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Posted by The Himalayan Voice:
[ In this sense, Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha ( 'The Buddha Boy'- Ed.) is Nepal’s greatest Gift to Humanity in 2500 years. But in direct proportion to his growing global light, dark clouds of opposition rise at home.  Certain influential sectors and local media hoped to suppress if not eradicate his allure.]
By Joan Stanley-Baker PhD*

The Maha Maitreya Puja will be on 
June 8 -12, 2013  in Chitwan, the site for World Peace Puja is readied for the thousands to come from all over Nepal and the world for the Guru’s personal blessing.  Though many have not yet met him, some have experienced life-transformation at the mere sight of a photograph, or reading a Teaching on
The young Guru, born Ram Bahadur Bonjam from a poor farm family in Nepal’s Bara District, vanished into the jungles at age fifteen. There, as a young monk, he meditated at the base of a giant pipal tree, sheltered by large cavernous roots. For six solid years from 2005 to 2011, atoning for the world’s sins, he meditated for its deliverance from suffering and ignorance. Before his closest friends, and sometimes before the media’s prying eyes he evolved steadily, without taking food or water, from an ordinary human into the Manifest Divinity now increasingly seen as Lord of the Age of Maitreya, succeeding the last teaching Buddha, Shakyamuni.  In this sense, Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha is Nepal’s greatest Gift to Humanity in 2500 years. But in direct proportion to his growing global light, dark clouds of opposition rise at home.  Certain influential sectors and local media hoped to suppress if not eradicate his allure.
To many, for a young monk of humble Tamang origins to embody such cosmic potential is unwelcome news.  Moreover, his earliest public utterances already presented upsettingly radical views. All living beings (humans, animals, insects, fish, as well as all plants), are equally deserving of love and respect. He once termed meat-eating  “daemonic behavior” that seemed at first a gross overstatement, until the heart learns to feel from the perspective of a steer, goat, pig, sheep, or from fowl and sea creatures, and all plants.  Such a relatively new and empathetic outlook (or inner resonance) demands yielding one’s egocentricity to experience a unified world.  As it takes some time to attune to the undifferentiated and cosmic love behind this simple utterance, many people still resist, not having yet relaxed the heart enough to resonate on a larger scale in empathy with all creatures.
Starting his solitary meditation with the ordination name Palden Dorje, he received successively, from his divine Guides, different titles reflecting stages in his evolution from monk into Buddha.  From Om Namo Buddha Gyani Guru, to Bodhi Shrawan Dharma Sangha Guru, he received his final title: Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha Guru. This in plural form meaning “Great Dharma Congregation of the Fully Enlightened”, a weighty title for a 21-year-old to bear, especially a shy, soft-spoken boy with only a fourth-grade education.  But in fact this title indicates the colossal responsibility now saddled upon him.
His long process through blistering heat and freezing frosts without sustenance included merging with the elements air, fire, water and earth. He meditated underground, in water, and was once engulfed in 15 M high flames that emanated from his chest, consuming his robe and singeing his hair.  A hastily summoned video camera caught the last hour where he danced in the flames standing and sitting stark naked, holding only a ritual bell and vajra.  This clip was made during a week of absence when the BBC Discovery channel’s crew filming the celebrated Boy with Divine Powers had left. Learning of the fire, they returned to interview witnesses, and filmed again, for four consecutive days. The news alerted New Agers that the Guru of gurus had come.  And from the world over, they thronged to Nepal to meditate near the spiritual guide during the last years of his six-year metamorphosis, to be within his spiritual and energetic sphere, and to await his spoken word.
The site of the April 2013 Puja graces former farmlands of a teenage devotee in southern Nepal named Buddha Yonjan, and his father,  Gopal.  As the Guru’s advent had been attended from the start by destructive moves from disgruntled factions, Buddha Yonjan concluded Guru needed a shelter.  During one incident last year, the Yonjan family came forward to donate their hills and farmland, providing Guru with his sole earthly refuge.
Now the land is being prepared for the throngs of devotees to come. A nun bring a hundred odd “butter” lamps from Kathmandu.  Volunteers clear the slopes. A tractor is toing and froing to a plantation bringing in 15- to 20-foot long bamboo. Piles of sturdy flexible tubes lie in the dust waiting to become upright structures. The helpers stay overnight in makeshift huts and erect the large Puja tent with their bare hands. The compound offers the barest of human necessities. Yet a sense of peace and serenity flows through the mixed community like an undercurrent uniting all into one, even though locals don’t speak English and foreigners know little Nepali. Obstacles arise one after the other, only to be resolved with ingenuity and good humor.
From dawn to dusk the foreigners do meditation or healing in small groups, or discuss Guru’s Teachings.  All being Seekers, each one has at one time or other affirmed deep in the heart, without reason but with complete certainty: “This is the one! This is the Guru!”  Those who’ve been seeking for years without finding a personal Guide,  find home at last.  With different backgrounds, they converged here independently, to discover they must become One, to evolve in Maitri loving compassion to spread Guru’s Teachings. When asked during a meeting (21 August, 2010) if the Teachings were Buddhist or Hindu, Guru had replied,
The religion is actually called Bodhi Dharma, but includes all religions. No one is excluded. I’ll be moving forward to include all existing religions of the world.
The special quality about this curious mix of world devotees sets them apart from other more opulent and organized sangha groups...
A Philadelphian comes after years in India under various Gurus and different spiritual practices. Bright blue eyes behind horn-rimmed glasses, lips hidden beneath a long moustache, dark blond hair and long beard matted in dreadlocks, he walks about draped loosely in a dhoti and squats on the ground to eat with his hand. Well versed in practices spiritual, he discusses various  forms spirituality, religious customs and festivals.
 An Australian Reiki master and former accountant shifted his life course to take up healing some years back, and his bright green eyes have not stopped smiling since. He imbibes nature in total bliss, forgetting time. With him, one receives a blast of instantly uplifting Ozzie warmth. Using Reiki he opens chakras for healing and spiritual guidance. His New Zealand friend is not only a clairvoyant medium, but a clairsentient keenly affected by the most delicate vibrations and energetic changes within a huge sphere.  When the two met a year ago, they knew instantly their life was to join forces for healing and energetic tuning, to help friends and strangers attune to the accelerating global shifts.  Each day she shares visions that come through from her Guides. She hasn’t seen Guru, but already his energy sphere is charging her sight and insight with intensity.  This place has a far higher energetic vibration than any she’s ever known, and she says subtle changes are transforming everyone here on deep inner levels.
Among the first devotees who’d helped shape the direction of the international Sangha with their translations and videos is a British-American resident of Japan for the last twenty odd years. She practices aroma therapy and yoga.  Skilled in many languages, she began to study Sanskrit and Nepali to translate Guru’s rare public Teachings.  A Netherlander born and raised in Surinam till her engineer father took a job in Holland, grew up also with bicultural values. While her siblings went into the professions she chose to paint portraits for individuals and art galleries, and became deeply drawn to the young meditating monk in the jungle. With wavy long black hair she looks a female version of the Guru, and her beautiful large black eyes glisten whenever speaking of him. She witnessed the historic speech of May 2011 when the emerging Guru addressed the world announcing his identity, lineage, and mission on earth. Her life has been in the Guru ever since.  A devotee from India has come many times already. His large brown liquid eyes enfold the listener. He speaks of dedicating his life to contemplation, giving up his former worldly careerism. His gentle lilting speech betrays deep experience in electrical and mechanics among other skills.
From Moscow comes S the soft-spoken master of the now indispensible He organizes and runs virtually alone the complex network around the Guru and his Teachings, in no less than 17 languages. This dedicated cyberspace has inspired thousands and engendered the widespread devotion now converging.  Barely twenty-five, with surprising technical expertise, he works with ingenuity creating a shower with bamboo poles and black plastic floored with beautiful mosaic of large roadside pebbles.  His clear light green transparent eyes, pools of purity and love, typify the “Crystal Children” identified by psychologists.
A blond angel from Ukraina carries a small bag and a large lute-like instrument.  Sinking to the ground she tunes the strings. All stop chatting to listen, and suddenly, she breaks into song, a mellifluous Sanskrit hymn flowing through a golden voice that pierces the heart. Everyone is mesmerized. Her large bright green eyes are transparent with wisdom and compassion, her face all innocence.
Foreign devotees here represent 33 nations near and far,  many alternative healers who avoid pharmaceuticals.  There are also so-called New-Age Children referred to as “Crystal Children,” "Indigo Children, etc., beings born in droves over the past few decades to help effect global higher consciousness.  They share several traits:  life’s mission is to give, to share and not to take or harm. Refusing to hurt animals, they are vegetarians.  Not living “ordinary” lives, they often have issues with non-supportive teachers or parents. They carve out new paths for themselves in Reiki, aroma therapy, spiritual guide channeling, minstrel-like music wanderings, herbs or yoga, etc. 
Like a conch-blow to awaken the world, the Puja calls for all religions to join in oneness of loving compassion. For four days the devotees number around 50,000 per day, with 70,000 on the last day. In all 270,000 pilgrims come through the tiny farmstead.  All experience integration and peace here. As one they seem to lift the planet from pollution, greed and cruelty. Earth will be home for Buddhas where all sentient beings including animals, insects and plants are delivered from ignorance and suffering. Such is the Maitreyan Age.
Young Q from France, another school dropout not yet twenty, found his way to the Puja site all alone. Asked why he was here, he replied without hesitation, “I came for Truth. People in my country turn truths info falsehoods, and falsehoods into truths.” In the dark night of our interview he said he “knows” Lord Maitreya, the Buddha of this Age and this Sangha. “No one in my life has ever mentioned or taught me about Maitreya.  But the very first time I heard this name I knew instantly Who He is….  And so I came.”
* The author  is emeritus  professor of  art history specializing in Chinese fine arts at  Tainan National University, Taiwan. She is from British Columbia, Canada.

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A Story About The 12 Chinese New Year Animals

This is a story from China. It is about twelve animals of the zodiac: a dog, a pig, a rat, an ox, a tiger, a hare, a dragon, a snake, a horse, a ram, a monkey and a cockerel.

One day the twelve animals were having an argument. They wanted every year to have a name. 'I think that this year should be named after me,' barked the dog. 'It should be called the year of the Dog.'

'No.' gibbered the monkey, 'I think this year should be named after me.' said the monkey. 'It should be called the Year of the Monkey.'

'No, no,' breathed the dragon. 'This year should be named after me. It should be called the Year of the Dragon.'

The gods were listening. They heard the animals arguing. 'Stop arguing,' demanded one of the gods. The dog stopped arguing. The monkey stopped arguing. The dragon stopped arguing. They all stopped arguing and listened. The gods boomed, 'Can you see the big river? You must have a race across the big river. We will name this year after the winner of the race.'

So, all the animals lined up on the bank of the river ready for the race. They're off! The animals jumped into the water and swam as fast as they could towards the other side.

The ox was very strong and he could swim very fast. Soon he was in front of all the other animals; but the rat was very clever. He grabbed the ox's tail and climbed onto his back.

The ox didn't know he was there.


