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My perspective. Take what resonates with you. It is called Christ because it means anointed one. Human is not anointed until Christ is realized. Christ comes from Christos-Sophia which is Hieros Gamos (union of God and human) which is Solar (Soular) Light that transfigures shadows of lunar light. Lunar light is human. Soular Light is Christ. The Soul embodied is Christ. Until humans awaken they are not yet annointed, but of course all are destined to return to Source in their own free will time. There are 3 stages- Baptism by Spirit (Awakening- Soul 50% embodied- discover Soul purpose) then Transfiguration (Being Christed- Soul 100% embodied- manifest Soul purpose- enlightenment or self-realization) then Resurrection (Ascension- leaving the body for the Spiritual realms- Soul fulfills its purpose- returning Home).

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