type of diarrhea is common prior to this examination, a vacation, an artistic presentation, etc. In most cases we should analyse the activity that made the child the next day or after hours, always a child's fear appears to fail, to lose, to not do well, etc.

Diarrhea is a process of healing emotional conflict of disgust, fear, anger.

Symbolically, he/she wants to express: "At last I get crap out from my body”

Recommendations to recover physical, emotional and spiritual health:

By diarrhea we must become aware of our lack of self-esteem. We must learn to nurture good thoughts, to love and to feel worthy of all good. We must become aware of our fault finding and learn to observe things without prejudice.

We must recover the flexibility to watch the events, hear what is said to us before answering, and take time to absorb the benefits of a situation and allow things that should happen actually to happen.

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d, Oct 21, 2020 3:10 am








 New Paramagnetic Alignment Solar Activation...Saturday, October 24!


We each have a special vibration, unique characteristics, super-human gifts and an amazing variety of offerings for humanity.  Journey with us into the higher vibrations as you receive the new, updated Paramagnetic Frequencies, Solar DNA Infusion and etheric Super-Powers Activation.  This powerful session will electrify your spirit, rejuvenate your body and expand your mind to new dimensions!

Live! International Tele-Activation Saturday October 24, 2020  9:00 AM - 11 :00 AM (Pacific Time)  - $75

 Paramagnetic Alignments


Designed to unlock the body consciousness and return it to its original state of perfection!


This galactic session will commence with a unique set of four paramagnetic alignments given directly to you by Bryan and the Galactic Command, accomplished through multidimensional energy transfer and triple telepathic transmission! This infusion will create a dramatic realignment and activation of your four lower bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual). During these alignments each individual will experience personal healings, inner initiations and massive soul retrieval. The alignments include:


Mental Body Recalibration….which releases confusion and conflict patterns within the mind, allowing the higher mental body to operate without interference.

Emotional Body Realignment…which will clear and stabilize the feeling and desire bodies & assist with emotional detachment and compassion. You will also learn how to clear and release instantly & permanently any lower emotions such as hate, anger, fear, stress, depression and anxiety.


Physical Body Realignment…which is a series of healing energetic infusions, designed to upgrade the current condition of the physical body and clear any limiting patterns currently being experienced.


Spiritual Body Recalibration…which is an activation of the Golden Christed ‘Angelic Shield’ and ‘light language’ force-fields in, through and around the body. When operational, this protects you from distortional energies and external programming.

An incredible experience you will never forget! Come join us!


For more information please visit....  


·      We each have a special vibration, unique characteristics, super-human gifts and an amazing variety of offerings for humanity.  Journey with us into the higher vibrations as you receive the new, updated Paramagnetic Frequencies, Solar DNA Infusion and etheric Super-Powers Activation.  This powerful session will electrify your spirit, rejuvenate your body and expand your mind to new dimensions!

·       Live! International Tele-Activation with Bryan

·       Saturday October 24, 2020  9:00 AM - 11 :00 AM (Pacific Time)  - $75

·      Paramagnetic Alignments

·      Designed to unlock the body consciousness and return it to its original state of perfection!


·      This galactic session will commence with a unique set of four paramagnetic alignments given directly to you by Bryan and the Galactic Command, accomplished through multidimensional energy transfer and triple telepathic transmission! This infusion will create a dramatic realignment and activation of your four lower bodies (mental, physical, emotional and spiritual). During these alignments each individual will experience personal healings, inner initiations and massive soul retrieval. The alignments include:


·      Mental Body Recalibration….which releases confusion and conflict patterns within the mind, allowing the higher mental body to operate without interference.

·      Emotional Body Realignment…which will clear and stabilize the feeling and desire bodies & assist with emotional detachment and compassion. You will also learn how to clear and release instantly & permanently any lower emotions such as hate, anger, fear, stress, depression and anxiety.


·      Physical Body Realignment…which is a series of healing energetic infusions, designed to upgrade the current condition of the physical body and clear any limiting patterns currently being experienced.


·      Spiritual Body Recalibration…which is an activation of the Golden Christed ‘Angelic Shield’ and ‘light language’ force-fields in, through and around the body. When operational, this protects you from distortional energies and external programming.

·       An incredible experience you will never forget! Come join us!

·      For more information please visit....  