The ox thought he was going to win the race. Just before the ox got to the other side, the rat jumped off the ox's back onto the grass and won the race.
'Yippee! Hoorah!' shouted the rat, 'I'm first.'

The ox was very surprised. 'How did you do that?' he asked, but the rat only laughed.
The gods laughed too and said, 'The rat is the winner. We will call this year the Year of the Rat. The ox was second, so next year will be called the year of the Ox.

All the other animals finished the race. The tiger was third, the hare was fourth, the dragon was fifth, the snake was sixth, the horse was seventh, the ram was eighth, the monkey was ninth, the cockerel was tenth, the dog was eleventh and the pig was last.
The gods decided that each year would be named after one of the animals in the race. The animals didn't argue any more. They were very happy, especially the rat because he had won the race.


The Story of Nian

Our friend, Chou told Will and Guy this story about the beast, that lives under the sea or in the mountains, who often appears on New Year's eve to attack people, particularly children - however, as luck may have it some things frighten him.

A long time ago during the age of great floods, and when the world was not a safe place, there was a vicious monster named Nian. Whenever the thirtieth day of the last lunar month arrived this monster would rise up out of the sea or he would come down from the mountains killing people and wreaking havoc in their fields and gardens. The people would bar their doors before dark and sit up all night, terrified. The next day they would leave their homes to greet their neighbours and congratulate them on surviving.

Once on the last night of the last month, legend has it, Nian suddenly burst into a small village devouring almost all the people who lived there. Only two families emerged unscathed.

The first were a newlywed couple who avoided harm because their celebratory red wedding clothes resembled fire to the monster, so it did not dare to approach them.

The other family was unharmed because their children were playing outside setting off noisy firecrackers and the noise scared the monster away.

Ever since then Chinese people have worn red clothes, set off firecrackers and put up red decorations on New Year's Eve to keep the vicious monster Nian away.

The Chinese New Year Story - The Colour Red and Fireworks

At the Chinese New Year red is important. People wear red clothes, they write poems on red paper, and give children 'luck money' in red envelopes. The symbolism behind the red colour is fire, and fire burns off bad luck. As for fireworks one belief is that the cracker jacks and sparks frighten away evil spirits.

After the fireworks at the beginning of the celebration of the Chinese new year, comes the more tranquil Lantern Festival on the last day of the festivities. Most Lantern parades feature a dragon made of silk and bamboo. The dancers hold the monstrous dragon aloft on sticks. Their coordination skills make the dragon appear to dance.

Why Chinese New Year celebrations use red fireworks

Funny Chinese Sayings and Quotes

Will and Guy bring you these phrases, sayings and quotations translated from the Chinese to amuse and entertain you; perhaps you will find them thought provoking, also.

Success means competition.

An old pot is the best around the kitchen.

One must be available, alert, active, and adaptable.

If you have many best friends, you have no friends.

Mountains can move, but not your character.

Concern yourself about others more than yourself.

Confucius say: if you think we're going to sum up your whole life on this little piece of paper, you're crazy.


More Chinese Sayings

A nice person who is bad-tempered and foul-mouthed is not considered as a good person.

Knowledge must be realised to become one's wisdom.

Love is not demanding but giving.

Our greatest enemy is not another person, perhaps it is our own self.

See who loves the other one more, and not who fears the other one more.

The consumers of time while away their time: The creators of life are dynamic and are assets to others.

Be patient kind and loving: Don't worry and don't fret.

One who always looks for excuses cannot progress.

Weeds do not grow easily on land grown with vegetables: Evil thoughts do not arise easily in a mind filled with kindness.

Another Chinese New Year Story

Eccentrics In China - Will He Do This in the New Year?

10900610694?profile=originalTruck Driver Takes A Shower While Driving

A Chinese trucker has been fined for having a shower while driving his lorry on a motorway. Shortly after the Chinese New Year a police patrol car spotted water leaking from the driver's cab as it sped along the Jinyi expressway.

'We worried the driver may not have known about a mechanical problem so we signalled him to pull over at a service station,' a police spokesman informed Will and Guy.

The police officers were shocked to see the driver was wet through and had been enjoying a shower via a sprinkler kettle system rigged up above his head. His wife, who was sitting in the passenger seat, had been holding up a sheet of plastic to protect the instruments from the water. She told police officers there were rushing to deliver goods in another city and she had rigged up the shower to keep her husband cool after the air-conditioning system broke down.

Police fined the lorry driver and warned him he would be in serious trouble if he tried to have a shower at the wheel again.

Another Funny Chinese Story About a Truck Driver

A truck driver was stopped by police in China after having driven hundreds of miles with a sheet of cardboard in place of his broken windscreen Will and Guy can report.

Traffic officers ordered him to pull over after spotting him on the Jinggang'ao Highway in Henan province. 'The weather was extremely cold, but we saw a lorry with a cardboard windscreen and the driver had his head out of the side window all the time,' a police spokesman informed us.

Mr Li jumped down from the cab with a face that was purple from the cold. He told officers he had been in an accident in Hubei province several days earlier but did not have time to repair it properly because of his tight delivery schedule. He admitted to police that he had driven with the temporary cardboard windscreen for an incredible 400 miles.

Police escorted the truck to a nearby service station, and ordered Li to repair his vehicle properly before going back on the road.

The Magistrate and the Story of the Grape Trellis

In the first session after the new year a magistrate asked his court clerk, Xiang, how he got the scratches on his face. The embarrassed Xiang replied rather sheepishly, 'On the last night of the New Year celebrations I was walking in the yard, taking in the cool night air, when a grape trellis fell on me and scratched my face.'

The magistrate frowned and announced, 'Only a wife could do this. Have her brought here this instant.' However, the magistrate's own wife had been listening in the next room, and hearing this she stormed into the court. The terrified magistrate shouted, 'Court's in recess. Clear the court. My own trellis is coming down.'

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Bringing Humanity Home Energy and Event Update With Love from The Galactic Center

The Real News and The Whole Truth

Sunshine555 "LOVE is birthing around the planet.  For the highest good, lets do this together and do this in our new NOW."

Greetings Love Beings, In our Last Update we shared the Energy from the entire Year of 2013 would climax In December and We were not kidding. Even for those unaware of what is unfolding are experiencing on some level this Energy, as its Affecting all life on Earth.  Grand Waves of Light Await Us in the days and Weeks ahead. There is only Fast Forward Into Humanity's Destiny!The New Story is Beginning, Which is About All of US as ONE!

On December 21st, 2007 We entered the Photon Belt and this December 21st, 2013 We Complete a Cycle or end of an era which is Moving Planet Earth and All on Her Into the Golden Age, which Means Unity Consciousness. This is Moving us Directly Into The Galactic Center. As this Occurs Prepare for everything Changing and changing FAST! We Are Going Directly Into the Center of the Unknown. We are Currently Moving Very Quickly In the Photon Belt and Picking up speed as the Sun Completes the Pole Reversal. What was upside down is now Becoming Right Side Up. Love Comes Pouring IN and Love Changes Everything.

“And I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away.”

Revelations 21:1

Quoted from Nancy B. Detweiler "......2013 has been a momentous year!   December 2012 marked the conclusion of an evolutionary cycle of approximately 26,000 years.  2013 has been a year in which we have seen much chaos pouring forth, just as the pus must flow forth from a boil in order to allow healing to take place.   Our planet is preparing for newness of life within a Golden Age. In order to understand what is truly taking place, we must recognize that heretofore our concept of the world has been extremely limited.   Our worldview has consisted of a miniscule portion of Mother/Father God’s immense and on-going Creation.  Our concept of God has been much too small.   Now, it is time to open our minds and hearts to an expanded knowledge of God and all of Creation.....We have now reached the stage at which the remaining strands of our DNA are being activated.  We are on the verge of taking a huge leap forward in our conscious awareness.....

Previously, we have been content to listen to the authorities and accept what they told us as the truth.  As we grow in conscious awareness, we are beginning to sense that things are not as we have been taught.  Mother/Father God’s creation is far, far, far beyond what the authorities have told us.  So far beyond what using only 10% of our brain power can comprehend that as 2013 comes to a close and we enter 2014, our minds will be blown.

Because we have so much to learn, it will be most beneficial to us if we do not cling to the past or to the old beliefs about our world.  The New Earth—with our help—will be returned to its original pristine Garden of Eden state.  The New Heaven will be glorious beyond our capacity to imagine....

Much of the New Earth and the New Heaven vibrates at such a high speed that only a relatively few can presently see or feel it.  Those who have achieved a level of conscious awareness that allows them to perceive the higher dimensions of reality often share what they behold with those who are open and willing to listen.  They tell us of a vast cosmos filled with life.  Planets are living beings with a soul.  Gaia is the soul name of Earth.  Millions of planets are inhabited—many with humanoid beings; many with other forms of intelligent beings.  We call these beings our Galactic Family because we, too, are Star beings.  Many of our Star Brothers and Sisters are extremely advanced—millions of years ahead of Earth Humans—intellectually, spiritually, and technologically.  Still, we, as Earth Humans, are a vital part of the entire cosmic family—all live and move and have our being within the energy of Mother/Father God’s unconditional love.  You and I are One (United) with All That Is.  This fact has simply been hidden from us for thousands of years. Mother/Father God is Love and nothing but UNCONDITIONAL LOVE far beyond our ability to comprehend.  This level of unconditional Love cannot judge, punish, or condone violence of any type.  Divine, Unconditional Love beholds only Love!....

In December 2012, Gaia (the soul of Earth) managed to break loose from the 3rd dimension and entrench her roots within the 5th dimension, where no suffering can take place and all live within the energy of Love.  During the year of 2013, Earth has given its human inhabitants the opportunity to become aware of higher levels of Love and to learn to be expressions of that Love.  For that reason, we are seeing tremendous upheaval as the negativity foisted upon Earth by human actions to the point of almost destroying our planet flows forth in the form of earthquakes, volcanoes, hurricanes, and other severe weather conditions.   Earth is cleansing itself in preparation to ascend to a dimension of Unconditional Love.  Likewise, Earth humans are feeling intense energies urging them forward in their conscious evolution.  Sadly, many do not understand and react violently.   The Divine Plan is that all violence will cease as the Love energy grows ever more intense on our planet.  Love is the most powerful force in the Cosmos! You may have noticed this difference in energy … People are waking up to the truth that they want no more war, no more bullying, no more violence.  Instead they are creating avenues for expressing love for each other.Unconditional Love is the quality of a Christed Consciousness. As we celebrate the coming of Jesus to show us the Way back to Love, may we open our hearts and minds to an expanded knowledge of Mother/Father God and the magnitude of our ONE FAMILY OF GOD!" End of Quote






Sunspot AR1916 has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class solar flares. So far, however, the active region is quiet. Credit: SDO/HMI


"...The photo proclaims “ALL OF US” with people holding signs that identify different members of the community; and proclaims “THIS IS OUR MOMENT.”......We are moving toward becoming a movement of movements that cannot be ignored because more people are coming to the realization that our individual struggles are all connected to a larger struggle and that we have more strength when we act together rather than alone. As the unity shown in that photograph becomes a reality, we will succeed in creating the kind of solidarity that will make this era “OUR MOMENT.”

 Quoted from Veronicas Keen...."You are waking up. The doors are opening wide to a future that, until now, you never expected to have. The future is yours. Grasp it with both hands. Go with the flow towards it. Leave everything negative behind you, it is not worth a moment of your time. Welcome the ENERGY that you will release when you all come together in peace and harmony. This is the last hurdle you face. You now have all the information you need to make the necessary changes. You are almost there...."

WOW! We are almost beyond words as to the intensity of the energy we have now reached. This increases the powers who were's desperation and has triggered some deep cleansing for everyone as we prepare for Intense waves of Light. We also Have waves Upon waves of New Awakenee's, which continue's To Light Up the Grid. Awakenings on All Levels are Unfolding, this is a Great Victory for the Light and Great Momentum Has Resulted. This is preparing Us for Some Intense Days Of Energetic Events Up ahead. All of This begins on December 12th Forward for the Entire Month! ENJOY THE RIDE EVERYONE and there are No Seat Belts.

Quoted from Cobra"...The purification process starts now, among the most advanced souls on the planet, and after the event, the purification process will go, will actually spread throughout humanity because, every human being on this planet has some toxic emotions, toxic mind, toxic ideas and toxic bodies, and all this needs to be healed, for us to receive the light that’s coming from the Galactic Central Sun, and even for us as a species to survive the coming changes. So everybody on the planet will go through that process one way or the other...... And, the rest of the population will also need to go through a purification process, to be ready to accept the higher vibrational frequency that will be made from the Galactic Central Sun, quite soon.....

 About the Last Portal Accomplishment ...." a few hours after we have opened the Aion portal, the agreement .... with Iran was made. So, actually from the higher planes, those people were guided to make an agreement, as a result of the energies that came. And, it was not possible to create such an agreement for years, and years and years before that, it was just a combination of the energies of the Aion portal that made that possible. So I would say, yes, we made a difference in many situations on the planet.., but this is just the first part of the story, so this is the old, the old strategy.. the old strategy was just to.. putting out the fires that, the cabal lit. So they, made a plan, they promoted it, and then the Light forces responded, and prevented it. From now on it will be different. We will.. trigger action. First. This is the new plan, this is the new strategy. And.. for that strategy to be efficient, we have to clear, the nonphysical planes first to a certain degree. So now, there are certain groups also on the physical plane, and I hope, I sincerely hope they will follow.., the instructions they receive from inside, and begin to cooperate a little bit more. And if that happens, we can create, very powerful statements on the planetary scale." end of quote

In Our Previous Update we shared about some important Energetic Portals and now what is unfolding is way more then just that. This All begins on 12~12 with the Portal opening for the Activation of the Light Body. This day ignites a Series of Powerful days leading up to the Most Light this Planet Has Ever Seen Before. From the 12th Forward until the 25th Of December and then even through until January, a Series of Events will be unfolding which will be an Acceleration of Light Energy. Currently, We are in the Process of deep core issues of not only ourselves but the collective as well, as We Prepare for the Most Grandest Wave Of Light To Ever Hit this Planet. This has been a collective effort including all of Yourselves and of Many Beings from Throughout Creation who are here with You Now and have been for Billions of Years, Humanity's Family.

Quoted from Elizabeth Ayres Escher...."For those of you, like our channel, who have lived at the edges of society, reticent in revealing the entire range of what they are able to perceive because it was so different than the mass consciousness, will step out and into the light, as forerunners for the rest of humanity.  They do not seek to have followers, but there will be those who are intuitively drawn to their light, which we now bid them to hold high, like lighthouses and beacons, for their families, friends and neighbors.

We come to these forerunners so that they might truly understand that although they may still be progressing into the higher frequencies, they do not stand alone, but are assisted every step of the way should they so desire.  And it is this sense of personal sovereignty that we need to impress on each and every one of you who reads these words.

You are a light being.  You are energy.  You are special and unique.  You are loved and held in high regard throughout the Universe, for many races have watched the struggles of planet earth and that of her peoples.  And many have sent their finest in a bid to aid the ascension process of the planet and her children.  You are now feeling and beginning to see the outplaying of the Shift, in the growing chaos on the planet, in the reversal of the magnetics of your sun, Solaris, in the changes in climate and institutions.  All that once seemed unchangeable is now in a state of extreme flux.  So it is during the transition from one age to another, but this time it is quite different, for it is a transition out of captivity and into freedom.  You are now in the process of reconnecting with the greater part of your Self, that part that was cut off from humanity when you descended into 3D.  The gateways and star portals have been reopened; the connection with your star families and dimensions of origin has now commenced.  We welcome you Home. Namaste: We bow to the divinity within all, as part of the ALL THAT IS, which is what you are in Truth."

Cobra About the Portal Opening Of December 21st .....Okay, what we are activating are actually portals in space and time, these are moments, when the light can come through, human conduits, and when-if it reach a critical mass, that light gets spread throughout the planetary light grid, and, this planetary light grid actually changes the situation on the etheric plane and removes a great percentage of the archon [ Minions] network, every time we activate a portal, a great percentage of that network is being removed forever. And we will just keep on doing this until all of them are gone."

Quoted from Lisa Gawlas...."Today we stand in the most massive infusement of energy, of light, our evolving biology has ever known (at least the planet earth biology.)  We are 11 days out from December 21st, and 11 days out from the 21st until January 1st.  All of our prep work is done.  The in-breath and out-breath of super cellular ascension is fully underway and cannot and will not be halted.  If we can look at this tremendous moment beyond the scope of the human to include the cellular structure of All life conjoining as one massive structure of living light.

The doors of graduation have swung open.  A complete infusion of brand new spiritual blueprints are encoding to every human who allowed themselves the cellular change of completion.  And already, the groundwork for what is to come, has been laid.We will enter the most intense orientation period with the approaching first quarter of 2014.  A time when the winds of three intense energetics will flow and weave as one.  In a way we can understand this is like living January thru March all at once.  A trinity of light weavers, of absolute change from the highest of the multiverse’s to the densest (vibrationally speaking.)  A true living organism of Light...."

Quoted from Shanta Gabriel...."Through the Grace of the ever-living Divine Presence within you, a portal opens on December 12offering a new initiation into Light. As the vibrational frequency of the 12:12 resonates, your Merkabic field is activated. The MerKaBa is a vehicle for your ascension as a Light Being in human form. The magnificent sacred geometry of the Star Tetrahedron will be activated around you by the codes at the12:12 portal. This Star Tetrahedron will create a powerfully-shining starry shield of Light that holds the resonance of your Soul’s Divine Blueprint. The building of your MerKaBa will be completed on the Solstice,December 21, 2013. Throughout those 9 magical days, an increasing resonant frequency will be present in your energy systems. You will feel moments of Brightness and Clarity, as if your very cells are radiating Light, and this indeed will be the Truth. Your MerKaBa (Mer – Light, Ka – Spirit, Ba – Body) contains the new structure for your awakened consciousness. It allows your light body to empower your physical life so you can thrive as a fully blended Divine Human during this New World Awakening. Your Merkabic field holds the Divine Blueprint for your Soul’s Highest Destiny. As you create this new structure within the matrix of your being, you are opening new pathways for fulfillment of this destiny. Throughout the recent years, the 12:12activations have anchored new structures into your energy systems. The initiation that took place on 12/12/2011 brought the deep connection to Unity Consciousness through Christed Light. The 12/12/12 activation created the new 12-strands of DNA within your cells and opened the way for the 12-Chakra system. This year the 12:12activation builds on those powerful connections and brings forth a new level of empowerment for all those who are awakening in this expansive time. The potential of this new initiation into your Light Body vehicle allows you to align with the most authentic, eternal Divine Self within your physical being, so becoming the HomoLuminus - a Divine being of Light in human form.

Artwork By © 2013 Essence Ka tha’rasShambahalla-New Earth & The Metatronic Consciousness Energy Round

There are many who have spoken of this MerKaBa over the years and it would be good to educate yourself. Essentially, this is an empowered structure of interlocking tetrahedrons that anchors perfect balance as they meet at the Still-point between your solar plexus and heart. The Star Tetrahedron connects all aspects of your being in perfect Divine Union. Activation of the Codes In the moment of time demonstrated by the clock at 12:12 all over the planet, alignment begins within the human heart connecting to the Unity Consciousness as a state of being. If you could only see from the Angelic viewpoint, it would appear that humans are acting as lightening rods when they receive this immense download of golden Christed Light and ground it into the Earth.

When there is no resistance, you open to this Grace-filled presence and spark the Divinity in every cell of your being. You are encouraged to take 12 minutes at the 12:12 hour on the day of December 12 to bring conscious awareness to that powerful activity of Divine Light and allow it to work within you in a state of Oneness with All That Is...
.." End of quote

Cobra"....There are drastic changes happening behind the scenes....."

Decreed by Heaven, Much is....  To Read this Entire Exciting Update You can Follow this Link:


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Ohm shantih Harih

 How are you, already settled in the new year? Try to do something for free for somebody, it make a good start for this year, a year for a change. be the one who changes. greetings Pieter Franciscus

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Remember me Always….

Remember me Always….


Once upon a time… or so the story goes…My wife Diana was asked by her daughter’s boyfriend if we could assist his mother by doing some distant healing as she had been diagnosed with cancer and she had only a short time (about 3 months) left here. We did several Reiki sessions and Diana was able to meet up with the lady for a cup of tea and a short conversation.

Keeping up with our distance healing work, we were told that she was finally admitted to a care facility and eventually past over. Her son was pleased that he was given an extra 3 months with his mother and thanked us for our help. Knowing how he was helped and he didn’t want to impose but he still asked if Diana could help and write a eulogy for his mother’s funeral. Perplexed, Diana said that she would try… she had briefly met the lady for about an hour; she wasn’t quite sure as to what to say.

As I was off to work, Diana decided to sit down at the computer and tune in; not knowing where to start, she closed her eyes and started to type whatever came to her; every now and then she would take a peak to see where she was on the page. This is what came about…

Remember me Always….

I came to this earthplane an eager young soul
as daughter and sister in a strong learning role,
I blossomed to womanhood as lover then wife
tasting passion and rapture and joys of this life.

Lessons of love came in the most sacred form
as the first of my three precious sons was then born.
The love of my children was the light of my life
bringing happiness always, occasionally strife.

I savoured each first step, each first tooth, each smile,
then accomplishments gained as each walked his own mile.
Though it tested my learning and sometimes brought pain
I knew they all loved me and this was my gain.

Learn all that I learned in this journey called life
through the laughter or sorrow, through joy, even strife.
I wish I’d known earlier what a wise man once said,
“Learn to think with your heart and not with your head.”

Share love with each other in all that you do
for love is the healer and creator too.
Put anger behind you and all hurt and blame,
for loving, remember, extinguishes pain.

Know all of life’s lessons help make you strong.
Forgive each other always, as there’s no right and no wrong,
just opportunities each day to make a new start,
so remember to always keep love in your heart.

Thanks for being close when I needed you
your love and your kind words tided me through.
I’ll keep them here with me deep in my soul
and carry them with me as I journey Home.