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Balance is Possible


i believe that balance is possible to achieve. this is to say, we can find ways to bring up the quality of life for everyone who lives on this earth, but that would take the mass majority of the population agreeing to work together to achieve it. the problem is this. our world has become "every man for themselves" over the last 100 years. its only been in this short time of our history that we have lived so isolated and able to survive alone with out the cooperation of a group. its only now that we live this way... for 300.000 years of our modern evolution prior we lived as tribes and groups working together for our survival this way of living creates bonds among humans we no longer have... everything is behind a glass screen the "television programing " has worked and reprogrammed our humanity. now lifeless soulless images on a screen are our connection to one another. this has broken the empathy we once had for each other as seeing one surfer used to remind us of our own suffering. this is no longer the case people only care for them self and what they can acquire in their life. no one is thinking about what they can leave behind for others

We need to learn how to connect with each other and this earth again..

some how we need to find our way back to our true roots.

i will not give up on this if it takes me all my life.

 what i do alone will not change things.

 Maybe i might be able to build something that i can leave behind for others to pick up and carry on.

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The Human Sanctuary Project.


"it's time the sleeping giants awoken. "

the Human Sanctuary is a place for Humans to remember what it means to be Human.

its a place for people to remember what it truly means to survive in nature.. to be alive and live from the land.. what it means to fight for your own survival every day in a way that is meaningful and pays dividends to those who are willing to put in the effort.

the human Sanctuary is a place for people to come together in the real world and remember what created our humanity to begin with.

what was it that brought us all together ?

what was it that made our ancestors learn to communicate with each other ?

it was Fire.

we started cooking our food over a fire..

the fire become a beacon to others.

this is why humans learned to become human..

as the fire attracted others we needed to learn to communicate. as time passed some became aware of the need for others to accept them so they could survive too.

this is where human compassion was developed.

the need to survive and protect ourselves led to fights and some being left out.

some where along the line one of our ancestors felt bad for pushing others away and offered them something

maybe it was cooked food.. maybe it was heat by the fire.. maybe it was just feeling alone and wanting others around. we do not know for sure.. but i can tell you this..

if our ancestors who were brutal creatures who truly understood what it meant to survive, if they were able to find a way to work together then we here today should not have so much difficulty!

we are able to remember what it means to be human..

this will not come easy.

this will not be always fun.

survival is work.

it can however be vary rewarding when the work your doing is creating a better word for yourself and everyone else in it.

this is what i intend to teach people. i want to take them back and regress them into their primal state but keep their brains and minds active, teach people to work together as a tribe yet still be interdependent and strong on their own. this world created "Gods" once

We created Gods once. we strive to be godlike

what do i mean by Godlike ?

i mean we strived to create beauty in the world, in every thing we did.. we strived to bring magick into the world.

we strive to create a better world for those who would fallow us once we died..

we strive to bring wonder and majesty into the world around us from our creations and creativity.

our lives had meaning because we created the meaning.

we are but mortals yet we have the spirits of gods burning with in our hearts.

not one but all gods.

ourselves included.

its time we remember.

The Human Sanctuary Project is my attempt to bring people back to their humanity.

it is a place of Healing,Growth & Change and empowerment.

it is a place for the Wild human to run free with in reason.

it is a place to recover and rehabilitate.

it is a place for the people to remember the endless possibility of the Human spirit and we it is capable of.

it is a place for meditation & retreat form the world that has been working so hard to pervert the meaning of survival into a marketable emotion..

we are not slaves. you are not a slave.

you are an Animal & the mind is a Cage meant to be broken.

Welcome to your Humanity.

its nice to meet you.

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Intercession Live! International Tele-Activation !

Saturday October 10, 2020  9AM - 10:30 AM (Pacific/Las Vegas Time) 




Have you been wondering how to get to the next level of success, happiness and personal freedom in your life?  Are you perplexed about how to overcome a certain obstacle in your life or been privately struggling with something you desperately need help with?  Intercession will be an exciting and unique gathering of light and assistance that will help you move to that next level and clear any obstacles from your path! To clarify, the act of ‘intersession’ is when someone else assists or intervenes to help you with a problem or spiritual request with the support of all their power, energy and prayer.  No matter what you are dealing with….be it healing, loss of loved one, financial problems, long standing difficult family issues or other private matters that may be difficult to talk to others about, Intercession will magically change the energy for you, renew your hope and release forever the challenge you are facing.  Come join Bryan and the LQ Team for this extraordinary magical experience!



For more information please visit....  



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