I’ll always be with you, my own special crew,
my own special family, all of you,
as husband and partner, sons, granddaughter too,
and sisters, my loved ones and your loved ones too.

So be watchful and loving and know that life’s good,
as things happen always the way that they should.
And that’s how I know what my life was about
so sing all my life’s praises in one joyous shout.

Remember me always with love in your heart.
I’ll love you forever - that’s what life was about.
Remember me always in the beauty you see,
it’s always around you… as I promise to be.

Diana M. Olson March 29, 2001

After completing the poem, Diana had the distinct impression that the woman was standing behind her, dictating her message.

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Posted by The Himalayan Voice:

[The world known spiritual leader Dalai Lama having learnt from a Senior Sangha Member is said once to have called Guru Dharma Sangha as the Guru of his Gurus. For political reason, Dalai Lama cannot travel to Nepal. Yet his nearest spiritual seniors like His Eminence Tsona Rimpoche, His Eminence Lobsang Tulku Rimpoche and Geshe Nyima Rimpoche visited Nepal to pay darshan of Guruji during 2011.]
By Kishore Sherchand PhD *
Before coming to USA, I had heard little about a meditating boy by the name Ram Bahadur Bomjon from Ratanpuri village of Bara district, Nepal. I did not have opportunity to visit while tens of thousands were rushing to watch him. At the age of 15 on May 16 2005 he disappeared from home and later was found meditating under a Bodhi tree in Ratanpuri dense forest. The news in fact surfaced as “The Boy With Divine Powers” all over the world when Discovery Channel videoed  a non-stop over 96 hour take  and found no evidence of this mediating boy eating food or drinking water. After ten months of continuous meditation, the boy suddenly disappeared. The complete video speech of his whereabouts of 18:25 minutes on the completion of his 6-year meditation given on May 20, 2011 and its texts are available on line. ( I was immensely impressed with his speech which drew me much closer. Later I decided to visit while he was in Halkhoria Jungle in 2012. It different experience of cold chili nights and warmer days in Halkhoria where I spent complete seven days (March 21-27, 2012) during the World Peace Maitreya Puja.
On the first day I was able to catch the first hand glimpse of Guruji’s arrival to Puja Venue at about noon time. He looked bright and appealing but calm and seated in a lotus position with a 25-30 feet large Thanka of Maitrya Nath Guru (His main Guru) behind on the left and other Gurus behind his seat. It sounded to me, this is something I never came across in the past and thousands lining up to receive blessing from Guruji. He gave about a 10 minute Dharma Discourse (Dharma Deshana). While hearing the discourse, it gave me an incredible feeling how a boy with barely 4th grade education in a village school could speak extempore and non-stop without any repetition otherwise a person is assumed to be well educated, well versed, and having gained maturity with enough experience. During his complete 5 hours stay, he was not moving his major body parts  at all from his position except his head and hands while to offer blessing.
The Sour Side:
Later, during the day while I was trying to help the Sangha to translate Guruji’s Dharma Deshana into English, I noticed some sort of disturbing noise. Later I discovered that some photographers and other media people were not allowed to take his pictures. Despite this, some of them were taking pictures. It learnt that the media people were not invited and none were allowed to take pictures except for those few in-house photographers because those media people were not publishing true picture of  Guruji. One of the senior Sangha members said, the media always tried to send wrong messages in the past.
From the whole incidents that occurred in Halkhoria, it gave me some kind of suspicion that there could be somebody  within the local Sangha who might be functioning not in line with the true nature of Dharma. The request for the Halkhoria jungle be declared a Dharmic forest, issuance of Guruji’s passport in the name of Dharma Sangha was made to the Government. The Government was not responding to those requests. The other issue was holding a Czecho-Slovakia woman by the name Marichi in captivity.
The passport issue in Guruji’s new name became a sour episode as the mediamania continued to lash out alleging him - how can Ram Bomjon’s name be Dharma Sangha ? It is a procedural issue that could have been resolved through a proper channel. I believe one can change his/her name through a proper Government procedure. Yet, there should be no or little reason why the media should question time and again on the status of his name. Guruji obtained this name during his meditation from his own Guru and was revealed in the past speech he gave. The government should have taken positively because we have witnessed some people having name some other name and, if that is possible, whyDharma Sangha not? Dalai Lama’s real name, for instance, is Tenzin Gyatso but he is known worldwide by the name Dalai Lama. He travels by the name Dalai Lama. If the Government has concerned  about the validity of his new name, they could further find out why this name became so important to him.
Through the Google Group, I often did put my opinion on the Sangha people’s incompetence to follow the government regulation for whatsoever reason. Despite the Central Committee warning, some of the local Sangha members went staging street protest to demand of Guruji’s citizenship certificate in his new name. That was a turning point for Guruji to decide leaving Halkhoria to Sindhuli and then to Patharkot and for the Government to dismantle some of buildings in the jungle. The weakness remained when the Sangha did not have a kind of legal advisory to deal with the Government. That perhaps did not happen. Those people acted on their own despite Guruji had not approved.
Guruji’s Divine Power
Guruji’s main strength remains in showing the world at large, not only his uninterrupted meditational strength without food and water which he did, but also his continued spiritual discourse. Surprisingly, he has been able by writing his Dharma teachings Pranidhan in Ratanpuri, The prayers of seven deities of Dharma Sangha in Halkhoria, the coming one in Patharkot and many others. His meditation and writings of his teachings had been disturbed several times. He has been cornered to a situation under which it would be difficult to continue to be constantly engaged in any further write ups. Khenpos who remained near to him had to give up under those difficult circumstances.
He did show his spiritual miracle like overcoming the poisonous snake bite during meditation, setting himself into a fire still unburnt, curing a woman to give birth while she was being rejected by modern medical science, curing a girl to regain her speech, curing a baby girl from death with heart defect to bring to a normal life and many more. These are few I could learn. His discourse of first Ashtasheel (Eight Precepts) and laterAgharsheel (Eleven Precepts) are incredibly powerful for peace, nonviolence, justice and human dignity.
The Eleven Maitreya Precepts (given on 28 January 2012)
Precept 1. Never discriminate on the basis of name, appearance, complexion, class, belief, community, power, position, or qualification; even discard differentiating between the concepts of material and spiritual.
Precept 2. Having become acquainted with the Eternal Dharma, the Path, and the Guru, respect all religions and beliefs.
Precept 3. Forsake lying, allegations, counter-allegations, belittling and spreading falsehood through baseless gossip.
Precept 4. Forsaking philosophies or ways that make boundaries of divisiveness and difference of opinion, take up The True Path.
Precept 5. Following The True and Perfect Guru Path throughout life, renouncing evil actions, always remain intent in union with The Guru Essence.
Precept 6. Not having reached Enlightenment oneself, do not seek to prove what it is with clever words; and, while still in confusion, do not make others confused.
Precept 7. Renouncing such demonic conduct as killing sentient beings and violence, consume unwholesome food.
Precept 8. Do not hold narrow-minded opinions about people and countries on the basis of national identity.
Precept 9. Engaging oneself in the pursuit of The True and Perfect Guru Path perform actions that benefit the Earth.
Precept 10. When one realizes the Truth, The GuruPath takes form, so achieve Enlightenment for all Sentient Beings.
Precept 11. Staying in the highest and deepest state of Pure Awareness be free from all bondage by having understood within the self many precepts.
It is worth noting, Guruji has a spiritual power to write in Maitreya language: The Maitreya language does not exist in this world. He is the only Guru who can read and write it. Attempt was also made to teach someone but due to its complexity it could not be accomplished. However, it could be a good idea to explore by someone (scholar, University academician) who is interested in and do some research on it. Possibility may arise to sponsor the scholar to accomplish and publish.
Guruji’s Message of Maitreya Buddha
Two thousand six hundred years back Shakya Muni Buddha had prophesized the next coming Buddha would be Maitreya Buddha who according to all threads of Buddhism resides now in Tusita Heaven awaiting a descend to this Earth. Guruji in his speech recalls that Matreya Buddha has been in this world up to four times but he left leaving only his voice for this world. Then, in the Sakya Clan, Siddhartha Gautama Buddha was born as the result of the previous meditation. Two thousand years ago from now, he was killed while meditating. Soon after rebirth from his mother’s womb, Ram Bomjan would go into meditation again. This is not the thing that could be verified instantly and proven also, however, Guruji’s spiritual discourse suggest that he is meant to give message of the arrival of Matreya Buddha although the Buddhist followers and experts may refute this saying that coming of Matreya Buddha is not yet ready.
Guruji Prevails, A Gift to Nepal
Despite all this and departure from Halkhoria, Guruji still emphasizes his determination to go back to Halkhoria because that was the site where he gained his spiritual strength, enlightenment at the highest order of Bodhisattva. The Government aperture has not done much to his favor and his security but to ignore him to the extent possible. May be the government is just at “wait and see” until some kind of overwhelming pressure develops, national as well as foreign. The media by and large seem to be trying to distort his presence as a  Sambodhi Dharma Guru, Maitreya Guru or any other Guru Rimpoche fearing his discourse, spiritual strength, meditation practices have become so far and wide that it could be a growing threat to others - those who do not want true secularism in Nepal or those who continue to practice animal sacrifices mercilessly in the name of GOD (Gadhimai festival, Dassain festival) or those who enjoy illegal wood logging in Halkhoria forest, because, he fearlessly spoke to all these.
Emeritus Prof. Dr. Joan Stanley–Baker from Tainan National University, Taiwan has dared to come forward to refute in response to what she sees being chased by some who don’t want to see Guruji’s widespread influence (Kathmandu Post, April 13, 2013):
“Guru’s devotees extend far and wide, with many having become acquainted with his teachings on his website. Often, his followers have the dramatic stories to tell. Beside his broader base of supporters, Guru has his regular core devotees—made up of Nepalis as well as foreigners—who say they have been singled out to form his vanguard or Sangha, an entity charged with spreading Dharma.” 
The world known spiritual leader Dalai Lama having learnt from a Senior Sangha Member is said once to have called Guru Dharma Sangha as the Guru of his Gurus. For political reason, Dalai Lama cannot travel to Nepal. Yet his nearest spiritual seniors like His Eminence Tsona Rimpoche, His Eminence Lobsang Tulku Rimpoche and Geshe Nyima Rimpoche visited Nepal to pay darshan of Guruji during 2011.
One of the most adherents of Guruji, A Korean - Canadian Dr. Moon Kim writes this way in a local paper about Guruji,
“There are seven Buddhas. First Buddha is Bipasipull, Second Sigipull, Third Bishapull, Fourth Krushanpull, Fifth Krohamonupull, Sixth Gashapull, Seventh Shakyamuni Buddha and the coming one is Maitreya Buddha. Guru Ram Bahadur Bomjon is Maitreya Buddha. Many scientists, many spiritual and religious leaders are amazed at Guruji’s ability of meditating years without drinking or eating. Out of curiosity they make visit to Nepal to meet Guru Dharma Sangha.”
Rev. Junsei Terasawa influenced by Leo Tolstoy and Mahatma Gandhi is a Japanese Nichiren Buddhist monk. His sole purpose in life is to save the world from a great conflagration, and so he has journeyed many places and led many peace marches around the globe starting from Vietnam war to the present Iraq war. He travels every year to visit Guruji in Nepal. He is popularly known by the name Peace Monk. In October 19, 2010 he led representing Dharma Sangha along with others from Nepal, India and China to Asanta, Kazakhstan and presented a documentary on Guru Dharma Sangha. He expresses on Palden Dorje like this:

My heart is not ready to express publicly on Palden Dorje. I pledged to return to his forests with some of my closest Dharma students from India, China, Russia, Central Asia soon. 

I am fully committed and ready to giving my life for realizing his vision for World Peace.  As he is silent and only gives his life example, I also want to act without much word. Some profound preparations are taking place for now and we should be ready for any moment of deepest world transformation ever in history. 

- Jimsei Terasawa
Recently, one of the devotees by the name Ramani Karin Luescher from Purna Ashram of Switzerland writes this way:
“In Nepal we witnessed the indescribable blessings of Maha Sambodhi Dharma Sangha Guru to celebrate the 5 days of Puja in the village of Patharkot near Lalbandi. About 30 hours we sat close together in the presence of Guru Dharma Sangha and received 1 – 3 blessings per day. During these days about 270,000 Nepalis requested his blessing. The people were standing in line for kilometers in the blistering heat with babies on their arms. During the blessings Dharma Sangha Guru remained seated in the same position for hours without drinking or eating a bit. He treats every person in exactly the same manner …”
Despite many hurdles he faced and scorching heat during Puja time or without adequate arrangement for drinking water, food and shelter, the number of visitors for getting blessing has always been overwhelming, domestic or foreign. It is said to have noted that over six million (60 lakhs) devotees have so far requested his blessing.
I would see Mahasambodhi Guru Dharma Sangha, alias  Ram Bomjon, Palden Dorje, could be contemplated as a gift to Nepal, the mankind desperately needs in the face of growing threats of war, violence, discrimination and many more, to project Nepal as the Land of Buddhas that may have far and wide influence across the globe.
* The author is an agricultural scientist trained at Kansas State University, United States and a social activist in Sacramento, California. He extensively writes on Buddhism and its importance to the world.

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You are Unique ~ The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn

Posted: 24 Aug 2013 09:19 PM PDT

10900607071?profile=original(Translated from original language german)

You are unique in my creation, my child. You are not twice. Nowhere. You have unique abilities and a unique life plan for this incarnation.

So don’t compare yourself with your neighbor, because also your task, your mission on earth, is unique too; like your way back to me.

It would be but boring if all would be same.

I like it to be colorful and very manifold. I can’t do without anyone of you because you are important like each one of my children, a part of the huge jigsaw and without you I can’t accomplish it.

So be confidently and enjoy your uniqueness, my beloved child. ~

Your Divine Mother

Copyright © Isabel Henn. It is allowed to share this message in its complete form without changes and when the author’s name and the link to the original site is given.

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Interweaving Light and Dark ~ Rumi via Hilarion
Posted: 24 Aug 2013 09:19 PM PDT


Light and dark, two sides of the same coin.

Two aspects of the same energy.

Letting them intertwine helps lead you back home.

To divide yourself again and again and again is to divide yourself again and again and again.
What more can be said....

The texture of your full nature's quality of existing,
at this time...

to be restored in you...
will require that you come out from superstitious fear,
and as this light and dark interweaves in you,
you will feel more that your being, the state of your existing as your being...
is closer to your home,
as now you are more fully able to register your fullness with the instrument that you are.

In the smoothness of rolling waves of energy and light,

I am Rumi

Channeler note: Rumi is an English name for 'He who died to love'.

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Energy and Healing ~ 45 Questions and Answers ~ by Andy

Posted: 23 Aug 2013 09:25 PM PDT


Hi everyone, I wanted to try something different.
Below are 45 questions and answers to help you understand healing and energy a little better.

Rather than just writing this out in paragraph form, I though this would be easier to digest in a question and answer format.

Let me know if you like this format and I will continue it. Also, I will be holding healing classes where I will be teaching energy healings for those that are interested. I will have a new post about this shortly. We need healers at these times and this is a wonderful way to be of service.

The classes will be very detailed and hands on where I will go over everything in great detail with respect to what I do when I perform energy healings. I think you will all love the classes as you become wonderful energy healers.

If you are interested in an energy healing click HERE. If you would like to read energy healing testimonials before obtaining an energy healing, click HERE. Scroll down for the 45 questions and answers. Sending all of you lots of love and many blessings..

1. Q. Do we have an inner and an outer aura?

A. Yes.

2. Q. What do the inner and outer auras follow?

A. They compose the energy field in which you live and they follow the contours of your physical body.

3. Q. Why is it that you get sick?

A. You get sick because of an energy leak in your outer or inner aura.

4. Q. Can anyone heal?

A. Yes.

5. Q. What does it take to heal?

A. A willingness or intention to heal.

6. Q. What is the energy or life- force called that surrounds us?

A. Ki energy or prana energy.

7. Q. How does a person get healed?

A. The healer projects Ki energy into the person getting healed thereby healing that person.

8. Q. What are the three major sources of Ki energy?

A. Sun, air and ground energy.

9. Q. What is sun prana energy?

A. This is solar prana that is absorbed by the body. It is basically the sunlight.

10. Q. What is the ground prana energy?

A. This energy is from Mother Earth.

11. Q. How does ground prana energy enter us?

A. Through the soles of our feet.

12. Q. What is air prana energy?

A. It is the ozone prana energy and we receive it from deep breathing and slow breathing.

13. Q. What are energy centers called?

A. Chakras of the inner and outer aura.

14. Q. What is the inner and outer aura called?

A. Our ethereal body.

15. Q. Do trees exude a lot of excess prana energy?

A. Yes.

16. Q. What can a sick person do to get well?

A. Lie down under a tree and verbally request the being of the tree to help you get well.

17. Q. Can Ki energy be projected to another person for a healing?

A. Yes.

18. Q. Do people that are depleted of energy tend to absorb energy from those people that have an excess of energy?

A. Yes.

19. Q. Why is it that you feel tired or drained after you hang out with someone for no apparent reason?

A. Because that person may have absorbed your energy.

20. Q. How does an energy healer verify where the sickness or energy leak in a person he or she is trying to heal?

A. By sensitizing the finger tips and eyes so he or she can feel and scan the aura of the person being healed.

21. Q. Do you need to close your eyes to heal?

A. No, you just need your intention. Just concentrate on this.

22. Q. Is regular meditation advisable to be a healer?

A. Yes.

23. Q. Should treatment of a healing begin with a prayer or invocation?

A. Yes.

24. Q. Does soothing music help to heal?

A. Yes.

25. Q. What helps the body heal itself?

A. Relaxing the mind.

26. Q. Should you focus on the pain and try to remove it when you are sick?

A. No.

27. Q. What should you do when you are sick?

A. Ignore the pain and divert your attention to something that is pleasant. This will speed up the healing

28. Q. What else should you do if you are sick?

A. Drink energized water (that has been sitting in the sun) and recuperate under a tree. Also contact a spiritual guide by visualizing.

29. Q. What visualization should I use to help remove my pain or discomfort?

A. Visualize that you are in a beautiful garden among beings of light. This visualization does not need to be very clear and it will help divert your attention from your discomfort allowing your condition to be improved and your pain should be gone.

30. Q. Is there a vital energy in the human body that is responsible for the maintenance of your physical health?

A. Yes, there is an energy field that exists around your physical body that sustains life.

31. Q. Do all of us have an aura?

A. Yes.

32. Q. What determines our modes of thinking, our emotional states and the quality of our health?

A. The movement and quality of circulation, rhythm and purity or Ki energy.

33. Q. What exactly is matter?

A. It is nothing but condensed energy that is in continuous transformation.

34. Q. Are we our body?

A. No.

35. Q. Is a new world taking birth?

A. Yes. This world already exists and its energies are coming out into form and so many people are already beginning to attune to this energy due to their higher states of consciousness. They are part of this world already and they are citizens of this new world even though they may not know it consciously.

36. Q. What gives meaning to the effectiveness of energy healing?

A. The existence of the energy body, the etheric double, and it’s interaction with the physical body.

37. Q. What is the main factor to good physical health?

A. Restoring the flow of Ki energy.

38. Q. Where does disease first appear?

A. In the energy body before it manifests itself in the physical body.

39. Q. Is there an intimate connection between the physical body and the energy body?
A. Yes.

40.Q. Can you get a cure in the physical body by treating the energy body?

A. Yes.

41. Q. How is disease currently viewed in this 3d world?

A. 1. Either as a punishment for sin - the Christian belief or 2. Based on western medicine holding the view that disease is caused by bacteria, germs or viruses which alter our psychological functioning or defense mechanism, or by emotional stress or psychological problems or 3. That disease is believed to be caused by an infection or allergen or some breakdown in psychological functioning and that all you need to do is remove or neutralize the invading mechanism or stress inducing situation or agency, and presto, you are cured.

42. Q. Do all diseases respond to the above treatment?

A. No, as most, if not all, medications have side effects.

43. Q. What disease view is neglected by modern medical science?

A. Reference to the energy body that we all have and its crucial role in the causation and the treatment of disease.

44. Q. If you prey or make invocations, do you become a divine healing channel?

A. Yes.

45. Q. Do you need to be a clairvoyant or to be born with healing powers to heal?

A. No.

Thank you for reading the questions and answers. I hope you enjoyed them.
Also, please feel free to add your name to the love bomb meditation list. You can do this by leaving your name and where you are from in a comment below. Click HERE to read about the love bomb meditation and to view the list of participants.

Lastly, if you have not done so yet, click the “Sign Me UP” bottom at the top right of this post to get new posts delivered hot and fresh to your inbox.

And don’t forget to click the “Like” Facebook button to like our Facebook page also at the top right column of this page. Again, I am sending all of you lots of love and many beautiful blessings…


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Truth Tells the Best Stories ~ via Maryann Rada
Posted: 23 Aug 2013 09:25 PM PDT


Over the many, many eons of time that you have been traveling as a planetary body composite through the vortex of the sun’s trajectory through the galaxy, you have had a lot of time to think about the way you would like to have things work out. Or in the case of having time to think, you have had a lot of time to have some deep thoughts and some brief but powerful insights. Inner-world mechanisms of understanding being what they are, sometimes you hardly hear the echo of your soul’s call to pay attention for a few moments, while it tries to share some general vital statistics with you. You have so much to compete with the sound of your soul in this now, and the deafening buzz of background noise is about to hit a new pitch of intensity. Stay grounded in the knowing that your soul is in the driver’s seat for the reality-shifting ride ahead, and dive into the next adventure that the planet is undertaking with fearless abandon of worries and details of everyday humdrum-ness.

The truth has been hiding in a web of lies for a long time now, and the time has come for it to emerge from the shadows, dust itself off, and speak for itself, for what you have been listening to has not had the real bright quality of veracity to help it alter your reality in a favorably concrete way. In fact, what has been passing for the status quo has long served merely to reinforce the concrete underpinnings of what has become the business-as-usual workaday world. That is set to change, and you along with it. No longer will half-truths satisfy your curiosity about what is happening in your world, and no longer will the tolerance of prejudice and morbidity be the norm for social behavior. Love is about to burst through the doorway and into the spotlight, primed and ready to deliver a message that has waited for just the right moment to unleash itself onto an unsuspecting, somewhat somnolent audience. You, if you are awake, are ready to hear it without flinching. You may be surprised at the response of those who doze, however, even at this late hour; they have a moment to take everything in and show themselves in their true colors. Don’t blame them for sleeping late, for it was all part of their soul plan, and serves a purpose that does great good for the whole of humanity, even if you aren’t aware of it yourselves, yet.

What you are about to hear is a story of undeniable truth. It will soon become crystal clear that the lies you have woven your history from are fraying beyond repair. It is time for another story to have center stage. Would you like another one made of shadows and deceit or one in which you can see and understand what your role is and what the future of the global human organism is capable of achieving? You may have had your fill of deceit and servitude by now. It is worth considering the alternative, and to really embrace the essence of what could be, it is necessary for you to cast off the costume of dark design and step into a new outfit altogether. What this means is that you have had a long time to explore the experience of slavery from various points of view, from addiction to employment, from law and order to cult bliss. There are many ways to experience limitation on what you are capable of, and even the most palatable can eventually show itself to be as dark as any other. The alternative is the truth that tells the story of you as a being of divine nature, lost in forgetfulness yet fully aware on the level of the soul about the life you are living in this now.

That story has just begun to go mainstream, and while the main level of consciousness is yet in the twilight zone between wakefulness and sleep, you may take a moment to recalibrate your understanding of exactly what the purpose of being here really is. In this moment in your collective story, as you are living it, let all the knowingness you have acquired over the eons to slip away into a void of unknowing. It is not the end of knowing, but just a temporary setting aside of the act of knowing. In the moment before you, in which you know nothing about the way the world is fashioned, in which the pages of the storybook about the human race on Earth are blank, you have an idea of what real freedom is. Let that feeling plant itself within you, and allow yourself to come back into the know, into the now, unattached to thought of what is and what should be, free to let the soul’s pen write the next few words from which you can direct your next few steps.

Because there is so much happening on your planet at this time, is there any reason not to let go? You will not perish if you release your idea of Who You Are and allow a greater understanding to root in your awareness of self. The future of the greater body of humanity will not suffer if you end your relationship with the person you thought you were and start a new friendship with the faithful friend who has always lived inside of your being. The truth is, dear friends, that the world is about to lose the pattern that has kept the truth from letting you know what is happening without distortions and mutilation of its intrinsic weave.

It is upon you now to look at the next step you might take as the role you have long been playing, and consider that there is more to gain by looking at things from a new perspective in which you allow your soul to give you a new idea of how to best navigate in a new world. That’s the only way to help love be known, in fact. Even as a lightworker, a healer, a yogi or a pawn, you can bear to reassess your true role as it is outside of what you have always known and what you have watched come into being. What’s in the new moment yet unborn but taking form is best served by your highest potential having a clear field in which to run unimpeded by things like “me” and “who I am.” What lay beyond the next moment remains to be seen, but with the eyes of your pure self, you will emerge into something more engaging than what has been written for you outside of the light of love’s natural world. Let the pages take a new turn, and history reflect your power as conscious co-creators of a world where truth wears the world’s latest style – soul bold and beautiful!

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THE TERM 'HOLDING ON' ~ Veronica via April Crawford
Posted: 20 Aug 2013 07:45 PM PDT


"The term "holding on" is often used in the physical as a definition of strength.
It says clearly that by doing so, one achieves a level of accomplishment when people, events, and things are being difficult, or are simply inappropriate.
The grip upon the energy, however, can be exhausting. Often one becomes so focused upon the "holding on", that the true nature of the moment becomes lost to all who are participating.

We suggest that it is important to sense into the energy of what is being held, to see if it is truly a good opportunity to expand and grow.

Always feel the vibration of what you encounter in your day. Assess as quickly as you can the nature of the energy as it interacts with yours.

One knows very soon in the exchange if it resonates well with the self. Give yourself permission to say "no thank you" should it feel wrong. There is no reward in holding on to something that does not expand your awareness and soul.

Be strong enough to let go. The "holding on" will not serve you or the event. Having that awareness increases your chances of meeting up with a better matched energy at a later moment.

Become sensitive to this process as you move through physical reality. If you feel blocked, keep moving towards the ability of knowing.

You will regain the ability. Loosen your grip upon that which affects you negatively. Hanging on will not change the nature of the person or event.

Let it go.

Once you have, the clarity will return.

Let it go.

The true example of soulful strength.

Let it translate into your physical reality.

It is possible."


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Animal Magic

10900602292?profile=original• Totally ’80s Toad
Inspired by the Trapper Keeper, this Costa Rican variable harlequin toad (Atelopus varius) is all dressed up for ’80s night every night (and days, too). Maybe that’s why the species is known by some as the clown frog. Or maybe it’s because males lack vocal sacs, so attract females with funny moves, like leg and head twitching, foot stomping, and hopping in place. Due to the pet trade, habitat loss, and a widespread fungal infection, these toads have recently become endangered.

10900604698?profile=original• One Smug Hunter
Picture this: You’re a field mouse, minding your business, doing whatever it is field mice do during bitter North American winters. You think, oh, maybe I’ll go for a walk, work up a sweat. As you creep out of your hole, and the morning sun hits your eyes…boom! You’re dead, killed by a great gray owl that hurtled headfirst into the ground to snap you up for breakfast. According to National Geographic, the largest owls in North America are able to hunt in this fashion because of “large facial disks that funnel sound to their ears. When the plunge succeeds, the hunter wriggles out of the snow then carries the prey to a safe spot for eating.” Researchers estimate that 20,000 to 100,000 great grays live in Canada and the U.S., with similar numbers in Europe and Asia.
Photo: Joel Saget/Getty Images

10900603270?profile=original• Hummingbird Glam Shot

With their phenomenal hover and their iridescent feathers, hummingbirds are probably the closest thing we have to fairies on Earth. But those feathers, known as "gorgets," aren't meant to charm people. They're used to attract lady birds—and to threaten intruders. Because hummingbirds spend so much energy in flight, they have to feed on nectar and insects almost all the time, and since they have to eat so much, they're always having to fly. In fact, these birds fly so much that their feet aren't well developed, and they have trouble walking. However, they're such adept fliers that they can do so backwards, up, down, to the side, and, of course, forward. With 338 species, hummingbirds are one of the largest families of birds. While most hummingbird populations are doing fine, 34 range from critically endangered to threatened.
Photo: Kenny P./Getty
Info source: and

• Playing Defense
While it may look like some strange self-soothing habit this lizard got into when it was young, the truth is that this armadillo girdled lizard is in its defense pose, presenting its spiny backside to a potential attacker while protecting its softer underbelly. Found along the West Coast of Africa, these lizards often live in groups as large as 30 individuals, which is unusual for reptiles. Because of its striking appearance, the armadillo girdled lizard is threatened by illegal pet trade.
Photo: Grundlingh F./SARCA Virtual Museum
Info source:

10900604083?profile=original• Crab Crossing
Christmas Island, known to conservationists as the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean, is home to anywhere between 50 million and 120 million crabs. Each year, these pinching guys and gals make an annual crawl to the ocean to breed. Problem is, they have to cross several roads to get there, resulting in an estimated 500,000 deaths each season. In 2009, national park officials conjured up a seemingly obvious roadkill remedy—build a land bridge. "What we've got is what we call crab crossings, which are essentially an open-ended cattle grid," said Max Orchard, a ranger, to ABC in 2009. "We found out quite early in the piece that the crabs wouldn't go through a normal culvert system because they think it's a big burrow and there's a big crab at the end that's going to chomp them if they go into this dark hole."
Photo: Courtesy Christmas Island National Park

10900604673?profile=original• Itchy Eyes
A 19-year-old Japanese macaque monkey named Monday—how great is that?!—scratches her eyes while suffering an allergy to pollen from the cedar tree, at Awajishima Monkey Center on March 26, 2012, in Sumoto, Hyogo, Japan. Macaque monkeys are the only animals besides humans and raccoons that wash their food before eating it. Unlike us, they do it for flavor, say scientists—these red-faced critters like the taste of saltwater on their dinner. They are also capable of developing different accents, much like humans.
Photo: Buddhika Weerasinghe/Getty Images

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The Saddest, Scariest Sound Ever—Global Warming (VIDEO)

Young cellist Daniel Crawford orchestrates a new way to reveal the devastating effects of climate change—through music.

July 3, 2013

Anna Hess

Click on link below:

Are you an avid environmentalist actively searching for an alternative to data tables and scientific reports through which to get your daily dose of global warming news and updates? If so, then listen up—seriously, you need to hear this one.

University of Minnesota undergrad Daniel Crawford has crafted an innovative way of interpreting graphs and data into a one-man concerto—his composition allows its listeners to feel the planet's toasty metamorphosis.

According to Ensia, the University of Minnesota's Institute on the Environment magazine, Crawford used surface-temperature data from NASA's Goddard Institute of Space Studies to create a data sonification that transforms climate records into musical notes.

In Crawford's resulting "Song of Our Warming Planet," each ascending halftone represents about 0.03°C of planetary warming. Each note represents a year from 1880 to 2012, and the notes are portrayed over a range of three octaves. The coldest year, 1909, is embodied by the lowest possible note on the cello, open C.

The culmination of the cellist's conversions is a two-minute song that begins in the cello's lowest range, progresses through to the 1940s in the mid-register and peaks in the highest recorded temperatures of the 1990s to now.

If scientists' predictions are correct—that global temperatures will rise by 1.8°C by the end of the century—the resultant musical notes, according to Crawford's calculations, will be beyond the range of human hearing.

In laymen's terms? Only dogs can hear the notes of our screeching fate.


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The wonders of the world: Eight bizarre natural phenomena

Nature can behave in peculiar ways - and the following list only proves this. From destructive supercell storms that are terrifying to behold to the incredible sight of the Northern Lights, here are a few examples of nature's most peculiar phenomena.

10900597083?profile=originalThis awe-inspiring picture is of volcanic lightning while the Shinmoedake volcano in Japan erupts. The reasons behind the phenomenon are not well understood but scientists believe it occurs when charged fine ash particles emitted from the volcano clash with ice particles in the clouds - which in turn creates lighting. (Photo by Sipa Press/REX)

10900597473?profile=originalBioluminescent shores: The stunning blue glow seen in the waves here in California is the result of an algae bloom (or red tide). The other-worldly aqua colour is a product of the marine microbes which have gathered there, called phytoplanton. The micro-organisms glow blue when affected by stress - such as the presence of a surfer or when waves crash onto the shore. (Photo by KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/REX)

10900598653?profile=originalThe Aurora Borealis, or Northern Lights as it is more popularly known, has inspired millions of people to travel to the far north to see the shimmering spectacle. The beautiful dance of light occurs when particles from the Earth's atmosphere collide with charged particles from the sun. A similar occurance occurs in the southern hemisphere, called Aurora Australis. (Orn Oskarsson/Solent News/REX)

10900599257?profile=originalThis menacing cloud is a supercell storm. It is a thunderstorm with a mesocyclone - a rotating movement of air. A supercell storm forms where cold dry air meets warm moist air. It can produce tornadoes, hail the size of golfballs and heavy rain. The destructive phenomenon can last for several hours. (Photo by Marko Korosec/Solent News/REX)

10900600065?profile=original'Sun dogs' - halos, often with bright spots, that forms in the sky around the sun - behave in a similar way to rainbows. This beautiful sight is caused when sunlight is bent after hitting ice crystals in a cloud. The ice crystal acts as a prism and separates the sunlight into different colours to form a sun dog. When rainbows form it is because raindrops, not ice crystals, act as a prism. (WestEnd61/REX)

10900600480?profile=originalFire Rainbow: The technical term is 'Pileus cloud' and it appears when sunlight passes through ice crystals in a cirrus clouds. If the light and cloud particles are perfectly aligned the crystals behave like a prism and refract the light - in what looks like a rainbow. The sun needs to be very high in the sky for this phenomenon to occur. (KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/REX)

10900600882?profile=originalRed tide (or algae bloom) may look like the scene of a massacre - but it is when colonies of algae grow rapidly - causing the water to turn a deep red. Red tides can be harmful to marine life, birds and even people, either due to toxins produced by the algae, or a lack of oxygen in the water. (KeystoneUSA-ZUMA/REX)

10900601699?profile=originalThey may look like normal clouds but Asperatus Clouds are so rare they were only proposed as a 'new' classification of cloud in 2009 after extensive study. Typically found in Iowa, they look storm-like, resembling the surface of the sea, but they tend to disappear without a storm forming. (FLPA/Andrew Bailey/REX)

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Animal Magic

10900602292?profile=original• Totally ’80s Toad
Inspired by the Trapper Keeper, this Costa Rican variable harlequin toad (Atelopus varius) is all dressed up for ’80s night every night (and days, too). Maybe that’s why the species is known by some as the clown frog. Or maybe it’s because males lack vocal sacs, so attract females with funny moves, like leg and head twitching, foot stomping, and hopping in place. Due to the pet trade, habitat loss, and a widespread fungal infection, these toads have recently become endangered.

10900604698?profile=original• One Smug Hunter
Picture this: You’re a field mouse, minding your business, doing whatever it is field mice do during bitter North American winters. You think, oh, maybe I’ll go for a walk, work up a sweat. As you creep out of your hole, and the morning sun hits your eyes…boom! You’re dead, killed by a great gray owl that hurtled headfirst into the ground to snap you up for breakfast. According to National Geographic, the largest owls in North America are able to hunt in this fashion because of “large facial disks that funnel sound to their ears. When the plunge succeeds, the hunter wriggles out of the snow then carries the prey to a safe spot for eating.” Researchers estimate that 20,000 to 100,000 great grays live in Canada and the U.S., with similar numbers in Europe and Asia.
Photo: Joel Saget/Getty Images

10900603270?profile=original• Hummingbird Glam Shot

With their phenomenal hover and their iridescent feathers, hummingbirds are probably the closest thing we have to fairies on Earth. But those feathers, known as "gorgets," aren't meant to charm people. They're used to attract lady birds—and to threaten intruders. Because hummingbirds spend so much energy in flight, they have to feed on nectar and insects almost all the time, and since they have to eat so much, they're always having to fly. In fact, these birds fly so much that their feet aren't well developed, and they have trouble walking. However, they're such adept fliers that they can do so backwards, up, down, to the side, and, of course, forward. With 338 species, hummingbirds are one of the largest families of birds. While most hummingbird populations are doing fine, 34 range from critically endangered to threatened.
Photo: Kenny P./Getty
Info source: and

• Playing Defense
While it may look like some strange self-soothing habit this lizard got into when it was young, the truth is that this armadillo girdled lizard is in its defense pose, presenting its spiny backside to a potential attacker while protecting its softer underbelly. Found along the West Coast of Africa, these lizards often live in groups as large as 30 individuals, which is unusual for reptiles. Because of its striking appearance, the armadillo girdled lizard is threatened by illegal pet trade.
Photo: Grundlingh F./SARCA Virtual Museum
Info source:

10900604083?profile=original• Crab Crossing
Christmas Island, known to conservationists as the Galapagos of the Indian Ocean, is home to anywhere between 50 million and 120 million crabs. Each year, these pinching guys and gals make an annual crawl to the ocean to breed. Problem is, they have to cross several roads to get there, resulting in an estimated 500,000 deaths each season. In 2009, national park officials conjured up a seemingly obvious roadkill remedy—build a land bridge. "What we've got is what we call crab crossings, which are essentially an open-ended cattle grid," said Max Orchard, a ranger, to ABC in 2009. "We found out quite early in the piece that the crabs wouldn't go through a normal culvert system because they think it's a big burrow and there's a big crab at the end that's going to chomp them if they go into this dark hole."
Photo: Courtesy Christmas Island National Park

10900604673?profile=original• Itchy Eyes
A 19-year-old Japanese macaque monkey named Monday—how great is that?!—scratches her eyes while suffering an allergy to pollen from the cedar tree, at Awajishima Monkey Center on March 26, 2012, in Sumoto, Hyogo, Japan. Macaque monkeys are the only animals besides humans and raccoons that wash their food before eating it. Unlike us, they do it for flavor, say scientists—these red-faced critters like the taste of saltwater on their dinner. They are also capable of developing different accents, much like humans.
Photo: Buddhika Weerasinghe/Getty Images

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~ Choose Love As Your Looking Glass ~

Judith Dagley ~ Choose Love As Your Looking Glass ~

FatherMotherGod Amon Ra's picture


judithMan, here I am again, writing another post I had no idea I’d be writing until I just started pecking away. What’s coming out of me this time is a follow-up on saying “I LOVE YOU” right out loud, as per my post two days ago–

“There is someone in your life who is longing to hear that. From YOU. Right NOW. Someone who’s heart would sing, who’s spirits would soar, just in hearing those genuinely spoken words– “I love you”– from you. THAT is how powerful you are.”

So, have you said “I love you” to at least one someone today?

If you haven’t– if you “just can’t” for some reason– if it would feel plain NOT genuine to do so… well then, obviously there is something you DO need to do… right NOW.

So DO it. Look in the mirror and say “I love you!” Say it until you mean it, no matter HOW long it takes– and DO NOT BACK DOWN!!!!

Of course, it’s your choice…your life IS your creation…

But since you’re in a virtual cauldron of boiling, erupting energies right NOW (that would be our human collective, releasing old just-about-everything, btw), why would you NOT want to love yourself though your OWN little piece of that?

Why in heaven and earth would you NOT want to say “I love you”– to YOU? That’s where being “love-able” starts, after all.

And nothing EVER makes anyone UNlovable. NO ONE.  NOTHING. No Thing.

So go on! Where’s your mirror? Because I’m thinking maybe YOU’RE the one who most needs to hear you say “I love you.” Maybe YOU’RE the one who’s heart would sing, who’s spirits would soar…

That IS how powerful you are. So this could be a real break-through moment, you know… if you’ll USE it…
Oh go on! Just DO IT! ♥

Copyright(c) 2014, Judith Dagley-All Rights Reserved. / link to original article
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 Being a Portal Opener


Dear Ascending Ones,

We are happy that you are able to join us. We the Arcturians have deeply connected with, walked into, and/or merged with your consciousness. Many of you here have spent many incarnations within our Arcturian reality and/or the Pleiadian realities. Because of these incarnations, you have chosen to take a physical earth vessel at this particular NOW of Gaia's transmutation.


You see, the Arcturians and Pleiadians have watched over and incarnated on Gaia ever since Her earth body could support life. Because of our timeless interactions with Earth, we have invited you all here to assist you in remembering how to serve as our "portal openers."


Before we continue with our message we ask that you turn around inside your mind to see your true, Lightbody Self. Your inner Lightbody is infinitely connected with the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF. Now imagine that you are gathered together as a group of Lightbodies who are forming a circle around the physical body of Gaia.


Feel this circle of light as you call the higher expressions of your Multidimensional SELF in whatever language or words you feel within your High Heart. Observe and feel your higher expressions of SELF who are flowing above you in a higher-dimensional circle.


Take a long, slow deep breath to feel how your higher expression of SELF is sending its unconditional love down through the frequencies and into your personal consciousness. In return, you send your unconditional gratitude up through your crown.


Feel that place in-between your physical self and your higher expressions, for that is actually where your earth vessel is living in the NOW. Your earth vessel is living in-between the third and the fifth dimension. Your resonance is no longer just physical, but you are not yet totally resonating to the fifth dimension.


It is for this reason that we sharing this message with you. We wish to assist you to remember that you volunteered to pull in the higher frequency of your Multidimensional SELF into your earth vessel, as well as into the earth vessel of Gaia.


Because you are a multidimensional being who is wearing a physical form on planet Earth, we ask you now to anchor your physical body deep into the body of Earth. Then, once you your earth vessel into Gaia's Earth, even higher frequency expression of your Lightbody will seek to connect with you, so that they may also be anchored into Gaia.


It is the line-up of these different frequencies of your SELF that make you a portal opener.  You are the ones who volunteered to wear a physical body and remember that you are more than that one earth-bound body. You came in during different eras of Gaia's last 70 years, but all of you came in at the exact moment that you agreed upon before you entered your earth vessel.


You all made an agreement to support Gaia with Her planetary ascension, and we have brought you here to assist you in keeping your promise. As you feel your multidimensional energies intermingle, your consciousness expands down into the core of Gaia. From the perspective of your higher dimensional SELF, you can understand that the place in- between the higher dimensions and physical Earth is the frequency of New Earth.


Pulling this in-between energy of New Earth into your heart, find the core of your High Heart, your Three-Fold Flame, as you feel your connection to the YOU on ascending planet Earth, the YOU on fifth-dimensional New Earth and the YOU in the higher dimensions.


In this manner, New Earth becomes the area in-between the YOU in the higher planes and the YOU on 3D Earth.  As you feel this energy field, know that it is your responsibility as a portal opener to consciously perceive all three realities, simultaneously.


Your human brains have been trained to forget your Multidimensional SELF, but the light you are pulling into your earth vessel is transmuting your physical body. Hence, your body is telling you that many changes are occurring in your self, in your children, in your relationships, in your governments, and on your planet.


As portal openers, YOU will be anchoring all of these myriad transmutations down into the core of your beloved Mother Gaia.


Now, see the particular pathway that you have created into the core of Gaia. This Inner Pathway travels from the core of Gaia, through your physical form and into the frequency you have identified as New Earth.


As you place your consciousness into the Core of Gaia, see how the circle of your higher dimensional Lightbodies has moved into Gaia's core. Within Gaia's core is the Mother Crystal of Gaia.


Join your consciousness with the Lightbodies of the other portal openers to create a circle of light around the Mother Crystal.


We ask now that each of your perceive this crystal directly before you and reach out your right hand to touch the crystal, while you point your left hand up toward the surface of the planet.


As you touch that beautiful Mother Crystal of Gaia with our right hand, pull that energy in to your High Heart.


Now allow the energy of the crystal to flow through your High Heart, out to your left hand, which you now extend to touch the High Heart of the Light being to your left.


FEEL how your collective consciousness is instantly expanded. Do you feel that tingle in your spine as you feel that energy of the many Lightbodies in your circle? 


With the energy field of your combined High Hearts, expand your Light Circle beyond the core of Gaia, beyond Her planet, through Her atmosphere, through the fourth-dimensional Astral Plane, and into fifth-dimensional New Earth.


Take a moment to allow yourself to adjust to this multidimensional energy field and know that whatever you experience within your higher frequency SELF is real. All the indoctrinations of myriad physical incarnations have told you, "If it is NOT physical, it is not real." But you know that statement isn't true, because you can feel what is inside of you, and you KNOW that it is real.  


Dear portal openers please know that as you move through your next days, weeks, months, or years that this transition will come to pass because you have power. Each and every one of you is a leader and YOU will lead. You will open your portals and lead others through them. Only you will know how, when and where this shall occur.


As leaders, you will lead according to your own inner guidance. This guidance comes from the inner expressions of your Multidimensional SELF, from the guidance that comes in from the molecular structure of your body and from the guidance that comes from Gaia.


Our beloved portal openers, we wish to tell you that you are our Arcturian Corridor.  Let us speak a moment about the Arcturian Corridor, for different humans may have different information about it. We encourage all of you to find a way to communicate with each other so that each of you can share your own individual knowledge with other portal openers.


You have all been raised in different times, different countries, different languages and different cultures.  Isn't that beautiful?  Is that not the core of Gaia to bring all the separation into a beautiful tapestry of the ONE?  You see, the Arcturian Corridor is also a place in-between. 


"Each of you is creating the energy field of our Arcturian Corridor. In fact, as you deeply merge with Gaia you assist to anchor the Arcturian Corridor of Ascension into the body of Gaia, while you simultaneously open Corridor into the higher frequencies and dimensions. In this manner the "ascension train" enters the "station."


NOW, see the huge vortex before you? This vortex is the opening of the Arcturian corridor. It is your opening into the Corridor. How you enter this vortex is how you enter every component of your fifth-dimensional reality.  Therefore, it is important that you surrender into the vortex. 


As you surrender in to the vortexyou begin to feel a spinning all around you. Faster and faster the Corridor spins around you. You are within the very core of the Corridor, and within that core you feel the same stability as you felt in the core of Gaia, as well as within the core of your own SELF.


It is through your being within your own core that you will transmute your physical form into your body of light. Many of you will maintain a physical earth vessel so that you can assist Gaia. Then, you will flash into your Lightbody when you wish to visit the myriad wonderful adventures of the fifth dimension and beyond.


Beyond the limitations of time, you will return to your physical vehicle a second before you left it. Thus, at first, it will be as if you never left. When you enter the NOW of your/our Arcturian Corridor to go into the higher frequencies, you will leave time. Thus, there is no time that has been spent in the fifth dimension, and no physical time has been lost.  


At first these adventures will not be connected to the conscious memory of your earth vessel, but eventually, you will begin to remember that you opened the Corridor by surrendering into the huge vortex of change. You can enjoy the beauty and love of whatever frequency of reality you choose to visit.


As a portal opener, you will bring back the glory you have experienced into your physical form and into the core of Gaia. Whenever you go into the higher frequencies of reality, you further transmute your self.


Then, when you return, you will assist to further transmute Earth by depositing your higher frequency of light into the core of Gaia.  In this manner, your higher dimensional explorations will assist Gaia to transmute faster and faster. Furthermore, every time you visits Gaia's core, you open a portal to bring higher light into Gaia's Earth.


If you can't remember what your SELF is doing yet, ask your body, as your body cannot lie.  Ask your higher consciousness, as your energy field cannot lie. Don't ask the mundane you that pays the bills and does the dishes about what you are doing in your Lightbody, as that expression is still lost in illusion. Therefore, send that YOU unconditional love.


If the only one thing you do for ascension is send unconditional love to Gaia and all of her beings, you are massively contributing to planetary ascension. In fact, very time you have a problem send it unconditional love. Then observe that issue through your Third Eye to see how it slowly changes or instantly bursts into light. 


Every time you are sad, hurt or have an emotion that you're not enjoying, send your self unconditional love and watch your problems transmute into light. Remember, YOU are a portal opener. Therefore, you have a responsibility to keep your consciousness clear and focused on the process of ascension.


Do not worry, for we will have these meetings as often as you need them. We realize how difficult third dimensional reality can be. We commend you on your magnificent contributions to Gaia and ALL Her inhabitants. Remember there is no time or space at our frequency. Therefore, we are always with you.


The Arcturians






I just found a dream that I wrote down some time in April or May of 2013. I had totally forgotten this dream, but now it seems that it is important to share with others.


I had stayed up late that night, but I woke up at 7:30 AM because I had an amazing, very realistic dream. The dream as I wrote it last spring is:


My husband and I were somewhere that is unfamiliar to me. Perhaps we were on vacation. We were staying with people I do not know, but we seemed to know them in the dream. Different situations ensued that I cannot remember and were likely unimportant. The important part was that towards the end of the dream there was a lot of hurry, scurry as people were rushing around in an excited, happy and unafraid fashion telling everyone to go outside and see "it."


We, my husband and I, decided we would go outside to see what all the excitement was about. We looked up into the sky and a huge Starship was just above us. I could clearly see the Ship's underbelly. The Ship was triangular in shape. It was VERY close to the ground, hovering over a field that was circled by trees. The Ship looked huge to us on the ground, but it was likely a Scout Ship, as it was no larger than the clearing in which we were all standing.


The dream then switched in time, perhaps hours or the next day. The Ship was still there, but it had not landed or tied to contact us. The best part was that there were no military or people with guns ready to "attack the invader." Hence, at least in my dream world the propaganda about the "horrible aliens" did not take over our consciousness.


No one was actually afraid or calling the police or any other authorities. We were in a small, isolated community that was used to handling things for themselves. Thus, everyone was slowly adapting to the obvious fact that there was a space ship just outside our door. I woke up with an image that the inhabitants of the Ship were floating in some kind of fluid because they needed to adapt themselves to our polluted reality before they could leave the Ship.


When I woke up, I went right to my computer and wrote down the dream before I forgot anything. Even so I know there are things that I did forget. I guess it is obvious that I am pretty obsessed with the Starship landings. As many know, I was abducted as a child, which likely continued for many years. The good part of that experience was that I could not forget my SELF.


I could NOT become lost in the 3D mass mind of the VERY dark years from 1946 to very recently. Secrets were the norm and Americans were being muted with fluoride in their water and the wondrous new brainwashing invention of television. Then there were the many horror movies of the awful aliens, all of them very ugly, evil and out to kill/eat us. Fortunately, there were some rays of light that told the true story of our Galactic Friends.


However, the terrifying images of the horror films were far more effective than the truth of the kind Beings from a different world who came to us in friendship. No wonder the Galactics in my dream had to go through a process before they could enter our tainted world.


Also, they may have been waiting to give us all a chance to move through the remainder of our fear. Maybe those of us who are ready can raise our frequency above the illusion of the 3D. Maybe we can see the truth hovering just over our head, waiting to be fulfilled.


I do not want to make this post too long, but I feel that the Arcturians want to say something, so I will release my writing over to them.


"Our dearest friends and family on Earth,

Yes, dear ones, you are in the process of ascending. However, the entire planet is ascending with you. Therefore, you will not perceive a change in your life, as Gaia is changing with you. Gaia's plants, animals, elements and Elementals are ready for ascension now. It is humanity that is creating the long wait. It is easy to point the finger at the bad guy, but too many humans have turned a blind eye to what is happening in their world.


"Too many humans became lost in the brainwashing and in the fear. However, many of the lost ones are beginning to awaken and shift from fear to love. However, those who are already awake must begin to come out from cover and be their SELF. The power of Unity Consciousness of those who connect in hope and unconditional love will create a group perception of New Earth.


"There are many who will not awaken in their current lifetime. However, Gaia is a multidimensional being. Hence, those who can gather in unity to expand their group consciousness into a higher expression of Gaia's planetary consciousness can begin the creation of New Earth. Of course, creation is not the correct word, as fifth dimensional Earth is beyond time. Thus it is infinite. However, your collective consciousness is able to create the perception of New Earth.


"You will create this experience by expanding your consciousness enough to activate your higher perceptions. This expansion of consciousness is being activated in all humanity by the higher light from the Galactic Center. However, where your attention is, there you are also. Therefore, you will need to continue to detach your attention from the remaining darkness on Earth and place it on the Light Path into New Earth.


"There are many who are the 'mop up crew.' These humans have volunteered to contain the ones who choose violence and propaganda so that they cannot interfere with those who have volunteered to be the conscious creators of New Earth. You, the conscious creators, must free your minds from the fearful messages and myriad acts of violence. You can leave that job to the mop up crew, as well as the Galactics.


"Every one of you has already chosen your contribution before you were born. Therefore, trust your instincts. If you are in the mop up crew, you will be very busy. If you are able to accept this message or others like it, you too will be able to be in contact with your Galactic Family and Higher Expression as you fulfill your Mission. We wish to extend our blessing to those of you who have chosen a difficult task, and we salute your bravery.


"Meanwhile, those who have chosen to be the Creators must leave the earth conflicts to the mop up crew, so that you can co-create the perception of New Earth. Remember, your beliefs determine your state of consciousness, your state of consciousness determines your perceptions and the reality you perceive is the reality that you live. Hence, your primary task as Creators of New Earth is to maintain the highest state of consciousness that you can for as long and as often as you can.


"As you already know, maintaining a high state of consciousness in the midst of a fear-based reality is no small task. However, you are the Openers. Via your expanded perceptions you will perceive what others cannot because their nose is to the grindstone, or their consciousness is filled with fear. New Earth exists beyond the limitations of time. Thus, it is beyond space, as well. Therefore, New Earth is HERE, NOW inside of your higher state of consciousness.


"As you work with others, you will amplify your personal state of consciousness to a state of Group Consciousness. Then, as your group merges with Gaia, you will amplify your consciousness to the state of Planetary Consciousness. It is within this higher expression of Planetary Consciousness that New Earth will take root in the physical body of Gaia.


"Then all who are able to merge with Gaia will merge with New Earth, as well as all who merge with the expanded Planetary Consciousness will merge with New Earth. For too long, your planetary consciousness had to be attached to the world of fear and conflict so that you could feel safe.


"You no longer need to attach your perception of reality to that version of Earth. Instead, please disengage from that version of Earth and chose to focus your expanded consciousness to the ascended, fifth dimensional version of New Earth.


"You may think, 'How can it be so simple?' However, to disengage from a perception that you have known as real to attach to a reality that you have been trained to believe is just your imagination is very far from simple.


"Furthermore, to detach from what you have known and to re-assign your attention to that which you are creating, takes great courage, determination and power within.


"We leave you with this thought and with your dreams. The Arcturians"


Seeing From Within
Gaia Greetings 3
Gaia Greetings 3


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